diff --git a/src/rpc/server.cpp b/src/rpc/server.cpp index 152fb93e1..eb4aa3a9b 100644 --- a/src/rpc/server.cpp +++ b/src/rpc/server.cpp @@ -1,537 +1,538 @@ // Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for unique_ptr #include #include -static std::atomic g_rpc_running{false}; -static bool fRPCInWarmup = true; -static std::string rpcWarmupStatus("RPC server started"); static RecursiveMutex cs_rpcWarmup; +static std::atomic g_rpc_running{false}; +static bool fRPCInWarmup GUARDED_BY(cs_rpcWarmup) = true; +static std::string + rpcWarmupStatus GUARDED_BY(cs_rpcWarmup) = "RPC server started"; /* Timer-creating functions */ static RPCTimerInterface *timerInterface = nullptr; /* Map of name to timer. */ static std::map> deadlineTimers; static bool ExecuteCommand(Config &config, const CRPCCommand &command, const JSONRPCRequest &request, UniValue &result, bool last_handler); struct RPCCommandExecutionInfo { std::string method; int64_t start; }; struct RPCServerInfo { Mutex mutex; std::list active_commands GUARDED_BY(mutex); }; static RPCServerInfo g_rpc_server_info; struct RPCCommandExecution { std::list::iterator it; explicit RPCCommandExecution(const std::string &method) { LOCK(g_rpc_server_info.mutex); it = g_rpc_server_info.active_commands.insert( g_rpc_server_info.active_commands.cend(), {method, GetTimeMicros()}); } ~RPCCommandExecution() { LOCK(g_rpc_server_info.mutex); g_rpc_server_info.active_commands.erase(it); } }; UniValue RPCServer::ExecuteCommand(Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) const { // Return immediately if in warmup // This is retained from the old RPC implementation because a lot of state // is set during warmup that RPC commands may depend on. This can be // safely removed once global variable usage has been eliminated. { LOCK(cs_rpcWarmup); if (fRPCInWarmup) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_IN_WARMUP, rpcWarmupStatus); } } std::string commandName = request.strMethod; { auto commandsReadView = commands.getReadView(); auto iter = commandsReadView->find(commandName); if (iter != commandsReadView.end()) { return iter->second.get()->Execute(request); } } // TODO Remove the below call to tableRPC.execute() and only call it for // context-free RPC commands via an implementation of RPCCommand. // Check if context-free RPC method is valid and execute it return tableRPC.execute(config, request); } void RPCServer::RegisterCommand(std::unique_ptr command) { if (command != nullptr) { const std::string &commandName = command->GetName(); commands.getWriteView()->insert( std::make_pair(commandName, std::move(command))); } } static struct CRPCSignals { boost::signals2::signal Started; boost::signals2::signal Stopped; } g_rpcSignals; void RPCServerSignals::OnStarted(std::function slot) { g_rpcSignals.Started.connect(slot); } void RPCServerSignals::OnStopped(std::function slot) { g_rpcSignals.Stopped.connect(slot); } std::string CRPCTable::help(Config &config, const std::string &strCommand, const JSONRPCRequest &helpreq) const { std::string strRet; std::string category; std::set setDone; std::vector> vCommands; for (const auto &entry : mapCommands) { vCommands.push_back( std::make_pair(entry.second.front()->category + entry.first, entry.second.front())); } sort(vCommands.begin(), vCommands.end()); JSONRPCRequest jreq(helpreq); jreq.fHelp = true; jreq.params = UniValue(); for (const std::pair &command : vCommands) { const CRPCCommand *pcmd = command.second; std::string strMethod = pcmd->name; if ((strCommand != "" || pcmd->category == "hidden") && strMethod != strCommand) { continue; } jreq.strMethod = strMethod; try { UniValue unused_result; if (setDone.insert(pcmd->unique_id).second) { pcmd->actor(config, jreq, unused_result, true /* last_handler */); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { // Help text is returned in an exception std::string strHelp = std::string(e.what()); if (strCommand == "") { if (strHelp.find('\n') != std::string::npos) { strHelp = strHelp.substr(0, strHelp.find('\n')); } if (category != pcmd->category) { if (!category.empty()) { strRet += "\n"; } category = pcmd->category; strRet += "== " + Capitalize(category) + " ==\n"; } } strRet += strHelp + "\n"; } } if (strRet == "") { strRet = strprintf("help: unknown command: %s\n", strCommand); } strRet = strRet.substr(0, strRet.size() - 1); return strRet; } static UniValue help(Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &jsonRequest) { if (jsonRequest.fHelp || jsonRequest.params.size() > 1) { throw std::runtime_error(RPCHelpMan{ "help", "\nList all commands, or get help for a specified command.\n", { {"command", RPCArg::Type::STR, /* default */ "all commands", "The command to get help on"}, }, RPCResult{"\"text\" (string) The help text\n"}, RPCExamples{""}, } .ToString()); } std::string strCommand; if (jsonRequest.params.size() > 0) { strCommand = jsonRequest.params[0].get_str(); } return tableRPC.help(config, strCommand, jsonRequest); } static UniValue stop(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &jsonRequest) { // Accept the deprecated and ignored 'detach' boolean argument // Also accept the hidden 'wait' integer argument (milliseconds) // For instance, 'stop 1000' makes the call wait 1 second before returning // to the client (intended for testing) if (jsonRequest.fHelp || jsonRequest.params.size() > 1) { throw std::runtime_error(RPCHelpMan{ "stop", "\nStop Bitcoin server.", {}, RPCResults{}, RPCExamples{""}, } .ToString()); } // Event loop will exit after current HTTP requests have been handled, so // this reply will get back to the client. StartShutdown(); if (jsonRequest.params[0].isNum()) { MilliSleep(jsonRequest.params[0].get_int()); } return "Bitcoin server stopping"; } static UniValue uptime(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &jsonRequest) { if (jsonRequest.fHelp || jsonRequest.params.size() > 0) { throw std::runtime_error(RPCHelpMan{ "uptime", "\nReturns the total uptime of the server.\n", {}, RPCResult{"ttt (numeric) The number of seconds that the " "server has been running\n"}, RPCExamples{HelpExampleCli("uptime", "") + HelpExampleRpc("uptime", "")}, } .ToString()); } return GetTime() - GetStartupTime(); } static UniValue getrpcinfo(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 0) { throw std::runtime_error(RPCHelpMan{ "getrpcinfo", "\nReturns details of the RPC server.\n", {}, RPCResults{}, RPCExamples{""}, } .ToString()); } LOCK(g_rpc_server_info.mutex); UniValue active_commands(UniValue::VARR); for (const RPCCommandExecutionInfo &info : g_rpc_server_info.active_commands) { UniValue entry(UniValue::VOBJ); entry.pushKV("method", info.method); entry.pushKV("duration", GetTimeMicros() - info.start); active_commands.push_back(entry); } UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); result.pushKV("active_commands", active_commands); return result; } // clang-format off static const CRPCCommand vRPCCommands[] = { // category name actor (function) argNames // ------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------- ---------- /* Overall control/query calls */ { "control", "getrpcinfo", getrpcinfo, {} }, { "control", "help", help, {"command"} }, { "control", "stop", stop, {"wait"} }, { "control", "uptime", uptime, {} }, }; // clang-format on CRPCTable::CRPCTable() { unsigned int vcidx; for (vcidx = 0; vcidx < (sizeof(vRPCCommands) / sizeof(vRPCCommands[0])); vcidx++) { const CRPCCommand *pcmd; pcmd = &vRPCCommands[vcidx]; mapCommands[pcmd->name].push_back(pcmd); } } bool CRPCTable::appendCommand(const std::string &name, const CRPCCommand *pcmd) { if (IsRPCRunning()) { return false; } mapCommands[name].push_back(pcmd); return true; } bool CRPCTable::removeCommand(const std::string &name, const CRPCCommand *pcmd) { auto it = mapCommands.find(name); if (it != mapCommands.end()) { auto new_end = std::remove(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), pcmd); if (it->second.end() != new_end) { it->second.erase(new_end, it->second.end()); return true; } } return false; } void StartRPC() { LogPrint(BCLog::RPC, "Starting RPC\n"); g_rpc_running = true; g_rpcSignals.Started(); } void InterruptRPC() { LogPrint(BCLog::RPC, "Interrupting RPC\n"); // Interrupt e.g. running longpolls g_rpc_running = false; } void StopRPC() { LogPrint(BCLog::RPC, "Stopping RPC\n"); deadlineTimers.clear(); DeleteAuthCookie(); g_rpcSignals.Stopped(); } bool IsRPCRunning() { return g_rpc_running; } void SetRPCWarmupStatus(const std::string &newStatus) { LOCK(cs_rpcWarmup); rpcWarmupStatus = newStatus; } void SetRPCWarmupFinished() { LOCK(cs_rpcWarmup); assert(fRPCInWarmup); fRPCInWarmup = false; } bool RPCIsInWarmup(std::string *outStatus) { LOCK(cs_rpcWarmup); if (outStatus) { *outStatus = rpcWarmupStatus; } return fRPCInWarmup; } bool IsDeprecatedRPCEnabled(const ArgsManager &args, const std::string &method) { const std::vector enabled_methods = args.GetArgs("-deprecatedrpc"); return find(enabled_methods.begin(), enabled_methods.end(), method) != enabled_methods.end(); } static UniValue JSONRPCExecOne(Config &config, RPCServer &rpcServer, JSONRPCRequest jreq, const UniValue &req) { UniValue rpc_result(UniValue::VOBJ); try { jreq.parse(req); UniValue result = rpcServer.ExecuteCommand(config, jreq); rpc_result = JSONRPCReplyObj(result, NullUniValue, jreq.id); } catch (const UniValue &objError) { rpc_result = JSONRPCReplyObj(NullUniValue, objError, jreq.id); } catch (const std::exception &e) { rpc_result = JSONRPCReplyObj( NullUniValue, JSONRPCError(RPC_PARSE_ERROR, e.what()), jreq.id); } return rpc_result; } std::string JSONRPCExecBatch(Config &config, RPCServer &rpcServer, const JSONRPCRequest &jreq, const UniValue &vReq) { UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR); for (size_t i = 0; i < vReq.size(); i++) { ret.push_back(JSONRPCExecOne(config, rpcServer, jreq, vReq[i])); } return ret.write() + "\n"; } /** * Process named arguments into a vector of positional arguments, based on the * passed-in specification for the RPC call's arguments. */ static inline JSONRPCRequest transformNamedArguments(const JSONRPCRequest &in, const std::vector &argNames) { JSONRPCRequest out = in; out.params = UniValue(UniValue::VARR); // Build a map of parameters, and remove ones that have been processed, so // that we can throw a focused error if there is an unknown one. const std::vector &keys = in.params.getKeys(); const std::vector &values = in.params.getValues(); std::unordered_map argsIn; for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { argsIn[keys[i]] = &values[i]; } // Process expected parameters. int hole = 0; for (const std::string &argNamePattern : argNames) { std::vector vargNames; boost::algorithm::split(vargNames, argNamePattern, boost::algorithm::is_any_of("|")); auto fr = argsIn.end(); for (const std::string &argName : vargNames) { fr = argsIn.find(argName); if (fr != argsIn.end()) { break; } } if (fr != argsIn.end()) { for (int i = 0; i < hole; ++i) { // Fill hole between specified parameters with JSON nulls, but // not at the end (for backwards compatibility with calls that // act based on number of specified parameters). out.params.push_back(UniValue()); } hole = 0; out.params.push_back(*fr->second); argsIn.erase(fr); } else { hole += 1; } } // If there are still arguments in the argsIn map, this is an error. if (!argsIn.empty()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Unknown named parameter " + argsIn.begin()->first); } // Return request with named arguments transformed to positional arguments return out; } UniValue CRPCTable::execute(Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) const { // Return immediately if in warmup { LOCK(cs_rpcWarmup); if (fRPCInWarmup) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_IN_WARMUP, rpcWarmupStatus); } } // Find method auto it = mapCommands.find(request.strMethod); if (it != mapCommands.end()) { UniValue result; for (const auto &command : it->second) { if (ExecuteCommand(config, *command, request, result, &command == &it->second.back())) { return result; } } } throw JSONRPCError(RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, "Method not found"); } static bool ExecuteCommand(Config &config, const CRPCCommand &command, const JSONRPCRequest &request, UniValue &result, bool last_handler) { try { RPCCommandExecution execution(request.strMethod); // Execute, convert arguments to array if necessary if (request.params.isObject()) { return command.actor( config, transformNamedArguments(request, command.argNames), result, last_handler); } else { return command.actor(config, request, result, last_handler); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, e.what()); } } std::vector CRPCTable::listCommands() const { std::vector commandList; for (const auto &i : mapCommands) { commandList.emplace_back(i.first); } return commandList; } void RPCSetTimerInterfaceIfUnset(RPCTimerInterface *iface) { if (!timerInterface) { timerInterface = iface; } } void RPCSetTimerInterface(RPCTimerInterface *iface) { timerInterface = iface; } void RPCUnsetTimerInterface(RPCTimerInterface *iface) { if (timerInterface == iface) { timerInterface = nullptr; } } void RPCRunLater(const std::string &name, std::function func, int64_t nSeconds) { if (!timerInterface) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "No timer handler registered for RPC"); } deadlineTimers.erase(name); LogPrint(BCLog::RPC, "queue run of timer %s in %i seconds (using %s)\n", name, nSeconds, timerInterface->Name()); deadlineTimers.emplace( name, std::unique_ptr( timerInterface->NewTimer(func, nSeconds * 1000))); } int RPCSerializationFlags() { return 0; } CRPCTable tableRPC; diff --git a/src/timedata.cpp b/src/timedata.cpp index 499ba65e1..a892065ca 100644 --- a/src/timedata.cpp +++ b/src/timedata.cpp @@ -1,129 +1,129 @@ // Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static RecursiveMutex cs_nTimeOffset; -static int64_t nTimeOffset = 0; +static int64_t nTimeOffset GUARDED_BY(cs_nTimeOffset) = 0; /** * "Never go to sea with two chronometers; take one or three." * Our three time sources are: * - System clock * - Median of other nodes clocks * - The user (asking the user to fix the system clock if the first two * disagree) */ int64_t GetTimeOffset() { LOCK(cs_nTimeOffset); return nTimeOffset; } int64_t GetAdjustedTime() { return GetTime() + GetTimeOffset(); } static uint64_t abs64(int64_t n) { const uint64_t un = n; return (n >= 0) ? un : -un; } #define BITCOIN_TIMEDATA_MAX_SAMPLES 200 void AddTimeData(const CNetAddr &ip, int64_t nOffsetSample) { LOCK(cs_nTimeOffset); // Ignore duplicates static std::set setKnown; if (setKnown.size() == BITCOIN_TIMEDATA_MAX_SAMPLES) { return; } if (!setKnown.insert(ip).second) { return; } // Add data static CMedianFilter vTimeOffsets(BITCOIN_TIMEDATA_MAX_SAMPLES, 0); vTimeOffsets.input(nOffsetSample); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "added time data, samples %d, offset %+d (%+d minutes)\n", vTimeOffsets.size(), nOffsetSample, nOffsetSample / 60); // There is a known issue here (see issue #4521): // // - The structure vTimeOffsets contains up to 200 elements, after which any // new element added to it will not increase its size, replacing the oldest // element. // // - The condition to update nTimeOffset includes checking whether the // number of elements in vTimeOffsets is odd, which will never happen after // there are 200 elements. // // But in this case the 'bug' is protective against some attacks, and may // actually explain why we've never seen attacks which manipulate the clock // offset. // // So we