diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_compactblocks.py b/test/functional/p2p_compactblocks.py index f96183868..0b7fdf491 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_compactblocks.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_compactblocks.py @@ -1,899 +1,934 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. -from test_framework.mininode import * -from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import * +import random + from test_framework.blocktools import create_block, create_coinbase +from test_framework.messages import ( + BlockTransactions, + BlockTransactionsRequest, + calculate_shortid, + CBlock, + CBlockHeader, + CInv, + COutPoint, + CTransaction, + CTxIn, + CTxOut, + FromHex, + HeaderAndShortIDs, + msg_block, + msg_blocktxn, + msg_cmpctblock, + msg_getblocktxn, + msg_getdata, + msg_getheaders, + msg_headers, + msg_inv, + msg_sendcmpct, + msg_sendheaders, + msg_tx, + NODE_NETWORK, + P2PHeaderAndShortIDs, + PrefilledTransaction, + ToHex, +) +from test_framework.mininode import ( + mininode_lock, + network_thread_start, + P2PInterface, +) from test_framework.script import CScript, OP_TRUE +from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.txtools import pad_tx +from test_framework.util import assert_equal, sync_blocks, wait_until ''' CompactBlocksTest -- test compact blocks (BIP 152) Only testing Version 1 compact blocks (txids) ''' # TestNode: A peer we use to send messages to bitcoind, and store responses. class TestNode(P2PInterface): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.last_sendcmpct = [] self.block_announced = False # Store the hashes of blocks we've seen announced. # This is for synchronizing the p2p message traffic, # so we can eg wait until a particular block is announced. self.announced_blockhashes = set() def on_sendcmpct(self, message): self.last_sendcmpct.append(message) def on_cmpctblock(self, message): self.block_announced = True self.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() self.announced_blockhashes.add( self.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids.header.sha256) def on_headers(self, message): self.block_announced = True for x in self.last_message["headers"].headers: x.calc_sha256() self.announced_blockhashes.add(x.sha256) def on_inv(self, message): for x in self.last_message["inv"].inv: if x.type == 2: self.block_announced = True self.announced_blockhashes.add(x.hash) # Requires caller to hold mininode_lock def received_block_announcement(self): return self.block_announced def clear_block_announcement(self): with mininode_lock: self.block_announced = False self.last_message.pop("inv", None) self.last_message.pop("headers", None) self.last_message.pop("cmpctblock", None) def get_headers(self, locator, hashstop): msg = msg_getheaders() msg.locator.vHave = locator msg.hashstop = hashstop self.send_message(msg) def send_header_for_blocks(self, new_blocks): headers_message = msg_headers() headers_message.headers = [CBlockHeader(b) for b in new_blocks] self.send_message(headers_message) def request_headers_and_sync(self, locator, hashstop=0): self.clear_block_announcement() self.get_headers(locator, hashstop) wait_until(self.received_block_announcement, timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) self.clear_block_announcement() # Block until a block announcement for a particular block hash is # received. def wait_for_block_announcement(self, block_hash, timeout=30): def received_hash(): return (block_hash in self.announced_blockhashes) wait_until(received_hash, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) def send_await_disconnect(self, message, timeout=30): """Sends a message to the node and wait for disconnect. This is used when we want to send a message into the node that we expect will get us disconnected, eg an invalid block.""" self.send_message(message) wait_until(lambda: self.state != "connected", timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) class CompactBlocksTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.extra_args = [[], ["-txindex"]] self.utxos = [] def build_block_on_tip(self, node): height = node.getblockcount() tip = node.getbestblockhash() mtp = node.getblockheader(tip)['mediantime'] block = create_block( int(tip, 16), create_coinbase(height + 1), mtp + 1) block.nVersion = 4 block.solve() return block # Create 10 more anyone-can-spend utxo's for testing. def make_utxos(self): # Doesn't matter which node we use, just use node0. block = self.build_block_on_tip(self.nodes[0]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block)) assert(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) == block.sha256) self.nodes[0].generate(100) total_value = block.vtx[0].vout[0].nValue out_value = total_value // 10 tx = CTransaction() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(block.vtx[0].sha256, 0), b'')) for i in range(10): tx.vout.append(CTxOut(out_value, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) tx.rehash() block2 = self.build_block_on_tip(self.nodes[0]) block2.vtx.append(tx) block2.hashMerkleRoot = block2.calc_merkle_root() block2.solve() self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block2)) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block2.sha256) self.utxos.extend([[tx.sha256, i, out_value] for i in range(10)]) return # Test "sendcmpct" (between peers preferring the same version): # - No compact block announcements unless sendcmpct is sent. # - If sendcmpct is sent with version > preferred_version, the message is ignored. # - If sendcmpct is sent with boolean 0, then block announcements are not # made with compact blocks. # - If sendcmpct is then sent with boolean 1, then new block announcements # are made with compact blocks. # If old_node is passed in, request compact blocks with version=preferred-1 # and verify that it receives block announcements via compact block. def test_sendcmpct(self, node, test_node, preferred_version, old_node=None): # Make sure we get a SENDCMPCT message from our peer def received_sendcmpct(): return (len(test_node.last_sendcmpct) > 0) wait_until(received_sendcmpct, timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) with mininode_lock: # Check that the first version received is the preferred one assert_equal( test_node.last_sendcmpct[0].version, preferred_version) # And that we receive versions down to 1. assert_equal(test_node.last_sendcmpct[-1].version, 1) test_node.last_sendcmpct = [] tip = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) def check_announcement_of_new_block(node, peer, predicate): peer.clear_block_announcement() block_hash = int(node.generate(1)[0], 16) peer.wait_for_block_announcement(block_hash, timeout=30) assert(peer.block_announced) with mininode_lock: assert predicate(peer), ( "block_hash={!r}, cmpctblock={!r}, inv={!r}".format( block_hash, peer.last_message.get("cmpctblock", None), peer.last_message.get("inv", None))) # We shouldn't get any block announcements via cmpctblock yet. check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" not in p.last_message) # Try one more time, this time after requesting headers. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" not in p.last_message and "inv" in p.last_message) # Test a few ways of using sendcmpct that should NOT # result in compact block announcements. # Before each test, sync the headers chain. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Now try a SENDCMPCT message with too-high version sendcmpct = msg_sendcmpct() sendcmpct.version = 999 # was: preferred_version+1 sendcmpct.announce = True test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" not in p.last_message) # Headers sync before next test. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Now try a SENDCMPCT message with valid version, but announce=False sendcmpct.version = preferred_version sendcmpct.announce = False test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" not in p.last_message) # Headers sync before next test. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Finally, try a SENDCMPCT message with announce=True sendcmpct.version = preferred_version sendcmpct.announce = True test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" in p.last_message) # Try one more time (no headers sync should be needed!) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" in p.last_message) # Try one more time, after turning on sendheaders test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendheaders()) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" in p.last_message) # Try one more time, after sending a version-1, announce=false message. sendcmpct.version = preferred_version - 1 sendcmpct.announce = False test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" in p.last_message) # Now turn off announcements sendcmpct.version = preferred_version sendcmpct.announce = False test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" not in p.last_message and "headers" in p.last_message) if old_node is not None: # Verify that a peer using an older protocol version can receive # announcements from this node. sendcmpct.version = 1 # preferred_version-1 sendcmpct.announce = True old_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) # Header sync old_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, old_node, lambda p: "cmpctblock" in p.last_message) # This test actually causes bitcoind to (reasonably!) disconnect us, so do # this last. def test_invalid_cmpctblock_message(self): self.nodes[0].generate(101) block = self.build_block_on_tip(self.nodes[0]) cmpct_block = P2PHeaderAndShortIDs() cmpct_block.header = CBlockHeader(block) cmpct_block.prefilled_txn_length = 1 # This index will be too high prefilled_txn = PrefilledTransaction(1, block.vtx[0]) cmpct_block.prefilled_txn = [prefilled_txn] self.test_node.send_await_disconnect(msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block)) assert_equal( int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block.hashPrevBlock) # Compare the generated shortids to what we expect based on BIP 152, given # bitcoind's choice of nonce. def test_compactblock_construction(self, node, test_node): # Generate a bunch of transactions. node.generate(101) num_transactions = 25 address = node.getnewaddress() for i in range(num_transactions): txid = node.sendtoaddress(address, 0.1) hex_tx = node.gettransaction(txid)["hex"] tx = FromHex(CTransaction(), hex_tx) # Wait until we've seen the block announcement for the resulting tip tip = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) test_node.wait_for_block_announcement(tip) # Make sure we will receive a fast-announce compact block self.request_cb_announcements(test_node, node) # Now mine a block, and look at the resulting compact block. test_node.clear_block_announcement() block_hash = int(node.generate(1)[0], 16) # Store the raw block in our internal format. block = FromHex(CBlock(), node.getblock( "{:02x}".format(block_hash), False)) for tx in block.vtx: tx.calc_sha256() block.rehash() # Wait until the block was announced (via compact blocks) wait_until(test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) # Now fetch and check the compact block header_and_shortids = None with mininode_lock: assert("cmpctblock" in test_node.last_message) # Convert the on-the-wire representation to absolute indexes header_and_shortids = HeaderAndShortIDs( test_node.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids) self.check_compactblock_construction_from_block( header_and_shortids, block_hash, block) # Now fetch the compact block using a normal non-announce getdata with mininode_lock: test_node.clear_block_announcement() inv = CInv(4, block_hash) # 4 == "CompactBlock" test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([inv])) wait_until(test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) # Now fetch and check the compact block header_and_shortids = None with mininode_lock: assert("cmpctblock" in test_node.last_message) # Convert the on-the-wire representation to absolute indexes header_and_shortids = HeaderAndShortIDs( test_node.