diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py b/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py index 784672196..0ce60171a 100755 --- a/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py +++ b/test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py @@ -1,516 +1,502 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Base class for RPC testing.""" import argparse -from collections import deque import configparser from enum import Enum import logging import os import pdb import shutil import sys import tempfile import time from .authproxy import JSONRPCException from . import coverage from .test_node import TestNode from .util import ( assert_equal, check_json_precision, connect_nodes_bi, disconnect_nodes, get_datadir_path, initialize_datadir, MAX_NODES, p2p_port, PortSeed, rpc_port, set_node_times, sync_blocks, sync_mempools, ) class TestStatus(Enum): PASSED = 1 FAILED = 2 SKIPPED = 3 TEST_EXIT_PASSED = 0 TEST_EXIT_FAILED = 1 TEST_EXIT_SKIPPED = 77 # Timestamp is 01.01.2019 TIMESTAMP_IN_THE_PAST = 1546300800 class BitcoinTestFramework(): """Base class for a bitcoin test script. Individual bitcoin test scripts should subclass this class and override the set_test_params() and run_test() methods. Individual tests can also override the following methods to customize the test setup: - add_options() - setup_chain() - setup_network() - setup_nodes() The __init__() and main() methods should not be overridden. This class also contains various public and private helper methods.""" def __init__(self): """Sets test framework defaults. Do not override this method. Instead, override the set_test_params() method""" self.setup_clean_chain = False self.nodes = [] self.mocktime = 0 self.supports_cli = False self.bind_to_localhost_only = True def main(self): """Main function. This should not be overridden by the subclass test scripts.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="%(prog)s [options]") parser.add_argument("--nocleanup", dest="nocleanup", default=False, action="store_true", help="Leave bitcoinds and test.* datadir on exit or error") parser.add_argument("--noshutdown", dest="noshutdown", default=False, action="store_true", help="Don't stop bitcoinds after the test execution") parser.add_argument("--srcdir", dest="srcdir", default=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../../src"), help="Source directory containing bitcoind/bitcoin-cli (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--cachedir", dest="cachedir", default=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../cache"), help="Directory for caching pregenerated datadirs (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--tmpdir", dest="tmpdir", help="Root directory for datadirs") parser.add_argument("-l", "--loglevel", dest="loglevel", default="INFO", help="log events at this level and higher to the console. Can be set to DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL. Passing --loglevel DEBUG will output all logs to console. Note that logs at all levels are always written to the test_framework.log file in the temporary test directory.") parser.add_argument("--tracerpc", dest="trace_rpc", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print out all RPC calls as they are made") parser.add_argument("--portseed", dest="port_seed", default=os.getpid(), type=int, help="The seed to use for assigning port numbers (default: current process id)") parser.add_argument("--coveragedir", dest="coveragedir", help="Write tested RPC commands into this directory") parser.add_argument("--configfile", dest="configfile", default=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath( __file__)) + "/../../config.ini"), help="Location of the test framework config file (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--pdbonfailure", dest="pdbonfailure", default=False, action="store_true", help="Attach a python debugger if test fails") parser.add_argument("--usecli", dest="usecli", default=False, action="store_true", help="use bitcoin-cli instead of RPC for all commands") parser.add_argument("--with-gravitonactivation", dest="gravitonactivation", default=False, action="store_true", help="Activate graviton update on timestamp {}".format(TIMESTAMP_IN_THE_PAST)) self.add_options(parser) self.options = parser.parse_args() self.set_test_params() assert hasattr( self, "num_nodes"), "Test must set self.num_nodes in set_test_params()" PortSeed.n = self.options.port_seed os.environ['PATH'] = self.options.srcdir + ":" + \ self.options.srcdir + "/qt:" + os.environ['PATH'] check_json_precision() self.options.cachedir = os.path.abspath(self.options.cachedir) config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_file(open(self.options.configfile)) self.options.bitcoind = os.getenv( "BITCOIND", default=config["environment"]["BUILDDIR"] + '/src/bitcoind' + config["environment"]["EXEEXT"]) self.options.bitcoincli = os.getenv( "BITCOINCLI", default=config["environment"]["BUILDDIR"] + '/src/bitcoin-cli' + config["environment"]["EXEEXT"]) # Set up temp directory and start logging if self.options.tmpdir: self.options.tmpdir = os.path.abspath(self.options.tmpdir) os.makedirs(self.options.tmpdir, exist_ok=False) else: self.options.