diff --git a/_posts/2020-08-17-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0-zh.md b/_posts/2020-08-18-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0-zh.md similarity index 99% rename from _posts/2020-08-17-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0-zh.md rename to _posts/2020-08-18-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0-zh.md index 59e09b5..ddc946a 100644 --- a/_posts/2020-08-17-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0-zh.md +++ b/_posts/2020-08-18-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0-zh.md @@ -1,77 +1,77 @@ --- layout: post title: 新版本 - Bitcoin ABC 0.22.0 现可供下载 subtitle: 部分功能已锁定,可靠的资金意味着更多的业务潜能即将被释放 -multiLangId: 2020-08-17-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0 +multiLangId: 2020-08-18-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0 lang: zh_simple --- ![Bitcoin ABC 0.22.0 现可供下载](/img/BitcoinABC-0-22-0-zh.png "Bitcoin ABC 0.22.0 现可供下载") 我们的使命是把比特币现金开发为可供全世界使用的[健全货币](https://www.bitcoincash.org/zh-CN/roadmap.html)。这一使命的下一个里程碑将发生在今年11月;届时,两个新功能-- ASERT DAA和coinbase规则,将于网络升级期间上线。 现已锁定部分功能,而包含新功能的[0.22.0版本](https://download.bitcoinabc.org/latest/)已可供下载。请注意,您的企业需要在2020年11月15日前下载并部署这个新版本,才能确保您业务的平稳运行。更多详情,请[点击此处](https://www.bitcoincash.org/zh-CN/upgrade.html)。 [![请点击此处](/img/Download-now-zh.png "请点击此处")](https://download.bitcoinabc.org/latest/) ## 新版本的优点 ### 更快的确认 迟缓的确认一直让比特币现金用户和相关联企业倍感沮丧。一种名为ASERT的新难度调整算法通过降低意外的长区块时间发生概率,而帮助缓解这一问题。相应的,交易的平均确认速度会加快。 ### 更多的可预期利润 此前,由于难度调整算法存在缺陷,坚持挖比特币现金的矿工容易不时地遭受利润损失。根据模拟计算,采用ASERT后,铁杆矿工将获得更稳定的利润,甚至可能比之前多赚6%。 ### 可靠的网络开发 新的coinbase规则将把8%的coinbase奖励,投资到比特币现金的基础设施开发中。这意味着可以雇佣更多的技术人才来维护和开发网络,以便更好地支持您的业务发展。 ## 更多潜能将被释放 随着新的coinbase规则带来可靠的资金,更多的功能将更快地出现在比特币现金上。这些功能将为企业和用户释放令人兴奋的潜能。以下是我们即将推出的功能: ### 消除交易链的限制瓶颈 ![消除交易链的限制瓶颈](/img/Bottleneck.png "消除交易链的限制瓶颈") **我们将大幅提高未确认的交易链限制,让它不再给依赖快速来回交易的企业造成延误。** 由于一旦做出改变,可以(从比特币Core库) 的向后移植将变少,维护比特币现金网络的工作量将大幅增加。这就是为什么在这个新功能实施之前,可靠的资金是必不可少的。 #### 为什么是有用的 * 当有人使用比特币现金支付时,任何未花掉的币将作为零钱被补回。但当他们要继续花掉找补回的零钱时,在任意一个区块上可进行的交易次数是有限制的。 * 当前的限制是50笔连续(链上)交易。通过将限制提高到数百或数千笔交易,甚至完全移除上限时,用户无需再等待下一个区块被确认后才能使用他们的零钱进行更多的交易。 * 因此,如果人们想用零钱进行几十次的连续链上下注,那么是完全可以实现的。对企业来说,这意味着更高的利润空间。对用户来说,这意味着更好的整体体验度,而无需再为延迟感到沮丧。 ###使区块大小限制变成响应式 ![使区块大小限制变成响应式](/img/Block-size.png "使区块大小限制变成响应式") **我们不会把区块大小的限制固定在代码中,而是会让它变得灵活,这样网络就可以逐步扩展,从而满足成为全球货币的需求。** #### 为什么是有用的 * 分配资源去处理不必要的大区块大小上限是昂贵的。但是,随着时间的推移,当越来越多的用户加入比特币现金网络时,就需要提高区块大小上限,来有效处理越来越多的交易。 * 通过添加响应市场需求的区块大小限制,区块大小上限可以按需提高。响应式上限背后的算法会根据历史数据,来相应地设置区块大小限制。 * 响应式区块大小系统需要精心设计,以阻止垃圾交易轻易塞满区块。这将有效防止(交易)延迟,并为真正的用户交易保持低交易费。 ### 数秒内安全地确认交易 ![数秒内安全地确认交易](/img/Fast-forward.png "数秒内安全地确认交易") **我们将对比特币现金实施预共识,这样交易几乎可以在区块链本身确认之前,由节点立即达成一致。** #### 为什么是有用的 * 比特币现金要想在商业中使用,交易就必须即刻生效。否则,如果商家成为双花攻击(即有人试图用同一个币进行多次消费)的受害者,那么他们就会遭受损失。 * 通过在网络中加入预共识,交易可以在数秒钟内被视为最终交易。无需等待确认,Avalanche让节点之间实时沟通哪些交易已被认可。 * 其结果就是,为接收比特币现金支付的商家增加了安全性;也同时让用户在区块被挖出前,就知道他们的交易将出现在下一个区块中。 ### 获取我们团队的(技术)支持 我们最新版本中的新coinbase规则, 将带来基础设施基金,也意味着比特币现金可以成为服务世界的健全货币。 我们完全致力于,实施一种为基金管理提供充分的问责制和透明度的框架。该框架的具体细节将在不久后公布。 与此同时,我们时刻准备为您服务。无论是您不确定如何升级您的节点软件,还是有疑问,或者需要其它技术支持,您可以通过点击此处[提交一个票据](https://help.bitcoincash.org/support/home)来获取帮助。 diff --git a/_posts/2020-08-17-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0.md b/_posts/2020-08-18-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0.md similarity index 99% rename from _posts/2020-08-17-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0.md rename to _posts/2020-08-18-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0.md index 810914d..9f3e219 100644 --- a/_posts/2020-08-17-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0.md +++ b/_posts/2020-08-18-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0.md @@ -1,79 +1,79 @@ --- layout: post title: New release - Bitcoin ABC 0.22.0 is available to download subtitle: A feature freeze is now in place and reliable funding means more business capabilities are coming soon. -multiLangId: 2020-08-17-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0 +multiLangId: 2020-08-18-bitcoin-abc-0-22-0 lang: en --- ![Preparing for the Upgrade: Download the new Bitcoin ABC 0.22.0](/img/BitcoinABC-0-22-0.png "Preparing for the Upgrade: Download the new Bitcoin ABC 0.22.0") We’re on a mission to develop Bitcoin Cash into [sound money](https://www.bitcoincash.org/roadmap.html) for the world. The next milestone in that mission takes place in November when two new features—ASERT DAA and a coinbase rule—will go live during the network upgrade. A feature freeze is now in place and [release 0.22.0](https://download.bitcoinabc.org/latest/), which contains the new features, is available to download. Remember you need to download and deploy this new release before **November 15, 2020** so you can keep your business running smoothly. For more details, [click here](https://www.bitcoincash.org/upgrade.html). [![Download Now](/img/Download-now.png "Download Now")](https://download.bitcoinabc.org/latest/) ## Benefits of the new release ### Faster