diff --git a/doc/release-notes.md b/doc/release-notes.md index c4c3e9824..e2cfcdc61 100644 --- a/doc/release-notes.md +++ b/doc/release-notes.md @@ -1,79 +1,93 @@ Bitcoin ABC version 0.21.8 is now available from: This release includes the following features and fixes: Updated RPCs ------------ - The `getrawtransaction` RPC no longer checks the unspent UTXO set for a transaction. The remaining behaviors are as follows: 1. If a blockhash is provided, check the corresponding block. 2. If no blockhash is provided, check the mempool. 3. If no blockhash is provided but txindex is enabled, also check txindex. - `getaddressinfo` now reports `solvable`, a boolean indicating whether all information necessary for signing is present in the wallet (ignoring private keys). - `getaddressinfo`, `listunspent`, and `scantxoutset` have a new output field `desc`, an output descriptor that encapsulates all signing information and key paths for the address (only available when `solvable` is true for `getaddressinfo` and `listunspent`). - The `importmulti` RPC will now contain a new per-request `warnings` field with strings that explain when fields are being ignored or inconsistent, if any. - Fixed a bug where `listreceivedaddress` would fail to take an address as a string. Note: some low-level RPC changes mainly useful for testing are described in the Low-level Changes section below. - The `sendtoaddress` RPC never had this check, so to normalize the behavior, `minconf` is now ignored in `sendmany`. If the coin selection does not succeed due to missing coins, it will still throw an RPC error. Be reminded that coin selection is influenced by the `-spendzeroconfchange`, `-limitancestorcount`, `-limitdescendantcount` and `-walletrejectlongchains` command line arguments. - The `hdmasterkeyid` return field has been removed from `getaddressinfo` and `getwalletinfo`. Use `hdseedid` instead. +- Descriptors with key origin information imported through `importmulti` will + have their key origin information stored in the wallet for use with creating + PSBTs. +- If `bip32derivs` of both `walletprocesspsbt` and `walletcreatefundedpsbt` is + set to true but the key metadata for a public key has not been updated yet, + then that key will have a derivation path as if it were just an independent + key (i.e. no derivation path and its master fingerprint is itself) RPC importprivkey: new label behavior ------------------------------------- Previously, `importprivkey` automatically added the default empty label ("") to all addresses associated with the imported private key. Now it defaults to using any existing label for those addresses. For example: - Old behavior: you import a watch-only address with the label "cold wallet". Later, you import the corresponding private key using the default settings. The address's label is changed from "cold wallet" to "". - New behavior: you import a watch-only address with the label "cold wallet". Later, you import the corresponding private key using the default settings. The address's label remains "cold wallet". In both the previous and current case, if you directly specify a label during the import, that label will override whatever previous label the addresses may have had. Also in both cases, if none of the addresses previously had a label, they will still receive the default empty label (""). Examples: - You import a watch-only address with the label "temporary". Later you import the corresponding private key with the label "final". The address's label will be changed to "final". - You use the default settings to import a private key for an address that was not previously in the wallet. Its addresses will receive the default empty label (""). Descriptor import support --------------------- The `importmulti` RPC now supports importing of addresses from descriptors. A "desc" parameter can be provided instead of the "scriptPubKey" in a request, as well as an optional range for ranged descriptors to specify the start and end of the range to import. More information about descriptors can be found [here](https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/blob/master/doc/descriptors.md). New RPC methods ------------ - `deriveaddresses` returns one or more addresses corresponding to an [output descriptor](/doc/descriptors.md). + +Miscellaneous Wallet changes +---------------------------- + +- The key metadata will need to be upgraded the first time that the HD seed is + available. For unencrypted wallets this will occur on wallet loading. For + encrypted wallets this will occur the first time the wallet is unlocked. diff --git a/test/functional/wallet_importmulti.py b/test/functional/wallet_importmulti.py index 78767a14b..ac81a1adf 100755 --- a/test/functional/wallet_importmulti.py +++ b/test/functional/wallet_importmulti.py @@ -1,519 +1,585 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the