diff --git a/src/wallet/walletutil.cpp b/src/wallet/walletutil.cpp index 838ca5a32..409e29f6f 100644 --- a/src/wallet/walletutil.cpp +++ b/src/wallet/walletutil.cpp @@ -1,94 +1,100 @@ // Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include fs::path GetWalletDir() { fs::path path; if (gArgs.IsArgSet("-walletdir")) { path = gArgs.GetArg("-walletdir", ""); if (!fs::is_directory(path)) { // If the path specified doesn't exist, we return the deliberately // invalid empty string. path = ""; } } else { path = GetDataDir(); // If a wallets directory exists, use that, otherwise default to // GetDataDir if (fs::is_directory(path / "wallets")) { path /= "wallets"; } } return path; } static bool IsBerkeleyBtree(const fs::path &path) { // A Berkeley DB Btree file has at least 4K. // This check also prevents opening lock files. boost::system::error_code ec; if (fs::file_size(path, ec) < 4096) { return false; } fsbridge::ifstream file(path, std::ios::binary); if (!file.is_open()) { return false; } // Magic bytes start at offset 12 file.seekg(12, std::ios::beg); uint32_t data = 0; // Read 4 bytes of file to compare against magic file.read((char *)&data, sizeof(data)); // Berkeley DB Btree magic bytes, from: // https://github.com/file/file/blob/5824af38469ec1ca9ac3ffd251e7afe9dc11e227/magic/Magdir/database#L74-L75 // - big endian systems - 00 05 31 62 // - little endian systems - 62 31 05 00 return data == 0x00053162 || data == 0x62310500; } std::vector ListWalletDir() { const fs::path wallet_dir = GetWalletDir(); + const size_t offset = wallet_dir.string().size() + 1; std::vector paths; - for (auto it = fs::recursive_directory_iterator(wallet_dir); it != end(it); - ++it) { + for (auto it = fs::recursive_directory_iterator(wallet_dir); + it != fs::recursive_directory_iterator(); ++it) { + // Get wallet path relative to walletdir by removing walletdir from the + // wallet path. This can be replaced by + // boost::filesystem::lexically_relative once boost is bumped to 1.60. + const fs::path path = it->path().string().substr(offset); + if (it->status().type() == fs::directory_file && IsBerkeleyBtree(it->path() / "wallet.dat")) { // Found a directory which contains wallet.dat btree file, add it as // a wallet. - paths.emplace_back(fs::relative(it->path(), wallet_dir)); + paths.emplace_back(path); } else if (it.level() == 0 && it->symlink_status().type() == fs::regular_file && IsBerkeleyBtree(it->path())) { if (it->path().filename() == "wallet.dat") { // Found top-level wallet.dat btree file, add top level // directory "" as a wallet. paths.emplace_back(); } else { // Found top-level btree file not called wallet.dat. Current // bitcoin software will never create these files but will allow // them to be opened in a shared database environment for // backwards compatibility. Add it to the list of available // wallets. - paths.emplace_back(fs::relative(it->path(), wallet_dir)); + paths.emplace_back(path); } } } return paths; } WalletLocation::WalletLocation(const std::string &name) : m_name(name), m_path(fs::absolute(name, GetWalletDir())) {} bool WalletLocation::Exists() const { return fs::symlink_status(m_path).type() != fs::file_not_found; } diff --git a/test/functional/wallet_multiwallet.py b/test/functional/wallet_multiwallet.py index bdc41242c..011c88613 100755 --- a/test/functional/wallet_multiwallet.py +++ b/test/functional/wallet_multiwallet.py @@ -1,400 +1,400 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test multiwallet. Verify that a bitcoind node can load multiple wallet files """ import os import shutil from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.test_node import ErrorMatch from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error, ) class MultiWalletTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.supports_cli = True def skip_test_if_missing_module(self): self.skip_if_no_wallet() def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] def