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"build": "node scripts/build.js", "test": "node scripts/test.js", "test:coverage": "CI=true npm run test --coverage", "preextension": "npm i -g browserify", "extension": "REACT_APP_BUILD_ENV=extension ./scripts/extension.sh" }, "browserslist": { "production": [ "chrome >= 67", "edge >= 79", "firefox >= 68", "opera >= 54", "safari >= 14" ], "development": [ "last 1 chrome version", "last 1 firefox version", "last 1 safari version" ] }, "dependencies": { "@bitgo/utxo-lib": "^9.33.0", "@zxing/browser": "^0.1.4", "bip39": "^3.0.2", "bip66": "^1.1.5", "bitcoinjs-message": "^2.2.0", "chronik-client": "^0.26.1", "ecash-coinselect": "^2.2.0", "ecash-script": "^2.1.2", "ecashaddrjs": "^1.5.4", "localforage": "^1.9.0", "qrcode.react": "^3.1.0", "react": "^18.2.0", "react-dom": "^18.2.0", "react-easy-crop": "^5.0.6", "react-ga": "^3.3.0", "react-router-dom": "^6.22.0", "react-toastify": "^10.0.5", "slp-mdm": "^0.0.6" }, "devDependencies": { "@babel/core": "^7.16.0", 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b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/Etokens.js index d0319b946..d2e15d4d9 100644 --- a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/Etokens.js +++ b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/Etokens.js @@ -1,73 +1,148 @@ // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. -import React from 'react'; +import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { WalletContext } from 'wallet/context'; import { LoadingCtn } from 'components/Common/Atoms'; import TokenList from './TokenList'; import { getWalletState } from 'utils/cashMethods'; import appConfig from 'config/app'; import { getUserLocale } from 'helpers'; import { PrimaryLink } from 'components/Common/Buttons'; +import { Input } from 'components/Common/Inputs'; const EtokensCtn = styled.div` color: ${props => props.theme.contrast}; width: 100%; h2 { margin: 0 0 20px; margin-top: 10px; } padding-top: 24px; `; const ButtonHolder = styled.div` display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 12px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `; const Etokens = () => { const ContextValue = React.useContext(WalletContext); const { loading, cashtabState } = ContextValue; const { wallets, cashtabCache } = cashtabState; const wallet = wallets.length > 0 ? wallets[0] : false; const walletState = getWalletState(wallet); const { tokens } = walletState; const userLocale = getUserLocale(navigator); + + const [tokenSearch, setTokenSearch] = useState(''); + // tokensInWallet is a key value array of the cashtab cache tokens Map, + // except that it contains only the tokens in wallet.state.tokens, + // and, in addition to cached info, it has the user's token balance + const [tokensInWallet, setTokensInWallet] = useState(null); + + // renderedTokens is a subset of tokensInWallet, filtered by the user's search query + const [renderedTokens, setRenderedTokens] = useState(null); + + useEffect(() => { + // On page load, create a key value array of all the cached info for tokens you have in the wallet + // Clone cashtab cache tokens + const tokenMapWithBalance = new Map(cashtabCache.tokens); + // Add balance to all cached tokens where balance info is available + tokens.forEach((tokenBalance, tokenId) => { + tokenMapWithBalance.set(tokenId, { + ...tokenMapWithBalance.get(tokenId), + balance: tokenBalance, + }); + }); + + // Convert to a keyValueArray so you can filter() + const cacheKeyValueArray = [...tokenMapWithBalance]; + // Filter so you only have tokens with balance (or 0 balance and mint baton) + const walletTokensKeyValueArray = cacheKeyValueArray.filter(kv => + tokens.has(kv[0]), + ); + + // Sort alphabetical by token ticker, since the ticker is what you render + walletTokensKeyValueArray.sort((a, b) => { + return a[1].genesisInfo.tokenTicker.localeCompare( + b[1].genesisInfo.tokenTicker, + ); + }); + setTokensInWallet(walletTokensKeyValueArray); + + // Initialize rendered tokens as all tokens + setRenderedTokens(walletTokensKeyValueArray); + }, [wallet.state.tokens]); + + const handleTokenSearchInput = e => { + const { value } = e.target; + setTokenSearch(value); + + // make the search case insensitive + const searchString = value.toLowerCase(); + + // Get the tokensInWallet that include this search string in ticker or name + const filteredTokensInWallet = tokensInWallet.filter( + kv => + kv[1].genesisInfo.tokenName + .toLowerCase() + .includes(searchString) || + kv[1].genesisInfo.tokenTicker + .toLowerCase() + .includes(searchString), + ); + + // Only render tokens that appear in filteredTokensInWallet + setRenderedTokens(filteredTokensInWallet); + }; return ( <> - {loading ? ( - + {loading || renderedTokens === null ? ( + ) : ( Create eToken - {tokens && tokens.size > 0 ? ( - + {Array.isArray(tokensInWallet) && + tokensInWallet.length > 0 ? ( + <> + + {renderedTokens.length > 0 ? ( + + ) : ( +

