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Module containing the cxx definitions for the bridge from C++ to Rust. pub use self::ffi_inner::*; #[allow(unsafe_code)] #[cxx::bridge(namespace = "chronik_bridge")] mod ffi_inner { /// Info about a block #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct BlockInfo { /// Hash of the block (or 000...000 if no block) pub hash: [u8; 32], /// Height of the block (or -1 if no block) pub height: i32, } /// Block coming from bitcoind to Chronik. /// /// We don't index all fields (e.g. hashMerkleRoot), only those that are /// needed when querying a range of blocks. /// /// Instead of storing all the block data for Chronik again, we only store /// file_num, data_pos and undo_pos of the block data of the node. /// /// This makes the index relatively small, as it's mostly just pointing to /// the data the node already stores. /// /// Note that this prohibits us from using Chronik in pruned mode. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Block { /// Block hash pub hash: [u8; 32], /// hashPrevBlock, hash of the previous block in the chain pub prev_hash: [u8; 32], /// nBits, difficulty of the header pub n_bits: u32, /// Timestamp of the block pub timestamp: i64, /// Height of the block in the chain. pub height: i32, /// File number of the block file this block is stored in. /// This can be used to later slice out transactions, so we don't have /// to index txs twice. pub file_num: u32, /// Position of the block within the block file, starting at the block /// header. pub data_pos: u32, /// Position of the undo data within the undo file. pub undo_pos: u32, /// Serialized size of the block pub size: u64, /// Txs of this block, including positions within the block/undo files. pub txs: Vec, } /// Tx in a block #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct BlockTx { /// Tx (without disk data) pub tx: Tx, /// Where the tx is stored within the block file. pub data_pos: u32, /// Where the tx's undo data is stored within the block's undo file. pub undo_pos: u32, } /// CTransaction, in a block or in the mempool. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Tx { /// TxId of the tx. pub txid: [u8; 32], /// nVersion of the tx. pub version: i32, /// Tx inputs. pub inputs: Vec, /// Tx outputs. pub outputs: Vec, /// Locktime of the tx. pub locktime: u32, } /// COutPoint, pointing to a coin being spent. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct OutPoint { /// TxId of the output of the coin. pub txid: [u8; 32], /// Index in the outputs of the tx of the coin. pub out_idx: u32, } /// CTxIn, spending an unspent output. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct TxInput { /// Points to an output being spent. pub prev_out: OutPoint, /// scriptSig unlocking the output. pub script: Vec, /// nSequence. pub sequence: u32, /// Coin being spent by this tx. pub coin: Coin, } /// CTxOut, creating a new output. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct TxOutput { /// Value of the output. pub value: i64, /// Script locking the output. pub script: Vec, } /// Coin, can be spent by providing a valid unlocking script. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Coin { /// Output, locking the coins. pub output: TxOutput, /// Height of the coin in the chain. pub height: i32, /// Whether the coin is a coinbase. pub is_coinbase: bool, } #[allow(missing_debug_implementations)] unsafe extern "C++" { include!("blockindex.h"); include!("chronik-cpp/chronik_bridge.h"); include!("coins.h"); include!("node/context.h"); include!("primitives/block.h"); include!("primitives/transaction.h"); /// node::NodeContext from node/context.h #[namespace = "node"] type NodeContext; /// ::CBlockIndex from blockindex.h #[namespace = ""] type CBlockIndex; /// ::CBlock from primitives/block.h #[namespace = ""] type CBlock; /// ::Coin from coins.h (renamed to CCoin to prevent a name clash) #[namespace = ""] #[cxx_name = "Coin"] type CCoin; /// ::Config from config.h #[namespace = ""] type Config; /// ::CTransaction from primitives/transaction.h #[namespace = ""] type CTransaction; /// Bridge to bitcoind to access the node type ChronikBridge; /// Print the message to bitcoind's logs. fn log_print( logging_function: &str, source_file: &str, source_line: u32, msg: &str, ); /// Print the message to bitcoind's logs under the BCLog::Chronik /// category. fn log_print_chronik( logging_function: &str, source_file: &str, source_line: u32, msg: &str, ); /// Make the bridge given