diff --git a/src/bench/wallet_balance.cpp b/src/bench/wallet_balance.cpp index 4ef397b37..aff54c752 100644 --- a/src/bench/wallet_balance.cpp +++ b/src/bench/wallet_balance.cpp @@ -1,98 +1,98 @@ // Copyright (c) 2012-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void WalletBalance(benchmark::Bench &bench, const bool set_dirty, const bool add_watchonly, const bool add_mine) { TestingSetup test_setup{ CBaseChainParams::REGTEST, /* extra_args */ { "-nodebuglogfile", "-nodebug", }, }; - const auto &ADDRESS_WATCHONLY = ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE; + const auto &ADDRESS_WATCHONLY = ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE; const Config &config = GetConfig(); NodeContext node; std::unique_ptr chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node, config.GetChainParams()); CWallet wallet{chain.get(), WalletLocation(), CreateMockWalletDatabase()}; { wallet.SetupLegacyScriptPubKeyMan(); bool first_run; if (wallet.LoadWallet(first_run) != DBErrors::LOAD_OK) { assert(false); } } auto handler = chain->handleNotifications({&wallet, [](CWallet *) {}}); const std::optional address_mine{ add_mine ? std::optional{getnewaddress(config, wallet)} : std::nullopt}; if (add_watchonly) { importaddress(wallet, ADDRESS_WATCHONLY); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { generatetoaddress(config, test_setup.m_node, address_mine.value_or(ADDRESS_WATCHONLY)); generatetoaddress(config, test_setup.m_node, ADDRESS_WATCHONLY); } SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue(); // Cache auto bal = wallet.GetBalance(); bench.run([&] { if (set_dirty) { wallet.MarkDirty(); } bal = wallet.GetBalance(); if (add_mine) { assert(bal.m_mine_trusted > Amount::zero()); } if (add_watchonly) { assert(bal.m_watchonly_trusted > Amount::zero()); } }); } static void WalletBalanceDirty(benchmark::Bench &bench) { WalletBalance(bench, /* set_dirty */ true, /* add_watchonly */ true, /* add_mine */ true); } static void WalletBalanceClean(benchmark::Bench &bench) { WalletBalance(bench, /* set_dirty */ false, /* add_watchonly */ true, /* add_mine */ true); } static void WalletBalanceMine(benchmark::Bench &bench) { WalletBalance(bench, /* set_dirty */ false, /* add_watchonly */ false, /* add_mine */ true); } static void WalletBalanceWatch(benchmark::Bench &bench) { WalletBalance(bench, /* set_dirty */ false, /* add_watchonly */ true, /* add_mine */ false); } BENCHMARK(WalletBalanceDirty); BENCHMARK(WalletBalanceClean); BENCHMARK(WalletBalanceMine); BENCHMARK(WalletBalanceWatch); diff --git a/src/test/util/wallet.cpp b/src/test/util/wallet.cpp index a3fe5cb19..b862f5bb0 100644 --- a/src/test/util/wallet.cpp +++ b/src/test/util/wallet.cpp @@ -1,42 +1,42 @@ // Copyright (c) 2019 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET #include #endif // ENABLE_WALLET -const std::string ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE = +const std::string ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE = "ecregtest:qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqcrl5mqkt"; #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET std::string getnewaddress(const Config &config, CWallet &w) { constexpr auto output_type = OutputType::LEGACY; CTxDestination dest; std::string error; if (!w.GetNewDestination(output_type, "", dest, error)) { assert(false); } return EncodeDestination(dest, config); } void importaddress(CWallet &wallet, const std::string &address) { auto spk_man = wallet.GetLegacyScriptPubKeyMan(); LOCK2(wallet.cs_wallet, spk_man->cs_KeyStore); const auto dest = DecodeDestination(address, wallet.GetChainParams()); assert(IsValidDestination(dest)); const auto script = GetScriptForDestination(dest); wallet.MarkDirty(); assert(!spk_man->HaveWatchOnly(script)); if (!spk_man->AddWatchOnly(script, 0 /* nCreateTime */)) { assert(false); } wallet.SetAddressBook(dest, /* label */ "", "receive"); } #endif // ENABLE_WALLET diff --git a/src/test/util/wallet.h b/src/test/util/wallet.h index aba9bef67..e7b88db95 100644 --- a/src/test/util/wallet.h +++ b/src/test/util/wallet.h @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ // Copyright (c) 2019 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_TEST_UTIL_WALLET_H #define BITCOIN_TEST_UTIL_WALLET_H #include class Config; class CWallet; // Constants // -extern const std::string ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE; +extern const std::string ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE; // RPC-like // /** Import the address to the wallet */ void importaddress(CWallet &wallet, const std::string &address); /** Returns a new address from the wallet */ std::string getnewaddress(const Config &config, CWallet &w); #endif // BITCOIN_TEST_UTIL_WALLET_H diff --git a/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_peer_discovery.py b/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_peer_discovery.py index 0f23bce46..9ea333f83 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_peer_discovery.py +++ b/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_peer_discovery.py @@ -1,267 +1,267 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the peer discovery behavior of avalanche nodes. This includes tests for the service flag, avahello handshake and proof exchange. """ import time -from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE +from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE from test_framework.avatools import ( get_ava_p2p_interface, create_coinbase_stakes, get_proof_ids, ) from test_framework.key import ( bytes_to_wif, ECKey, ECPubKey, ) from test_framework.p2p import p2p_lock from test_framework.messages import ( AvalancheProof, CInv, FromHex, MSG_AVA_PROOF, msg_getdata, NODE_AVALANCHE, NODE_NETWORK, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, wait_until, ) UNCONDITIONAL_RELAY_DELAY = 2 * 60 class AvalancheTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 self.extra_args = [['-enableavalanche=1', '-enableavalanchepeerdiscovery=1']] self.supports_cli = False def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] # duplicate the deterministic sig test from src/test/key_tests.cpp privkey = ECKey() privkey.set(bytes.fromhex( "12b004fff7f4b69ef8650e767f18f11ede158148b425660723b9f9a66e61f747"), True) pubkey = privkey.get_pubkey() self.log.info( "Check the node is signalling the avalanche service bit only if there is a proof.") assert_equal( int(node.getnetworkinfo()['localservices'], 16) & NODE_AVALANCHE, 0) # Create stakes by mining blocks addrkey0 = node.get_deterministic_priv_key() blockhashes = node.generatetoaddress(2, addrkey0.address) stakes = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blockhashes[0]], addrkey0.key) proof_sequence = 11 proof_expiration = 12 proof = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, pubkey.get_bytes().hex(), stakes) # Restart the node self.restart_node(0, self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ]) assert_equal( int(node.getnetworkinfo()['localservices'], 16) & NODE_AVALANCHE, NODE_AVALANCHE) def check_avahello(args): # Restart the node with the given args self.restart_node(0, self.extra_args[0] + args) peer = get_ava_p2p_interface(node) avahello = peer.wait_for_avahello().hello avakey = ECPubKey() avakey.set(bytes.fromhex(node.getavalanchekey())) assert avakey.verify_schnorr( avahello.sig, avahello.get_sighash(peer)) self.log.info( "Test the avahello signature with a generated delegation") check_avahello([ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN" ]) master_key = ECKey() master_key.generate() limited_id = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), proof).limited_proofid delegation = node.delegateavalancheproof( f"{limited_id:0{64}x}", bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), master_key.get_pubkey().get_bytes().hex(), ) self.log.info("Test the avahello signature with a supplied delegation") check_avahello([ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avadelegation={}".format(delegation), "-avamasterkey={}".format(bytes_to_wif(master_key.get_bytes())), ]) stakes = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blockhashes[1]], addrkey0.key) interface_proof_hex = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, pubkey.get_bytes().hex(), stakes) limited_id = FromHex( AvalancheProof(), interface_proof_hex).limited_proofid # delegate delegated_key = ECKey() delegated_key.generate() interface_delegation_hex = node.delegateavalancheproof( f"{limited_id:0{64}x}", bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), delegated_key.get_pubkey().get_bytes().hex(), None) self.log.info("Test that wrong avahello signature causes a ban") bad_interface = get_ava_p2p_interface(node) wrong_key = ECKey() wrong_key.generate() with node.assert_debug_log( ["Misbehaving", "peer=1 (0 -> 100) BAN THRESHOLD EXCEEDED: invalid-avahello-signature"]): bad_interface.send_avahello(interface_delegation_hex, wrong_key) bad_interface.wait_for_disconnect() self.log.info( 'Check that receiving a valid avahello triggers a proof getdata request') good_interface = get_ava_p2p_interface(node) proofid = good_interface.send_avahello( interface_delegation_hex, delegated_key) def getdata_found(peer, proofid): with p2p_lock: return good_interface.last_message.get( "getdata") and good_interface.last_message["getdata"].inv[-1].hash == proofid wait_until(lambda: getdata_found(good_interface, proofid)) self.log.info('Check that we can download the proof from our peer') node_proofid = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), proof).proofid def wait_for_proof_validation(): # Connect some blocks to trigger the proof verification node.generate(1) wait_until(lambda: node_proofid in get_proof_ids(node)) wait_for_proof_validation() getdata = msg_getdata([CInv(MSG_AVA_PROOF, node_proofid)]) self.log.info( "Proof has been inv'ed recently, check it can be requested") good_interface.send_message(getdata) def proof_received(peer): with p2p_lock: return peer.last_message.get( "avaproof") and peer.last_message["avaproof"].proof.proofid == node_proofid wait_until(lambda: proof_received(good_interface)) # Restart the node self.restart_node(0, self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ]) wait_for_proof_validation() self.log.info( "The proof has not been announced, it cannot be requested") peer = get_ava_p2p_interface(node, services=NODE_NETWORK) peer.send_message(getdata) # Give enough time for the node to answer. Since we cannot check for a # non-event this is the best we can do time.sleep(2) assert not proof_received(peer) self.log.info("The proof is known for long enough to be requested") current_time = int(time.time()) node.setmocktime(current_time + UNCONDITIONAL_RELAY_DELAY) peer.send_message(getdata) wait_until(lambda: proof_received(peer)) # Restart the node self.restart_node(0, self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ]) wait_for_proof_validation() # The only peer is the node itself assert_equal(len(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()), 1) assert_equal(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()[0]["proof"], proof) peer = get_ava_p2p_interface(node) peer_proofid = peer.send_avahello( interface_delegation_hex, delegated_key) wait_until(lambda: getdata_found(peer, peer_proofid)) assert peer_proofid not in get_proof_ids(node) self.log.info( "Check that the peer gets added as an avalanche node as soon as the node knows about the proof") node.sendavalancheproof(interface_proof_hex) def has_node_count(count): peerinfo = node.getavalanchepeerinfo() return (len(peerinfo) == 2 and peerinfo[-1]["proof"] == interface_proof_hex and peerinfo[-1]["nodecount"] == count) wait_until(lambda: has_node_count(1)) self.log.info( "Check that the peer gets added immediately if the proof is already known") # Connect another peer using the same proof peer_proof_known = get_ava_p2p_interface(node) peer_proof_known.send_avahello(interface_delegation_hex, delegated_key) wait_until(lambda: has_node_count(2)) self.log.info("Invalidate the proof and check the nodes are removed") tip = node.getbestblockhash() # Invalidate the block with the proof utxo node.invalidateblock(blockhashes[1]) # Change the address to make sure we don't generate a block identical # to the one we just invalidated. Can be generate(1) after D9694 or # D9697 is landed. - forked_tip = node.generatetoaddress(1, ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE)[0] + forked_tip = node.generatetoaddress(1, ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE)[0] wait_until(lambda: node.getbestblockhash() == forked_tip) wait_until(lambda: len(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()) == 1) assert peer_proofid not in get_proof_ids(node) self.log.info("Reorg back and check the nodes are added back") node.invalidateblock(forked_tip) node.reconsiderblock(tip) wait_until(lambda: has_node_count(2), timeout=2) if __name__ == '__main__': AvalancheTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py b/test/functional/abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py index 66a2bec89..bf256a793 100644 --- a/test/functional/abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py +++ b/test/functional/abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py @@ -1,300 +1,300 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2021 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ Test proof inventory relaying """ from test_framework.avatools import ( create_coinbase_stakes, get_proof_ids, wait_for_proof, ) -from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE +from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE from test_framework.key import ECKey, bytes_to_wif from test_framework.messages import ( AvalancheProof, CInv, FromHex, MSG_AVA_PROOF, MSG_TYPE_MASK, msg_avaproof, msg_getdata, ) from test_framework.p2p import ( P2PInterface, p2p_lock, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_greater_than, connect_nodes, wait_until, ) import time # Broadcast reattempt occurs every 10 to 15 minutes MAX_INITIAL_BROADCAST_DELAY = 15 * 60 # Delay to allow the node to respond to getdata requests UNCONDITIONAL_RELAY_DELAY = 2 * 60 class ProofInvStoreP2PInterface(P2PInterface): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.proof_invs_counter = 0 def on_inv(self, message): for i in message.inv: if i.type & MSG_TYPE_MASK == MSG_AVA_PROOF: self.proof_invs_counter += 1 class ProofInventoryTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 5 self.extra_args = [['-enableavalanche=1', '-avacooldown=0']] * self.num_nodes def gen_proof(self, node): blockhashes = node.generate(10) privkey = ECKey() privkey.generate() pubkey = privkey.get_pubkey() stakes = create_coinbase_stakes( node, blockhashes, node.get_deterministic_priv_key().key) proof_hex = node.buildavalancheproof( 42, 2000000000, pubkey.get_bytes().hex(), stakes) return bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), FromHex( AvalancheProof(), proof_hex) def test_send_proof_inv(self): self.log.info("Test sending a proof to our peers") node = self.nodes[0] for i in range(10): node.add_p2p_connection(ProofInvStoreP2PInterface()) _, proof = self.gen_proof(node) assert node.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) def proof_inv_found(peer): with p2p_lock: return peer.last_message.get( "inv") and peer.last_message["inv"].inv[-1].hash == proof.proofid wait_until(lambda: all(proof_inv_found(i) for i in node.p2ps)) self.log.info("Test that we don't send the same inv several times") extra_peer = ProofInvStoreP2PInterface() node.add_p2p_connection(extra_peer) # Send the same proof one more time node.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) # Our new extra peer should receive it but not the others wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_found(extra_peer)) assert all(p.proof_invs_counter == 1 for p in node.p2ps) # Send the proof again and force the send loop to be processed for peer in node.p2ps: node.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) peer.sync_with_ping() assert all(p.proof_invs_counter == 1 for p in node.p2ps) def test_receive_proof(self): self.log.info("Test a peer is created on proof reception") node = self.nodes[0] _, proof = self.gen_proof(node) peer = node.add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) msg = msg_avaproof() msg.proof = proof peer.send_message(msg) wait_until(lambda: proof.proofid in get_proof_ids(node)) self.log.info("Test receiving a proof with missing utxo is orphaned") privkey = ECKey() privkey.generate() orphan_hex = node.buildavalancheproof( 42, 2000000000, privkey.get_pubkey().get_bytes().hex(), [{ 'txid': '0' * 64, 'vout': 0, 'amount': 10e6, 'height': 42, 'iscoinbase': False, 'privatekey': bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), }] ) orphan = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), orphan_hex) orphan_proofid = "{:064x}".format(orphan.proofid) msg = msg_avaproof() msg.proof = orphan peer.send_message(msg) wait_for_proof(node, orphan_proofid, expect_orphan=True) def test_ban_invalid_proof(self): node = self.nodes[0] _, bad_proof = self.gen_proof(node) bad_proof.stakes = [] peer = node.add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) msg = msg_avaproof() msg.proof = bad_proof with node.assert_debug_log([ 'Misbehaving', 'invalid-avaproof', ]): peer.send_message(msg) peer.wait_for_disconnect() def test_proof_relay(self): # This test makes no sense with a single node ! assert_greater_than(self.num_nodes, 1) def restart_nodes_with_proof(nodes=self.nodes): proofids = set() for i, node in enumerate(nodes): privkey, proof = self.gen_proof(node) proofids.add(proof.proofid) self.restart_node(node.index, self.extra_args[node.index] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof.serialize().hex()), "-avamasterkey={}".format(privkey) ]) # Connect a block to make the proof be added to our pool node.generate(1) wait_until(lambda: proof.proofid in get_proof_ids(node)) [connect_nodes(node, n) for n in nodes[:i]] return proofids proofids = restart_nodes_with_proof(self.nodes) self.log.info("Nodes should eventually get the proof from their peer") self.sync_proofs() for node in self.nodes: assert_equal(set(get_proof_ids(node)), proofids) def test_unbroadcast(self): self.log.info("Test broadcasting proofs") node = self.nodes[0] def add_peers(count): peers = [] for i in range(count): peer = node.add_p2p_connection(ProofInvStoreP2PInterface()) peer.wait_for_verack() peers.append(peer) return peers _, proof = self.gen_proof(node) proofid_hex = "{:064x}".format(proof.proofid) # Broadcast the proof peers = add_peers(3) assert node.