data_dir(*p): return os.path.join(node.datadir, 'regtest', *p) def wallet_dir(*p): return data_dir('wallets', *p) def wallet(name): return node.get_wallet_rpc(name) def wallet_file(name): if os.path.isdir(wallet_dir(name)): return wallet_dir(name, "wallet.dat") return wallet_dir(name) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].listwalletdir(), {'wallets': [{'name': ''}]}) # check wallet.dat is created self.stop_nodes() assert_equal(os.path.isfile(wallet_dir('wallet.dat')), True) # create symlink to verify wallet directory path can be referenced # through symlink os.mkdir(wallet_dir('w7')) os.symlink('w7', wallet_dir('w7_symlink')) # rename wallet.dat to make sure plain wallet file paths (as opposed to # directory paths) can be loaded os.rename(wallet_dir("wallet.dat"), wallet_dir("w8")) # create another dummy wallet for use in testing backups later self.start_node(0, []) self.stop_nodes() empty_wallet = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, 'empty.dat') os.rename(wallet_dir("wallet.dat"), empty_wallet) # restart node with a mix of wallet names: # w1, w2, w3 - to verify new wallets created when non-existing paths specified # w - to verify wallet name matching works when one wallet path is prefix of another # sub/w5 - to verify relative wallet path is created correctly # extern/w6 - to verify absolute wallet path is created correctly # w7_symlink - to verify symlinked wallet path is initialized correctly # w8 - to verify existing wallet file is loaded correctly # '' - to verify default wallet file is created correctly wallet_names = ['w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w', 'sub/w5', os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, 'extern/w6'), 'w7_symlink', 'w8', ''] extra_args = ['-wallet={}'.format(n) for n in wallet_names] self.start_node(0, extra_args) - assert_equal(set(map(lambda w: w['name'], self.nodes[0].listwalletdir()[ - 'wallets'])), set(['', 'w3', 'w2', os.path.join('sub', 'w5'), 'w7', 'w7', 'w1', 'w8', 'w'])) + assert_equal(sorted(map(lambda w: w['name'], self.nodes[0].listwalletdir()['wallets'])), [ + '', os.path.join('sub', 'w5'), 'w', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w7', 'w7_symlink', 'w8']) assert_equal(set(node.listwallets()), set(wallet_names)) # check that all requested wallets were created self.stop_node(0) for wallet_name in wallet_names: assert_equal(os.path.isfile(wallet_file(wallet_name)), True) # should not initialize if wallet path can't be created exp_stderr = "boost::filesystem::create_directory: (The system cannot find the path specified|Not a directory):" self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( ['-wallet=wallet.dat/bad'], exp_stderr, match=ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX) self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( ['-walletdir=wallets'], 'Error: Specified -walletdir "wallets" does not exist') self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( ['-walletdir=wallets'], 'Error: Specified -walletdir "wallets" is a relative path', cwd=data_dir()) self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( ['-walletdir=debug.log'], 'Error: Specified -walletdir "debug.log" is not a directory', cwd=data_dir()) # should not initialize if there are duplicate wallets self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( ['-wallet=w1', '-wallet=w1'], 'Error: Error loading wallet w1. Duplicate -wallet filename specified.') # should not initialize if one wallet is a copy of another shutil.copyfile(wallet_dir('w8'), wallet_dir('w8_copy')) exp_stderr = r"BerkeleyBatch: Can't open database w8_copy \(duplicates fileid \w+ from w8\)" self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( ['-wallet=w8', '-wallet=w8_copy'], exp_stderr, match=ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX) # should not initialize if wallet file is a symlink os.symlink('w8', wallet_dir('w8_symlink')) self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( ['-wallet=w8_symlink'], r'Error: Invalid -wallet path \'w8_symlink\'\. .