diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt index f92d4d496..75effeb17 100644 --- a/src/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,723 +1,724 @@ # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers project(bitcoind) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) # Default visibility is hidden on all targets. set(CMAKE_C_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden) set(CMAKE_CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden) option(BUILD_BITCOIN_WALLET "Activate the wallet functionality" ON) option(BUILD_BITCOIN_ZMQ "Activate the ZeroMQ functionalities" ON) option(BUILD_BITCOIN_CLI "Build bitcoin-cli" ON) option(BUILD_BITCOIN_TX "Build bitcoin-tx" ON) option(BUILD_BITCOIN_QT "Build bitcoin-qt" ON) option(BUILD_BITCOIN_SEEDER "Build bitcoin-seeder" ON) option(BUILD_LIBBITCOINCONSENSUS "Build the bitcoinconsenus shared library" ON) option(ENABLE_BIP70 "Enable BIP70 (payment protocol) support in GUI" ON) option(ENABLE_HARDENING "Harden the executables" ON) option(ENABLE_REDUCE_EXPORTS "Reduce the amount of exported symbols" OFF) option(ENABLE_STATIC_LIBSTDCXX "Statically link libstdc++" OFF) option(ENABLE_GLIBC_BACK_COMPAT "Enable Glibc compatibility features" OFF) option(ENABLE_QRCODE "Enable QR code display" ON) option(ENABLE_UPNP "Enable UPnP support" ON) option(START_WITH_UPNP "Make UPnP the default to map ports" OFF) option(ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY "Enable clang-tidy checks for Bitcoin ABC" OFF) option(ENABLE_PROFILING "Select the profiling tool to use" OFF) # Linker option if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) set(DEFAULT_LINKER "") elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") set(DEFAULT_LINKER lld) elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") set(DEFAULT_LINKER gold) else() set(DEFAULT_LINKER "") endif() set(USE_LINKER "${DEFAULT_LINKER}" CACHE STRING "Linker to be used (default: ${DEFAULT_LINKER}). Set to empty string to use the system's default.") set(OS_WITH_JEMALLOC_AS_SYSTEM_DEFAULT "Android" "FreeBSD" "NetBSD" ) if(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME IN_LIST OS_WITH_JEMALLOC_AS_SYSTEM_DEFAULT) set(USE_JEMALLOC_DEFAULT ON) endif() # FIXME: Building against jemalloc causes the software to segfault on OSX. # See https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues/401 if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin" AND NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) set(USE_JEMALLOC_DEFAULT OFF) endif() option(USE_JEMALLOC "Use jemalloc as an allocation library" ${USE_JEMALLOC_DEFAULT}) if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux") set(DEFAULT_ENABLE_DBUS_NOTIFICATIONS ON) endif() option(ENABLE_DBUS_NOTIFICATIONS "Enable DBus desktop notifications. Linux only." ${DEFAULT_ENABLE_DBUS_NOTIFICATIONS}) # If ccache is available, then use it. find_program(CCACHE ccache) if(CCACHE) message(STATUS "Using ccache: ${CCACHE}") set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER ${CCACHE}) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER ${CCACHE}) endif(CCACHE) # Disable what we do not need for the native build. include(NativeExecutable) native_add_cmake_flags( "-DBUILD_BITCOIN_WALLET=OFF" "-DBUILD_BITCOIN_QT=OFF" "-DBUILD_BITCOIN_ZMQ=OFF" "-DENABLE_QRCODE=OFF" "-DENABLE_UPNP=OFF" "-DUSE_JEMALLOC=OFF" "-DENABLE_CLANG_TIDY=OFF" "-DENABLE_BIP70=OFF" ) if(ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY) include(ClangTidy) endif() if(ENABLE_SANITIZERS) include(Sanitizers) enable_sanitizers(${ENABLE_SANITIZERS}) endif() include(AddCompilerFlags) if(USE_LINKER) set(LINKER_FLAG "-fuse-ld=${USE_LINKER}") check_linker_flag(IS_LINKER_SUPPORTED ${LINKER_FLAG}) if(NOT IS_LINKER_SUPPORTED) message(FATAL_ERROR "The ${USE_LINKER} linker is not supported, make sure ${USE_LINKER} is properly isntalled or use -DUSE_LINKER= to use the system's linker") endif() add_linker_flags(${LINKER_FLAG}) endif() # Prefer -g3, defaults to -g if unavailable foreach(LANGUAGE C CXX) set(COMPILER_DEBUG_LEVEL -g) check_compiler_flags(G3_IS_SUPPORTED ${LANGUAGE} -g3) if(${G3_IS_SUPPORTED}) set(COMPILER_DEBUG_LEVEL -g3) endif() add_compile_options_to_configuration_for_language(Debug ${LANGUAGE} ${COMPILER_DEBUG_LEVEL}) endforeach() # Define the debugging symbols DEBUG and DEBUG_LOCKORDER when the Debug build # type is selected. add_compile_definitions_to_configuration(Debug DEBUG DEBUG_LOCKORDER) # Add -ftrapv when building in Debug add_compile_options_to_configuration(Debug -ftrapv) # All versions of gcc that we commonly use for building are subject to bug # https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=90348. To work around that, set # -fstack-reuse=none for all gcc builds. (Only gcc