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids) self.check_compactblock_construction_from_block( header_and_shortids, block_hash, block) def check_compactblock_construction_from_block(self, header_and_shortids, block_hash, block): # Check that we got the right block! header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() assert_equal(header_and_shortids.header.sha256, block_hash) # Make sure the prefilled_txn appears to have included the coinbase assert(len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) >= 1) assert_equal(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn[0].index, 0) # Check that all prefilled_txn entries match what's in the block. for entry in header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn: entry.tx.calc_sha256() # This checks the tx agree assert_equal(entry.tx.sha256, block.vtx[entry.index].sha256) # Check that the cmpctblock message announced all the transactions. assert_equal(len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) + len(header_and_shortids.shortids), len(block.vtx)) # And now check that all the shortids are as expected as well. # Determine the siphash keys to use. [k0, k1] = header_and_shortids.get_siphash_keys() index = 0 while index < len(block.vtx): if (len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) > 0 and header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn[0].index == index): # Already checked prefilled transactions above header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn.pop(0) else: tx_hash = block.vtx[index].sha256 shortid = calculate_shortid(k0, k1, tx_hash) assert_equal(shortid, header_and_shortids.shortids[0]) header_and_shortids.shortids.pop(0) index += 1 # Test that bitcoind requests compact blocks when we announce new blocks # via header or inv, and that responding to getblocktxn causes the block # to be successfully reconstructed. def test_compactblock_requests(self, node, test_node, version): # Try announcing a block with an inv or header, expect a compactblock # request for announce in ["inv", "header"]: block = self.build_block_on_tip(node) with mininode_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("getdata", None) if announce == "inv": test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(2, block.sha256)])) wait_until(lambda: "getheaders" in test_node.last_message, timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) test_node.send_header_for_blocks([block]) else: test_node.send_header_for_blocks([block]) wait_until(lambda: "getdata" in test_node.last_message, timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) assert_equal(len(test_node.last_message["getdata"].inv), 1) assert_equal(test_node.last_message["getdata"].inv[0].type, 4) assert_equal( test_node.last_message["getdata"].inv[0].hash, block.sha256) # Send back a compactblock message that omits the coinbase comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.header = CBlockHeader(block) comp_block.nonce = 0 [k0, k1] = comp_block.get_siphash_keys() coinbase_hash = block.vtx[0].sha256 comp_block.shortids = [ calculate_shortid(k0, k1, coinbase_hash)] test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.hashPrevBlock) # Expect a getblocktxn message. with mininode_lock: assert("getblocktxn" in test_node.last_message) absolute_indexes = test_node.last_message["getblocktxn"].block_txn_request.to_absolute( ) assert_equal(absolute_indexes, [0]) # should be a coinbase request # Send the coinbase, and verify that the tip advances. msg = msg_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions.blockhash = block.sha256 msg.block_transactions.transactions = [block.vtx[0]] test_node.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) # Create a chain of transactions from given utxo, and add to a new block. # Note that num_transactions is number of transactions not including the # coinbase. def build_block_with_transactions(self, node, utxo, num_transactions): block = self.build_block_on_tip(node) for i in range(num_transactions): tx = CTransaction() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(utxo[0], utxo[1]), b'')) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(utxo[2] - 1000, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) pad_tx(tx) tx.rehash() utxo = [tx.sha256, 0, tx.vout[0].nValue] block.vtx.append(tx) ordered_txs = block.vtx block.vtx = [block.vtx[0]] + \ sorted(block.vtx[1:], key=lambda tx: tx.get_id()) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() return block, ordered_txs # Test that we only receive getblocktxn requests for transactions that the # node needs, and that responding to them causes the block to be # reconstructed. def test_getblocktxn_requests(self, node, test_node, version): def test_getblocktxn_response(compact_block, peer, expected_result): msg = msg_cmpctblock(compact_block.to_p2p()) peer.send_and_ping(msg) with mininode_lock: assert("getblocktxn" in peer.last_message) absolute_indexes = peer.last_message["getblocktxn"].block_txn_request.to_absolute( ) assert_equal(absolute_indexes, expected_result) def test_tip_after_message(node, peer, msg, tip): peer.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), tip) # First try announcing compactblocks that won't reconstruct, and verify # that we receive getblocktxn messages back. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block, ordered_txs = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) self.utxos.append( [ordered_txs[-1].sha256, 0, ordered_txs[-1].vout[0].nValue]) comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block) test_getblocktxn_response(comp_block, test_node, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) msg_bt = msg_blocktxn() msg_bt.block_transactions = BlockTransactions( block.sha256, block.vtx[1:]) test_tip_after_message(node, test_node, msg_bt, block.sha256) utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block, ordered_txs = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) self.utxos.append( [ordered_txs[-1].sha256, 0, ordered_txs[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Now try interspersing the prefilled transactions comp_block.initialize_from_block( block, prefill_list=[0, 1, 5]) test_getblocktxn_response(comp_block, test_node, [2, 3, 4]) msg_bt.block_transactions = BlockTransactions( block.sha256, block.vtx[2:5]) test_tip_after_message(node, test_node, msg_bt, block.sha256) # Now try giving one transaction ahead of time. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block, ordered_txs = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) self.utxos.append( [ordered_txs[-1].sha256, 0, ordered_txs[-1].vout[0].nValue]) test_node.send_and_ping(msg_tx(ordered_txs[1])) assert(ordered_txs[1].hash in node.getrawmempool()) test_node.send_and_ping(msg_tx(ordered_txs[1])) # Prefill 4 out of the 6 transactions, and verify that only the one # that was not in the mempool is requested. prefill_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] prefill_list.remove(block.vtx.index(ordered_txs[1])) expected_index = block.vtx.index(ordered_txs[-1]) prefill_list.remove(expected_index) comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=prefill_list) test_getblocktxn_response(comp_block, test_node, [expected_index]) msg_bt.block_transactions = BlockTransactions( block.sha256, [ordered_txs[5]]) test_tip_after_message(node, test_node, msg_bt, block.sha256) # Now provide all transactions to the node before the block is # announced and verify reconstruction happens immediately. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block, ordered_txs = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 10) self.utxos.append( [ordered_txs[-1].sha256, 0, ordered_txs[-1].vout[0].nValue]) for tx in block.vtx[1:]: test_node.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Make sure all transactions were accepted. mempool = node.getrawmempool() for tx in block.vtx[1:]: assert(tx.hash in mempool) # Clear out last request. with mininode_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("getblocktxn", None) # Send compact block comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0]) test_tip_after_message( node, test_node, msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p()), block.sha256) with mininode_lock: # Shouldn't have gotten a request for any transaction assert("getblocktxn" not in test_node.last_message) # Incorrectly responding to a getblocktxn shouldn't cause the block to be # permanently failed. def test_incorrect_blocktxn_response(self, node, test_node, version): if (len(self.utxos) == 0): self.make_utxos() utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block, ordered_txs = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 10) self.utxos.append( [ordered_txs[-1].sha256, 0, ordered_txs[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Relay the first 5 transactions from the block in advance for tx in ordered_txs[1:6]: test_node.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Make sure all transactions were accepted. mempool = node.getrawmempool() for tx in ordered_txs[1:6]: assert(tx.hash in mempool) # Send compact block comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0]) test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) absolute_indices = [] with mininode_lock: assert("getblocktxn" in test_node.last_message) absolute_indices = test_node.last_message["getblocktxn"].block_txn_request.to_absolute( ) expected_indices = [] for i in [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]: expected_indices.append(block.vtx.index(ordered_txs[i])) assert_equal(absolute_indices, sorted(expected_indices)) # Now give an incorrect response. # Note that it's possible for bitcoind to be smart enough to know we're # lying, since it could check to see if the shortid matches what we're # sending, and eg disconnect us for misbehavior. If that behavior # change were made, we could just modify this test by having a # different peer provide the block further down, so that we're still # verifying that the block isn't marked bad permanently. This is good # enough for now. msg = msg_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions = BlockTransactions( block.sha256, [ordered_txs[5]] + ordered_txs[7:]) test_node.send_and_ping(msg) # Tip should not have updated assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.hashPrevBlock) # We should receive a getdata request wait_until(lambda: "getdata" in test_node.last_message, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock) assert_equal(len(test_node.last_message["getdata"].inv), 1) assert(test_node.last_message["getdata"].inv[0].type == 2) assert_equal( test_node.last_message["getdata"].inv[0].hash, block.sha256) # Deliver the block test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block)) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) def test_getblocktxn_handler(self, node, test_node, version): # bitcoind will not send blocktxn responses for blocks whose height is # more than 10 blocks deep. MAX_GETBLOCKTXN_DEPTH = 10 chain_height = node.getblockcount() current_height = chain_height while (current_height >= chain_height - MAX_GETBLOCKTXN_DEPTH): block_hash = node.getblockhash(current_height) block = FromHex(CBlock(), node.getblock(block_hash, False)) msg = msg_getblocktxn() msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest( int(block_hash, 16), []) num_to_request = random.randint(1, len(block.vtx)) msg.block_txn_request.from_absolute( sorted(random.sample(range(len(block.vtx)), num_to_request))) test_node.send_message(msg) wait_until(lambda: "blocktxn" in test_node.last_message, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock) [tx.calc_sha256() for tx in block.vtx] with mininode_lock: assert_equal(test_node.last_message["blocktxn"].block_transactions.blockhash, int( block_hash, 16)) all_indices = msg.block_txn_request.to_absolute() for index in all_indices: tx = test_node.last_message["blocktxn"].block_transactions.transactions.pop( 0) tx.calc_sha256() assert_equal(tx.sha256, block.vtx[index].sha256) test_node.last_message.pop("blocktxn", None) current_height -= 1 # Next request should send a full block response, as we're past the # allowed depth for a blocktxn response. block_hash = node.getblockhash(current_height) msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest( int(block_hash, 16), [0]) with mininode_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("block", None) test_node.last_message.pop("blocktxn", None) test_node.send_and_ping(msg) with mininode_lock: test_node.last_message["block"].block.calc_sha256() assert_equal( test_node.last_message["block"].block.sha256, int(block_hash, 16)) assert "blocktxn" not in test_node.last_message def test_compactblocks_not_at_tip(self, node, test_node): # Test that requesting old compactblocks doesn't work. MAX_CMPCTBLOCK_DEPTH = 5 new_blocks = [] for i in range(MAX_CMPCTBLOCK_DEPTH + 