the NodeContext fn make_bridge( config: &Config, node: &NodeContext, ) -> UniquePtr; /// Return the tip of the chain of the node. /// Returns hash=000...000, height=-1 if there's no block on the chain. fn get_chain_tip(self: &ChronikBridge) -> Result<&CBlockIndex>; /// Lookup the block index with the given hash, or throw an error /// if it couldn't be found. fn lookup_block_index( self: &ChronikBridge, hash: [u8; 32], ) -> Result<&CBlockIndex>; /// Load the CBlock data of this CBlockIndex from the disk fn load_block( self: &ChronikBridge, block_index: &CBlockIndex, ) -> Result>; /// Find at which block the given block_index forks off from the node. fn find_fork( self: &ChronikBridge, block_index: &CBlockIndex, ) -> Result<&CBlockIndex>; /// Lookup the spent coins of a tx and fill them in in-place. /// - `not_found` will be the outpoints that couldn't be found in the /// node or the DB. /// - `coins_to_uncache` will be the outpoints that need to be uncached /// if the tx doesn't end up being broadcast. This is so that clients /// can't fill our cache with useless old coins. It mirrors the /// behavior of `MemPoolAccept::PreChecks`, which uncaches the queried /// coins if they don't end up being spent. fn lookup_spent_coins( self: &ChronikBridge, tx: &mut Tx, not_found: &mut Vec, coins_to_uncache: &mut Vec, ) -> Result<()>; /// Remove the coins from the coin cache. /// This must be done after a call to `lookup_spent_coins` where the tx /// wasn't broadcast, to avoid clients filling our cache with unneeded /// coins. fn uncache_coins( self: &ChronikBridge, coins: &[OutPoint], ) -> Result<()>; /// Add the given tx to the mempool, and if that succeeds, broadcast it /// to all our peers. /// Also check the actual tx fee doesn't exceed max_fee. /// Note max_fee is absolute, not a fee rate (as in sendrawtransaction). fn broadcast_tx( self: &ChronikBridge, raw_tx: &[u8], max_fee: i64, ) -> Result<[u8; 32]>; /// Bridge CTransaction -> ffi::Tx, using the given spent coins. fn bridge_tx( tx: &CTransaction, spent_coins: &CxxVector, ) -> Result; /// Bridge bitcoind's classes to the shared struct [`Block`]. fn bridge_block( block: &CBlock, block_index: &CBlockIndex, ) -> Result; /// Load the CTransaction and CTxUndo data from disk and turn it into a /// bridged Tx, containing spent coins etc. fn load_tx(file_num: u32, data_pos: u32, undo_pos: u32) -> Result; /// Load the CTransaction from disk and serialize it. fn load_raw_tx(file_num: u32, data_pos: u32) -> Result>; /// Get a BlockInfo for this CBlockIndex. fn get_block_info(block_index: &CBlockIndex) -> BlockInfo; /// CBlockIndex::GetAncestor fn get_block_ancestor( block_index: &CBlockIndex, height: i32, ) -> Result<&CBlockIndex>; /// Compress the given script using `ScriptCompression`. fn compress_script(script: &[u8]) -> Vec; /// Decompress the given script using `ScriptCompression`. fn decompress_script(compressed: &[u8]) -> Result>; /// Calc the fee in satoshis for the given tx size in bytes. fn calc_fee(num_bytes: usize, sats_fee_per_kb: i64) -> i64; /// Default maximum fee rate when broadcasting txs. fn default_max_raw_tx_fee_rate_per_kb() -> i64; + /// Calls `SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue` from validationinterface.h + /// to make sure wallet/indexes are synced. + fn sync_with_validation_interface_queue(); + /// Calls `InitError` from `node/ui_interface.h` to report an error to /// the user and then gracefully shut down the node. fn init_error(msg: &str) -> bool; /// Calls `AbortNode` from shutdown.h to gracefully shut down the node /// when an unrecoverable error occured. fn abort_node(msg: &str, user_msg: &str); /// Returns true if a shutdown is requested, false otherwise. /// See `ShutdownRequested` in `shutdown.h`. fn shutdown_requested() -> bool; } } /// SAFETY: All fields of ChronikBridge (const Consensus::Params &, const /// node::NodeContext &) can be moved betweed threads safely. #[allow(unsafe_code)] unsafe impl Send for ChronikBridge {} /// SAFETY: All fields of ChronikBridge (const Consensus::Params &, const /// node::NodeContext &) can be accessed from different threads safely. #[allow(unsafe_code)] unsafe impl Sync for ChronikBridge {} impl std::fmt::Debug for ChronikBridge { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ChronikBridge").finish_non_exhaustive() } } diff --git a/chronik/chronik-cpp/chronik_bridge.cpp b/chronik/chronik-cpp/chronik_bridge.cpp index 0d4aa24e1..59d8d9769 100644 --- a/chronik/chronik-cpp/chronik_bridge.cpp +++ b/chronik/chronik-cpp/chronik_bridge.cpp @@ -1,376 +1,381 @@ // Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include chronik_bridge::OutPoint BridgeOutPoint(const COutPoint &outpoint) { return { .txid = chronik::util::HashToArray(outpoint.GetTxId()), .out_idx = outpoint.GetN(), }; } chronik_bridge::TxOutput BridgeTxOutput(const CTxOut &output) { return { .value = output.nValue / Amount::satoshi(), .script = chronik::util::ToRustVec(output.scriptPubKey), }; } chronik_bridge::Coin BridgeCoin(const Coin &coin) { const int32_t nHeight = coin.GetHeight() == 0x7fff'ffff ? -1 : coin.GetHeight(); return { .output = BridgeTxOutput(coin.GetTxOut()), .height = nHeight, .is_coinbase = coin.IsCoinBase(), }; } rust::Vec BridgeTxInputs(bool isCoinbase, const std::vector &inputs, const std::vector &spent_coins) { rust::Vec bridged_inputs; bridged_inputs.reserve(inputs.size()); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < inputs.size(); ++idx) { const CTxIn &input = inputs[idx]; chronik_bridge::Coin bridge_coin{}; // empty coin if (!isCoinbase) { if (idx >= spent_coins.size()) { throw std::runtime_error("Missing coin for input"); } bridge_coin = BridgeCoin(spent_coins[idx]); } bridged_inputs.push_back({ .prev_out = BridgeOutPoint(input.prevout), .script = chronik::util::ToRustVec(input.scriptSig), .sequence = input.nSequence, .coin = std::move(bridge_coin), }); } return bridged_inputs; } rust::Vec BridgeTxOutputs(const std::vector &outputs) { rust::Vec bridged_outputs; bridged_outputs.reserve(outputs.size()); for (const CTxOut &output : outputs) { bridged_outputs.push_back(BridgeTxOutput(output)); } return bridged_outputs; } chronik_bridge::Tx BridgeTx(bool isCoinbase, const CTransaction &tx, const std::vector &spent_coins) { return { .txid = chronik::util::HashToArray(tx.GetId()), .version = tx.nVersion, .inputs = BridgeTxInputs(isCoinbase, tx.vin, spent_coins), .outputs = BridgeTxOutputs(tx.vout), .locktime = tx.nLockTime, }; } chronik_bridge::BlockTx BridgeBlockTx(bool isCoinbase, const CTransaction &tx, const std::vector &spent_coins, size_t data_pos, size_t undo_pos) { return {.tx = BridgeTx(isCoinbase, tx, spent_coins), .data_pos = uint32_t(data_pos), .undo_pos = uint32_t(isCoinbase ? 0 : undo_pos)}; } size_t GetFirstBlockTxOffset(const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex &bindex) { return bindex.nDataPos + ::GetSerializeSize(CBlockHeader()) + GetSizeOfCompactSize(block.vtx.size()); } size_t GetFirstUndoOffset(const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex &bindex) { // We have to -1 here, because coinbase txs don't have undo data. return bindex.nUndoPos + GetSizeOfCompactSize(block.vtx.size() - 1); } chronik_bridge::Block BridgeBlock(const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex &bindex) { size_t data_pos = GetFirstBlockTxOffset(block, bindex); size_t undo_pos = 0; CBlockUndo block_undo; // Read undo data (genesis block doesn't have undo data) if (bindex.nHeight > 0) { undo_pos = GetFirstUndoOffset(block, bindex); if (!node::UndoReadFromDisk(block_undo, &bindex)) { throw std::runtime_error("Reading block undo data failed"); } } rust::Vec bridged_txs; for (size_t tx_idx = 0; tx_idx < block.vtx.size(); ++tx_idx) { const bool isCoinbase = tx_idx == 0; const CTransaction &tx = *block.vtx[tx_idx]; if (!isCoinbase && tx_idx - 1 >= block_undo.vtxundo.size()) { throw std::runtime_error("Missing undo data for tx"); } const std::vector &spent_coins = isCoinbase ? std::vector() : block_undo.vtxundo[tx_idx - 1].vprevout; bridged_txs.push_back( BridgeBlockTx(isCoinbase, tx, spent_coins, data_pos, undo_pos)); // advance data_pos and undo_pos positions data_pos += ::GetSerializeSize(tx); if (!isCoinbase) { undo_pos += ::GetSerializeSize(block_undo.vtxundo[tx_idx - 1]); } } return {.hash = chronik::util::HashToArray(block.GetHash()), .prev_hash = chronik::util::HashToArray(block.hashPrevBlock), .n_bits = block.nBits, .timestamp = block.GetBlockTime(), .height = bindex.nHeight, .file_num = uint32_t(bindex.nFile), .data_pos = bindex.nDataPos, .undo_pos = bindex.nUndoPos, .size = ::GetSerializeSize(block), .txs = bridged_txs}; } namespace chronik_bridge { void log_print(const rust::Str logging_function, const rust::Str source_file, const uint32_t source_line, const rust::Str msg) { LogInstance().LogPrintStr(std::string(msg), std::string(logging_function), std::string(source_file), source_line); } void log_print_chronik(const rust::Str logging_function, const rust::Str