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import { organizeUtxosByType, - getPreliminaryTokensArray, - finalizeTokensArray, - getTokenStats, flattenChronikTxHistory, sortAndTrimChronikTxHistory, - parseChronikTx, + parseTx, getMintAddress, + getTokenGenesisInfo, + getTokenBalances, + getHistory, + getUtxos, } from 'chronik'; import vectors from '../fixtures/vectors'; -import { - mockOrganizedUtxosByType, - mockPreliminaryTokensArray, - mockPreliminaryTokensArrayClone, - mockPreliminaryTokensArrayCloneClone, - mockChronikTxDetailsResponses, - mockFinalTokenArray, - mockFinalCachedTokenInfo, - mockPartialCachedTokenInfo, - mockPartialChronikTxDetailsResponses, -} from '../fixtures/chronikUtxos'; -import { mockChronikTokenResponse } from '../fixtures/mockChronikTokenStats'; import { mockTxHistoryOfAllAddresses, mockFlatTxHistoryNoUnconfirmed, + chronikTokenMocks, + mockLargeTokenCache, + chronikSlpUtxos, + keyValueBalanceArray, + mockTxHistoryWalletJson, + mockPath1899History, + mockPath145History, + mockTxHistoryTokenCache, + tokensInHistory, + expectedParsedTxHistory, + noCachedInfoParsedTxHistory, } from '../fixtures/mocks'; import { mintingTxTabCash, mintingAddressTabCash, mintingTxPoW, mintingAddressPoW, mintingTxAlita, mintingAddressAlita, mintingAddressBuxSelfMint, mintingTxBuxSelfMint, } from '../fixtures/chronikMintTxs'; +import { cashtabWalletFromJSON } from 'helpers'; import { ChronikClient } from 'chronik-client'; import { when } from 'jest-when'; +import { MockChronikClient } from '../../../../modules/mock-chronik-client'; +import CashtabCache from 'config/CashtabCache'; describe('Cashtab chronik.js functions', () => { - it(`getTokenStats successfully returns a token stats object`, async () => { - // Initialize chronik - const chronik = new ChronikClient( - 'https://FakeChronikUrlToEnsureMocksOnly.com', - ); - const tokenId = - 'bb8e9f685a06a2071d82f757ce19201b4c8e5e96fbe186960a3d65aec83eab20'; - /* - Mock the API response from chronik.token('tokenId') called - in getTokenStats() - */ - chronik.token = jest.fn(); - when(chronik.token) - .calledWith(tokenId) - .mockResolvedValue(mockChronikTokenResponse); - expect(await getTokenStats(chronik, tokenId)).toStrictEqual( - mockChronikTokenResponse, - ); - }); - it(`getPreliminaryTokensArray successfully returns an array of all tokenIds and token balances (not yet adjusted for token decimals)`, () => { - expect( - getPreliminaryTokensArray(mockOrganizedUtxosByType.slpUtxos), - ).toStrictEqual(mockPreliminaryTokensArray); - }); - it(`We will automatically cache the unknown tokenId 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 without attempting to get its info from chronik`, async () => { - // Initialize chronik - const chronik = new ChronikClient( - 'https://FakeChronikUrlToEnsureMocksOnly.com', - ); - - const MOCK_SLP_UTXOS_WITH_UNKNOWN = [ - { - outpoint: { - txid: '250c93fd6bc2f1853a41d2fd1f5754a92f79f952f10ab038401be1600d5cbb88', - outIdx: 1, - }, - blockHeight: 836452, - isCoinbase: false, - value: 546, - isFinal: true, - token: { - tokenId: - '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', - tokenType: { - protocol: 'ALP', - type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', - number: 0, - }, - amount: '1000000', - isMintBaton: false, - }, - address: 'ecash:qqq9f9z3uhpzkxrgdjkd7dxuuey7tmpmugpmnw0kue', - }, - { - outpoint: { - txid: '74a8598eed00672e211553a69e22334128199883fe79eb4ad64f9c0b7909735c', - outIdx: 1, - }, - blockHeight: 836457, - isCoinbase: false, - value: 1000, - isFinal: true, - token: { - tokenId: - '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', - tokenType: { - protocol: 'ALP', - type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_UNKNOWN', - number: 255, - }, - amount: '0', - isMintBaton: false, - }, - address: 'ecash:qqq9f9z3uhpzkxrgdjkd7dxuuey7tmpmugpmnw0kue', - }, - ]; - - // Get preliminary token utxos - const preliminaryTokensArray = getPreliminaryTokensArray( - MOCK_SLP_UTXOS_WITH_UNKNOWN, - ); - - // Expected mock token cache after calling finalizeTokensArray - const UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ID = - '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; - const KNOWN_TOKEN_ID = - '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849'; - const mockTokens = new Map(); - mockTokens.set(KNOWN_TOKEN_ID, { - tokenTicker: 'tCRD', - tokenName: 'Test CRD', - url: 'https://crd.network/tcrd', - decimals: 4, - data: { - 0: 0, - 1: 0, - 2: 0, - 3: 0, - 4: 0, - 5: 0, - 6: 0, - 7: 0, - 8: 0, - }, - authPubkey: - '03d2dc0cea5c81593f1bfcd42763a21f5c85e7e8d053cdf990f8b383b892b72420', - }); - mockTokens.set(UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ID, { - decimals: 0, - tokenName: 'Unknown Token', - tokenTicker: 'UNKNOWN', - url: 'N/A', - }); - - // Get finalized tokens array - - // Only mock the known tokenId api call - chronik.token = jest.fn(); - - when(chronik.token) - .calledWith(KNOWN_TOKEN_ID) - .mockResolvedValue({ - tokenId: - '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', - tokenType: { - protocol: 'ALP', - type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', - number: 0, - }, - timeFirstSeen: '0', - genesisInfo: { - tokenTicker: 'tCRD', - tokenName: 'Test CRD', - url: 'https://crd.network/tcrd', - decimals: 4, - data: { - 0: 0, - 1: 0, - 2: 0, - 3: 0, - 4: 0, - 5: 0, - 6: 0, - 7: 0, - 8: 0, - }, - authPubkey: - '03d2dc0cea5c81593f1bfcd42763a21f5c85e7e8d053cdf990f8b383b892b72420', - }, - block: { - height: 821187, - hash: '00000000000000002998aedef7c4fc2c52281e318461d66c3c9fe10151449448', - timestamp: 1701716369, - }, - }); - - expect( - await finalizeTokensArray(chronik, preliminaryTokensArray), - ).toStrictEqual({ - tokens: [ - { - tokenId: - '7cd7cd7c54167d306e770f972b564584c44cb412ee45839b4b97bb6e724c8849', - balance: '100', - info: { - tokenTicker: 'tCRD', - tokenName: 'Test CRD', - url: 'https://crd.network/tcrd', - decimals: 4, - data: { - 0: 0, - 1: 0, - 2: 0, - 3: 0, - 4: 0, - 5: 0, - 6: 0, - 7: 0, - 8: 0, - }, - authPubkey: - '03d2dc0cea5c81593f1bfcd42763a21f5c85e7e8d053cdf990f8b383b892b72420', - }, - }, - { - tokenId: - '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', - balance: '0', - info: { - decimals: 0, - tokenTicker: 'UNKNOWN', - tokenName: 'Unknown Token', - url: 'N/A', - }, - }, - ], - cachedTokens: mockTokens, - newTokensToCache: true, - }); - }); - it(`finalizeTokensArray successfully returns finalTokenArray and cachedTokenInfoById even if no cachedTokenInfoById is provided`, async () => { - // Initialize chronik - const chronik = new ChronikClient( - 'https://FakeChronikUrlToEnsureMocksOnly.com', - ); - /* - Mock the API response from chronik.token('tokenId') called - in returnGetTokenInfoChronikPromise -- for each tokenId used - */ - chronik.token = jest.fn(); - for (let i = 0; i < mockChronikTxDetailsResponses.length; i += 1) { - when(chronik.token) - .calledWith(mockChronikTxDetailsResponses[i].tokenId) - .mockResolvedValue(mockChronikTxDetailsResponses[i]); - } - - expect( - await finalizeTokensArray(chronik, mockPreliminaryTokensArray), - ).toStrictEqual({ - tokens: mockFinalTokenArray, - cachedTokens: mockFinalCachedTokenInfo, - newTokensToCache: true, - }); - }); - it(`finalizeTokensArray successfully returns finalTokenArray and cachedTokenInfoById when called with all token info in cache`, async () => { - // Initialize chronik - const chronik = new ChronikClient( - 'https://FakeChronikUrlToEnsureMocksOnly.com', - ); - - expect( - await finalizeTokensArray( - chronik, - mockPreliminaryTokensArrayClone, - mockFinalCachedTokenInfo, - ), - ).toStrictEqual({ - tokens: mockFinalTokenArray, - cachedTokens: mockFinalCachedTokenInfo, - newTokensToCache: false, - }); - }); - it(`updateCachedTokenInfoAndFinalizeTokensArray successfully returns finalTokenArray and cachedTokenInfoById when called with some token info in cache`, async () => { - // Initialize chronik - const chronik = new ChronikClient( - 'https://FakeChronikUrlToEnsureMocksOnly.com', - ); - /* - Mock the API response from chronik.token('tokenId') called - in returnGetTokenInfoChronikPromise -- for each tokenId used - */ - chronik.token = jest.fn(); - for ( - let i = 0; - i < mockPartialChronikTxDetailsResponses.length; - i += 1 - ) { - when(chronik.token) - .calledWith(mockPartialChronikTxDetailsResponses[i].tokenId) - .mockResolvedValue(mockPartialChronikTxDetailsResponses[i]); - } - - expect( - await finalizeTokensArray( - chronik, - mockPreliminaryTokensArrayCloneClone, - mockPartialCachedTokenInfo, - ), - ).toStrictEqual({ - tokens: mockFinalTokenArray, - cachedTokens: mockFinalCachedTokenInfo, - newTokensToCache: true, - }); - }); - it(`flattenChronikTxHistory successfully combines the result of getTxHistoryChronik into a single array`, async () => { + it(`flattenChronikTxHistory successfully combines the result of getHistory into a single array`, async () => { expect( await flattenChronikTxHistory(mockTxHistoryOfAllAddresses), ).toStrictEqual(mockFlatTxHistoryNoUnconfirmed); }); it(`getMintAddress successfully parses chronik.tx response to determine mint address for TabCash token`, async () => { // Initialize chronik const chronik = new ChronikClient( 'https://FakeChronikUrlToEnsureMocksOnly.com', ); - /* - Mock the API response from chronik.tx('tokenId') called - in returnGetTokenInfoChronikPromise -- for each tokenId used - */ + chronik.tx = jest.fn(); when(chronik.tx) .calledWith(mintingTxTabCash.txid) .mockResolvedValue(mintingTxTabCash); expect(await getMintAddress(chronik, mintingTxTabCash.txid)).toBe( mintingAddressTabCash, ); }); it(`getMintAddress successfully parses chronik.tx response to determine mint address for PoW token`, async () => { // Initialize chronik const chronik = new ChronikClient( 'https://FakeChronikUrlToEnsureMocksOnly.com', ); - /* - Mock the API response from chronik.tx('tokenId') called - in returnGetTokenInfoChronikPromise -- for each tokenId used - */ + chronik.tx = jest.fn(); when(chronik.tx) .calledWith(mintingTxPoW.txid) .mockResolvedValue(mintingTxPoW); expect(await getMintAddress(chronik, mintingTxPoW.txid)).toBe( mintingAddressPoW, ); }); it(`getMintAddress successfully parses chronik.tx response to determine mint address for Alita token`, async () => { // Initialize chronik const chronik = new ChronikClient( 'https://FakeChronikUrlToEnsureMocksOnly.com', ); - /* - Mock the API response from chronik.tx('tokenId') called - in returnGetTokenInfoChronikPromise -- for each tokenId used - */ chronik.tx = jest.fn(); when(chronik.tx) .calledWith(mintingTxAlita.txid) .mockResolvedValue(mintingTxAlita); expect(await getMintAddress(chronik, mintingTxAlita.txid)).toBe( mintingAddressAlita, ); }); it(`getMintAddress successfully parses chronik.tx response to determine mint address for a BUX self minted token`, async () => { // Initialize chronik const chronik = new ChronikClient( 'https://FakeChronikUrlToEnsureMocksOnly.com', ); - /* - Mock the API response from chronik.tx('tokenId') called - in returnGetTokenInfoChronikPromise -- for each tokenId used - */ chronik.tx = jest.fn(); when(chronik.tx) .calledWith(mintingTxBuxSelfMint.txid) .mockResolvedValue(mintingTxBuxSelfMint); expect(await getMintAddress(chronik, mintingTxBuxSelfMint.txid)).toBe( mintingAddressBuxSelfMint, ); }); describe('Parses supported tx types', () => { - const { expectedReturns, expectedErrors } = vectors.parseChronikTx; + const { expectedReturns } = vectors.parseTx; expectedReturns.forEach(expectedReturn => { - const { description, tx, wallet, tokenInfoById, parsed } = + const { description, tx, wallet, cachedTokens, parsed } = expectedReturn; - it(`parseChronikTx: ${description}`, () => { - expect(parseChronikTx(tx, wallet, tokenInfoById)).toStrictEqual( - parsed, - ); - }); - }); - expectedErrors.forEach(expectedError => { - const { description, tx, wallet, tokenInfoById, errorMsg } = - expectedError; - it(`parseChronikTx throws error for: ${description}`, () => { - expect(() => parseChronikTx(tx, wallet, tokenInfoById)).toThrow( - errorMsg, - ); + it(`parseTx: ${description}`, () => { + expect(parseTx(tx, wallet, cachedTokens)).toStrictEqual(parsed); }); }); }); describe('Sorts and trims chronik tx history', () => { const { expectedReturns } = vectors.sortAndTrimChronikTxHistory; expectedReturns.forEach(expectedReturn => { const { description, flatTxHistoryArray, txHistoryCount, returned, } = expectedReturn; it(`sortAndTrimChronikTxHistory: ${description}`, () => { expect( sortAndTrimChronikTxHistory( flatTxHistoryArray, txHistoryCount, ), ).toStrictEqual(returned); }); }); }); describe('Separates SLP and non-SLP utxos', () => { const { expectedReturns } = vectors.organizeUtxosByType; expectedReturns.forEach(expectedReturn => { const { description, chronikUtxos, returned } = expectedReturn; it(`organizeUtxosByType: ${description}`, () => { expect(organizeUtxosByType(chronikUtxos)).toStrictEqual( returned, ); }); }); }); + describe('We get info we want to cache about a token from its genesis tx and chronik token info endpoint', () => { + const { expectedReturns, expectedErrors } = vectors.getTokenGenesisInfo; + + expectedReturns.forEach(expectedReturn => { + const { description, tokenId, tokenInfo, genesisTx, returned } = + expectedReturn; + const mockedChronik = new MockChronikClient(); + + // Set mock for chronik.token(tokenId) + mockedChronik.setMock('token', { + input: tokenId, + output: tokenInfo, + }); + + // Set mock for chronik.tx(tokenId) + mockedChronik.setMock('tx', { + input: tokenId, + output: genesisTx, + }); + + it(`getTokenGenesisInfo: ${description}`, async () => { + expect( + await getTokenGenesisInfo(mockedChronik, tokenId), + ).toStrictEqual(returned); + }); + }); + + expectedErrors.forEach(expectedReturn => { + const { description, tokenId, tokenInfo, genesisTx, msg } = + expectedReturn; + const mockedChronik = new MockChronikClient(); + + // Set mock for chronik.token(tokenId) + mockedChronik.setMock('token', { + input: tokenId, + output: tokenInfo, + }); + + // Set mock for chronik.tx(tokenId) + mockedChronik.setMock('tx', { + input: tokenId, + output: genesisTx, + }); + + it(`getTokenGenesisInfo: ${description}`, async () => { + await expect( + getTokenGenesisInfo(mockedChronik, tokenId), + ).rejects.toEqual(msg); + }); + }); + }); + it('We can get token balance from a large token utxo set and update the cache', async () => { + // Mock the endpoints that will be called in updating the cache during getTokenBalances + const tokenIds = Object.keys(chronikTokenMocks); + const mockedChronik = new MockChronikClient(); + for (const tokenId of tokenIds) { + const { token, tx } = chronikTokenMocks[tokenId]; + // Set mock for chronik.token(tokenId) + mockedChronik.setMock('token', { + input: tokenId, + output: token, + }); + + // Set mock for chronik.tx(tokenId) + mockedChronik.setMock('tx', { + input: tokenId, + output: tx, + }); + } + + // Initialize an empty token cache + const tokenCache = new CashtabCache().tokens; + + // Get token balances + const tokenBalances = await getTokenBalances( + mockedChronik, + chronikSlpUtxos, + tokenCache, + ); + + // Expect cache is updated + expect(tokenCache).toStrictEqual(mockLargeTokenCache); + + // Expect correct balances + expect(tokenBalances).toStrictEqual(new Map(keyValueBalanceArray)); + }); + it('We can get token balance form a large token utxo set that includes a utxo of unknown tokenId and update the cache', async () => { + // Mock the endpoints that will be called in updating the cache during getTokenBalances + const tokenIds = Object.keys(chronikTokenMocks); + const mockedChronik = new MockChronikClient(); + for (const tokenId of tokenIds) { + const { token, tx } = chronikTokenMocks[tokenId]; + // Set mock for chronik.token(tokenId) + mockedChronik.setMock('token', { + input: tokenId, + output: token, + }); + + // Set mock for chronik.tx(tokenId) + mockedChronik.setMock('tx', { + input: tokenId, + output: tx, + }); + } + + // Initialize an empty token cache + const tokenCache = new CashtabCache().tokens; + + // Get token balances + const tokenBalances = await getTokenBalances( + mockedChronik, + [ + ...chronikSlpUtxos, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '74a8598eed00672e211553a69e22334128199883fe79eb4ad64f9c0b7909735c', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 836457, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 1000, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'ALP', + type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_UNKNOWN', + number: 255, + }, + amount: '0', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + path: 1899, + }, + ], + tokenCache, + ); + + // Expect cache is updated + expect(tokenCache).toStrictEqual(mockLargeTokenCache); + + // Expect correct balances, including a 0 balance for the unknown token id + expect(tokenBalances).toStrictEqual( + new Map([ + ...keyValueBalanceArray, + [ + '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', + '0', + ], + ]), + ); + }); + it('We can get utxos from multiple paths and tag each one with its path', async () => { + // Make all of your chronik mocks + + // Revive JSON wallet + const mockTxHistoryWallet = cashtabWalletFromJSON( + mockTxHistoryWalletJson, + ); + + const defaultAddress = mockTxHistoryWallet.paths.get(1899).address; + const secondaryAddress = mockTxHistoryWallet.paths.get(145).address; + + // Set tx history for all paths + const mockedChronik = new MockChronikClient(); + mockedChronik.setAddress(defaultAddress); + mockedChronik.setUtxosByAddress(defaultAddress, { + outputScript: 'string', + utxos: [{ value: 546 }], + }); + mockedChronik.setAddress(secondaryAddress); + mockedChronik.setUtxosByAddress(secondaryAddress, { + outputScript: 'string', + utxos: [{ value: 546 }], + }); + expect( + await getUtxos(mockedChronik, mockTxHistoryWallet), + ).toStrictEqual([ + { value: 546, path: 1899 }, + { value: 546, path: 145 }, + ]); + }); + it('We can get and parse tx history from a multi-path wallet, and update the token cache at the same time', async () => { + // Make all of your chronik mocks + const tokenIds = Object.keys(tokensInHistory); + const mockedChronik = new MockChronikClient(); + for (const tokenId of tokenIds) { + const { token, tx } = tokensInHistory[tokenId]; + // Set mock for chronik.token(tokenId) + mockedChronik.setMock('token', { + input: tokenId, + output: token, + }); + + // Set mock for chronik.tx(tokenId) + mockedChronik.setMock('tx', { + input: tokenId, + output: tx, + }); + } + + // Revive JSON wallet + const mockTxHistoryWallet = cashtabWalletFromJSON( + mockTxHistoryWalletJson, + ); + + const defaultAddress = mockTxHistoryWallet.paths.get(1899).address; + const secondaryAddress = mockTxHistoryWallet.paths.get(145).address; + + // Set tx history for all paths + mockedChronik.setAddress(defaultAddress); + mockedChronik.setTxHistoryByAddress( + defaultAddress, + mockPath1899History, + ); + mockedChronik.setAddress(secondaryAddress); + mockedChronik.setTxHistoryByAddress( + secondaryAddress, + mockPath145History, + ); + + // Initialize an empty token cache + const tokenCache = new CashtabCache().tokens; + + // Get token balances + const parsedTxHistory = await getHistory( + mockedChronik, + mockTxHistoryWallet, + tokenCache, + ); + + // Expect cache is updated + expect(tokenCache).toStrictEqual(mockTxHistoryTokenCache); + + // Expect correct tx history + expect(parsedTxHistory).toStrictEqual(expectedParsedTxHistory); + }); + describe('We can get and parse tx history from a multi-path wallet. If there is an error in getting cached token data, we still parse tx history.', () => { + // Make all of your chronik mocks + const tokenIds = Object.keys(tokensInHistory); + const mockedChronik = new MockChronikClient(); + for (const tokenId of tokenIds) { + // Mock an error in getting cached token info + mockedChronik.setMock('token', { + input: tokenId, + output: new Error('Some chronik error'), + }); + } + + // Revive JSON wallet + const mockTxHistoryWallet = cashtabWalletFromJSON( + mockTxHistoryWalletJson, + ); + + const defaultAddress = mockTxHistoryWallet.paths.get(1899).address; + const secondaryAddress = mockTxHistoryWallet.paths.get(145).address; + + // Set tx history for all paths + mockedChronik.setAddress(defaultAddress); + mockedChronik.setTxHistoryByAddress( + defaultAddress, + mockPath1899History, + ); + mockedChronik.setAddress(secondaryAddress); + mockedChronik.setTxHistoryByAddress( + secondaryAddress, + mockPath145History, + ); + + it(`We add to token cache and get parsed tx history`, async () => { + // Initialize an empty token cache + const tokenCache = new CashtabCache().tokens; + + // Get token balances + const parsedTxHistory = await getHistory( + mockedChronik, + mockTxHistoryWallet, + tokenCache, + ); + + // Expect cache is unchanged + expect(tokenCache).toStrictEqual(new CashtabCache().tokens); + + // Expect correct tx history + expect(parsedTxHistory).toStrictEqual(noCachedInfoParsedTxHistory); + }); + }); }); diff --git a/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/chronikUtxos.js b/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/chronikUtxos.js index fb72e9446..dd894ceac 100644 --- a/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/chronikUtxos.js +++ b/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/chronikUtxos.js @@ -1,9688 +1,6648 @@ // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. -import { BN } from 'slp-mdm'; - export const mockChronikUtxos = [ { outpoint: { txid: '71c0f2d76c81bb91c6bf4de69693d95e8f043af9e055e949616443090f961d80', outIdx: 2, }, blockHeight: 755309, isCoinbase: false, value: 12233856, address: 'ecash:qz5lf9pxde9neq3hzte8mmwts03sktl9numh06k74t', isFinal: true, }, { outpoint: { txid: '525457276f1b6984170c9b35a8312d4988fce495723eabadd2afcdb3b872b2f1', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 680782, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: 'bf24d955f59351e738ecd905966606a6837e478e1982943d724eab10caad82fd', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '1', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '28f061fee068d3b9cb578141bac3d4d9ec4eccebec680464bf0aafaac414811f', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 680784, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, }, { outpoint: { txid: '5fa3ffccea55c968beb7d214c563c92336ce2bbccbb714ba819848a7f7060bdb', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 680784, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'daa98a872b7d88fefd2257b006db001ef82a601f3943b92e0c753076598a7b75', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 680784, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: 'bef614aac85c0c866f4d39e4d12a96851267d38d1bca5bdd6488bbd42e28b6b1', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '1', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'e9dca9aa954131a0004325fff11dfddcd6e5843c468116cf4d38cb264032cdc0', outIdx: 2, }, blockHeight: 681190, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '1f6a65e7a4bde92c0a012de2bcf4007034504a765377cdf08a3ee01d1eaa6901', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '1', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'b35c502f388cdfbdd6841b7a73e973149b3c8deca76295a3e4665939e0562796', outIdx: 2, }, blockHeight: 681191, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: 'dd84ca78db4d617221b58eabc6667af8fe2f7eadbfcc213d35be9f1b419beb8d', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '1', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '7987f68aa70d29ac0e0ac31d74354a8b1cd515c9893f6a5cdc7a3bf505e08b05', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 685181, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '1', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'cd9e5bc5fc041e46e8ce01ddb232c54fe48f1fb4a7288f10fdd03a6c2af875e1', outIdx: 2, }, blockHeight: 687240, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: 'df808a41672a0a0ae6475b44f272a107bc9961b90f29dc918d71301f24fe92fb', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '99999999', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '0158981b89b75bd923d511aaaaccd94b8d1d86babeeb69c29e3caf71e33bcc11', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 692599, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: 'bef614aac85c0c866f4d39e4d12a96851267d38d1bca5bdd6488bbd42e28b6b1', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '120000000', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '1ef9ad7d3e01fd9d83983eac92eefb4900b343225a80c29bff025deff9aab57c', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 692599, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: 'bef614aac85c0c866f4d39e4d12a96851267d38d1bca5bdd6488bbd42e28b6b1', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '120000000', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '71e458d9fd68a72fd5b13e2c758c6ba246495fa2933764876221450c096938b8', outIdx: 2, }, blockHeight: 700185, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '22f4ba40312ea3e90e1bfa88d2aa694c271d2e07361907b6eb5568873ffa62bf', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '5500000', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '431f527f657b399d8753fb63aee6c806ca0f8907d93606c46b36a33dcb5cb5b9', outIdx: 2, }, blockHeight: 700572, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: 'aa7202397a06097e8ff36855aa72c0ee032659747e5bd7cbcd3099fc3a62b6b6', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '990', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'da9460ce4b1c92b4f6ef4e4a6bc2d05539f49d02b17681389d9ce22b8dca50f0', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 700677, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: 'da9460ce4b1c92b4f6ef4e4a6bc2d05539f49d02b17681389d9ce22b8dca50f0', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '333', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'ef80e1ceeada69a9639c320c1fba47ea4417cd3aad1be1635c3472ce28aaef33', outIdx: 2, }, blockHeight: 700915, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '999975', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '0d5408adeefc0d9468d957a0a2bca1b63c371e68e61b3fd9c30de60058471935', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701079, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '3', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '6397497c053e5c641ae624d4af80e8aa931a0e7b018f17a9543afed9b705cf29', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701079, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '1', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'c665bfd2353940648b018a3126ddbc7ac309729c7ca4598ebd7941930fd80b60', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701079, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '2', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'ebf864950d862ebb53e121350d15c8b34b2374eb22afffb98fcb655b38441d59', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701079, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '2', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'fe10460f822163c33515f3a853c1470d68223c9c0e8f8cbc6c954ca537129f30', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701079, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '1', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '3656afe8682997be4cab4275e4bbec3f81c8aa264cec206a7215d449ee6b9af4', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701189, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '1', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '87656bf2c2f2d46d16ba6b41b4ff488a3eff1e852c64bc921322f580e375f3cb', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701189, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '2', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'c212e45f21418fa7fd5bbf2941892353c1d6ddb9d6d16ff12fba3f7919c37b43', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701191, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '16b12bbacdbb8c8a799adbfd782bfff9843c1f9b0be148eaae02a1a7f74f95c4', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '2000000000', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: 'ff61be814b18f60a640169c5d70b42ce29bd9caf2f5e5592655e924760634c1e', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701194, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '16b12bbacdbb8c8a799adbfd782bfff9843c1f9b0be148eaae02a1a7f74f95c4', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '1000000000', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '0e9179929b71d8a94ce9de75434d9e0901eacf3b2b882fa02a56eab450d0bd0b', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701208, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '1', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '4ad31e5ab9cfcead7d8b48b81a542044e44e63124eb96d6463fe4bbe5b77e9ad', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701211, isCoinbase: false, value: 546, address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', isFinal: true, token: { tokenId: 'bd1acc4c986de57af8d6d2a64aecad8c30ee80f37ae9d066d758923732ddc9ba', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '789698951', isMintBaton: false, }, }, { outpoint: { txid: '72d4827a9a0b9adac9430ba799cb049af14fd79df11569b4e1a4741ac114b84d', outIdx: 1, }, blockHeight: 701211, isCoinbase: false, value: 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'e4e1a2fb071fa71ca727e08ed1d8ea52a9531c79d1e5f1ebf483c66b71a8621c', - balance: new BN('7900000000'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '45f0ff5cae7e89da6b96c26c8c48a959214c5f0e983e78d0925f8956ca8848c6', - balance: new BN('5400000'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '77ec4036ef8546ac46df6d3a5374e961216f92624627eaeef5d2e1a253df9fc6', - balance: new BN('117'), - }, -]; -export const mockPreliminaryTokensArrayCloneClone = [ - { - tokenId: - 'bf24d955f59351e738ecd905966606a6837e478e1982943d724eab10caad82fd', - balance: new BN('1'), - }, - { - tokenId: - 'bef614aac85c0c866f4d39e4d12a96851267d38d1bca5bdd6488bbd42e28b6b1', - balance: new BN('240000001'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '1f6a65e7a4bde92c0a012de2bcf4007034504a765377cdf08a3ee01d1eaa6901', - balance: new BN('1'), - }, - { - tokenId: - 'dd84ca78db4d617221b58eabc6667af8fe2f7eadbfcc213d35be9f1b419beb8d', - balance: new BN('1'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', - balance: new BN('1'), - }, - { - tokenId: - 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'7443f7c831cdf2b2b04d5f0465ed0bcf348582675b0e4f17906438c232c22f3d', - balance: new BN('5235120760000000'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '7bbf452698a24b138b0357f689587fc6ea58410c34503b1179b91e40e10bba8b', - balance: new BN('9999999900'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '6376cae692cf0302ecdd63234c14cbb2b21cec75ab538335f90254cfb3ed44cc', - balance: new BN('165'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '666c4318d1f7fef5f2c698262492c519018d4e9130f95d05f6be9f0fb7149e96', - balance: new BN('99'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '157e0cdef5d5c51bdea00eac9ab821d809bb9d03cf98da85833614bedb129be6', - balance: new BN('82'), - }, - { - tokenId: - 'acba1d7f354c6d4d001eb99d31de174e5cea8a31d692afd6e7eb8474ad541f55', - balance: new BN('123456844'), - }, - { - tokenId: - 'ccf5fe5a387559c8ab9efdeb0c0ef1b444e677298cfddf07671245ce3cb3c79f', - balance: new BN('47800000000'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '4bd147fc5d5ff26249a9299c46b80920c0b81f59a60e05428262160ebee0b0c3', - balance: new BN('996100'), - }, - { - tokenId: - 'b8f2a9e767a0be7b80c7e414ef2534586d4da72efddb39a4e70e501ab73375cc', - balance: new BN('9000'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '1101bd5d7b6bbc3176fb2b93d08e76ab532b04ff731d71502249e3cb9b6fcb1a', - balance: new BN('999888000000000'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '3de671a7107d3803d78f7f4a4e5c794d0903a8d28d16076445c084943c1e2db8', - balance: new BN('2200'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '44929ff3b1fc634f982fede112cf12b21199a2ebbcf718412a38de9177d77168', - balance: new BN('2'), - }, - { - tokenId: - '639a8dba34788ff3ebd3977d4ac045825394285ee648bb1d159e1c12b787ff25', - balance: new BN('9955000000000'), - }, - { - tokenId: - 'd376ebcd518067c8e10c0505865cf7336160b47807e6f1a95739ba90ae838840', - balance: new BN('100'), - }, - { - tokenId: - 'b40d1f6acdb6ee68d7eca0167fe2753c076bc309b2e3b1af8bff70ca34b945b0', - balance: new BN('5000'), - }, - { - tokenId: - 'b39fdb53e21d67fa5fd3a11122f1452f15884047f2b80e8efe633c3b520b7a39', - balance: new BN('6968'), - }, - { - tokenId: - 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Object.keys(legacyMockFinalCachedTokenInfo); -for (const tokenId of legacyCachedTokenIds) { - const legacyGenesisInfo = JSON.parse( - JSON.stringify(legacyMockFinalCachedTokenInfo[tokenId]), - ); - // Remove the tokenId key which we do not need stored at the value - delete legacyGenesisInfo.tokenId; - calculatedMockFinalCachedTokenInfo.set(tokenId, legacyGenesisInfo); -} -export const mockFinalCachedTokenInfo = calculatedMockFinalCachedTokenInfo; - -export const legacyMockPartialCachedTokenInfo = { - '1f6a65e7a4bde92c0a012de2bcf4007034504a765377cdf08a3ee01d1eaa6901': { - tokenTicker: '🍔', - tokenName: 'Burger', - url: 'https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/58/564/863/giant-hamburger-wallpaper-preview.jpg', - hash: '', - decimals: 0, - tokenId: - '1f6a65e7a4bde92c0a012de2bcf4007034504a765377cdf08a3ee01d1eaa6901', - }, - 'dd84ca78db4d617221b58eabc6667af8fe2f7eadbfcc213d35be9f1b419beb8d': { - tokenTicker: 'TAP', - tokenName: 'Thoughts and Prayers', - url: '', - hash: '', - decimals: 0, - tokenId: - 'dd84ca78db4d617221b58eabc6667af8fe2f7eadbfcc213d35be9f1b419beb8d', - }, - '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e': { - tokenTicker: 'TBC', - tokenName: 'tabcash', - url: 'https://cashtabapp.com/', - hash: '', - decimals: 0, - tokenId: - '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', - }, - 'df808a41672a0a0ae6475b44f272a107bc9961b90f29dc918d71301f24fe92fb': { - tokenTicker: 'NAKAMOTO', - tokenName: 'NAKAMOTO', - url: '', - hash: '', - decimals: 8, - tokenId: - 'df808a41672a0a0ae6475b44f272a107bc9961b90f29dc918d71301f24fe92fb', - }, - '22f4ba40312ea3e90e1bfa88d2aa694c271d2e07361907b6eb5568873ffa62bf': { - tokenTicker: 'CLA', - tokenName: 'Cashtab Local Alpha', - url: 'boomertakes.com', - hash: '', - decimals: 5, - tokenId: - '22f4ba40312ea3e90e1bfa88d2aa694c271d2e07361907b6eb5568873ffa62bf', - }, - 'aa7202397a06097e8ff36855aa72c0ee032659747e5bd7cbcd3099fc3a62b6b6': { - tokenTicker: 'CTL', - tokenName: 'Cashtab Token Launch 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'bd1acc4c986de57af8d6d2a64aecad8c30ee80f37ae9d066d758923732ddc9ba': { - tokenTicker: 'TBS', - tokenName: 'TestBits', - url: 'https://thecryptoguy.com/', - hash: '', - decimals: 9, - tokenId: - 'bd1acc4c986de57af8d6d2a64aecad8c30ee80f37ae9d066d758923732ddc9ba', - }, - '9e9738e9ac3ff202736bf7775f875ebae6f812650df577a947c20c52475e43da': { - tokenTicker: 'CUTT', - tokenName: 'Cashtab Unit Test Token', - url: 'https://cashtabapp.com/', - hash: '', - decimals: 2, - tokenId: - '9e9738e9ac3ff202736bf7775f875ebae6f812650df577a947c20c52475e43da', - }, - - '7f8889682d57369ed0e32336f8b7e0ffec625a35cca183f4e81fde4e71a538a1': { - tokenTicker: 'HONK', - tokenName: 'HONK HONK', - url: 'THE REAL HONK SLP TOKEN', - hash: '', - decimals: 0, - tokenId: - '7f8889682d57369ed0e32336f8b7e0ffec625a35cca183f4e81fde4e71a538a1', - }, - '98183238638ecb4ddc365056e22de0e8a05448c1e6084bae247fae5a74ad4f48': { - tokenTicker: 'DVV', - tokenName: 'Delta Variant Variants', - url: 'https://cashtabapp.com/', - hash: '', - 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decimals: 8, tokenId: '56e9b1d16c9989186c846187db57d9a9389c3ecc74e7237c1d1d0327cf904a55', }, }; diff --git a/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/mockChronikTokenStats.js b/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/mockChronikTokenStats.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5611a0856..000000000 --- a/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/mockChronikTokenStats.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers -// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying -// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. - -// Result of chronik.token(`3c14fcdc3fce9738d213c1ab9d9ff18234fecab9d1ad5a77d3f7b95964269f4a`) for in-node cc -export const mockChronikTokenResponse = { - tokenId: '3c14fcdc3fce9738d213c1ab9d9ff18234fecab9d1ad5a77d3f7b95964269f4a', - tokenType: { - protocol: 'SLP', - type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', - number: 1, - }, - timeFirstSeen: '0', - genesisInfo: { - tokenTicker: 'VVS', - tokenName: 'ethantest', - url: 'https://cashtab.com/', - decimals: 3, - hash: '', - }, - block: { - height: 758409, - hash: '00000000000000000f305eafc05bffd14de4acf52787596b5927199c9cab37da', - timestamp: 1663859004, - }, -}; diff --git a/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/mocks.js b/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/mocks.js index c5784f280..ed027963f 100644 --- a/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/mocks.js +++ b/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/mocks.js @@ -1,10485 +1,18673 @@ // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. +import { validWalletJson } from 'validation/fixtures/mocks'; +import CashtabCache from 'config/CashtabCache'; + export const mockTxHistoryOfAllAddresses = [ { txs: [ { txid: '56e9b1d16c9989186c846187db57d9a9389c3ecc74e7237c1d1d0327cf904a55', version: 2, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: 'd27609956b0e4313f807fd58b82cc77f9b2bba1a792eac02707462a3d6863958', outIdx: 2, }, inputScript: 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hash: 'a7d744e1246a20f26238e0510fb82d8df84cc82d', address: 'ecash:qznaw38py34zpunz8rs9zrac9kxlsnxg95z8yz0zy4', wif: '', }, { path: 145, hash: '46d48362f35519ff656a3a5ca8cd43755efa74d1', address: 'ecash:qprdfqmz7d23nlm9dga9e2xdgd64a7n56yg00sa75k', wif: '', }, { path: 245, hash: '056d6d7e88f008de89ee53fa8b6fe10ffe10271f', address: 'ecash:qqzk6mt73rcq3h5faefl4zm0uy8luyp8ru2he6f2vx', wif: '', }, ], state: { balanceSats: 1997, tokens: [], slpUtxos: [], nonSlpUtxos: [], parsedTxHistory: [], }, }; -export const legacyTxHistoryTokenInfoById = { - 'bf24d955f59351e738ecd905966606a6837e478e1982943d724eab10caad82fd': { - tokenTicker: 'ST', - tokenName: 'ST', - tokenDocumentUrl: 'developer.bitcoin.com', - tokenDocumentHash: '', - decimals: 0, - tokenId: - 'bf24d955f59351e738ecd905966606a6837e478e1982943d724eab10caad82fd', - }, - 'bef614aac85c0c866f4d39e4d12a96851267d38d1bca5bdd6488bbd42e28b6b1': { - tokenTicker: 'CTP', - tokenName: 'Cash Tab Points', - tokenDocumentUrl: 'https://cashtabapp.com/', - 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'54dc2ecd5251f8dfda4c4f15ce05272116b01326076240e2b9cc0104d33b1484': { - tokenTicker: 'Alita', - tokenName: 'Alita', - tokenDocumentUrl: 'alita.cash', - tokenDocumentHash: '', - decimals: 4, - tokenId: - '54dc2ecd5251f8dfda4c4f15ce05272116b01326076240e2b9cc0104d33b1484', - }, - 'cf601c56b58bc05a39a95374a4a865f0a8b56544ea937b30fb46315441717c50': { - tokenTicker: 'UDT', - tokenName: 'UpdateTest', - tokenDocumentUrl: 'https://cashtab.com/', - tokenDocumentHash: '', - decimals: 7, - tokenId: - 'cf601c56b58bc05a39a95374a4a865f0a8b56544ea937b30fb46315441717c50', - }, -}; -const calculatedTxHistoryTokenInfoById = new Map(); -const legacyTxHistoryTokenInfoByIdTokenIds = Object.keys( - legacyTxHistoryTokenInfoById, -); -for (const tokenId of legacyTxHistoryTokenInfoByIdTokenIds) { - const legacyGenesisInfo = JSON.parse( - JSON.stringify(legacyTxHistoryTokenInfoById[tokenId]), - ); - // Remove the tokenId key which we do not need stored at the value - delete legacyGenesisInfo.tokenId; - calculatedTxHistoryTokenInfoById.set(tokenId, legacyGenesisInfo); -} -export const txHistoryTokenInfoById = calculatedTxHistoryTokenInfoById; - export const stakingRwd = { tx: { txid: 'c8b0783e36ab472f26108007ffa522ee82b79db3777c84b0448f5b9ef35be895', version: 1, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', outIdx: 4294967295, }, inputScript: '03f07d0c0439e5546508edc754ac9b2939000c736f6c6f706f6f6c2e6f7267', value: 0, sequenceNo: 0, }, ], outputs: [ { value: 362505204, outputScript: '76a914f4728f398bb962656803346fb4ac45d776041a2e88ac', spentBy: { txid: '6a26b853ba356cdc4a927c43afe33f03d30ef2367bd1f2c190a8c2e15f77fb6d', outIdx: 1, }, }, { value: 200002871, outputScript: 'a914d37c4c809fe9840e7bfa77b86bd47163f6fb6c6087', spentBy: { txid: 'c5621e2312eaabcfa53af46b62384f1751c509b9ff50d1bf218f92723be01bc7', outIdx: 2, }, }, { value: 62500897, outputScript: // Manually set for unit test '76a91476458db0ed96fe9863fc1ccec9fa2cfab884b0f688ac', 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'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, txType: 'SEND', isInvalid: false, burnSummary: 'Unexpected burn: Burns 1234567 base tokens', failedColorings: [], actualBurnAmount: '1234567', intentionalBurn: '0', burnsMintBatons: false, }, ], - genesisInfo: { - tokenTicker: 'WDT', - tokenName: - 