diff --git a/web/cashtab/src/hooks/useBCH.js b/web/cashtab/src/hooks/useBCH.js index a07913c2e..89da196cc 100644 --- a/web/cashtab/src/hooks/useBCH.js +++ b/web/cashtab/src/hooks/useBCH.js @@ -1,1043 +1,1041 @@ import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import { currency } from '@components/Common/Ticker'; import { isValidTokenStats } from '@utils/validation'; import SlpWallet from 'minimal-slp-wallet'; import { toSmallestDenomination, fromSmallestDenomination, batchArray, flattenBatchedHydratedUtxos, isValidStoredWallet, } from '@utils/cashMethods'; export default function useBCH() { const SEND_BCH_ERRORS = { INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS: 0, NETWORK_ERROR: 1, INSUFFICIENT_PRIORITY: 66, // ~insufficient fee DOUBLE_SPENDING: 18, MAX_UNCONFIRMED_TXS: 64, }; const getRestUrl = (apiIndex = 0) => { const apiString = process.env.REACT_APP_NETWORK === `mainnet` ? process.env.REACT_APP_BCHA_APIS : process.env.REACT_APP_BCHA_APIS_TEST; const apiArray = apiString.split(','); return apiArray[apiIndex]; }; const flattenTransactions = ( txHistory, txCount = currency.txHistoryCount, ) => { /* Convert txHistory, format [{address: '', transactions: [{height: '', tx_hash: ''}, ...{}]}, {}, {}] to flatTxHistory [{txid: '', blockheight: '', address: ''}] sorted by blockheight, newest transactions to oldest transactions */ let flatTxHistory = []; let includedTxids = []; for (let i = 0; i < txHistory.length; i += 1) { const { address, transactions } = txHistory[i]; for (let j = transactions.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) { let flatTx = {}; flatTx.address = address; // If tx is unconfirmed, give arbitrarily high blockheight flatTx.height = transactions[j].height <= 0 ? 10000000 : transactions[j].height; flatTx.txid = transactions[j].tx_hash; // Only add this tx if the same transaction is not already in the array // This edge case can happen with older wallets, txs can be on multiple paths if (!includedTxids.includes(flatTx.txid)) { includedTxids.push(flatTx.txid); flatTxHistory.push(flatTx); } } } // Sort with most recent transaction at index 0 flatTxHistory.sort((a, b) => b.height - a.height); // Only return 10 return flatTxHistory.splice(0, txCount); }; const parseTxData = txData => { /* Desired output [ { txid: '', type: send, receive receivingAddress: '', quantity: amount bcha token: true/false tokenInfo: { tokenId: tokenQty: txType: mint, send, other } } ] */ const parsedTxHistory = []; for (let i = 0; i < txData.length; i += 1) { const tx = txData[i]; const parsedTx = {}; // Move over info that does not need to be calculated parsedTx.txid = tx.txid; parsedTx.height = tx.height; let destinationAddress = tx.address; // If this tx had too many inputs to be parsed by getTxDataWithPassThrough, skip it // When this occurs, the tx will only have txid and height // So, it will not have 'vin' if (!Object.keys(tx).includes('vin')) { // Populate as a limited-info tx that can be expanded in a block explorer parsedTxHistory.push(parsedTx); continue; } parsedTx.confirmations = tx.confirmations; parsedTx.blocktime = tx.blocktime; let amountSent = 0; let amountReceived = 0; // Assume an incoming transaction let outgoingTx = false; let tokenTx = false; // If vin includes tx address, this is an outgoing tx // Note that with bch-input data, we do not have input amounts for (let j = 0; j < tx.vin.length; j += 1) { const