diff --git a/web/cashtab/src/utils/cashMethods.js b/web/cashtab/src/utils/cashMethods.js index 462e1a6d0..01dd3d8ca 100644 --- a/web/cashtab/src/utils/cashMethods.js +++ b/web/cashtab/src/utils/cashMethods.js @@ -1,1093 +1,1093 @@ import { currency } from 'components/Common/Ticker'; import { isValidXecAddress, isValidEtokenAddress, isValidContactList, } from 'utils/validation'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import cashaddr from 'ecashaddrjs'; import bs58 from 'bs58'; export const getUtxoWif = (utxo, wallet) => { if (!wallet) { throw new Error('Invalid wallet parameter'); } const accounts = [wallet.Path245, wallet.Path145, wallet.Path1899]; const wif = accounts .filter(acc => acc.cashAddress === utxo.address) .pop().fundingWif; return wif; }; export const signUtxosByAddress = (BCH, inputUtxos, wallet, txBuilder) => { for (let i = 0; i < inputUtxos.length; i++) { const utxo = inputUtxos[i]; const accounts = [wallet.Path245, wallet.Path145, wallet.Path1899]; const utxoEcPair = BCH.ECPair.fromWIF( accounts.filter(acc => acc.cashAddress === utxo.address).pop() .fundingWif, ); txBuilder.sign( i, utxoEcPair, undefined, txBuilder.hashTypes.SIGHASH_ALL, parseInt(utxo.value), ); } return txBuilder; }; export const getCashtabByteCount = (p2pkhInputCount, p2pkhOutputCount) => { // Simplifying bch-js function for P2PKH txs only, as this is all Cashtab supports for now // https://github.com/Permissionless-Software-Foundation/bch-js/blob/master/src/bitcoincash.js#L408 /* const types = { inputs: { 'P2PKH': 148 * 4, }, outputs: { P2PKH: 34 * 4, }, }; */ const inputCount = new BigNumber(p2pkhInputCount); const outputCount = new BigNumber(p2pkhOutputCount); const inputWeight = new BigNumber(148 * 4); const outputWeight = new BigNumber(34 * 4); const nonSegwitWeightConstant = new BigNumber(10 * 4); let totalWeight = new BigNumber(0); totalWeight = totalWeight .plus(inputCount.times(inputWeight)) .plus(outputCount.times(outputWeight)) .plus(nonSegwitWeightConstant); const byteCount = totalWeight.div(4).integerValue(BigNumber.ROUND_CEIL); return Number(byteCount); }; export const calcFee = ( utxos, p2pkhOutputNumber = 2, satoshisPerByte = currency.defaultFee, ) => { const byteCount = getCashtabByteCount(utxos.length, p2pkhOutputNumber); const txFee = Math.ceil(satoshisPerByte * byteCount); return txFee; }; export const generateTokenTxOutput = ( BCH, txBuilder, tokenAction, legacyCashOriginAddress, tokenUtxosBeingSpent = [], // optional - send or burn tx only remainderXecValue = new BigNumber(0), // optional - only if > dust tokenConfigObj = {}, // optional - genesis only tokenRecipientAddress = false, // optional - send tx only tokenAmount = false, // optional - send or burn amount for send/burn tx only ) => { try { if (!BCH || !tokenAction || !legacyCashOriginAddress || !txBuilder) { throw new Error('Invalid token tx output parameter'); } let script, opReturnObj, destinationAddress; switch (tokenAction) { case 'GENESIS': script = BCH.SLP.TokenType1.generateGenesisOpReturn(tokenConfigObj); destinationAddress = legacyCashOriginAddress; break; case 'SEND': opReturnObj = BCH.SLP.TokenType1.generateSendOpReturn( tokenUtxosBeingSpent, tokenAmount.toString(), ); script = opReturnObj.script; destinationAddress = BCH.SLP.Address.toLegacyAddress( tokenRecipientAddress, ); break; case 'BURN': script = BCH.SLP.TokenType1.generateBurnOpReturn( tokenUtxosBeingSpent, tokenAmount, ); destinationAddress = BCH.SLP.Address.toLegacyAddress( legacyCashOriginAddress, ); break; default: throw new Error('Invalid token transaction type'); } // OP_RETURN needs to be the first output in the transaction. txBuilder.addOutput(script, 0); // add XEC dust output as fee for genesis, send or burn token output txBuilder.addOutput(destinationAddress, parseInt(currency.etokenSats)); // Return any token change back to the sender for send and burn txs if ( tokenAction !