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diff --git a/src/rpcwallet.cpp b/src/rpcwallet.cpp
index be83b85c1..b8e6a4467 100644
--- a/src/rpcwallet.cpp
+++ b/src/rpcwallet.cpp
@@ -1,1464 +1,1465 @@
// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "wallet.h"
#include "walletdb.h"
#include "bitcoinrpc.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "base58.h"
using namespace json_spirit;
using namespace std;
int64 nWalletUnlockTime;
static CCriticalSection cs_nWalletUnlockTime;
std::string HelpRequiringPassphrase()
return pwalletMain->IsCrypted()
? "\nrequires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase first"
: "";
void EnsureWalletIsUnlocked()
if (pwalletMain->IsLocked())
throw JSONRPCError(-13, "Error: Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.");
void WalletTxToJSON(const CWalletTx& wtx, Object& entry)
int confirms = wtx.GetDepthInMainChain();
entry.push_back(Pair("confirmations", confirms));
if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
entry.push_back(Pair("generated", true));
if (confirms)
entry.push_back(Pair("blockhash", wtx.hashBlock.GetHex()));
entry.push_back(Pair("blockindex", wtx.nIndex));
entry.push_back(Pair("blocktime", (boost::int64_t)(mapBlockIndex[wtx.hashBlock]->nTime)));
entry.push_back(Pair("txid", wtx.GetHash().GetHex()));
entry.push_back(Pair("time", (boost::int64_t)wtx.GetTxTime()));
entry.push_back(Pair("timereceived", (boost::int64_t)wtx.nTimeReceived));
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(string,string)& item, wtx.mapValue)
entry.push_back(Pair(item.first, item.second));
string AccountFromValue(const Value& value)
string strAccount = value.get_str();
if (strAccount == "*")
throw JSONRPCError(-11, "Invalid account name");
return strAccount;
Value getinfo(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
throw runtime_error(
"Returns an object containing various state info.");
CService addrProxy;
GetProxy(NET_IPV4, addrProxy);
Object obj;
obj.push_back(Pair("version", (int)CLIENT_VERSION));
obj.push_back(Pair("walletversion", pwalletMain->GetVersion()));
obj.push_back(Pair("balance", ValueFromAmount(pwalletMain->GetBalance())));
obj.push_back(Pair("blocks", (int)nBestHeight));
obj.push_back(Pair("connections", (int)vNodes.size()));
obj.push_back(Pair("proxy", (addrProxy.IsValid() ? addrProxy.ToStringIPPort() : string())));
obj.push_back(Pair("difficulty", (double)GetDifficulty()));
obj.push_back(Pair("testnet", fTestNet));
obj.push_back(Pair("keypoololdest", (boost::int64_t)pwalletMain->GetOldestKeyPoolTime()));
obj.push_back(Pair("keypoolsize", pwalletMain->GetKeyPoolSize()));
obj.push_back(Pair("paytxfee", ValueFromAmount(nTransactionFee)));
if (pwalletMain->IsCrypted())
obj.push_back(Pair("unlocked_until", (boost::int64_t)nWalletUnlockTime / 1000));
obj.push_back(Pair("errors", GetWarnings("statusbar")));
return obj;
Value getnewaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1)
throw runtime_error(
"getnewaddress [account]\n"
"Returns a new Bitcoin address for receiving payments. "
"If [account] is specified (recommended), it is added to the address book "
"so payments received with the address will be credited to [account].");
// Parse the account first so we don't generate a key if there's an error
string strAccount;
if (params.size() > 0)
strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[0]);
if (!pwalletMain->IsLocked())
// Generate a new key that is added to wallet
CPubKey newKey;
if (!pwalletMain->GetKeyFromPool(newKey, false))
throw JSONRPCError(-12, "Error: Keypool ran out, please call keypoolrefill first");
CKeyID keyID = newKey.GetID();
pwalletMain->SetAddressBookName(keyID, strAccount);
return CBitcoinAddress(keyID).ToString();
CBitcoinAddress GetAccountAddress(string strAccount, bool bForceNew=false)
CWalletDB walletdb(pwalletMain->strWalletFile);
CAccount account;
walletdb.ReadAccount(strAccount, account);
bool bKeyUsed = false;
// Check if the current key has been used
if (account.vchPubKey.IsValid())
CScript scriptPubKey;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin();
it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end() && account.vchPubKey.IsValid();
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
if (txout.scriptPubKey == scriptPubKey)
bKeyUsed = true;
// Generate a new key
if (!account.vchPubKey.IsValid() || bForceNew || bKeyUsed)
if (!pwalletMain->GetKeyFromPool(account.vchPubKey, false))
throw JSONRPCError(-12, "Error: Keypool ran out, please call keypoolrefill first");
pwalletMain->SetAddressBookName(account.vchPubKey.GetID(), strAccount);
walletdb.WriteAccount(strAccount, account);
return CBitcoinAddress(account.vchPubKey.GetID());
Value getaccountaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"getaccountaddress <account>\n"
"Returns the current Bitcoin address for receiving payments to this account.");
// Parse the account first so we don't generate a key if there's an error
string strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[0]);
Value ret;
ret = GetAccountAddress(strAccount).ToString();
return ret;
Value setaccount(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"setaccount <bitcoinaddress> <account>\n"
"Sets the account associated with the given address.");
CBitcoinAddress address(params[0].get_str());
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(-5, "Invalid Bitcoin address");
string strAccount;
if (params.size() > 1)
strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[1]);
// Detect when changing the account of an address that is the 'unused current key' of another account:
if (pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.count(address.Get()))
string strOldAccount = pwalletMain->mapAddressBook[address.Get()];
if (address == GetAccountAddress(strOldAccount))
GetAccountAddress(strOldAccount, true);
pwalletMain->SetAddressBookName(address.Get(), strAccount);
return Value::null;
Value getaccount(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"getaccount <bitcoinaddress>\n"
"Returns the account associated with the given address.");
CBitcoinAddress address(params[0].get_str());
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(-5, "Invalid Bitcoin address");
string strAccount;
map<CTxDestination, string>::iterator mi = pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.find(address.Get());
if (mi != pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.end() && !(*mi).second.empty())
strAccount = (*mi).second;
return strAccount;
Value getaddressesbyaccount(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"getaddressesbyaccount <account>\n"
"Returns the list of addresses for the given account.");
string strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[0]);
// Find all addresses that have the given account
Array ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CBitcoinAddress, string)& item, pwalletMain->mapAddressBook)
const CBitcoinAddress& address = item.first;
const string& strName = item.second;
if (strName == strAccount)
return ret;
Value sendtoaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 4)
throw runtime_error(
"sendtoaddress <bitcoinaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to]\n"
"<amount> is a real and is rounded to the nearest 0.00000001"
+ HelpRequiringPassphrase());
CBitcoinAddress address(params[0].get_str());
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(-5, "Invalid Bitcoin address");
// Amount
int64 nAmount = AmountFromValue(params[1]);
// Wallet comments
CWalletTx wtx;
if (params.size() > 2 && params[2].type() != null_type && !params[2].get_str().empty())
wtx.mapValue["comment"] = params[2].get_str();
if (params.size() > 3 && params[3].type() != null_type && !params[3].get_str().empty())
wtx.mapValue["to"] = params[3].get_str();
if (pwalletMain->IsLocked())
throw JSONRPCError(-13, "Error: Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.");
string strError = pwalletMain->SendMoneyToDestination(address.Get(), nAmount, wtx);
if (strError != "")
throw JSONRPCError(-4, strError);
return wtx.GetHash().GetHex();
Value listaddressgroupings(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp)
throw runtime_error(
"Lists groups of addresses which have had their common ownership\n"
"made public by common use as inputs or as the resulting change\n"
"in past transactions");
Array jsonGroupings;
map<CTxDestination, int64> balances = pwalletMain->GetAddressBalances();
BOOST_FOREACH(set<CTxDestination> grouping, pwalletMain->GetAddressGroupings())
Array jsonGrouping;
BOOST_FOREACH(CTxDestination address, grouping)
Array addressInfo;
if (pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.find(CBitcoinAddress(address).Get()) != pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.end())
return jsonGroupings;
Value signmessage(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 2)
throw runtime_error(
"signmessage <bitcoinaddress> <message>\n"
"Sign a message with the private key of an address");
string strAddress = params[0].get_str();
string strMessage = params[1].get_str();
CBitcoinAddress addr(strAddress);
if (!addr.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(-3, "Invalid address");
CKeyID keyID;
if (!addr.GetKeyID(keyID))
throw JSONRPCError(-3, "Address does not refer to key");
CKey key;
if (!pwalletMain->GetKey(keyID, key))
throw JSONRPCError(-4, "Private key not available");
CDataStream ss(SER_GETHASH, 0);
ss << strMessageMagic;
ss << strMessage;
vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
if (!key.SignCompact(Hash(ss.begin(), ss.end()), vchSig))
throw JSONRPCError(-5, "Sign failed");
return EncodeBase64(&vchSig[0], vchSig.size());
Value verifymessage(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 3)
throw runtime_error(
"verifymessage <bitcoinaddress> <signature> <message>\n"
"Verify a signed message");
string strAddress = params[0].get_str();
string strSign = params[1].get_str();
string strMessage = params[2].get_str();
CBitcoinAddress addr(strAddress);
if (!addr.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(-3, "Invalid address");
CKeyID keyID;
if (!addr.GetKeyID(keyID))
throw JSONRPCError(-3, "Address does not refer to key");
bool fInvalid = false;
vector<unsigned char> vchSig = DecodeBase64(strSign.c_str(), &fInvalid);
if (fInvalid)
throw JSONRPCError(-5, "Malformed base64 encoding");
CDataStream ss(SER_GETHASH, 0);
ss << strMessageMagic;
ss << strMessage;
CKey key;
if (!key.SetCompactSignature(Hash(ss.begin(), ss.end()), vchSig))
return false;
return (key.GetPubKey().GetID() == keyID);
Value getreceivedbyaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"getreceivedbyaddress <bitcoinaddress> [minconf=1]\n"
"Returns the total amount received by <bitcoinaddress> in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.");
// Bitcoin address
CBitcoinAddress address = CBitcoinAddress(params[0].get_str());
CScript scriptPubKey;
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(-5, "Invalid Bitcoin address");
if (!IsMine(*pwalletMain,scriptPubKey))
return (double)0.0;
// Minimum confirmations
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 1)
nMinDepth = params[1].get_int();
// Tally
int64 nAmount = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (wtx.IsCoinBase() || !wtx.IsFinal())
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
if (txout.scriptPubKey == scriptPubKey)
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
nAmount += txout.nValue;
return ValueFromAmount(nAmount);
void GetAccountAddresses(string strAccount, set<CTxDestination>& setAddress)
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, string)& item, pwalletMain->mapAddressBook)
const CTxDestination& address = item.first;
const string& strName = item.second;
if (strName == strAccount)
Value getreceivedbyaccount(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"getreceivedbyaccount <account> [minconf=1]\n"
"Returns the total amount received by addresses with <account> in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.");
// Minimum confirmations
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 1)
nMinDepth = params[1].get_int();
// Get the set of pub keys assigned to account
string strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[0]);
set<CTxDestination> setAddress;
GetAccountAddresses(strAccount, setAddress);
// Tally
int64 nAmount = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (wtx.IsCoinBase() || !wtx.IsFinal())
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
CTxDestination address;
if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*pwalletMain, address) && setAddress.count(address))
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
nAmount += txout.nValue;
return (double)nAmount / (double)COIN;
int64 GetAccountBalance(CWalletDB& walletdb, const string& strAccount, int nMinDepth)
int64 nBalance = 0;
// Tally wallet transactions
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (!wtx.IsFinal())
int64 nReceived, nSent, nFee;
wtx.GetAccountAmounts(strAccount, nReceived, nSent, nFee);
if (nReceived != 0 && wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
nBalance += nReceived;
nBalance -= nSent + nFee;
// Tally internal accounting entries
nBalance += walletdb.GetAccountCreditDebit(strAccount);
return nBalance;
int64 GetAccountBalance(const string& strAccount, int nMinDepth)
CWalletDB walletdb(pwalletMain->strWalletFile);
return GetAccountBalance(walletdb, strAccount, nMinDepth);
Value getbalance(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"getbalance [account] [minconf=1]\n"
"If [account] is not specified, returns the server's total available balance.\n"
"If [account] is specified, returns the balance in the account.");
if (params.size() == 0)
return ValueFromAmount(pwalletMain->GetBalance());
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 1)
nMinDepth = params[1].get_int();
if (params[0].get_str() == "*") {
// Calculate total balance a different way from GetBalance()
// (GetBalance() sums up all unspent TxOuts)
// getbalance and getbalance '*' should always return the same number.
