diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_permissions.py b/test/functional/p2p_permissions.py index 4eb8a10a1..a525f707b 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_permissions.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_permissions.py @@ -1,190 +1,189 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test p2p permission message. Test that permissions are correctly calculated and applied """ +from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_ECREG_P2SH_OP_TRUE from test_framework.messages import CTransaction, FromHex from test_framework.p2p import P2PDataStore +from test_framework.script import OP_TRUE, CScript, CScriptOp from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.test_node import ErrorMatch from test_framework.txtools import pad_tx from test_framework.util import assert_equal, connect_nodes, p2p_port class P2PPermissionsTests(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True def run_test(self): self.check_tx_relay() self.checkpermission( # default permissions (no specific permissions) ["-whitelist="], # Make sure the default values in the command line documentation # match the ones here ["relay", "noban", "mempool", "download"], True) self.checkpermission( # no permission (even with forcerelay) ["-whitelist=@", "-whitelistforcerelay=1"], [], False) self.checkpermission( # relay permission removed (no specific permissions) ["-whitelist=", "-whitelistrelay=0"], ["noban", "mempool", "download"], True) self.checkpermission( # forcerelay and relay permission added # Legacy parameter interaction which set whitelistrelay to true # if whitelistforcerelay is true ["-whitelist=", "-whitelistforcerelay"], ["forcerelay", "relay", "noban", "mempool", "download"], True) # Let's make sure permissions are merged correctly # For this, we need to use whitebind instead of bind # by modifying the configuration file. ip_port = "{}".format(p2p_port(1)) self.replaceinconfig( 1, "bind=", "whitebind=bloomfilter,forcerelay@" + ip_port) self.checkpermission( ["-whitelist=noban@"], # Check parameter interaction forcerelay should activate relay ["noban", "bloomfilter", "forcerelay", "relay", "download"], False) self.replaceinconfig( 1, "whitebind=bloomfilter,forcerelay@" + ip_port, "bind=") self.checkpermission( # legacy whitelistrelay should be ignored ["-whitelist=noban,mempool@", "-whitelistrelay"], ["noban", "mempool", "download"], False) self.checkpermission( # legacy whitelistforcerelay should be ignored ["-whitelist=noban,mempool@", "-whitelistforcerelay"], ["noban", "mempool", "download"], False) self.checkpermission( # missing mempool permission to be considered legacy whitelisted ["-whitelist=noban@"], ["noban", "download"], False) self.checkpermission( # all permission added ["-whitelist=all@"], ["forcerelay", "noban", "mempool", "bloomfilter", "relay", "download", "bypass_proof_request_limits", "addr"], False) self.checkpermission( # bypass_proof_request_limits permission ["-whitelist=bypass_proof_request_limits@"], ["bypass_proof_request_limits"], False) self.stop_node(1) self.nodes[1].assert_start_raises_init_error( ["-whitelist=oopsie@"], "Invalid P2P permission", match=ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX) self.nodes[1].assert_start_raises_init_error( ["-whitelist=noban@"], "Invalid netmask specified in", match=ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX) self.nodes[1].assert_start_raises_init_error( ["-whitebind=noban@"], "Cannot resolve -whitebind address", match=ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX) def check_tx_relay(self): - address = self.nodes[0].get_deterministic_priv_key().address - key = self.nodes[0].get_deterministic_priv_key().key - block = self.nodes[0].getblock( - self.nodes[0].generatetoaddress( - 100, address)[0]) + block_op_true = self.nodes[0].getblock( + self.nodes[0].generatetoaddress(100, ADDRESS_ECREG_P2SH_OP_TRUE)[0]) self.sync_all() self.log.debug( "Create a connection from a forcerelay peer that rebroadcasts raw txs") # A python mininode is needed to send the raw transaction directly. # If a full node was used, it could only rebroadcast via the inv-getdata # mechanism. However, even for forcerelay connections, a full node would # currently not request a txid that is already in the mempool. self.restart_node(1, extra_args=["-whitelist=forcerelay@"]) p2p_rebroadcast_wallet = self.nodes[1].add_p2p_connection( P2PDataStore()) self.log.debug("Send a tx from the wallet initially") - raw_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction( - inputs=[{'txid': block['tx'][0], 'vout': 0}], - outputs=[{address: 50, }]) - signed_tx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransactionwithkey(raw_tx, - [key])['hex'] - tx = FromHex(CTransaction(), signed_tx) + tx = FromHex(CTransaction(), + self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction( + inputs=[{'txid': block_op_true['tx'][0], 'vout': 0}], + outputs=[{ADDRESS_ECREG_P2SH_OP_TRUE: 50}])) + # push the one byte script to the stack + tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScriptOp.encode_op_pushdata(CScript([OP_TRUE])) pad_tx(tx) txid = tx.rehash() self.log.debug("Wait until tx is in node[1]'s mempool") p2p_rebroadcast_wallet.send_txs_and_test([tx], self.nodes[1]) self.log.debug( "Check