source_file, const uint32_t source_line, const rust::Str msg) { if (LogInstance().WillLogCategory(BCLog::CHRONIK)) { log_print(logging_function, source_file, source_line, msg); } } const CBlockIndex &ChronikBridge::get_chain_tip() const { const CBlockIndex *tip = WITH_LOCK(cs_main, return m_node.chainman->ActiveTip()); if (tip == nullptr) { throw block_index_not_found(); } return *tip; } const CBlockIndex & ChronikBridge::lookup_block_index(std::array hash) const { BlockHash block_hash{chronik::util::ArrayToHash(hash)}; const CBlockIndex *pindex = WITH_LOCK( cs_main, return m_node.chainman->m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(block_hash)); if (!pindex) { throw block_index_not_found(); } return *pindex; } std::unique_ptr ChronikBridge::load_block(const CBlockIndex &bindex) const { CBlock block; if (!node::ReadBlockFromDisk(block, &bindex, m_consensus)) { throw std::runtime_error("Reading block data failed"); } return std::make_unique(std::move(block)); } Tx bridge_tx(const CTransaction &tx, const std::vector<::Coin> &spent_coins) { return BridgeTx(false, tx, spent_coins); } const CBlockIndex &ChronikBridge::find_fork(const CBlockIndex &index) const { const CBlockIndex *fork = WITH_LOCK( cs_main, return m_node.chainman->ActiveChainstate().m_chain.FindFork(&index)); if (!fork) { throw block_index_not_found(); } return *fork; } void ChronikBridge::lookup_spent_coins( Tx &tx, rust::Vec ¬_found, rust::Vec &coins_to_uncache) const { not_found.clear(); coins_to_uncache.clear(); LOCK(cs_main); CCoinsViewCache &coins_cache = m_node.chainman->ActiveChainstate().CoinsTip(); CCoinsViewMemPool coin_view(&coins_cache, *m_node.mempool); for (TxInput &input : tx.inputs) { TxId txid = TxId(chronik::util::ArrayToHash(input.prev_out.txid)); COutPoint outpoint = COutPoint(txid, input.prev_out.out_idx); // Remember if coin was already cached const bool had_cached = coins_cache.HaveCoinInCache(outpoint); ::Coin coin; if (!coin_view.GetCoin(outpoint, coin)) { not_found.push_back(input.prev_out); continue; } if (!had_cached) { // Only add if previously uncached. // We don't check if the prev_out is now cached (which wouldn't be // the case for a mempool UTXO), as uncaching an outpoint is cheap, // so we save one extra cache lookup here. coins_to_uncache.push_back(input.prev_out); } input.coin = BridgeCoin(coin); } } void ChronikBridge::uncache_coins( rust::Slice coins_to_uncache) const { LOCK(cs_main); CCoinsViewCache &coins_cache = m_node.chainman->ActiveChainstate().CoinsTip(); for (const OutPoint &outpoint : coins_to_uncache) { TxId txid = TxId(chronik::util::ArrayToHash(outpoint.txid)); coins_cache.Uncache(COutPoint(txid, outpoint.out_idx)); } } std::array ChronikBridge::broadcast_tx(rust::Slice raw_tx, int64_t max_fee) const { std::vector vec = chronik::util::FromRustSlice(raw_tx); CDataStream stream{vec, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION}; CMutableTransaction tx; stream >> tx; CTransactionRef tx_ref = MakeTransactionRef(tx); std::string err_str; TransactionError error = node::BroadcastTransaction( m_node, tx_ref, err_str, max_fee * Amount::satoshi(), /*relay=*/true, /*wait_callback=*/false); if (error != TransactionError::OK) { bilingual_str txErrorMsg = TransactionErrorString(error); if (err_str.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error(txErrorMsg.original.c_str()); } else { std::string msg = strprintf("%s: %s", txErrorMsg.original, err_str); throw std::runtime_error(msg.c_str()); } } return chronik::util::HashToArray(tx_ref->GetId()); } std::unique_ptr make_bridge(const Config &config, const node::NodeContext &node) { return std::make_unique( config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus(), node); } chronik_bridge::Block bridge_block(const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex &bindex) { return BridgeBlock(block, bindex); } Tx load_tx(uint32_t file_num, uint32_t data_pos, uint32_t undo_pos) { CMutableTransaction tx; CTxUndo txundo{}; const bool isCoinbase = undo_pos == 0; if (!node::ReadTxFromDisk(tx, FlatFilePos(file_num, data_pos))) { throw std::runtime_error("Reading tx data from disk failed"); } if (!isCoinbase) { if (!node::ReadTxUndoFromDisk(txundo, FlatFilePos(file_num, undo_pos))) { throw std::runtime_error("Reading tx undo data from disk failed"); } } return BridgeTx(isCoinbase, CTransaction(std::move(tx)), txundo.vprevout); } rust::Vec load_raw_tx(uint32_t file_num, uint32_t data_pos) { CMutableTransaction tx; if (!node::ReadTxFromDisk(tx, FlatFilePos(file_num, data_pos))) { throw std::runtime_error("Reading tx data from disk failed"); } CDataStream raw_tx{SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION}; raw_tx << tx; return chronik::util::ToRustVec(raw_tx); } BlockInfo get_block_info(const CBlockIndex &bindex) { return { .hash = chronik::util::HashToArray(bindex.GetBlockHash()), .height = bindex.nHeight, }; } const CBlockIndex &get_block_ancestor(const CBlockIndex &index, int32_t height) { const CBlockIndex *pindex = index.GetAncestor(height); if (!pindex) { throw block_index_not_found(); } return *pindex; } rust::Vec compress_script(rust::Slice bytecode) { std::vector vec = chronik::util::FromRustSlice(bytecode); CScript script{vec.begin(), vec.end()}; CDataStream compressed{SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION}; compressed << Using(script); return chronik::util::ToRustVec(compressed); } rust::Vec decompress_script(rust::Slice compressed) { std::vector vec = chronik::util::FromRustSlice(compressed); CDataStream stream{vec, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION}; CScript script; stream >> Using(script); return chronik::util::ToRustVec(script); } int64_t calc_fee(size_t num_bytes, int64_t sats_fee_per_kb) { return CFeeRate(sats_fee_per_kb * SATOSHI).GetFee(num_bytes) / SATOSHI; } int64_t default_max_raw_tx_fee_rate_per_kb() { return node::DEFAULT_MAX_RAW_TX_FEE_RATE.GetFeePerK() / SATOSHI; } +void sync_with_validation_interface_queue() { + SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue(); +} + bool init_error(const rust::Str msg) { return InitError(Untranslated(std::string(msg))); } void abort_node(const rust::Str msg, const rust::Str user_msg) { AbortNode(std::string(msg), Untranslated(std::string(user_msg))); } bool shutdown_requested() { return ShutdownRequested(); } } // namespace chronik_bridge diff --git a/chronik/chronik-cpp/chronik_bridge.h b/chronik/chronik-cpp/chronik_bridge.h index 68cbf8f11..b4431a837 100644 --- a/chronik/chronik-cpp/chronik_bridge.h +++ b/chronik/chronik-cpp/chronik_bridge.h @@ -1,106 +1,108 @@ // Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_CHRONIK_CPP_CHRONIK_BRIDGE_H #define BITCOIN_CHRONIK_CPP_CHRONIK_BRIDGE_H #include #include #include class CBlock; class CBlockIndex; class Coin; class Config; class CTransaction; namespace Consensus { struct Params; } // namespace Consensus namespace node { struct NodeContext; } // namespace node class uint256; namespace chronik_bridge { struct BlockInfo; struct Block; struct Tx; struct OutPoint; class block_index_not_found : public std::exception { public: const char *what() const noexcept override { return "CBlockIndex not found"; } }; void log_print(const rust::Str logging_function, const rust::Str source_file, const uint32_t source_line, const rust::Str msg); void log_print_chronik(const rust::Str logging_function, const rust::Str source_file, const uint32_t source_line, const rust::Str msg); /** * Bridge to bitcoind to access the node. */ class ChronikBridge { const Consensus::Params &m_consensus; const node::NodeContext &m_node; public: ChronikBridge(const Consensus::Params &consensus, const node::NodeContext &node) : m_consensus(consensus), m_node(node) {} const CBlockIndex &get_chain_tip() const; const CBlockIndex &lookup_block_index(std::array hash) const; std::unique_ptr load_block(const CBlockIndex &bindex) const; const CBlockIndex &find_fork(const CBlockIndex &index) const; void lookup_spent_coins(Tx &, rust::Vec ¬_found, rust::Vec &coins_to_uncache) const; void uncache_coins(rust::Slice) const; std::array broadcast_tx(rust::Slice raw_tx, int64_t max_fee) const; }; std::unique_ptr make_bridge(const Config &config, const node::NodeContext &node); Tx bridge_tx(const CTransaction &tx, const std::vector &spent_coins); Block bridge_block(const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex &bindex); Tx load_tx(uint32_t file_num, uint32_t data_pos, uint32_t undo_pos); rust::Vec load_raw_tx(uint32_t file_num, uint32_t data_pos); BlockInfo get_block_info(const CBlockIndex &index); const CBlockIndex &get_block_ancestor(const CBlockIndex &index, int32_t height); rust::Vec compress_script(rust::Slice script); rust::Vec decompress_script(rust::Slice compressed); int64_t calc_fee(size_t num_bytes, int64_t sats_fee_per_kb); int64_t default_max_raw_tx_fee_rate_per_kb(); +void sync_with_validation_interface_queue(); + bool init_error(const rust::Str msg); void abort_node(const rust::Str msg, const rust::Str