*', match=ErrorMatch.FULL_REGEX) # should not initialize if the specified walletdir does not exist self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( ['-walletdir=bad'], 'Error: Specified -walletdir "bad" does not exist') # should not initialize if the specified walletdir is not a directory not_a_dir = wallet_dir('notadir') open(not_a_dir, 'a', encoding="utf8").close() self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( ['-walletdir=' + not_a_dir], 'Error: Specified -walletdir "' + not_a_dir + '" is not a directory') self.log.info("Do not allow -zapwallettxes with multiwallet") self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( [ '-zapwallettxes', '-wallet=w1', '-wallet=w2'], "Error: -zapwallettxes is only allowed with a single wallet file") self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( [ '-zapwallettxes=1', '-wallet=w1', '-wallet=w2'], "Error: -zapwallettxes is only allowed with a single wallet file") self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( [ '-zapwallettxes=2', '-wallet=w1', '-wallet=w2'], "Error: -zapwallettxes is only allowed with a single wallet file") self.log.info("Do not allow -salvagewallet with multiwallet") self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( [ '-salvagewallet', '-wallet=w1', '-wallet=w2'], "Error: -salvagewallet is only allowed with a single wallet file") self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( [ '-salvagewallet=1', '-wallet=w1', '-wallet=w2'], "Error: -salvagewallet is only allowed with a single wallet file") self.log.info("Do not allow -upgradewallet with multiwallet") self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( [ '-upgradewallet', '-wallet=w1', '-wallet=w2'], "Error: -upgradewallet is only allowed with a single wallet file") self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error( [ '-upgradewallet=1', '-wallet=w1', '-wallet=w2'], "Error: -upgradewallet is only allowed with a single wallet file") # if wallets/ doesn't exist, datadir should be the default wallet dir wallet_dir2 = data_dir('walletdir') os.rename(wallet_dir(), wallet_dir2) self.start_node(0, ['-wallet=w4', '-wallet=w5']) assert_equal(set(node.listwallets()), {"w4", "w5"}) w5 = wallet("w5") w5.generate(1) # now if wallets/ exists again, but the rootdir is specified as the # walletdir, w4 and w5 should still be loaded os.rename(wallet_dir2, wallet_dir()) self.restart_node(0, ['-wallet=w4', '-wallet=w5', '-walletdir=' + data_dir()]) assert_equal(set(node.listwallets()), {"w4", "w5"}) w5 = wallet("w5") w5_info = w5.getwalletinfo() assert_equal(w5_info['immature_balance'], 50) competing_wallet_dir = os.path.join( self.options.tmpdir, 'competing_walletdir') os.mkdir(competing_wallet_dir) self.restart_node(0, ['-walletdir=' + competing_wallet_dir]) exp_stderr = r"Error: Error initializing wallet database environment \"\S+competing_walletdir\"!" self.nodes[1].assert_start_raises_init_error( ['-walletdir=' + competing_wallet_dir], exp_stderr, match=ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX) self.restart_node(0, extra_args) - assert_equal(set(map(lambda w: w['name'], self.nodes[0].listwalletdir()['wallets'])), set( - ['', 'w3', 'w2', os.path.join('sub', 'w5'), 'w7', 'w7', 'w8_copy', 'w1', 'w8', 'w'])) + assert_equal(sorted(map(lambda w: w['name'], self.nodes[0].listwalletdir()['wallets'])), [ + '', os.path.join('sub', 'w5'), 'w', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w7', 'w7_symlink', 'w8', 'w8_copy']) wallets = [wallet(w) for w in wallet_names] wallet_bad = wallet("bad") # check wallet names and balances wallets[0].generate(1) for wallet_name, wallet in zip(wallet_names, wallets): info = wallet.getwalletinfo() assert_equal(info['immature_balance'], 50 if wallet is wallets[0] else 