== 'GENESIS' || (opReturnObj && opReturnObj.outputs > 1) ) { // add XEC dust output as fee txBuilder.addOutput( tokenUtxosBeingSpent[0].address, // etoken address parseInt(currency.etokenSats), ); } // Send xec change to own address if (remainderXecValue.gte(new BigNumber(currency.dustSats))) { txBuilder.addOutput( legacyCashOriginAddress, parseInt(remainderXecValue), ); } } catch (err) { console.log(`generateTokenTxOutput() error: ` + err); throw err; } return txBuilder; }; export const generateTxInput = ( BCH, isOneToMany, utxos, txBuilder, destinationAddressAndValueArray, satoshisToSend, feeInSatsPerByte, ) => { let txInputObj = {}; const inputUtxos = []; let txFee = 0; let totalInputUtxoValue = new BigNumber(0); try { if ( !BCH || (isOneToMany && !destinationAddressAndValueArray) || !utxos || !txBuilder || !satoshisToSend || !feeInSatsPerByte ) { throw new Error('Invalid tx input parameter'); } // A normal tx will have 2 outputs, destination and change // A one to many tx will have n outputs + 1 change output, where n is the number of recipients const txOutputs = isOneToMany ? destinationAddressAndValueArray.length + 1 : 2; for (let i = 0; i < utxos.length; i++) { const utxo = utxos[i]; totalInputUtxoValue = totalInputUtxoValue.plus(utxo.value); const vout = utxo.outpoint.outIdx; const txid = utxo.outpoint.txid; // add input with txid and index of vout txBuilder.addInput(txid, vout); inputUtxos.push(utxo); txFee = calcFee(inputUtxos, txOutputs, feeInSatsPerByte); if (totalInputUtxoValue.minus(satoshisToSend).minus(txFee).gte(0)) { break; } } } catch (err) { console.log(`generateTxInput() error: ` + err); throw err; } txInputObj.txBuilder = txBuilder; txInputObj.totalInputUtxoValue = totalInputUtxoValue; txInputObj.inputUtxos = inputUtxos; txInputObj.txFee = txFee; return txInputObj; }; export const generateTokenTxInput = ( BCH, tokenAction, // GENESIS, SEND or BURN totalXecUtxos, totalTokenUtxos, tokenId, tokenAmount, // optional - only for sending or burning feeInSatsPerByte, txBuilder, ) => { let totalXecInputUtxoValue = new BigNumber(0); let remainderXecValue = new BigNumber(0); let remainderTokenValue = new BigNumber(0); let totalXecInputUtxos = []; let txFee = 0; let tokenUtxosBeingSpent = []; try { if ( !BCH || !tokenAction || !totalXecUtxos || (tokenAction !== 'GENESIS' && !tokenId) || !feeInSatsPerByte || !txBuilder ) { throw new Error('Invalid token tx input parameter'); } // collate XEC UTXOs for this token tx const txOutputs = tokenAction === 'GENESIS' ? 2 // one for genesis OP_RETURN output and one for change : 4; // for SEND/BURN token txs see T2645 on why this is not dynamically generated for (let i = 0; i < totalXecUtxos.length; i++) { const thisXecUtxo = totalXecUtxos[i]; totalXecInputUtxoValue = totalXecInputUtxoValue.plus( new BigNumber(thisXecUtxo.value), ); const vout = thisXecUtxo.outpoint.outIdx; const txid = thisXecUtxo.outpoint.txid; // add input with txid and index of vout txBuilder.addInput(txid, vout); totalXecInputUtxos.push(thisXecUtxo); txFee = calcFee(totalXecInputUtxos, txOutputs, feeInSatsPerByte); remainderXecValue = tokenAction === 'GENESIS' ? totalXecInputUtxoValue .minus(new BigNumber(currency.etokenSats)) .minus(new BigNumber(txFee)) : totalXecInputUtxoValue .minus(new BigNumber(currency.etokenSats * 2)) // one for token send/burn output, one for token change .minus(new BigNumber(txFee)); if (remainderXecValue.gte(0)) { break; } } if (remainderXecValue.lt(0)) { throw new Error(`Insufficient funds`); } let filteredTokenInputUtxos = []; let finalTokenAmountSpent = new BigNumber(0); let tokenAmountBeingSpent = new BigNumber(tokenAmount); if (tokenAction === 'SEND' || tokenAction === 'BURN') { // filter for token UTXOs matching the token being sent/burnt filteredTokenInputUtxos = totalTokenUtxos.filter(utxo => { if ( utxo && // UTXO is associated with a token. utxo.slpMeta.tokenId === tokenId && // UTXO matches the token ID. !utxo.slpToken.isMintBaton // UTXO is not a