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diff --git a/web/alias-server/package.json b/web/alias-server/package.json
--- a/web/alias-server/package.json
+++ b/web/alias-server/package.json
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha",
- "mocks": "node scripts/generateMocks.js"
+ "mocks": "node scripts/generateMocks.js",
+ "live": "node scripts/aliasTestsLive.js"
"keywords": [
diff --git a/web/alias-server/scripts/aliasTestsLive.js b/web/alias-server/scripts/aliasTestsLive.js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/alias-server/scripts/aliasTestsLive.js
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+const assert = require('assert');
+const fs = require('fs');
+const path = require('path');
+const config = require('../config');
+const {
+ getAliasTxs,
+ getValidAliasRegistrations,
+ getAliasStringsFromValidAliases,
+ getUnprocessedValidAliasRegistrations,
+} = require('../alias');
+const { getAllTxHistory, getUnprocessedTxHistory } = require('../chronik');
+const {
+ getTestableUnprocessedTxCounts,
+ prepareMocksForGetUnprocessedTxHistory,
+} = require('../utils');
+async function fetchAliasesAndTestApi(testMocks = true, liveTestCount = 3) {
+ // Directory for mocks. Relative to /scripts, ../test/mocks/generated/
+ const mocksDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test', 'mocks', 'generated');
+ // Create directory if it does not exist
+ if (!fs.existsSync(mocksDir)) {
+ fs.mkdirSync(mocksDir);
+ }
+ /*
+ Script to test all alias functions with live API
+ Since the registered aliases will be constantly changing, the mocks on static unit tests
+ in alias-server will not keep up
+ This function can alert a dev if new txs in the dataset are causing problems
+ 1 - Get all tx history at alias address
+ 2 - Parse all of this history to get valid alias registrations
+ 3 - Split up all of this history into all possible permutations of partialtxhistory,
+ i.e. in batches by blockheight
+ 4 - Test all partial tx history processing functions against this
+ 5 - Create an updated mocks file for unit tests
+ */
+ // chronik tx history of alias registration address
+ const aliasTxHistory = await getAllTxHistory(
+ config.aliasConstants.registrationHash160,
+ );
+ /*
+ Parse aliasTxHistory to get all potential valid aliasRegistration txs
+ These alias txs
+ - Use valid characters
+ - Paid the correct fee for their bytesize
+ - Have the correct OP_RETURN prefix
+ However they are only potentialAliasTxs. To be valid, they must
+ - Have at least one confirmation
+ - Be the tx registering the given alias with the lowest blockheight
+ - If other alias txs conflict in the same block, have the alphabetically first txid
+ */
+ const allPotentialAliasTxs = getAliasTxs(
+ aliasTxHistory,
+ config.aliasConstants,
+ );
+ /*
+ All valid alias txs at alias registration address,
+ sorted by blockheight earliest to most recent, and txid
+ alphabetically.
+ NB unconfirmed txs have blockheight === 100,000,000
+ */
+ /*
+ validAliasObjects, pendingAliasObjects
+ validAliasObjects are registered aliases.
+ These will never change unless and until Phase 2 migration.
