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diff --git a/chronik/chronik-http/src/ b/chronik/chronik-http/src/
--- a/chronik/chronik-http/src/
+++ b/chronik/chronik-http/src/
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
impl SubRecv {
async fn recv_action(&mut self) -> Result<WsAction> {
tokio::select! {
+ biased;
action = Self::recv_blocks(&mut self.blocks) => action,
action = Self::recv_scripts(&mut self.scripts) => action,
action = Self::recv_token_ids(&mut self.token_ids) => action,
diff --git a/test/functional/ b/test/functional/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or
+Test Chronik whether WS are emitted in deterministic order.
+from test_framework.address import (
+from test_framework.avatools import AvaP2PInterface, can_find_inv_in_poll
+from test_framework.messages import COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut
+from test_framework.p2p import P2PDataStore
+from test_framework.script import OP_CHECKSIG, CScript
+from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from test_framework.txtools import pad_tx
+from test_framework.util import assert_equal
+class ChronikWsOrdering(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def set_test_params(self):
+ self.setup_clean_chain = True
+ self.num_nodes = 1
+ self.extra_args = [
+ [
+ "-chronik",
+ "-avaproofstakeutxodustthreshold=1000000",
+ "-avaproofstakeutxoconfirmations=1",
+ "-avacooldown=0",
+ "-avaminquorumstake=0",
+ "-avaminavaproofsnodecount=0",
+ "-persistavapeers=0",
+ "-acceptnonstdtxn=1",
+ ]
+ ]
+ self.rpc_timeout = 240
+ def skip_test_if_missing_module(self):
+ self.skip_if_no_chronik()
+ def run_test(self):
+ from test_framework.chronik.client import pb
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore())
+ chronik = node.get_chronik_client()
+ coinblockhash = self.generatetoaddress(node, 1, ADDRESS_ECREG_P2SH_OP_TRUE)[0]
+ coinblock = node.getblock(coinblockhash)
+ cointxid = coinblock["tx"][0]
+ block_hashes = self.generatetoaddress(node, 100, ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE)
+ coinvalue = 5000000000
+ balance = coinvalue
+ current_txid = cointxid
+ def send_to_script(script) -> str:
+ nonlocal balance, current_txid
+ balance -= 2000
+ tx = CTransaction()
+ = [
+ CTxIn(
+ outpoint=COutPoint(int(current_txid, 16), 0),
+ )
+ ]
+ tx.vout = [
+ CTxOut(balance, P2SH_OP_TRUE),
+ CTxOut(1000, script),
+ ]
+ pad_tx(tx)
+ current_txid = node.sendrawtransaction(tx.serialize().hex())
+ return current_txid
+ def ws_tx_msg(txid: str, msg_type):
+ return pb.WsMsg(
+ tx=pb.MsgTx(
+ msg_type=msg_type,
+ txid=bytes.fromhex(txid)[::-1],
+ )
+ )
+ def ws_block_msg(block_hash: str, block_height: int, msg_type):
+ return pb.WsMsg(
+ block=pb.MsgBlock(
+ msg_type=msg_type,
+ block_hash=bytes.fromhex(block_hash)[::-1],
+ block_height=block_height,
+ )
+ )
+ ifp_hash = "d37c4c809fe9840e7bfa77b86bd47163f6fb6c60"
+ # 1 P2PKH script, just the IFP address
+ p2pkh_script = CScript(bytes.fromhex(f"76a914{ifp_hash}88ac"))
+ # 16 P2SH scripts, 0000...000i for i = 0, ... 14, and IFP address hash
+ p2sh_hashes = []
+ for i in range(15):
+ p2sh_hashes.append(i.to_bytes(20, "big").hex())
+ p2sh_hashes.append(ifp_hash)
+ p2sh_scripts = [
+ (CScript(bytes.fromhex(f"a914{p2sh_hash}87"))) for p2sh_hash in p2sh_hashes
+ ]
+ # 1 P2PK script
+ pubkey = bytes.fromhex(
+ "047fa64f6874fb7213776b24c40bc915451b57ef7f17ad7b982561f99f7cdc7010d141b856a092ee169c5405323895e1962c6b0d7c101120d360164c9e4b3997bd"
+ )
+ p2pk_script = CScript([pubkey, OP_CHECKSIG])
+ # 1 non-standard script
+ other_script = CScript(bytes.fromhex("deadbeef"))
+ # Build a fake Avalanche quorum of nodes.
+ def get_quorum():
+ return [
+ node.add_p2p_connection(AvaP2PInterface(self, node))
+ for _ in range(0, QUORUM_NODE_COUNT)
+ ]
+ # Pick one node from the quorum for polling.