'Test Token With Exceptionally Long Name For CSS And Style Revisions', - tokenDocumentUrl: - 'https://www.ImpossiblyLongWebsiteDidYouThinkWebDevWouldBeFun.org', - tokenDocumentHash: - '85b591c15c9f49531e39fcfeb2a5a26b2bd0f7c018fb9cd71b5d92dfb732d5cc', - decimals: 7, - success: true, - }, + assumedTokenDecimals: false, airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', opReturnMessage: '', isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, replyAddress: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', }, }; export const incomingEtokenTwo = { tx: { txid: 'b808f6a831dcdfda2bd4c5f857f94e1a746a4effeda6a5ad742be6137884a4fb', version: 2, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: 'c638754cb7707edd4faad89bdfee899aa7acbbc61f66e21f8faf60bdbb34fd65', outIdx: 3, }, inputScript: '4830450221009d649476ad963306a5210d9df2dfd7e2bb604be43d6cdfe359638d96239973eb02200ac6e71575f0f111dad2fbbeb2712490cc709ffe03eda7de33acc8614b2c0979412103318d0e1109f32debc66952d0e3ec21b1cf96575ea4c2a97a6535628f7f8b10e6', value: 3503, sequenceNo: 4294967295, outputScript: '76a9144e532257c01b310b3b5c1fd947c79a72addf852388ac', }, { prevOut: { txid: '82d8dc652779f8d6c8453d2ba5aefec91f5247489246e5672cf3c5986fa3d235', outIdx: 2, }, inputScript: '483045022100b7bec6d09e71bc4c124886e5953f6e7a7845c920f66feac2e9e5d16fc58a649a0220689d617c11ef0bd63dbb7ea0fa5c0d3419d6500535bda8f7a7fc3e27f27c3de6412103318d0e1109f32debc66952d0e3ec21b1cf96575ea4c2a97a6535628f7f8b10e6', value: 546, sequenceNo: 4294967295, token: { tokenId: 'acba1d7f354c6d4d001eb99d31de174e5cea8a31d692afd6e7eb8474ad541f55', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '9876543156', isMintBaton: false, 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'04b16fa516fbdd64d51b8aa1a752855beb4250d99199322d89d9c4c6172a1b9f', outIdx: 4, }, }, ], lockTime: 0, timeFirstSeen: 0, size: 481, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [ { tokenId: 'acba1d7f354c6d4d001eb99d31de174e5cea8a31d692afd6e7eb8474ad541f55', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, txType: 'SEND', isInvalid: false, burnSummary: '', failedColorings: [], actualBurnAmount: '0', intentionalBurn: '0', burnsMintBatons: false, }, ], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', block: { height: 760076, hash: '00000000000000000bf1ee10a21cc4b784ea48840fa00237e41f69a027c6a86c', timestamp: 1664840266, }, }, parsed: { incoming: true, xecAmount: 5.46, isEtokenTx: true, etokenAmount: '0.123456789', isTokenBurn: false, tokenEntries: [ { tokenId: 'acba1d7f354c6d4d001eb99d31de174e5cea8a31d692afd6e7eb8474ad541f55', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, txType: 'SEND', isInvalid: false, burnSummary: '', 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'76a91480ad93eff2bd02e6383ba62476ffd729d1b2660d88ac', }, { prevOut: { txid: 'ffbe78a817d157a0debf3c6ee5e14cea8a2bd1cd0feaf8c368292b694110d7f4', outIdx: 1, }, inputScript: '41a112ff6b2b9d288f507b48e042390b8b285bf761e617885eb9a536259c1bd1bec673325cebbf913d90ad0ec3237eac29e6592198cb52dcd6cf6786f784f5889e41210247295c2401b8846ddd915ba9808e0962241003baecd0242b3888d1b3182c2154', value: 546, sequenceNo: 4294967295, token: { tokenId: '54dc2ecd5251f8dfda4c4f15ce05272116b01326076240e2b9cc0104d33b1484', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '10000', isMintBaton: false, entryIdx: 0, }, outputScript: '76a91475c5980aa6eeada103b45f82e37163e9047903af88ac', }, { prevOut: { txid: '6684cb754ec82e4d9b9b068ab2191af8cfd0998da9f753c16fabb293664e45af', outIdx: 0, }, inputScript: '41bb8866a6cd6975ec9fdd8c45860c6cee5f83c52c801f830b3a97a69b6a02762c73a71ef91ce519224eb7e62fc4eb895587231a258a8f368f007c6377e7ca0028412102744cf89c996b8ec7ea887a1c4d0e0f98a2c82f8a1e4956ed12d8c8dc8bb2f6e4', value: 101670, sequenceNo: 4294967295, outputScript: '76a914205c792fff2ffc891e986246760ee1079fa5a36988ac', }, ], outputs: [ { value: 0, outputScript: '6a04534c500001010453454e442054dc2ecd5251f8dfda4c4f15ce05272116b01326076240e2b9cc0104d33b1484080000000000002710', }, { value: 546, outputScript: '76a914205c792fff2ffc891e986246760ee1079fa5a36988ac', token: { tokenId: '54dc2ecd5251f8dfda4c4f15ce05272116b01326076240e2b9cc0104d33b1484', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, amount: '10000', isMintBaton: false, entryIdx: 0, }, spentBy: { txid: '7d3e61946d7573ee58d8d2d1d05366604b7eb5db64d8a1e22201f12f5836f864', outIdx: 1, }, }, { value: 100546, outputScript: '76a91480ad93eff2bd02e6383ba62476ffd729d1b2660d88ac', spentBy: { txid: '561d26cc733822b2c518f6917bc84eeb78c505dc07e4f86379e93518f2c63514', outIdx: 0, }, }, { value: 1000, outputScript: '76a914a7d744e1246a20f26238e0510fb82d8df84cc82d88ac', spentBy: { txid: 'b1db3cfab9ae782c9d85a52ea3271109d7270dbaa589b6cc19c72b9f7d23840b', outIdx: 1, }, }, ], lockTime: 0, timeFirstSeen: 0, size: 599, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [ { tokenId: '54dc2ecd5251f8dfda4c4f15ce05272116b01326076240e2b9cc0104d33b1484', tokenType: { protocol: 'SLP', type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', number: 1, }, txType: 'SEND', isInvalid: false, burnSummary: '', failedColorings: [], actualBurnAmount: '0', intentionalBurn: '0', burnsMintBatons: false, }, ], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', block: { height: 767064, hash: '0000000000000000018dacde348577244cca129a8787f1594ef3e2dff9831153', timestamp: 1669029608, }, }, parsed: { incoming: true, xecAmount: 10, isEtokenTx: false, aliasFlag: false, airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', opReturnMessage: '', isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, replyAddress: 'ecash:qzq2myl0727s9e3c8wnzgahl6u5arvnxp5fs9sem4x', }, }; export const aliasOffSpec = { tx: { txid: '7b265a49e0bd5fe0c5e4b4aec634a25dd85656766a035b6e436c415538c43d90', version: 2, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: '1be4bb9f820d60a82f6eb86a32ca9442700f180fc94469bca2ded9129f5dce88', outIdx: 2, }, inputScript: '47304402205af9cf7ddb8412803b8e884dbd5cb02535ffc266fd5c6afb3e48e7425e7b215b0220799688d330130e4c7c7ffa33d9310e0bbc6fd820bbe26f7f47f52c17d79d6d4d4121022658400e1f93f3f491b6b8e98c0af1f45e30dd6a328894b7ea0569e0182c1e77', value: 3962985, sequenceNo: 4294967294, outputScript: '76a914bc4932372bf33d57b3a21b2b2636919bc83a87a788ac', }, ], outputs: [ { value: 0, outputScript: '6a042e7865630d616e64616e6f746865726f6e65', }, { value: 551, outputScript: '76a914638568e36d0b5d7d49a6e99854caa27d9772b09388ac', spentBy: { txid: '33805053250ab648e231ea61a70fc4027765c184c112cc0b83f05f7c9db6a4c5', outIdx: 12, }, }, { value: 3961979, outputScript: '76a914bc4932372bf33d57b3a21b2b2636919bc83a87a788ac', spentBy: { txid: 'f299dfce0030f9a0cf6d104b95182d973cf46111cfb3daaebb62b44c25d3f134', outIdx: 0, }, }, ], lockTime: 0, timeFirstSeen: 0, size: 254, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', block: { height: 778616, hash: '00000000000000000fc2761e52b21752aee12a0f36b339f669a195b00a4a172e', timestamp: 1675967591, }, }, parsed: { airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', aliasFlag: true, incoming: true, isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, isEtokenTx: false, opReturnMessage: 'off-spec alias registration', replyAddress: 'ecash:qz7yjv3h90en64an5gdjkf3kjxdusw585u9j5rqxcg', xecAmount: 0, }, }; export const PayButtonNoDataYesNonce = { tx: { txid: 'f2ca747f0780c6cda32a43418b4dd55112b709577f64436d80ab1a38e4f2787a', version: 2, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: '00bfb4625325fe6e6a3ce34eb3ed7214167644e2eca892db207a44ea3262effc', outIdx: 2, }, inputScript: '411b57cfa0bcc8e1f1c02f0dfed248688bf1e337e75d9c2775324e55b5d6d2085260303c3f77437d7bc0f1533ea816e7c8e4b77175ff3c9e61ce2e21b5e1dc95014121027a70b0f8b59cbb83a64cacbf4fca79e5c9a4f655f325d0936ed4eebced3cb8aa', value: 7146, sequenceNo: 4294967294, outputScript: '76a91403c63d3a52cde136da8858e9d0ffaa810cb6639288ac', }, ], outputs: [ { value: 0, outputScript: '6a0450415900000008d980190d13019567', }, { value: 1800, outputScript: '76a914f66d2760b20dc7a47d9cf1a2b2f49749bf7093f688ac', }, { value: 3876, outputScript: '76a91401bfce4ff373b108bd65b4da08de621ade85adb588ac', spentBy: { txid: '566a7c12364e3f362fbc738bf209527d3074ce0a2d19b797d3ca34a3482e3386', outIdx: 0, }, }, ], lockTime: 0, timeFirstSeen: 0, size: 245, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', block: { height: 828922, hash: '0000000000000000018b4f795d767bce0438dedf67d2904e35da7d746065af1a', timestamp: 1706323334, }, }, parsed: { airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', aliasFlag: false, incoming: true, isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, isEtokenTx: false, opReturnMessage: 'PayButton (d980190d13019567)', replyAddress: 'ecash:qqpuv0f62tx7zdk63pvwn58l42qsednrjgnt0czndd', xecAmount: 0, }, }; export const PayButtonYesDataYesNonce = { tx: { txid: '952dd66d7145330d8d3b2f09abbee33344e8aa65b7483cfaa9d278ec55379e29', version: 2, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: '37a740f89ab6c212f211150f35fb1e12cd80f287b825126eed262999ea4264b8', outIdx: 0, }, inputScript: '41fc1401150778a0d47d5279ccdaa13298cfa43e25d8d37d37570291207a92098beefa8fb25b8fb9cb2c4d7b5f98b7ff377c54932e0e67f4db2fc127ed86e01b1a4121024b60abfca9302b9bf5731faca03fd4f0b06391621a4cd1d57fffd6f1179bb9ba', value: 3403110, sequenceNo: 4294967294, outputScript: '76a914e628f12f1e911c9f20ec2eeb1847e3a2ffad5fcc88ac', }, ], outputs: [ { value: 0, outputScript: '6a04504159000008f09f9882f09f918d0869860643e4dc4c88', }, { value: 3392102, outputScript: '76a914e573dd89a61f8daeb56bf5b5fb5d7cd86e31ab2e88ac', spentBy: { txid: '8b2a86aabae90c0f9e8a111e220c85b52fc54b15c6d46cbbbca89020318714a4', outIdx: 0, }, }, { value: 9490, outputScript: '76a914697ae72b062557fa69f9d4d09182529da368ab6988ac', spentBy: { txid: '1b3165e7edef19369880f032d8f4d19cc41e9ebf2bfb657518ae99075aa2b471', outIdx: 0, }, }, ], lockTime: 0, timeFirstSeen: 0, size: 253, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', block: { height: 828920, hash: '00000000000000000d6a683b11a6bdaab4b79b15f100daa9361d02207667de1d', timestamp: 1706323234, }, }, parsed: { airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', aliasFlag: false, incoming: true, isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, isEtokenTx: false, opReturnMessage: 'PayButton (69860643e4dc4c88): 😂👍', replyAddress: 'ecash:qrnz3uf0r6g3e8eqashwkxz8uw30lt2les5yk8l5d7', xecAmount: 0, }, }; // No data no payment id const PayButtonEmptyTx = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(PayButtonYesDataYesNonce.tx), ); // Create a tx with 00 in paymentId and nonce spaces PayButtonEmptyTx.outputs[0].outputScript = '6a0450415900000000'; export const PayButtonEmpty = { tx: PayButtonEmptyTx, parsed: { airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', aliasFlag: false, incoming: true, isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, isEtokenTx: false, opReturnMessage: 'PayButton', replyAddress: 'ecash:qrnz3uf0r6g3e8eqashwkxz8uw30lt2les5yk8l5d7', xecAmount: 0, }, }; // data and no payment id const PayButtonYesDataNoNonceTx = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(PayButtonYesDataYesNonce.tx), ); // Create a tx with 00 in paymentId and nonce spaces PayButtonYesDataNoNonceTx.outputs[0].outputScript = '6a0450415900000e6f6e6c792064617461206865726500'; export const PayButtonYesDataNoNonce = { tx: PayButtonYesDataNoNonceTx, parsed: { airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', aliasFlag: false, incoming: true, isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, isEtokenTx: false, opReturnMessage: 'PayButton: only data here', replyAddress: 'ecash:qrnz3uf0r6g3e8eqashwkxz8uw30lt2les5yk8l5d7', xecAmount: 0, }, }; // Off spec paybutton tx const PayButtonOffSpecTx = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(PayButtonYesDataYesNonce.tx), ); // Create a tx with 3 pushes instead of expected 4 PayButtonOffSpecTx.outputs[0].outputScript = '6a04504159000008f09f9882f09f918d'; export const PayButtonOffSpec = { tx: PayButtonOffSpecTx, parsed: { airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', aliasFlag: false, incoming: true, isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, isEtokenTx: false, opReturnMessage: 'off-spec PayButton tx', replyAddress: 'ecash:qrnz3uf0r6g3e8eqashwkxz8uw30lt2les5yk8l5d7', xecAmount: 0, }, }; // Unsupported version paybutton tx const PayButtonBadVersionTx = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(PayButtonYesDataYesNonce.tx), ); // Force a version 1 tx PayButtonBadVersionTx.outputs[0].outputScript = '6a0450415900010108f09f9882f09f918d0869860643e4dc4c88'; export const PayButtonBadVersion = { tx: PayButtonBadVersionTx, parsed: { airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', aliasFlag: false, incoming: true, isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, isEtokenTx: false, opReturnMessage: 'Unsupported version PayButton tx: 01', replyAddress: 'ecash:qrnz3uf0r6g3e8eqashwkxz8uw30lt2les5yk8l5d7', xecAmount: 0, }, }; export const MsgFromElectrum = { tx: { txid: 'd0c4c5b86016b7a021470180cb4afd1f8456fcf683a19d8b061b2225abd71be4', version: 2, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: '7e439e4a1dde6f4380ed1afddbd5f484db80b00f26c85b3f10f6ccb245da5800', outIdx: 4, }, inputScript: '416d2f67c38b81b6fdd13f4cb2c2d0a9194800e98b80a1054ca83b1ea3d739e70f9c4e2c8a61050b40161a0d741db9a6e71d155cf61623b9279739b50446d3ec6a4121026769c23182aaa572c16c82121caff660a7c13befd0d20c263e577ca01c4f029e', value: 81319, sequenceNo: 4294967294, outputScript: '76a914eff9a0ba847ae97697a9f97c05887aba2b41060e88ac', }, ], outputs: [ { value: 0, outputScript: '6a1774657374696e672061206d736720666f72206572726f72', }, { value: 80213, outputScript: '76a914731fbd873b3603e8dafd62923b954d38571e10fc88ac', spentBy: { txid: 'b817870c8ae5ec94d639089e37763daee271f412ab478705a29b036ba0b00f3d', outIdx: 55, }, }, { value: 600, outputScript: '76a9144e532257c01b310b3b5c1fd947c79a72addf852388ac', spentBy: { txid: 'dc06ab36c9a7e365f319c0e918324af9778cb29b82c07ff87e2ec80eb6e4e6fe', outIdx: 9, }, }, ], lockTime: 0, timeFirstSeen: 1709353270, size: 253, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', block: { height: 833968, hash: '000000000000000020f276cf59fc4e53672500ca5b5896502d0a50500174c27c', timestamp: 1709354653, }, }, parsed: { airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', aliasFlag: false, incoming: true, isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, isEtokenTx: false, opReturnMessage: 'testing a msg for error', replyAddress: 'ecash:qrhlng96s3awja5h48uhcpvg02azksgxpce6nvshln', xecAmount: 0, }, }; export const AlpTx = { tx: { txid: '791c460c6d5b513283b98b92b83f0e6fa662fc279f39fd00bd27047370ba4647', version: 1, inputs: [ { prevOut: { txid: '927bf59fee669509ffee3f3cad5d283694adaf8e44e37e2ae62df53e51116052', outIdx: 1, }, inputScript: '41482340e636feab0d15efb309e72eac0f559d0b85eb1799e0a1419430e95448a6a5c1e3961c92861e653dde4428e6e3a79c90d10911b045e7469f7beeae62fc56c1210378d370d2cd269a77ac2f37c28d98b392e5b9892f3b3406bfec8794c82244b039', value: 546, sequenceNo: 4294967295, token: { tokenId: 'cdcdcdcdcdc9dda4c92bb1145aa84945c024346ea66fd4b699e344e45df2e145', tokenType: { protocol: 'ALP', type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', number: 0, }, amount: '49756', isMintBaton: false, entryIdx: 0, }, outputScript: '76a914575116c8adf5817c99fc5bdac8db18d10c25703d88ac', }, { prevOut: { txid: 'd848d41122437eb049f75142674bb5ec810815955ed2a85a9cfc6142c72e7d00', outIdx: 2, }, inputScript: '4152ed9a66a0c40759e400a1484df1a1d2b152c9d6917abf3beaf974f21a935d60853490ae5a07c237531016ceae6c1f01cce9cf2a1417b2b2bcbbc4737ea2fe35412102f49a7fd4e0c6cea6401aed57b76b2fb358e1ebbb65fc5782e3c2165c9e850b31', value: 1000, sequenceNo: 4294967295, outputScript: '76a9148b9b3ba9199d98e131b762081c0c31754fb904c288ac', }, { prevOut: { txid: 'd848d41122437eb049f75142674bb5ec810815955ed2a85a9cfc6142c72e7d00', outIdx: 3, }, inputScript: '412a65517b4df68bb03ba2b7cd85e70af662503bbc8be209e7fbf18bb0950ff7e0d589f0b3e8119b5e67314fbedd856968890556593d97db58c78e86d2417f27d7412102f49a7fd4e0c6cea6401aed57b76b2fb358e1ebbb65fc5782e3c2165c9e850b31', value: 1000, sequenceNo: 4294967295, outputScript: '76a9148b9b3ba9199d98e131b762081c0c31754fb904c288ac', }, { prevOut: { txid: 'd848d41122437eb049f75142674bb5ec810815955ed2a85a9cfc6142c72e7d00', outIdx: 4, }, inputScript: '412c9a66d04d341b1f0c3a15689265729a18f5605269909ad9f7b842ea03d96f8540e1b5b272ddc9db5f2d392a8e0569428a7ba4b5d99bbc707168898399f00da7412102f49a7fd4e0c6cea6401aed57b76b2fb358e1ebbb65fc5782e3c2165c9e850b31', value: 1000, sequenceNo: 4294967295, outputScript: '76a9148b9b3ba9199d98e131b762081c0c31754fb904c288ac', }, { prevOut: { txid: 'd848d41122437eb049f75142674bb5ec810815955ed2a85a9cfc6142c72e7d00', outIdx: 5, }, inputScript: '41f2ffdbd5f3694669d448899d3f6d939a8165d70cba6be2eaa8416847d56d4630a7b3ac8a35641705e4eb583b391a46c204920641dd85e2b7e04dd18553422651412102f49a7fd4e0c6cea6401aed57b76b2fb358e1ebbb65fc5782e3c2165c9e850b31', value: 1000, sequenceNo: 4294967295, outputScript: '76a9148b9b3ba9199d98e131b762081c0c31754fb904c288ac', }, ], outputs: [ { value: 0, outputScript: '6a503d534c5032000453454e4445e1f25de444e399b6d46fa66e3424c04549a85a14b12bc9a4ddc9cdcdcdcdcd038a02000000003e3000000000948f00000000', }, { value: 546, outputScript: '76a914dee50f576362377dd2f031453c0bb09009acaf8188ac', token: { tokenId: 'cdcdcdcdcdc9dda4c92bb1145aa84945c024346ea66fd4b699e344e45df2e145', tokenType: { protocol: 'ALP', type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', number: 0, }, amount: '650', isMintBaton: false, entryIdx: 0, }, }, { value: 1960, outputScript: 'a914b0bfb87508e5203803490c2f3891d040f772ba0f87', token: { tokenId: 'cdcdcdcdcdc9dda4c92bb1145aa84945c024346ea66fd4b699e344e45df2e145', tokenType: { protocol: 'ALP', type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', number: 0, }, amount: '12350', isMintBaton: false, entryIdx: 0, }, }, { value: 546, outputScript: '76a914575116c8adf5817c99fc5bdac8db18d10c25703d88ac', token: { tokenId: 'cdcdcdcdcdc9dda4c92bb1145aa84945c024346ea66fd4b699e344e45df2e145', tokenType: { protocol: 'ALP', type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', number: 0, }, amount: '36756', isMintBaton: false, entryIdx: 0, }, }, ], lockTime: 0, timeFirstSeen: 1710439161, size: 888, isCoinbase: false, tokenEntries: [ { tokenId: 'cdcdcdcdcdc9dda4c92bb1145aa84945c024346ea66fd4b699e344e45df2e145', tokenType: { protocol: 'ALP', type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', number: 0, }, txType: 'SEND', isInvalid: false, burnSummary: '', failedColorings: [], actualBurnAmount: '0', intentionalBurn: '0', burnsMintBatons: false, }, ], tokenFailedParsings: [], tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', block: { height: 835924, hash: '00000000000000000cb5f7d96ddff0d04096c405a0361196bcbe60622ea0e44f', timestamp: 1710440413, }, }, parsed: { airdropFlag: false, airdropTokenId: '', aliasFlag: false, incoming: true, isCashtabMessage: false, isEncryptedMessage: false, isEtokenTx: false, opReturnMessage: '', replyAddress: 'ecash:qpt4z9kg4h6czlyel3da4jxmrrgscfts859gzp2zuu', xecAmount: 0, }, }; + +/** + * Mock chronik.token(tokenId) and chronik.tx(tokenId) for + * several slpv1 tokens + * + * The below mocks + * chronikSlpTokens, chronikTokenMocks, and mockLargeTokenCache are all related + * + * chronikSlpUtxos - large array of slp tokens as Cashtab would store them (less the address, not needed in these tests) + * chronikTokenMocks - mock chronik calls required to get token info + * mockLargeTokenCache - expected token cache for a wallet with all of these tokens + * keyValueBalanceArray - key value array of expected tokens => tokenBalance map + * + * Useful for testing wallet structure org functions + */ + +export const chronikSlpUtxos = [ + { + outpoint: { + txid: '525457276f1b6984170c9b35a8312d4988fce495723eabadd2afcdb3b872b2f1', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 680782, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'bf24d955f59351e738ecd905966606a6837e478e1982943d724eab10caad82fd', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '1', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: 'b35c502f388cdfbdd6841b7a73e973149b3c8deca76295a3e4665939e0562796', + outIdx: 2, + }, + blockHeight: 681191, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'dd84ca78db4d617221b58eabc6667af8fe2f7eadbfcc213d35be9f1b419beb8d', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '1', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '7987f68aa70d29ac0e0ac31d74354a8b1cd515c9893f6a5cdc7a3bf505e08b05', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 