diff --git a/test/functional/abc-finalize-block.py b/test/functional/abc-finalize-block.py index a85aca987..1f7e2b746 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-finalize-block.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-finalize-block.py @@ -1,332 +1,331 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the finalizeblock RPC calls.""" import time from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error, set_node_times, - wait_until, ) RPC_FINALIZE_INVALID_BLOCK_ERROR = 'finalize-invalid-block' RPC_FORK_PRIOR_FINALIZED_ERROR = 'bad-fork-prior-finalized' RPC_BLOCK_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 'Block not found' class FinalizeBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 3 self.extra_args = [["-finalizationdelay=0", "-whitelist=noban@"], ["-finalizationdelay=0"], []] self.finalization_delay = 2 * 60 * 60 def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] self.mocktime = int(time.time()) self.log.info("Test block finalization...") node.generatetoaddress(10, node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address) tip = node.getbestblockhash() node.finalizeblock(tip) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), tip) def wait_for_tip(node, tip): def check_tip(): return node.getbestblockhash() == tip - wait_until(check_tip) + self.wait_until(check_tip) alt_node = self.nodes[1] wait_for_tip(alt_node, tip) alt_node.invalidateblock(tip) # We will use this later fork_block = alt_node.getbestblockhash() # Node 0 should not accept the whole alt_node's chain due to tip being finalized, # even though it is longer. # Headers would not be accepted if previousblock is invalid: # - First block from alt node has same height than node tip, but is on a minority chain. Its # status is "valid-headers" # - Second block from alt node has height > node tip height, will be marked as invalid because # node tip is finalized # - Later blocks from alt node will be rejected because their previous block are invalid # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(218 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210 valid-headers)->(211 invalid)->(212 to 218 dropped) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 finalized, tip) def wait_for_block(node, block, status="invalid"): def check_block(): for tip in node.getchaintips(): if tip["hash"] == block: assert tip["status"] != "active" return tip["status"] == status return False - wait_until(check_block) + self.wait_until(check_block) # First block header is accepted as valid-header alt_node.generatetoaddress( 1, alt_node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address) wait_for_block(node, alt_node.getbestblockhash(), "valid-headers") # Second block header is accepted but set invalid alt_node.generatetoaddress( 1, alt_node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address) invalid_block = alt_node.getbestblockhash() wait_for_block(node, invalid_block) # Later block headers are rejected for i in range(2, 9): alt_node.generatetoaddress( 1, alt_node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address) assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, RPC_BLOCK_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, node.getblockheader, alt_node.getbestblockhash()) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), tip) self.log.info("Test that an invalid block cannot be finalized...") assert_raises_rpc_error(-20, RPC_FINALIZE_INVALID_BLOCK_ERROR, node.finalizeblock, invalid_block) self.log.info( "Test that invalidating a finalized block moves the finalization backward...") # Node's finalized block will be invalidated, which causes the finalized block to # move to the previous block. # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(218 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(208 auto-finalized)->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210 valid-headers)->(211 invalid)->(212 to 218 dropped) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209 finalized)->(210 tip) node.invalidateblock(tip) node.reconsiderblock(tip) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), fork_block) assert_equal(alt_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), node.getblockheader( node.getfinalizedblockhash())['previousblockhash']) # The node will now accept that chain as the finalized block moved back. # Generate a new block on alt_node to trigger getheader from node # Previous 212-218 height blocks have been droped because their previous was invalid # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(218)->(219 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209 auto-finalized)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210)->(211)->(212)-> // ->(218)->(219 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209 finalized)->(210) node.reconsiderblock(invalid_block) alt_node_tip = alt_node.generatetoaddress( 1, alt_node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address)[-1] wait_for_tip(node, alt_node_tip) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), alt_node.getbestblockhash()) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), fork_block) assert_equal(alt_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), fork_block) self.log.info("Trigger reorg via block finalization...") # Finalize node tip to reorg # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(218)->(219 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209 auto-finalized)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210 invalid)-> // ->(219 invalid) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 finalized, tip) node.finalizeblock(tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), tip) self.log.info("Try to finalize