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="test") self._start_logging() success = TestStatus.FAILED try: if self.options.usecli and not self.supports_cli: raise SkipTest( "--usecli specified but test does not support using CLI") self.setup_chain() self.setup_network() self.run_test() success = TestStatus.PASSED except JSONRPCException as e: self.log.exception("JSONRPC error") except SkipTest as e: self.log.warning("Test Skipped: {}".format(e.message)) success = TestStatus.SKIPPED except AssertionError as e: self.log.exception("Assertion failed") except KeyError as e: self.log.exception("Key error") except Exception as e: self.log.exception("Unexpected exception caught during testing") except KeyboardInterrupt as e: self.log.warning("Exiting after keyboard interrupt") if success == TestStatus.FAILED and self.options.pdbonfailure: print("Testcase failed. Attaching python debugger. Enter ? for help") pdb.set_trace() if not self.options.noshutdown: self.log.info("Stopping nodes") if self.nodes: self.stop_nodes() else: for node in self.nodes: node.cleanup_on_exit = False self.log.info( "Note: bitcoinds were not stopped and may still be running") if not self.options.nocleanup and not self.options.noshutdown and success != TestStatus.FAILED: self.log.info("Cleaning up") shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir) else: self.log.warning( "Not cleaning up dir {}".format(self.options.tmpdir)) - if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""): - # Dump the end of the debug logs, to aid in debugging rare - # travis failures. - import glob - filenames = [self.options.tmpdir + "/test_framework.log"] - filenames += glob.glob(self.options.tmpdir + - "/node*/regtest/debug.log") - MAX_LINES_TO_PRINT = 1000 - for fn in filenames: - try: - with open(fn, 'r') as f: - print("From", fn, ":") - print("".join(deque(f, MAX_LINES_TO_PRINT))) - except OSError: - print("Opening file {} failed.".format(fn)) - traceback.print_exc() if success == TestStatus.PASSED: self.log.info("Tests successful") - sys.exit(TEST_EXIT_PASSED) + exit_code = TEST_EXIT_PASSED elif success == TestStatus.SKIPPED: self.log.info("Test skipped") - sys.exit(TEST_EXIT_SKIPPED) + exit_code = TEST_EXIT_SKIPPED else: self.log.error( "Test failed. Test logging available at {}/test_framework.log".format(self.options.tmpdir)) - logging.shutdown() - sys.exit(TEST_EXIT_FAILED) + self.log.error("Hint: Call {} '{}' to consolidate all logs".format(os.path.normpath( + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../combine_logs.py"), self.options.tmpdir)) + exit_code = TEST_EXIT_FAILED + logging.shutdown() + sys.exit(exit_code) # Methods to override in subclass test scripts. def set_test_params(self): """Tests must this method to change default values for number of nodes, topology, etc""" raise NotImplementedError def add_options(self, parser): """Override this method to add command-line options to the test""" pass def setup_chain(self): """Override this method to customize blockchain setup""" self.log.info("Initializing test directory " + self.options.tmpdir) if self.setup_clean_chain: self._initialize_chain_clean() else: self._initialize_chain() def setup_network(self): """Override this method to customize test network topology""" self.setup_nodes() # Connect the nodes as a "chain". This allows us # to split the network between nodes 1 and 2 to get # two halves that can work on competing chains. for i in range(self.num_nodes - 1): connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes[i], self.nodes[i + 1]) self.sync_all() def setup_nodes(self): """Override this method to customize test node setup""" extra_args = None if hasattr(self, "extra_args"): extra_args = self.extra_args self.add_nodes(self.num_nodes, extra_args) self.start_nodes() def run_test(self): """Tests must override this method to define test logic""" raise NotImplementedError # Public helper methods. These can be accessed by the subclass test scripts. def add_nodes(self, num_nodes, extra_args=None, rpchost=None, timewait=None, binary=None): """Instantiate TestNode objects""" if self.bind_to_localhost_only: extra_confs = [["bind="]] * num_nodes else: extra_confs = [[]] * num_nodes if extra_args is None: extra_args = [[]] * num_nodes if binary is None: binary = [self.options.bitcoind] * num_nodes assert_equal(len(extra_confs), num_nodes) assert_equal(len(extra_args), num_nodes) assert_equal(len(binary), num_nodes) for i in range(num_nodes): self.nodes.append(TestNode(i, get_datadir_path(self.options.tmpdir, i), host=rpchost, rpc_port=rpc_port(i), p2p_port=p2p_port(i), timewait=timewait, bitcoind=binary[i], bitcoin_cli=self.options.bitcoincli, mocktime=self.mocktime, coverage_dir=self.options.coveragedir, extra_conf=extra_confs[i], extra_args=extra_args[i], use_cli=self.options.usecli)) if self.options.gravitonactivation: self.nodes[i].extend_default_args( ["-gravitonactivationtime={}".format(TIMESTAMP_IN_THE_PAST)]) def start_node(self, i, *args, **kwargs): """Start a bitcoind""" node = self.nodes[i] node.start(*args, **kwargs) node.wait_for_rpc_connection() if self.options.coveragedir is not None: coverage.write_all_rpc_commands(self.options.coveragedir, node.rpc) def start_nodes(self, extra_args=None, *args, **kwargs): """Start multiple bitcoinds""" if extra_args is None: extra_args = [None] * self.num_nodes assert_equal(len(extra_args), self.num_nodes) try: for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes): node.start(extra_args[i], *args, **kwargs) for