+ pendingAliasObjects are alias registrations that will be valid after the tx confirmed,
+ assuming no other tx with an alphabetically earlier txid comes into the same block
+ */
+ const aliasRegistrations = getValidAliasRegistrations(allPotentialAliasTxs);
+ const { validAliasTxs } = aliasRegistrations;
+ // Get the blockheight of the most recently registered alias tx
+ const highestRegisteredBlockheight =
+ validAliasTxs[validAliasTxs.length - 1].blockheight;
+ fs.writeFileSync(
+ `${mocksDir}/aliasRegistrations_${highestRegisteredBlockheight}.json`,
+ JSON.stringify(aliasRegistrations, null, 2),
+ 'utf-8',
+ );
+ /*
+ Get amounts of unprocessed txs that can be tested, i.e. amounts that correspond to
+ the number of txs at a given blockheight in aliasTxHistory
+ */
+ const testableUnprocessedTxCounts =
+ getTestableUnprocessedTxCounts(aliasTxHistory);
+ // Iterate over all unprocessedTxCount cutoff amounts of unprocessedTxs to test with mocks
+ let failedTestCount = 0;
+ if (testMocks) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < testableUnprocessedTxCounts.length; i += 1) {
+ const desiredUnprocessedTxs = testableUnprocessedTxCounts[i];
+ const {
+ processedBlockheight,
+ processedTxCount,
+ optionalMocks,
+ expectedResult,
+ } = prepareMocksForGetUnprocessedTxHistory(
+ desiredUnprocessedTxs,
+ aliasTxHistory,
+ );
+ const result = await getUnprocessedTxHistory(
+ config.aliasConstants.registrationHash160,
+ processedBlockheight,
+ processedTxCount,
+ optionalMocks,
+ );
+ try {
+ assert.deepEqual(result, expectedResult);
+ console.log(
+ '\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m',
+ `✔ Passed getUnprocessedTxHistory() mock with ${desiredUnprocessedTxs} unprocessed txs of ${aliasTxHistory.length} total txs`,
+ );
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(
+ '\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m',
+ `Failed getUnprocessedTxHistory() mock with ${desiredUnprocessedTxs} unprocessed txs of ${aliasTxHistory.length} total txs`,
+ );
+ failedTestCount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Iterate over liveTestCount random unprocessedTxCounts and test with live API
+ const randomAmountsOfUnprocessedTxs = testableUnprocessedTxCounts
+ .sort(() => Math.random() - Math.random())
+ .slice(0, liveTestCount);
+ for (let i = 0; i < randomAmountsOfUnprocessedTxs.length; i += 1) {
+ // Live tests
+ const liveTestUnprocessedTxCount = randomAmountsOfUnprocessedTxs[i];
+ console.log(
+ `Live API test for ${liveTestUnprocessedTxCount} unprocessed txs:`,
+ );
+ // Treat aliasTxHistory as the full tx history
+ const liveTestProcessedTxs = aliasTxHistory.slice(
+ liveTestUnprocessedTxCount,
+ );
+ const liveTestProcessedTxCount = liveTestProcessedTxs.length;
+ const liveTestProcessedBlockheight =
+ liveTestProcessedTxs[0].block.height;
+ const liveTestUnprocessedTxs = await getUnprocessedTxHistory(
+ config.aliasConstants.registrationHash160,
+ liveTestProcessedBlockheight,
+ liveTestProcessedTxCount,
+ );
+ // Parse liveTestProcessedTxCount to simulate what would be in your database
+ const thisLiveTestProcessedPotentialAliasTxs = getAliasTxs(
+ liveTestProcessedTxs,
+ config.aliasConstants,
+ );
+ const thisLiveTestProcessedAliasRegistrations =
+ getValidAliasRegistrations(thisLiveTestProcessedPotentialAliasTxs);
+ const theseLiveTestProcessedValidAliasTxs =
+ thisLiveTestProcessedAliasRegistrations.validAliasTxs;
+ // Parse this live tests unprocessed txs to get its valid alias registrations
+ const thisLiveTestUnProcessedPotentialAliasTxs = getAliasTxs(
+ liveTestUnprocessedTxs,
+ config.aliasConstants,
+ );
+ // get registered aliases from theseLiveTestProcessedValidAliasTxs
+ const thisLiveTestRegisteredAliases = getAliasStringsFromValidAliases(
+ theseLiveTestProcessedValidAliasTxs,
+ );
+ // Incrementally determine valid aliases from unprocessedtxs