a block on a competiting fork...") assert_raises_rpc_error(-20, RPC_FINALIZE_INVALID_BLOCK_ERROR, node.finalizeblock, alt_node.getbestblockhash()) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), tip) self.log.info( "Check auto-finalization occurs as the tip move forward...") # Reconsider alt_node tip then generate some more blocks on alt_node. # Auto-finalization will occur on both chains. # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219 auto-finalized)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219 auto-finalized)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) node.reconsiderblock(alt_node.getbestblockhash()) block_to_autofinalize = alt_node.generatetoaddress( 1, alt_node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address)[-1] alt_node_new_tip = alt_node.generatetoaddress( 9, alt_node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address)[-1] wait_for_tip(node, alt_node_new_tip) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), alt_node.getbestblockhash()) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), alt_node_tip) assert_equal(alt_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), alt_node_tip) self.log.info( "Try to finalize a block on an already finalized chain...") # Finalizing a block of an already finalized chain should have no # effect block_218 = node.getblockheader(alt_node_tip)['previousblockhash'] node.finalizeblock(block_218) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), alt_node_tip) self.log.info( "Make sure reconsidering block move the finalization point...") # Reconsidering the tip will move back the finalized block on node # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219 auto-finalized)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209 finalized)->(210) node.reconsiderblock(tip) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), alt_node_new_tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), fork_block) # TEST FINALIZATION DELAY self.log.info("Check that finalization delay prevents eclipse attacks") # Because there has been no delay since the beginning of this test, # there should have been no auto-finalization on delay_node. # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219 auto-finalized)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On delay_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210) delay_node = self.nodes[2] wait_for_tip(delay_node, alt_node_new_tip) assert_equal(delay_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), str()) self.log.info( "Check that finalization delay does not prevent auto-finalization") # Expire the delay, then generate 1 new block with alt_node to # update the tip on all chains. # Because the finalization delay is expired, auto-finalization # should occur. # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(220 auto-finalized)-> // ->(230 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On delay_node: # >(220 auto-finalized)-> // ->(230 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210) self.mocktime += self.finalization_delay set_node_times([delay_node], self.mocktime) new_tip = alt_node.generatetoaddress( 1, alt_node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address)[-1] assert_equal(alt_node.getbestblockhash(), new_tip) assert_equal(alt_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), block_to_autofinalize) wait_for_tip(node, new_tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), block_to_autofinalize) wait_for_tip(delay_node, new_tip) self.log.info( "Check that finalization delay is effective on node boot") # Restart the new node, so the blocks have no header received time. self.restart_node(2) # There should be no finalized block (getfinalizedblockhash returns an # empty string) assert_equal(delay_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), str()) # Generate 20 blocks with no delay. This should not trigger auto-finalization. # # Expected state: # # On delay_node: # >(220)-> // ->(250 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210) blocks = delay_node.generatetoaddress( 20, alt_node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address) reboot_autofinalized_block = blocks[10] new_tip = blocks[-1] wait_for_tip(delay_node, new_tip) assert_equal(delay_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), str()) # Now let the finalization delay to expire, then generate one more block. # This should resume auto-finalization. # # Expected state: # # On delay_node: # >(220)-> // ->(241 auto-finalized)-> // ->(251 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210) self.mocktime += self.finalization_delay set_node_times([delay_node], self.mocktime) new_tip = delay_node.generatetoaddress( 1, delay_node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address)[-1] wait_for_tip(delay_node, new_tip) assert_equal(delay_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), reboot_autofinalized_block) if __name__ == '__main__': FinalizeBlockTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc-invalid-message.py b/test/functional/abc-invalid-message.py index 9f1b59337..b9aedc7f3 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-invalid-message.