understands this flag) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") add_compiler_flags(-fstack-reuse=none) endif() if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Windows") # Ensure that WINDRES_PREPROC is enabled when using windres. list(APPEND CMAKE_RC_FLAGS "-DWINDRES_PREPROC") # Build all static so there is no dll file to distribute. add_linker_flags(-static) add_compile_definitions( # Windows 7 _WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 # Internet Explorer 5.01 (!) _WIN32_IE=0x0501 # Define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN to exclude APIs such as Cryptography, DDE, # RPC, Shell, and Windows Sockets. WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN ) endif() if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin") add_compile_definitions(MAC_OSX OBJC_OLD_DISPATCH_PROTOTYPES=0) add_linker_flags(-Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs) endif() if(ENABLE_REDUCE_EXPORTS) # Default visibility is set by CMAKE__VISIBILITY_PRESET, but this # doesn't tell if the visibility set is effective. # Check if the flag -fvisibility=hidden is supported, as using the hidden # visibility is a requirement to reduce exports. check_compiler_flags(HAS_CXX_FVISIBILITY CXX -fvisibility=hidden) if(NOT HAS_CXX_FVISIBILITY) message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot set default symbol visibility. Use -DENABLE_REDUCE_EXPORTS=OFF.") endif() # Also hide symbols from static libraries add_linker_flags(-Wl,--exclude-libs,libstdc++) endif() # Enable statically linking libstdc++ if(ENABLE_STATIC_LIBSTDCXX) add_linker_flags(-static-libstdc++) endif() set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) if(ENABLE_HARDENING) # Enable stack protection add_cxx_compiler_flags(-fstack-protector-all -Wstack-protector) # Enable some buffer overflow checking, except in -O0 builds which # do not support them add_compiler_flags(-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE) add_compile_options($<$>:-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2>) # Enable ASLR (these flags are primarily targeting MinGw) add_linker_flags(-Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--high-entropy-va) # Make the relocated sections read-only add_linker_flags(-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now) # CMake provides the POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE property to set PIC/PIE. cmake_policy(SET CMP0083 NEW) include(CheckPIESupported) check_pie_supported() if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Windows") # MinGw provides its own libssp for stack smashing protection link_libraries(ssp) endif() endif() if(ENABLE_PROFILING MATCHES "gprof") message(STATUS "Enable profiling with gprof") # -pg is incompatible with -pie. Since hardening and profiling together # doesn't make sense, we simply make them mutually exclusive here. # Additionally, hardened toolchains may force -pie by default, in which # case it needs to be turned off with -no-pie. if(ENABLE_HARDENING) message(FATAL_ERROR "Profiling with gprof requires disabling hardening with -DENABLE_HARDENING=OFF.") endif() add_linker_flags(-no-pie) add_compiler_flags(-pg) add_linker_flags(-pg) endif() # Enable warning add_c_compiler_flags(-Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes) add_compiler_flags( -Wall -Wextra -Wformat + -Wgnu -Wvla -Wcast-align -Wunused-parameter -Wmissing-braces -Wthread-safety -Wshadow -Wshadow-field -Wrange-loop-analysis -Wredundant-decls -Wunreachable-code-loop-increment ) add_compiler_flag_group(-Wformat -Wformat-security) add_cxx_compiler_flags( -Wredundant-move ) option(EXTRA_WARNINGS "Enable extra warnings" OFF) if(EXTRA_WARNINGS) add_cxx_compiler_flags(-Wsuggest-override) else() add_compiler_flags(-Wno-unused-parameter) add_compiler_flags(-Wno-implicit-fallthrough) endif() # libtool style configure add_subdirectory(config) # Enable LFS (Large File Support) on targets that don't have it natively. # This should be defined before the libraries are included as leveldb need the # definition to be set. if(NOT HAVE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT) add_compile_definitions(_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64) add_linker_flags(-Wl,--large-address-aware) endif() if(ENABLE_GLIBC_BACK_COMPAT) # Wrap some glibc functions with ours add_linker_flags(-Wl,--wrap=__divmoddi4) add_linker_flags(-Wl,--wrap=log2f) if(NOT HAVE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT) add_linker_flags(-Wl,--wrap=fcntl -Wl,--wrap=fcntl64) endif() endif() if(USE_JEMALLOC) # Most of the sanitizers require their instrumented allocation functions to # be fully functional. This is obviously the case for all the memory related # sanitizers (asan, lsan, msan) but