node in self.nodes: node.wait_for_rpc_connection() except: # If one node failed to start, stop the others self.stop_nodes() raise if self.options.coveragedir is not None: for node in self.nodes: coverage.write_all_rpc_commands( self.options.coveragedir, node.rpc) def stop_node(self, i, expected_stderr=''): """Stop a bitcoind test node""" self.nodes[i].stop_node(expected_stderr) self.nodes[i].wait_until_stopped() def stop_nodes(self): """Stop multiple bitcoind test nodes""" for node in self.nodes: # Issue RPC to stop nodes node.stop_node() for node in self.nodes: # Wait for nodes to stop node.wait_until_stopped() def restart_node(self, i, extra_args=None): """Stop and start a test node""" self.stop_node(i) self.start_node(i, extra_args) def wait_for_node_exit(self, i, timeout): self.nodes[i].process.wait(timeout) def split_network(self): """ Split the network of four nodes into nodes 0/1 and 2/3. """ disconnect_nodes(self.nodes[1], self.nodes[2]) disconnect_nodes(self.nodes[2], self.nodes[1]) self.sync_all([self.nodes[:2], self.nodes[2:]]) def join_network(self): """ Join the (previously split) network halves together. """ connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes[1], self.nodes[2]) self.sync_all() def sync_all(self, node_groups=None): if not node_groups: node_groups = [self.nodes] for group in node_groups: sync_blocks(group) sync_mempools(group) # Private helper methods. These should not be accessed by the subclass test scripts. def _start_logging(self): # Add logger and logging handlers self.log = logging.getLogger('TestFramework') self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Create file handler to log all messages fh = logging.FileHandler(self.options.tmpdir + '/test_framework.log') fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Create console handler to log messages to stderr. By default this # logs only error messages, but can be configured with --loglevel. ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) # User can provide log level as a number or string (eg DEBUG). loglevel # was caught as a string, so try to convert it to an int ll = int(self.options.loglevel) if self.options.loglevel.isdigit( ) else self.options.loglevel.upper() ch.setLevel(ll) # Format logs the same as bitcoind's debug.log with microprecision (so log files can be concatenated and sorted) formatter = logging.Formatter( fmt='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d000Z %(name)s (%(levelname)s): %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') formatter.converter = time.gmtime fh.setFormatter(formatter) ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger self.log.addHandler(fh) self.log.addHandler(ch) if self.options.trace_rpc: rpc_logger = logging.getLogger("BitcoinRPC") rpc_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) rpc_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) rpc_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) rpc_logger.addHandler(rpc_handler) def _initialize_chain(self): """Initialize a pre-mined blockchain for use by the test. Create a cache of a 200-block-long chain (with wallet) for MAX_NODES Afterward, create num_nodes copies from the cache.""" assert self.num_nodes <= MAX_NODES create_cache = False for i in range(MAX_NODES): if not os.path.isdir(get_datadir_path(self.options.cachedir, i)): create_cache = True break if create_cache: self.log.debug("Creating data directories from cached datadir") # find and delete old cache directories if any exist for i in range(MAX_NODES): if os.path.isdir(get_datadir_path(self.options.cachedir, i)): shutil.rmtree(get_datadir_path(self.options.cachedir, i)) # Create cache directories, run bitcoinds: for i in range(MAX_NODES): datadir = initialize_datadir(self.options.cachedir, i) self.nodes.append(TestNode(i, get_datadir_path(self.options.cachedir, i), extra_conf=["bind="], extra_args=[], host=None, rpc_port=rpc_port( i), p2p_port=p2p_port(i), timewait=None, bitcoind=self.options.bitcoind, bitcoin_cli=self.options.bitcoincli, mocktime=self.mocktime, coverage_dir=None)) self.nodes[i].clear_default_args() self.nodes[i].extend_default_args([ "-server", "-keypool=1", "-datadir=" + datadir, "-discover=0"]) if i > 0: self.nodes[i].extend_default_args( ["-connect=" + str(p2p_port(0))]) if self.options.gravitonactivation: self.nodes[i].extend_default_args( ["-gravitonactivationtime={}".format(TIMESTAMP_IN_THE_PAST)]) self.start_node(i) # Wait for RPC connections to be ready for node in self.nodes: node.wait_for_rpc_connection() # For backwared compatibility of the python scripts with previous # versions of the cache, set mocktime to Jan 1, # 2014 + (201 * 10 * 60) self.mocktime = 1388534400 + (201 * 10 * 60) # Create a 200-block-long chain; each of the 4 first nodes # gets 25 mature blocks and 25 immature. # Note: To preserve compatibility with older versions of # initialize_chain, only 4 nodes will generate coins. # # blocks are created with timestamps 10 minutes apart # starting from 2010 minutes in the past block_time = self.mocktime - (201 * 10 * 60) for i in range(2): for peer in range(4): for j in range(25): set_node_times(self.nodes, block_time) self.nodes[peer].generate(1) block_time += 10 * 60 # Must sync before next peer starts generating blocks sync_blocks(self.nodes) # Shut them down, and clean up cache directories: self.stop_nodes() self.nodes = [] self.mocktime = 0 def cache_path(n, *paths): return os.path.join(get_datadir_path(self.options.cachedir, n), "regtest", *paths) for i in range(MAX_NODES): for entry in os.listdir(cache_path(i)): if entry not in ['wallets', 'chainstate', 'blocks']: os.remove(cache_path(i, entry)) for i in range(self.num_nodes): from_dir = get_datadir_path(self.options.cachedir, i) to_dir = get_datadir_path(self.options.tmpdir, i) shutil.copytree(from_dir, to_dir) # Overwrite port/rpcport in bitcoin.conf initialize_datadir(self.options.tmpdir, i) def _initialize_chain_clean(self): """Initialize empty blockchain for use by the test. Create an empty blockchain and num_nodes wallets. Useful if a test case wants complete control over initialization.""" for i in range(self.num_nodes): initialize_datadir(self.options.tmpdir, i) class ComparisonTestFramework(BitcoinTestFramework): """Test framework for doing p2p comparison testing Sets up some bitcoind binaries: - 1 binary: test binary - 2 binaries: 1 test binary, 1 ref binary - n>2 binaries: 1 test binary, n-1 ref binaries""" def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True def add_options(self, parser): parser.add_argument("--testbinary", dest="testbinary", help="bitcoind binary to test") parser.add_argument("--refbinary", dest="refbinary", help="bitcoind binary to use for reference nodes (if any)") def setup_network(self): extra_args = [['-whitelist=']] * self.num_nodes if not self.options.testbinary: self.options.testbinary = self.options.bitcoind if not self.options.refbinary: self.options.refbinary = self.options.bitcoind if hasattr(self, "extra_args"): extra_args = self.extra_args self.add_nodes(self.num_nodes, extra_args, binary=[self.options.testbinary] + [self.options.refbinary] * (self.num_nodes - 1)) self.start_nodes() class SkipTest(Exception): """This exception is raised to skip a test""" def __init__(self, message): self.message = message diff --git a/test/functional/test_runner.py b/test/functional/test_runner.py index 8ca752114..893db5b9f 100755 --- a/test/functional/test_runner.py +++ b/test/functional/test_runner.py @@ -1,738 +1,756 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Run regression test suite. This module calls down into individual test cases via subprocess. It will forward all unrecognized arguments onto the individual test scripts. Functional tests are disabled on Windows by default. Use --force to run them anyway. For a description of arguments recognized by test scripts, see `test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py:BitcoinTestFramework.main`. """ import argparse +from collections import deque import configparser import datetime import os import time import shutil import sys import subprocess import tempfile import re import logging import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import json import threading import multiprocessing from queue import Queue, Empty # Formatting. Default colors to empty strings. BOLD, BLUE, RED, GREY = ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", "") try: # Make sure python thinks it can write unicode to its stdout "\u2713".encode("utf_8").decode(sys.stdout.encoding) TICK = "✓ " CROSS = "✖ " CIRCLE = "○ " except UnicodeDecodeError: TICK = "P " CROSS = "x " CIRCLE = "o " if os.name == 'posix': # primitive formatting on supported # terminal via ANSI escape sequences: BOLD = ('\033[0m', '\033[1m') BLUE = ('\033[0m', '\033[0;34m') RED = ('\033[0m', '\033[0;31m') GREY = ('\033[0m', '\033[1;30m') TEST_EXIT_PASSED = 0 TEST_EXIT_SKIPPED = 77 NON_SCRIPTS = [ # These are python files that live in the functional tests directory, but are not test scripts. "combine_logs.py", "create_cache.py", "test_runner.py", ] TEST_PARAMS = { # Some test can be run with additional parameters. # When a test is listed here, the it will be run without parameters # as well as with additional parameters listed here. # This: # example "testName" : [["--param1", "--param2"] , ["--param3"]] # will run the test 3 times: # testName # testName --param1 --param2 # testname --param3 "wallet_txn_doublespend.py": [["--mineblock"]], "wallet_txn_clone.py": [["--mineblock"]], "wallet_multiwallet.py": [["--usecli"]], } # Used to limit the number of tests, when list of tests is not provided on command line # When --extended is specified, we run all tests, otherwise # we only run a test if its execution time in seconds does not exceed EXTENDED_CUTOFF DEFAULT_EXTENDED_CUTOFF = 40 DEFAULT_JOBS = (multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 3) + 1 class TestCase(): """ Data structure to hold and run information necessary to launch a test case. """ def __init__(self, test_num, test_case, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags=None): self.tests_dir = tests_dir self.tmpdir = tmpdir self.test_case = test_case self.test_num = test_num self.flags = flags def run(self, portseed_offset): t = self.test_case portseed = self.test_num + portseed_offset portseed_arg = ["--portseed={}".format(portseed)] log_stdout = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=2**16) log_stderr = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=2**16) test_argv = t.split() - tmpdir = [os.path.join("--tmpdir={}", "{}_{}").format( - self.tmpdir, re.sub(".py$", "", test_argv[0]), portseed)] + testdir = os.path.join("{}", "{}_{}").format( + self.tmpdir, re.sub(".py$", "", test_argv[0]), portseed) + tmpdir_arg = ["--tmpdir={}".format(testdir)] name = t time0 = time.time() - process = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(self.tests_dir, test_argv[0])] + test_argv[1:] + self.flags + portseed_arg + tmpdir, + process = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(self.tests_dir, test_argv[0])] + test_argv[1:] + self.flags + portseed_arg + tmpdir_arg, universal_newlines=True, stdout=log_stdout, stderr=log_stderr) process.wait() log_stdout.seek(0), log_stderr.seek(0) [stdout, stderr] = [l.read().decode('utf-8') for l in (log_stdout, log_stderr)] log_stdout.close(), log_stderr.close() if process.returncode == TEST_EXIT_PASSED and stderr == "": status = "Passed" elif process.returncode == TEST_EXIT_SKIPPED: status = "Skipped" else: status = "Failed" - return TestResult(self.test_num, name, status, int(time.time() - time0), stdout, stderr) + return TestResult(self.test_num, name, testdir, status, int(time.time() - time0), stdout, stderr) def on_ci(): return os.getenv('TRAVIS') == 'true' or os.getenv('TEAMCITY_VERSION') != None def main(): # Read config generated by configure. config = configparser.ConfigParser() configfile = os.path.join(os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "config.ini") config.read_file(open(configfile)) src_dir = config["environment"]["SRCDIR"] build_dir = config["environment"]["BUILDDIR"] tests_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'test', 'functional') # Parse arguments and pass through unrecognised args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, usage='%(prog)s [test_runner.py options] [script options] [scripts]', description=__doc__, epilog=''' Help text and arguments for individual test script:''', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) + parser.add_argument('--combinedlogslen', '-c', type=int, default=0, + help='print a combined log (of length n lines) from all test nodes and test framework to the console on failure.') parser.add_argument('--coverage', action='store_true', help='generate a basic coverage report for the RPC interface') parser.add_argument( '--exclude', '-x', help='specify a comma-separated-list of scripts to exclude.') parser.add_argument('--extended', action='store_true', help='run the extended test suite in addition to the basic tests') parser.add_argument('--cutoff', type=int, default=DEFAULT_EXTENDED_CUTOFF, help='set the cutoff runtime for what tests get run') parser.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true', help='run tests even on platforms where they are disabled by default (e.g. windows).') parser.add_argument('--help', '-h', '-?', action='store_true', help='print help text and exit') parser.add_argument('--jobs', '-j', type=int, default=DEFAULT_JOBS, help='how many test scripts to run in parallel. Default=4.') parser.add_argument('--keepcache', '-k', action='store_true', help='the default behavior is to flush the cache directory on startup. --keepcache retains the cache from the previous testrun.') parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='store_true', help='only print results summary and failure logs') parser.add_argument('--tmpdirprefix', '-t', default=tempfile.gettempdir(), help="Root directory for datadirs") parser.add_argument('--junitouput', '-ju', default=os.path.join(build_dir, 'junit_results.xml'), help="file that will store JUnit formatted test results.") args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args() # args to be passed on always start with two dashes; tests are the # remaining unknown args tests = [arg for arg in unknown_args if arg[:2] != "--"] passon_args = [arg for arg in unknown_args if arg[:2] == "--"] passon_args.append("--configfile={}".format(configfile)) # Set up logging logging_level = logging.INFO if args.quiet else logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging_level) # Create base test directory tmpdir = os.path.join("{}", "bitcoin_test_runner_{:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}").format( args.tmpdirprefix, datetime.datetime.now()) os.makedirs(tmpdir) logging.debug("Temporary test directory at {}".format(tmpdir)) enable_wallet = config["components"].getboolean("ENABLE_WALLET") enable_utils = config["components"].getboolean("ENABLE_UTILS") enable_bitcoind = config["components"].getboolean("ENABLE_BITCOIND") if config["environment"]["EXEEXT"] == ".exe" and not args.force: # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/d52802551752140cf41f0d9a225a43e84404d3e9 # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5677#issuecomment-136646964 print( "Tests currently disabled on Windows by default. Use --force option to enable") sys.exit(0) if not (enable_wallet and enable_utils and enable_bitcoind): print( "No functional tests to run. Wallet, utils, and bitcoind must all be enabled") print( "Rerun `configure` with -enable-wallet, -with-utils and -with-daemon and rerun make") sys.exit(0) # Build list of tests all_scripts = get_all_scripts_from_disk(tests_dir, NON_SCRIPTS) # Check all tests with parameters actually exist for test in TEST_PARAMS: if not test in all_scripts: print("ERROR: Test with parameter {} does not exist, check it has " "not been renamed or deleted".format(test)) sys.exit(1) if tests: # Individual tests have been specified. Run specified tests that exist # in the all_scripts list. Accept the name with or without .py # extension. individual_tests = [ re.sub("\.py$", "", t) + ".py" for t in tests if not t.endswith('*')] test_list = [] for t in individual_tests: if t in all_scripts: test_list.append(t) else: print("{}WARNING!