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diff --git a/src/chain.h b/src/chain.h
index 017d4fe457..a13dae33d1 100644
--- a/src/chain.h
+++ b/src/chain.h
@@ -1,408 +1,462 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "arith_uint256.h"
#include "primitives/block.h"
#include "pow.h"
#include "tinyformat.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include <vector>
+class CBlockFileInfo
+ unsigned int nBlocks; //!< number of blocks stored in file
+ unsigned int nSize; //!< number of used bytes of block file
+ unsigned int nUndoSize; //!< number of used bytes in the undo file
+ unsigned int nHeightFirst; //!< lowest height of block in file
+ unsigned int nHeightLast; //!< highest height of block in file
+ uint64_t nTimeFirst; //!< earliest time of block in file
+ uint64_t nTimeLast; //!< latest time of block in file
+ template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
+ inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) {
+ READWRITE(VARINT(nHeightFirst));
+ }
+ void SetNull() {
+ nBlocks = 0;
+ nSize = 0;
+ nUndoSize = 0;
+ nHeightFirst = 0;
+ nHeightLast = 0;
+ nTimeFirst = 0;
+ nTimeLast = 0;
+ }
+ CBlockFileInfo() {
+ SetNull();
+ }
+ std::string ToString() const;
+ /** update statistics (does not update nSize) */
+ void AddBlock(unsigned int nHeightIn, uint64_t nTimeIn) {
+ if (nBlocks==0 || nHeightFirst > nHeightIn)
+ nHeightFirst = nHeightIn;
+ if (nBlocks==0 || nTimeFirst > nTimeIn)
+ nTimeFirst = nTimeIn;
+ nBlocks++;
+ if (nHeightIn > nHeightLast)
+ nHeightLast = nHeightIn;
+ if (nTimeIn > nTimeLast)
+ nTimeLast = nTimeIn;
+ }
struct CDiskBlockPos
int nFile;
unsigned int nPos;
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) {
CDiskBlockPos() {
CDiskBlockPos(int nFileIn, unsigned int nPosIn) {
nFile = nFileIn;
nPos = nPosIn;
friend bool operator==(const CDiskBlockPos &a, const CDiskBlockPos &b) {
return (a.nFile == b.nFile && a.nPos == b.nPos);
friend bool operator!=(const CDiskBlockPos &a, const CDiskBlockPos &b) {
return !(a == b);
void SetNull() { nFile = -1; nPos = 0; }
bool IsNull() const { return (nFile == -1); }
std::string ToString() const
return strprintf("CBlockDiskPos(nFile=%i, nPos=%i)", nFile, nPos);
enum BlockStatus: uint32_t {
//! Unused.
//! Parsed, version ok, hash satisfies claimed PoW, 1 <= vtx count <= max, timestamp not in future
//! All parent headers found, difficulty matches, timestamp >= median previous, checkpoint. Implies all parents
//! are also at least TREE.
* Only first tx is coinbase, 2 <= coinbase input script length <= 100, transactions valid, no duplicate txids,
* sigops, size, merkle root. Implies all parents are at least TREE but not necessarily TRANSACTIONS. When all
* parent blocks also have TRANSACTIONS, CBlockIndex::nChainTx will be set.
//! Outputs do not overspend inputs, no double spends, coinbase output ok, no immature coinbase spends, BIP30.
//! Implies all parents are also at least CHAIN.
//! Scripts & signatures ok. Implies all parents are also at least SCRIPTS.
//! All validity bits.
BLOCK_HAVE_DATA = 8, //! full block available in blk*.dat
BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO = 16, //! undo data available in rev*.dat
BLOCK_FAILED_VALID = 32, //! stage after last reached validness failed
BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD = 64, //! descends from failed block
/** The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the
* genesis block at the root, with each block potentially having multiple
* candidates to be the next block. A blockindex may have multiple pprev pointing
* to it, but at most one of them can be part of the currently active branch.
class CBlockIndex
//! pointer to the hash of the block, if any. Memory is owned by this CBlockIndex
const uint256* phashBlock;
//! pointer to the index of the predecessor of this block
CBlockIndex* pprev;
//! pointer to the index of some further predecessor of this block
CBlockIndex* pskip;
//! height of the entry in the chain. The genesis block has height 0
int nHeight;
//! Which # file this block is stored in (blk?????.dat)
int nFile;
//! Byte offset within blk?????.dat where this block's data is stored
unsigned int nDataPos;
//! Byte offset within rev?????.dat where this block's undo data is stored
unsigned int nUndoPos;
//! (memory only) Total amount of work (expected number of hashes) in the chain up to and including this block
arith_uint256 nChainWork;
//! Number of transactions in this block.
//! Note: in a potential headers-first mode, this number cannot be relied upon
unsigned int nTx;
//! (memory only) Number of transactions in the chain up to and including this block.
//! This value will be non-zero only if and only if transactions for this block and all its parents are available.
//! Change to 64-bit type when necessary; won't happen before 2030
unsigned int nChainTx;
//! Verification status of this block. See enum BlockStatus
unsigned int nStatus;
//! block header
int nVersion;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
unsigned int nTime;
unsigned int nBits;
unsigned int nNonce;
//! (memory only) Sequential id assigned to distinguish order in which blocks are received.
uint32_t nSequenceId;
void SetNull()
phashBlock = NULL;
pprev = NULL;
pskip = NULL;
nHeight = 0;
nFile = 0;
nDataPos = 0;
nUndoPos = 0;
nChainWork = arith_uint256();
nTx = 0;
nChainTx = 0;
nStatus = 0;
nSequenceId = 0;
nVersion = 0;
hashMerkleRoot = uint256();
nTime = 0;
nBits = 0;
nNonce = 0;
CBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader& block)
nVersion = block.nVersion;
hashMerkleRoot = block.hashMerkleRoot;
nTime = block.nTime;
nBits = block.nBits;
nNonce = block.nNonce;
CDiskBlockPos GetBlockPos() const {
CDiskBlockPos ret;
if (nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) {
ret.nFile = nFile;
ret.nPos = nDataPos;
return ret;
CDiskBlockPos GetUndoPos() const {
CDiskBlockPos ret;
if (nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO) {
ret.nFile = nFile;
ret.nPos = nUndoPos;
return ret;
CBlockHeader GetBlockHeader() const
CBlockHeader block;
block.nVersion = nVersion;
if (pprev)
block.hashPrevBlock = pprev->GetBlockHash();
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
return block;
uint256 GetBlockHash() const
return *phashBlock;
int64_t GetBlockTime() const
return (int64_t)nTime;
enum { nMedianTimeSpan=11 };
int64_t GetMedianTimePast() const
int64_t pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
int64_t* pbegin = &pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
int64_t* pend = &pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
const CBlockIndex* pindex = this;
for (int i = 0; i < nMedianTimeSpan && pindex; i++, pindex = pindex->pprev)
*(--pbegin) = pindex->GetBlockTime();
std::sort(pbegin, pend);
return pbegin[(pend - pbegin)/2];
std::string ToString() const
return strprintf("CBlockIndex(pprev=%p, nHeight=%d, merkle=%s, hashBlock=%s)",
pprev, nHeight,
//! Check whether this block index entry is valid up to the passed validity level.
bool IsValid(enum BlockStatus nUpTo = BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) const
assert(!(nUpTo & ~BLOCK_VALID_MASK)); // Only validity flags allowed.
if (nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK)
return false;
return ((nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= nUpTo);
//! Raise the validity level of this block index entry.
//! Returns true if the validity was changed.
bool RaiseValidity(enum BlockStatus nUpTo)
assert(!(nUpTo & ~BLOCK_VALID_MASK)); // Only validity flags allowed.
if (nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK)
return false;
if ((nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < nUpTo) {
nStatus = (nStatus & ~BLOCK_VALID_MASK) | nUpTo;
return true;
return false;
//! Build the skiplist pointer for this entry.
void BuildSkip();
//! Efficiently find an ancestor of this block.
CBlockIndex* GetAncestor(int height);
const CBlockIndex* GetAncestor(int height) const;
arith_uint256 GetBlockProof(const CBlockIndex& block);
/** Return the time it would take to redo the work difference between from and to, assuming the current hashrate corresponds to the difficulty at tip, in seconds. */
int64_t GetBlockProofEquivalentTime(const CBlockIndex& to, const CBlockIndex& from, const CBlockIndex& tip, const Consensus::Params&);
/** Used to marshal pointers into hashes for db storage. */
class CDiskBlockIndex : public CBlockIndex
uint256 hashPrev;
CDiskBlockIndex() {
hashPrev = uint256();
explicit CDiskBlockIndex(const CBlockIndex* pindex) : CBlockIndex(*pindex) {
hashPrev = (pprev ? pprev->GetBlockHash() : uint256());
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) {
if (!(nType & SER_GETHASH))
if (nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA)
if (nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO)
// block header
uint256 GetBlockHash() const
CBlockHeader block;
block.nVersion = nVersion;
block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrev;
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
return block.GetHash();
std::string ToString() const
std::string str = "CDiskBlockIndex(";
str += CBlockIndex::ToString();
str += strprintf("\n hashBlock=%s, hashPrev=%s)",
return str;
/** An in-memory indexed chain of blocks. */
class CChain {
std::vector<CBlockIndex*> vChain;
/** Returns the index entry for the genesis block of this chain, or NULL if none. */
CBlockIndex *Genesis() const {
return vChain.size() > 0 ? vChain[0] : NULL;
/** Returns the index entry for the tip of this chain, or NULL if none. */
CBlockIndex *Tip() const {
return vChain.size() > 0 ? vChain[vChain.size() - 1] : NULL;
/** Returns the index entry at a particular height in this chain, or NULL if no such height exists. */
CBlockIndex *operator[](int nHeight) const {
if (nHeight < 0 || nHeight >= (int)vChain.size())
return NULL;
return vChain[nHeight];
/** Compare two chains efficiently. */
friend bool operator==(const CChain &a, const CChain &b) {
return a.vChain.size() == b.vChain.size() &&
a.vChain[a.vChain.size() - 1] == b.vChain[b.vChain.size() - 1];
/** Efficiently check whether a block is present in this chain. */
bool Contains(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const {
return (*this)[pindex->nHeight] == pindex;
/** Find the successor of a block in this chain, or NULL if the given index is not found or is the tip. */
CBlockIndex *Next(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const {
if (Contains(pindex))
return (*this)[pindex->nHeight + 1];
return NULL;
/** Return the maximal height in the chain. Is equal to chain.Tip() ? chain.Tip()->nHeight : -1. */
int Height() const {
return vChain.size() - 1;
/** Set/initialize a chain with a given tip. */
void SetTip(CBlockIndex *pindex);
/** Return a CBlockLocator that refers to a block in this chain (by default the tip). */
CBlockLocator GetLocator(const CBlockIndex *pindex = NULL) const;
/** Find the last common block between this chain and a block index entry. */
const CBlockIndex *FindFork(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const;
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index d2b7c6bc4f..92a38f230f 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -1,6044 +1,6044 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "main.h"
#include "addrman.h"
#include "arith_uint256.h"
#include "chainparams.h"
#include "checkpoints.h"
#include "checkqueue.h"
#include "consensus/consensus.h"
#include "consensus/merkle.h"
#include "consensus/validation.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "merkleblock.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "policy/fees.h"
#include "policy/policy.h"
#include "pow.h"
#include "primitives/block.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "script/sigcache.h"
#include "script/standard.h"
#include "tinyformat.h"
#include "txdb.h"
#include "txmempool.h"
#include "ui_interface.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "utilmoneystr.h"
#include "utilstrencodings.h"
#include "validationinterface.h"
#include "versionbits.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <boost/math/distributions/poisson.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
using namespace std;
#if defined(NDEBUG)
# error "Bitcoin cannot be compiled without assertions."
* Global state
CCriticalSection cs_main;
BlockMap mapBlockIndex;
CChain chainActive;
CBlockIndex *pindexBestHeader = NULL;
int64_t nTimeBestReceived = 0;
CWaitableCriticalSection csBestBlock;
CConditionVariable cvBlockChange;
int nScriptCheckThreads = 0;
bool fImporting = false;
bool fReindex = false;
bool fTxIndex = false;
bool fHavePruned = false;
bool fPruneMode = false;
bool fRequireStandard = true;
unsigned int nBytesPerSigOp = DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_SIGOP;
bool fCheckBlockIndex = false;
bool fCheckpointsEnabled = DEFAULT_CHECKPOINTS_ENABLED;
size_t nCoinCacheUsage = 5000 * 300;
uint64_t nPruneTarget = 0;
int64_t nMaxTipAge = DEFAULT_MAX_TIP_AGE;
bool fEnableReplacement = DEFAULT_ENABLE_REPLACEMENT;
CFeeRate minRelayTxFee = CFeeRate(DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE);
CTxMemPool mempool(::minRelayTxFee);
FeeFilterRounder filterRounder(::minRelayTxFee);
struct COrphanTx {
CTransaction tx;
NodeId fromPeer;
map<uint256, COrphanTx> mapOrphanTransactions GUARDED_BY(cs_main);
map<uint256, set<uint256> > mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev GUARDED_BY(cs_main);
void EraseOrphansFor(NodeId peer) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
* Returns true if there are nRequired or more blocks of minVersion or above
* in the last Consensus::Params::nMajorityWindow blocks, starting at pstart and going backwards.
static bool IsSuperMajority(int minVersion, const CBlockIndex* pstart, unsigned nRequired, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams);
static void CheckBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams);
/** Constant stuff for coinbase transactions we create: */
const string strMessageMagic = "Bitcoin Signed Message:\n";
// Internal stuff
namespace {
struct CBlockIndexWorkComparator
bool operator()(CBlockIndex *pa, CBlockIndex *pb) const {
// First sort by most total work, ...
if (pa->nChainWork > pb->nChainWork) return false;
if (pa->nChainWork < pb->nChainWork) return true;
// ... then by earliest time received, ...
if (pa->nSequenceId < pb->nSequenceId) return false;
if (pa->nSequenceId > pb->nSequenceId) return true;
// Use pointer address as tie breaker (should only happen with blocks
// loaded from disk, as those all have id 0).
if (pa < pb) return false;
if (pa > pb) return true;
// Identical blocks.
return false;
CBlockIndex *pindexBestInvalid;
* The set of all CBlockIndex entries with BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS (for itself and all ancestors) and
* as good as our current tip or better. Entries may be failed, though, and pruning nodes may be
* missing the data for the block.
set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator> setBlockIndexCandidates;
/** Number of nodes with fSyncStarted. */
int nSyncStarted = 0;
/** All pairs A->B, where A (or one of its ancestors) misses transactions, but B has transactions.
* Pruned nodes may have entries where B is missing data.
multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*> mapBlocksUnlinked;
CCriticalSection cs_LastBlockFile;
std::vector<CBlockFileInfo> vinfoBlockFile;
int nLastBlockFile = 0;
/** Global flag to indicate we should check to see if there are
* block/undo files that should be deleted. Set on startup
* or if we allocate more file space when we're in prune mode
bool fCheckForPruning = false;
* Every received block is assigned a unique and increasing identifier, so we
* know which one to give priority in case of a fork.
CCriticalSection cs_nBlockSequenceId;
/** Blocks loaded from disk are assigned id 0, so start the counter at 1. */
uint32_t nBlockSequenceId = 1;
* Sources of received blocks, saved to be able to send them reject
* messages or ban them when processing happens afterwards. Protected by
* cs_main.
map<uint256, NodeId> mapBlockSource;
* Filter for transactions that were recently rejected by
* AcceptToMemoryPool. These are not rerequested until the chain tip
* changes, at which point the entire filter is reset. Protected by
* cs_main.
* Without this filter we'd be re-requesting txs from each of our peers,
* increasing bandwidth consumption considerably. For instance, with 100
* peers, half of which relay a tx we don't accept, that might be a 50x
* bandwidth increase. A flooding attacker attempting to roll-over the
* filter using minimum-sized, 60byte, transactions might manage to send
* 1000/sec if we have fast peers, so we pick 120,000 to give our peers a
* two minute window to send invs to us.
* Decreasing the false positive rate is fairly cheap, so we pick one in a
* million to make it highly unlikely for users to have issues with this
* filter.
* Memory used: 1.3 MB
boost::scoped_ptr<CRollingBloomFilter> recentRejects;
uint256 hashRecentRejectsChainTip;
/** Blocks that are in flight, and that are in the queue to be downloaded. Protected by cs_main. */
struct QueuedBlock {
uint256 hash;
CBlockIndex* pindex; //!< Optional.
bool fValidatedHeaders; //!< Whether this block has validated headers at the time of request.
map<uint256, pair<NodeId, list<QueuedBlock>::iterator> > mapBlocksInFlight;
/** Number of preferable block download peers. */
int nPreferredDownload = 0;
/** Dirty block index entries. */
set<CBlockIndex*> setDirtyBlockIndex;
/** Dirty block file entries. */
set<int> setDirtyFileInfo;
/** Number of peers from which we're downloading blocks. */
int nPeersWithValidatedDownloads = 0;
} // anon namespace
// Registration of network node signals.
namespace {
struct CBlockReject {
unsigned char chRejectCode;
string strRejectReason;
uint256 hashBlock;
* Maintain validation-specific state about nodes, protected by cs_main, instead
* by CNode's own locks. This simplifies asynchronous operation, where
* processing of incoming data is done after the ProcessMessage call returns,
* and we're no longer holding the node's locks.
struct CNodeState {
//! The peer's address
CService address;
//! Whether we have a fully established connection.
bool fCurrentlyConnected;
//! Accumulated misbehaviour score for this peer.
int nMisbehavior;
//! Whether this peer should be disconnected and banned (unless whitelisted).
bool fShouldBan;
//! String name of this peer (debugging/logging purposes).
std::string name;
//! List of asynchronously-determined block rejections to notify this peer about.
std::vector<CBlockReject> rejects;
//! The best known block we know this peer has announced.
CBlockIndex *pindexBestKnownBlock;
//! The hash of the last unknown block this peer has announced.
uint256 hashLastUnknownBlock;
//! The last full block we both have.
CBlockIndex *pindexLastCommonBlock;
//! The best header we have sent our peer.
CBlockIndex *pindexBestHeaderSent;
//! Whether we've started headers synchronization with this peer.
bool fSyncStarted;
//! Since when we're stalling block download progress (in microseconds), or 0.
int64_t nStallingSince;
list<QueuedBlock> vBlocksInFlight;
//! When the first entry in vBlocksInFlight started downloading. Don't care when vBlocksInFlight is empty.
int64_t nDownloadingSince;
int nBlocksInFlight;
int nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders;
//! Whether we consider this a preferred download peer.
bool fPreferredDownload;
//! Whether this peer wants invs or headers (when possible) for block announcements.
bool fPreferHeaders;
CNodeState() {
fCurrentlyConnected = false;
nMisbehavior = 0;
fShouldBan = false;
pindexBestKnownBlock = NULL;
pindexLastCommonBlock = NULL;
pindexBestHeaderSent = NULL;
fSyncStarted = false;
nStallingSince = 0;
nDownloadingSince = 0;
nBlocksInFlight = 0;
nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders = 0;
fPreferredDownload = false;
fPreferHeaders = false;
/** Map maintaining per-node state. Requires cs_main. */
map<NodeId, CNodeState> mapNodeState;
// Requires cs_main.
CNodeState *State(NodeId pnode) {
map<NodeId, CNodeState>::iterator it = mapNodeState.find(pnode);
if (it == mapNodeState.end())
return NULL;
return &it->second;
int GetHeight()
return chainActive.Height();
void UpdatePreferredDownload(CNode* node, CNodeState* state)
nPreferredDownload -= state->fPreferredDownload;
// Whether this node should be marked as a preferred download node.
state->fPreferredDownload = (!node->fInbound || node->fWhitelisted) && !node->fOneShot && !node->fClient;
nPreferredDownload += state->fPreferredDownload;
void InitializeNode(NodeId nodeid, const CNode *pnode) {
CNodeState &state = mapNodeState.insert(std::make_pair(nodeid, CNodeState())).first->second; = pnode->addrName;
state.address = pnode->addr;
void FinalizeNode(NodeId nodeid) {
CNodeState *state = State(nodeid);
if (state->fSyncStarted)
if (state->nMisbehavior == 0 && state->fCurrentlyConnected) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const QueuedBlock& entry, state->vBlocksInFlight) {
nPreferredDownload -= state->fPreferredDownload;
nPeersWithValidatedDownloads -= (state->nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders != 0);
assert(nPeersWithValidatedDownloads >= 0);
if (mapNodeState.empty()) {
// Do a consistency check after the last peer is removed.
assert(nPreferredDownload == 0);
assert(nPeersWithValidatedDownloads == 0);
// Requires cs_main.
// Returns a bool indicating whether we requested this block.
bool MarkBlockAsReceived(const uint256& hash) {
map<uint256, pair<NodeId, list<QueuedBlock>::iterator> >::iterator itInFlight = mapBlocksInFlight.find(hash);
if (itInFlight != mapBlocksInFlight.end()) {
CNodeState *state = State(itInFlight->second.first);
state->nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders -= itInFlight->second.second->fValidatedHeaders;
if (state->nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders == 0 && itInFlight->second.second->fValidatedHeaders) {
// Last validated block on the queue was received.
if (state->vBlocksInFlight.begin() == itInFlight->second.second) {
// First block on the queue was received, update the start download time for the next one
state->nDownloadingSince = std::max(state->nDownloadingSince, GetTimeMicros());
state->nStallingSince = 0;
return true;
return false;
// Requires cs_main.
void MarkBlockAsInFlight(NodeId nodeid, const uint256& hash, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, CBlockIndex *pindex = NULL) {
CNodeState *state = State(nodeid);
assert(state != NULL);
// Make sure it's not listed somewhere already.
QueuedBlock newentry = {hash, pindex, pindex != NULL};
list<QueuedBlock>::iterator it = state->vBlocksInFlight.insert(state->vBlocksInFlight.end(), newentry);
state->nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders += newentry.fValidatedHeaders;
if (state->nBlocksInFlight == 1) {
// We're starting a block download (batch) from this peer.
state->nDownloadingSince = GetTimeMicros();
if (state->nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders == 1 && pindex != NULL) {
mapBlocksInFlight[hash] = std::make_pair(nodeid, it);
/** Check whether the last unknown block a peer advertised is not yet known. */
void ProcessBlockAvailability(NodeId nodeid) {
CNodeState *state = State(nodeid);
assert(state != NULL);
if (!state->hashLastUnknownBlock.IsNull()) {
BlockMap::iterator itOld = mapBlockIndex.find(state->hashLastUnknownBlock);
if (itOld != mapBlockIndex.end() && itOld->second->nChainWork > 0) {
if (state->pindexBestKnownBlock == NULL || itOld->second->nChainWork >= state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork)
state->pindexBestKnownBlock = itOld->second;
/** Update tracking information about which blocks a peer is assumed to have. */
void UpdateBlockAvailability(NodeId nodeid, const uint256 &hash) {
CNodeState *state = State(nodeid);
assert(state != NULL);
BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.find(hash);
if (it != mapBlockIndex.end() && it->second->nChainWork > 0) {
// An actually better block was announced.
if (state->pindexBestKnownBlock == NULL || it->second->nChainWork >= state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork)
state->pindexBestKnownBlock = it->second;
} else {
// An unknown block was announced; just assume that the latest one is the best one.
state->hashLastUnknownBlock = hash;
// Requires cs_main
bool CanDirectFetch(const Consensus::Params &consensusParams)
return chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime() > GetAdjustedTime() - consensusParams.nPowTargetSpacing * 20;
// Requires cs_main
bool PeerHasHeader(CNodeState *state, CBlockIndex *pindex)
if (state->pindexBestKnownBlock && pindex == state->pindexBestKnownBlock->GetAncestor(pindex->nHeight))
return true;
if (state->pindexBestHeaderSent && pindex == state->pindexBestHeaderSent->GetAncestor(pindex->nHeight))
return true;
return false;
/** Find the last common ancestor two blocks have.
* Both pa and pb must be non-NULL. */
CBlockIndex* LastCommonAncestor(CBlockIndex* pa, CBlockIndex* pb) {
if (pa->nHeight > pb->nHeight) {
pa = pa->GetAncestor(pb->nHeight);
} else if (pb->nHeight > pa->nHeight) {
pb = pb->GetAncestor(pa->nHeight);
while (pa != pb && pa && pb) {
pa = pa->pprev;
pb = pb->pprev;
// Eventually all chain branches meet at the genesis block.
assert(pa == pb);
return pa;
/** Update pindexLastCommonBlock and add not-in-flight missing successors to vBlocks, until it has
* at most count entries. */
void FindNextBlocksToDownload(NodeId nodeid, unsigned int count, std::vector<CBlockIndex*>& vBlocks, NodeId& nodeStaller) {
if (count == 0)
vBlocks.reserve(vBlocks.size() + count);
CNodeState *state = State(nodeid);
assert(state != NULL);
// Make sure pindexBestKnownBlock is up to date, we'll need it.
if (state->pindexBestKnownBlock == NULL || state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork < chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork) {
// This peer has nothing interesting.
if (state->pindexLastCommonBlock == NULL) {
// Bootstrap quickly by guessing a parent of our best tip is the forking point.
// Guessing wrong in either direction is not a problem.
state->pindexLastCommonBlock = chainActive[std::min(state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nHeight, chainActive.Height())];
// If the peer reorganized, our previous pindexLastCommonBlock may not be an ancestor
// of its current tip anymore. Go back enough to fix that.
state->pindexLastCommonBlock = LastCommonAncestor(state->pindexLastCommonBlock, state->pindexBestKnownBlock);
if (state->pindexLastCommonBlock == state->pindexBestKnownBlock)
std::vector<CBlockIndex*> vToFetch;
CBlockIndex *pindexWalk = state->pindexLastCommonBlock;
// Never fetch further than the best block we know the peer has, or more than BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW + 1 beyond the last
// linked block we have in common with this peer. The +1 is so we can detect stalling, namely if we would be able to
// download that next block if the window were 1 larger.
int nWindowEnd = state->pindexLastCommonBlock->nHeight + BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW;
int nMaxHeight = std::min<int>(state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nHeight, nWindowEnd + 1);
NodeId waitingfor = -1;
while (pindexWalk->nHeight < nMaxHeight) {
// Read up to 128 (or more, if more blocks than that are needed) successors of pindexWalk (towards
// pindexBestKnownBlock) into vToFetch. We fetch 128, because CBlockIndex::GetAncestor may be as expensive
// as iterating over ~100 CBlockIndex* entries anyway.
int nToFetch = std::min(nMaxHeight - pindexWalk->nHeight, std::max<int>(count - vBlocks.size(), 128));
pindexWalk = state->pindexBestKnownBlock->GetAncestor(pindexWalk->nHeight + nToFetch);
vToFetch[nToFetch - 1] = pindexWalk;
for (unsigned int i = nToFetch - 1; i > 0; i--) {
vToFetch[i - 1] = vToFetch[i]->pprev;
// Iterate over those blocks in vToFetch (in forward direction), adding the ones that
// are not yet downloaded and not in flight to vBlocks. In the mean time, update
// pindexLastCommonBlock as long as all ancestors are already downloaded, or if it's
// already part of our chain (and therefore don't need it even if pruned).
BOOST_FOREACH(CBlockIndex* pindex, vToFetch) {
if (!pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE)) {
// We consider the chain that this peer is on invalid.
if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA || chainActive.Contains(pindex)) {
if (pindex->nChainTx)
state->pindexLastCommonBlock = pindex;
} else if (mapBlocksInFlight.count(pindex->GetBlockHash()) == 0) {
// The block is not already downloaded, and not yet in flight.
if (pindex->nHeight > nWindowEnd) {
// We reached the end of the window.
if (vBlocks.size() == 0 && waitingfor != nodeid) {
// We aren't able to fetch anything, but we would be if the download window was one larger.
nodeStaller = waitingfor;
if (vBlocks.size() == count) {
} else if (waitingfor == -1) {
// This is the first already-in-flight block.
waitingfor = mapBlocksInFlight[pindex->GetBlockHash()].first;
} // anon namespace
bool GetNodeStateStats(NodeId nodeid, CNodeStateStats &stats) {
CNodeState *state = State(nodeid);
if (state == NULL)
return false;
stats.nMisbehavior = state->nMisbehavior;
stats.nSyncHeight = state->pindexBestKnownBlock ? state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nHeight : -1;
stats.nCommonHeight = state->pindexLastCommonBlock ? state->pindexLastCommonBlock->nHeight : -1;
BOOST_FOREACH(const QueuedBlock& queue, state->vBlocksInFlight) {
if (queue.pindex)
return true;
void RegisterNodeSignals(CNodeSignals& nodeSignals)
void UnregisterNodeSignals(CNodeSignals& nodeSignals)
CBlockIndex* FindForkInGlobalIndex(const CChain& chain, const CBlockLocator& locator)
// Find the first block the caller has in the main chain
BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, locator.vHave) {
BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hash);
if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end())
CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
if (chain.Contains(pindex))
return pindex;
return chain.Genesis();
CCoinsViewCache *pcoinsTip = NULL;
CBlockTreeDB *pblocktree = NULL;
// mapOrphanTransactions
bool AddOrphanTx(const CTransaction& tx, NodeId peer) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
if (mapOrphanTransactions.count(hash))
return false;
// Ignore big transactions, to avoid a
// send-big-orphans memory exhaustion attack. If a peer has a legitimate
// large transaction with a missing parent then we assume
// it will rebroadcast it later, after the parent transaction(s)
// have been mined or received.
