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diff --git a/test/functional/ b/test/functional/
--- a/test/functional/
+++ b/test/functional/
@@ -13,13 +13,15 @@
from test_framework.key import ECPubKey
from test_framework.messages import (
+ AvalancheProofVoteResponse,
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
-from test_framework.util import assert_raises_rpc_error, try_rpc
+from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error, try_rpc
from test_framework.wallet_util import bytes_to_wif
@@ -108,6 +110,7 @@
+ self.vote_tests(node)
def poll_tests(self, node):
proof_seq10 = self.build_conflicting_proof(node, 10)
@@ -280,6 +283,126 @@
+ def vote_tests(self, node):
+ self.restart_node(0, extra_args=['-enableavalanche=1',
+ '-avacooldown=0',
+ '-avalancheconflictingproofcooldown=0',
+ '-whitelist=noban@', ])
+ ava_node = get_ava_p2p_interface(node)
+ # Generate coinbases to use for stakes
+ stakes_key = node.get_deterministic_priv_key()
+ blocks = node.generatetoaddress(4, stakes_key.address)
+ # Get the ava key so we can verify signatures.
+ ava_key = ECPubKey()
+ ava_key.set(bytes.fromhex(node.getavalanchekey()))
+ def create_proof(stakes):
+ proof = node.buildavalancheproof(11, 12, self.privkey_wif, stakes)
+ proof_id = FromHex(LegacyAvalancheProof(), proof).proofid
+ return proof, proof_id
+ # proof_0 is valid right now
+ stakes_0 = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blocks[0]], stakes_key.key)
+ proof_0, proof_0_id = create_proof(stakes_0)
+ # proof_1 is valid right now, and from different stakes
+ stakes_1 = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blocks[1]], stakes_key.key)
+ proof_1, proof_1_id = create_proof(stakes_1)
+ # proof_2 is an orphan because the stake UTXO is unknown
+ stakes_2 = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blocks[2]], stakes_key.key)
+ stakes_2[0]['height'] = 5
+ proof_2, proof_2_id = create_proof(stakes_2)
+ # proof_3 conflicts with proof_0 and proof_1
+ stakes_3 = create_coinbase_stakes(
+ node, [blocks[0], blocks[1]], stakes_key.key)
+ proof_3, proof_3_id = create_proof(stakes_3)
+ # proof_4 is invalid and should be rejected
+ stakes_4 = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blocks[3]], stakes_key.key)
+ stakes_4[0]['amount'] -= 100000
+ proof_4, proof_4_id = create_proof(stakes_4)
+ # Create a helper to issue a poll and validate the responses
+ def poll_assert_response(expected):
+ # Issue a poll for each proof
+"Trigger polling from the node...")
+ ava_node.send_poll(
+ [proof_0_id, proof_1_id, proof_2_id, proof_3_id, proof_4_id],
+ response = ava_node.wait_for_avaresponse()
+ r = response.response
+ # Verify signature
+ assert ava_key.verify_schnorr(response.sig, r.get_hash())
+ # Verify votes
+ votes = r.votes
+ assert_equal(len(votes), len(expected))
+ for i in range(0, len(votes)):
+ assert_equal(repr(votes[i]), repr(expected[i]))
+ # Check that all proofs start unknown
+ poll_assert_response([
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_0_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_1_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_2_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_3_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_4_id)])
+ # Send the first proof. Nodes should now respond that it's accepted
+ node.sendavalancheproof(proof_0)
+ poll_assert_response([
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_0_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_1_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_2_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_3_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_4_id)])
+ # Send and check the 2nd proof. Nodes should now respond that it's
+ # accepted
+ node.sendavalancheproof(proof_1)
+ poll_assert_response([
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_0_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_1_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_2_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_3_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_4_id)])
+ # The next proof should be rejected/put in the orphan pool
+ ava_node.send_proof(FromHex(LegacyAvalancheProof(), proof_2))
+ poll_assert_response([
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_0_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_1_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ORPHAN, proof_2_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_3_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_4_id)])
+ # The next proof should be rejected and marked as a conflicting proof
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-8,
+ "The proof has conflicting utxo with an existing proof",
+ node.sendavalancheproof, proof_3)
+ poll_assert_response([
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_0_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_1_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ORPHAN, proof_2_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.CONFLICT, proof_3_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_4_id)])
+ # The final proof should be permanently rejected for being completely
+ # invalid
+ ava_node.send_proof(FromHex(LegacyAvalancheProof(), proof_4))
+ poll_assert_response([
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_0_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_1_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ORPHAN, proof_2_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.CONFLICT, proof_3_id),
+ AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.REJECTED, proof_4_id)])
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/test/functional/ b/test/functional/
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/test/functional/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 The Bitcoin developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or
-"""Test the polling of Avalanche stake proofs."""