1): test_node.clear_block_announcement() new_blocks.append(node.generate(1)[0]) wait_until(test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) test_node.clear_block_announcement() test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([CInv(4, int(new_blocks[0], 16))])) wait_until(lambda: "cmpctblock" in test_node.last_message, timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) test_node.clear_block_announcement() node.generate(1) wait_until(test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) test_node.clear_block_announcement() with mininode_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("block", None) test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([CInv(4, int(new_blocks[0], 16))])) wait_until(lambda: "block" in test_node.last_message, timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) with mininode_lock: test_node.last_message["block"].block.calc_sha256() assert_equal( test_node.last_message["block"].block.sha256, int(new_blocks[0], 16)) # Generate an old compactblock, and verify that it's not accepted. cur_height = node.getblockcount() hashPrevBlock = int(node.getblockhash(cur_height - 5), 16) block = self.build_block_on_tip(node) block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrevBlock block.solve() comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block) test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) tips = node.getchaintips() found = False for x in tips: if x["hash"] == block.hash: assert_equal(x["status"], "headers-only") found = True break assert(found) # Requesting this block via getblocktxn should silently fail # (to avoid fingerprinting attacks). msg = msg_getblocktxn() msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest(block.sha256, [0]) with mininode_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("blocktxn", None) test_node.send_and_ping(msg) with mininode_lock: assert "blocktxn" not in test_node.last_message def test_end_to_end_block_relay(self, node, listeners): utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block, _ = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 10) [l.clear_block_announcement() for l in listeners] node.submitblock(ToHex(block)) for l in listeners: wait_until(lambda: l.received_block_announcement(), timeout=30, lock=mininode_lock) with mininode_lock: for l in listeners: assert "cmpctblock" in l.last_message l.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256( ) assert_equal( l.last_message["cmpctblock"].header_and_shortids.header.sha256, block.sha256) # Test that we don't get disconnected if we relay a compact block with valid header, # but invalid transactions. def test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock(self, node, test_node): assert(len(self.utxos)) utxo = self.utxos[0] block, ordered_txs = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) block.vtx.remove(ordered_txs[3]) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() # Now send the compact block with all transactions prefilled, and # verify that we don't get disconnected. comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) msg = msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p()) test_node.send_and_ping(msg) # Check that the tip didn't advance assert(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) is not block.sha256) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Helper for enabling cb announcements # Send the sendcmpct request and sync headers def request_cb_announcements(self, peer, node, version=1): tip = node.getbestblockhash() peer.get_headers(locator=[int(tip, 16)], hashstop=0) msg = msg_sendcmpct() msg.version = version msg.announce = True peer.send_and_ping(msg) def test_compactblock_reconstruction_multiple_peers(self, node, stalling_peer, delivery_peer): assert(len(self.utxos)) def announce_cmpct_block(node, peer): utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block, _ = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) cmpct_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() cmpct_block.initialize_from_block(block) msg = msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block.to_p2p()) peer.send_and_ping(msg) with mininode_lock: assert "getblocktxn" in peer.last_message return block, cmpct_block block, cmpct_block = announce_cmpct_block(node, stalling_peer) for tx in block.vtx[1:]: delivery_peer.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) delivery_peer.sync_with_ping() mempool = node.getrawmempool() for tx in block.vtx[1:]: assert(tx.hash in mempool) delivery_peer.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block.to_p2p())) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) self.utxos.append( [block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Now test that delivering an invalid compact block won't break relay block, cmpct_block = announce_cmpct_block(node, stalling_peer) for tx in block.vtx[1:]: delivery_peer.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) delivery_peer.sync_with_ping() # TODO: modify txhash in a way that doesn't impact txid. delivery_peer.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block.to_p2p())) # Because txhash isn't modified, we end up reconstructing the same block # assert(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) != block.sha256) msg = msg_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions.blockhash = block.sha256 msg.block_transactions.transactions = block.vtx[1:] stalling_peer.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) def run_test(self): # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread. self.test_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(TestNode()) self.ex_softfork_node = self.nodes[1].add_p2p_connection( TestNode(), services=NODE_NETWORK) self.old_node = self.nodes[1].add_p2p_connection( TestNode(), services=NODE_NETWORK) network_thread_start() self.test_node.wait_for_verack() # We will need UTXOs to construct transactions in later tests. self.make_utxos() self.log.info("Running tests:") self.log.info("\tTesting SENDCMPCT p2p message... ") self.test_sendcmpct(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_sendcmpct( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, 1, old_node=self.old_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.log.info("\tTesting compactblock construction...") self.test_compactblock_construction(self.nodes[0], self.test_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_compactblock_construction( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.log.info("\tTesting compactblock requests... ") self.test_compactblock_requests(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_compactblock_requests( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, 2) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.log.info("\tTesting getblocktxn requests...") self.test_getblocktxn_requests(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_getblocktxn_requests(self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, 2) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.log.info("\tTesting getblocktxn handler...") self.test_getblocktxn_handler(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_getblocktxn_handler(self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, 2) self.test_getblocktxn_handler(self.nodes[1], self.old_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.log.info( "\tTesting compactblock requests/announcements not at chain tip...") self.test_compactblocks_not_at_tip(self.nodes[0], self.test_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_compactblocks_not_at_tip( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node) self.test_compactblocks_not_at_tip(self.nodes[1], self.old_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.log.info("\tTesting handling of incorrect blocktxn responses...") self.test_incorrect_blocktxn_response(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_incorrect_blocktxn_response( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, 2) sync_blocks(self.nodes) # End-to-end block relay tests self.log.info("\tTesting end-to-end block relay...") self.request_cb_announcements(self.test_node, self.nodes[0]) self.request_cb_announcements(self.old_node, self.nodes[1]) self.request_cb_announcements( self.ex_softfork_node, self.nodes[1], version=2) self.test_end_to_end_block_relay( self.nodes[0], [self.ex_softfork_node, self.test_node, self.old_node]) self.test_end_to_end_block_relay( self.nodes[1], [self.ex_softfork_node, self.test_node, self.old_node]) self.log.info("\tTesting handling of invalid compact blocks...") self.test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock(self.nodes[0], self.test_node) self.test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node) self.test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock(self.nodes[1], self.old_node) self.log.info( "\tTesting reconstructing compact blocks from all peers...") self.test_compactblock_reconstruction_multiple_peers( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, self.old_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.log.info("\tTesting invalid index in cmpctblock message...") self.test_invalid_cmpctblock_message() if __name__ == '__main__': CompactBlocksTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_feefilter.py b/test/functional/p2p_feefilter.py index 5a673f88a..6c1db2fe0 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_feefilter.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_feefilter.py @@ -1,106 +1,113 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # -from test_framework.mininode import * -from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import * +from decimal import Decimal import time +from test_framework.messages import msg_feefilter +from test_framework.mininode import ( + mininode_lock, + network_thread_start, + P2PInterface, +) +from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework +from test_framework.util import sync_blocks, sync_mempools + ''' FeeFilterTest -- test processing of feefilter messages ''' def hashToHex(hash): return format(hash, '064x') # Wait up to 60 secs to see if the testnode has received all the expected invs def allInvsMatch(invsExpected, testnode): for x in range(60): with mininode_lock: if (sorted(invsExpected) == sorted(testnode.txinvs)): return True time.sleep(1) return False class TestNode(P2PInterface): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.txinvs = [] def on_inv(self, message): for i in message.inv: if (i.type == 1): self.txinvs.append(hashToHex(i.hash)) def clear_invs(self): with mininode_lock: self.txinvs = [] class FeeFilterTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 def run_test(self): node1 = self.nodes[1] node0 = self.nodes[0] # Get out of IBD node1.generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread. self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(TestNode()) network_thread_start() self.nodes[0].p2p.wait_for_verack() # Test that invs are received for all txs at feerate of 20 sat/byte node1.settxfee(Decimal("0.00020000")) txids = [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for x in range(3)] assert(allInvsMatch(txids, self.nodes[0].p2p)) self.nodes[0].p2p.clear_invs() # Set a filter of 15 sat/byte self.nodes[0].p2p.send_and_ping(msg_feefilter(15000)) # Test that txs are still being received (paying 20 sat/byte) txids = [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for x in range(3)] assert(allInvsMatch(txids, self.nodes[0].p2p)) self.nodes[0].p2p.clear_invs() # Change tx fee rate to 10 sat/byte and test they are no longer # received node1.settxfee(Decimal("0.00010000")) [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for x in range(3)] sync_mempools(self.nodes) # must be sure node 0 has received all txs # Send one transaction from node0 that should be received, so that we # we can sync the test on receipt (if node1's txs were relayed, they'd # be received by the time this node0 tx is received). This is # unfortunately reliant on the current relay behavior where we batch up # to 35 entries in an inv, which means that when this next transaction # is eligible for relay, the prior transactions from node1 are eligible # as well. node0.settxfee(Decimal("0.00020000")) txids = [node0.sendtoaddress(node0.getnewaddress(), 1)] assert(allInvsMatch(txids, self.nodes[0].p2p)) self.nodes[0].p2p.clear_invs() # Remove fee filter and check that txs are received again self.nodes[0].p2p.send_and_ping(msg_feefilter(0)) txids = [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for x in range(3)] assert(allInvsMatch(txids, self.nodes[0].p2p)) self.nodes[0].p2p.clear_invs() if __name__ == '__main__': FeeFilterTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_fingerprint.py b/test/functional/p2p_fingerprint.py index 5a301d740..282fffe2d 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_fingerprint.