+ const thisLiveTestUnprocessedAliasRegistrations =
+ getUnprocessedValidAliasRegistrations(
+ thisLiveTestRegisteredAliases,
+ thisLiveTestUnProcessedPotentialAliasTxs,
+ );
+ // expect liveTestUnprocessedTxs.concat(liveTestProcessedTxs) === aliasTxHistory
+ // NB order of the above is important^
+ // txs of aliasTxHistory will be newest to oldest
+ try {
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ liveTestUnprocessedTxs.concat(liveTestProcessedTxs),
+ aliasTxHistory,
+ );
+ console.log(
+ '\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m',
+ `✔ Passed live API test of getUnprocessedTxHistory for ${liveTestUnprocessedTxCount} unprocessed txs`,
+ );
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(
+ '\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m',
+ `Failed live API test of getUnprocessedTxHistory for ${liveTestUnprocessedTxCount} unprocessed txs`,
+ );
+ failedTestCount += 1;
+ // Write some constants to a file for review
+ const liveApiFailureSummary = {
+ processedTxCount: liveTestProcessedTxs.length,
+ unprocessedTxCount: liveTestUnprocessedTxs.length,
+ totalTxCount: aliasTxHistory.length,
+ liveTestProcessedTxs,
+ liveTestUnprocessedTxs,
+ aliasTxHistory,
+ };
+ fs.writeFileSync(
+ `${mocksDir}/liveApiTest_getUnprocessedTxHistory_${liveTestUnprocessedTxCount}_unprocessedTxs.json`,
+ JSON.stringify(liveApiFailureSummary, null, 2),
+ 'utf-8',
+ );
+ }
+ // expect theseLiveTestProcessedValidAliasTxs.concat(thisLiveTestUnprocessedAliasRegistrations) === validAliasTxs
+ try {
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ theseLiveTestProcessedValidAliasTxs.concat(
+ thisLiveTestUnprocessedAliasRegistrations,
+ ),
+ validAliasTxs,
+ );
+ console.log(
+ '\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m',
+ `✔ Passed live API test of getUnprocessedValidAliasRegistrations for ${liveTestUnprocessedTxCount} unprocessed txs`,
+ );
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(
+ '\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m',
+ `Failed live API test of getUnprocessedValidAliasRegistrations for ${liveTestUnprocessedTxCount} unprocessed txs`,
+ );
+ failedTestCount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (failedTestCount > 0) {
+ // Print failed tests
+ console.log('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', `Failed ${failedTestCount} tests`);
+ process.exit(1);
+ }
+ // Exit script in success condition
+ process.exit(0);
diff --git a/web/alias-server/test/chronik.js b/web/alias-server/test/chronik.js
--- a/web/alias-server/test/chronik.js
+++ b/web/alias-server/test/chronik.js
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
const assert = require('assert');
const config = require('../config');
const { getUnprocessedTxHistory } = require('../chronik');
+const {
+ getTestableUnprocessedTxCounts,
+ prepareMocksForGetUnprocessedTxHistory,
+} = require('../utils');
const {
@@ -117,118 +121,29 @@
// Note: txs are processed by blockheight. So, test will only work if you look at batches of txs from different blocks
// There is an operating assumption here that chronik tx history will always return all confirmed txs at a given address
- const blockheightDeltaTxCounts = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < allTxHistoryFromChronik.length - 1; i += 1) {
- // Find the blockheight cutoffs
- const thisTx = allTxHistoryFromChronik[i];
- const nextTx = allTxHistoryFromChronik[i + 1];
- let thisTxBlockheight, nextTxBlockheight;
- thisTxBlockheight =
- typeof thisTx.block === 'undefined'
- ? config.unconfirmedBlockheight
- : thisTx.block.height;
- nextTxBlockheight =
- typeof nextTx.block === 'undefined'
- ? config.unconfirmedBlockheight
- : nextTx.block.height;
- // If the next blockheight is different, then an acceptable number
- // of unprocessedTxs to exclude from a given set of chronikTxHistory is (i + 1)
