diff --git a/scripts/fetch_documentation.sh b/scripts/fetch_documentation.sh index d591749..04fe854 100755 --- a/scripts/fetch_documentation.sh +++ b/scripts/fetch_documentation.sh @@ -1,158 +1,158 @@ #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail # Github repository parameters GITHUB_OWNER='Bitcoin-ABC' GITHUB_REPO='bitcoin-abc' # Max number of release versions to display MAX_RELEASES=15 # Min version for rpc docs generation -MIN_VERSION_RPC_DOCS='0.24.0' +MIN_VERSION_RPC_DOCS='0.25.0' # Min version for man pages generation -MIN_VERSION_MAN_PAGES='0.24.0' +MIN_VERSION_MAN_PAGES='0.25.0' # jq must be installed if ! command -v jq > /dev/null; then echo "Error: 'jq' is not installed." exit 10 fi SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd) TOPLEVEL=$(git -C "${SCRIPT_DIR}" rev-parse --show-toplevel) # Get the last MAX_RELEASES releases RELEASES=$(curl -L -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" https://api.github.com/repos/${GITHUB_OWNER}/${GITHUB_REPO}/releases?per_page=${MAX_RELEASES}) echo "${RELEASES}" > "${TOPLEVEL}"/_data/github-releases.json # Extract release version numbers RELEASE_VERSIONS=($(echo ${RELEASES} | jq -r '[.[].name] | reverse[]')) # Extract release tags RELEASE_TAGS=($(echo ${RELEASES} | jq -r '[.[].tag_name] | reverse[]')) # Create the cache directory as needed. This is where the sources will be # cloned, and where the docs will be built. : "${CACHE_DIR:=${TOPLEVEL}/.user-doc-cache}" mkdir -p "${CACHE_DIR}" SRC_DIR="${CACHE_DIR}/${GITHUB_REPO}" if [ ! -d "${SRC_DIR}" ] then git clone "https://github.com/${GITHUB_OWNER}/${GITHUB_REPO}.git" "${SRC_DIR}" fi pushd "${SRC_DIR}" git reset --hard HEAD git clean -xffd || true git checkout master git pull --tags origin master popd version_greater_equal() { printf '%s\n%s\n' "$2" "$1" | sort -V -C } for i in "${!RELEASE_VERSIONS[@]}" do VERSION="${RELEASE_VERSIONS[$i]}" TAG="${RELEASE_TAGS[$i]}" if version_greater_equal "${VERSION}" "${MIN_VERSION_RPC_DOCS}" then BUILD_RPC_DOCS="yes" else BUILD_RPC_DOCS="no" fi if version_greater_equal "${VERSION}" "${MIN_VERSION_MAN_PAGES}" then BUILD_MAN_PAGES="yes" else BUILD_MAN_PAGES="no" fi if [ "${BUILD_RPC_DOCS}" = "no" ] && [ "${BUILD_MAN_PAGES}" = "no" ] then continue fi # Checkout the release tag pushd "${SRC_DIR}" git checkout "tags/${TAG}" popd # Prepare some directories WEBSITE_DIR="${TOPLEVEL}/_doc/${VERSION}" mkdir -p "${WEBSITE_DIR}" VERSION_DIR="${CACHE_DIR}/${VERSION}" mkdir -p "${VERSION_DIR}" BUILD_DIR="${SRC_DIR}/build_${VERSION}" mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}" INSTALL_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}/install" mkdir -p "${INSTALL_DIR}" pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" if [ "${BUILD_RPC_DOCS}" = "yes" ] && [ ! -d "${VERSION_DIR}/rpc" ] then # Build and install the release version cmake -GNinja "${SRC_DIR}" -DCLIENT_VERSION_IS_RELEASE=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${INSTALL_DIR}" ninja doc-rpc # Cache the result cp -R "${BUILD_DIR}/doc/rpc/en/${VERSION}/rpc" "${VERSION_DIR}/" fi if [ "${BUILD_MAN_PAGES}" = "yes" ] && [ ! -d "${VERSION_DIR}/man" ] then # xvfb is only needed to build headlessly. if ! command -v xvfb-run then echo "xvfb is required to build the docs headlessly, please install it." exit 3 fi # Build and install the man pages cmake -GNinja "${SRC_DIR}" -DCLIENT_VERSION_IS_RELEASE=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${INSTALL_DIR}" xvfb-run -a -e /dev/stderr ninja install-manpages-html mkdir -p "${VERSION_DIR}/man" # Cache the result cp "${INSTALL_DIR}"/share/man/html/* "${VERSION_DIR}/man/" fi popd # Copy everything from the cache to the website directory cp -R "${VERSION_DIR}"/* "${WEBSITE_DIR}/" done # Pull all the markdown files from the ABC repository so they can be converted # and rendered by jekyll. The tree directory structure is preserved in order to # keep the links working. pushd "${SRC_DIR}" git checkout master ${SCRIPT_DIR}/fetch_markdown_files.sh "${SRC_DIR}" # If the release notes file for the latest release isn't archived yet, make the # latest release notes available for that version number. This temporary copy # will be replaced once the release notes are archived. ABC_MD_DOCS="${TOPLEVEL}"/abc_md_docs LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION=${RELEASE_VERSIONS[${#RELEASE_VERSIONS[@]}-1]} LATEST_RELEASE_NOTES="${ABC_MD_DOCS}/doc/release-notes/release-notes-${LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION}" if [ ! -f "${LATEST_RELEASE_NOTES}.md" ]; then cp "${ABC_MD_DOCS}/doc/release-notes.md" "${LATEST_RELEASE_NOTES}.md" cp "${ABC_MD_DOCS}/doc/release-notes.orig.md" "${LATEST_RELEASE_NOTES}.orig.md" sed -i "s/permalink: \/doc\/release-notes.html/permalink: \/doc\/release-notes\/release-notes-${LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION}.html/g" "${LATEST_RELEASE_NOTES}.md" fi popd