thisInput = tx.vin[j]; if (thisInput.address === tx.address) { // This is an outgoing transaction outgoingTx = true; } } // Iterate over vout to find how much was sent or received for (let j = 0; j < tx.vout.length; j += 1) { const thisOutput = tx.vout[j]; // If there is no addresses object in the output, OP_RETURN or token tx if ( !Object.keys(thisOutput.scriptPubKey).includes('addresses') ) { // For now, assume this is a token tx tokenTx = true; continue; } if ( thisOutput.scriptPubKey.addresses && thisOutput.scriptPubKey.addresses[0] === tx.address ) { if (outgoingTx) { // This amount is change continue; } amountReceived += thisOutput.value; } else if (outgoingTx) { amountSent += thisOutput.value; // Assume there's only one destination address, i.e. it was sent by a Cashtab wallet destinationAddress = thisOutput.scriptPubKey.addresses[0]; } } // Construct parsedTx parsedTx.amountSent = amountSent; parsedTx.amountReceived = amountReceived; parsedTx.tokenTx = tokenTx; parsedTx.outgoingTx = outgoingTx; parsedTx.destinationAddress = destinationAddress; parsedTxHistory.push(parsedTx); } return parsedTxHistory; }; const getTxHistory = async (BCH, addresses) => { let txHistoryResponse; try { //console.log(`API Call: BCH.Electrumx.utxo(addresses)`); //console.log(addresses); txHistoryResponse = await BCH.Electrumx.transactions(addresses); //console.log(`BCH.Electrumx.transactions(addresses) succeeded`); //console.log(`txHistoryResponse`, txHistoryResponse); if (txHistoryResponse.success && txHistoryResponse.transactions) { return txHistoryResponse.transactions; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal throw new Error('Error in getTxHistory'); } } catch (err) { console.log(`Error in BCH.Electrumx.transactions(addresses):`); console.log(err); return err; } }; const getTxDataWithPassThrough = async (BCH, flatTx) => { // necessary as BCH.RawTransactions.getTxData does not return address or blockheight let txDataWithPassThrough = {}; try { txDataWithPassThrough = await BCH.RawTransactions.getTxData( flatTx.txid, ); } catch (err) { console.log( `Error in BCH.RawTransactions.getTxData(${flatTx.txid})`, ); console.log(err); // Include txid if you don't get it from the attempted response txDataWithPassThrough.txid = flatTx.txid; } txDataWithPassThrough.height = flatTx.height; txDataWithPassThrough.address = flatTx.address; return txDataWithPassThrough; }; const getTxData = async (BCH, txHistory) => { // Flatten tx history let flatTxs = flattenTransactions(txHistory); // Build array of promises to get tx data for all 10 transactions let txDataPromises = []; for (let i = 0; i < flatTxs.length; i += 1) { const txDataPromise = await getTxDataWithPassThrough( BCH, flatTxs[i], ); txDataPromises.push(txDataPromise); } // Get txData for the 10 most recent transactions let txDataPromiseResponse; try { txDataPromiseResponse = await Promise.all(txDataPromises); const parsed = parseTxData(txDataPromiseResponse); return parsed; } catch (err) { console.log(`Error in Promise.all(txDataPromises):`); console.log(err); return err; } }; const parseTokenInfoForTxHistory = (BCH, parsedTx, tokenInfo) => { // Address at which the eToken was received const { destinationAddress } = parsedTx; // Here in cashtab, destinationAddress is in bitcoincash: format // In the API response of tokenInfo, this will be in simpleledger: format // So, must convert to simpleledger const