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) wait_for_proof(node, proofid_hex) def proof_inv_received(peers): with p2p_lock: return all(p.last_message.get( "inv") and p.last_message["inv"].inv[-1].hash == proof.proofid for p in peers) wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_received(peers)) # If no peer request the proof for download, the node should reattempt # broadcasting to all new peers after 10 to 15 minutes. peers = add_peers(3) node.mockscheduler(MAX_INITIAL_BROADCAST_DELAY + 1) peers[-1].sync_with_ping() wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_received(peers)) # If at least one peer requests the proof, there is no more attempt to # broadcast it node.setmocktime(int(time.time()) + UNCONDITIONAL_RELAY_DELAY) msg = msg_getdata([CInv(t=MSG_AVA_PROOF, h=proof.proofid)]) peers[-1].send_message(msg) # Give enough time for the node to broadcast the proof again peers = add_peers(3) node.mockscheduler(MAX_INITIAL_BROADCAST_DELAY + 1) peers[-1].sync_with_ping() assert not proof_inv_received(peers) self.log.info( "Proofs that become invalid should no longer be broadcasted") # Restart and add connect a new set of peers self.restart_node(0) # Broadcast the proof peers = add_peers(3) assert node.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_received(peers)) # Sanity check our node knows the proof, and it is valid wait_for_proof(node, proofid_hex, expect_orphan=False) # Mature the utxo then spend it node.generate(100) utxo = proof.stakes[0].stake.utxo raw_tx = node.createrawtransaction( inputs=[{ # coinbase "txid": "{:064x}".format(utxo.hash), "vout": utxo.n }], - outputs={ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE: 25_000_000 - 250.00}, + outputs={ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE: 25_000_000 - 250.00}, ) signed_tx = node.signrawtransactionwithkey( hexstring=raw_tx, privkeys=[node.get_deterministic_priv_key().key], ) node.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx['hex']) # Mine the tx in a block node.generate(1) # Wait for the proof to be orphaned wait_until(lambda: node.getrawavalancheproof( proofid_hex)["orphan"] is True) # It should no longer be broadcasted peers = add_peers(3) node.mockscheduler(MAX_INITIAL_BROADCAST_DELAY + 1) peers[-1].sync_with_ping() assert not proof_inv_received(peers) def run_test(self): self.test_send_proof_inv() self.test_receive_proof() self.test_ban_invalid_proof() self.test_proof_relay() self.test_unbroadcast() if __name__ == '__main__': ProofInventoryTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py b/test/functional/abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py index ce3885470..1799a1552 100644 --- a/test/functional/abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py +++ b/test/functional/abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py @@ -1,448 +1,448 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2021 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test building avalanche proofs and using them to add avalanche peers.""" import base64 from decimal import Decimal -from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE +from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE from test_framework.avatools import ( create_coinbase_stakes, create_stakes, get_proof_ids, wait_for_proof, ) from test_framework.key import ECKey, bytes_to_wif from test_framework.messages import ( AvalancheDelegation, AvalancheDelegationLevel, AvalancheProof, FromHex, ) from test_framework.p2p import P2PInterface, p2p_lock from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.test_node import ErrorMatch from test_framework.util import ( append_config, assert_equal, connect_nodes, wait_until, assert_raises_rpc_error, ) AVALANCHE_MAX_PROOF_STAKES = 1000 PROOF_DUST_THRESHOLD = 1000000.0 """Minimum amount per UTXO in a proof (in coins, not in satoshis)""" def add_interface_node(test_node) -> str: """Create a mininode, connect it to test_node, return the nodeid of the mininode as registered by test_node. """ n = P2PInterface() test_node.add_p2p_connection(n) n.wait_for_verack() return test_node.getpeerinfo()[-1]['id'] class AvalancheProofTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.extra_args = [['-enableavalanche=1', '-avacooldown=0'], ['-enableavalanche=1', '-avacooldown=0']] self.supports_cli = False self.rpc_timeout = 120 def run_test(self): # Turn off node 1 while node 0 mines blocks to generate stakes, # so that we can later try starting node 1 with an orphan proof. self.stop_node(1) node = self.nodes[0] addrkey0 = node.get_deterministic_priv_key() blockhashes = node.generatetoaddress(100, addrkey0.address) self.log.info( "Make build a valid proof and restart the node to use it") privkey = ECKey() privkey.set(bytes.fromhex( "12b004fff7f4b69ef8650e767f18f11ede158148b425660723b9f9a66e61f747"), True) def get_hex_pubkey(privkey): return privkey.get_pubkey().get_bytes().hex() proof_master = get_hex_pubkey(privkey) proof_sequence = 11 proof_expiration = 12 stakes = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blockhashes[0]], addrkey0.key) proof = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, proof_master, stakes) self.log.info("Test decodeavalancheproof RPC") proofobj = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), proof) decodedproof = node.decodeavalancheproof(proof) limited_id_hex = f"{proofobj.limited_proofid:0{64}x}" assert_equal(decodedproof["sequence"], proof_sequence) assert_equal(decodedproof["expiration"], proof_expiration) assert_equal(decodedproof["master"], proof_master) assert_equal(decodedproof["proofid"], f"{proofobj.proofid:0{64}x}") assert_equal(decodedproof["limitedid"], limited_id_hex) assert_equal(decodedproof["stakes"][0]["txid"], stakes[0]["txid"]) assert_equal(decodedproof["stakes"][0]["vout"], stakes[0]["vout"]) assert_equal(decodedproof["stakes"][0]["height"], stakes[0]["height"]) assert_equal( decodedproof["stakes"][0]["iscoinbase"], stakes[0]["iscoinbase"]) assert_equal( decodedproof["stakes"][0]["signature"], base64.b64encode(proofobj.stakes[0].sig).decode("ascii")) # Invalid hex (odd number of hex digits) assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Proof must be an hexadecimal string", node.decodeavalancheproof, proof[:-1]) # Valid hex but invalid proof assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Proof has invalid format", node.decodeavalancheproof, proof[:-2]) # Restart the node with this proof self.restart_node(0, self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ]) self.log.info("The proof is registered at first chaintip update") assert_equal(len(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()), 0) node.generate(1) wait_until(lambda: len(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()) == 1, timeout=5) # This case will occur for users building proofs with a third party # tool and then starting a new node that is not yet aware of the # transactions used for stakes. self.log.info("Start a node with an orphan proof") self.start_node(1, self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ]) # Mine a block to trigger an attempt at registering the proof self.nodes[1].generate(1) wait_for_proof(self.nodes[1], f"{proofobj.proofid:0{64}x}", expect_orphan=True) self.log.info("Connect to an up-to-date node to unorphan the proof") connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], node) self.sync_all() wait_for_proof(self.nodes[1], f"{proofobj.proofid:0{64}x}", expect_orphan=False) self.log.info("Generate