diff --git a/src/net.cpp b/src/net.cpp index c11309eef..77d347c14 100644 --- a/src/net.cpp +++ b/src/net.cpp @@ -1,3104 +1,3105 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #ifdef USE_UPNP #include #include #include #include #endif #include // Dump addresses to peers.dat and banlist.dat every 15 minutes (900s) #define DUMP_ADDRESSES_INTERVAL 900 // We add a random period time (0 to 1 seconds) to feeler connections to prevent // synchronization. #define FEELER_SLEEP_WINDOW 1 // MSG_NOSIGNAL is not available on some platforms, if it doesn't exist define // it as 0 #if !defined(MSG_NOSIGNAL) #define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0 #endif // MSG_DONTWAIT is not available on some platforms, if it doesn't exist define // it as 0 #if !defined(MSG_DONTWAIT) #define MSG_DONTWAIT 0 #endif // Fix for ancient MinGW versions, that don't have defined these in ws2tcpip.h. // Todo: Can be removed when our pull-tester is upgraded to a modern MinGW // version. #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNRESTRICTED #define PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNRESTRICTED 10 #endif #ifndef IPV6_PROTECTION_LEVEL #define IPV6_PROTECTION_LEVEL 23 #endif #endif /** Used to pass flags to the Bind() function */ enum BindFlags { BF_NONE = 0, BF_EXPLICIT = (1U << 0), BF_REPORT_ERROR = (1U << 1), BF_WHITELIST = (1U << 2), }; const static std::string NET_MESSAGE_COMMAND_OTHER = "*other*"; // SHA256("netgroup")[0:8] static const uint64_t RANDOMIZER_ID_NETGROUP = 0x6c0edd8036ef4036ULL; // SHA256("localhostnonce")[0:8] static const uint64_t RANDOMIZER_ID_LOCALHOSTNONCE = 0xd93e69e2bbfa5735ULL; // // Global state variables // bool fDiscover = true; bool fListen = true; bool fRelayTxes = true; CCriticalSection cs_mapLocalHost; std::map mapLocalHost; static bool vfLimited[NET_MAX] = {}; limitedmap mapAlreadyAskedFor(MAX_INV_SZ); void CConnman::AddOneShot(const std::string &strDest) { LOCK(cs_vOneShots); vOneShots.push_back(strDest); } unsigned short GetListenPort() { return (unsigned short)(gArgs.GetArg("-port", Params().GetDefaultPort())); } // find 'best' local address for a particular peer bool GetLocal(CService &addr, const CNetAddr *paddrPeer) { if (!fListen) { return false; } int nBestScore = -1; int nBestReachability = -1; { LOCK(cs_mapLocalHost); for (const auto &entry : mapLocalHost) { int nScore = entry.second.nScore; int nReachability = entry.first.GetReachabilityFrom(paddrPeer); if (nReachability > nBestReachability || (nReachability == nBestReachability && nScore > nBestScore)) { addr = CService(entry.first, entry.second.nPort); nBestReachability = nReachability; nBestScore = nScore; } } } return nBestScore >= 0; } //! Convert the pnSeeds6 array into usable address objects. static std::vector convertSeed6(const std::vector &vSeedsIn) { // It'll only connect to one or two seed nodes because once it connects, // it'll get a pile of addresses with newer timestamps. Seed nodes are given // a random 'last seen time' of between one and two weeks ago. const int64_t nOneWeek = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; std::vector vSeedsOut; vSeedsOut.reserve(vSeedsIn.size()); FastRandomContext rng; for (const auto &seed_in : vSeedsIn) { struct in6_addr ip; memcpy(&ip, seed_in.addr, sizeof(ip)); CAddress addr(CService(ip, seed_in.port), GetDesirableServiceFlags(NODE_NONE)); addr.nTime = GetTime() - rng.randrange(nOneWeek) - nOneWeek; vSeedsOut.push_back(addr); } return vSeedsOut; } // Get best local address for a particular peer as a CAddress. Otherwise, return // the unroutable but filled in with the normal parameters, since the IP // may be changed to a useful one by discovery. CAddress GetLocalAddress(const CNetAddr *paddrPeer, ServiceFlags nLocalServices) { CAddress ret(CService(CNetAddr(), GetListenPort()), nLocalServices); CService addr; if (GetLocal(addr, paddrPeer)) { ret = CAddress(addr, nLocalServices); } ret.nTime = GetAdjustedTime(); return ret; } static int GetnScore(const CService &addr) { LOCK(cs_mapLocalHost); if (mapLocalHost.count(addr) == LOCAL_NONE) { return 0; } return mapLocalHost[addr].nScore; } // Is our peer's addrLocal potentially useful as an external IP source? bool IsPeerAddrLocalGood(CNode *pnode) { CService addrLocal = pnode->GetAddrLocal(); return fDiscover && pnode->addr.IsRoutable() && addrLocal.IsRoutable() && !IsLimited(addrLocal.GetNetwork()); } // Pushes our own address to a peer. void AdvertiseLocal(CNode *pnode) { if (fListen && pnode->fSuccessfullyConnected) { CAddress addrLocal = GetLocalAddress(&pnode->addr, pnode->GetLocalServices()); if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-addrmantest", false)) { // use IPv4 loopback during addrmantest addrLocal = CAddress(CService(LookupNumeric("", GetListenPort())), pnode->GetLocalServices()); } // If discovery is enabled, sometimes give our peer the address it // tells us that it sees us as in case it has a better idea of our // address than we do. FastRandomContext rng; if (IsPeerAddrLocalGood(pnode) && (!addrLocal.IsRoutable() || rng.randbits((GetnScore(addrLocal) > LOCAL_MANUAL) ? 3 : 1) == 0)) { addrLocal.SetIP(pnode->GetAddrLocal()); } if (addrLocal.IsRoutable() || gArgs.GetBoolArg("-addrmantest", false)) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "AdvertiseLocal: advertising address %s\n", addrLocal.ToString()); pnode->PushAddress(addrLocal, rng); } } } // Learn a new local address. bool AddLocal(const CService &addr, int nScore) { if (!addr.IsRoutable()) { return false; } if (!fDiscover && nScore < LOCAL_MANUAL) { return false; } if (IsLimited(addr)) { return false; } LogPrintf("AddLocal(%s,%i)\n", addr.ToString(), nScore); { LOCK(cs_mapLocalHost); bool fAlready = mapLocalHost.count(addr) > 0; LocalServiceInfo &info = mapLocalHost[addr]; if (!fAlready || nScore >= info.nScore) { info.nScore = nScore + (fAlready ? 1 : 0); info.nPort = addr.GetPort(); } } return true; } bool AddLocal(const CNetAddr &addr, int nScore) { return AddLocal(CService(addr, GetListenPort()), nScore); } void RemoveLocal(const CService &addr) { LOCK(cs_mapLocalHost); LogPrintf("RemoveLocal(%s)\n", addr.ToString()); mapLocalHost.erase(addr); } /** * Make a particular network entirely off-limits (no automatic connects to it). */ void SetLimited(enum Network net, bool fLimited) { if (net == NET_UNROUTABLE || net == NET_INTERNAL) { return; } LOCK(cs_mapLocalHost); vfLimited[net] = fLimited; } bool IsLimited(enum Network net) { LOCK(cs_mapLocalHost); return vfLimited[net]; } bool IsLimited(const CNetAddr &addr) { return IsLimited(addr.GetNetwork()); } /** vote for a local address */ bool SeenLocal(const CService &addr) { LOCK(cs_mapLocalHost); if (mapLocalHost.count(addr) == 0) { return false; } mapLocalHost[addr].nScore++; return true; } /** check whether a given address is potentially local */ bool IsLocal(const CService &addr) { LOCK(cs_mapLocalHost); return mapLocalHost.count(addr) > 0; } /** check whether a given network is one we can probably connect to */ bool IsReachable(enum Network net) { LOCK(cs_mapLocalHost); return !vfLimited[net]; } /** check whether a given address is in a network we can probably connect to */ bool IsReachable(const CNetAddr &addr) { enum Network net = addr.GetNetwork(); return IsReachable(net); } CNode *CConnman::FindNode(const CNetAddr &ip) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (static_cast(pnode->addr) == ip) { return pnode; } } return nullptr; } CNode *CConnman::FindNode(const CSubNet &subNet) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (subNet.Match(static_cast(pnode->addr))) { return pnode; } } return nullptr; } CNode *CConnman::FindNode(const std::string &addrName) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (pnode->GetAddrName() == addrName) { return pnode; } } return nullptr; } CNode *CConnman::FindNode(const CService &addr) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (static_cast(pnode->addr) == addr) { return pnode; } } return nullptr; } bool CConnman::CheckIncomingNonce(uint64_t nonce) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (const CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (!pnode->fSuccessfullyConnected && !pnode->fInbound && pnode->GetLocalNonce() == nonce) return false; } return true; } /** Get the bind address for a socket as CAddress */ static CAddress GetBindAddress(SOCKET sock) { CAddress addr_bind; struct sockaddr_storage sockaddr_bind; socklen_t sockaddr_bind_len = sizeof(sockaddr_bind); if (sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { if (!getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr_bind, &sockaddr_bind_len)) { addr_bind.SetSockAddr((const struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr_bind); } else { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Warning: getsockname failed\n"); } } return addr_bind; } CNode *CConnman::ConnectNode(CAddress addrConnect, const char *pszDest, - bool fCountFailure) { + bool fCountFailure, bool manual_connection) { if (pszDest == nullptr) { if (IsLocal(addrConnect)) { return nullptr; } // Look for an existing connection CNode *pnode = FindNode(static_cast(addrConnect)); if (pnode) { LogPrintf("Failed to open new connection, already connected\n"); return nullptr; } } /// debug print LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "trying connection %s lastseen=%.1fhrs\n", pszDest ? pszDest : addrConnect.ToString(), pszDest ? 0.0 : (double)(GetAdjustedTime() - addrConnect.nTime) / 3600.0); // Resolve const int default_port = Params().GetDefaultPort(); if (pszDest) { std::vector resolved; if (Lookup(pszDest, resolved, default_port, fNameLookup && !HaveNameProxy(), 256) && !resolved.empty()) { addrConnect = CAddress(resolved[GetRand(resolved.size())], NODE_NONE); if (!addrConnect.IsValid()) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Resolver returned invalid address %s for %s\n", addrConnect.ToString(), pszDest); return nullptr; } // It is possible that we already have a connection to the IP/port // pszDest resolved to. In that case, drop the connection that was // just created, and return the existing CNode instead. Also store // the name we used to connect in that CNode, so that future // FindNode() calls to that name catch this early. LOCK(cs_vNodes); CNode *pnode = FindNode(static_cast(addrConnect)); if (pnode) { pnode->MaybeSetAddrName(std::string(pszDest)); LogPrintf("Failed to open new connection, already connected\n"); return nullptr; } } } // Connect bool connected = false; SOCKET hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; proxyType proxy; if (addrConnect.IsValid()) { bool proxyConnectionFailed = false; if (GetProxy(addrConnect.GetNetwork(), proxy)) { hSocket = CreateSocket(proxy.proxy); if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { return nullptr; } connected = ConnectThroughProxy( proxy, addrConnect.ToStringIP(), addrConnect.GetPort(), hSocket, nConnectTimeout, &proxyConnectionFailed); } else { // no proxy needed (none set for target network) hSocket = CreateSocket(addrConnect); if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { return nullptr; } - connected = - ConnectSocketDirectly(addrConnect, hSocket, nConnectTimeout); + connected = ConnectSocketDirectly( + addrConnect, hSocket, nConnectTimeout, manual_connection); } if (!proxyConnectionFailed) { // If a connection to the node was attempted, and failure (if any) // is not caused by a problem connecting to the proxy, mark this as // an attempt. addrman.Attempt(addrConnect, fCountFailure); } } else if (pszDest && GetNameProxy(proxy)) { hSocket = CreateSocket(proxy.proxy); if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { return nullptr; } std::string host; int port = default_port; SplitHostPort(std::string(pszDest), port, host); connected = ConnectThroughProxy(proxy, host, port, hSocket, nConnectTimeout, nullptr); } if (!connected) { CloseSocket(hSocket); return nullptr; } // Add node NodeId id = GetNewNodeId(); uint64_t nonce = GetDeterministicRandomizer(RANDOMIZER_ID_LOCALHOSTNONCE) .Write(id) .Finalize(); CAddress addr_bind = GetBindAddress(hSocket); CNode *pnode = new CNode(id, nLocalServices, GetBestHeight(), hSocket, addrConnect, CalculateKeyedNetGroup(addrConnect), nonce, addr_bind, pszDest ? pszDest : "", false); pnode->AddRef(); return pnode; } void CConnman::DumpBanlist() { // Clean unused entries (if bantime has expired) SweepBanned(); if (!BannedSetIsDirty()) { return; } int64_t nStart = GetTimeMillis(); CBanDB bandb(config->GetChainParams()); banmap_t banmap; GetBanned(banmap); if (bandb.Write(banmap)) { SetBannedSetDirty(false); } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Flushed %d banned node ips/subnets to banlist.dat %dms\n", banmap.size(), GetTimeMillis() - nStart); } void CNode::CloseSocketDisconnect() { fDisconnect = true; LOCK(cs_hSocket); if (hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "disconnecting peer=%d\n", id); CloseSocket(hSocket); } } void CConnman::ClearBanned() { { LOCK(cs_setBanned); setBanned.clear(); setBannedIsDirty = true; } // Store banlist to disk. DumpBanlist(); if (clientInterface) { clientInterface->BannedListChanged(); } } bool CConnman::IsBanned(CNetAddr ip) { LOCK(cs_setBanned); for (const auto &it : setBanned) { CSubNet subNet = it.first; CBanEntry banEntry = it.second; if (subNet.Match(ip) && GetTime() < banEntry.nBanUntil) { return true; } } return false; } bool CConnman::IsBanned(CSubNet subnet) { LOCK(cs_setBanned); banmap_t::iterator i = setBanned.find(subnet); if (i != setBanned.end()) { CBanEntry banEntry = (*i).second; if (GetTime() < banEntry.nBanUntil) { return true; } } return false; } void CConnman::Ban(const CNetAddr &addr, const BanReason &banReason, int64_t bantimeoffset, bool sinceUnixEpoch) { CSubNet subNet(addr); Ban(subNet, banReason, bantimeoffset, sinceUnixEpoch); } void CConnman::Ban(const CSubNet &subNet, const BanReason &banReason, int64_t bantimeoffset, bool sinceUnixEpoch) { CBanEntry banEntry(GetTime()); banEntry.banReason = banReason; if (bantimeoffset <= 0) { bantimeoffset = gArgs.GetArg("-bantime", DEFAULT_MISBEHAVING_BANTIME); sinceUnixEpoch = false; } banEntry.nBanUntil = (sinceUnixEpoch ? 0 : GetTime()) + bantimeoffset; { LOCK(cs_setBanned); if (setBanned[subNet].nBanUntil < banEntry.nBanUntil) { setBanned[subNet] = banEntry; setBannedIsDirty = true; } else { return; } } if (clientInterface) { clientInterface->BannedListChanged(); } { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (subNet.Match(static_cast(pnode->addr))) { pnode->fDisconnect = true; } } } if (banReason == BanReasonManuallyAdded) { // Store banlist to disk immediately if user requested ban. DumpBanlist(); } } bool CConnman::Unban(const CNetAddr &addr) { CSubNet subNet(addr); return Unban(subNet); } bool CConnman::Unban(const CSubNet &subNet) { { LOCK(cs_setBanned); if (!setBanned.erase(subNet)) { return false; } setBannedIsDirty = true; } if (clientInterface) { clientInterface->BannedListChanged(); } // Store banlist to disk immediately. DumpBanlist(); return true; } void CConnman::GetBanned(banmap_t &banMap) { LOCK(cs_setBanned); // Sweep the banlist so expired bans are not returned SweepBanned(); // Create a thread safe copy. banMap = setBanned; } void CConnman::SetBanned(const banmap_t &banMap) { LOCK(cs_setBanned); setBanned = banMap; setBannedIsDirty = true; } void CConnman::SweepBanned() { int64_t now = GetTime(); bool notifyUI = false; { LOCK(cs_setBanned); banmap_t::iterator it = setBanned.begin(); while (it != setBanned.end()) { CSubNet subNet = (*it).first; CBanEntry banEntry = (*it).second; if (now > banEntry.nBanUntil) { setBanned.erase(it++); setBannedIsDirty = true; notifyUI = true; LogPrint( BCLog::NET, "%s: Removed banned node ip/subnet from banlist.dat: %s\n", __func__, subNet.ToString()); } else { ++it; } } } // update UI if (notifyUI && clientInterface) { clientInterface->BannedListChanged(); } } bool CConnman::BannedSetIsDirty() { LOCK(cs_setBanned); return setBannedIsDirty; } void CConnman::SetBannedSetDirty(bool dirty) { // Reuse setBanned lock for the isDirty flag. LOCK(cs_setBanned); setBannedIsDirty = dirty; } bool CConnman::IsWhitelistedRange(const CNetAddr &addr) { for (const CSubNet &subnet : vWhitelistedRange) { if (subnet.Match(addr)) { return true; } } return false; } std::string CNode::GetAddrName() const { LOCK(cs_addrName); return addrName; } void CNode::MaybeSetAddrName(const std::string &addrNameIn) { LOCK(cs_addrName); if (addrName.empty()) { addrName = addrNameIn; } } CService CNode::GetAddrLocal() const { LOCK(cs_addrLocal); return addrLocal; } void CNode::SetAddrLocal(const CService &addrLocalIn) { LOCK(cs_addrLocal); if (addrLocal.IsValid()) { error("Addr local already set for node: %i. Refusing to change from %s " "to %s", id, addrLocal.ToString(), addrLocalIn.ToString()); } else { addrLocal = addrLocalIn; } } void CNode::copyStats(CNodeStats &stats) { stats.nodeid = this->GetId(); stats.nServices = nServices; stats.addr = addr; stats.addrBind = addrBind; { LOCK(cs_filter); stats.fRelayTxes = fRelayTxes; } stats.nLastSend = nLastSend; stats.nLastRecv = nLastRecv; stats.nTimeConnected = nTimeConnected; stats.nTimeOffset = nTimeOffset; stats.addrName = GetAddrName(); stats.nVersion = nVersion; { LOCK(cs_SubVer); stats.cleanSubVer = cleanSubVer; } stats.fInbound = fInbound; stats.m_manual_connection = m_manual_connection; stats.nStartingHeight = nStartingHeight; { LOCK(cs_vSend); stats.mapSendBytesPerMsgCmd = mapSendBytesPerMsgCmd; stats.nSendBytes = nSendBytes; } { LOCK(cs_vRecv); stats.mapRecvBytesPerMsgCmd = mapRecvBytesPerMsgCmd; stats.nRecvBytes = nRecvBytes; } stats.fWhitelisted = fWhitelisted; // It is common for nodes with good ping times to suddenly become lagged, // due to a new block arriving or other large transfer. Merely reporting // pingtime might fool the caller into thinking the node was still // responsive, since pingtime does not update until the ping is complete, // which might take a while. So, if a ping is taking an unusually long time // in flight, the caller can immediately detect that this is happening. int64_t nPingUsecWait = 0; if ((0 != nPingNonceSent) && (0 != nPingUsecStart)) { nPingUsecWait = GetTimeMicros() - nPingUsecStart; } // Raw ping time is in microseconds, but show it to user as whole seconds // (Bitcoin users should be well used to small numbers with many decimal // places by now :) stats.dPingTime = ((double(nPingUsecTime)) / 1e6); stats.dMinPing = ((double(nMinPingUsecTime)) / 1e6); stats.dPingWait = ((double(nPingUsecWait)) / 1e6); // Leave string empty if addrLocal invalid (not filled in yet) CService addrLocalUnlocked = GetAddrLocal(); stats.addrLocal = addrLocalUnlocked.IsValid() ? addrLocalUnlocked.ToString() : ""; } static bool IsOversizedMessage(const Config &config, const CNetMessage &msg) { if (!msg.in_data) { // Header only, cannot be oversized. return false; } return msg.hdr.IsOversized(config); } bool CNode::ReceiveMsgBytes(const Config &config, const char *pch, uint32_t nBytes, bool &complete) { complete = false; int64_t nTimeMicros = GetTimeMicros(); LOCK(cs_vRecv); nLastRecv = nTimeMicros / 1000000; nRecvBytes += nBytes; while (nBytes > 0) { // Get current incomplete message, or create a new one. if (vRecvMsg.empty() || vRecvMsg.back().complete()) { vRecvMsg.push_back(CNetMessage(config.GetChainParams().NetMagic(), SER_NETWORK, INIT_PROTO_VERSION)); } CNetMessage &msg = vRecvMsg.back(); // Absorb network data. int handled; if (!msg.in_data) { handled = msg.readHeader(config, pch, nBytes); } else { handled = msg.readData(pch, nBytes); } if (handled < 0) { return false; } if (IsOversizedMessage(config, msg)) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Oversized message from peer=%i, disconnecting\n", GetId()); return false; } pch += handled; nBytes -= handled; if (msg.complete()) { // Store received bytes per message command to prevent a memory DOS, // only allow valid commands. mapMsgCmdSize::iterator i = mapRecvBytesPerMsgCmd.find(msg.hdr.pchCommand.data()); if (i == mapRecvBytesPerMsgCmd.end()) { i = mapRecvBytesPerMsgCmd.find(NET_MESSAGE_COMMAND_OTHER); } assert(i != mapRecvBytesPerMsgCmd.end()); i->second += msg.hdr.nMessageSize + CMessageHeader::HEADER_SIZE; msg.nTime = nTimeMicros; complete = true; } } return true; } void CNode::SetSendVersion(int nVersionIn) { // Send version may only be changed in the version message, and only one // version message is allowed per session. We can therefore treat this value // as const and even atomic as long as it's only used once a version message // has been successfully processed. Any attempt to set this twice is an // error. if (nSendVersion != 0) { error("Send version already set for node: %i. Refusing to change from " "%i to %i", id, nSendVersion, nVersionIn); } else { nSendVersion = nVersionIn; } } int CNode::GetSendVersion() const { // The send version should always be explicitly set to INIT_PROTO_VERSION // rather than using this value until SetSendVersion has been called. if (nSendVersion == 0) { error("Requesting unset send version for node: %i. Using %i", id, INIT_PROTO_VERSION); return INIT_PROTO_VERSION; } return nSendVersion; } int CNetMessage::readHeader(const Config &config, const char *pch, uint32_t nBytes) { // copy data to temporary parsing buffer uint32_t nRemaining = 24 - nHdrPos; uint32_t nCopy = std::min(nRemaining, nBytes); memcpy(&hdrbuf[nHdrPos], pch, nCopy); nHdrPos += nCopy; // if header incomplete, exit if (nHdrPos < 24) { return nCopy; } // deserialize to CMessageHeader try { hdrbuf >> hdr; } catch (const std::exception &) { return -1; } // Reject oversized messages if (hdr.IsOversized(config)) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Oversized header detected\n"); return -1; } // switch state to reading message data in_data = true; return nCopy; } int CNetMessage::readData(const char *pch, uint32_t nBytes) { unsigned int nRemaining = hdr.nMessageSize - nDataPos; unsigned int nCopy = std::min(nRemaining, nBytes); if (vRecv.size() < nDataPos + nCopy) { // Allocate up to 256 KiB ahead, but never more than the total message // size. vRecv.resize(std::min(hdr.nMessageSize, nDataPos + nCopy + 256 * 1024)); } hasher.Write((const uint8_t *)pch, nCopy); memcpy(&vRecv[nDataPos], pch, nCopy); nDataPos += nCopy; return nCopy; } const uint256 &CNetMessage::GetMessageHash() const { assert(complete()); if (data_hash.IsNull()) { hasher.Finalize(data_hash.begin()); } return data_hash; } // requires LOCK(cs_vSend) size_t CConnman::SocketSendData(CNode *pnode) const { AssertLockHeld(pnode->cs_vSend); size_t nSentSize = 0; size_t nMsgCount = 0; for (const auto &data : pnode->vSendMsg) { assert(data.size() > pnode->nSendOffset); int nBytes = 0; { LOCK(pnode->cs_hSocket); if (pnode->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { break; } nBytes = send(pnode->hSocket, reinterpret_cast(data.data()) + pnode->nSendOffset, data.size() - pnode->nSendOffset, MSG_NOSIGNAL | MSG_DONTWAIT); } if (nBytes == 0) { // couldn't send anything at all break; } if (nBytes < 0) { // error int nErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (nErr != WSAEWOULDBLOCK && nErr != WSAEMSGSIZE && nErr != WSAEINTR && nErr != WSAEINPROGRESS) { LogPrintf("socket send error %s\n", NetworkErrorString(nErr)); pnode->CloseSocketDisconnect(); } break; } assert(nBytes > 0); pnode->nLastSend = GetSystemTimeInSeconds(); pnode->nSendBytes += nBytes; pnode->nSendOffset += nBytes; nSentSize += nBytes; if (pnode->nSendOffset != data.size()) { // could not send full message; stop sending more break; } pnode->nSendOffset = 0; pnode->nSendSize -= data.size(); pnode->fPauseSend = pnode->nSendSize > nSendBufferMaxSize; nMsgCount++; } pnode->vSendMsg.erase(pnode->vSendMsg.begin(), pnode->vSendMsg.begin() + nMsgCount); if (pnode->vSendMsg.empty()) { assert(pnode->nSendOffset == 0); assert(pnode->nSendSize == 0); } return nSentSize; } struct NodeEvictionCandidate { NodeId id; int64_t nTimeConnected; int64_t nMinPingUsecTime; int64_t nLastBlockTime; int64_t nLastTXTime; bool fRelevantServices; bool fRelayTxes; bool fBloomFilter; CAddress addr; uint64_t nKeyedNetGroup; }; static bool ReverseCompareNodeMinPingTime(const NodeEvictionCandidate &a, const NodeEvictionCandidate &b) { return a.nMinPingUsecTime > b.nMinPingUsecTime; } static bool ReverseCompareNodeTimeConnected(const NodeEvictionCandidate &a, const NodeEvictionCandidate &b) { return a.nTimeConnected > b.nTimeConnected; } static bool CompareNetGroupKeyed(const NodeEvictionCandidate &a, const NodeEvictionCandidate &b) { return a.nKeyedNetGroup < b.nKeyedNetGroup; } static bool CompareNodeBlockTime(const NodeEvictionCandidate &a, const NodeEvictionCandidate &b) { // There is a fall-through here because it is common for a node to have many // peers which have not yet relayed a block. if (a.nLastBlockTime != b.nLastBlockTime) { return a.nLastBlockTime < b.nLastBlockTime; } if (a.fRelevantServices != b.fRelevantServices) { return b.fRelevantServices; } return a.nTimeConnected > b.nTimeConnected; } static bool CompareNodeTXTime(const NodeEvictionCandidate &a, const NodeEvictionCandidate &b) { // There is a fall-through here because it is common for a node to have more // than a few peers that have not yet relayed txn. if (a.nLastTXTime != b.nLastTXTime) { return a.nLastTXTime < b.nLastTXTime; } if (a.fRelayTxes != b.fRelayTxes) { return b.fRelayTxes; } if (a.fBloomFilter != b.fBloomFilter) { return a.fBloomFilter; } return a.nTimeConnected > b.nTimeConnected; } //! Sort an array by the specified comparator, then erase the last K elements. template static void EraseLastKElements(std::vector &elements, Comparator comparator, size_t k) { std::sort(elements.begin(), elements.end(), comparator); size_t eraseSize = std::min(k, elements.size()); elements.erase(elements.end() - eraseSize, elements.end()); } /** * Try to find a connection to evict when the node is full. * Extreme care must be taken to avoid opening the node to attacker triggered * network partitioning. * The strategy used here is to protect a small number of peers for each of * several distinct characteristics which are difficult to forge. In order to * partition a node the attacker must be simultaneously better at all of them * than honest peers. */ bool CConnman::AttemptToEvictConnection() { std::vector vEvictionCandidates; { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *node : vNodes) { if (node->fWhitelisted || !node->fInbound || node->fDisconnect) { continue; } NodeEvictionCandidate candidate = { node->GetId(), node->nTimeConnected, node->nMinPingUsecTime, node->nLastBlockTime, node->nLastTXTime, HasAllDesirableServiceFlags(node->nServices), node->fRelayTxes, node->pfilter != nullptr, node->addr, node->nKeyedNetGroup}; vEvictionCandidates.push_back(candidate); } } // Protect connections with certain characteristics // Deterministically select 4 peers to protect by netgroup. // An attacker cannot predict which netgroups will be protected EraseLastKElements(vEvictionCandidates, CompareNetGroupKeyed, 4); // Protect the 8 nodes with the lowest minimum ping time. // An attacker cannot manipulate this metric without physically moving nodes // closer to the target. EraseLastKElements(vEvictionCandidates, ReverseCompareNodeMinPingTime, 8); // Protect 4 nodes that most recently sent us transactions. // An attacker cannot manipulate this metric without performing useful work. EraseLastKElements(vEvictionCandidates, CompareNodeTXTime, 4); // Protect 4 nodes that most recently sent us blocks. // An attacker cannot manipulate this metric without performing useful work. EraseLastKElements(vEvictionCandidates, CompareNodeBlockTime, 4); // Protect the half of the remaining nodes which have been connected the // longest. This replicates the non-eviction implicit behavior, and // precludes attacks that start later. EraseLastKElements(vEvictionCandidates, ReverseCompareNodeTimeConnected, vEvictionCandidates.size() / 2); if (vEvictionCandidates.empty()) { return false; } // Identify the network group with the most connections and youngest member. // (vEvictionCandidates is already sorted by reverse connect time) uint64_t naMostConnections; unsigned int nMostConnections = 0; int64_t nMostConnectionsTime = 0; std::map> mapNetGroupNodes; for (const NodeEvictionCandidate &node : vEvictionCandidates) { std::vector &group = mapNetGroupNodes[node.nKeyedNetGroup]; group.push_back(node); int64_t grouptime = group[0].nTimeConnected; size_t group_size = group.size(); if (group_size > nMostConnections || (group_size == nMostConnections && grouptime > nMostConnectionsTime)) { nMostConnections = group_size; nMostConnectionsTime = grouptime; naMostConnections = node.nKeyedNetGroup; } } // Reduce to the network group with the most connections vEvictionCandidates = std::move(mapNetGroupNodes[naMostConnections]); // Disconnect from the network group with the most connections NodeId evicted = vEvictionCandidates.front().id; LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (pnode->GetId() == evicted) { pnode->fDisconnect = true; return true; } } return false; } void CConnman::AcceptConnection(const ListenSocket &hListenSocket) { struct sockaddr_storage sockaddr; socklen_t len = sizeof(sockaddr); SOCKET hSocket = accept(hListenSocket.socket, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, &len); CAddress addr; int nInbound = 0; int nMaxInbound = nMaxConnections - (nMaxOutbound + nMaxFeeler); if (hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { if (!addr.SetSockAddr((const struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr)) { LogPrintf("Warning: Unknown socket family\n"); } } bool whitelisted = hListenSocket.whitelisted || IsWhitelistedRange(addr); { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (const CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (pnode->fInbound) { nInbound++; } } } if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { int nErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (nErr != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { LogPrintf("socket error accept failed: %s\n", NetworkErrorString(nErr)); } return; } if (!fNetworkActive) { LogPrintf("connection from %s dropped: not accepting new connections\n", addr.ToString()); CloseSocket(hSocket); return; } if (!IsSelectableSocket(hSocket)) { LogPrintf("connection from %s dropped: non-selectable socket\n", addr.ToString()); CloseSocket(hSocket); return; } // According to the internet TCP_NODELAY is not carried into accepted // sockets on all platforms. Set it again here just to be sure. SetSocketNoDelay(hSocket); if (IsBanned(addr) && !whitelisted) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "connection from %s dropped (banned)\n", addr.ToString()); CloseSocket(hSocket); return; } if (nInbound >= nMaxInbound) { if (!AttemptToEvictConnection()) { // No connection to evict, disconnect the new connection LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "failed to find an eviction candidate - " "connection dropped (full)\n"); CloseSocket(hSocket); return; } } NodeId id = GetNewNodeId(); uint64_t nonce = GetDeterministicRandomizer(RANDOMIZER_ID_LOCALHOSTNONCE) .Write(id) .Finalize(); CAddress addr_bind = GetBindAddress(hSocket); CNode *pnode = new CNode(id, nLocalServices, GetBestHeight(), hSocket, addr, CalculateKeyedNetGroup(addr), nonce, addr_bind, "", true); pnode->AddRef(); pnode->fWhitelisted = whitelisted; m_msgproc->InitializeNode(*config, pnode); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "connection from %s accepted\n", addr.ToString()); { LOCK(cs_vNodes); vNodes.push_back(pnode); } } void CConnman::ThreadSocketHandler() { unsigned int nPrevNodeCount = 0; while (!interruptNet) { // // Disconnect nodes // { LOCK(cs_vNodes); if (!fNetworkActive) { // Disconnect any connected nodes for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (!pnode->fDisconnect) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Network not active, dropping peer=%d\n", pnode->GetId()); pnode->fDisconnect = true; } } } // Disconnect unused nodes std::vector vNodesCopy = vNodes; for (CNode *pnode : vNodesCopy) { if (pnode->fDisconnect) { // remove from vNodes vNodes.erase(remove(vNodes.begin(), vNodes.end(), pnode), vNodes.end()); // release outbound grant (if any) pnode->grantOutbound.Release(); // close socket and cleanup pnode->CloseSocketDisconnect(); // hold in disconnected pool until all refs are released pnode->Release(); vNodesDisconnected.push_back(pnode); } } } { // Delete disconnected nodes std::list vNodesDisconnectedCopy = vNodesDisconnected; for (CNode *pnode : vNodesDisconnectedCopy) { // wait until threads are done using it if (pnode->GetRefCount() <= 0) { bool fDelete = false; { TRY_LOCK(pnode->cs_inventory, lockInv); if (lockInv) { TRY_LOCK(pnode->cs_vSend, lockSend); if (lockSend) { fDelete = true; } } } if (fDelete) { vNodesDisconnected.remove(pnode); DeleteNode(pnode); } } } } size_t vNodesSize; { LOCK(cs_vNodes); vNodesSize = vNodes.size(); } if (vNodesSize != nPrevNodeCount) { nPrevNodeCount = vNodesSize; if (clientInterface) { clientInterface->NotifyNumConnectionsChanged(nPrevNodeCount); } } // // Find which sockets have data to receive // struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; // Frequency to poll pnode->vSend timeout.tv_usec = 50000; fd_set fdsetRecv; fd_set fdsetSend; fd_set fdsetError; FD_ZERO(&fdsetRecv); FD_ZERO(&fdsetSend); FD_ZERO(&fdsetError); SOCKET hSocketMax = 0; bool have_fds = false; for (const ListenSocket &hListenSocket : vhListenSocket) { FD_SET(hListenSocket.socket, &fdsetRecv); hSocketMax = std::max(hSocketMax, hListenSocket.socket); have_fds = true; } { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { // Implement the following logic: // * If there is data to send, select() for sending data. As // this only happens when optimistic write failed, we choose to // first drain the write buffer in this case before receiving // more. This avoids needlessly queueing received data, if the // remote peer is not themselves receiving data. This means // properly utilizing TCP flow control signalling. // * Otherwise, if there is space left in the receive buffer, // select() for receiving data. // * Hand off all complete messages to the processor, to be // handled without blocking here. bool select_recv = !pnode->fPauseRecv; bool select_send; { LOCK(pnode->cs_vSend); select_send = !pnode->vSendMsg.empty(); } LOCK(pnode->cs_hSocket); if (pnode->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { continue; } FD_SET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetError); hSocketMax = std::max(hSocketMax, pnode->hSocket); have_fds = true; if (select_send) { FD_SET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetSend); continue; } if (select_recv) { FD_SET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetRecv); } } } int nSelect = select(have_fds ? hSocketMax + 1 : 0, &fdsetRecv, &fdsetSend, &fdsetError, &timeout); if (interruptNet) { return; } if (nSelect == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (have_fds) { int nErr = WSAGetLastError(); LogPrintf("socket select error %s\n", NetworkErrorString(nErr)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= hSocketMax; i++) { FD_SET(i, &fdsetRecv); } } FD_ZERO(&fdsetSend); FD_ZERO(&fdsetError); if (!interruptNet.sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout.tv_usec / 1000))) { return; } } // // Accept new connections // for (const ListenSocket &hListenSocket : vhListenSocket) { if (hListenSocket.socket != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET(hListenSocket.socket, &fdsetRecv)) { AcceptConnection(hListenSocket); } } // // Service each socket // std::vector vNodesCopy; { LOCK(cs_vNodes); vNodesCopy = vNodes; for (CNode *pnode : vNodesCopy) { pnode->AddRef(); } } for (CNode *pnode : vNodesCopy) { if (interruptNet) { return; } // // Receive // bool recvSet = false; bool sendSet = false; bool errorSet = false; { LOCK(pnode->cs_hSocket); if (pnode->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { continue; } recvSet = FD_ISSET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetRecv); sendSet = FD_ISSET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetSend); errorSet = FD_ISSET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetError); } if (recvSet || errorSet) { // typical socket buffer is 8K-64K char pchBuf[0x10000]; int32_t nBytes = 0; { LOCK(pnode->cs_hSocket); if (pnode->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { continue; } nBytes = recv(pnode->hSocket, pchBuf, sizeof(pchBuf), MSG_DONTWAIT); } if (nBytes > 0) { bool notify = false; if (!pnode->ReceiveMsgBytes(*config, pchBuf, nBytes, notify)) { pnode->CloseSocketDisconnect(); } RecordBytesRecv(nBytes); if (notify) { size_t nSizeAdded = 0; auto it(pnode->vRecvMsg.begin()); for (; it != pnode->vRecvMsg.end(); ++it) { if (!it->complete()) { break; } nSizeAdded += it->vRecv.size() + CMessageHeader::HEADER_SIZE; } { LOCK(pnode->cs_vProcessMsg); pnode->vProcessMsg.splice( pnode->vProcessMsg.end(), pnode->vRecvMsg, pnode->vRecvMsg.begin(), it); pnode->nProcessQueueSize += nSizeAdded; pnode->fPauseRecv = pnode->nProcessQueueSize > nReceiveFloodSize; } WakeMessageHandler(); } } else if (nBytes == 0) { // socket closed gracefully if (!pnode->fDisconnect) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "socket closed\n"); } pnode->CloseSocketDisconnect(); } else if (nBytes < 0) { // error int nErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (nErr != WSAEWOULDBLOCK && nErr != WSAEMSGSIZE && nErr != WSAEINTR && nErr != WSAEINPROGRESS) { if (!pnode->fDisconnect) { LogPrintf("socket recv error %s\n", NetworkErrorString(nErr)); } pnode->CloseSocketDisconnect(); } } } // // Send // if (sendSet) { LOCK(pnode->cs_vSend); size_t nBytes = SocketSendData(pnode); if (nBytes) { RecordBytesSent(nBytes); } } // // Inactivity checking // int64_t nTime = GetSystemTimeInSeconds(); if (nTime - pnode->nTimeConnected > 60) { if (pnode->nLastRecv == 0 || pnode->nLastSend == 0) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "socket no message in first 60 seconds, %d %d " "from %d\n", pnode->nLastRecv != 0, pnode->nLastSend != 0, pnode->GetId()); pnode->fDisconnect = true; } else if (nTime - pnode->nLastSend > TIMEOUT_INTERVAL) { LogPrintf("socket sending timeout: %is\n", nTime - pnode->nLastSend); pnode->fDisconnect = true; } else if (nTime - pnode->nLastRecv > (pnode->nVersion > BIP0031_VERSION ? TIMEOUT_INTERVAL : 90 * 60)) { LogPrintf("socket receive timeout: %is\n", nTime - pnode->nLastRecv); pnode->fDisconnect = true; } else if (pnode->nPingNonceSent && pnode->nPingUsecStart + TIMEOUT_INTERVAL * 1000000 < GetTimeMicros()) { LogPrintf("ping timeout: %fs\n", 0.000001 * (GetTimeMicros() - pnode->nPingUsecStart)); pnode->fDisconnect = true; } else if (!pnode->fSuccessfullyConnected) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "version handshake timeout from %d\n", pnode->GetId()); pnode->fDisconnect = true; } } } { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *pnode : vNodesCopy) { pnode->Release(); } } } } void CConnman::WakeMessageHandler() { { std::lock_guard lock(mutexMsgProc); fMsgProcWake = true; } condMsgProc.notify_one(); } #ifdef USE_UPNP static CThreadInterrupt g_upnp_interrupt; static std::thread g_upnp_thread; static void ThreadMapPort() { std::string port = strprintf("%u", GetListenPort()); const char *multicastif = nullptr; const char *minissdpdpath = nullptr; struct UPNPDev *devlist = nullptr; char lanaddr[64]; #ifndef UPNPDISCOVER_SUCCESS /* miniupnpc 1.5 */ devlist = upnpDiscover(2000, multicastif, minissdpdpath, 0); #elif MINIUPNPC_API_VERSION < 14 /* miniupnpc 1.6 */ int error = 0; devlist = upnpDiscover(2000, multicastif, minissdpdpath, 0, 0, &error); #else /* miniupnpc 1.9.20150730 */ int error = 0; devlist = upnpDiscover(2000, multicastif, minissdpdpath, 0, 0, 2, &error); #endif struct UPNPUrls urls; struct IGDdatas data; int r; r = UPNP_GetValidIGD(devlist, &urls, &data, lanaddr, sizeof(lanaddr)); if (r == 1) { if (fDiscover) { char externalIPAddress[40]; r = UPNP_GetExternalIPAddress( urls.controlURL, data.first.servicetype, externalIPAddress); if (r != UPNPCOMMAND_SUCCESS) { LogPrintf("UPnP: GetExternalIPAddress() returned %d\n", r); } else { if (externalIPAddress[0]) { CNetAddr resolved; if (LookupHost(externalIPAddress, resolved, false)) { LogPrintf("UPnP: ExternalIPAddress = %s\n", resolved.ToString().c_str()); AddLocal(resolved, LOCAL_UPNP); } } else { LogPrintf("UPnP: GetExternalIPAddress failed.\n"); } } } std::string strDesc = "Bitcoin " + FormatFullVersion(); do { #ifndef UPNPDISCOVER_SUCCESS /* miniupnpc 1.5 */ r = UPNP_AddPortMapping(urls.controlURL, data.first.servicetype, port.c_str(), port.c_str(), lanaddr, strDesc.c_str(), "TCP", 0); #else /* miniupnpc 1.6 */ r = UPNP_AddPortMapping(urls.controlURL, data.first.servicetype, port.c_str(), port.c_str(), lanaddr, strDesc.c_str(), "TCP", 0, "0"); #endif if (r != UPNPCOMMAND_SUCCESS) { LogPrintf( "AddPortMapping(%s, %s, %s) failed with code %d (%s)\n", port, port, lanaddr, r, strupnperror(r)); } else { LogPrintf("UPnP Port Mapping successful.\n"); } } while (g_upnp_interrupt.sleep_for(std::chrono::minutes(20))); r = UPNP_DeletePortMapping(urls.controlURL, data.first.servicetype, port.c_str(), "TCP", 0); LogPrintf("UPNP_DeletePortMapping() returned: %d\n", r); freeUPNPDevlist(devlist); devlist = nullptr; FreeUPNPUrls(&urls); } else { LogPrintf("No valid UPnP IGDs found\n"); freeUPNPDevlist(devlist); devlist = nullptr; if (r != 0) { FreeUPNPUrls(&urls); } } } void StartMapPort() { if (!g_upnp_thread.joinable()) { assert(!g_upnp_interrupt); g_upnp_thread = std::thread( (std::bind(&TraceThread, "upnp", &ThreadMapPort))); } } void InterruptMapPort() { if (g_upnp_thread.joinable()) { g_upnp_interrupt(); } } void StopMapPort() { if (g_upnp_thread.joinable()) { g_upnp_thread.join(); g_upnp_interrupt.reset(); } } #else void StartMapPort() { // Intentionally left blank. } void InterruptMapPort() { // Intentionally left blank. } void StopMapPort() { // Intentionally left blank. } #endif void CConnman::ThreadDNSAddressSeed() { // goal: only query DNS seeds if address need is acute. // Avoiding DNS seeds when we don't need them improves user privacy by // creating fewer identifying DNS requests, reduces trust by giving seeds // less influence on the network topology, and reduces traffic to the seeds. if ((addrman.size() > 0) && (!gArgs.GetBoolArg("-forcednsseed", DEFAULT_FORCEDNSSEED))) { if (!interruptNet.sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(11))) { return; } LOCK(cs_vNodes); int nRelevant = 0; for (const CNode *pnode : vNodes) { nRelevant += pnode->fSuccessfullyConnected && !pnode->fFeeler && !pnode->fOneShot && !pnode->m_manual_connection && !pnode->fInbound; } if (nRelevant >= 2) { LogPrintf("P2P peers available. Skipped DNS seeding.\n"); return; } } const std::vector &vSeeds = config->GetChainParams().DNSSeeds(); int found = 0; LogPrintf("Loading addresses from DNS seeds (could take a while)\n"); for (const std::string &seed : vSeeds) { if (interruptNet) { return; } if (HaveNameProxy()) { AddOneShot(seed); } else { std::vector vIPs; std::vector vAdd; ServiceFlags requiredServiceBits = GetDesirableServiceFlags(NODE_NONE); std::string host = strprintf("x%x.%s", requiredServiceBits, seed); CNetAddr resolveSource; if (!resolveSource.SetInternal(host)) { continue; } // Limits number of IPs learned from a DNS seed unsigned int nMaxIPs = 256; if (LookupHost(host.c_str(), vIPs, nMaxIPs, true)) { for (const CNetAddr &ip : vIPs) { int nOneDay = 24 * 3600; CAddress addr = CAddress( CService(ip, config->GetChainParams().GetDefaultPort()), requiredServiceBits); // Use a random age between 3 and 7 days old. addr.nTime = GetTime() - 3 * nOneDay - GetRand(4 * nOneDay); vAdd.push_back(addr); found++; } addrman.Add(vAdd, resolveSource); } else { // We now avoid directly using results from DNS Seeds which do // not support service bit filtering, instead using them as a // oneshot to get nodes with our desired service bits. AddOneShot(seed); } } } LogPrintf("%d addresses found from DNS seeds\n", found); } void CConnman::DumpAddresses() { int64_t nStart = GetTimeMillis(); CAddrDB adb(config->GetChainParams()); adb.Write(addrman); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Flushed %d addresses to peers.dat %dms\n", addrman.size(), GetTimeMillis() - nStart); } void CConnman::DumpData() { DumpAddresses(); DumpBanlist(); } void CConnman::ProcessOneShot() { std::string strDest; { LOCK(cs_vOneShots); if (vOneShots.empty()) { return; } strDest = vOneShots.front(); vOneShots.pop_front(); } CAddress addr; CSemaphoreGrant grant(*semOutbound, true); if (grant) { OpenNetworkConnection(addr, false, &grant, strDest.c_str(), true); } } bool CConnman::GetTryNewOutboundPeer() { return m_try_another_outbound_peer; } void CConnman::SetTryNewOutboundPeer(bool flag) { m_try_another_outbound_peer = flag; LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "net: setting try another outbound peer=%s\n", flag ? "true" : "false"); } // Return the number of peers we have over our outbound connection limit. // Exclude peers that are marked for disconnect, or are going to be disconnected // soon (eg one-shots and feelers). // Also exclude peers that haven't finished initial connection handshake yet (so // that we don't decide we're over our desired connection limit, and then evict // some peer that has finished the handshake). int CConnman::GetExtraOutboundCount() { int nOutbound = 0; { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (const CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (!pnode->fInbound && !pnode->m_manual_connection && !pnode->fFeeler && !pnode->fDisconnect && !pnode->fOneShot && pnode->fSuccessfullyConnected) { ++nOutbound; } } } return std::max(nOutbound - nMaxOutbound, 0); } void CConnman::ThreadOpenConnections(const std::vector connect) { // Connect to specific addresses if (!connect.empty()) { for (int64_t nLoop = 0;; nLoop++) { ProcessOneShot(); for (const std::string &strAddr : connect) { CAddress addr(CService(), NODE_NONE); OpenNetworkConnection(addr, false, nullptr, strAddr.c_str(), false, false, true); for (int i = 0; i < 10 && i < nLoop; i++) { if (!interruptNet.sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(500))) { return; } } } if (!interruptNet.sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500))) { return; } } } // Initiate network connections int64_t nStart = GetTime(); // Minimum time before next feeler connection (in microseconds). int64_t nNextFeeler = PoissonNextSend(nStart * 1000 * 1000, FEELER_INTERVAL); while (!interruptNet) { ProcessOneShot(); if (!interruptNet.sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500))) { return; } CSemaphoreGrant grant(*semOutbound); if (interruptNet) { return; } // Add seed nodes if DNS seeds are all down (an infrastructure attack?). if (addrman.size() == 0 && (GetTime() - nStart > 60)) { static bool done = false; if (!done) { LogPrintf("Adding fixed seed nodes as DNS doesn't seem to be " "available.\n"); CNetAddr local; local.SetInternal("fixedseeds"); addrman.Add(convertSeed6(config->GetChainParams().FixedSeeds()), local); done = true; } } // // Choose an address to connect to based on most recently seen // CAddress addrConnect; // Only connect out to one peer per network group (/16 for IPv4). Do // this here so we don't have to critsect vNodes inside mapAddresses // critsect. int nOutbound = 0; std::set> setConnected; { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (const CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (!pnode->fInbound && !pnode->m_manual_connection) { // Netgroups for inbound and addnode peers are not excluded // because our goal here is to not use multiple of our // limited outbound slots on a single netgroup but inbound // and addnode peers do not use our outbound slots. Inbound // peers also have the added issue that they're attacker // controlled and could be used to prevent us from // connecting to particular hosts if we used them here. setConnected.insert(pnode->addr.GetGroup()); nOutbound++; } } } // Feeler Connections // // Design goals: // * Increase the number of connectable addresses in the tried table. // // Method: // * Choose a random address from new and attempt to connect to it if // we can connect successfully it is added to tried. // * Start attempting feeler connections only after node finishes // making outbound connections. // * Only make a feeler connection once every few minutes. // bool fFeeler = false; if (nOutbound >= nMaxOutbound && !GetTryNewOutboundPeer()) { // The current time right now (in microseconds). int64_t nTime = GetTimeMicros(); if (nTime > nNextFeeler) { nNextFeeler = PoissonNextSend(nTime, FEELER_INTERVAL); fFeeler = true; } else { continue; } } addrman.ResolveCollisions(); int64_t nANow = GetAdjustedTime(); int nTries = 0; while (!interruptNet) { CAddrInfo addr = addrman.SelectTriedCollision(); // SelectTriedCollision returns an invalid address if it is empty. if (!fFeeler || !addr.IsValid()) { addr = addrman.Select(fFeeler); } // if we selected an invalid address, restart if (!addr.IsValid() || setConnected.count(addr.GetGroup()) || IsLocal(addr)) { break; } // If we didn't find an appropriate destination after trying 100 // addresses fetched from addrman, stop this loop, and let the outer // loop run again (which sleeps, adds seed nodes, recalculates // already-connected network ranges, ...) before trying new addrman // addresses. nTries++; if (nTries > 100) { break; } if (IsLimited(addr)) { continue; } // only consider very recently tried nodes after 30 failed attempts if (nANow - addr.nLastTry < 600 && nTries < 30) { continue; } // for non-feelers, require all the services we'll want, // for feelers, only require they be a full node (only because most // SPV clients don't have a good address DB available) if (!fFeeler && !HasAllDesirableServiceFlags(addr.nServices)) { continue; } if (fFeeler && !MayHaveUsefulAddressDB(addr.nServices)) { continue; } // do not allow non-default ports, unless after 50 invalid addresses // selected already. if (addr.GetPort() != config->GetChainParams().GetDefaultPort() && nTries < 50) { continue; } addrConnect = addr; break; } if (addrConnect.IsValid()) { if (fFeeler) { // Add small amount of random noise before connection to avoid // synchronization. int randsleep = GetRandInt(FEELER_SLEEP_WINDOW * 1000); if (!interruptNet.sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(randsleep))) { return; } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Making feeler connection to %s\n", addrConnect.ToString()); } OpenNetworkConnection(addrConnect, (int)setConnected.size() >= std::min(nMaxConnections - 1, 2), &grant, nullptr, false, fFeeler); } } } std::vector CConnman::GetAddedNodeInfo() { std::vector ret; std::list lAddresses(0); { LOCK(cs_vAddedNodes); ret.reserve(vAddedNodes.size()); std::copy(vAddedNodes.cbegin(), vAddedNodes.cend(), std::back_inserter(lAddresses)); } // Build a map of all already connected addresses (by IP:port and by name) // to inbound/outbound and resolved CService std::map mapConnected; std::map> mapConnectedByName; { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (const CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (pnode->addr.IsValid()) { mapConnected[pnode->addr] = pnode->fInbound; } std::string addrName = pnode->GetAddrName(); if (!addrName.empty()) { mapConnectedByName[std::move(addrName)] = std::make_pair(pnode->fInbound, static_cast(pnode->addr)); } } } for (const std::string &strAddNode : lAddresses) { CService service( LookupNumeric(strAddNode.c_str(), Params().GetDefaultPort())); AddedNodeInfo addedNode{strAddNode, CService(), false, false}; if (service.IsValid()) { // strAddNode is an IP:port auto it = mapConnected.find(service); if (it != mapConnected.end()) { addedNode.resolvedAddress = service; addedNode.fConnected = true; addedNode.fInbound = it->second; } } else { // strAddNode is a name auto it = mapConnectedByName.find(strAddNode); if (it != mapConnectedByName.end()) { addedNode.resolvedAddress = it->second.second; addedNode.fConnected = true; addedNode.fInbound = it->second.first; } } ret.emplace_back(std::move(addedNode)); } return ret; } void CConnman::ThreadOpenAddedConnections() { while (true) { CSemaphoreGrant grant(*semAddnode); std::vector vInfo = GetAddedNodeInfo(); bool tried = false; for (const AddedNodeInfo &info : vInfo) { if (!info.fConnected) { if (!grant.TryAcquire()) { // If we've used up our semaphore and need a new one, lets // not wait here since while we are waiting the // addednodeinfo state might change. break; } tried = true; CAddress addr(CService(), NODE_NONE); OpenNetworkConnection(addr, false, &grant, info.strAddedNode.c_str(), false, false, true); if (!interruptNet.sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500))) { return; } } } // Retry every 60 seconds if a connection was attempted, otherwise two // seconds. if (!interruptNet.sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(tried ? 