No tokens matching {tokenSearch}

+ )} + ) : (

Tokens sent to your {appConfig.tokenTicker} address will appear here

)} ); }; export default Etokens; diff --git a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/TokenList.js b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/TokenList.js index 7453e5384..877311a4e 100644 --- a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/TokenList.js +++ b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/TokenList.js @@ -1,37 +1,32 @@ // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import TokenListItem from './TokenListItem'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; -import { decimalizedTokenQtyToLocaleFormat } from 'utils/formatting'; import styled from 'styled-components'; const TokenLink = styled(Link)` text-decoration: none; `; -const TokenList = ({ tokens, tokenCache, userLocale }) => { - return Array.from(tokens).map(keyValueArray => ( +const TokenList = ({ tokensKvArray, userLocale }) => { + return tokensKvArray.map(keyValueArray => ( )); }; TokenList.propTypes = { - tokens: PropTypes.instanceOf(Map), - tokenCache: PropTypes.instanceOf(Map), + tokensKvArray: PropTypes.array, userLocale: PropTypes.string, }; export default TokenList; diff --git a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/TokenListItem.js b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/TokenListItem.js index ad785a548..186a776d4 100644 --- a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/TokenListItem.js +++ b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/TokenListItem.js @@ -1,91 +1,98 @@ // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import TokenIcon from './TokenIcon'; +import { decimalizedTokenQtyToLocaleFormat } from 'utils/formatting'; const TokenIconWrapper = styled.div` margin-right: 10px; `; const TokenNameCtn = styled.div` display: flex; align-items: center; `; const Wrapper = styled.div` display: flex; align-items: center; - border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12); + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12); color: ${props => props.theme.contrast}; padding: 10px 0; justify-content: space-between; h4 { font-size: 16px; color: ${props => props.theme.contrast}; margin: 0; font-weight: bold; } :hover { h4 { color: ${props => props.theme.eCashPurple}; } } `; /** * Display token ticker and balance as a table item * All tokens should be cached when this screen is rendered * But, in case it isn't for any reason, handle this case */ -const TokenListItem = ({ tokenId, balance, cachedTokenInfo }) => { +const TokenListItem = ({ tokenId, tokenInfo, userLocale }) => { return ( - +

- {typeof cachedTokenInfo !== 'undefined' - ? cachedTokenInfo.genesisInfo.tokenTicker + {typeof tokenInfo !== 'undefined' + ? tokenInfo.genesisInfo.tokenTicker : 'UNCACHED'}




+ {decimalizedTokenQtyToLocaleFormat( + tokenInfo.balance, + userLocale, + )} +

); }; TokenListItem.propTypes = { - ticker: PropTypes.string, + userLocale: PropTypes.string, balance: PropTypes.string, tokenId: PropTypes.string, - cachedTokenInfo: PropTypes.shape({ + tokenInfo: PropTypes.shape({ + balance: PropTypes.string, block: PropTypes.shape({ hash: PropTypes.string, height: PropTypes.number, timestamp: PropTypes.number, }), genesisInfo: PropTypes.shape({ decimals: PropTypes.number, hash: PropTypes.string, tokenName: PropTypes.string, tokenTicker: PropTypes.string, url: PropTypes.string, }), genesisMintBatons: PropTypes.number, genesisOutputScripts: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), timeFirstSeen: PropTypes.number, tokenType: PropTypes.shape({ number: PropTypes.number, protocol: PropTypes.string, type: PropTypes.string, }), }), }; export default TokenListItem; diff --git a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/__tests__/Etokens.test.js b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/__tests__/Etokens.test.