not only. if(ENABLE_SANITIZERS) message(WARNING "Jemalloc is incompatible with the sanitizers and has been disabled.") else() find_package(Jemalloc 3.6.0 REQUIRED) link_libraries(Jemalloc::jemalloc) endif() endif() # Make sure that all the global compiler and linker flags are set BEFORE # including the libraries so they apply as needed. # libraries add_subdirectory(crypto) add_subdirectory(leveldb) add_subdirectory(secp256k1) add_subdirectory(univalue) # Find the git root, and returns the full path to the .git/logs/HEAD file if # it exists. function(find_git_head_logs_file RESULT) find_package(Git) if(GIT_FOUND) execute_process( COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" "rev-parse" "--show-toplevel" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_ROOT RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_RESULT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_QUIET ) if(GIT_RESULT EQUAL 0) set(GIT_LOGS_DIR "${GIT_ROOT}/.git/logs") set(GIT_HEAD_LOGS_FILE "${GIT_LOGS_DIR}/HEAD") # If the .git/logs/HEAD does not exist, create it if(NOT EXISTS "${GIT_HEAD_LOGS_FILE}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${GIT_LOGS_DIR}") file(TOUCH "${GIT_HEAD_LOGS_FILE}") endif() set(${RESULT} "${GIT_HEAD_LOGS_FILE}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() find_git_head_logs_file(GIT_HEAD_LOGS_FILE) set(OBJ_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/obj") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${OBJ_DIR}") set(BUILD_HEADER "${OBJ_DIR}/build.h") set(BUILD_HEADER_TMP "${BUILD_HEADER}.tmp") add_custom_command( DEPENDS "${GIT_HEAD_LOGS_FILE}" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/share/genbuild.sh" OUTPUT "${BUILD_HEADER}" COMMAND "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/share/genbuild.sh" "${BUILD_HEADER_TMP}" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${BUILD_HEADER_TMP}" "${BUILD_HEADER}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove "${BUILD_HEADER_TMP}" ) # Because the Bitcoin ABc source code is disorganised, we # end up with a bunch of libraries without any apparent # cohesive structure. This is inherited from Bitcoin Core # and reflecting this. # TODO: Improve the structure once cmake is rocking. # Various completely unrelated features shared by all executables. add_library(util chainparamsbase.cpp clientversion.cpp compat/glibcxx_sanity.cpp compat/strnlen.cpp fs.cpp interfaces/handler.cpp logging.cpp random.cpp randomenv.cpp rcu.cpp rpc/request.cpp blockdb.cpp support/cleanse.cpp support/lockedpool.cpp sync.cpp threadinterrupt.cpp uint256.cpp util/asmap.cpp util/bip32.cpp util/bytevectorhash.cpp util/error.cpp util/message.cpp util/moneystr.cpp util/settings.cpp util/spanparsing.cpp util/strencodings.cpp util/string.cpp util/system.cpp util/threadnames.cpp util/time.cpp util/url.cpp # obj/build.h "${BUILD_HEADER}" ) target_compile_definitions(util PUBLIC HAVE_CONFIG_H HAVE_BUILD_INFO) target_include_directories(util PUBLIC . # To access the config/ and obj/ directories ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) if(ENABLE_GLIBC_BACK_COMPAT) target_sources(util PRIVATE compat/glibc_compat.cpp) endif() # Target specific configs if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Windows") set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) set(Boost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME ON) set(Boost_THREADAPI win32) find_package(SHLWAPI REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(util SHLWAPI::shlwapi) find_library(WS2_32_LIBRARY NAMES ws2_32) target_link_libraries(util ${WS2_32_LIBRARY}) target_compile_definitions(util PUBLIC BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB) endif() target_link_libraries(util univalue crypto) macro(link_event TARGET) non_native_target_link_libraries(${TARGET} Event 2.0.22 ${ARGN}) endmacro() link_event(util event) macro(link_boost TARGET) non_native_target_link_libraries(${TARGET} Boost 1.59 ${ARGN}) endmacro() link_boost(util filesystem thread) # Make sure boost uses std::atomic (it doesn't before 1.63) target_compile_definitions(util PUBLIC BOOST_SP_USE_STD_ATOMIC BOOST_AC_USE_STD_ATOMIC) function(add_network_sources NETWORK_SOURCES) set(NETWORK_DIR abc) list(TRANSFORM ARGN PREPEND "networks/${NETWORK_DIR}/" OUTPUT_VARIABLE NETWORK_SOURCES ) set(NETWORK_SOURCES ${NETWORK_SOURCES} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() add_network_sources(NETWORK_SOURCES checkpoints.cpp network.cpp chainparamsconstants.cpp ) # More completely unrelated features shared by all executables. # Because nothing says this is different from util than "common" add_library(common amount.cpp base58.cpp bloom.cpp cashaddr.cpp cashaddrenc.cpp chainparams.cpp chainparamsconstants.cpp