60 : 2))) { return; } } } // If successful, this moves the passed grant to the constructed node. void CConnman::OpenNetworkConnection(const CAddress &addrConnect, bool fCountFailure, CSemaphoreGrant *grantOutbound, const char *pszDest, bool fOneShot, bool fFeeler, bool manual_connection) { // // Initiate outbound network connection // if (interruptNet) { return; } if (!fNetworkActive) { return; } if (!pszDest) { if (IsLocal(addrConnect) || FindNode(static_cast(addrConnect)) || IsBanned(addrConnect) || FindNode(addrConnect.ToStringIPPort())) { return; } } else if (FindNode(std::string(pszDest))) { return; } - CNode *pnode = ConnectNode(addrConnect, pszDest, fCountFailure); + CNode *pnode = + ConnectNode(addrConnect, pszDest, fCountFailure, manual_connection); if (!pnode) { return; } if (grantOutbound) { grantOutbound->MoveTo(pnode->grantOutbound); } if (fOneShot) { pnode->fOneShot = true; } if (fFeeler) { pnode->fFeeler = true; } if (manual_connection) { pnode->m_manual_connection = true; } m_msgproc->InitializeNode(*config, pnode); { LOCK(cs_vNodes); vNodes.push_back(pnode); } } void CConnman::ThreadMessageHandler() { while (!flagInterruptMsgProc) { std::vector vNodesCopy; { LOCK(cs_vNodes); vNodesCopy = vNodes; for (CNode *pnode : vNodesCopy) { pnode->AddRef(); } } bool fMoreWork = false; for (CNode *pnode : vNodesCopy) { if (pnode->fDisconnect) { continue; } // Receive messages bool fMoreNodeWork = m_msgproc->ProcessMessages( *config, pnode, flagInterruptMsgProc); fMoreWork |= (fMoreNodeWork && !pnode->fPauseSend); if (flagInterruptMsgProc) { return; } // Send messages { LOCK(pnode->cs_sendProcessing); m_msgproc->SendMessages(*config, pnode, flagInterruptMsgProc); } if (flagInterruptMsgProc) { return; } } { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *pnode : vNodesCopy) { pnode->Release(); } } WAIT_LOCK(mutexMsgProc, lock); if (!fMoreWork) { condMsgProc.wait_until(lock, std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(100), [this] { return fMsgProcWake; }); } fMsgProcWake = false; } } bool CConnman::BindListenPort(const CService &addrBind, std::string &strError, bool fWhitelisted) { strError = ""; int nOne = 1; // Create socket for listening for incoming connections struct sockaddr_storage sockaddr; socklen_t len = sizeof(sockaddr); if (!addrBind.GetSockAddr((struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, &len)) { strError = strprintf("Error: Bind address family for %s not supported", addrBind.ToString()); LogPrintf("%s\n", strError); return false; } SOCKET hListenSocket = CreateSocket(addrBind); if (hListenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { strError = strprintf("Error: Couldn't open socket for incoming " "connections (socket returned error %s)", NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); LogPrintf("%s\n", strError); return false; } // Allow binding if the port is still in TIME_WAIT state after // the program was closed and restarted. setsockopt(hListenSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (sockopt_arg_type)&nOne, sizeof(int)); // Some systems don't have IPV6_V6ONLY but are always v6only; others do have // the option and enable it by default or not. Try to enable it, if // possible. if (addrBind.IsIPv6()) { #ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY setsockopt(hListenSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (sockopt_arg_type)&nOne, sizeof(int)); #endif #ifdef WIN32 int nProtLevel = PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNRESTRICTED; setsockopt(hListenSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_PROTECTION_LEVEL, (sockopt_arg_type)&nProtLevel, sizeof(int)); #endif } if (::bind(hListenSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, len) == SOCKET_ERROR) { int nErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (nErr == WSAEADDRINUSE) { strError = strprintf(_("Unable to bind to %s on this computer. %s " "is probably already running."), addrBind.ToString(), _(PACKAGE_NAME)); } else { strError = strprintf(_("Unable to bind to %s on this computer " "(bind returned error %s)"), addrBind.ToString(), NetworkErrorString(nErr)); } LogPrintf("%s\n", strError); CloseSocket(hListenSocket); return false; } LogPrintf("Bound to %s\n", addrBind.ToString()); // Listen for incoming connections if (listen(hListenSocket, SOMAXCONN) == SOCKET_ERROR) { strError = strprintf(_("Error: Listening for incoming connections " "failed (listen returned error %s)"), NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); LogPrintf("%s\n", strError); CloseSocket(hListenSocket); return false; } vhListenSocket.push_back(ListenSocket(hListenSocket, fWhitelisted)); if (addrBind.IsRoutable() && fDiscover && !fWhitelisted) { AddLocal(addrBind, LOCAL_BIND); } return true; } void Discover() { if (!fDiscover) { return; } #ifdef WIN32 // Get local host IP char pszHostName[256] = ""; if (gethostname(pszHostName, sizeof(pszHostName)) != SOCKET_ERROR) { std::vector vaddr; if (LookupHost(pszHostName, vaddr, 0, true)) { for (const CNetAddr &addr : vaddr) { if (AddLocal(addr, LOCAL_IF)) { LogPrintf("%s: %s - %s\n", __func__, pszHostName, addr.ToString()); } } } } #else // Get local host ip struct ifaddrs *myaddrs; if (getifaddrs(&myaddrs) == 0) { for (struct ifaddrs *ifa = myaddrs; ifa != nullptr; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (ifa->ifa_addr == nullptr || (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) == 0 || strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, "lo") == 0 || strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, "lo0") == 0) { continue; } if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *s4 = reinterpret_cast(ifa->ifa_addr); CNetAddr addr(s4->sin_addr); if (AddLocal(addr, LOCAL_IF)) { LogPrintf("%s: IPv4 %s: %s\n", __func__, ifa->ifa_name, addr.ToString()); } } else if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *s6 = reinterpret_cast(ifa->ifa_addr); CNetAddr addr(s6->sin6_addr); if (AddLocal(addr, LOCAL_IF)) { LogPrintf("%s: IPv6 %s: %s\n", __func__, ifa->ifa_name, addr.ToString()); } } } freeifaddrs(myaddrs); } #endif } void CConnman::SetNetworkActive(bool active) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "SetNetworkActive: %s\n", active); if (fNetworkActive == active) { return; } fNetworkActive = active; uiInterface.NotifyNetworkActiveChanged(fNetworkActive); } CConnman::CConnman(const Config &configIn, uint64_t nSeed0In, uint64_t nSeed1In) : config(&configIn), nSeed0(nSeed0In), nSeed1(nSeed1In) { fNetworkActive = true; setBannedIsDirty = false; fAddressesInitialized = false; nLastNodeId = 0; nSendBufferMaxSize = 0; nReceiveFloodSize = 0; flagInterruptMsgProc = false; SetTryNewOutboundPeer(false); Options connOptions; Init(connOptions); } NodeId CConnman::GetNewNodeId() { return nLastNodeId.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); } bool CConnman::Bind(const CService &addr, unsigned int flags) { if (!(flags & BF_EXPLICIT) && IsLimited(addr)) { return false; } std::string strError; if (!BindListenPort(addr, strError, (flags & BF_WHITELIST) != 0)) { if ((flags & BF_REPORT_ERROR) && clientInterface) { clientInterface->ThreadSafeMessageBox( strError, "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); } return false; } return true; } bool CConnman::InitBinds(const std::vector &binds, const std::vector &whiteBinds) { bool fBound = false; for (const auto &addrBind : binds) { fBound |= Bind(addrBind, (BF_EXPLICIT | BF_REPORT_ERROR)); } for (const auto &addrBind : whiteBinds) { fBound |= Bind(addrBind, (BF_EXPLICIT | BF_REPORT_ERROR | BF_WHITELIST)); } if (binds.empty() && whiteBinds.empty()) { struct in_addr inaddr_any; inaddr_any.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; struct in6_addr inaddr6_any = IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT; fBound |= Bind(CService(inaddr6_any, GetListenPort()), BF_NONE); fBound |= Bind(CService(inaddr_any, GetListenPort()), !fBound ? BF_REPORT_ERROR : BF_NONE); } return fBound; } bool CConnman::Start(CScheduler &scheduler, const Options &connOptions) { Init(connOptions); { LOCK(cs_totalBytesRecv); nTotalBytesRecv = 0; } { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); nTotalBytesSent = 0; nMaxOutboundTotalBytesSentInCycle = 0; nMaxOutboundCycleStartTime = 0; } if (fListen && !InitBinds(connOptions.vBinds, connOptions.vWhiteBinds)) { if (clientInterface) { clientInterface->ThreadSafeMessageBox( _("Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want " "this."), "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); } return false; } for (const auto &strDest : connOptions.vSeedNodes) { AddOneShot(strDest); } if (clientInterface) { clientInterface->InitMessage(_("Loading P2P addresses...")); } // Load addresses from peers.dat int64_t nStart = GetTimeMillis(); { CAddrDB adb(config->GetChainParams()); if (adb.Read(addrman)) { LogPrintf("Loaded %i addresses from peers.dat %dms\n", addrman.size(), GetTimeMillis() - nStart); } else { // Addrman can be in an inconsistent state after failure, reset it addrman.Clear(); LogPrintf("Invalid or missing peers.dat; recreating\n"); DumpAddresses(); } } if (clientInterface) { clientInterface->InitMessage(_("Loading banlist...")); } // Load addresses from banlist.dat nStart = GetTimeMillis(); CBanDB bandb(config->GetChainParams()); banmap_t banmap; if (bandb.Read(banmap)) { // thread save setter SetBanned(banmap); // no need to write down, just read data SetBannedSetDirty(false); // sweep out unused entries SweepBanned(); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Loaded %d banned node ips/subnets from banlist.dat %dms\n", banmap.size(), GetTimeMillis() - nStart); } else { LogPrintf("Invalid or missing banlist.dat; recreating\n"); // force write SetBannedSetDirty(true); DumpBanlist(); } uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Starting network threads...")); fAddressesInitialized = true; if (semOutbound == nullptr) { // initialize semaphore semOutbound = std::make_unique( std::min((nMaxOutbound + nMaxFeeler), nMaxConnections)); } if (semAddnode == nullptr) { // initialize semaphore semAddnode = std::make_unique(nMaxAddnode); } // // Start threads // assert(m_msgproc); InterruptSocks5(false); interruptNet.reset(); flagInterruptMsgProc = false; { LOCK(mutexMsgProc); fMsgProcWake = false; } // Send and receive from sockets, accept connections threadSocketHandler = std::thread( &TraceThread>, "net", std::function(std::bind(&CConnman::ThreadSocketHandler, this))); if (!gArgs.GetBoolArg("-dnsseed", true)) { LogPrintf("DNS seeding disabled\n"); } else { threadDNSAddressSeed = std::thread(&TraceThread>, "dnsseed", std::function( std::bind(&CConnman::ThreadDNSAddressSeed, this))); } // Initiate outbound connections from -addnode threadOpenAddedConnections = std::thread(&TraceThread>, "addcon", std::function(std::bind( &CConnman::ThreadOpenAddedConnections, this))); if (connOptions.m_use_addrman_outgoing && !connOptions.m_specified_outgoing.empty()) { if (clientInterface) { clientInterface->ThreadSafeMessageBox( _("Cannot provide specific connections and have addrman find " "outgoing connections at the same."), "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); } return false; } if (connOptions.m_use_addrman_outgoing || !connOptions.m_specified_outgoing.empty()) { threadOpenConnections = std::thread(&TraceThread>, "opencon", std::function( std::bind(&CConnman::ThreadOpenConnections, this, connOptions.m_specified_outgoing))); } // Process messages threadMessageHandler = std::thread(&TraceThread>, "msghand", std::function( std::bind(&CConnman::ThreadMessageHandler, this))); // Dump network addresses scheduler.scheduleEvery( [this]() { this->DumpData(); return true; }, DUMP_ADDRESSES_INTERVAL * 1000); return true; } class CNetCleanup { public: CNetCleanup() {} ~CNetCleanup() { #ifdef WIN32 // Shutdown Windows Sockets WSACleanup(); #endif } } instance_of_cnetcleanup; void CConnman::Interrupt() { { std::lock_guard lock(mutexMsgProc); flagInterruptMsgProc = true; } condMsgProc.notify_all(); interruptNet(); InterruptSocks5(true); if (semOutbound) { for (int i = 0; i < (nMaxOutbound + nMaxFeeler); i++) { semOutbound->post(); } } if (semAddnode) { for (int i = 0; i < nMaxAddnode; i++) { semAddnode->post(); } } } void CConnman::Stop() { if (threadMessageHandler.joinable()) { threadMessageHandler.join(); } if (threadOpenConnections.joinable()) { threadOpenConnections.join(); } if (threadOpenAddedConnections.joinable()) { threadOpenAddedConnections.join(); } if (threadDNSAddressSeed.joinable()) { threadDNSAddressSeed.join(); } if (threadSocketHandler.joinable()) { threadSocketHandler.join(); } if (fAddressesInitialized) { DumpData(); fAddressesInitialized = false; } // Close sockets for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { pnode->CloseSocketDisconnect(); } for (ListenSocket &hListenSocket : vhListenSocket) { if (hListenSocket.socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { if (!CloseSocket(hListenSocket.socket)) { LogPrintf("CloseSocket(hListenSocket) failed with error %s\n", NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); } } } // clean up some globals (to help leak detection) for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { DeleteNode(pnode); } for (CNode *pnode : vNodesDisconnected) { DeleteNode(pnode); } vNodes.clear(); vNodesDisconnected.clear(); vhListenSocket.clear(); semOutbound.reset(); semAddnode.reset(); } void CConnman::DeleteNode(CNode *pnode) { assert(pnode); bool fUpdateConnectionTime = false; m_msgproc->FinalizeNode(*config, pnode->GetId(), fUpdateConnectionTime); if (fUpdateConnectionTime) { addrman.Connected(pnode->addr); } delete pnode; } CConnman::~CConnman() { Interrupt(); Stop(); } size_t CConnman::GetAddressCount() const { return addrman.size(); } void CConnman::SetServices(const CService &addr, ServiceFlags nServices) { addrman.SetServices(addr, nServices); } void CConnman::MarkAddressGood(const CAddress &addr) { addrman.Good(addr); } void CConnman::AddNewAddresses(const std::vector &vAddr, const CAddress &addrFrom, int64_t nTimePenalty) { addrman.Add(vAddr, addrFrom, nTimePenalty); } std::vector CConnman::GetAddresses() { return addrman.GetAddr(); } bool CConnman::AddNode(const std::string &strNode) { LOCK(cs_vAddedNodes); for (const std::string &it : vAddedNodes) { if (strNode == it) { return false; } } vAddedNodes.push_back(strNode); return true; } bool CConnman::RemoveAddedNode(const std::string &strNode) { LOCK(cs_vAddedNodes); for (std::vector::iterator it = vAddedNodes.begin(); it != vAddedNodes.end(); ++it) { if (strNode == *it) { vAddedNodes.erase(it); return true; } } return false; } size_t CConnman::GetNodeCount(NumConnections flags) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); // Shortcut if we want total if (flags == CConnman::CONNECTIONS_ALL) { return vNodes.size(); } int nNum = 0; for (const auto &pnode : vNodes) { if (flags & (pnode->fInbound ? CONNECTIONS_IN : CONNECTIONS_OUT)) { nNum++; } } return nNum; } void CConnman::GetNodeStats(std::vector &vstats) { vstats.clear(); LOCK(cs_vNodes); vstats.reserve(vNodes.size()); for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { vstats.emplace_back(); pnode->copyStats(vstats.back()); } } bool CConnman::DisconnectNode(const std::string &strNode) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); if (CNode *pnode = FindNode(strNode)) { pnode->fDisconnect = true; return true; } return false; } bool CConnman::DisconnectNode(NodeId id) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (CNode *pnode : vNodes) { if (id == pnode->GetId()) { pnode->fDisconnect = true; return true; } } return false; } void CConnman::RecordBytesRecv(uint64_t bytes) { LOCK(cs_totalBytesRecv); nTotalBytesRecv += bytes; } void CConnman::RecordBytesSent(uint64_t bytes) { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); nTotalBytesSent += bytes; uint64_t now = GetTime(); if (nMaxOutboundCycleStartTime + nMaxOutboundTimeframe < now) { // timeframe expired, reset cycle nMaxOutboundCycleStartTime = now; nMaxOutboundTotalBytesSentInCycle = 0; } // TODO, exclude whitebind peers nMaxOutboundTotalBytesSentInCycle += bytes; } void CConnman::SetMaxOutboundTarget(uint64_t limit) { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); nMaxOutboundLimit = limit; } uint64_t CConnman::GetMaxOutboundTarget() { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); return nMaxOutboundLimit; } uint64_t CConnman::GetMaxOutboundTimeframe() { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); return nMaxOutboundTimeframe; } uint64_t CConnman::GetMaxOutboundTimeLeftInCycle() { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); if (nMaxOutboundLimit == 0) { return 0; } if (nMaxOutboundCycleStartTime == 0) { return nMaxOutboundTimeframe; } uint64_t cycleEndTime = nMaxOutboundCycleStartTime + nMaxOutboundTimeframe; uint64_t now = GetTime(); return (cycleEndTime < now) ? 0 : cycleEndTime - GetTime(); } void CConnman::SetMaxOutboundTimeframe(uint64_t timeframe) { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); if (nMaxOutboundTimeframe != timeframe) { // reset measure-cycle in case of changing the timeframe. nMaxOutboundCycleStartTime = GetTime(); } nMaxOutboundTimeframe = timeframe; } bool CConnman::OutboundTargetReached(bool historicalBlockServingLimit) { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); if (nMaxOutboundLimit == 0) { return false; } if (historicalBlockServingLimit) { // keep a large enough buffer to at least relay each block once. uint64_t timeLeftInCycle = GetMaxOutboundTimeLeftInCycle(); uint64_t buffer = timeLeftInCycle / 600 * ONE_MEGABYTE; if (buffer >= nMaxOutboundLimit || nMaxOutboundTotalBytesSentInCycle >= nMaxOutboundLimit - buffer) { return true; } } else if (nMaxOutboundTotalBytesSentInCycle >= nMaxOutboundLimit) { return true; } return false; } uint64_t CConnman::GetOutboundTargetBytesLeft() { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); if (nMaxOutboundLimit == 0) { return 0; } return (nMaxOutboundTotalBytesSentInCycle >= nMaxOutboundLimit) ? 0 : nMaxOutboundLimit - nMaxOutboundTotalBytesSentInCycle; } uint64_t CConnman::GetTotalBytesRecv() { LOCK(cs_totalBytesRecv); return nTotalBytesRecv; } uint64_t CConnman::GetTotalBytesSent() { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); return nTotalBytesSent; } ServiceFlags CConnman::GetLocalServices() const { return nLocalServices; } void CConnman::SetBestHeight(int height) { nBestHeight.store(height, std::memory_order_release); } int CConnman::GetBestHeight() const { return nBestHeight.