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diff --git a/apps/ecash-herald/scripts/generateMocks.js b/apps/ecash-herald/scripts/generateMocks.js
--- a/apps/ecash-herald/scripts/generateMocks.js
+++ b/apps/ecash-herald/scripts/generateMocks.js
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
const { ChronikClient } = require('chronik-client');
const chronik = new ChronikClient(config.chronik);
const { handleBlockConnected } = require('../src/events');
+const { jsonReplacer } = require('../src/utils');
// Look for specified flag variable
let overwriteMocks = false;
if (process.argv && typeof process.argv[2] !== 'undefined') {
@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@
} catch (err) {
`Error in Promise.all(handleBlockConnectedPromisesResponse)`,
+ err,
@@ -153,11 +154,11 @@
if (overwriteMocks) {
mocksWrite = `// Copyright (c) 2023 The Bitcoin developers\n// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying\n// file COPYING or\n// @generated\n\n'use strict'\n\nmodule.exports=${JSON.stringify(
- null,
+ jsonReplacer,
} else {
- mocksWrite = JSON.stringify(blocksMock, null, 2);
+ mocksWrite = JSON.stringify(blocksMock, jsonReplacer, 2);
fs.writeFileSync(`${mocksDir}/${mocksFileName}`, mocksWrite, 'utf-8');
diff --git a/apps/ecash-herald/src/parse.js b/apps/ecash-herald/src/parse.js
--- a/apps/ecash-herald/src/parse.js
+++ b/apps/ecash-herald/src/parse.js
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
'use strict';
const config = require('../config');
+const cashaddr = require('ecashaddrjs');
const { prepareStringForTelegramHTML } = require('./telegram');
-const { formatPrice } = require('./utils');
+const { formatPrice, returnAddressPreview } = require('./utils');
module.exports = {
parseBlock: function (chronikBlockResponse) {
const { blockInfo, txs } = chronikBlockResponse;
@@ -42,12 +43,24 @@
* { txid, genesisInfo, opReturnInfo }
- const { txid, outputs } = tx;
+ const { txid, inputs, outputs, size } = tx;
let isTokenTx = false;
let genesisInfo = false;
let opReturnInfo = false;
+ /* Collect xecSendInfo for all txs, since all txs are XEC sends
+ * You may later want to render xecSendInfo for tokenSends, appTxs, etc,
+ * maybe on special conditions, e.g.a token send tx that also sends a bunch of xec
+ */
+ // xecSend parsing variables
+ let xecSendingOutputScripts = new Set();
+ let xecReceivingOutputs = new Map();
+ let xecChangeOutputs = new Map();
+ let xecInputAmountSats = 0;
+ let xecOutputAmountSats = 0;
if (tx.slpTxData !== null && typeof tx.slpTxData !== 'undefined') {
isTokenTx = true;
if (
@@ -60,19 +73,65 @@
genesisInfo = tx.slpTxData.genesisInfo;
+ for (let i in inputs) {
+ const thisInput = inputs[i];
+ xecSendingOutputScripts.add(thisInput.outputScript);
+ xecInputAmountSats += parseInt(thisInput.value);
+ }
// Iterate over outputs to check for OP_RETURN msgs
for (let i = 0; i < outputs.length; i += 1) {
const thisOutput = outputs[i];
- const { value } = thisOutput;
+ const value = parseInt(thisOutput.value);
+ xecOutputAmountSats += value;
+ // If this output script is the same as one of the sendingOutputScripts
+ if (xecSendingOutputScripts.has(thisOutput.outputScript)) {
+ // Then this XEC amount is change
+ // Add outputScript and value to map
+ // If this outputScript is already in xecChangeOutputs, increment its value
+ xecChangeOutputs.set(
+ thisOutput.outputScript,
+ (xecChangeOutputs.get(thisOutput.outputScript) ?? 0) +
+ value,
+ );
+ } else {
+ // Add an xecReceivingOutput
+ // Add outputScript and value to map
+ // If this outputScript is already in xecReceivingOutputs, increment its value
+ xecReceivingOutputs.set(
+ thisOutput.outputScript,
+ (xecReceivingOutputs.get(thisOutput.outputScript) ?? 0) +
+ value,
+ );
+ }
// Don't parse OP_RETURN values of etoken txs, this info is available from chronik
- if (value === '0' && !isTokenTx) {
- const { outputScript } = thisOutput;
- opReturnInfo = module.exports.parseOpReturn(outputScript);
+ if (
+ thisOutput.outputScript.startsWith(
+ config.opReturn.opReturnPrefix,
+ ) &&
+ !isTokenTx
+ ) {
+ opReturnInfo = module.exports.parseOpReturn(
+ thisOutput.outputScript,
+ );
