diff --git a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/CreateTokenForm/index.tsx b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/CreateTokenForm/index.tsx
--- a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/CreateTokenForm/index.tsx
+++ b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/CreateTokenForm/index.tsx
@@ -37,7 +37,10 @@
 } from 'token-protocols/slpv1';
-import { getAlpGenesisTargetOutputs } from 'token-protocols/alp';
+import {
+    getAlpGenesisTargetOutputs,
+    getMaxDecimalizedAlpQty,
+} from 'token-protocols/alp';
 import { sendXec } from 'transactions';
 import { TokenNotificationIcon } from 'components/Common/CustomIcons';
 import { explorer } from 'config/explorer';
@@ -217,6 +220,30 @@
     }, [createNftCollection]);
+    useEffect(() => {
+        if (formData.genesisQty === '') {
+            // genesisQty is required and will be validated when the user inputs
+            // Do not handle here
+            return;
+        }
+        // Update validation of genesis qty field when user toggles between ALP and SLP
+        const isValidOrStringErrorMsg = isValidTokenMintAmount(
+            formData.genesisQty,
+            // Note that, in this code block, value is formData.decimals
+            formData.decimals === ''
+                ? 0
+                : (parseInt(formData.decimals) as SlpDecimals),
+            tokenTypeSwitches.alp === true ? 'ALP' : 'SLP',
+        );
+        setFormDataErrors(previous => ({
+            ...previous,
+            genesisQty:
+                typeof isValidOrStringErrorMsg === 'string'
+                    ? isValidOrStringErrorMsg
+                    : false,
+        }));
+    }, [tokenTypeSwitches.alp]);
     const onCropComplete = useCallback((_: Area, croppedAreaPixels: Area) => {
     }, []);
@@ -450,6 +477,7 @@
                         // Note that, in this code block, value is formData.decimals
                         parseInt(value) as SlpDecimals,
+                        tokenTypeSwitches.alp === true ? 'ALP' : 'SLP',
                     setFormDataErrors(previous => ({
@@ -468,6 +496,7 @@
                     formData.decimals === ''
                         ? 0
                         : (parseInt(formData.decimals) as SlpDecimals),
+                    tokenTypeSwitches.alp === true ? 'ALP' : 'SLP',
                 setFormDataErrors(previous => ({
@@ -505,8 +534,10 @@
             formData.decimals === ''
                 ? 0
                 : (parseInt(formData.decimals) as SlpDecimals);
-        const maxGenesisAmount = getMaxDecimalizedSlpQty(usedDecimals);
+        const maxGenesisAmount =
+            tokenTypeSwitches.slp === true
+                ? getMaxDecimalizedSlpQty(usedDecimals)
+                : getMaxDecimalizedAlpQty(usedDecimals);
             target: {
                 name: 'genesisQty',
diff --git a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/__tests__/CreateTokenForm.test.js b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/__tests__/CreateTokenForm.test.js
--- a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/__tests__/CreateTokenForm.test.js
+++ b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/__tests__/CreateTokenForm.test.js
@@ -457,4 +457,95 @@
         // We are sent to its token-action page
         expect(await screen.findByTitle('Token Stats')).toBeInTheDocument();
+    it('Validation works as expected for ALP and SLP max supply', async () => {
+        const createdTokenId =
+            '75883c5ebc2c3b375ae6e25dcc845dfbc6b34ae6c1319fb840e7dcba1f8135e7';
+        // Mock a utxo of the not-yet-created token so we can test the redirect
+        const MOCK_UTXO_FOR_BALANCE = {
+            token: {
+                tokenId: createdTokenId,
+                isMintBaton: false,
+                amount: '10',
+            },
+        };
+        const mockedChronik = await initializeCashtabStateForTests(
+            {
+                ...walletWithXecAndTokens,
+                state: {
+                    ...walletWithXecAndTokens.state,
+                    slpUtxos: [
+                        ...walletWithXecAndTokens.state.slpUtxos,
+                        MOCK_UTXO_FOR_BALANCE,
+                    ],
+                },
+            },
+            localforage,
+        );
+        // Mock the not-yet-created token's tokeninfo and utxo calls to test the redirect
+        mockedChronik.setToken(createdTokenId, MOCK_CHRONIK_TOKEN_CALL);
+        mockedChronik.setTx(createdTokenId, MOCK_CHRONIK_GENESIS_TX_CALL);
+        mockedChronik.setUtxosByTokenId(createdTokenId, [
+        ]);
+        render(
+            <CashtabTestWrapper
+                chronik={mockedChronik}
+                ecc={ecc}
+                route="/create-token"
+            />,
+        );
+        // Wait for Cashtab to load
+        await waitFor(() =>
+            expect(
+                screen.queryByTitle('Cashtab Loading'),
+            ).not.toBeInTheDocument(),
+        );
+        // On load, the SLP switch is selected by default
+        expect(screen.getByTitle('Create SLP')).toBeChecked();
+        const tokenGenesisQtyInput = screen.getByPlaceholderText(
+            'Enter initial token supply',
+        );
+        // Max out SLP supply
+        await user.click(screen.getByText('max'));
+        // We see max SLP supply for 0 decimals
+        expect(tokenGenesisQtyInput).toHaveValue(18446744073709552000);
+        // Select ALP
+        await user.click(screen.getByTitle('Create ALP'));
+        // Expect validation error bc SLP max supply is > ALP max supply
+        expect(
+            screen.getByText(
+                'Amount 18446744073709551615 exceeds max mint amount for this token (281474976710655)',
+            ),
+        ).toBeInTheDocument();
+        // Max out ALP supply
+        await user.click(screen.getByText('max'));
+        // We see max ALP supply for 0 decimals
+        expect(tokenGenesisQtyInput).toHaveValue(281474976710655);
+        // Increase the decimals so that this supply is invalid
+        await user.type(
+            await screen.findByPlaceholderText(
+                'Enter number of decimal places',
+            ),
+            '2',
+        );
+        // Expect validation error bc ALP max supply is lower if you have 2 decimals
+        expect(
+            screen.getByText(
+                'Amount 281474976710655 exceeds max mint amount for this token (2814749767106.55)',
+            ),
+        ).toBeInTheDocument();
+    });