receivingSlpAddress = BCH.SLP.Address.toSLPAddress(destinationAddress); const { transactionType, sendInputsFull, sendOutputsFull } = tokenInfo; const sendingTokenAddresses = []; // Scan over inputs to find out originating addresses for (let i = 0; i < sendInputsFull.length; i += 1) { const sendingAddress = sendInputsFull[i].address; sendingTokenAddresses.push(sendingAddress); } // Scan over outputs to find out how much was sent let qtySent = new BigNumber(0); let qtyReceived = new BigNumber(0); for (let i = 0; i < sendOutputsFull.length; i += 1) { if (sendingTokenAddresses.includes(sendOutputsFull[i].address)) { // token change and should be ignored, unless it's a genesis transaction // then this is the amount created if (transactionType === 'GENESIS') { qtyReceived = qtyReceived.plus( new BigNumber(sendOutputsFull[i].amount), ); } continue; } if (parsedTx.outgoingTx) { qtySent = qtySent.plus( new BigNumber(sendOutputsFull[i].amount), ); } else { // Only if this matches the receiving address if (sendOutputsFull[i].address === receivingSlpAddress) { qtyReceived = qtyReceived.plus( new BigNumber(sendOutputsFull[i].amount), ); } } } const cashtabTokenInfo = {}; cashtabTokenInfo.qtySent = qtySent.toString(); cashtabTokenInfo.qtyReceived = qtyReceived.toString(); cashtabTokenInfo.tokenId = tokenInfo.tokenIdHex; cashtabTokenInfo.tokenName = tokenInfo.tokenName; cashtabTokenInfo.tokenTicker = tokenInfo.tokenTicker; cashtabTokenInfo.transactionType = transactionType; return cashtabTokenInfo; }; const addTokenTxDataToSingleTx = async (BCH, parsedTx) => { // Accept one parsedTx // If it's not a token tx, just return it as is and do not parse for token data if (!parsedTx.tokenTx) { return parsedTx; } // If it could be a token tx, do an API call to get token info and return it let tokenData; try { tokenData = await BCH.SLP.Utils.txDetails(parsedTx.txid); } catch (err) { console.log( `Error in parsing BCH.SLP.Utils.txDetails(${parsedTx.txid})`, ); console.log(err); // This is not a token tx parsedTx.tokenTx = false; return parsedTx; } const { tokenInfo } = tokenData; parsedTx.tokenInfo = parseTokenInfoForTxHistory( BCH, parsedTx, tokenInfo, ); return parsedTx; }; const addTokenTxData = async (BCH, parsedTxs) => { // Collect all txids for token transactions into array of promises // Promise.all to get their tx history // Add a tokeninfo object to parsedTxs for token txs // Get txData for the 10 most recent transactions // Build array of promises to get tx data for all 10 transactions let tokenTxDataPromises = []; for (let i = 0; i < parsedTxs.length; i += 1) { const txDataPromise = await addTokenTxDataToSingleTx( BCH, parsedTxs[i], ); tokenTxDataPromises.push(txDataPromise); } let tokenTxDataPromiseResponse; try { tokenTxDataPromiseResponse = await Promise.all(tokenTxDataPromises); return tokenTxDataPromiseResponse; } catch (err) { console.log(`Error in Promise.all(tokenTxDataPromises):`); console.log(err); return err; } }; // Split out the BCH.Electrumx.utxo(addresses) call from the getSlpBalancesandUtxos function // If utxo set has not changed, you do not need to hydrate the utxo set // This drastically reduces calls to the API const getUtxos = async (BCH, addresses) => { let utxosResponse; try { //console.log(`API Call: BCH.Electrumx.utxo(addresses)`); //console.log(addresses); utxosResponse = await BCH.Electrumx.utxo(addresses); //console.log(`BCH.Electrumx.utxo(addresses) succeeded`); //console.log(`utxosResponse`, utxosResponse); return