diff --git a/bcha.html b/bcha.html index 3f84fe4..da3fdc3 100644 --- a/bcha.html +++ b/bcha.html @@ -1,115 +1,115 @@ --- layout: base title: Bitcoin Cash ABC subtitle: About BCHA --- - +

BCHA: quick guide

Want to know more about BCHA? We’ve got you covered!

BCHA is a cryptocurrency that was created during the recent Bitcoin Cash chain split. The official coin branding and website are coming soon.

BCHA has a unique funding feature called the coinbase rule. It finances network development predictably from the BCHA block reward.

Everyone that owned BCH before the chain split now also owns an equal amount of BCHA. But splitting the coins can be tricky, so take care.

What is BCHA?

On November 15, the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain split into two chains. To tell the two chains apart, each was given a provisional name by exchanges: Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCHA) and Bitcoin Cash Node (BCHN).

When a chain split happens, one chain will typically hold onto the original cryptocurrency name and ticker, while the other chain will become a separate cryptocurrency with new branding. In this case, BCHN held on to the BCH name and ticker.

That means BCHA will soon be branded with an official coin name, logo, and ticker. When it launches we’ll reach out to exchanges and other businesses directly to make them aware. If you’d like to get notified too, you can sign up here:

What makes BCHA different from BCH?

Described as innovative by Binance, BCHA has a unique funding feature called the coinbase rule, which reinvests 8% of each BCHA block reward to fund future network development. This funding model rewards the technical talent developing the network through predictable compensation (a salary), whereas BCH relies on a donation funding model instead.

Half of the funds raised by the coinbase rule will finance ongoing roadmap development, so BCHA can scale to become sound money for the world. The other half of the funds will be managed by the Global Network Council—a collection of miners and holders who decide which projects will receive funding to bring value to the network.

BCHA price and transactions

Blockchair CoinGecko CoinMarketCap

Wallets that support BCHA


Exchanges that support BCHA

Explorers that support BCHA

Blockchair Bitcoin ABC

How do I split BCH to get my BCHA?

Splitting coins can be tricky. The easiest way to split BCH to get your BCHA is to use an exchange, as this tutorial explains. Alternatively, you can use this website, but remember that the splitting process may not always go as planned so you should always test with smaller amounts first.

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