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..665314279 --- /dev/null +++ b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/__tests__/Etokens.test.js @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers +// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying +// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. + +import React from 'react'; +import { + EtokensWalletMock, + EtokensStoredCashtabCache, +} from 'components/Etokens/fixtures/mocks'; +import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; +import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; +import '@testing-library/jest-dom'; +import { + initializeCashtabStateForTests, + clearLocalForage, +} from 'components/App/fixtures/helpers'; +import 'fake-indexeddb/auto'; +import localforage from 'localforage'; +import { when } from 'jest-when'; +import appConfig from 'config/app'; +import CashtabTestWrapper from 'components/App/fixtures/CashtabTestWrapper'; + +// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39830580/jest-test-fails-typeerror-window-matchmedia-is-not-a-function +Object.defineProperty(window, 'matchMedia', { + writable: true, + value: jest.fn().mockImplementation(query => ({ + matches: false, + media: query, + onchange: null, + addListener: jest.fn(), // Deprecated + removeListener: jest.fn(), // Deprecated + addEventListener: jest.fn(), + removeEventListener: jest.fn(), + dispatchEvent: jest.fn(), + })), +}); + +// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64813447/cannot-read-property-addlistener-of-undefined-react-testing-library +window.matchMedia = query => ({ + matches: false, + media: query, + onchange: null, + addListener: jest.fn(), // deprecated + removeListener: jest.fn(), // deprecated + addEventListener: jest.fn(), + removeEventListener: jest.fn(), + dispatchEvent: jest.fn(), +}); + +describe('', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + // Mock the fetch call for Cashtab's price API + global.fetch = jest.fn(); + const fiatCode = 'usd'; // Use usd until you mock getting settings from localforage + const cryptoId = appConfig.coingeckoId; + // Keep this in the code, because different URLs will have different outputs requiring different parsing + const priceApiUrl = `https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=${cryptoId}&vs_currencies=${fiatCode}&include_last_updated_at=true`; + const xecPrice = 0.00003; + const priceResponse = { + ecash: { + usd: xecPrice, + last_updated_at: 1706644626, + }, + }; + when(fetch) + .calledWith(priceApiUrl) + .mockResolvedValue({ + json: () => Promise.resolve(priceResponse), + }); + }); + afterEach(async () => { + jest.clearAllMocks(); + await clearLocalForage(localforage); + }); + it('Large token list is rendered and searchable', async () => { + const mockedChronik = await initializeCashtabStateForTests( + EtokensWalletMock, + localforage, + ); + + // Set a big token cache + await localforage.setItem('cashtabCache', EtokensStoredCashtabCache); + + render(); + + // The Etokens page is rendered + expect(await screen.findByTitle('Wallet Tokens')).toBeInTheDocument(); + + // Wait for loader to be gone + await waitFor(() => + expect( + screen.queryByTitle('Loading tokens'), + ).not.toBeInTheDocument(), + ); + + const renderedTokens = screen.getAllByTitle('Token List Item'); + + // We render all 55 tokens + expect(renderedTokens.length).toBe(55); + // Tokens are sorted alphabetically + expect(renderedTokens[0]).toHaveTextContent('223'); + expect(renderedTokens[1]).toHaveTextContent('ABC'); + expect(renderedTokens[2]).toHaveTextContent('Alita'); + + // We can search for a token by ticker + const searchInput = screen.getByPlaceholderText( + 'Start typing a token ticker or name', + ); + await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'VSP'); + + // Now only one token is rendered + expect(screen.getAllByTitle('Token List Item').length).toBe(1); + // The lone rendered token is what we searched for + expect(screen.getByTitle('Token List Item')).toHaveTextContent('VSP'); + + // The search is not case sensitive + await userEvent.clear(searchInput); + await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'vsp'); + + // Now only one token is rendered + expect(screen.getAllByTitle('Token List Item').length).toBe(1); + // The lone rendered token is what we searched for + expect(screen.getByTitle('Token List Item')).toHaveTextContent('VSP'); + + // We can also search by the name + await userEvent.clear(searchInput); + await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'vespene gas'); + + // We get the same token, and only this token + expect(screen.getAllByTitle('Token List Item').length).toBe(1); + expect(screen.getByTitle('Token List Item')).toHaveTextContent('VSP'); + + // We can also search by the name + await userEvent.clear(searchInput); + await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'vespene gas'); + + // We get the same token, and only this token + expect(screen.getAllByTitle('Token List Item').length).toBe(1); + expect(screen.getByTitle('Token List Item')).toHaveTextContent('VSP'); // We can also search by the name + + // We get expected msg if our search has no results + await userEvent.clear(searchInput); + await userEvent.type(searchInput, 'zz'); + + // No tokens are found + expect(screen.queryByTitle('Token List Item')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); + + // We get expected msg for no search result + expect(screen.getByText('No tokens matching zz')).toBeInTheDocument(); + }); +}); diff --git a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/fixtures/mocks.js b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/fixtures/mocks.js index 6fab4bdef..1e06fcce2 100644 --- a/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/fixtures/mocks.js +++ b/cashtab/src/components/Etokens/fixtures/mocks.js @@ -1,1918 +1,7861 @@ // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. /** * Etokens/fixtures/mocks.js * Mocks to populate mocked-chronik-client with token cache info for different token types * * When Cashtab supports a new token type, add it as a utxo in this wallet, and add a new mock object * with keys for tokenId, token, and tx * token is chronik response for chronik.token(tokenId) * tx is chronik response for chronik.tx(tokenId) */ // Used only for circulating suppply calculation const MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO = { token: { tokenId: '20a0b9337a78603c6681ed2bc541593375535dcd9979196620ce71f233f2f6f8', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '2999998798000000000', isMintBaton: false, }, }; export const tokenTestWallet = { state: { balanceSats: 997081, slpUtxos: [ { outpoint: { txid: '250c93fd6bc2f1853a41d2fd1f5754a92f79f952f10ab038401be1600d5cbb88', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 836452, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', tokenType: { protocol: 'ALP', type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', number: 0, }, amount: '1000000', isMintBaton: false, }, path: 1899, }, { outpoint: { txid: '74a8598eed00672e211553a69e22334128199883fe79eb4ad64f9c0b7909735c', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 836457, isCoinbase: false, value: 1000, isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', tokenType: { protocol: 'ALP', type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_UNKNOWN', number: 255, }, amount: '0', isMintBaton: false, }, path: 1899, }, { outpoint: { txid: '6fb5525bf35ec6eb6a0608c8a3624891801cdf4c1079fc78462a24230bad27e2', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 836700, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '6fb5525bf35ec6eb6a0608c8a3624891801cdf4c1079fc78462a24230bad27e2', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '100000', isMintBaton: false, }, path: 1899, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'da3c897eb6d4e5299cb3ae2d8235d46632647303eab61236a1072885d5e56d66', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 840233, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '20a0b9337a78603c6681ed2bc541593375535dcd9979196620ce71f233f2f6f8', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '111000000000', isMintBaton: false, }, path: 1899, }, { outpoint: { txid: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: -1, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, isFinal: false, token: { tokenId: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '18446744073709551615', isMintBaton: false, }, path: 1899, }, { outpoint: { txid: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', outIdx: 2, }, blockHeight: -1, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, isFinal: false, token: { tokenId: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '0', isMintBaton: true, }, path: 1899, }, { outpoint: { txid: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 840011, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, isFinal: true, token: { 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...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO.token, tokenId: '3fee3384150b030490b7bee095a63900f66a45f2d8e3002ae2cf17ce3ef4d109', amount: '4441', }, }, ], }; export const slp1FixedCachet = { tokenId: 'aed861a31b96934b88c0252ede135cb9700d7649f69191235087a3030e553cb1', token: { tokenId: 'aed861a31b96934b88c0252ede135cb9700d7649f69191235087a3030e553cb1', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, timeFirstSeen: 1711776546, genesisInfo: { tokenTicker: 'CACHET', tokenName: 'Cachet', url: 'https://cashtab.com/', decimals: 2, hash: '', }, block: { height: 838192, hash: '0000000000000000132232769161d6211f7e6e20cf63b26e5148890aacd26962', timestamp: 1711779364, }, }, tx: { txid: 'aed861a31b96934b88c0252ede135cb9700d7649f69191235087a3030e553cb1', version: 2, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: 'dd3eafefb1941fd67d8a29b7dd057ac48ec11712887e2ae7c008a7c72d0cd9fc', outIdx: 0, }, inputScript: 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'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '0', isMintBaton: true, entryIdx: 0, }, spentBy: { txid: '4b5b2a0f8bcacf6bccc7ef49e7f82a894c9c599589450eaeaf423e0f5926c38e', outIdx: 0, }, }, { value: 773, outputScript: '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', spentBy: { txid: '343356b9d4acd59065f90b1ace647c1f714f1fd4c411e2cf77081a0246c7416d', outIdx: 3, }, }, ], lockTime: 0, timeFirstSeen: 1711776546, size: 335, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [ { tokenId: 'aed861a31b96934b88c0252ede135cb9700d7649f69191235087a3030e553cb1', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, txType: 'GENESIS', isInvalid: false, burnSummary: '', failedColorings: [], actualBurnAmount: '0', intentionalBurn: '0', burnsMintBatons: false, }, ], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', block: { height: 838192, hash: '0000000000000000132232769161d6211f7e6e20cf63b26e5148890aacd26962', timestamp: 1711779364, }, }, utxos: [ { ...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO, token: { ...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO.token, tokenId: '20a0b9337a78603c6681ed2bc541593375535dcd9979196620ce71f233f2f6f8', amount: '2999998798000000000', }, }, ], }; // SLP 1 variable with mint baton export const slp1VarMocks = { tokenId: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', token: { tokenId: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, timeFirstSeen: 1713184114, genesisInfo: { tokenTicker: 'MSB', tokenName: 'Mint Send Burn', url: 'https://cashtab.com/', decimals: 9, hash: '', }, }, tx: { txid: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', version: 2, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: '6fb5525bf35ec6eb6a0608c8a3624891801cdf4c1079fc78462a24230bad27e2', outIdx: 2, }, inputScript: '4730440220350ea45bed94988b896e3b4fcf111cc433a3e851bf2bb43c84ef5a0a51f70adf02204fc1007f3840ab3ed278a3add81411249575caeb4b7416de1aed695b02bca2f94121020a725e4b7326b4af2b468ab95982d1393d062811a8f8204bf383bf3373dbc54f', value: 998857, sequenceNo: 4294967295, outputScript: '76a91400549451e5c22b18686cacdf34dce649e5ec3be288ac', }, ], outputs: [ { value: 0, outputScript: '6a04534c500001010747454e45534953034d53420e4d696e742053656e64204275726e1468747470733a2f2f636173687461622e636f6d2f4c000109010208ffffffffffffffff', }, { value: 546, outputScript: '76a91400549451e5c22b18686cacdf34dce649e5ec3be288ac', token: { tokenId: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '18446744073709551615', isMintBaton: false, entryIdx: 0, }, }, { value: 546, outputScript: '76a91400549451e5c22b18686cacdf34dce649e5ec3be288ac', token: { tokenId: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '0', isMintBaton: true, entryIdx: 0, }, }, { value: 997081, outputScript: '76a91400549451e5c22b18686cacdf34dce649e5ec3be288ac', }, ], lockTime: 0, timeFirstSeen: 1713184114, size: 339, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [ { tokenId: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, txType: 'GENESIS', isInvalid: false, burnSummary: '', failedColorings: [], actualBurnAmount: '0', intentionalBurn: '0', burnsMintBatons: false, }, ], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', }, utxos: [ { ...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO, token: { ...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO.token, tokenId: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', amount: '18446744073709551615', }, }, // Note that Cashtab will mark a token as fixed supply if there are no mint batons in its utxos by tokenId { ...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO, token: { ...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO.token, tokenId: '182679afdec6d93fe7243f3ec5d032838cf9f268cf9656c4959a227617d076ef', amount: '0', isMintBaton: true, }, }, ], }; // SLP 1 NFT Parent export const slp1NftParentMocks = { tokenId: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', token: { tokenId: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_NFT1_GROUP', number: 129, }, timeFirstSeen: 1712860458, genesisInfo: { tokenTicker: 'ABC', tokenName: 'ABC Blocks', url: 'https://bitcoinabc.org', decimals: 0, hash: '0a40beb8dbac1ff8938733a383d265fde5777da779135cab32e1720bd222c42c', }, block: { height: 840011, hash: '00000000000000000a4385f4dc84c75f935c7b9d3d53964bb766a0fc19b7d837', timestamp: 1712861037, }, }, tx: { txid: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', version: 2, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: '7a5c50cf24b732e13d54229b9c6842c2b53856d7902ecd94474ba60c0591fef7', outIdx: 1, }, inputScript: '483045022100b72455dac63bfd2ba70be566d217b6ae734775b20410b5b524784aef6e07d799022023b960eab42d459b532b2661018a2639803f365a5115c1ca2a09149a285bfe3b4121021d7fd45a888292cf3a022a95acdbcf82f9f2d5bbbfbdbc740acd558a9f25b5d0', value: 