utxosResponse.utxos; } catch (err) { console.log(`Error in BCH.Electrumx.utxo(addresses):`); return err; } }; const getHydratedUtxoDetails = async (BCH, utxos) => { const hydrateUtxosPromises = []; for (let i = 0; i < utxos.length; i += 1) { let thisAddress = utxos[i].address; let theseUtxos = utxos[i].utxos; const batchedUtxos = batchArray( theseUtxos, currency.hydrateUtxoBatchSize, ); // Iterate over each utxo in this address field for (let j = 0; j < batchedUtxos.length; j += 1) { const utxoSetForThisPromise = [ { utxos: batchedUtxos[j], address: thisAddress }, ]; const thisPromise = BCH.SLP.Utils.hydrateUtxos( utxoSetForThisPromise, ); hydrateUtxosPromises.push(thisPromise); } } let hydratedUtxoDetails; try { hydratedUtxoDetails = await Promise.all(hydrateUtxosPromises); const flattenedBatchedHydratedUtxos = flattenBatchedHydratedUtxos(hydratedUtxoDetails); return flattenedBatchedHydratedUtxos; } catch (err) { console.log(`Error in Promise.all(hydrateUtxosPromises)`); console.log(err); return err; } }; const getSlpBalancesAndUtxos = hydratedUtxoDetails => { const hydratedUtxos = []; for (let i = 0; i < hydratedUtxoDetails.slpUtxos.length; i += 1) { const hydratedUtxosAtAddress = hydratedUtxoDetails.slpUtxos[i]; for (let j = 0; j < hydratedUtxosAtAddress.utxos.length; j += 1) { const hydratedUtxo = hydratedUtxosAtAddress.utxos[j]; hydratedUtxo.address = hydratedUtxosAtAddress.address; hydratedUtxos.push(hydratedUtxo); } } //console.log(`hydratedUtxos`, hydratedUtxos); // WARNING // If you hit rate limits, your above utxos object will come back with `isValid` as null, but otherwise ok // You need to throw an error before setting nonSlpUtxos and slpUtxos in this case const nullUtxos = hydratedUtxos.filter(utxo => utxo.isValid === null); - //console.log(`nullUtxos`, nullUtxos); + if (nullUtxos.length > 0) { - console.log( - `${nullUtxos.length} null utxos found, ignoring results`, - ); - throw new Error('Null utxos found, ignoring results'); + console.log(`${nullUtxos.length} null utxos found!`); + console.log('nullUtxos', nullUtxos); } // Prevent app from treating slpUtxos as nonSlpUtxos // Must enforce === false as api will occasionally return utxo.isValid === null // Do not classify utxos with 546 satoshis as nonSlpUtxos as a precaution // Do not classify any utxos that include token information as nonSlpUtxos const nonSlpUtxos = hydratedUtxos.filter( utxo => utxo.isValid === false && utxo.value !== currency.etokenSats && !utxo.tokenName, ); // To be included in slpUtxos, the utxo must // have utxo.isValid = true // If utxo has a utxo.tokenQty field, i.e. not a minting baton, then utxo.tokenQty !== '0' const slpUtxos = hydratedUtxos.filter( utxo => utxo.isValid && !(utxo.tokenQty === '0'), ); let tokensById = {}; slpUtxos.forEach(slpUtxo => { let token = tokensById[slpUtxo.tokenId]; if (token) { // Minting baton does nto have a slpUtxo.tokenQty type if (slpUtxo.tokenQty) { token.balance = token.balance.plus( new BigNumber(slpUtxo.tokenQty), ); } //token.hasBaton = slpUtxo.transactionType === "genesis"; if (slpUtxo.utxoType && !token.hasBaton) { token.hasBaton = slpUtxo.utxoType === 'minting-baton'; } // Examples of slpUtxo /* Genesis transaction: { address: "bitcoincash:qrhzv5t79e2afc3rdutcu0d3q20gl7ul3ue58whah6" decimals: 9 height: 617564 isValid: true satoshis: 546 tokenDocumentHash: "" tokenDocumentUrl: "developer.bitcoin.com" tokenId: "6c41f244676ecfcbe3b4fabee2c72c2dadf8d74f8849afabc8a549157db69199" tokenName: "PiticoLaunch" tokenTicker: "PTCL" tokenType: 1 tx_hash: "6c41f244676ecfcbe3b4fabee2c72c2dadf8d74f8849afabc8a549157db69199" tx_pos: 2 txid: "6c41f244676ecfcbe3b4fabee2c72c2dadf8d74f8849afabc8a549157db69199" utxoType: "minting-baton" value: 546 vout: 2 } Send transaction: { address: "bitcoincash:qrhzv5t79e2afc3rdutcu0d3q20gl7ul3ue58whah6" decimals: 9 height: 655115 isValid: true satoshis: 546 tokenDocumentHash: "" tokenDocumentUrl: "developer.bitcoin.com" tokenId: "6c41f244676ecfcbe3b4fabee2c72c2dadf8d74f8849afabc8a549157db69199" tokenName: "PiticoLaunch" tokenQty: 1.123456789 tokenTicker: "PTCL" tokenType: 1 transactionType: "send" tx_hash: "dea400f963bc9f51e010f88533010f8d1f82fc2bcc485ff8500c3a82b25abd9e" tx_pos: 1 txid: "dea400f963bc9f51e010f88533010f8d1f82fc2bcc485ff8500c3a82b25abd9e" utxoType: "token" value: 546 vout: 1 } */ } else { token = {}; token.info = slpUtxo; token.tokenId = slpUtxo.tokenId; if (slpUtxo.tokenQty) { token.balance = new BigNumber(slpUtxo.tokenQty); } else { token.balance = new BigNumber(0); } if (slpUtxo.utxoType) { token.hasBaton = slpUtxo.utxoType === 'minting-baton'; } else { token.hasBaton = false; } tokensById[slpUtxo.tokenId] = token; } }); const tokens = Object.values(tokensById); // console.log(`tokens`, tokens); return { tokens, nonSlpUtxos, slpUtxos, }; }; const calcFee = ( BCH, utxos, p2pkhOutputNumber = 2, satoshisPerByte = currency.defaultFee, ) => { const byteCount = BCH.BitcoinCash.getByteCount( { P2PKH: utxos.length }, { P2PKH: p2pkhOutputNumber }, ); const txFee = Math.ceil(satoshisPerByte * byteCount); return txFee; }; const createToken = async (BCH, wallet, feeInSatsPerByte, configObj) => { try { // Throw error if wallet does not have utxo set in state if (!isValidStoredWallet(wallet)) { const walletError = new Error(`Invalid wallet`); throw walletError; } const utxos = wallet.state.slpBalancesAndUtxos.nonSlpUtxos; const CREATION_ADDR = wallet.Path1899.cashAddress; const inputUtxos = []; let transactionBuilder; // instance of transaction builder if (process.env.REACT_APP_NETWORK === `mainnet`) transactionBuilder = new BCH.TransactionBuilder(); else transactionBuilder = new BCH.TransactionBuilder('testnet'); let originalAmount = new BigNumber(0); let txFee = 0; for (let i = 0; i < utxos.length; i++) { const utxo = utxos[i]; originalAmount = originalAmount.plus(new BigNumber(utxo.value)); const vout = utxo.vout; const txid = utxo.txid; // add input with txid and index of vout transactionBuilder.addInput(txid, vout); inputUtxos.push(utxo); txFee = calcFee(BCH, inputUtxos, 3, feeInSatsPerByte); if ( originalAmount .minus(new BigNumber(currency.etokenSats)) .minus(new BigNumber(txFee)) .gte(0) ) { break; } } // amount to send back to the remainder address. const remainder = originalAmount .minus(new BigNumber(currency.etokenSats)) .minus(new BigNumber(txFee)); if (remainder.lt(0)) { const error = new Error(`Insufficient funds`); error.code = SEND_BCH_ERRORS.INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS; throw error; } // Generate the OP_RETURN entry for an SLP GENESIS transaction. const script = BCH.SLP.TokenType1.generateGenesisOpReturn(configObj); // OP_RETURN needs to be the first output in the transaction. transactionBuilder.addOutput(script, 0); // add output w/ address and amount to send transactionBuilder.addOutput(CREATION_ADDR, currency.etokenSats); // Send change to own address if (remainder.gte(new BigNumber(currency.etokenSats))) { transactionBuilder.addOutput( CREATION_ADDR, parseInt(remainder), ); } // Sign the transactions with the HD node. for (let i = 0; i < inputUtxos.length; i++) { const utxo = inputUtxos[i]; transactionBuilder.sign( i, BCH.ECPair.fromWIF(utxo.wif), undefined, transactionBuilder.hashTypes.SIGHASH_ALL, utxo.value, ); } // build tx const tx = transactionBuilder.build(); // output rawhex const hex = tx.toHex(); // Broadcast transaction to the network const txidStr = await BCH.RawTransactions.sendRawTransaction([hex]); if (txidStr && txidStr[0]) { console.log(`${currency.ticker} txid`, txidStr[0]); } let link; if (process.env.REACT_APP_NETWORK === `mainnet`) { link = `${currency.tokenExplorerUrl}/tx/${txidStr}`; } else { link = `${currency.blockExplorerUrlTestnet}/tx/${txidStr}`; } //console.log(`link`, link); return link; } catch (err) { if (err.error === 'insufficient priority (code 66)') { err.code = SEND_BCH_ERRORS.INSUFFICIENT_PRIORITY; } else if (err.error === 'txn-mempool-conflict (code 18)') { err.code = SEND_BCH_ERRORS.DOUBLE_SPENDING; } else if (err.error === 'Network Error') { err.code = SEND_BCH_ERRORS.NETWORK_ERROR; } else if ( err.error === 'too-long-mempool-chain, too many unconfirmed ancestors [limit: 25] (code 64)' ) { err.code = SEND_BCH_ERRORS.MAX_UNCONFIRMED_TXS; } console.log(`error: `, err); throw err; } }; // No unit tests for this function as it is only an API wrapper // Return false if do not get a valid response const getTokenStats = async (BCH, tokenId) => { let tokenStats; try { tokenStats = await BCH.SLP.Utils.tokenStats(tokenId); if (isValidTokenStats(tokenStats)) { return tokenStats; } } catch (err) { console.log(`Error fetching token stats for tokenId ${tokenId}`); console.log(err); return false; } }; const sendToken = async ( BCH, wallet, slpBalancesAndUtxos, { tokenId, amount, tokenReceiverAddress }, ) => { // Handle error of user having no BCH if (slpBalancesAndUtxos.nonSlpUtxos.length === 0) { throw new Error( `You need some ${currency.ticker} to send ${currency.tokenTicker}`, ); } const largestBchUtxo = slpBalancesAndUtxos.nonSlpUtxos.reduce( (previous, current) => previous.value > current.value ? previous : current, ); const bchECPair = BCH.ECPair.fromWIF(largestBchUtxo.wif); const tokenUtxos = slpBalancesAndUtxos.slpUtxos.filter( (utxo, index) => { if ( utxo && // UTXO is associated with a token. utxo.tokenId === tokenId && // UTXO matches the token ID. utxo.utxoType === 'token' // UTXO is not a minting baton. ) { return true; } return false; }, ); if (tokenUtxos.length === 0) { throw new Error( 'No token UTXOs for the specified token could be found.', ); } // BEGIN transaction construction. // instance of transaction builder let transactionBuilder; if (process.env.REACT_APP_NETWORK === 'mainnet') { transactionBuilder = new BCH.TransactionBuilder(); } else transactionBuilder = new BCH.TransactionBuilder('testnet'); const originalAmount = largestBchUtxo.value; transactionBuilder.addInput( largestBchUtxo.tx_hash, largestBchUtxo.tx_pos, ); let finalTokenAmountSent = new BigNumber(0); let tokenAmountBeingSentToAddress = new BigNumber(amount); let tokenUtxosBeingSpent = []; for (let i = 0; i < tokenUtxos.length; i++) { finalTokenAmountSent = finalTokenAmountSent.plus( new BigNumber(tokenUtxos[i].tokenQty), ); transactionBuilder.addInput( tokenUtxos[i].tx_hash, tokenUtxos[i].tx_pos, ); tokenUtxosBeingSpent.push(tokenUtxos[i]); if (tokenAmountBeingSentToAddress.lte(finalTokenAmountSent)) { break; } } const slpSendObj = BCH.SLP.TokenType1.generateSendOpReturn( tokenUtxosBeingSpent, tokenAmountBeingSentToAddress.toString(), ); const slpData = slpSendObj.script; // Add OP_RETURN as first output. transactionBuilder.addOutput(slpData, 0); // Send dust transaction representing tokens being sent. transactionBuilder.addOutput( BCH.SLP.Address.toLegacyAddress(tokenReceiverAddress), currency.etokenSats, ); // Return any token change back to the sender. if (slpSendObj.outputs > 1) { // Change goes back to where slp utxo came from transactionBuilder.addOutput( BCH.SLP.Address.toLegacyAddress( tokenUtxosBeingSpent[0].address, ), currency.etokenSats, ); } // get byte count to calculate fee. paying 1 sat // Note: This may not be totally accurate. Just guessing on the byteCount size. const txFee = calcFee( BCH, tokenUtxosBeingSpent, 5, 1.1 * currency.defaultFee, ); // amount to send back to the sending address. It's the original amount - 1 sat/byte for tx size const remainder = originalAmount - txFee - currency.etokenSats * 2; if (remainder < 1) { throw new Error('Selected UTXO does not have enough satoshis'); } // Last output: send the BCH change back to the wallet. // Send it back from whence it came transactionBuilder.addOutput( BCH.Address.toLegacyAddress(largestBchUtxo.address), remainder, ); // Sign the transaction with the private key for the BCH UTXO paying the fees. let redeemScript; transactionBuilder.sign( 0, bchECPair, redeemScript, transactionBuilder.hashTypes.SIGHASH_ALL, originalAmount, ); // Sign each token UTXO being consumed. for (let i = 0; i < tokenUtxosBeingSpent.length; i++) { const thisUtxo = tokenUtxosBeingSpent[i]; const accounts = [wallet.Path245, wallet.Path145, wallet.Path1899]; const utxoEcPair = BCH.ECPair.fromWIF( accounts .filter(acc => acc.cashAddress === thisUtxo.address) .pop().fundingWif, ); transactionBuilder.sign( 1 + i, utxoEcPair, redeemScript, transactionBuilder.hashTypes.SIGHASH_ALL, thisUtxo.value, ); } // build tx const tx = transactionBuilder.build(); // output rawhex const hex = tx.toHex(); // console.log(`Transaction raw hex: `, hex); // END transaction construction. const txidStr = await BCH.RawTransactions.sendRawTransaction([hex]); if (txidStr && txidStr[0]) { console.log(`${currency.tokenTicker} txid`, txidStr[0]); } let link; if (process.env.REACT_APP_NETWORK === `mainnet`) { link = `${currency.blockExplorerUrl}/tx/${txidStr}`; } else { link = `${currency.blockExplorerUrlTestnet}/tx/${txidStr}`; } //console.log(`link`, link); return link; }; const sendBch = async ( BCH, wallet, utxos, destinationAddress, sendAmount, feeInSatsPerByte, ) => { try { if (!sendAmount) { return null; } const value = new BigNumber(sendAmount); // If user is attempting to send less than minimum accepted by the backend if ( value.lt( new BigNumber( fromSmallestDenomination(currency.dustSats).toString(), ), ) ) { // Throw the same error given by the backend attempting to broadcast such a tx throw new Error('dust'); } const inputUtxos = []; let transactionBuilder; // instance of transaction builder if (process.env.REACT_APP_NETWORK === `mainnet`) transactionBuilder = new BCH.TransactionBuilder(); else