685181, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '1', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '9e8483407944d9b75c331ebd6178b0cabc3e8c3b5bb0492b7b2256c8740f655a', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 709251, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'f36e1b3d9a2aaf74f132fef3834e9743b945a667a4204e761b85f2e7b65fd41a', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '1000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '18c0360f0db5399223cbed48f55c4cee9d9914c8a4a7dedcf9172a36201e9896', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 717055, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'e859eeb52e7afca6217fb36784b3b6d3c7386a52f391dd0d00f2ec03a5e8e77b', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '10', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '0bd0c49135b94b99989ec3b0396020a96fcbe2925bb25c40120dc047c0a097ec', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 726826, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '44929ff3b1fc634f982fede112cf12b21199a2ebbcf718412a38de9177d77168', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '2', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '8f645ce7b231a3ea81168229c1b6a1157e8a58fb8a8a127a80efc2ed39c4f72e', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 727176, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'b40d1f6acdb6ee68d7eca0167fe2753c076bc309b2e3b1af8bff70ca34b945b0', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '5000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '3703d46c5c52b0e55f3bd549e14c5617a47f802413f4acf7a27545437eb51a38', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 741200, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '8ead21ce4b3b9e7b57607b97b65b5013496dc6e3dfdea162c08ce7265a66ebc8', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '100000000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '40d4c93e82b82f5768e93a0da9c3c065856733d136876a90182590c8e115d1c4', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 757311, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '77ec4036ef8546ac46df6d3a5374e961216f92624627eaeef5d2e1a253df9fc6', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '116', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '696265ced15b8fdbacfa1a4f5e779575ff5faaf3ff4ad09e5691b2ed4cf50a84', + outIdx: 2, + }, + blockHeight: 758209, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'da9460ce4b1c92b4f6ef4e4a6bc2d05539f49d02b17681389d9ce22b8dca50f0', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '311', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '28428450ffa24dae7427ba8456fd5465b0da478fd183be845a27fdc0205df45f', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 758645, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '54dc2ecd5251f8dfda4c4f15ce05272116b01326076240e2b9cc0104d33b1484', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '4588000000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '9a3522b610d153934b951cd6dd91676e5e4f3020531bd8a2e8015193c383029e', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 758887, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '54dc2ecd5251f8dfda4c4f15ce05272116b01326076240e2b9cc0104d33b1484', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '229400000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: 'cf601c56b58bc05a39a95374a4a865f0a8b56544ea937b30fb46315441717c50', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 759037, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'cf601c56b58bc05a39a95374a4a865f0a8b56544ea937b30fb46315441717c50', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '7777777777', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: 'e3752bd648b2234957690ae408b08fe4eaf95912aa1b9790dc569c99e2a1f37a', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 759839, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '54dc2ecd5251f8dfda4c4f15ce05272116b01326076240e2b9cc0104d33b1484', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '229400000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: 'b808f6a831dcdfda2bd4c5f857f94e1a746a4effeda6a5ad742be6137884a4fb', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 760076, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'acba1d7f354c6d4d001eb99d31de174e5cea8a31d692afd6e7eb8474ad541f55', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '123456789', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '8b8a15bbcc69df215ac45bab882d8f122f3e09405c3ac093d12cd2dd79a141ec', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 764737, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '0916e71779c9de7ee125741d3f5ab01f556356dbc86fd327a24f1e9e22ebc917', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '1699', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '54cd8c25ff891a80f8276150244f052db7649a477eae2600ff17b49104258ee3', + outIdx: 2, + }, + blockHeight: 767640, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'df808a41672a0a0ae6475b44f272a107bc9961b90f29dc918d71301f24fe92fb', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '99999998', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '9d2b752d3d0bb0b6ffeab531b8c3ca0b2af56c116ad13fe7e799b0ab96348b29', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 767649, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'ccf5fe5a387559c8ab9efdeb0c0ef1b444e677298cfddf07671245ce3cb3c79f', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '100000000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '7c75493d6e710173192ed1892273376ef54b755880cd5cb4aec3e2db309a1cce', + outIdx: 2, + }, + blockHeight: 768787, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '7f8889682d57369ed0e32336f8b7e0ffec625a35cca183f4e81fde4e71a538a1', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '1', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: 'a4e4438f1e5d2c680c5ad877a9c2e75b5eea05f7fc8a17e0cdb348f315e7dc49', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 769675, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'f36e1b3d9a2aaf74f132fef3834e9743b945a667a4204e761b85f2e7b65fd41a', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '200', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '019609426f88a9c2f13de980c7f7b2828c868fc6d53b1673421096b701ceae1a', + outIdx: 2, + }, + blockHeight: 770363, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'bdb3b4215ca0622e0c4c07655522c376eaa891838a82f0217fa453bb0595a37c', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '9900', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '48ec9f7a4b7dfd5fbd419a70b748ded04e167778784e65a39c8edeb496b1f1de', + outIdx: 1, + }, + blockHeight: 770363, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + '157e0cdef5d5c51bdea00eac9ab821d809bb9d03cf98da85833614bedb129be6', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '82', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: '07646eddeaa7c97431f3cf62c7ba4714473f4c7a6611740b9cac5d86c00f9a38', + outIdx: 2, + }, + blockHeight: 770387, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'bdb3b4215ca0622e0c4c07655522c376eaa891838a82f0217fa453bb0595a37c', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '9989', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: 'c39cd34c68ccb43cf640dd09f639c1e0b46d47224722ce5f26151ace40c663b3', + outIdx: 2, + }, + blockHeight: 772042, + isCoinbase: false, + value: 546, + isFinal: true, + token: { + tokenId: + 'ccf5fe5a387559c8ab9efdeb0c0ef1b444e677298cfddf07671245ce3cb3c79f', + tokenType: [Object], + amount: '42300000000', + isMintBaton: false, + }, + }, + { + outpoint: { + txid: 'd24e98159db1772819a76f1249f7190a9edb9924d0f7c5336b260f68b245a83a', + 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'1101bd5d7b6bbc3176fb2b93d08e76ab532b04ff731d71502249e3cb9b6fcb1a', + '999882.000000000', + ], + [ + '6e24e89b6d5284138c69777527760500b99614631bca7f2a5c38f4648dae9524', + '999999878', + ], + [ + '4bd147fc5d5ff26249a9299c46b80920c0b81f59a60e05428262160ebee0b0c3', + '996012', + ], + ['b9877d8f8d2364b983707df905d592f534a3ada18e52aa529a0f72fcc535abf7', '3'], + [ + 'b8f2a9e767a0be7b80c7e414ef2534586d4da72efddb39a4e70e501ab73375cc', + '8988', + ], + ['70ead4d94c43fe8c5576bb2528fd54380d8356f632ac962b1e03fb287607dfd4', '100'], + ['ff9aa6eebcd1331f8684d53b441cfa3060a4ffc403b417d5728de8ab231f5516', '100'], + ['f077f207fc8a8557e5f0ffc6021685ab4b357e9b92d2b5c4192dcb7760ee6e29', '100'], + [ + '3adbf501e21c711d20118e003711168eb39f560c01f4c6d6736fa3f3fceaa577', + '999998999', + ], + [ + '3de671a7107d3803d78f7f4a4e5c794d0903a8d28d16076445c084943c1e2db8', + '21.00', + ], + [ + '20a0b9337a78603c6681ed2bc541593375535dcd9979196620ce71f233f2f6f8', + '2998978719.999999999', + ], + [ + '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', + '999824', + ], + [ + '98183238638ecb4ddc365056e22de0e8a05448c1e6084bae247fae5a74ad4f48', + '999977636', + ], + [ + '7443f7c831cdf2b2b04d5f0465ed0bcf348582675b0e4f17906438c232c22f3d', + '523512085.8888890', + ], + ['b977630ae1b4a0fe3ab12385fdaaffd974e5bd352f2a817ce135c1ee6005a35d', '727'], + ['6376cae692cf0302ecdd63234c14cbb2b21cec75ab538335f90254cfb3ed44cc', '121'], + [ + 'bd1acc4c986de57af8d6d2a64aecad8c30ee80f37ae9d066d758923732ddc9ba', + '24.999698951', + ], + [ + '639a8dba34788ff3ebd3977d4ac045825394285ee648bb1d159e1c12b787ff25', + '1.000000000', + ], + [ + '45f0ff5cae7e89da6b96c26c8c48a959214c5f0e983e78d0925f8956ca8848c6', + '53.44445', + ], + [ + 'a6050bea718f77e7964d140c4bb89cd88a1816eed1633f19d097835d5fa48df5', + '1000', + ], + [ + 'b19b4c83056f6e3dace0e786446a8ccd73f22cfc42c3013808c532ab43490a14', + '10000000000.000000000', + ], + [ + 'fb4233e8a568993976ed38a81c2671587c5ad09552dedefa78760deed6ff87aa', + '100000000.00', + ], + [ + '79c5a1cec698350dd93f645fcae8d6ff3902b7cdc582839dfface3cb0c83d823', + '9899', + ], + [ + '3fee3384150b030490b7bee095a63900f66a45f2d8e3002ae2cf17ce3ef4d109', + '4283', + ], + [ + '01d63c4f4cb496829a6743f7b1805d086ea3877a1dd34b3f92ffba2c9c99f896', + '21000000', + ], + ['666c4318d1f7fef5f2c698262492c519018d4e9130f95d05f6be9f0fb7149e96', '94'], + ['b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', '5'], + [ + '9404761d1a01cca11c29eb8ed9ddc63966526d0eaa54f148e8862ab3e884132f', + '55.000000000', + ], + [ + '16b12bbacdbb8c8a799adbfd782bfff9843c1f9b0be148eaae02a1a7f74f95c4', + '844601.876543211', + ], +]; + +// Build a mock token cache from these chronik mocks +const largeTokenCache = new CashtabCache().tokens; +for (const tokenId of Object.keys(chronikTokenMocks)) { + const { token, calculated } = chronikTokenMocks[tokenId]; + const { timeFirstSeen, genesisInfo, tokenType } = token; + const { genesisSupply, genesisOutputScripts, genesisMintBatons } = + calculated; + const cachedInfo = { + timeFirstSeen, + genesisInfo, + tokenType, + genesisSupply, + genesisOutputScripts, + genesisMintBatons, + }; + if ('block' in token) { + cachedInfo.block = token.block; + } + largeTokenCache.set(tokenId, cachedInfo); +} +export const mockLargeTokenCache = largeTokenCache; + +/** + * getTxHistory mocks + * Mock a wallet with tx history at two different paths to confirm expected behavior + */ + +export const mockTxHistoryWalletJson = { + ...validWalletJson, + paths: [ + [ + 1899, + { + address: 'ecash:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar59jrf5035', + hash: '95e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d', + wif: 'string', + }, + ], + [ + 145, + { + address: 'ecash:qqxefwshnmppcsjp0fc6w7rnkdsexc7cagdus7ugd0', + hash: '0d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea', + wif: 'string', + }, + ], + ], +}; +export const mockPath1899History = [ + { + txid: '66c3321dcaf4eba9e05b6167e9714c4a7b660917c2f5d29d65a519944d4c62e7', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '7171e77e21a57df5193fe387aa5e3d646dd5438c18c80a5a997fd3c2300fc679', + outIdx: 1, + }, + inputScript: + '483045022100fbe76f31450482a18941ed90fee302662e5e6184d9d84fda6f2a4df9b1d1697a022041432311f5563007d46ade3536fb5988b9c97e2e8aeeec59c15c3efb5c4d0f70412103771805b54969a9bea4e3eb14a82851c67592156ddb5e52d3d53677d14a40fba6', + value: 1676077, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 1100, + outputScript: + '76a91476458db0ed96fe9863fc1ccec9fa2cfab884b0f688ac', + spentBy: { + txid: '24eae444d765406d8362da437d66a7cf50b95685198692bd2253bafd4bd003a0', + outIdx: 2, + }, + }, + { + value: 1674751, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 1710794721, + size: 226, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', + block: { + height: 836458, + hash: '000000000000000011a4069425835dd50ffd7eed5e7fd2e6e464e3996d74cf71', + timestamp: 1710799378, + }, + }, + { + txid: 'acc7bf16ee329a9a6c40cdaa5fca01fdfc44f143393346821b4bc58557cfb70c', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '16c72330503bc3e6435ab45ca34f4ac1e2f88701db9c8c42efa21236514ba9ed', + outIdx: 7, + }, + inputScript: + '473044022066325bcd7ba631d13d08f202714626fa7ec353febc985051d56a68edc19b0f900220016d4cb2308fa378ee04b101411cbfba88d99fd5e6d8b12170e17bca3d671c79412102c237f49dd4c812f27b09d69d4c8a4da12744fda8ad63ce151fed2a3f41fd8795', + value: 442567277, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a91476458db0ed96fe9863fc1ccec9fa2cfab884b0f688ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 3300, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + }, + { + value: 442563522, + outputScript: + '76a91476458db0ed96fe9863fc1ccec9fa2cfab884b0f688ac', + spentBy: { + txid: '08fa8a346851d44fd4b6765c65008670ccadf8dabcae59686814279a449ada06', + outIdx: 2, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 1710794713, + size: 225, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', + block: { + height: 836458, + hash: '000000000000000011a4069425835dd50ffd7eed5e7fd2e6e464e3996d74cf71', + timestamp: 1710799378, + }, + }, + { + txid: '521468e91cf3d3b32d03e60c68ac12ff94606bd535267971d886f6febb225f9d', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '3b13ffef338f913da39f5be9c1a363a87b5a6724f41b623f324c4e1b0c96e012', + outIdx: 1, + }, + inputScript: + '483045022100dba6667c91a695a7b1b509c901a7ce1fc7c859f2ad4e636729efc697e09177b802206fd4a2d53eaf96e010abdc562d2cc3a19f5ee5427a868105b9814f17eb6a6d72412103771805b54969a9bea4e3eb14a82851c67592156ddb5e52d3d53677d14a40fba6', + value: 988104, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 1100, + outputScript: + '76a91476458db0ed96fe9863fc1ccec9fa2cfab884b0f688ac', + spentBy: { + txid: '24eae444d765406d8362da437d66a7cf50b95685198692bd2253bafd4bd003a0', + outIdx: 1, + }, + }, + { + value: 986778, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 1710794691, + size: 226, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', + block: { + height: 836458, + hash: '000000000000000011a4069425835dd50ffd7eed5e7fd2e6e464e3996d74cf71', + timestamp: 1710799378, + }, + }, + { + txid: '19488e3cccbbc685a1016567b2acc2b52012a541b25ed4fee43f914f788eda5e', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '16c72330503bc3e6435ab45ca34f4ac1e2f88701db9c8c42efa21236514ba9ed', + outIdx: 4, + }, + inputScript: + '47304402202f1e5ef2f5f17d3c9f7b65094e903c39db01533ae24898492d30b329b98b3b4a022066cf37253c016fde0ce3b57c5a645605cfdbc10623970e97f68e66592275dc88412102c237f49dd4c812f27b09d69d4c8a4da12744fda8ad63ce151fed2a3f41fd8795', + value: 440000, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a91476458db0ed96fe9863fc1ccec9fa2cfab884b0f688ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 1100, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + }, + { + value: 438445, + outputScript: + '76a91476458db0ed96fe9863fc1ccec9fa2cfab884b0f688ac', + spentBy: { + txid: '49e2dd75d2309fee1a8c69d31090ad0f5bdd60eaf32bf1eea1ed276dab33e26f', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 1710794683, + size: 225, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', + block: { + height: 836458, + hash: '000000000000000011a4069425835dd50ffd7eed5e7fd2e6e464e3996d74cf71', + timestamp: 1710799378, + }, + }, + { + txid: '914827ddc2087db0e8ca8aed3c2a701f5873ea2f96f3837d6dce6f24ab53f854', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '5b115c352a487503755bbb93582ff39e1095d698fa303c7dd31bbf19c4bbf39a', + outIdx: 2, + }, + inputScript: + '4730440220268dcf8d1be3fb33cdcd79b644acb12cdbf100040a51abf828a02fe17c34a03a0220141dce2d7292a49d82f13642e854f27326607dd8e3c13f7905632d373a56c70a412102c237f49dd4c812f27b09d69d4c8a4da12744fda8ad63ce151fed2a3f41fd8795', + value: 546, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + token: { + tokenId: + '3fee3384150b030490b7bee095a63900f66a45f2d8e3002ae2cf17ce3ef4d109', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '9', + isMintBaton: false, + entryIdx: 0, + }, + outputScript: + '76a91476458db0ed96fe9863fc1ccec9fa2cfab884b0f688ac', + }, + { + prevOut: { + txid: 'b3ca2414e646fbc53c6d789a242ea9afc1e84ec1e62ed8f5d58ab93d43207b66', + outIdx: 0, + }, + inputScript: + '483045022100c7106fb50492ac6726a6cae234ac7424842daee2285fb5a3c8005262a9fdbb06022061c24760989da27c0e3f372646243334d6048894a49aae3459a3f9ebabdc41d0412102c237f49dd4c812f27b09d69d4c8a4da12744fda8ad63ce151fed2a3f41fd8795', + value: 1100, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + 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isMintBaton: false, + entryIdx: 0, + }, + }, + { + value: 546, + outputScript: + '76a91476458db0ed96fe9863fc1ccec9fa2cfab884b0f688ac', + token: { + tokenId: + '3fee3384150b030490b7bee095a63900f66a45f2d8e3002ae2cf17ce3ef4d109', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '8', + isMintBaton: false, + entryIdx: 0, + }, + spentBy: { + txid: '94bf7fb1b2d37fed71085f9f32415f7426ed7cde692b9a9320ff6c811aa2db74', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + { + value: 3180811, + outputScript: + '76a91476458db0ed96fe9863fc1ccec9fa2cfab884b0f688ac', + spentBy: { + txid: '20c513c9ae5f3966f8dae10c7e0681505756a5a0b4e4f707b366cdf51663c386', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 1710794373, + size: 628, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [ + { + tokenId: + '3fee3384150b030490b7bee095a63900f66a45f2d8e3002ae2cf17ce3ef4d109', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + txType: 'SEND', + isInvalid: false, + burnSummary: '', + failedColorings: [], + actualBurnAmount: '0', + intentionalBurn: '0', + burnsMintBatons: false, + }, + ], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', + block: { + height: 836458, + hash: '000000000000000011a4069425835dd50ffd7eed5e7fd2e6e464e3996d74cf71', + timestamp: 1710799378, + }, + }, +]; +export const mockPath145History = [ + { + txid: '490a06b01b8d1793b81b5230ce2045132af0f0ec9cc7be860bb72e6a727d5bd4', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '811a943532212685dce70bab73ba4facb06aced2f3752f5115176d4c970ef90b', + outIdx: 2, + }, + inputScript: + '4830450221008a6bb3c19db22b601ca5110415e0be8c56877b58741f7d6f50c57a8bd96f988d0220507a171d02a4fa7facc463bf62ce673a69d0d28fe3b6728a683c2ffc7a93418d4121021d7fd45a888292cf3a022a95acdbcf82f9f2d5bbbfbdbc740acd558a9f25b5d0', + value: 546, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + token: { + tokenId: + '20a0b9337a78603c6681ed2bc541593375535dcd9979196620ce71f233f2f6f8', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '999900000000000', + isMintBaton: false, + entryIdx: 0, + }, + outputScript: + '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', + }, + { + prevOut: { + txid: 'cfe4f1458af2be9f76e7a45c47a9c450aded46d3e5b41d97dfd3c56b2c16c7ca', + outIdx: 2, + }, + inputScript: + '48304502210096482807afee1009914e934326930379ea308402643e786a1ac35786160cca37022070fe57cff80dba8475598c30b9515afa5e14caebf1ba1c7599554b9f9f7c89354121021d7fd45a888292cf3a022a95acdbcf82f9f2d5bbbfbdbc740acd558a9f25b5d0', + value: 44907604, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 0, + outputScript: + '6a04534c500001010453454e442020a0b9337a78603c6681ed2bc541593375535dcd9979196620ce71f233f2f6f80800000007aef40a000800038d5fad5b8e00', + }, + { + value: 546, + outputScript: + '76a9146ffbe7c7d7bd01295eb1e371de9550339bdcf9fd88ac', + token: { + tokenId: + 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1666631359, + }, + }, + tx: { + txid: '20a0b9337a78603c6681ed2bc541593375535dcd9979196620ce71f233f2f6f8', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: 'ac8be4ed7289014eb615cf8aa122cbd94283fe566142052d7ac8c6fab241fb51', + outIdx: 2, + }, + inputScript: + '46304302200db47adc26bbb4ae4584ae455c5f078a4d2f624e898fab3159c74473677bc8b2021f371ea6c9acd051c96eaba2b229d06a0247dad2acf6cf0694792d22280dfe8e412103771805b54969a9bea4e3eb14a82851c67592156ddb5e52d3d53677d14a40fba6', + value: 1253, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 0, + outputScript: + '6a04534c500001010747454e45534953035653500b56657370656e65204761733468747470733a2f2f73696d706c652e77696b6970656469612e6f72672f77696b692f5374617243726166742347616d65706c61794c0001094c000829a2241af62c0000', + }, + { + value: 546, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + token: { + tokenId: + 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outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + spentBy: { + txid: '27a2471afab33d82b9404df12e1fa242488a9439a68e540dcf8f811ef39c11cf', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 299, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [ + { + tokenId: + '3fee3384150b030490b7bee095a63900f66a45f2d8e3002ae2cf17ce3ef4d109', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + txType: 'GENESIS', + isInvalid: false, + burnSummary: '', + failedColorings: [], + actualBurnAmount: '0', + intentionalBurn: '0', + burnsMintBatons: false, + }, + ], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', + block: { + height: 782665, + hash: '00000000000000001239831f90580c859ec174316e91961cf0e8cde57c0d3acb', + timestamp: 1678408305, + }, + }, + calculated: { + genesisSupply: '4444', + genesisOutputScripts: [ + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + ], + genesisMintBatons: 0, + }, + }, +}; +// Build a mock token cache from these chronik mocks +export const mockParseTxTokenCache = new CashtabCache([ + [ + 'acba1d7f354c6d4d001eb99d31de174e5cea8a31d692afd6e7eb8474ad541f55', + { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'CTB', + tokenName: 'CashTabBits', + url: 'https://cashtabapp.com/', + decimals: 9, + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 662874, + hash: '000000000000000055df35f930c6e9ef6f4c51f1df6650d53eb3390cb92503fa', + timestamp: 1606935101, + }, + // We do not need to mock genesisSupply, genesisOutputScripts, or genesisMintBatons (yet) + // for parseChronikTx + }, + ], + [ + '7443f7c831cdf2b2b04d5f0465ed0bcf348582675b0e4f17906438c232c22f3d', + { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'WDT', + tokenName: + 'Test Token With Exceptionally Long Name For CSS And Style Revisions', + url: 'https://www.ImpossiblyLongWebsiteDidYouThinkWebDevWouldBeFun.org', + decimals: 7, + hash: '85b591c15c9f49531e39fcfeb2a5a26b2bd0f7c018fb9cd71b5d92dfb732d5cc', + }, + block: { + height: 659948, + hash: '000000000000000002e096ec3fda458dab941cd2ab40a7be10d54e88c9b06f37', + timestamp: 1604423892, + }, + }, + ], + [ + '4db25a4b2f0b57415ce25fab6d9cb3ac2bbb444ff493dc16d0615a11ad06c875', + { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'LVV', + tokenName: 'Lambda Variant Variants', + url: 'https://cashtabapp.com/', + decimals: 0, + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 700722, + hash: '0000000000000000260ee4c3b4f4ddde127bc0105d685c0ef31775b612627222', + timestamp: 1629500864, + }, + }, + ], + [ + 'cf601c56b58bc05a39a95374a4a865f0a8b56544ea937b30fb46315441717c50', + { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'UDT', + tokenName: 'UpdateTest', + url: 'https://cashtab.com/', + decimals: 7, + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 759037, + hash: '00000000000000000bc95bfdd45e71585f27139e71b56dd5bc86ef05d35b502f', + timestamp: 1664226709, + }, + }, + ], + [ + '4bd147fc5d5ff26249a9299c46b80920c0b81f59a60e05428262160ebee0b0c3', + { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'NOCOVID', + tokenName: 'Covid19 Lifetime Immunity', + url: 'https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/covid-19-vaccines', + decimals: 0, + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 680063, + hash: '000000000000000012ad3d6dfb3505616ab9c3cb3772abac0448ddfc25043df4', + timestamp: 1617304616, + }, + }, + ], +]).tokens; + +const txHistoryTokenCache = new CashtabCache().tokens; +for (const tokenId of Object.keys(tokensInHistory)) { + const { token, calculated } = tokensInHistory[tokenId]; + const { timeFirstSeen, genesisInfo, tokenType } = token; + const { genesisSupply, genesisOutputScripts, genesisMintBatons } = + calculated; + const cachedInfo = { + timeFirstSeen, + genesisInfo, + tokenType, + genesisSupply, + genesisOutputScripts, + genesisMintBatons, + }; + if ('block' in token) { + cachedInfo.block = token.block; + } + txHistoryTokenCache.set(tokenId, cachedInfo); +} +export const mockTxHistoryTokenCache = txHistoryTokenCache; + +export const expectedParsedTxHistory = [ + { + txid: '66c3321dcaf4eba9e05b6167e9714c4a7b660917c2f5d29d65a519944d4c62e7', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '7171e77e21a57df5193fe387aa5e3d646dd5438c18c80a5a997fd3c2300fc679', + outIdx: 1, + }, + inputScript: + '483045022100fbe76f31450482a18941ed90fee302662e5e6184d9d84fda6f2a4df9b1d1697a022041432311f5563007d46ade3536fb5988b9c97e2e8aeeec59c15c3efb5c4d0f70412103771805b54969a9bea4e3eb14a82851c67592156ddb5e52d3d53677d14a40fba6', + value: 1676077, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + 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outIdx: 1, + }, + inputScript: + '483045022100c2bc2700a443a772b07794660142c1eec7965c8f52e41c549ebba5dfeb2bc509022076884bfa70da9479414e572c450a8b6c667cf499f3367d4ed2ad786a5be2fbc54121021d7fd45a888292cf3a022a95acdbcf82f9f2d5bbbfbdbc740acd558a9f25b5d0', + value: 45114487, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 100383, + outputScript: + '76a914f5b3312155fe3781140dee0e84023f64cf73a6b588ac', + }, + { + value: 45013649, + outputScript: + '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', + spentBy: { + txid: 'fa984e50466e064068368e0d456e5a8a774adc6005ece87a32337b779eb4c422', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 226, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', + block: { + height: 827549, + hash: '00000000000000000645c0726241fa2c04155544314090a1ddf3ac6e2fdc724b', + timestamp: 1705492712, + }, + parsed: { + incoming: false, + xecAmount: 1003.83, + isEtokenTx: false, + airdropFlag: false, + airdropTokenId: '', + opReturnMessage: '', + isCashtabMessage: false, + isEncryptedMessage: false, + replyAddress: 'ecash:qqxefwshnmppcsjp0fc6w7rnkdsexc7cagdus7ugd0', + aliasFlag: false, + }, + }, + { + txid: 'c28d33a9865ca5e063f457b626754a4cb65966b6b0c9e81b77ceef4b24b47c86', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: 'abf9d2a474685bf36bd34adb9773255c2c4ee3659a48b93eba19227c66f0179c', + outIdx: 1, + }, + inputScript: + '4830450221008a4a4be8d5ee42c42af259946c4124827e04b3f01b5ea3947089b61108b2ce8c022002d9b52778dc30fd69b9ca11c527ea9fbdce649c654c5a169b8b5c25060e52c74121021d7fd45a888292cf3a022a95acdbcf82f9f2d5bbbfbdbc740acd558a9f25b5d0', + value: 45419254, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 101053, + outputScript: + '76a91443a15be66386024ed7f87d404048c39fb6f0fce788ac', + }, + { + value: 45317746, + outputScript: + '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', + spentBy: { + txid: '6d182b409b9969ba0a15e65a63ee0162f9003850bdc8ad99b88fc6e855ef3c76', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 226, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', + block: { + height: 827330, + hash: '000000000000000014f2dc077361008081ac360ad6ccdaf4668786687a8df971', + timestamp: 1705365441, + }, + parsed: { + incoming: false, + xecAmount: 1010.53, + isEtokenTx: false, + airdropFlag: false, + airdropTokenId: '', + opReturnMessage: '', + isCashtabMessage: false, + isEncryptedMessage: false, + replyAddress: 'ecash:qqxefwshnmppcsjp0fc6w7rnkdsexc7cagdus7ugd0', + aliasFlag: false, + }, + }, + { + txid: 'abf9d2a474685bf36bd34adb9773255c2c4ee3659a48b93eba19227c66f0179c', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '333851525d62f6e41d9445c488a88ef2c706d094248341d68369c24f2b38d4c6', + outIdx: 1, + }, + inputScript: + '483045022100a9f318a6516e98c7eef150c697cfd227e6387a36727351a5448ab597819647db022003ee62af32cd383c6df39cc29a7c79b73e7a3734eae9252aaafbe02fe2c648ea4121021d7fd45a888292cf3a022a95acdbcf82f9f2d5bbbfbdbc740acd558a9f25b5d0', + value: 45520841, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 101132, + outputScript: + '76a91443a15be66386024ed7f87d404048c39fb6f0fce788ac', + }, + { + value: 45419254, + outputScript: + '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', + spentBy: { + txid: 'c28d33a9865ca5e063f457b626754a4cb65966b6b0c9e81b77ceef4b24b47c86', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 226, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', + block: { + height: 827330, + hash: '000000000000000014f2dc077361008081ac360ad6ccdaf4668786687a8df971', + timestamp: 1705365441, + }, + parsed: { + incoming: false, + xecAmount: 1011.32, + isEtokenTx: false, + airdropFlag: false, + airdropTokenId: '', + opReturnMessage: '', + isCashtabMessage: false, + isEncryptedMessage: false, + replyAddress: 'ecash:qqxefwshnmppcsjp0fc6w7rnkdsexc7cagdus7ugd0', + aliasFlag: false, + }, + }, + { + txid: '7e1a29815174e7bb1af2275d8d15a31f3b6f9a6567d8489da1da406f85c809bf', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '6d182b409b9969ba0a15e65a63ee0162f9003850bdc8ad99b88fc6e855ef3c76', + outIdx: 1, + }, + inputScript: + '47304402203b88cbdb66bcf921259eb1a9c33345048de4aaab35b8e51d80067812232c791e02207f30aaaf1e4548f97a168a6f210f085e8521982cdfd9055a6fe6c7769b29d7484121021d7fd45a888292cf3a022a95acdbcf82f9f2d5bbbfbdbc740acd558a9f25b5d0', + value: 45216157, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 101215, + outputScript: + '76a91443a15be66386024ed7f87d404048c39fb6f0fce788ac', + }, + { + value: 45114487, + outputScript: + '76a9140d94ba179ec21c42417a71a77873b3619363d8ea88ac', + spentBy: { + txid: '8bf2566feb21f4681fbf97155d78b388b9fc1fd6a6e4bc0e21324db5a9e7a7ac', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 225, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NON_TOKEN', + block: { + height: 827330, + hash: '000000000000000014f2dc077361008081ac360ad6ccdaf4668786687a8df971', + timestamp: 1705365441, + }, + parsed: { + incoming: false, + xecAmount: 1012.15, + isEtokenTx: false, + airdropFlag: false, + airdropTokenId: '', + opReturnMessage: '', + isCashtabMessage: false, + isEncryptedMessage: false, + replyAddress: 'ecash:qqxefwshnmppcsjp0fc6w7rnkdsexc7cagdus7ugd0', + aliasFlag: false, + }, + }, +]; + +const tokenInfoErrorParsedTxHistory = JSON.parse( + JSON.stringify(expectedParsedTxHistory), +); +for (const tx of tokenInfoErrorParsedTxHistory) { + if ('assumedTokenDecimals' in tx.parsed) { + // If we had cached token info before, we do not have it now + tx.parsed.assumedTokenDecimals = true; + } + if (tx.parsed.etokenAmount === '33') { + // Update amount for the one assumed tx where decimals is not really 0 + tx.parsed.etokenAmount = '33000000000'; + } +} + +export const noCachedInfoParsedTxHistory = tokenInfoErrorParsedTxHistory; diff --git a/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/vectors.js b/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/vectors.js index b7631d0a1..53364a7c2 100644 --- a/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/vectors.js +++ b/cashtab/src/chronik/fixtures/vectors.js @@ -1,282 +1,1096 @@ // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. import { mockParseTxWallet, mockAliasWallet, mockParseTxWalletAirdrop, mockParseTxWalletEncryptedMsg, - txHistoryTokenInfoById, stakingRwd, incomingXec, outgoingXec, aliasRegistration, incomingEtoken, outgoingEtoken, genesisTx, incomingEtokenNineDecimals, legacyAirdropTx, outgoingEncryptedMsg, incomingEncryptedMsg, tokenBurn, tokenBurnDecimals, incomingEtokenTwo, swapTx, mockSwapWallet, aliasOffSpec, PayButtonNoDataYesNonce, PayButtonYesDataYesNonce, PayButtonBadVersion, PayButtonOffSpec, PayButtonEmpty, PayButtonYesDataNoNonce, MsgFromElectrum, mockFlatTxHistoryNoUnconfirmed, mockSortedTxHistoryNoUnconfirmed, mockFlatTxHistoryWithUnconfirmed, mockSortedFlatTxHistoryWithUnconfirmed, mockFlatTxHistoryWithAllUnconfirmed, mockSortedFlatTxHistoryWithAllUnconfirmed, AlpTx, + mockParseTxTokenCache, } from './mocks'; import { mockChronikUtxos, mockOrganizedUtxosByType } from './chronikUtxos'; export default { - parseChronikTx: { + parseTx: { expectedReturns: [ { description: 'Staking rewards coinbase tx', tx: stakingRwd.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: stakingRwd.parsed, }, { description: 'Incoming XEC tx', tx: incomingXec.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: incomingXec.parsed, }, { description: 'Outgoing XEC tx', tx: outgoingXec.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: outgoingXec.parsed, }, { description: 'Alias registration', tx: aliasRegistration.tx, wallet: mockAliasWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: aliasRegistration.parsed, }, { description: 'Incoming eToken', tx: incomingEtoken.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: incomingEtoken.parsed, }, + { + description: + 'Incoming eToken that for some reason does not get cached', + tx: incomingEtoken.tx, + wallet: mockParseTxWallet, + cachedTokens: new Map(), + parsed: { + ...incomingEtoken.parsed, + assumedTokenDecimals: true, + }, + }, { description: 'Outgoing eToken', tx: outgoingEtoken.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: outgoingEtoken.parsed, }, { description: 'Genesis tx', tx: genesisTx.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWalletAirdrop, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: genesisTx.parsed, }, { description: 'Incoming eToken tx with 9 decimals', tx: incomingEtokenNineDecimals.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWalletAirdrop, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: incomingEtokenNineDecimals.parsed, }, { description: 'Legacy airdrop tx', tx: legacyAirdropTx.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWalletAirdrop, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: legacyAirdropTx.parsed, }, { description: 'Outgoing encrypted msg (deprecated)', tx: outgoingEncryptedMsg.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWalletEncryptedMsg, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: outgoingEncryptedMsg.parsed, }, { description: 'Incoming encrypted msg (deprecated)', tx: incomingEncryptedMsg.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWalletEncryptedMsg, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: incomingEncryptedMsg.parsed, }, { description: 'Token burn tx', tx: tokenBurn.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWalletAirdrop, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: tokenBurn.parsed, }, { description: 'Token burn tx with decimals', tx: tokenBurnDecimals.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWalletAirdrop, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: tokenBurnDecimals.parsed, }, { description: 'Incoming eToken tx less than zero with decimals', tx: incomingEtokenTwo.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWalletAirdrop, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: incomingEtokenTwo.parsed, }, { description: 'SWaP tx', tx: swapTx.tx, wallet: mockSwapWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: swapTx.parsed, }, { description: 'Pre-spec alias registration (now off spec)', tx: aliasOffSpec.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: aliasOffSpec.parsed, }, { description: 'PayButton tx with no data and payment id', tx: PayButtonNoDataYesNonce.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: PayButtonNoDataYesNonce.parsed, }, { description: 'PayButton tx with data and payment id', tx: PayButtonYesDataYesNonce.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: PayButtonYesDataYesNonce.parsed, }, { description: 'PayButton tx with no data and no payment id', tx: PayButtonEmpty.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: PayButtonEmpty.parsed, }, { description: 'PayButton tx with data and no payment id', tx: PayButtonYesDataNoNonce.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: PayButtonYesDataNoNonce.parsed, }, { description: 'PayButton tx with unsupported version number', tx: PayButtonBadVersion.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: PayButtonBadVersion.parsed, }, { description: 'Paybutton tx that does not have spec number of pushes', tx: PayButtonOffSpec.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: PayButtonOffSpec.parsed, }, { description: 'External msg received from Electrum', tx: MsgFromElectrum.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: MsgFromElectrum.parsed, }, { description: 'Before adding support for tokens other than SLPV1, an ALP tx is parsed as an eCash tx', tx: AlpTx.tx, wallet: mockParseTxWallet, - tokenInfoById: txHistoryTokenInfoById, + cachedTokens: mockParseTxTokenCache, parsed: AlpTx.parsed, }, ], - expectedErrors: [], }, sortAndTrimChronikTxHistory: { expectedReturns: [ { description: 'successfully orders the result of flattenChronikTxHistory by blockheight and firstSeenTime if all txs are confirmed', flatTxHistoryArray: mockFlatTxHistoryNoUnconfirmed, txHistoryCount: 10, returned: mockSortedTxHistoryNoUnconfirmed, }, { description: 'orders the result of flattenChronikTxHistory by blockheight and firstSeenTime if some txs are confirmed and others unconfirmed', flatTxHistoryArray: mockFlatTxHistoryWithUnconfirmed, txHistoryCount: 10, returned: mockSortedFlatTxHistoryWithUnconfirmed, }, { description: 'orders the result of flattenChronikTxHistory by blockheight and firstSeenTime if all txs are unconfirmed,', flatTxHistoryArray: mockFlatTxHistoryWithAllUnconfirmed, txHistoryCount: 10, returned: mockSortedFlatTxHistoryWithAllUnconfirmed, }, ], }, organizeUtxosByType: { expectedReturns: [ { description: 'Splits token utxos and non-token utxos using real in-node utxos', chronikUtxos: mockChronikUtxos, returned: mockOrganizedUtxosByType, }, { description: 'Splits token utxos and non-token utxos', chronikUtxos: [{ token: 'true' }, { amount: 500 }], returned: { slpUtxos: [{ token: 'true' }], nonSlpUtxos: [{ amount: 500 }], }, }, { description: 'Returns empty array for nonSlpUtxos if all utxos are token utxos', chronikUtxos: [{ token: 'true' }, { token: 'true' }], returned: { slpUtxos: [{ token: 'true' }, { token: 'true' }], nonSlpUtxos: [], }, }, { description: 'Returns empty array for preliminarySlpUtxos if no token utxos found', chronikUtxos: [{ amount: 500 }, { amount: 500 }], returned: { slpUtxos: [], nonSlpUtxos: [{ amount: 500 }, { amount: 500 }], }, }, ], }, + getTokenGenesisInfo: { + expectedReturns: [ + { + description: 'slpv1 token with no minting batons', + tokenId: + 'b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', + tokenInfo: { + tokenId: + 'b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'ABC', + tokenName: 'ABC', + url: 'https://cashtab.com/', + decimals: 0, + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 832725, + hash: '000000000000000016d97961a24ac3460160bbc439810cd2af684264ae15083b', + timestamp: 1708607039, + }, + }, + genesisTx: { + txid: 'b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '9866faa3294afc3f4dd5669c67ee4d0ded42db25d08728fe07166e9cda9ee8f9', + outIdx: 3, + }, + inputScript: + '483045022100fb14b5f82605972478186c91ff6fab2051b46abd2a8aa9774b3e9276715daf39022046a62933cc3acf59129fbf373ef05480342312bc33aaa8bf7fb5a0495b5dc80e412103771805b54969a9bea4e3eb14a82851c67592156ddb5e52d3d53677d14a40fba6', + value: 1617, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 0, + outputScript: + '6a04534c500001010747454e4553495303414243034142431468747470733a2f2f636173687461622e636f6d2f4c0001004c0008000000000000000c', + }, + { + value: 546, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + token: { + tokenId: + 'b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '12', + isMintBaton: false, + entryIdx: 0, + }, + spentBy: { + txid: '41fd4cb3ce0162e44cfd5a446b389afa6b35461d466d55321be412a518c56d63', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 261, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [ + { + tokenId: + 'b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + txType: 'GENESIS', + isInvalid: false, + burnSummary: '', + failedColorings: [], + actualBurnAmount: '0', + intentionalBurn: '0', + burnsMintBatons: false, + }, + ], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', + block: { + height: 832725, + hash: '000000000000000016d97961a24ac3460160bbc439810cd2af684264ae15083b', + timestamp: 1708607039, + }, + }, + returned: { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'ABC', + tokenName: 'ABC', + url: 'https://cashtab.com/', + decimals: 0, + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 832725, + hash: '000000000000000016d97961a24ac3460160bbc439810cd2af684264ae15083b', + timestamp: 1708607039, + }, + genesisMintBatons: 0, + genesisOutputScripts: [ + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + ], + genesisSupply: '12', + }, + }, + { + description: + 'slpv1 token with no minting batons unconfirmed genesis tx', + tokenId: + 'b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', + tokenInfo: { + tokenId: + 'b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'ABC', + tokenName: 'ABC', + url: 'https://cashtab.com/', + decimals: 0, + hash: '', + }, + }, + genesisTx: { + txid: 'b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '9866faa3294afc3f4dd5669c67ee4d0ded42db25d08728fe07166e9cda9ee8f9', + outIdx: 3, + }, + inputScript: + '483045022100fb14b5f82605972478186c91ff6fab2051b46abd2a8aa9774b3e9276715daf39022046a62933cc3acf59129fbf373ef05480342312bc33aaa8bf7fb5a0495b5dc80e412103771805b54969a9bea4e3eb14a82851c67592156ddb5e52d3d53677d14a40fba6', + value: 1617, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 0, + outputScript: + '6a04534c500001010747454e4553495303414243034142431468747470733a2f2f636173687461622e636f6d2f4c0001004c0008000000000000000c', + }, + { + value: 546, + outputScript: + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + token: { + tokenId: + 'b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '12', + isMintBaton: false, + entryIdx: 0, + }, + spentBy: { + txid: '41fd4cb3ce0162e44cfd5a446b389afa6b35461d466d55321be412a518c56d63', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 261, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [ + { + tokenId: + 'b132878bfa81cf1b9e19192045ed4c797b10944cc17ae07da06aed3d7b566cb7', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + txType: 'GENESIS', + isInvalid: false, + burnSummary: '', + failedColorings: [], + actualBurnAmount: '0', + intentionalBurn: '0', + burnsMintBatons: false, + }, + ], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', + }, + returned: { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'ABC', + tokenName: 'ABC', + url: 'https://cashtab.com/', + decimals: 0, + hash: '', + }, + genesisMintBatons: 0, + genesisOutputScripts: [ + '76a91495e79f51d4260bc0dc3ba7fb77c7be92d0fbdd1d88ac', + ], + genesisSupply: '12', + }, + }, + { + description: 'slpv1 token with minting baton', + tokenId: + '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', + tokenInfo: { + tokenId: + '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'TBC', + tokenName: 'tabcash', + url: 'https://cashtabapp.com/', + decimals: 0, + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 674143, + hash: '000000000000000034c77993a35c74fe2dddace27198681ca1e89e928d0c2fff', + timestamp: 1613859311, + }, + }, + genesisTx: { + txid: '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', + version: 2, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: 'be38b0488679e25823b7a72b925ac695a7b486e7f78122994b913f3079b0b939', + outIdx: 2, + }, + inputScript: + '483045022100e28006843eb071ec6d8dd105284f2ca625a28f4dc85418910b59a5ab13fc6c2002205921fb12b541d1cd1a63e7e012aca5735df3398525f64bac04337d21029413614121034509251caa5f01e2787c436949eb94d71dcc451bcde5791ae5b7109255f5f0a3', + value: 91048, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a914b8d9512d2adf8b4e70c45c26b6b00d75c28eaa9688ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 0, + outputScript: + '6a04534c500001010747454e455349530354424307746162636173681768747470733a2f2f636173687461626170702e636f6d2f4c0001000102080000000000000064', + }, + { + value: 546, + outputScript: + '76a914b8d9512d2adf8b4e70c45c26b6b00d75c28eaa9688ac', + token: { + tokenId: + '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '100', + isMintBaton: false, + entryIdx: 0, + }, + spentBy: { + txid: '618d0dd8c0c5fa5a34c6515c865dd72bb76f8311cd6ee9aef153bab20dabc0e6', + outIdx: 1, + }, + }, + { + value: 546, + outputScript: + '76a914b8d9512d2adf8b4e70c45c26b6b00d75c28eaa9688ac', + token: { + tokenId: + '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '0', + isMintBaton: true, + entryIdx: 0, + }, + }, + { + value: 89406, + outputScript: + '76a914b8d9512d2adf8b4e70c45c26b6b00d75c28eaa9688ac', + spentBy: { + txid: '618d0dd8c0c5fa5a34c6515c865dd72bb76f8311cd6ee9aef153bab20dabc0e6', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 336, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [ + { + tokenId: + '50d8292c6255cda7afc6c8566fed3cf42a2794e9619740fe8f4c95431271410e', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + txType: 'GENESIS', + isInvalid: false, + burnSummary: '', + failedColorings: [], + actualBurnAmount: '0', + intentionalBurn: '0', + burnsMintBatons: false, + }, + ], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', + block: { + height: 674143, + hash: '000000000000000034c77993a35c74fe2dddace27198681ca1e89e928d0c2fff', + timestamp: 1613859311, + }, + }, + returned: { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'TBC', + tokenName: 'tabcash', + url: 'https://cashtabapp.com/', + decimals: 0, + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 674143, + hash: '000000000000000034c77993a35c74fe2dddace27198681ca1e89e928d0c2fff', + timestamp: 1613859311, + }, + genesisMintBatons: 1, + genesisOutputScripts: [ + '76a914b8d9512d2adf8b4e70c45c26b6b00d75c28eaa9688ac', + ], + genesisSupply: '100', + }, + }, + { + description: 'ALP token with a minting baton', + tokenId: + 'cdcdcdcdcdc9dda4c92bb1145aa84945c024346ea66fd4b699e344e45df2e145', + tokenInfo: { + tokenId: + 'cdcdcdcdcdc9dda4c92bb1145aa84945c024346ea66fd4b699e344e45df2e145', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'ALP', + type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', + number: 0, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'CRD', + tokenName: 'Credo In Unum Deo', + url: 'https://crd.network/token', + decimals: 4, + data: {}, + authPubkey: + '0334b744e6338ad438c92900c0ed1869c3fd2c0f35a4a9b97a88447b6e2b145f10', + }, + block: { + height: 795680, + hash: '00000000000000000b7e89959ee52ca1cd691e1fc3b4891c1888f84261c83e73', + timestamp: 1686305735, + }, + }, + genesisTx: { + txid: 'cdcdcdcdcdc9dda4c92bb1145aa84945c024346ea66fd4b699e344e45df2e145', + version: 1, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: 'dd2020be54ad3dccf98548512e6f735cac002434bbddb61f19cbe6f3f1de04da', + outIdx: 0, + }, + inputScript: + '4130ef71df9d2daacf48d05a0361e103e087b636f4d68af8decd769227caf198003991629bf7057fa1572fc0dd3581115a1b06b5c0eafc88555e58521956fe5cbc410768999600fc71a024752102d8cb55aaf01f84335130bf7b3751267e5cf3398a60e5162ff93ec8d77f14850fac', + value: 4000, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + 'a91464275fca443d169d23d077c85ad1bb7a31b6e05987', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 0, + outputScript: + '6a504c63534c5032000747454e455349530343524411437265646f20496e20556e756d2044656f1968747470733a2f2f6372642e6e6574776f726b2f746f6b656e00210334b744e6338ad438c92900c0ed1869c3fd2c0f35a4a9b97a88447b6e2b145f10040001', + }, + { + value: 546, + outputScript: + '76a914bbb6c4fecc56ecce35958f87c2367cd3f5e88c2788ac', + token: { + tokenId: + 'cdcdcdcdcdc9dda4c92bb1145aa84945c024346ea66fd4b699e344e45df2e145', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'ALP', + type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', + number: 0, + }, + amount: '0', + isMintBaton: true, + entryIdx: 0, + }, + spentBy: { + txid: 'ff06c312bef229f6f27989326d9be7e0e142aaa84538967b104b262af69f7f00', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 777777, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 308, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [ + { + tokenId: + 'cdcdcdcdcdc9dda4c92bb1145aa84945c024346ea66fd4b699e344e45df2e145', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'ALP', + type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', + number: 0, + }, + txType: 'GENESIS', + isInvalid: false, + burnSummary: '', + failedColorings: [], + actualBurnAmount: '0', + intentionalBurn: '0', + burnsMintBatons: false, + }, + ], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', + block: { + height: 795680, + hash: '00000000000000000b7e89959ee52ca1cd691e1fc3b4891c1888f84261c83e73', + timestamp: 1686305735, + }, + }, + returned: { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'ALP', + type: 'ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD', + number: 0, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'CRD', + tokenName: 'Credo In Unum Deo', + url: 'https://crd.network/token', + decimals: 4, + data: {}, + authPubkey: + '0334b744e6338ad438c92900c0ed1869c3fd2c0f35a4a9b97a88447b6e2b145f10', + }, + block: { + height: 795680, + hash: '00000000000000000b7e89959ee52ca1cd691e1fc3b4891c1888f84261c83e73', + timestamp: 1686305735, + }, + genesisMintBatons: 1, + genesisOutputScripts: [ + '76a914bbb6c4fecc56ecce35958f87c2367cd3f5e88c2788ac', + ], + genesisSupply: '0.0000', + }, + }, + { + description: 'slpv2 genesis tx', + tokenId: + '7e7dacd72dcdb14e00a03dd3aff47f019ed51a6f1f4e4f532ae50692f62bc4e5', // BUX + tokenInfo: { + tokenId: + '7e7dacd72dcdb14e00a03dd3aff47f019ed51a6f1f4e4f532ae50692f62bc4e5', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'BUX', + tokenName: 'Badger Universal Token', + url: 'https://bux.digital', + decimals: 4, + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 726564, + hash: '000000000000000010ea35897b2b7373261fdfbca3d02e4f9a6eeb79dc914315', + timestamp: 1644797123, + }, + }, + genesisTx: { + txid: '7e7dacd72dcdb14e00a03dd3aff47f019ed51a6f1f4e4f532ae50692f62bc4e5', + version: 1, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: 'b5605cdda8e5cc5f475f2473f34ad01b29fa0995bac5d37dcb54b858f76db61f', + outIdx: 0, + }, + inputScript: + '41614bc7f35d66b30c017e111c98ad22086730435bea6cf0ec54188ca425863f2a60ee808a11564258d0defc2bfa1505953e18a8108409fb048cfa39bdacc82fce4121027e6cf8229495afadcb5a7e40365bbc82afcf145eacca3193151e68a61fc81743', + value: 3200, + sequenceNo: 4294967295, + outputScript: + '76a914502ee2f475081f2031861f3a275c52722199280e88ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 0, + outputScript: + '6a04534c500001010747454e45534953034255581642616467657220556e6976657273616c20546f6b656e1368747470733a2f2f6275782e6469676974616c4c0001040102080000000000000000', + }, + { + value: 2300, + outputScript: + 'a9144d80de3cda49fd1bd98eb535da0f2e4880935ea987', + spentBy: { + txid: '459a8dbf3b31750ddaaed4d2c6a12fb42ef1b83fc0f67175f43332962932aa7d', + outIdx: 0, + }, + }, + { + value: 546, + outputScript: + 'a91420d151c5ab4ca4154407626069eaafd8ce6306fc87', + token: { + tokenId: + '7e7dacd72dcdb14e00a03dd3aff47f019ed51a6f1f4e4f532ae50692f62bc4e5', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + amount: '0', + isMintBaton: true, + entryIdx: 0, + }, + spentBy: { + txid: '459a8dbf3b31750ddaaed4d2c6a12fb42ef1b83fc0f67175f43332962932aa7d', + outIdx: 1, + }, + }, + ], + lockTime: 0, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 302, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [ + { + tokenId: + '7e7dacd72dcdb14e00a03dd3aff47f019ed51a6f1f4e4f532ae50692f62bc4e5', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + txType: 'GENESIS', + isInvalid: false, + burnSummary: '', + failedColorings: [], + actualBurnAmount: '0', + intentionalBurn: '0', + burnsMintBatons: false, + }, + ], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', + block: { + height: 726564, + hash: '000000000000000010ea35897b2b7373261fdfbca3d02e4f9a6eeb79dc914315', + timestamp: 1644797123, + }, + }, + returned: { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE', + number: 1, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'BUX', + tokenName: 'Badger Universal Token', + url: 'https://bux.digital', + decimals: 4, + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 726564, + hash: '000000000000000010ea35897b2b7373261fdfbca3d02e4f9a6eeb79dc914315', + timestamp: 1644797123, + }, + genesisMintBatons: 1, + genesisOutputScripts: [ + 'a91420d151c5ab4ca4154407626069eaafd8ce6306fc87', + ], + genesisSupply: '0.0000', + }, + }, + { + description: 'Slp type 2 token (BUX)', + tokenId: + '52b12c03466936e7e3b2dcfcff847338c53c611ba8ab74dd8e4dadf7ded12cf6', + tokenInfo: { + tokenId: + '52b12c03466936e7e3b2dcfcff847338c53c611ba8ab74dd8e4dadf7ded12cf6', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_MINT_VAULT', + number: 2, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'BUX', + tokenName: 'Badger Universal Token', + url: 'https://bux.digital', + decimals: 4, + mintVaultScripthash: + '08d6edf91c7b93d18306d3b8244587e43f11df4b', + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 811408, + hash: '000000000000000016d3b567884f11f44592ce7cd2642e74014b1c65bc6a5c81', + timestamp: 1695700586, + }, + }, + genesisTx: { + txid: '52b12c03466936e7e3b2dcfcff847338c53c611ba8ab74dd8e4dadf7ded12cf6', + version: 1, + inputs: [ + { + prevOut: { + txid: '8586a0e6dc08653dc5b88afe751efbb97d78246482985d01802c98b75f873fba', + outIdx: 10, + }, + inputScript: + '473044022040b7bb9093b092003b5c41090f4b7560a7bcfed35278fd05d2f1083653529ea902205a11af8aea5d16a01dc7648397eb6b04369dda9e3e9ecc4a9efe3f5b4a41a1dd412102fafcdb1f5f0d2e49909fbafc18f339bcfc2b765b3def934d501eb798e626c7b3', + value: 3851630, + sequenceNo: 4294967294, + outputScript: + '76a91452558a0640aae72592c3b336a3a4959ce97906b488ac', + }, + ], + outputs: [ + { + value: 0, + outputScript: + '6a04534c500001020747454e45534953034255581642616467657220556e6976657273616c20546f6b656e1368747470733a2f2f6275782e6469676974616c4c0001041408d6edf91c7b93d18306d3b8244587e43f11df4b080000000000000000', + }, + { + value: 546, + outputScript: + '76a91452558a0640aae72592c3b336a3a4959ce97906b488ac', + }, + { + value: 3850752, + outputScript: + '76a914f4592a09e8da1a2157916963bc0fb7fe682df73e88ac', + }, + ], + lockTime: 811407, + timeFirstSeen: 0, + size: 331, + isCoinbase: false, + tokenEntries: [ + { + tokenId: + '52b12c03466936e7e3b2dcfcff847338c53c611ba8ab74dd8e4dadf7ded12cf6', + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_MINT_VAULT', + number: 2, + }, + txType: 'GENESIS', + isInvalid: false, + burnSummary: '', + failedColorings: [], + actualBurnAmount: '0', + intentionalBurn: '0', + burnsMintBatons: false, + }, + ], + tokenFailedParsings: [], + tokenStatus: 'TOKEN_STATUS_NORMAL', + block: { + height: 811408, + hash: '000000000000000016d3b567884f11f44592ce7cd2642e74014b1c65bc6a5c81', + timestamp: 1695700586, + }, + }, + returned: { + tokenType: { + protocol: 'SLP', + type: 'SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_MINT_VAULT', + number: 2, + }, + timeFirstSeen: '0', + genesisInfo: { + tokenTicker: 'BUX', + tokenName: 'Badger Universal Token', + url: 'https://bux.digital', + decimals: 4, + mintVaultScripthash: + '08d6edf91c7b93d18306d3b8244587e43f11df4b', + hash: '', + }, + block: { + height: 811408, + hash: '000000000000000016d3b567884f11f44592ce7cd2642e74014b1c65bc6a5c81', + timestamp: 1695700586, + }, + genesisMintBatons: 0, + genesisOutputScripts: [], + genesisSupply: '0.0000', + }, + }, + ], + expectedErrors: [ + { + description: + 'Error is thrown if 1st chronik API call not completed successfully', + tokenId: + '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111', + tokenInfo: new Error( + 'Bad response from chronik.token(tokenId)', + ), + genesisTx: {}, // non-error response + msg: new Error('Bad response from chronik.token(tokenId)'), + }, + { + description: + 'Error is thrown if 2nd chronik API call not completed successfully', + tokenId: + '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111', + tokenInfo: {}, // non-error response + genesisTx: new Error('Bad response from chronik.tx(tokenId)'), + msg: new Error('Bad response from chronik.tx(tokenId)'), + }, + ], + }, }; diff --git a/cashtab/src/chronik/index.js b/cashtab/src/chronik/index.js index c42549de3..37d1aa5a6 100644 --- a/cashtab/src/chronik/index.js +++ b/cashtab/src/chronik/index.js @@ -1,925 +1,780 @@ // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. import { BN } from 'slp-mdm'; import { getHashArrayFromWallet } from 'utils/cashMethods'; import { opReturn as opreturnConfig } from 'config/opreturn'; import { chronik as chronikConfig } from 'config/chronik'; import { getStackArray } from 'ecash-script'; import cashaddr from 'ecashaddrjs'; -import CashtabCache from 'config/CashtabCache'; -import { toXec } from 'wallet'; +import { toXec, decimalizeTokenAmount, undecimalizeTokenAmount } from 'wallet'; export const getTxHistoryPage = async (chronik, hash160, page = 0) => { let txHistoryPage; try { txHistoryPage = await chronik .script('p2pkh', hash160) // Get the 25 most recent transactions .history(page, chronikConfig.txHistoryPageSize); return txHistoryPage; } catch (err) { console.log(`Error in getTxHistoryPage(${hash160})`, err); } }; export const returnGetTxHistoryPagePromise = async ( chronik, hash160, page = 0, ) => { /* Unlike getTxHistoryPage, this function will reject and fail Promise.all() if there is an error in the chronik call */ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chronik .script('p2pkh', hash160) .history(page, chronikConfig.txHistoryPageSize) .then( result => { resolve(result); }, err => { reject(err); }, ); }); }; export const isAliasRegistered = (registeredAliases, alias) => { for (let i = 0; i < registeredAliases.length; i++) { if ( registeredAliases[i].alias.toString().toLowerCase() === alias.toLowerCase() ) { console.log(`Alias (${alias}) is registered`); return true; } } return false; }; -// Return false if do not get a valid response -// TODO deprecate, we should be getting this from cache -// This info will be cached on app startup -export const getTokenStats = async (chronik, tokenId) => { - try { - // token attributes available via chronik's token() method - let tokenResponseObj = await chronik.token(tokenId); - - return tokenResponseObj; - } catch (err) { - console.log( - `Error fetching token stats for tokenId ${tokenId}: ` + err, - ); - return false; - } -}; - /** - * + * Return a promise to fetch all utxos at an address (and add a 'path' key to them) + * We need the path key so that we know which wif to sign this utxo with + * If we add HD wallet support, we will need to add an address key, and change the structure of wallet.paths * @param {ChronikClientNode} chronik - * @param {string} hash160 - * @returns chronik-client response object + * @param {string} address + * @param {number} path + * @returns {Promise} */ -export const getUtxosSingleHashChronik = async (chronik, hash160) => { - // Get utxos at a single address, which chronik takes in as a hash160 - const utxos = await chronik.script('p2pkh', hash160).utxos(); - return utxos.utxos; -}; - -export const returnGetUtxosChronikPromise = (chronik, hash160AndAddressObj) => { - /* - Chronik thinks in hash160s, but people and wallets think in addresses - Add the address to each utxo - */ +export const returnGetPathedUtxosPromise = (chronik, address, path) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - getUtxosSingleHashChronik(chronik, hash160AndAddressObj.hash).then( - result => { - for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i += 1) { - const thisUtxo = result[i]; - thisUtxo.address = hash160AndAddressObj.address; - } - resolve(result); - }, - err => { - reject(err); - }, - ); + chronik + .address(address) + .utxos() + .then( + result => { + for (const utxo of result.utxos) { + utxo.path = path; + } + resolve(result.utxos); + }, + err => { + reject(err); + }, + ); }); }; -export const getUtxosChronik = async (chronik, hash160sMappedToAddresses) => { - /* - Chronik only accepts utxo requests for one address at a time - Construct an array of promises for each address - Note: Chronik requires the hash160 of an address for this request - */ +/** + * Get all utxos for a given wallet + * @param {ChronikClientNode} chronik + * @param {object} wallet a cashtab wallet + * @returns + */ +export const getUtxos = async (chronik, wallet) => { const chronikUtxoPromises = []; - for (let i = 0; i < hash160sMappedToAddresses.length; i += 1) { - const thisPromise = returnGetUtxosChronikPromise( + wallet.paths.forEach((pathInfo, path) => { + const thisPromise = returnGetPathedUtxosPromise( chronik, - hash160sMappedToAddresses[i], + pathInfo.address, + path, ); chronikUtxoPromises.push(thisPromise); - } - const allUtxos = await Promise.all(chronikUtxoPromises); - // Since each individual utxo has address information, no need to keep them in distinct arrays - // Combine into one array of all utxos - const flatUtxos = allUtxos.flat(); + }); + const utxoResponsesByPath = await Promise.all(chronikUtxoPromises); + const flatUtxos = utxoResponsesByPath.flat(); return flatUtxos; }; /** * Organize utxos by token and non-token * TODO deprecate this and use better coinselect methods * @param {Tx_InNode[]} chronikUtxos * @returns {object} {slpUtxos: [], nonSlpUtxos: []} */ export const organizeUtxosByType = chronikUtxos => { const nonSlpUtxos = []; const slpUtxos = []; for (const utxo of chronikUtxos) { // Construct nonSlpUtxos and slpUtxos arrays if (typeof utxo.token !