delegations for the proof") # Stack up a few delegation levels def gen_privkey(): pk = ECKey() pk.generate() return pk delegator_privkey = privkey delegation = None for _ in range(10): delegated_privkey = gen_privkey() delegation = node.delegateavalancheproof( limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(delegator_privkey.get_bytes()), get_hex_pubkey(delegated_privkey), delegation, ) delegator_privkey = delegated_privkey random_privkey = gen_privkey() random_pubkey = get_hex_pubkey(random_privkey) # Invalid proof no_stake = node.buildavalancheproof(proof_sequence, proof_expiration, proof_master, []) # Invalid privkey assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, "The private key is invalid", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(bytes(32)), random_pubkey, ) # Invalid delegation bad_dg = AvalancheDelegation() assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "The delegation does not match the proof", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), random_pubkey, bad_dg.serialize().hex(), ) # Still invalid, but with a matching proofid bad_dg.limited_proofid = proofobj.limited_proofid bad_dg.proof_master = proofobj.master bad_dg.levels = [AvalancheDelegationLevel()] assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "The delegation is invalid", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), random_pubkey, bad_dg.serialize().hex(), ) # Wrong privkey, match the proof but does not match the delegation assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, "The private key does not match the delegation", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), random_pubkey, delegation, ) # Delegation not hex assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Delegation must be an hexadecimal string.", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), random_pubkey, "f00", ) # Delegation is hex but ill-formed assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Delegation has invalid format", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), random_pubkey, "dead", ) # Test invalid proofs dust = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, proof_master, create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blockhashes[0]], addrkey0.key, amount="0")) dust_amount = Decimal(f"{PROOF_DUST_THRESHOLD * 0.9999:.4f}") dust2 = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, proof_master, create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blockhashes[0]], addrkey0.key, amount=str(dust_amount))) duplicate_stake = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, proof_master, create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blockhashes[0]] * 2, addrkey0.key)) missing_stake = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, proof_master, [{ 'txid': '0' * 64, 'vout': 0, 'amount': 10000000, 'height': 42, 'iscoinbase': False, 'privatekey': addrkey0.key, }] ) bad_sig = ("0b000000000000000c0000000000000021030b4c866585dd868a9d62348" "a9cd008d6a312937048fff31670e7e920cfc7a7440105c5f72f5d6da3085" "583e75ee79340eb4eff208c89988e7ed0efb30b87298fa30000000000f20" "52a0100000003000000210227d85ba011276cf25b51df6a188b75e604b3" "8770a462b2d0e9fb2fc839ef5d3faf07f001dd38e9b4a43d07d5d449cc0" "f7d2888d96b82962b3ce516d1083c0e031773487fc3c4f2e38acd1db974" "1321b91a79b82d1c2cfd47793261e4ba003cf5") self.log.info( "Check the verifyavalancheproof and sendavalancheproof RPCs") if self.is_wallet_compiled(): self.log.info( "Check a proof with the maximum number of UTXO is valid") new_blocks = node.generate(AVALANCHE_MAX_PROOF_STAKES // 10 + 1) # confirm the coinbase UTXOs node.generate(101) too_many_stakes = create_stakes( node, new_blocks, AVALANCHE_MAX_PROOF_STAKES + 1) maximum_stakes = too_many_stakes[:-1] good_proof = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, proof_master, maximum_stakes) too_many_utxos = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, proof_master, too_many_stakes) assert node.verifyavalancheproof(good_proof) for rpc in [node.verifyavalancheproof, node.sendavalancheproof]: assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Proof must be an hexadecimal string", rpc, "f00") assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Proof has invalid format", rpc, "f00d") def check_rpc_failure(proof, message): assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "The proof is invalid: " + message, rpc, proof) check_rpc_failure(no_stake, "no-stake") check_rpc_failure(dust, "amount-below-dust-threshold") check_rpc_failure(duplicate_stake, "duplicated-stake") check_rpc_failure(missing_stake, "utxo-missing-or-spent") check_rpc_failure(bad_sig, "invalid-signature") if self.is_wallet_compiled(): check_rpc_failure(too_many_utxos, "too-many-utxos") conflicting_utxo = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence + 1, proof_expiration, proof_master, stakes) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "The proof has conflicting utxo with an existing proof", node.sendavalancheproof, conflicting_utxo) # Good proof assert node.verifyavalancheproof(proof) peer = node.add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) proofid = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), proof).proofid node.sendavalancheproof(proof) assert proofid in get_proof_ids(node) def inv_found(): with p2p_lock: return peer.last_message.get( "inv") and peer.last_message["inv"].inv[-1].hash == proofid wait_until(inv_found) self.log.info("Check the getrawproof RPC") raw_proof = node.getrawavalancheproof("{:064x}".format(proofid)) assert_equal(raw_proof['proof'], proof) assert_equal(raw_proof['orphan'], False) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Proof not found", node.getrawavalancheproof, '0' * 64) # Orphan the proof by sending the stake raw_tx = node.createrawtransaction( [{"txid": stakes[-1]["txid"], "vout": 0}], - {ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE: stakes[-1] + {ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE: stakes[-1] ["amount"] - Decimal('10000')} ) signed_tx = node.signrawtransactionwithkey(raw_tx, [addrkey0.key]) node.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx["hex"]) node.generate(1) wait_until(lambda: proofid not in get_proof_ids(node)) raw_proof = node.getrawavalancheproof("{:064x}".format(proofid)) assert_equal(raw_proof['proof'], proof) assert_equal(raw_proof['orphan'], True) self.log.info("Bad proof should be rejected at startup") self.stop_node(0) node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avasessionkey=0", ], expected_msg="Error: The avalanche session key is invalid.", ) node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), ], expected_msg="Error: The avalanche master key is missing for the avalanche proof.", ) node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=0", ], expected_msg="Error: The avalanche master key is invalid.", ) def check_proof_init_error(proof, message): node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ], expected_msg="Error: " + message, ) check_proof_init_error(no_stake, "The avalanche proof has no stake.") check_proof_init_error(dust, "The avalanche proof stake is too low.") check_proof_init_error(dust2, "The avalanche proof stake is too low.") check_proof_init_error(duplicate_stake, "The avalanche proof has duplicated stake.") check_proof_init_error(bad_sig, "The avalanche proof has invalid stake signatures.") if self.is_wallet_compiled(): # The too many utxos case creates a proof which is that large that it # cannot fit on the command line append_config(node.datadir, ["avaproof={}".format(too_many_utxos)]) node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ], expected_msg="Error: The avalanche proof has too many utxos.", match=ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX, ) # Master private key mismatch random_privkey = ECKey() random_privkey.generate() node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey={}".format( bytes_to_wif(random_privkey.get_bytes())), ], expected_msg="Error: The master key does not match the proof public key.", ) self.log.info("Bad delegation should be rejected at startup") def check_delegation_init_error(delegation, message): node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avadelegation={}".format(delegation), "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey={}".format( bytes_to_wif(delegated_privkey.get_bytes())), ], expected_msg="Error: " + message, ) check_delegation_init_error( AvalancheDelegation().serialize().hex(), "The delegation does not match the proof.") bad_level_sig = FromHex(AvalancheDelegation(), delegation) # Tweak some key to cause the signature to mismatch bad_level_sig.levels[-2].pubkey = bytes.fromhex(proof_master) check_delegation_init_error(bad_level_sig.serialize().hex(), "The avalanche delegation has invalid signatures.") node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avadelegation={}".format(delegation), "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey={}".format( bytes_to_wif(random_privkey.get_bytes())), ], expected_msg="Error: The master key does not match the delegation public key.", ) if __name__ == '__main__': AvalancheProofTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/feature_notifications.py b/test/functional/feature_notifications.py index 47a9acfc6..6e39388c0 100755 --- a/test/functional/feature_notifications.py +++ b/test/functional/feature_notifications.py @@ -1,142 +1,142 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the -alertnotify, -blocknotify and -walletnotify options.""" import os -from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE +from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, connect_nodes, wait_until ) FORK_WARNING_MESSAGE = "Warning: Large-work fork detected, forking after block {}" # Linux allow all characters other than \x00 # Windows disallow control characters (0-31) and /\?