int64 nBalance = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (!wtx.IsFinal())
int64 allFee;
string strSentAccount;
list<pair<CTxDestination, int64> > listReceived;
list<pair<CTxDestination, int64> > listSent;
wtx.GetAmounts(listReceived, listSent, allFee, strSentAccount);
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination,int64)& r, listReceived)
nBalance += r.second;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination,int64)& r, listSent)
nBalance -= r.second;
nBalance -= allFee;
return ValueFromAmount(nBalance);
string strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[0]);
int64 nBalance = GetAccountBalance(strAccount, nMinDepth);
return ValueFromAmount(nBalance);
Value movecmd(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 3 || params.size() > 5)
throw runtime_error(
"move <fromaccount> <toaccount> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment]\n"
"Move from one account in your wallet to another.");
string strFrom = AccountFromValue(params[0]);
string strTo = AccountFromValue(params[1]);
int64 nAmount = AmountFromValue(params[2]);
if (params.size() > 3)
// unused parameter, used to be nMinDepth, keep type-checking it though
string strComment;
if (params.size() > 4)
strComment = params[4].get_str();
CWalletDB walletdb(pwalletMain->strWalletFile);
if (!walletdb.TxnBegin())
throw JSONRPCError(-20, "database error");
int64 nNow = GetAdjustedTime();
// Debit
CAccountingEntry debit;
debit.nOrderPos = pwalletMain->nOrderPosNext++;
debit.strAccount = strFrom;
debit.nCreditDebit = -nAmount;
debit.nTime = nNow;
debit.strOtherAccount = strTo;
debit.strComment = strComment;
// Credit
CAccountingEntry credit;
credit.nOrderPos = pwalletMain->nOrderPosNext++;
credit.strAccount = strTo;
credit.nCreditDebit = nAmount;
credit.nTime = nNow;
credit.strOtherAccount = strFrom;
credit.strComment = strComment;
if (!walletdb.TxnCommit())
throw JSONRPCError(-20, "database error");
return true;
Value sendfrom(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 3 || params.size() > 6)
throw runtime_error(
"sendfrom <fromaccount> <tobitcoinaddress> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to]\n"
"<amount> is a real and is rounded to the nearest 0.00000001"
+ HelpRequiringPassphrase());
string strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[0]);
CBitcoinAddress address(params[1].get_str());
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(-5, "Invalid Bitcoin address");
int64 nAmount = AmountFromValue(params[2]);
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 3)
nMinDepth = params[3].get_int();
CWalletTx wtx;
wtx.strFromAccount = strAccount;
if (params.size() > 4 && params[4].type() != null_type && !params[4].get_str().empty())
wtx.mapValue["comment"] = params[4].get_str();
if (params.size() > 5 && params[5].type() != null_type && !params[5].get_str().empty())
wtx.mapValue["to"] = params[5].get_str();
// Check funds
int64 nBalance = GetAccountBalance(strAccount, nMinDepth);
if (nAmount > nBalance)
throw JSONRPCError(-6, "Account has insufficient funds");
// Send
string strError = pwalletMain->SendMoneyToDestination(address.Get(), nAmount, wtx);
if (strError != "")
throw JSONRPCError(-4, strError);
return wtx.GetHash().GetHex();
Value sendmany(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 4)
throw runtime_error(
"sendmany <fromaccount> {address:amount,...} [minconf=1] [comment]\n"
"amounts are double-precision floating point numbers"
+ HelpRequiringPassphrase());
string strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[0]);
Object sendTo = params[1].get_obj();
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 2)
nMinDepth = params[2].get_int();
CWalletTx wtx;
wtx.strFromAccount = strAccount;
if (params.size() > 3 && params[3].type() != null_type && !params[3].get_str().empty())
wtx.mapValue["comment"] = params[3].get_str();
set<CBitcoinAddress> setAddress;
vector<pair<CScript, int64> > vecSend;
int64 totalAmount = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Pair& s, sendTo)
CBitcoinAddress address(s.name_);
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(-5, string("Invalid Bitcoin address: ")+s.name_);
if (setAddress.count(address))
throw JSONRPCError(-8, string("Invalid parameter, duplicated address: ")+s.name_);
CScript scriptPubKey;
int64 nAmount = AmountFromValue(s.value_);
totalAmount += nAmount;
vecSend.push_back(make_pair(scriptPubKey, nAmount));
// Check funds
int64 nBalance = GetAccountBalance(strAccount, nMinDepth);
if (totalAmount > nBalance)
throw JSONRPCError(-6, "Account has insufficient funds");
// Send
CReserveKey keyChange(pwalletMain);
int64 nFeeRequired = 0;
bool fCreated = pwalletMain->CreateTransaction(vecSend, wtx, keyChange, nFeeRequired);
if (!fCreated)
if (totalAmount + nFeeRequired > pwalletMain->GetBalance())
throw JSONRPCError(-6, "Insufficient funds");
throw JSONRPCError(-4, "Transaction creation failed");
if (!pwalletMain->CommitTransaction(wtx, keyChange))
throw JSONRPCError(-4, "Transaction commit failed");
return wtx.GetHash().GetHex();
Value addmultisigaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3)
string msg = "addmultisigaddress <nrequired> <'[\"key\",\"key\"]'> [account]\n"
"Add a nrequired-to-sign multisignature address to the wallet\"\n"
"each key is a Bitcoin address or hex-encoded public key\n"
"If [account] is specified, assign address to [account].";
throw runtime_error(msg);
int nRequired = params[0].get_int();
const Array& keys = params[1].get_array();
string strAccount;
if (params.size() > 2)
strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[2]);
// Gather public keys
if (nRequired < 1)
throw runtime_error("a multisignature address must require at least one key to redeem");
if ((int)keys.size() < nRequired)
throw runtime_error(
strprintf("not enough keys supplied "
"(got %d keys, but need at least %d to redeem)", keys.size(), nRequired));
std::vector<CKey> pubkeys;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)
const std::string& ks = keys[i].get_str();
// Case 1: Bitcoin address and we have full public key:
CBitcoinAddress address(ks);
if (address.IsValid())
CKeyID keyID;
if (!address.GetKeyID(keyID))
throw runtime_error(
strprintf("%s does not refer to a key",ks.c_str()));
CPubKey vchPubKey;
if (!pwalletMain->GetPubKey(keyID, vchPubKey))
throw runtime_error(
strprintf("no full public key for address %s",ks.c_str()));
if (!vchPubKey.IsValid() || !pubkeys[i].SetPubKey(vchPubKey))
throw runtime_error(" Invalid public key: "+ks);
// Case 2: hex public key
else if (IsHex(ks))
CPubKey vchPubKey(ParseHex(ks));
if (!vchPubKey.IsValid() || !pubkeys[i].SetPubKey(vchPubKey))
throw runtime_error(" Invalid public key: "+ks);
throw runtime_error(" Invalid public key: "+ks);
// Construct using pay-to-script-hash:
CScript inner;
inner.SetMultisig(nRequired, pubkeys);
CScriptID innerID = inner.GetID();
pwalletMain->SetAddressBookName(innerID, strAccount);
return CBitcoinAddress(innerID).ToString();
struct tallyitem
int64 nAmount;
int nConf;
nAmount = 0;
nConf = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
Value ListReceived(const Array& params, bool fByAccounts)
// Minimum confirmations
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 0)
nMinDepth = params[0].get_int();
// Whether to include empty accounts
bool fIncludeEmpty = false;
if (params.size() > 1)
fIncludeEmpty = params[1].get_bool();
// Tally
map<CBitcoinAddress, tallyitem> mapTally;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (wtx.IsCoinBase() || !wtx.IsFinal())
int nDepth = wtx.GetDepthInMainChain();
if (nDepth < nMinDepth)
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
CTxDestination address;
if (!ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) || !IsMine(*pwalletMain, address))
tallyitem& item = mapTally[address];
item.nAmount += txout.nValue;
item.nConf = min(item.nConf, nDepth);
// Reply
Array ret;
map<string, tallyitem> mapAccountTally;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CBitcoinAddress, string)& item, pwalletMain->mapAddressBook)
const CBitcoinAddress& address = item.first;
const string& strAccount = item.second;
map<CBitcoinAddress, tallyitem>::iterator it = mapTally.find(address);
if (it == mapTally.end() && !fIncludeEmpty)
int64 nAmount = 0;
int nConf = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
if (it != mapTally.end())
nAmount = (*it).second.nAmount;
nConf = (*it).second.nConf;
if (fByAccounts)
tallyitem& item = mapAccountTally[strAccount];
item.nAmount += nAmount;
item.nConf = min(item.nConf, nConf);
Object obj;
obj.push_back(Pair("address", address.ToString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("account", strAccount));
obj.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(nAmount)));
obj.push_back(Pair("confirmations", (nConf == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() ? 0 : nConf)));
if (fByAccounts)
for (map<string, tallyitem>::iterator it = mapAccountTally.begin(); it != mapAccountTally.end(); ++it)
int64 nAmount = (*it).second.nAmount;
int nConf = (*it).second.nConf;
Object obj;
obj.push_back(Pair("account", (*it).first));
obj.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(nAmount)));
obj.push_back(Pair("confirmations", (nConf == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() ? 0 : nConf)));
return ret;
Value listreceivedbyaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"listreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]\n"
"[minconf] is the minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.\n"
"[includeempty] whether to include addresses that haven't received any payments.\n"
"Returns an array of objects containing:\n"
" \"address\" : receiving address\n"
" \"account\" : the account of the receiving address\n"
" \"amount\" : total amount received by the address\n"
" \"confirmations\" : number of confirmations of the most recent transaction included");
return ListReceived(params, false);
Value listreceivedbyaccount(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"listreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]\n"
"[minconf] is the minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.\n"
"[includeempty] whether to include accounts that haven't received any payments.\n"
"Returns an array of objects containing:\n"
" \"account\" : the account of the receiving addresses\n"
" \"amount\" : total amount received by addresses with this account\n"
" \"confirmations\" : number of confirmations of the most recent transaction included");
return ListReceived(params, true);
void ListTransactions(const CWalletTx& wtx, const string& strAccount, int nMinDepth, bool fLong, Array& ret)
int64 nFee;
string strSentAccount;
list<pair<CTxDestination, int64> > listReceived;
list<pair<CTxDestination, int64> > listSent;
wtx.GetAmounts(listReceived, listSent, nFee, strSentAccount);
bool fAllAccounts = (strAccount == string("*"));
// Sent
if ((!listSent.empty() || nFee != 0) && (fAllAccounts || strAccount == strSentAccount))
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, int64)& s, listSent)
Object entry;
entry.push_back(Pair("account", strSentAccount));
entry.push_back(Pair("address", CBitcoinAddress(s.first).ToString()));
entry.push_back(Pair("category", "send"));
entry.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(-s.second)));
entry.push_back(Pair("fee", ValueFromAmount(-nFee)));
if (fLong)
WalletTxToJSON(wtx, entry);
// Received
if (listReceived.size() > 0 && wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, int64)& r, listReceived)
string account;
if (pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.count(r.first))
account = pwalletMain->mapAddressBook[r.first];
if (fAllAccounts || (account == strAccount))
Object entry;
entry.push_back(Pair("account", account));
entry.push_back(Pair("address", CBitcoinAddress(r.first).ToString()));
if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() < 1)
entry.push_back(Pair("category", "orphan"));
else if (wtx.GetBlocksToMaturity() > 0)
entry.push_back(Pair("category", "immature"));
entry.push_back(Pair("category", "generate"));
entry.push_back(Pair("category", "receive"));
entry.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(r.second)));
if (fLong)
WalletTxToJSON(wtx, entry);
void AcentryToJSON(const CAccountingEntry& acentry, const string& strAccount, Array& ret)
bool fAllAccounts = (strAccount == string("*"));
if (fAllAccounts || acentry.strAccount == strAccount)
Object entry;
entry.push_back(Pair("account", acentry.strAccount));
entry.push_back(Pair("category", "move"));
entry.push_back(Pair("time", (boost::int64_t)acentry.nTime));
entry.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(acentry.nCreditDebit)));
entry.push_back(Pair("otheraccount", acentry.strOtherAccount));
entry.push_back(Pair("comment", acentry.strComment));
Value listtransactions(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 3)
throw runtime_error(
"listtransactions [account] [count=10] [from=0]\n"
"Returns up to [count] most recent transactions skipping the first [from] transactions for account [account].");
string strAccount = "*";
if (params.size() > 0)
strAccount = params[0].get_str();
int nCount = 10;
if (params.size() > 1)
nCount = params[1].get_int();
int nFrom = 0;
if (params.size() > 2)
nFrom = params[2].get_int();
if (nCount < 0)
throw JSONRPCError(-8, "Negative count");
if (nFrom < 0)
throw JSONRPCError(-8, "Negative from");
Array ret;
- CWallet::TxItems txOrdered = pwalletMain->OrderedTxItems(strAccount);
+ std::list<CAccountingEntry> acentries;
+ CWallet::TxItems txOrdered = pwalletMain->OrderedTxItems(acentries, strAccount);
// iterate backwards until we have nCount items to return:
for (CWallet::TxItems::reverse_iterator it = txOrdered.rbegin(); it != txOrdered.rend(); ++it)
CWalletTx *const pwtx = (*it).second.first;
if (pwtx != 0)
ListTransactions(*pwtx, strAccount, 0, true, ret);
CAccountingEntry *const pacentry = (*it).second.second;
if (pacentry != 0)
AcentryToJSON(*pacentry, strAccount, ret);
if ((int)ret.size() >= (nCount+nFrom)) break;
// ret is newest to oldest
if (nFrom > (int)ret.size())
nFrom = ret.size();
if ((nFrom + nCount) > (int)ret.size())
nCount = ret.size() - nFrom;
Array::iterator first = ret.begin();
std::advance(first, nFrom);
Array::iterator last = ret.begin();
std::advance(last, nFrom+nCount);
if (last != ret.end()) ret.erase(last, ret.end());
if (first != ret.begin()) ret.erase(ret.begin(), first);
std::reverse(ret.begin(), ret.end()); // Return oldest to newest
return ret;
Value listaccounts(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1)
throw runtime_error(
"listaccounts [minconf=1]\n"
"Returns Object that has account names as keys, account balances as values.");
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 0)
nMinDepth = params[0].get_int();
map<string, int64> mapAccountBalances;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, string)& entry, pwalletMain->mapAddressBook) {
if (IsMine(*pwalletMain, entry.first)) // This address belongs to me
mapAccountBalances[entry.second] = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
int64 nFee;
string strSentAccount;