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } unsigned int CConnman::GetReceiveFloodSize() const { return nReceiveFloodSize; } CNode::CNode(NodeId idIn, ServiceFlags nLocalServicesIn, int nMyStartingHeightIn, SOCKET hSocketIn, const CAddress &addrIn, uint64_t nKeyedNetGroupIn, uint64_t nLocalHostNonceIn, const CAddress &addrBindIn, const std::string &addrNameIn, bool fInboundIn) : nTimeConnected(GetSystemTimeInSeconds()), addr(addrIn), addrBind(addrBindIn), fInbound(fInboundIn), nKeyedNetGroup(nKeyedNetGroupIn), addrKnown(5000, 0.001), filterInventoryKnown(50000, 0.000001), id(idIn), nLocalHostNonce(nLocalHostNonceIn), nLocalServices(nLocalServicesIn), nMyStartingHeight(nMyStartingHeightIn), nSendVersion(0) { nServices = NODE_NONE; hSocket = hSocketIn; nRecvVersion = INIT_PROTO_VERSION; nLastSend = 0; nLastRecv = 0; nSendBytes = 0; nRecvBytes = 0; nTimeOffset = 0; addrName = addrNameIn == "" ? addr.ToStringIPPort() : addrNameIn; nVersion = 0; strSubVer = ""; fWhitelisted = false; fOneShot = false; m_manual_connection = false; // set by version message fClient = false; // set by version message m_limited_node = false; fFeeler = false; fSuccessfullyConnected = false; fDisconnect = false; nRefCount = 0; nSendSize = 0; nSendOffset = 0; hashContinue = uint256(); nStartingHeight = -1; filterInventoryKnown.reset(); fSendMempool = false; fGetAddr = false; nNextLocalAddrSend = 0; nNextAddrSend = 0; nNextInvSend = 0; fRelayTxes = false; fSentAddr = false; pfilter = std::make_unique(); timeLastMempoolReq = 0; nLastBlockTime = 0; nLastTXTime = 0; nPingNonceSent = 0; nPingUsecStart = 0; nPingUsecTime = 0; fPingQueued = false; nMinPingUsecTime = std::numeric_limits::max(); minFeeFilter = Amount::zero(); lastSentFeeFilter = Amount::zero(); nextSendTimeFeeFilter = 0; fPauseRecv = false; fPauseSend = false; nProcessQueueSize = 0; for (const std::string &msg : getAllNetMessageTypes()) { mapRecvBytesPerMsgCmd[msg] = 0; } mapRecvBytesPerMsgCmd[NET_MESSAGE_COMMAND_OTHER] = 0; if (fLogIPs) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Added connection to %s peer=%d\n", addrName, id); } else { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Added connection peer=%d\n", id); } } CNode::~CNode() { CloseSocket(hSocket); } void CNode::AskFor(const CInv &inv) { if (mapAskFor.size() > MAPASKFOR_MAX_SZ || setAskFor.size() > SETASKFOR_MAX_SZ) { return; } // a peer may not have multiple non-responded queue positions for a single // inv item. if (!setAskFor.insert(inv.hash).second) { return; } // We're using mapAskFor as a priority queue, the key is the earliest time // the request can be sent. int64_t nRequestTime; limitedmap::const_iterator it = mapAlreadyAskedFor.find(inv.hash); if (it != mapAlreadyAskedFor.end()) { nRequestTime = it->second; } else { nRequestTime = 0; } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "askfor %s %d (%s) peer=%d\n", inv.ToString(), nRequestTime, FormatISO8601DateTime(nRequestTime / 1000000), id); // Make sure not to reuse time indexes to keep things in the same order int64_t nNow = GetTimeMicros() - 1000000; static int64_t nLastTime; ++nLastTime; nNow = std::max(nNow, nLastTime); nLastTime = nNow; // Each retry is 2 minutes after the last nRequestTime = std::max(nRequestTime + 2 * 60 * 1000000, nNow); if (it != mapAlreadyAskedFor.end()) { mapAlreadyAskedFor.update(it, nRequestTime); } else { mapAlreadyAskedFor.insert(std::make_pair(inv.hash, nRequestTime)); } mapAskFor.insert(std::make_pair(nRequestTime, inv)); } bool CConnman::NodeFullyConnected(const CNode *pnode) { return pnode && pnode->fSuccessfullyConnected && !pnode->fDisconnect; } void CConnman::PushMessage(CNode *pnode, CSerializedNetMsg &&msg) { size_t nMessageSize = msg.data.size(); size_t nTotalSize = nMessageSize + CMessageHeader::HEADER_SIZE; LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "sending %s (%d bytes) peer=%d\n", SanitizeString(msg.command.c_str()), nMessageSize, pnode->GetId()); std::vector serializedHeader; serializedHeader.reserve(CMessageHeader::HEADER_SIZE); uint256 hash = Hash(msg.data.data(), msg.data.data() + nMessageSize); CMessageHeader hdr(config->GetChainParams().NetMagic(), msg.command.c_str(), nMessageSize); memcpy(hdr.pchChecksum, hash.begin(), CMessageHeader::CHECKSUM_SIZE); CVectorWriter{SER_NETWORK, INIT_PROTO_VERSION, serializedHeader, 0, hdr}; size_t nBytesSent = 0; { LOCK(pnode->cs_vSend); bool optimisticSend(pnode->vSendMsg.empty()); // log total amount of bytes per command pnode->mapSendBytesPerMsgCmd[msg.command] += nTotalSize; pnode->nSendSize += nTotalSize; if (pnode->nSendSize > nSendBufferMaxSize) { pnode->fPauseSend = true; } pnode->vSendMsg.push_back(std::move(serializedHeader)); if (nMessageSize) { pnode->vSendMsg.push_back(std::move(msg.data)); } // If write queue empty, attempt "optimistic write" if (optimisticSend == true) { nBytesSent = SocketSendData(pnode); } } if (nBytesSent) { RecordBytesSent(nBytesSent); } } bool CConnman::ForNode(NodeId id, std::function func) { CNode *found = nullptr; LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (auto &&pnode : vNodes) { if (pnode->GetId() == id) { found = pnode; break; } } return found != nullptr && NodeFullyConnected(found) && func(found); } int64_t PoissonNextSend(int64_t nNow, int average_interval_seconds) { return nNow + int64_t(log1p(GetRand(1ULL << 48) * -0.0000000000000035527136788 /* -1/2^48 */) * average_interval_seconds * -1000000.0 + 0.5); } CSipHasher CConnman::GetDeterministicRandomizer(uint64_t id) const { return CSipHasher(nSeed0, nSeed1).Write(id); } uint64_t CConnman::CalculateKeyedNetGroup(const CAddress &ad) const { std::vector vchNetGroup(ad.GetGroup()); return GetDeterministicRandomizer(RANDOMIZER_ID_NETGROUP) .Write(vchNetGroup.data(), vchNetGroup.size()) .Finalize(); } /** * This function convert MaxBlockSize from byte to * MB with a decimal precision one digit rounded down * E.g. * 1660000 -> 1.6 * 2010000 -> 2.0 * 1000000 -> 1.0 * 230000 -> 0.2 * 50000 -> 0.0 * * NB behavior for EB<1MB not standardized yet still * the function applies the same algo used for * EB greater or equal to 1MB */ std::string getSubVersionEB(uint64_t MaxBlockSize) { // Prepare EB string we are going to add to SubVer: // 1) translate from byte to MB and convert to string // 2) limit the EB string to the first decimal digit (floored) std::stringstream ebMBs; ebMBs << (MaxBlockSize / (ONE_MEGABYTE / 10)); std::string eb = ebMBs.str(); eb.insert(eb.size() - 1, ".", 1); if (eb.substr(0, 1) == ".") { eb = "0" + eb; } return eb; } std::string userAgent(const Config &config) { // format excessive blocksize value std::string eb = getSubVersionEB(config.GetMaxBlockSize()); std::vector uacomments; uacomments.push_back("EB" + eb); // Comments are checked for char compliance at startup, it is safe to add // them to the user agent string for (const std::string &cmt : gArgs.GetArgs("-uacomment")) { uacomments.push_back(cmt); } // Size compliance is checked at startup, it is safe to not check it again std::string subversion = FormatSubVersion(CLIENT_NAME, CLIENT_VERSION, uacomments); return subversion; } diff --git a/src/net.h b/src/net.h index f67fa91c0..70855e918 100644 --- a/src/net.h +++ b/src/net.h @@ -1,875 +1,875 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_NET_H #define BITCOIN_NET_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif class Config; class CNode; class CScheduler; /** * Time between pings automatically sent out for latency probing and keepalive * (in seconds). */ static const int PING_INTERVAL = 2 * 60; /** * Time after which to disconnect, after waiting for a ping response (or * inactivity). */ static const int TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 20 * 60; /** Run the feeler connection loop once every 2 minutes or 120 seconds. **/ static const int FEELER_INTERVAL = 120; /** The maximum number of entries in an 'inv' protocol message */ static const unsigned int MAX_INV_SZ = 50000; static_assert(MAX_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_LENGTH > MAX_INV_SZ * sizeof(CInv), "Max protocol message length must be greater than largest " "possible INV message"); /** The maximum number of new addresses to accumulate before announcing. */ static const unsigned int MAX_ADDR_TO_SEND = 1000; /** Maximum length of strSubVer in `version` message */ static const unsigned int MAX_SUBVERSION_LENGTH = 256; /** Maximum number of automatic outgoing nodes */ static const int MAX_OUTBOUND_CONNECTIONS = 8; /** Maximum number of addnode outgoing nodes */ static const int MAX_ADDNODE_CONNECTIONS = 8; /** -listen default */ static const bool DEFAULT_LISTEN = true; /** -upnp default */ #ifdef USE_UPNP static const bool DEFAULT_UPNP = USE_UPNP; #else static const bool DEFAULT_UPNP = false; #endif /** The maximum number of entries in mapAskFor */ static const size_t MAPASKFOR_MAX_SZ = MAX_INV_SZ; /** The maximum number of entries in setAskFor (larger due to getdata latency)*/ static const size_t SETASKFOR_MAX_SZ = 2 * MAX_INV_SZ; /** The maximum number of peer connections to maintain. */ static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MAX_PEER_CONNECTIONS = 125; /** The default for -maxuploadtarget. 0 = Unlimited */ static const uint64_t DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_TARGET = 0; /** The default timeframe for -maxuploadtarget. 1 day. */ static const uint64_t MAX_UPLOAD_TIMEFRAME = 60 * 60 * 24; /** Default for blocks only*/ static const bool DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY = false; static const bool DEFAULT_FORCEDNSSEED = false; static const size_t DEFAULT_MAXRECEIVEBUFFER = 5 * 1000; static const size_t DEFAULT_MAXSENDBUFFER = 1 * 1000; // Default 24-hour ban. // NOTE: When adjusting this, update rpcnet:setban's help ("24h") static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MISBEHAVING_BANTIME = 60 * 60 * 24; typedef int64_t NodeId; struct AddedNodeInfo { std::string strAddedNode; CService resolvedAddress; bool fConnected; bool fInbound; }; struct CNodeStats; class CClientUIInterface; struct CSerializedNetMsg { CSerializedNetMsg() = default; CSerializedNetMsg(CSerializedNetMsg &&) = default; CSerializedNetMsg &operator=(CSerializedNetMsg &&) = default; // No copying, only moves. CSerializedNetMsg(const CSerializedNetMsg &msg) = delete; CSerializedNetMsg &operator=(const CSerializedNetMsg &) = delete; std::vector data; std::string command; }; class NetEventsInterface; class CConnman { public: enum NumConnections { CONNECTIONS_NONE = 0, CONNECTIONS_IN = (1U << 0), CONNECTIONS_OUT = (1U << 1), CONNECTIONS_ALL = (CONNECTIONS_IN | CONNECTIONS_OUT), }; struct Options { ServiceFlags nLocalServices = NODE_NONE; int nMaxConnections = 0; int nMaxOutbound = 0; int nMaxAddnode = 0; int nMaxFeeler = 0; int nBestHeight = 0; CClientUIInterface *uiInterface = nullptr; NetEventsInterface *m_msgproc = nullptr; unsigned int nSendBufferMaxSize = 0; unsigned int nReceiveFloodSize = 0; uint64_t nMaxOutboundTimeframe = 0; uint64_t nMaxOutboundLimit = 0; std::vector vSeedNodes; std::vector vWhitelistedRange; std::vector vBinds, vWhiteBinds; bool m_use_addrman_outgoing = true; std::vector m_specified_outgoing; std::vector m_added_nodes; }; void Init(const Options &connOptions) { nLocalServices = connOptions.nLocalServices; nMaxConnections = connOptions.nMaxConnections; nMaxOutbound = std::min(connOptions.nMaxOutbound, connOptions.nMaxConnections); nMaxAddnode = connOptions.nMaxAddnode; nMaxFeeler = connOptions.nMaxFeeler; nBestHeight = connOptions.nBestHeight; clientInterface = connOptions.uiInterface; m_msgproc = connOptions.m_msgproc; nSendBufferMaxSize = connOptions.nSendBufferMaxSize; nReceiveFloodSize = connOptions.nReceiveFloodSize; { LOCK(cs_totalBytesSent); nMaxOutboundTimeframe = connOptions.nMaxOutboundTimeframe; nMaxOutboundLimit = connOptions.nMaxOutboundLimit; } vWhitelistedRange = connOptions.vWhitelistedRange; { LOCK(cs_vAddedNodes); vAddedNodes = connOptions.m_added_nodes; } } CConnman(const Config &configIn, uint64_t seed0, uint64_t seed1); ~CConnman(); bool Start(CScheduler &scheduler, const Options &options); void Stop(); void Interrupt(); bool GetNetworkActive() const { return fNetworkActive; }; void SetNetworkActive(bool active); void OpenNetworkConnection(const CAddress &addrConnect, bool fCountFailure, CSemaphoreGrant *grantOutbound = nullptr, const char *strDest = nullptr, bool fOneShot = false, bool fFeeler = false, bool manual_connection = false); bool CheckIncomingNonce(uint64_t nonce); bool ForNode(NodeId id, std::function func); void PushMessage(CNode *pnode, CSerializedNetMsg &&msg); template void ForEachNode(Callable &&func) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (auto &&node : vNodes) { if (NodeFullyConnected(node)) { func(node); } } }; template void ForEachNode(Callable &&func) const { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (auto &&node : vNodes) { if (NodeFullyConnected(node)) { func(node); } } }; template void ForEachNodeThen(Callable &&pre, CallableAfter &&post) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (auto &&node : vNodes) { if (NodeFullyConnected(node)) { pre(node); } } post(); }; template void ForEachNodeThen(Callable &&pre, CallableAfter &&post) const { LOCK(cs_vNodes); for (auto &&node : vNodes) { if (NodeFullyConnected(node)) { pre(node); } } post(); }; // Addrman functions size_t GetAddressCount() const; void SetServices(const CService &addr, ServiceFlags nServices); void MarkAddressGood(const CAddress &addr); void AddNewAddresses(const std::vector &vAddr, const CAddress &addrFrom, int64_t nTimePenalty = 0); std::vector GetAddresses(); // Denial-of-service detection/prevention. The idea is to detect peers that // are behaving badly and disconnect/ban them, but do it in a // one-coding-mistake-won't-shatter-the-entire-network way. // IMPORTANT: There should be nothing I can give a node that it will forward // on that will make that node's peers drop it. If there is, an attacker can // isolate a node and/or try to split the network. Dropping a node for // sending stuff that is invalid now but might be valid in a later version // is also dangerous, because it can cause a network split between nodes // running old code and nodes running new code. void Ban(const CNetAddr &netAddr, const BanReason &reason, int64_t bantimeoffset = 0, bool sinceUnixEpoch = false); void Ban(const CSubNet &subNet, const BanReason &reason, int64_t bantimeoffset = 0, bool sinceUnixEpoch = false); // Needed for unit testing. void ClearBanned(); bool IsBanned(CNetAddr ip); bool IsBanned(CSubNet subnet); bool Unban(const CNetAddr &ip); bool Unban(const CSubNet &ip); void GetBanned(banmap_t &banmap); void SetBanned(const banmap_t &banmap); // This allows temporarily exceeding nMaxOutbound, with the goal of finding // a peer that is better than all our current peers. void SetTryNewOutboundPeer(bool flag); bool GetTryNewOutboundPeer(); // Return the number of outbound peers we have in excess of our target (eg, // if we previously called SetTryNewOutboundPeer(true), and have since set // to false, we may have extra peers that we wish to disconnect). This may // return a value less than (num_outbound_connections - num_outbound_slots) // in cases where some outbound connections are not yet fully connected, or // not yet fully disconnected. int GetExtraOutboundCount(); bool AddNode(const std::string &node); bool RemoveAddedNode(const std::string &node); std::vector GetAddedNodeInfo(); size_t GetNodeCount(NumConnections num); void GetNodeStats(std::vector &vstats); bool DisconnectNode(const std::string &node); bool DisconnectNode(NodeId id); ServiceFlags GetLocalServices() const; //! set the max outbound target in bytes. void SetMaxOutboundTarget(uint64_t limit); uint64_t GetMaxOutboundTarget(); //! set the timeframe for the max outbound target. void SetMaxOutboundTimeframe(uint64_t timeframe); uint64_t GetMaxOutboundTimeframe(); //! check if the outbound target is reached. // If param historicalBlockServingLimit is set true, the function will // response true if the limit for serving historical blocks has been // reached. bool OutboundTargetReached(bool historicalBlockServingLimit); //! response the bytes left in the current max outbound cycle // in case of no limit, it will always response 0 uint64_t GetOutboundTargetBytesLeft(); //! response the time in second left in the current max outbound cycle // in case of no limit, it will always response 0 uint64_t GetMaxOutboundTimeLeftInCycle(); uint64_t GetTotalBytesRecv(); uint64_t GetTotalBytesSent(); void SetBestHeight(int height); int GetBestHeight() const; /** Get a unique deterministic randomizer. */ CSipHasher GetDeterministicRandomizer(uint64_t id) const; unsigned int GetReceiveFloodSize() const; void WakeMessageHandler(); private: struct ListenSocket { SOCKET socket; bool whitelisted; ListenSocket(SOCKET socket_, bool whitelisted_) : socket(socket_), whitelisted(whitelisted_) {} }; bool BindListenPort(const CService &bindAddr, std::string &strError, bool fWhitelisted = false); bool Bind(const CService &addr, unsigned int flags); bool InitBinds(const std::vector &binds, const std::vector &whiteBinds); void ThreadOpenAddedConnections(); void AddOneShot(const std::string &strDest); void ProcessOneShot(); void ThreadOpenConnections(std::vector connect); void ThreadMessageHandler(); void AcceptConnection(const ListenSocket &hListenSocket); void ThreadSocketHandler(); void ThreadDNSAddressSeed(); uint64_t CalculateKeyedNetGroup(const CAddress &ad) const; CNode *FindNode(const CNetAddr &ip); CNode *FindNode(const CSubNet &subNet); CNode *FindNode(const std::string &addrName); CNode *FindNode(const CService &addr); bool AttemptToEvictConnection(); CNode *ConnectNode(CAddress addrConnect, const char *pszDest, - bool fCountFailure); + bool fCountFailure, bool manual_connection); bool IsWhitelistedRange(const CNetAddr &addr); void DeleteNode(CNode *pnode); NodeId GetNewNodeId(); size_t SocketSendData(CNode *pnode) const; //! check is the banlist has unwritten changes bool BannedSetIsDirty(); //! set the "dirty" flag for the banlist void SetBannedSetDirty(bool dirty = true); //! clean unused entries (if bantime has expired) void SweepBanned(); void DumpAddresses(); void DumpData(); void DumpBanlist(); // Network stats void RecordBytesRecv(uint64_t bytes); void RecordBytesSent(uint64_t bytes); // Whether the node should be passed out in ForEach* callbacks static bool NodeFullyConnected(const CNode *pnode); const Config *config; // Network usage totals CCriticalSection cs_totalBytesRecv; CCriticalSection cs_totalBytesSent; uint64_t nTotalBytesRecv GUARDED_BY(cs_totalBytesRecv); uint64_t nTotalBytesSent GUARDED_BY(cs_totalBytesSent); // outbound limit & stats uint64_t nMaxOutboundTotalBytesSentInCycle GUARDED_BY(cs_totalBytesSent); uint64_t nMaxOutboundCycleStartTime GUARDED_BY(cs_totalBytesSent); uint64_t nMaxOutboundLimit GUARDED_BY(cs_totalBytesSent); uint64_t nMaxOutboundTimeframe GUARDED_BY(cs_totalBytesSent); // Whitelisted ranges. Any node connecting from these is automatically // whitelisted (as well as those connecting to whitelisted binds). std::vector vWhitelistedRange; unsigned int nSendBufferMaxSize; unsigned int nReceiveFloodSize; std::vector vhListenSocket; std::atomic fNetworkActive; banmap_t setBanned; CCriticalSection cs_setBanned; bool setBannedIsDirty; bool fAddressesInitialized; CAddrMan addrman; std::deque vOneShots; CCriticalSection cs_vOneShots; std::vector vAddedNodes GUARDED_BY(cs_vAddedNodes); CCriticalSection cs_vAddedNodes; std::vector vNodes; std::list vNodesDisconnected; mutable CCriticalSection cs_vNodes; std::atomic nLastNodeId; /** Services this instance offers */ ServiceFlags nLocalServices; std::unique_ptr semOutbound; std::unique_ptr semAddnode; int nMaxConnections; int nMaxOutbound; int nMaxAddnode; int nMaxFeeler; std::atomic nBestHeight; CClientUIInterface *clientInterface; NetEventsInterface *m_msgproc; /** SipHasher seeds for deterministic randomness */ const uint64_t nSeed0, nSeed1; /** flag for waking the message processor. */ bool fMsgProcWake; std::condition_variable condMsgProc; Mutex mutexMsgProc; std::atomic flagInterruptMsgProc; CThreadInterrupt interruptNet; std::thread threadDNSAddressSeed; std::thread threadSocketHandler; std::thread threadOpenAddedConnections; std::thread threadOpenConnections; std::thread