- if (thisTxBlockheight !== nextTxBlockheight) {
- blockheightDeltaTxCounts.push(i + 1);
- }
- }
+ const testableUnprocessedTxCounts = getTestableUnprocessedTxCounts(
+ allTxHistoryFromChronik,
+ );
// Iterate over all block cutoff amounts of unprocessedTxs to test
- for (let i = 0; i < blockheightDeltaTxCounts; i += 1) {
- const desiredUnprocessedTxs = blockheightDeltaTxCounts[i];
+ for (let i = 0; i < testableUnprocessedTxCounts; i += 1) {
+ const desiredUnprocessedTxs = testableUnprocessedTxCounts[i];
- // Create an array processedTxs that is equivalent to allTxHistoryFromChronik less the most recent desiredUnprocessedTxs
- // i.e. remove the first desiredUnprocessedTxs entries
- const processedTxs = allTxHistoryFromChronik.slice(
- desiredUnprocessedTxs,
- );
- const processedBlockheight = processedTxs[0].block.height;
- const processedTxCount = processedTxs.length;
- // Create an array unprocessedTxs that is equivalent to the most recent desiredUnprocessedTxs txs in allTxHistoryFromChronik
- // i.e. take only the first desiredUnprocessedTxs entries
- const unprocessedTxs = allTxHistoryFromChronik.slice(
- 0,
+ const {
+ processedBlockheight,
+ processedTxCount,
+ optionalMocks,
+ expectedResult,
+ } = prepareMocksForGetUnprocessedTxHistory(
+ aliasTxHistory,
- console.log(`processedTxs.length`, processedTxs.length);
- console.log(`unprocessedTxs.length`, unprocessedTxs.length);
- console.log(
- `processedTxs.length + unprocessedTxs.length`,
- processedTxs.length + unprocessedTxs.length,
- );
- const allTxHistory = allTxHistoryFromChronik;
- const numPages = Math.ceil(
- allTxHistory.length / config.txHistoryPageSize,
- );
- const txHistoryFirstPageTxs = allTxHistory.slice(
- 0,
- config.txHistoryPageSize,
- );
- const oldestTxOnFirstPage =
- txHistoryFirstPageTxs[txHistoryFirstPageTxs.length - 1];
- let alreadyHaveAllPotentiallyUnprocessedTxs = false;
- if (typeof oldestTxOnFirstPage.block === 'undefined') {
- alreadyHaveAllPotentiallyUnprocessedTxs = false;
- } else {
- // If the oldest tx on the first page hasa blockheight that has already been processed
- if (oldestTxOnFirstPage.block.height <= processedBlockheight) {
- // Then you have enough txs with this one call
- alreadyHaveAllPotentiallyUnprocessedTxs = true;
- }
- }
- const txHistoryFirstPageResponse = {
- txs: txHistoryFirstPageTxs,
- numPages,
- };
- // Calculate these values as in the function
- let maxTxs, maxUnprocessedTxCount, numPagesToFetch;
- let remainingTxHistoryPageResponses = [];
- if (!alreadyHaveAllPotentiallyUnprocessedTxs) {
- maxTxs = config.txHistoryPageSize * numPages;
- maxUnprocessedTxCount = maxTxs - processedTxCount;
- numPagesToFetch = Math.ceil(
- maxUnprocessedTxCount / config.txHistoryPageSize,
- );
- // Create this mock chronik response as in the function
- for (let i = 1; i < numPagesToFetch; i += 1) {
- // each page will have config.txHistoryPageSize txs
- // txs will be ordered most recent to oldest
- const txs = unprocessedTxs.slice(
- i * config.txHistoryPageSize,
- (i + 1) * config.txHistoryPageSize,
- );
- remainingTxHistoryPageResponses.push({ txs, numPages });
- }
- }
- const optionalMocks = {
- txHistoryFirstPageResponse,
- remainingTxHistoryPageResponses,
- };
const result = await getUnprocessedTxHistory(
- const expectedResult = {
- maxTxs,
- maxUnprocessedTxCount,
- numPagesToFetch,
- alreadyHaveAllPotentiallyUnprocessedTxs,
- unprocessedTxs: unprocessedTxs,
- };
assert.deepEqual(result, expectedResult);
diff --git a/web/alias-server/utils.js b/web/alias-server/utils.js
--- a/web/alias-server/utils.js
+++ b/web/alias-server/utils.js
@@ -132,4 +132,116 @@
return confirmedTxHistory;
+ getTestableUnprocessedTxCounts: function (chronikTxHistory) {
+ /*
+ chronik tx history will always return
+ - All confirmed txs at an address
+ - All unconfirmed txs as seen by the node