list<pair<CTxDestination, int64> > listReceived;
list<pair<CTxDestination, int64> > listSent;
wtx.GetAmounts(listReceived, listSent, nFee, strSentAccount);
mapAccountBalances[strSentAccount] -= nFee;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, int64)& s, listSent)
mapAccountBalances[strSentAccount] -= s.second;
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, int64)& r, listReceived)
if (pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.count(r.first))
mapAccountBalances[pwalletMain->mapAddressBook[r.first]] += r.second;
mapAccountBalances[""] += r.second;
list<CAccountingEntry> acentries;
CWalletDB(pwalletMain->strWalletFile).ListAccountCreditDebit("*", acentries);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CAccountingEntry& entry, acentries)
mapAccountBalances[entry.strAccount] += entry.nCreditDebit;
Object ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(string, int64)& accountBalance, mapAccountBalances) {
ret.push_back(Pair(accountBalance.first, ValueFromAmount(accountBalance.second)));
return ret;
Value listsinceblock(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp)
throw runtime_error(
"listsinceblock [blockhash] [target-confirmations]\n"
"Get all transactions in blocks since block [blockhash], or all transactions if omitted");
CBlockIndex *pindex = NULL;
int target_confirms = 1;
if (params.size() > 0)
uint256 blockId = 0;
pindex = CBlockLocator(blockId).GetBlockIndex();
if (params.size() > 1)
target_confirms = params[1].get_int();
if (target_confirms < 1)
throw JSONRPCError(-8, "Invalid parameter");
int depth = pindex ? (1 + nBestHeight - pindex->nHeight) : -1;
Array transactions;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); it++)
CWalletTx tx = (*it).second;
if (depth == -1 || tx.GetDepthInMainChain() < depth)
ListTransactions(tx, "*", 0, true, transactions);
uint256 lastblock;
if (target_confirms == 1)
lastblock = hashBestChain;
int target_height = pindexBest->nHeight + 1 - target_confirms;
CBlockIndex *block;
for (block = pindexBest;
block && block->nHeight > target_height;
block = block->pprev) { }
lastblock = block ? block->GetBlockHash() : 0;
Object ret;
ret.push_back(Pair("transactions", transactions));
ret.push_back(Pair("lastblock", lastblock.GetHex()));
return ret;
Value gettransaction(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"gettransaction <txid>\n"
"Get detailed information about in-wallet transaction <txid>");
uint256 hash;
Object entry;
if (!pwalletMain->mapWallet.count(hash))
throw JSONRPCError(-5, "Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
const CWalletTx& wtx = pwalletMain->mapWallet[hash];
int64 nCredit = wtx.GetCredit();
int64 nDebit = wtx.GetDebit();
int64 nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
int64 nFee = (wtx.IsFromMe() ? wtx.GetValueOut() - nDebit : 0);
entry.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(nNet - nFee)));
if (wtx.IsFromMe())
entry.push_back(Pair("fee", ValueFromAmount(nFee)));
WalletTxToJSON(wtx, entry);
Array details;
ListTransactions(wtx, "*", 0, false, details);
entry.push_back(Pair("details", details));
return entry;
Value backupwallet(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"backupwallet <destination>\n"
"Safely copies wallet.dat to destination, which can be a directory or a path with filename.");
string strDest = params[0].get_str();
BackupWallet(*pwalletMain, strDest);
return Value::null;
Value keypoolrefill(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 0)
throw runtime_error(
"Fills the keypool."
+ HelpRequiringPassphrase());
if (pwalletMain->GetKeyPoolSize() < GetArg("-keypool", 100))
throw JSONRPCError(-4, "Error refreshing keypool.");
return Value::null;
void ThreadTopUpKeyPool(void* parg)
// Make this thread recognisable as the key-topping-up thread
void ThreadCleanWalletPassphrase(void* parg)
// Make this thread recognisable as the wallet relocking thread
int64 nMyWakeTime = GetTimeMillis() + *((int64*)parg) * 1000;
if (nWalletUnlockTime == 0)
nWalletUnlockTime = nMyWakeTime;
if (nWalletUnlockTime==0)
int64 nToSleep = nWalletUnlockTime - GetTimeMillis();
if (nToSleep <= 0)
} while(1);
if (nWalletUnlockTime)
nWalletUnlockTime = 0;
if (nWalletUnlockTime < nMyWakeTime)
nWalletUnlockTime = nMyWakeTime;
delete (int64*)parg;
Value walletpassphrase(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (pwalletMain->IsCrypted() && (fHelp || params.size() != 2))
throw runtime_error(
"walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout>\n"
"Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for <timeout> seconds.");
if (fHelp)
return true;
if (!pwalletMain->IsCrypted())
throw JSONRPCError(-15, "Error: running with an unencrypted wallet, but walletpassphrase was called.");
if (!pwalletMain->IsLocked())
throw JSONRPCError(-17, "Error: Wallet is already unlocked.");
// Note that the walletpassphrase is stored in params[0] which is not mlock()ed
SecureString strWalletPass;
// TODO: get rid of this .c_str() by implementing SecureString::operator=(std::string)
// Alternately, find a way to make params[0] mlock()'d to begin with.
strWalletPass = params[0].get_str().c_str();
if (strWalletPass.length() > 0)
if (!pwalletMain->Unlock(strWalletPass))
throw JSONRPCError(-14, "Error: The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect.");
throw runtime_error(
"walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout>\n"
"Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for <timeout> seconds.");
CreateThread(ThreadTopUpKeyPool, NULL);
int64* pnSleepTime = new int64(params[1].get_int64());
CreateThread(ThreadCleanWalletPassphrase, pnSleepTime);
return Value::null;
Value walletpassphrasechange(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (pwalletMain->IsCrypted() && (fHelp || params.size() != 2))
throw runtime_error(
"walletpassphrasechange <oldpassphrase> <newpassphrase>\n"
"Changes the wallet passphrase from <oldpassphrase> to <newpassphrase>.");
if (fHelp)
return true;
if (!pwalletMain->IsCrypted())
throw JSONRPCError(-15, "Error: running with an unencrypted wallet, but walletpassphrasechange was called.");
// TODO: get rid of these .c_str() calls by implementing SecureString::operator=(std::string)
// Alternately, find a way to make params[0] mlock()'d to begin with.
SecureString strOldWalletPass;
strOldWalletPass = params[0].get_str().c_str();
SecureString strNewWalletPass;
strNewWalletPass = params[1].get_str().c_str();
if (strOldWalletPass.length() < 1 || strNewWalletPass.length() < 1)
throw runtime_error(
"walletpassphrasechange <oldpassphrase> <newpassphrase>\n"
"Changes the wallet passphrase from <oldpassphrase> to <newpassphrase>.");
if (!pwalletMain->ChangeWalletPassphrase(strOldWalletPass, strNewWalletPass))
throw JSONRPCError(-14, "Error: The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect.");
return Value::null;
Value walletlock(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (pwalletMain->IsCrypted() && (fHelp || params.size() != 0))
throw runtime_error(
"Removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet.\n"
"After calling this method, you will need to call walletpassphrase again\n"
"before being able to call any methods which require the wallet to be unlocked.");
if (fHelp)
return true;
if (!pwalletMain->IsCrypted())
throw JSONRPCError(-15, "Error: running with an unencrypted wallet, but walletlock was called.");
nWalletUnlockTime = 0;
return Value::null;
Value encryptwallet(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (!pwalletMain->IsCrypted() && (fHelp || params.size() != 1))
throw runtime_error(
"encryptwallet <passphrase>\n"
"Encrypts the wallet with <passphrase>.");
if (fHelp)
return true;
if (pwalletMain->IsCrypted())
throw JSONRPCError(-15, "Error: running with an encrypted wallet, but encryptwallet was called.");
// TODO: get rid of this .c_str() by implementing SecureString::operator=(std::string)
// Alternately, find a way to make params[0] mlock()'d to begin with.
SecureString strWalletPass;
strWalletPass = params[0].get_str().c_str();
if (strWalletPass.length() < 1)
throw runtime_error(
"encryptwallet <passphrase>\n"
"Encrypts the wallet with <passphrase>.");
if (!pwalletMain->EncryptWallet(strWalletPass))
throw JSONRPCError(-16, "Error: Failed to encrypt the wallet.");
// BDB seems to have a bad habit of writing old data into
// slack space in .dat files; that is bad if the old data is
// unencrypted private keys. So:
return "wallet encrypted; Bitcoin server stopping, restart to run with encrypted wallet";
class DescribeAddressVisitor : public boost::static_visitor<Object>
Object operator()(const CNoDestination &dest) const { return Object(); }
Object operator()(const CKeyID &keyID) const {
Object obj;
CPubKey vchPubKey;
pwalletMain->GetPubKey(keyID, vchPubKey);
obj.push_back(Pair("isscript", false));
obj.push_back(Pair("pubkey", HexStr(vchPubKey.Raw())));
obj.push_back(Pair("iscompressed", vchPubKey.IsCompressed()));
return obj;
Object operator()(const CScriptID &scriptID) const {
Object obj;
obj.push_back(Pair("isscript", true));
CScript subscript;
pwalletMain->GetCScript(scriptID, subscript);
std::vector<CTxDestination> addresses;
txnouttype whichType;
int nRequired;
ExtractDestinations(subscript, whichType, addresses, nRequired);
obj.push_back(Pair("script", GetTxnOutputType(whichType)));
Array a;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxDestination& addr, addresses)
obj.push_back(Pair("addresses", a));
if (whichType == TX_MULTISIG)
obj.push_back(Pair("sigsrequired", nRequired));
return obj;
Value validateaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"validateaddress <bitcoinaddress>\n"
"Return information about <bitcoinaddress>.");
CBitcoinAddress address(params[0].get_str());
bool isValid = address.IsValid();
Object ret;
ret.push_back(Pair("isvalid", isValid));
if (isValid)
CTxDestination dest = address.Get();
string currentAddress = address.ToString();
ret.push_back(Pair("address", currentAddress));
bool fMine = IsMine(*pwalletMain, dest);
ret.push_back(Pair("ismine", fMine));
if (fMine) {
Object detail = boost::apply_visitor(DescribeAddressVisitor(), dest);
ret.insert(ret.end(), detail.begin(), detail.end());
if (pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.count(dest))
ret.push_back(Pair("account", pwalletMain->mapAddressBook[dest]));
return ret;
diff --git a/src/wallet.cpp b/src/wallet.cpp
index dc019d492..6538ca971 100644
--- a/src/wallet.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet.cpp
@@ -1,1797 +1,1797 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "wallet.h"
#include "walletdb.h"
#include "crypter.h"
#include "ui_interface.h"
#include "base58.h"
using namespace std;
// mapWallet
struct CompareValueOnly
bool operator()(const pair<int64, pair<const CWalletTx*, unsigned int> >& t1,
const pair<int64, pair<const CWalletTx*, unsigned int> >& t2) const
return t1.first < t2.first;
CPubKey CWallet::GenerateNewKey()
bool fCompressed = CanSupportFeature(FEATURE_COMPRPUBKEY); // default to compressed public keys if we want 0.6.0 wallets
CKey key;
// Compressed public keys were introduced in version 0.6.0
if (fCompressed)
if (!AddKey(key))
throw std::runtime_error("CWallet::GenerateNewKey() : AddKey failed");
return key.GetPubKey();
bool CWallet::AddKey(const CKey& key)
if (!CCryptoKeyStore::AddKey(key))
return false;
if (!fFileBacked)
return true;
if (!IsCrypted())
return CWalletDB(strWalletFile).WriteKey(key.GetPubKey(), key.GetPrivKey());
return true;
bool CWallet::AddCryptedKey(const CPubKey &vchPubKey, const vector<unsigned char> &vchCryptedSecret)
if (!CCryptoKeyStore::AddCryptedKey(vchPubKey, vchCryptedSecret))
return false;
if (!fFileBacked)
return true;
if (pwalletdbEncryption)
return pwalletdbEncryption->WriteCryptedKey(vchPubKey, vchCryptedSecret);
return CWalletDB(strWalletFile).WriteCryptedKey(vchPubKey, vchCryptedSecret);
return false;
bool CWallet::AddCScript(const CScript& redeemScript)
if (!CCryptoKeyStore::AddCScript(redeemScript))
return false;
if (!fFileBacked)
return true;
return CWalletDB(strWalletFile).WriteCScript(Hash160(redeemScript), redeemScript);
bool CWallet::Unlock(const SecureString& strWalletPassphrase)
if (!IsLocked())
return false;
CCrypter crypter;
CKeyingMaterial vMasterKey;
BOOST_FOREACH(const MasterKeyMap::value_type& pMasterKey, mapMasterKeys)
if(!crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(strWalletPassphrase, pMasterKey.second.vchSalt, pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations, pMasterKey.second.nDerivationMethod))
return false;
if (!crypter.Decrypt(pMasterKey.second.vchCryptedKey, vMasterKey))
return false;
if (CCryptoKeyStore::Unlock(vMasterKey))
return true;
return false;
bool CWallet::ChangeWalletPassphrase(const SecureString& strOldWalletPassphrase, const SecureString& strNewWalletPassphrase)
bool fWasLocked = IsLocked();
CCrypter crypter;
CKeyingMaterial vMasterKey;
BOOST_FOREACH(MasterKeyMap::value_type& pMasterKey, mapMasterKeys)
if(!crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(strOldWalletPassphrase, pMasterKey.second.vchSalt, pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations, pMasterKey.second.nDerivationMethod))
return false;
if (!crypter.Decrypt(pMasterKey.second.vchCryptedKey, vMasterKey))
return false;
if (CCryptoKeyStore::Unlock(vMasterKey))
int64 nStartTime = GetTimeMillis();
crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(strNewWalletPassphrase, pMasterKey.second.vchSalt, pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations, pMasterKey.second.nDerivationMethod);
pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations = pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations * (100 / ((double)(GetTimeMillis() - nStartTime)));
nStartTime = GetTimeMillis();
crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(strNewWalletPassphrase, pMasterKey.second.vchSalt, pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations, pMasterKey.second.nDerivationMethod);
pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations = (pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations + pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations * 100 / ((double)(GetTimeMillis() - nStartTime))) / 2;
if (pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations < 25000)
pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations = 25000;
printf("Wallet passphrase changed to an nDeriveIterations of %i\n", pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations);
if (!crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(strNewWalletPassphrase, pMasterKey.second.vchSalt, pMasterKey.second.nDeriveIterations, pMasterKey.second.nDerivationMethod))
return false;
if (!crypter.Encrypt(vMasterKey, pMasterKey.second.vchCryptedKey))
return false;
CWalletDB(strWalletFile).WriteMasterKey(pMasterKey.first, pMasterKey.second);
if (fWasLocked)
return true;
return false;
void CWallet::SetBestChain(const CBlockLocator& loc)
CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile);
// This class implements an addrIncoming entry that causes pre-0.4
// clients to crash on startup if reading a private-key-encrypted wallet.