transactionBuilder = new BCH.TransactionBuilder('testnet'); const satoshisToSend = toSmallestDenomination(value); // Throw validation error if toSmallestDenomination returns false if (!satoshisToSend) { const error = new Error( `Invalid decimal places for send amount`, ); throw error; } let originalAmount = new BigNumber(0); let txFee = 0; for (let i = 0; i < utxos.length; i++) { const utxo = utxos[i]; originalAmount = originalAmount.plus(utxo.value); const vout = utxo.vout; const txid = utxo.txid; // add input with txid and index of vout transactionBuilder.addInput(txid, vout); inputUtxos.push(utxo); txFee = calcFee(BCH, inputUtxos, 2, feeInSatsPerByte); if (originalAmount.minus(satoshisToSend).minus(txFee).gte(0)) { break; } } // Get change address from sending utxos // fall back to what is stored in wallet let REMAINDER_ADDR; // Validate address let isValidChangeAddress; try { REMAINDER_ADDR = inputUtxos[0].address; isValidChangeAddress = BCH.Address.isCashAddress(REMAINDER_ADDR); } catch (err) { isValidChangeAddress = false; } if (!isValidChangeAddress) { REMAINDER_ADDR = wallet.Path1899.cashAddress; } // amount to send back to the remainder address. const remainder = originalAmount.minus(satoshisToSend).minus(txFee); if (remainder.lt(0)) { const error = new Error(`Insufficient funds`); error.code = SEND_BCH_ERRORS.INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS; throw error; } // add output w/ address and amount to send transactionBuilder.addOutput( BCH.Address.toCashAddress(destinationAddress), parseInt(toSmallestDenomination(value)), ); if (remainder.gte(new BigNumber(currency.dustSats))) { transactionBuilder.addOutput( REMAINDER_ADDR, parseInt(remainder), ); } // Sign the transactions with the HD node. for (let i = 0; i < inputUtxos.length; i++) { const utxo = inputUtxos[i]; transactionBuilder.sign( i, BCH.ECPair.fromWIF(utxo.wif), undefined, transactionBuilder.hashTypes.SIGHASH_ALL, utxo.value, ); } // build tx const tx = transactionBuilder.build(); // output rawhex const hex = tx.toHex(); // Broadcast transaction to the network const txidStr = await BCH.RawTransactions.sendRawTransaction([hex]); if (txidStr && txidStr[0]) { console.log(`${currency.ticker} txid`, txidStr[0]); } let link; if (process.env.REACT_APP_NETWORK === `mainnet`) { link = `${currency.blockExplorerUrl}/tx/${txidStr}`; } else { link = `${currency.blockExplorerUrlTestnet}/tx/${txidStr}`; } //console.log(`link`, link); return link; } catch (err) { if (err.error === 'insufficient priority (code 66)') { err.code = SEND_BCH_ERRORS.INSUFFICIENT_PRIORITY; } else if (err.error === 'txn-mempool-conflict (code 18)') { err.code = SEND_BCH_ERRORS.DOUBLE_SPENDING; } else if (err.error === 'Network Error') { err.code = SEND_BCH_ERRORS.NETWORK_ERROR; } else if ( err.error === 'too-long-mempool-chain, too many unconfirmed ancestors [limit: 25] (code 64)' ) { err.code = SEND_BCH_ERRORS.MAX_UNCONFIRMED_TXS; } console.log(`error: `, err); throw err; } }; const getBCH = (apiIndex = 0) => { let ConstructedSlpWallet; ConstructedSlpWallet = new SlpWallet('', { restURL: getRestUrl(apiIndex), }); return ConstructedSlpWallet.bchjs; }; return { getBCH, calcFee, getUtxos, getHydratedUtxoDetails, getSlpBalancesAndUtxos, getTxHistory, flattenTransactions, parseTxData, addTokenTxData, parseTokenInfoForTxHistory, getTxData, getRestUrl, sendBch, sendToken, createToken, getTokenStats, }; }