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_fingerprint.py @@ -1,157 +1,155 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test various fingerprinting protections. If an stale block more than a month old or its header are requested by a peer, the node should pretend that it does not have it to avoid fingerprinting. """ import time from test_framework.blocktools import (create_block, create_coinbase) -from test_framework.mininode import ( +from test_framework.messages import ( CInv, - P2PInterface, - msg_headers, msg_block, msg_getdata, msg_getheaders, - network_thread_start, - wait_until, + msg_headers, ) +from test_framework.mininode import P2PInterface, network_thread_start from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import assert_equal +from test_framework.util import assert_equal, wait_until class P2PFingerprintTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 # Build a chain of blocks on top of given one def build_chain(self, nblocks, prev_hash, prev_height, prev_median_time): blocks = [] for _ in range(nblocks): coinbase = create_coinbase(prev_height + 1) block_time = prev_median_time + 1 block = create_block(int(prev_hash, 16), coinbase, block_time) block.solve() blocks.append(block) prev_hash = block.hash prev_height += 1 prev_median_time = block_time return blocks # Send a getdata request for a given block hash def send_block_request(self, block_hash, node): msg = msg_getdata() # 2 == "Block" msg.inv.append(CInv(2, block_hash)) node.send_message(msg) # Send a getheaders request for a given single block hash def send_header_request(self, block_hash, node): msg = msg_getheaders() msg.hashstop = block_hash node.send_message(msg) # Check whether last block received from node has a given hash def last_block_equals(self, expected_hash, node): block_msg = node.last_message.get("block") return block_msg and block_msg.block.rehash() == expected_hash # Check whether last block header received from node has a given hash def last_header_equals(self, expected_hash, node): headers_msg = node.last_message.get("headers") return (headers_msg and headers_msg.headers and headers_msg.headers[0].rehash() == expected_hash) # Checks that stale blocks timestamped more than a month ago are not served # by the node while recent stale blocks and old active chain blocks are. # This does not currently test that stale blocks timestamped within the # last month but that have over a month's worth of work are also withheld. def run_test(self): node0 = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) network_thread_start() node0.wait_for_verack() # Set node time to 60 days ago self.nodes[0].setmocktime(int(time.time()) - 60 * 24 * 60 * 60) # Generating a chain of 10 blocks block_hashes = self.nodes[0].generate(nblocks=10) # Create longer chain starting 2 blocks before current tip height = len(block_hashes) - 2 block_hash = block_hashes[height - 1] block_time = self.nodes[0].getblockheader(block_hash)["mediantime"] + 1 new_blocks = self.build_chain(5, block_hash, height, block_time) # Force reorg to a longer chain node0.send_message(msg_headers(new_blocks)) node0.wait_for_getdata() for block in new_blocks: node0.send_and_ping(msg_block(block)) # Check that reorg succeeded assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 13) stale_hash = int(block_hashes[-1], 16) # Check that getdata request for stale block succeeds self.send_block_request(stale_hash, node0) def test_function(): return self.last_block_equals(stale_hash, node0) wait_until(test_function, timeout=3) # Check that getheader request for stale block header succeeds self.send_header_request(stale_hash, node0) def test_function(): return self.last_header_equals(stale_hash, node0) wait_until(test_function, timeout=3) # Longest chain is extended so stale is much older than chain tip self.nodes[0].setmocktime(0) tip = self.nodes[0].generate(nblocks=1)[0] assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 14) # Send getdata & getheaders to refresh last received getheader message block_hash = int(tip, 16) self.send_block_request(block_hash, node0) self.send_header_request(block_hash, node0) node0.sync_with_ping() # Request for very old stale block should now fail self.send_block_request(stale_hash, node0) time.sleep(3) assert not self.last_block_equals(stale_hash, node0) # Request for very old stale block header should now fail self.send_header_request(stale_hash, node0) time.sleep(3) assert not self.last_header_equals(stale_hash, node0) # Verify we can fetch very old blocks and headers on the active chain block_hash = int(block_hashes[2], 16) self.send_block_request(block_hash, node0) self.send_header_request(block_hash, node0) node0.sync_with_ping() self.send_block_request(block_hash, node0) def test_function(): return self.last_block_equals(block_hash, node0) wait_until(test_function, timeout=3) self.send_header_request(block_hash, node0) def test_function(): return self.last_header_equals(block_hash, node0) wait_until(test_function, timeout=3) if __name__ == '__main__': P2PFingerprintTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_invalid_block.py b/test/functional/p2p_invalid_block.py index c11b5b473..f64179a4a 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_invalid_block.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_invalid_block.py @@ -1,144 +1,150 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. -from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework -from test_framework.util import * -from test_framework.comptool import TestManager, TestInstance, RejectResult -from test_framework.blocktools import * -from test_framework.mininode import network_thread_start import copy import time +from test_framework.blocktools import ( + create_block, + create_coinbase, + create_transaction, +) +from test_framework.comptool import RejectResult, TestInstance, TestManager +from test_framework.messages import COIN +from test_framework.mininode import network_thread_start +from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework +from test_framework.util import assert_equal + ''' In this test we connect to one node over p2p, and test block requests: 1) Valid blocks should be requested and become chain tip. 2) Invalid block with duplicated transaction should be re-requested. 3) Invalid block with bad coinbase value should be rejected and not re-requested. ''' # Use the ComparisonTestFramework with 1 node: only use --testbinary. class InvalidBlockRequestTest(ComparisonTestFramework): ''' Can either run this test as 1 node with expected answers, or two and compare them. Change the "outcome" variable from each TestInstance object to only do the comparison. ''' def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True def run_test(self): test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir) test.add_all_connections(self.nodes) self.tip = None self.block_time = None self.extra_args = [["-whitelist="]] network_thread_start() test.run() def get_tests(self): if self.tip is None: self.tip = int("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 0) self.block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 ''' Create a new block with an anyone-can-spend coinbase ''' height = 1 block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.block_time) self.block_time += 1 block.solve() self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, True]]) block1 = block ''' Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. ''' test = TestInstance(sync_every_block=False) for i in range(100): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.block_time) block.solve() self.tip = block.sha256 self.block_time += 1 test.blocks_and_transactions.append([block, True]) height += 1 yield test assert(block.sha256 == int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16)) ''' Now we use merkle-root malleability to generate an invalid block with same blockheader. Manufacture a block with 3 transactions (coinbase, spend of prior coinbase, spend of that spend). Duplicate the 3rd transaction to leave merkle root and blockheader unchanged but invalidate the block. ''' block2 = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.block_time) self.block_time += 1 # b'0x51' is OP_TRUE tx1 = create_transaction(block1.vtx[0], 0, b'', 50 * COIN) tx2 = create_transaction(tx1, 0, b'\x51', 50 * COIN) block2.vtx.extend([tx1, tx2]) block2.vtx = [block2.vtx[0]] + \ sorted(block2.vtx[1:], key=lambda tx: tx.get_id()) block2.hashMerkleRoot = block2.calc_merkle_root() block2.rehash() block2.solve() orig_hash = block2.sha256 block2_orig = copy.deepcopy(block2) # Mutate block 2 block2.vtx.append(block2.vtx[2]) assert_equal(block2.hashMerkleRoot, block2.calc_merkle_root()) assert_equal(orig_hash, block2.rehash()) assert(block2_orig.vtx != block2.vtx) self.tip = block2.sha256 yield TestInstance([[block2, RejectResult(16, b'bad-txns-duplicate')]]) yield TestInstance([[block2_orig, True]]) height += 1 # Check transactions for duplicate inputs self.log.info("Test duplicate input block.") block2_orig.vtx[2].vin.append(block2_orig.vtx[2].vin[0]) block2.vtx = [block2.vtx[0]] + \ sorted(block2.vtx[1:], key=lambda tx: tx.get_id()) block2_orig.vtx[2].rehash() block2_orig.hashMerkleRoot = block2_orig.calc_merkle_root() block2_orig.rehash() block2_orig.solve() yield TestInstance([[block2_orig, RejectResult(16, b'bad-txns-inputs-duplicate')]]) ''' Make sure that a totally screwed up block is not valid. ''' block3 = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.block_time) self.block_time += 1 block3.vtx[0].vout[0].nValue = 51 * COIN # Too high! block3.vtx[0].sha256 = None block3.vtx[0].calc_sha256() block3.hashMerkleRoot = block3.calc_merkle_root() block3.rehash() block3.solve() yield TestInstance([[block3, RejectResult(16, b'bad-cb-amount')]]) if __name__ == '__main__': InvalidBlockRequestTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_invalid_tx.py b/test/functional/p2p_invalid_tx.py index 01f6caf3d..27722da36 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_invalid_tx.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_invalid_tx.py @@ -1,79 +1,86 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. -from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework -from test_framework.comptool import TestManager, TestInstance, RejectResult -from test_framework.blocktools import * import time +from test_framework.blocktools import ( + create_block, + create_coinbase, + create_transaction, +) +from test_framework.comptool import RejectResult, TestInstance, TestManager +from test_framework.messages import COIN +from test_framework.mininode import network_thread_start +from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework + ''' In this test we connect to one node over p2p, and test tx requests. ''' # Use the ComparisonTestFramework with 1 node: only use --testbinary. class InvalidTxRequestTest(ComparisonTestFramework): ''' Can either run this test as 1 node with expected answers, or two and compare them. Change the "outcome" variable from each TestInstance object to only do the comparison. ''' def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True def run_test(self): test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir) test.add_all_connections(self.nodes) self.tip = None self.block_time = None network_thread_start() test.run() def get_tests(self): if self.tip is None: self.tip = int("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 0) self.block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 ''' Create a new block with an anyone-can-spend coinbase ''' height = 1 block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.block_time) self.block_time += 1 block.solve() # Save the coinbase for later self.block1 = block self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, True]]) ''' Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. ''' test = TestInstance(sync_every_block=False) for i in range(100): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.block_time) block.solve() self.tip = block.sha256 self.block_time += 1 test.blocks_and_transactions.append([block, True]) height += 1 yield test # b'\x64' is OP_NOTIF # Transaction will be rejected with code 16 (REJECT_INVALID) tx1 = create_transaction( self.block1.vtx[0], 0, b'\x64', 50 * COIN - 12000) yield TestInstance([[tx1, RejectResult(16, b'mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed')]]) # TODO: test further transactions... if __name__ == '__main__': InvalidTxRequestTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_leak.py b/test/functional/p2p_leak.py index 7c120693b..bba80b9f4 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_leak.