class CCorruptAddress
if (nType & SER_DISK)
bool CWallet::SetMinVersion(enum WalletFeature nVersion, CWalletDB* pwalletdbIn, bool fExplicit)
if (nWalletVersion >= nVersion)
return true;
// when doing an explicit upgrade, if we pass the max version permitted, upgrade all the way
if (fExplicit && nVersion > nWalletMaxVersion)
nWalletVersion = nVersion;
if (nVersion > nWalletMaxVersion)
nWalletMaxVersion = nVersion;
if (fFileBacked)
CWalletDB* pwalletdb = pwalletdbIn ? pwalletdbIn : new CWalletDB(strWalletFile);
if (nWalletVersion >= 40000)
// Versions prior to 0.4.0 did not support the "minversion" record.
// Use a CCorruptAddress to make them crash instead.
CCorruptAddress corruptAddress;
pwalletdb->WriteSetting("addrIncoming", corruptAddress);
if (nWalletVersion > 40000)
if (!pwalletdbIn)
delete pwalletdb;
return true;
bool CWallet::SetMaxVersion(int nVersion)
// cannot downgrade below current version
if (nWalletVersion > nVersion)
return false;
nWalletMaxVersion = nVersion;
return true;
bool CWallet::EncryptWallet(const SecureString& strWalletPassphrase)
if (IsCrypted())
return false;
CKeyingMaterial vMasterKey;
RAND_bytes(&vMasterKey[0], WALLET_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE);
CMasterKey kMasterKey;
RAND_bytes(&kMasterKey.vchSalt[0], WALLET_CRYPTO_SALT_SIZE);
CCrypter crypter;
int64 nStartTime = GetTimeMillis();
crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(strWalletPassphrase, kMasterKey.vchSalt, 25000, kMasterKey.nDerivationMethod);
kMasterKey.nDeriveIterations = 2500000 / ((double)(GetTimeMillis() - nStartTime));
nStartTime = GetTimeMillis();
crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(strWalletPassphrase, kMasterKey.vchSalt, kMasterKey.nDeriveIterations, kMasterKey.nDerivationMethod);
kMasterKey.nDeriveIterations = (kMasterKey.nDeriveIterations + kMasterKey.nDeriveIterations * 100 / ((double)(GetTimeMillis() - nStartTime))) / 2;
if (kMasterKey.nDeriveIterations < 25000)
kMasterKey.nDeriveIterations = 25000;
printf("Encrypting Wallet with an nDeriveIterations of %i\n", kMasterKey.nDeriveIterations);
if (!crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(strWalletPassphrase, kMasterKey.vchSalt, kMasterKey.nDeriveIterations, kMasterKey.nDerivationMethod))
return false;
if (!crypter.Encrypt(vMasterKey, kMasterKey.vchCryptedKey))
return false;
mapMasterKeys[++nMasterKeyMaxID] = kMasterKey;
if (fFileBacked)
pwalletdbEncryption = new CWalletDB(strWalletFile);
if (!pwalletdbEncryption->TxnBegin())
return false;
pwalletdbEncryption->WriteMasterKey(nMasterKeyMaxID, kMasterKey);
if (!EncryptKeys(vMasterKey))
if (fFileBacked)
exit(1); //We now probably have half of our keys encrypted in memory, and half not...die and let the user reload their unencrypted wallet.
// Encryption was introduced in version 0.4.0
SetMinVersion(FEATURE_WALLETCRYPT, pwalletdbEncryption, true);
if (fFileBacked)
if (!pwalletdbEncryption->TxnCommit())
exit(1); //We now have keys encrypted in memory, but no on disk...die to avoid confusion and let the user reload their unencrypted wallet.
delete pwalletdbEncryption;
pwalletdbEncryption = NULL;
// Need to completely rewrite the wallet file; if we don't, bdb might keep
// bits of the unencrypted private key in slack space in the database file.
return true;
-CWallet::OrderedTxItems(std::string strAccount)
+CWallet::TxItems CWallet::OrderedTxItems(std::list<CAccountingEntry>& acentries, std::string strAccount)
CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile);
// First: get all CWalletTx and CAccountingEntry into a sorted-by-order multimap.
TxItems txOrdered;
// Note: maintaining indices in the database of (account,time) --> txid and (account, time) --> acentry
// would make this much faster for applications that do this a lot.
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = mapWallet.begin(); it != mapWallet.end(); ++it)
CWalletTx* wtx = &((*it).second);
txOrdered.insert(make_pair(wtx->nOrderPos, TxPair(wtx, (CAccountingEntry*)0)));
- list<CAccountingEntry> acentries;
+ acentries.clear();
walletdb.ListAccountCreditDebit(strAccount, acentries);
BOOST_FOREACH(CAccountingEntry& entry, acentries)
txOrdered.insert(make_pair(entry.nOrderPos, TxPair((CWalletTx*)0, &entry)));
return txOrdered;
void CWallet::WalletUpdateSpent(const CTransaction &tx)
// Anytime a signature is successfully verified, it's proof the outpoint is spent.
// Update the wallet spent flag if it doesn't know due to wallet.dat being
// restored from backup or the user making copies of wallet.dat.
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator mi = mapWallet.find(txin.prevout.hash);
if (mi != mapWallet.end())
CWalletTx& wtx = (*mi).second;
if (!wtx.IsSpent(txin.prevout.n) && IsMine(wtx.vout[txin.prevout.n]))
printf("WalletUpdateSpent found spent coin %sbc %s\n", FormatMoney(wtx.GetCredit()).c_str(), wtx.GetHash().ToString().c_str());
NotifyTransactionChanged(this, txin.prevout.hash, CT_UPDATED);
void CWallet::MarkDirty()
BOOST_FOREACH(PAIRTYPE(const uint256, CWalletTx)& item, mapWallet)
bool CWallet::AddToWallet(const CWalletTx& wtxIn)
uint256 hash = wtxIn.GetHash();
// Inserts only if not already there, returns tx inserted or tx found
pair<map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator, bool> ret = mapWallet.insert(make_pair(hash, wtxIn));
CWalletTx& wtx = (*ret.first).second;
bool fInsertedNew = ret.second;
if (fInsertedNew)
wtx.nTimeReceived = GetAdjustedTime();
wtx.nOrderPos = nOrderPosNext++;
wtx.nTimeSmart = wtx.nTimeReceived;
if (wtxIn.hashBlock != 0)
if (mapBlockIndex.count(wtxIn.hashBlock))
unsigned int latestNow = wtx.nTimeReceived;
unsigned int latestEntry = 0;
// Tolerate times up to the last timestamp in the wallet not more than 5 minutes into the future
int64 latestTolerated = latestNow + 300;
- TxItems txOrdered = OrderedTxItems();
+ std::list<CAccountingEntry> acentries;
+ TxItems txOrdered = OrderedTxItems(acentries);
for (TxItems::reverse_iterator it = txOrdered.rbegin(); it != txOrdered.rend(); ++it)
CWalletTx *const pwtx = (*it).second.first;
if (pwtx == &wtx)
CAccountingEntry *const pacentry = (*it).second.second;
int64 nSmartTime;
if (pwtx)
nSmartTime = pwtx->nTimeSmart;
if (!nSmartTime)
nSmartTime = pwtx->nTimeReceived;
nSmartTime = pacentry->nTime;
if (nSmartTime <= latestTolerated)
latestEntry = nSmartTime;
if (nSmartTime > latestNow)
latestNow = nSmartTime;
unsigned int& blocktime = mapBlockIndex[wtxIn.hashBlock]->nTime;
wtx.nTimeSmart = std::max(latestEntry, std::min(blocktime, latestNow));
printf("AddToWallet() : found %s in block %s not in index\n",
bool fUpdated = false;
if (!fInsertedNew)
// Merge
if (wtxIn.hashBlock != 0 && wtxIn.hashBlock != wtx.hashBlock)
wtx.hashBlock = wtxIn.hashBlock;
fUpdated = true;
if (wtxIn.nIndex != -1 && (wtxIn.vMerkleBranch != wtx.vMerkleBranch || wtxIn.nIndex != wtx.nIndex))
wtx.vMerkleBranch = wtxIn.vMerkleBranch;
wtx.nIndex = wtxIn.nIndex;
fUpdated = true;
if (wtxIn.fFromMe && wtxIn.fFromMe != wtx.fFromMe)
wtx.fFromMe = wtxIn.fFromMe;
fUpdated = true;
fUpdated |= wtx.UpdateSpent(wtxIn.vfSpent);
//// debug print
printf("AddToWallet %s %s%s\n", wtxIn.GetHash().ToString().substr(0,10).c_str(), (fInsertedNew ? "new" : ""), (fUpdated ? "update" : ""));
// Write to disk
if (fInsertedNew || fUpdated)
if (!wtx.WriteToDisk())
return false;
#ifndef QT_GUI
// If default receiving address gets used, replace it with a new one
CScript scriptDefaultKey;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
if (txout.scriptPubKey == scriptDefaultKey)
CPubKey newDefaultKey;
if (GetKeyFromPool(newDefaultKey, false))
SetAddressBookName(vchDefaultKey.GetID(), "");
// since AddToWallet is called directly for self-originating transactions, check for consumption of own coins
// Notify UI of new or updated transaction
NotifyTransactionChanged(this, hash, fInsertedNew ? CT_NEW : CT_UPDATED);
return true;
// Add a transaction to the wallet, or update it.
// pblock is optional, but should be provided if the transaction is known to be in a block.
