diff --git a/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp b/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp
--- a/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp
@@ -1235,33 +1235,34 @@
             "blockchain processing.\n"
-            "  \"chain\": \"xxxx\",        (string) current network name as "
-            "defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)\n"
-            "  \"blocks\": xxxxxx,         (numeric) the current number of "
+            "  \"chain\": \"xxxx\",              (string) current network name "
+            "as defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)\n"
+            "  \"blocks\": xxxxxx,             (numeric) the current number of "
             "blocks processed in the server\n"
-            "  \"headers\": xxxxxx,        (numeric) the current number of "
+            "  \"headers\": xxxxxx,            (numeric) the current number of "
             "headers we have validated\n"
-            "  \"bestblockhash\": \"...\", (string) the hash of the currently "
-            "best block\n"
-            "  \"difficulty\": xxxxxx,     (numeric) the current difficulty\n"
-            "  \"mediantime\": xxxxxx,     (numeric) median time for the "
+            "  \"bestblockhash\": \"...\",       (string) the hash of the "
+            "currently best block\n"
+            "  \"difficulty\": xxxxxx,         (numeric) the current "
+            "difficulty\n"
+            "  \"mediantime\": xxxxxx,         (numeric) median time for the "
             "current best block\n"
             "  \"verificationprogress\": xxxx, (numeric) estimate of "
             "verification progress [0..1]\n"
-            "  \"chainwork\": \"xxxx\"     (string) total amount of work in "
-            "active chain, in hexadecimal\n"
-            "  \"pruned\": xx,             (boolean) if the blocks are subject "
-            "to pruning\n"
-            "  \"pruneheight\": xxxxxx,    (numeric) lowest-height complete "
-            "block stored\n"
-            "  \"softforks\": [            (array) status of softforks in "
+            "  \"chainwork\": \"xxxx\"           (string) total amount of work "
+            "in active chain, in hexadecimal\n"
+            "  \"pruned\": xx,                 (boolean) if the blocks are "
+            "subject to pruning\n"
+            "  \"pruneheight\": xxxxxx,        (numeric) lowest-height "
+            "complete block stored\n"
+            "  \"softforks\": [                (array) status of softforks in "
             "     {\n"
-            "        \"id\": \"xxxx\",        (string) name of softfork\n"
-            "        \"version\": xx,         (numeric) block version\n"
-            "        \"reject\": {            (object) progress toward "
+            "        \"id\": \"xxxx\",           (string) name of softfork\n"
+            "        \"version\": xx,          (numeric) block version\n"
+            "        \"reject\": {             (object) progress toward "
             "rejecting pre-softfork blocks\n"
-            "           \"status\": xx,       (boolean) true if threshold "
+            "           \"status\": xx,        (boolean) true if threshold "
             "        },\n"
             "     }, ...\n"