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_leak.py @@ -1,163 +1,170 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test message sending before handshake completion. A node should never send anything other than VERSION/VERACK/REJECT until it's received a VERACK. This test connects to a node and sends it a few messages, trying to intice it into sending us something it shouldn't.""" -from test_framework.mininode import * +import time + +from test_framework.mininode import ( + mininode_lock, + network_thread_join, + network_thread_start, + P2PInterface, +) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import * +from test_framework.util import wait_until banscore = 10 class CLazyNode(P2PInterface): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.unexpected_msg = False self.ever_connected = False def bad_message(self, message): self.unexpected_msg = True self.log.info( "should not have received message: {}".format(message.command)) def on_open(self): self.ever_connected = True def on_version(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_verack(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_reject(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_inv(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_addr(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getdata(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getblocks(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_tx(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_block(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getaddr(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_headers(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getheaders(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_ping(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_mempool(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_pong(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_feefilter(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_sendheaders(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_sendcmpct(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_cmpctblock(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getblocktxn(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_blocktxn(self, message): self.bad_message(message) # Node that never sends a version. We'll use this to send a bunch of messages # anyway, and eventually get disconnected. class CNodeNoVersionBan(CLazyNode): # send a bunch of veracks without sending a message. This should get us disconnected. # NOTE: implementation-specific check here. Remove if bitcoind ban behavior changes def on_open(self): super().on_open() for i in range(banscore): self.send_message(msg_verack()) def on_reject(self, message): pass # Node that never sends a version. This one just sits idle and hopes to receive # any message (it shouldn't!) class CNodeNoVersionIdle(CLazyNode): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Node that sends a version but not a verack. class CNodeNoVerackIdle(CLazyNode): def __init__(self): self.version_received = False super().__init__() def on_reject(self, message): pass def on_verack(self, message): pass # When version is received, don't reply with a verack. Instead, see if the # node will give us a message that it shouldn't. This is not an exhaustive # list! def on_version(self, message): self.version_received = True self.send_message(msg_ping()) self.send_message(msg_getaddr()) class P2PLeakTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.extra_args = [['-banscore=' + str(banscore)]] def run_test(self): no_version_bannode = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection( CNodeNoVersionBan(), send_version=False) no_version_idlenode = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection( CNodeNoVersionIdle(), send_version=False) no_verack_idlenode = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection( CNodeNoVerackIdle()) network_thread_start() wait_until(lambda: no_version_bannode.ever_connected, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock) wait_until(lambda: no_version_idlenode.ever_connected, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock) wait_until(lambda: no_verack_idlenode.version_received, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock) # Mine a block and make sure that it's not sent to the connected nodes self.nodes[0].generate(1) # Give the node enough time to possibly leak out a message time.sleep(5) # This node should have been banned assert no_version_bannode.state != "connected" self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps() # Wait until all connections are closed and the network thread has terminated wait_until(lambda: len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()) == 0) network_thread_join() # Make sure no unexpected messages came in assert(no_version_bannode.unexpected_msg == False) assert(no_version_idlenode.unexpected_msg == False) assert(no_verack_idlenode.unexpected_msg == False) if __name__ == '__main__': P2PLeakTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_mempool.py b/test/functional/p2p_mempool.py index a1f29fdae..2155e7ee6 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_mempool.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_mempool.py @@ -1,32 +1,33 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. -from test_framework.mininode import * +from test_framework.messages import msg_mempool +from test_framework.mininode import network_thread_start, P2PInterface from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import * +from test_framework.util import assert_equal class P2PMempoolTests(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 self.extra_args = [["-peerbloomfilters=0"]] def run_test(self): # Add a p2p connection self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) network_thread_start() self.nodes[0].p2p.wait_for_verack() # request mempool self.nodes[0].p2p.send_message(msg_mempool()) self.nodes[0].p2p.wait_for_disconnect() # mininode must be disconnected at this point assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()), 0) if __name__ == '__main__': P2PMempoolTests().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_node_network_limited.py b/test/functional/p2p_node_network_limited.py index 8aaa3222c..5aa39fe76 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_node_network_limited.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_node_network_limited.py @@ -1,132 +1,150 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Tests NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED. Tests that a node configured with -prune=550 signals NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED correctly and that it responds to getdata requests for blocks correctly: - send a block within 288 + 2 of the tip - disconnect peers who request blocks older than that.""" -from test_framework.messages import CInv, msg_getdata, msg_verack -from test_framework.mininode import NODE_BLOOM, NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED, NODE_BITCOIN_CASH, P2PInterface, wait_until, mininode_lock, network_thread_start, network_thread_join +from test_framework.messages import ( + CInv, + msg_getdata, + msg_verack, + NODE_BITCOIN_CASH, + NODE_BLOOM, + NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED, +) +from test_framework.mininode import ( + mininode_lock, + network_thread_join, + network_thread_start, + P2PInterface, +) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import assert_equal, disconnect_nodes, connect_nodes_bi, sync_blocks +from test_framework.util import ( + assert_equal, + connect_nodes_bi, + disconnect_nodes, + sync_blocks, + wait_until, +) class P2PIgnoreInv(P2PInterface): firstAddrnServices = 0 def on_inv(self, message): # The node will send us invs for other blocks. Ignore them. pass def on_addr(self, message): self.firstAddrnServices = message.addrs[0].nServices def wait_for_addr(self, timeout=5): def test_function(): return self.last_message.get("addr") wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) def send_getdata_for_block(self, blockhash): getdata_request = msg_getdata() getdata_request.inv.append(CInv(2, int(blockhash, 16))) self.send_message(getdata_request) class NodeNetworkLimitedTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 3 self.extra_args = [['-prune=550', '-addrmantest'], [], []] def disconnect_all(self): disconnect_nodes(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]) disconnect_nodes(self.nodes[1], self.nodes[0]) disconnect_nodes(self.nodes[2], self.nodes[1]) disconnect_nodes(self.nodes[2], self.nodes[0]) disconnect_nodes(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[2]) disconnect_nodes(self.nodes[1], self.nodes[2]) def setup_network(self): super(NodeNetworkLimitedTest, self).setup_network() self.disconnect_all() def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PIgnoreInv()) network_thread_start() node.wait_for_verack() expected_services = NODE_BLOOM | NODE_BITCOIN_CASH | NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED self.log.info("Check that node has signalled expected services.") assert_equal(node.nServices, expected_services) self.log.info("Check that the localservices is as expected.") assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()[ 'localservices'], 16), expected_services) self.log.info( "Mine enough blocks to reach the NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED range.") connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]) blocks = self.nodes[1].generate(292) sync_blocks([self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]]) self.log.info("Make sure we can max retrive block at tip-288.") # last block in valid range node.send_getdata_for_block(blocks[1]) node.wait_for_block(int(blocks[1], 16), timeout=3) self.log.info( "Requesting block at height 2 (tip-289) must fail (ignored).") # first block outside of the 288+2 limit node.send_getdata_for_block(blocks[0]) node.wait_for_disconnect(5) self.log.info("Check local address relay, do a fresh connection.") self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps() network_thread_join() node1 = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PIgnoreInv()) network_thread_start() node1.wait_for_verack() node1.send_message(msg_verack()) node1.wait_for_addr() # must relay address with NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED assert_equal(node1.firstAddrnServices, expected_services) self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps() node1.wait_for_disconnect() # connect unsynced node 2 with pruned NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED peer # because node 2 is in IBD and node 0 is a NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED peer, sync must not be possible connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[2]) try: sync_blocks([self.nodes[0], self.nodes[2]], timeout=5) except: pass # node2 must remain at heigh 0 assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getblockheader( self.nodes[2].getbestblockhash())['height'], 0) # now connect also to node 1 (non pruned) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes[1], self.nodes[2]) # sync must be possible sync_blocks(self.nodes) # disconnect all peers self.disconnect_all() # mine 10 blocks on node 0 (pruned node) self.nodes[0].generate(10) # connect node1 (non pruned) with node0 (pruned) and check if the can sync connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]) # sync must be possible, node 1 is no longer in IBD and should therefore connect to node 0 (NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED) sync_blocks([self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]]) if __name__ == '__main__': NodeNetworkLimitedTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_sendheaders.py b/test/functional/p2p_sendheaders.py index 0b1659ac8..7ed76542c 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_sendheaders.