- return { txid, genesisInfo, opReturnInfo };
+ // Determine tx fee
+ const txFee = xecInputAmountSats - xecOutputAmountSats;
+ const satsPerByte = txFee / size;
+ return {
+ txid,
+ genesisInfo,
+ opReturnInfo,
+ satsPerByte,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts,
+ xecChangeOutputs,
+ xecReceivingOutputs,
+ };
parseOpReturn: function (outputScript) {
// Initialize required vars
@@ -218,11 +277,20 @@
// These arrays will be used to present txs in batches by type
const genesisTxTgMsgLines = [];
const opReturnTxTgMsgLines = [];
+ const xecSendTxTgMsgLines = [];
// Iterate over parsedTxs to find anything newsworthy
for (let i = 0; i < parsedTxs.length; i += 1) {
const thisParsedTx = parsedTxs[i];
- const { txid, genesisInfo, opReturnInfo } = thisParsedTx;
+ const {
+ txid,
+ genesisInfo,
+ opReturnInfo,
+ satsPerByte,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts,
+ xecChangeOutputs,
+ xecReceivingOutputs,
+ } = thisParsedTx;
if (genesisInfo) {
// The txid of a genesis tx is the tokenId
const tokenId = txid;
@@ -250,6 +318,71 @@
// This parsed tx has a tg msg line. Move on to the next one.
+ // Txs not parsed above are parsed as xec send txs
+ /* We do the totalSatsSent calculation here in getBlockTgMsg and not above in parseTx
+ * as it is only necessary to do for rendered txs
+ */
+ let totalSatsSent = 0;
+ for (const satoshis of xecReceivingOutputs.values()) {
+ totalSatsSent += satoshis;
+ }
+ // Convert sats to XEC. Round as decimals will not be rendered in msgs.
+ const totalXecSent = parseFloat((totalSatsSent / 100).toFixed(0));
+ // Clone xecReceivingOutputs so that you don't modify unit test mocks
+ let xecReceivingAddressOutputs = new Map(xecReceivingOutputs);
+ // Throw out OP_RETURN outputs for txs parsed as XEC send txs
+ xecReceivingAddressOutputs.forEach((value, key, map) => {
+ if (key.startsWith(config.opReturn.opReturnPrefix)) {
+ map.delete(key);
+ }
+ });
+ let xecSendMsg;
+ if (xecReceivingAddressOutputs.size === 0) {
+ // self send tx
+ let changeAmountSats = 0;
+ for (const satoshis of xecChangeOutputs.values()) {
+ changeAmountSats += satoshis;
+ }
+ // Convert sats to XEC.
+ const changeAmountXec = parseFloat(changeAmountSats / 100);
+ xecSendMsg = `${xecSendingOutputScripts.size} ${
+ xecSendingOutputScripts.size > 1 ? 'addresses' : 'address'
+ } <a href="${
+ config.blockExplorer
+ }/tx/${txid}">sent</a> ${changeAmountXec} XEC to ${
+ xecSendingOutputScripts.size > 1 ? 'themselves' : 'itself'
+ }`;
+ } else {
+ xecSendMsg = `${returnAddressPreview(
+ cashaddr.encodeOutputScript(
+ xecSendingOutputScripts.values().next().value,
+ ),
+ )} <a href="${
+ config.blockExplorer
+ }/tx/${txid}">sent</a> ${totalXecSent.toLocaleString('en-US', {
+ minimumFractionDigits: 0,
+ })} XEC to ${
+ xecReceivingAddressOutputs.keys().next().value ===
+ xecSendingOutputScripts.values().next().value
+ ? 'itself'
+ : returnAddressPreview(
+ cashaddr.encodeOutputScript(
+ xecReceivingAddressOutputs.keys().next()
+ .value,
+ ),
+ )
+ }${
+ xecReceivingAddressOutputs.size > 1
+ ? ` and ${xecReceivingAddressOutputs.size - 1} others`
+ : ''
+ } | ${satsPerByte.toFixed(2)} sats per byte`;
+ }
+ xecSendTxTgMsgLines.push(xecSendMsg);
// Build up message as an array, with each line as an entry
@@ -309,6 +442,23 @@
tgMsg = tgMsg.concat(opReturnTxTgMsgLines);
+ // XEC txs
+ if (xecSendTxTgMsgLines.length > 0) {
+ // Line break for new section
+ tgMsg.push('');
+ // App txs:
+ // or
+ // App tx:
+ tgMsg.push(
+ `${xecSendTxTgMsgLines.length} eCash tx${
+ xecSendTxTgMsgLines.length > 1 ? `s` : ''
+ }:`,
+ );
+ tgMsg = tgMsg.concat(xecSendTxTgMsgLines);
+ }
// Join array with newLine char, \n
return tgMsg.join('\n');
diff --git a/apps/ecash-herald/src/utils.js b/apps/ecash-herald/src/utils.js
--- a/apps/ecash-herald/src/utils.js
+++ b/apps/ecash-herald/src/utils.js
@@ -100,4 +100,30 @@
maximumFractionDigits: 8,
+ jsonReplacer: function (key, value) {
+ if (value instanceof Map) {
+ return {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: Array.from(value.entries()),
+ };
+ } else if (value instanceof Set) {
+ return {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: Array.from(value.keys()),