+ quorum = get_quorum()
+ def is_quorum_established():
+ return node.getavalancheinfo()["ready_to_poll"] is True
+ def is_finalblock(blockhash):
+ can_find_inv_in_poll(quorum, int(blockhash, 16))
+ return node.isfinalblock(blockhash)
+ self.wait_until(is_quorum_established)
+ self.wait_until(lambda: is_finalblock(block_hashes[-1]))
+ # Subscribe to all scripts in the test, and to blocks
+ ws =
+ ws.sub_script("p2pkh", bytes.fromhex(ifp_hash))
+ for p2sh_hash in p2sh_hashes:
+ ws.sub_script("p2sh", bytes.fromhex(p2sh_hash))
+ ws.sub_script("p2pk", pubkey)
+ ws.sub_script("other", bytes(other_script))
+ ws.sub_to_blocks()
+ # Mine block, which will be finalized
+ finalized_blockhash = self.generatetoaddress(
+ )[0]
+ cb_txid = node.getblock(finalized_blockhash)["tx"][0]
+ assert not node.isfinalblock(finalized_blockhash)
+ assert not node.isfinaltransaction(cb_txid, finalized_blockhash)
+ finalized_height = node.getblock(finalized_blockhash, 1)["height"]
+ assert_equal(
+ ws.recv(),
+ ws_block_msg(finalized_blockhash, finalized_height, pb.BLK_CONNECTED),
+ )
+ with node.assert_debug_log(
+ [f"Avalanche finalized block {finalized_blockhash}"]
+ ):
+ self.wait_until(lambda: is_finalblock(finalized_blockhash))
+ assert_equal(
+ ws.recv(),
+ ws_block_msg(finalized_blockhash, finalized_height, pb.BLK_FINALIZED),
+ )
+ assert node.isfinaltransaction(cb_txid, finalized_blockhash)
+ # Send 1 tx to p2pkh
+ p2pkh_txid = send_to_script(p2pkh_script)
+ assert_equal(ws.recv(), ws_tx_msg(p2pkh_txid, pb.TX_ADDED_TO_MEMPOOL))
+ # Send 240 txs to the p2sh scripts, 15 to each script
+ p2sh_txids = []
+ for p2sh_script in p2sh_scripts:
+ for i in range(15):
+ p2sh_txid = send_to_script(p2sh_script)
+ p2sh_txids.append(p2sh_txid)
+ assert_equal(ws.recv(), ws_tx_msg(p2sh_txid, pb.TX_ADDED_TO_MEMPOOL))
+ # Send 1 tx to p2pk
+ p2pk_txid = send_to_script(p2pk_script)
+ assert_equal(ws.recv(), ws_tx_msg(p2pk_txid, pb.TX_ADDED_TO_MEMPOOL))
+ # Send 1 tx to "other" non-standard script
+ other_txid = send_to_script(other_script)
+ assert_equal(ws.recv(), ws_tx_msg(other_txid, pb.TX_ADDED_TO_MEMPOOL))
+ # Mine all txs in a block
+ next_blockhash = self.generatetoaddress(node, 1, ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE)[0]
+ assert_equal(node.getblockcount(), finalized_height + 1)
+ # BLK_CONNECTED always comes first
+ assert_equal(
+ ws.recv(),
+ ws_block_msg(next_blockhash, finalized_height + 1, pb.BLK_CONNECTED),
+ )
+ # Then come the TX_CONFIRMED msgs, but in indeterministic order.
+ # When a block is connected, Chronik is sending TX_CONFIRMED into all kinds of
+ # different broadcast channels, and they are per-script.
+ # Then these txs are sorted into the channels, in *block order*.
+ # In the WS futures, messages are pulled in from the receiving ends of those
+ # channels, but in *scipt order* (i.e. Ord of ScriptVariant).
+ # So a WS future may pull in a message for a script while handle_block_connected
+ # is still sending txs, but in a different order.
+ # It's sort-of comparable to a mailman sorting mail into mailboxes and some
+ # people are opening their mailboxes and taking mail out while the mailman
+ # is still sorting stuff in, changing the order in which the mail would've
+ # been received if they had waited.
+ actual_ws_msgs = [ws.recv() for i in range(len(p2sh_txids) + 3)]
+ actual_ws_msgs = sorted(actual_ws_msgs, key=lambda m: m.tx.txid[::-1])
+ expected_ws_txids = sorted([p2pkh_txid, p2pk_txid, other_txid] + p2sh_txids)
+ expected_ws_msgs = [
+ ws_tx_msg(txid, pb.TX_CONFIRMED) for txid in expected_ws_txids
+ ]
+ assert_equal(actual_ws_msgs, expected_ws_msgs)
+ # Identical for finalization
+ self.wait_until(lambda: is_finalblock(next_blockhash))
+ # BLK_FINALIZED always comes first
+ assert_equal(
+ ws.recv(),
+ ws_block_msg(next_blockhash, finalized_height + 1, pb.BLK_FINALIZED),
+ )
+ # TX_FINALIZED come next
+ actual_ws_msgs = [ws.recv() for i in range(len(p2sh_txids) + 3)]
+ actual_ws_msgs = sorted(actual_ws_msgs, key=lambda m: m.tx.txid[::-1])
+ expected_ws_txids = sorted([p2pkh_txid, p2pk_txid, other_txid] + p2sh_txids)
+ expected_ws_msgs = [
+ ws_tx_msg(txid, pb.TX_FINALIZED) for txid in expected_ws_txids
+ ]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ChronikWsOrdering().main()

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 28, 19:18 (7 h, 21 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
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D15452.id45249.diff (10 KB)

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