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diff --git a/src/miner.h b/src/miner.h
--- a/src/miner.h
+++ b/src/miner.h
@@ -300,6 +300,10 @@
* Increments nPackagesSelected / nDescendantsUpdated with corresponding
* statistics from the package selection (for logging statistics). */
void addPackageTxs(int &nPackagesSelected, int &nDescendantsUpdated);
+ // Old version of addPackageTxs
+ void accuratelyAddPackageTxs(int &nPackagesSelected,
+ int &nDescendantsUpdated);
/** Enum for the results from TestForBlock */
enum class TestForBlockResult : uint8_t {
diff --git a/src/miner.cpp b/src/miner.cpp
--- a/src/miner.cpp
+++ b/src/miner.cpp
@@ -461,6 +461,246 @@
void BlockAssembler::addPackageTxs(int &nPackagesSelected,
int &nDescendantsUpdated) {
+ std::vector<CBlockTemplateEntry> txPool;
+ txPool.reserve(txPool.size());
+ std::unordered_map<TxId, size_t, SaltedTxidHasher> txLocations;
+ // Fetch all the transactions in dependency order.
+ // Complexity: O(n)
+ txPool.reserve(mempool->mapTx.size());
+ size_t idx = 0;
+ for (const auto &mempoolEntry : mempool->mapTx.get<insertion_order>()) {
+ const CTransactionRef tx = mempoolEntry.GetSharedTx();
+ txPool.emplace_back(mempoolEntry.GetSharedTx(), mempoolEntry.GetFee(),
+ mempoolEntry.GetModifiedFee(),
+ mempoolEntry.GetTxSize(),
+ mempoolEntry.GetSigOpCount());
+ txLocations[tx->GetId()] = idx;
+ idx += 1;
+ }
+ // Figure out how many parents transactions have.
+ // Complexity: O(n + m) where n is transactions, and m is edges.
+ //
+ // All the dependencies of a transaction are before the transaction.
+ // So we can iterate normally, and simply add all the parents to our
+ // package accumulators to our accumulator to our count. Note: If there
+ // is a diamond shaped inheritance, we will multi-count. We don't care, the
+ // extract coputation cost is not worth dealing with it.
+ std::unordered_set<TxId, SaltedTxidHasher> seen;
+ // Iterate in topographical order
+ for (auto &entry : txPool) {
+ // Clear out seen list, for the next transaction.
+ seen.clear();
+ for (const auto &txIn : entry.tx->vin) {
+ const TxId &parentId = txIn.prevout.GetTxId();
+ // Do not count a direct ancestor twice.
+ // We will count further ancestors twice though.
+ if (seen.count(parentId) != 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ seen.insert(parentId);
+ auto it = txLocations.find(parentId);
+ if (it == txLocations.end()) {
+ // Confirmed parent transaction
+ // (We know this because the mempool we have was guaranteed to
+ // be consistent)
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Add the parent data to this transaction
+ entry.AccountForParent(txPool[it->second]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Now sort them by package feeRate.
+ // Complexity: O(n log n)
+ //
+ // Sort first by the order of the transaction. All order zero transactions
+ // can go in based on package fees.
+ std::sort(txPool.begin(), txPool.end(),
+ [](const CBlockTemplateEntry &a, const CBlockTemplateEntry &b) {
+ // We don't care about truncation of fees. If the client
+ // doesn't get a one sat of fees counted, oh well. The code
+ // for avoiding division is atrocious.
+ return a.GetOrder() == b.GetOrder()
+ ? a.FeeRate() > b.FeeRate()
+ : a.GetOrder() < b.GetOrder();
+ });
+ // Update the locations of all the transactions so we can find them again
+ // later. Complexity: O(n + m) where n is transactions, and m is edges.
+ idx = 0;
+ for (const auto &blockEntry : txPool) {
+ const CTransactionRef tx = blockEntry.tx;
+ txLocations[tx->GetId()] = idx;
+ idx += 1;
+ }
+ // Visit all the transactions in package feeRate order, adding them to the
+ // block in topological order. Complexity: O(n + m) (and some change for
+ // visiting diamond dependencies multiple times).
+ std::unordered_set<TxId, SaltedTxidHasher> txnsInvalid;
+ for (const auto &entry : txPool) {
+ TxId txId = entry.tx->GetId();
+ // Don't reprocess transactions
+ if (inBlock.count(txId) != 0 || txnsInvalid.count(txId) != 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We flag low-fee transactions as invalid, so that higher order
+ // transactions do not suck them into the block. We know from our
+ // ordering above that no higher-fee package exists or if it does, it's
+ // the tail of a higher feerate chain and we'll let it be mined in the
+ // next block.
+ if (entry.FeeRate() < blockMinFeeRate) {
+ txnsInvalid.insert(txId);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Visit and include all the parents in the block, checking if they are
+ // valid.