{} Test '{}' not found in full test list.".format( BOLD[1], BOLD[0], t)) # Allow for wildcard at the end of the name, so a single input can # match multiple tests for test in tests: if test.endswith('*'): test_list.extend( [t for t in all_scripts if t.startswith(test[:-1])]) # do not cut off explicitly specified tests cutoff = sys.maxsize else: # No individual tests have been specified. # Run all tests that do not exceed test_list = all_scripts cutoff = args.cutoff if args.extended: cutoff = sys.maxsize # Remove the test cases that the user has explicitly asked to exclude. if args.exclude: tests_excl = [re.sub("\.py$", "", t) + ".py" for t in args.exclude.split(',')] for exclude_test in tests_excl: if exclude_test in test_list: test_list.remove(exclude_test) else: print("{}WARNING!{} Test '{}' not found in current test list.".format( BOLD[1], BOLD[0], exclude_test)) # Use and update timings from build_dir only if separate # build directory is used. We do not want to pollute source directory. build_timings = None if (src_dir != build_dir): build_timings = Timings(os.path.join(build_dir, 'timing.json')) # Always use timings from scr_dir if present src_timings = Timings(os.path.join( src_dir, "test", "functional", 'timing.json')) # Add test parameters and remove long running tests if needed test_list = get_tests_to_run( test_list, TEST_PARAMS, cutoff, src_timings, build_timings) if not test_list: print("No valid test scripts specified. Check that your test is in one " "of the test lists in test_runner.py, or run test_runner.py with no arguments to run all tests") sys.exit(0) if args.help: # Print help for test_runner.py, then print help of the first script # and exit. parser.print_help() subprocess.check_call( [os.path.join(tests_dir, test_list[0]), '-h']) sys.exit(0) if not args.keepcache: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(build_dir, "test", "cache"), ignore_errors=True) run_tests(test_list, build_dir, tests_dir, args.junitouput, - tmpdir, args.jobs, args.coverage, passon_args, build_timings) + tmpdir, args.jobs, args.coverage, passon_args, args.combinedlogslen, build_timings) -def run_tests(test_list, build_dir, tests_dir, junitouput, tmpdir, num_jobs, enable_coverage=False, args=[], build_timings=None): +def run_tests(test_list, build_dir, tests_dir, junitouput, tmpdir, num_jobs, enable_coverage=False, args=[], combined_logs_len=0, build_timings=None): # Warn if bitcoind is already running (unix only) try: pidofOutput = subprocess.check_output(["pidof", "bitcoind"]) if pidofOutput is not None and pidofOutput != b'': print("{}WARNING!{} There is already a bitcoind process running on this system. Tests may fail unexpectedly due to resource contention!".format( BOLD[1], BOLD[0])) except (OSError, subprocess.SubprocessError): pass # Warn if there is a cache directory cache_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, "test", "cache") if os.path.isdir(cache_dir): print("{}WARNING!{} There is a cache directory here: {}. If tests fail unexpectedly, try deleting the cache directory.".format( BOLD[1], BOLD[0], cache_dir)) flags = [os.path.join("--srcdir={}".format(build_dir), "src")] + args flags.append("--cachedir={}".format(cache_dir)) if enable_coverage: coverage = RPCCoverage() flags.append(coverage.flag) logging.debug( "Initializing coverage directory at {}".format(coverage.dir)) else: coverage = None if len(test_list) > 1 and num_jobs > 1: # Populate cache try: subprocess.check_output( [os.path.join(tests_dir, 'create_cache.py')] + flags + [os.path.join("--tmpdir={}", "cache") .format(tmpdir)]) except Exception as e: print(e.output) raise e # Run Tests time0 = time.time() test_results = execute_test_processes( num_jobs, test_list, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags) runtime = int(time.time() - time0) max_len_name = len(max(test_list, key=len)) - print_results(test_results, max_len_name, runtime) + print_results(test_results, tests_dir, max_len_name, + runtime, combined_logs_len) save_results_as_junit(test_results, junitouput, runtime) if (build_timings is not None): build_timings.save_timings(test_results) if coverage: coverage.report_rpc_coverage() logging.debug("Cleaning up coverage data") coverage.cleanup() # Clear up the temp directory if all subdirectories are gone if not os.listdir(tmpdir): os.rmdir(tmpdir) all_passed = all( map(lambda test_result: test_result.was_successful, test_results)) sys.exit(not all_passed) def execute_test_processes(num_jobs, test_list, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags): update_queue = Queue() job_queue = Queue() test_results = [] poll_timeout = 10 # seconds # In case there is a graveyard of zombie bitcoinds, we can apply a # pseudorandom offset to hopefully jump over them. # (625 is PORT_RANGE/MAX_NODES) portseed_offset = int(time.time() * 1000) % 625 ## # Define some helper functions we will need for threading. ## def handle_message(message, running_jobs): """ handle_message handles a single message from handle_test_cases """ if