config.cpp consensus/merkle.cpp coins.cpp compressor.cpp eventloop.cpp feerate.cpp core_read.cpp core_write.cpp key.cpp key_io.cpp merkleblock.cpp net_permissions.cpp netaddress.cpp netbase.cpp outputtype.cpp policy/policy.cpp primitives/block.cpp protocol.cpp psbt.cpp rpc/rawtransaction_util.cpp rpc/util.cpp scheduler.cpp salteduint256hasher.cpp versionbitsinfo.cpp warnings.cpp ${NETWORK_SOURCES} ) target_link_libraries(common bitcoinconsensus util secp256k1 script) # script library add_library(script script/bitfield.cpp script/descriptor.cpp script/interpreter.cpp script/script.cpp script/script_error.cpp script/sigencoding.cpp script/sign.cpp script/signingprovider.cpp script/standard.cpp ) target_link_libraries(script common) # libbitcoinconsensus add_library(bitcoinconsensus arith_uint256.cpp hash.cpp primitives/transaction.cpp pubkey.cpp uint256.cpp util/strencodings.cpp consensus/tx_check.cpp ) target_link_libraries(bitcoinconsensus script) include(InstallationHelper) if(BUILD_LIBBITCOINCONSENSUS) target_compile_definitions(bitcoinconsensus PUBLIC BUILD_BITCOIN_INTERNAL HAVE_CONSENSUS_LIB ) install_shared_library(bitcoinconsensus script/bitcoinconsensus.cpp PUBLIC_HEADER script/bitcoinconsensus.h ) endif() # Bitcoin server facilities add_library(server addrdb.cpp addrman.cpp avalanche/delegation.cpp avalanche/delegationbuilder.cpp avalanche/peermanager.cpp avalanche/processor.cpp avalanche/proof.cpp avalanche/proofbuilder.cpp banman.cpp blockencodings.cpp blockfilter.cpp blockindex.cpp chain.cpp checkpoints.cpp config.cpp consensus/activation.cpp consensus/tx_verify.cpp dbwrapper.cpp flatfile.cpp httprpc.cpp httpserver.cpp index/base.cpp index/blockfilterindex.cpp index/txindex.cpp init.cpp interfaces/chain.cpp interfaces/node.cpp miner.cpp minerfund.cpp net.cpp net_processing.cpp node/coin.cpp node/coinstats.cpp node/context.cpp node/psbt.cpp node/transaction.cpp node/ui_interface.cpp noui.cpp policy/fees.cpp policy/settings.cpp pow/aserti32d.cpp pow/daa.cpp pow/eda.cpp pow/grasberg.cpp pow/pow.cpp rest.cpp rpc/abc.cpp rpc/avalanche.cpp rpc/blockchain.cpp rpc/command.cpp rpc/mining.cpp rpc/misc.cpp rpc/net.cpp rpc/rawtransaction.cpp rpc/server.cpp script/scriptcache.cpp script/sigcache.cpp shutdown.cpp timedata.cpp torcontrol.cpp txdb.cpp txmempool.cpp validation.cpp validationinterface.cpp versionbits.cpp ) target_include_directories(server PRIVATE leveldb/helpers/memenv) target_link_libraries(server bitcoinconsensus leveldb memenv ) link_event(server event) if(NOT ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Windows") link_event(server pthreads) endif() if(ENABLE_UPNP) find_package(MiniUPnPc 1.9 REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(server MiniUPnPc::miniupnpc) if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Windows") # TODO: check if we are really using a static library. Assume this is # the one from the depends for now since the native windows build is not # supported. target_compile_definitions(server PUBLIC -DSTATICLIB PUBLIC -DMINIUPNP_STATICLIB ) endif() endif() # Test suites. add_subdirectory(test) add_subdirectory(avalanche/test) add_subdirectory(pow/test) # Benchmark suite. add_subdirectory(bench) include(BinaryTest) include(WindowsVersionInfo) # Wallet if(BUILD_BITCOIN_WALLET) add_subdirectory(wallet) target_link_libraries(server wallet) # bitcoin-wallet add_executable(bitcoin-wallet bitcoin-wallet.cpp) generate_windows_version_info(bitcoin-wallet DESCRIPTION "CLI tool for ${PACKAGE_NAME} wallets" ) target_link_libraries(bitcoin-wallet wallet-tool common util) add_to_symbols_check(bitcoin-wallet) add_to_security_check(bitcoin-wallet) install_target(bitcoin-wallet) install_manpages(bitcoin-wallet) else() target_sources(server PRIVATE dummywallet.cpp) endif() # ZeroMQ if(BUILD_BITCOIN_ZMQ) add_subdirectory(zmq) target_link_libraries(server zmq) endif() # RPC client support add_library(rpcclient compat/stdin.cpp rpc/client.cpp ) target_link_libraries(rpcclient univalue util) # bitcoin-seeder if(BUILD_BITCOIN_SEEDER) add_subdirectory(seeder) endif() # bitcoin-cli if(BUILD_BITCOIN_CLI) add_executable(bitcoin-cli bitcoin-cli.cpp) generate_windows_version_info(bitcoin-cli DESCRIPTION "JSON-RPC client for ${PACKAGE_NAME}" ) target_link_libraries(bitcoin-cli common rpcclient) link_event(bitcoin-cli event) add_to_symbols_check(bitcoin-cli) add_to_security_check(bitcoin-cli) install_target(bitcoin-cli) install_manpages(bitcoin-cli) endif() # bitcoin-tx if(BUILD_BITCOIN_TX) add_executable(bitcoin-tx bitcoin-tx.cpp) generate_windows_version_info(bitcoin-tx DESCRIPTION "CLI Bitcoin transaction editor utility" ) target_link_libraries(bitcoin-tx bitcoinconsensus) add_to_symbols_check(bitcoin-tx) add_to_security_check(bitcoin-tx) install_target(bitcoin-tx) install_manpages(bitcoin-tx) endif() # bitcoind