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_sendheaders.py @@ -1,617 +1,632 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test behavior of headers messages to announce blocks. Setup: - Two nodes, two p2p connections to node0. One p2p connection should only ever receive inv's (omitted from testing description below, this is our control). Second node is used for creating reorgs. test_null_locators ================== Sends two getheaders requests with null locator values. First request's hashstop value refers to validated block, while second request's hashstop value refers to a block which hasn't been validated. Verifies only the first request returns headers. test_nonnull_locators ===================== Part 1: No headers announcements before "sendheaders" a. node mines a block [expect: inv] send getdata for the block [expect: block] b. node mines another block [expect: inv] send getheaders and getdata [expect: headers, then block] c. node mines another block [expect: inv] peer mines a block, announces with header [expect: getdata] d. node mines another block [expect: inv] Part 2: After "sendheaders", headers announcements should generally work. a. peer sends sendheaders [expect: no response] peer sends getheaders with current tip [expect: no response] b. node mines a block [expect: tip header] c. for N in 1, ..., 10: * for announce-type in {inv, header} - peer mines N blocks, announces with announce-type [ expect: getheaders/getdata or getdata, deliver block(s) ] - node mines a block [ expect: 1 header ] Part 3: Headers announcements stop after large reorg and resume after getheaders or inv from peer. - For response-type in {inv, getheaders} * node mines a 7 block reorg [ expect: headers announcement of 8 blocks ] * node mines an 8-block reorg [ expect: inv at tip ] * peer responds with getblocks/getdata [expect: inv, blocks ] * node mines another block [ expect: inv at tip, peer sends getdata, expect: block ] * node mines another block at tip [ expect: inv ] * peer responds with getheaders with an old hashstop more than 8 blocks back [expect: headers] * peer requests block [ expect: block ] * node mines another block at tip [ expect: inv, peer sends getdata, expect: block ] * peer sends response-type [expect headers if getheaders, getheaders/getdata if mining new block] * node mines 1 block [expect: 1 header, peer responds with getdata] Part 4: Test direct fetch behavior a. Announce 2 old block headers. Expect: no getdata requests. b. Announce 3 new blocks via 1 headers message. Expect: one getdata request for all 3 blocks. (Send blocks.) c. Announce 1 header that forks off the last two blocks. Expect: no response. d. Announce 1 more header that builds on that fork. Expect: one getdata request for two blocks. e. Announce 16 more headers that build on that fork. Expect: getdata request for 14 more blocks. f. Announce 1 more header that builds on that fork. Expect: no response. Part 5: Test handling of headers that don't connect. a. Repeat 10 times: 1. Announce a header that doesn't connect. Expect: getheaders message 2. Send headers chain. Expect: getdata for the missing blocks, tip update. b. Then send 9 more headers that don't connect. Expect: getheaders message each time. c. Announce a header that does connect. Expect: no response. d. Announce 49 headers that don't connect. Expect: getheaders message each time. e. Announce one more that doesn't connect. Expect: disconnect. """ -from test_framework.mininode import * -from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.blocktools import create_block, create_coinbase +from test_framework.messages import ( + CBlockHeader, + CInv, + msg_block, + msg_getblocks, + msg_getdata, + msg_getheaders, + msg_headers, + msg_inv, + msg_sendheaders, +) +from test_framework.mininode import ( + mininode_lock, + network_thread_start, + P2PInterface, +) +from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework +from test_framework.util import assert_equal, sync_blocks, wait_until direct_fetch_response_time = 0.05 class TestNode(P2PInterface): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.block_announced = False self.last_blockhash_announced = None def clear_last_announcement(self): with mininode_lock: self.block_announced = False self.last_message.pop("inv", None) self.last_message.pop("headers", None) # Request data for a list of block hashes def get_data(self, block_hashes): msg = msg_getdata() for x in block_hashes: msg.inv.append(CInv(2, x)) self.send_message(msg) def get_headers(self, locator, hashstop): msg = msg_getheaders() msg.locator.vHave = locator msg.hashstop = hashstop self.send_message(msg) def send_block_inv(self, blockhash): msg = msg_inv() msg.inv = [CInv(2, blockhash)] self.send_message(msg) def on_inv(self, message): self.block_announced = True self.last_blockhash_announced = message.inv[-1].hash def on_headers(self, message): if len(message.headers): self.block_announced = True message.headers[-1].calc_sha256() self.last_blockhash_announced = message.headers[-1].sha256 # Test whether the last announcement we received had the # right header or the right inv # inv and headers should be lists of block hashes def check_last_announcement(self, headers=None, inv=None): expect_headers = headers if headers != None else [] expect_inv = inv if inv != None else [] def test_function(): return self.block_announced wait_until(test_function, timeout=60, lock=mininode_lock) with mininode_lock: self.block_announced = False success = True compare_inv = [] if "inv" in self.last_message: compare_inv = [x.hash for x in self.last_message["inv"].inv] if compare_inv != expect_inv: success = False hash_headers = [] if "headers" in self.last_message: # treat headers as a list of block hashes hash_headers = [ x.sha256 for x in self.last_message["headers"].headers] if hash_headers != expect_headers: success = False self.last_message.pop("inv", None) self.last_message.pop("headers", None) return success def wait_for_getdata(self, hash_list, timeout=60): if hash_list == []: return def test_function(): return "getdata" in self.last_message and [ x.hash for x in self.last_message["getdata"].inv] == hash_list wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) return def wait_for_block_announcement(self, block_hash, timeout=60): def test_function(): return self.last_blockhash_announced == block_hash wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) return def send_header_for_blocks(self, new_blocks): headers_message = msg_headers() headers_message.headers = [CBlockHeader(b) for b in new_blocks] self.send_message(headers_message) def send_getblocks(self, locator): getblocks_message = msg_getblocks() getblocks_message.locator.vHave = locator self.send_message(getblocks_message) class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.extra_args = [["-noparkdeepreorg"], ["-noparkdeepreorg"]] # mine count blocks and return the new tip def mine_blocks(self, count): # Clear out last block announcement from each p2p listener [x.clear_last_announcement() for x in self.nodes[0].p2ps] self.nodes[0].generate(count) return int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) # mine a reorg that invalidates length blocks (replacing them with # length+1 blocks). # Note: we clear the state of our p2p connections after the # to-be-reorged-out blocks are mined, so that we don't break later tests. # return the list of block hashes newly mined def mine_reorg(self, length): # make sure all invalidated blocks are node0's self.nodes[0].generate(length) sync_blocks(self.nodes, wait=0.1) for x in self.nodes[0].p2ps: x.wait_for_block_announcement( int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16)) x.clear_last_announcement() tip_height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount() hash_to_invalidate = self.nodes[1].getblockhash( tip_height - (length - 1)) self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(hash_to_invalidate) # Must be longer than the orig chain all_hashes = self.nodes[1].generate(length + 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes, wait=0.1) return [int(x, 16) for x in all_hashes] def run_test(self): # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread. inv_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(TestNode()) # Set nServices to 0 for test_node, so no block download will occur outside of # direct fetching test_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection( TestNode(), services=0) network_thread_start() # Test logic begins here inv_node.wait_for_verack() test_node.wait_for_verack() # Ensure verack's have been processed by our peer inv_node.sync_with_ping() test_node.sync_with_ping() self.test_null_locators(test_node) self.test_nonnull_locators(test_node, inv_node) def test_null_locators(self, test_node): tip = self.nodes[0].getblockheader(self.nodes[0].generate(1)[0]) tip_hash = int(tip["hash"], 16) self.log.info( "Verify getheaders with null locator and valid hashstop returns headers.") test_node.clear_last_announcement() test_node.get_headers(locator=[], hashstop=tip_hash) assert_equal(test_node.check_last_announcement( headers=[tip_hash]), True) self.log.info( "Verify getheaders with null locator and invalid hashstop does not return headers.") block = create_block(int(tip["hash"], 16), create_coinbase( tip["height"] + 1), tip["mediantime"] + 1) block.solve() test_node.send_header_for_blocks([block]) test_node.clear_last_announcement() test_node.get_headers(locator=[], hashstop=int(block.hash, 16)) test_node.sync_with_ping() assert_equal(test_node.block_announced, False) test_node.send_message(msg_block(block)) def test_nonnull_locators(self, test_node, inv_node): tip = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) # PART 1 # 1. Mine a block; expect inv announcements each time self.log.info( "Part 1: headers don't start before sendheaders message...") for i in range(4): old_tip = tip tip = self.mine_blocks(1) assert_equal(inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip]), True) assert_equal(test_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip]), True) # Try a few different responses; none should affect next announcement if i == 0: # first request the block test_node.get_data([tip]) test_node.wait_for_block(tip) elif i == 1: # next try requesting header and block test_node.get_headers(locator=[old_tip], hashstop=tip) test_node.get_data([tip]) test_node.wait_for_block(tip) # since we requested headers... test_node.clear_last_announcement() elif i == 2: # this time announce own block via headers height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() last_time = self.nodes[0].getblock( self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())['time'] block_time = last_time + 1 new_block = create_block( tip, create_coinbase(height + 1), block_time) new_block.solve() test_node.send_header_for_blocks([new_block]) test_node.wait_for_getdata([new_block.sha256]) test_node.send_message(msg_block(new_block)) test_node.sync_with_ping() # make sure this block is processed inv_node.clear_last_announcement() test_node.clear_last_announcement() self.log.info("Part 1: success!") self.log.info( "Part 2: announce blocks with headers after sendheaders message...") # PART 2 # 2. Send a sendheaders message and test that headers announcements # commence and keep working. test_node.send_message(msg_sendheaders()) prev_tip = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) test_node.get_headers(locator=[prev_tip], hashstop=0) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Now that we've synced headers, headers announcements should work tip = self.mine_blocks(1) assert_equal(inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip]), True) assert_equal(test_node.check_last_announcement(headers=[tip]), True) height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 1 block_time += 10 # Advance far enough ahead for i in range(10): # Mine i blocks, and alternate announcing either via # inv (of tip) or via headers. After each, new blocks # mined by the node should successfully be announced # with block header, even though the blocks are never requested for j in range(2): blocks = [] for b in range(i + 1): blocks.append(create_block( tip, create_coinbase(height), block_time)) blocks[-1].solve() tip = blocks[-1].sha256 block_time += 1 height += 1 if j == 0: # Announce via inv test_node.send_block_inv(tip) test_node.wait_for_getheaders() # Should have received a getheaders now test_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks) # Test that duplicate inv's won't result in duplicate # getdata requests, or