minting baton. ) { return true; } return false; }); if (filteredTokenInputUtxos.length === 0) { throw new Error( 'No token UTXOs for the specified token could be found.', ); } // collate token UTXOs to cover the token amount being sent/burnt for (let i = 0; i < filteredTokenInputUtxos.length; i++) { finalTokenAmountSpent = finalTokenAmountSpent.plus( new BigNumber(filteredTokenInputUtxos[i].tokenQty), ); txBuilder.addInput( filteredTokenInputUtxos[i].outpoint.txid, filteredTokenInputUtxos[i].outpoint.outIdx, ); tokenUtxosBeingSpent.push(filteredTokenInputUtxos[i]); if (tokenAmountBeingSpent.lte(finalTokenAmountSpent)) { break; } } // calculate token change remainderTokenValue = finalTokenAmountSpent.minus( new BigNumber(tokenAmount), ); if (remainderTokenValue.lt(0)) { throw new Error( 'Insufficient token UTXOs for the specified token amount.', ); } } } catch (err) { console.log(`generateTokenTxInput() error: ` + err); throw err; } return { txBuilder: txBuilder, inputXecUtxos: totalXecInputUtxos, inputTokenUtxos: tokenUtxosBeingSpent, remainderXecValue: remainderXecValue, remainderTokenValue: remainderTokenValue, }; }; export const getChangeAddressFromInputUtxos = (BCH, inputUtxos, wallet) => { if (!BCH || !inputUtxos || !wallet) { throw new Error('Invalid getChangeAddressFromWallet input parameter'); } // Assume change address is input address of utxo at index 0 let changeAddress; // Validate address try { changeAddress = inputUtxos[0].address; BCH.Address.isCashAddress(changeAddress); } catch (err) { throw new Error('Invalid input utxo'); } return changeAddress; }; /* * Parse the total value of a send XEC tx and checks whether it is more than dust * One to many: isOneToMany is true, singleSendValue is null * One to one: isOneToMany is false, destinationAddressAndValueArray is null * Returns the aggregate send value in BigNumber format */ export const parseXecSendValue = ( isOneToMany, singleSendValue, destinationAddressAndValueArray, ) => { let value = new BigNumber(0); try { if (isOneToMany) { // this is a one to many XEC transaction if ( !destinationAddressAndValueArray || !destinationAddressAndValueArray.length ) { throw new Error('Invalid destinationAddressAndValueArray'); } const arrayLength = destinationAddressAndValueArray.length; for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { // add the total value being sent in this array of recipients // each array row is: 'eCash address, send value' value = BigNumber.sum( value, new BigNumber( destinationAddressAndValueArray[i].split(',')[1], ), ); } } else { // this is a one to one XEC transaction then check singleSendValue // note: one to many transactions won't be sending a singleSendValue param if (!singleSendValue) { throw new Error('Invalid singleSendValue'); } value = new BigNumber(singleSendValue); } // If user is attempting to send an aggregate value that is less than minimum accepted by the backend if ( value.lt( new BigNumber(fromSatoshisToXec(currency.dustSats).toString()), ) ) { // Throw the same error given by the backend attempting to broadcast such a tx throw new Error('dust'); } } catch (err) { console.log('Error in parseXecSendValue: ' + err); throw err; } return value; }; /* * Generates an OP_RETURN script to reflect the various send XEC permutations * involving messaging, encryption, eToken IDs and airdrop flags. * * Returns the final encoded script object */ export const generateOpReturnScript = ( BCH, optionalOpReturnMsg, encryptionFlag, airdropFlag, airdropTokenId, encryptedEj, ) => { // encrypted mesage is mandatory when encryptionFlag is true // airdrop token id is mandatory when airdropFlag is true if ( !BCH || (encryptionFlag && !encryptedEj) || (airdropFlag && !airdropTokenId) ) { throw new Error('Invalid OP RETURN script input'); } // Note: script.push(Buffer.from(currency.opReturn.opReturnPrefixHex, 'hex')); actually evaluates to '016a' // instead of keeping the hex string intact. This