confirmations Slow confirmations have been an ongoing frustration for Bitcoin Cash users and businesses alike. A new difficulty adjustment algorithm called ASERT helps by reducing the incidence of unexpectedly long block times. As a result, transactions will be confirmed more quickly on average. ### More predictable profits Previously, businesses consistently mining Bitcoin Cash were prone to occasional profit loss because the difficulty adjustment algorithm was flawed. With ASERT, steady miners will see more stable profits and can earn up to 6% more, according to simulations. ### Reliable network development A new coinbase rule will reinvest 8% of the coinbase reward into Bitcoin Cash infrastructure development. That means more technical talent can be hired to maintain and develop the network so it can better support your business moving forward. ## More capabilities coming soon With reliable funding from the new coinbase rule, more features will come to Bitcoin Cash faster. These features will bring exciting new capabilities for both businesses and users. Here’s what we’ll be working on soon: ### Removing transaction chain limit bottlenecks ![Remove Bottlenecks](/img/Bottleneck.png "Remove Bottlenecks") **We’ll greatly increase the unconfirmed transaction chain limit so it no longer causes delays for businesses that revolve around fast back-and-forth transactions.** Since less backporting (from the Bitcoin Core repository) can take place once the change is made, maintaining the Bitcoin Cash network will require significantly more work. That’s why reliable funding was essential before this new feature could be implemented. #### Why it’s useful * When somebody spends Bitcoin Cash, they receive any unspent coins back as change. But when they go on to spend that change, there’s a limit to how many transactions they can make with it in any given block. * The limit is currently 50 consecutive (chained) transactions. By increasing it to hundreds or thousands of transactions—or even removing the limit entirely—users will no longer need to wait for the next block to be confirmed before they can make more transactions with their change. * So if, for instance, they want to place dozens of on-chain bets with their change in a matter of minutes, they can. For businesses, that means more potential profit. For users, it means a better overall experience without the frustration of delays. ### Making the block size limit responsive ![Scalable block size limit](/img/Block-size.png "Scalable block size limit") **Rather than the block size limit being fixed in code, we’ll make it flexible so the network can gradually scale to meet the demands of a global currency.** #### Why it’s useful * Provisioning resources to handle an unnecessarily large block size limit is expensive. But, as more users join the Bitcoin Cash network over time, the block size limit will need to grow to efficiently process increasing numbers of transactions. * By adding a block size limit that responds to market demand, the block size limit can grow as needed. The algorithm behind the responsive limit will look at historical data and set the block size limit accordingly. * The responsive block size system will need to be carefully engineered to deter spam transactions from easily filling up blocks. This will prevent delays and keep fees low for genuine users’ transactions. ### Confirming transactions securely in seconds ![Fast transactions](/img/Fast-forward.png "Fast transactions") **We’ll implement pre-consensus to Bitcoin Cash so transactions can be agreed upon by nodes almost instantly, before being confirmed on the blockchain itself.** #### Why it’s useful * For Bitcoin Cash to be used in commerce, transactions need to be reliable right away. Otherwise, merchants risk losing out if they fall victim to a double-spend attack (where somebody tries to spend the same coins twice). * By adding pre-consensus to the network, transactions can be considered final within seconds. Rather than waiting on confirmations, Avalanche lets nodes communicate with one another in real-time about which transactions they recognize. * The result is added security for merchants who accept Bitcoin Cash, while users will benefit from knowing their transactions are going to appear in the next block before that block has even been mined. ### Get support from our team The upcoming infrastructure fund, brought about by the new coinbase rule in our latest release, means Bitcoin Cash can become sound money for the world. We’re fully committed to implementing a structure that provides full accountability and transparency for the management of the fund. More details will be announced about that structure soon. In the meantime, we’re here to help. Whether you’re unsure how to upgrade your node software, have questions, or need any other technical support, you can get help by [raising a ticket here](https://help.bitcoincash.org/support/home).