// 10,000 orphans, each of which is at most 5,000 bytes big is
// at most 500 megabytes of orphans:
unsigned int sz = tx.GetSerializeSize(SER_NETWORK, CTransaction::CURRENT_VERSION);
if (sz > 5000)
LogPrint("mempool", "ignoring large orphan tx (size: %u, hash: %s)\n", sz, hash.ToString());
return false;
mapOrphanTransactions[hash].tx = tx;
mapOrphanTransactions[hash].fromPeer = peer;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
LogPrint("mempool", "stored orphan tx %s (mapsz %u prevsz %u)\n", hash.ToString(),
mapOrphanTransactions.size(), mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.size());
return true;
void static EraseOrphanTx(uint256 hash) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
map<uint256, COrphanTx>::iterator it = mapOrphanTransactions.find(hash);
if (it == mapOrphanTransactions.end())
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, it->
map<uint256, set<uint256> >::iterator itPrev = mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.find(txin.prevout.hash);
if (itPrev == mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.end())
if (itPrev->second.empty())
void EraseOrphansFor(NodeId peer)
int nErased = 0;
map<uint256, COrphanTx>::iterator iter = mapOrphanTransactions.begin();
while (iter != mapOrphanTransactions.end())
map<uint256, COrphanTx>::iterator maybeErase = iter++; // increment to avoid iterator becoming invalid
if (maybeErase->second.fromPeer == peer)
if (nErased > 0) LogPrint("mempool", "Erased %d orphan tx from peer %d\n", nErased, peer);
unsigned int LimitOrphanTxSize(unsigned int nMaxOrphans) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
unsigned int nEvicted = 0;
while (mapOrphanTransactions.size() > nMaxOrphans)
// Evict a random orphan:
uint256 randomhash = GetRandHash();
map<uint256, COrphanTx>::iterator it = mapOrphanTransactions.lower_bound(randomhash);
if (it == mapOrphanTransactions.end())
it = mapOrphanTransactions.begin();
return nEvicted;
bool IsFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int nBlockHeight, int64_t nBlockTime)
if (tx.nLockTime == 0)
return true;
if ((int64_t)tx.nLockTime < ((int64_t)tx.nLockTime < LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD ? (int64_t)nBlockHeight : nBlockTime))
return true;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, {
if (!(txin.nSequence == CTxIn::SEQUENCE_FINAL))
return false;
return true;
bool CheckFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int flags)
// By convention a negative value for flags indicates that the
// current network-enforced consensus rules should be used. In
// a future soft-fork scenario that would mean checking which
// rules would be enforced for the next block and setting the
// appropriate flags. At the present time no soft-forks are
// scheduled, so no flags are set.
flags = std::max(flags, 0);
// CheckFinalTx() uses chainActive.Height()+1 to evaluate
// nLockTime because when IsFinalTx() is called within
// CBlock::AcceptBlock(), the height of the block *being*
// evaluated is what is used. Thus if we want to know if a
// transaction can be part of the *next* block, we need to call
// IsFinalTx() with one more than chainActive.Height().
const int nBlockHeight = chainActive.Height() + 1;
// BIP113 will require that time-locked transactions have nLockTime set to
// less than the median time of the previous block they're contained in.
// When the next block is created its previous block will be the current
// chain tip, so we use that to calculate the median time passed to
// IsFinalTx() if LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST is set.
const int64_t nBlockTime = (flags & LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST)
? chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast()
: GetAdjustedTime();
return IsFinalTx(tx, nBlockHeight, nBlockTime);
* Calculates the block height and previous block's median time past at
* which the transaction will be considered final in the context of BIP 68.
* Also removes from the vector of input heights any entries which did not
* correspond to sequence locked inputs as they do not affect the calculation.
static std::pair<int, int64_t> CalculateSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector<int>* prevHeights, const CBlockIndex& block)
assert(prevHeights->size() ==;
// Will be set to the equivalent height- and time-based nLockTime
// values that would be necessary to satisfy all relative lock-
// time constraints given our view of block chain history.
// The semantics of nLockTime are the last invalid height/time, so
// use -1 to have the effect of any height or time being valid.
int nMinHeight = -1;
int64_t nMinTime = -1;
// tx.nVersion is signed integer so requires cast to unsigned otherwise
// we would be doing a signed comparison and half the range of nVersion
// wouldn't support BIP 68.
bool fEnforceBIP68 = static_cast<uint32_t>(tx.nVersion) >= 2
// Do not enforce sequence numbers as a relative lock time
// unless we have been instructed to
if (!fEnforceBIP68) {
return std::make_pair(nMinHeight, nMinTime);
for (size_t txinIndex = 0; txinIndex <; txinIndex++) {
const CTxIn& txin =[txinIndex];
// Sequence numbers with the most significant bit set are not
// treated as relative lock-times, nor are they given any
// consensus-enforced meaning at this point.
// The height of this input is not relevant for sequence locks
(*prevHeights)[txinIndex] = 0;
int nCoinHeight = (*prevHeights)[txinIndex];
if (txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG) {
int64_t nCoinTime = block.GetAncestor(std::max(nCoinHeight-1, 0))->GetMedianTimePast();
// NOTE: Subtract 1 to maintain nLockTime semantics
// BIP 68 relative lock times have the semantics of calculating
// the first block or time at which the transaction would be
// valid. When calculating the effective block time or height
// for the entire transaction, we switch to using the
// semantics of nLockTime which is the last invalid block
// time or height. Thus we subtract 1 from the calculated
// time or height.
// Time-based relative lock-times are measured from the
// smallest allowed timestamp of the block containing the
// txout being spent, which is the median time past of the
// block prior.
nMinTime = std::max(nMinTime, nCoinTime + (int64_t)((txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK) << CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY) - 1);
} else {
nMinHeight = std::max(nMinHeight, nCoinHeight + (int)(txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK) - 1);
return std::make_pair(nMinHeight, nMinTime);
static bool EvaluateSequenceLocks(const CBlockIndex& block, std::pair<int, int64_t> lockPair)
int64_t nBlockTime = block.pprev->GetMedianTimePast();
if (lockPair.first >= block.nHeight || lockPair.second >= nBlockTime)
return false;
return true;
bool SequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector<int>* prevHeights, const CBlockIndex& block)
return EvaluateSequenceLocks(block, CalculateSequenceLocks(tx, flags, prevHeights, block));
bool TestLockPointValidity(const LockPoints* lp)
// If there are relative lock times then the maxInputBlock will be set
// If there are no relative lock times, the LockPoints don't depend on the chain
if (lp->maxInputBlock) {
// Check whether chainActive is an extension of the block at which the LockPoints
// calculation was valid. If not LockPoints are no longer valid
if (!chainActive.Contains(lp->maxInputBlock)) {
return false;
// LockPoints still valid
return true;
bool CheckSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, LockPoints* lp, bool useExistingLockPoints)
CBlockIndex* tip = chainActive.Tip();
CBlockIndex index;
index.pprev = tip;
// CheckSequenceLocks() uses chainActive.Height()+1 to evaluate
// height based locks because when SequenceLocks() is called within
// ConnectBlock(), the height of the block *being*
// evaluated is what is used.
// Thus if we want to know if a transaction can be part of the
// *next* block, we need to use one more than chainActive.Height()
index.nHeight = tip->nHeight + 1;
std::pair<int, int64_t> lockPair;
if (useExistingLockPoints) {
lockPair.first = lp->height;
lockPair.second = lp->time;
else {
// pcoinsTip contains the UTXO set for chainActive.Tip()
CCoinsViewMemPool viewMemPool(pcoinsTip, mempool);
std::vector<int> prevheights;
for (size_t txinIndex = 0; txinIndex <; txinIndex++) {
const CTxIn& txin =[txinIndex];
CCoins coins;
if (!viewMemPool.GetCoins(txin.prevout.hash, coins)) {
return error("%s: Missing input", __func__);
if (coins.nHeight == MEMPOOL_HEIGHT) {
// Assume all mempool transaction confirm in the next block
prevheights[txinIndex] = tip->nHeight + 1;
} else {
prevheights[txinIndex] = coins.nHeight;
lockPair = CalculateSequenceLocks(tx, flags, &prevheights, index);
if (lp) {
lp->height = lockPair.first;
lp->time = lockPair.second;
// Also store the hash of the block with the highest height of
// all the blocks which have sequence locked prevouts.
// This hash needs to still be on the chain
// for these LockPoint calculations to be valid
// Note: It is impossible to correctly calculate a maxInputBlock
// if any of the sequence locked inputs depend on unconfirmed txs,
// except in the special case where the relative lock time/height
// is 0, which is equivalent to no sequence lock. Since we assume
// input height of tip+1 for mempool txs and test the resulting
// lockPair from CalculateSequenceLocks against tip+1. We know
// EvaluateSequenceLocks will fail if there was a non-zero sequence
// lock on a mempool input, so we can use the return value of
// CheckSequenceLocks to indicate the LockPoints validity
int maxInputHeight = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(int height, prevheights) {
// Can ignore mempool inputs since we'll fail if they had non-zero locks
if (height != tip->nHeight+1) {
maxInputHeight = std::max(maxInputHeight, height);
lp->maxInputBlock = tip->GetAncestor(maxInputHeight);
return EvaluateSequenceLocks(index, lockPair);
unsigned int GetLegacySigOpCount(const CTransaction& tx)
unsigned int nSigOps = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
nSigOps += txin.scriptSig.GetSigOpCount(false);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout)
nSigOps += txout.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount(false);
return nSigOps;
unsigned int GetP2SHSigOpCount(const CTransaction& tx, const CCoinsViewCache& inputs)
if (tx.IsCoinBase())
return 0;
unsigned int nSigOps = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++)
const CTxOut &prevout = inputs.GetOutputFor([i]);
if (prevout.scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash())
nSigOps += prevout.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount([i].scriptSig);
return nSigOps;
bool CheckTransaction(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state)
// Basic checks that don't depend on any context
if (
return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vin-empty");
if (tx.vout.empty())
return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-empty");
// Size limits
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-oversize");
// Check for negative or overflow output values
CAmount nValueOut = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout)
if (txout.nValue < 0)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-negative");
if (txout.nValue > MAX_MONEY)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-toolarge");
nValueOut += txout.nValue;
if (!MoneyRange(nValueOut))
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-txouttotal-toolarge");
// Check for duplicate inputs
set<COutPoint> vInOutPoints;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
if (vInOutPoints.count(txin.prevout))
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputs-duplicate");
if (tx.IsCoinBase())
if ([0].scriptSig.size() < 2 ||[0].scriptSig.size() > 100)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-length");
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
if (txin.prevout.IsNull())
return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-prevout-null");
return true;
void LimitMempoolSize(CTxMemPool& pool, size_t limit, unsigned long age) {
int expired = pool.Expire(GetTime() - age);
if (expired != 0)
LogPrint("mempool", "Expired %i transactions from the memory pool\n", expired);
std::vector<uint256> vNoSpendsRemaining;
pool.TrimToSize(limit, &vNoSpendsRemaining);
BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& removed, vNoSpendsRemaining)
/** Convert CValidationState to a human-readable message for logging */
std::string FormatStateMessage(const CValidationState &state)
return strprintf("%s%s (code %i)",
state.GetDebugMessage().empty() ? "" : ", "+state.GetDebugMessage(),
bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker(CTxMemPool& pool, CValidationState& state, const CTransaction& tx, bool fLimitFree,
bool* pfMissingInputs, CFeeRate* txFeeRate, bool fOverrideMempoolLimit, const CAmount& nAbsurdFee,
std::vector<uint256>& vHashTxnToUncache)
const uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
if (pfMissingInputs)
*pfMissingInputs = false;
if (!CheckTransaction(tx, state))
return false; // state filled in by CheckTransaction
// Coinbase is only valid in a block, not as a loose transaction
if (tx.IsCoinBase())
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "coinbase");
// Rather not work on nonstandard transactions (unless -testnet/-regtest)
string reason;
if (fRequireStandard && !IsStandardTx(tx, reason))
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, reason);
// Don't relay version 2 transactions until CSV is active, and we can be
// sure that such transactions will be mined (unless we're on
// -testnet/-regtest).
const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
if (fRequireStandard && tx.nVersion >= 2 && VersionBitsTipState(chainparams.GetConsensus(), Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV) != THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) {
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "premature-version2-tx");
// Only accept nLockTime-using transactions that can be mined in the next
// block; we don't want our mempool filled up with transactions that can't
// be mined yet.
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "non-final");
// is it already in the memory pool?
if (pool.exists(hash))
return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_ALREADY_KNOWN, "txn-already-in-mempool");
// Check for conflicts with in-memory transactions
set<uint256> setConflicts;
LOCK(pool.cs); // protect pool.mapNextTx
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn &txin,
if (pool.mapNextTx.count(txin.prevout))
const CTransaction *ptxConflicting = pool.mapNextTx[txin.prevout].ptx;
if (!setConflicts.count(ptxConflicting->GetHash()))
// Allow opt-out of transaction replacement by setting
// nSequence >= maxint-1 on all inputs.
// maxint-1 is picked to still allow use of nLockTime by
// non-replacable transactions. All inputs rather than just one
// is for the sake of multi-party protocols, where we don't
// want a single party to be able to disable replacement.
// The opt-out ignores descendants as anyone relying on
// first-seen mempool behavior should be checking all
// unconfirmed ancestors anyway; doing otherwise is hopelessly
// insecure.
bool fReplacementOptOut = true;
if (fEnableReplacement)
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn &txin, ptxConflicting->vin)
if (txin.nSequence < std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()-1)
fReplacementOptOut = false;
if (fReplacementOptOut)
return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_CONFLICT, "txn-mempool-conflict");
CCoinsView dummy;
CCoinsViewCache view(&dummy);
CAmount nValueIn = 0;
LockPoints lp;
CCoinsViewMemPool viewMemPool(pcoinsTip, pool);
// do we already have it?
bool fHadTxInCache = pcoinsTip->HaveCoinsInCache(hash);
if (view.HaveCoins(hash)) {
if (!fHadTxInCache)
return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_ALREADY_KNOWN, "txn-already-known");
// do all inputs exist?
// Note that this does not check for the presence of actual outputs (see the next check for that),
// and only helps with filling in pfMissingInputs (to determine missing vs spent).
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn txin, {
if (!pcoinsTip->HaveCoinsInCache(txin.prevout.hash))
if (!view.HaveCoins(txin.prevout.hash)) {
if (pfMissingInputs)
*pfMissingInputs = true;
return false; // fMissingInputs and !state.IsInvalid() is used to detect this condition, don't set state.Invalid()
// are the actual inputs available?
if (!view.HaveInputs(tx))
return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-txns-inputs-spent");
// Bring the best block into scope
nValueIn = view.GetValueIn(tx);
// we have all inputs cached now, so switch back to dummy, so we don't need to keep lock on mempool
// Only accept BIP68 sequence locked transactions that can be mined in the next
// block; we don't want our mempool filled up with transactions that can't
// be mined yet.
// Must keep pool.cs for this unless we change CheckSequenceLocks to take a
// CoinsViewCache instead of create its own
if (!CheckSequenceLocks(tx, STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS, &lp))
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "non-BIP68-final");
// Check for non-standard pay-to-script-hash in inputs
if (fRequireStandard && !AreInputsStandard(tx, view))
return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "bad-txns-nonstandard-inputs");
unsigned int nSigOps = GetLegacySigOpCount(tx);
nSigOps += GetP2SHSigOpCount(tx, view);
CAmount nValueOut = tx.GetValueOut();
CAmount nFees = nValueIn-nValueOut;
// nModifiedFees includes any fee deltas from PrioritiseTransaction
CAmount nModifiedFees = nFees;
double nPriorityDummy = 0;
pool.ApplyDeltas(hash, nPriorityDummy, nModifiedFees);
CAmount inChainInputValue;
double dPriority = view.GetPriority(tx, chainActive.Height(), inChainInputValue);
// Keep track of transactions that spend a coinbase, which we re-scan
// during reorgs to ensure COINBASE_MATURITY is still met.
bool fSpendsCoinbase = false;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn &txin, {
const CCoins *coins = view.AccessCoins(txin.prevout.hash);
if (coins->IsCoinBase()) {
fSpendsCoinbase = true;
CTxMemPoolEntry entry(tx, nFees, GetTime(), dPriority, chainActive.Height(), pool.HasNoInputsOf(tx), inChainInputValue, fSpendsCoinbase, nSigOps, lp);
unsigned int nSize = entry.GetTxSize();
if (txFeeRate) {
*txFeeRate = CFeeRate(nFees, nSize);
// Check that the transaction doesn't have an excessive number of
// sigops, making it impossible to mine. Since the coinbase transaction
// itself can contain sigops MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIGOPS is less than
// MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS; we still consider this an invalid rather than
// merely non-standard transaction.
if ((nSigOps > MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIGOPS) || (nBytesPerSigOp && nSigOps > nSize / nBytesPerSigOp))
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "bad-txns-too-many-sigops", false,
strprintf("%d", nSigOps));
CAmount mempoolRejectFee = pool.GetMinFee(GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000).GetFee(nSize);
if (mempoolRejectFee > 0 && nModifiedFees < mempoolRejectFee) {
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "mempool min fee not met", false, strprintf("%d < %d", nFees, mempoolRejectFee));
} else if (GetBoolArg("-relaypriority", DEFAULT_RELAYPRIORITY) && nModifiedFees < ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nSize) && !AllowFree(entry.GetPriority(chainActive.Height() + 1))) {
// Require that free transactions have sufficient priority to be mined in the next block.
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "insufficient priority");
// Continuously rate-limit free (really, very-low-fee) transactions
// This mitigates 'penny-flooding' -- sending thousands of free transactions just to
// be annoying or make others' transactions take longer to confirm.
if (fLimitFree && nModifiedFees < ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nSize))
static CCriticalSection csFreeLimiter;
static double dFreeCount;
static int64_t nLastTime;
int64_t nNow = GetTime();
// Use an exponentially decaying ~10-minute window:
dFreeCount *= pow(1.0 - 1.0/600.0, (double)(nNow - nLastTime));
nLastTime = nNow;
// -limitfreerelay unit is thousand-bytes-per-minute
// At default rate it would take over a month to fill 1GB
if (dFreeCount + nSize >= GetArg("-limitfreerelay", DEFAULT_LIMITFREERELAY) * 10 * 1000)
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "rate limited free transaction");
LogPrint("mempool", "Rate limit dFreeCount: %g => %g\n", dFreeCount, dFreeCount+nSize);
dFreeCount += nSize;
if (nAbsurdFee && nFees > nAbsurdFee)
return state.Invalid(false,
REJECT_HIGHFEE, "absurdly-high-fee",
strprintf("%d > %d", nFees, nAbsurdFee));
// Calculate in-mempool ancestors, up to a limit.
CTxMemPool::setEntries setAncestors;
size_t nLimitAncestors = GetArg("-limitancestorcount", DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT);
size_t nLimitAncestorSize = GetArg("-limitancestorsize", DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_SIZE_LIMIT)*1000;
size_t nLimitDescendants = GetArg("-limitdescendantcount", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT);
size_t nLimitDescendantSize = GetArg("-limitdescendantsize", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_SIZE_LIMIT)*1000;
std::string errString;
if (!pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry, setAncestors, nLimitAncestors, nLimitAncestorSize, nLimitDescendants, nLimitDescendantSize, errString)) {
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "too-long-mempool-chain", false, errString);
// A transaction that spends outputs that would be replaced by it is invalid. Now
// that we have the set of all ancestors we can detect this
// pathological case by making sure setConflicts and setAncestors don't
// intersect.
BOOST_FOREACH(CTxMemPool::txiter ancestorIt, setAncestors)
const uint256 &hashAncestor = ancestorIt->GetTx().GetHash();
if (setConflicts.count(hashAncestor))
return state.DoS(10, false,
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-spends-conflicting-tx", false,
strprintf("%s spends conflicting transaction %s",
// Check if it's economically rational to mine this transaction rather
// than the ones it replaces.
CAmount nConflictingFees = 0;
size_t nConflictingSize = 0;
uint64_t nConflictingCount = 0;
CTxMemPool::setEntries allConflicting;
// If we don't hold the lock allConflicting might be incomplete; the
// subsequent RemoveStaged() and addUnchecked() calls don't guarantee
// mempool consistency for us.
if (setConflicts.size())
CFeeRate newFeeRate(nModifiedFees, nSize);
set<uint256> setConflictsParents;
const int maxDescendantsToVisit = 100;
CTxMemPool::setEntries setIterConflicting;
BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256 &hashConflicting, setConflicts)
CTxMemPool::txiter mi = pool.mapTx.find(hashConflicting);
if (mi == pool.mapTx.end())
// Save these to avoid repeated lookups
// Don't allow the replacement to reduce the feerate of the
// mempool.
// We usually don't want to accept replacements with lower
// feerates than what they replaced as that would lower the
// feerate of the next block. Requiring that the feerate always
// be increased is also an easy-to-reason about way to prevent
// DoS attacks via replacements.
// The mining code doesn't (currently) take children into
// account (CPFP) so we only consider the feerates of
// transactions being directly replaced, not their indirect
// descendants. While that does mean high feerate children are
// ignored when deciding whether or not to replace, we do
// require the replacement to pay more overall fees too,
// mitigating most cases.
CFeeRate oldFeeRate(mi->GetModifiedFee(), mi->GetTxSize());
if (newFeeRate <= oldFeeRate)
return state.DoS(0, false,
REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "insufficient fee", false,
strprintf("rejecting replacement %s; new feerate %s <= old feerate %s",
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn &txin, mi->GetTx().vin)
nConflictingCount += mi->GetCountWithDescendants();
// This potentially overestimates the number of actual descendants
// but we just want to be conservative to avoid doing too much
// work.
if (nConflictingCount <= maxDescendantsToVisit) {
// If not too many to replace, then calculate the set of
// transactions that would have to be evicted
BOOST_FOREACH(CTxMemPool::txiter it, setIterConflicting) {
pool.CalculateDescendants(it, allConflicting);
BOOST_FOREACH(CTxMemPool::txiter it, allConflicting) {
nConflictingFees += it->GetModifiedFee();
nConflictingSize += it->GetTxSize();
} else {
return state.DoS(0, false,
REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "too many potential replacements", false,
strprintf("rejecting replacement %s; too many potential replacements (%d > %d)\n",
for (unsigned int j = 0; j <; j++)
// We don't want to accept replacements that require low
// feerate junk to be mined first. Ideally we'd keep track of
// the ancestor feerates and make the decision based on that,
// but for now requiring all new inputs to be confirmed works.
if (!setConflictsParents.count([j].prevout.hash))
// Rather than check the UTXO set - potentially expensive -
// it's cheaper to just check if the new input refers to a
// tx that's in the mempool.
if (pool.mapTx.find([j].prevout.hash) != pool.mapTx.end())
return state.DoS(0, false,
REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "replacement-adds-unconfirmed", false,
strprintf("replacement %s adds unconfirmed input, idx %d",
hash.ToString(), j));
// The replacement must pay greater fees than the transactions it
// replaces - if we did the bandwidth used by those conflicting
// transactions would not be paid for.
if (nModifiedFees < nConflictingFees)
return state.DoS(0, false,
REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "insufficient fee", false,
strprintf("rejecting replacement %s, less fees than conflicting txs; %s < %s",
hash.ToString(), FormatMoney(nModifiedFees), FormatMoney(nConflictingFees)));
// Finally in addition to paying more fees than the conflicts the
// new transaction must pay for its own bandwidth.
CAmount nDeltaFees = nModifiedFees - nConflictingFees;
if (nDeltaFees < ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nSize))
return state.DoS(0, false,
REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "insufficient fee", false,
strprintf("rejecting replacement %s, not enough additional fees to relay; %s < %s",
// Check against previous transactions
// This is done last to help prevent CPU exhaustion denial-of-service attacks.
if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, true, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true))
return false; // state filled in by CheckInputs
// Check again against just the consensus-critical mandatory script
// verification flags, in case of bugs in the standard flags that cause
// transactions to pass as valid when they're actually invalid. For
// instance the STRICTENC flag was incorrectly allowing certain
// CHECKSIG NOT scripts to pass, even though they were invalid.
// There is a similar check in CreateNewBlock() to prevent creating
// invalid blocks, however allowing such transactions into the mempool
// can be exploited as a DoS attack.
if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, true, MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true))
return error("%s: BUG! PLEASE REPORT THIS! ConnectInputs failed against MANDATORY but not STANDARD flags %s, %s",
__func__, hash.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
// Remove conflicting transactions from the mempool
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxMemPool::txiter it, allConflicting)
LogPrint("mempool", "replacing tx %s with %s for %s BTC additional fees, %d delta bytes\n",
FormatMoney(nModifiedFees - nConflictingFees),
(int)nSize - (int)nConflictingSize);
pool.RemoveStaged(allConflicting, false);
// Store transaction in memory
pool.addUnchecked(hash, entry, setAncestors, !IsInitialBlockDownload());
// trim mempool and check if tx was trimmed
if (!fOverrideMempoolLimit) {
LimitMempoolSize(pool, GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000, GetArg("-mempoolexpiry", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY) * 60 * 60);
if (!pool.exists(hash))
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "mempool full");
SyncWithWallets(tx, NULL, NULL);
return true;
bool AcceptToMemoryPool(CTxMemPool& pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransaction &tx, bool fLimitFree,
bool* pfMissingInputs, CFeeRate* txFeeRate, bool fOverrideMempoolLimit, const CAmount nAbsurdFee)
std::vector<uint256> vHashTxToUncache;
bool res = AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker(pool, state, tx, fLimitFree, pfMissingInputs, txFeeRate, fOverrideMempoolLimit, nAbsurdFee, vHashTxToUncache);
if (!res) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hashTx, vHashTxToUncache)
return res;
/** Return transaction in tx, and if it was found inside a block, its hash is placed in hashBlock */
bool GetTransaction(const uint256 &hash, CTransaction &txOut, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, uint256 &hashBlock, bool fAllowSlow)
CBlockIndex *pindexSlow = NULL;
if (mempool.lookup(hash, txOut))
return true;
if (fTxIndex) {
CDiskTxPos postx;
if (pblocktree->ReadTxIndex(hash, postx)) {
CAutoFile file(OpenBlockFile(postx, true), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
if (file.IsNull())
return error("%s: OpenBlockFile failed", __func__);
CBlockHeader header;
try {
file >> header;
fseek(file.Get(), postx.nTxOffset, SEEK_CUR);
file >> txOut;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
return error("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s", __func__, e.what());
hashBlock = header.GetHash();
if (txOut.GetHash() != hash)
return error("%s: txid mismatch", __func__);
return true;
if (fAllowSlow) { // use coin database to locate block that contains transaction, and scan it
int nHeight = -1;
const CCoinsViewCache& view = *pcoinsTip;
const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(hash);
if (coins)
nHeight = coins->nHeight;
if (nHeight > 0)
pindexSlow = chainActive[nHeight];
if (pindexSlow) {
CBlock block;
if (ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindexSlow, consensusParams)) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction &tx, block.vtx) {
if (tx.GetHash() == hash) {
txOut = tx;
hashBlock = pindexSlow->GetBlockHash();
return true;
return false;
// CBlock and CBlockIndex
bool WriteBlockToDisk(const CBlock& block, CDiskBlockPos& pos, const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars& messageStart)
// Open history file to append
CAutoFile fileout(OpenBlockFile(pos), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
if (fileout.IsNull())
return error("WriteBlockToDisk: OpenBlockFile failed");
// Write index header
unsigned int nSize = fileout.GetSerializeSize(block);
fileout << FLATDATA(messageStart) << nSize;
// Write block
long fileOutPos = ftell(fileout.Get());
if (fileOutPos < 0)
return error("WriteBlockToDisk: ftell failed");
pos.nPos = (unsigned int)fileOutPos;
fileout << block;
return true;
bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const CDiskBlockPos& pos, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
// Open history file to read
CAutoFile filein(OpenBlockFile(pos, true), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
if (filein.IsNull())
return error("ReadBlockFromDisk: OpenBlockFile failed for %s", pos.ToString());
// Read block
try {
filein >> block;
catch (const std::exception& e) {
return error("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s at %s", __func__, e.what(), pos.ToString());
// Check the header
if (!CheckProofOfWork(block.GetHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams))
return error("ReadBlockFromDisk: Errors in block header at %s", pos.ToString());
return true;
bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex->GetBlockPos(), consensusParams))
return false;
if (block.GetHash() != pindex->GetBlockHash())
return error("ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock&, CBlockIndex*): GetHash() doesn't match index for %s at %s",
pindex->ToString(), pindex->GetBlockPos().ToString());
return true;
CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
// Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined.
if (halvings >= 64)
return 0;
CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
// Subsidy is cut in half every 210,000 blocks which will occur approximately every 4 years.
nSubsidy >>= halvings;
return nSubsidy;
bool IsInitialBlockDownload()
const CChainParams& chainParams = Params();
if (fImporting || fReindex)
return true;
if (fCheckpointsEnabled && chainActive.Height() < Checkpoints::GetTotalBlocksEstimate(chainParams.Checkpoints()))
return true;
static bool lockIBDState = false;
if (lockIBDState)
return false;
bool state = (chainActive.Height() < pindexBestHeader->nHeight - 24 * 6 ||
std::max(chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime(), pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime()) < GetTime() - nMaxTipAge);
if (!state)
lockIBDState = true;
return state;
bool fLargeWorkForkFound = false;
bool fLargeWorkInvalidChainFound = false;
CBlockIndex *pindexBestForkTip = NULL, *pindexBestForkBase = NULL;
static void AlertNotify(const std::string& strMessage, bool fThread)
std::string strCmd = GetArg("-alertnotify", "");
if (strCmd.empty()) return;
// Alert text should be plain ascii coming from a trusted source, but to
// be safe we first strip anything not in safeChars, then add single quotes around
// the whole string before passing it to the shell:
std::string singleQuote("'");
std::string safeStatus = SanitizeString(strMessage);
safeStatus = singleQuote+safeStatus+singleQuote;
boost::replace_all(strCmd, "%s", safeStatus);
if (fThread)
boost::thread t(runCommand, strCmd); // thread runs free
void CheckForkWarningConditions()
// Before we get past initial download, we cannot reliably alert about forks
// (we assume we don't get stuck on a fork before the last checkpoint)
if (IsInitialBlockDownload())
// If our best fork is no longer within 72 blocks (+/- 12 hours if no one mines it)
// of our head, drop it
if (pindexBestForkTip && chainActive.Height() - pindexBestForkTip->nHeight >= 72)
pindexBestForkTip = NULL;
if (pindexBestForkTip || (pindexBestInvalid && pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork > chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork + (GetBlockProof(*chainActive.Tip()) * 6)))
if (!fLargeWorkForkFound && pindexBestForkBase)
std::string warning = std::string("'Warning: Large-work fork detected, forking after block ") +
pindexBestForkBase->phashBlock->ToString() + std::string("'");
AlertNotify(warning, true);
if (pindexBestForkTip && pindexBestForkBase)
LogPrintf("%s: Warning: Large valid fork found\n forking the chain at height %d (%s)\n lasting to height %d (%s).\nChain state database corruption likely.\n", __func__,
pindexBestForkBase->nHeight, pindexBestForkBase->phashBlock->ToString(),
pindexBestForkTip->nHeight, pindexBestForkTip->phashBlock->ToString());
fLargeWorkForkFound = true;
LogPrintf("%s: Warning: Found invalid chain at least ~6 blocks longer than our best chain.\nChain state database corruption likely.\n", __func__);
fLargeWorkInvalidChainFound = true;
fLargeWorkForkFound = false;
fLargeWorkInvalidChainFound = false;
void CheckForkWarningConditionsOnNewFork(CBlockIndex* pindexNewForkTip)
// If we are on a fork that is sufficiently large, set a warning flag
CBlockIndex* pfork = pindexNewForkTip;
CBlockIndex* plonger = chainActive.Tip();
while (pfork && pfork != plonger)
while (plonger && plonger->nHeight > pfork->nHeight)
plonger = plonger->pprev;
if (pfork == plonger)
pfork = pfork->pprev;
// We define a condition where we should warn the user about as a fork of at least 7 blocks
// with a tip within 72 blocks (+/- 12 hours if no one mines it) of ours
// We use 7 blocks rather arbitrarily as it represents just under 10% of sustained network
// hash rate operating on the fork.