isinstance(message, TestCase): running_jobs.append((message.test_num, message.test_case)) print("{}{}{} started".format(BOLD[1], message.test_case, BOLD[0])) return if isinstance(message, TestResult): test_result = message running_jobs.remove((test_result.num, test_result.name)) test_results.append(test_result) if test_result.status == "Passed": print("{}{}{} passed, Duration: {} s".format( BOLD[1], test_result.name, BOLD[0], test_result.time)) elif test_result.status == "Skipped": print("{}{}{} skipped".format( BOLD[1], test_result.name, BOLD[0])) else: print("{}{}{} failed, Duration: {} s\n".format( BOLD[1], test_result.name, BOLD[0], test_result.time)) print(BOLD[1] + 'stdout:' + BOLD[0]) print(test_result.stdout) print(BOLD[1] + 'stderr:' + BOLD[0]) print(test_result.stderr) return assert False, "we should not be here" def handle_update_messages(): """ handle_update_messages waits for messages to be sent from handle_test_cases via the update_queue. It serializes the results so we can print nice status update messages. """ printed_status = False running_jobs = [] while True: message = None try: message = update_queue.get(True, poll_timeout) if message is None: break # We printed a status message, need to kick to the next line # before printing more. if printed_status: print() printed_status = False handle_message(message, running_jobs) update_queue.task_done() except Empty as e: if not on_ci(): print("Running jobs: {}".format(", ".join([j[1] for j in running_jobs])), end="\r") sys.stdout.flush() printed_status = True def handle_test_cases(): """ job_runner represents a single thread that is part of a worker pool. It waits for a test, then executes that test. It also reports start and result messages to handle_update_messages """ while True: test = job_queue.get() if test is None: break # Signal that the test is starting to inform the poor waiting # programmer update_queue.put(test) result = test.run(portseed_offset) update_queue.put(result) job_queue.task_done() ## # Setup our threads, and start sending tasks ## # Start our result collection thread. t = threading.Thread(target=handle_update_messages) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # Start some worker threads for j in range(num_jobs): t = threading.Thread(target=handle_test_cases) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # Push all our test cases into the job queue. for i, t in enumerate(test_list): job_queue.put(TestCase(i, t, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags)) # Wait for all the jobs to be completed job_queue.join() # Wait for all the results to be compiled update_queue.join() # Flush our queues so the threads exit update_queue.put(None) for j in range(num_jobs): job_queue.put(None) return test_results -def print_results(test_results, max_len_name, runtime): +def print_results(test_results, tests_dir, max_len_name, runtime, combined_logs_len): results = "\n" + BOLD[1] + "{} | {} | {}\n\n".format( "TEST".ljust(max_len_name), "STATUS ", "DURATION") + BOLD[0] test_results.sort(key=lambda result: result.name.lower()) all_passed = True time_sum = 0 for test_result in test_results: all_passed = all_passed and test_result.was_successful time_sum += test_result.time test_result.padding = max_len_name results += str(test_result) + testdir = test_result.testdir + if combined_logs_len and os.path.isdir(testdir): + # Print the final `combinedlogslen` lines of the combined logs + print('{}Combine the logs and print the last {} lines ...{}'.format( + BOLD[1], combined_logs_len, BOLD[0])) + print('\n============') + print('{}Combined log for {}:{}'.format(BOLD[1], testdir, BOLD[0])) + print('============\n') + combined_logs, _ = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join( + tests_dir, 'combine_logs.py'), '-c', testdir], universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() + print("\n".join(deque(combined_logs.splitlines(), combined_logs_len))) + status = TICK + "Passed" if all_passed else CROSS + "Failed" results += BOLD[1] + "\n{} | {} | {} s (accumulated) \n".format( "ALL".ljust(max_len_name), status.ljust(9), time_sum) + BOLD[0] results += "Runtime: {} s\n".format(runtime) print(results) class TestResult(): """ Simple data structure to store test result values and print them properly """ - def __init__(self, num, name, status, time, stdout, stderr): + def __init__(self, num, name, testdir, status, time, stdout, stderr): self.num = num self.name = name + self.testdir = testdir self.status = status self.time = time self.padding = 0 self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr def __repr__(self): if self.status == "Passed": color = BLUE glyph = TICK elif self.status == "Failed": color = RED glyph = CROSS elif self.status == "Skipped": color = GREY glyph = CIRCLE return color[1] + "{} | {}{} | {} s\n".format( self.name.ljust(self.padding), glyph, self.status.ljust(7), self.time) + color[0] @property def was_successful(self): return self.status != "Failed" def get_all_scripts_from_disk(test_dir, non_scripts): """ Return all available test script from script directory (excluding NON_SCRIPTS) """ python_files = set([t for t in os.listdir(test_dir) if t[-3:] == ".py"]) return list(python_files - set(non_scripts)) def get_tests_to_run(test_list, test_params, cutoff, src_timings, build_timings=None): """ Returns only test that will not run longer that cutoff. Long running tests are returned