diff --git a/test/lint/check-rpc-mappings.py b/test/lint/check-rpc-mappings.py
index aa7b231f2..f13a7f7a7 100755
--- a/test/lint/check-rpc-mappings.py
+++ b/test/lint/check-rpc-mappings.py
@@ -1,179 +1,192 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
 # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
 # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
 """Check RPC argument consistency."""
 from collections import defaultdict
 import glob
 import os
 import re
 import sys
 # Source files (relative to root) to scan for dispatch tables
 # Source file (relative to root) containing conversion mapping
 SOURCE_CLIENT = 'src/rpc/client.cpp'
 # Argument names that should be ignored in consistency checks
 IGNORE_DUMMY_ARGS = {'dummy', 'arg0', 'arg1', 'arg2',
                      'arg3', 'arg4', 'arg5', 'arg6', 'arg7', 'arg8', 'arg9'}
 class RPCCommand:
     def __init__(self, name, args):
         self.name = name
         self.args = args
 class RPCArgument:
     def __init__(self, names, idx):
         self.names = names
         self.idx = idx
         self.convert = False
 def parse_string(s):
     assert s[0] == '"'
     assert s[-1] == '"'
     return s[1:-1]
 def process_commands(fname):
     """Find and parse dispatch table in implementation file `fname`."""
     cmds = []
     in_rpcs = False
     with open(fname, "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
         for line in f:
             line = line.rstrip()
             if not in_rpcs:
                 if re.match(
                         r"static const ContextFreeRPCCommand .*\[\] =", line):
                     in_rpcs = True
                 if line.startswith('};'):
                     in_rpcs = False
                 elif '{' in line and '"' in line:
                     m = re.search(
                         '{ *("[^"]*"), *("[^"]*"), *([^,]*), *{([^}]*)} *},', line)
                     assert m, 'No match to table expression: {}'.format(line)
                     name = parse_string(m.group(2))
                     args_str = m.group(4).strip()
                     if args_str:
                         args = [RPCArgument(parse_string(x.strip()).split(
                             '|'), idx) for idx, x in enumerate(args_str.split(','))]
                         args = []
                     cmds.append(RPCCommand(name, args))
     assert not in_rpcs, "Something went wrong with parsing the C++ file: update the regexps"
     return cmds
 def process_mapping(fname):
     """Find and parse conversion table in implementation file `fname`."""
     cmds = []
     in_rpcs = False
     with open(fname, "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
         for line in f:
             line = line.rstrip()
             if not in_rpcs:
                 if line == 'static const CRPCConvertParam vRPCConvertParams[] = {':
                     in_rpcs = True
                 if line.startswith('};'):
                     in_rpcs = False
                 elif '{' in line and '"' in line:
                     m = re.search(
                         '{ *("[^"]*"), *([0-9]+) *, *("[^"]*") *},', line)
                     assert m, 'No match to table expression: {}'.format(line)
                     name = parse_string(m.group(1))
                     idx = int(m.group(2))
                     argname = parse_string(m.group(3))
                     cmds.append((name, idx, argname))
     assert not in_rpcs and cmds
     return cmds
 def main():
     if len(sys.argv) != 2:
         print('Usage: {} ROOT-DIR'.format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
     root = sys.argv[1]
     # Find the sources files
     sources = []
     for glob_regex in SOURCE_PATTERNS:
         sources.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(root, glob_regex)))
     # Get all commands from dispatch tables
     cmds = []
     for fname in set(sources):
         cmds += process_commands(fname)
     cmds_by_name = {}
     for cmd in cmds:
         cmds_by_name[cmd.name] = cmd
     # Get current convert mapping for client
     client = SOURCE_CLIENT
     mapping = set(process_mapping(os.path.join(root, client)))
     print('* Checking consistency between dispatch tables and vRPCConvertParams')
     # Check mapping consistency
     errors = 0
     for (cmdname, argidx, argname) in mapping:
             rargnames = cmds_by_name[cmdname].args[argidx].names
         except IndexError:
             print('ERROR: {} argument {} (named {} in vRPCConvertParams) is not defined in dispatch table'.format(
                 cmdname, argidx, argname))
             errors += 1
         if argname not in rargnames:
             print('ERROR: {} argument {} is named {} in vRPCConvertParams but {} in dispatch table'.format(
                 cmdname, argidx, argname, rargnames), file=sys.stderr)
             errors += 1
     # Check for conflicts in vRPCConvertParams conversion
     # All aliases for an argument must either be present in the
     # conversion table, or not. Anything in between means an oversight
     # and some aliases won't work.
     for cmd in cmds:
         for arg in cmd.args:
             convert = [((cmd.name, arg.idx, argname) in mapping)
                        for argname in arg.names]
             if any(convert) != all(convert):
                 print('ERROR: {} argument {} has conflicts in vRPCConvertParams conversion specifier {}'.format(
                     cmd.name, arg.names, convert))
                 errors += 1
             arg.convert = all(convert)
     # Check for conversion difference by argument name.
     # It is preferable for API consistency that arguments with the same name
     # have the same conversion, so bin by argument name.
     all_methods_by_argname = defaultdict(list)
     converts_by_argname = defaultdict(list)
     for cmd in cmds:
         for arg in cmd.args:
             for argname in arg.names:
     for argname, convert in converts_by_argname.items():
         if all(convert) != any(convert):
             if argname in IGNORE_DUMMY_ARGS:
                 # these are testing or dummy, don't warn for them
-            print('WARNING: conversion mismatch for argument named {} ({})'.format(
-                argname, list(zip(all_methods_by_argname[argname], converts_by_argname[argname]))))
+            formattedCommands = []
+            for (cmd, convert) in list(
+                    zip(all_methods_by_argname[argname], converts_by_argname[argname])):
+                argType = 'string'
+                if convert:
+                    argType = 'JSON'
+                formattedCommands.append(
+                    "'{}' has argument '{}' of type '{}'".format(
+                        cmd, argname, argType))
+            print("WARNING: In order to keep a consistent API, arguments of the same name are expected to either both "
+                  "be string-typed or converted from JSON. But there was a conversion mismatch: {}. "
+                  "Common root causes for this warning: 1) The command and/or argument are missing from the conversion "
+                  "table in '{}'. 2) Arguments of the same name are being converted from JSON for some commands, but not "
+                  "for others. Consider renaming arguments such that one name is used for strings and the other for "
+                  "conversions from JSON.".format(formattedCommands, SOURCE_CLIENT))
 if __name__ == '__main__':