// or a chain that is entirely longer than ours and invalid (note that this should be detected by both)
// We define it this way because it allows us to only store the highest fork tip (+ base) which meets
// the 7-block condition and from this always have the most-likely-to-cause-warning fork
if (pfork && (!pindexBestForkTip || (pindexBestForkTip && pindexNewForkTip->nHeight > pindexBestForkTip->nHeight)) &&
pindexNewForkTip->nChainWork - pfork->nChainWork > (GetBlockProof(*pfork) * 7) &&
chainActive.Height() - pindexNewForkTip->nHeight < 72)
pindexBestForkTip = pindexNewForkTip;
pindexBestForkBase = pfork;
// Requires cs_main.
void Misbehaving(NodeId pnode, int howmuch)
if (howmuch == 0)
CNodeState *state = State(pnode);
if (state == NULL)
state->nMisbehavior += howmuch;
int banscore = GetArg("-banscore", DEFAULT_BANSCORE_THRESHOLD);
if (state->nMisbehavior >= banscore && state->nMisbehavior - howmuch < banscore)
LogPrintf("%s: %s (%d -> %d) BAN THRESHOLD EXCEEDED\n", __func__, state->name, state->nMisbehavior-howmuch, state->nMisbehavior);
state->fShouldBan = true;
} else
LogPrintf("%s: %s (%d -> %d)\n", __func__, state->name, state->nMisbehavior-howmuch, state->nMisbehavior);
void static InvalidChainFound(CBlockIndex* pindexNew)
if (!pindexBestInvalid || pindexNew->nChainWork > pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork)
pindexBestInvalid = pindexNew;
LogPrintf("%s: invalid block=%s height=%d log2_work=%.8g date=%s\n", __func__,
pindexNew->GetBlockHash().ToString(), pindexNew->nHeight,
log(pindexNew->nChainWork.getdouble())/log(2.0), DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
CBlockIndex *tip = chainActive.Tip();
assert (tip);
LogPrintf("%s: current best=%s height=%d log2_work=%.8g date=%s\n", __func__,
tip->GetBlockHash().ToString(), chainActive.Height(), log(tip->nChainWork.getdouble())/log(2.0),
DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tip->GetBlockTime()));
void static InvalidBlockFound(CBlockIndex *pindex, const CValidationState &state) {
int nDoS = 0;
if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS)) {
std::map<uint256, NodeId>::iterator it = mapBlockSource.find(pindex->GetBlockHash());
if (it != mapBlockSource.end() && State(it->second)) {
assert (state.GetRejectCode() < REJECT_INTERNAL); // Blocks are never rejected with internal reject codes
CBlockReject reject = {(unsigned char)state.GetRejectCode(), state.GetRejectReason().substr(0, MAX_REJECT_MESSAGE_LENGTH), pindex->GetBlockHash()};
if (nDoS > 0)
Misbehaving(it->second, nDoS);
if (!state.CorruptionPossible()) {
pindex->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_VALID;
void UpdateCoins(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, CCoinsViewCache &inputs, CTxUndo &txundo, int nHeight)
// mark inputs spent
if (!tx.IsCoinBase()) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn &txin, {
CCoinsModifier coins = inputs.ModifyCoins(txin.prevout.hash);
unsigned nPos = txin.prevout.n;
if (nPos >= coins->vout.size() || coins->vout[nPos].IsNull())
// mark an outpoint spent, and construct undo information
if (coins->vout.size() == 0) {
CTxInUndo& undo = txundo.vprevout.back();
undo.nHeight = coins->nHeight;
undo.fCoinBase = coins->fCoinBase;
undo.nVersion = coins->nVersion;
// add outputs
inputs.ModifyNewCoins(tx.GetHash(), tx.IsCoinBase())->FromTx(tx, nHeight);
void UpdateCoins(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, CCoinsViewCache &inputs, int nHeight)
CTxUndo txundo;
UpdateCoins(tx, state, inputs, txundo, nHeight);
bool CScriptCheck::operator()() {
const CScript &scriptSig = ptxTo->vin[nIn].scriptSig;
if (!VerifyScript(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, nFlags, CachingTransactionSignatureChecker(ptxTo, nIn, cacheStore), &error)) {
return false;
return true;
int GetSpendHeight(const CCoinsViewCache& inputs)
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = mapBlockIndex.find(inputs.GetBestBlock())->second;
return pindexPrev->nHeight + 1;
namespace Consensus {
bool CheckTxInputs(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState& state, const CCoinsViewCache& inputs, int nSpendHeight)
// This doesn't trigger the DoS code on purpose; if it did, it would make it easier
// for an attacker to attempt to split the network.
if (!inputs.HaveInputs(tx))
return state.Invalid(false, 0, "", "Inputs unavailable");
CAmount nValueIn = 0;
CAmount nFees = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++)
const COutPoint &prevout =[i].prevout;
const CCoins *coins = inputs.AccessCoins(prevout.hash);
// If prev is coinbase, check that it's matured
if (coins->IsCoinBase()) {
if (nSpendHeight - coins->nHeight < COINBASE_MATURITY)
return state.Invalid(false,
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-premature-spend-of-coinbase",
strprintf("tried to spend coinbase at depth %d", nSpendHeight - coins->nHeight));
// Check for negative or overflow input values
nValueIn += coins->vout[prevout.n].nValue;
if (!MoneyRange(coins->vout[prevout.n].nValue) || !MoneyRange(nValueIn))
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputvalues-outofrange");
if (nValueIn < tx.GetValueOut())
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-in-belowout", false,
strprintf("value in (%s) < value out (%s)", FormatMoney(nValueIn), FormatMoney(tx.GetValueOut())));
// Tally transaction fees
CAmount nTxFee = nValueIn - tx.GetValueOut();
if (nTxFee < 0)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-fee-negative");
nFees += nTxFee;
if (!MoneyRange(nFees))
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-fee-outofrange");
return true;
}// namespace Consensus
bool CheckInputs(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs, bool fScriptChecks, unsigned int flags, bool cacheStore, std::vector<CScriptCheck> *pvChecks)
if (!tx.IsCoinBase())
if (!Consensus::CheckTxInputs(tx, state, inputs, GetSpendHeight(inputs)))
return false;
if (pvChecks)
// The first loop above does all the inexpensive checks.
// Only if ALL inputs pass do we perform expensive ECDSA signature checks.
// Helps prevent CPU exhaustion attacks.
// Skip ECDSA signature verification when connecting blocks before the
// last block chain checkpoint. Assuming the checkpoints are valid this
// is safe because block merkle hashes are still computed and checked,
// and any change will be caught at the next checkpoint. Of course, if
// the checkpoint is for a chain that's invalid due to false scriptSigs
// this optimisation would allow an invalid chain to be accepted.
if (fScriptChecks) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) {
const COutPoint &prevout =[i].prevout;
const CCoins* coins = inputs.AccessCoins(prevout.hash);
// Verify signature
CScriptCheck check(*coins, tx, i, flags, cacheStore);
if (pvChecks) {
} else if (!check()) {
// Check whether the failure was caused by a
// non-mandatory script verification check, such as
// non-standard DER encodings or non-null dummy
// arguments; if so, don't trigger DoS protection to
// avoid splitting the network between upgraded and
// non-upgraded nodes.
CScriptCheck check2(*coins, tx, i,
if (check2())
return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, strprintf("non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (%s)", ScriptErrorString(check.GetScriptError())));
// Failures of other flags indicate a transaction that is
// invalid in new blocks, e.g. a invalid P2SH. We DoS ban
// such nodes as they are not following the protocol. That
// said during an upgrade careful thought should be taken
// as to the correct behavior - we may want to continue
// peering with non-upgraded nodes even after a soft-fork
// super-majority vote has passed.
return state.DoS(100,false, REJECT_INVALID, strprintf("mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (%s)", ScriptErrorString(check.GetScriptError())));
return true;
namespace {
bool UndoWriteToDisk(const CBlockUndo& blockundo, CDiskBlockPos& pos, const uint256& hashBlock, const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars& messageStart)
// Open history file to append
CAutoFile fileout(OpenUndoFile(pos), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
if (fileout.IsNull())
return error("%s: OpenUndoFile failed", __func__);
// Write index header
unsigned int nSize = fileout.GetSerializeSize(blockundo);
fileout << FLATDATA(messageStart) << nSize;
// Write undo data
long fileOutPos = ftell(fileout.Get());
if (fileOutPos < 0)
return error("%s: ftell failed", __func__);
pos.nPos = (unsigned int)fileOutPos;
fileout << blockundo;
// calculate & write checksum
hasher << hashBlock;
hasher << blockundo;
fileout << hasher.GetHash();
return true;
bool UndoReadFromDisk(CBlockUndo& blockundo, const CDiskBlockPos& pos, const uint256& hashBlock)
// Open history file to read
CAutoFile filein(OpenUndoFile(pos, true), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
if (filein.IsNull())
return error("%s: OpenBlockFile failed", __func__);
// Read block
uint256 hashChecksum;
try {
filein >> blockundo;
filein >> hashChecksum;
catch (const std::exception& e) {
return error("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s", __func__, e.what());
// Verify checksum
hasher << hashBlock;
hasher << blockundo;
if (hashChecksum != hasher.GetHash())
return error("%s: Checksum mismatch", __func__);
return true;
/** Abort with a message */
bool AbortNode(const std::string& strMessage, const std::string& userMessage="")
strMiscWarning = strMessage;
LogPrintf("*** %s\n", strMessage);
userMessage.empty() ? _("Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details") : userMessage,
"", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);
return false;
bool AbortNode(CValidationState& state, const std::string& strMessage, const std::string& userMessage="")
AbortNode(strMessage, userMessage);
return state.Error(strMessage);
} // anon namespace
* Apply the undo operation of a CTxInUndo to the given chain state.
* @param undo The undo object.
* @param view The coins view to which to apply the changes.
* @param out The out point that corresponds to the tx input.
* @return True on success.
static bool ApplyTxInUndo(const CTxInUndo& undo, CCoinsViewCache& view, const COutPoint& out)
bool fClean = true;
CCoinsModifier coins = view.ModifyCoins(out.hash);
if (undo.nHeight != 0) {
// undo data contains height: this is the last output of the prevout tx being spent
if (!coins->IsPruned())
fClean = fClean && error("%s: undo data overwriting existing transaction", __func__);
coins->fCoinBase = undo.fCoinBase;
coins->nHeight = undo.nHeight;
coins->nVersion = undo.nVersion;
} else {
if (coins->IsPruned())
fClean = fClean && error("%s: undo data adding output to missing transaction", __func__);
if (coins->IsAvailable(out.n))
fClean = fClean && error("%s: undo data overwriting existing output", __func__);
if (coins->vout.size() < out.n+1)
coins->vout[out.n] = undo.txout;
return fClean;
bool DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view, bool* pfClean)
assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == view.GetBestBlock());
if (pfClean)
*pfClean = false;
bool fClean = true;
CBlockUndo blockUndo;
CDiskBlockPos pos = pindex->GetUndoPos();
if (pos.IsNull())
return error("DisconnectBlock(): no undo data available");
if (!UndoReadFromDisk(blockUndo, pos, pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash()))
return error("DisconnectBlock(): failure reading undo data");
if (blockUndo.vtxundo.size() + 1 != block.vtx.size())
return error("DisconnectBlock(): block and undo data inconsistent");
// undo transactions in reverse order
for (int i = block.vtx.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const CTransaction &tx = block.vtx[i];
uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
// Check that all outputs are available and match the outputs in the block itself
// exactly.
CCoinsModifier outs = view.ModifyCoins(hash);
CCoins outsBlock(tx, pindex->nHeight);
// The CCoins serialization does not serialize negative numbers.
// No network rules currently depend on the version here, so an inconsistency is harmless
// but it must be corrected before txout nversion ever influences a network rule.
if (outsBlock.nVersion < 0)
outs->nVersion = outsBlock.nVersion;
if (*outs != outsBlock)
fClean = fClean && error("DisconnectBlock(): added transaction mismatch? database corrupted");
// remove outputs
// restore inputs
if (i > 0) { // not coinbases
const CTxUndo &txundo = blockUndo.vtxundo[i-1];
if (txundo.vprevout.size() !=
return error("DisconnectBlock(): transaction and undo data inconsistent");
for (unsigned int j =; j-- > 0;) {
const COutPoint &out =[j].prevout;
const CTxInUndo &undo = txundo.vprevout[j];
if (!ApplyTxInUndo(undo, view, out))
fClean = false;
// move best block pointer to prevout block
if (pfClean) {
*pfClean = fClean;
return true;
return fClean;
void static FlushBlockFile(bool fFinalize = false)
CDiskBlockPos posOld(nLastBlockFile, 0);
FILE *fileOld = OpenBlockFile(posOld);
if (fileOld) {
if (fFinalize)
TruncateFile(fileOld, vinfoBlockFile[nLastBlockFile].nSize);
fileOld = OpenUndoFile(posOld);
if (fileOld) {
if (fFinalize)
TruncateFile(fileOld, vinfoBlockFile[nLastBlockFile].nUndoSize);
bool FindUndoPos(CValidationState &state, int nFile, CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize);
static CCheckQueue<CScriptCheck> scriptcheckqueue(128);
void ThreadScriptCheck() {
// Called periodically asynchronously; alerts if it smells like
// we're being fed a bad chain (blocks being generated much
// too slowly or too quickly).
void PartitionCheck(bool (*initialDownloadCheck)(), CCriticalSection& cs, const CBlockIndex *const &bestHeader,
int64_t nPowTargetSpacing)
if (bestHeader == NULL || initialDownloadCheck()) return;
static int64_t lastAlertTime = 0;
int64_t now = GetAdjustedTime();
if (lastAlertTime > now-60*60*24) return; // Alert at most once per day
const int SPAN_HOURS=4;
const int SPAN_SECONDS=SPAN_HOURS*60*60;
boost::math::poisson_distribution<double> poisson(BLOCKS_EXPECTED);
std::string strWarning;
int64_t startTime = GetAdjustedTime()-SPAN_SECONDS;
const CBlockIndex* i = bestHeader;
int nBlocks = 0;
while (i->GetBlockTime() >= startTime) {
i = i->pprev;
if (i == NULL) return; // Ran out of chain, we must not be fully sync'ed
// How likely is it to find that many by chance?
double p = boost::math::pdf(poisson, nBlocks);
LogPrint("partitioncheck", "%s: Found %d blocks in the last %d hours\n", __func__, nBlocks, SPAN_HOURS);
LogPrint("partitioncheck", "%s: likelihood: %g\n", __func__, p);
// Aim for one false-positive about every fifty years of normal running:
const int FIFTY_YEARS = 50*365*24*60*60;
double alertThreshold = 1.0 / (FIFTY_YEARS / SPAN_SECONDS);
if (p <= alertThreshold && nBlocks < BLOCKS_EXPECTED)
// Many fewer blocks than expected: alert!
strWarning = strprintf(_("WARNING: check your network connection, %d blocks received in the last %d hours (%d expected)"),
else if (p <= alertThreshold && nBlocks > BLOCKS_EXPECTED)
// Many more blocks than expected: alert!
strWarning = strprintf(_("WARNING: abnormally high number of blocks generated, %d blocks received in the last %d hours (%d expected)"),
if (!strWarning.empty())
strMiscWarning = strWarning;
AlertNotify(strWarning, true);
lastAlertTime = now;
// Protected by cs_main
static VersionBitsCache versionbitscache;
int32_t ComputeBlockVersion(const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, const Consensus::Params& params)
int32_t nVersion = VERSIONBITS_TOP_BITS;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)Consensus::MAX_VERSION_BITS_DEPLOYMENTS; i++) {
ThresholdState state = VersionBitsState(pindexPrev, params, (Consensus::DeploymentPos)i, versionbitscache);
nVersion |= VersionBitsMask(params, (Consensus::DeploymentPos)i);
return nVersion;
* Threshold condition checker that triggers when unknown versionbits are seen on the network.
class WarningBitsConditionChecker : public AbstractThresholdConditionChecker
int bit;
WarningBitsConditionChecker(int bitIn) : bit(bitIn) {}
int64_t BeginTime(const Consensus::Params& params) const { return 0; }
int64_t EndTime(const Consensus::Params& params) const { return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(); }
int Period(const Consensus::Params& params) const { return params.nMinerConfirmationWindow; }
int Threshold(const Consensus::Params& params) const { return params.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold; }
bool Condition(const CBlockIndex* pindex, const Consensus::Params& params) const
return ((pindex->nVersion & VERSIONBITS_TOP_MASK) == VERSIONBITS_TOP_BITS) &&
((pindex->nVersion >> bit) & 1) != 0 &&
((ComputeBlockVersion(pindex->pprev, params) >> bit) & 1) == 0;
// Protected by cs_main
static ThresholdConditionCache warningcache[VERSIONBITS_NUM_BITS];
static int64_t nTimeCheck = 0;
static int64_t nTimeForks = 0;
static int64_t nTimeVerify = 0;
static int64_t nTimeConnect = 0;
static int64_t nTimeIndex = 0;
static int64_t nTimeCallbacks = 0;
static int64_t nTimeTotal = 0;
bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex,
CCoinsViewCache& view, const CChainParams& chainparams, bool fJustCheck)
int64_t nTimeStart = GetTimeMicros();
// Check it again in case a previous version let a bad block in
if (!CheckBlock(block, state, !fJustCheck, !fJustCheck))
return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
// verify that the view's current state corresponds to the previous block
uint256 hashPrevBlock = pindex->pprev == NULL ? uint256() : pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash();
assert(hashPrevBlock == view.GetBestBlock());
// Special case for the genesis block, skipping connection of its transactions
// (its coinbase is unspendable)
if (block.GetHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) {
if (!fJustCheck)
return true;
bool fScriptChecks = true;
if (fCheckpointsEnabled) {
CBlockIndex *pindexLastCheckpoint = Checkpoints::GetLastCheckpoint(chainparams.Checkpoints());
if (pindexLastCheckpoint && pindexLastCheckpoint->GetAncestor(pindex->nHeight) == pindex) {
// This block is an ancestor of a checkpoint: disable script checks
fScriptChecks = false;
int64_t nTime1 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeCheck += nTime1 - nTimeStart;
LogPrint("bench", " - Sanity checks: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime1 - nTimeStart), nTimeCheck * 0.000001);
// Do not allow blocks that contain transactions which 'overwrite' older transactions,
// unless those are already completely spent.
// If such overwrites are allowed, coinbases and transactions depending upon those
// can be duplicated to remove the ability to spend the first instance -- even after
// being sent to another address.
// See BIP30 and for more information.
// This logic is not necessary for memory pool transactions, as AcceptToMemoryPool
// already refuses previously-known transaction ids entirely.
// This rule was originally applied to all blocks with a timestamp after March 15, 2012, 0:00 UTC.
// Now that the whole chain is irreversibly beyond that time it is applied to all blocks except the
// two in the chain that violate it. This prevents exploiting the issue against nodes during their
// initial block download.
bool fEnforceBIP30 = (!pindex->phashBlock) || // Enforce on CreateNewBlock invocations which don't have a hash.
!((pindex->nHeight==91842 && pindex->GetBlockHash() == uint256S("0x00000000000a4d0a398161ffc163c503763b1f4360639393e0e4c8e300e0caec")) ||
(pindex->nHeight==91880 && pindex->GetBlockHash() == uint256S("0x00000000000743f190a18c5577a3c2d2a1f610ae9601ac046a38084ccb7cd721")));
// Once BIP34 activated it was not possible to create new duplicate coinbases and thus other than starting
// with the 2 existing duplicate coinbase pairs, not possible to create overwriting txs. But by the
// time BIP34 activated, in each of the existing pairs the duplicate coinbase had overwritten the first
// before the first had been spent. Since those coinbases are sufficiently buried its no longer possible to create further
// duplicate transactions descending from the known pairs either.
// If we're on the known chain at height greater than where BIP34 activated, we can save the db accesses needed for the BIP30 check.
CBlockIndex *pindexBIP34height = pindex->pprev->GetAncestor(chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Height);
//Only continue to enforce if we're below BIP34 activation height or the block hash at that height doesn't correspond.
fEnforceBIP30 = fEnforceBIP30 && (!pindexBIP34height || !(pindexBIP34height->GetBlockHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Hash));
if (fEnforceBIP30) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction& tx, block.vtx) {
const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(tx.GetHash());
if (coins && !coins->IsPruned())
return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): tried to overwrite transaction"),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-BIP30");
// BIP16 didn't become active until Apr 1 2012
int64_t nBIP16SwitchTime = 1333238400;
bool fStrictPayToScriptHash = (pindex->GetBlockTime() >= nBIP16SwitchTime);
unsigned int flags = fStrictPayToScriptHash ? SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH : SCRIPT_VERIFY_NONE;
// Start enforcing the DERSIG (BIP66) rules, for block.nVersion=3 blocks,
// when 75% of the network has upgraded:
if (block.nVersion >= 3 && IsSuperMajority(3, pindex->pprev, chainparams.GetConsensus().nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade, chainparams.GetConsensus())) {
// Start enforcing CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, (BIP65) for block.nVersion=4
// blocks, when 75% of the network has upgraded:
if (block.nVersion >= 4 && IsSuperMajority(4, pindex->pprev, chainparams.GetConsensus().nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade, chainparams.GetConsensus())) {
// Start enforcing BIP68 (sequence locks) and BIP112 (CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY) using versionbits logic.
int nLockTimeFlags = 0;
if (VersionBitsState(pindex->pprev, chainparams.GetConsensus(), Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV, versionbitscache) == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) {
int64_t nTime2 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeForks += nTime2 - nTime1;
LogPrint("bench", " - Fork checks: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime2 - nTime1), nTimeForks * 0.000001);
CBlockUndo blockundo;
CCheckQueueControl<CScriptCheck> control(fScriptChecks && nScriptCheckThreads ? &scriptcheckqueue : NULL);
std::vector<int> prevheights;
CAmount nFees = 0;
int nInputs = 0;
unsigned int nSigOps = 0;
CDiskTxPos pos(pindex->GetBlockPos(), GetSizeOfCompactSize(block.vtx.size()));
std::vector<std::pair<uint256, CDiskTxPos> > vPos;
blockundo.vtxundo.reserve(block.vtx.size() - 1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < block.vtx.size(); i++)
const CTransaction &tx = block.vtx[i];
nInputs +=;
nSigOps += GetLegacySigOpCount(tx);
return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): too many sigops"),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-sigops");
if (!tx.IsCoinBase())
if (!view.HaveInputs(tx))
return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): inputs missing/spent"),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputs-missingorspent");
// Check that transaction is BIP68 final
// BIP68 lock checks (as opposed to nLockTime checks) must
// be in ConnectBlock because they require the UTXO set
for (size_t j = 0; j <; j++) {
prevheights[j] = view.AccessCoins([j].prevout.hash)->nHeight;
if (!SequenceLocks(tx, nLockTimeFlags, &prevheights, *pindex)) {
return state.DoS(100, error("%s: contains a non-BIP68-final transaction", __func__),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-nonfinal");
if (fStrictPayToScriptHash)
// Add in sigops done by pay-to-script-hash inputs;
// this is to prevent a "rogue miner" from creating
// an incredibly-expensive-to-validate block.
nSigOps += GetP2SHSigOpCount(tx, view);
return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): too many sigops"),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-sigops");
nFees += view.GetValueIn(tx)-tx.GetValueOut();
std::vector<CScriptCheck> vChecks;
bool fCacheResults = fJustCheck; /* Don't cache results if we're actually connecting blocks (still consult the cache, though) */
if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, fScriptChecks, flags, fCacheResults, nScriptCheckThreads ? &vChecks : NULL))
return error("ConnectBlock(): CheckInputs on %s failed with %s",
tx.GetHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
CTxUndo undoDummy;
if (i > 0) {
UpdateCoins(tx, state, view, i == 0 ? undoDummy : blockundo.vtxundo.back(), pindex->nHeight);
vPos.push_back(std::make_pair(tx.GetHash(), pos));
pos.nTxOffset += ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
int64_t nTime3 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeConnect += nTime3 - nTime2;
LogPrint("bench", " - Connect %u transactions: %.2fms (%.3fms/tx, %.3fms/txin) [%.2fs]\n", (unsigned)block.vtx.size(), 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2), 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2) / block.vtx.size(), nInputs <= 1 ? 0 : 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2) / (nInputs-1), nTimeConnect * 0.000001);
CAmount blockReward = nFees + GetBlockSubsidy(pindex->nHeight, chainparams.GetConsensus());
if (block.vtx[0].GetValueOut() > blockReward)
return state.DoS(100,
error("ConnectBlock(): coinbase pays too much (actual=%d vs limit=%d)",
block.vtx[0].GetValueOut(), blockReward),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-amount");
if (!control.Wait())
return state.DoS(100, false);
int64_t nTime4 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeVerify += nTime4 - nTime2;
LogPrint("bench", " - Verify %u txins: %.2fms (%.3fms/txin) [%.2fs]\n", nInputs - 1, 0.001 * (nTime4 - nTime2), nInputs <= 1 ? 0 : 0.001 * (nTime4 - nTime2) / (nInputs-1), nTimeVerify * 0.000001);
if (fJustCheck)
return true;
// Write undo information to disk
if (pindex->GetUndoPos().IsNull() || !pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS))
if (pindex->GetUndoPos().IsNull()) {
CDiskBlockPos pos;
if (!FindUndoPos(state, pindex->nFile, pos, ::GetSerializeSize(blockundo, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION) + 40))
return error("ConnectBlock(): FindUndoPos failed");
if (!UndoWriteToDisk(blockundo, pos, pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash(), chainparams.MessageStart()))
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write undo data");
// update nUndoPos in block index
pindex->nUndoPos = pos.nPos;
pindex->nStatus |= BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO;
if (fTxIndex)
if (!pblocktree->WriteTxIndex(vPos))
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write transaction index");
// add this block to the view's block chain
int64_t nTime5 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeIndex += nTime5 - nTime4;
LogPrint("bench", " - Index writing: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime5 - nTime4), nTimeIndex * 0.000001);
// Watch for changes to the previous coinbase transaction.
static uint256 hashPrevBestCoinBase;
hashPrevBestCoinBase = block.vtx[0].GetHash();
int64_t nTime6 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeCallbacks += nTime6 - nTime5;
LogPrint("bench", " - Callbacks: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime6 - nTime5), nTimeCallbacks * 0.000001);
return true;
enum FlushStateMode {
* Update the on-disk chain state.