2200, sequenceNo: 4294967295, outputScript: '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', }, ], outputs: [ { value: 0, outputScript: '6a04534c500001810747454e45534953034142430a41424320426c6f636b731668747470733a2f2f626974636f696e6162632e6f7267200a40beb8dbac1ff8938733a383d265fde5777da779135cab32e1720bd222c42c01000102080000000000000064', }, { value: 546, outputScript: '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', token: { tokenId: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_NFT1_GROUP', number: 129, }, amount: '100', isMintBaton: false, entryIdx: 0, }, }, { value: 546, outputScript: '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', token: { tokenId: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_NFT1_GROUP', number: 129, }, amount: '0', isMintBaton: true, entryIdx: 0, }, }, ], lockTime: 0, timeFirstSeen: 1712860458, size: 335, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [ { tokenId: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_NFT1_GROUP', number: 129, }, txType: 'GENESIS', isInvalid: false, burnSummary: '', failedColorings: [], actualBurnAmount: '0', intentionalBurn: '0', burnsMintBatons: false, }, ], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', block: { height: 840011, hash: '00000000000000000a4385f4dc84c75f935c7b9d3d53964bb766a0fc19b7d837', timestamp: 1712861037, }, }, utxos: [ { outpoint: { txid: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 840011, isCoinbase: false, script: '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', value: 546, isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_NFT1_GROUP', number: 129, }, amount: '100', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', outIdx: 2, }, blockHeight: 840011, isCoinbase: false, script: '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', value: 546, isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '0c66493127382882053f3eb6e2e05eccff7f67378ebf5e84660a958656a304cc', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_NFT1_GROUP', number: 129, }, amount: '0', isMintBaton: true, }, }, ], }; // ALP // 7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849 export const alpMocks = { tokenId: '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', token: { tokenId: '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', tokenType: { protocol: 'ALP', type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', number: 0, }, timeFirstSeen: 0, genesisInfo: { tokenTicker: 'tCRD', tokenName: 'Test CRD', url: 'https://crd.network/tcrd', decimals: 4, data: { 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, }, authPubkey: '03d2dc0cea5c81593f1bfcd42763a21f5c85e7e8d053cdf990f8b383b892b72420', }, block: { height: 821187, hash: '00000000000000002998aedef7c4fc2c52281e318461d66c3c9fe10151449448', timestamp: 1701716369, }, }, tx: { txid: '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', version: 1, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: '29a4f002cbfecb52f958f94183d2c8669fa1bd8ad46c9443bb02c6d5cc474a5f', outIdx: 0, }, inputScript: '41a8814adcad71e619e25e6a175486c29896c1edc35fecc545280412374b1e6fe60ace588ecaf51db2bb1b3572d550796f7bc1bd4a3359c43100954277f56aec5241077de390000047182475210207447ce9b9e17ef1d8312ab3145a241f4d6f1a35eb4f381f324aa03e58913931ac', value: 4000, sequenceNo: 4294967295, outputScript: 'a914c5a7353c6e99facb5c254cc28e882a3feac12daa87', }, ], outputs: [ { value: 0, outputScript: '6a504c63534c5032000747454e4553495304744352440854657374204352441868747470733a2f2f6372642e6e6574776f726b2f74637264090000000000000000002103d2dc0cea5c81593f1bfcd42763a21f5c85e7e8d053cdf990f8b383b892b72420040001', }, { value: 546, outputScript: '76a91459ca25ea25f4f89a79b55c1c775ae515eb25b1fe88ac', token: { tokenId: '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', tokenType: { protocol: 'ALP', type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', number: 0, }, amount: '0', isMintBaton: true, entryIdx: 0, }, spentBy: { txid: '81ced8cfd5c69164a94cf50758f95750d3a589bfdd2cec6ee403f205cb29b5c3', outIdx: 0, }, }, ], lockTime: 777777, timeFirstSeen: 0, size: 308, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [ { tokenId: '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', tokenType: { protocol: 'ALP', type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', number: 0, }, txType: 'GENESIS', isInvalid: false, burnSummary: '', failedColorings: [], actualBurnAmount: '0', intentionalBurn: '0', burnsMintBatons: false, }, ], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', block: { height: 821187, hash: '00000000000000002998aedef7c4fc2c52281e318461d66c3c9fe10151449448', timestamp: 1701716369, }, }, utxos: [ { ...