%:|"<> FILE_CHAR_START = 32 if os.name == 'nt' else 1 FILE_CHAR_END = 128 FILE_CHAR_BLACKLIST = '/\\?%*:|"<>' if os.name == 'nt' else '/' def notify_outputname(walletname, txid): return txid if os.name == 'nt' else '{}_{}'.format(walletname, txid) class NotificationsTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True def setup_network(self): self.wallet = ''.join( chr(i) for i in range( FILE_CHAR_START, FILE_CHAR_END) if chr(i) not in FILE_CHAR_BLACKLIST) self.alertnotify_dir = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, "alertnotify") self.blocknotify_dir = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, "blocknotify") self.walletnotify_dir = os.path.join( self.options.tmpdir, "walletnotify") os.mkdir(self.alertnotify_dir) os.mkdir(self.blocknotify_dir) os.mkdir(self.walletnotify_dir) # -alertnotify and -blocknotify on node0, walletnotify on node1 self.extra_args = [["-alertnotify=echo > {}".format( os.path.join(self.alertnotify_dir, '%s')), "-blocknotify=echo > {}".format(os.path.join(self.blocknotify_dir, '%s'))], ["-blockversion=211", "-rescan", "-wallet={}".format(self.wallet), "-walletnotify=echo > {}".format(os.path.join(self.walletnotify_dir, notify_outputname('%w', '%s')))]] super().setup_network() def run_test(self): self.log.info("test -blocknotify") block_count = 10 blocks = self.nodes[1].generatetoaddress( block_count, self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() if self.is_wallet_compiled() - else ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE + else ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE ) # wait at most 10 seconds for expected number of files before reading # the content wait_until( lambda: len( os.listdir( self.blocknotify_dir)) == block_count, timeout=10) # directory content should equal the generated blocks hashes assert_equal(sorted(blocks), sorted(os.listdir(self.blocknotify_dir))) if self.is_wallet_compiled(): self.log.info("test -walletnotify") # wait at most 10 seconds for expected number of files before reading # the content wait_until( lambda: len( os.listdir( self.walletnotify_dir)) == block_count, timeout=10) # directory content should equal the generated transaction hashes txids_rpc = list(map(lambda t: notify_outputname( self.wallet, t['txid']), self.nodes[1].listtransactions("*", block_count))) assert_equal( sorted(txids_rpc), sorted( os.listdir( self.walletnotify_dir))) self.stop_node(1) for tx_file in os.listdir(self.walletnotify_dir): os.remove(os.path.join(self.walletnotify_dir, tx_file)) self.log.info("test -walletnotify after rescan") # restart node to rescan to force wallet notifications self.start_node(1) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]) wait_until( lambda: len( os.listdir( self.walletnotify_dir)) == block_count, timeout=10) # directory content should equal the generated transaction hashes txids_rpc = list(map(lambda t: notify_outputname( self.wallet, t['txid']), self.nodes[1].listtransactions("*", block_count))) assert_equal( sorted(txids_rpc), sorted( os.listdir( self.walletnotify_dir))) # Create an invalid chain and ensure the node warns. self.log.info("test -alertnotify for forked chain") fork_block = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() - self.nodes[0].generatetoaddress(1, ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE) + self.nodes[0].generatetoaddress(1, ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE) invalid_block = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() - self.nodes[0].generatetoaddress(7, ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE) + self.nodes[0].generatetoaddress(7, ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE) # Invalidate a large branch, which should trigger an alert. self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(invalid_block) # Give bitcoind 10 seconds to write the alert notification wait_until(lambda: len(os.listdir(self.alertnotify_dir)), timeout=10) # The notification command is unable to properly handle the spaces on # windows. Skip the content check in this case. if os.name != 'nt': assert FORK_WARNING_MESSAGE.format( fork_block) in os.listdir(self.alertnotify_dir) for notify_file in os.listdir(self.alertnotify_dir): os.remove(os.path.join(self.alertnotify_dir, notify_file)) if __name__ == '__main__': NotificationsTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/interface_zmq.py b/test/functional/interface_zmq.py index 2ce0675fe..e1ae7eec7 100755 --- a/test/functional/interface_zmq.py +++ b/test/functional/interface_zmq.py @@ -1,235 +1,235 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the ZMQ notification interface.""" import struct from io import BytesIO -from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE +from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.messages import CTransaction, hash256 from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, connect_nodes, ) from time import sleep def hash256_reversed(byte_str): return hash256(byte_str)[::-1] class ZMQSubscriber: def __init__(self, socket, topic): self.sequence = 0 self.socket = socket self.topic = topic import zmq self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.topic) def receive(self): topic, body, seq = self.socket.recv_multipart() # Topic should match the subscriber topic. assert_equal(topic, self.topic) # Sequence should be incremental. assert_equal(struct.unpack('= max_getdata_in_flight) for i in range(max_getdata_in_flight, len(invids)): p.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(t=context.inv_type, h=invids[i])])) p.sync_with_ping() self.log.info( "No more than {} requests should be seen within {} seconds after announcement".format( max_getdata_in_flight, max_inbound_delay - 1)) self.nodes[0].setmocktime( mock_time + max_inbound_delay - 1) p.sync_with_ping() with p2p_lock: assert_equal(p.getdata_count, max_getdata_in_flight) self.log.info( "If we wait {} seconds after announcement, we should eventually get more requests".format( max_inbound_delay)) self.nodes[0].setmocktime( mock_time + max_inbound_delay) p.wait_until(lambda: p.getdata_count == len(invids)) def test_expiry_fallback(self, context): self.log.info( 'Check that expiry will select another peer for download') peer1 = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(context.p2p_conn()) peer2 = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(context.p2p_conn()) for p in [peer1, peer2]: p.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(t=context.inv_type, h=0xffaa)])) # One of the peers is asked for the data peer2.wait_until( lambda: sum( p.getdata_count for p in [ peer1, peer2]) == 1) with p2p_lock: peer_expiry, peer_fallback = ( peer1, peer2) if peer1.getdata_count == 1 else ( peer2, peer1) assert_equal(peer_fallback.getdata_count, 0) # Wait for request to peer_expiry to expire self.nodes[0].setmocktime( int(time.time()) + context.constants.getdata_interval + 1) peer_fallback.wait_until( lambda: peer_fallback.getdata_count >= 1) with p2p_lock: assert_equal(peer_fallback.getdata_count, 1) # reset mocktime self.restart_node(0) def test_disconnect_fallback(self, context): self.log.info( 'Check that disconnect will select another peer for download') peer1 = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(context.p2p_conn()) peer2 = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(context.p2p_conn()) for p in [peer1, peer2]: p.