// If fUpdate is true, existing transactions will be updated.
bool CWallet::AddToWalletIfInvolvingMe(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlock* pblock, bool fUpdate, bool fFindBlock)
uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
bool fExisted = mapWallet.count(hash);
if (fExisted && !fUpdate) return false;
if (fExisted || IsMine(tx) || IsFromMe(tx))
CWalletTx wtx(this,tx);
// Get merkle branch if transaction was found in a block
if (pblock)
return AddToWallet(wtx);
return false;
bool CWallet::EraseFromWallet(uint256 hash)
if (!fFileBacked)
return false;
if (mapWallet.erase(hash))
return true;
bool CWallet::IsMine(const CTxIn &txin) const
map<uint256, CWalletTx>::const_iterator mi = mapWallet.find(txin.prevout.hash);
if (mi != mapWallet.end())
const CWalletTx& prev = (*mi).second;
if (txin.prevout.n < prev.vout.size())
if (IsMine(prev.vout[txin.prevout.n]))
return true;
return false;
int64 CWallet::GetDebit(const CTxIn &txin) const
map<uint256, CWalletTx>::const_iterator mi = mapWallet.find(txin.prevout.hash);
if (mi != mapWallet.end())
const CWalletTx& prev = (*mi).second;
if (txin.prevout.n < prev.vout.size())
if (IsMine(prev.vout[txin.prevout.n]))
return prev.vout[txin.prevout.n].nValue;
return 0;
bool CWallet::IsChange(const CTxOut& txout) const
CTxDestination address;
// TODO: fix handling of 'change' outputs. The assumption is that any
// payment to a TX_PUBKEYHASH that is mine but isn't in the address book
// is change. That assumption is likely to break when we implement multisignature
// wallets that return change back into a multi-signature-protected address;
// a better way of identifying which outputs are 'the send' and which are
// 'the change' will need to be implemented (maybe extend CWalletTx to remember
// which output, if any, was change).
if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && ::IsMine(*this, address))
if (!mapAddressBook.count(address))
return true;
return false;
int64 CWalletTx::GetTxTime() const
int64 n = nTimeSmart;
return n ? n : nTimeReceived;
int CWalletTx::GetRequestCount() const
// Returns -1 if it wasn't being tracked
int nRequests = -1;
if (IsCoinBase())
// Generated block
if (hashBlock != 0)
map<uint256, int>::const_iterator mi = pwallet->mapRequestCount.find(hashBlock);
if (mi != pwallet->mapRequestCount.end())
nRequests = (*mi).second;
// Did anyone request this transaction?
map<uint256, int>::const_iterator mi = pwallet->mapRequestCount.find(GetHash());
if (mi != pwallet->mapRequestCount.end())
nRequests = (*mi).second;
// How about the block it's in?
if (nRequests == 0 && hashBlock != 0)
map<uint256, int>::const_iterator mi = pwallet->mapRequestCount.find(hashBlock);
if (mi != pwallet->mapRequestCount.end())
nRequests = (*mi).second;
nRequests = 1; // If it's in someone else's block it must have got out
return nRequests;
void CWalletTx::GetAmounts(list<pair<CTxDestination, int64> >& listReceived,
list<pair<CTxDestination, int64> >& listSent, int64& nFee, string& strSentAccount) const
nFee = 0;
strSentAccount = strFromAccount;
// Compute fee:
int64 nDebit = GetDebit();
if (nDebit > 0) // debit>0 means we signed/sent this transaction
int64 nValueOut = GetValueOut();
nFee = nDebit - nValueOut;
// Sent/received.
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, vout)
CTxDestination address;
vector<unsigned char> vchPubKey;
if (!ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
printf("CWalletTx::GetAmounts: Unknown transaction type found, txid %s\n",
// Don't report 'change' txouts
if (nDebit > 0 && pwallet->IsChange(txout))
if (nDebit > 0)
listSent.push_back(make_pair(address, txout.nValue));
if (pwallet->IsMine(txout))
listReceived.push_back(make_pair(address, txout.nValue));
void CWalletTx::GetAccountAmounts(const string& strAccount, int64& nReceived,
int64& nSent, int64& nFee) const
nReceived = nSent = nFee = 0;
int64 allFee;
string strSentAccount;
list<pair<CTxDestination, int64> > listReceived;
list<pair<CTxDestination, int64> > listSent;
GetAmounts(listReceived, listSent, allFee, strSentAccount);
if (strAccount == strSentAccount)
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination,int64)& s, listSent)
nSent += s.second;
nFee = allFee;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination,int64)& r, listReceived)
if (pwallet->mapAddressBook.count(r.first))
map<CTxDestination, string>::const_iterator mi = pwallet->mapAddressBook.find(r.first);
if (mi != pwallet->mapAddressBook.end() && (*mi).second == strAccount)
nReceived += r.second;
else if (strAccount.empty())
nReceived += r.second;
void CWalletTx::AddSupportingTransactions(CTxDB& txdb)
const int COPY_DEPTH = 3;
if (SetMerkleBranch() < COPY_DEPTH)
vector<uint256> vWorkQueue;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, vin)
// This critsect is OK because txdb is already open
map<uint256, const CMerkleTx*> mapWalletPrev;
set<uint256> setAlreadyDone;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vWorkQueue.size(); i++)
uint256 hash = vWorkQueue[i];
if (setAlreadyDone.count(hash))
CMerkleTx tx;
map<uint256, CWalletTx>::const_iterator mi = pwallet->mapWallet.find(hash);
if (mi != pwallet->mapWallet.end())
tx = (*mi).second;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CMerkleTx& txWalletPrev, (*mi).second.vtxPrev)
mapWalletPrev[txWalletPrev.GetHash()] = &txWalletPrev;
else if (mapWalletPrev.count(hash))
tx = *mapWalletPrev[hash];
else if (!fClient && txdb.ReadDiskTx(hash, tx))
printf("ERROR: AddSupportingTransactions() : unsupported transaction\n");
int nDepth = tx.SetMerkleBranch();
if (nDepth < COPY_DEPTH)
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
reverse(vtxPrev.begin(), vtxPrev.end());
bool CWalletTx::WriteToDisk()
return CWalletDB(pwallet->strWalletFile).WriteTx(GetHash(), *this);
// Scan the block chain (starting in pindexStart) for transactions
// from or to us. If fUpdate is true, found transactions that already
// exist in the wallet will be updated.
int CWallet::ScanForWalletTransactions(CBlockIndex* pindexStart, bool fUpdate)
int ret = 0;
CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexStart;
while (pindex)
CBlock block;
block.ReadFromDisk(pindex, true);
BOOST_FOREACH(CTransaction& tx, block.vtx)
if (AddToWalletIfInvolvingMe(tx, &block, fUpdate))
pindex = pindex->pnext;
return ret;
int CWallet::ScanForWalletTransaction(const uint256& hashTx)
CTransaction tx;
tx.ReadFromDisk(COutPoint(hashTx, 0));
if (AddToWalletIfInvolvingMe(tx, NULL, true, true))
return 1;
return 0;
void CWallet::ReacceptWalletTransactions()
CTxDB txdb("r");
bool fRepeat = true;
while (fRepeat)
fRepeat = false;
vector<CDiskTxPos> vMissingTx;
BOOST_FOREACH(PAIRTYPE(const uint256, CWalletTx)& item, mapWallet)
CWalletTx& wtx = item.second;
if (wtx.IsCoinBase() && wtx.IsSpent(0))
CTxIndex txindex;
bool fUpdated = false;
if (txdb.ReadTxIndex(wtx.GetHash(), txindex))
// Update fSpent if a tx got spent somewhere else by a copy of wallet.dat
if (txindex.vSpent.size() != wtx.vout.size())
printf("ERROR: ReacceptWalletTransactions() : txindex.vSpent.size() %d != wtx.vout.size() %d\n", txindex.vSpent.size(), wtx.vout.size());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < txindex.vSpent.size(); i++)
if (wtx.IsSpent(i))
if (!txindex.vSpent[i].IsNull() && IsMine(wtx.vout[i]))
fUpdated = true;
if (fUpdated)
printf("ReacceptWalletTransactions found spent coin %sbc %s\n", FormatMoney(wtx.GetCredit()).c_str(), wtx.GetHash().ToString().c_str());
// Re-accept any txes of ours that aren't already in a block
if (!wtx.IsCoinBase())
wtx.AcceptWalletTransaction(txdb, false);
if (!vMissingTx.empty())
// TODO: optimize this to scan just part of the block chain?
if (ScanForWalletTransactions(pindexGenesisBlock))
fRepeat = true; // Found missing transactions: re-do re-accept.
void CWalletTx::RelayWalletTransaction(CTxDB& txdb)
BOOST_FOREACH(const CMerkleTx& tx, vtxPrev)
if (!tx.IsCoinBase())
uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
if (!txdb.ContainsTx(hash))
RelayMessage(CInv(MSG_TX, hash), (CTransaction)tx);
if (!IsCoinBase())
uint256 hash = GetHash();
if (!txdb.ContainsTx(hash))
printf("Relaying wtx %s\n", hash.ToString().substr(0,10).c_str());
RelayMessage(CInv(MSG_TX, hash), (CTransaction)*this);
void CWalletTx::RelayWalletTransaction()
CTxDB txdb("r");
void CWallet::ResendWalletTransactions()
// Do this infrequently and randomly to avoid giving away
// that these are our transactions.
static int64 nNextTime;
if (GetTime() < nNextTime)
bool fFirst = (nNextTime == 0);
nNextTime = GetTime() + GetRand(30 * 60);
if (fFirst)
// Only do it if there's been a new block since last time
static int64 nLastTime;
if (nTimeBestReceived < nLastTime)
nLastTime = GetTime();
// Rebroadcast any of our txes that aren't in a block yet
CTxDB txdb("r");
// Sort them in chronological order
multimap<unsigned int, CWalletTx*> mapSorted;
BOOST_FOREACH(PAIRTYPE(const uint256, CWalletTx)& item, mapWallet)
CWalletTx& wtx = item.second;
// Don't rebroadcast until it's had plenty of time that
// it should have gotten in already by now.
if (nTimeBestReceived - (int64)wtx.nTimeReceived > 5 * 60)
mapSorted.insert(make_pair(wtx.nTimeReceived, &wtx));
BOOST_FOREACH(PAIRTYPE(const unsigned int, CWalletTx*)& item, mapSorted)
CWalletTx& wtx = *item.second;
// Actions
int64 CWallet::GetBalance() const
int64 nTotal = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::const_iterator it = mapWallet.begin(); it != mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx* pcoin = &(*it).second;
if (pcoin->IsFinal() && pcoin->IsConfirmed())
nTotal += pcoin->GetAvailableCredit();
return nTotal;
int64 CWallet::GetUnconfirmedBalance() const
int64 nTotal = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::const_iterator it = mapWallet.begin(); it != mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx* pcoin = &(*it).second;
if (!pcoin->IsFinal() || !pcoin->IsConfirmed())
nTotal += pcoin->GetAvailableCredit();
return nTotal;
int64 CWallet::GetImmatureBalance() const
int64 nTotal = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::const_iterator it = mapWallet.begin(); it != mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& pcoin = (*it).second;
if (pcoin.IsCoinBase() && pcoin.GetBlocksToMaturity() > 0 && pcoin.GetDepthInMainChain() >= 2)
nTotal += GetCredit(pcoin);
return nTotal;
// populate vCoins with vector of spendable COutputs
void CWallet::AvailableCoins(vector<COutput>& vCoins, bool fOnlyConfirmed) const
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::const_iterator it = mapWallet.begin(); it != mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx* pcoin = &(*it).second;
if (!pcoin->IsFinal())
if (fOnlyConfirmed && !pcoin->IsConfirmed())
if (pcoin->IsCoinBase() && pcoin->GetBlocksToMaturity() > 0)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pcoin->vout.size(); i++)
if (!(pcoin->IsSpent(i)) && IsMine(pcoin->vout[i]) && pcoin->vout[i].nValue > 0)
vCoins.push_back(COutput(pcoin, i, pcoin->GetDepthInMainChain()));
static void ApproximateBestSubset(vector<pair<int64, pair<const CWalletTx*,unsigned int> > >vValue, int64 nTotalLower, int64 nTargetValue,
vector<char>& vfBest, int64& nBest, int iterations = 1000)
vector<char> vfIncluded;
vfBest.assign(vValue.size(), true);
nBest = nTotalLower;
for (int nRep = 0; nRep < iterations && nBest != nTargetValue; nRep++)
vfIncluded.assign(vValue.size(), false);
int64 nTotal = 0;
bool fReachedTarget = false;
for (int nPass = 0; nPass < 2 && !fReachedTarget; nPass++)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vValue.size(); i++)
if (nPass == 0 ? rand() % 2 : !vfIncluded[i])
nTotal += vValue[i].first;
vfIncluded[i] = true;
if (nTotal >= nTargetValue)
fReachedTarget = true;
if (nTotal < nBest)
nBest = nTotal;
vfBest = vfIncluded;
nTotal -= vValue[i].first;
vfIncluded[i] = false;
bool CWallet::SelectCoinsMinConf(int64 nTargetValue, int nConfMine, int nConfTheirs, vector<COutput> vCoins,
set<pair<const CWalletTx*,unsigned int> >& setCoinsRet, int64& nValueRet) const
nValueRet = 0;
// List of values less than target
pair<int64, pair<const CWalletTx*,unsigned int> > coinLowestLarger;
coinLowestLarger.first = std::numeric_limits<int64>::max();
coinLowestLarger.second.first = NULL;
vector<pair<int64, pair<const CWalletTx*,unsigned int> > > vValue;
int64 nTotalLower = 0;
random_shuffle(vCoins.begin(), vCoins.end(), GetRandInt);
BOOST_FOREACH(COutput output, vCoins)
const CWalletTx *pcoin = output.tx;
if (output.nDepth < (pcoin->IsFromMe() ? nConfMine : nConfTheirs))
int i = output.i;
int64 n = pcoin->vout[i].nValue;
pair<int64,pair<const CWalletTx*,unsigned int> > coin = make_pair(n,make_pair(pcoin, i));
if (n == nTargetValue)
nValueRet += coin.first;
return true;
else if (n < nTargetValue + CENT)
nTotalLower += n;
else if (n < coinLowestLarger.first)
coinLowestLarger = coin;
if (nTotalLower == nTargetValue)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vValue.size(); ++i)
nValueRet += vValue[i].first;
return true;
if (nTotalLower < nTargetValue)
if (coinLowestLarger.second.first == NULL)
return false;
nValueRet += coinLowestLarger.first;
return true;
// Solve subset sum by stochastic approximation
sort(vValue.rbegin(), vValue.rend(), CompareValueOnly());
vector<char> vfBest;
int64 nBest;
ApproximateBestSubset(vValue, nTotalLower, nTargetValue, vfBest, nBest, 1000);
if (nBest != nTargetValue && nTotalLower >= nTargetValue + CENT)
ApproximateBestSubset(vValue, nTotalLower, nTargetValue + CENT, vfBest, nBest, 1000);
// If we have a bigger coin and (either the stochastic approximation didn't find a good solution,
// or the next bigger coin is closer), return the bigger coin
if (coinLowestLarger.second.first &&
((nBest != nTargetValue && nBest < nTargetValue + CENT) || coinLowestLarger.first <= nBest))
nValueRet += coinLowestLarger.first;
else {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vValue.size(); i++)
if (vfBest[i])
nValueRet += vValue[i].first;
//// debug print
printf("SelectCoins() best subset: ");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vValue.size(); i++)
if (vfBest[i])
printf("%s ", FormatMoney(vValue[i].first).c_str());
printf("total %s\n", FormatMoney(nBest).c_str());
return true;
bool CWallet::SelectCoins(int64 nTargetValue, set<pair<const CWalletTx*,unsigned int> >& setCoinsRet, int64& nValueRet) const
vector<COutput> vCoins;
return (SelectCoinsMinConf(nTargetValue, 1, 6, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet) ||
SelectCoinsMinConf(nTargetValue, 1, 1, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet) ||
SelectCoinsMinConf(nTargetValue, 0, 1, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
bool CWallet::CreateTransaction(const vector<pair<CScript, int64> >& vecSend, CWalletTx& wtxNew, CReserveKey& reservekey, int64& nFeeRet)
int64 nValue = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(CScript, int64)& s, vecSend)
if (nValue < 0)
return false;
nValue += s.second;
if (vecSend.empty() || nValue < 0)
return false;
LOCK2(cs_main, cs_wallet);
// txdb must be opened before the mapWallet lock
CTxDB txdb("r");
nFeeRet = nTransactionFee;
wtxNew.fFromMe = true;
int64 nTotalValue = nValue + nFeeRet;
double dPriority = 0;
// vouts to the payees
BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(CScript, int64)& s, vecSend)
wtxNew.vout.push_back(CTxOut(s.second, s.first));
// Choose coins to use
set<pair<const CWalletTx*,unsigned int> > setCoins;
int64 nValueIn = 0;
if (!SelectCoins(nTotalValue, setCoins, nValueIn))
return false;
BOOST_FOREACH(PAIRTYPE(const CWalletTx*, unsigned int) pcoin, setCoins)
int64 nCredit = pcoin.first->vout[pcoin.second].nValue;
dPriority += (double)nCredit * pcoin.first->GetDepthInMainChain();
int64 nChange = nValueIn - nValue - nFeeRet;
// if sub-cent change is required, the fee must be raised to at least MIN_TX_FEE
// or until nChange becomes zero
// NOTE: this depends on the exact behaviour of GetMinFee
if (nFeeRet < MIN_TX_FEE && nChange > 0 && nChange < CENT)
int64 nMoveToFee = min(nChange, MIN_TX_FEE - nFeeRet);
nChange -= nMoveToFee;
nFeeRet += nMoveToFee;
if (nChange > 0)
// Note: We use a new key here to keep it from being obvious which side is the change.