behavour is specific to the initial script array element. // To get around this, the bch-js approach of directly using the opReturn prefix in decimal form for the initial entry is used here. let script = [currency.opReturn.opReturnPrefixDec]; // initialize script with the OP_RETURN op code (6a) in decimal form (106) try { if (encryptionFlag) { // if the user has opted to encrypt this message // add the encrypted cashtab messaging prefix and encrypted msg to script script.push( Buffer.from( currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.cashtabEncrypted, 'hex', ), // 65746162 ); // add the encrypted message to script script.push(Buffer.from(encryptedEj)); } else { // this is an un-encrypted message if (airdropFlag) { // if this was routed from the airdrop component // add the airdrop prefix to script script.push( Buffer.from( currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.airdrop, 'hex', ), // drop ); // add the airdrop token ID to script script.push(Buffer.from(airdropTokenId, 'hex')); } // add the cashtab prefix to script script.push( Buffer.from(currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.cashtab, 'hex'), // 00746162 ); // add the un-encrypted message to script if supplied if (optionalOpReturnMsg) { script.push(Buffer.from(optionalOpReturnMsg)); } } } catch (err) { console.log('Error in generateOpReturnScript(): ' + err); throw err; } const data = BCH.Script.encode(script); return data; }; export const generateTxOutput = ( BCH, isOneToMany, singleSendValue, satoshisToSend, totalInputUtxoValue, destinationAddress, destinationAddressAndValueArray, changeAddress, txFee, txBuilder, ) => { try { if ( !BCH || (isOneToMany && !destinationAddressAndValueArray) || (!isOneToMany && !destinationAddress && !singleSendValue) || !changeAddress || !satoshisToSend || !totalInputUtxoValue || !txFee || !txBuilder ) { throw new Error('Invalid tx input parameter'); } // amount to send back to the remainder address. const remainder = new BigNumber(totalInputUtxoValue) .minus(satoshisToSend) .minus(txFee); if (remainder.lt(0)) { throw new Error(`Insufficient funds`); } if (isOneToMany) { // for one to many mode, add the multiple outputs from the array let arrayLength = destinationAddressAndValueArray.length; for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { // add each send tx from the array as an output let outputAddress = destinationAddressAndValueArray[i].split(',')[0]; let outputValue = new BigNumber( destinationAddressAndValueArray[i].split(',')[1], ); txBuilder.addOutput( - BCH.Address.toCashAddress(outputAddress), + outputAddress, parseInt(fromXecToSatoshis(outputValue)), ); } } else { // for one to one mode, add output w/ single address and amount to send txBuilder.addOutput( - BCH.Address.toCashAddress(destinationAddress), + destinationAddress, parseInt(fromXecToSatoshis(singleSendValue)), ); } // if a remainder exists, return to change address as the final output if (remainder.gte(new BigNumber(currency.dustSats))) { txBuilder.addOutput(changeAddress, parseInt(remainder)); } } catch (err) { console.log('Error in generateTxOutput(): ' + err); throw err; } return txBuilder; }; export const signAndBuildTx = (BCH, inputUtxos, txBuilder, wallet) => { if ( !BCH || !inputUtxos || inputUtxos.length === 0 || !txBuilder || !wallet || // txBuilder.transaction.tx.ins is empty until the inputUtxos are signed txBuilder.transaction.tx.outs.length === 0 ) { throw new Error('Invalid buildTx parameter'); } // Sign each XEC UTXO being consumed and refresh transactionBuilder txBuilder = signUtxosByAddress(BCH, inputUtxos, wallet, txBuilder); let hex; try { // build tx const tx = txBuilder.build(); // output rawhex hex = tx.toHex(); } catch (err) { throw new Error('Transaction build failed'); } return hex; }; export function parseOpReturn(hexStr) { if ( !hexStr || typeof hexStr !== 'string' || hexStr.substring(0, 2) !