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(t=context.inv_type, h=0xffbb)])) # One of the peers is asked for the data peer2.wait_until( lambda: sum( p.getdata_count for p in [ peer1, peer2]) == 1) with p2p_lock: peer_disconnect, peer_fallback = ( peer1, peer2) if peer1.getdata_count == 1 else ( peer2, peer1) assert_equal(peer_fallback.getdata_count, 0) peer_disconnect.peer_disconnect() peer_disconnect.wait_for_disconnect() peer_fallback.wait_until( lambda: peer_fallback.getdata_count >= 1) with p2p_lock: assert_equal(peer_fallback.getdata_count, 1) def test_notfound_fallback(self, context): self.log.info( 'Check that notfounds will select another peer for download immediately') peer1 = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(context.p2p_conn()) peer2 = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(context.p2p_conn()) for p in [peer1, peer2]: p.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(t=context.inv_type, h=0xffdd)])) # One of the peers is asked for the data peer2.wait_until( lambda: sum( p.getdata_count for p in [ peer1, peer2]) == 1) with p2p_lock: peer_notfound, peer_fallback = ( peer1, peer2) if peer1.getdata_count == 1 else ( peer2, peer1) assert_equal(peer_fallback.getdata_count, 0) # Send notfound, so that fallback peer is selected peer_notfound.send_and_ping(msg_notfound( vec=[CInv(context.inv_type, 0xffdd)])) peer_fallback.wait_until( lambda: peer_fallback.getdata_count >= 1) with p2p_lock: assert_equal(peer_fallback.getdata_count, 1) def test_preferred_inv(self, context): self.log.info( 'Check that invs from preferred peers are downloaded immediately') self.restart_node( 0, extra_args=self.extra_args[0] + ['-whitelist=noban@']) peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(context.p2p_conn()) peer.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(t=context.inv_type, h=0xff00ff00)])) peer.wait_until(lambda: peer.getdata_count >= 1) with p2p_lock: assert_equal(peer.getdata_count, 1) def test_large_inv_batch(self, context): max_peer_announcements = context.constants.max_peer_announcements net_permissions = context.constants.bypass_request_limits_permission_flags self.log.info( 'Test how large inv batches are handled with {} permission'.format(net_permissions)) self.restart_node( 0, extra_args=self.extra_args[0] + ['-whitelist={}@'.format(net_permissions)]) peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(context.p2p_conn()) peer.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(t=context.inv_type, h=invid) for invid in range(max_peer_announcements + 1)])) peer.wait_until(lambda: peer.getdata_count == max_peer_announcements + 1) self.log.info( 'Test how large inv batches are handled without {} permission'.format(net_permissions)) self.restart_node(0) peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(context.p2p_conn()) peer.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(t=context.inv_type, h=invid) for invid in range(max_peer_announcements + 1)])) peer.wait_until(lambda: peer.getdata_count == max_peer_announcements) peer.sync_with_ping() with p2p_lock: assert_equal(peer.getdata_count, max_peer_announcements) def test_spurious_notfound(self, context): self.log.info('Check that spurious notfound is ignored') self.nodes[0].p2ps[0].send_message( msg_notfound(vec=[CInv(context.inv_type, 1)])) @skip(TX_TEST_CONTEXT) def test_orphan_download(self, context): node = self.nodes[0] privkey = ECKey() privkey.generate() privkey_wif = bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()) # Build a proof with missing utxos so it will be orphaned orphan = node.buildavalancheproof( 42, 2000000000, privkey.get_pubkey().get_bytes().hex(), [{ 'txid': '0' * 64, 'vout': 0, 'amount': 10e6, 'height': 42, 'iscoinbase': False, 'privatekey': privkey_wif, }] ) proofid = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), orphan).proofid proofid_hex = "{:064x}".format(proofid) self.restart_node(0, extra_args=self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(orphan), "-avamasterkey={}".format(privkey_wif), ]) node.generate(1) wait_for_proof(node, proofid_hex, expect_orphan=True) peer = node.add_p2p_connection(context.p2p_conn()) peer.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(t=context.inv_type, h=proofid)])) # Give enough time for the node to eventually request the proof. node.setmocktime(int(time.time()) + context.constants.getdata_interval + 1) peer.sync_with_ping() assert_equal(peer.getdata_count, 0) @skip(TX_TEST_CONTEXT) def test_request_invalid_once(self, context): node = self.nodes[0] privkey = ECKey() privkey.generate() # Build an invalid proof (no stake) no_stake_hex = node.buildavalancheproof( 42, 2000000000, privkey.get_pubkey().get_bytes().hex(), [] ) no_stake = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), no_stake_hex) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "The proof is invalid: no-stake", node.verifyavalancheproof, no_stake_hex) # Send the proof msg = msg_avaproof() msg.proof = no_stake node.p2ps[0].send_message(msg) # Check we get banned node.p2ps[0].wait_for_disconnect() # Now that the node knows the proof is invalid, it should not be # requested anymore node.p2ps[1].send_message( msg_inv([CInv(t=context.inv_type, h=no_stake.proofid)])) # Give enough time for the node to eventually request the proof node.setmocktime(int(time.time()) + context.constants.getdata_interval + 1) node.p2ps[1].sync_with_ping() assert all(p.getdata_count == 0 for p in node.p2ps[1:]) def run_test(self): for context in [TX_TEST_CONTEXT, PROOF_TEST_CONTEXT]: self.log.info( "Starting tests using " + context.inv_name + " inventory type") # Run tests without mocktime that only need one peer-connection first, # to avoid restarting the nodes self.test_expiry_fallback(context) self.test_disconnect_fallback(context) self.test_notfound_fallback(context) self.test_preferred_inv(context) self.test_large_inv_batch(context) self.test_spurious_notfound(context) # Run each test against new bitcoind instances, as setting mocktimes has long-term effects on when # the next trickle relay event happens. for test in [self.test_in_flight_max, self.test_inv_block, self.test_data_requests, self.test_orphan_download, self.test_request_invalid_once]: self.stop_nodes() self.start_nodes() self.connect_nodes(1, 0) # Setup the p2p connections self.peers = [] for node in self.nodes: for _ in range(NUM_INBOUND): self.peers.append( node.add_p2p_connection( context.p2p_conn())) self.log.info( "Nodes are setup with {} incoming connections each".format(NUM_INBOUND)) test(context) if __name__ == '__main__': InventoryDownloadTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/rpc_invalidateblock.py b/test/functional/rpc_invalidateblock.py index 7bf110e8b..931b48aa1 100755 --- a/test/functional/rpc_invalidateblock.py +++ b/test/functional/rpc_invalidateblock.py @@ -1,98 +1,98 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the invalidateblock RPC.""" -from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE_DESCRIPTOR +from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE_DESCRIPTOR from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, connect_nodes, wait_until, ) class InvalidateTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 3 self.extra_args = [["-noparkdeepreorg"], [], []] def setup_network(self): self.setup_nodes() def run_test(self): self.log.info( "Make sure we repopulate setBlockIndexCandidates after InvalidateBlock:") self.log.info("Mine 4 blocks on Node 0") self.nodes[0].generatetoaddress( 4, self.nodes[0].get_deterministic_priv_key().address) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 4) besthash_n0 = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() self.log.info("Mine competing 6 blocks on Node 1") self.nodes[1].generatetoaddress( 6, self.nodes[1].get_deterministic_priv_key().address) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(), 6) self.log.info("Connect nodes to force a reorg") connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]) self.sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:2]) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 6) badhash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(2) self.log.info( "Invalidate block 2 on node 0 and verify we reorg to node 0's original chain") self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(badhash) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 4) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), besthash_n0) self.log.info("\nMake sure we won't reorg to a lower work chain:") connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], self.nodes[2]) self.log.info("Sync node 2 to node 1 so both have 6 