should hold off on fixing this and clean it up as part of a timing // cleanup that strengthens it in a number of other ways. // if (vTimeOffsets.size() >= 5 && vTimeOffsets.size() % 2 == 1) { int64_t nMedian = vTimeOffsets.median(); std::vector vSorted = vTimeOffsets.sorted(); // Only let other nodes change our time by so much if (abs64(nMedian) <= uint64_t(std::max( 0, gArgs.GetArg("-maxtimeadjustment", DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_ADJUSTMENT)))) { nTimeOffset = nMedian; } else { nTimeOffset = 0; static bool fDone; if (!fDone) { // If nobody has a time different than ours but within 5 minutes // of ours, give a warning bool fMatch = false; for (const int64_t nOffset : vSorted) { if (nOffset != 0 && abs64(nOffset) < 5 * 60) { fMatch = true; } } if (!fMatch) { fDone = true; std::string strMessage = strprintf(_("Please check that your computer's date " "and time are correct! If your clock is " "wrong, %s will not work properly.") .translated, PACKAGE_NAME); SetMiscWarning(strMessage); uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox( strMessage, "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_WARNING); } } } if (LogAcceptCategory(BCLog::NET)) { for (const int64_t n : vSorted) { LogPrintToBeContinued(BCLog::NET, "%+d ", n); } LogPrintToBeContinued(BCLog::NET, "| "); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "nTimeOffset = %+d (%+d minutes)\n", nTimeOffset, nTimeOffset / 60); } } } diff --git a/src/warnings.cpp b/src/warnings.cpp index 81d601777..880e7beb1 100644 --- a/src/warnings.cpp +++ b/src/warnings.cpp @@ -1,84 +1,84 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include RecursiveMutex cs_warnings; -std::string strMiscWarning; -bool fLargeWorkForkFound = false; -bool fLargeWorkInvalidChainFound = false; +std::string strMiscWarning GUARDED_BY(cs_warnings); +bool fLargeWorkForkFound GUARDED_BY(cs_warnings) = false; +bool fLargeWorkInvalidChainFound GUARDED_BY(cs_warnings) = false; void SetMiscWarning(const std::string &strWarning) { LOCK(cs_warnings); strMiscWarning = strWarning; } void SetfLargeWorkForkFound(bool flag) { LOCK(cs_warnings); fLargeWorkForkFound = flag; } bool GetfLargeWorkForkFound() { LOCK(cs_warnings); return fLargeWorkForkFound; } void SetfLargeWorkInvalidChainFound(bool flag) { LOCK(cs_warnings); fLargeWorkInvalidChainFound = flag; } std::string GetWarnings(const std::string &strFor) { std::string strStatusBar; std::string strGUI; const std::string uiAlertSeperator = "
"; LOCK(cs_warnings); if (!CLIENT_VERSION_IS_RELEASE) { strStatusBar = "This is a pre-release test build - use at your own " "risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications"; strGUI = _("This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - " "do not use for mining or merchant applications") .translated; } // Misc warnings like out of disk space and clock is wrong if (strMiscWarning != "") { strStatusBar = strMiscWarning; strGUI += (strGUI.empty() ? "" : uiAlertSeperator) + strMiscWarning; } if (fLargeWorkForkFound) { strStatusBar = "Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! " "Some miners appear to be experiencing issues."; strGUI += (strGUI.empty() ? "" : uiAlertSeperator) + _("Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some " "miners appear to be experiencing issues.") .translated; } else if (fLargeWorkInvalidChainFound) { strStatusBar = "Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our " "peers! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may " "need to upgrade."; strGUI += (strGUI.empty() ? "" : uiAlertSeperator) + _("Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our peers! You " "may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade.") .translated; } if (strFor == "gui") { return strGUI; } else if (strFor == "statusbar") { return strStatusBar; } assert(!"GetWarnings(): invalid parameter"); return "error"; }