* The caches and indexes are flushed depending on the mode we're called with
* if they're too large, if it's been a while since the last write,
* or always and in all cases if we're in prune mode and are deleting files.
bool static FlushStateToDisk(CValidationState &state, FlushStateMode mode) {
const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
LOCK2(cs_main, cs_LastBlockFile);
static int64_t nLastWrite = 0;
static int64_t nLastFlush = 0;
static int64_t nLastSetChain = 0;
std::set<int> setFilesToPrune;
bool fFlushForPrune = false;
try {
if (fPruneMode && fCheckForPruning && !fReindex) {
FindFilesToPrune(setFilesToPrune, chainparams.PruneAfterHeight());
fCheckForPruning = false;
if (!setFilesToPrune.empty()) {
fFlushForPrune = true;
if (!fHavePruned) {
pblocktree->WriteFlag("prunedblockfiles", true);
fHavePruned = true;
int64_t nNow = GetTimeMicros();
// Avoid writing/flushing immediately after startup.
if (nLastWrite == 0) {
nLastWrite = nNow;
if (nLastFlush == 0) {
nLastFlush = nNow;
if (nLastSetChain == 0) {
nLastSetChain = nNow;
size_t cacheSize = pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage();
// The cache is large and close to the limit, but we have time now (not in the middle of a block processing).
bool fCacheLarge = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && cacheSize * (10.0/9) > nCoinCacheUsage;
// The cache is over the limit, we have to write now.
bool fCacheCritical = mode == FLUSH_STATE_IF_NEEDED && cacheSize > nCoinCacheUsage;
// It's been a while since we wrote the block index to disk. Do this frequently, so we don't need to redownload after a crash.
bool fPeriodicWrite = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && nNow > nLastWrite + (int64_t)DATABASE_WRITE_INTERVAL * 1000000;
// It's been very long since we flushed the cache. Do this infrequently, to optimize cache usage.
bool fPeriodicFlush = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && nNow > nLastFlush + (int64_t)DATABASE_FLUSH_INTERVAL * 1000000;
// Combine all conditions that result in a full cache flush.
bool fDoFullFlush = (mode == FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS) || fCacheLarge || fCacheCritical || fPeriodicFlush || fFlushForPrune;
// Write blocks and block index to disk.
if (fDoFullFlush || fPeriodicWrite) {
// Depend on nMinDiskSpace to ensure we can write block index
if (!CheckDiskSpace(0))
return state.Error("out of disk space");
// First make sure all block and undo data is flushed to disk.
// Then update all block file information (which may refer to block and undo files).
std::vector<std::pair<int, const CBlockFileInfo*> > vFiles;
for (set<int>::iterator it = setDirtyFileInfo.begin(); it != setDirtyFileInfo.end(); ) {
vFiles.push_back(make_pair(*it, &vinfoBlockFile[*it]));
std::vector<const CBlockIndex*> vBlocks;
for (set<CBlockIndex*>::iterator it = setDirtyBlockIndex.begin(); it != setDirtyBlockIndex.end(); ) {
if (!pblocktree->WriteBatchSync(vFiles, nLastBlockFile, vBlocks)) {
return AbortNode(state, "Files to write to block index database");
// Finally remove any pruned files
if (fFlushForPrune)
nLastWrite = nNow;
// Flush best chain related state. This can only be done if the blocks / block index write was also done.
if (fDoFullFlush) {
// Typical CCoins structures on disk are around 128 bytes in size.
// Pushing a new one to the database can cause it to be written
// twice (once in the log, and once in the tables). This is already
// an overestimation, as most will delete an existing entry or
// overwrite one. Still, use a conservative safety factor of 2.
if (!CheckDiskSpace(128 * 2 * 2 * pcoinsTip->GetCacheSize()))
return state.Error("out of disk space");
// Flush the chainstate (which may refer to block index entries).
if (!pcoinsTip->Flush())
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write to coin database");
nLastFlush = nNow;
if (fDoFullFlush || ((mode == FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS || mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC) && nNow > nLastSetChain + (int64_t)DATABASE_WRITE_INTERVAL * 1000000)) {
// Update best block in wallet (so we can detect restored wallets).
nLastSetChain = nNow;
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
return AbortNode(state, std::string("System error while flushing: ") + e.what());
return true;
void FlushStateToDisk() {
CValidationState state;
FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS);
void PruneAndFlush() {
CValidationState state;
fCheckForPruning = true;
FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_NONE);
/** Update chainActive and related internal data structures. */
void static UpdateTip(CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CChainParams& chainParams) {
// New best block
nTimeBestReceived = GetTime();
LogPrintf("%s: new best=%s height=%d version=0x%08x log2_work=%.8g tx=%lu date='%s' progress=%f cache=%.1fMiB(%utx)\n", __func__,
chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().ToString(), chainActive.Height(), chainActive.Tip()->nVersion,
log(chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork.getdouble())/log(2.0), (unsigned long)chainActive.Tip()->nChainTx,
DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime()),
Checkpoints::GuessVerificationProgress(chainParams.Checkpoints(), chainActive.Tip()), pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage() * (1.0 / (1<<20)), pcoinsTip->GetCacheSize());
// Check the version of the last 100 blocks to see if we need to upgrade:
static bool fWarned = false;
if (!IsInitialBlockDownload())
int nUpgraded = 0;
const CBlockIndex* pindex = chainActive.Tip();
for (int bit = 0; bit < VERSIONBITS_NUM_BITS; bit++) {
WarningBitsConditionChecker checker(bit);
ThresholdState state = checker.GetStateFor(pindex, chainParams.GetConsensus(), warningcache[bit]);
if (state == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE || state == THRESHOLD_LOCKED_IN) {
if (state == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) {
strMiscWarning = strprintf(_("Warning: unknown new rules activated (versionbit %i)"), bit);
if (!fWarned) {
AlertNotify(strMiscWarning, true);
fWarned = true;
} else {
LogPrintf("%s: unknown new rules are about to activate (versionbit %i)\n", __func__, bit);
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && pindex != NULL; i++)
int32_t nExpectedVersion = ComputeBlockVersion(pindex->pprev, chainParams.GetConsensus());
if (pindex->nVersion > VERSIONBITS_LAST_OLD_BLOCK_VERSION && (pindex->nVersion & ~nExpectedVersion) != 0)
pindex = pindex->pprev;
if (nUpgraded > 0)
LogPrintf("%s: %d of last 100 blocks have unexpected version\n", __func__, nUpgraded);
if (nUpgraded > 100/2)
// strMiscWarning is read by GetWarnings(), called by Qt and the JSON-RPC code to warn the user:
strMiscWarning = _("Warning: Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible unknown rules are in effect");
if (!fWarned) {
AlertNotify(strMiscWarning, true);
fWarned = true;
/** Disconnect chainActive's tip. You probably want to call mempool.removeForReorg and manually re-limit mempool size after this, with cs_main held. */
bool static DisconnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams)
CBlockIndex *pindexDelete = chainActive.Tip();
// Read block from disk.
CBlock block;
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindexDelete, chainparams.GetConsensus()))
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to read block");
// Apply the block atomically to the chain state.
int64_t nStart = GetTimeMicros();
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip);
if (!DisconnectBlock(block, state, pindexDelete, view))
return error("DisconnectTip(): DisconnectBlock %s failed", pindexDelete->GetBlockHash().ToString());
LogPrint("bench", "- Disconnect block: %.2fms\n", (GetTimeMicros() - nStart) * 0.001);
// Write the chain state to disk, if necessary.
if (!FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_IF_NEEDED))
return false;
// Resurrect mempool transactions from the disconnected block.
std::vector<uint256> vHashUpdate;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction &tx, block.vtx) {
// ignore validation errors in resurrected transactions
list<CTransaction> removed;
CValidationState stateDummy;
if (tx.IsCoinBase() || !AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, stateDummy, tx, false, NULL, NULL, true)) {
mempool.removeRecursive(tx, removed);
} else if (mempool.exists(tx.GetHash())) {
// AcceptToMemoryPool/addUnchecked all assume that new mempool entries have
// no in-mempool children, which is generally not true when adding
// previously-confirmed transactions back to the mempool.
// UpdateTransactionsFromBlock finds descendants of any transactions in this
// block that were added back and cleans up the mempool state.
// Update chainActive and related variables.
UpdateTip(pindexDelete->pprev, chainparams);
// Let wallets know transactions went from 1-confirmed to
// 0-confirmed or conflicted:
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction &tx, block.vtx) {
SyncWithWallets(tx, pindexDelete->pprev, NULL);
return true;
static int64_t nTimeReadFromDisk = 0;
static int64_t nTimeConnectTotal = 0;
static int64_t nTimeFlush = 0;
static int64_t nTimeChainState = 0;
static int64_t nTimePostConnect = 0;
* Connect a new block to chainActive. pblock is either NULL or a pointer to a CBlock
* corresponding to pindexNew, to bypass loading it again from disk.
bool static ConnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexNew, const CBlock* pblock)
assert(pindexNew->pprev == chainActive.Tip());
// Read block from disk.
int64_t nTime1 = GetTimeMicros();
CBlock block;
if (!pblock) {
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindexNew, chainparams.GetConsensus()))
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to read block");
pblock = &block;
// Apply the block atomically to the chain state.
int64_t nTime2 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeReadFromDisk += nTime2 - nTime1;
int64_t nTime3;
LogPrint("bench", " - Load block from disk: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime2 - nTime1) * 0.001, nTimeReadFromDisk * 0.000001);
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip);
bool rv = ConnectBlock(*pblock, state, pindexNew, view, chainparams);
GetMainSignals().BlockChecked(*pblock, state);
if (!rv) {
if (state.IsInvalid())
InvalidBlockFound(pindexNew, state);
return error("ConnectTip(): ConnectBlock %s failed", pindexNew->GetBlockHash().ToString());
nTime3 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeConnectTotal += nTime3 - nTime2;
LogPrint("bench", " - Connect total: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime3 - nTime2) * 0.001, nTimeConnectTotal * 0.000001);
int64_t nTime4 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeFlush += nTime4 - nTime3;
LogPrint("bench", " - Flush: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime4 - nTime3) * 0.001, nTimeFlush * 0.000001);
// Write the chain state to disk, if necessary.
if (!FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_IF_NEEDED))
return false;
int64_t nTime5 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeChainState += nTime5 - nTime4;
LogPrint("bench", " - Writing chainstate: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime5 - nTime4) * 0.001, nTimeChainState * 0.000001);
// Remove conflicting transactions from the mempool.
list<CTransaction> txConflicted;
mempool.removeForBlock(pblock->vtx, pindexNew->nHeight, txConflicted, !IsInitialBlockDownload());
// Update chainActive & related variables.
UpdateTip(pindexNew, chainparams);
// Tell wallet about transactions that went from mempool
// to conflicted:
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction &tx, txConflicted) {
SyncWithWallets(tx, pindexNew, NULL);
// ... and about transactions that got confirmed:
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction &tx, pblock->vtx) {
SyncWithWallets(tx, pindexNew, pblock);
int64_t nTime6 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimePostConnect += nTime6 - nTime5; nTimeTotal += nTime6 - nTime1;
LogPrint("bench", " - Connect postprocess: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime6 - nTime5) * 0.001, nTimePostConnect * 0.000001);
LogPrint("bench", "- Connect block: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime6 - nTime1) * 0.001, nTimeTotal * 0.000001);
return true;
* Return the tip of the chain with the most work in it, that isn't
* known to be invalid (it's however far from certain to be valid).
static CBlockIndex* FindMostWorkChain() {
do {
CBlockIndex *pindexNew = NULL;
// Find the best candidate header.
std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator>::reverse_iterator it = setBlockIndexCandidates.rbegin();
if (it == setBlockIndexCandidates.rend())
return NULL;
pindexNew = *it;
// Check whether all blocks on the path between the currently active chain and the candidate are valid.
// Just going until the active chain is an optimization, as we know all blocks in it are valid already.
CBlockIndex *pindexTest = pindexNew;
bool fInvalidAncestor = false;
while (pindexTest && !chainActive.Contains(pindexTest)) {
assert(pindexTest->nChainTx || pindexTest->nHeight == 0);
// Pruned nodes may have entries in setBlockIndexCandidates for
// which block files have been deleted. Remove those as candidates
// for the most work chain if we come across them; we can't switch
// to a chain unless we have all the non-active-chain parent blocks.
bool fFailedChain = pindexTest->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK;
bool fMissingData = !(pindexTest->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA);
if (fFailedChain || fMissingData) {
// Candidate chain is not usable (either invalid or missing data)
if (fFailedChain && (pindexBestInvalid == NULL || pindexNew->nChainWork > pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork))
pindexBestInvalid = pindexNew;
CBlockIndex *pindexFailed = pindexNew;
// Remove the entire chain from the set.
while (pindexTest != pindexFailed) {
if (fFailedChain) {
pindexFailed->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD;
} else if (fMissingData) {
// If we're missing data, then add back to mapBlocksUnlinked,
// so that if the block arrives in the future we can try adding
// to setBlockIndexCandidates again.
mapBlocksUnlinked.insert(std::make_pair(pindexFailed->pprev, pindexFailed));
pindexFailed = pindexFailed->pprev;
fInvalidAncestor = true;
pindexTest = pindexTest->pprev;
if (!fInvalidAncestor)
return pindexNew;
} while(true);
/** Delete all entries in setBlockIndexCandidates that are worse than the current tip. */
static void PruneBlockIndexCandidates() {
// Note that we can't delete the current block itself, as we may need to return to it later in case a
// reorganization to a better block fails.
std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator>::iterator it = setBlockIndexCandidates.begin();
while (it != setBlockIndexCandidates.end() && setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(*it, chainActive.Tip())) {
// Either the current tip or a successor of it we're working towards is left in setBlockIndexCandidates.
* Try to make some progress towards making pindexMostWork the active block.
* pblock is either NULL or a pointer to a CBlock corresponding to pindexMostWork.
static bool ActivateBestChainStep(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexMostWork, const CBlock* pblock)
bool fInvalidFound = false;
const CBlockIndex *pindexOldTip = chainActive.Tip();
const CBlockIndex *pindexFork = chainActive.FindFork(pindexMostWork);
// Disconnect active blocks which are no longer in the best chain.
bool fBlocksDisconnected = false;
while (chainActive.Tip() && chainActive.Tip() != pindexFork) {
if (!DisconnectTip(state, chainparams))
return false;
fBlocksDisconnected = true;
// Build list of new blocks to connect.
std::vector<CBlockIndex*> vpindexToConnect;
bool fContinue = true;
int nHeight = pindexFork ? pindexFork->nHeight : -1;
while (fContinue && nHeight != pindexMostWork->nHeight) {
// Don't iterate the entire list of potential improvements toward the best tip, as we likely only need
// a few blocks along the way.
int nTargetHeight = std::min(nHeight + 32, pindexMostWork->nHeight);
vpindexToConnect.reserve(nTargetHeight - nHeight);
CBlockIndex *pindexIter = pindexMostWork->GetAncestor(nTargetHeight);
while (pindexIter && pindexIter->nHeight != nHeight) {
pindexIter = pindexIter->pprev;
nHeight = nTargetHeight;
// Connect new blocks.
BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH(CBlockIndex *pindexConnect, vpindexToConnect) {
if (!ConnectTip(state, chainparams, pindexConnect, pindexConnect == pindexMostWork ? pblock : NULL)) {
if (state.IsInvalid()) {
// The block violates a consensus rule.
if (!state.CorruptionPossible())
state = CValidationState();
fInvalidFound = true;
fContinue = false;
} else {
// A system error occurred (disk space, database error, ...).
return false;
} else {
if (!pindexOldTip || chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork > pindexOldTip->nChainWork) {
// We're in a better position than we were. Return temporarily to release the lock.
fContinue = false;
if (fBlocksDisconnected) {
mempool.removeForReorg(pcoinsTip, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1, STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS);
LimitMempoolSize(mempool, GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000, GetArg("-mempoolexpiry", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY) * 60 * 60);
// Callbacks/notifications for a new best chain.
if (fInvalidFound)
return true;
* Make the best chain active, in multiple steps. The result is either failure
* or an activated best chain. pblock is either NULL or a pointer to a block
* that is already loaded (to avoid loading it again from disk).
bool ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlock *pblock) {
CBlockIndex *pindexMostWork = NULL;
do {
if (ShutdownRequested())
CBlockIndex *pindexNewTip = NULL;
const CBlockIndex *pindexFork;
bool fInitialDownload;
CBlockIndex *pindexOldTip = chainActive.Tip();
pindexMostWork = FindMostWorkChain();
// Whether we have anything to do at all.
if (pindexMostWork == NULL || pindexMostWork == chainActive.Tip())
return true;
if (!ActivateBestChainStep(state, chainparams, pindexMostWork, pblock && pblock->GetHash() == pindexMostWork->GetBlockHash() ? pblock : NULL))
return false;
pindexNewTip = chainActive.Tip();
pindexFork = chainActive.FindFork(pindexOldTip);
fInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload();
// When we reach this point, we switched to a new tip (stored in pindexNewTip).
// Notifications/callbacks that can run without cs_main
// Always notify the UI if a new block tip was connected
if (pindexFork != pindexNewTip) {
uiInterface.NotifyBlockTip(fInitialDownload, pindexNewTip);
if (!fInitialDownload) {
// Find the hashes of all blocks that weren't previously in the best chain.
std::vector<uint256> vHashes;
CBlockIndex *pindexToAnnounce = pindexNewTip;
while (pindexToAnnounce != pindexFork) {
pindexToAnnounce = pindexToAnnounce->pprev;
if (vHashes.size() == MAX_BLOCKS_TO_ANNOUNCE) {
// Limit announcements in case of a huge reorganization.
// Rely on the peer's synchronization mechanism in that case.
// Relay inventory, but don't relay old inventory during initial block download.
int nBlockEstimate = 0;
if (fCheckpointsEnabled)
nBlockEstimate = Checkpoints::GetTotalBlocksEstimate(chainparams.Checkpoints());
BOOST_FOREACH(CNode* pnode, vNodes) {
if (chainActive.Height() > (pnode->nStartingHeight != -1 ? pnode->nStartingHeight - 2000 : nBlockEstimate)) {
BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, vHashes) {
// Notify external listeners about the new tip.
if (!vHashes.empty()) {
} while(pindexMostWork != chainActive.Tip());
// Write changes periodically to disk, after relay.
if (!FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC)) {
return false;
return true;
bool InvalidateBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex *pindex)
// Mark the block itself as invalid.
pindex->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_VALID;
while (chainActive.Contains(pindex)) {
CBlockIndex *pindexWalk = chainActive.Tip();
pindexWalk->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD;
// ActivateBestChain considers blocks already in chainActive
// unconditionally valid already, so force disconnect away from it.
if (!DisconnectTip(state, chainparams)) {
mempool.removeForReorg(pcoinsTip, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1, STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS);
return false;
LimitMempoolSize(mempool, GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000, GetArg("-mempoolexpiry", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY) * 60 * 60);
// The resulting new best tip may not be in setBlockIndexCandidates anymore, so
// add it again.
BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.begin();
while (it != mapBlockIndex.end()) {
if (it->second->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && it->second->nChainTx && !setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(it->second, chainActive.Tip())) {
mempool.removeForReorg(pcoinsTip, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1, STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS);
return true;
bool ReconsiderBlock(CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex *pindex) {
int nHeight = pindex->nHeight;
// Remove the invalidity flag from this block and all its descendants.
BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.begin();
while (it != mapBlockIndex.end()) {
if (!it->second->IsValid() && it->second->GetAncestor(nHeight) == pindex) {
it->second->nStatus &= ~BLOCK_FAILED_MASK;
if (it->second->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && it->second->nChainTx && setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(chainActive.Tip(), it->second)) {
if (it->second == pindexBestInvalid) {
// Reset invalid block marker if it was pointing to one of those.
pindexBestInvalid = NULL;
// Remove the invalidity flag from all ancestors too.
while (pindex != NULL) {
if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) {
pindex->nStatus &= ~BLOCK_FAILED_MASK;
pindex = pindex->pprev;
return true;
CBlockIndex* AddToBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader& block)
// Check for duplicate
uint256 hash = block.GetHash();
BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.find(hash);
if (it != mapBlockIndex.end())
return it->second;
// Construct new block index object
CBlockIndex* pindexNew = new CBlockIndex(block);
// We assign the sequence id to blocks only when the full data is available,
// to avoid miners withholding blocks but broadcasting headers, to get a
// competitive advantage.
pindexNew->nSequenceId = 0;
BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.insert(make_pair(hash, pindexNew)).first;
pindexNew->phashBlock = &((*mi).first);
BlockMap::iterator miPrev = mapBlockIndex.find(block.hashPrevBlock);
if (miPrev != mapBlockIndex.end())
pindexNew->pprev = (*miPrev).second;
pindexNew->nHeight = pindexNew->pprev->nHeight + 1;
pindexNew->nChainWork = (pindexNew->pprev ? pindexNew->pprev->nChainWork : 0) + GetBlockProof(*pindexNew);
if (pindexBestHeader == NULL || pindexBestHeader->nChainWork < pindexNew->nChainWork)
pindexBestHeader = pindexNew;
return pindexNew;
/** Mark a block as having its data received and checked (up to BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS). */
bool ReceivedBlockTransactions(const CBlock &block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CDiskBlockPos& pos)
pindexNew->nTx = block.vtx.size();
pindexNew->nChainTx = 0;
pindexNew->nFile = pos.nFile;
pindexNew->nDataPos = pos.nPos;
pindexNew->nUndoPos = 0;
pindexNew->nStatus |= BLOCK_HAVE_DATA;
if (pindexNew->pprev == NULL || pindexNew->pprev->nChainTx) {
// If pindexNew is the genesis block or all parents are BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS.
deque<CBlockIndex*> queue;
// Recursively process any descendant blocks that now may be eligible to be connected.
while (!queue.empty()) {
CBlockIndex *pindex = queue.front();
pindex->nChainTx = (pindex->pprev ? pindex->pprev->nChainTx : 0) + pindex->nTx;
pindex->nSequenceId = nBlockSequenceId++;
if (chainActive.Tip() == NULL || !setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(pindex, chainActive.Tip())) {
std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator, std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator> range = mapBlocksUnlinked.equal_range(pindex);
while (range.first != range.second) {
std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator it = range.first;
} else {
if (pindexNew->pprev && pindexNew->pprev->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE)) {
mapBlocksUnlinked.insert(std::make_pair(pindexNew->pprev, pindexNew));
return true;
bool FindBlockPos(CValidationState &state, CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize, unsigned int nHeight, uint64_t nTime, bool fKnown = false)
unsigned int nFile = fKnown ? pos.nFile : nLastBlockFile;
if (vinfoBlockFile.size() <= nFile) {
vinfoBlockFile.resize(nFile + 1);
if (!fKnown) {
while (vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize + nAddSize >= MAX_BLOCKFILE_SIZE) {
if (vinfoBlockFile.size() <= nFile) {
vinfoBlockFile.resize(nFile + 1);
pos.nFile = nFile;
pos.nPos = vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize;
if ((int)nFile != nLastBlockFile) {
if (!fKnown) {
LogPrintf("Leaving block file %i: %s\n", nLastBlockFile, vinfoBlockFile[nLastBlockFile].ToString());
nLastBlockFile = nFile;
vinfoBlockFile[nFile].AddBlock(nHeight, nTime);
if (fKnown)
vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize = std::max(pos.nPos + nAddSize, vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize);
vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize += nAddSize;
if (!fKnown) {
unsigned int nOldChunks = (pos.nPos + BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE;
unsigned int nNewChunks = (vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize + BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE;
if (nNewChunks > nOldChunks) {
if (fPruneMode)
fCheckForPruning = true;
if (CheckDiskSpace(nNewChunks * BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - pos.nPos)) {
FILE *file = OpenBlockFile(pos);
if (file) {
LogPrintf("Pre-allocating up to position 0x%x in blk%05u.dat\n", nNewChunks * BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE, pos.nFile);
AllocateFileRange(file, pos.nPos, nNewChunks * BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - pos.nPos);
return state.Error("out of disk space");
return true;
bool FindUndoPos(CValidationState &state, int nFile, CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize)
pos.nFile = nFile;
unsigned int nNewSize;
pos.nPos = vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nUndoSize;
nNewSize = vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nUndoSize += nAddSize;
unsigned int nOldChunks = (pos.nPos + UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) / UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE;
unsigned int nNewChunks = (nNewSize + UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) / UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE;
if (nNewChunks > nOldChunks) {
if (fPruneMode)
fCheckForPruning = true;
if (CheckDiskSpace(nNewChunks * UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - pos.nPos)) {
FILE *file = OpenUndoFile(pos);
if (file) {
LogPrintf("Pre-allocating up to position 0x%x in rev%05u.dat\n", nNewChunks * UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE, pos.nFile);
AllocateFileRange(file, pos.nPos, nNewChunks * UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - pos.nPos);
return state.Error("out of disk space");
return true;
bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, bool fCheckPOW)
// Check proof of work matches claimed amount
if (fCheckPOW && !CheckProofOfWork(block.GetHash(), block.nBits, Params().GetConsensus()))
return state.DoS(50, false, REJECT_INVALID, "high-hash", false, "proof of work failed");
// Check timestamp
if (block.GetBlockTime() > GetAdjustedTime() + 2 * 60 * 60)
return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_INVALID, "time-too-new", "block timestamp too far in the future");
return true;
bool CheckBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerkleRoot)
// These are checks that are independent of context.
if (block.fChecked)
return true;
// Check that the header is valid (particularly PoW). This is mostly
// redundant with the call in AcceptBlockHeader.
if (!CheckBlockHeader(block, state, fCheckPOW))
return false;
// Check the merkle root.
if (fCheckMerkleRoot) {
bool mutated;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot2 = BlockMerkleRoot(block, &mutated);
if (block.hashMerkleRoot != hashMerkleRoot2)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txnmrklroot", true, "hashMerkleRoot mismatch");
// Check for merkle tree malleability (CVE-2012-2459): repeating sequences
// of transactions in a block without affecting the merkle root of a block,
// while still invalidating it.
if (mutated)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-duplicate", true, "duplicate transaction");
// All potential-corruption validation must be done before we do any
// transaction validation, as otherwise we may mark the header as invalid
// because we receive the wrong transactions for it.
// Size limits
if (block.vtx.empty() || block.vtx.size() > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE || ::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-length", false, "size limits failed");
// First transaction must be coinbase, the rest must not be
if (block.vtx.empty() || !block.vtx[0].IsCoinBase())
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-missing", false, "first tx is not coinbase");
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < block.vtx.size(); i++)
if (block.vtx[i].IsCoinBase())
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-multiple", false, "more than one coinbase");
// Check transactions
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction& tx, block.vtx)
if (!CheckTransaction(tx, state))
return state.Invalid(false, state.GetRejectCode(), state.GetRejectReason(),
strprintf("Transaction check failed (tx hash %s) %s", tx.GetHash().ToString(), state.GetDebugMessage()));
unsigned int nSigOps = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction& tx, block.vtx)
nSigOps += GetLegacySigOpCount(tx);
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-sigops", false, "out-of-bounds SigOpCount");
if (fCheckPOW && fCheckMerkleRoot)
block.fChecked = true;
return true;
static bool CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const uint256& hash)
if (*pindexPrev->phashBlock == chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock)
return true;
int nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight+1;
// Don't accept any forks from the main chain prior to last checkpoint
CBlockIndex* pcheckpoint = Checkpoints::GetLastCheckpoint(chainparams.Checkpoints());
if (pcheckpoint && nHeight < pcheckpoint->nHeight)
return state.DoS(100, error("%s: forked chain older than last checkpoint (height %d)", __func__, nHeight));
return true;
bool ContextualCheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex * const pindexPrev)
const Consensus::Params& consensusParams = Params().GetConsensus();
// Check proof of work
if (block.nBits != GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, &block, consensusParams))
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-diffbits", false, "incorrect proof of work");
// Check timestamp against prev
if (block.GetBlockTime() <= pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast())
return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_INVALID, "time-too-old", "block's timestamp is too early");
// Reject outdated version blocks when 95% (75% on testnet) of the network has upgraded:
for (int32_t version = 2; version < 5; ++version) // check for version 2, 3 and 4 upgrades
if (block.nVersion < version && IsSuperMajority(version, pindexPrev, consensusParams.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated, consensusParams))
return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_OBSOLETE, strprintf("bad-version(0x%08x)", version - 1),
strprintf("rejected nVersion=0x%08x block", version - 1));
return true;
bool ContextualCheckBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex * const pindexPrev)
const int nHeight = pindexPrev == NULL ? 0 : pindexPrev->nHeight + 1;
const Consensus::Params& consensusParams = Params().GetConsensus();
// Start enforcing BIP113 (Median Time Past) using versionbits logic.
int nLockTimeFlags = 0;
if (VersionBitsState(pindexPrev, consensusParams, Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV, versionbitscache) == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) {
int64_t nLockTimeCutoff = (nLockTimeFlags & LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST)
? pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()
: block.GetBlockTime();
// Check that all transactions are finalized
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction& tx, block.vtx) {
if (!IsFinalTx(tx, nHeight, nLockTimeCutoff)) {
return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-nonfinal", false, "non-final transaction");
// Enforce block.nVersion=2 rule that the coinbase starts with serialized block height
// if 750 of the last 1,000 blocks are version 2 or greater (51/100 if testnet):
if (block.nVersion >= 2 && IsSuperMajority(2, pindexPrev, consensusParams.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade, consensusParams))
CScript expect = CScript() << nHeight;
if (block.vtx[0].vin[0].scriptSig.size() < expect.size() ||
!std::equal(expect.begin(), expect.end(), block.vtx[0].vin[0].scriptSig.begin())) {
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-height", false, "block height mismatch in coinbase");
return true;
static bool AcceptBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex=NULL)
// Check for duplicate
uint256 hash = block.GetHash();
BlockMap::iterator miSelf = mapBlockIndex.find(hash);
CBlockIndex *pindex = NULL;
if (hash != chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) {
if (miSelf != mapBlockIndex.end()) {
// Block header is already known.