+ };
+ } else {
+ return value;
+ }
+ },
+ jsonReviver: function (key, value) {
+ if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
+ if (value.dataType === 'Map') {
+ return new Map(value.value);
+ }
+ if (value.dataType === 'Set') {
+ return new Set(value.value);
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
diff --git a/apps/ecash-herald/test/mocks/blocks.js b/apps/ecash-herald/test/mocks/blocks.js
--- a/apps/ecash-herald/test/mocks/blocks.js
+++ b/apps/ecash-herald/test/mocks/blocks.js
@@ -78,33 +78,33 @@
coingeckoResponse: {
bitcoin: {
- usd: 30729.89878314,
+ usd: 29160.02775612,
ecash: {
- usd: 0.00003239,
+ usd: 0.00002943,
ethereum: {
- usd: 2109.65870749,
+ usd: 1894.98574958,
coingeckoPrices: [
fiat: 'usd',
- price: 0.00003239,
+ price: 0.00002943,
ticker: 'XEC',
fiat: 'usd',
- price: 30729.89878314,
+ price: 29160.02775612,
ticker: 'BTC',
fiat: 'usd',
- price: 2109.65870749,
+ price: 1894.98574958,
ticker: 'ETH',
- tgMsg: '<a href="">0</a> | 1 tx | unknown\n1 XEC = $0.00003239\n1 BTC = $30,730\n1 ETH = $2,110',
+ tgMsg: '<a href="">0</a> | 1 tx | unknown\n1 XEC = $0.00002943\n1 BTC = $29,160\n1 ETH = $1,895',
'<a href="">0</a> | 1 tx | unknown',
blockName: 'genesisBlock',
@@ -4999,6 +4999,36 @@
txid: '00343ff64e176e514e83a3c247d0a8800641ebf1dd8c87c26b7757619fc58768',
genesisInfo: false,
opReturnInfo: false,
+ satsPerByte: 1.0049261083743843,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a91419dcce67b8c86f8084069448e9c7ae04f7f97fdf88ac',
+ '76a91418a6005abe4f13143813174a293c34d97cb3ebd788ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a91418a6005abe4f13143813174a293c34d97cb3ebd788ac',
+ 1000,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a9142762e378fab2db2fb07706c60546600e0a25255988ac',
+ 1523544560,
+ ],
+ [
+ '76a9140dae4cc4803e25420fb04e3a11ab231efbe1fb3088ac',
+ 18660017128,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
txid: '0473d97d997b61c5018205b27316b6ae660a9b7835a46166fa87e0b1b26de2dd',
@@ -5007,21 +5037,109 @@
app: 'no app',
msg: '1629498127|85',
+ satsPerByte: 1.0040322580645162,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ 3356,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [['6a0a31363239343938313237023835', 0]],
+ },
txid: '05b4fd23fbe566b5d789f536cc41e77539e6e23e1f5ecb6d8ae67e386ba2e94b',
genesisInfo: false,
opReturnInfo: false,
+ satsPerByte: 1,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a914d30b30f10688c5f49716659865f20427f7d1cc8988ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a914ceb5764692115ce0fed552c4cf7a8aa0f955262488ac',
+ 965,
+ ],
+ [
+ '76a91472496e173f2bd86ffa267cac6cbcc3a7f9c1add488ac',
+ 634455,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
txid: '05dbfb3db7f4a73de336745335f419ced31b42b2c3e05cdba4cb50e06eb16471',
genesisInfo: false,
opReturnInfo: false,
+ satsPerByte: 10.692708333333334,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9142be2fd325cb1b8a152d0864f0fbaef232a71df3a88ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a9145f972e8b3c05bbc840cc549ed8e9bc3589abbee688ac',
+ 209997947,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
txid: '074d2111cd7014c04d626cf4d96ca273234f5a7c014e5edb0e03145e53a838f2',
genesisInfo: false,
opReturnInfo: false,
+ satsPerByte: 1.2256637168141593,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a914f8dc5f711519e560cd20cc98d69f17e44b7644ed88ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a914a92b6d3bbf75d52588c16cc8f7e66daf6f0b083888ac',
+ 735053,
+ ],
+ [
+ '76a91473499c45b6769d1442c8b6c337d87e1fce1dd52a88ac',
+ 23306976,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
txid: '0d0a722a21aeca90ebb3d0954475ccb67f18c02945bc138c1f2ae6d507e3feb7',
@@ -5030,6 +5148,26 @@
app: 'no app',
msg: '1629500089|91',
+ satsPerByte: 1.0080645161290323,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ 3854,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [['6a0a31363239353030303839023931', 0]],
+ },
txid: '0d9a82afc6b2605b25f8dab8b398579c3d408dc4c25919f6827a1afa5a0f6e5a',
@@ -5038,11 +5176,52 @@
app: 'no app',
msg: '1629497915|79',
+ satsPerByte: 3.1401869158878504,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [['6a0a31363239343937393135023739', 0]],