threadMessageHandler; /** * Flag for deciding to connect to an extra outbound peer, in excess of * nMaxOutbound. * This takes the place of a feeler connection. */ std::atomic_bool m_try_another_outbound_peer; friend struct CConnmanTest; }; extern std::unique_ptr g_connman; void Discover(); void StartMapPort(); void InterruptMapPort(); void StopMapPort(); unsigned short GetListenPort(); bool BindListenPort(const CService &bindAddr, std::string &strError, bool fWhitelisted = false); /** * Interface for message handling */ class NetEventsInterface { public: virtual bool ProcessMessages(const Config &config, CNode *pnode, std::atomic &interrupt) = 0; virtual bool SendMessages(const Config &config, CNode *pnode, std::atomic &interrupt) = 0; virtual void InitializeNode(const Config &config, CNode *pnode) = 0; virtual void FinalizeNode(const Config &config, NodeId id, bool &update_connection_time) = 0; protected: /** * Protected destructor so that instances can only be deleted by derived * classes. If that restriction is no longer desired, this should be made * public and virtual. */ ~NetEventsInterface() = default; }; enum { // unknown LOCAL_NONE, // address a local interface listens on LOCAL_IF, // address explicit bound to LOCAL_BIND, // address reported by UPnP LOCAL_UPNP, // address explicitly specified (-externalip=) LOCAL_MANUAL, LOCAL_MAX }; bool IsPeerAddrLocalGood(CNode *pnode); void AdvertiseLocal(CNode *pnode); void SetLimited(enum Network net, bool fLimited = true); bool IsLimited(enum Network net); bool IsLimited(const CNetAddr &addr); bool AddLocal(const CService &addr, int nScore = LOCAL_NONE); bool AddLocal(const CNetAddr &addr, int nScore = LOCAL_NONE); void RemoveLocal(const CService &addr); bool SeenLocal(const CService &addr); bool IsLocal(const CService &addr); bool GetLocal(CService &addr, const CNetAddr *paddrPeer = nullptr); bool IsReachable(enum Network net); bool IsReachable(const CNetAddr &addr); CAddress GetLocalAddress(const CNetAddr *paddrPeer, ServiceFlags nLocalServices); extern bool fDiscover; extern bool fListen; extern bool fRelayTxes; extern limitedmap mapAlreadyAskedFor; struct LocalServiceInfo { int nScore; int nPort; }; extern CCriticalSection cs_mapLocalHost; extern std::map mapLocalHost; // Command, total bytes typedef std::map mapMsgCmdSize; /** * POD that contains various stats about a node. * Usually constructed from CConman::GetNodeStats. Stats are filled from the * node using CNode::copyStats. */ struct CNodeStats { NodeId nodeid; ServiceFlags nServices; bool fRelayTxes; int64_t nLastSend; int64_t nLastRecv; int64_t nTimeConnected; int64_t nTimeOffset; std::string addrName; int nVersion; std::string cleanSubVer; bool fInbound; bool m_manual_connection; int nStartingHeight; uint64_t nSendBytes; mapMsgCmdSize mapSendBytesPerMsgCmd; uint64_t nRecvBytes; mapMsgCmdSize mapRecvBytesPerMsgCmd; bool fWhitelisted; double dPingTime; double dPingWait; double dMinPing; // Our address, as reported by the peer std::string addrLocal; // Address of this peer CAddress addr; // Bind address of our side of the connection CAddress addrBind; }; class CNetMessage { private: mutable CHash256 hasher; mutable uint256 data_hash; public: // Parsing header (false) or data (true) bool in_data; // Partially received header. CDataStream hdrbuf; // Complete header. CMessageHeader hdr; uint32_t nHdrPos; // Received message data. CDataStream vRecv; uint32_t nDataPos; // Time (in microseconds) of message receipt. int64_t nTime; CNetMessage(const CMessageHeader::MessageMagic &pchMessageStartIn, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) : hdrbuf(nTypeIn, nVersionIn), hdr(pchMessageStartIn), vRecv(nTypeIn, nVersionIn) { hdrbuf.resize(24); in_data = false; nHdrPos = 0; nDataPos = 0; nTime = 0; } bool complete() const { if (!in_data) { return false; } return (hdr.nMessageSize == nDataPos); } const uint256 &GetMessageHash() const; void SetVersion(int nVersionIn) { hdrbuf.SetVersion(nVersionIn); vRecv.SetVersion(nVersionIn); } int readHeader(const Config &config, const char *pch, uint32_t nBytes); int readData(const char *pch, uint32_t nBytes); }; /** Information about a peer */ class CNode { friend class CConnman; public: // socket std::atomic nServices; SOCKET hSocket; // Total size of all vSendMsg entries. size_t nSendSize; // Offset inside the first vSendMsg already sent. size_t nSendOffset; uint64_t nSendBytes; std::deque> vSendMsg; CCriticalSection cs_vSend; CCriticalSection cs_hSocket; CCriticalSection cs_vRecv; CCriticalSection cs_vProcessMsg; std::list vProcessMsg; size_t nProcessQueueSize; CCriticalSection cs_sendProcessing; std::deque vRecvGetData; uint64_t nRecvBytes; std::atomic nRecvVersion; std::atomic nLastSend; std::atomic nLastRecv; const int64_t nTimeConnected; std::atomic nTimeOffset; // Address of this peer const CAddress addr; // Bind address of our side of the connection const CAddress addrBind; std::atomic nVersion; // strSubVer is whatever byte array we read from the wire. However, this // field is intended to be printed out, displayed to humans in various forms // and so on. So we sanitize it and store the sanitized version in // cleanSubVer. The original should be used when dealing with the network or // wire types and the cleaned string used when displayed or logged. std::string strSubVer, cleanSubVer; // Used for both cleanSubVer and strSubVer. CCriticalSection cs_SubVer; // This peer can bypass DoS banning. bool fWhitelisted; // If true this node is being used as a short lived feeler. bool fFeeler; bool fOneShot; bool m_manual_connection; bool fClient; // after BIP159 bool m_limited_node; const bool fInbound; std::atomic_bool fSuccessfullyConnected; std::atomic_bool fDisconnect; // We use fRelayTxes for two purposes - // a) it allows us to not relay tx invs before receiving the peer's version // message. // b) the peer may tell us in its version message that we should not relay // tx invs unless it loads a bloom filter. // protected by cs_filter bool fRelayTxes; bool fSentAddr; CSemaphoreGrant grantOutbound; CCriticalSection cs_filter; std::unique_ptr pfilter; std::atomic nRefCount; const uint64_t nKeyedNetGroup; std::atomic_bool fPauseRecv; std::atomic_bool fPauseSend; protected: mapMsgCmdSize mapSendBytesPerMsgCmd; mapMsgCmdSize mapRecvBytesPerMsgCmd; public: uint256 hashContinue; std::atomic nStartingHeight; // flood relay std::vector vAddrToSend; CRollingBloomFilter addrKnown; bool fGetAddr; std::set setKnown; int64_t nNextAddrSend; int64_t nNextLocalAddrSend; // Inventory based relay. CRollingBloomFilter filterInventoryKnown; // Set of transaction ids we still have to announce. They are sorted by the // mempool before relay, so the order is not important. std::set setInventoryTxToSend; // List of block ids we still have announce. There is no final sorting // before sending, as they are always sent immediately and in the order // requested. std::vector vInventoryBlockToSend; CCriticalSection cs_inventory; std::set setAskFor; std::multimap mapAskFor; int64_t nNextInvSend; // Used for headers announcements - unfiltered blocks to relay. Also // protected by cs_inventory. std::vector vBlockHashesToAnnounce; // Used for BIP35 mempool sending, also protected by cs_inventory. bool fSendMempool; // Last time a "MEMPOOL" request was serviced. std::atomic timeLastMempoolReq; // Block and TXN accept times std::atomic nLastBlockTime; std::atomic nLastTXTime; // Ping time measurement: // The pong reply we're expecting, or 0 if no pong expected. std::atomic nPingNonceSent; // Time (in usec) the last ping was sent, or 0 if no ping was ever sent. std::atomic nPingUsecStart; // Last measured round-trip time. std::atomic nPingUsecTime; // Best measured round-trip time. std::atomic nMinPingUsecTime; // Whether a ping is requested. std::atomic fPingQueued; // Minimum fee rate with which to filter inv's to this node Amount minFeeFilter; CCriticalSection cs_feeFilter; Amount lastSentFeeFilter; int64_t nextSendTimeFeeFilter; CNode(NodeId id, ServiceFlags nLocalServicesIn, int nMyStartingHeightIn, SOCKET hSocketIn, const CAddress &addrIn, uint64_t nKeyedNetGroupIn, uint64_t nLocalHostNonceIn, const CAddress &addrBindIn, const std::string &addrNameIn = "", bool fInboundIn = false); ~CNode(); CNode(const CNode &) = delete; CNode &operator=(const CNode &) = delete; private: const NodeId id; const uint64_t nLocalHostNonce; // Services offered to this peer const ServiceFlags nLocalServices; const int nMyStartingHeight; int nSendVersion; // Used only by SocketHandler thread. std::list vRecvMsg; mutable CCriticalSection cs_addrName; std::string addrName; // Our address, as reported by the peer CService addrLocal; mutable CCriticalSection cs_addrLocal; public: NodeId GetId() const { return id; } uint64_t GetLocalNonce() const { return nLocalHostNonce; } int GetMyStartingHeight() const { return nMyStartingHeight; } int GetRefCount() const { assert(nRefCount >= 0); return nRefCount; } bool ReceiveMsgBytes(const Config &config, const char *pch, uint32_t nBytes, bool &complete); void SetRecvVersion(int nVersionIn) { nRecvVersion = nVersionIn; } int GetRecvVersion() const { return nRecvVersion; } void SetSendVersion(int nVersionIn); int GetSendVersion() const; CService GetAddrLocal() const; //! May not be called more than once void SetAddrLocal(const CService &addrLocalIn); CNode *AddRef() { nRefCount++; return this; } void Release() { nRefCount--; } void AddAddressKnown(const CAddress &_addr) { addrKnown.insert(_addr.GetKey()); } void PushAddress(const CAddress &_addr, FastRandomContext &insecure_rand) { // Known checking here is only to save space from duplicates. // SendMessages will filter it again for knowns that were added // after addresses were pushed. if (_addr.IsValid() && !addrKnown.contains(_addr.GetKey())) { if (vAddrToSend.size() >= MAX_ADDR_TO_SEND) { vAddrToSend[insecure_rand.randrange(vAddrToSend.size())] = _addr; } else { vAddrToSend.push_back(_addr); } } } void AddInventoryKnown(const CInv &inv) { LOCK(cs_inventory); filterInventoryKnown.insert(inv.hash); } void PushInventory(const CInv &inv) { LOCK(cs_inventory); if (inv.type == MSG_TX) { if (!filterInventoryKnown.contains(inv.hash)) { setInventoryTxToSend.insert(inv.hash); } } else if (inv.type == MSG_BLOCK) { vInventoryBlockToSend.push_back(inv.hash); } } void PushBlockHash(const uint256 &hash) { LOCK(cs_inventory); vBlockHashesToAnnounce.push_back(hash); } void AskFor(const CInv &inv); void CloseSocketDisconnect(); void copyStats(CNodeStats &stats); ServiceFlags GetLocalServices() const { return nLocalServices; } std::string GetAddrName() const; //! Sets the addrName only if it was not previously set void MaybeSetAddrName(const std::string &addrNameIn); }; /** * Return a timestamp in the future (in microseconds) for exponentially * distributed events. */ int64_t PoissonNextSend(int64_t nNow, int average_interval_seconds); std::string getSubVersionEB(uint64_t MaxBlockSize); std::string userAgent(const Config &config); #endif // BITCOIN_NET_H diff --git a/src/netbase.cpp b/src/netbase.cpp index 87473c5a3..1a131c40a 100644 --- a/src/netbase.cpp +++ b/src/netbase.cpp @@ -1,788 +1,805 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include + #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #if !defined(MSG_NOSIGNAL) #define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0 #endif // Settings static proxyType proxyInfo[NET_MAX]; static proxyType nameProxy; static CCriticalSection cs_proxyInfos; int nConnectTimeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; bool fNameLookup = DEFAULT_NAME_LOOKUP; // Need ample time for negotiation for very slow proxies such as Tor // (milliseconds) static const int SOCKS5_RECV_TIMEOUT = 20 * 1000; static std::atomic interruptSocks5Recv(false); enum Network ParseNetwork(std::string net) { Downcase(net); if (net == "ipv4") { return NET_IPV4; } if (net == "ipv6") { return NET_IPV6; } if (net == "onion") { return NET_ONION; } if (net == "tor") { LogPrintf("Warning: net name 'tor' is deprecated and will be removed " "in the future. You should use 'onion' instead.\n"); return NET_ONION; } return NET_UNROUTABLE; } std::string GetNetworkName(enum Network net) { switch (net) { case NET_IPV4: return "ipv4"; case NET_IPV6: return "ipv6"; case NET_ONION: return "onion"; default: return ""; } } static bool LookupIntern(const char *pszName, std::vector &vIP, unsigned int nMaxSolutions, bool fAllowLookup) { vIP.clear(); { CNetAddr addr; if (addr.SetSpecial(std::string(pszName))) { vIP.push_back(addr); return true; } } struct addrinfo aiHint; memset(&aiHint, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); aiHint.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; aiHint.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; aiHint.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; #ifdef WIN32 aiHint.ai_flags = fAllowLookup ? 0 : AI_NUMERICHOST; #else aiHint.ai_flags = fAllowLookup ? AI_ADDRCONFIG : AI_NUMERICHOST; #endif struct addrinfo *aiRes = nullptr; int nErr = getaddrinfo(pszName, nullptr, &aiHint, &aiRes); if (nErr) { return false; } struct addrinfo *aiTrav = aiRes; while (aiTrav != nullptr && (nMaxSolutions == 0 || vIP.size() < nMaxSolutions)) { CNetAddr resolved; if (aiTrav->ai_family == AF_INET) { assert(aiTrav->ai_addrlen >= sizeof(sockaddr_in)); resolved = CNetAddr(reinterpret_cast(aiTrav->ai_addr) ->sin_addr); } if (aiTrav->ai_family == AF_INET6) { assert(aiTrav->ai_addrlen >= sizeof(sockaddr_in6)); struct sockaddr_in6 *s6 = reinterpret_cast(aiTrav->ai_addr); resolved = CNetAddr(s6->sin6_addr, s6->sin6_scope_id); } // Never allow resolving to an internal address. Consider any such // result invalid. if (!resolved.IsInternal()) { vIP.push_back(resolved); } aiTrav = aiTrav->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo(aiRes); return (vIP.size() > 0); } bool LookupHost(const char *pszName, std::vector &vIP, unsigned int nMaxSolutions, bool fAllowLookup) { std::string strHost(pszName); if (strHost.empty()) { return false; } if (strHost.front() == '[' && strHost.back() == ']') { strHost = strHost.substr(1, strHost.size() - 2); } return LookupIntern(strHost.c_str(), vIP, nMaxSolutions, fAllowLookup); } bool LookupHost(const char *pszName, CNetAddr &addr, bool fAllowLookup) { std::vector vIP; LookupHost(pszName, vIP, 1, fAllowLookup); if (vIP.empty()) { return false; } addr = vIP.front(); return true; } bool Lookup(const char *pszName, std::vector &vAddr, int portDefault, bool fAllowLookup, unsigned int nMaxSolutions) { if (pszName[0] == 0) { return false; } int port = portDefault; std::string hostname; SplitHostPort(std::string(pszName), port, hostname); std::vector vIP; bool fRet = LookupIntern(hostname.c_str(), vIP, nMaxSolutions, fAllowLookup); if (!fRet) { return false; } vAddr.resize(vIP.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vIP.size(); i++) { vAddr[i] = CService(vIP[i], port); } return true; } bool Lookup(const char *pszName, CService &addr, int portDefault, bool fAllowLookup) { std::vector vService; bool fRet = Lookup(pszName, vService, portDefault, fAllowLookup, 1); if (!fRet) { return false; } addr = vService[0]; return true; } CService LookupNumeric(const char *pszName, int portDefault) { CService addr; // "1.2:345" will fail to resolve the ip, but will still set the port. // If the ip fails to resolve, re-init the result. if (!Lookup(pszName, addr, portDefault, false)) { addr = CService(); } return addr; } struct timeval MillisToTimeval(int64_t nTimeout) { struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = nTimeout / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (nTimeout % 1000) * 1000; return timeout; } /** SOCKS version */ enum SOCKSVersion : uint8_t { SOCKS4 = 0x04, SOCKS5 = 0x05 }; /** Values defined for METHOD in RFC1928 */ enum SOCKS5Method : uint8_t { NOAUTH = 0x00, //! No authentication required GSSAPI = 0x01, //! GSSAPI USER_PASS = 0x02, //! Username/password NO_ACCEPTABLE = 0xff, //! No acceptable methods }; /** Values defined for CMD in RFC1928 */ enum SOCKS5Command : uint8_t { CONNECT = 0x01, BIND = 0x02, UDP_ASSOCIATE = 0x03 }; /** Values defined for REP in RFC1928 */ enum SOCKS5Reply : uint8_t { SUCCEEDED = 0x00, //! Succeeded GENFAILURE = 0x01, //! General failure NOTALLOWED = 0x02, //! Connection not allowed by ruleset NETUNREACHABLE = 0x03, //! Network unreachable HOSTUNREACHABLE = 0x04, //! Network unreachable CONNREFUSED = 0x05, //! Connection refused TTLEXPIRED = 0x06, //! TTL expired CMDUNSUPPORTED = 0x07, //! Command not supported ATYPEUNSUPPORTED = 0x08, //! Address type not supported }; /** Values defined for ATYPE in RFC1928 */ enum SOCKS5Atyp : uint8_t { IPV4 = 0x01, DOMAINNAME = 0x03, IPV6 = 0x04, }; /** Status codes that can be returned by InterruptibleRecv */ enum class IntrRecvError { OK, Timeout, Disconnected, NetworkError, Interrupted }; /** * Read bytes from socket. This will either read the full number of bytes * requested or return False on error or timeout. * This function can be interrupted by calling InterruptSocks5() * * @param data Buffer to receive into * @param len Length of data to receive * @param timeout Timeout in milliseconds for receive operation * * @note This function requires that hSocket is in non-blocking mode. */ static IntrRecvError InterruptibleRecv(uint8_t *data, size_t len, int timeout, const SOCKET &hSocket) { int64_t curTime = GetTimeMillis(); int64_t endTime = curTime + timeout; // Maximum time to wait in one select call. It will take up until this time // (in millis) to break off in case of an interruption. const int64_t maxWait = 1000; while (len > 0 && curTime < endTime) { // Optimistically try the recv first ssize_t ret = recv(hSocket, (char *)data, len, 0); if (ret > 0) { len -= ret; data += ret; } else if (ret == 0) { // Unexpected disconnection return IntrRecvError::Disconnected; } else { // Other error or blocking int nErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (nErr == WSAEINPROGRESS || nErr == WSAEWOULDBLOCK || nErr == WSAEINVAL) { if (!IsSelectableSocket(hSocket)) { return IntrRecvError::NetworkError; } struct timeval tval = MillisToTimeval(std::min(endTime - curTime, maxWait)); fd_set fdset; FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(hSocket, &fdset); int nRet = select(hSocket + 1, &fdset, nullptr, nullptr, &tval); if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { return IntrRecvError::NetworkError; } } else { return IntrRecvError::NetworkError; } } if (interruptSocks5Recv) { return IntrRecvError::Interrupted; } curTime = GetTimeMillis(); } return len == 0 ? IntrRecvError::OK : IntrRecvError::Timeout; } /** Credentials for proxy authentication */ struct ProxyCredentials { std::string username; std::string password; }; /** Convert SOCKS5 reply to an error message */ static std::string Socks5ErrorString(uint8_t err) { switch (err) { case SOCKS5Reply::GENFAILURE: return "general failure"; case SOCKS5Reply::NOTALLOWED: return "connection not allowed"; case SOCKS5Reply::NETUNREACHABLE: return "network unreachable"; case SOCKS5Reply::HOSTUNREACHABLE: return "host unreachable"; case SOCKS5Reply::CONNREFUSED: return "connection refused"; case SOCKS5Reply::TTLEXPIRED: return "TTL expired"; case SOCKS5Reply::CMDUNSUPPORTED: return "protocol error"; case SOCKS5Reply::ATYPEUNSUPPORTED: return "address type not supported"; default: return "unknown"; } } /** Connect using SOCKS5 (as described in RFC1928) */ static bool Socks5(const std::string &strDest, int port, const ProxyCredentials *auth, const SOCKET &hSocket) { IntrRecvError recvr; LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "SOCKS5 connecting %s\n", strDest); if (strDest.size() > 255) { return error("Hostname too long"); } // Accepted authentication methods std::vector vSocks5Init; vSocks5Init.push_back(SOCKSVersion::SOCKS5); if (auth) { vSocks5Init.push_back(0x02); // Number of methods vSocks5Init.push_back(SOCKS5Method::NOAUTH); vSocks5Init.push_back(SOCKS5Method::USER_PASS); } else { vSocks5Init.push_back(0x01); // Number of methods vSocks5Init.push_back(SOCKS5Method::NOAUTH); } ssize_t ret = send(hSocket, (const char *)vSocks5Init.data(), vSocks5Init.size(), MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (ret != (ssize_t)vSocks5Init.size()) { return error("Error sending to proxy"); } uint8_t pchRet1[2]; if ((recvr = InterruptibleRecv(pchRet1, 2, SOCKS5_RECV_TIMEOUT, hSocket)) != IntrRecvError::OK) { LogPrintf("Socks5() connect to %s:%d failed: InterruptibleRecv() " "timeout or other failure\n", strDest, port); return false; } if (pchRet1[0] != SOCKSVersion::SOCKS5) { return error("Proxy failed to initialize"); } if (pchRet1[1] == SOCKS5Method::USER_PASS && auth) { // Perform username/password authentication (as described in RFC1929) std::vector vAuth; // Current (and only) version of user/pass subnegotiation vAuth.push_back(0x01); if (auth->username.size() > 255 || auth->password.size() > 255) { return error("Proxy username or password too long"); } vAuth.push_back(auth->username.size()); vAuth.insert(vAuth.end(), auth->username.begin(), auth->username.end()); vAuth.push_back(auth->password.size()); vAuth.insert(vAuth.end(), auth->password.begin(), auth->password.end()); ret = send(hSocket, (const char *)vAuth.data(), vAuth.size(), MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (ret != (ssize_t)vAuth.size()) { return error("Error sending authentication to proxy"); } LogPrint(BCLog::PROXY, "SOCKS5 sending proxy authentication %s:%s\n", auth->username, auth->password); uint8_t pchRetA[2]; if ((recvr = InterruptibleRecv(pchRetA, 2, SOCKS5_RECV_TIMEOUT, hSocket)) != IntrRecvError::OK) { return error("Error reading proxy authentication response"); } if (pchRetA[0] != 0x01 || pchRetA[1] != 0x00) { return error("Proxy authentication unsuccessful"); } } else if (pchRet1[1] == SOCKS5Method::NOAUTH) { // Perform no authentication } else { return error("Proxy requested wrong authentication method %02x", pchRet1[1]); } std::vector vSocks5; // VER protocol version vSocks5.push_back(SOCKSVersion::SOCKS5); // CMD CONNECT vSocks5.push_back(SOCKS5Command::CONNECT); // RSV Reserved must be 0 vSocks5.push_back(0x00); // ATYP DOMAINNAME vSocks5.push_back(SOCKS5Atyp::DOMAINNAME); // Length<=255 is checked at beginning of function vSocks5.push_back(strDest.size()); vSocks5.insert(vSocks5.end(), strDest.begin(), strDest.end()); vSocks5.push_back((port >> 8) & 0xFF); vSocks5.push_back((port >> 0) & 0xFF); ret = send(hSocket, (const char *)vSocks5.data(), vSocks5.size(), MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (ret != (ssize_t)vSocks5.size()) { return error("Error sending to proxy"); } uint8_t pchRet2[4]; if ((recvr = InterruptibleRecv(pchRet2, 4, SOCKS5_RECV_TIMEOUT, hSocket)) != IntrRecvError::OK) { if (recvr == IntrRecvError::Timeout) { /** * If a timeout happens here, this effectively means we timed out * while connecting to the remote node. This is very common for Tor, * so do not print an error message. */ return false; } else { return error("Error while reading proxy response"); } } if (pchRet2[0] != SOCKSVersion::SOCKS5) { return error("Proxy failed to accept request"); } if (pchRet2[1] != SOCKS5Reply::SUCCEEDED) { // Failures to connect to a peer that are not proxy errors LogPrintf("Socks5() connect to %s:%d failed: %s\n", strDest, port, Socks5ErrorString(pchRet2[1])); return false; } // Reserved field must be 0 if (pchRet2[2] != 0x00) { return error("Error: malformed proxy response"); } uint8_t pchRet3[256]; switch (pchRet2[3]) { case SOCKS5Atyp::IPV4: recvr = InterruptibleRecv(pchRet3, 4, SOCKS5_RECV_TIMEOUT, hSocket); break; case SOCKS5Atyp::IPV6: recvr = InterruptibleRecv(pchRet3, 16, SOCKS5_RECV_TIMEOUT, hSocket); break; case SOCKS5Atyp::DOMAINNAME: { recvr = InterruptibleRecv(pchRet3, 1, SOCKS5_RECV_TIMEOUT, hSocket); if (recvr != IntrRecvError::OK) { return error("Error reading from proxy"); } int nRecv = pchRet3[0]; recvr = InterruptibleRecv(pchRet3, nRecv, SOCKS5_RECV_TIMEOUT, hSocket); break; } default: return error("Error: malformed proxy response"); } if (recvr != IntrRecvError::OK) { return error("Error reading from proxy"); } if ((recvr = InterruptibleRecv(pchRet3, 2, SOCKS5_RECV_TIMEOUT, hSocket)) != IntrRecvError::OK) { return error("Error reading from proxy"); } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "SOCKS5 connected %s\n", strDest); return true; } SOCKET CreateSocket(const CService &addrConnect) { struct sockaddr_storage sockaddr; socklen_t len = sizeof(sockaddr); if (!addrConnect.GetSockAddr((struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, &len)) { LogPrintf("Cannot create socket for %s: unsupported network\n", addrConnect.ToString()); return INVALID_SOCKET; } SOCKET hSocket = socket(((struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr)->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { return INVALID_SOCKET; } if (!IsSelectableSocket(hSocket)) { CloseSocket(hSocket); LogPrintf("Cannot create connection: non-selectable socket created (fd " ">= FD_SETSIZE ?)\n"); return INVALID_SOCKET; } #ifdef SO_NOSIGPIPE int set = 1; // Different way of disabling SIGPIPE on BSD setsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (sockopt_arg_type)&set, sizeof(int)); #endif // Disable Nagle's algorithm SetSocketNoDelay(hSocket); // Set to non-blocking if (!SetSocketNonBlocking(hSocket, true)) { CloseSocket(hSocket); LogPrintf("ConnectSocketDirectly: Setting socket to non-blocking " "failed, error %s\n", NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); } return hSocket; } +template +static void LogConnectFailure(bool manual_connection, const char *fmt, + const Args &... args) { + std::string error_message = tfm::format(fmt, args...); + if (manual_connection) { + LogPrintf("%s\n", error_message); + } else { + LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s\n", error_message); + } +} + bool ConnectSocketDirectly(const CService &addrConnect, const SOCKET &hSocket, - int nTimeout) { + int nTimeout, bool manual_connection) { struct sockaddr_storage sockaddr; socklen_t len = sizeof(sockaddr); if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { LogPrintf("Cannot connect to %s: invalid socket\n", addrConnect.ToString()); return false; } if (!addrConnect.GetSockAddr((struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, &len)) { LogPrintf("Cannot connect to %s: unsupported network\n", addrConnect.ToString()); return false; } if (connect(hSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, len) == SOCKET_ERROR) { int nErr = WSAGetLastError(); // WSAEINVAL is here because some legacy version of winsock uses it if (nErr == WSAEINPROGRESS || nErr == WSAEWOULDBLOCK || nErr == WSAEINVAL) { struct timeval timeout = MillisToTimeval(nTimeout); fd_set fdset; FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(hSocket, &fdset); int nRet = select(hSocket + 1, nullptr, &fdset, nullptr, &timeout); if (nRet == 0) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "connection to %s timeout\n", addrConnect.ToString()); return false; } if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) { LogPrintf("select() for %s failed: %s\n", addrConnect.ToString(), NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); return false; } socklen_t nRetSize = sizeof(nRet); if (getsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (sockopt_arg_type)&nRet, &nRetSize) == SOCKET_ERROR) { LogPrintf("getsockopt() for %s failed: %s\n", addrConnect.ToString(), NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); return false; } if (nRet != 0) { - LogPrintf("connect() to %s failed after select(): %s\n", - addrConnect.ToString(), NetworkErrorString(nRet)); + LogConnectFailure(manual_connection, + "connect() to %s failed after select(): %s", + addrConnect.ToString(), + NetworkErrorString(nRet)); return false; } } #ifdef WIN32 else if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAEISCONN) #else else #endif { - LogPrintf("connect() to %s failed: %s\n", addrConnect.ToString(), - NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); + LogConnectFailure(manual_connection, "connect() to %s failed: %s", + addrConnect.ToString(), + NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); return false; } } return true; } bool SetProxy(enum Network net, const proxyType &addrProxy) { assert(net >= 0 && net < NET_MAX); if (!addrProxy.IsValid()) { return false; } LOCK(cs_proxyInfos); proxyInfo[net] = addrProxy; return true; } bool GetProxy(enum Network net, proxyType &proxyInfoOut) { assert(net >= 0 && net < NET_MAX); LOCK(cs_proxyInfos); if (!proxyInfo[net].IsValid()) { return false; } proxyInfoOut = proxyInfo[net]; return true; } bool SetNameProxy(const proxyType &addrProxy) { if (!addrProxy.IsValid()) { return false; } LOCK(cs_proxyInfos); nameProxy = addrProxy; return true; } bool GetNameProxy(proxyType &nameProxyOut) { LOCK(cs_proxyInfos); if (!nameProxy.IsValid()) { return false; } nameProxyOut = nameProxy; return true; } bool HaveNameProxy() { LOCK(cs_proxyInfos); return nameProxy.IsValid(); } bool IsProxy(const CNetAddr &addr) { LOCK(cs_proxyInfos); for (int i = 0; i < NET_MAX; i++) { if (addr == static_cast(proxyInfo[i].proxy)) { return true; } } return false; } bool ConnectThroughProxy(const proxyType &proxy, const std::string &strDest, int port, const SOCKET &hSocket, int nTimeout, bool *outProxyConnectionFailed) { // first connect to proxy server - if (!ConnectSocketDirectly(proxy.proxy, hSocket, nTimeout)) { + if (!ConnectSocketDirectly(proxy.proxy, hSocket, nTimeout, true)) { if (outProxyConnectionFailed) { *outProxyConnectionFailed = true; } return false; } // do socks negotiation if (proxy.randomize_credentials) { ProxyCredentials random_auth; static std::atomic_int counter(0); random_auth.username = random_auth.password = strprintf("%i", counter++); if (!Socks5(strDest, (unsigned short)port, &random_auth, hSocket)) { return false; } } else if (!Socks5(strDest, (unsigned short)port, 0, hSocket)) { return false; } return true; } + bool LookupSubNet(const char *pszName, CSubNet &ret) { std::string strSubnet(pszName); size_t slash = strSubnet.find_last_of('/'); std::vector vIP; std::string strAddress = strSubnet.substr(0, slash); if (LookupHost(strAddress.c_str(), vIP, 1, false)) { CNetAddr network = vIP[0]; if (slash != strSubnet.npos) { std::string strNetmask = strSubnet.substr(slash + 1); int32_t n; // IPv4 addresses start at offset 12, and first 12 bytes must match, // so just offset n if (ParseInt32(strNetmask, &n)) { // If valid number, assume /24 syntax ret = CSubNet(network, n); return ret.IsValid(); } else { // If not a valid number, try full netmask syntax // Never allow lookup for netmask if (LookupHost(strNetmask.c_str(), vIP, 1, false)) { ret = CSubNet(network, vIP[0]); return ret.IsValid(); } } } else { ret = CSubNet(network); return ret.IsValid(); } } return false; } #ifdef WIN32 std::string NetworkErrorString(int err) { char buf[256]; buf[0] = 0; if (FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, nullptr, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), buf, sizeof(buf), nullptr)) { return strprintf("%s (%d)", buf, err); } else { return strprintf("Unknown error (%d)", err); } } #else std::string NetworkErrorString(int err) { char buf[256]; buf[0] = 0; /** * Too bad there are two incompatible implementations of the * thread-safe strerror. */ const char *s; #ifdef STRERROR_R_CHAR_P /* GNU variant can return a pointer outside the passed buffer */ s = strerror_r(err, buf, sizeof(buf)); #else s = buf; /* POSIX variant always returns message in buffer */ if (strerror_r(err, buf, sizeof(buf))) { buf[0] = 0; } #endif return strprintf("%s (%d)", s, err); } #endif bool CloseSocket(SOCKET &hSocket) { if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { return false; } #ifdef WIN32 int ret = closesocket(hSocket); #else int ret = close(hSocket); #endif if (ret) { LogPrintf("Socket close failed: %d. Error: %s\n", hSocket, NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); } hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; return ret != SOCKET_ERROR; } bool SetSocketNonBlocking(const SOCKET &hSocket, bool fNonBlocking) { if (fNonBlocking) { #ifdef WIN32 u_long nOne = 1; if (ioctlsocket(hSocket, FIONBIO, &nOne) == SOCKET_ERROR) { #else int fFlags = fcntl(hSocket, F_GETFL, 0); if (fcntl(hSocket, F_SETFL, fFlags | O_NONBLOCK) == SOCKET_ERROR) { #endif return false; } } else { #ifdef WIN32 u_long nZero = 0; if (ioctlsocket(hSocket, FIONBIO, &nZero) == SOCKET_ERROR) { #else int fFlags = fcntl(hSocket, F_GETFL, 0); if (fcntl(hSocket, F_SETFL, fFlags & ~O_NONBLOCK) == SOCKET_ERROR) { #endif return false; } } return true; } bool SetSocketNoDelay(const SOCKET &hSocket) { int set = 1; int rc = setsockopt(hSocket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (sockopt_arg_type)&set, sizeof(int)); return rc == 0; } void InterruptSocks5(bool interrupt) { interruptSocks5Recv = interrupt; } diff --git a/src/netbase.h b/src/netbase.h index 7e351a5c3..5ec0b5a49 100644 --- a/src/netbase.h +++ b/src/netbase.h @@ -1,78 +1,79 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_NETBASE_H #define BITCOIN_NETBASE_H #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include extern int nConnectTimeout; extern bool fNameLookup; //! -timeout default static const int DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5000; //! -dns default static const int DEFAULT_NAME_LOOKUP = true; class proxyType { public: proxyType() : randomize_credentials(false) {} explicit proxyType(const CService &_proxy, bool _randomize_credentials = false) : proxy(_proxy), randomize_credentials(_randomize_credentials) {} bool IsValid() const { return proxy.IsValid(); } CService proxy; bool randomize_credentials; }; enum Network ParseNetwork(std::string net); std::string GetNetworkName(enum Network net); bool SetProxy(enum Network net, const proxyType &addrProxy); bool GetProxy(enum Network net, proxyType &proxyInfoOut); bool IsProxy(const CNetAddr &addr); bool SetNameProxy(const proxyType &addrProxy); bool HaveNameProxy(); bool GetNameProxy(proxyType &nameProxyOut); bool LookupHost(const char *pszName, std::vector &vIP, unsigned int nMaxSolutions, bool fAllowLookup); bool LookupHost(const char *pszName, CNetAddr &addr, bool fAllowLookup); bool Lookup(const char *pszName, CService &addr, int portDefault, bool fAllowLookup); bool Lookup(const char *pszName, std::vector &vAddr, int portDefault, bool fAllowLookup, unsigned int nMaxSolutions); CService LookupNumeric(const char *pszName, int portDefault = 0); bool LookupSubNet(const char *pszName, CSubNet &subnet); SOCKET CreateSocket(const CService &addrConnect); bool ConnectSocketDirectly(const CService &addrConnect, - const SOCKET &hSocketRet, int nTimeout); + const SOCKET &hSocketRet, int nTimeout, + bool manual_connection); bool ConnectThroughProxy(const proxyType &proxy, const std::string &strDest, int port, const SOCKET &hSocketRet, int nTimeout, bool *outProxyConnectionFailed); /** Return readable error string for a network error code */ std::string NetworkErrorString(int err); /** Close socket and set hSocket to INVALID_SOCKET */ bool CloseSocket(SOCKET &hSocket); /** Disable or enable blocking-mode for a socket */ bool SetSocketNonBlocking(const SOCKET &hSocket, bool fNonBlocking); /** Set the TCP_NODELAY flag on a socket */ bool SetSocketNoDelay(const SOCKET &hSocket); /** * Convert milliseconds to a struct timeval for e.g. select. */ struct timeval MillisToTimeval(int64_t nTimeout); void InterruptSocks5(bool interrupt); #endif // BITCOIN_NETBASE_H diff --git a/src/seeder/bitcoin.cpp b/src/seeder/bitcoin.cpp index 008ab2726..d6f996b24 100644 --- a/src/seeder/bitcoin.cpp +++ b/src/seeder/bitcoin.cpp @@ -1,371 +1,372 @@ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Weither we are on testnet or mainnet. bool fTestNet; // The network magic to use. CMessageHeader::MessageMagic netMagic = {{0xe3, 0xe1, 0xf3, 0xe8}}; #define BITCOIN_SEED_NONCE 0x0539a019ca550825ULL static const uint32_t allones(-1); class CSeederNode { SOCKET sock; CDataStream vSend; CDataStream vRecv; uint32_t nHeaderStart; uint32_t nMessageStart; int nVersion; std::string strSubVer; int nStartingHeight; std::vector *vAddr; int ban; int64_t doneAfter; CAddress you; int GetTimeout() { return you.IsTor() ? 