== currency.opReturn.opReturnPrefixHex ) { return false; } hexStr = hexStr.slice(2); // remove the first byte i.e. 6a /* * @Return: resultArray is structured as follows: * resultArray[0] is the transaction type i.e. eToken prefix, cashtab prefix, external message itself if unrecognized prefix * resultArray[1] is the actual cashtab message or the 2nd part of an external message * resultArray[2 - n] are the additional messages for future protcols */ let resultArray = []; let message = ''; let hexStrLength = hexStr.length; for (let i = 0; hexStrLength !== 0; i++) { // part 1: check the preceding byte value for the subsequent message let byteValue = hexStr.substring(0, 2); let msgByteSize = 0; if (byteValue === currency.opReturn.opPushDataOne) { // if this byte is 4c then the next byte is the message byte size - retrieve the message byte size only msgByteSize = parseInt(hexStr.substring(2, 4), 16); // hex base 16 to decimal base 10 hexStr = hexStr.slice(4); // strip the 4c + message byte size info } else { // take the byte as the message byte size msgByteSize = parseInt(hexStr.substring(0, 2), 16); // hex base 16 to decimal base 10 hexStr = hexStr.slice(2); // strip the message byte size info } // part 2: parse the subsequent message based on bytesize const msgCharLength = 2 * msgByteSize; message = hexStr.substring(0, msgCharLength); if (i === 0 && message === currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.eToken) { // add the extracted eToken prefix to array then exit loop resultArray[i] = currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.eToken; break; } else if ( i === 0 && message === currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.cashtab ) { // add the extracted Cashtab prefix to array resultArray[i] = currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.cashtab; } else if ( i === 0 && message === currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.cashtabEncrypted ) { // add the Cashtab encryption prefix to array resultArray[i] = currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.cashtabEncrypted; } else if ( i === 0 && message === currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.airdrop ) { // add the airdrop prefix to array resultArray[i] = currency.opReturn.appPrefixesHex.airdrop; } else { // this is either an external message or a subsequent cashtab message loop to extract the message resultArray[i] = message; } // strip out the parsed message hexStr = hexStr.slice(msgCharLength); hexStrLength = hexStr.length; } return resultArray; } export const fromLegacyDecimals = ( amount, cashDecimals = currency.cashDecimals, ) => { // Input 0.00000546 BCH // Output 5.46 XEC or 0.00000546 BCH, depending on currency.cashDecimals const amountBig = new BigNumber(amount); const conversionFactor = new BigNumber(10 ** (8 - cashDecimals)); const amountSmallestDenomination = amountBig .times(conversionFactor) .toNumber(); return amountSmallestDenomination; }; export const fromSatoshisToXec = ( amount, cashDecimals = currency.cashDecimals, ) => { const amountBig = new BigNumber(amount); const multiplier = new BigNumber(10 ** (-1 * cashDecimals)); const amountInBaseUnits = amountBig.times(multiplier); return amountInBaseUnits; }; export const fromXecToSatoshis = ( sendAmount, cashDecimals = currency.cashDecimals, ) => { // Replace the BCH.toSatoshi method with an equivalent function that works for arbitrary decimal places // Example, for an 8 decimal place currency like Bitcoin // Input: a BigNumber of the amount of Bitcoin to be sent // Output: a BigNumber of the amount of satoshis to be sent, or false if input is invalid // Validate // Input should be a BigNumber with no more decimal places than cashDecimals const isValidSendAmount = BigNumber.isBigNumber(sendAmount) && sendAmount.dp() <= cashDecimals; if (!isValidSendAmount) { return false; } const conversionFactor = new BigNumber(10 ** cashDecimals); const sendAmountSmallestDenomination = sendAmount.times(conversionFactor); return