user_msg); bool shutdown_requested(); } // namespace chronik_bridge #endif // BITCOIN_CHRONIK_CPP_CHRONIK_BRIDGE_H diff --git a/chronik/chronik-http/Cargo.toml b/chronik/chronik-http/Cargo.toml index a30e9beec..fffce8e3f 100644 --- a/chronik/chronik-http/Cargo.toml +++ b/chronik/chronik-http/Cargo.toml @@ -1,55 +1,56 @@ # Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin developers [package] name = "chronik-http" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" rust-version.workspace = true license = "MIT" [dependencies] abc-rust-error = { path = "../abc-rust-error" } abc-rust-lint = { path = "../abc-rust-lint" } bitcoinsuite-core = { path = "../bitcoinsuite-core" } bitcoinsuite-slp = { path = "../bitcoinsuite-slp" } +chronik-bridge = { path = "../chronik-bridge" } chronik-db = { path = "../chronik-db" } chronik-indexer = { path = "../chronik-indexer" } chronik-proto = { path = "../chronik-proto" } chronik-util = { path = "../chronik-util" } # Allow traits to use async functions async-trait = "0.1" # HTTP webapps axum = { version = "0.7", features = ["ws"] } # Async toolkit futures = "0.3" # En-/decode hex hex = "0.4" # HTTP types http = "1.0" # Helpers for dealing with the http 1.0 Body type http-body-util = "0.1" # HTTP implementation hyper = "1.1" # Protobuf en-/decoding prost = "0.11" # Derive error enums thiserror = "1.0" # Trait representing an asynchronous server. tower-service = "0.3" # Async runtime [dependencies.tokio] version = "1.25" features = ["sync", "rt", "rt-multi-thread", "macros"] diff --git a/chronik/chronik-http/src/server.rs b/chronik/chronik-http/src/server.rs index 13476ab3a..b1f3cd4eb 100644 --- a/chronik/chronik-http/src/server.rs +++ b/chronik/chronik-http/src/server.rs @@ -1,479 +1,492 @@ // Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. //! Module for [`ChronikServer`]. use std::collections::HashMap; use std::time::Duration; use std::{net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc}; use abc_rust_error::{Result, WrapErr}; use axum::{ extract::{Path, Query, WebSocketUpgrade}, response::IntoResponse, routing::{self, MethodFilter}, Extension, Router, }; use bitcoinsuite_core::tx::TxId; +use chronik_bridge::ffi; use chronik_indexer::{ indexer::{ChronikIndexer, Node}, pause::PauseNotify, }; use chronik_proto::proto; use thiserror::Error; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use crate::{ error::ReportError, handlers, protobuf::Protobuf, ws::handle_subscribe_socket, }; /// Ref-counted indexer with read or write access pub type ChronikIndexerRef = Arc>; /// Ref-counted access to the bitcoind node pub type NodeRef = Arc; /// Ref-counted pause notifier for Chronik indexing pub type PauseNotifyRef = Arc; /// Settings to tune Chronik #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ChronikSettings { /// Duration between WebSocket pings initiated by Chronik. pub ws_ping_interval: Duration, } /// Params defining what and where to serve for [`ChronikServer`]. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ChronikServerParams { /// Host address (port + IP) where to serve Chronik at. pub hosts: Vec, /// Indexer to read data from pub indexer: ChronikIndexerRef, /// Access to the bitcoind node pub node: NodeRef, /// Handle for pausing/resuming indexing any updates from the node pub pause_notify: PauseNotifyRef, /// Settings to tune Chronik pub settings: ChronikSettings, } /// Chronik HTTP server, holding all the data/handles required to serve an /// instance. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ChronikServer { tcp_listeners: Vec, indexer: ChronikIndexerRef, node: NodeRef, pause_notify: PauseNotifyRef, settings: ChronikSettings, } /// Errors for [`ChronikServer`]. #[derive(Debug, Eq, Error, PartialEq)] pub enum ChronikServerError { /// Binding to host address failed #[error("Chronik failed binding to {0}: {1}")] FailedBindingAddress(SocketAddr, String), /// Serving Chronik failed #[error("Chronik failed serving: {0}")] ServingFailed(String), /// Query is neither a hex hash nor an integer string #[error("400: Not a hash or height: {0}")] NotHashOrHeight(String), /// Query is not a txid #[error("400: Not a txid: {0}")] NotTxId(String), /// Block not found in DB #[error("404: Block not found: {0}")] BlockNotFound(String), } use self::ChronikServerError::*; impl ChronikServer { /// Binds the Chronik server on the given hosts pub fn setup(params: ChronikServerParams) -> Result { let tcp_listeners = params .hosts .into_iter() .map(|host| -> Result<_> { let