120 : 30; } void BeginMessage(const char *pszCommand) { if (nHeaderStart != allones) { AbortMessage(); } nHeaderStart = vSend.size(); vSend << CMessageHeader(netMagic, pszCommand, 0); nMessageStart = vSend.size(); // printf("%s: SEND %s\n", ToString(you).c_str(), pszCommand); } void AbortMessage() { if (nHeaderStart == allones) { return; } vSend.resize(nHeaderStart); nHeaderStart = allones; nMessageStart = allones; } void EndMessage() { if (nHeaderStart == allones) { return; } uint32_t nSize = vSend.size() - nMessageStart; memcpy((char *)&vSend[nHeaderStart] + offsetof(CMessageHeader, nMessageSize), &nSize, sizeof(nSize)); if (vSend.GetVersion() >= 209) { uint256 hash = Hash(vSend.begin() + nMessageStart, vSend.end()); unsigned int nChecksum = 0; memcpy(&nChecksum, &hash, sizeof(nChecksum)); assert(nMessageStart - nHeaderStart >= offsetof(CMessageHeader, pchChecksum) + sizeof(nChecksum)); memcpy((char *)&vSend[nHeaderStart] + offsetof(CMessageHeader, pchChecksum), &nChecksum, sizeof(nChecksum)); } nHeaderStart = allones; nMessageStart = allones; } void Send() { if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { return; } if (vSend.empty()) { return; } int nBytes = send(sock, &vSend[0], vSend.size(), 0); if (nBytes > 0) { vSend.erase(vSend.begin(), vSend.begin() + nBytes); } else { close(sock); sock = INVALID_SOCKET; } } void PushVersion() { int64_t nTime = time(nullptr); uint64_t nLocalNonce = BITCOIN_SEED_NONCE; int64_t nLocalServices = 0; CService myService; CAddress me(myService, ServiceFlags(NODE_NETWORK | NODE_BITCOIN_CASH)); BeginMessage("version"); int nBestHeight = GetRequireHeight(); std::string ver = "/bitcoin-cash-seeder:0.15/"; vSend << PROTOCOL_VERSION << nLocalServices << nTime << you << me << nLocalNonce << ver << nBestHeight; EndMessage(); } void GotVersion() { // printf("\n%s: version %i\n", ToString(you).c_str(), nVersion); if (vAddr) { BeginMessage("getaddr"); EndMessage(); doneAfter = time(nullptr) + GetTimeout(); } else { doneAfter = time(nullptr) + 1; } } bool ProcessMessage(std::string strCommand, CDataStream &recv) { // printf("%s: RECV %s\n", ToString(you).c_str(), strCommand.c_str()); if (strCommand == "version") { int64_t nTime; CAddress addrMe; CAddress addrFrom; uint64_t nNonce = 1; uint64_t nServiceInt; recv >> nVersion >> nServiceInt >> nTime >> addrMe; you.nServices = ServiceFlags(nServiceInt); if (nVersion == 10300) nVersion = 300; if (nVersion >= 106 && !recv.empty()) recv >> addrFrom >> nNonce; if (nVersion >= 106 && !recv.empty()) recv >> strSubVer; if (nVersion >= 209 && !recv.empty()) recv >> nStartingHeight; if (nVersion >= 209) { BeginMessage("verack"); EndMessage(); } vSend.SetVersion(std::min(nVersion, PROTOCOL_VERSION)); if (nVersion < 209) { vRecv.SetVersion(std::min(nVersion, PROTOCOL_VERSION)); GotVersion(); } return false; } if (strCommand == "verack") { vRecv.SetVersion(std::min(nVersion, PROTOCOL_VERSION)); GotVersion(); return false; } if (strCommand == "addr" && vAddr) { std::vector vAddrNew; recv >> vAddrNew; // printf("%s: got %i addresses\n", ToString(you).c_str(), // (int)vAddrNew.size()); int64_t now = time(nullptr); std::vector::iterator it = vAddrNew.begin(); if (vAddrNew.size() > 1) { if (doneAfter == 0 || doneAfter > now + 1) doneAfter = now + 1; } while (it != vAddrNew.end()) { CAddress &addr = *it; // printf("%s: got address %s\n", ToString(you).c_str(), // addr.ToString().c_str(), (int)(vAddr->size())); it++; if (addr.nTime <= 100000000 || addr.nTime > now + 600) { addr.nTime = now - 5 * 86400; } if (addr.nTime > now - 604800) { vAddr->push_back(addr); } // printf("%s: added address %s (#%i)\n", ToString(you).c_str(), // addr.ToString().c_str(), (int)(vAddr->size())); if (vAddr->size() > 1000) { doneAfter = 1; return true; } } return false; } return false; } bool ProcessMessages() { if (vRecv.empty()) { return false; } do { CDataStream::iterator pstart = std::search( vRecv.begin(), vRecv.end(), BEGIN(netMagic), END(netMagic)); uint32_t nHeaderSize = GetSerializeSize( CMessageHeader(netMagic), vRecv.GetType(), vRecv.GetVersion()); if (vRecv.end() - pstart < nHeaderSize) { if (vRecv.size() > nHeaderSize) { vRecv.erase(vRecv.begin(), vRecv.end() - nHeaderSize); } break; } vRecv.erase(vRecv.begin(), pstart); std::vector vHeaderSave(vRecv.begin(), vRecv.begin() + nHeaderSize); CMessageHeader hdr(netMagic); vRecv >> hdr; if (!hdr.IsValidWithoutConfig(netMagic)) { // printf("%s: BAD (invalid header)\n", ToString(you).c_str()); ban = 100000; return true; } std::string strCommand = hdr.GetCommand(); unsigned int nMessageSize = hdr.nMessageSize; if (nMessageSize > MAX_SIZE) { // printf("%s: BAD (message too large)\n", // ToString(you).c_str()); ban = 100000; return true; } if (nMessageSize > vRecv.size()) { vRecv.insert(vRecv.begin(), vHeaderSave.begin(), vHeaderSave.end()); break; } if (vRecv.GetVersion() >= 209) { uint256 hash = Hash(vRecv.begin(), vRecv.begin() + nMessageSize); if (memcmp(hash.begin(), hdr.pchChecksum, CMessageHeader::CHECKSUM_SIZE) != 0) { continue; } } CDataStream vMsg(vRecv.begin(), vRecv.begin() + nMessageSize, vRecv.GetType(), vRecv.GetVersion()); vRecv.ignore(nMessageSize); if (ProcessMessage(strCommand, vMsg)) { return true; } // printf("%s: done processing %s\n", ToString(you).c_str(), // strCommand.c_str()); } while (1); return false; } public: CSeederNode(const CService &ip, std::vector *vAddrIn) : sock(INVALID_SOCKET), vSend(SER_NETWORK, 0), vRecv(SER_NETWORK, 0), nHeaderStart(-1), nMessageStart(-1), nVersion(0), vAddr(vAddrIn), ban(0), doneAfter(0), you(ip, ServiceFlags(NODE_NETWORK | NODE_BITCOIN_CASH)) { if (time(nullptr) > 1329696000) { vSend.SetVersion(209); vRecv.SetVersion(209); } } bool Run() { // FIXME: This logic is duplicated with CConnman::ConnectNode for no // good reason. bool connected = false; proxyType proxy; if (you.IsValid()) { bool proxyConnectionFailed = false; if (GetProxy(you.GetNetwork(), proxy)) { sock = CreateSocket(proxy.proxy); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { return false; } connected = ConnectThroughProxy( proxy, you.ToStringIP(), you.GetPort(), sock, nConnectTimeout, &proxyConnectionFailed); } else { // no proxy needed (none set for target network) sock = CreateSocket(you); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { return false; } // no proxy needed (none set for target network) - connected = ConnectSocketDirectly(you, sock, nConnectTimeout); + connected = + ConnectSocketDirectly(you, sock, nConnectTimeout, true); } } if (!connected) { // printf("Cannot connect to %s\n", ToString(you).c_str()); CloseSocket(sock); return false; } PushVersion(); Send(); bool res = true; int64_t now; while (now = time(nullptr), ban == 0 && (doneAfter == 0 || doneAfter > now) && sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { char pchBuf[0x10000]; fd_set set; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(sock, &set); struct timeval wa; if (doneAfter) { wa.tv_sec = doneAfter - now; wa.tv_usec = 0; } else { wa.tv_sec = GetTimeout(); wa.tv_usec = 0; } int ret = select(sock + 1, &set, nullptr, &set, &wa); if (ret != 1) { if (!doneAfter) res = false; break; } int nBytes = recv(sock, pchBuf, sizeof(pchBuf), 0); int nPos = vRecv.size(); if (nBytes > 0) { vRecv.resize(nPos + nBytes); memcpy(&vRecv[nPos], pchBuf, nBytes); } else if (nBytes == 0) { // printf("%s: BAD (connection closed prematurely)\n", // ToString(you).c_str()); res = false; break; } else { // printf("%s: BAD (connection error)\n", // ToString(you).c_str()); res = false; break; } ProcessMessages(); Send(); } if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) res = false; close(sock); sock = INVALID_SOCKET; return (ban == 0) && res; } int GetBan() { return ban; } int GetClientVersion() { return nVersion; } std::string GetClientSubVersion() { return strSubVer; } int GetStartingHeight() { return nStartingHeight; } }; bool TestNode(const CService &cip, int &ban, int &clientV, std::string &clientSV, int &blocks, std::vector *vAddr) { try { CSeederNode node(cip, vAddr); bool ret = node.Run(); if (!ret) { ban = node.GetBan(); } else { ban = 0; } clientV = node.GetClientVersion(); clientSV = node.GetClientSubVersion(); blocks = node.GetStartingHeight(); // printf("%s: %s!!!\n", cip.ToString().c_str(), ret ? "GOOD" : "BAD"); return ret; } catch (std::ios_base::failure &e) { ban = 0; return false; } } diff --git a/test/lint/lint-format-strings.py b/test/lint/lint-format-strings.py index a458e83e6..5b09054eb 100755 --- a/test/lint/lint-format-strings.py +++ b/test/lint/lint-format-strings.py @@ -1,289 +1,289 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Lint format strings: This program checks that the number of arguments passed # to a variadic format string function matches the number of format specifiers # in the format string. import argparse import doctest import re import sys FALSE_POSITIVES = [ ("src/dbwrapper.cpp", "vsnprintf(p, limit - p, format, backup_ap)"), ("src/index/base.cpp", "FatalError(const char *fmt, const Args &... args)"), - ("src/netbase.cpp", "LogConnectFailure(bool manual_connection, const char* fmt, const Args&... args)"), + ("src/netbase.cpp", "LogConnectFailure(bool manual_connection, const char *fmt, const Args &... args)"), ("src/util.cpp", "strprintf(_(COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS), _(COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS_SUBSTITUTION))"), ("src/util.cpp", "strprintf(COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS, COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS_SUBSTITUTION)"), ("src/seeder/main.cpp", "fprintf(stderr, help, argv[0])"), ("src/tinyformat.h", "printf(const char *fmt, const Args &... args)"), ("src/tinyformat.h", "printf(const char *fmt, TINYFORMAT_VARARGS(n))"), ] FUNCTION_NAMES_AND_NUMBER_OF_LEADING_ARGUMENTS = [ ("FatalError", 0), ("fprintf", 1), ("LogConnectFailure", 1), ("LogPrint", 1), ("LogPrintf", 0), ("printf", 0), ("snprintf", 2), ("sprintf", 1), ("strprintf", 0), ("vfprintf", 1), ("vprintf", 1), ("vsnprintf", 1), ("vsprintf", 1), ] def parse_function_calls(function_name, source_code): """Return an array with all calls to function function_name in string source_code. Preprocessor directives and C++ style comments ("//") in source_code are removed. >>> len(parse_function_calls("foo", "foo();bar();foo();bar();")) 2 >>> parse_function_calls("foo", "foo(1);bar(1);foo(2);bar(2);")[0].startswith("foo(1);") True >>> parse_function_calls("foo", "foo(1);bar(1);foo(2);bar(2);")[1].startswith("foo(2);") True >>> len(parse_function_calls("foo", "foo();bar();// foo();bar();")) 1 >>> len(parse_function_calls("foo", "#define FOO foo();")) 0 """ assert(type(function_name) is str and type( source_code) is str and function_name) lines = [re.sub("// .*", " ", line).strip() for line in source_code.split("\n") if not line.strip().startswith("#")] return re.findall(r"[^a-zA-Z_](?=({}\(.*).*)".format(function_name), " " + " ".join(lines)) def normalize(s): """Return a normalized version of string s with newlines, tabs and C style comments ("/* ... */") replaced with spaces. Multiple spaces are replaced with a single space. >>> normalize(" /* nothing */ foo\tfoo /* bar */ foo ") 'foo foo foo' """ assert(type(s) is str) s = s.replace("\n", " ") s = s.replace("\t", " ") s = re.sub(r"/\*.*?\*/", " ", s) s = re.sub(" {2,}", " ", s) return s.strip() ESCAPE_MAP = { r"\n": "[escaped-newline]", r"\t": "[escaped-tab]", r'\"': "[escaped-quote]", } def escape(s): """Return the escaped version of string s with "\\\"", "\\n" and "\\t" escaped as "[escaped-backslash]", "[escaped-newline]" and "[escaped-tab]". >>> unescape(escape("foo")) == "foo" True >>> escape(r'foo \\t foo \\n foo \\\\ foo \\ foo \\"bar\\"') 'foo [escaped-tab] foo [escaped-newline] foo \\\\\\\\ foo \\\\ foo [escaped-quote]bar[escaped-quote]' """ assert(type(s) is str) for raw_value, escaped_value in ESCAPE_MAP.items(): s = s.replace(raw_value, escaped_value) return s def unescape(s): """Return the unescaped version of escaped string s. Reverses the replacements made in function escape(s). >>> unescape(escape("bar")) 'bar' >>> unescape("foo [escaped-tab] foo [escaped-newline] foo \\\\\\\\ foo \\\\ foo [escaped-quote]bar[escaped-quote]") 'foo \\\\t foo \\\\n foo \\\\\\\\ foo \\\\ foo \\\\"bar\\\\"' """ assert(type(s) is str) for raw_value, escaped_value in ESCAPE_MAP.items(): s = s.replace(escaped_value, raw_value) return s def parse_function_call_and_arguments(function_name, function_call): """Split string function_call into an array of strings consisting of: * the string function_call followed by "(" * the function call argument #1 * ... * the function call argument #n * a trailing ");" The strings returned are in escaped form. See escape(...). >>> parse_function_call_and_arguments("foo", 'foo("%s", "foo");') ['foo(', '"%s",', ' "foo"', ')'] >>> parse_function_call_and_arguments("foo", 'foo("%s", "foo");') ['foo(', '"%s",', ' "foo"', ')'] >>> parse_function_call_and_arguments("foo", 'foo("%s %s", "foo", "bar");') ['foo(', '"%s %s",', ' "foo",', ' "bar"', ')'] >>> parse_function_call_and_arguments("fooprintf", 'fooprintf("%050d", i);') ['fooprintf(', '"%050d",', ' i', ')'] >>> parse_function_call_and_arguments("foo", 'foo(bar(foobar(barfoo("foo"))), foobar); barfoo') ['foo(', 'bar(foobar(barfoo("foo"))),', ' foobar', ')'] >>> parse_function_call_and_arguments("foo", "foo()") ['foo(', '', ')'] >>> parse_function_call_and_arguments("foo", "foo(123)") ['foo(', '123', ')'] >>> parse_function_call_and_arguments("foo", 'foo("foo")') ['foo(', '"foo"', ')'] """ assert(type(function_name) is str and type( function_call) is str and function_name) remaining = normalize(escape(function_call)) expected_function_call = "{}(".format(function_name) assert(remaining.startswith(expected_function_call)) parts = [expected_function_call] remaining = remaining[len(expected_function_call):] open_parentheses = 1 in_string = False parts.append("") for char in remaining: parts.append(parts.pop() + char) if char == "\"": in_string = not in_string continue if in_string: continue if char == "(": open_parentheses += 1 continue if char == ")": open_parentheses -= 1 if open_parentheses > 1: continue if open_parentheses == 0: parts.append(parts.pop()[:-1]) parts.append(char) break if char == ",": parts.append("") return parts def parse_string_content(argument): """Return the text within quotes in string argument. >>> parse_string_content('1 "foo %d bar" 2') 'foo %d bar' >>> parse_string_content('1 foobar 2') '' >>> parse_string_content('1 "bar" 2') 'bar' >>> parse_string_content('1 "foo" 2 "bar" 3') 'foobar' >>> parse_string_content('1 "foo" 2 " " "bar" 3') 'foo bar' >>> parse_string_content('""') '' >>> parse_string_content('') '' >>> parse_string_content('1 2 3') '' """ assert(type(argument) is str) string_content = "" in_string = False for char in normalize(escape(argument)): if char == "\"": in_string = not in_string elif in_string: string_content += char return string_content def count_format_specifiers(format_string): """Return the number of format specifiers in string format_string. >>> count_format_specifiers("foo bar foo") 0 >>> count_format_specifiers("foo %d bar foo") 1 >>> count_format_specifiers("foo %d bar %i foo") 2 >>> count_format_specifiers("foo %d bar %i foo %% foo") 2 >>> count_format_specifiers("foo %d bar %i foo %% foo %d foo") 3 >>> count_format_specifiers("foo %d bar %i foo %% foo %*d foo") 4 """ assert(type(format_string) is str) n = 0 in_specifier = False for i, char in enumerate(format_string): if format_string[i - 1:i + 1] == "%%" or format_string[i:i + 2] == "%%": pass elif char == "%": in_specifier = True n += 1 elif char in "aAcdeEfFgGinopsuxX": in_specifier = False elif in_specifier and char == "*": n += 1 return n def main(args_in): """ Return a string output with information on string format errors >>> main(["test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests.txt"]) test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests.txt: Expected 1 argument(s) after format string but found 2 argument(s): printf("%d", 1, 2) test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests.txt: Expected 2 argument(s) after format string but found 3 argument(s): printf("%a %b", 1, 2, "anything") test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests.txt: Expected 1 argument(s) after format string but found 0 argument(s): printf("%d") test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests.txt: Expected 3 argument(s) after format string but found 2 argument(s): printf("%a%b%z", 1, "anything") >>> main(["test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests-skip-arguments.txt"]) test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests-skip-arguments.txt: Expected 1 argument(s) after format string but found 2 argument(s): fprintf(skipped, "%d", 1, 2) test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests-skip-arguments.txt: Expected 1 argument(s) after format string but found 0 argument(s): fprintf(skipped, "%d") test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests-skip-arguments.txt: Expected 1 argument(s) after format string but found 2 argument(s): snprintf(skip1, skip2, "%d", 1, 2) test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests-skip-arguments.txt: Expected 1 argument(s) after format string but found 0 argument(s): snprintf(skip1, skip2, "%d") test/lint/lint-format-strings-tests-skip-arguments.txt: Could not parse function call string "snprintf(...)": snprintf(skip1, "%d") """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This program checks that the number of arguments passed " "to a variadic format string function matches the number of format " "specifiers in the format string.") parser.add_argument("file", type=argparse.FileType( "r", encoding="utf-8"), nargs="*", help="C++ source code file (e.g. foo.cpp)") args = parser.parse_args(args_in) for f in args.file: file_content = f.read() for (function_name, skip_arguments) in FUNCTION_NAMES_AND_NUMBER_OF_LEADING_ARGUMENTS: for function_call_str in parse_function_calls(function_name, file_content): parts = parse_function_call_and_arguments( function_name, function_call_str) relevant_function_call_str = unescape("".join(parts))[:512] if (f.name, relevant_function_call_str) in FALSE_POSITIVES: continue if len(parts) < 3 + skip_arguments: print("{}: Could not parse function call string \"{}(...)\": {}".format( f.name, function_name, relevant_function_call_str)) continue argument_count = len(parts) - 3 - skip_arguments format_str = parse_string_content(parts[1 + skip_arguments]) format_specifier_count = count_format_specifiers(format_str) if format_specifier_count != argument_count: print("{}: Expected {} argument(s) after format string but found {} argument(s): {}".format( f.name, format_specifier_count, argument_count, relevant_function_call_str)) continue if __name__ == "__main__": doctest.testmod() main(sys.argv[1:])