diff --git a/electrum.html b/electrum.html --- a/electrum.html +++ b/electrum.html @@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
Electrum ABC -

This wallet software is forked from Electron Cash, with modifications to facilitate use on the eCash network.


A desktop eCash wallet

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Electrum ABC is a fast and secure eCash wallet for Windows, MacOS and Linux. It supports mnemonic seed phrases, hardware wallets, multisig wallets, and importing private keys.


It enables you to verify that your transactions are in the blockchain without downloading the entire blockchain or trusting a centralized server. Anyone can run a backend server for Electrum ABC — no single entity controls the network.

Join the Electrum ABC telegram group to get in contact with developers or to get help from the community.


Upon first use, the software will automatically copy existing Electron Cash wallet files into a new folder specific to Electrum ABC. This allows users to maintain separate wallet histories for either network going forward, and run Electron Cash and Electrum ABC simultaneously to ease coin splitting.


NOTE: The coins in the wallet will not split automatically. To ensure that transactions are not replayed between Bitcoin Cash and eCash networks, please refer to one of the coin splitting guides linked at bitcoinabc.org/ecash and make sure your pre-fork coins are safely split prior to transacting on either network.

{% assign releases = site.data.github-releases-electrum %}