pindex = miSelf->second;
if (ppindex)
*ppindex = pindex;
if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK)
return state.Invalid(error("%s: block %s is marked invalid", __func__, hash.ToString()), 0, "duplicate");
return true;
if (!CheckBlockHeader(block, state))
return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlockHeader: %s, %s", __func__, hash.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
// Get prev block index
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = NULL;
BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(block.hashPrevBlock);
if (mi == mapBlockIndex.end())
return state.DoS(10, error("%s: prev block not found", __func__), 0, "bad-prevblk");
pindexPrev = (*mi).second;
if (pindexPrev->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK)
return state.DoS(100, error("%s: prev block invalid", __func__), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-prevblk");
if (fCheckpointsEnabled && !CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(pindexPrev, state, chainparams, hash))
return error("%s: CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(): %s", __func__, state.GetRejectReason().c_str());
if (!ContextualCheckBlockHeader(block, state, pindexPrev))
return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: %s, %s", __func__, hash.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
if (pindex == NULL)
pindex = AddToBlockIndex(block);
if (ppindex)
*ppindex = pindex;
return true;
/** Store block on disk. If dbp is non-NULL, the file is known to already reside on disk */
static bool AcceptBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex, bool fRequested, CDiskBlockPos* dbp)
CBlockIndex *&pindex = *ppindex;
if (!AcceptBlockHeader(block, state, chainparams, &pindex))
return false;
// Try to process all requested blocks that we don't have, but only
// process an unrequested block if it's new and has enough work to
// advance our tip, and isn't too many blocks ahead.
bool fAlreadyHave = pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA;
bool fHasMoreWork = (chainActive.Tip() ? pindex->nChainWork > chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork : true);
// Blocks that are too out-of-order needlessly limit the effectiveness of
// pruning, because pruning will not delete block files that contain any
// blocks which are too close in height to the tip. Apply this test
// regardless of whether pruning is enabled; it should generally be safe to
// not process unrequested blocks.
bool fTooFarAhead = (pindex->nHeight > int(chainActive.Height() + MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP));
// TODO: deal better with return value and error conditions for duplicate
// and unrequested blocks.
if (fAlreadyHave) return true;
if (!fRequested) { // If we didn't ask for it:
if (pindex->nTx != 0) return true; // This is a previously-processed block that was pruned
if (!fHasMoreWork) return true; // Don't process less-work chains
if (fTooFarAhead) return true; // Block height is too high
if ((!CheckBlock(block, state)) || !ContextualCheckBlock(block, state, pindex->pprev)) {
if (state.IsInvalid() && !state.CorruptionPossible()) {
pindex->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_VALID;
return error("%s: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
int nHeight = pindex->nHeight;
// Write block to history file
try {
unsigned int nBlockSize = ::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
CDiskBlockPos blockPos;
if (dbp != NULL)
blockPos = *dbp;
if (!FindBlockPos(state, blockPos, nBlockSize+8, nHeight, block.GetBlockTime(), dbp != NULL))
return error("AcceptBlock(): FindBlockPos failed");
if (dbp == NULL)
if (!WriteBlockToDisk(block, blockPos, chainparams.MessageStart()))
AbortNode(state, "Failed to write block");
if (!ReceivedBlockTransactions(block, state, pindex, blockPos))
return error("AcceptBlock(): ReceivedBlockTransactions failed");
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
return AbortNode(state, std::string("System error: ") + e.what());
if (fCheckForPruning)
FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_NONE); // we just allocated more disk space for block files
return true;
static bool IsSuperMajority(int minVersion, const CBlockIndex* pstart, unsigned nRequired, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
unsigned int nFound = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < consensusParams.nMajorityWindow && nFound < nRequired && pstart != NULL; i++)
if (pstart->nVersion >= minVersion)
pstart = pstart->pprev;
return (nFound >= nRequired);
bool ProcessNewBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CNode* pfrom, const CBlock* pblock, bool fForceProcessing, CDiskBlockPos* dbp)
bool fRequested = MarkBlockAsReceived(pblock->GetHash());
fRequested |= fForceProcessing;
// Store to disk
CBlockIndex *pindex = NULL;
bool ret = AcceptBlock(*pblock, state, chainparams, &pindex, fRequested, dbp);
if (pindex && pfrom) {
mapBlockSource[pindex->GetBlockHash()] = pfrom->GetId();
if (!ret)
return error("%s: AcceptBlock FAILED", __func__);
if (!ActivateBestChain(state, chainparams, pblock))
return error("%s: ActivateBestChain failed", __func__);
return true;
bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlock& block, CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerkleRoot)
assert(pindexPrev && pindexPrev == chainActive.Tip());
if (fCheckpointsEnabled && !CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(pindexPrev, state, chainparams, block.GetHash()))
return error("%s: CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(): %s", __func__, state.GetRejectReason().c_str());
CCoinsViewCache viewNew(pcoinsTip);
CBlockIndex indexDummy(block);
indexDummy.pprev = pindexPrev;
indexDummy.nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1;
// NOTE: CheckBlockHeader is called by CheckBlock
if (!ContextualCheckBlockHeader(block, state, pindexPrev))
return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
if (!CheckBlock(block, state, fCheckPOW, fCheckMerkleRoot))
return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
if (!ContextualCheckBlock(block, state, pindexPrev))
return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
if (!ConnectBlock(block, state, &indexDummy, viewNew, chainparams, true))
return false;
return true;
/* Calculate the amount of disk space the block & undo files currently use */
uint64_t CalculateCurrentUsage()
uint64_t retval = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CBlockFileInfo &file, vinfoBlockFile) {
retval += file.nSize + file.nUndoSize;
return retval;
/* Prune a block file (modify associated database entries)*/
void PruneOneBlockFile(const int fileNumber)
for (BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.begin(); it != mapBlockIndex.end(); ++it) {
CBlockIndex* pindex = it->second;
if (pindex->nFile == fileNumber) {
pindex->nStatus &= ~BLOCK_HAVE_DATA;
pindex->nStatus &= ~BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO;
pindex->nFile = 0;
pindex->nDataPos = 0;
pindex->nUndoPos = 0;
// Prune from mapBlocksUnlinked -- any block we prune would have
// to be downloaded again in order to consider its chain, at which
// point it would be considered as a candidate for
// mapBlocksUnlinked or setBlockIndexCandidates.
std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator, std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator> range = mapBlocksUnlinked.equal_range(pindex->pprev);
while (range.first != range.second) {
std::multimap<CBlockIndex *, CBlockIndex *>::iterator it = range.first;
if (it->second == pindex) {
void UnlinkPrunedFiles(std::set<int>& setFilesToPrune)
for (set<int>::iterator it = setFilesToPrune.begin(); it != setFilesToPrune.end(); ++it) {
CDiskBlockPos pos(*it, 0);
boost::filesystem::remove(GetBlockPosFilename(pos, "blk"));
boost::filesystem::remove(GetBlockPosFilename(pos, "rev"));
LogPrintf("Prune: %s deleted blk/rev (%05u)\n", __func__, *it);
/* Calculate the block/rev files that should be deleted to remain under target*/
void FindFilesToPrune(std::set<int>& setFilesToPrune, uint64_t nPruneAfterHeight)
LOCK2(cs_main, cs_LastBlockFile);
if (chainActive.Tip() == NULL || nPruneTarget == 0) {
if ((uint64_t)chainActive.Tip()->nHeight <= nPruneAfterHeight) {
unsigned int nLastBlockWeCanPrune = chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP;
uint64_t nCurrentUsage = CalculateCurrentUsage();
// We don't check to prune until after we've allocated new space for files
// So we should leave a buffer under our target to account for another allocation
// before the next pruning.
uint64_t nBytesToPrune;
int count=0;
if (nCurrentUsage + nBuffer >= nPruneTarget) {
for (int fileNumber = 0; fileNumber < nLastBlockFile; fileNumber++) {
nBytesToPrune = vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nSize + vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nUndoSize;
if (vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nSize == 0)
if (nCurrentUsage + nBuffer < nPruneTarget) // are we below our target?
// don't prune files that could have a block within MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP of the main chain's tip but keep scanning
if (vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nHeightLast > nLastBlockWeCanPrune)
// Queue up the files for removal
nCurrentUsage -= nBytesToPrune;
LogPrint("prune", "Prune: target=%dMiB actual=%dMiB diff=%dMiB max_prune_height=%d removed %d blk/rev pairs\n",
nPruneTarget/1024/1024, nCurrentUsage/1024/1024,
((int64_t)nPruneTarget - (int64_t)nCurrentUsage)/1024/1024,
nLastBlockWeCanPrune, count);
bool CheckDiskSpace(uint64_t nAdditionalBytes)
uint64_t nFreeBytesAvailable = boost::filesystem::space(GetDataDir()).available;
// Check for nMinDiskSpace bytes (currently 50MB)
if (nFreeBytesAvailable < nMinDiskSpace + nAdditionalBytes)
return AbortNode("Disk space is low!", _("Error: Disk space is low!"));
return true;
FILE* OpenDiskFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const char *prefix, bool fReadOnly)
if (pos.IsNull())
return NULL;
boost::filesystem::path path = GetBlockPosFilename(pos, prefix);
FILE* file = fopen(path.string().c_str(), "rb+");
if (!file && !fReadOnly)
file = fopen(path.string().c_str(), "wb+");
if (!file) {
LogPrintf("Unable to open file %s\n", path.string());
return NULL;
if (pos.nPos) {
if (fseek(file, pos.nPos, SEEK_SET)) {
LogPrintf("Unable to seek to position %u of %s\n", pos.nPos, path.string());
return NULL;
return file;
FILE* OpenBlockFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly) {
return OpenDiskFile(pos, "blk", fReadOnly);
FILE* OpenUndoFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly) {
return OpenDiskFile(pos, "rev", fReadOnly);
boost::filesystem::path GetBlockPosFilename(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const char *prefix)
return GetDataDir() / "blocks" / strprintf("%s%05u.dat", prefix, pos.nFile);
CBlockIndex * InsertBlockIndex(uint256 hash)
if (hash.IsNull())
return NULL;
// Return existing
BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hash);
if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end())
return (*mi).second;
// Create new
CBlockIndex* pindexNew = new CBlockIndex();
if (!pindexNew)
throw runtime_error("LoadBlockIndex(): new CBlockIndex failed");
mi = mapBlockIndex.insert(make_pair(hash, pindexNew)).first;
pindexNew->phashBlock = &((*mi).first);
return pindexNew;
bool static LoadBlockIndexDB()
const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
- if (!pblocktree->LoadBlockIndexGuts())
+ if (!pblocktree->LoadBlockIndexGuts(InsertBlockIndex))
return false;
// Calculate nChainWork
vector<pair<int, CBlockIndex*> > vSortedByHeight;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(uint256, CBlockIndex*)& item, mapBlockIndex)
CBlockIndex* pindex = item.second;
vSortedByHeight.push_back(make_pair(pindex->nHeight, pindex));
sort(vSortedByHeight.begin(), vSortedByHeight.end());
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(int, CBlockIndex*)& item, vSortedByHeight)
CBlockIndex* pindex = item.second;
pindex->nChainWork = (pindex->pprev ? pindex->pprev->nChainWork : 0) + GetBlockProof(*pindex);
// We can link the chain of blocks for which we've received transactions at some point.
// Pruned nodes may have deleted the block.
if (pindex->nTx > 0) {
if (pindex->pprev) {
if (pindex->pprev->nChainTx) {
pindex->nChainTx = pindex->pprev->nChainTx + pindex->nTx;
} else {
pindex->nChainTx = 0;
mapBlocksUnlinked.insert(std::make_pair(pindex->pprev, pindex));
} else {
pindex->nChainTx = pindex->nTx;
if (pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && (pindex->nChainTx || pindex->pprev == NULL))
if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK && (!pindexBestInvalid || pindex->nChainWork > pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork))
pindexBestInvalid = pindex;
if (pindex->pprev)
if (pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE) && (pindexBestHeader == NULL || CBlockIndexWorkComparator()(pindexBestHeader, pindex)))
pindexBestHeader = pindex;
// Load block file info
vinfoBlockFile.resize(nLastBlockFile + 1);
LogPrintf("%s: last block file = %i\n", __func__, nLastBlockFile);
for (int nFile = 0; nFile <= nLastBlockFile; nFile++) {
pblocktree->ReadBlockFileInfo(nFile, vinfoBlockFile[nFile]);
LogPrintf("%s: last block file info: %s\n", __func__, vinfoBlockFile[nLastBlockFile].ToString());
for (int nFile = nLastBlockFile + 1; true; nFile++) {
CBlockFileInfo info;
if (pblocktree->ReadBlockFileInfo(nFile, info)) {
} else {
// Check presence of blk files
LogPrintf("Checking all blk files are present...\n");
set<int> setBlkDataFiles;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(uint256, CBlockIndex*)& item, mapBlockIndex)
CBlockIndex* pindex = item.second;
if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) {
for (std::set<int>::iterator it = setBlkDataFiles.begin(); it != setBlkDataFiles.end(); it++)
CDiskBlockPos pos(*it, 0);
if (CAutoFile(OpenBlockFile(pos, true), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION).IsNull()) {
return false;
// Check whether we have ever pruned block & undo files
pblocktree->ReadFlag("prunedblockfiles", fHavePruned);
if (fHavePruned)
LogPrintf("LoadBlockIndexDB(): Block files have previously been pruned\n");
// Check whether we need to continue reindexing
bool fReindexing = false;
fReindex |= fReindexing;
// Check whether we have a transaction index
pblocktree->ReadFlag("txindex", fTxIndex);
LogPrintf("%s: transaction index %s\n", __func__, fTxIndex ? "enabled" : "disabled");
// Load pointer to end of best chain
BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.find(pcoinsTip->GetBestBlock());
if (it == mapBlockIndex.end())
return true;
LogPrintf("%s: hashBestChain=%s height=%d date=%s progress=%f\n", __func__,
chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().ToString(), chainActive.Height(),
DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime()),
Checkpoints::GuessVerificationProgress(chainparams.Checkpoints(), chainActive.Tip()));
return true;
uiInterface.ShowProgress(_("Verifying blocks..."), 0);
uiInterface.ShowProgress("", 100);
bool CVerifyDB::VerifyDB(const CChainParams& chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview, int nCheckLevel, int nCheckDepth)
if (chainActive.Tip() == NULL || chainActive.Tip()->pprev == NULL)
return true;
// Verify blocks in the best chain
if (nCheckDepth <= 0)
nCheckDepth = 1000000000; // suffices until the year 19000
if (nCheckDepth > chainActive.Height())
nCheckDepth = chainActive.Height();
nCheckLevel = std::max(0, std::min(4, nCheckLevel));
LogPrintf("Verifying last %i blocks at level %i\n", nCheckDepth, nCheckLevel);
CCoinsViewCache coins(coinsview);
CBlockIndex* pindexState = chainActive.Tip();
CBlockIndex* pindexFailure = NULL;
int nGoodTransactions = 0;
CValidationState state;
for (CBlockIndex* pindex = chainActive.Tip(); pindex && pindex->pprev; pindex = pindex->pprev)
uiInterface.ShowProgress(_("Verifying blocks..."), std::max(1, std::min(99, (int)(((double)(chainActive.Height() - pindex->nHeight)) / (double)nCheckDepth * (nCheckLevel >= 4 ? 50 : 100)))));
if (pindex->nHeight < chainActive.Height()-nCheckDepth)
CBlock block;
// check level 0: read from disk
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex, chainparams.GetConsensus()))
return error("VerifyDB(): *** ReadBlockFromDisk failed at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
// check level 1: verify block validity
if (nCheckLevel >= 1 && !CheckBlock(block, state))
return error("%s: *** found bad block at %d, hash=%s (%s)\n", __func__,
pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
// check level 2: verify undo validity
if (nCheckLevel >= 2 && pindex) {
CBlockUndo undo;
CDiskBlockPos pos = pindex->GetUndoPos();
if (!pos.IsNull()) {
if (!UndoReadFromDisk(undo, pos, pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash()))
return error("VerifyDB(): *** found bad undo data at %d, hash=%s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
// check level 3: check for inconsistencies during memory-only disconnect of tip blocks
if (nCheckLevel >= 3 && pindex == pindexState && (coins.DynamicMemoryUsage() + pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage()) <= nCoinCacheUsage) {
bool fClean = true;
if (!DisconnectBlock(block, state, pindex, coins, &fClean))
return error("VerifyDB(): *** irrecoverable inconsistency in block data at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
pindexState = pindex->pprev;
if (!fClean) {
nGoodTransactions = 0;
pindexFailure = pindex;
} else
nGoodTransactions += block.vtx.size();
if (ShutdownRequested())
return true;
if (pindexFailure)
return error("VerifyDB(): *** coin database inconsistencies found (last %i blocks, %i good transactions before that)\n", chainActive.Height() - pindexFailure->nHeight + 1, nGoodTransactions);
// check level 4: try reconnecting blocks
if (nCheckLevel >= 4) {
CBlockIndex *pindex = pindexState;
while (pindex != chainActive.Tip()) {
uiInterface.ShowProgress(_("Verifying blocks..."), std::max(1, std::min(99, 100 - (int)(((double)(chainActive.Height() - pindex->nHeight)) / (double)nCheckDepth * 50))));
pindex = chainActive.Next(pindex);
CBlock block;
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex, chainparams.GetConsensus()))
return error("VerifyDB(): *** ReadBlockFromDisk failed at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
if (!ConnectBlock(block, state, pindex, coins, chainparams))
return error("VerifyDB(): *** found unconnectable block at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
LogPrintf("No coin database inconsistencies in last %i blocks (%i transactions)\n", chainActive.Height() - pindexState->nHeight, nGoodTransactions);
return true;
void UnloadBlockIndex()
pindexBestInvalid = NULL;
pindexBestHeader = NULL;
nSyncStarted = 0;
nLastBlockFile = 0;
nBlockSequenceId = 1;
nPreferredDownload = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < VERSIONBITS_NUM_BITS; b++) {
BOOST_FOREACH(BlockMap::value_type& entry, mapBlockIndex) {
delete entry.second;
fHavePruned = false;
bool LoadBlockIndex()
// Load block index from databases
if (!fReindex && !LoadBlockIndexDB())
return false;
return true;
bool InitBlockIndex(const CChainParams& chainparams)
// Initialize global variables that cannot be constructed at startup.
recentRejects.reset(new CRollingBloomFilter(120000, 0.000001));
// Check whether we're already initialized
if (chainActive.Genesis() != NULL)
return true;
// Use the provided setting for -txindex in the new database
fTxIndex = GetBoolArg("-txindex", DEFAULT_TXINDEX);
pblocktree->WriteFlag("txindex", fTxIndex);
LogPrintf("Initializing databases...\n");
// Only add the genesis block if not reindexing (in which case we reuse the one already on disk)
if (!fReindex) {
try {
CBlock &block = const_cast<CBlock&>(chainparams.GenesisBlock());
// Start new block file
unsigned int nBlockSize = ::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
CDiskBlockPos blockPos;
CValidationState state;
if (!FindBlockPos(state, blockPos, nBlockSize+8, 0, block.GetBlockTime()))
return error("LoadBlockIndex(): FindBlockPos failed");
if (!WriteBlockToDisk(block, blockPos, chainparams.MessageStart()))
return error("LoadBlockIndex(): writing genesis block to disk failed");
CBlockIndex *pindex = AddToBlockIndex(block);
if (!ReceivedBlockTransactions(block, state, pindex, blockPos))
return error("LoadBlockIndex(): genesis block not accepted");
if (!ActivateBestChain(state, chainparams, &block))
return error("LoadBlockIndex(): genesis block cannot be activated");
// Force a chainstate write so that when we VerifyDB in a moment, it doesn't check stale data
return FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS);
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
return error("LoadBlockIndex(): failed to initialize block database: %s", e.what());
return true;
bool LoadExternalBlockFile(const CChainParams& chainparams, FILE* fileIn, CDiskBlockPos *dbp)
// Map of disk positions for blocks with unknown parent (only used for reindex)
static std::multimap<uint256, CDiskBlockPos> mapBlocksUnknownParent;
int64_t nStart = GetTimeMillis();
int nLoaded = 0;
try {
// This takes over fileIn and calls fclose() on it in the CBufferedFile destructor
uint64_t nRewind = blkdat.GetPos();
while (!blkdat.eof()) {
nRewind++; // start one byte further next time, in case of failure
blkdat.SetLimit(); // remove former limit
unsigned int nSize = 0;
try {
// locate a header
unsigned char buf[MESSAGE_START_SIZE];
nRewind = blkdat.GetPos()+1;
blkdat >> FLATDATA(buf);
if (memcmp(buf, chainparams.MessageStart(), MESSAGE_START_SIZE))
// read size
blkdat >> nSize;
if (nSize < 80 || nSize > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)
} catch (const std::exception&) {
// no valid block header found; don't complain
try {
// read block
uint64_t nBlockPos = blkdat.GetPos();
if (dbp)
dbp->nPos = nBlockPos;
blkdat.SetLimit(nBlockPos + nSize);
CBlock block;
blkdat >> block;
nRewind = blkdat.GetPos();
// detect out of order blocks, and store them for later
uint256 hash = block.GetHash();
if (hash != chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock && mapBlockIndex.find(block.hashPrevBlock) == mapBlockIndex.end()) {
LogPrint("reindex", "%s: Out of order block %s, parent %s not known\n", __func__, hash.ToString(),
if (dbp)
mapBlocksUnknownParent.insert(std::make_pair(block.hashPrevBlock, *dbp));
// process in case the block isn't known yet
if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) == 0 || (mapBlockIndex[hash]->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) == 0) {
CValidationState state;
if (ProcessNewBlock(state, chainparams, NULL, &block, true, dbp))
if (state.IsError())
} else if (hash != chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock && mapBlockIndex[hash]->nHeight % 1000 == 0) {
LogPrintf("Block Import: already had block %s at height %d\n", hash.ToString(), mapBlockIndex[hash]->nHeight);
// Recursively process earlier encountered successors of this block
deque<uint256> queue;
while (!queue.empty()) {
uint256 head = queue.front();
std::pair<std::multimap<uint256, CDiskBlockPos>::iterator, std::multimap<uint256, CDiskBlockPos>::iterator> range = mapBlocksUnknownParent.equal_range(head);
while (range.first != range.second) {
std::multimap<uint256, CDiskBlockPos>::iterator it = range.first;
if (ReadBlockFromDisk(block, it->second, chainparams.GetConsensus()))
LogPrintf("%s: Processing out of order child %s of %s\n", __func__, block.GetHash().ToString(),
CValidationState dummy;
if (ProcessNewBlock(dummy, chainparams, NULL, &block, true, &it->second))
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
LogPrintf("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s\n", __func__, e.what());
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
AbortNode(std::string("System error: ") + e.what());
if (nLoaded > 0)
LogPrintf("Loaded %i blocks from external file in %dms\n", nLoaded, GetTimeMillis() - nStart);
return nLoaded > 0;
void static CheckBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
if (!fCheckBlockIndex) {
// During a reindex, we read the genesis block and call CheckBlockIndex before ActivateBestChain,
// so we have the genesis block in mapBlockIndex but no active chain. (A few of the tests when
// iterating the block tree require that chainActive has been initialized.)
if (chainActive.Height() < 0) {
assert(mapBlockIndex.size() <= 1);
// Build forward-pointing map of the entire block tree.
std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*> forward;
for (BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.begin(); it != mapBlockIndex.end(); it++) {
forward.insert(std::make_pair(it->second->pprev, it->second));
assert(forward.size() == mapBlockIndex.size());
std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator,std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator> rangeGenesis = forward.equal_range(NULL);
CBlockIndex *pindex = rangeGenesis.first->second;
assert(rangeGenesis.first == rangeGenesis.second); // There is only one index entry with parent NULL.
// Iterate over the entire block tree, using depth-first search.
// Along the way, remember whether there are blocks on the path from genesis
// block being explored which are the first to have certain properties.
size_t nNodes = 0;
int nHeight = 0;
CBlockIndex* pindexFirstInvalid = NULL; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which is invalid.
CBlockIndex* pindexFirstMissing = NULL; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_HAVE_DATA.
CBlockIndex* pindexFirstNeverProcessed = NULL; // Oldest ancestor of pindex for which nTx == 0.
CBlockIndex* pindexFirstNotTreeValid = NULL; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_TREE (regardless of being valid or not).
CBlockIndex* pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid = NULL; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS (regardless of being valid or not).
CBlockIndex* pindexFirstNotChainValid = NULL; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN (regardless of being valid or not).
CBlockIndex* pindexFirstNotScriptsValid = NULL; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS (regardless of being valid or not).
while (pindex != NULL) {
if (pindexFirstInvalid == NULL && pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_VALID) pindexFirstInvalid = pindex;
if (pindexFirstMissing == NULL && !(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA)) pindexFirstMissing = pindex;
if (pindexFirstNeverProcessed == NULL && pindex->nTx == 0) pindexFirstNeverProcessed = pindex;
if (pindex->pprev != NULL && pindexFirstNotTreeValid == NULL && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_TREE) pindexFirstNotTreeValid = pindex;
if (pindex->pprev != NULL && pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid == NULL && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid = pindex;
if (pindex->pprev != NULL && pindexFirstNotChainValid == NULL && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN) pindexFirstNotChainValid = pindex;
if (pindex->pprev != NULL && pindexFirstNotScriptsValid == NULL && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS) pindexFirstNotScriptsValid = pindex;
// Begin: actual consistency checks.
if (pindex->pprev == NULL) {
// Genesis block checks.
assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == consensusParams.hashGenesisBlock); // Genesis block's hash must match.
assert(pindex == chainActive.Genesis()); // The current active chain's genesis block must be this block.
if (pindex->nChainTx == 0) assert(pindex->nSequenceId == 0); // nSequenceId can't be set for blocks that aren't linked
// VALID_TRANSACTIONS is equivalent to nTx > 0 for all nodes (whether or not pruning has occurred).
// HAVE_DATA is only equivalent to nTx > 0 (or VALID_TRANSACTIONS) if no pruning has occurred.
if (!fHavePruned) {
// If we've never pruned, then HAVE_DATA should be equivalent to nTx > 0
assert(!(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) == (pindex->nTx == 0));
assert(pindexFirstMissing == pindexFirstNeverProcessed);
} else {
// If we have pruned, then we can only say that HAVE_DATA implies nTx > 0
if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) assert(pindex->nTx > 0);
if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO) assert(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA);
assert(((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) == (pindex->nTx > 0)); // This is pruning-independent.
// All parents having had data (at some point) is equivalent to all parents being VALID_TRANSACTIONS, which is equivalent to nChainTx being set.
assert((pindexFirstNeverProcessed != NULL) == (pindex->nChainTx == 0)); // nChainTx != 0 is used to signal that all parent blocks have been processed (but may have been pruned).
assert((pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid != NULL) == (pindex->nChainTx == 0));
assert(pindex->nHeight == nHeight); // nHeight must be consistent.
assert(pindex->pprev == NULL || pindex->nChainWork >= pindex->pprev->nChainWork); // For every block except the genesis block, the chainwork must be larger than the parent's.
assert(nHeight < 2 || (pindex->pskip && (pindex->pskip->nHeight < nHeight))); // The pskip pointer must point back for all but the first 2 blocks.
assert(pindexFirstNotTreeValid == NULL); // All mapBlockIndex entries must at least be TREE valid
if ((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_TREE) assert(pindexFirstNotTreeValid == NULL); // TREE valid implies all parents are TREE valid
if ((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN) assert(pindexFirstNotChainValid == NULL); // CHAIN valid implies all parents are CHAIN valid
if ((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS) assert(pindexFirstNotScriptsValid == NULL); // SCRIPTS valid implies all parents are SCRIPTS valid
if (pindexFirstInvalid == NULL) {
// Checks for not-invalid blocks.
assert((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) == 0); // The failed mask cannot be set for blocks without invalid parents.
if (!CBlockIndexWorkComparator()(pindex, chainActive.Tip()) && pindexFirstNeverProcessed == NULL) {
if (pindexFirstInvalid == NULL) {
// If this block sorts at least as good as the current tip and
// is valid and we have all data for its parents, it must be in
// setBlockIndexCandidates. chainActive.Tip() must also be there
// even if some data has been pruned.
if (pindexFirstMissing == NULL || pindex == chainActive.Tip()) {
// If some parent is missing, then it could be that this block was in
// setBlockIndexCandidates but had to be removed because of the missing data.
// In this case it must be in mapBlocksUnlinked -- see test below.
} else { // If this block sorts worse than the current tip or some ancestor's block has never been seen, it cannot be in setBlockIndexCandidates.
assert(setBlockIndexCandidates.count(pindex) == 0);
// Check whether this block is in mapBlocksUnlinked.
std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator,std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator> rangeUnlinked = mapBlocksUnlinked.equal_range(pindex->pprev);
bool foundInUnlinked = false;
while (rangeUnlinked.first != rangeUnlinked.second) {
assert(rangeUnlinked.first->first == pindex->pprev);
if (rangeUnlinked.first->second == pindex) {
foundInUnlinked = true;
if (pindex->pprev && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) && pindexFirstNeverProcessed != NULL && pindexFirstInvalid == NULL) {
// If this block has block data available, some parent was never received, and has no invalid parents, it must be in mapBlocksUnlinked.
if (!(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA)) assert(!foundInUnlinked); // Can't be in mapBlocksUnlinked if we don't HAVE_DATA
if (pindexFirstMissing == NULL) assert(!foundInUnlinked); // We aren't missing data for any parent -- cannot be in mapBlocksUnlinked.
if (pindex->pprev && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) && pindexFirstNeverProcessed == NULL && pindexFirstMissing != NULL) {
// We HAVE_DATA for this block, have received data for all parents at some point, but we're currently missing data for some parent.
assert(fHavePruned); // We must have pruned.
// This block may have entered mapBlocksUnlinked if:
// - it has a descendant that at some point had more work than the
// tip, and
// - we tried switching to that descendant but were missing
// data for some intermediate block between chainActive and the
// tip.
// So if this block is itself better than chainActive.Tip() and it wasn't in
// setBlockIndexCandidates, then it must be in mapBlocksUnlinked.
if (!CBlockIndexWorkComparator()(pindex, chainActive.Tip()) && setBlockIndexCandidates.count(pindex) == 0) {
if (pindexFirstInvalid == NULL) {
// assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == pindex->GetBlockHeader().GetHash()); // Perhaps too slow
// End: actual consistency checks.
