diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml index bd03674..8c0fcce 100644 --- a/_config.yml +++ b/_config.yml @@ -1,192 +1,177 @@ # --- General options --- # # url is the full website URL # baseurl is the website's URL without the hostname url: "http://www.bitcoinabc.org" baseurl: "" # Name of website title: Bitcoin ABC # Short description of your site description: Bitcoin ABC - Software for Bitcoin Cash nodes # --- Navigation bar options --- # # List of links in the navigation bar navbar-links: Latest Roadmap: "https://www.bitcoincash.org/roadmap.html" Blog: "https://blog.bitcoinabc.org/" Download: - Binaries: "https://download.bitcoinabc.org/latest/" - Source Code: "https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc" - Ubuntu Packages: "https://launchpad.net/~bitcoin-abc/+archive/ubuntu/ppa" - Archived Binaries: "https://download.bitcoinabc.org/" Documentation: "doc/" Developers: - Contributing: "CONTRIBUTING.html" - Code Coverage: "https://build.bitcoinabc.org/viewLog.html?buildId=lastSuccessful&buildTypeId=BitcoinABC_Master_BitcoinAbcMasterCoverage&tab=report__Root_Code_Coverage&guest=1" - Code Documentation: "doc/dev/" supported-languages: en: "English" es: "Español" fr: "Français" jp: "日本語" ko: "한국어" nl: "Nederlands" pt: "Português" ru: "русский" zh_simple: "简体中文" zh_traditional: "繁体中文" # If you want to have an image logo in the top-left corner instead of the title text, # then specify the following parameter title-img: "/img/avatar-icon-small.png" # --- Background colour/image options --- # # Personalize the colors in your website. Colour values can be any valid CSS colour navbar-col: "#F5F5F5" navbar-text-col: "#404040" navbar-children-col: "#F5F5F5" page-col: "#FFFFFF" link-col: "#008AFF" hover-col: "#0085A1" footer-col: "#F5F5F5" footer-text-col: "#777777" footer-link-col: "#404040" # Alternatively, the navbar, footer, and page background can be set to use background images # instead of colour # navbar-img: "/img/bgimage.png" # footer-img: "/img/bgimage.png" # page-img: "/img/bgimage.png" # --- Footer options --- # # Change all these values or delete the ones you don't want. # Important: you must keep the "name" parameter, everything else you can remove author: name: Bitcoin ABC -# Select your active Social Network Links. -# Uncomment the links you want to show in the footer and add your information to each link. -# You can reorder the items to define the link order. -# If you want to add a new link that isn't here, you'll need to also edit the file _data/SocialNetworks.yml -social-network-links: +# If you want to add a new link that isn't here, also edit the file _data/SocialNetworks.yml +social-network-links: email: "info@bitcoinabc.org" facebook: bitcoinabcorg github: bitcoin-abc twitter: bitcoin_abc -# reddit: yourname -# google-plus: +DeanAttali -# linkedin: daattali -# xing: yourname -# stackoverflow: "3943160/daattali" -# snapchat: deanat78 -# instagram: deanat78 -# youtube: user/deanat78 -# spotify: yourname -# telephone: +14159998888 -# steam: deanat78 -# twitch: yourname -# yelp: yourname + linkedin: company/11232712 + youtube: channel/UCLuOzYfDXjD6t5PcUrq9o-A # Select which share links to show in posts share-links-active: twitter: true facebook: true - google: false linkedin: true # How to display the link to the website in the footer # Remove this if you don't want a link in the footer url-pretty: "bitcoinabc.org" # eg. "deanattali.com/beautiful-jekyll" # --- Web Statistics Section --- # # Fill in your Google Analytics ID to track your website using GA #google_analytics: "" # Google Tag Manager ID #gtm: "" # --- Misc --- # # Facebook App ID # fb_app_id: "" # Excerpt Word Length # Truncates the excerpt to the specified number of words on the index page excerpt_length: 30 # Number of announcements to appear on the front page front_page_posts: 2 # Character used to separate site title and description in HTML document title # and RSS feed title title-separator: "-" # --- Don't need to touch anything below here (but you can if you want) --- # # Output options (more information on Jekyll's site) timezone: "America/Vancouver" markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge permalink: /:year-:month-:day-:title/ paginate: 5 kramdown: input: GFM # Default YAML values (more information on Jekyll's site) defaults: - scope: path: "" type: posts values: layout: post comments: true # add comments to all blog posts social-share: true # add social media sharing buttons to all blog posts - scope: path: "" type: doc values: layout: doc category: rpc - scope: path: "" # all files values: layout: page collections: doc: output: true # Exclude these files from production site exclude: - CHANGELOG.md - CNAME - docker-compose.yml - Dockerfile - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - LICENSE - README.md - Vagrantfile - nginx.conf - Makefile - Rakefile plugins: - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-relative-links relative_links: enabled: true collections: false # Beautiful Jekyll / Dean Attali # 2fc73a3a967e97599c9763d05e564189 diff --git a/_data/SocialNetworks.yml b/_data/SocialNetworks.yml index 057ce73..05ee8cc 100644 --- a/_data/SocialNetworks.yml +++ b/_data/SocialNetworks.yml @@ -1,97 +1,37 @@ # You can define your custom social network links here. # Use the same key you added in _config.yml -> soicial-network-links. # In addition to that you need to specify the following properties: # name: Specify a user-friendly name that will be used as a link title # baseURL: Define a base URL which will be combined with the value of # site.social-network-links. # icon: Specify a valid fontawesome icon class facebook: name: "Facebook" baseURL: "https://www.facebook.com/" icon: "fa-facebook" github: name: "GitHub" baseURL: "https://github.com/" icon: "fa-github" twitter: name: "Twitter" baseURL: "https://twitter.com/" icon: "fa-twitter" -reddit: - name: "Reddit" - baseURL: "https://reddit.com/u/" - icon: fa-reddit - -google-plus: - name: "Google+" - baseURL: "https://plus.google.com/" - icon: "fa-google-plus" - email: name: "Email me" baseURL: "mailto:" icon: "fa-envelope" linkedin: name: "LinkedIn" - baseURL: "https://linkedin.com/in/" + baseURL: "https://linkedin.com/" icon: "fa-linkedin" -xing: - name: "Xing" - baseURL: "https://www.xing.com/profile/" - icon: "fa-xing" - -stackoverflow: - name: "StackOverflow" - baseURL: "https://stackoverflow.com/users/" - icon: "fa-stack-overflow" - -snapchat: - name: "Snapchat" - baseURL: "https://www.snapchat.com/add/" - icon: "fa-snapchat-ghost" - -instagram: - name: "Instagram" - baseURL: "https://www.instagram.com/" - icon: "fa-instagram" - youtube: name: "YouTube" baseURL: "https://www.youtube.com/" icon: "fa-youtube" - -spotify: - name: "Spotify" - baseURL: "https://open.spotify.com/user/" - icon: "fa-spotify" - -telephone: - name: "Phone" - baseURL: "tel:" - icon: "fa-phone" - -rss: - name: "RSS" - baseURL: "{{ '/feed.xml' | prepend: site.baseurl }}" - icon: "fa-rss" - -steam: - name: "Steam" - baseURL: "https://steamcommunity.com/id/" - icon: "fa-steam" - -twitch: - name: "Twitch" - baseURL: "https://www.twitch.tv/" - icon: "fa-twitch" - -yelp: - name: "Yelp" - baseURL: "https://{{ site.author.yelp }}.yelp.com" - icon: "fa-yelp"