+ },
txid: '0e64f62f9cb16a31cfa2188d6c9ec674c13f3d2f5320672fc45f02a8a1aba38d',
genesisInfo: false,
opReturnInfo: false,
+ satsPerByte: 1.057057057057057,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9146959abbb87c32cf59b7b30bd34f2500fd928922788ac',
+ '76a91418a6005abe4f13143813174a293c34d97cb3ebd788ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a91418a6005abe4f13143813174a293c34d97cb3ebd788ac',
+ 1000,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a91405e0ef2031b39b155125be85afd7a9bf27eb10c088ac',
+ 426164618,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
txid: '1205ec2b6105716eccb95f5b26c5d65d81a390ac8bacc6ee1f20aa1757015143',
@@ -5051,6 +5230,26 @@
app: 'no app',
msg: '1629500647|79',
+ satsPerByte: 1.0080645161290323,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ 2107,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [['6a0a31363239353030363437023739', 0]],
+ },
txid: '134b0feae8567aa52d73975746376b785564cbc907f8ce7dfc44f90edd869145',
@@ -5059,6 +5258,21 @@
app: 'no app',
msg: '1629499023|76',
+ satsPerByte: 3.1401869158878504,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [['6a0a31363239343939303233023736', 0]],
+ },
txid: '136742fdb231e1342f790a5123f46414c3957f7d199b80ea729ecba274e3b787',
@@ -5067,6 +5281,26 @@
app: 'no app',
msg: '1629497534|78',
+ satsPerByte: 1.0080645161290323,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ 1859,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [['6a0a31363239343937353334023738', 0]],
+ },
txid: '1478f35e98cff2227a826bc93463d2813b5161929267806d49ec994088747bfa',
@@ -5075,16 +5309,85 @@
app: 'no app',
msg: '1629498535|87',
+ satsPerByte: 1.0121457489878543,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ 2108,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [['6a0a31363239343938353335023837', 0]],
+ },
txid: '15461fbfdafca9999d195353f6fcbafef4769cb100585315829dafddc66c5ccc',
genesisInfo: false,
opReturnInfo: false,
+ satsPerByte: 1,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a914eead5afae061d769d164f01e834aa655b589d8c188ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a9149e5c967c3ce9b6ee3c2aaddcdfcf6564a3d0296c88ac',
+ 1192318937,
+ ],
+ [
+ '76a914b9ffbdd63952517333d0d9312cf0d1bd1491aca388ac',
+ 3576130750,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
txid: '17da7f7d89c687a99b2ed270014fe79be67938d75cf6fffd5afdfa18dcf92624',
genesisInfo: false,
opReturnInfo: false,
+ satsPerByte: 4.177777777777778,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9144aa8aba45c20b62e35f7e070027f3be2644cd5ed88ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a9144aa8aba45c20b62e35f7e070027f3be2644cd5ed88ac',
+ 637662228019,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ xecReceivingOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a914782a0f034e37624d48440e29ac19d2e8ed5bbc6d88ac',
+ 6985000,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
txid: '2061d46821889fe8767c6fb747b87e37e3961eab46e8a7dc9098719d170fca52',
@@ -5093,6 +5396,26 @@
app: 'no app',
msg: '1629500798|79',
+ satsPerByte: 1.008097165991903,
+ xecSendingOutputScripts: {
+ dataType: 'Set',
+ value: [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ ],
+ },
+ xecChangeOutputs: {
+ dataType: 'Map',
+ value: [
+ [
+ '76a9140848ee10a336bba27c7ee90dc4a1c2407178a5b788ac',
+ 1608,
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
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+ '<a href="">700722</a> | 97 txs | unknown\n\n1 new eToken created:\n<a href="">Lambda Variant Variants</a> (LVV) <a href="">[doc]</a>\n\nApp