// Try descending into the first subnode.
std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator,std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator> range = forward.equal_range(pindex);
if (range.first != range.second) {
// A subnode was found.
pindex = range.first->second;
// This is a leaf node.
// Move upwards until we reach a node of which we have not yet visited the last child.
while (pindex) {
// We are going to either move to a parent or a sibling of pindex.
// If pindex was the first with a certain property, unset the corresponding variable.
if (pindex == pindexFirstInvalid) pindexFirstInvalid = NULL;
if (pindex == pindexFirstMissing) pindexFirstMissing = NULL;
if (pindex == pindexFirstNeverProcessed) pindexFirstNeverProcessed = NULL;
if (pindex == pindexFirstNotTreeValid) pindexFirstNotTreeValid = NULL;
if (pindex == pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid) pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid = NULL;
if (pindex == pindexFirstNotChainValid) pindexFirstNotChainValid = NULL;
if (pindex == pindexFirstNotScriptsValid) pindexFirstNotScriptsValid = NULL;
// Find our parent.
CBlockIndex* pindexPar = pindex->pprev;
// Find which child we just visited.
std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator,std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator> rangePar = forward.equal_range(pindexPar);
while (rangePar.first->second != pindex) {
assert(rangePar.first != rangePar.second); // Our parent must have at least the node we're coming from as child.
// Proceed to the next one.
if (rangePar.first != rangePar.second) {
// Move to the sibling.
pindex = rangePar.first->second;
} else {
// Move up further.
pindex = pindexPar;
// Check that we actually traversed the entire map.
assert(nNodes == forward.size());
std::string GetWarnings(const std::string& strFor)
string strStatusBar;
string strRPC;
string strGUI;
strStatusBar = "This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications";
strGUI = _("This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications");
if (GetBoolArg("-testsafemode", DEFAULT_TESTSAFEMODE))
strStatusBar = strRPC = strGUI = "testsafemode enabled";
// Misc warnings like out of disk space and clock is wrong
if (strMiscWarning != "")
strStatusBar = strGUI = strMiscWarning;
if (fLargeWorkForkFound)
strStatusBar = strRPC = "Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.";
strGUI = _("Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.");
else if (fLargeWorkInvalidChainFound)
strStatusBar = strRPC = "Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our peers! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade.";
strGUI = _("Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our peers! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade.");
if (strFor == "gui")
return strGUI;
else if (strFor == "statusbar")
return strStatusBar;
else if (strFor == "rpc")
return strRPC;
assert(!"GetWarnings(): invalid parameter");
return "error";
// Messages
bool static AlreadyHave(const CInv& inv) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
switch (inv.type)
case MSG_TX:
if (chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash() != hashRecentRejectsChainTip)
// If the chain tip has changed previously rejected transactions
// might be now valid, e.g. due to a nLockTime'd tx becoming valid,
// or a double-spend. Reset the rejects filter and give those
// txs a second chance.
hashRecentRejectsChainTip = chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash();
// Use pcoinsTip->HaveCoinsInCache as a quick approximation to exclude
// requesting or processing some txs which have already been included in a block
return recentRejects->contains(inv.hash) ||
mempool.exists(inv.hash) ||
mapOrphanTransactions.count(inv.hash) ||
return mapBlockIndex.count(inv.hash);
// Don't know what it is, just say we already got one
return true;
void static ProcessGetData(CNode* pfrom, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
std::deque<CInv>::iterator it = pfrom->vRecvGetData.begin();
vector<CInv> vNotFound;
while (it != pfrom->vRecvGetData.end()) {
// Don't bother if send buffer is too full to respond anyway
if (pfrom->nSendSize >= SendBufferSize())
const CInv &inv = *it;
if (inv.type == MSG_BLOCK || inv.type == MSG_FILTERED_BLOCK)
bool send = false;
BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(inv.hash);
if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end())
if (chainActive.Contains(mi->second)) {
send = true;
} else {
static const int nOneMonth = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
// To prevent fingerprinting attacks, only send blocks outside of the active
// chain if they are valid, and no more than a month older (both in time, and in
// best equivalent proof of work) than the best header chain we know about.
send = mi->second->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS) && (pindexBestHeader != NULL) &&
(pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime() - mi->second->GetBlockTime() < nOneMonth) &&
(GetBlockProofEquivalentTime(*pindexBestHeader, *mi->second, *pindexBestHeader, consensusParams) < nOneMonth);
if (!send) {
LogPrintf("%s: ignoring request from peer=%i for old block that isn't in the main chain\n", __func__, pfrom->GetId());
// disconnect node in case we have reached the outbound limit for serving historical blocks
// never disconnect whitelisted nodes
static const int nOneWeek = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; // assume > 1 week = historical
if (send && CNode::OutboundTargetReached(true) && ( ((pindexBestHeader != NULL) && (pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime() - mi->second->GetBlockTime() > nOneWeek)) || inv.type == MSG_FILTERED_BLOCK) && !pfrom->fWhitelisted)
LogPrint("net", "historical block serving limit reached, disconnect peer=%d\n", pfrom->GetId());
//disconnect node
pfrom->fDisconnect = true;
send = false;
// Pruned nodes may have deleted the block, so check whether
// it's available before trying to send.
if (send && (mi->second->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA))
// Send block from disk
CBlock block;
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, (*mi).second, consensusParams))
assert(!"cannot load block from disk");
if (inv.type == MSG_BLOCK)
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::BLOCK, block);
if (pfrom->pfilter)
CMerkleBlock merkleBlock(block, *pfrom->pfilter);
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::MERKLEBLOCK, merkleBlock);
// CMerkleBlock just contains hashes, so also push any transactions in the block the client did not see
// This avoids hurting performance by pointlessly requiring a round-trip
// Note that there is currently no way for a node to request any single transactions we didn't send here -
// they must either disconnect and retry or request the full block.
// Thus, the protocol spec specified allows for us to provide duplicate txn here,
// however we MUST always provide at least what the remote peer needs
typedef std::pair<unsigned int, uint256> PairType;
BOOST_FOREACH(PairType& pair, merkleBlock.vMatchedTxn)
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::TX, block.vtx[pair.first]);
// else
// no response
// Trigger the peer node to send a getblocks request for the next batch of inventory
if (inv.hash == pfrom->hashContinue)
// Bypass PushInventory, this must send even if redundant,
// and we want it right after the last block so they don't
// wait for other stuff first.
vector<CInv> vInv;
vInv.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash()));
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::INV, vInv);
else if (inv.IsKnownType())
// Send stream from relay memory
bool pushed = false;
map<uint256, CTransaction>::iterator mi = mapRelay.find(inv.hash);
if (mi != mapRelay.end()) {
pfrom->PushMessage(inv.GetCommand(), (*mi).second);
pushed = true;
if (!pushed && inv.type == MSG_TX) {
CTransaction tx;
if (mempool.lookup(inv.hash, tx)) {
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::TX, tx);
pushed = true;
if (!pushed) {
// Track requests for our stuff.
if (inv.type == MSG_BLOCK || inv.type == MSG_FILTERED_BLOCK)
pfrom->vRecvGetData.erase(pfrom->vRecvGetData.begin(), it);
if (!vNotFound.empty()) {
// Let the peer know that we didn't find what it asked for, so it doesn't
// have to wait around forever. Currently only SPV clients actually care
// about this message: it's needed when they are recursively walking the
// dependencies of relevant unconfirmed transactions. SPV clients want to
// do that because they want to know about (and store and rebroadcast and
// risk analyze) the dependencies of transactions relevant to them, without
// having to download the entire memory pool.
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::NOTFOUND, vNotFound);
bool static ProcessMessage(CNode* pfrom, string strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv, int64_t nTimeReceived, const CChainParams& chainparams)
LogPrint("net", "received: %s (%u bytes) peer=%d\n", SanitizeString(strCommand), vRecv.size(), pfrom->id);
if (mapArgs.count("-dropmessagestest") && GetRand(atoi(mapArgs["-dropmessagestest"])) == 0)
LogPrintf("dropmessagestest DROPPING RECV MESSAGE\n");
return true;
if (!(nLocalServices & NODE_BLOOM) &&
(strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERLOAD ||
strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERADD ||
strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERCLEAR))
if (pfrom->nVersion >= NO_BLOOM_VERSION) {
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);
return false;
} else {
pfrom->fDisconnect = true;
return false;
if (strCommand == NetMsgType::VERSION)
// Each connection can only send one version message
if (pfrom->nVersion != 0)
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand, REJECT_DUPLICATE, string("Duplicate version message"));
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 1);
return false;
int64_t nTime;
CAddress addrMe;
CAddress addrFrom;
uint64_t nNonce = 1;
vRecv >> pfrom->nVersion >> pfrom->nServices >> nTime >> addrMe;
if (pfrom->nVersion < MIN_PEER_PROTO_VERSION)
// disconnect from peers older than this proto version
LogPrintf("peer=%d using obsolete version %i; disconnecting\n", pfrom->id, pfrom->nVersion);
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand, REJECT_OBSOLETE,
strprintf("Version must be %d or greater", MIN_PEER_PROTO_VERSION));
pfrom->fDisconnect = true;
return false;
if (pfrom->nVersion == 10300)
pfrom->nVersion = 300;
if (!vRecv.empty())
vRecv >> addrFrom >> nNonce;
if (!vRecv.empty()) {
pfrom->cleanSubVer = SanitizeString(pfrom->strSubVer);
if (!vRecv.empty()) {
vRecv >> pfrom->nStartingHeight;
if (!vRecv.empty())
vRecv >> pfrom->fRelayTxes; // set to true after we get the first filter* message
pfrom->fRelayTxes = true;
// Disconnect if we connected to ourself
if (nNonce == nLocalHostNonce && nNonce > 1)
LogPrintf("connected to self at %s, disconnecting\n", pfrom->addr.ToString());
pfrom->fDisconnect = true;
return true;
pfrom->addrLocal = addrMe;
if (pfrom->fInbound && addrMe.IsRoutable())
// Be shy and don't send version until we hear
if (pfrom->fInbound)
pfrom->fClient = !(pfrom->nServices & NODE_NETWORK);
// Potentially mark this peer as a preferred download peer.
UpdatePreferredDownload(pfrom, State(pfrom->GetId()));
// Change version
pfrom->ssSend.SetVersion(min(pfrom->nVersion, PROTOCOL_VERSION));
if (!pfrom->fInbound)
// Advertise our address
if (fListen && !IsInitialBlockDownload())
CAddress addr = GetLocalAddress(&pfrom->addr);
if (addr.IsRoutable())
LogPrintf("ProcessMessages: advertising address %s\n", addr.ToString());
} else if (IsPeerAddrLocalGood(pfrom)) {
LogPrintf("ProcessMessages: advertising address %s\n", addr.ToString());
// Get recent addresses
if (pfrom->fOneShot || pfrom->nVersion >= CADDR_TIME_VERSION || addrman.size() < 1000)
pfrom->fGetAddr = true;
} else {
if (((CNetAddr)pfrom->addr) == (CNetAddr)addrFrom)
addrman.Add(addrFrom, addrFrom);
pfrom->fSuccessfullyConnected = true;
string remoteAddr;
if (fLogIPs)
remoteAddr = ", peeraddr=" + pfrom->addr.ToString();
LogPrintf("receive version message: %s: version %d, blocks=%d, us=%s, peer=%d%s\n",
pfrom->cleanSubVer, pfrom->nVersion,
pfrom->nStartingHeight, addrMe.ToString(), pfrom->id,
int64_t nTimeOffset = nTime - GetTime();
pfrom->nTimeOffset = nTimeOffset;
AddTimeData(pfrom->addr, nTimeOffset);
else if (pfrom->nVersion == 0)
// Must have a version message before anything else
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 1);
return false;
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::VERACK)
pfrom->SetRecvVersion(min(pfrom->nVersion, PROTOCOL_VERSION));
// Mark this node as currently connected, so we update its timestamp later.
if (pfrom->fNetworkNode) {
State(pfrom->GetId())->fCurrentlyConnected = true;
if (pfrom->nVersion >= SENDHEADERS_VERSION) {
// Tell our peer we prefer to receive headers rather than inv's
// We send this to non-NODE NETWORK peers as well, because even
// non-NODE NETWORK peers can announce blocks (such as pruning
// nodes)
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::ADDR)
vector<CAddress> vAddr;
vRecv >> vAddr;
// Don't want addr from older versions unless seeding
if (pfrom->nVersion < CADDR_TIME_VERSION && addrman.size() > 1000)
return true;
if (vAddr.size() > 1000)
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 20);
return error("message addr size() = %u", vAddr.size());
// Store the new addresses
vector<CAddress> vAddrOk;
int64_t nNow = GetAdjustedTime();
int64_t nSince = nNow - 10 * 60;
BOOST_FOREACH(CAddress& addr, vAddr)
if (addr.nTime <= 100000000 || addr.nTime > nNow + 10 * 60)
addr.nTime = nNow - 5 * 24 * 60 * 60;
bool fReachable = IsReachable(addr);
if (addr.nTime > nSince && !pfrom->fGetAddr && vAddr.size() <= 10 && addr.IsRoutable())
// Relay to a limited number of other nodes
// Use deterministic randomness to send to the same nodes for 24 hours
// at a time so the addrKnowns of the chosen nodes prevent repeats
static uint256 hashSalt;
if (hashSalt.IsNull())
hashSalt = GetRandHash();
uint64_t hashAddr = addr.GetHash();
uint256 hashRand = ArithToUint256(UintToArith256(hashSalt) ^ (hashAddr<<32) ^ ((GetTime()+hashAddr)/(24*60*60)));
hashRand = Hash(BEGIN(hashRand), END(hashRand));
multimap<uint256, CNode*> mapMix;
BOOST_FOREACH(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (pnode->nVersion < CADDR_TIME_VERSION)
unsigned int nPointer;
memcpy(&nPointer, &pnode, sizeof(nPointer));
uint256 hashKey = ArithToUint256(UintToArith256(hashRand) ^ nPointer);
hashKey = Hash(BEGIN(hashKey), END(hashKey));
mapMix.insert(make_pair(hashKey, pnode));
int nRelayNodes = fReachable ? 2 : 1; // limited relaying of addresses outside our network(s)
for (multimap<uint256, CNode*>::iterator mi = mapMix.begin(); mi != mapMix.end() && nRelayNodes-- > 0; ++mi)
// Do not store addresses outside our network
if (fReachable)
addrman.Add(vAddrOk, pfrom->addr, 2 * 60 * 60);
if (vAddr.size() < 1000)
pfrom->fGetAddr = false;
if (pfrom->fOneShot)
pfrom->fDisconnect = true;
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::SENDHEADERS)
State(pfrom->GetId())->fPreferHeaders = true;
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::INV)
vector<CInv> vInv;
vRecv >> vInv;
if (vInv.size() > MAX_INV_SZ)
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 20);
return error("message inv size() = %u", vInv.size());
bool fBlocksOnly = GetBoolArg("-blocksonly", DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY);
// Allow whitelisted peers to send data other than blocks in blocks only mode if whitelistrelay is true
if (pfrom->fWhitelisted && GetBoolArg("-whitelistrelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTRELAY))
fBlocksOnly = false;
std::vector<CInv> vToFetch;
for (unsigned int nInv = 0; nInv < vInv.size(); nInv++)
const CInv &inv = vInv[nInv];
bool fAlreadyHave = AlreadyHave(inv);
LogPrint("net", "got inv: %s %s peer=%d\n", inv.ToString(), fAlreadyHave ? "have" : "new", pfrom->id);
if (inv.type == MSG_BLOCK) {
UpdateBlockAvailability(pfrom->GetId(), inv.hash);
if (!fAlreadyHave && !fImporting && !fReindex && !mapBlocksInFlight.count(inv.hash)) {
// First request the headers preceding the announced block. In the normal fully-synced
// case where a new block is announced that succeeds the current tip (no reorganization),
// there are no such headers.
// Secondly, and only when we are close to being synced, we request the announced block directly,
// to avoid an extra round-trip. Note that we must *first* ask for the headers, so by the
// time the block arrives, the header chain leading up to it is already validated. Not
// doing this will result in the received block being rejected as an orphan in case it is
// not a direct successor.
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::GETHEADERS, chainActive.GetLocator(pindexBestHeader), inv.hash);
CNodeState *nodestate = State(pfrom->GetId());
if (CanDirectFetch(chainparams.GetConsensus()) &&
nodestate->nBlocksInFlight < MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER) {
// Mark block as in flight already, even though the actual "getdata" message only goes out
// later (within the same cs_main lock, though).
MarkBlockAsInFlight(pfrom->GetId(), inv.hash, chainparams.GetConsensus());
LogPrint("net", "getheaders (%d) %s to peer=%d\n", pindexBestHeader->nHeight, inv.hash.ToString(), pfrom->id);
if (fBlocksOnly)
LogPrint("net", "transaction (%s) inv sent in violation of protocol peer=%d\n", inv.hash.ToString(), pfrom->id);
else if (!fAlreadyHave && !fImporting && !fReindex && !IsInitialBlockDownload())
// Track requests for our stuff
if (pfrom->nSendSize > (SendBufferSize() * 2)) {
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 50);
return error("send buffer size() = %u", pfrom->nSendSize);
if (!vToFetch.empty())
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::GETDATA, vToFetch);
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETDATA)
vector<CInv> vInv;
vRecv >> vInv;
if (vInv.size() > MAX_INV_SZ)
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 20);
return error("message getdata size() = %u", vInv.size());
if (fDebug || (vInv.size() != 1))
LogPrint("net", "received getdata (%u invsz) peer=%d\n", vInv.size(), pfrom->id);
if ((fDebug && vInv.size() > 0) || (vInv.size() == 1))
LogPrint("net", "received getdata for: %s peer=%d\n", vInv[0].ToString(), pfrom->id);
pfrom->vRecvGetData.insert(pfrom->vRecvGetData.end(), vInv.begin(), vInv.end());
ProcessGetData(pfrom, chainparams.GetConsensus());
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETBLOCKS)
CBlockLocator locator;
uint256 hashStop;
vRecv >> locator >> hashStop;
// Find the last block the caller has in the main chain
CBlockIndex* pindex = FindForkInGlobalIndex(chainActive, locator);
// Send the rest of the chain
if (pindex)
pindex = chainActive.Next(pindex);
int nLimit = 500;
LogPrint("net", "getblocks %d to %s limit %d from peer=%d\n", (pindex ? pindex->nHeight : -1), hashStop.IsNull() ? "end" : hashStop.ToString(), nLimit, pfrom->id);
for (; pindex; pindex = chainActive.Next(pindex))
if (pindex->GetBlockHash() == hashStop)
LogPrint("net", " getblocks stopping at %d %s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
// If pruning, don't inv blocks unless we have on disk and are likely to still have
// for some reasonable time window (1 hour) that block relay might require.
const int nPrunedBlocksLikelyToHave = MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP - 3600 / chainparams.GetConsensus().nPowTargetSpacing;
if (fPruneMode && (!(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) || pindex->nHeight <= chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - nPrunedBlocksLikelyToHave))
LogPrint("net", " getblocks stopping, pruned or too old block at %d %s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
pfrom->PushInventory(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, pindex->GetBlockHash()));
if (--nLimit <= 0)
// When this block is requested, we'll send an inv that'll
// trigger the peer to getblocks the next batch of inventory.
LogPrint("net", " getblocks stopping at limit %d %s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
pfrom->hashContinue = pindex->GetBlockHash();
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETHEADERS)
CBlockLocator locator;
uint256 hashStop;
vRecv >> locator >> hashStop;
if (IsInitialBlockDownload() && !pfrom->fWhitelisted) {
LogPrint("net", "Ignoring getheaders from peer=%d because node is in initial block download\n", pfrom->id);
return true;
CNodeState *nodestate = State(pfrom->GetId());
CBlockIndex* pindex = NULL;
if (locator.IsNull())
// If locator is null, return the hashStop block
BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hashStop);
if (mi == mapBlockIndex.end())
return true;
pindex = (*mi).second;
// Find the last block the caller has in the main chain
pindex = FindForkInGlobalIndex(chainActive, locator);
if (pindex)
pindex = chainActive.Next(pindex);
// we must use CBlocks, as CBlockHeaders won't include the 0x00 nTx count at the end
vector<CBlock> vHeaders;
LogPrint("net", "getheaders %d to %s from peer=%d\n", (pindex ? pindex->nHeight : -1), hashStop.ToString(), pfrom->id);
for (; pindex; pindex = chainActive.Next(pindex))
if (--nLimit <= 0 || pindex->GetBlockHash() == hashStop)
// pindex can be NULL either if we sent chainActive.Tip() OR
// if our peer has chainActive.Tip() (and thus we are sending an empty
// headers message). In both cases it's safe to update
// pindexBestHeaderSent to be our tip.
nodestate->pindexBestHeaderSent = pindex ? pindex : chainActive.Tip();
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::HEADERS, vHeaders);
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::TX)
// Stop processing the transaction early if
// We are in blocks only mode and peer is either not whitelisted or whitelistrelay is off
if (GetBoolArg("-blocksonly", DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY) && (!pfrom->fWhitelisted || !GetBoolArg("-whitelistrelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTRELAY)))
LogPrint("net", "transaction sent in violation of protocol peer=%d\n", pfrom->id);
return true;
vector<uint256> vWorkQueue;
vector<uint256> vEraseQueue;
CTransaction tx;
vRecv >> tx;
CInv inv(MSG_TX, tx.GetHash());
bool fMissingInputs = false;
CValidationState state;
CFeeRate txFeeRate = CFeeRate(0);
if (!AlreadyHave(inv) && AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, state, tx, true, &fMissingInputs, &txFeeRate)) {
RelayTransaction(tx, txFeeRate);
LogPrint("mempool", "AcceptToMemoryPool: peer=%d: accepted %s (poolsz %u txn, %u kB)\n",
mempool.size(), mempool.DynamicMemoryUsage() / 1000);
// Recursively process any orphan transactions that depended on this one
set<NodeId> setMisbehaving;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vWorkQueue.size(); i++)
map<uint256, set<uint256> >::iterator itByPrev = mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.find(vWorkQueue[i]);
if (itByPrev == mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.end())
for (set<uint256>::iterator mi = itByPrev->second.begin();
mi != itByPrev->second.end();
const uint256& orphanHash = *mi;
const CTransaction& orphanTx = mapOrphanTransactions[orphanHash].tx;
NodeId fromPeer = mapOrphanTransactions[orphanHash].fromPeer;
bool fMissingInputs2 = false;
// Use a dummy CValidationState so someone can't setup nodes to counter-DoS based on orphan
// resolution (that is, feeding people an invalid transaction based on LegitTxX in order to get
// anyone relaying LegitTxX banned)
CValidationState stateDummy;
if (setMisbehaving.count(fromPeer))
CFeeRate orphanFeeRate = CFeeRate(0);
if (AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, stateDummy, orphanTx, true, &fMissingInputs2, &orphanFeeRate)) {
LogPrint("mempool", " accepted orphan tx %s\n", orphanHash.ToString());
RelayTransaction(orphanTx, orphanFeeRate);
else if (!fMissingInputs2)
int nDos = 0;
if (stateDummy.IsInvalid(nDos) && nDos > 0)
// Punish peer that gave us an invalid orphan tx
Misbehaving(fromPeer, nDos);
LogPrint("mempool", " invalid orphan tx %s\n", orphanHash.ToString());
// Has inputs but not accepted to mempool
// Probably non-standard or insufficient fee/priority
LogPrint("mempool", " removed orphan tx %s\n", orphanHash.ToString());
BOOST_FOREACH(uint256 hash, vEraseQueue)
else if (fMissingInputs)
AddOrphanTx(tx, pfrom->GetId());
// DoS prevention: do not allow mapOrphanTransactions to grow unbounded
unsigned int nMaxOrphanTx = (unsigned int)std::max((int64_t)0, GetArg("-maxorphantx", DEFAULT_MAX_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS));
unsigned int nEvicted = LimitOrphanTxSize(nMaxOrphanTx);
if (nEvicted > 0)
LogPrint("mempool", "mapOrphan overflow, removed %u tx\n", nEvicted);
} else {
if (pfrom->fWhitelisted && GetBoolArg("-whitelistforcerelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY)) {
// Always relay transactions received from whitelisted peers, even
// if they were already in the mempool or rejected from it due
// to policy, allowing the node to function as a gateway for
// nodes hidden behind it.
// Never relay transactions that we would assign a non-zero DoS
// score for, as we expect peers to do the same with us in that
// case.
int nDoS = 0;
if (!state.IsInvalid(nDoS) || nDoS == 0) {
LogPrintf("Force relaying tx %s from whitelisted peer=%d\n", tx.GetHash().ToString(), pfrom->id);
RelayTransaction(tx, txFeeRate);
} else {
LogPrintf("Not relaying invalid transaction %s from whitelisted peer=%d (%s)\n", tx.GetHash().ToString(), pfrom->id, FormatStateMessage(state));
int nDoS = 0;
if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS))
LogPrint("mempoolrej", "%s from peer=%d was not accepted: %s\n", tx.GetHash().ToString(),
if (state.GetRejectCode() < REJECT_INTERNAL) // Never send AcceptToMemoryPool's internal codes over P2P
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand, (unsigned char)state.GetRejectCode(),
state.GetRejectReason().substr(0, MAX_REJECT_MESSAGE_LENGTH), inv.hash);
if (nDoS > 0)
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), nDoS);
FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC);
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::HEADERS && !fImporting && !fReindex) // Ignore headers received while importing
std::vector<CBlockHeader> headers;
// Bypass the normal CBlock deserialization, as we don't want to risk deserializing 2000 full blocks.
unsigned int nCount = ReadCompactSize(vRecv);
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 20);
return error("headers message size = %u", nCount);
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < nCount; n++) {
vRecv >> headers[n];
ReadCompactSize(vRecv); // ignore tx count; assume it is 0.
if (nCount == 0) {
// Nothing interesting. Stop asking this peers for more headers.
return true;
CBlockIndex *pindexLast = NULL;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CBlockHeader& header, headers) {
CValidationState state;
if (pindexLast != NULL && header.hashPrevBlock != pindexLast->GetBlockHash()) {
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 20);
return error("non-continuous headers sequence");
if (!AcceptBlockHeader(header, state, chainparams, &pindexLast)) {
int nDoS;
if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS)) {
if (nDoS > 0)
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), nDoS);
return error("invalid header received");
if (pindexLast)
UpdateBlockAvailability(pfrom->GetId(), pindexLast->GetBlockHash());
if (nCount == MAX_HEADERS_RESULTS && pindexLast) {
// Headers message had its maximum size; the peer may have more headers.
// TODO: optimize: if pindexLast is an ancestor of chainActive.Tip or pindexBestHeader, continue
// from there instead.
LogPrint("net", "more getheaders (%d) to end to peer=%d (startheight:%d)\n", pindexLast->nHeight, pfrom->id, pfrom->nStartingHeight);
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::GETHEADERS, chainActive.GetLocator(pindexLast), uint256());
bool fCanDirectFetch = CanDirectFetch(chainparams.GetConsensus());
CNodeState *nodestate = State(pfrom->GetId());
// If this set of headers is valid and ends in a block with at least as
// much work as our tip, download as much as possible.
if (fCanDirectFetch && pindexLast->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE) && chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork <= pindexLast->nChainWork) {
vector<CBlockIndex *> vToFetch;
CBlockIndex *pindexWalk = pindexLast;
// Calculate all the blocks we'd need to switch to pindexLast, up to a limit.
while (pindexWalk && !chainActive.Contains(pindexWalk) && vToFetch.size() <= MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER) {
if (!(pindexWalk->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) &&
!mapBlocksInFlight.count(pindexWalk->GetBlockHash())) {
// We don't have this block, and it's not yet in flight.
pindexWalk = pindexWalk->pprev;
// If pindexWalk still isn't on our main chain, we're looking at a
// very large reorg at a time we think we're close to caught up to
// the main chain -- this shouldn't really happen. Bail out on the
// direct fetch and rely on parallel download instead.
if (!chainActive.Contains(pindexWalk)) {
LogPrint("net", "Large reorg, won't direct fetch to %s (%d)\n",
} else {
vector<CInv> vGetData;
// Download as much as possible, from earliest to latest.
BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH(CBlockIndex *pindex, vToFetch) {
if (nodestate->nBlocksInFlight >= MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER) {
// Can't download any more from this peer
vGetData.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, pindex->GetBlockHash()));
MarkBlockAsInFlight(pfrom->GetId(), pindex->GetBlockHash(), chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindex);
LogPrint("net", "Requesting block %s from peer=%d\n",
pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString(), pfrom->id);
if (vGetData.size() > 1) {
LogPrint("net", "Downloading blocks toward %s (%d) via headers direct fetch\n",
pindexLast->GetBlockHash().ToString(), pindexLast->nHeight);
if (vGetData.size() > 0) {
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::GETDATA, vGetData);
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::BLOCK && !fImporting && !fReindex) // Ignore blocks received while importing
CBlock block;
vRecv >> block;
CInv inv(MSG_BLOCK, block.GetHash());
LogPrint("net", "received block %s peer=%d\n", inv.hash.ToString(), pfrom->id);
CValidationState state;
// Process all blocks from whitelisted peers, even if not requested,
// unless we're still syncing with the network.
// Such an unrequested block may still be processed, subject to the
// conditions in AcceptBlock().
bool forceProcessing = pfrom->fWhitelisted && !IsInitialBlockDownload();
ProcessNewBlock(state, chainparams, pfrom, &block, forceProcessing, NULL);
int nDoS;
if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS)) {
assert (state.GetRejectCode() < REJECT_INTERNAL); // Blocks are never rejected with internal reject codes
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand, (unsigned char)state.GetRejectCode(),
state.GetRejectReason().substr(0, MAX_REJECT_MESSAGE_LENGTH), inv.hash);
if (nDoS > 0) {
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), nDoS);
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETADDR)
// This asymmetric behavior for inbound and outbound connections was introduced
// to prevent a fingerprinting attack: an attacker can send specific fake addresses
// to users' AddrMan and later request them by sending getaddr messages.