importmulti RPC. Test importmulti by generating keys on node0, importing the scriptPubKeys and addresses on node1 and then testing the address info for the different address variants. - `get_key()` and `get_multisig()` are called to generate keys on node0 and return the privkeys, pubkeys and all variants of scriptPubKey and address. - `test_importmulti()` is called to send an importmulti call to node1, test success, and (if unsuccessful) test the error code and error message returned. - `test_address()` is called to call getaddressinfo for an address on node1 and test the values returned.""" from test_framework.script import ( CScript, OP_NOP, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_greater_than, assert_raises_rpc_error, ) from test_framework.wallet_util import ( get_key, get_multisig, test_address, ) class ImportMultiTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True def skip_test_if_missing_module(self): self.skip_if_no_wallet() def setup_network(self, split=False): self.setup_nodes() def test_importmulti(self, req, success, error_code=None, error_message=None, warnings=[]): """Run importmulti and assert success""" result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([req]) observed_warnings = [] if 'warnings' in result[0]: observed_warnings = result[0]['warnings'] assert_equal( "\n".join( sorted(warnings)), "\n".join( sorted(observed_warnings))) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], success) if error_code is not None: assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], error_code) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], error_message) def run_test(self): self.log.info("Mining blocks...") self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.nodes[1].generate(1) timestamp = self.nodes[1].getblock( self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())['mediantime'] node0_address1 = self.nodes[0].getaddressinfo( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) # Check only one address assert_equal(node0_address1['ismine'], True) # Node 1 sync test assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(), 1) # Address Test - before import address_info = self.nodes[1].getaddressinfo(node0_address1['address']) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) # RPC importmulti ----------------------------------------------- # Bitcoin Address (implicit non-internal) self.log.info("Should import an address") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": key.p2pkh_addr}, "timestamp": "now"}, success=True) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, timestamp=timestamp, ischange=False) watchonly_address = key.p2pkh_addr watchonly_timestamp = timestamp self.log.info("Should not import an invalid address") self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": "not valid address"}, "timestamp": "now"}, success=False, error_code=-5, error_message='Invalid address \"not valid address\"') # ScriptPubKey + internal self.log.info("Should import a scriptPubKey with internal flag") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": key.p2pkh_script, "timestamp": "now", "internal": True}, success=True) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, timestamp=timestamp, ischange=True) # ScriptPubKey + internal + label self.log.info( "Should not allow a label to be specified when internal is true") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": key.p2pkh_script, "timestamp": "now", "internal": True, "label": "Example label"}, success=False, error_code=-8, error_message='Internal addresses should not have a label') # Nonstandard scriptPubKey + !internal self.log.info( "Should not import a nonstandard scriptPubKey without internal flag") nonstandardScriptPubKey = key.p2pkh_script + CScript([OP_NOP]).hex() key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": nonstandardScriptPubKey, "timestamp": "now"}, success=False, error_code=-8, error_message='Internal must be set to true for nonstandard scriptPubKey imports.') test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=False, ismine=False, timestamp=None) # Address + Public key + !Internal(explicit) self.log.info("Should import an address with public key") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": key.p2pkh_addr}, "timestamp": "now", "pubkeys": [key.pubkey], "internal": False}, success=True, warnings=["Some private keys are missing, outputs will be considered watchonly. If this is intentional, specify the watchonly flag."]) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, timestamp=timestamp) # ScriptPubKey + Public key + internal self.log.info( "Should import a scriptPubKey with internal and with public key") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": key.p2pkh_script, "timestamp": "now", "pubkeys": [key.pubkey], "internal": True}, success=True, warnings=["Some private keys are missing, outputs will be considered watchonly. If this is intentional, specify the watchonly flag."]) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, timestamp=timestamp) # Nonstandard scriptPubKey + Public key + !internal self.log.info( "Should not import a nonstandard scriptPubKey without internal and with public key") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": nonstandardScriptPubKey, "timestamp": "now", "pubkeys": [key.pubkey]}, success=False, error_code=-8, error_message='Internal must be set to true for nonstandard scriptPubKey imports.') test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=False, ismine=False, timestamp=None) # Address + Private key + !watchonly self.log.info("Should import an address with private key") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": key.p2pkh_addr}, "timestamp": "now", "keys": [key.privkey]}, success=True) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=False, ismine=True, timestamp=timestamp) self.log.info( "Should not import an address with private key if is already imported") self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": key.p2pkh_addr}, "timestamp": "now", "keys": [key.privkey]}, success=False, error_code=-4, error_message='The wallet already contains the private key for this address or script ("' + key.p2pkh_script + '")') # Address + Private key + watchonly self.log.info( "Should import an address with private key and with watchonly") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": key.p2pkh_addr}, "timestamp": "now", "keys": [key.privkey], "watchonly": True}, success=True, warnings=["All private keys are provided, outputs will be considered spendable. If this is intentional, do not specify the watchonly flag."]) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=False, ismine=True, timestamp=timestamp) # ScriptPubKey + Private key + internal self.log.info( "Should import a scriptPubKey with internal and with private key") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": key.p2pkh_script, "timestamp": "now", "keys": [key.privkey], "internal": True}, success=True) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=False, ismine=True, timestamp=timestamp) # Nonstandard scriptPubKey + Private key + !internal self.log.info( "Should not import a nonstandard scriptPubKey without internal and with private key") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": nonstandardScriptPubKey, "timestamp": "now", "keys": [key.privkey]}, success=False, error_code=-8, error_message='Internal must be set to true for nonstandard scriptPubKey imports.') test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=False, ismine=False, timestamp=None) # P2SH address multisig = get_multisig(self.nodes[0]) self.nodes[1].generate(100) self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(multisig.p2sh_addr, 10.00) self.nodes[1].generate(1) timestamp = self.nodes[1].getblock( self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())['mediantime'] self.log.info("Should import a p2sh") self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": multisig.p2sh_addr}, "timestamp": "now"}, success=True) test_address(self.nodes[1], multisig.p2sh_addr, isscript=True, iswatchonly=True, timestamp=timestamp) p2shunspent = self.nodes[1].listunspent( 0, 999999, [multisig.p2sh_addr])[0] assert_equal(p2shunspent['spendable'], False) assert_equal(p2shunspent['solvable'], False) # P2SH + Redeem script multisig = get_multisig(self.nodes[0]) self.nodes[1].generate(100) self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(multisig.p2sh_addr, 10.00) self.nodes[1].generate(1) timestamp = self.nodes[1].getblock( self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())['mediantime'] self.log.info("Should import a p2sh with respective redeem script") self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": multisig.p2sh_addr}, "timestamp": "now", "redeemscript": multisig.redeem_script}, success=True, warnings=["Some private keys are missing, outputs will be considered watchonly. If this is intentional, specify the watchonly flag."]) test_address( self.nodes[1], multisig.p2sh_addr, timestamp=timestamp, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, solvable=True) p2shunspent = self.nodes[1].listunspent( 0, 999999, [multisig.p2sh_addr])[0] assert_equal(p2shunspent['spendable'], False) assert_equal(p2shunspent['solvable'], True) # P2SH + Redeem script + Private Keys + !Watchonly multisig = get_multisig(self.nodes[0]) self.nodes[1].generate(100) self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(multisig.p2sh_addr, 10.00) self.nodes[1].generate(1) timestamp = self.nodes[1].getblock( self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())['mediantime'] self.log.info( "Should import a p2sh with respective redeem script and private keys") self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": multisig.p2sh_addr}, "timestamp": "now", "redeemscript": multisig.redeem_script, "keys": multisig.privkeys[0:2]}, success=True, warnings=["Some