diff --git a/bcha.html b/bcha.html index 7bce6d3..f8cd6a2 100644 --- a/bcha.html +++ b/bcha.html @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ --- layout: base title: Bitcoin ABC subtitle: About BCHA ---
{% include upgrade-notice.html %} -

BCHA has been rebranded to eCash.

This page is obsolete. For up-to-date information, please visit our eCash resource page.

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{% include upgrade-notice.html %} -

eCash: Wealth Redefined

Rebrand Announcement

You're invited to the next era of sound money for the world.

Derived from one of the most trusted names in cryptocurrency, what was once known as BCHA is now e.cash.


What happened:

  • On July 1, 2021 at 12:00 noon UTC, Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCHA) rebranded to eCash (XEC).
  • The primary unit is now bits (2 decimal places) instead of BCHA (8 decimal places, the legacy default used by both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash).
    • 1 BCHA = 1,000,000 XEC
  • The address format has been updated. You can use this address converter to convert between address formats.
  • A new website was launched at e.cash.

The eCash Mission

eCash is the natural continuation of the Bitcoin Cash project. Realizing the vision of the legendary Milton Friedman, eCash follows through on key promises such as the innovative Avalanche consensus layer while also introducing concepts never before seen in a Bitcoin project such as staking, fork-free network upgrades, and subchains.

Look for the ticker symbol XEC on exchanges, wallets, or price charts, and take your first step towards true financial freedom.


Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Do I need to perform a token swap?
Answer: No. The rebranding from BCHA to eCash (XEC) was not a token swap. There were no changes to the blockchain. The rebrand simply changed how things are displayed to users in wallets and exchanges.

Question: What happenned to the BCHA token?
Answer: Nothing changed on the blockchain. Under the hood, "eCash" (XEC) is the same thing as "BCHA". The way it is displayed to users simply changed. So nothing happened to BCHA token, it just changed name to eCash/XEC, and the default base unit changed so that 1,000,000 XEC = 1 BCHA.

Question: What will happen if I send BCHA to an eCash wallet ?
Answer: If you send 1 BCHA to an eCash wallet, you will be credited 1,000,000 XEC. The conversion happens in the wallet, there is no change in the transaction format on the blockchain. Similarly, sending 1,000,000 XEC to a BCHA wallet will credit 1 BCHA on the receiving end.

Question: Is there a separate chain?
Answer: No, there is no separate chain. It is the same blockchain as before the rebrand. Just the way it is displayed to users changed.

Question: To change between address formats, can I simply edit the address by hand to change the prefix from "bitcoincash" to "ecash"?
Answer: You should use an address converter if you need to convert between address formats. The body of the address contains a checksum which covers the prefix, so simply cutting and pasting the prefix by itself will cause a mismatch.

Question: As a BCHA holder, what do I need to do for this rebranding?
Answer: BCHA holders didn't need to do anything. Even if you did nothing, the rebrand took place automatically. When you upgrade to a new wallet, the display changes automatically to show your holdings as eCash instead of BCHA. If you didn't upgrade your wallets, everything will continue to work as it did before. It is recommended to upgrade, as almost all wallets and exchanges now use eCash/XEC, so it is less confusing if you upgrade to a wallet that displays as eCash/XEC.

Question: What is the eCash supply?
Answer: The supply of eCash is limited to 21 Trillion XEC. This means that measured in satoshis, the eCash supply is the same as BTC supply: 2.1 quadrillion satoshi. The different headline number simply reflects the 1,000,000:1 redenomination of the eCash base unit. The equivalence of the BTC and XEC supply can seen visually by writing their supply limits like this:
XEC: 21,000,000,000,000.00
BTC: 21,000,000.000,000,00
eCash also follows that same halving schedule as Bitcoin, with reward halvings occurring every 210,000 blocks.

Question: What is the contract address?
Answer: XEC is not an ERC-20 token, it is its own blockchain similar to Bitcoin (BTC). To hold native XEC yourself, you can use a supporting wallet.
Write down the "seed phrase" for your wallet and store that in a safe place. This is usually 12 words. The 12 words contain enough information to restore the private keys of the wallet in case you need to recover them in the future.


eCash price and transactions


Wallets that support eCash


Exchanges that support eCash


Explorers that support eCash

+ -

How do I split BCH to get my eCash?

Before sending eCash or BCH from your wallet, it is important to split your pre-fork coins so that your transactions are not replayed (for example also sending BCH when you only meant to send eCash to someone). There a several ways this can be done.

A good way to split BCH and eCash from each other is to use Electrum ABC and Electron Cash, as described here.

Another method is to use an exchange such as Coinex which will split the coins for you, as this tutorial explains. But remember that the splitting process may not always go as planned so it is wise to test with smaller amounts first, or use a method where you only send coins to yourself (as with the Electrum ABC - Electron Cash method above).

Warning: There are scammers and thieves who create fake coin splitting tools and services to steal people's coins. Never send your coins, or enter your private key or recovery words into any site or software unless you are certain that it can be trusted. The scammers create fake social media profiles and Youtube channels, so always double check sources and be careful following any links. Always be very cautious, and ask for help if you are unsure.

For more information see e.cash.

For direct support, please contact us at: support@bitcoinabc.org.

diff --git a/electrum.html b/electrum.html index 15106f1..8763a5d 100644 --- a/electrum.html +++ b/electrum.html @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ --- layout: base title: Electrum ABC ---
Electrum ABC

This wallet software is forked from Electron Cash, with modifications to facilitate use on the eCash network.

Upon first use, the software will automatically copy existing Electron Cash wallet files into a new folder specific to Electrum ABC. This allows users to maintain separate wallet histories for either network going forward, and run Electron Cash and Electrum ABC simultaneously to ease coin splitting.

NOTE: The coins in the wallet will not split automatically. To ensure that transactions are not replayed between Bitcoin Cash and eCash networks, please refer to one of the coin splitting guides linked at bitcoinabc.org/bcha and make sure your pre-fork coins are safely split prior to transacting on either network.


Download links




diff --git a/logos.html b/logos.html index 08031c8..d17e155 100644 --- a/logos.html +++ b/logos.html @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ --- layout: base title: Bitcoin ABC logo --- {% assign logo_sizes = "16, 32, 64, 128, 256" | split: ", " %}

Bitcoin ABC logo

You can freely download the below Bitcoin ABC logos for use on your website

{% for logo_size in logo_sizes %} {% endfor %}
diff --git a/upgrade.html b/upgrade.html index ca07e8c..02c65d8 100644 --- a/upgrade.html +++ b/upgrade.html @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ --- layout: base title: Network Upgrade ---
{% include upgrade-notice.html %} -
November 15, 2021 Upgrade

Who needs to upgrade?

All operators of a Bitcoin ABC full node must upgrade to the latest major version (0.24.x). This is available at our Releases page.

Exactly when will the upgrade activate?

In order to activate reliably at a predictable time, the network upgrade uses the "Median Time Past" mechanism. The upgrade activates when the median of the last 11 blocks reaches timestamp 1636977600 (12:00:00 UTC on November 15th, 2021). This means that the upgrade doesn't actually activate exactly at that time, but typically about one hour later, when 6 blocks with timestamps greater than the activation time have been produced.

What features are included in the Network Upgrade?

The November 15th 2021 upgrade does not include any new protocol features. However, because of the automatic replay protection that is part of the 6-month upgrade cadence, it is still necessary for all full node operators to upgrade to 0.24.x.

Do I need to upgrade my wallet?

The network upgrade only affects full-nodes. This means that other eCash software, including wallets such as Electrum ABC are not affected by the network upgrade.