// Making nodes which are behind NAT and can only make outgoing connections ignore
// the getaddr message mitigates the attack.
if (!pfrom->fInbound) {
LogPrint("net", "Ignoring \"getaddr\" from outbound connection. peer=%d\n", pfrom->id);
return true;
// Only send one GetAddr response per connection to reduce resource waste
// and discourage addr stamping of INV announcements.
if (pfrom->fSentAddr) {
LogPrint("net", "Ignoring repeated \"getaddr\". peer=%d\n", pfrom->id);
return true;
pfrom->fSentAddr = true;
vector<CAddress> vAddr = addrman.GetAddr();
BOOST_FOREACH(const CAddress &addr, vAddr)
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::MEMPOOL)
if (CNode::OutboundTargetReached(false) && !pfrom->fWhitelisted)
LogPrint("net", "mempool request with bandwidth limit reached, disconnect peer=%d\n", pfrom->GetId());
pfrom->fDisconnect = true;
return true;
pfrom->fSendMempool = true;
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::PING)
if (pfrom->nVersion > BIP0031_VERSION)
uint64_t nonce = 0;
vRecv >> nonce;
// Echo the message back with the nonce. This allows for two useful features:
// 1) A remote node can quickly check if the connection is operational
// 2) Remote nodes can measure the latency of the network thread. If this node
// is overloaded it won't respond to pings quickly and the remote node can
// avoid sending us more work, like chain download requests.
// The nonce stops the remote getting confused between different pings: without
// it, if the remote node sends a ping once per second and this node takes 5
// seconds to respond to each, the 5th ping the remote sends would appear to
// return very quickly.
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::PONG, nonce);
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::PONG)
int64_t pingUsecEnd = nTimeReceived;
uint64_t nonce = 0;
size_t nAvail = vRecv.in_avail();
bool bPingFinished = false;
std::string sProblem;
if (nAvail >= sizeof(nonce)) {
vRecv >> nonce;
// Only process pong message if there is an outstanding ping (old ping without nonce should never pong)
if (pfrom->nPingNonceSent != 0) {
if (nonce == pfrom->nPingNonceSent) {
// Matching pong received, this ping is no longer outstanding
bPingFinished = true;
int64_t pingUsecTime = pingUsecEnd - pfrom->nPingUsecStart;
if (pingUsecTime > 0) {
// Successful ping time measurement, replace previous
pfrom->nPingUsecTime = pingUsecTime;
pfrom->nMinPingUsecTime = std::min(pfrom->nMinPingUsecTime, pingUsecTime);
} else {
// This should never happen
sProblem = "Timing mishap";
} else {
// Nonce mismatches are normal when pings are overlapping
sProblem = "Nonce mismatch";
if (nonce == 0) {
// This is most likely a bug in another implementation somewhere; cancel this ping
bPingFinished = true;
sProblem = "Nonce zero";
} else {
sProblem = "Unsolicited pong without ping";
} else {
// This is most likely a bug in another implementation somewhere; cancel this ping
bPingFinished = true;
sProblem = "Short payload";
if (!(sProblem.empty())) {
LogPrint("net", "pong peer=%d: %s, %x expected, %x received, %u bytes\n",
if (bPingFinished) {
pfrom->nPingNonceSent = 0;
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERLOAD)
CBloomFilter filter;
vRecv >> filter;
if (!filter.IsWithinSizeConstraints())
// There is no excuse for sending a too-large filter
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);
delete pfrom->pfilter;
pfrom->pfilter = new CBloomFilter(filter);
pfrom->fRelayTxes = true;
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERADD)
vector<unsigned char> vData;
vRecv >> vData;
// Nodes must NEVER send a data item > 520 bytes (the max size for a script data object,
// and thus, the maximum size any matched object can have) in a filteradd message
if (vData.size() > MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE)
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);
} else {
if (pfrom->pfilter)
Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERCLEAR)
delete pfrom->pfilter;
pfrom->pfilter = new CBloomFilter();
pfrom->fRelayTxes = true;
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::REJECT)
if (fDebug) {
try {
string strMsg; unsigned char ccode; string strReason;
ostringstream ss;
ss << strMsg << " code " << itostr(ccode) << ": " << strReason;
if (strMsg == NetMsgType::BLOCK || strMsg == NetMsgType::TX)
uint256 hash;
vRecv >> hash;
ss << ": hash " << hash.ToString();
LogPrint("net", "Reject %s\n", SanitizeString(ss.str()));
} catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {
// Avoid feedback loops by preventing reject messages from triggering a new reject message.
LogPrint("net", "Unparseable reject message received\n");
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::FEEFILTER) {
CAmount newFeeFilter = 0;
vRecv >> newFeeFilter;
if (MoneyRange(newFeeFilter)) {
pfrom->minFeeFilter = newFeeFilter;
LogPrint("net", "received: feefilter of %s from peer=%d\n", CFeeRate(newFeeFilter).ToString(), pfrom->id);
else {
// Ignore unknown commands for extensibility
LogPrint("net", "Unknown command \"%s\" from peer=%d\n", SanitizeString(strCommand), pfrom->id);
return true;
// requires LOCK(cs_vRecvMsg)
bool ProcessMessages(CNode* pfrom)
const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
//if (fDebug)
// LogPrintf("%s(%u messages)\n", __func__, pfrom->vRecvMsg.size());
// Message format
// (4) message start
// (12) command
// (4) size
// (4) checksum
// (x) data
bool fOk = true;
if (!pfrom->vRecvGetData.empty())
ProcessGetData(pfrom, chainparams.GetConsensus());
// this maintains the order of responses
if (!pfrom->vRecvGetData.empty()) return fOk;
std::deque<CNetMessage>::iterator it = pfrom->vRecvMsg.begin();
while (!pfrom->fDisconnect && it != pfrom->vRecvMsg.end()) {
// Don't bother if send buffer is too full to respond anyway
if (pfrom->nSendSize >= SendBufferSize())
// get next message
CNetMessage& msg = *it;
//if (fDebug)
// LogPrintf("%s(message %u msgsz, %u bytes, complete:%s)\n", __func__,
// msg.hdr.nMessageSize, msg.vRecv.size(),
// msg.complete() ? "Y" : "N");
// end, if an incomplete message is found
if (!msg.complete())
// at this point, any failure means we can delete the current message
// Scan for message start
if (memcmp(msg.hdr.pchMessageStart, chainparams.MessageStart(), MESSAGE_START_SIZE) != 0) {
LogPrintf("PROCESSMESSAGE: INVALID MESSAGESTART %s peer=%d\n", SanitizeString(msg.hdr.GetCommand()), pfrom->id);
fOk = false;
// Read header
CMessageHeader& hdr = msg.hdr;
if (!hdr.IsValid(chainparams.MessageStart()))
LogPrintf("PROCESSMESSAGE: ERRORS IN HEADER %s peer=%d\n", SanitizeString(hdr.GetCommand()), pfrom->id);
string strCommand = hdr.GetCommand();
// Message size
unsigned int nMessageSize = hdr.nMessageSize;
// Checksum
CDataStream& vRecv = msg.vRecv;
uint256 hash = Hash(vRecv.begin(), vRecv.begin() + nMessageSize);
unsigned int nChecksum = ReadLE32((unsigned char*)&hash);
if (nChecksum != hdr.nChecksum)
LogPrintf("%s(%s, %u bytes): CHECKSUM ERROR nChecksum=%08x hdr.nChecksum=%08x\n", __func__,
SanitizeString(strCommand), nMessageSize, nChecksum, hdr.nChecksum);
// Process message
bool fRet = false;
fRet = ProcessMessage(pfrom, strCommand, vRecv, msg.nTime, chainparams);
catch (const std::ios_base::failure& e)
pfrom->PushMessage(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand, REJECT_MALFORMED, string("error parsing message"));
if (strstr(e.what(), "end of data"))
// Allow exceptions from under-length message on vRecv
LogPrintf("%s(%s, %u bytes): Exception '%s' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length\n", __func__, SanitizeString(strCommand), nMessageSize, e.what());
else if (strstr(e.what(), "size too large"))
// Allow exceptions from over-long size
LogPrintf("%s(%s, %u bytes): Exception '%s' caught\n", __func__, SanitizeString(strCommand), nMessageSize, e.what());
PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "ProcessMessages()");
catch (const boost::thread_interrupted&) {
catch (const std::exception& e) {
PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "ProcessMessages()");
} catch (...) {
PrintExceptionContinue(NULL, "ProcessMessages()");
if (!fRet)
LogPrintf("%s(%s, %u bytes) FAILED peer=%d\n", __func__, SanitizeString(strCommand), nMessageSize, pfrom->id);
// In case the connection got shut down, its receive buffer was wiped
if (!pfrom->fDisconnect)
pfrom->vRecvMsg.erase(pfrom->vRecvMsg.begin(), it);
return fOk;
class CompareInvMempoolOrder
CTxMemPool *mp;
CompareInvMempoolOrder(CTxMemPool *mempool)
mp = mempool;
bool operator()(std::set<uint256>::iterator a, std::set<uint256>::iterator b)
/* As std::make_heap produces a max-heap, we want the entries with the
* fewest ancestors/highest fee to sort later. */
return mp->CompareDepthAndScore(*b, *a);
bool SendMessages(CNode* pto)
const Consensus::Params& consensusParams = Params().GetConsensus();
// Don't send anything until we get its version message
if (pto->nVersion == 0)
return true;
// Message: ping
bool pingSend = false;
if (pto->fPingQueued) {
// RPC ping request by user
pingSend = true;
if (pto->nPingNonceSent == 0 && pto->nPingUsecStart + PING_INTERVAL * 1000000 < GetTimeMicros()) {
// Ping automatically sent as a latency probe & keepalive.
pingSend = true;
if (pingSend) {
uint64_t nonce = 0;
while (nonce == 0) {
GetRandBytes((unsigned char*)&nonce, sizeof(nonce));
pto->fPingQueued = false;
pto->nPingUsecStart = GetTimeMicros();
if (pto->nVersion > BIP0031_VERSION) {
pto->nPingNonceSent = nonce;
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::PING, nonce);
} else {
// Peer is too old to support ping command with nonce, pong will never arrive.
pto->nPingNonceSent = 0;
TRY_LOCK(cs_main, lockMain); // Acquire cs_main for IsInitialBlockDownload() and CNodeState()
if (!lockMain)
return true;
// Address refresh broadcast
int64_t nNow = GetTimeMicros();
if (!IsInitialBlockDownload() && pto->nNextLocalAddrSend < nNow) {
pto->nNextLocalAddrSend = PoissonNextSend(nNow, AVG_LOCAL_ADDRESS_BROADCAST_INTERVAL);
// Message: addr
if (pto->nNextAddrSend < nNow) {
pto->nNextAddrSend = PoissonNextSend(nNow, AVG_ADDRESS_BROADCAST_INTERVAL);
vector<CAddress> vAddr;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CAddress& addr, pto->vAddrToSend)
if (!pto->addrKnown.contains(addr.GetKey()))
// receiver rejects addr messages larger than 1000
if (vAddr.size() >= 1000)
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::ADDR, vAddr);
if (!vAddr.empty())
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::ADDR, vAddr);
CNodeState &state = *State(pto->GetId());
if (state.fShouldBan) {
if (pto->fWhitelisted)
LogPrintf("Warning: not punishing whitelisted peer %s!\n", pto->addr.ToString());
else {
pto->fDisconnect = true;
if (pto->addr.IsLocal())
LogPrintf("Warning: not banning local peer %s!\n", pto->addr.ToString());
CNode::Ban(pto->addr, BanReasonNodeMisbehaving);
state.fShouldBan = false;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CBlockReject& reject, state.rejects)
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::REJECT, (string)NetMsgType::BLOCK, reject.chRejectCode, reject.strRejectReason, reject.hashBlock);
// Start block sync
if (pindexBestHeader == NULL)
pindexBestHeader = chainActive.Tip();
bool fFetch = state.fPreferredDownload || (nPreferredDownload == 0 && !pto->fClient && !pto->fOneShot); // Download if this is a nice peer, or we have no nice peers and this one might do.
if (!state.fSyncStarted && !pto->fClient && !fImporting && !fReindex) {
// Only actively request headers from a single peer, unless we're close to today.
if ((nSyncStarted == 0 && fFetch) || pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime() > GetAdjustedTime() - 24 * 60 * 60) {
state.fSyncStarted = true;
const CBlockIndex *pindexStart = pindexBestHeader;
/* If possible, start at the block preceding the currently
best known header. This ensures that we always get a
non-empty list of headers back as long as the peer
is up-to-date. With a non-empty response, we can initialise
the peer's known best block. This wouldn't be possible
if we requested starting at pindexBestHeader and
got back an empty response. */
if (pindexStart->pprev)
pindexStart = pindexStart->pprev;
LogPrint("net", "initial getheaders (%d) to peer=%d (startheight:%d)\n", pindexStart->nHeight, pto->id, pto->nStartingHeight);
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::GETHEADERS, chainActive.GetLocator(pindexStart), uint256());
// Resend wallet transactions that haven't gotten in a block yet
// Except during reindex, importing and IBD, when old wallet
// transactions become unconfirmed and spams other nodes.
if (!fReindex && !fImporting && !IsInitialBlockDownload())
// Try sending block announcements via headers
// If we have less than MAX_BLOCKS_TO_ANNOUNCE in our
// list of block hashes we're relaying, and our peer wants
// headers announcements, then find the first header
// not yet known to our peer but would connect, and send.
// If no header would connect, or if we have too many
// blocks, or if the peer doesn't want headers, just
// add all to the inv queue.
vector<CBlock> vHeaders;
bool fRevertToInv = (!state.fPreferHeaders || pto->vBlockHashesToAnnounce.size() > MAX_BLOCKS_TO_ANNOUNCE);
CBlockIndex *pBestIndex = NULL; // last header queued for delivery
ProcessBlockAvailability(pto->id); // ensure pindexBestKnownBlock is up-to-date
if (!fRevertToInv) {
bool fFoundStartingHeader = false;
// Try to find first header that our peer doesn't have, and
// then send all headers past that one. If we come across any
// headers that aren't on chainActive, give up.
BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256 &hash, pto->vBlockHashesToAnnounce) {
BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hash);
assert(mi != mapBlockIndex.end());
CBlockIndex *pindex = mi->second;
if (chainActive[pindex->nHeight] != pindex) {
// Bail out if we reorged away from this block
fRevertToInv = true;
if (pBestIndex != NULL && pindex->pprev != pBestIndex) {
// This means that the list of blocks to announce don't
// connect to each other.
// This shouldn't really be possible to hit during
// regular operation (because reorgs should take us to
// a chain that has some block not on the prior chain,
// which should be caught by the prior check), but one
// way this could happen is by using invalidateblock /
// reconsiderblock repeatedly on the tip, causing it to
// be added multiple times to vBlockHashesToAnnounce.
// Robustly deal with this rare situation by reverting
// to an inv.
fRevertToInv = true;
pBestIndex = pindex;
if (fFoundStartingHeader) {
// add this to the headers message
} else if (PeerHasHeader(&state, pindex)) {
continue; // keep looking for the first new block
} else if (pindex->pprev == NULL || PeerHasHeader(&state, pindex->pprev)) {
// Peer doesn't have this header but they do have the prior one.
// Start sending headers.
fFoundStartingHeader = true;
} else {
// Peer doesn't have this header or the prior one -- nothing will
// connect, so bail out.
fRevertToInv = true;
if (fRevertToInv) {
// If falling back to using an inv, just try to inv the tip.
// The last entry in vBlockHashesToAnnounce was our tip at some point
// in the past.
if (!pto->vBlockHashesToAnnounce.empty()) {
const uint256 &hashToAnnounce = pto->vBlockHashesToAnnounce.back();
BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hashToAnnounce);
assert(mi != mapBlockIndex.end());
CBlockIndex *pindex = mi->second;
// Warn if we're announcing a block that is not on the main chain.
// This should be very rare and could be optimized out.
// Just log for now.
if (chainActive[pindex->nHeight] != pindex) {
LogPrint("net", "Announcing block %s not on main chain (tip=%s)\n",
hashToAnnounce.ToString(), chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().ToString());
// If the peer announced this block to us, don't inv it back.
// (Since block announcements may not be via inv's, we can't solely rely on
// setInventoryKnown to track this.)
if (!PeerHasHeader(&state, pindex)) {
pto->PushInventory(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, hashToAnnounce));
LogPrint("net", "%s: sending inv peer=%d hash=%s\n", __func__,
pto->id, hashToAnnounce.ToString());
} else if (!vHeaders.empty()) {
if (vHeaders.size() > 1) {
LogPrint("net", "%s: %u headers, range (%s, %s), to peer=%d\n", __func__,
vHeaders.back().GetHash().ToString(), pto->id);
} else {
LogPrint("net", "%s: sending header %s to peer=%d\n", __func__,
vHeaders.front().GetHash().ToString(), pto->id);
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::HEADERS, vHeaders);
state.pindexBestHeaderSent = pBestIndex;
// Message: inventory
vector<CInv> vInv;
vInv.reserve(std::max<size_t>(pto->vInventoryBlockToSend.size(), INVENTORY_BROADCAST_MAX));
// Add blocks
BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, pto->vInventoryBlockToSend) {
vInv.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, hash));
if (vInv.size() == MAX_INV_SZ) {
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::INV, vInv);
// Check whether periodic sends should happen
bool fSendTrickle = pto->fWhitelisted;
if (pto->nNextInvSend < nNow) {
fSendTrickle = true;
// Use half the delay for outbound peers, as there is less privacy concern for them.
pto->nNextInvSend = PoissonNextSend(nNow, INVENTORY_BROADCAST_INTERVAL >> !pto->fInbound);
// Time to send but the peer has requested we not relay transactions.
if (fSendTrickle) {
if (!pto->fRelayTxes) pto->setInventoryTxToSend.clear();
// Respond to BIP35 mempool requests
if (fSendTrickle && pto->fSendMempool) {
std::vector<uint256> vtxid;
pto->fSendMempool = false;
CAmount filterrate = 0;
filterrate = pto->minFeeFilter;
BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, vtxid) {
CInv inv(MSG_TX, hash);
if (filterrate) {
CFeeRate feeRate;
mempool.lookupFeeRate(hash, feeRate);
if (feeRate.GetFeePerK() < filterrate)
if (pto->pfilter) {
CTransaction tx;
bool fInMemPool = mempool.lookup(hash, tx);
if (!fInMemPool) continue; // another thread removed since queryHashes, maybe...
if (!pto->pfilter->IsRelevantAndUpdate(tx)) continue;
if (vInv.size() == MAX_INV_SZ) {
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::INV, vInv);
// Determine transactions to relay
if (fSendTrickle) {
// Produce a vector with all candidates for sending
vector<std::set<uint256>::iterator> vInvTx;
for (std::set<uint256>::iterator it = pto->setInventoryTxToSend.begin(); it != pto->setInventoryTxToSend.end(); it++) {
CAmount filterrate = 0;
filterrate = pto->minFeeFilter;
// Topologically and fee-rate sort the inventory we send for privacy and priority reasons.
// A heap is used so that not all items need sorting if only a few are being sent.
CompareInvMempoolOrder compareInvMempoolOrder(&mempool);
std::make_heap(vInvTx.begin(), vInvTx.end(), compareInvMempoolOrder);
// No reason to drain out at many times the network's capacity,
// especially since we have many peers and some will draw much shorter delays.
unsigned int nRelayedTransactions = 0;
while (!vInvTx.empty() && nRelayedTransactions < INVENTORY_BROADCAST_MAX) {
// Fetch the top element from the heap
std::pop_heap(vInvTx.begin(), vInvTx.end(), compareInvMempoolOrder);
std::set<uint256>::iterator it = vInvTx.back();
uint256 hash = *it;
// Remove it from the to-be-sent set
// Check if not in the filter already
if (pto->filterInventoryKnown.contains(hash)) {
// Not in the mempool anymore? don't bother sending it.
CFeeRate feeRate;
if (!mempool.lookupFeeRate(hash, feeRate)) {
if (filterrate && feeRate.GetFeePerK() < filterrate) {
if (pto->pfilter) {
CTransaction tx;
if (!mempool.lookup(hash, tx)) continue;
if (!pto->pfilter->IsRelevantAndUpdate(tx)) continue;
// Send
vInv.push_back(CInv(MSG_TX, hash));
if (vInv.size() == MAX_INV_SZ) {
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::INV, vInv);
if (!vInv.empty())
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::INV, vInv);
// Detect whether we're stalling
nNow = GetTimeMicros();
if (!pto->fDisconnect && state.nStallingSince && state.nStallingSince < nNow - 1000000 * BLOCK_STALLING_TIMEOUT) {
// Stalling only triggers when the block download window cannot move. During normal steady state,
// the download window should be much larger than the to-be-downloaded set of blocks, so disconnection
// should only happen during initial block download.
LogPrintf("Peer=%d is stalling block download, disconnecting\n", pto->id);
pto->fDisconnect = true;
// In case there is a block that has been in flight from this peer for 2 + 0.5 * N times the block interval
// (with N the number of peers from which we're downloading validated blocks), disconnect due to timeout.
// We compensate for other peers to prevent killing off peers due to our own downstream link
// being saturated. We only count validated in-flight blocks so peers can't advertise non-existing block hashes
// to unreasonably increase our timeout.
if (!pto->fDisconnect && state.vBlocksInFlight.size() > 0) {
QueuedBlock &queuedBlock = state.vBlocksInFlight.front();
int nOtherPeersWithValidatedDownloads = nPeersWithValidatedDownloads - (state.nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders > 0);
if (nNow > state.nDownloadingSince + consensusParams.nPowTargetSpacing * (BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_BASE + BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_PER_PEER * nOtherPeersWithValidatedDownloads)) {
LogPrintf("Timeout downloading block %s from peer=%d, disconnecting\n", queuedBlock.hash.ToString(), pto->id);
pto->fDisconnect = true;
// Message: getdata (blocks)
vector<CInv> vGetData;
if (!pto->fDisconnect && !pto->fClient && (fFetch || !IsInitialBlockDownload()) && state.nBlocksInFlight < MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER) {
vector<CBlockIndex*> vToDownload;
NodeId staller = -1;
FindNextBlocksToDownload(pto->GetId(), MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER - state.nBlocksInFlight, vToDownload, staller);
BOOST_FOREACH(CBlockIndex *pindex, vToDownload) {
vGetData.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, pindex->GetBlockHash()));
MarkBlockAsInFlight(pto->GetId(), pindex->GetBlockHash(), consensusParams, pindex);
LogPrint("net", "Requesting block %s (%d) peer=%d\n", pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString(),
pindex->nHeight, pto->id);
if (state.nBlocksInFlight == 0 && staller != -1) {
if (State(staller)->nStallingSince == 0) {
State(staller)->nStallingSince = nNow;
LogPrint("net", "Stall started peer=%d\n", staller);
// Message: getdata (non-blocks)
while (!pto->fDisconnect && !pto->mapAskFor.empty() && (*pto->mapAskFor.begin()).first <= nNow)
const CInv& inv = (*pto->mapAskFor.begin()).second;
if (!AlreadyHave(inv))
if (fDebug)
LogPrint("net", "Requesting %s peer=%d\n", inv.ToString(), pto->id);
if (vGetData.size() >= 1000)
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::GETDATA, vGetData);
} else {
//If we're not going to ask, don't expect a response.
if (!vGetData.empty())
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::GETDATA, vGetData);
// Message: feefilter
// We don't want white listed peers to filter txs to us if we have -whitelistforcerelay
if (pto->nVersion >= FEEFILTER_VERSION && GetBoolArg("-feefilter", DEFAULT_FEEFILTER) &&
!(pto->fWhitelisted && GetBoolArg("-whitelistforcerelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY))) {
CAmount currentFilter = mempool.GetMinFee(GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000).GetFeePerK();
int64_t timeNow = GetTimeMicros();
if (timeNow > pto->nextSendTimeFeeFilter) {
CAmount filterToSend = filterRounder.round(currentFilter);
if (filterToSend != pto->lastSentFeeFilter) {
pto->PushMessage(NetMsgType::FEEFILTER, filterToSend);
pto->lastSentFeeFilter = filterToSend;
pto->nextSendTimeFeeFilter = PoissonNextSend(timeNow, AVG_FEEFILTER_BROADCAST_INTERVAL);
// If the fee filter has changed substantially and it's still more than MAX_FEEFILTER_CHANGE_DELAY
// until scheduled broadcast, then move the broadcast to within MAX_FEEFILTER_CHANGE_DELAY.
else if (timeNow + MAX_FEEFILTER_CHANGE_DELAY * 1000000 < pto->nextSendTimeFeeFilter &&
(currentFilter < 3 * pto->lastSentFeeFilter / 4 || currentFilter > 4 * pto->lastSentFeeFilter / 3)) {
pto->nextSendTimeFeeFilter = timeNow + (insecure_rand() % MAX_FEEFILTER_CHANGE_DELAY) * 1000000;
return true;
std::string CBlockFileInfo::ToString() const {
return strprintf("CBlockFileInfo(blocks=%u, size=%u, heights=%u...%u, time=%s...%s)", nBlocks, nSize, nHeightFirst, nHeightLast, DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d", nTimeFirst), DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d", nTimeLast));
ThresholdState VersionBitsTipState(const Consensus::Params& params, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos)
return VersionBitsState(chainActive.Tip(), params, pos, versionbitscache);
class CMainCleanup
CMainCleanup() {}
~CMainCleanup() {
// block headers
BlockMap::iterator it1 = mapBlockIndex.begin();
for (; it1 != mapBlockIndex.end(); it1++)
delete (*it1).second;
// orphan transactions
} instance_of_cmaincleanup;
diff --git a/src/main.h b/src/main.h
index 71d44979ad..bdf7f5a687 100644
--- a/src/main.h
+++ b/src/main.h
@@ -1,581 +1,502 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#include "config/bitcoin-config.h"
#include "amount.h"
#include "chain.h"
#include "coins.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "script/script_error.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "versionbits.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <exception>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
class CBlockIndex;
class CBlockTreeDB;
class CBloomFilter;
class CChainParams;
class CInv;
class CScriptCheck;
class CTxMemPool;
class CValidationInterface;
class CValidationState;
struct CNodeStateStats;
struct LockPoints;
static const bool DEFAULT_WHITELISTRELAY = true;
static const bool DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY = true;
/** Default for -minrelaytxfee, minimum relay fee for transactions */
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE = 1000;
//! -maxtxfee default
static const CAmount DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_MAXFEE = 0.1 * COIN;
//! Discourage users to set fees higher than this amount (in satoshis) per kB
static const CAmount HIGH_TX_FEE_PER_KB = 0.01 * COIN;
//! -maxtxfee will warn if called with a higher fee than this amount (in satoshis)
static const CAmount HIGH_MAX_TX_FEE = 100 * HIGH_TX_FEE_PER_KB;
/** Default for -maxorphantx, maximum number of orphan transactions kept in memory */
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MAX_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS = 100;
/** Default for -limitancestorcount, max number of in-mempool ancestors */
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT = 25;
/** Default for -limitancestorsize, maximum kilobytes of tx + all in-mempool ancestors */
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_SIZE_LIMIT = 101;
/** Default for -limitdescendantcount, max number of in-mempool descendants */
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT = 25;
/** Default for -limitdescendantsize, maximum kilobytes of in-mempool descendants */
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_SIZE_LIMIT = 101;
/** Default for -mempoolexpiry, expiration time for mempool transactions in hours */
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY = 72;
/** The maximum size of a blk?????.dat file (since 0.8) */
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCKFILE_SIZE = 0x8000000; // 128 MiB
/** The pre-allocation chunk size for blk?????.dat files (since 0.8) */
static const unsigned int BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 0x1000000; // 16 MiB
/** The pre-allocation chunk size for rev?????.dat files (since 0.8) */
static const unsigned int UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 0x100000; // 1 MiB
/** Maximum number of script-checking threads allowed */
static const int MAX_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS = 16;
/** -par default (number of script-checking threads, 0 = auto) */
/** Number of blocks that can be requested at any given time from a single peer. */
static const int MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER = 16;
/** Timeout in seconds during which a peer must stall block download progress before being disconnected. */
static const unsigned int BLOCK_STALLING_TIMEOUT = 2;
/** Number of headers sent in one getheaders result. We rely on the assumption that if a peer sends
* less than this number, we reached its tip. Changing this value is a protocol upgrade. */
static const unsigned int MAX_HEADERS_RESULTS = 2000;
/** Size of the "block download window": how far ahead of our current height do we fetch?
* Larger windows tolerate larger download speed differences between peer, but increase the potential
* degree of disordering of blocks on disk (which make reindexing and in the future perhaps pruning
* harder). We'll probably want to make this a per-peer adaptive value at some point. */
static const unsigned int BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW = 1024;
/** Time to wait (in seconds) between writing blocks/block index to disk. */
static const unsigned int DATABASE_WRITE_INTERVAL = 60 * 60;
/** Time to wait (in seconds) between flushing chainstate to disk. */
static const unsigned int DATABASE_FLUSH_INTERVAL = 24 * 60 * 60;
/** Maximum length of reject messages. */
static const unsigned int MAX_REJECT_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 111;
/** Average delay between local address broadcasts in seconds. */
static const unsigned int AVG_LOCAL_ADDRESS_BROADCAST_INTERVAL = 24 * 24 * 60;
/** Average delay between peer address broadcasts in seconds. */
static const unsigned int AVG_ADDRESS_BROADCAST_INTERVAL = 30;
/** Average delay between trickled inventory transmissions in seconds.