== 'undefined') { slpUtxos.push(utxo); } else { nonSlpUtxos.push(utxo); } } return { slpUtxos, nonSlpUtxos }; }; /** - * Build tokens array without accounting for token genesis info - * TODO this should be a map, not an array of objects. Handle after migration - * @param {Tx_InNode[]} slpUtxos - * @returns + * Get just the tx objects from chronik history() responses + * @param {TxHistoryPage_InNode[]} txHistoryOfAllAddresses + * @returns {Tx_InNode[]} */ -export const getPreliminaryTokensArray = slpUtxos => { - // Iterate over the slpUtxos to create the 'tokens' object - let tokensById = {}; - - slpUtxos.forEach(slpUtxos => { - /* - Note that a wallet could have many eToken utxos all belonging to the same eToken - For example, a user could have 100 of a certain eToken, but this is composed of - four utxos, one for 17, one for 50, one for 30, one for 3 - */ - - // Start with the existing object for this particular token, if it exists - let token = tokensById[slpUtxos.token.tokenId]; - - if (token) { - if (slpUtxos.token.amount) { - token.balance = token.balance.plus( - new BN(slpUtxos.token.amount), - ); - } - } else { - // If it does not exist, create it - token = {}; - token.tokenId = slpUtxos.token.tokenId; - if (slpUtxos.token.amount) { - token.balance = new BN(slpUtxos.token.amount); - } else { - token.balance = new BN(0); - } - tokensById[slpUtxos.token.tokenId] = token; - } - }); - - const preliminaryTokensArray = Object.values(tokensById); - return preliminaryTokensArray; -}; - -/** - * Get and cache genesisInfo for a token - * @param {object} chronik chronik-client instance - * @param {string} tokenId tokenId you want genesisInfo for - * @param {Map} cachedTokens the map stored at cashtabCache.tokens - * @returns {promise} promise resolving to chronik's genesisInfo key from chronik.token(tokenId) - */ -export const returnGetTokenInfoChronikPromise = ( - chronik, - tokenId, - cachedTokens, -) => { - /* - The chronik.tx(txid) API call returns extensive transaction information - For the purposes of finalizing token information, we only need the token metadata - - This function returns a promise that extracts only this needed information from - the chronik.tx(txid) API call - - In this way, calling Promise.all() on an array of tokenIds that lack metadata - will return an array with all required metadata - */ - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - chronik.token(tokenId).then( - result => { - if (typeof result !== 'undefined') { - if ('slpTxData' in result) { - // NNG chronik - cachedTokens.set(tokenId, result.slpTxData.genesisInfo); - resolve(result.slpTxData.genesisInfo); - } - if ('genesisInfo' in result) { - // in-node chronik - cachedTokens.set(tokenId, result.genesisInfo); - resolve(result.genesisInfo); - } - } - - reject( - new Error( - `Invalid token info format from chronik.token(${tokenId})`, - ), - ); - }, - err => { - reject(err); - }, - ); - }); -}; - -/** - * Add genesisInfo and calculate balance using now-known token decimals - * @param {array} preliminaryTokensArray array of token objects formatted to be read by Cashtab - * returned by getPreliminaryTokensArray - * @param {Map} cachedTokens the map stored at cashtabCache.tokens - * @returns {array} finalTokensArray = preliminaryTokensArray updated for decimals for - * tokens where we did not yet have this info from cache or chronik - */ -export const processPreliminaryTokensArray = ( - preliminaryTokensArray, - cachedTokens, -) => { - /* Iterate over preliminaryTokensArray to - - 1 - Add slp metadata (token ticker, name, other metadata) - 2 - Calculate the token balance. Token balance in - preliminaryTokensArray does not take into account the - decimal places of the token...so it is incorrect. - - */ - const finalTokenArray = []; - for (let i = 0; i < preliminaryTokensArray.length; i += 1) { - const thisToken = preliminaryTokensArray[i]; - const thisTokenId = thisToken.tokenId; - - // Because tokenInfoByTokenId is indexed by tokenId, it's easy to reference - const thisTokenInfo = cachedTokens.get(thisTokenId); - - // The decimals are specifically needed to calculate the correct balance - const thisTokenDecimals = thisTokenInfo.decimals; - - // Add info object to token - thisToken.info = thisTokenInfo; - - // Update balance according to decimals and store it as a string - thisToken.balance = thisToken.balance - .shiftedBy(-1 * thisTokenDecimals) - .toString(); - - // Now that you have the metadata and the correct balance, - // preliminaryTokenInfo is finalTokenInfo - finalTokenArray.push(thisToken); - } - return finalTokenArray; -}; - -/** - * Add tokenDecimals info to walletState.tokens and update cachedTokens if you have uncached tokens - * @param {object} chronik chronik-client instance - * @param {array} preliminaryTokensArray return value from getPreliminaryTokensArray - * @param {Map} cachedTokens the map stored at cashtabCache.tokens - * @returns {object} - * { - * tokens {array} output of processPreliminaryTokensArray - * cachedTokens {Map} the map stored at cashtabCache.tokens, either same as input or updated with new tokens - * newTokensToCache {boolean} true if we have added more tokens to cache - * } - */ -export const finalizeTokensArray = async ( - chronik, - preliminaryTokensArray, - cachedTokens = new CashtabCache().tokens, -) => { - // Iterate over preliminaryTokensArray to determine what tokens you need to make API calls for - - // Create an array of promises - // Each promise is a chronik API call to obtain token metadata for this token ID - const getTokenInfoPromises = []; - - const UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ID = - '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; - - for (let i = 0; i < preliminaryTokensArray.length; i += 1) { - const thisTokenId = preliminaryTokensArray[i].tokenId; - // See if you already have this info in cachedTokenInfo - if (cachedTokens.has(thisTokenId)) { - // If you already have this info in cache, - // do not create an API request for it - continue; - } - if (thisTokenId === UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ID) { - // If we have unknown token utxos, hardcode cache info - // Calling chronik.token(UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ID) will always throw an error - cachedTokens.set(UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ID, { - decimals: 0, - tokenTicker: 'UNKNOWN', - tokenName: 'Unknown Token', - url: 'N/A', - }); - continue; - } - const thisTokenInfoPromise = returnGetTokenInfoChronikPromise( - chronik, - thisTokenId, - cachedTokens, - ); - getTokenInfoPromises.push(thisTokenInfoPromise); - } - - const newTokensToCache = getTokenInfoPromises.length > 0; - - // Fetch uncached token genesisInfo and add to cache - try { - await Promise.all(getTokenInfoPromises); - } catch (err) { - console.log(`Error in Promise.all(getTokenInfoPromises)`, err); - } - - // Now use cachedTokenInfoByTokenId object to finalize token info - // Split this out into a separate function so you can unit test - const finalTokenArray = processPreliminaryTokensArray( - preliminaryTokensArray, - cachedTokens, - ); - - // Sort tokens alphabetically by ticker - finalTokenArray.sort((a, b) => - a.info.tokenTicker.localeCompare(b.info.tokenTicker), - ); - - return { tokens: finalTokenArray, cachedTokens, newTokensToCache }; -}; - export const flattenChronikTxHistory = txHistoryOfAllAddresses => { - // Create an array of all txs - let flatTxHistoryArray = []; - for (let i = 0; i < txHistoryOfAllAddresses.length; i += 1) { - const txHistoryResponseOfThisAddress = txHistoryOfAllAddresses[i]; - const txHistoryOfThisAddress = txHistoryResponseOfThisAddress.txs; - flatTxHistoryArray = flatTxHistoryArray.concat(txHistoryOfThisAddress); + for (const txHistoryThisAddress of txHistoryOfAllAddresses) { + flatTxHistoryArray = flatTxHistoryArray.concat( + txHistoryThisAddress.txs, + ); } return flatTxHistoryArray; }; -export const sortAndTrimChronikTxHistory = ( - flatTxHistoryArray, - txHistoryCount, -) => { - // Isolate unconfirmed txs - // In chronik, unconfirmed txs have an `undefined` block key +/** + * Sort an array of chronik txs chronologically and return the first renderedCount of them + * @param {Tx_InNode[]} txs + * @param {number} renderedCount how many txs to return + * @returns + */ +export const sortAndTrimChronikTxHistory = (txs, renderedCount) => { const unconfirmedTxs = []; const confirmedTxs = []; - for (let i = 0; i < flatTxHistoryArray.length; i += 1) { - const thisTx = flatTxHistoryArray[i]; - if (typeof thisTx.block === 'undefined') { - unconfirmedTxs.push(thisTx); + for (const tx of txs) { + if (typeof tx.block === 'undefined') { + unconfirmedTxs.push(tx); } else { - confirmedTxs.push(thisTx); + confirmedTxs.push(tx); } } + // Sort confirmed txs by blockheight, and then timeFirstSeen const sortedConfirmedTxHistoryArray = confirmedTxs.sort( (a, b) => // We want more recent blocks i.e. higher blockheights to have earlier array indices b.block.height - a.block.height || // For blocks with the same height, we want more recent timeFirstSeen i.e. higher timeFirstSeen to have earlier array indices b.timeFirstSeen - a.timeFirstSeen, ); + // Sort unconfirmed txs by timeFirstSeen const sortedUnconfirmedTxHistoryArray = unconfirmedTxs.sort( (a, b) => b.timeFirstSeen - a.timeFirstSeen, ); + // The unconfirmed txs are more recent, so they should be inserted into an array before the confirmed txs const sortedChronikTxHistoryArray = sortedUnconfirmedTxHistoryArray.concat( sortedConfirmedTxHistoryArray, ); const trimmedAndSortedChronikTxHistoryArray = - sortedChronikTxHistoryArray.splice(0, txHistoryCount); + sortedChronikTxHistoryArray.splice(0, renderedCount); return trimmedAndSortedChronikTxHistoryArray; }; -export const returnGetTxHistoryChronikPromise = ( - chronik, - hash160AndAddressObj, -) => { - /* - Chronik thinks in hash160s, but people and wallets think in addresses - Add the address to each utxo - */ - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - chronik - .script('p2pkh', hash160AndAddressObj.hash) - .history(/*page=*/ 0, /*page_size=*/ chronikConfig.txHistoryCount) - .then( - result => { - resolve(result); - }, - err => { - reject(err); - }, - ); - }); -}; - /** - * + * Parse a Tx_InNode object for rendering in Cashtab + * TODO Potentially more efficient to do this calculation in the Tx.js component * @param {Tx_InNode} tx * @param {object} wallet cashtab wallet * @param {Map} cachedTokens * @returns */ -export const parseChronikTx = (tx, wallet, cachedTokens) => { +export const parseTx = (tx, wallet, cachedTokens) => { const walletHash160s = getHashArrayFromWallet(wallet); const { inputs, outputs, tokenEntries } = tx; // Assign defaults let incoming = true; let satoshis = 0; let etokenAmount = new BN(0); let isTokenBurn = false; let isSlpV1 = false; let isUnsupportedTokenTx = false; let isGenesisTx = false; // For now, we only support one token per tx // Get the tokenId if this is an slpv1 tx // TODO support multiple token actions in a tx let tokenId = ''; // Iterate over tokenEntries to parse for token status for (const entry of tokenEntries) { if ( entry.tokenType?.protocol === 'SLP' && entry.tokenType?.number === 1 && typeof entry.tokenId !== 'undefined' ) { isSlpV1 = true; tokenId = entry.tokenId; // Check for token burn if (entry.burnSummary !== '' && entry.actualBurnAmount !== '') { isTokenBurn = true; etokenAmount = new BN(entry.actualBurnAmount); } } if (entry.txType === 'GENESIS') { isGenesisTx = true; } } // We might lose this variable. Cashtab only supports SLP type 1 txs for now. // Will be easy to tell if it's "any token" by modifying this definition, e.g. isSlpV1 | isAlp let isEtokenTx = isSlpV1; isUnsupportedTokenTx = tokenEntries.length > 0 && !isEtokenTx; // Initialize required variables let airdropFlag = false; let airdropTokenId = ''; let opReturnMessage = ''; let isCashtabMessage = false; let isEncryptedMessage = false; let replyAddress = ''; let aliasFlag = false; if (tx.isCoinbase) { // Note that coinbase inputs have `undefined` for `thisInput.outputScript` incoming = true; replyAddress = 'N/A'; } else { // Iterate over inputs to see if this is an incoming tx (incoming === true) for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i += 1) { const thisInput = inputs[i]; /* Assume the first input is the originating address https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Script for reference Assume standard pay-to-pubkey-hash tx scriptPubKey: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG 76 + a9 + 14 = OP_DUP + OP_HASH160 + 14 Bytes to push 88 + ac = OP_EQUALVERIFY + OP_CHECKSIG So, the hash160 we want will be in between '76a914' and '88ac' ...most of the time ;) */ // Since you may have more than one address in inputs, assume the first one is the replyAddress if (i === 0) { try { replyAddress = cashaddr.encodeOutputScript( thisInput.outputScript, ); } catch (err) { console.log( `Error from cashaddr.encodeOutputScript(${thisInput.outputScript})`, err, ); // If the transaction is nonstandard, don't worry about a reply address for now replyAddress = 'N/A'; } } for (let j = 0; j < walletHash160s.length; j += 1) { const thisWalletHash160 = walletHash160s[j]; if ( typeof thisInput.outputScript !== 'undefined' && thisInput.outputScript.includes(thisWalletHash160) ) { // Then this is an outgoing tx incoming = false; // Break out of this for loop once you know this is an outgoing tx break; } } } } // Iterate over outputs to get the amount sent for (let i = 0; i < outputs.length; i += 1) { const thisOutput = outputs[i]; const thisOutputReceivedAtHash160 = thisOutput.outputScript; if ( thisOutputReceivedAtHash160.startsWith( opreturnConfig.opReturnPrefixHex, ) && !isUnsupportedTokenTx ) { // If this is an OP_RETURN output, parse it const stackArray = getStackArray(thisOutputReceivedAtHash160); const lokad = stackArray[0]; switch (lokad) { case opreturnConfig.appPrefixesHex.eToken: { // Do not set opReturnMsg for etoken txs break; } case opreturnConfig.appPrefixesHex.airdrop: { // this is to facilitate special Cashtab-specific cases of airdrop txs, both with and without msgs // The UI via Tx.js can check this airdropFlag attribute in the parsedTx object to conditionally render airdrop-specific formatting if it's true airdropFlag = true; // index 0 is drop prefix, 1 is the token Id, 2 is msg prefix, 3 is msg airdropTokenId = stackArray.length >= 2 ? stackArray[1] : 'N/A'; // Legacy airdrops used to add the Cashtab Msg lokad before a msg if (stackArray.length >= 3) { // If there are pushes beyond the token id, we have a msg isCashtabMessage = true; if ( stackArray[2] === opreturnConfig.appPrefixesHex.cashtab && stackArray.length >= 4 ) { // Legacy airdrops also pushed hte cashtab msg lokad before the msg opReturnMessage = Buffer.from( stackArray[3], 'hex', ).toString(); } else { opReturnMessage = Buffer.from( stackArray[2], 'hex', ).toString(); } } break; } case opreturnConfig.appPrefixesHex.cashtab: { isCashtabMessage = true; if (stackArray.length >= 2) { opReturnMessage = Buffer.from( stackArray[1], 'hex', ).toString(); } else { opReturnMessage = 'off-spec Cashtab Msg'; } break; } case opreturnConfig.appPrefixesHex.cashtabEncrypted: { // Encrypted Cashtab msgs are deprecated, set a standard msg isCashtabMessage = true; isEncryptedMessage = true; opReturnMessage = 'Encrypted Cashtab Msg'; break; } case opreturnConfig.appPrefixesHex.aliasRegistration: { aliasFlag = true; if (stackArray.length >= 3) { opReturnMessage = Buffer.from( stackArray[2], 'hex', ).toString(); } else { opReturnMessage = 'off-spec alias registration'; } break; } case opreturnConfig.appPrefixesHex.paybutton: { // Paybutton tx // For now, Cashtab only supports version 0 PayButton txs // ref doc/standards/paybutton.md // https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/blob/master/doc/standards/paybutton.md // if (stackArray.length !== 4) { opReturnMessage = 'off-spec PayButton tx'; break; } if (stackArray[1] !== '00') { opReturnMessage = `Unsupported version PayButton tx: ${stackArray[1]}`; break; } const dataHex = stackArray[2]; const nonceHex = stackArray[3]; opReturnMessage = `PayButton${ nonceHex !== '00' ? ` (${nonceHex})` : '' }${ dataHex !== '00' ? `: ${Buffer.from(dataHex, 'hex').toString()}` : '' }`; break; } default: { // Unrecognized lokad // In this case, utf8 decode the stack array const decodedStackArray = []; for (const hexStr of stackArray) { decodedStackArray.push( Buffer.from(hexStr, 'hex').toString(), ); } // join with space opReturnMessage = decodedStackArray.join(' '); break; } } // Continue to the next output, we do not need to parse values for OP_RETURN outputs continue; } // Find amounts at your wallet's addresses for (let j = 0; j < walletHash160s.length; j += 1) { const thisWalletHash160 = walletHash160s[j]; if (thisOutputReceivedAtHash160.includes(thisWalletHash160)) { // If incoming tx, this is amount received by the user's wallet // if outgoing tx (incoming === false), then this is a change amount const thisOutputAmount = thisOutput.value; satoshis = incoming ? satoshis + thisOutputAmount : satoshis - thisOutputAmount; // Parse token qty if token tx // Note: edge case this is a token tx that sends XEC to Cashtab recipient but token somewhere else if (isEtokenTx && !isTokenBurn) { try { const thisEtokenAmount = new BN( thisOutput.token.amount, ); etokenAmount = incoming || isGenesisTx ? etokenAmount.plus(thisEtokenAmount) : etokenAmount.minus(thisEtokenAmount); } catch (err) { // edge case described above; in this case there is zero eToken value for this Cashtab recipient in this output, so add 0 etokenAmount.plus(new BN(0)); } } } } // Output amounts not at your wallet are sent amounts if !incoming // Exception for eToken genesis transactions if (!incoming) { const thisOutputAmount = thisOutput.value; satoshis = satoshis + thisOutputAmount; if (isEtokenTx && !isGenesisTx && !isTokenBurn) { try { const thisEtokenAmount = new BN(thisOutput.token.amount); etokenAmount = etokenAmount.plus(thisEtokenAmount); } catch (err) { // NB the edge case described above cannot exist in an outgoing tx // because the eTokens sent originated from this wallet } } } } /* If it's an eToken tx that - did not send any eTokens to the receiving Cashtab wallet - did send XEC to the receiving Cashtab wallet Parse it as an XEC received tx This type of tx is created by this swap wallet. More detailed parsing to be added later as use case is better understood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EFWXHPwzRk */ if (isEtokenTx && etokenAmount.isEqualTo(0)) { isEtokenTx = false; opReturnMessage = ''; } // Convert from sats to XEC const xecAmount = toXec(satoshis); // Get decimal info for correct etokenAmount - let genesisInfo = {}; - + let assumedTokenDecimals = false; if (isEtokenTx) { - // Get token genesis info from cache + // Parse with decimals = 0 if you do not have this token cached for some reason + // Acceptable error rendering in tx history let decimals = 0; - try { - genesisInfo = cachedTokens.get(tokenId); - if (typeof genesisInfo !== 'undefined') { - genesisInfo.success = true; - decimals = genesisInfo.decimals; - etokenAmount = etokenAmount.shiftedBy(-1 * decimals); - } else { - genesisInfo = { success: false }; - } - } catch (err) { - console.log( - `Error getting token info from cache in parseChronikTx for ${tx.txid}`, - err, - ); - // To keep this function synchronous, do not get this info from the API if it is not in cache - // Instead, return a flag so that useWallet.js knows and can fetch this info + add it to cache - genesisInfo = { success: false }; + const cachedTokenInfo = cachedTokens.get(tokenId); + if (typeof cachedTokenInfo !