diff --git a/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.21.5.md b/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.21.5.md index 6b6b6f020..4d0e295e1 100644 --- a/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.21.5.md +++ b/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.21.5.md @@ -1,53 +1,50 @@ Bitcoin ABC version 0.21.5 is now available from: This release includes the following features and fixes: - Removed deprecated `getinfo` RPC. - Update univalue to 1.0.5 - The Official Ubuntu PPA will no longer update the package for the 16.04 Xenial version. The most recent versions can still be downloaded from bitcoinabc.org. The PPA is now offering a package for 20.04 Focal. - Minor performance improvements for JSON RPC calls that fetch headers or blocks. - Various minor bug fixes. Tests ----- - The regression test chain, that can be enabled by the `-regtest` command line flag, now requires transactions to not violate standard policy by default. Making the default the same as mainnet makes it easier to test mainnet behavior on regtest. Be reminded that the testnet still allows non-standard txs by default and that the policy can be locally adjusted with the `-acceptnonstdtxn` command line flag for both test chains. Configuration ------------- - An error is issued where previously a warning was issued when a setting in the config file was specified in the default section, but not overridden for the selected network. This change takes only effect if the selected network is not mainnet. - The `echo` RPC will now return an internal bug report if exactly 100 arguments are provided. Tools ----- - A new `bitcoin-wallet` tool is now available, distributed alongside our usual binaries. This tool provides a way to create new wallet files and inspect basic information about a wallet without using any RPCs. Wallet `generate` RPC method deprecated --------------------------------------- - - The wallet's `generate` RPC method has been deprecated and will be fully removed in v0.22. - - `generate` is only used for testing. The RPC call reaches across multiple subsystems (wallet and mining), so is deprecated to simplify the wallet-node interface. Projects that are using `generate` for testing purposes should transition to using the `generatetoaddress` call, which does not require or use the wallet component. Calling `generatetoaddress` with an address returned by `getnewaddress` gives the same functionality as the old `generate` method. - - To continue using `generate` in v0.21, restart bitcoind with the `-deprecatedrpc=generate` configuration.