0) assert_equal(info['walletname'], wallet_name) # accessing invalid wallet fails assert_raises_rpc_error(-18, "Requested wallet does not exist or is not loaded", wallet_bad.getwalletinfo) # accessing wallet RPC without using wallet endpoint fails assert_raises_rpc_error(-19, "Wallet file not specified (must request wallet RPC through /wallet/ uri-path).", node.getwalletinfo) w1, w2, w3, w4, *_ = wallets w1.generate(101) assert_equal(w1.getbalance(), 100) assert_equal(w2.getbalance(), 0) assert_equal(w3.getbalance(), 0) assert_equal(w4.getbalance(), 0) w1.sendtoaddress(w2.getnewaddress(), 1) w1.sendtoaddress(w3.getnewaddress(), 2) w1.sendtoaddress(w4.getnewaddress(), 3) w1.generate(1) assert_equal(w2.getbalance(), 1) assert_equal(w3.getbalance(), 2) assert_equal(w4.getbalance(), 3) batch = w1.batch([w1.getblockchaininfo.get_request(), w1.getwalletinfo.get_request()]) assert_equal(batch[0]["result"]["chain"], "regtest") assert_equal(batch[1]["result"]["walletname"], "w1") self.log.info('Check for per-wallet settxfee call') assert_equal(w1.getwalletinfo()['paytxfee'], 0) assert_equal(w2.getwalletinfo()['paytxfee'], 0) w2.settxfee(4.0) assert_equal(w1.getwalletinfo()['paytxfee'], 0) assert_equal(w2.getwalletinfo()['paytxfee'], 4.0) self.log.info("Test dynamic wallet loading") self.restart_node(0, ['-nowallet']) assert_equal(node.listwallets(), []) assert_raises_rpc_error(-32601, "Method not found", node.getwalletinfo) self.log.info("Load first wallet") loadwallet_name = node.loadwallet(wallet_names[0]) assert_equal(loadwallet_name['name'], wallet_names[0]) assert_equal(node.listwallets(), wallet_names[0:1]) node.getwalletinfo() w1 = node.get_wallet_rpc(wallet_names[0]) w1.getwalletinfo() self.log.info("Load second wallet") loadwallet_name = node.loadwallet(wallet_names[1]) assert_equal(loadwallet_name['name'], wallet_names[1]) assert_equal(node.listwallets(), wallet_names[0:2]) assert_raises_rpc_error(-19, "Wallet file not specified", node.getwalletinfo) w2 = node.get_wallet_rpc(wallet_names[1]) w2.getwalletinfo() self.log.info("Load remaining wallets") for wallet_name in wallet_names[2:]: loadwallet_name = self.nodes[0].loadwallet(wallet_name) assert_equal(loadwallet_name['name'], wallet_name) assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].listwallets()), set(wallet_names)) # Fail to load if wallet doesn't exist assert_raises_rpc_error(-18, 'Wallet wallets not found.', self.nodes[0].loadwallet, 'wallets') # Fail to load duplicate wallets assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, 'Wallet file verification failed: Error loading wallet w1. Duplicate -wallet filename specified.', self.nodes[0].loadwallet, wallet_names[0]) # Fail to load duplicate wallets by different ways (directory and # filepath) assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Wallet file verification failed: Error loading wallet wallet.dat. Duplicate -wallet filename specified.", self.nodes[0].loadwallet, 'wallet.dat') # Fail to load if one wallet is a copy of another assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, "BerkeleyBatch: Can't open database w8_copy (duplicates fileid", self.nodes[0].loadwallet, 'w8_copy') # Fail to load if one wallet is a copy of another. # Test this twice to make sure that we don't re-introduce # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/14304 assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, "BerkeleyBatch: Can't open database w8_copy (duplicates fileid", self.nodes[0].loadwallet, 'w8_copy') # Fail to load if wallet file is a symlink assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Wallet file verification failed: Invalid -wallet path 'w8_symlink'", self.nodes[0].loadwallet, 'w8_symlink') # Fail to load if a directory is specified that doesn't contain a # wallet os.mkdir(wallet_dir('empty_wallet_dir')) assert_raises_rpc_error(-18, "Directory empty_wallet_dir does not contain a wallet.dat