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UI for ChildPaysforParent transactions
Open, WishlistPublic


Child Pays for Parent Transactions allow for 0 conf spending and chained transactions.
These are also a way to make a transaction unmalliable.

It obsoletes ReplaceByFee (a dangerous hack that encourages double-spending).
It shows another way that SegWit is unnecessary and dangerous.

Puts Bitcoin Cash in the clear leadership position.

Event Timeline

josephNLD created this object with edit policy "All Users".

Design User Interface for creating CPfP Transactions.
Generate CPfP transaction.
Select from pending transaction change addresses for "Parent" (check for pending 0conf transactions from wallet, and incoming transactions should be in mempool with an output address in user wallet).

abulel moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.Apr 16 2022, 18:48