that node[1] will send the tx to node[0] even though it" " is already in the mempool") connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], self.nodes[0]) with self.nodes[1].assert_debug_log( ["Force relaying tx {} from peer=0".format(txid)]): p2p_rebroadcast_wallet.send_txs_and_test([tx], self.nodes[1]) self.wait_until(lambda: txid in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) self.log.debug( "Check that node[1] will not send an invalid tx to node[0]") tx.vout[0].nValue += 1 txid = tx.rehash() p2p_rebroadcast_wallet.send_txs_and_test( [tx], self.nodes[1], success=False, reject_reason='Not relaying non-mempool transaction ' '{} from forcerelay peer=0'.format(txid), ) def checkpermission(self, args, expectedPermissions, whitelisted): self.restart_node(1, args) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]) peerinfo = self.nodes[1].getpeerinfo()[0] assert_equal(peerinfo['whitelisted'], whitelisted) assert_equal(len(expectedPermissions), len(peerinfo['permissions'])) for p in expectedPermissions: if p not in peerinfo['permissions']: raise AssertionError( "Expected permissions {!r} is not granted.".format(p)) def replaceinconfig(self, nodeid, old, new): with open(self.nodes[nodeid].bitcoinconf, encoding="utf8") as f: newText = f.read().replace(old, new) with open(self.nodes[nodeid].bitcoinconf, 'w', encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(newText) if __name__ == '__main__': P2PPermissionsTests().main() diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/address.py b/test/functional/test_framework/address.py index 890a92c34..75cfd01ec 100644 --- a/test/functional/test_framework/address.py +++ b/test/functional/test_framework/address.py @@ -1,133 +1,135 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Encode and decode BASE58, P2PKH and P2SH addresses.""" import unittest from .script import CScript, hash160, hash256 from .util import assert_equal, hex_str_to_bytes ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE = 'ecregtest:qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqcrl5mqkt' ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE_DESCRIPTOR = 'addr(ecregtest:qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqcrl5mqkt)#u6xx93xc' +# Coins sent to this address can be spent with a scriptSig of just OP_TRUE +ADDRESS_ECREG_P2SH_OP_TRUE = 'ecregtest:prdpw30fk4ym6zl6rftfjuw806arpn26fvkgfu97xt' chars = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz' def byte_to_base58(b, version): result = '' str = b.hex() str = chr(version).encode('latin-1').hex() + str checksum = hash256(hex_str_to_bytes(str)).hex() str += checksum[:8] value = int('0x' + str, 0) while value > 0: result = chars[value % 58] + result value //= 58 while (str[:2] == '00'): result = chars[0] + result str = str[2:] return result def base58_to_byte(s, verify_checksum=True): if not s: return b'' n = 0 for c in s: n *= 58 assert c in chars digit = chars.index(c) n += digit h = '{:x}'.format(n) if len(h) % 2: h = '0' + h res = n.to_bytes((n.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big') pad = 0 for c in s: if c == chars[0]: pad += 1 else: break res = b'\x00' * pad + res if verify_checksum: assert_equal(hash256(res[:-4])[:4], res[-4:]) return res[1:-4], int(res[0]) def keyhash_to_p2pkh(hash, main=False): assert (len(hash) == 20) version = 0 if main else 111 return byte_to_base58(hash, version) def scripthash_to_p2sh(hash, main=False): assert (len(hash) == 20) version = 5 if main else 196 return byte_to_base58(hash, version) def key_to_p2pkh(key, main=False): key = check_key(key) return keyhash_to_p2pkh(hash160(key), main) def script_to_p2sh(script, main=False): script = check_script(script) return scripthash_to_p2sh(hash160(script), main) def check_key(key): if (isinstance(key, str)): key = hex_str_to_bytes(key) # Assuming this is hex string if (isinstance(key, bytes) and (len(key) == 33 or len(key) == 65)): return key assert False def check_script(script): if (isinstance(script, str)): script = hex_str_to_bytes(script) # Assuming this is hex string if (isinstance(script, bytes) or isinstance(script, CScript)): return script assert False class TestFrameworkScript(unittest.TestCase): def test_base58encodedecode(self): def check_base58(data, version): self.assertEqual( base58_to_byte(byte_to_base58(data, version)), (data, version)) check_base58( b'\x1f\x8e\xa1p*{\xd4\x94\x1b\xca\tA\xb8R\xc4\xbb\xfe\xdb.\x05', 111) check_base58( b':\x0b\x05\xf4\xd7\xf6l;\xa7\x00\x9fE50)l\x84\\\xc9\xcf', 111) check_base58( b'A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 111) check_base58( b'\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 111) check_base58( b'\0\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 111) check_base58( b'\0\0\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 111) check_base58( b'\x1f\x8e\xa1p*{\xd4\x94\x1b\xca\tA\xb8R\xc4\xbb\xfe\xdb.\x05', 0) check_base58( b':\x0b\x05\xf4\xd7\xf6l;\xa7\x00\x9fE50)l\x84\\\xc9\xcf', 0) check_base58( b'A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 0) check_base58( b'\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 0) check_base58( b'\0\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 0) check_base58( b'\0\0\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 0)