duplicate headers announcements [inv_node.send_block_inv(x.sha256) for x in blocks] test_node.wait_for_getdata([x.sha256 for x in blocks]) inv_node.sync_with_ping() else: # Announce via headers test_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks) test_node.wait_for_getdata([x.sha256 for x in blocks]) # Test that duplicate headers won't result in duplicate # getdata requests (the check is further down) inv_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks) inv_node.sync_with_ping() [test_node.send_message(msg_block(x)) for x in blocks] test_node.sync_with_ping() inv_node.sync_with_ping() # This block should not be announced to the inv node (since it also # broadcast it) assert "inv" not in inv_node.last_message assert "headers" not in inv_node.last_message tip = self.mine_blocks(1) assert_equal(inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip]), True) assert_equal(test_node.check_last_announcement( headers=[tip]), True) height += 1 block_time += 1 self.log.info("Part 2: success!") self.log.info( "Part 3: headers announcements can stop after large reorg, and resume after headers/inv from peer...") # PART 3. Headers announcements can stop after large reorg, and resume after # getheaders or inv from peer. for j in range(2): # First try mining a reorg that can propagate with header announcement new_block_hashes = self.mine_reorg(length=7) tip = new_block_hashes[-1] assert_equal(inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip]), True) assert_equal(test_node.check_last_announcement( headers=new_block_hashes), True) block_time += 8 # Mine a too-large reorg, which should be announced with a single inv new_block_hashes = self.mine_reorg(length=8) tip = new_block_hashes[-1] assert_equal(inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip]), True) assert_equal(test_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip]), True) block_time += 9 fork_point = self.nodes[0].getblock("{:02x}".format( new_block_hashes[0]))["previousblockhash"] fork_point = int(fork_point, 16) # Use getblocks/getdata test_node.send_getblocks(locator=[fork_point]) assert_equal(test_node.check_last_announcement( inv=new_block_hashes), True) test_node.get_data(new_block_hashes) test_node.wait_for_block(new_block_hashes[-1]) for i in range(3): # Mine another block, still should get only an inv tip = self.mine_blocks(1) assert_equal(inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip]), True) assert_equal( test_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip]), True) if i == 0: # Just get the data -- shouldn't cause headers announcements to resume test_node.get_data([tip]) test_node.wait_for_block(tip) elif i == 1: # Send a getheaders message that shouldn't trigger headers announcements # to resume (best header sent will be too old) test_node.get_headers( locator=[fork_point], hashstop=new_block_hashes[1]) test_node.get_data([tip]) test_node.wait_for_block(tip) elif i == 2: test_node.get_data([tip]) test_node.wait_for_block(tip) # This time, try sending either a getheaders to trigger resumption # of headers announcements, or mine a new block and inv it, also # triggering resumption of headers announcements. if j == 0: test_node.get_headers(locator=[tip], hashstop=0) test_node.sync_with_ping() else: test_node.send_block_inv(tip) test_node.sync_with_ping() # New blocks should now be announced with header tip = self.mine_blocks(1) assert_equal(inv_node.check_last_announcement(inv=[tip]), True) assert_equal(test_node.check_last_announcement( headers=[tip]), True) self.log.info("Part 3: success!") self.log.info("Part 4: Testing direct fetch behavior...") tip = self.mine_blocks(1) height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 1 last_time = self.nodes[0].getblock( self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())['time'] block_time = last_time + 1 # Create 2 blocks. Send the blocks, then send the headers. blocks = [] for b in range(2): blocks.append(create_block( tip, create_coinbase(height), block_time)) blocks[-1].solve() tip = blocks[-1].sha256 block_time += 1 height += 1 inv_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks[-1])) inv_node.sync_with_ping() # Make sure blocks are processed test_node.last_message.pop("getdata", None) test_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks) test_node.sync_with_ping() # should not have received any getdata messages with mininode_lock: assert "getdata" not in test_node.last_message # This time, direct fetch should work blocks = [] for b in range(3): blocks.append(create_block( tip, create_coinbase(height), block_time)) blocks[-1].solve() tip = blocks[-1].sha256 block_time += 1 height += 1 test_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks) test_node.sync_with_ping() test_node.wait_for_getdata( [x.sha256 for x in blocks], timeout=direct_fetch_response_time) [test_node.send_message(msg_block(x)) for x in blocks] test_node.sync_with_ping() # Now announce a header that forks the last two blocks tip = blocks[0].sha256 height -= 1 blocks = [] # Create extra blocks for later for b in range(20): blocks.append(create_block( tip, create_coinbase(height), block_time)) blocks[-1].solve() tip = blocks[-1].sha256 block_time += 1 height += 1 # Announcing one block on fork should not trigger direct fetch # (less work than tip) test_node.last_message.pop("getdata", None) test_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks[0:1]) test_node.sync_with_ping() with mininode_lock: assert "getdata" not in test_node.last_message # Announcing one more block on fork should trigger direct fetch for # both blocks (same work as tip) test_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks[1:2]) test_node.sync_with_ping() test_node.wait_for_getdata( [x.sha256 for x in blocks[0:2]], timeout=direct_fetch_response_time) # Announcing 16 more headers should trigger direct fetch for 14 more # blocks test_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks[2:18]) test_node.sync_with_ping() test_node.wait_for_getdata( [x.sha256 for x in blocks[2:16]], timeout=direct_fetch_response_time) # Announcing 1 more header should not trigger any response test_node.last_message.pop("getdata", None) test_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks[18:19]) test_node.sync_with_ping() with mininode_lock: assert "getdata" not in test_node.last_message self.log.info("Part 4: success!") # Now deliver all those blocks we announced. [test_node.send_message(msg_block(x)) for x in blocks] self.log.info("Part 5: Testing handling of unconnecting headers") # First we test that receipt of an unconnecting header doesn't prevent # chain sync. for i in range(10): test_node.last_message.pop("getdata", None) blocks = [] # Create two more blocks. for j in range(2): blocks.append(create_block( tip, create_coinbase(height), block_time)) blocks[-1].solve() tip = blocks[-1].sha256 block_time += 1 height += 1 # Send the header of the second block -> this won't connect. with mininode_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("getheaders", None) test_node.send_header_for_blocks([blocks[1]]) test_node.wait_for_getheaders() test_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks) test_node.wait_for_getdata([x.sha256 for x in blocks]) [test_node.send_message(msg_block(x)) for x in blocks] test_node.sync_with_ping() assert_equal( int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), blocks[1].sha256) blocks = [] # Now we test that if we repeatedly don't send connecting headers, we # don't go into an infinite loop trying to get them to connect. MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS = 10 for j in range(MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS + 1): blocks.append(create_block( tip, create_coinbase(height), block_time)) blocks[-1].solve() tip = blocks[-1].sha256 block_time += 1 height += 1 for i in range(1, MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS): # Send a header that doesn't connect, check that we get a getheaders. with mininode_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("getheaders", None) test_node.send_header_for_blocks([blocks[i]]) test_node.wait_for_getheaders() # Next header will connect, should re-set our count: test_node.send_header_for_blocks([blocks[0]]) # Remove the first two entries (blocks[1] would connect): blocks = blocks[2:] # Now try to see how many unconnecting headers we can send # before we get disconnected. Should be 5*MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS for i in range(5 * MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS - 1): # Send a header that doesn't connect, check that we get a getheaders. with mininode_lock: test_node.last_message.pop("getheaders", None) test_node.send_header_for_blocks([blocks[i % len(blocks)]]) test_node.wait_for_getheaders() # Eventually this stops working. test_node.send_header_for_blocks([blocks[-1]]) # Should get disconnected test_node.wait_for_disconnect() self.log.info("Part 5: success!") # Finally, check that the inv node never received a getdata request, # throughout the test assert "getdata" not in inv_node.last_message if __name__ == '__main__': SendHeadersTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_timeouts.py b/test/functional/p2p_timeouts.py index 8156c63f4..fa8cbee5a 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_timeouts.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_timeouts.py @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ TimeoutsTest -- test various net timeouts (only in extended tests) - Create three bitcoind nodes: no_verack_node - we never send a verack in response to their version no_version_node - we never send a version (only a ping) no_send_node - we never send any P2P message. - Start all three nodes - Wait 1 second - Assert that we're connected - Send a ping to no_verack_node and no_version_node - Wait 30 seconds - Assert that we're still connected - Send a ping to no_verack_node and no_version_node - Wait 31 seconds - Assert that we're no longer connected (timeout to receive version/verack is 60 seconds) """ from time import sleep -from test_framework.mininode import * +from test_framework.messages import msg_ping +from test_framework.mininode import network_thread_start, P2PInterface from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import * class TestNode(P2PInterface): def on_version(self, message): # Don't send a verack in response pass class TimeoutsTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 def run_test(self): # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread. no_verack_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(TestNode()) no_version_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection( TestNode(), send_version=False) no_send_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection( TestNode(), send_version=False) network_thread_start() sleep(1) assert no_verack_node.connected assert no_version_node.connected assert no_send_node.connected no_verack_node.send_message(msg_ping()) no_version_node.send_message(msg_ping()) sleep(30) assert "version" in no_verack_node.last_message assert no_verack_node.connected assert no_version_node.connected assert no_send_node.connected no_verack_node.send_message(msg_ping()) no_version_node.send_message(msg_ping()) sleep(31) assert not no_verack_node.connected assert not no_version_node.connected assert not no_send_node.connected if __name__ == '__main__': TimeoutsTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_unrequested_blocks.py b/test/functional/p2p_unrequested_blocks.py index ad55df3f7..93c18c0d8 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_unrequested_blocks.