txs:\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629498127|85\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629500089|91\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629497915|79\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629500647|79\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629499023|76\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629497534|78\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629498535|87\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629500798|79\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629497457|77\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629498288|72\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629499274|64\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629500162|80\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629500720|82\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629499774|94\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629497610|79\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629499360|84\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629498460|71\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629500318|76\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629497132|78\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629498060|88\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629499897|105\n<a href="">no app:</a> 1629497763|75\n<a href="">no 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+ tgMsg: '<a href="">782665</a> | 43 txs | ViaBTC\n1 XEC = $0.00002943\n1 BTC = $29,160\n1 ETH = $1,895\n\n2 new eTokens created:\n<a href="">BearNip</a> (BEAR) <a href="">[doc]</a>\n<a href="">eCash Herald</a> (TRIB) <a href="">[doc]</a>\n\nApp txs:\n<a href="">memo:</a> Reply to memo|�V��iM�j�t[P\u001c\u000e����J\u0018_�z7�\b�k\u0005u\n|From what I\'m gathering, it seems that the media went from questioning authority to doing their bidding as a collective NPC hivemind!\n<a href="">Alias:</a> 12345\n\n38 eCash txs:\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqzx...efz <a href="">sent</a> 999,998 XEC to qq6...f27 | 1.08 sats per byte\nqqc...c8e <a href="">sent</a> 18,698,998 XEC to qz4...n9l and 1 others | 1.03 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqqj...9g4 <a href="">sent</a> 936 XEC to qpw...x5g | 2.38 sats per byte\nqqh...lpy <a href="">sent</a> 29,022,106 XEC to qqu...0av and 1 others | 10.05 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qq5...fn0 | 2.36 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqrx...4nm <a href="">sent</a> 1,000 XEC to qz9...jhz | 1.00 sats per byte\nqz2...035 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qp8...gg6 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqpl...4l0 <a href="">sent</a> 984,178 XEC to qpu...4d7 | 1.44 sats per byte\nqpt...2wg <a href="">sent</a> 23,656,838 XEC to qz6...74j and 2 others | 10.05 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 11 XEC to qpx...kvj and 1 others | 1.47 sats per byte\nqq3...x4u <a href="">sent</a> 807,228 XEC to qrh...pdm | 1.00 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqz2...035 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qp8...gg6 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqz9...m57 <a href="">sent</a> 950 XEC to qqj...9g4 | 2.16 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\n1 address <a href="">sent</a> 237.57 XEC to itself\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqz2...035 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qp8...gg6 | 2.36 sats per byte\nqpy...6yp <a href="">sent</a> 2,000 XEC to qqn...678 | 2.02 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qq5...fn0 | 2.37 sats per byte\npp2...mza <a href="">sent</a> 16 XEC to qpx...kvj and 2 others | 1.01 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqpx...kvj <a href="">sent</a> 32 XEC to qr0...d2u and 1 others | 2.03 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte',
- '<a href="">782665</a> | 43 txs | ViaBTC\n\n2 new eTokens created:\n<a href="">BearNip</a> (BEAR) <a href="">[doc]</a>\n<a href="">eCash Herald</a> (TRIB) <a href="">[doc]</a>\n\nApp txs:\n<a href="">memo:</a> Reply to memo|�V��iM�j�t[P\u001c\u000e����J\u0018_�z7�\b�k\u0005u\n|From what I\'m gathering, it seems that the media went from questioning authority to doing their bidding as a collective NPC hivemind!\n<a href="">Alias:</a> 12345',