// The drawback is that by not reusing a previous key, the change may be lost if a
// backup is restored, if the backup doesn't have the new private key for the change.
// If we reused the old key, it would be possible to add code to look for and
// rediscover unknown transactions that were written with keys of ours to recover
// post-backup change.
// Reserve a new key pair from key pool
CPubKey vchPubKey = reservekey.GetReservedKey();
// assert(mapKeys.count(vchPubKey));
// Fill a vout to ourself
// TODO: pass in scriptChange instead of reservekey so
// change transaction isn't always pay-to-bitcoin-address
CScript scriptChange;
// Insert change txn at random position:
vector<CTxOut>::iterator position = wtxNew.vout.begin()+GetRandInt(wtxNew.vout.size());
wtxNew.vout.insert(position, CTxOut(nChange, scriptChange));
// Fill vin
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(const CWalletTx*,unsigned int)& coin, setCoins)>GetHash(),coin.second));
// Sign
int nIn = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(const CWalletTx*,unsigned int)& coin, setCoins)
if (!SignSignature(*this, *coin.first, wtxNew, nIn++))
return false;
// Limit size
unsigned int nBytes = ::GetSerializeSize(*(CTransaction*)&wtxNew, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
if (nBytes >= MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_GEN/5)
return false;
dPriority /= nBytes;
// Check that enough fee is included
int64 nPayFee = nTransactionFee * (1 + (int64)nBytes / 1000);
bool fAllowFree = CTransaction::AllowFree(dPriority);
int64 nMinFee = wtxNew.GetMinFee(1, fAllowFree, GMF_SEND);
if (nFeeRet < max(nPayFee, nMinFee))
nFeeRet = max(nPayFee, nMinFee);
// Fill vtxPrev by copying from previous transactions vtxPrev
wtxNew.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = true;
return true;
bool CWallet::CreateTransaction(CScript scriptPubKey, int64 nValue, CWalletTx& wtxNew, CReserveKey& reservekey, int64& nFeeRet)
vector< pair<CScript, int64> > vecSend;
vecSend.push_back(make_pair(scriptPubKey, nValue));
return CreateTransaction(vecSend, wtxNew, reservekey, nFeeRet);
// Call after CreateTransaction unless you want to abort
bool CWallet::CommitTransaction(CWalletTx& wtxNew, CReserveKey& reservekey)
LOCK2(cs_main, cs_wallet);
printf("CommitTransaction:\n%s", wtxNew.ToString().c_str());
// This is only to keep the database open to defeat the auto-flush for the
// duration of this scope. This is the only place where this optimization
// maybe makes sense; please don't do it anywhere else.
CWalletDB* pwalletdb = fFileBacked ? new CWalletDB(strWalletFile,"r") : NULL;
// Take key pair from key pool so it won't be used again
// Add tx to wallet, because if it has change it's also ours,
// otherwise just for transaction history.
// Mark old coins as spent
set<CWalletTx*> setCoins;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
CWalletTx &coin = mapWallet[txin.prevout.hash];
NotifyTransactionChanged(this, coin.GetHash(), CT_UPDATED);
if (fFileBacked)
delete pwalletdb;
// Track how many getdata requests our transaction gets
mapRequestCount[wtxNew.GetHash()] = 0;
// Broadcast
if (!wtxNew.AcceptToMemoryPool())
// This must not fail. The transaction has already been signed and recorded.
printf("CommitTransaction() : Error: Transaction not valid");
return false;
return true;
string CWallet::SendMoney(CScript scriptPubKey, int64 nValue, CWalletTx& wtxNew, bool fAskFee)
CReserveKey reservekey(this);
int64 nFeeRequired;
if (IsLocked())
string strError = _("Error: Wallet locked, unable to create transaction ");
printf("SendMoney() : %s", strError.c_str());
return strError;
if (!CreateTransaction(scriptPubKey, nValue, wtxNew, reservekey, nFeeRequired))
string strError;
if (nValue + nFeeRequired > GetBalance())
strError = strprintf(_("Error: This transaction requires a transaction fee of at least %s because of its amount, complexity, or use of recently received funds "), FormatMoney(nFeeRequired).c_str());
strError = _("Error: Transaction creation failed ");
printf("SendMoney() : %s", strError.c_str());
return strError;
if (fAskFee && !uiInterface.ThreadSafeAskFee(nFeeRequired, _("Sending...")))
return "ABORTED";
if (!CommitTransaction(wtxNew, reservekey))
return _("Error: The transaction was rejected. This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here.");
return "";
string CWallet::SendMoneyToDestination(const CTxDestination& address, int64 nValue, CWalletTx& wtxNew, bool fAskFee)
// Check amount
if (nValue <= 0)
return _("Invalid amount");
if (nValue + nTransactionFee > GetBalance())
return _("Insufficient funds");
// Parse Bitcoin address
CScript scriptPubKey;
return SendMoney(scriptPubKey, nValue, wtxNew, fAskFee);
int CWallet::LoadWallet(bool& fFirstRunRet)
if (!fFileBacked)
return false;
fFirstRunRet = false;
int nLoadWalletRet = CWalletDB(strWalletFile,"cr+").LoadWallet(this);
if (nLoadWalletRet == DB_NEED_REWRITE)
if (CDB::Rewrite(strWalletFile, "\x04pool"))
// Note: can't top-up keypool here, because wallet is locked.
// User will be prompted to unlock wallet the next operation
// the requires a new key.