== 'undefined') { + decimals = cachedTokenInfo.genesisInfo.decimals; + } else { + assumedTokenDecimals = true; } + etokenAmount = etokenAmount.shiftedBy(-1 * decimals); } etokenAmount = etokenAmount.toString(); // Return eToken specific fields if eToken tx if (isEtokenTx) { return { incoming, xecAmount, isEtokenTx, etokenAmount, isTokenBurn, tokenEntries: tx.tokenEntries, - genesisInfo, airdropFlag, airdropTokenId, opReturnMessage: '', isCashtabMessage, isEncryptedMessage, replyAddress, + assumedTokenDecimals, }; } // Otherwise do not include these fields return { incoming, xecAmount, isEtokenTx, airdropFlag, airdropTokenId, opReturnMessage, isCashtabMessage, isEncryptedMessage, replyAddress, aliasFlag, }; }; /** * Get tx history of cashtab wallet - * @param {object} chronik chronik-client instance + * - Get tx history of each path in wallet + * - sort by timeFirstSeen + block + * - Trim to number of txs Cashtab renders + * - Parse txs for rendering in Cashtab + * - Update cachedTokens with any new tokenIds + * @param {ChronikClientNode} chronik chronik-client instance * @param {object} wallet cashtab wallet * @param {Map} cachedTokens the map stored at cashtabCache.tokens - * @returns {object} - * { - * parsedTxHistory {array} tx history output parsed for rendering txs in Cashtab - * cachedTokensAfterHistory {Map} cachedTokens the map stored at cashtabCache.tokens updated for any tokens found in tx history - * txHistoryNewTokensToCache {boolean} true if we have added tokens - * } + * @returns {array} Tx_InNode[], each tx also has a 'parsed' key with other rendering info */ -export const getTxHistoryChronik = async (chronik, wallet, cachedTokens) => { - // Create array of promises to get chronik history for each address - // Combine them all and sort by blockheight and firstSeen - // Add all the info cashtab needs to make them useful - - let txHistoryPromises = []; - for (let i = 0; i < wallet.paths.length; i += 1) { - const txHistoryPromise = returnGetTxHistoryChronikPromise( - chronik, - wallet.paths[i], - ); - txHistoryPromises.push(txHistoryPromise); - } - let txHistoryOfAllAddresses; - try { - txHistoryOfAllAddresses = await Promise.all(txHistoryPromises); - } catch (err) { - console.log(`Error in Promise.all(txHistoryPromises)`, err); - } +export const getHistory = async (chronik, wallet, cachedTokens) => { + const txHistoryPromises = []; + wallet.paths.forEach(pathInfo => { + txHistoryPromises.push(chronik.address(pathInfo.address).history()); + }); + + // Just throw an error if you get a chronik error + // This will be handled in the update loop + const txHistoryOfAllAddresses = await Promise.all(txHistoryPromises); + const flatTxHistoryArray = flattenChronikTxHistory(txHistoryOfAllAddresses); - const sortedTxHistoryArray = sortAndTrimChronikTxHistory( + const renderedTxs = sortAndTrimChronikTxHistory( flatTxHistoryArray, chronikConfig.txHistoryCount, ); // Parse txs - const chronikTxHistory = []; - const uncachedTokenIds = new Set(); - for (let i = 0; i < sortedTxHistoryArray.length; i += 1) { - const sortedTx = sortedTxHistoryArray[i]; - // Add token genesis info so parsing function can calculate amount by decimals - sortedTx.parsed = parseChronikTx(sortedTx, wallet, cachedTokens); - // Check to see if this tx was from a token without genesisInfo in cachedTokens - if ( - sortedTx.parsed.isEtokenTx && - sortedTx.parsed.genesisInfo && - !sortedTx.parsed.genesisInfo.success - ) { - // Only add if the token id is not already in uncachedTokenIds - const uncachedTokenId = sortedTx.parsed.tokenEntries[0].tokenId; - uncachedTokenIds.add(uncachedTokenId); + const history = []; + for (const tx of renderedTxs) { + const { tokenEntries } = tx; + + // Get all tokenIds associated with this tx + const tokenIds = new Set(); + for (const tokenEntry of tokenEntries) { + tokenIds.add(tokenEntry.tokenId); } - chronikTxHistory.push(sortedTx); - } - const txHistoryNewTokensToCache = uncachedTokenIds.size > 0; + // Cache any tokenIds you do not have cached + for (const tokenId of [...tokenIds]) { + if (typeof cachedTokens.get(tokenId) === 'undefined') { + // Add it to cache right here + try { + const newTokenCacheInfo = await getTokenGenesisInfo( + chronik, + tokenId, + ); + cachedTokens.set(tokenId, newTokenCacheInfo); + } catch (err) { + // If you have an error getting the calculated token cache info, do not throw + // Could be some token out there that we do not parse properly with getTokenGenesisInfo + // Log it + // parseTx is tolerant to not having the info in cache + console.error( + `Error in getTokenGenesisInfo for tokenId ${tokenId}`, + err, + ); + } + } + } - // Iterate over uncachedTokenIds to get genesis info and add to cache - const getTokenInfoPromises = []; - for (const uncachedTokenId of uncachedTokenIds) { - const thisTokenInfoPromise = returnGetTokenInfoChronikPromise( - chronik, - uncachedTokenId, - cachedTokens, - ); - getTokenInfoPromises.push(thisTokenInfoPromise); - } + tx.parsed = parseTx(tx, wallet, cachedTokens); - // Get all the token info you need - try { - await Promise.all(getTokenInfoPromises); - } catch (err) { - console.log( - `Error in Promise.all(getTokenInfoPromises) in getTxHistoryChronik`, - err, - ); + history.push(tx); } - return { - parsedTxHistory: chronikTxHistory, - cachedTokensAfterHistory: cachedTokens, - txHistoryNewTokensToCache, - }; + return history; }; export const getMintAddress = async (chronik, tokenId) => { let genesisTx; try { genesisTx = await chronik.tx(tokenId); // get the minting address chronik // iterate over the tx outputs const { outputs } = genesisTx; for (let i = 0; i < outputs.length; i += 1) { const thisOutput = outputs[i]; // Check to see if this output has eTokens if ( thisOutput && thisOutput.token && typeof thisOutput.token !== 'undefined' && thisOutput.token.amount && Number(thisOutput.token.amount) > 0 ) { // then this is the minting address return cashaddr.encodeOutputScript(thisOutput.outputScript); } } } catch (err) { console.log(`Error in getMintAddress`, err); return err; } }; + +/** + * Get all info about a token used in Cashtab's token cache + * @param {ChronikClientNode} chronik + * @param {string} tokenId + * @returns {object} + */ +export const getTokenGenesisInfo = async (chronik, tokenId) => { + // We can get timeFirstSeen, block, tokenType, and genesisInfo from the token() endpoint + // If we call this endpoint before the genesis tx is confirmed, we will not get block + // So, block does not need to be included + + const tokenInfo = await chronik.token(tokenId); + const genesisTxInfo = await chronik.tx(tokenId); + + const { timeFirstSeen, genesisInfo, tokenType } = tokenInfo; + const decimals = genesisInfo.decimals; + + // Initialize variables for determined quantities we want to cache + + /** + * genesisSupply {string} + * Quantity of token created at mint + * Note: we may have genesisSupply at different genesisAddresses + * We do not track this information, only total genesisSupply + * Cached as a decimalized string, e.g. 0.000 if 0 with 3 decimal places + * 1000.000000000 if one thousand with 9 decimal places + */ + let genesisSupply = decimalizeTokenAmount('0', decimals); + + /** + * genesisMintBatons {number} + * Number of mint batons created in the genesis tx for this token + */ + let genesisMintBatons = 0; + + /** + * genesisOutputScripts {Set()} + * Address(es) where initial token supply was minted + */ + let genesisOutputScripts = new Set(); + + // Iterate over outputs + for (const output of genesisTxInfo.outputs) { + if ('token' in output && output.token.tokenId === tokenId) { + // If this output of this genesis tx is associated with this tokenId + + const { token, outputScript } = output; + + // Add its outputScript to genesisOutputScripts + genesisOutputScripts.add(outputScript); + + const { isMintBaton, amount } = token; + if (isMintBaton) { + // If it is a mintBaton, increment genesisMintBatons + genesisMintBatons += 1; + } + + // Increment genesisSupply + // decimalizeTokenAmount, undecimalizeTokenAmount + //genesisSupply = genesisSupply.plus(new BN(amount)); + + genesisSupply = decimalizeTokenAmount( + ( + BigInt(undecimalizeTokenAmount(genesisSupply, decimals)) + + BigInt(amount) + ).toString(), + decimals, + ); + } + } + + const tokenCache = { + tokenType, + genesisInfo, + timeFirstSeen, + genesisSupply, + // Return genesisOutputScripts as an array as we no longer require Set features + genesisOutputScripts: [...genesisOutputScripts], + genesisMintBatons, + }; + if ('block' in tokenInfo) { + // If the genesis tx is confirmed at the time we check + tokenCache.block = tokenInfo.block; + } + + // Note: if it is not confirmed, we can update the cache later when we try to use this value + + return tokenCache; +}; + +/** + * Get decimalized balance of every token held by a wallet + * Update Cashtab's tokenCache if any tokens are uncached + * @param {ChronikClientNode} chronik + * @param {array} slpUtxos array of token utxos from chronik + * @param {Map} tokenCache Cashtab's token cache + * @returns {Map} Map of tokenId => token balance as decimalized string + * Also updates tokenCache + */ +export const getTokenBalances = async (chronik, slpUtxos, tokenCache) => { + const walletStateTokens = new Map(); + for (const utxo of slpUtxos) { + // Every utxo in slpUtxos will have a tokenId + const { token } = utxo; + const { tokenId, amount } = token; + // Is this token cached? + let cachedTokenInfo = tokenCache.get(tokenId); + if (typeof cachedTokenInfo === 'undefined') { + // If we have not cached this token before, cache it + cachedTokenInfo = await getTokenGenesisInfo(chronik, tokenId); + tokenCache.set(tokenId, cachedTokenInfo); + } + // Now decimals is available + const decimals = cachedTokenInfo.genesisInfo.decimals; + + const tokenBalanceInMap = walletStateTokens.get(tokenId); + + // Update or initialize token balance as a decimalized string in walletStateTokens Map + walletStateTokens.set( + tokenId, + typeof tokenBalanceInMap === 'undefined' + ? decimalizeTokenAmount(amount, decimals) + : decimalizeTokenAmount( + ( + BigInt( + undecimalizeTokenAmount( + tokenBalanceInMap, + decimals, + ), + ) + BigInt(amount) + ).toString(), + decimals, + ), + ); + } + + return walletStateTokens; +}; diff --git a/cashtab/src/components/Airdrop/Airdrop.js b/cashtab/src/components/Airdrop/Airdrop.js index 5e1306ea8..f4b8e707b 100644 --- a/cashtab/src/components/Airdrop/Airdrop.js +++ b/cashtab/src/components/Airdrop/Airdrop.js @@ -1,603 +1,601 @@ // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { BN } from 'slp-mdm'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { WalletContext } from 'wallet/context'; import { AntdFormWrapper, DestinationAddressMulti, InputAmountSingle, } from 'components/Common/EnhancedInputs'; import { Form, Input } from 'antd'; import { Switch } from 'antd'; import PrimaryButton from 'components/Common/PrimaryButton'; import CopyToClipboard from 'components/Common/CopyToClipboard'; import { getMintAddress } from 'chronik'; import { isValidTokenId, isValidXecAirdrop, isValidAirdropExclusionArray, } from 'validation'; import { SidePaddingCtn } from 'components/Common/Atoms'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { getAirdropTx, getEqualAirdropTx } from 'airdrop'; import Communist from 'assets/communist.png'; import { toast } from 'react-toastify'; const { TextArea } = Input; const Gulag = styled.img` width: 20px; height: 20px; `; const SwitchContentHolder = styled.div` display: flex; align-items: center; `; const AirdropActions = styled.div` text-align: center; width: 100%; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; display: flex; justify-content: center; a { color: ${props => props.theme.contrast}; margin: 0; font-size: 11px; border: 1px solid ${props => props.theme.contrast}; border-radius: 5px; padding: 2px 10px; opacity: 0.6; } a:hover { opacity: 1; border-color: ${props => props.theme.eCashBlue}; color: ${props => props.theme.contrast}; background: ${props => props.theme.eCashBlue}; } ${({ received, ...props }) => received && ` text-align: left; background: ${props.theme.receivedMessage}; `} `; const AirdropOptions = styled.div` text-align: left; color: ${props => props.theme.contrast}; `; const Airdrop = ({ passLoadingStatus }) => { const ContextValue = React.useContext(WalletContext); const { chronik, cashtabState } = ContextValue; const { wallets, cashtabCache } = cashtabState; const wallet = wallets.length > 0 ? wallets[0] : false; const location = useLocation(); useEffect(() => { if (location && location.state && location.state.airdropEtokenId) { setFormData({ ...formData, tokenId: location.state.airdropEtokenId, }); handleTokenIdInput({ target: { value: location.state.airdropEtokenId, }, }); } }, []); const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ tokenId: '', totalAirdrop: '', }); const [equalDistributionRatio, setEqualDistributionRatio] = useState(false); const [tokenIdIsValid, setTokenIdIsValid] = useState(null); const [totalAirdropIsValid, setTotalAirdropIsValid] = useState(null); const [airdropRecipients, setAirdropRecipients] = useState(''); const [showAirdropOutputs, setShowAirdropOutputs] = useState(false); const [ignoreOwnAddress, setIgnoreOwnAddress] = useState(false); const [ignoreMintAddress, setIgnoreMintAddress] = useState(false); // flag to reflect the exclusion list checkbox const [ignoreCustomAddresses, setIgnoreCustomAddresses] = useState(false); // the exclusion list values const [ignoreCustomAddressesList, setIgnoreCustomAddressesList] = useState(false); const [ ignoreCustomAddressesListIsValid, setIgnoreCustomAddressesListIsValid, ] = useState(false); const [ignoreCustomAddressListError, setIgnoreCustomAddressListError] = useState(false); // flag to reflect the ignore minimum etoken balance switch const [ignoreMinEtokenBalance, setIgnoreMinEtokenBalance] = useState(false); const [ignoreMinEtokenBalanceAmount, setIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmount] = useState(new BN(0)); const [ ignoreMinEtokenBalanceAmountIsValid, setIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmountIsValid, ] = useState(false); const [ ignoreMinEtokenBalanceAmountError, setIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmountError, ] = useState(false); const handleTokenIdInput = e => { const { name, value } = e.target; setTokenIdIsValid(isValidTokenId(value)); setFormData(p => ({ ...p, [name]: value, })); }; const handleTotalAirdropInput = e => { const { name, value } = e.target; setTotalAirdropIsValid(isValidXecAirdrop(value)); setFormData(p => ({ ...p, [name]: value, })); }; const handleMinEtokenBalanceChange = e => { const { value } = e.target; if (new BN(value).gt(new BN(0))) { setIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmountIsValid(true); setIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmountError(false); } else { setIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmountError( 'Minimum eToken balance must be greater than 0', ); setIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmountIsValid(false); } setIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmount(value); }; const calculateXecAirdrop = async () => { // Airdrop txs are instant for most tokens, but can take some time for // tokens with a large amount of holders passLoadingStatus(true); // hide any previous airdrop outputs setShowAirdropOutputs(false); let tokenUtxos; try { tokenUtxos = await chronik.tokenId(formData.tokenId).utxos(); } catch (err) { console.log(`Error getting token utxos from chronik`, err); toast.error('Error retrieving airdrop recipients'); return passLoadingStatus(false); } const excludedAddresses = []; if (ignoreOwnAddress) { - excludedAddresses.push( - wallet.paths.find(pathInfo => pathInfo.path === 1899).address, - ); + excludedAddresses.push(wallet.paths.get(1899).address); } if (ignoreMintAddress) { let mintAddress; try { mintAddress = await getMintAddress(chronik, formData.tokenId); excludedAddresses.push(mintAddress); } catch (err) { console.log(`Error getting mint address from chronik`, err); toast.error( `Error determining mint address for ${formData.tokenId}`, ); return passLoadingStatus(false); } } if (ignoreCustomAddresses && ignoreCustomAddressesListIsValid) { const addressStringArray = ignoreCustomAddressesList.split(','); for (const address of addressStringArray) { excludedAddresses.push(address); } } // Convert user-entered ignoreMinEtokenBalanceAmount to correct decimals // i.e., "undecimalize it" so it is on the same basis as other amounts in getAirdropTx const tokenInfo = cashtabCache.tokens.get(formData.tokenId); let undecimalizedMinTokenAmount; if (typeof tokenInfo === 'undefined') { // User may be airdropping to a token they do not hold // In this case, we must get decimals from chronik let tokenInfo; try { tokenInfo = await chronik.token(formData.tokenId); undecimalizedMinTokenAmount = new BN( ignoreMinEtokenBalanceAmount, ) .times(10 ** tokenInfo.genesisInfo.decimals) .toString(); } catch (err) { console.log(`Error getting token utxos from chronik`, err); toast.error( `Error determining mint address for ${formData.tokenId}`, ); return passLoadingStatus(false); } } else { // get it from cache if available undecimalizedMinTokenAmount = new BN(ignoreMinEtokenBalanceAmount) .times(10 ** tokenInfo.decimals) .toString(); } // Get the csv let csv; try { csv = equalDistributionRatio ? getEqualAirdropTx( tokenUtxos, excludedAddresses, formData.totalAirdrop, undecimalizedMinTokenAmount, ) : getAirdropTx( tokenUtxos, excludedAddresses, formData.totalAirdrop, undecimalizedMinTokenAmount, ); setAirdropRecipients(csv); // display the airdrop outputs TextArea setShowAirdropOutputs(true); } catch (err) { toast.error(`${err}`); } return passLoadingStatus(false); }; const handleIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmt = e => { setIgnoreMinEtokenBalance(e); // Also reset the balance amount setIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmount(new BN(0)); }; const handleIgnoreOwnAddress = e => { setIgnoreOwnAddress(e); }; const handleIgnoreMintAddress = e => { setIgnoreMintAddress(e); }; const handleIgnoreCustomAddresses = e => { setIgnoreCustomAddresses(e); }; const handleIgnoreCustomAddressesList = e => { // if the checkbox is not checked then skip the input validation if (!ignoreCustomAddresses) { return; } let customAddressList = e.target.value; // remove all whitespaces via regex customAddressList = customAddressList.replace(/ /g, ''); // validate the exclusion list input const addressListIsValid = isValidAirdropExclusionArray(customAddressList); setIgnoreCustomAddressesListIsValid(addressListIsValid); if (!addressListIsValid) { setIgnoreCustomAddressListError( 'Invalid address detected in ignore list', ); } else { setIgnoreCustomAddressListError(false); // needs to be explicitly set in order to refresh the error state from prior invalidation } // commit the ignore list to state setIgnoreCustomAddressesList(customAddressList); }; let airdropCalcInputIsValid = tokenIdIsValid && totalAirdropIsValid; // if the ignore min etoken balance and exclusion list options are in use, add the relevant validation to the total pre-calculation validation if (ignoreMinEtokenBalance && ignoreCustomAddresses) { // both enabled airdropCalcInputIsValid = ignoreMinEtokenBalanceAmountIsValid && tokenIdIsValid && totalAirdropIsValid && ignoreCustomAddressesListIsValid; } else if (ignoreMinEtokenBalance && !ignoreCustomAddresses) { // ignore minimum etoken balance option only airdropCalcInputIsValid = ignoreMinEtokenBalanceAmountIsValid && tokenIdIsValid && totalAirdropIsValid; } else if (!ignoreMinEtokenBalance && ignoreCustomAddresses) { // ignore custom addresses only airdropCalcInputIsValid = tokenIdIsValid && totalAirdropIsValid && ignoreCustomAddressesListIsValid; } return ( <>
handleTokenIdInput(e)} /> handleTotalAirdropInput(e)} /> "Equal"{' '} } unCheckedChildren="Pro-Rata" defaultunchecked="true" checked={equalDistributionRatio} onChange={() => { setEqualDistributionRatio( prev => !prev, ); }} /> {equalDistributionRatio ? ` Airdrop qty the same for everyone` : ` Airdrop qty scaled to token balance`} handleIgnoreOwnAddress(prev => !prev) } defaultunchecked="true" checked={ignoreOwnAddress} />  Ignore my own address handleIgnoreMintAddress(prev => !prev) } defaultunchecked="true" checked={ignoreMintAddress} />  Ignore eToken minter address handleIgnoreMinEtokenBalanceAmt( prev => !prev, ) } defaultunchecked="true" checked={ignoreMinEtokenBalance} style={{ marginBottom: '5px', }} />  Minimum eToken holder balance {ignoreMinEtokenBalance && ( handleMinEtokenBalanceChange(e), value: ignoreMinEtokenBalanceAmount, }} /> )} handleIgnoreCustomAddresses( prev => !prev, ) } defaultunchecked="true" checked={ignoreCustomAddresses} style={{ marginBottom: '5px', }} />  Ignore custom addresses {ignoreCustomAddresses && ( handleIgnoreCustomAddressesList( e, ), required: ignoreCustomAddresses, disabled: !ignoreCustomAddresses, }} /> )} calculateXecAirdrop()} disabled={ !airdropCalcInputIsValid || !tokenIdIsValid } > Calculate Airdrop {showAirdropOutputs && ( <> One to Many Airdrop Payment Outputs