+ '<a href="">782665</a> | 43 txs | ViaBTC\n\n2 new eTokens created:\n<a href="">BearNip</a> (BEAR) <a href="">[doc]</a>\n<a href="">eCash Herald</a> (TRIB) <a href="">[doc]</a>\n\nApp txs:\n<a href="">memo:</a> Reply to memo|�V��iM�j�t[P\u001c\u000e����J\u0018_�z7�\b�k\u0005u\n|From what I\'m gathering, it seems that the media went from questioning authority to doing their bidding as a collective NPC hivemind!\n<a href="">Alias:</a> 12345\n\n38 eCash txs:\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqzx...efz <a href="">sent</a> 999,998 XEC to qq6...f27 | 1.08 sats per byte\nqqc...c8e <a href="">sent</a> 18,698,998 XEC to qz4...n9l and 1 others | 1.03 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqqj...9g4 <a href="">sent</a> 936 XEC to qpw...x5g | 2.38 sats per byte\nqqh...lpy <a href="">sent</a> 29,022,106 XEC to qqu...0av and 1 others | 10.05 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qq5...fn0 | 2.36 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqrx...4nm <a href="">sent</a> 1,000 XEC to qz9...jhz | 1.00 sats per byte\nqz2...035 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qp8...gg6 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqpl...4l0 <a href="">sent</a> 984,178 XEC to qpu...4d7 | 1.44 sats per byte\nqpt...2wg <a href="">sent</a> 23,656,838 XEC to qz6...74j and 2 others | 10.05 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 11 XEC to qpx...kvj and 1 others | 1.47 sats per byte\nqq3...x4u <a href="">sent</a> 807,228 XEC to qrh...pdm | 1.00 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqz2...035 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qp8...gg6 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqz9...m57 <a href="">sent</a> 950 XEC to qqj...9g4 | 2.16 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\n1 address <a href="">sent</a> 237.57 XEC to itself\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qrs...6k9 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqz2...035 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qp8...gg6 | 2.36 sats per byte\nqpy...6yp <a href="">sent</a> 2,000 XEC to qqn...678 | 2.02 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqrv...ffd <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qq5...fn0 | 2.37 sats per byte\npp2...mza <a href="">sent</a> 16 XEC to qpx...kvj and 2 others | 1.01 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte\nqpx...kvj <a href="">sent</a> 32 XEC to qr0...d2u and 1 others | 2.03 sats per byte\nqq6...eq7 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qpx...kvj | 2.56 sats per byte',
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@@ -10441,55 +13730,155 @@
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- '<a href="">782571</a> | 5 txs | ViaBTC',
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@@ -13867,16 +17964,90 @@
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@@ -13913,40 +18202,69 @@
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ticker: 'XEC',
fiat: 'usd',
- price: 30729.89878314,
+ price: 29160.02775612,
ticker: 'BTC',
fiat: 'usd',
- price: 2109.65870749,
+ price: 1894.98574958,
ticker: 'ETH',
- tgMsg: '<a href="">782774</a> | 10 txs | ViaBTC\n1 XEC = $0.00003239\n1 BTC = $30,730\n1 ETH = $2,110\n\nApp txs:\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Why not another one, this time with emojis 🤔\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Can\'t believe already need to test again\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Another Cashtab message to the TG bot. Making it longer to see if spacing is a problem. Is spacing a problem? Is parsing a problem? Who can tell. We will only know after this message appears (or doesn\'t). ',
+ tgMsg: '<a href="">782774</a> | 10 txs | ViaBTC\n1 XEC = $0.00002943\n1 BTC = $29,160\n1 ETH = $1,895\n\nApp txs:\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Why not another one, this time with emojis 🤔\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Can\'t believe already need to test again\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Another Cashtab message to the TG bot. Making it longer to see if spacing is a problem. Is spacing a problem? Is parsing a problem? Who can tell. We will only know after this message appears (or doesn\'t). \n\n6 eCash txs:\nqrw...re7 <a href="">sent</a> 21 XEC to qza...e7g | 5.00 sats per byte\nqp4...v8x <a href="">sent</a> 4,568,709 XEC to pqg...tlg and 1 others | 2.02 sats per byte\nqq5...ck4 <a href="">sent</a> 10,280 XEC to qza...e7g | 5.01 sats per byte\nqzj...u85 <a href="">sent</a> 29 XEC to qza...e7g | 5.02 sats per byte\nqz2...035 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qp8...gg6 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqrk...wcf <a href="">sent</a> 8,220 XEC to qza...e7g | 5.01 sats per byte',
