strUsage += " -rpcport=<port> " + _("Listen for JSON-RPC connections on <port> (default: 8332 or testnet: 18332)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcallowip=<ip> " + _("Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified IP address") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcthreads=<n> " + _("Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: 4)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -blocknotify=<cmd> " + _("Execute command when the best block changes (%s in cmd is replaced by block hash)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -alertnotify=<cmd> " + _("Execute command when a relevant alert is received or we see a really long fork (%s in cmd is replaced by message)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -keypool=<n> " + _("Set key pool size to <n> (default: 100)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -checkblocks=<n> " + _("How many blocks to check at startup (default: 288, 0 = all)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -checklevel=<n> " + _("How thorough the block verification is (0-4, default: 3)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -txindex " + _("Maintain a full transaction index (default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -reindex " + _("Rebuild block chain index from current blk000??.dat files") + "\n";
strUsage += " -par=<n> " + _("Set the number of script verification threads (up to 16, 0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += "\n" + _("Wallet options:") + "\n";
strUsage += " -disablewallet " + _("Do not load the wallet and disable wallet RPC calls") + "\n";
strUsage += " -paytxfee=<amt> " + _("Fee per kB to add to transactions you send") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rescan " + _("Rescan the block chain for missing wallet transactions") + "\n";
strUsage += " -salvagewallet " + _("Attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet.dat") + "\n";
std::map<CNetAddr, int64_t>::iterator i = setBanned.find(ip);
if (i != setBanned.end())
int64_t t = (*i).second;
if (GetTime() < t)
fResult = true;
return fResult;
bool CNode::Ban(const CNetAddr &addr) {
int64_t banTime = GetTime()+GetArg("-bantime", 60*60*24); // Default 24-hour ban
if (setBanned[addr] < banTime)
setBanned[addr] = banTime;
return true;
#undef X
#define X(name) = name
void CNode::copyStats(CNodeStats &stats)
stats.nodeid = this->GetId();
stats.fSyncNode = (this == pnodeSync);
// It is common for nodes with good ping times to suddenly become lagged,
// due to a new block arriving or other large transfer.
// Merely reporting pingtime might fool the caller into thinking the node was still responsive,
// since pingtime does not update until the ping is complete, which might take a while.
// So, if a ping is taking an unusually long time in flight,
// the caller can immediately detect that this is happening.
int64_t nPingUsecWait = 0;
if ((0 != nPingNonceSent) && (0 != nPingUsecStart)) {
nPingUsecWait = GetTimeMicros() - nPingUsecStart;
// Raw ping time is in microseconds, but show it to user as whole seconds (Bitcoin users should be well used to small numbers with many decimal places by now :)
" \"previousblockhash\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The hash of current highest block\n"
" \"transactions\" : [ (array) contents of non-coinbase transactions that should be included in the next block\n"
" {\n"
" \"data\" : \"xxxx\", (string) transaction data encoded in hexadecimal (byte-for-byte)\n"
" \"hash\" : \"xxxx\", (string) hash/id encoded in little-endian hexadecimal\n"
" \"depends\" : [ (array) array of numbers \n"
" n (numeric) transactions before this one (by 1-based index in 'transactions' list) that must be present in the final block if this one is\n"
" ,...\n"
" ],\n"
" \"fee\": n, (numeric) difference in value between transaction inputs and outputs (in Satoshis); for coinbase transactions, this is a negative Number of the total collected block fees (ie, not including the block subsidy); if key is not present, fee is unknown and clients MUST NOT assume there isn't one\n"
" \"sigops\" : n, (numeric) total number of SigOps, as counted for purposes of block limits; if key is not present, sigop count is unknown and clients MUST NOT assume there aren't any\n"
" \"required\" : true|false (boolean) if provided and true, this transaction must be in the final block\n"
" }\n"
" ,...\n"
" ],\n"
" \"coinbaseaux\" : { (json object) data that should be included in the coinbase's scriptSig content\n"
" \"flags\" : \"flags\" (string) \n"
" },\n"
" \"coinbasevalue\" : n, (numeric) maximum allowable input to coinbase transaction, including the generation award and transaction fees (in Satoshis)\n"
" \"coinbasetxn\" : { ... }, (json object) information for coinbase transaction\n"
" \"target\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The hash target\n"
" \"mintime\" : xxx, (numeric) The minimum timestamp appropriate for next block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
" \"mutable\" : [ (array of string) list of ways the block template may be changed \n"
" \"value\" (string) A way the block template may be changed, e.g. 'time', 'transactions', 'prevblock'\n"
" ,...\n"
" ],\n"
" \"noncerange\" : \"00000000ffffffff\", (string) A range of valid nonces\n"
" \"sigoplimit\" : n, (numeric) limit of sigops in blocks\n"
" \"sizelimit\" : n, (numeric) limit of block size\n"
" \"curtime\" : ttt, (numeric) current timestamp in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
" \"bits\" : \"xxx\", (string) compressed target of next block\n"
" \"height\" : n (numeric) The height of the next block\n"