if (nLoadWalletRet != DB_LOAD_OK)
return nLoadWalletRet;
fFirstRunRet = !vchDefaultKey.IsValid();
CreateThread(ThreadFlushWalletDB, &strWalletFile);
return DB_LOAD_OK;
bool CWallet::SetAddressBookName(const CTxDestination& address, const string& strName)
std::map<CTxDestination, std::string>::iterator mi = mapAddressBook.find(address);
mapAddressBook[address] = strName;
NotifyAddressBookChanged(this, address, strName, ::IsMine(*this, address), (mi == mapAddressBook.end()) ? CT_NEW : CT_UPDATED);
if (!fFileBacked)
return false;
return CWalletDB(strWalletFile).WriteName(CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString(), strName);
bool CWallet::DelAddressBookName(const CTxDestination& address)
NotifyAddressBookChanged(this, address, "", ::IsMine(*this, address), CT_DELETED);
if (!fFileBacked)
return false;
return CWalletDB(strWalletFile).EraseName(CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString());
void CWallet::PrintWallet(const CBlock& block)
if (mapWallet.count(block.vtx[0].GetHash()))
CWalletTx& wtx = mapWallet[block.vtx[0].GetHash()];
printf(" mine: %d %d %d", wtx.GetDepthInMainChain(), wtx.GetBlocksToMaturity(), wtx.GetCredit());
bool CWallet::GetTransaction(const uint256 &hashTx, CWalletTx& wtx)
map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator mi = mapWallet.find(hashTx);
if (mi != mapWallet.end())
wtx = (*mi).second;
return true;
return false;
bool CWallet::SetDefaultKey(const CPubKey &vchPubKey)
if (fFileBacked)
if (!CWalletDB(strWalletFile).WriteDefaultKey(vchPubKey))
return false;
vchDefaultKey = vchPubKey;
return true;
bool GetWalletFile(CWallet* pwallet, string &strWalletFileOut)
if (!pwallet->fFileBacked)
return false;
strWalletFileOut = pwallet->strWalletFile;
return true;
// Mark old keypool keys as used,
// and generate all new keys
bool CWallet::NewKeyPool()
CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile);
BOOST_FOREACH(int64 nIndex, setKeyPool)
if (IsLocked())
return false;
int64 nKeys = max(GetArg("-keypool", 100), (int64)0);
for (int i = 0; i < nKeys; i++)
int64 nIndex = i+1;
walletdb.WritePool(nIndex, CKeyPool(GenerateNewKey()));
printf("CWallet::NewKeyPool wrote %"PRI64d" new keys\n", nKeys);
return true;
bool CWallet::TopUpKeyPool()
if (IsLocked())
return false;
CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile);
// Top up key pool
unsigned int nTargetSize = max(GetArg("-keypool", 100), 0LL);
while (setKeyPool.size() < (nTargetSize + 1))
int64 nEnd = 1;
if (!setKeyPool.empty())
nEnd = *(--setKeyPool.end()) + 1;
if (!walletdb.WritePool(nEnd, CKeyPool(GenerateNewKey())))
throw runtime_error("TopUpKeyPool() : writing generated key failed");
printf("keypool added key %"PRI64d", size=%d\n", nEnd, setKeyPool.size());
return true;
void CWallet::ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(int64& nIndex, CKeyPool& keypool)
nIndex = -1;
keypool.vchPubKey = CPubKey();
if (!IsLocked())
// Get the oldest key
CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile);
nIndex = *(setKeyPool.begin());
if (!walletdb.ReadPool(nIndex, keypool))
throw runtime_error("ReserveKeyFromKeyPool() : read failed");
if (!HaveKey(keypool.vchPubKey.GetID()))
throw runtime_error("ReserveKeyFromKeyPool() : unknown key in key pool");
printf("keypool reserve %"PRI64d"\n", nIndex);
int64 CWallet::AddReserveKey(const CKeyPool& keypool)
LOCK2(cs_main, cs_wallet);
CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile);
int64 nIndex = 1 + *(--setKeyPool.end());
if (!walletdb.WritePool(nIndex, keypool))
throw runtime_error("AddReserveKey() : writing added key failed");
return nIndex;
return -1;
void CWallet::KeepKey(int64 nIndex)
// Remove from key pool
if (fFileBacked)
CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile);
printf("keypool keep %"PRI64d"\n", nIndex);
void CWallet::ReturnKey(int64 nIndex)
// Return to key pool
printf("keypool return %"PRI64d"\n", nIndex);
bool CWallet::GetKeyFromPool(CPubKey& result, bool fAllowReuse)
int64 nIndex = 0;
CKeyPool keypool;
ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(nIndex, keypool);
if (nIndex == -1)
if (fAllowReuse && vchDefaultKey.IsValid())
result = vchDefaultKey;
return true;
if (IsLocked()) return false;
result = GenerateNewKey();
return true;
result = keypool.vchPubKey;
return true;
int64 CWallet::GetOldestKeyPoolTime()
int64 nIndex = 0;
CKeyPool keypool;
ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(nIndex, keypool);
if (nIndex == -1)
return GetTime();
return keypool.nTime;
std::map<CTxDestination, int64> CWallet::GetAddressBalances()
map<CTxDestination, int64> balances;
BOOST_FOREACH(PAIRTYPE(uint256, CWalletTx) walletEntry, mapWallet)
CWalletTx *pcoin = &walletEntry.second;
if (!pcoin->IsFinal() || !pcoin->IsConfirmed())
if (pcoin->IsCoinBase() && pcoin->GetBlocksToMaturity() > 0)
int nDepth = pcoin->GetDepthInMainChain();
if (nDepth < (pcoin->IsFromMe() ? 0 : 1))
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pcoin->vout.size(); i++)
CTxDestination addr;
if (!IsMine(pcoin->vout[i]))
if(!ExtractDestination(pcoin->vout[i].scriptPubKey, addr))
int64 n = pcoin->IsSpent(i) ? 0 : pcoin->vout[i].nValue;
if (!balances.count(addr))
balances[addr] = 0;
balances[addr] += n;
return balances;
set< set<CTxDestination> > CWallet::GetAddressGroupings()
set< set<CTxDestination> > groupings;
set<CTxDestination> grouping;
BOOST_FOREACH(PAIRTYPE(uint256, CWalletTx) walletEntry, mapWallet)
CWalletTx *pcoin = &walletEntry.second;
if (pcoin->vin.size() > 0 && IsMine(pcoin->vin[0]))
// group all input addresses with each other
BOOST_FOREACH(CTxIn txin, pcoin->vin)
CTxDestination address;
if(!ExtractDestination(mapWallet[txin.prevout.hash].vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey, address))
// group change with input addresses
BOOST_FOREACH(CTxOut txout, pcoin->vout)
if (IsChange(txout))
CWalletTx tx = mapWallet[pcoin->vin[0].prevout.hash];
CTxDestination txoutAddr;
if(!ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, txoutAddr))
// group lone addrs by themselves
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pcoin->vout.size(); i++)
if (IsMine(pcoin->vout[i]))
CTxDestination address;
if(!ExtractDestination(pcoin->vout[i].scriptPubKey, address))
set< set<CTxDestination>* > uniqueGroupings; // a set of pointers to groups of addresses
map< CTxDestination, set<CTxDestination>* > setmap; // map addresses to the unique group containing it
BOOST_FOREACH(set<CTxDestination> grouping, groupings)
// make a set of all the groups hit by this new group
set< set<CTxDestination>* > hits;
map< CTxDestination, set<CTxDestination>* >::iterator it;
BOOST_FOREACH(CTxDestination address, grouping)
if ((it = setmap.find(address)) != setmap.end())
// merge all hit groups into a new single group and delete old groups
set<CTxDestination>* merged = new set<CTxDestination>(grouping);
BOOST_FOREACH(set<CTxDestination>* hit, hits)
merged->insert(hit->begin(), hit->end());
delete hit;
// update setmap
BOOST_FOREACH(CTxDestination element, *merged)
setmap[element] = merged;
set< set<CTxDestination> > ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(set<CTxDestination>* uniqueGrouping, uniqueGroupings)
delete uniqueGrouping;
return ret;
CPubKey CReserveKey::GetReservedKey()
if (nIndex == -1)
CKeyPool keypool;
pwallet->ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(nIndex, keypool);
if (nIndex != -1)
vchPubKey = keypool.vchPubKey;
printf("CReserveKey::GetReservedKey(): Warning: Using default key instead of a new key, top up your keypool!");
vchPubKey = pwallet->vchDefaultKey;
return vchPubKey;
void CReserveKey::KeepKey()
if (nIndex != -1)
nIndex = -1;
vchPubKey = CPubKey();
void CReserveKey::ReturnKey()
if (nIndex != -1)
nIndex = -1;
vchPubKey = CPubKey();
void CWallet::GetAllReserveKeys(set<CKeyID>& setAddress)
CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile);
LOCK2(cs_main, cs_wallet);
BOOST_FOREACH(const int64& id, setKeyPool)
CKeyPool keypool;
if (!walletdb.ReadPool(id, keypool))
throw runtime_error("GetAllReserveKeyHashes() : read failed");
CKeyID keyID = keypool.vchPubKey.GetID();
if (!HaveKey(keyID))
throw runtime_error("GetAllReserveKeyHashes() : unknown key in key pool");
void CWallet::UpdatedTransaction(const uint256 &hashTx)
// Only notify UI if this transaction is in this wallet
map<uint256, CWalletTx>::const_iterator mi = mapWallet.find(hashTx);
if (mi != mapWallet.end())
NotifyTransactionChanged(this, hashTx, CT_UPDATED);
diff --git a/src/wallet.h b/src/wallet.h
index 44f8a17d3..7fd33629f 100644
--- a/src/wallet.h
+++ b/src/wallet.h
@@ -1,829 +1,834 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "keystore.h"
#include "script.h"
#include "ui_interface.h"
#include "util.h"
class CAccountingEntry;
class CWalletTx;
class CReserveKey;
class CWalletDB;
class COutput;
/** (client) version numbers for particular wallet features */
enum WalletFeature
FEATURE_BASE = 10500, // the earliest version new wallets supports (only useful for getinfo's clientversion output)
FEATURE_WALLETCRYPT = 40000, // wallet encryption
FEATURE_COMPRPUBKEY = 60000, // compressed public keys
/** A key pool entry */
class CKeyPool
int64 nTime;
CPubKey vchPubKey;
nTime = GetTime();
CKeyPool(const CPubKey& vchPubKeyIn)
nTime = GetTime();
vchPubKey = vchPubKeyIn;
if (!(nType & SER_GETHASH))
/** A CWallet is an extension of a keystore, which also maintains a set of transactions and balances,
* and provides the ability to create new transactions.
class CWallet : public CCryptoKeyStore
bool SelectCoins(int64 nTargetValue, std::set<std::pair<const CWalletTx*,unsigned int> >& setCoinsRet, int64& nValueRet) const;
CWalletDB *pwalletdbEncryption;
// the current wallet version: clients below this version are not able to load the wallet
int nWalletVersion;
// the maximum wallet format version: memory-only variable that specifies to what version this wallet may be upgraded
int nWalletMaxVersion;
mutable CCriticalSection cs_wallet;
bool fFileBacked;
std::string strWalletFile;
std::set<int64> setKeyPool;
typedef std::map<unsigned int, CMasterKey> MasterKeyMap;
MasterKeyMap mapMasterKeys;
unsigned int nMasterKeyMaxID;
nWalletVersion = FEATURE_BASE;
nWalletMaxVersion = FEATURE_BASE;
fFileBacked = false;
nMasterKeyMaxID = 0;
pwalletdbEncryption = NULL;
CWallet(std::string strWalletFileIn)
nWalletVersion = FEATURE_BASE;
nWalletMaxVersion = FEATURE_BASE;
strWalletFile = strWalletFileIn;
fFileBacked = true;
nMasterKeyMaxID = 0;
pwalletdbEncryption = NULL;
std::map<uint256, CWalletTx> mapWallet;
int64 nOrderPosNext;
std::map<uint256, int> mapRequestCount;
std::map<CTxDestination, std::string> mapAddressBook;
CPubKey vchDefaultKey;
// check whether we are allowed to upgrade (or already support) to the named feature
bool CanSupportFeature(enum WalletFeature wf) { return nWalletMaxVersion >= wf; }
void AvailableCoins(std::vector<COutput>& vCoins, bool fOnlyConfirmed=true) const;
bool SelectCoinsMinConf(int64 nTargetValue, int nConfMine, int nConfTheirs, std::vector<COutput> vCoins, std::set<std::pair<const CWalletTx*,unsigned int> >& setCoinsRet, int64& nValueRet) const;
// keystore implementation
// Generate a new key
CPubKey GenerateNewKey();
// Adds a key to the store, and saves it to disk.
bool AddKey(const CKey& key);
// Adds a key to the store, without saving it to disk (used by LoadWallet)
bool LoadKey(const CKey& key) { return CCryptoKeyStore::AddKey(key); }
bool LoadMinVersion(int nVersion) { nWalletVersion = nVersion; nWalletMaxVersion = std::max(nWalletMaxVersion, nVersion); return true; }
// Adds an encrypted key to the store, and saves it to disk.
bool AddCryptedKey(const CPubKey &vchPubKey, const std::vector<unsigned char> &vchCryptedSecret);
// Adds an encrypted key to the store, without saving it to disk (used by LoadWallet)
bool LoadCryptedKey(const CPubKey &vchPubKey, const std::vector<unsigned char> &vchCryptedSecret) { SetMinVersion(FEATURE_WALLETCRYPT); return CCryptoKeyStore::AddCryptedKey(vchPubKey, vchCryptedSecret); }
bool AddCScript(const CScript& redeemScript);
bool LoadCScript(const CScript& redeemScript) { return CCryptoKeyStore::AddCScript(redeemScript); }
bool Unlock(const SecureString& strWalletPassphrase);
bool ChangeWalletPassphrase(const SecureString& strOldWalletPassphrase, const SecureString& strNewWalletPassphrase);
bool EncryptWallet(const SecureString& strWalletPassphrase);
typedef std::pair<CWalletTx*, CAccountingEntry*> TxPair;
typedef std::multimap<int64, TxPair > TxItems;
- TxItems OrderedTxItems(std::string strAccount = "");
+ /** Get the wallet's activity log
+ @return multimap of ordered transactions and accounting entries
+ @warning Returned pointers are *only* valid within the scope of passed acentries
+ */
+ TxItems OrderedTxItems(std::list<CAccountingEntry>& acentries, std::string strAccount = "");
void MarkDirty();
bool AddToWallet(const CWalletTx& wtxIn);
bool AddToWalletIfInvolvingMe(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlock* pblock, bool fUpdate = false, bool fFindBlock = false);
bool EraseFromWallet(uint256 hash);
void WalletUpdateSpent(const CTransaction& prevout);
int ScanForWalletTransactions(CBlockIndex* pindexStart, bool fUpdate = false);
int ScanForWalletTransaction(const uint256& hashTx);
void ReacceptWalletTransactions();
void ResendWalletTransactions();
int64 GetBalance() const;
int64 GetUnconfirmedBalance() const;
int64 GetImmatureBalance() const;
bool CreateTransaction(const std::vector<std::pair<CScript, int64> >& vecSend, CWalletTx& wtxNew, CReserveKey& reservekey, int64& nFeeRet);
bool CreateTransaction(CScript scriptPubKey, int64 nValue, CWalletTx& wtxNew, CReserveKey& reservekey, int64& nFeeRet);
bool CommitTransaction(CWalletTx& wtxNew, CReserveKey& reservekey);
std::string SendMoney(CScript scriptPubKey, int64 nValue, CWalletTx& wtxNew, bool fAskFee=false);
std::string SendMoneyToDestination(const CTxDestination &address, int64 nValue, CWalletTx& wtxNew, bool fAskFee=false);
bool NewKeyPool();
bool TopUpKeyPool();
int64 AddReserveKey(const CKeyPool& keypool);
void ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(int64& nIndex, CKeyPool& keypool);
void KeepKey(int64 nIndex);
void ReturnKey(int64 nIndex);
bool GetKeyFromPool(CPubKey &key, bool fAllowReuse=true);
int64 GetOldestKeyPoolTime();
void GetAllReserveKeys(std::set<CKeyID>& setAddress);
std::set< std::set<CTxDestination> > GetAddressGroupings();
std::map<CTxDestination, int64> GetAddressBalances();
bool IsMine(const CTxIn& txin) const;
int64 GetDebit(const CTxIn& txin) const;
bool IsMine(const CTxOut& txout) const
return ::IsMine(*this, txout.scriptPubKey);
int64 GetCredit(const CTxOut& txout) const
if (!MoneyRange(txout.nValue))
throw std::runtime_error("CWallet::GetCredit() : value out of range");
return (IsMine(txout) ? txout.nValue : 0);
bool IsChange(const CTxOut& txout) const;
int64 GetChange(const CTxOut& txout) const
if (!MoneyRange(txout.nValue))
throw std::runtime_error("CWallet::GetChange() : value out of range");
return (IsChange(txout) ? txout.nValue : 0);
bool IsMine(const CTransaction& tx) const
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout)
if (IsMine(txout))
return true;
return false;
bool IsFromMe(const CTransaction& tx) const
return (GetDebit(tx) > 0);
int64 GetDebit(const CTransaction& tx) const
int64 nDebit = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
nDebit += GetDebit(txin);
if (!MoneyRange(nDebit))
throw std::runtime_error("CWallet::GetDebit() : value out of range");
return nDebit;
int64 GetCredit(const CTransaction& tx) const
int64 nCredit = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout)
nCredit += GetCredit(txout);
if (!MoneyRange(nCredit))
throw std::runtime_error("CWallet::GetCredit() : value out of range");
return nCredit;
int64 GetChange(const CTransaction& tx) const
int64 nChange = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout)
nChange += GetChange(txout);
if (!MoneyRange(nChange))
throw std::runtime_error("CWallet::GetChange() : value out of range");
return nChange;
void SetBestChain(const CBlockLocator& loc);
int LoadWallet(bool& fFirstRunRet);
bool SetAddressBookName(const CTxDestination& address, const std::string& strName);
bool DelAddressBookName(const CTxDestination& address);
void UpdatedTransaction(const uint256 &hashTx);
void PrintWallet(const CBlock& block);
void Inventory(const uint256 &hash)
std::map<uint256, int>::iterator mi = mapRequestCount.find(hash);
if (mi != mapRequestCount.end())
int GetKeyPoolSize()
return setKeyPool.size();
bool GetTransaction(const uint256 &hashTx, CWalletTx& wtx);
bool SetDefaultKey(const CPubKey &vchPubKey);
// signify that a particular wallet feature is now used. this may change nWalletVersion and nWalletMaxVersion if those are lower
bool SetMinVersion(enum WalletFeature, CWalletDB* pwalletdbIn = NULL, bool fExplicit = false);
// change which version we're allowed to upgrade to (note that this does not immediately imply upgrading to that format)
bool SetMaxVersion(int nVersion);
// get the current wallet format (the oldest client version guaranteed to understand this wallet)
int GetVersion() { return nWalletVersion; }
/** Address book entry changed.