- '<a href="">782774</a> | 10 txs | ViaBTC\n\nApp txs:\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Why not another one, this time with emojis 🤔\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Can\'t believe already need to test again\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Another Cashtab message to the TG bot. Making it longer to see if spacing is a problem. Is spacing a problem? Is parsing a problem? Who can tell. We will only know after this message appears (or doesn\'t). ',
+ '<a href="">782774</a> | 10 txs | ViaBTC\n\nApp txs:\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Why not another one, this time with emojis 🤔\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Can\'t believe already need to test again\n<a href="">Cashtab Msg:</a> Another Cashtab message to the TG bot. Making it longer to see if spacing is a problem. Is spacing a problem? Is parsing a problem? Who can tell. We will only know after this message appears (or doesn\'t). \n\n6 eCash txs:\nqrw...re7 <a href="">sent</a> 21 XEC to qza...e7g | 5.00 sats per byte\nqp4...v8x <a href="">sent</a> 4,568,709 XEC to pqg...tlg and 1 others | 2.02 sats per byte\nqq5...ck4 <a href="">sent</a> 10,280 XEC to qza...e7g | 5.01 sats per byte\nqzj...u85 <a href="">sent</a> 29 XEC to qza...e7g | 5.02 sats per byte\nqz2...035 <a href="">sent</a> 5 XEC to qp8...gg6 | 2.37 sats per byte\nqrk...wcf <a href="">sent</a> 8,220 XEC to qza...e7g | 5.01 sats per byte',
blockName: 'cashtabMsgMulti',
diff --git a/apps/ecash-herald/test/parseTests.js b/apps/ecash-herald/test/parseTests.js
--- a/apps/ecash-herald/test/parseTests.js
+++ b/apps/ecash-herald/test/parseTests.js
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const config = require('../config');
-const blocks = require('./mocks/blocks');
+const unrevivedBlocks = require('./mocks/blocks');
+const { jsonReviver } = require('../src/utils');
+const blocks = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(unrevivedBlocks), jsonReviver);
const memoOutputScripts = require('./mocks/memo');
const {
diff --git a/apps/ecash-herald/test/utilsTests.js b/apps/ecash-herald/test/utilsTests.js
--- a/apps/ecash-herald/test/utilsTests.js
+++ b/apps/ecash-herald/test/utilsTests.js
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
+ jsonReplacer,
+ jsonReviver,
} = require('../src/utils');
const { addressPreviews } = require('./mocks/templates');
@@ -165,4 +167,37 @@
it('formatPrice omits a currency symbol if it cannot find it', async function () {
assert.strictEqual(formatPrice(100000.999923422, 'cad'), `100,001`);
+ it('jsonReplacer and jsonReviver can encode and decode a Map to and from JSON', async function () {
+ const map = new Map([
+ [1, 'one'],
+ [2, 'two'],
+ [3, 'three'],
+ ]);
+ const jsonText = JSON.stringify(map, jsonReplacer);
+ const roundTrip = JSON.parse(jsonText, jsonReviver);
+ assert.deepEqual(map, roundTrip);
+ });
+ it('jsonReplacer and jsonReviver can encode and decode a Set to and from JSON', async function () {
+ const set = new Set(['one', 'two', 'three']);
+ const jsonText = JSON.stringify(set, jsonReplacer);
+ const roundTrip = JSON.parse(jsonText, jsonReviver);
+ assert.deepEqual(set, roundTrip);
+ });
+ it('jsonReplacer and jsonReviver can encode and decode an object including a Set and a Map to and from JSON', async function () {
+ const map = new Map([
+ [1, 'one'],
+ [2, 'two'],
+ [3, 'three'],
+ ]);
+ const set = new Set(['one', 'two', 'three']);
+ const jsonText = JSON.stringify({ map, set }, jsonReplacer);
+ const roundTrip = JSON.parse(jsonText, jsonReviver);
+ assert.deepEqual({ map, set }, roundTrip);
+ });

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 10:11 (7 h, 1 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D13782.diff (328 KB)

Event Timeline