blocks") self.sync_blocks(self.nodes[1:3]) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getblockcount(), 6) self.log.info("Invalidate block 5 on node 1 so its tip is now at 4") self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(self.nodes[1].getblockhash(5)) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(), 4) self.log.info("Invalidate block 3 on node 2, so its tip is now 2") self.nodes[2].invalidateblock(self.nodes[2].getblockhash(3)) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getblockcount(), 2) self.log.info("..and then mine a block") self.nodes[2].generatetoaddress( 1, self.nodes[2].get_deterministic_priv_key().address) self.log.info("Verify all nodes are at the right height") wait_until(lambda: self.nodes[2].getblockcount() == 3, timeout=5) wait_until(lambda: self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 4, timeout=5) wait_until(lambda: self.nodes[1].getblockcount() == 4, timeout=5) self.log.info("Verify that we reconsider all ancestors as well") blocks = self.nodes[1].generatetodescriptor( - 10, ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE_DESCRIPTOR) + 10, ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE_DESCRIPTOR) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), blocks[-1]) # Invalidate the two blocks at the tip self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(blocks[-1]) self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(blocks[-2]) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), blocks[-3]) # Reconsider only the previous tip self.nodes[1].reconsiderblock(blocks[-1]) # Should be back at the tip by now assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), blocks[-1]) self.log.info("Verify that we reconsider all descendants") blocks = self.nodes[1].generatetodescriptor( - 10, ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE_DESCRIPTOR) + 10, ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE_DESCRIPTOR) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), blocks[-1]) # Invalidate the two blocks at the tip self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(blocks[-2]) self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(blocks[-4]) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), blocks[-5]) # Reconsider only the previous tip self.nodes[1].reconsiderblock(blocks[-4]) # Should be back at the tip by now assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), blocks[-1]) if __name__ == '__main__': InvalidateTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/address.py b/test/functional/test_framework/address.py index d73567f17..2235adb52 100644 --- a/test/functional/test_framework/address.py +++ b/test/functional/test_framework/address.py @@ -1,133 +1,133 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Encode and decode BASE58, P2PKH and P2SH addresses.""" import unittest from .script import CScript, hash160, hash256 from .util import hex_str_to_bytes, assert_equal -ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE = 'ecregtest:qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqcrl5mqkt' -ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE_DESCRIPTOR = 'addr(ecregtest:qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqcrl5mqkt)#u6xx93xc' +ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE = 'ecregtest:qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqcrl5mqkt' +ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE_DESCRIPTOR = 'addr(ecregtest:qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqcrl5mqkt)#u6xx93xc' chars = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz' def byte_to_base58(b, version): result = '' str = b.hex() str = chr(version).encode('latin-1').hex() + str checksum = hash256(hex_str_to_bytes(str)).hex() str += checksum[:8] value = int('0x' + str, 0) while value > 0: result = chars[value % 58] + result value //= 58 while (str[:2] == '00'): result = chars[0] + result str = str[2:] return result def base58_to_byte(s, verify_checksum=True): if not s: return b'' n = 0 for c in s: n *= 58 assert c in chars digit = chars.index(c) n += digit h = '{:x}'.format(n) if len(h) % 2: h = '0' + h res = n.to_bytes((n.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big') pad = 0 for c in s: if c == chars[0]: pad += 1 else: break res = b'\x00' * pad + res if verify_checksum: assert_equal(hash256(res[:-4])[:4], res[-4:]) return res[1:-4], int(res[0]) def keyhash_to_p2pkh(hash, main=False): assert (len(hash) == 20) version = 0 if main else 111 return byte_to_base58(hash, version) def scripthash_to_p2sh(hash, main=False): assert (len(hash) == 20) version = 5 if main else 196 return byte_to_base58(hash, version) def key_to_p2pkh(key, main=False): key = check_key(key) return keyhash_to_p2pkh(hash160(key), main) def script_to_p2sh(script, main=False): script = check_script(script) return scripthash_to_p2sh(hash160(script), main) def check_key(key): if (isinstance(key, str)): key = hex_str_to_bytes(key) # Assuming this is hex string if (isinstance(key, bytes) and (len(key) == 33 or len(key) == 65)): return key assert False def check_script(script): if (isinstance(script, str)): script = hex_str_to_bytes(script) # Assuming this is hex string if (isinstance(script, bytes) or isinstance(script, CScript)): return script assert False class TestFrameworkScript(unittest.TestCase): def test_base58encodedecode(self): def check_base58(data, version): self.assertEqual( base58_to_byte(byte_to_base58(data, version)), (data, version)) check_base58( b'\x1f\x8e\xa1p*{\xd4\x94\x1b\xca\tA\xb8R\xc4\xbb\xfe\xdb.\x05', 111) check_base58( b':\x0b\x05\xf4\xd7\xf6l;\xa7\x00\x9fE50)l\x84\\\xc9\xcf', 111) check_base58( b'A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 111) check_base58( b'\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 111) check_base58( b'\0\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 111) check_base58( b'\0\0\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 111) check_base58( b'\x1f\x8e\xa1p*{\xd4\x94\x1b\xca\tA\xb8R\xc4\xbb\xfe\xdb.\x05', 0) check_base58( b':\x0b\x05\xf4\xd7\xf6l;\xa7\x00\x9fE50)l\x84\\\xc9\xcf', 0) check_base58( b'A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 0) check_base58( b'\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 0) check_base58( b'\0\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 0) check_base58( b'\0\0\0A\xc1\xea\xf1\x11\x80%Y\xba\xd6\x1b`\xd6+\x1f\x89|c\x92\x8a', 0) diff --git a/test/functional/wallet_balance.py b/test/functional/wallet_balance.py index 3f0b0724f..be0fb6fff 100755 --- a/test/functional/wallet_balance.py +++ b/test/functional/wallet_balance.py @@ -1,325 +1,325 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the wallet balance RPC methods.""" from decimal import Decimal import struct -from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE as ADDRESS_WATCHONLY +from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE as ADDRESS_WATCHONLY from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error, connect_nodes, ) def create_transactions(node, address, amt, fees): # Create and sign raw transactions from node to address for amt. # Creates a transaction for each fee and returns an array # of the raw transactions. utxos = [u for u in node.listunspent(0) if u['spendable']] # Create transactions inputs = [] ins_total = 0 for utxo in utxos: inputs.append({"txid": utxo["txid"], "vout": utxo["vout"]}) ins_total += utxo['amount'] if ins_total >= amt + max(fees): break # make sure there was enough utxos assert ins_total >= amt + max(fees) txs = [] for fee in fees: outputs = {address: amt} # prevent 0 change output if ins_total > amt + fee: outputs[node.getrawchangeaddress()] = ins_total - amt - fee raw_tx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs, 0) raw_tx = node.signrawtransactionwithwallet(raw_tx) assert_equal(raw_tx['complete'], True) txs.append(raw_tx) return txs class WalletTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.extra_args = [ # Limit mempool descendants as a hack to have wallet txs rejected # from the mempool ['-limitdescendantcount=3'], [], ] def skip_test_if_missing_module(self): self.skip_if_no_wallet() def run_test(self): self.nodes[0].importaddress(ADDRESS_WATCHONLY) # Check that nodes don't own any UTXOs assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].listunspent()), 0) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[1].listunspent()), 0) self.log.info("Check that only node 0 is watching an address") assert 'watchonly' in self.nodes[0].getbalances() assert 'watchonly' not in self.nodes[1].getbalances() self.log.info("Mining blocks ...") self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.nodes[1].generatetoaddress(101, ADDRESS_WATCHONLY) self.sync_all() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalances()['mine']['trusted'], 50000000) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getwalletinfo()['balance'], 50000000) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalances()['mine']['trusted'], 50000000) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalances()[ 'watchonly']['immature'], 5000000000) assert 'watchonly' not in self.nodes[1].getbalances() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50000000) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), 50000000) self.log.info("Test getbalance with different arguments") assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance("*"), 50000000) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance("*", 1), 50000000) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance("*", 1, True), 100000000) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(minconf=1), 50000000) assert_equal( self.nodes[0].getbalance( minconf=0, include_watchonly=True), 100000000) assert_equal( self.nodes[1].getbalance( minconf=0, include_watchonly=True), 50000000) # Send 40 BTC from 0 to 1 and 60 BTC from 1 to 0. txs = create_transactions( self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 40000000, [Decimal('10000')]) self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(txs[0]['hex']) # sending on both nodes is faster than waiting for propagation self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(txs[0]['hex']) self.sync_all() txs = create_transactions(self.nodes[1], self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 60000000, [ Decimal('10000'), Decimal('20000')]) self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(txs[0]['hex']) # sending on both nodes is faster than waiting for propagation self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(txs[0]['hex']) self.sync_all() # First argument of getbalance must be set to "*" assert_raises_rpc_error(-32, "dummy first argument must be excluded or set to \"*\"", self.nodes[1].getbalance, "") self.log.info("Test balances with unconfirmed inputs") # Before `test_balance()`, we have had two nodes with a balance of 50 # each and then we: # # 1) Sent 40 from node A to node B with fee 0.01 # 2) Sent 60 from node B to node A with fee 0.01 # # Then we check the balances: # # 1) As is # 2) With transaction 2 from above with 2x the fee # # Prior to #16766, in this situation, the node would immediately report # a balance of 30 on node B as unconfirmed and trusted. # # After #16766, we show that balance as unconfirmed. # # The balance is indeed "trusted" and "confirmed" insofar as removing # the mempool transactions would return at least that much money. But # the algorithm after #16766 marks it as unconfirmed because the 'taint' # tracking of transaction trust for summing balances doesn't consider # which inputs belong to a user. In this case, the change output in # question could be "destroyed" by replace the 1st transaction above. # # The post #16766 behavior is correct; we shouldn't be treating those # funds as confirmed. If you want to rely on that specific UTXO existing # which has given you that balance, you cannot, as a third party # spending the other input would destroy that unconfirmed. # # For example, if the test transactions were: # # 1) Sent 40 from node A to node B with fee 0.01 # 2) Sent 10 from node B to node A with fee 0.01 # # Then our node would report a confirmed balance of 40 + 50 - 10 = 80 # BTC, which is more than would be available if transaction 1 were # replaced. def test_balances(*, fee_node_1=0): # getbalances expected_balances_0 = {'mine': {'immature': Decimal('0E-2'), # change from node 0's send 'trusted': Decimal('9990000'), 'untrusted_pending': Decimal('60000000.0')}, 'watchonly': {'immature': Decimal('5000000000'), 'trusted': Decimal('50000000.0'), 'untrusted_pending': Decimal('0E-2')}} expected_balances_1 = {'mine': {'immature': Decimal('0E-2'), # node 1's send had an unsafe input 'trusted': Decimal('0E-2'), # Doesn't include output of node # 0's send since it was spent 'untrusted_pending': Decimal('30000000.0') - fee_node_1}} assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalances(), expected_balances_0) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalances(), expected_balances_1) # getbalance without any arguments includes unconfirmed transactions, but not untrusted transactions # change from node 0's send assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), Decimal('9990000')) # node 1's send had an unsafe input assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), Decimal('0')) # Same with minconf=0 assert_equal( self.nodes[0].getbalance( minconf=0), Decimal('9990000')) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(minconf=0), Decimal('0')) # getbalance with a minconf incorrectly excludes coins that have been spent more recently than the minconf blocks ago # TODO: fix getbalance tracking of coin spentness depth assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(minconf=1), Decimal('0')) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(minconf=1), Decimal('0')) # getunconfirmedbalance # output of node 1's spend assert_equal( self.nodes[0].getunconfirmedbalance(), Decimal('60000000')) # Doesn't include output of node 0's send since it was spent assert_equal( self.nodes[1].getunconfirmedbalance(), Decimal('30000000') - fee_node_1) # getwalletinfo.unconfirmed_balance assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getwalletinfo()[ "unconfirmed_balance"], Decimal('60000000')) assert_equal( self.nodes[1].getwalletinfo()["unconfirmed_balance"], Decimal('30000000') - fee_node_1) test_balances(fee_node_1=Decimal('10000')) # In the original Core version of this test, Node 1 would've bumped # the fee by 0.01 here to resend, but this is XEC, so it has 10000 XEC # left to spend on goods and services self.sync_all() self.log.info( "Test getbalance and getbalances.mine.untrusted_pending with conflicted unconfirmed inputs") test_balances(fee_node_1=Decimal('10000')) self.nodes[1].generatetoaddress(1, ADDRESS_WATCHONLY) self.sync_all() # balances are correct after the transactions are confirmed # node 1's send plus change from node 0's send balance_node0 = Decimal('69990000') # change from node 0's send balance_node1 = Decimal('29990000') assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalances()[ 'mine']['trusted'], balance_node0) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalances()[ 'mine']['trusted'], balance_node1) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), balance_node0) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), balance_node1) # Send total balance away from node 1 txs = create_transactions(self.nodes[1], self.nodes[0].getnewaddress( ), Decimal('29970000'), [Decimal('10000')]) self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(txs[0]['hex']) self.nodes[1].generatetoaddress(2, ADDRESS_WATCHONLY) self.sync_all() # getbalance with a minconf incorrectly excludes coins that have been spent more recently than the minconf blocks ago # TODO: fix getbalance tracking of coin spentness depth # getbalance with minconf=3 should still show the old balance assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(minconf=3), Decimal('0')) # getbalance with minconf=2 will show the new balance. assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(minconf=2), Decimal('10000')) # check mempool transactions count for wallet unconfirmed balance after # dynamically loading the wallet. before = self.nodes[1].getbalances()['mine']['untrusted_pending'] dst = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() self.nodes[1].unloadwallet('') self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(dst, 100000) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].loadwallet('') after = self.nodes[1].getbalances()['mine']['untrusted_pending'] assert_equal(before + Decimal('100000'), after) # Create 3 more wallet txs, where the last is not accepted to the # mempool because it is the third descendant of the tx above for _ in range(3): # Set amount high enough such that all coins are spent by each tx txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 99000000) self.log.info('Check that wallet txs not in the mempool are untrusted') assert txid not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid)['trusted'], False) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(minconf=0), 0) self.log.info("Test replacement and reorg of non-mempool tx") tx_orig = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid)['hex'] # Increase fee by 1 coin tx_replace = tx_orig.replace( struct.pack("