+ std::stack<std::reference_wrapper<const CBlockTemplateEntry>>
+ ancestorStack;
+ std::stack<std::reference_wrapper<const CBlockTemplateEntry>> addStack;
+ // Check if package size would fit in the block.
+ // We won't need to check it for every ancestor below, because their
+ // values are included here already
+ auto blockSizeWithTx = nBlockSize + entry.packageSize;
+ auto maxBlockSigOps = GetMaxBlockSigOpsCount(blockSizeWithTx);
+ if (blockSizeWithTx >= nMaxGeneratedBlockSize) {
+ txnsInvalid.insert(txId);
+ goto invalid;
+ }
+ // Check if package sigOps would fit in the block
+ if (nBlockSigOps + entry.packageSigOps >= maxBlockSigOps) {
+ txnsInvalid.insert(txId);
+ goto invalid;
+ }
+ ancestorStack.push(entry);
+ // We do a DFS incase a transaction fails, and we add them to a stack
+ // for popping into the block.
+ while (!ancestorStack.empty()) {
+ const CBlockTemplateEntry &ancestor =;
+ const TxId &ancestorId = ancestor.tx->GetId();
+ ancestorStack.pop();
+ // Add it to the stack of items we will add once we have checked all
+ // the parents.
+ addStack.push(ancestor);
+ // Must check that lock times are still valid. This can be removed
+ // once MTP is always enforced as long as reorgs keep the mempool
+ // consistent.
+ //
+ // Old code checks the transaction in context. It doesn't make
+ // sense to me though...
+ CValidationState state;
+ if (!ContextualCheckTransaction(*config, *ancestor.tx.get(), state,
+ nHeight, nLockTimeCutoff,
+ nMedianTimePast)) {
+ // A parent is invalid, we will need to skip the rest of the
+ // transactions So we don't include (now) invalid child. We will
+ // visit them later. So we can find all it's children during
+ // invalid handling.
+ txnsInvalid.insert(ancestorId);
+ goto invalid;
+ }
+ // Push all the ancestors on our DFS stack.
+ for (const auto &txIn : ancestor.tx->vin) {
+ const TxId &parentId = txIn.prevout.GetTxId();
+ bool hasBeenAdded = inBlock.count(parentId) != 0;
+ bool isInvalid = txnsInvalid.count(parentId) != 0;
+ if (isInvalid) {
+ // We must have visited one of the parents before when
+ // handling a different package. It was invalid, and we need
+ // to mark this invalid as well.
+ txnsInvalid.insert(ancestorId);
+ goto invalid;
+ }
+ if (hasBeenAdded) {
+ // Has already been added to the block. We can skip checking
+ // it.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Don't yet mark the transaction as visited. We may need to
+ // visit it twice in this loop to ensure topological ordering
+ // when popping off the stack.
+ auto it = txLocations.find(parentId);
+ if (it == txLocations.end()) {
+ // Confirmed parent transaction
+ // (We know this because the mempool we have was guaranteed
+ // to be consistent)
+ continue;
+ }
+ const CBlockTemplateEntry &ancestorParent = txPool[it->second];
+ // Record the parent so we can visit it later.
+ ancestorStack.push(ancestorParent);
+ }
+ }
+ // We know we can add the transaction here.
+ // Every item in the package has passed requirements.
+ while (!addStack.empty()) {
+ const CBlockTemplateEntry &entryToAdd =;
+ const TxId &addTxID = entryToAdd.tx->GetId();
+ bool hasBeenAdded = inBlock.count(addTxID) != 0;
+ addStack.pop();
+ // The addStack can have duplicates, so we need to ensure we don't
+ // add the same transaction twice in this loop.
+ if (hasBeenAdded) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ inBlock.insert(addTxID);
+ pblocktemplate->entries.emplace_back(
+ entryToAdd.tx, entryToAdd.txFee, entryToAdd.txModFee,
+ entryToAdd.txSize, entryToAdd.txSigOps);
+ nBlockSize += entryToAdd.txSize;
+ ++nBlockTx;
+ nBlockSigOps += entryToAdd.txSigOps;
+ nFees += entryToAdd.txFee;
+ }
+ ++nPackagesSelected;
+ continue;
+ invalid:
+ // Mark all children of the invalid transaction as themselves invalid.
+ // Don't add anything in this package to a block.
+ while (!addStack.empty()) {
+ const CBlockTemplateEntry &child =;
+ addStack.pop();
+ // If we are here, it means we marked one of the parents of an
+ // addStack item invalid. because the stack is in topological order,
+ // we can be sure we will mark invalid transactions in order going
+ // all the way back up to the root transaction.
