diff --git a/src/qt/walletmodel.cpp b/src/qt/walletmodel.cpp index 23f2bd5ed..7683e09a7 100644 --- a/src/qt/walletmodel.cpp +++ b/src/qt/walletmodel.cpp @@ -1,689 +1,705 @@ // Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "walletmodel.h" #include "addresstablemodel.h" #include "consensus/validation.h" #include "guiconstants.h" #include "guiutil.h" #include "paymentserver.h" #include "recentrequeststablemodel.h" #include "transactiontablemodel.h" #include "dstencode.h" #include "keystore.h" #include "net.h" // for g_connman #include "sync.h" #include "ui_interface.h" #include "util.h" // for GetBoolArg #include "validation.h" #include "wallet/wallet.h" #include "wallet/walletdb.h" // for BackupWallet #include #include #include #include WalletModel::WalletModel(const PlatformStyle *platformStyle, CWallet *_wallet, OptionsModel *_optionsModel, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), wallet(_wallet), optionsModel(_optionsModel), addressTableModel(0), transactionTableModel(0), recentRequestsTableModel(0), cachedBalance(0), cachedUnconfirmedBalance(0), cachedImmatureBalance(0), cachedEncryptionStatus(Unencrypted), cachedNumBlocks(0) { fHaveWatchOnly = wallet->HaveWatchOnly(); fForceCheckBalanceChanged = false; addressTableModel = new AddressTableModel(wallet, this); transactionTableModel = new TransactionTableModel(platformStyle, wallet, this); recentRequestsTableModel = new RecentRequestsTableModel(wallet, this); // This timer will be fired repeatedly to update the balance pollTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(pollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(pollBalanceChanged())); pollTimer->start(MODEL_UPDATE_DELAY); subscribeToCoreSignals(); } WalletModel::~WalletModel() { unsubscribeFromCoreSignals(); } Amount WalletModel::getBalance(const CCoinControl *coinControl) const { if (coinControl) { Amount nBalance(0); std::vector vCoins; wallet->AvailableCoins(vCoins, true, coinControl); for (const COutput &out : vCoins) { if (out.fSpendable) nBalance += out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue; } return nBalance; } return wallet->GetBalance(); } Amount WalletModel::getUnconfirmedBalance() const { return wallet->GetUnconfirmedBalance(); } Amount WalletModel::getImmatureBalance() const { return wallet->GetImmatureBalance(); } bool WalletModel::haveWatchOnly() const { return fHaveWatchOnly; } Amount WalletModel::getWatchBalance() const { return wallet->GetWatchOnlyBalance(); } Amount WalletModel::getWatchUnconfirmedBalance() const { return wallet->GetUnconfirmedWatchOnlyBalance(); } Amount WalletModel::getWatchImmatureBalance() const { return wallet->GetImmatureWatchOnlyBalance(); } void WalletModel::updateStatus() { EncryptionStatus newEncryptionStatus = getEncryptionStatus(); if (cachedEncryptionStatus != newEncryptionStatus) Q_EMIT encryptionStatusChanged(newEncryptionStatus); } void WalletModel::pollBalanceChanged() { // Get required locks upfront. This avoids the GUI from getting stuck on // periodical polls if the core is holding the locks for a longer time - for // example, during a wallet rescan. TRY_LOCK(cs_main, lockMain); if (!lockMain) return; TRY_LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet, lockWallet); if (!lockWallet) return; if (fForceCheckBalanceChanged || chainActive.Height() != cachedNumBlocks) { fForceCheckBalanceChanged = false; // Balance and number of transactions might have changed cachedNumBlocks = chainActive.Height(); checkBalanceChanged(); if (transactionTableModel) transactionTableModel->updateConfirmations(); } } void WalletModel::checkBalanceChanged() { Amount newBalance(getBalance()); Amount newUnconfirmedBalance(getUnconfirmedBalance()); Amount newImmatureBalance(getImmatureBalance()); Amount newWatchOnlyBalance(0); Amount newWatchUnconfBalance(0); Amount newWatchImmatureBalance(0); if (haveWatchOnly()) { newWatchOnlyBalance = getWatchBalance(); newWatchUnconfBalance = getWatchUnconfirmedBalance(); newWatchImmatureBalance = getWatchImmatureBalance(); } if (cachedBalance != newBalance || cachedUnconfirmedBalance != newUnconfirmedBalance || cachedImmatureBalance != newImmatureBalance || cachedWatchOnlyBalance != newWatchOnlyBalance || cachedWatchUnconfBalance != newWatchUnconfBalance || cachedWatchImmatureBalance != newWatchImmatureBalance) { cachedBalance = newBalance; cachedUnconfirmedBalance = newUnconfirmedBalance; cachedImmatureBalance = newImmatureBalance; cachedWatchOnlyBalance = newWatchOnlyBalance; cachedWatchUnconfBalance = newWatchUnconfBalance; cachedWatchImmatureBalance = newWatchImmatureBalance; Q_EMIT balanceChanged(newBalance, newUnconfirmedBalance, newImmatureBalance, newWatchOnlyBalance, newWatchUnconfBalance, newWatchImmatureBalance); } } void WalletModel::updateTransaction() { // Balance and number of transactions might have changed fForceCheckBalanceChanged = true; } void WalletModel::updateAddressBook(const QString &address, const QString &label, bool isMine, const QString &purpose, int status) { if (addressTableModel) addressTableModel->updateEntry(address, label, isMine, purpose, status); } void WalletModel::updateWatchOnlyFlag(bool fHaveWatchonly) { fHaveWatchOnly = fHaveWatchonly; Q_EMIT notifyWatchonlyChanged(fHaveWatchonly); } bool WalletModel::validateAddress(const QString &address) { return IsValidDestinationString(address.toStdString()); } WalletModel::SendCoinsReturn WalletModel::prepareTransaction(WalletModelTransaction &transaction, const CCoinControl *coinControl) { Amount total(0); bool fSubtractFeeFromAmount = false; QList recipients = transaction.getRecipients(); std::vector vecSend; if (recipients.empty()) { return OK; } // Used to detect duplicates QSet setAddress; int nAddresses = 0; // Pre-check input data for validity for (const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp : recipients) { if (rcp.fSubtractFeeFromAmount) fSubtractFeeFromAmount = true; // PaymentRequest... if (rcp.paymentRequest.IsInitialized()) { Amount subtotal(0); const payments::PaymentDetails &details = rcp.paymentRequest.getDetails(); for (int i = 0; i < details.outputs_size(); i++) { const payments::Output &out = details.outputs(i); if (out.amount() <= 0) continue; subtotal += Amount(out.amount()); const uint8_t *scriptStr = (const uint8_t *)out.script().data(); CScript scriptPubKey(scriptStr, scriptStr + out.script().size()); Amount nAmount = Amount(out.amount()); CRecipient recipient = {scriptPubKey, Amount(nAmount), rcp.fSubtractFeeFromAmount}; vecSend.push_back(recipient); } if (subtotal <= Amount(0)) { return InvalidAmount; } total += subtotal; } else { // User-entered bitcoin address / amount: if (!validateAddress(rcp.address)) { return InvalidAddress; } if (rcp.amount <= Amount(0)) { return InvalidAmount; } setAddress.insert(rcp.address); ++nAddresses; CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(DecodeDestination( rcp.address.toStdString(), wallet->chainParams)); CRecipient recipient = {scriptPubKey, Amount(rcp.amount), rcp.fSubtractFeeFromAmount}; vecSend.push_back(recipient); total += rcp.amount; } } if (setAddress.size() != nAddresses) { return DuplicateAddress; } Amount nBalance = getBalance(coinControl); if (total > nBalance) { return AmountExceedsBalance; } { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); transaction.newPossibleKeyChange(wallet); Amount nFeeRequired(0); int nChangePosRet = -1; std::string strFailReason; CWalletTx *newTx = transaction.getTransaction(); CReserveKey *keyChange = transaction.getPossibleKeyChange(); bool fCreated = wallet->CreateTransaction(vecSend, *newTx, *keyChange, nFeeRequired, nChangePosRet, strFailReason, coinControl); transaction.setTransactionFee(nFeeRequired); if (fSubtractFeeFromAmount && fCreated) transaction.reassignAmounts(nChangePosRet); if (!fCreated) { if (!fSubtractFeeFromAmount && (total + nFeeRequired) > nBalance) { return SendCoinsReturn(AmountWithFeeExceedsBalance); } Q_EMIT message(tr("Send Coins"), QString::fromStdString(strFailReason), CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); return TransactionCreationFailed; } // reject absurdly high fee. (This can never happen because the wallet // caps the fee at maxTxFee. This merely serves as a belt-and-suspenders // check) if (nFeeRequired > Amount(maxTxFee)) return AbsurdFee; } return SendCoinsReturn(OK); } WalletModel::SendCoinsReturn WalletModel::sendCoins(WalletModelTransaction &transaction) { /* store serialized transaction */ QByteArray transaction_array; { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); CWalletTx *newTx = transaction.getTransaction(); for (const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp : transaction.getRecipients()) { if (rcp.paymentRequest.IsInitialized()) { // Make sure any payment requests involved are still valid. if (PaymentServer::verifyExpired( rcp.paymentRequest.getDetails())) { return PaymentRequestExpired; } // Store PaymentRequests in wtx.vOrderForm in wallet. std::string key("PaymentRequest"); std::string value; rcp.paymentRequest.SerializeToString(&value); newTx->vOrderForm.push_back(make_pair(key, value)); } else if (!rcp.message.isEmpty()) { // Message from normal bitcoincash:URI // (bitcoincash:123...?message=example) newTx->vOrderForm.push_back( make_pair("Message", rcp.message.toStdString())); } } CReserveKey *keyChange = transaction.getPossibleKeyChange(); CValidationState state; if (!wallet->CommitTransaction(*newTx, *keyChange, g_connman.get(), state)) return SendCoinsReturn( TransactionCommitFailed, QString::fromStdString(state.GetRejectReason())); CDataStream ssTx(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ssTx << *newTx->tx; transaction_array.append(&(ssTx[0]), ssTx.size()); } // Add addresses / update labels that we've sent to to the address book, and // emit coinsSent signal for each recipient for (const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp : transaction.getRecipients()) { // Don't touch the address book when we have a payment request if (!rcp.paymentRequest.IsInitialized()) { std::string strAddress = rcp.address.toStdString(); CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(strAddress, wallet->chainParams); std::string strLabel = rcp.label.toStdString(); { LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); std::map::iterator mi = wallet->mapAddressBook.find(dest); // Check if we have a new address or an updated label if (mi == wallet->mapAddressBook.end()) { wallet->SetAddressBook(dest, strLabel, "send"); } else if (mi->second.name != strLabel) { // "" means don't change purpose wallet->SetAddressBook(dest, strLabel, ""); } } } Q_EMIT coinsSent(wallet, rcp, transaction_array); } // update balance immediately, otherwise there could be a short noticeable // delay until pollBalanceChanged hits checkBalanceChanged(); return SendCoinsReturn(OK); } OptionsModel *WalletModel::getOptionsModel() { return optionsModel; } AddressTableModel *WalletModel::getAddressTableModel() { return addressTableModel; } TransactionTableModel *WalletModel::getTransactionTableModel() { return transactionTableModel; } RecentRequestsTableModel *WalletModel::getRecentRequestsTableModel() { return recentRequestsTableModel; } WalletModel::EncryptionStatus WalletModel::getEncryptionStatus() const { if (!wallet->IsCrypted()) { return Unencrypted; } else if (wallet->IsLocked()) { return Locked; } else { return Unlocked; } } bool WalletModel::setWalletEncrypted(bool encrypted, const SecureString &passphrase) { if (encrypted) { // Encrypt return wallet->EncryptWallet(passphrase); } else { // Decrypt -- TODO; not supported yet return false; } } bool WalletModel::setWalletLocked(bool locked, const SecureString &passPhrase) { if (locked) { // Lock return wallet->Lock(); } else { // Unlock return wallet->Unlock(passPhrase); } } bool WalletModel::changePassphrase(const SecureString &oldPass, const SecureString &newPass) { bool retval; { LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); // Make sure wallet is locked before attempting pass change wallet->Lock(); retval = wallet->ChangeWalletPassphrase(oldPass, newPass); } return retval; } bool WalletModel::backupWallet(const QString &filename) { return wallet->BackupWallet(filename.toLocal8Bit().data()); } // Handlers for core signals static void NotifyKeyStoreStatusChanged(WalletModel *walletmodel, CCryptoKeyStore *wallet) { qDebug() << "NotifyKeyStoreStatusChanged"; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(walletmodel, "updateStatus", Qt::QueuedConnection); } static void NotifyAddressBookChanged(WalletModel *walletmodel, CWallet *wallet, const CTxDestination &address, const std::string &label, bool isMine, const std::string &purpose, ChangeType status) { QString strAddress = QString::fromStdString(EncodeDestination(address)); QString strLabel = QString::fromStdString(label); QString strPurpose = QString::fromStdString(purpose); qDebug() << "NotifyAddressBookChanged: " + strAddress + " " + strLabel + " isMine=" + QString::number(isMine) + " purpose=" + strPurpose + " status=" + QString::number(status); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(walletmodel, "updateAddressBook", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, strAddress), Q_ARG(QString, strLabel), Q_ARG(bool, isMine), Q_ARG(QString, strPurpose), Q_ARG(int, status)); } static