first to favor running tests in parallel Timings from build directory override those from src directory """ def get_test_time(test): if build_timings is not None: timing = next( (x['time'] for x in build_timings.existing_timings if x['name'] == test), None) if timing is not None: return timing # try source directory. Return 0 if test is unknown to always run it return next( (x['time'] for x in src_timings.existing_timings if x['name'] == test), 0) # Some tests must also be run with additional parameters. Add them to the list. tests_with_params = [] for test_name in test_list: # always execute a test without parameters tests_with_params.append(test_name) params = test_params.get(test_name) if params is not None: tests_with_params.extend( [test_name + " " + " ".join(p) for p in params]) result = [t for t in tests_with_params if get_test_time(t) <= cutoff] result.sort(key=lambda x: (-get_test_time(x), x)) return result class RPCCoverage(): """ Coverage reporting utilities for test_runner. Coverage calculation works by having each test script subprocess write coverage files into a particular directory. These files contain the RPC commands invoked during testing, as well as a complete listing of RPC commands per `bitcoin-cli help` (`rpc_interface.txt`). After all tests complete, the commands run are combined and diff'd against the complete list to calculate uncovered RPC commands. See also: test/functional/test_framework/coverage.py """ def __init__(self): self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="coverage") self.flag = '--coveragedir={}'.format(self.dir) def report_rpc_coverage(self): """ Print out RPC commands that were unexercised by tests. """ uncovered = self._get_uncovered_rpc_commands() if uncovered: print("Uncovered RPC commands:") print("".join((" - {}\n".format(i)) for i in sorted(uncovered))) else: print("All RPC commands covered.") def cleanup(self): return shutil.rmtree(self.dir) def _get_uncovered_rpc_commands(self): """ Return a set of currently untested RPC commands. """ # This is shared from `test/functional/test-framework/coverage.py` reference_filename = 'rpc_interface.txt' coverage_file_prefix = 'coverage.' coverage_ref_filename = os.path.join(self.dir, reference_filename) coverage_filenames = set() all_cmds = set() covered_cmds = set() if not os.path.isfile(coverage_ref_filename): raise RuntimeError("No coverage reference found") with open(coverage_ref_filename, 'r') as f: all_cmds.update([i.strip() for i in f.readlines()]) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.dir): for filename in files: if filename.startswith(coverage_file_prefix): coverage_filenames.add(os.path.join(root, filename)) for filename in coverage_filenames: with open(filename, 'r') as f: covered_cmds.update([i.strip() for i in f.readlines()]) return all_cmds - covered_cmds def save_results_as_junit(test_results, file_name, time): """ Save tests results to file in JUnit format See http://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/ for specification of format """ e_test_suite = ET.Element("testsuite", {"name": "bitcoin_abc_tests", "tests": str(len(test_results)), # "errors": "failures": str(len([t for t in test_results if t.status == "Failed"])), "id": "0", "skipped": str(len([t for t in test_results if t.status == "Skipped"])), "time": str(time), "timestamp": datetime.datetime.now().isoformat('T') }) for test_result in test_results: e_test_case = ET.SubElement(e_test_suite, "testcase", {"name": test_result.name, "classname": test_result.name, "time": str(test_result.time) } ) if test_result.status == "Skipped": ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "skipped") elif test_result.status == "Failed": ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "failure") # no special element for passed tests ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "system-out").text = test_result.stdout ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "system-err").text = test_result.stderr ET.ElementTree(e_test_suite).write( file_name, "UTF-8", xml_declaration=True) class Timings(): """ Takes care of loading, merging and saving tests execution times. """ def __init__(self, timing_file): self.timing_file = timing_file self.existing_timings = self.load_timings() def load_timings(self): if os.path.isfile(self.timing_file): with open(self.timing_file) as f: return json.load(f) else: return [] def get_merged_timings(self, new_timings): """ Return new list containing existing timings updated with new timings Tests that do not exists are not removed """ key = 'name' merged = {} for item in self.existing_timings + new_timings: if item[key] in merged: merged[item[key]].update(item) else: merged[item[key]] = item # Sort the result to preserve test ordering in file merged = list(merged.values()) merged.sort(key=lambda t, key=key: t[key]) return merged def save_timings(self, test_results): # we only save test that have passed - timings for failed test might be # wrong (timeouts or early fails) passed_results = [t for t in test_results if t.status == 'Passed'] new_timings = list(map(lambda t: {'name': t.name, 'time': t.time}, passed_results)) merged_timings = self.get_merged_timings(new_timings) with open(self.timing_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(merged_timings, f, indent=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()