+ for (const auto &txIn : child.tx->vin) {
+ const TxId &parentId = txIn.prevout.GetTxId();
+ bool isInvalid = txnsInvalid.count(parentId) != 0;
+ if (isInvalid) {
+ txnsInvalid.insert(child.tx->GetId());
+ // We can stop here, we only need to find one invalid parent
+ // to know this is invalid.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ * accuratelyAddPackageTxs includes transactions paying a fee by ensuring that
+ * the partial ordering of transactions is maintained. That is to say
+ * children come after parents, despite having a potentially larger fee.
+ * @param[out] nPackagesSelected How many packages were selected
+ * @param[out] nDescendantsUpdated Number of descendant transactions updated
+ */
+void BlockAssembler::accuratelyAddPackageTxs(int &nPackagesSelected,
+ int &nDescendantsUpdated) {
// selection algorithm orders the mempool based on feerate of a
// transaction including all unconfirmed ancestors. Since we don't remove
diff --git a/src/test/miner_tests.cpp b/src/test/miner_tests.cpp
--- a/src/test/miner_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/miner_tests.cpp
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
BOOST_CHECK(pblocktemplate->block.vtx[3]->GetId() == mediumFeeTxId);
// Test that a package below the block min tx fee doesn't get included
-[0].prevout = COutPoint(highFeeTxId, 0);
+[0].prevout = COutPoint(txFirst[2]->GetId(), 0);
// 0 fee.
tx.vout[0].nValue = int64_t(5000000000LL - 1000 - 50000) * SATOSHI;
TxId freeTxId = tx.GetId();
@@ -176,11 +176,10 @@
BlockAssembler(config, g_mempool).CreateNewBlock(scriptPubKey);
BOOST_CHECK(pblocktemplate->block.vtx[4]->GetId() == freeTxId);
BOOST_CHECK(pblocktemplate->block.vtx[5]->GetId() == lowFeeTxId);
// Test that transaction selection properly updates ancestor fee
// calculations as ancestor transactions get included in a block. Add a
// 0-fee transaction that has 2 outputs.
-[0].prevout = COutPoint(txFirst[2]->GetId(), 0);
+[0].prevout = COutPoint(txFirst[3]->GetId(), 0);
tx.vout[0].nValue = int64_t(5000000000LL - 100000000) * SATOSHI;
// 1BCC output.
@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@
// This tx can't be mined by itself.[0].prevout = COutPoint(freeTxId2, 0);
- feeToUse = blockMinFeeRate.GetFee(freeTxSize);
+ feeToUse = blockMinFeeRate.GetFee(freeTxSize + 10);
tx.vout[0].nValue = int64_t(5000000000LL - 100000000) * SATOSHI - feeToUse;
TxId lowFeeTxId2 = tx.GetId();
@@ -206,15 +205,20 @@
BOOST_CHECK(txn->GetId() != lowFeeTxId2);
- // This tx will be mineable, and should cause lowFeeTxId2 to be selected as
- // well.
+ // This tx will be mineable, and could hypothetically cause lowFeeTxId2 to
+ // be selected but shouldn't since we don't continue to update packages, and
+ // have no way of knowing that its parent has been mined.[0].prevout = COutPoint(freeTxId2, 1);
// 10k satoshi fee.
tx.vout[0].nValue = (100000000 - 10000) * SATOSHI;
g_mempool.addUnchecked(tx.GetId(), entry.Fee(10000 * SATOSHI).FromTx(tx));
pblocktemplate =
BlockAssembler(config, g_mempool).CreateNewBlock(scriptPubKey);
- BOOST_CHECK(pblocktemplate->block.vtx[8]->GetId() == lowFeeTxId2);
+ // Verify lowFeeTxID still didn't make it in, because we don't update
+ // packages on the fly.
+ for (const auto &txn : pblocktemplate->block.vtx) {
+ BOOST_CHECK(txn->GetId() != lowFeeTxId2);
+ }
void TestCoinbaseMessageEB(uint64_t eb, std::string cbmsg) {
diff --git a/src/txmempool.h b/src/txmempool.h
--- a/src/txmempool.h
+++ b/src/txmempool.h
@@ -351,6 +351,8 @@
struct entry_time {};
struct mining_score {};
struct ancestor_score {};
+struct txid_index {};
+struct insertion_order {};
* Information about a mempool transaction.
@@ -532,7 +534,9 @@
- CompareTxMemPoolEntryByAncestorFee>>>
+ CompareTxMemPoolEntryByAncestorFee>,
+ boost::multi_index::sequenced<
+ boost::multi_index::tag<insertion_order>>>>
mutable CCriticalSection cs;
@@ -840,9 +844,6 @@
* when (de)activating forks that result in in-mempool transactions becoming
* invalid
-// multi_index tag names
-struct txid_index {};
-struct insertion_order {};
class DisconnectedBlockTransactions {

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Mime Type
Sat, Mar 1, 12:10 (3 h, 20 m)
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Storage Handle
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D2866.diff (15 KB)

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