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_unrequested_blocks.py @@ -1,352 +1,375 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. -from test_framework.mininode import * -from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import * +import os import time -from test_framework.blocktools import create_block, create_coinbase, create_transaction + +from test_framework.blocktools import ( + create_block, + create_coinbase, + create_transaction, +) +from test_framework.messages import ( + CBlockHeader, + CInv, + msg_block, + msg_headers, + msg_inv, +) +from test_framework.mininode import ( + mininode_lock, + network_thread_join, + network_thread_start, + P2PInterface, +) +from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework +from test_framework.util import ( + assert_equal, + assert_raises_rpc_error, + connect_nodes, + sync_blocks, +) ''' AcceptBlockTest -- test processing of unrequested blocks. Setup: two nodes, node0+node1, not connected to each other. Node1 will have nMinimumChainWork set to 0x10, so it won't process low-work unrequested blocks. We have one P2PInterface connection to node0 called test_node, and one to node1 called min_work_node. The test: 1. Generate one block on each node, to leave IBD. 2. Mine a new block on each tip, and deliver to each node from node's peer. The tip should advance for node0, but node1 should skip processing due to nMinimumChainWork. Node1 is unused in tests 3-7: 3. Mine a block that forks from the genesis block, and deliver to test_node. Node0 should not process this block (just accept the header), because it is unrequested and doesn't have more or equal work to the tip. 4a,b. Send another two blocks that build on the forking block. Node0 should process the second block but be stuck on the shorter chain, because it's missing an intermediate block. 4c.Send 288 more blocks on the longer chain (the number of blocks ahead we currently store). Node0 should process all but the last block (too far ahead in height). 5. Send a duplicate of the block in #3 to Node0. Node0 should not process the block because it is unrequested, and stay on the shorter chain. 6. Send Node0 an inv for the height 3 block produced in #4 above. Node0 should figure out that Node0 has the missing height 2 block and send a getdata. 7. Send Node0 the missing block again. Node0 should process and the tip should advance. 8. Create a fork which is invalid at a height longer than the current chain (ie to which the node will try to reorg) but which has headers built on top of the invalid block. Check that we get disconnected if we send more headers on the chain the node now knows to be invalid. 9. Test Node1 is able to sync when connected to node0 (which should have sufficient work on its chain). ''' class AcceptBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def add_options(self, parser): parser.add_argument("--testbinary", dest="testbinary", default=os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"), help="bitcoind binary to test") def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.extra_args = [["-noparkdeepreorg"], ["-minimumchainwork=0x10"]] def setup_network(self): # Node0 will be used to test behavior of processing unrequested blocks # from peers which are not whitelisted, while Node1 will be used for # the whitelisted case. # Node2 will be used for non-whitelisted peers to test the interaction # with nMinimumChainWork. self.setup_nodes() def run_test(self): # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread. # test_node connects to node0 (not whitelisted) test_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) # min_work_node connects to node1 (whitelisted) min_work_node = self.nodes[1].add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) network_thread_start() # Test logic begins here test_node.wait_for_verack() min_work_node.wait_for_verack() # 1. Have nodes mine a block (leave IBD) [n.generate(1) for n in self.nodes] tips = [int("0x" + n.getbestblockhash(), 0) for n in self.nodes] # 2. Send one block that builds on each tip. # This should be accepted by node0 blocks_h2 = [] # the height 2 blocks on each node's chain block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 for i in range(2): blocks_h2.append(create_block( tips[i], create_coinbase(2), block_time)) blocks_h2[i].solve() block_time += 1 test_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks_h2[0])) min_work_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks_h2[1])) for x in [test_node, min_work_node]: x.sync_with_ping() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 2) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(), 1) self.log.info( "First height 2 block accepted by node0; correctly rejected by node1") # 3. Send another block that builds on genesis. block_h1f = create_block( int("0x" + self.nodes[0].getblockhash(0), 0), create_coinbase(1), block_time) block_time += 1 block_h1f.solve() test_node.send_message(msg_block(block_h1f)) test_node.sync_with_ping() tip_entry_found = False for x in self.nodes[0].getchaintips(): if x['hash'] == block_h1f.hash: assert_equal(x['status'], "headers-only") tip_entry_found = True assert(tip_entry_found) assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, "Block not found on disk", self.nodes[0].getblock, block_h1f.hash) # 4. Send another two block that build on the fork. block_h2f = create_block( block_h1f.sha256, create_coinbase(2), block_time) block_time += 1 block_h2f.solve() test_node.send_message(msg_block(block_h2f)) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Since the earlier block was not processed by node, the new block # can't be fully validated. tip_entry_found = False for x in self.nodes[0].getchaintips(): if x['hash'] == block_h2f.hash: assert_equal(x['status'], "headers-only") tip_entry_found = True assert(tip_entry_found) # But this block should be accepted by node since it has equal work. self.nodes[0].getblock(block_h2f.hash) self.log.info("Second height 2 block accepted, but not reorg'ed to") # 4b. Now send another block that builds on the forking chain. block_h3 = create_block( block_h2f.sha256, create_coinbase(3), block_h2f.nTime+1) block_h3.solve() test_node.send_message(msg_block(block_h3)) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Since the earlier block was not processed by node, the new block # can't be fully validated. tip_entry_found = False for x in self.nodes[0].getchaintips(): if x['hash'] == block_h3.hash: assert_equal(x['status'], "headers-only") tip_entry_found = True assert(tip_entry_found) self.nodes[0].getblock(block_h3.hash) # But this block should be accepted by node since it has more work. self.nodes[0].getblock(block_h3.hash) self.log.info("Unrequested more-work block accepted") # 4c. Now mine 288 more blocks and deliver; all should be processed but # the last (height-too-high) on node (as long as its not missing any headers) tip = block_h3 all_blocks = [] for i in range(288): next_block = create_block( tip.sha256, create_coinbase(i + 4), tip.nTime+1) next_block.solve() all_blocks.append(next_block) tip = next_block # Now send the block at height 5 and check that it wasn't accepted (missing header) test_node.send_message(msg_block(all_blocks[1])) test_node.sync_with_ping() assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, "Block not found", self.nodes[0].getblock, all_blocks[1].hash) assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, "Block not found", self.nodes[0].getblockheader, all_blocks[1].hash) # The block at height 5 should be accepted if we provide the missing header, though headers_message = msg_headers() headers_message.headers.append(CBlockHeader(all_blocks[0])) test_node.send_message(headers_message) test_node.send_message(msg_block(all_blocks[1])) test_node.sync_with_ping() self.nodes[0].getblock(all_blocks[1].hash) # Now send the blocks in all_blocks for i in range(288): test_node.send_message(msg_block(all_blocks[i])) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Blocks 1-287 should be accepted, block 288 should be ignored because it's too far ahead for x in all_blocks[:-1]: self.nodes[0].getblock(x.hash) assert_raises_rpc_error( -1, "Block not found on disk", self.nodes[0].getblock, all_blocks[-1].hash) # 5. Test handling of unrequested block on the node that didn't process # Should still not be processed (even though it has a child that has more # work). # The node should have requested the blocks at some point, so # disconnect/reconnect first self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps() self.nodes[1].disconnect_p2ps() network_thread_join() test_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) network_thread_start() test_node.wait_for_verack() test_node.send_message(msg_block(block_h1f)) test_node.sync_with_ping() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 2) self.log.info( "Unrequested block that would complete more-work chain was ignored") # 6. Try to get node to request the missing block. # Poke the node with an inv for block at height 3 and see if that # triggers a getdata on block 2 (it should if block 2 is missing). with mininode_lock: # Clear state so we can check the getdata request test_node.last_message.pop("getdata", None) test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(2, block_h3.sha256)])) test_node.sync_with_ping() with mininode_lock: getdata = test_node.last_message["getdata"] # Check that the getdata includes the right block assert_equal(getdata.inv[0].hash, block_h1f.sha256) self.log.info("Inv at tip triggered getdata for unprocessed block") # 7. Send the missing block for the third time (now it is requested) test_node.send_message(msg_block(block_h1f)) test_node.sync_with_ping() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 290) self.nodes[0].getblock(all_blocks[286].hash) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), all_blocks[286].hash) assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, "Block not found on disk", self.nodes[0].getblock, all_blocks[287].hash) self.log.info( "Successfully reorged to longer chain from non-whitelisted peer") # 8. Create a chain which is invalid at a height longer than the # current chain, but which has more blocks on top of that block_289f = create_block( all_blocks[284].sha256, create_coinbase(289), all_blocks[284].nTime+1) block_289f.solve() block_290f = create_block( block_289f.sha256, create_coinbase(290), block_289f.nTime+1) block_290f.solve() block_291 = create_block( block_290f.sha256, create_coinbase(291), block_290f.nTime+1) # block_291 spends a coinbase below maturity! block_291.vtx.append(create_transaction( block_290f.vtx[0], 0, b"42", 1)) block_291.hashMerkleRoot = block_291.calc_merkle_root() block_291.solve() block_292 = create_block( block_291.sha256, create_coinbase(292), block_291.nTime+1) block_292.solve() # Now send all the headers on the chain and enough blocks to trigger reorg headers_message = msg_headers() headers_message.headers.append(CBlockHeader(block_289f)) headers_message.headers.append(CBlockHeader(block_290f)) headers_message.headers.append(CBlockHeader(block_291)) headers_message.headers.append(CBlockHeader(block_292)) test_node.send_message(headers_message) test_node.sync_with_ping() tip_entry_found = False for x in self.nodes[0].getchaintips(): if x['hash'] == block_292.hash: assert_equal(x['status'], "headers-only") tip_entry_found = True assert(tip_entry_found) assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, "Block not found on disk", self.nodes[0].getblock, block_292.hash) test_node.send_message(msg_block(block_289f)) test_node.send_message(msg_block(block_290f)) test_node.sync_with_ping() self.nodes[0].getblock(block_289f.hash) self.nodes[0].getblock(block_290f.hash) test_node.send_message(msg_block(block_291)) # At this point we've sent an obviously-bogus block, wait for full processing # without assuming whether we will be disconnected or not try: # Only wait a short while so the test doesn't take forever if we do get # disconnected test_node.sync_with_ping(timeout=1) except AssertionError: test_node.wait_for_disconnect() self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps() test_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) network_thread_start() test_node.wait_for_verack() # We should have failed reorg and switched back to 290 (but have block 291) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 290) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), all_blocks[286].hash) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblock( block_291.hash)["confirmations"], -1) # Now send a new header on the invalid chain, indicating we're forked off, and expect to get disconnected block_293 = create_block( block_292.sha256, create_coinbase(293), block_292.nTime+1) block_293.solve() headers_message = msg_headers() headers_message.headers.append(CBlockHeader(block_293)) test_node.send_message(headers_message) # FIXME: Uncomment this line once Core backport 015a525 is completed. # Current behavior does not ban peers that give us headers on invalid chains. # test_node.wait_for_disconnect() # 9. Connect node1 to node0 and ensure it is able to sync connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]) sync_blocks([self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]]) self.log.info("Successfully synced nodes 1 and 0") if __name__ == '__main__': AcceptBlockTest().main()