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO, token: { ...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO.token, tokenId: '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', amount: '1113670000', }, }, // Note that Cashtab will mark a token as fixed supply if there are no mint batons in its utxos by tokenId { ...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO, token: { ...MOCK_TOKEN_UTXO.token, tokenId: '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', amount: '0', isMintBaton: true, }, }, ], }; export const supportedTokens = [ slp1FixedMocks, slp1VarMocks, slp1NftParentMocks, alpMocks, ]; + +/** + * Mocks to test Etokens.js component + */ + +export const EtokensWalletMock = { + state: { + balanceSats: 97511071, + slpUtxos: [ + { + outpoint: { + txid: '525457276f1b6984170c9b35a8312d4988fce495723eabadd2afcdb3b872b2f1', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 680782, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'bf24d955f59351e738ecd905966606a6837e478e1982943d724eab10caad82fd', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '1', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + path: 1899, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: 'b35c502f388cdfbdd6841b7a73e973149b3c8deca76295a3e4665939e0562796', + outIdx: 2, + }, + blockHeight: 681191, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'dd84ca78db4d617221b58eabc6667af8fe2f7eadbfcc213d35be9f1b419beb8d', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '1', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + path: 1899, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '7987f68aa70d29ac0e0ac31d74354a8b1cd515c9893f6a5cdc7a3bf505e08b05', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 685181, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '1', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + path: 1899, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '9e8483407944d9b75c331ebd6178b0cabc3e8c3b5bb0492b7b2256c8740f655a', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 709251, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'f36e1b3d9a2aaf74f132fef3834e9743b945a667a4204e761b85f2e7b65fd41a', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '1000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + path: 1899, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '18c0360f0db5399223cbed48f55c4cee9d9914c8a4a7dedcf9172a36201e9896', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 717055, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'e859eeb52e7afca6217fb36784b3b6d3c7386a52f391dd0d00f2ec03a5e8e77b', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '10', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + path: 1899, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '3703d46c5c52b0e55f3bd549e14c5617a47f802413f4acf7a27545437eb51a38', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 741200, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '8ead21ce4b3b9e7b57607b97b65b5013496dc6e3dfdea162c08ce7265a66ebc8', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '100000000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + path: 1899, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '696265ced15b8fdbacfa1a4f5e779575ff5faaf3ff4ad09e5691b2ed4cf50a84', + outIdx: 2, + }, + blockHeight: 758209, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'da9460ce4b1c92b4f6ef4e4a6bc2d05539f49d02b17681389d9ce22b8dca50f0', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '311', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + path: 1899, + }, + { + outpoint: { + 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false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '54dc2ecd5251f8dfda4c4f15ce05272116b01326076240e2b9cc0104d33b1484', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '229400000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + path: 1899, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: 'b808f6a831dcdfda2bd4c5f857f94e1a746a4effeda6a5ad742be6137884a4fb', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 760076, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'acba1d7f354c6d4d001eb99d31de174e5cea8a31d692afd6e7eb8474ad541f55', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '123456789', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + path: 1899, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '8b8a15bbcc69df215ac45bab882d8f122f3e09405c3ac093d12cd2dd79a141ec', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 764737, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '0916e71779c9de7ee125741d3f5ab01f556356dbc86fd327a24f1e9e22ebc917', 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