add_executable(bitcoind bitcoind.cpp) target_link_libraries(bitcoind server) generate_windows_version_info(bitcoind DESCRIPTION "Bitcoin node with a JSON-RPC server" ) add_to_symbols_check(bitcoind) add_to_security_check(bitcoind) install_target(bitcoind) install_manpages(bitcoind) # Bitcoin-qt if(BUILD_BITCOIN_QT) add_subdirectory(qt) endif() diff --git a/src/logging/timer.h b/src/logging/timer.h index 4fcda8ff2..a97a16827 100644 --- a/src/logging/timer.h +++ b/src/logging/timer.h @@ -1,92 +1,89 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_LOGGING_TIMER_H #define BITCOIN_LOGGING_TIMER_H #include #include #include #include #include namespace BCLog { //! RAII-style object that outputs timing information to logs. template class Timer { public: //! If log_category is left as the default, end_msg will log unconditionally //! (instead of being filtered by category). Timer(std::string prefix, std::string end_msg, BCLog::LogFlags log_category = BCLog::LogFlags::ALL) : m_prefix(std::move(prefix)), m_title(std::move(end_msg)), m_log_category(log_category) { this->Log(strprintf("%s started", m_title)); m_start_t = GetTime(); } ~Timer() { this->Log(strprintf("%s completed", m_title)); } void Log(const std::string &msg) { const std::string full_msg = this->LogMsg(msg); if (m_log_category == BCLog::LogFlags::ALL) { LogPrintf("%s\n", full_msg); } else { LogPrint(m_log_category, "%s\n", full_msg); } } std::string LogMsg(const std::string &msg) { const auto end_time = GetTime() - m_start_t; if (m_start_t.count() <= 0) { return strprintf("%s: %s", m_prefix, msg); } std::string units = ""; float divisor = 1; if (std::is_same::value) { units = "μs"; } else if (std::is_same::value) { units = "ms"; divisor = 1000.; } else if (std::is_same::value) { units = "s"; divisor = 1000. * 1000.; } const float time_ms = end_time.count() / divisor; return strprintf("%s: %s (%.2f%s)", m_prefix, msg, time_ms, units); } private: std::chrono::microseconds m_start_t{}; //! Log prefix; usually the name of the function this was created in. const std::string m_prefix{}; //! A descriptive message of what is being timed. const std::string m_title{}; //! Forwarded on to LogPrint if specified - has the effect of only //! outputing the timing log when a particular debug= category is specified. const BCLog::LogFlags m_log_category{}; }; } // namespace BCLog -#define LOG_TIME_MICROS(end_msg, ...) \ - BCLog::Timer PASTE2( \ - logging_timer, __COUNTER__)(__func__, end_msg, ##__VA_ARGS__) -#define LOG_TIME_MILLIS(end_msg, ...) \ +#define LOG_TIME_MILLIS_WITH_CATEGORY(end_msg, log_category) \ BCLog::Timer PASTE2( \ - logging_timer, __COUNTER__)(__func__, end_msg, ##__VA_ARGS__) -#define LOG_TIME_SECONDS(end_msg, ...) \ - BCLog::Timer PASTE2(logging_timer, __COUNTER__)( \ - __func__, end_msg, ##__VA_ARGS__) + logging_timer, __COUNTER__)(__func__, end_msg, log_category) +#define LOG_TIME_SECONDS(end_msg) \ + BCLog::Timer PASTE2(logging_timer, \ + __COUNTER__)(__func__, end_msg) #endif // BITCOIN_LOGGING_TIMER_H diff --git a/src/prevector.h b/src/prevector.h index 6ae8d774b..8dc64a306 100644 --- a/src/prevector.h +++ b/src/prevector.h @@ -1,613 +1,615 @@ // Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_PREVECTOR_H #define BITCOIN_PREVECTOR_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Implements a drop-in replacement for std::vector which stores up to N * elements directly (without heap allocation). The types Size and Diff are used * to store element counts, and can be any unsigned + signed type. * * Storage layout is either: * - Direct allocation: * - Size _size: the number of used elements (between 0 and N) * - T direct[N]: an array of N elements of type T * (only the first _size are initialized). * - Indirect allocation: * - Size _size: the number of used elements plus N + 1 * - Size capacity: the number of allocated elements * - T* indirect: a pointer to an array of capacity elements of type T * (only the first _size are initialized). * * The data type T must be movable by memmove/realloc(). Once we switch to C++, * move constructors can be used instead. */ template class prevector { public: typedef Size size_type; typedef Diff difference_type; typedef T value_type; typedef value_type &reference; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type *pointer; typedef const value_type *const_pointer; class iterator { T *ptr; public: typedef Diff difference_type; typedef T value_type; typedef T *pointer; typedef T &reference; typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; iterator() : ptr(nullptr) {} iterator(T *ptr_) : ptr(ptr_) {} T &operator*() const { return *ptr; } T *operator->() const { return ptr; } T &operator[](size_type pos) { return ptr[pos]; } const T &operator[](size_type pos) const { return ptr[pos]; } iterator &operator++() { ptr++; return *this; } iterator &operator--() { ptr--; return *this; } iterator operator++(int) { iterator copy(*this); ++(*this); return copy; } iterator operator--(int) { iterator copy(*this); --(*this); return copy; } difference_type friend operator-(iterator a, iterator b) { return (&(*a) - &(*b)); } iterator operator+(size_type n) { return iterator(ptr + n); } iterator &operator+=(size_type n) { ptr += n; return *this; } iterator operator-(size_type n) { return iterator(ptr - n); } iterator &operator-=(size_type n) { ptr -= n; return *this; } bool operator==(iterator x) const { return ptr == x.ptr; } bool operator!=(iterator x) const { return ptr != x.ptr; } bool operator>=(iterator x) const { return ptr >= x.ptr; } bool operator<=(iterator x) const { return ptr <= x.ptr; } bool operator>(iterator x) const { return ptr > x.ptr; } bool operator<(iterator x) const { return ptr < x.ptr; } }; class reverse_iterator { T *ptr; public: typedef Diff difference_type; typedef T value_type; typedef T *pointer; typedef T &reference; typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; reverse_iterator() : ptr(nullptr) {} reverse_iterator(T *ptr_) : ptr(ptr_) {} T &operator*() { return *ptr; } const T &operator*() const { return *ptr; } T *operator->() { return ptr; } const T *operator->() const { return ptr; } reverse_iterator &operator--() { ptr++; return *this; } reverse_iterator &operator++() { ptr--; return *this; } reverse_iterator operator++(int) { reverse_iterator copy(*this); ++(*this); return copy; } reverse_iterator operator--(int) { reverse_iterator copy(*this); --(*this); return copy; } bool operator==(reverse_iterator x) const { return ptr == x.ptr; } bool operator!=(reverse_iterator x) const { return ptr != x.ptr; } }; class const_iterator { const T *ptr; public: typedef Diff difference_type; typedef const T value_type; typedef const T *pointer; typedef const T &reference; typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; const_iterator() : ptr(nullptr) {} const_iterator(const T *ptr_) : ptr(ptr_) {} const_iterator(iterator x) : ptr(&(*x)) {} const T &operator*() const { return *ptr; } const T *operator->() const { return ptr; } const T &operator[](size_type pos) const { return ptr[pos]; } const_iterator &operator++() { ptr++; return *this; } const_iterator &operator--() { ptr--; return *this; } const_iterator operator++(int) { const_iterator copy(*this); ++(*this); return copy; } const_iterator operator--(int) { const_iterator copy(*this); --(*this); return copy; } difference_type friend operator-(const_iterator a, const_iterator b) { return (&(*a) - &(*b)); } const_iterator operator+(size_type n) { return const_iterator(ptr + n); } const_iterator &operator+=(size_type n) { ptr += n; return *this; } const_iterator operator-(size_type n) { return const_iterator(ptr - n); } const_iterator &operator-=(size_type n) { ptr -= n; return *this; } bool operator==(const_iterator x) const { return ptr == x.ptr; } bool operator!=(const_iterator x) const { return ptr != x.ptr; } bool operator>=(const_iterator x) const { return ptr >= x.ptr; } bool operator<=(const_iterator x) const { return ptr <= x.ptr; } bool operator>(const_iterator x) const { return ptr > x.ptr; } bool operator<(const_iterator x) const { return ptr < x.ptr; } }; class const_reverse_iterator { const T *ptr; public: typedef Diff difference_type; typedef const T value_type; typedef const T *pointer; typedef const T &reference; typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; const_reverse_iterator() : ptr(nullptr) {} const_reverse_iterator(const T *ptr_) : ptr(ptr_) {} const_reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator x) : ptr(&(*x)) {} const T &operator*() const { return *ptr; } const T *operator->() const { return ptr; } const_reverse_iterator &operator--() { ptr++; return *this; } const_reverse_iterator &operator++() { ptr--; return *this; } const_reverse_iterator operator++(int) { const_reverse_iterator copy(*this); ++(*this); return copy; } const_reverse_iterator operator--(int) { const_reverse_iterator copy(*this); --(*this); return copy; } bool operator==(const_reverse_iterator x) const { return ptr == x.ptr; } bool operator!