+ alias-server functions only process confirmed txs for valid aliases
+ Hence, to test unprocessed transaction batches, we need to split up
+ an array of chronikTxHistory by blockheight
+ */
+ const testableUnprocessedTxCounts = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < chronikTxHistory.length - 1; i += 1) {
+ // Find the blockheight cutoffs
+ const thisTx = chronikTxHistory[i];
+ const nextTx = chronikTxHistory[i + 1];
+ let thisTxBlockheight, nextTxBlockheight;
+ thisTxBlockheight =
+ typeof thisTx.block === 'undefined'
+ ? config.unconfirmedBlockheight
+ : thisTx.block.height;
+ nextTxBlockheight =
+ typeof nextTx.block === 'undefined'
+ ? config.unconfirmedBlockheight
+ : nextTx.block.height;
+ // If the next blockheight is different, then an acceptable number
+ // of unprocessedTxs to exclude from a given set of chronikTxHistory is (i + 1)
+ if (thisTxBlockheight !== nextTxBlockheight) {
+ testableUnprocessedTxCounts.push(i + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return testableUnprocessedTxCounts;
+ },
+ prepareMocksForGetUnprocessedTxHistory: function (
+ desiredUnprocessedTxs,
+ aliasTxHistory,
+ ) {
+ // Create an array processedTxs that is equivalent to allTxHistoryFromChronik less the most recent desiredUnprocessedTxs
+ // i.e. remove the first desiredUnprocessedTxs entries
+ const processedTxs = aliasTxHistory.slice(desiredUnprocessedTxs);
+ const processedBlockheight = processedTxs[0].block.height;
+ const processedTxCount = processedTxs.length;
+ // Create an array unprocessedTxs that is equivalent to the most recent desiredUnprocessedTxs txs in allTxHistoryFromChronik
+ // i.e. take only the first desiredUnprocessedTxs entries
+ const unprocessedTxs = aliasTxHistory.slice(0, desiredUnprocessedTxs);
+ const allTxHistory = aliasTxHistory;
+ const numPages = Math.ceil(
+ allTxHistory.length / config.txHistoryPageSize,
+ );
+ const txHistoryFirstPageTxs = allTxHistory.slice(
+ 0,
+ config.txHistoryPageSize,
+ );
+ const oldestTxOnFirstPage =
+ txHistoryFirstPageTxs[txHistoryFirstPageTxs.length - 1];
+ let alreadyHaveAllPotentiallyUnprocessedTxs = false;
+ if (typeof oldestTxOnFirstPage.block === 'undefined') {
+ alreadyHaveAllPotentiallyUnprocessedTxs = false;
+ } else {
+ // If the oldest tx on the first page hasa blockheight that has already been processed
+ if (oldestTxOnFirstPage.block.height <= processedBlockheight) {
+ // Then you have enough txs with this one call
+ alreadyHaveAllPotentiallyUnprocessedTxs = true;
+ }
+ }
+ const txHistoryFirstPageResponse = {
+ txs: txHistoryFirstPageTxs,
+ numPages,
+ };
+ // Calculate these values as in the function
+ let maxTxs, maxUnprocessedTxCount, numPagesToFetch;
+ let remainingTxHistoryPageResponses = [];
+ if (!alreadyHaveAllPotentiallyUnprocessedTxs) {
+ maxTxs = config.txHistoryPageSize * numPages;
+ maxUnprocessedTxCount = maxTxs - processedTxCount;
+ numPagesToFetch = Math.ceil(
+ maxUnprocessedTxCount / config.txHistoryPageSize,
+ );
+ // Create this mock chronik response as in the function
+ for (let i = 1; i < numPagesToFetch; i += 1) {
+ // each page will have config.txHistoryPageSize txs
+ // txs will be ordered most recent to oldest
+ const txs = unprocessedTxs.slice(
+ i * config.txHistoryPageSize,
+ (i + 1) * config.txHistoryPageSize,
+ );
+ remainingTxHistoryPageResponses.push({ txs, numPages });
+ }
+ }
+ const optionalMocks = {
+ txHistoryFirstPageResponse,
+ remainingTxHistoryPageResponses,
+ };
+ const expectedResult = {
+ maxTxs,
+ maxUnprocessedTxCount,
+ numPagesToFetch,
+ alreadyHaveAllPotentiallyUnprocessedTxs,
+ unprocessedTxs: unprocessedTxs,
+ };
+ return {
+ processedBlockheight,
+ processedTxCount,
+ optionalMocks,
+ expectedResult,
+ };
+ },

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Feb 6, 16:33 (17 h, 43 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D13358.id38638.diff (21 KB)

Event Timeline