private keys are missing, outputs will be considered watchonly. If this is intentional, specify the watchonly flag."]) test_address(self.nodes[1], multisig.p2sh_addr, timestamp=timestamp, ismine=False, iswatchonly=True, solvable=True) p2shunspent = self.nodes[1].listunspent( 0, 999999, [multisig.p2sh_addr])[0] assert_equal(p2shunspent['spendable'], False) assert_equal(p2shunspent['solvable'], True) # P2SH + Redeem script + Private Keys + Watchonly multisig = get_multisig(self.nodes[0]) self.nodes[1].generate(100) self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(multisig.p2sh_addr, 10.00) self.nodes[1].generate(1) timestamp = self.nodes[1].getblock( self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())['mediantime'] self.log.info( "Should import a p2sh with respective redeem script and private keys") self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": multisig.p2sh_addr}, "timestamp": "now", "redeemscript": multisig.redeem_script, "keys": multisig.privkeys[0:2], "watchonly": True}, success=True) test_address(self.nodes[1], multisig.p2sh_addr, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, solvable=True, timestamp=timestamp) # Address + Public key + !Internal + Wrong pubkey self.log.info( "Should not import an address with the wrong public key as non-solvable") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) wrong_key = get_key(self.nodes[0]).pubkey self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": key.p2pkh_addr}, "timestamp": "now", "pubkeys": [wrong_key]}, success=True, warnings=["Importing as non-solvable: some required keys are missing. If this is intentional, don't provide any keys, pubkeys or redeemscript.", "Some private keys are missing, outputs will be considered watchonly. If this is intentional, specify the watchonly flag."]) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, solvable=False, timestamp=timestamp) # ScriptPubKey + Public key + internal + Wrong pubkey self.log.info( "Should import a scriptPubKey with internal and with a wrong public key as non-solvable") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) wrong_key = get_key(self.nodes[0]).pubkey self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": key.p2pkh_script, "timestamp": "now", "pubkeys": [wrong_key], "internal": True}, success=True, warnings=["Importing as non-solvable: some required keys are missing. If this is intentional, don't provide any keys, pubkeys or redeemscript.", "Some private keys are missing, outputs will be considered watchonly. If this is intentional, specify the watchonly flag."]) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, solvable=False, timestamp=timestamp) # Address + Private key + !watchonly + Wrong private key self.log.info( "Should import an address with a wrong private key as non-solvable") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) wrong_privkey = get_key(self.nodes[0]).privkey self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": key.p2pkh_addr}, "timestamp": "now", "keys": [wrong_privkey]}, success=True, warnings=["Importing as non-solvable: some required keys are missing. If this is intentional, don't provide any keys, pubkeys or redeemscript.", "Some private keys are missing, outputs will be considered watchonly. If this is intentional, specify the watchonly flag."]) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, solvable=False, timestamp=timestamp) # ScriptPubKey + Private key + internal + Wrong private key self.log.info( "Should import a scriptPubKey with internal and with a wrong private key as non-solvable") key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) wrong_privkey = get_key(self.nodes[0]).privkey self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": key.p2pkh_script, "timestamp": "now", "keys": [wrong_privkey], "internal": True}, success=True, warnings=["Importing as non-solvable: some required keys are missing. If this is intentional, don't provide any keys, pubkeys or redeemscript.", "Some private keys are missing, outputs will be considered watchonly. If this is intentional, specify the watchonly flag."]) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, solvable=False, timestamp=timestamp) # Importing existing watch only address with new timestamp should # replace saved timestamp. assert_greater_than(timestamp, watchonly_timestamp) self.log.info("Should replace previously saved watch only timestamp.") self.test_importmulti({"scriptPubKey": {"address": watchonly_address}, "timestamp": "now"}, success=True) test_address(self.nodes[1], watchonly_address, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, timestamp=timestamp) watchonly_timestamp = timestamp # restart nodes to check for proper serialization/deserialization of # watch only address self.stop_nodes() self.start_nodes() test_address(self.nodes[1], watchonly_address, iswatchonly=True, ismine=False, timestamp=watchonly_timestamp) # Bad or missing timestamps self.log.info("Should throw on invalid or missing timestamp values") assert_raises_rpc_error(-3, 'Missing required timestamp field for key', self.nodes[1].importmulti, [{"scriptPubKey": key.p2pkh_script}]) assert_raises_rpc_error(-3, 'Expected number or "now" timestamp value for key. got type string', self.nodes[1].importmulti, [{ "scriptPubKey": key.p2pkh_script, "timestamp": "" }]) # Test importing of a P2PKH address via descriptor key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.log.info("Should import a p2pkh address from descriptor") self.test_importmulti({"desc": "pkh(" + key.pubkey + ")", "timestamp": "now", "label": "Descriptor import test"}, True, warnings=["Some private keys are missing, outputs will be considered watchonly. If this is intentional, specify the watchonly flag."]) test_address(self.nodes[1], key.p2pkh_addr, solvable=True, ismine=False, label="Descriptor import test") # Test import fails if both desc and scriptPubKey are provided key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.log.info( "Import should fail if both scriptPubKey and desc are provided") self.test_importmulti({"desc": "pkh(" + key.pubkey + ")", "scriptPubKey": {"address": key.p2pkh_addr}, "timestamp": "now"}, success=False, error_code=-8, error_message='Both a descriptor and a scriptPubKey should not be provided.') # Test import fails if neither desc nor scriptPubKey are present key = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.log.info( "Import should fail if neither a descriptor nor a scriptPubKey are provided") self.test_importmulti({"timestamp": "now"}, success=False, error_code=-8, error_message='Either a descriptor or scriptPubKey must be provided.') # Test importing of a multisig via descriptor key1 = get_key(self.nodes[0]) key2 = get_key(self.nodes[0]) self.log.info("Should import a 1-of-2 bare multisig from descriptor") self.test_importmulti({"desc": "multi(1," + key1.pubkey + "," + key2.pubkey + ")", "timestamp": "now"}, success=True) self.log.info( "Should not treat individual keys from the imported bare multisig as watchonly") test_address(self.nodes[1], key1.p2pkh_addr, ismine=False, iswatchonly=False) + # Import pubkeys with key origin info + self.log.info( + "Addresses should have hd keypath and master key id after import with key origin") + pub_addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() + pub_addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() + info = self.nodes[1].getaddressinfo(pub_addr) + pub = info['pubkey'] + pub_keypath = info['hdkeypath'] + pub_fpr = info['hdmasterfingerprint'] + result = self.nodes[0].importmulti( + [{ + 'desc': "pkh([" + pub_fpr + pub_keypath[1:] + "]" + pub + ")", + "timestamp": "now", + }] + ) + assert result[0]['success'] + pub_import_info = self.nodes[0].getaddressinfo(pub_addr) + assert_equal(pub_import_info['hdmasterfingerprint'], pub_fpr) + assert_equal(pub_import_info['pubkey'], pub) + assert_equal(pub_import_info['hdkeypath'], pub_keypath) + + # Import privkeys with key origin info + priv_addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() + info = self.nodes[1].getaddressinfo(priv_addr) + priv = self.nodes[1].dumpprivkey(priv_addr) + priv_keypath = info['hdkeypath'] + priv_fpr = info['hdmasterfingerprint'] + result = self.nodes[0].importmulti( + [{ + 'desc': "pkh([" + priv_fpr + priv_keypath[1:] + "]" + priv + ")", + "timestamp": "now", + }] + ) + assert result[0]['success'] + priv_import_info = self.nodes[0].getaddressinfo(priv_addr) + assert_equal(priv_import_info['hdmasterfingerprint'], priv_fpr) + assert_equal(priv_import_info['hdkeypath'], priv_keypath) + + # Make sure the key origin info are still there after a restart + self.stop_nodes() + self.start_nodes() + import_info = self.nodes[0].getaddressinfo(pub_addr) + assert_equal(import_info['hdmasterfingerprint'], pub_fpr) + assert_equal(import_info['hdkeypath'], pub_keypath) + import_info = self.nodes[0].getaddressinfo(priv_addr) + assert_equal(import_info['hdmasterfingerprint'], priv_fpr) + assert_equal(import_info['hdkeypath'], priv_keypath) + + # Check legacy import does not import key origin info + self.log.info("Legacy imports don't have key origin info") + pub_addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() + info = self.nodes[1].getaddressinfo(pub_addr) + pub = info['pubkey'] + result = self.nodes[0].importmulti( + [{ + 'scriptPubKey': {'address': pub_addr}, + 'pubkeys': [pub], + "timestamp": "now", + }] + ) + assert result[0]['success'] + pub_import_info = self.nodes[0].getaddressinfo(pub_addr) + assert_equal(pub_import_info['pubkey'], pub) + assert 'hdmasterfingerprint' not in pub_import_info + assert 'hdkeypath' not in pub_import_info + if __name__ == '__main__': ImportMultiTest().main()