=(const_reverse_iterator x) const { return ptr != x.ptr; } }; private: #pragma pack(push, 1) union direct_or_indirect { char direct[sizeof(T) * N]; struct { char *indirect; size_type capacity; - }; + } indirect_contents; }; #pragma pack(pop) alignas(char *) direct_or_indirect _union = {}; size_type _size = 0; static_assert(alignof(char *) % alignof(size_type) == 0 && sizeof(char *) % alignof(size_type) == 0, "size_type cannot have more restrictive alignment " "requirement than pointer"); static_assert(alignof(char *) % alignof(T) == 0, "value_type T cannot have more restrictive alignment " "requirement than pointer"); T *direct_ptr(difference_type pos) { return reinterpret_cast(_union.direct) + pos; } const T *direct_ptr(difference_type pos) const { return reinterpret_cast(_union.direct) + pos; } T *indirect_ptr(difference_type pos) { - return reinterpret_cast(_union.indirect) + pos; + return reinterpret_cast(_union.indirect_contents.indirect) + pos; } const T *indirect_ptr(difference_type pos) const { - return reinterpret_cast(_union.indirect) + pos; + return reinterpret_cast(_union.indirect_contents.indirect) + + pos; } bool is_direct() const { return _size <= N; } void change_capacity(size_type new_capacity) { if (new_capacity <= N) { if (!is_direct()) { T *indirect = indirect_ptr(0); T *src = indirect; T *dst = direct_ptr(0); memcpy(dst, src, size() * sizeof(T)); free(indirect); _size -= N + 1; } } else { if (!is_direct()) { // FIXME: Because malloc/realloc here won't call new_handler if // allocation fails, assert success. These should instead use an // allocator or new/delete so that handlers are called as // necessary, but performance would be slightly degraded by // doing so. - _union.indirect = static_cast(realloc( - _union.indirect, ((size_t)sizeof(T)) * new_capacity)); - assert(_union.indirect); - _union.capacity = new_capacity; + _union.indirect_contents.indirect = static_cast( + realloc(_union.indirect_contents.indirect, + ((size_t)sizeof(T)) * new_capacity)); + assert(_union.indirect_contents.indirect); + _union.indirect_contents.capacity = new_capacity; } else { char *new_indirect = static_cast( malloc(((size_t)sizeof(T)) * new_capacity)); assert(new_indirect); T *src = direct_ptr(0); T *dst = reinterpret_cast(new_indirect); memcpy(dst, src, size() * sizeof(T)); - _union.indirect = new_indirect; - _union.capacity = new_capacity; + _union.indirect_contents.indirect = new_indirect; + _union.indirect_contents.capacity = new_capacity; _size += N + 1; } } } T *item_ptr(difference_type pos) { return is_direct() ? direct_ptr(pos) : indirect_ptr(pos); } const T *item_ptr(difference_type pos) const { return is_direct() ? direct_ptr(pos) : indirect_ptr(pos); } void fill(T *dst, ptrdiff_t count, const T &value = T{}) { std::fill_n(dst, count, value); } template void fill(T *dst, InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { while (first != last) { new (static_cast(dst)) T(*first); ++dst; ++first; } } public: void assign(size_type n, const T &val) { clear(); if (capacity() < n) { change_capacity(n); } _size += n; fill(item_ptr(0), n, val); } template void assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { size_type n = last - first; clear(); if (capacity() < n) { change_capacity(n); } _size += n; fill(item_ptr(0), first, last); } prevector() {} explicit prevector(size_type n) { resize(n); } explicit prevector(size_type n, const T &val) { change_capacity(n); _size += n; fill(item_ptr(0), n, val); } template prevector(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { size_type n = last - first; change_capacity(n); _size += n; fill(item_ptr(0), first, last); } prevector(const prevector &other) { size_type n = other.size(); change_capacity(n); _size += n; fill(item_ptr(0), other.begin(), other.end()); } prevector(prevector &&other) { swap(other); } prevector &operator=(const prevector &other) { if (&other == this) { return *this; } assign(other.begin(), other.end()); return *this; } prevector &operator=(prevector &&other) { swap(other); return *this; } size_type size() const { return is_direct() ? _size : _size - N - 1; } bool empty() const { return size() == 0; } iterator begin() { return iterator(item_ptr(0)); } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(item_ptr(0)); } iterator end() { return iterator(item_ptr(size())); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(item_ptr(size())); } reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(item_ptr(size() - 1)); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(item_ptr(size() - 1)); } reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(item_ptr(-1)); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(item_ptr(-1)); } size_t capacity() const { if (is_direct()) { return N; } else { - return _union.capacity; + return _union.indirect_contents.capacity; } } T &operator[](size_type pos) { return *item_ptr(pos); } const T &operator[](size_type pos) const { return *item_ptr(pos); } void resize(size_type new_size) { size_type cur_size = size(); if (cur_size == new_size) { return; } if (cur_size > new_size) { erase(item_ptr(new_size), end()); return; } if (new_size > capacity()) { change_capacity(new_size); } ptrdiff_t increase = new_size - cur_size; fill(item_ptr(cur_size), increase); _size += increase; } void reserve(size_type new_capacity) { if (new_capacity > capacity()) { change_capacity(new_capacity); } } void shrink_to_fit() { change_capacity(size()); } void clear() { resize(0); } iterator insert(iterator pos, const T &value) { size_type p = pos - begin(); size_type new_size = size() + 1; if (capacity() < new_size) { change_capacity(new_size + (new_size >> 1)); } T *ptr = item_ptr(p); memmove(ptr + 1, ptr, (size() - p) * sizeof(T)); _size++; new (static_cast(ptr)) T(value); return iterator(ptr); } void insert(iterator pos, size_type count, const T &value) { size_type p = pos - begin(); size_type new_size = size() + count; if (capacity() < new_size) { change_capacity(new_size + (new_size >> 1)); } T *ptr = item_ptr(p); memmove(ptr + count, ptr, (size() - p) * sizeof(T)); _size += count; fill(item_ptr(p), count, value); } template void insert(iterator pos, InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { size_type p = pos - begin(); difference_type count = last - first; size_type new_size = size() + count; if (capacity() < new_size) { change_capacity(new_size + (new_size >> 1)); } T *ptr = item_ptr(p); memmove(ptr + count, ptr, (size() - p) * sizeof(T)); _size += count; fill(ptr, first, last); } inline void resize_uninitialized(size_type new_size) { // resize_uninitialized changes the size of the prevector but does not // initialize it. If size < new_size, the added elements must be // initialized explicitly. if (capacity() < new_size) { change_capacity(new_size); _size += new_size - size(); return; } if (new_size < size()) { erase(item_ptr(new_size), end()); } else { _size += new_size - size(); } } iterator erase(iterator pos) { return erase(pos, pos + 1); } iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last) { // Erase is not allowed to the change the object's capacity. That means // that when starting with an indirectly allocated prevector with // size and capacity > N, the result may be a still indirectly allocated // prevector with size <= N and capacity > N. A shrink_to_fit() call is // necessary to switch to the (more efficient) directly allocated // representation (with capacity N and size <= N). iterator p = first; char *endp = (char *)&(*end()); if (!std::is_trivially_destructible::value) { while (p != last) { (*p).~T(); _size--; ++p; } } else { _size -= last - p; } memmove(&(*first), &(*last), endp - ((char *)(&(*last)))); return first; } template void emplace_back(Args &&... args) { size_type new_size = size() + 1; if (capacity() < new_size) { change_capacity(new_size + (new_size >> 1)); } new (item_ptr(size())) T(std::forward(args)...); _size++; } void push_back(const T &value) { emplace_back(value); } void pop_back() { erase(end() - 1, end()); } T &front() { return *item_ptr(0); } const T &front() const { return *item_ptr(0); } T &back() { return *item_ptr(size() - 1); } const T &back() const { return *item_ptr(size() - 1); } void swap(prevector &other) { std::swap(_union, other._union); std::swap(_size, other._size); } ~prevector() { if (!std::is_trivially_destructible::value) { clear(); } if (!is_direct()) { - free(_union.indirect); - _union.indirect = nullptr; + free(_union.indirect_contents.indirect); + _union.indirect_contents.indirect = nullptr; } } bool operator==(const prevector &other) const { if (other.size() != size()) { return false; } const_iterator b1 = begin(); const_iterator b2 = other.begin(); const_iterator e1 = end(); while (b1 != e1) { if ((*b1) != (*b2)) { return false; } ++b1; ++b2; } return true; } bool operator!=(const prevector &other) const { return !(*this == other); } bool operator<(const prevector &other) const { if (size() < other.size()) { return true; } if (size() > other.size()) { return false; } const_iterator b1 = begin(); const_iterator b2 = other.begin(); const_iterator e1 = end(); while (b1 != e1) { if ((*b1) < (*b2)) { return true; } if ((*b2) < (*b1)) { return false; } ++b1; ++b2; } return false; } size_t allocated_memory() const { if (is_direct()) { return 0; } else { - return ((size_t)(sizeof(T))) * _union.capacity; + return ((size_t)(sizeof(T))) * _union.indirect_contents.capacity; } } value_type *data() { return item_ptr(0); } const value_type *data() const { return item_ptr(0); } }; #endif // BITCOIN_PREVECTOR_H diff --git a/src/validation.cpp b/src/validation.cpp index 1e02232b2..41453eec0 100644 --- a/src/validation.cpp +++ b/src/validation.cpp @@ -1,6066 +1,6069 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2017-2020 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // For ResetASERTAnchorBlockCache #include #include #include #include #include #include