tcp = std::net::TcpListener::bind(host).map_err(|err| { FailedBindingAddress(host, err.to_string()) })?; // Important: We need to set non-blocking ourselves tcp.set_nonblocking(true)?; Ok(tokio::net::TcpListener::from_std(tcp)?) }) .collect::>>()?; Ok(ChronikServer { tcp_listeners, indexer: params.indexer, node: params.node, pause_notify: params.pause_notify, settings: params.settings, }) } /// Serve a Chronik HTTP endpoint with the given parameters. pub async fn serve(self) -> Result<()> { let app = Self::make_router( self.indexer, self.node, self.pause_notify, self.settings, ); let servers = self .tcp_listeners .into_iter() .zip(std::iter::repeat(app)) .map(|(tcp_listener, app)| { Box::pin(async move { axum::serve(tcp_listener, app.into_make_service()) .await .map_err(|err| ServingFailed(err.to_string())) }) }); let (result, _, _) = futures::future::select_all(servers).await; result?; Ok(()) } fn make_router( indexer: ChronikIndexerRef, node: NodeRef, pause_notify: PauseNotifyRef, settings: ChronikSettings, ) -> Router { Router::new() .route("/blockchain-info", routing::get(handle_blockchain_info)) .route("/block/:hash_or_height", routing::get(handle_block)) .route("/block-txs/:hash_or_height", routing::get(handle_block_txs)) .route("/blocks/:start/:end", routing::get(handle_block_range)) .route("/chronik-info", routing::get(handle_chronik_info)) .route("/tx/:txid", routing::get(handle_tx)) .route("/token/:txid", routing::get(handle_token_info)) .route( "/validate-tx", routing::post(handle_validate_tx) .on(MethodFilter::OPTIONS, handle_post_options), ) .route( "/broadcast-tx", routing::post(handle_broadcast_tx) .on(MethodFilter::OPTIONS, handle_post_options), ) .route( "/broadcast-txs", routing::post(handle_broadcast_txs) .on(MethodFilter::OPTIONS, handle_post_options), ) .route("/raw-tx/:txid", routing::get(handle_raw_tx)) .route( "/script/:type/:payload/confirmed-txs", routing::get(handle_script_confirmed_txs), ) .route( "/script/:type/:payload/history", routing::get(handle_script_history), ) .route( "/script/:type/:payload/unconfirmed-txs", routing::get(handle_script_unconfirmed_txs), ) .route( "/script/:type/:payload/utxos", routing::get(handle_script_utxos), ) .route( "/token-id/:token_id/confirmed-txs", routing::get(handle_token_id_confirmed_txs), ) .route( "/token-id/:token_id/history", routing::get(handle_token_id_history), ) .route( "/token-id/:token_id/unconfirmed-txs", routing::get(handle_token_id_unconfirmed_txs), ) .route( "/token-id/:token_id/utxos", routing::get(handle_token_id_utxos), ) .route("/ws", routing::get(handle_ws)) .route("/pause", routing::get(handle_pause)) .route("/resume", routing::get(handle_resume)) .fallback(handlers::handle_not_found) .layer(Extension(indexer)) .layer(Extension(node)) .layer(Extension(pause_notify)) .layer(Extension(settings)) } } async fn handle_blockchain_info( Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; let blocks = indexer.blocks(); Ok(Protobuf(blocks.blockchain_info()?)) } async fn handle_chronik_info( ) -> Result, ReportError> { let this_chronik_version: String = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string(); let chronik_info = proto::ChronikInfo { version: this_chronik_version, }; Ok(Protobuf(chronik_info)) } async fn handle_block_range( Path((start_height, end_height)): Path<(i32, i32)>, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; let blocks = indexer.blocks(); Ok(Protobuf(blocks.by_range(start_height, end_height)?)) } async fn handle_block( Path(hash_or_height): Path, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; let blocks = indexer.blocks(); Ok(Protobuf(blocks.by_hash_or_height(hash_or_height)?)) } async fn handle_block_txs( Path(hash_or_height): Path, Query(query_params): Query>, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; Ok(Protobuf( handlers::handle_block_txs(hash_or_height, &query_params, &indexer) .await?, )) } async fn handle_tx( Path(txid): Path, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; let txid = txid.parse::().wrap_err(NotTxId(txid))?; Ok(Protobuf(indexer.txs().tx_by_id(txid)?)) } async fn handle_token_info( Path(txid): Path, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; let txid = txid.parse::().wrap_err(NotTxId(txid))?; Ok(Protobuf(indexer.txs().token_info(&txid)?)) } async fn handle_broadcast_tx( Extension(indexer): Extension, Extension(node): Extension, Protobuf(request): Protobuf, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; - let txids = indexer + let