* Blocks and whitelisted receivers bypass this, outbound peers get half this delay. */
static const unsigned int INVENTORY_BROADCAST_INTERVAL = 5;
/** Maximum number of inventory items to send per transmission.
* Limits the impact of low-fee transaction floods. */
/** Average delay between feefilter broadcasts in seconds. */
static const unsigned int AVG_FEEFILTER_BROADCAST_INTERVAL = 10 * 60;
/** Maximum feefilter broadcast delay after significant change. */
static const unsigned int MAX_FEEFILTER_CHANGE_DELAY = 5 * 60;
/** Block download timeout base, expressed in millionths of the block interval (i.e. 10 min) */
static const int64_t BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_BASE = 1000000;
/** Additional block download timeout per parallel downloading peer (i.e. 5 min) */
static const int64_t BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_PER_PEER = 500000;
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_LIMITFREERELAY = 15;
static const bool DEFAULT_RELAYPRIORITY = true;
static const int64_t DEFAULT_MAX_TIP_AGE = 24 * 60 * 60;
/** Default for -permitbaremultisig */
static const bool DEFAULT_PERMIT_BAREMULTISIG = true;
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_SIGOP = 20;
static const bool DEFAULT_CHECKPOINTS_ENABLED = true;
static const bool DEFAULT_TXINDEX = false;
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_BANSCORE_THRESHOLD = 100;
static const bool DEFAULT_TESTSAFEMODE = false;
/** Default for -mempoolreplacement */
static const bool DEFAULT_ENABLE_REPLACEMENT = true;
/** Default for using fee filter */
static const bool DEFAULT_FEEFILTER = true;
/** Maximum number of headers to announce when relaying blocks with headers message.*/
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCKS_TO_ANNOUNCE = 8;
static const bool DEFAULT_PEERBLOOMFILTERS = true;
struct BlockHasher
size_t operator()(const uint256& hash) const { return hash.GetCheapHash(); }
extern CScript COINBASE_FLAGS;
extern CCriticalSection cs_main;
extern CTxMemPool mempool;
typedef boost::unordered_map<uint256, CBlockIndex*, BlockHasher> BlockMap;
extern BlockMap mapBlockIndex;
extern uint64_t nLastBlockTx;
extern uint64_t nLastBlockSize;
extern const std::string strMessageMagic;
extern CWaitableCriticalSection csBestBlock;
extern CConditionVariable cvBlockChange;
extern bool fImporting;
extern bool fReindex;
extern int nScriptCheckThreads;
extern bool fTxIndex;
extern bool fIsBareMultisigStd;
extern bool fRequireStandard;
extern unsigned int nBytesPerSigOp;
extern bool fCheckBlockIndex;
extern bool fCheckpointsEnabled;
extern size_t nCoinCacheUsage;
/** A fee rate smaller than this is considered zero fee (for relaying, mining and transaction creation) */
extern CFeeRate minRelayTxFee;
/** Absolute maximum transaction fee (in satoshis) used by wallet and mempool (rejects high fee in sendrawtransaction) */
extern CAmount maxTxFee;
/** If the tip is older than this (in seconds), the node is considered to be in initial block download. */
extern int64_t nMaxTipAge;
extern bool fEnableReplacement;
/** Best header we've seen so far (used for getheaders queries' starting points). */
extern CBlockIndex *pindexBestHeader;
/** Minimum disk space required - used in CheckDiskSpace() */
static const uint64_t nMinDiskSpace = 52428800;
/** Pruning-related variables and constants */
/** True if any block files have ever been pruned. */
extern bool fHavePruned;
/** True if we're running in -prune mode. */
extern bool fPruneMode;
/** Number of MiB of block files that we're trying to stay below. */
extern uint64_t nPruneTarget;
/** Block files containing a block-height within MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP of chainActive.Tip() will not be pruned. */
static const unsigned int MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP = 288;
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_CHECKLEVEL = 3;
// Require that user allocate at least 550MB for block & undo files (blk???.dat and rev???.dat)
// At 1MB per block, 288 blocks = 288MB.
// Add 15% for Undo data = 331MB
// Add 20% for Orphan block rate = 397MB
// We want the low water mark after pruning to be at least 397 MB and since we prune in
// full block file chunks, we need the high water mark which triggers the prune to be
// one 128MB block file + added 15% undo data = 147MB greater for a total of 545MB
// Setting the target to > than 550MB will make it likely we can respect the target.
static const uint64_t MIN_DISK_SPACE_FOR_BLOCK_FILES = 550 * 1024 * 1024;
/** Register with a network node to receive its signals */
void RegisterNodeSignals(CNodeSignals& nodeSignals);
/** Unregister a network node */
void UnregisterNodeSignals(CNodeSignals& nodeSignals);
* Process an incoming block. This only returns after the best known valid
* block is made active. Note that it does not, however, guarantee that the
* specific block passed to it has been checked for validity!
* @param[out] state This may be set to an Error state if any error occurred processing it, including during validation/connection/etc of otherwise unrelated blocks during reorganisation; or it may be set to an Invalid state if pblock is itself invalid (but this is not guaranteed even when the block is checked). If you want to *possibly* get feedback on whether pblock is valid, you must also install a CValidationInterface (see validationinterface.h) - this will have its BlockChecked method called whenever *any* block completes validation.
* @param[in] pfrom The node which we are receiving the block from; it is added to mapBlockSource and may be penalised if the block is invalid.
* @param[in] pblock The block we want to process.
* @param[in] fForceProcessing Process this block even if unrequested; used for non-network block sources and whitelisted peers.
* @param[out] dbp If pblock is stored to disk (or already there), this will be set to its location.
* @return True if state.IsValid()
bool ProcessNewBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CNode* pfrom, const CBlock* pblock, bool fForceProcessing, CDiskBlockPos* dbp);
/** Check whether enough disk space is available for an incoming block */
bool CheckDiskSpace(uint64_t nAdditionalBytes = 0);
/** Open a block file (blk?????.dat) */
FILE* OpenBlockFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly = false);
/** Open an undo file (rev?????.dat) */
FILE* OpenUndoFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly = false);
/** Translation to a filesystem path */
boost::filesystem::path GetBlockPosFilename(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const char *prefix);
/** Import blocks from an external file */
bool LoadExternalBlockFile(const CChainParams& chainparams, FILE* fileIn, CDiskBlockPos *dbp = NULL);
/** Initialize a new block tree database + block data on disk */
bool InitBlockIndex(const CChainParams& chainparams);
/** Load the block tree and coins database from disk */
bool LoadBlockIndex();
/** Unload database information */
void UnloadBlockIndex();
/** Process protocol messages received from a given node */
bool ProcessMessages(CNode* pfrom);
* Send queued protocol messages to be sent to a give node.
* @param[in] pto The node which we are sending messages to.
bool SendMessages(CNode* pto);
/** Run an instance of the script checking thread */
void ThreadScriptCheck();
/** Try to detect Partition (network isolation) attacks against us */
void PartitionCheck(bool (*initialDownloadCheck)(), CCriticalSection& cs, const CBlockIndex *const &bestHeader, int64_t nPowTargetSpacing);
/** Check whether we are doing an initial block download (synchronizing from disk or network) */
bool IsInitialBlockDownload();
/** Format a string that describes several potential problems detected by the core.
* strFor can have three values:
* - "rpc": get critical warnings, which should put the client in safe mode if non-empty
* - "statusbar": get all warnings
* - "gui": get all warnings, translated (where possible) for GUI
* This function only returns the highest priority warning of the set selected by strFor.
std::string GetWarnings(const std::string& strFor);
/** Retrieve a transaction (from memory pool, or from disk, if possible) */
bool GetTransaction(const uint256 &hash, CTransaction &tx, const Consensus::Params& params, uint256 &hashBlock, bool fAllowSlow = false);
/** Find the best known block, and make it the tip of the block chain */
bool ActivateBestChain(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlock* pblock = NULL);
CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams);
* Prune block and undo files (blk???.dat and undo???.dat) so that the disk space used is less than a user-defined target.
* The user sets the target (in MB) on the command line or in config file. This will be run on startup and whenever new
* space is allocated in a block or undo file, staying below the target. Changing back to unpruned requires a reindex
* (which in this case means the blockchain must be re-downloaded.)
* Pruning functions are called from FlushStateToDisk when the global fCheckForPruning flag has been set.
* Block and undo files are deleted in lock-step (when blk00003.dat is deleted, so is rev00003.dat.)
* Pruning cannot take place until the longest chain is at least a certain length (100000 on mainnet, 1000 on testnet, 1000 on regtest).
* Pruning will never delete a block within a defined distance (currently 288) from the active chain's tip.
* The block index is updated by unsetting HAVE_DATA and HAVE_UNDO for any blocks that were stored in the deleted files.
* A db flag records the fact that at least some block files have been pruned.
* @param[out] setFilesToPrune The set of file indices that can be unlinked will be returned
void FindFilesToPrune(std::set<int>& setFilesToPrune, uint64_t nPruneAfterHeight);
* Actually unlink the specified files
void UnlinkPrunedFiles(std::set<int>& setFilesToPrune);
/** Create a new block index entry for a given block hash */
CBlockIndex * InsertBlockIndex(uint256 hash);
/** Get statistics from node state */
bool GetNodeStateStats(NodeId nodeid, CNodeStateStats &stats);
/** Increase a node's misbehavior score. */
void Misbehaving(NodeId nodeid, int howmuch);
/** Flush all state, indexes and buffers to disk. */
void FlushStateToDisk();
/** Prune block files and flush state to disk. */
void PruneAndFlush();
/** (try to) add transaction to memory pool **/
bool AcceptToMemoryPool(CTxMemPool& pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransaction &tx, bool fLimitFree,
bool* pfMissingInputs, CFeeRate* txFeeRate, bool fOverrideMempoolLimit=false, const CAmount nAbsurdFee=0);
/** Convert CValidationState to a human-readable message for logging */
std::string FormatStateMessage(const CValidationState &state);
/** Get the BIP9 state for a given deployment at the current tip. */
ThresholdState VersionBitsTipState(const Consensus::Params& params, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos);
struct CNodeStateStats {
int nMisbehavior;
int nSyncHeight;
int nCommonHeight;
std::vector<int> vHeightInFlight;
-struct CDiskTxPos : public CDiskBlockPos
- unsigned int nTxOffset; // after header
- template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
- inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) {
- READWRITE(*(CDiskBlockPos*)this);
- }
- CDiskTxPos(const CDiskBlockPos &blockIn, unsigned int nTxOffsetIn) : CDiskBlockPos(blockIn.nFile, blockIn.nPos), nTxOffset(nTxOffsetIn) {
- }
- CDiskTxPos() {
- SetNull();
- }
- void SetNull() {
- CDiskBlockPos::SetNull();
- nTxOffset = 0;
- }
* Count ECDSA signature operations the old-fashioned (pre-0.6) way
* @return number of sigops this transaction's outputs will produce when spent
* @see CTransaction::FetchInputs
unsigned int GetLegacySigOpCount(const CTransaction& tx);
* Count ECDSA signature operations in pay-to-script-hash inputs.
* @param[in] mapInputs Map of previous transactions that have outputs we're spending
* @return maximum number of sigops required to validate this transaction's inputs
* @see CTransaction::FetchInputs
unsigned int GetP2SHSigOpCount(const CTransaction& tx, const CCoinsViewCache& mapInputs);
* Check whether all inputs of this transaction are valid (no double spends, scripts & sigs, amounts)
* This does not modify the UTXO set. If pvChecks is not NULL, script checks are pushed onto it
* instead of being performed inline.
bool CheckInputs(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &view, bool fScriptChecks,
unsigned int flags, bool cacheStore, std::vector<CScriptCheck> *pvChecks = NULL);
/** Apply the effects of this transaction on the UTXO set represented by view */
void UpdateCoins(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, CCoinsViewCache &inputs, int nHeight);
/** Context-independent validity checks */
bool CheckTransaction(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState& state);
* Check if transaction is final and can be included in a block with the
* specified height and time. Consensus critical.
bool IsFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int nBlockHeight, int64_t nBlockTime);
* Check if transaction will be final in the next block to be created.
* Calls IsFinalTx() with current block height and appropriate block time.
* See consensus/consensus.h for flag definitions.
bool CheckFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int flags = -1);
* Test whether the LockPoints height and time are still valid on the current chain
bool TestLockPointValidity(const LockPoints* lp);
* Check if transaction is final per BIP 68 sequence numbers and can be included in a block.
* Consensus critical. Takes as input a list of heights at which tx's inputs (in order) confirmed.
bool SequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector<int>* prevHeights, const CBlockIndex& block);
* Check if transaction will be BIP 68 final in the next block to be created.
* Simulates calling SequenceLocks() with data from the tip of the current active chain.
* Optionally stores in LockPoints the resulting height and time calculated and the hash
* of the block needed for calculation or skips the calculation and uses the LockPoints
* passed in for evaluation.
* The LockPoints should not be considered valid if CheckSequenceLocks returns false.
* See consensus/consensus.h for flag definitions.
bool CheckSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, LockPoints* lp = NULL, bool useExistingLockPoints = false);
* Closure representing one script verification
* Note that this stores references to the spending transaction
class CScriptCheck
CScript scriptPubKey;
const CTransaction *ptxTo;
unsigned int nIn;
unsigned int nFlags;
bool cacheStore;
ScriptError error;
CScriptCheck(): ptxTo(0), nIn(0), nFlags(0), cacheStore(false), error(SCRIPT_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR) {}
CScriptCheck(const CCoins& txFromIn, const CTransaction& txToIn, unsigned int nInIn, unsigned int nFlagsIn, bool cacheIn) :
ptxTo(&txToIn), nIn(nInIn), nFlags(nFlagsIn), cacheStore(cacheIn), error(SCRIPT_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR) { }
bool operator()();
void swap(CScriptCheck &check) {
std::swap(ptxTo, check.ptxTo);
std::swap(nIn, check.nIn);
std::swap(nFlags, check.nFlags);
std::swap(cacheStore, check.cacheStore);
std::swap(error, check.error);
ScriptError GetScriptError() const { return error; }
/** Functions for disk access for blocks */
bool WriteBlockToDisk(const CBlock& block, CDiskBlockPos& pos, const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars& messageStart);
bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const CDiskBlockPos& pos, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams);
bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams);
/** Functions for validating blocks and updating the block tree */
/** Context-independent validity checks */
bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, bool fCheckPOW = true);
bool CheckBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, bool fCheckPOW = true, bool fCheckMerkleRoot = true);
/** Context-dependent validity checks.
* By "context", we mean only the previous block headers, but not the UTXO
* set; UTXO-related validity checks are done in ConnectBlock(). */
bool ContextualCheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex *pindexPrev);
bool ContextualCheckBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex *pindexPrev);
/** Apply the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set represented by coins.
* Validity checks that depend on the UTXO set are also done; ConnectBlock()
* can fail if those validity checks fail (among other reasons). */
bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& coins,
const CChainParams& chainparams, bool fJustCheck = false);
/** Undo the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set represented by coins.
* In case pfClean is provided, operation will try to be tolerant about errors, and *pfClean
* will be true if no problems were found. Otherwise, the return value will be false in case
* of problems. Note that in any case, coins may be modified. */
bool DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& coins, bool* pfClean = NULL);
/** Check a block is completely valid from start to finish (only works on top of our current best block, with cs_main held) */
bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlock& block, CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, bool fCheckPOW = true, bool fCheckMerkleRoot = true);
-class CBlockFileInfo
- unsigned int nBlocks; //!< number of blocks stored in file
- unsigned int nSize; //!< number of used bytes of block file
- unsigned int nUndoSize; //!< number of used bytes in the undo file
- unsigned int nHeightFirst; //!< lowest height of block in file
- unsigned int nHeightLast; //!< highest height of block in file
- uint64_t nTimeFirst; //!< earliest time of block in file
- uint64_t nTimeLast; //!< latest time of block in file
- template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
- inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) {
- READWRITE(VARINT(nHeightFirst));
- }
- void SetNull() {
- nBlocks = 0;
- nSize = 0;
- nUndoSize = 0;
- nHeightFirst = 0;
- nHeightLast = 0;
- nTimeFirst = 0;
- nTimeLast = 0;
- }
- CBlockFileInfo() {
- SetNull();
- }
- std::string ToString() const;
- /** update statistics (does not update nSize) */
- void AddBlock(unsigned int nHeightIn, uint64_t nTimeIn) {
- if (nBlocks==0 || nHeightFirst > nHeightIn)
- nHeightFirst = nHeightIn;
- if (nBlocks==0 || nTimeFirst > nTimeIn)
- nTimeFirst = nTimeIn;
- nBlocks++;
- if (nHeightIn > nHeightLast)
- nHeightLast = nHeightIn;
- if (nTimeIn > nTimeLast)
- nTimeLast = nTimeIn;
- }
/** RAII wrapper for VerifyDB: Verify consistency of the block and coin databases */
class CVerifyDB {
bool VerifyDB(const CChainParams& chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview, int nCheckLevel, int nCheckDepth);
/** Find the last common block between the parameter chain and a locator. */
CBlockIndex* FindForkInGlobalIndex(const CChain& chain, const CBlockLocator& locator);
/** Mark a block as invalid. */
bool InvalidateBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex *pindex);
/** Remove invalidity status from a block and its descendants. */
bool ReconsiderBlock(CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex *pindex);
/** The currently-connected chain of blocks (protected by cs_main). */
extern CChain chainActive;
/** Global variable that points to the active CCoinsView (protected by cs_main) */
extern CCoinsViewCache *pcoinsTip;
/** Global variable that points to the active block tree (protected by cs_main) */
extern CBlockTreeDB *pblocktree;
* Return the spend height, which is one more than the inputs.GetBestBlock().
* While checking, GetBestBlock() refers to the parent block. (protected by cs_main)
* This is also true for mempool checks.
int GetSpendHeight(const CCoinsViewCache& inputs);
* Determine what nVersion a new block should use.
int32_t ComputeBlockVersion(const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, const Consensus::Params& params);
/** Reject codes greater or equal to this can be returned by AcceptToMemPool
* for transactions, to signal internal conditions. They cannot and should not
* be sent over the P2P network.
static const unsigned int REJECT_INTERNAL = 0x100;
/** Too high fee. Can not be triggered by P2P transactions */
static const unsigned int REJECT_HIGHFEE = 0x100;
/** Transaction is already known (either in mempool or blockchain) */
static const unsigned int REJECT_ALREADY_KNOWN = 0x101;
/** Transaction conflicts with a transaction already known */
static const unsigned int REJECT_CONFLICT = 0x102;
#endif // BITCOIN_MAIN_H
diff --git a/src/txdb.cpp b/src/txdb.cpp
index 5fbaeb608a..078c29def3 100644
--- a/src/txdb.cpp
+++ b/src/txdb.cpp
@@ -1,217 +1,215 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "txdb.h"
-#include "chain.h"
#include "chainparams.h"
#include "hash.h"
-#include "main.h"
#include "pow.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
using namespace std;
static const char DB_COINS = 'c';
static const char DB_BLOCK_FILES = 'f';
static const char DB_TXINDEX = 't';
static const char DB_BLOCK_INDEX = 'b';
static const char DB_BEST_BLOCK = 'B';
static const char DB_FLAG = 'F';
static const char DB_REINDEX_FLAG = 'R';
static const char DB_LAST_BLOCK = 'l';
CCoinsViewDB::CCoinsViewDB(size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory, bool fWipe) : db(GetDataDir() / "chainstate", nCacheSize, fMemory, fWipe, true)
bool CCoinsViewDB::GetCoins(const uint256 &txid, CCoins &coins) const {
return db.Read(make_pair(DB_COINS, txid), coins);
bool CCoinsViewDB::HaveCoins(const uint256 &txid) const {
return db.Exists(make_pair(DB_COINS, txid));
uint256 CCoinsViewDB::GetBestBlock() const {
uint256 hashBestChain;
if (!db.Read(DB_BEST_BLOCK, hashBestChain))
return uint256();
return hashBestChain;
bool CCoinsViewDB::BatchWrite(CCoinsMap &mapCoins, const uint256 &hashBlock) {
CDBBatch batch(db);
size_t count = 0;
size_t changed = 0;
for (CCoinsMap::iterator it = mapCoins.begin(); it != mapCoins.end();) {
if (it->second.flags & CCoinsCacheEntry::DIRTY) {
if (it->second.coins.IsPruned())
batch.Erase(make_pair(DB_COINS, it->first));
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_COINS, it->first), it->second.coins);
CCoinsMap::iterator itOld = it++;
if (!hashBlock.IsNull())
batch.Write(DB_BEST_BLOCK, hashBlock);
LogPrint("coindb", "Committing %u changed transactions (out of %u) to coin database...\n", (unsigned int)changed, (unsigned int)count);
return db.WriteBatch(batch);
CBlockTreeDB::CBlockTreeDB(size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory, bool fWipe) : CDBWrapper(GetDataDir() / "blocks" / "index", nCacheSize, fMemory, fWipe) {
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadBlockFileInfo(int nFile, CBlockFileInfo &info) {
return Read(make_pair(DB_BLOCK_FILES, nFile), info);
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteReindexing(bool fReindexing) {
if (fReindexing)
return Write(DB_REINDEX_FLAG, '1');
return Erase(DB_REINDEX_FLAG);
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadReindexing(bool &fReindexing) {
fReindexing = Exists(DB_REINDEX_FLAG);
return true;
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadLastBlockFile(int &nFile) {
return Read(DB_LAST_BLOCK, nFile);
CCoinsViewCursor *CCoinsViewDB::Cursor() const
CCoinsViewDBCursor *i = new CCoinsViewDBCursor(const_cast<CDBWrapper*>(&db)->NewIterator(), GetBestBlock());
/* It seems that there are no "const iterators" for LevelDB. Since we
only need read operations on it, use a const-cast to get around
that restriction. */
// Cache key of first record
return i;
bool CCoinsViewDBCursor::GetKey(uint256 &key) const
// Return cached key
if (keyTmp.first == DB_COINS) {
key = keyTmp.second;
return true;
return false;
bool CCoinsViewDBCursor::GetValue(CCoins &coins) const
return pcursor->GetValue(coins);
unsigned int CCoinsViewDBCursor::GetValueSize() const
return pcursor->GetValueSize();
bool CCoinsViewDBCursor::Valid() const
return keyTmp.first == DB_COINS;
void CCoinsViewDBCursor::Next()
if (!pcursor->Valid() || !pcursor->GetKey(keyTmp))
keyTmp.first = 0; // Invalidate cached key after last record so that Valid() and GetKey() return false
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteBatchSync(const std::vector<std::pair<int, const CBlockFileInfo*> >& fileInfo, int nLastFile, const std::vector<const CBlockIndex*>& blockinfo) {
CDBBatch batch(*this);
for (std::vector<std::pair<int, const CBlockFileInfo*> >::const_iterator it=fileInfo.begin(); it != fileInfo.end(); it++) {
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_BLOCK_FILES, it->first), *it->second);
batch.Write(DB_LAST_BLOCK, nLastFile);
for (std::vector<const CBlockIndex*>::const_iterator it=blockinfo.begin(); it != blockinfo.end(); it++) {
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_BLOCK_INDEX, (*it)->GetBlockHash()), CDiskBlockIndex(*it));
return WriteBatch(batch, true);
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadTxIndex(const uint256 &txid, CDiskTxPos &pos) {
return Read(make_pair(DB_TXINDEX, txid), pos);
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteTxIndex(const std::vector<std::pair<uint256, CDiskTxPos> >&vect) {
CDBBatch batch(*this);
for (std::vector<std::pair<uint256,CDiskTxPos> >::const_iterator it=vect.begin(); it!=vect.end(); it++)
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_TXINDEX, it->first), it->second);
return WriteBatch(batch);
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteFlag(const std::string &name, bool fValue) {
return Write(std::make_pair(DB_FLAG, name), fValue ? '1' : '0');
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadFlag(const std::string &name, bool &fValue) {
char ch;
if (!Read(std::make_pair(DB_FLAG, name), ch))
return false;
fValue = ch == '1';
return true;
-bool CBlockTreeDB::LoadBlockIndexGuts()
+bool CBlockTreeDB::LoadBlockIndexGuts(boost::function<CBlockIndex*(const uint256&)> insertBlockIndex)
boost::scoped_ptr<CDBIterator> pcursor(NewIterator());
pcursor->Seek(make_pair(DB_BLOCK_INDEX, uint256()));
// Load mapBlockIndex
while (pcursor->Valid()) {
std::pair<char, uint256> key;
if (pcursor->GetKey(key) && key.first == DB_BLOCK_INDEX) {
CDiskBlockIndex diskindex;
if (pcursor->GetValue(diskindex)) {
// Construct block index object
- CBlockIndex* pindexNew = InsertBlockIndex(diskindex.GetBlockHash());
- pindexNew->pprev = InsertBlockIndex(diskindex.hashPrev);
+ CBlockIndex* pindexNew = insertBlockIndex(diskindex.GetBlockHash());
+ pindexNew->pprev = insertBlockIndex(diskindex.hashPrev);
pindexNew->nHeight = diskindex.nHeight;
pindexNew->nFile = diskindex.nFile;
pindexNew->nDataPos = diskindex.nDataPos;
pindexNew->nUndoPos = diskindex.nUndoPos;
pindexNew->nVersion = diskindex.nVersion;
pindexNew->hashMerkleRoot = diskindex.hashMerkleRoot;
pindexNew->nTime = diskindex.nTime;
pindexNew->nBits = diskindex.nBits;
pindexNew->nNonce = diskindex.nNonce;
pindexNew->nStatus = diskindex.nStatus;
pindexNew->nTx = diskindex.nTx;
if (!CheckProofOfWork(pindexNew->GetBlockHash(), pindexNew->nBits, Params().GetConsensus()))
return error("LoadBlockIndex(): CheckProofOfWork failed: %s", pindexNew->ToString());
} else {
return error("LoadBlockIndex() : failed to read value");
} else {
return true;
diff --git a/src/txdb.h b/src/txdb.h
index 749802f0e5..ce3c39d7fe 100644
--- a/src/txdb.h
+++ b/src/txdb.h
@@ -1,89 +1,114 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "coins.h"
#include "dbwrapper.h"
+#include "chain.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
-class CBlockFileInfo;
+#include <boost/function.hpp>
class CBlockIndex;
-struct CDiskTxPos;
+class CCoinsViewDBCursor;
class uint256;
//! -dbcache default (MiB)
static const int64_t nDefaultDbCache = 100;
//! max. -dbcache in (MiB)
static const int64_t nMaxDbCache = sizeof(void*) > 4 ? 16384 : 1024;
//! min. -dbcache in (MiB)
static const int64_t nMinDbCache = 4;
-class CCoinsViewDBCursor;
+struct CDiskTxPos : public CDiskBlockPos
+ unsigned int nTxOffset; // after header
+ template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
+ inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) {
+ READWRITE(*(CDiskBlockPos*)this);
+ }
+ CDiskTxPos(const CDiskBlockPos &blockIn, unsigned int nTxOffsetIn) : CDiskBlockPos(blockIn.nFile, blockIn.nPos), nTxOffset(nTxOffsetIn) {
+ }
+ CDiskTxPos() {
+ SetNull();
+ }
+ void SetNull() {
+ CDiskBlockPos::SetNull();
+ nTxOffset = 0;
+ }
/** CCoinsView backed by the coin database (chainstate/) */
class CCoinsViewDB : public CCoinsView
CDBWrapper db;
CCoinsViewDB(size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory = false, bool fWipe = false);
bool GetCoins(const uint256 &txid, CCoins &coins) const;
bool HaveCoins(const uint256 &txid) const;
uint256 GetBestBlock() const;
bool BatchWrite(CCoinsMap &mapCoins, const uint256 &hashBlock);
CCoinsViewCursor *Cursor() const;
/** Specialization of CCoinsViewCursor to iterate over a CCoinsViewDB */
class CCoinsViewDBCursor: public CCoinsViewCursor
~CCoinsViewDBCursor() {}
bool GetKey(uint256 &key) const;
bool GetValue(CCoins &coins) const;
unsigned int GetValueSize() const;
bool Valid() const;
void Next();
CCoinsViewDBCursor(CDBIterator* pcursorIn, const uint256 &hashBlockIn):
CCoinsViewCursor(hashBlockIn), pcursor(pcursorIn) {}
boost::scoped_ptr<CDBIterator> pcursor;
std::pair<char, uint256> keyTmp;
friend class CCoinsViewDB;
/** Access to the block database (blocks/index/) */
class CBlockTreeDB : public CDBWrapper
CBlockTreeDB(size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory = false, bool fWipe = false);
CBlockTreeDB(const CBlockTreeDB&);
void operator=(const CBlockTreeDB&);
bool WriteBatchSync(const std::vector<std::pair<int, const CBlockFileInfo*> >& fileInfo, int nLastFile, const std::vector<const CBlockIndex*>& blockinfo);
bool ReadBlockFileInfo(int nFile, CBlockFileInfo &fileinfo);
bool ReadLastBlockFile(int &nFile);
bool WriteReindexing(bool fReindex);
bool ReadReindexing(bool &fReindex);
bool ReadTxIndex(const uint256 &txid, CDiskTxPos &pos);
bool WriteTxIndex(const std::vector<std::pair<uint256, CDiskTxPos> > &list);
bool WriteFlag(const std::string &name, bool fValue);
bool ReadFlag(const std::string &name, bool &fValue);
- bool LoadBlockIndexGuts();
+ bool LoadBlockIndexGuts(boost::function<CBlockIndex*(const uint256&)> insertBlockIndex);
#endif // BITCOIN_TXDB_H

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Mar 2, 12:11 (23 h, 46 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(314 KB)

Event Timeline