- description="Your seed phrase is the only way to restore your wallet. Write it down. Keep it safe."
- type="warning"
- showIcon
- />
- {showTranslationWarning && (
- <Alert
- style={{ marginBottom: '12px' }}
- description="Please do not translate your seed phrase. Store your seed phrase in English. You must re-enter these exact English words to restore your wallet from seed."
- type="warning"
- showIcon
- />
- )}
- {wallet && wallet.mnemonic && (
- <StyledCollapse expandIconPosition="start">
- <Panel
- header={
- <div className="seedPhrase">
- Click to reveal seed phrase
- </div>
- }
- >
- <p
- className="notranslate"
- style={{ userSelect: 'text' }}
- >
- {
- <>
- <WarningIcon />
- <br />
- <b>NEVER</b> share your seed phrase.
- <br />
- <b>DO NOT</b> enter it into 3rd party
- websites.
- <br />
- <br />
- <Checkbox
- onChange={() => {
- setRevealSeed(!revealSeed);
- }}
- >
- I understand, show me my seed phrase.
- </Checkbox>
- <br />
- </>
- }
- </p>
- {wallet && wallet.mnemonic && revealSeed && (
- <CopyToClipboard
- data={wallet.mnemonic}
- showToast
- customMsg={'Copied seed phrase'}
- >
- <Seed mnemonic={wallet.mnemonic} />
- </CopyToClipboard>
- )}
- </Panel>
- </StyledCollapse>
- )}
- <StyledSpacer />
+ <Info>
+ ℹ️ Backup wallet has moved
+ <br />
+ <br /> Go to the <Link to="/backup">Backup Wallet</Link> screen