txids_result = indexer .broadcast(node.as_ref()) - .broadcast_txs(&[request.raw_tx.into()], request.skip_token_checks)?; + .broadcast_txs(&[request.raw_tx.into()], request.skip_token_checks); + // Drop indexer before syncing otherwise we get a deadlock + drop(indexer); + // Block for indexer being synced before returning so the user can query + // the broadcast txs right away + ffi::sync_with_validation_interface_queue(); + let txids = txids_result?; Ok(Protobuf(proto::BroadcastTxResponse { txid: txids[0].to_vec(), })) } async fn handle_broadcast_txs( Extension(indexer): Extension, Extension(node): Extension, Protobuf(request): Protobuf, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; - let txids = indexer.broadcast(node.as_ref()).broadcast_txs( + let txids_result = indexer.broadcast(node.as_ref()).broadcast_txs( &request .raw_txs .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect::>(), request.skip_token_checks, - )?; + ); + // Drop indexer before syncing otherwise we get a deadlock + drop(indexer); + // Block for indexer being synced before returning so the user can query + // the broadcast txs right away + ffi::sync_with_validation_interface_queue(); + let txids = txids_result?; Ok(Protobuf(proto::BroadcastTxsResponse { txids: txids.into_iter().map(|txid| txid.to_vec()).collect(), })) } async fn handle_validate_tx( Extension(indexer): Extension, Extension(node): Extension, Protobuf(raw_tx): Protobuf, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; Ok(Protobuf( indexer .broadcast(node.as_ref()) .validate_tx(raw_tx.raw_tx)?, )) } async fn handle_raw_tx( Path(txid): Path, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; let txid = txid.parse::().wrap_err(NotTxId(txid))?; Ok(Protobuf(indexer.txs().raw_tx_by_id(&txid)?)) } async fn handle_script_confirmed_txs( Path((script_type, payload)): Path<(String, String)>, Query(query_params): Query>, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; Ok(Protobuf( handlers::handle_script_confirmed_txs( &script_type, &payload, &query_params, &indexer, ) .await?, )) } async fn handle_script_history( Path((script_type, payload)): Path<(String, String)>, Query(query_params): Query>, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; Ok(Protobuf( handlers::handle_script_history( &script_type, &payload, &query_params, &indexer, ) .await?, )) } async fn handle_script_unconfirmed_txs( Path((script_type, payload)): Path<(String, String)>, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; Ok(Protobuf( handlers::handle_script_unconfirmed_txs( &script_type, &payload, &indexer, ) .await?, )) } async fn handle_script_utxos( Path((script_type, payload)): Path<(String, String)>, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; Ok(Protobuf( handlers::handle_script_utxos(&script_type, &payload, &indexer).await?, )) } async fn handle_token_id_confirmed_txs( Path(token_id_hex): Path, Query(query_params): Query>, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; Ok(Protobuf( handlers::handle_token_id_confirmed_txs( &token_id_hex, &query_params, &indexer, ) .await?, )) } async fn handle_token_id_history( Path(token_id_hex): Path, Query(query_params): Query>, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; Ok(Protobuf( handlers::handle_token_id_history( &token_id_hex, &query_params, &indexer, ) .await?, )) } async fn handle_token_id_unconfirmed_txs( Path(token_id_hex): Path, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; Ok(Protobuf( handlers::handle_token_id_unconfirmed_txs(&token_id_hex, &indexer) .await?, )) } async fn handle_token_id_utxos( Path(token_id_hex): Path, Extension(indexer): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { let indexer = indexer.read().await; Ok(Protobuf( handlers::handle_token_id_utxos(&token_id_hex, &indexer).await?, )) } async fn handle_pause( Extension(pause_notify): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { pause_notify.pause()?; Ok(Protobuf(proto::Empty {})) } async fn handle_resume( Extension(pause_notify): Extension, ) -> Result, ReportError> { pause_notify.resume()?; Ok(Protobuf(proto::Empty {})) } async fn handle_ws( ws: WebSocketUpgrade, Extension(indexer): Extension, Extension(settings): Extension, ) -> impl IntoResponse { ws.on_upgrade(|ws| handle_subscribe_socket(ws, indexer, settings)) } async fn handle_post_options( ) -> Result, ReportError> { axum::http::Response::builder() .header("Allow", "OPTIONS, HEAD, POST") .body(axum::body::Body::empty()) .map_err(|err| ReportError(err.into())) }