sendAmountSmallestDenomination; }; export const flattenContactList = contactList => { /* Converts contactList from array of objects of type {address: , name: } to array of addresses only If contact list is invalid, returns and empty array */ if (!isValidContactList(contactList)) { return []; } let flattenedContactList = []; for (let i = 0; i < contactList.length; i += 1) { const thisAddress = contactList[i].address; flattenedContactList.push(thisAddress); } return flattenedContactList; }; export const loadStoredWallet = walletStateFromStorage => { // Accept cached tokens array that does not save BigNumber type of BigNumbers // Return array with BigNumbers converted // See BigNumber.js api for how to create a BigNumber object from an object // https://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/ const liveWalletState = walletStateFromStorage; const { slpBalancesAndUtxos, tokens } = liveWalletState; for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i += 1) { const thisTokenBalance = tokens[i].balance; thisTokenBalance._isBigNumber = true; tokens[i].balance = new BigNumber(thisTokenBalance); } // Also confirm balance is correct // Necessary step in case currency.decimals changed since last startup const balancesRebased = getWalletBalanceFromUtxos( slpBalancesAndUtxos.nonSlpUtxos, ); liveWalletState.balances = balancesRebased; return liveWalletState; }; export const getWalletBalanceFromUtxos = nonSlpUtxos => { const totalBalanceInSatoshis = nonSlpUtxos.reduce( (previousBalance, utxo) => previousBalance.plus(new BigNumber(utxo.value)), new BigNumber(0), ); return { totalBalanceInSatoshis: totalBalanceInSatoshis.toString(), totalBalance: fromSatoshisToXec(totalBalanceInSatoshis).toString(), }; }; export const isValidStoredWallet = walletStateFromStorage => { return ( typeof walletStateFromStorage === 'object' && 'state' in walletStateFromStorage && typeof walletStateFromStorage.state === 'object' && 'balances' in walletStateFromStorage.state && 'utxos' in walletStateFromStorage.state && !('hydratedUtxoDetails' in walletStateFromStorage.state) && 'slpBalancesAndUtxos' in walletStateFromStorage.state && 'tokens' in walletStateFromStorage.state ); }; export const getWalletState = wallet => { if (!wallet || !wallet.state) { return { balances: { totalBalance: 0, totalBalanceInSatoshis: 0 }, hydratedUtxoDetails: {}, tokens: [], slpBalancesAndUtxos: {}, parsedTxHistory: [], utxos: [], }; } return wallet.state; }; export function convertEtokenToEcashAddr(eTokenAddress) { if (!eTokenAddress) { return new Error( `cashMethods.convertToEcashAddr() error: No etoken address provided`, ); } // Confirm input is a valid eToken address const isValidInput = isValidEtokenAddress(eTokenAddress); if (!isValidInput) { return new Error( `cashMethods.convertToEcashAddr() error: ${eTokenAddress} is not a valid etoken address`, ); } // Check for etoken: prefix const isPrefixedEtokenAddress = eTokenAddress.slice(0, 7) === 'etoken:'; // If no prefix, assume it is checksummed for an etoken: prefix const testedEtokenAddr = isPrefixedEtokenAddress ? eTokenAddress : `etoken:${eTokenAddress}`; let ecashAddress; try { const { type, hash } = cashaddr.decode(testedEtokenAddr); ecashAddress = cashaddr.encode('ecash', type, hash); } catch (err) { return err; } return ecashAddress; } export function convertToEcashPrefix(bitcoincashPrefixedAddress) { // Prefix-less addresses may be valid, but the cashaddr.decode function used below // will throw an error without a prefix. Hence, must ensure prefix to use that function. const hasPrefix = bitcoincashPrefixedAddress.includes(':'); if (hasPrefix) { // Is it bitcoincash: or simpleledger: const { type, hash, prefix } = cashaddr.decode( bitcoincashPrefixedAddress, ); let newPrefix; if (prefix === 'bitcoincash') { newPrefix = 'ecash'; } else if (prefix === 'simpleledger') { newPrefix = 'etoken'; } else { return bitcoincashPrefixedAddress; } const