-from test_framework.avatools import (
- create_coinbase_stakes,
- get_ava_p2p_interface,
-from test_framework.key import ECKey, ECPubKey
-from test_framework.messages import (
- AvalancheProofVoteResponse,
- AvalancheVote,
- FromHex,
- LegacyAvalancheProof,
-from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
-from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error
-from test_framework.wallet_util import bytes_to_wif
-class AvalancheTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
- def set_test_params(self):
- self.setup_clean_chain = True
- self.num_nodes = 1
- self.extra_args = [
- [
- '-enableavalanche=1',
- '-avacooldown=0',
- '-avalancheconflictingproofcooldown=0',
- '-whitelist=noban@',
- ],
- ]
- self.supports_cli = False
- def run_test(self):
- node = self.nodes[0]
- ava_node = get_ava_p2p_interface(self.nodes[0])
- # Generate coinbases to use for stakes
- stakes_key = node.get_deterministic_priv_key()
- blocks = node.generatetoaddress(4, stakes_key.address)
- # Get the ava key so we can verify signatures.
- ava_key = ECPubKey()
- ava_key.set(bytes.fromhex(node.getavalanchekey()))
- # Get stakes key so we can sign stakes
- priv_key = ECKey()
- priv_key.set(bytes.fromhex(
- "12b004fff7f4b69ef8650e767f18f11ede158148b425660723b9f9a66e61f747"
- ), True)
- master_key = bytes_to_wif(priv_key.get_bytes())
- def create_proof(stakes):
- proof = node.buildavalancheproof(11, 12, master_key, stakes)
- proof_id = FromHex(LegacyAvalancheProof(), proof).proofid
- return proof, proof_id
- # proof_0 is valid right now
- stakes_0 = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blocks[0]], stakes_key.key)
- proof_0, proof_0_id = create_proof(stakes_0)
- # proof_1 is valid right now, and from different stakes
- stakes_1 = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blocks[1]], stakes_key.key)
- proof_1, proof_1_id = create_proof(stakes_1)
- # proof_2 is an orphan because the stake UTXO is unknown
- stakes_2 = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blocks[2]], stakes_key.key)
- stakes_2[0]['height'] = 5
- proof_2, proof_2_id = create_proof(stakes_2)
- # proof_3 conflicts with proof_0 and proof_1
- stakes_3 = create_coinbase_stakes(
- node, [blocks[0], blocks[1]], stakes_key.key)
- proof_3, proof_3_id = create_proof(stakes_3)
- # proof_4 is invalid and should be rejected
- stakes_4 = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blocks[3]], stakes_key.key)
- stakes_4[0]['amount'] -= 100000
- proof_4, proof_4_id = create_proof(stakes_4)
- # Create a helper to issue a poll and validate the responses
- def poll_assert_response(expected):
- # Issue a poll for each proof
-"Trigger polling from the node...")
- ava_node.send_poll(
- [proof_0_id, proof_1_id, proof_2_id, proof_3_id, proof_4_id],
- response = ava_node.wait_for_avaresponse()
- r = response.response
- # Verify signature
- assert ava_key.verify_schnorr(response.sig, r.get_hash())
- # Verify votes
- votes = r.votes
- assert_equal(len(votes), len(expected))
- for i in range(0, len(votes)):
- assert_equal(repr(votes[i]), repr(expected[i]))
- # Check that all proofs start unknown
- poll_assert_response([
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_0_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_1_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_2_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_3_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_4_id)])
- # Send the first proof. Nodes should now respond that it's accepted
- node.sendavalancheproof(proof_0)
- poll_assert_response([
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_0_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_1_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_2_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_3_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_4_id)])
- # Send and check the 2nd proof. Nodes should now respond that it's
- # accepted
- node.sendavalancheproof(proof_1)
- poll_assert_response([
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_0_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_1_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_2_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_3_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_4_id)])
- # The next proof should be rejected/put in the orphan pool
- ava_node.send_proof(FromHex(LegacyAvalancheProof(), proof_2))
- poll_assert_response([
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_0_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_1_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ORPHAN, proof_2_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_3_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_4_id)])
- # The next proof should be rejected and marked as a conflicting proof
- assert_raises_rpc_error(-8,
- "The proof has conflicting utxo with an existing proof",
- node.sendavalancheproof, proof_3)
- poll_assert_response([
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_0_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_1_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ORPHAN, proof_2_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.CONFLICT, proof_3_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.UNKNOWN, proof_4_id)])
- # The final proof should be permanently rejected for being completely
- # invalid
- ava_node.send_proof(FromHex(LegacyAvalancheProof(), proof_4))
- poll_assert_response([
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_0_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ACTIVE, proof_1_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.ORPHAN, proof_2_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.CONFLICT, proof_3_id),
- AvalancheVote(AvalancheProofVoteResponse.REJECTED, proof_4_id)])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- AvalancheTest().main()
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Sat, Mar 1, 11:43 (6 h, 48 m)
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D11048.diff (14 KB)
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D11048: [avalanche] Merge the avalanche voting tests
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