file", self.nodes[0].loadwallet, 'empty_wallet_dir') self.log.info("Test dynamic wallet creation.") # Fail to create a wallet if it already exists. assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Wallet w2 already exists.", self.nodes[0].createwallet, 'w2') # Successfully create a wallet with a new name loadwallet_name = self.nodes[0].createwallet('w9') assert_equal(loadwallet_name['name'], 'w9') w9 = node.get_wallet_rpc('w9') assert_equal(w9.getwalletinfo()['walletname'], 'w9') assert 'w9' in self.nodes[0].listwallets() # Successfully create a wallet using a full path new_wallet_dir = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, 'new_walletdir') new_wallet_name = os.path.join(new_wallet_dir, 'w10') loadwallet_name = self.nodes[0].createwallet(new_wallet_name) assert_equal(loadwallet_name['name'], new_wallet_name) w10 = node.get_wallet_rpc(new_wallet_name) assert_equal(w10.getwalletinfo()['walletname'], new_wallet_name) assert new_wallet_name in self.nodes[0].listwallets() self.log.info("Test dynamic wallet unloading") # Test `unloadwallet` errors assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, "JSON value is not a string as expected", self.nodes[0].unloadwallet) assert_raises_rpc_error(-18, "Requested wallet does not exist or is not loaded", self.nodes[0].unloadwallet, "dummy") assert_raises_rpc_error(-18, "Requested wallet does not exist or is not loaded", node.get_wallet_rpc("dummy").unloadwallet) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Cannot unload the requested wallet", w1.unloadwallet, "w2"), # Successfully unload the specified wallet name self.nodes[0].unloadwallet("w1") assert 'w1' not in self.nodes[0].listwallets() # Successfully unload the wallet referenced by the request endpoint w2.unloadwallet() assert 'w2' not in self.nodes[0].listwallets() # Successfully unload all wallets for wallet_name in self.nodes[0].listwallets(): self.nodes[0].unloadwallet(wallet_name) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].listwallets(), []) assert_raises_rpc_error(-32601, "Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)", self.nodes[0].getwalletinfo) # Successfully load a previously unloaded wallet self.nodes[0].loadwallet('w1') assert_equal(self.nodes[0].listwallets(), ['w1']) assert_equal(w1.getwalletinfo()['walletname'], 'w1') - assert_equal(set(map(lambda w: w['name'], self.nodes[0].listwalletdir()['wallets'])), set( - ['', 'w3', 'w2', os.path.join('sub', 'w5'), 'w7', 'w9', 'w7', 'w8_copy', 'w1', 'w8', 'w'])) + assert_equal(sorted(map(lambda w: w['name'], self.nodes[0].listwalletdir()['wallets'])), [ + '', os.path.join('sub', 'w5'), 'w', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w7', 'w7_symlink', 'w8', 'w8_copy', 'w9']) # Test backing up and restoring wallets self.log.info("Test wallet backup") self.restart_node(0, ['-nowallet']) for wallet_name in wallet_names: self.nodes[0].loadwallet(wallet_name) for wallet_name in wallet_names: rpc = self.nodes[0].get_wallet_rpc(wallet_name) addr = rpc.getnewaddress() backup = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, 'backup.dat') rpc.backupwallet(backup) self.nodes[0].unloadwallet(wallet_name) shutil.copyfile(empty_wallet, wallet_file(wallet_name)) self.nodes[0].loadwallet(wallet_name) assert_equal(rpc.getaddressinfo(addr)['ismine'], False) self.nodes[0].unloadwallet(wallet_name) shutil.copyfile(backup, wallet_file(wallet_name)) self.nodes[0].loadwallet(wallet_name) assert_equal(rpc.getaddressinfo(addr)['ismine'], True) # Test .walletlock file is closed self.start_node(1) wallet = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, 'my_wallet') self.nodes[0].createwallet(wallet) assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Error initializing wallet database environment", self.nodes[1].loadwallet, wallet) self.nodes[0].unloadwallet(wallet) self.nodes[1].loadwallet(wallet) if __name__ == '__main__': MultiWalletTest().main()