convertedAddress = cashaddr.encode(newPrefix, type, hash); return convertedAddress; } else { return bitcoincashPrefixedAddress; } } export function convertEcashtoEtokenAddr(eCashAddress) { const isValidInput = isValidXecAddress(eCashAddress); if (!isValidInput) { return new Error(`${eCashAddress} is not a valid ecash address`); } // Check for ecash: prefix const isPrefixedEcashAddress = eCashAddress.slice(0, 6) === 'ecash:'; // If no prefix, assume it is checksummed for an ecash: prefix const testedEcashAddr = isPrefixedEcashAddress ? eCashAddress : `ecash:${eCashAddress}`; let eTokenAddress; try { const { type, hash } = cashaddr.decode(testedEcashAddr); eTokenAddress = cashaddr.encode('etoken', type, hash); } catch (err) { return new Error('eCash to eToken address conversion error'); } return eTokenAddress; } // converts ecash, etoken, bitcoincash and simpleledger addresses to hash160 export function toHash160(addr) { try { // decode address hash const { hash } = cashaddr.decode(addr); // encode the address hash to legacy format (bitcoin) const legacyAdress = bs58.encode(hash); // convert legacy to hash160 const addrHash160 = Buffer.from(bs58.decode(legacyAdress)).toString( 'hex', ); return addrHash160; } catch (err) { console.log('Error converting address to hash160'); throw err; } } export function toLegacyCash(addr) { // Confirm input is a valid ecash address const isValidInput = isValidXecAddress(addr); if (!isValidInput) { return new Error(`${addr} is not a valid ecash address`); } // Check for ecash: prefix const isPrefixedXecAddress = addr.slice(0, 6) === 'ecash:'; // If no prefix, assume it is checksummed for an ecash: prefix const testedXecAddr = isPrefixedXecAddress ? addr : `ecash:${addr}`; let legacyCashAddress; try { const { type, hash } = cashaddr.decode(testedXecAddr); legacyCashAddress = cashaddr.encode(currency.legacyPrefix, type, hash); } catch (err) { return err; } return legacyCashAddress; } export function toLegacyCashArray(addressArray) { let cleanArray = []; // array of bch converted addresses to be returned if ( addressArray === null || addressArray === undefined || !addressArray.length || addressArray === '' ) { return new Error('Invalid addressArray input'); } const arrayLength = addressArray.length; for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { let addressValueArr = addressArray[i].split(','); let address = addressValueArr[0]; let value = addressValueArr[1]; // NB that toLegacyCash() includes address validation; will throw error for invalid address input const legacyAddress = toLegacyCash(address); if (legacyAddress instanceof Error) { return legacyAddress; } let convertedArrayData = legacyAddress + ',' + value + '\n'; cleanArray.push(convertedArrayData); } return cleanArray; } export function toLegacyToken(addr) { // Confirm input is a valid ecash address const isValidInput = isValidEtokenAddress(addr); if (!isValidInput) { return new Error(`${addr} is not a valid etoken address`); } // Check for ecash: prefix const isPrefixedEtokenAddress = addr.slice(0, 7) === 'etoken:'; // If no prefix, assume it is checksummed for an ecash: prefix const testedEtokenAddr = isPrefixedEtokenAddress ? addr : `etoken:${addr}`; let legacyTokenAddress; try { const { type, hash } = cashaddr.decode(testedEtokenAddr); legacyTokenAddress = cashaddr.encode('simpleledger', type, hash); } catch (err) { return err; } return legacyTokenAddress; } /* Converts a serialized buffer containing encrypted data into an object * that can be interpreted by the ecies-lite library. * * For reference on the parsing logic in this function refer to the link below on the segment of * ecies-lite's encryption function where the encKey, macKey, iv and cipher are sliced and concatenated * https://github.com/tibetty/ecies-lite/blob/8fd97e80b443422269d0223ead55802378521679/index.js#L46-L55 * * A similar PSF implmentation can also be found at: * https://github.com/Permissionless-Software-Foundation/bch-encrypt-lib/blob/master/lib/encryption.js * * For more detailed overview on the ecies encryption scheme, see https://cryptobook.nakov.com/asymmetric-key-ciphers/ecies-public-key-encryption */ export const convertToEncryptStruct = encryptionBuffer => { // based on ecies-lite's encryption logic, the encryption buffer is concatenated as follows: // [ epk + iv + ct + mac ] whereby: // - The first 32 or 64 chars of the encryptionBuffer is the epk // - Both iv and ct params are 16 chars each, hence their combined substring is 32 chars from the end of the epk string // - within this combined iv/ct substring, the first 16 chars is the iv param, and ct param being the later half // - The mac param is appended to the end of the encryption buffer // validate input buffer if (!encryptionBuffer) { throw new Error( 'cashmethods.convertToEncryptStruct() error: input must be a buffer', ); } try { // variable tracking the starting char position for string extraction purposes let startOfBuf = 0; // *** epk param extraction *** // The first char of the encryptionBuffer indicates the type of the public key // If the first char is 4, then the public key is 64 chars // If the first char is 3 or 2, then the public key is 32 chars // Otherwise this is not a valid encryption buffer compatible with the ecies-lite library let publicKey; switch (encryptionBuffer[0]) { case 4: publicKey = encryptionBuffer.slice(0, 65); // extract first 64 chars as public key break; case 3: case 2: publicKey = encryptionBuffer.slice(0, 33); // extract first 32 chars as public key break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid type: ${encryptionBuffer[0]}`); } // *** iv and ct param extraction *** startOfBuf += publicKey.length; // sets the starting char position to the end of the public key (epk) in order to extract subsequent iv and ct substrings const encryptionTagLength = 32; // the length of the encryption tag (i.e. mac param) computed from each block of ciphertext, and is used to verify no one has tampered with the encrypted data const ivCtSubstring = encryptionBuffer.slice( startOfBuf, encryptionBuffer.length - encryptionTagLength, ); // extract the substring containing both iv and ct params, which is after the public key but before the mac param i.e. the 'encryption tag' const ivbufParam = ivCtSubstring.slice(0, 16); // extract the first 16 chars of substring as the iv param const ctbufParam = ivCtSubstring.slice(16); // extract the last 16 chars as substring the ct param // *** mac param extraction *** const macParam = encryptionBuffer.slice( encryptionBuffer.length - encryptionTagLength, encryptionBuffer.length, ); // extract the mac param appended to the end of the buffer return { iv: ivbufParam, epk: publicKey, ct: ctbufParam, mac: macParam, }; } catch (err) { console.error(`useBCH.convertToEncryptStruct() error: `, err); throw err; } }; export const isLegacyMigrationRequired = wallet => { // If the wallet does not have Path1899, // Or each Path1899, Path145, Path245 does not have a public key // Then it requires migration if ( !wallet.Path1899 || !wallet.Path1899.publicKey || !wallet.Path1899.hash160 || !wallet.Path145.publicKey || !wallet.Path145.hash160 || !wallet.Path245.publicKey || !wallet.Path245.hash160 ) { return true; } return false; }; export const getHashArrayFromWallet = wallet => { // If the wallet has wallet.Path1899.hash160, it's migrated and will have all of them // Return false for an umigrated wallet const hash160Array = wallet && wallet.Path1899 && 'hash160' in wallet.Path1899 ? [ wallet.Path245.hash160, wallet.Path145.hash160, wallet.Path1899.hash160, ] : false; return hash160Array; }; export const isActiveWebsocket = ws => { // Return true if websocket is connected and subscribed // Otherwise return false return ( ws !== null && ws && '_ws' in ws && 'readyState' in ws._ws && ws._ws.readyState === 1 && '_subs' in ws && ws._subs.length > 0 ); };