void NotifyTransactionChanged(WalletModel *walletmodel, CWallet *wallet, const uint256 &hash, ChangeType status) { Q_UNUSED(wallet); Q_UNUSED(hash); Q_UNUSED(status); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(walletmodel, "updateTransaction", Qt::QueuedConnection); } static void ShowProgress(WalletModel *walletmodel, const std::string &title, int nProgress) { // emits signal "showProgress" QMetaObject::invokeMethod(walletmodel, "showProgress", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(title)), Q_ARG(int, nProgress)); } static void NotifyWatchonlyChanged(WalletModel *walletmodel, bool fHaveWatchonly) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(walletmodel, "updateWatchOnlyFlag", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, fHaveWatchonly)); } void WalletModel::subscribeToCoreSignals() { // Connect signals to wallet wallet->NotifyStatusChanged.connect( boost::bind(&NotifyKeyStoreStatusChanged, this, _1)); wallet->NotifyAddressBookChanged.connect( boost::bind(NotifyAddressBookChanged, this, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6)); wallet->NotifyTransactionChanged.connect( boost::bind(NotifyTransactionChanged, this, _1, _2, _3)); wallet->ShowProgress.connect(boost::bind(ShowProgress, this, _1, _2)); wallet->NotifyWatchonlyChanged.connect( boost::bind(NotifyWatchonlyChanged, this, _1)); } void WalletModel::unsubscribeFromCoreSignals() { // Disconnect signals from wallet wallet->NotifyStatusChanged.disconnect( boost::bind(&NotifyKeyStoreStatusChanged, this, _1)); wallet->NotifyAddressBookChanged.disconnect( boost::bind(NotifyAddressBookChanged, this, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6)); wallet->NotifyTransactionChanged.disconnect( boost::bind(NotifyTransactionChanged, this, _1, _2, _3)); wallet->ShowProgress.disconnect(boost::bind(ShowProgress, this, _1, _2)); wallet->NotifyWatchonlyChanged.disconnect( boost::bind(NotifyWatchonlyChanged, this, _1)); } // WalletModel::UnlockContext implementation WalletModel::UnlockContext WalletModel::requestUnlock() { bool was_locked = getEncryptionStatus() == Locked; if (was_locked) { // Request UI to unlock wallet Q_EMIT requireUnlock(); } // If wallet is still locked, unlock was failed or cancelled, mark context // as invalid bool valid = getEncryptionStatus() != Locked; return UnlockContext(this, valid, was_locked); } WalletModel::UnlockContext::UnlockContext(WalletModel *_wallet, bool _valid, bool _relock) : wallet(_wallet), valid(_valid), relock(_relock) {} WalletModel::UnlockContext::~UnlockContext() { if (valid && relock) { wallet->setWalletLocked(true); } } void WalletModel::UnlockContext::CopyFrom(const UnlockContext &rhs) { // Transfer context; old object no longer relocks wallet *this = rhs; rhs.relock = false; } bool WalletModel::getPubKey(const CKeyID &address, CPubKey &vchPubKeyOut) const { return wallet->GetPubKey(address, vchPubKeyOut); } bool WalletModel::IsSpendable(const CTxDestination &dest) const { return IsMine(*wallet, dest) & ISMINE_SPENDABLE; } bool WalletModel::getPrivKey(const CKeyID &address, CKey &vchPrivKeyOut) const { return wallet->GetKey(address, vchPrivKeyOut); } // returns a list of COutputs from COutPoints void WalletModel::getOutputs(const std::vector &vOutpoints, std::vector &vOutputs) { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); for (const COutPoint &outpoint : vOutpoints) { - if (!wallet->mapWallet.count(outpoint.hash)) continue; - int nDepth = wallet->mapWallet[outpoint.hash].GetDepthInMainChain(); - if (nDepth < 0) continue; - COutput out(&wallet->mapWallet[outpoint.hash], outpoint.n, nDepth, - true /* spendable */, true /* solvable */, true /* safe */); + if (!wallet->mapWallet.count(outpoint.GetTxId())) { + continue; + } + int nDepth = + wallet->mapWallet[outpoint.GetTxId()].GetDepthInMainChain(); + if (nDepth < 0) { + continue; + } + COutput out(&wallet->mapWallet[outpoint.GetTxId()], outpoint.GetN(), + nDepth, true /* spendable */, true /* solvable */, + true /* safe */); vOutputs.push_back(out); } } bool WalletModel::isSpent(const COutPoint &outpoint) const { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); - return wallet->IsSpent(outpoint.hash, outpoint.n); + return wallet->IsSpent(outpoint.GetTxId(), outpoint.GetN()); } // AvailableCoins + LockedCoins grouped by wallet address (put change in one // group with wallet address) void WalletModel::listCoins( std::map> &mapCoins) const { std::vector vCoins; wallet->AvailableCoins(vCoins); // ListLockedCoins, mapWallet LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); std::vector vLockedCoins; wallet->ListLockedCoins(vLockedCoins); // add locked coins for (const COutPoint &outpoint : vLockedCoins) { - if (!wallet->mapWallet.count(outpoint.hash)) continue; - int nDepth = wallet->mapWallet[outpoint.hash].GetDepthInMainChain(); - if (nDepth < 0) continue; - COutput out(&wallet->mapWallet[outpoint.hash], outpoint.n, nDepth, - true /* spendable */, true /* solvable */, true /* safe */); - if (outpoint.n < out.tx->tx->vout.size() && - wallet->IsMine(out.tx->tx->vout[outpoint.n]) == ISMINE_SPENDABLE) { + if (!wallet->mapWallet.count(outpoint.GetTxId())) { + continue; + } + int nDepth = + wallet->mapWallet[outpoint.GetTxId()].GetDepthInMainChain(); + if (nDepth < 0) { + continue; + } + COutput out(&wallet->mapWallet[outpoint.GetTxId()], outpoint.GetN(), + nDepth, true /* spendable */, true /* solvable */, + true /* safe */); + if (outpoint.GetN() < out.tx->tx->vout.size() && + wallet->IsMine(out.tx->tx->vout[outpoint.GetN()]) == + ISMINE_SPENDABLE) { vCoins.push_back(out); } } for (const COutput &out : vCoins) { COutput cout = out; while (wallet->IsChange(cout.tx->tx->vout[cout.i]) && cout.tx->tx->vin.size() > 0 && wallet->IsMine(cout.tx->tx->vin[0])) { - if (!wallet->mapWallet.count(cout.tx->tx->vin[0].prevout.hash)) + if (!wallet->mapWallet.count( + cout.tx->tx->vin[0].prevout.GetTxId())) { break; - cout = COutput(&wallet->mapWallet[cout.tx->tx->vin[0].prevout.hash], - cout.tx->tx->vin[0].prevout.n, 0 /* depth */, - true /* spendable */, true /* solvable */, - true /* safe */); + } + cout = COutput( + &wallet->mapWallet[cout.tx->tx->vin[0].prevout.GetTxId()], + cout.tx->tx->vin[0].prevout.GetN(), 0 /* depth */, + true /* spendable */, true /* solvable */, true /* safe */); } CTxDestination address; if (!out.fSpendable || !ExtractDestination(cout.tx->tx->vout[cout.i].scriptPubKey, - address)) + address)) { continue; + } mapCoins[QString::fromStdString(EncodeDestination(address))].push_back( out); } } bool WalletModel::isLockedCoin(uint256 hash, unsigned int n) const { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); return wallet->IsLockedCoin(hash, n); } void WalletModel::lockCoin(COutPoint &output) { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); wallet->LockCoin(output); } void WalletModel::unlockCoin(COutPoint &output) { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); wallet->UnlockCoin(output); } void WalletModel::listLockedCoins(std::vector &vOutpts) { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); wallet->ListLockedCoins(vOutpts); } void WalletModel::loadReceiveRequests( std::vector &vReceiveRequests) { LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); for (const std::pair &item : wallet->mapAddressBook) { for (const std::pair &item2 : item.second.destdata) if (item2.first.size() > 2 && item2.first.substr(0, 2) == "rr") // receive request vReceiveRequests.push_back(item2.second); } } bool WalletModel::saveReceiveRequest(const std::string &sAddress, const int64_t nId, const std::string &sRequest) { CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(sAddress, wallet->chainParams); std::stringstream ss; ss << nId; // "rr" prefix = "receive request" in destdata std::string key = "rr" + ss.str(); LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); if (sRequest.empty()) return wallet->EraseDestData(dest, key); else return wallet->AddDestData(dest, key, sRequest); } bool WalletModel::transactionCanBeAbandoned(uint256 hash) const { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); const CWalletTx *wtx = wallet->GetWalletTx(hash); if (!wtx || wtx->isAbandoned() || wtx->GetDepthInMainChain() > 0 || wtx->InMempool()) return false; return true; } bool WalletModel::abandonTransaction(uint256 hash) const { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); return wallet->AbandonTransaction(hash); } bool WalletModel::isWalletEnabled() { return !gArgs.GetBoolArg("-disablewallet", DEFAULT_DISABLE_WALLET); } bool WalletModel::hdEnabled() const { return wallet->IsHDEnabled(); } int WalletModel::getDefaultConfirmTarget() const { return nTxConfirmTarget; } const CChainParams &WalletModel::getChainParams() const { return wallet->chainParams; }