* @note called with lock cs_wallet held.
boost::signals2::signal<void (CWallet *wallet, const CTxDestination &address, const std::string &label, bool isMine, ChangeType status)> NotifyAddressBookChanged;
/** Wallet transaction added, removed or updated.
* @note called with lock cs_wallet held.
boost::signals2::signal<void (CWallet *wallet, const uint256 &hashTx, ChangeType status)> NotifyTransactionChanged;
/** A key allocated from the key pool. */
class CReserveKey
CWallet* pwallet;
int64 nIndex;
CPubKey vchPubKey;
CReserveKey(CWallet* pwalletIn)
nIndex = -1;
pwallet = pwalletIn;
if (!fShutdown)
void ReturnKey();
CPubKey GetReservedKey();
void KeepKey();
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue_t;
static void ReadOrderPos(int64& nOrderPos, mapValue_t& mapValue)
if (!mapValue.count("n"))
nOrderPos = -1; // TODO: calculate elsewhere
nOrderPos = atoi64(mapValue["n"].c_str());
static void WriteOrderPos(const int64& nOrderPos, mapValue_t& mapValue)
if (nOrderPos == -1)
mapValue["n"] = i64tostr(nOrderPos);
/** A transaction with a bunch of additional info that only the owner cares about.
* It includes any unrecorded transactions needed to link it back to the block chain.
class CWalletTx : public CMerkleTx
const CWallet* pwallet;
std::vector<CMerkleTx> vtxPrev;
mapValue_t mapValue;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > vOrderForm;
unsigned int fTimeReceivedIsTxTime;
unsigned int nTimeReceived; // time received by this node
unsigned int nTimeSmart;
char fFromMe;
std::string strFromAccount;
std::vector<char> vfSpent; // which outputs are already spent
int64 nOrderPos; // position in ordered transaction list
// memory only
mutable bool fDebitCached;
mutable bool fCreditCached;
mutable bool fAvailableCreditCached;
mutable bool fChangeCached;
mutable int64 nDebitCached;
mutable int64 nCreditCached;
mutable int64 nAvailableCreditCached;
mutable int64 nChangeCached;
CWalletTx(const CWallet* pwalletIn)
CWalletTx(const CWallet* pwalletIn, const CMerkleTx& txIn) : CMerkleTx(txIn)
CWalletTx(const CWallet* pwalletIn, const CTransaction& txIn) : CMerkleTx(txIn)
void Init(const CWallet* pwalletIn)
pwallet = pwalletIn;
fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = false;
nTimeReceived = 0;
nTimeSmart = 0;
fFromMe = false;
fDebitCached = false;
fCreditCached = false;
fAvailableCreditCached = false;
fChangeCached = false;
nDebitCached = 0;
nCreditCached = 0;
nAvailableCreditCached = 0;
nChangeCached = 0;
nOrderPos = -1;
CWalletTx* pthis = const_cast<CWalletTx*>(this);
if (fRead)
char fSpent = false;
if (!fRead)
pthis->mapValue["fromaccount"] = pthis->strFromAccount;
std::string str;
BOOST_FOREACH(char f, vfSpent)
str += (f ? '1' : '0');
if (f)
fSpent = true;
pthis->mapValue["spent"] = str;
WriteOrderPos(pthis->nOrderPos, pthis->mapValue);
if (nTimeSmart)
pthis->mapValue["timesmart"] = strprintf("%u", nTimeSmart);
nSerSize += SerReadWrite(s, *(CMerkleTx*)this, nType, nVersion,ser_action);
if (fRead)
pthis->strFromAccount = pthis->mapValue["fromaccount"];
if (mapValue.count("spent"))
BOOST_FOREACH(char c, pthis->mapValue["spent"])
pthis->vfSpent.push_back(c != '0');
pthis->vfSpent.assign(vout.size(), fSpent);
ReadOrderPos(pthis->nOrderPos, pthis->mapValue);
pthis->nTimeSmart = mapValue.count("timesmart") ? (unsigned int)atoi64(pthis->mapValue["timesmart"]) : 0;
// marks certain txout's as spent
// returns true if any update took place
bool UpdateSpent(const std::vector<char>& vfNewSpent)
bool fReturn = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vfNewSpent.size(); i++)
if (i == vfSpent.size())
if (vfNewSpent[i] && !vfSpent[i])
vfSpent[i] = true;
fReturn = true;
fAvailableCreditCached = false;
return fReturn;
// make sure balances are recalculated
void MarkDirty()
fCreditCached = false;
fAvailableCreditCached = false;
fDebitCached = false;
fChangeCached = false;
void BindWallet(CWallet *pwalletIn)
pwallet = pwalletIn;
void MarkSpent(unsigned int nOut)
if (nOut >= vout.size())
throw std::runtime_error("CWalletTx::MarkSpent() : nOut out of range");
if (!vfSpent[nOut])
vfSpent[nOut] = true;
fAvailableCreditCached = false;
bool IsSpent(unsigned int nOut) const
if (nOut >= vout.size())
throw std::runtime_error("CWalletTx::IsSpent() : nOut out of range");
if (nOut >= vfSpent.size())
return false;
return (!!vfSpent[nOut]);
int64 GetDebit() const
if (vin.empty())
return 0;
if (fDebitCached)
return nDebitCached;
nDebitCached = pwallet->GetDebit(*this);
fDebitCached = true;
return nDebitCached;
int64 GetCredit(bool fUseCache=true) const
// Must wait until coinbase is safely deep enough in the chain before valuing it
if (IsCoinBase() && GetBlocksToMaturity() > 0)
return 0;
// GetBalance can assume transactions in mapWallet won't change
if (fUseCache && fCreditCached)
return nCreditCached;
nCreditCached = pwallet->GetCredit(*this);
fCreditCached = true;
return nCreditCached;
int64 GetAvailableCredit(bool fUseCache=true) const
// Must wait until coinbase is safely deep enough in the chain before valuing it
if (IsCoinBase() && GetBlocksToMaturity() > 0)
return 0;
if (fUseCache && fAvailableCreditCached)
return nAvailableCreditCached;
int64 nCredit = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vout.size(); i++)
if (!IsSpent(i))
const CTxOut &txout = vout[i];
nCredit += pwallet->GetCredit(txout);
if (!MoneyRange(nCredit))
throw std::runtime_error("CWalletTx::GetAvailableCredit() : value out of range");
nAvailableCreditCached = nCredit;
fAvailableCreditCached = true;
return nCredit;
int64 GetChange() const
if (fChangeCached)
return nChangeCached;
nChangeCached = pwallet->GetChange(*this);
fChangeCached = true;
return nChangeCached;
void GetAmounts(std::list<std::pair<CTxDestination, int64> >& listReceived,
std::list<std::pair<CTxDestination, int64> >& listSent, int64& nFee, std::string& strSentAccount) const;
void GetAccountAmounts(const std::string& strAccount, int64& nReceived,
int64& nSent, int64& nFee) const;
bool IsFromMe() const
return (GetDebit() > 0);
bool IsConfirmed() const
// Quick answer in most cases
if (!IsFinal())
return false;
if (GetDepthInMainChain() >= 1)
return true;
if (!IsFromMe()) // using wtx's cached debit
return false;
// If no confirmations but it's from us, we can still
// consider it confirmed if all dependencies are confirmed
std::map<uint256, const CMerkleTx*> mapPrev;
std::vector<const CMerkleTx*> vWorkQueue;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vWorkQueue.size(); i++)
const CMerkleTx* ptx = vWorkQueue[i];
if (!ptx->IsFinal())
return false;
if (ptx->GetDepthInMainChain() >= 1)
if (!pwallet->IsFromMe(*ptx))
return false;
if (mapPrev.empty())
BOOST_FOREACH(const CMerkleTx& tx, vtxPrev)
mapPrev[tx.GetHash()] = &tx;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, ptx->vin)
if (!mapPrev.count(txin.prevout.hash))
return false;
return true;
bool WriteToDisk();
int64 GetTxTime() const;
int GetRequestCount() const;
void AddSupportingTransactions(CTxDB& txdb);
bool AcceptWalletTransaction(CTxDB& txdb, bool fCheckInputs=true);
bool AcceptWalletTransaction();
void RelayWalletTransaction(CTxDB& txdb);
void RelayWalletTransaction();
class COutput
const CWalletTx *tx;
int i;
int nDepth;
COutput(const CWalletTx *txIn, int iIn, int nDepthIn)
tx = txIn; i = iIn; nDepth = nDepthIn;
std::string ToString() const
return strprintf("COutput(%s, %d, %d) [%s]", tx->GetHash().ToString().substr(0,10).c_str(), i, nDepth, FormatMoney(tx->vout[i].nValue).c_str());
void print() const
printf("%s\n", ToString().c_str());
/** Private key that includes an expiration date in case it never gets used. */
class CWalletKey
CPrivKey vchPrivKey;
int64 nTimeCreated;
int64 nTimeExpires;
std::string strComment;
//// todo: add something to note what created it (user, getnewaddress, change)
//// maybe should have a map<string, string> property map
CWalletKey(int64 nExpires=0)
nTimeCreated = (nExpires ? GetTime() : 0);
nTimeExpires = nExpires;
if (!(nType & SER_GETHASH))
/** Account information.
* Stored in wallet with key "acc"+string account name.
class CAccount
CPubKey vchPubKey;
void SetNull()
vchPubKey = CPubKey();
if (!(nType & SER_GETHASH))
/** Internal transfers.
* Database key is acentry<account><counter>.
class CAccountingEntry
std::string strAccount;
int64 nCreditDebit;
int64 nTime;
std::string strOtherAccount;
std::string strComment;
mapValue_t mapValue;
int64 nOrderPos; // position in ordered transaction list
uint64 nEntryNo;
void SetNull()
nCreditDebit = 0;
nTime = 0;
nOrderPos = -1;
CAccountingEntry& me = *const_cast<CAccountingEntry*>(this);
if (!(nType & SER_GETHASH))
// Note: strAccount is serialized as part of the key, not here.
if (!fRead)
WriteOrderPos(nOrderPos, me.mapValue);
if (!(mapValue.empty() && _ssExtra.empty()))
CDataStream ss(nType, nVersion);
ss.insert(ss.begin(), '\0');
ss << mapValue;
ss.insert(ss.end(), _ssExtra.begin(), _ssExtra.end());
size_t nSepPos = strComment.find("\0", 0, 1);
if (fRead)
if (std::string::npos != nSepPos)
CDataStream ss(std::vector<char>(strComment.begin() + nSepPos + 1, strComment.end()), nType, nVersion);
ss >> me.mapValue;
me._ssExtra = std::vector<char>(ss.begin(), ss.end());
ReadOrderPos(me.nOrderPos, me.mapValue);
if (std::string::npos != nSepPos)
std::vector<char> _ssExtra;
bool GetWalletFile(CWallet* pwallet, std::string &strWalletFileOut);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Mar 2, 08:48 (23 h, 55 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(134 KB)

Event Timeline