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-invalid-message.py @@ -1,102 +1,101 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2019 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ABC Invalid Message Test Test that invalid messages get rejected and/or ban the sender as expected for each case. """ import struct from test_framework.messages import NODE_NETWORK, msg_version from test_framework.p2p import ( p2p_lock, msg_ping, P2PInterface, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import wait_until def msg_bad_checksum(connection, original_message): message_data = bytearray(connection.build_message(original_message)) data = original_message.serialize() i = 0 i += len(connection.magic_bytes) i += 12 i += len(struct.pack(" 100) BAN THRESHOLD EXCEEDED: invalid-avahello-signature"]): bad_interface.send_avahello(interface_delegation_hex, wrong_key) bad_interface.wait_for_disconnect() self.log.info( 'Check that receiving a valid avahello triggers a proof getdata request') good_interface = get_ava_p2p_interface(node) proofid = good_interface.send_avahello( interface_delegation_hex, delegated_key) def getdata_found(peer, proofid): with p2p_lock: return good_interface.last_message.get( "getdata") and good_interface.last_message["getdata"].inv[-1].hash == proofid - wait_until(lambda: getdata_found(good_interface, proofid)) + self.wait_until(lambda: getdata_found(good_interface, proofid)) self.log.info('Check that we can download the proof from our peer') node_proofid = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), proof).proofid def wait_for_proof_validation(): # Connect some blocks to trigger the proof verification node.generate(1) - wait_until(lambda: node_proofid in get_proof_ids(node)) + self.wait_until(lambda: node_proofid in get_proof_ids(node)) wait_for_proof_validation() getdata = msg_getdata([CInv(MSG_AVA_PROOF, node_proofid)]) self.log.info( "Proof has been inv'ed recently, check it can be requested") good_interface.send_message(getdata) def proof_received(peer): with p2p_lock: return peer.last_message.get( "avaproof") and peer.last_message["avaproof"].proof.proofid == node_proofid - wait_until(lambda: proof_received(good_interface)) + self.wait_until(lambda: proof_received(good_interface)) # Restart the node self.restart_node(0, self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ]) wait_for_proof_validation() self.log.info( "The proof has not been announced, it cannot be requested") peer = get_ava_p2p_interface(node, services=NODE_NETWORK) peer.send_message(getdata) # Give enough time for the node to answer. Since we cannot check for a # non-event this is the best we can do time.sleep(2) assert not proof_received(peer) self.log.info("The proof is known for long enough to be requested") current_time = int(time.time()) node.setmocktime(current_time + UNCONDITIONAL_RELAY_DELAY) peer.send_message(getdata) - wait_until(lambda: proof_received(peer)) + self.wait_until(lambda: proof_received(peer)) # Restart the node self.restart_node(0, self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ]) wait_for_proof_validation() # The only peer is the node itself assert_equal(len(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()), 1) assert_equal(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()[0]["proof"], proof) peer = get_ava_p2p_interface(node) peer_proofid = peer.send_avahello( interface_delegation_hex, delegated_key) - wait_until(lambda: getdata_found(peer, peer_proofid)) + self.wait_until(lambda: getdata_found(peer, peer_proofid)) assert peer_proofid not in get_proof_ids(node) self.log.info( "Check that the peer gets added as an avalanche node as soon as the node knows about the proof") node.sendavalancheproof(interface_proof_hex) def has_node_count(count): peerinfo = node.getavalanchepeerinfo() return (len(peerinfo) == 2 and peerinfo[-1]["proof"] == interface_proof_hex and peerinfo[-1]["nodecount"] == count) - wait_until(lambda: has_node_count(1)) + self.wait_until(lambda: has_node_count(1)) self.log.info( "Check that the peer gets added immediately if the proof is already known") # Connect another peer using the same proof peer_proof_known = get_ava_p2p_interface(node) peer_proof_known.send_avahello(interface_delegation_hex, delegated_key) - wait_until(lambda: has_node_count(2)) + self.wait_until(lambda: has_node_count(2)) self.log.info("Invalidate the proof and check the nodes are removed") tip = node.getbestblockhash() # Invalidate the block with the proof utxo node.invalidateblock(blockhashes[1]) # Change the address to make sure we don't generate a block identical # to the one we just invalidated. Can be generate(1) after D9694 or # D9697 is landed. forked_tip = node.generatetoaddress(1, ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE)[0] - wait_until(lambda: node.getbestblockhash() == forked_tip) + self.wait_until(lambda: node.getbestblockhash() == forked_tip) - wait_until(lambda: len(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()) == 1) + self.wait_until(lambda: len(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()) == 1) assert peer_proofid not in get_proof_ids(node) self.log.info("Reorg back and check the nodes are added back") node.invalidateblock(forked_tip) node.reconsiderblock(tip) - wait_until(lambda: has_node_count(2), timeout=2) + self.wait_until(lambda: has_node_count(2), timeout=2) if __name__ == '__main__': AvalancheTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_voting.py b/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_voting.py index 0edf7af27..08d892a92 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_voting.py +++ b/test/functional/abc_p2p_avalanche_voting.py @@ -1,243 +1,240 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the resolution of forks via avalanche.""" import random from test_framework.avatools import ( get_ava_p2p_interface, create_coinbase_stakes, ) from test_framework.key import ( ECKey, ECPubKey, ) from test_framework.messages import AvalancheVote from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework -from test_framework.util import ( - assert_equal, - wait_until, -) +from test_framework.util import assert_equal from test_framework.wallet_util import bytes_to_wif BLOCK_ACCEPTED = 0 BLOCK_INVALID = 1 BLOCK_PARKED = 2 BLOCK_FORK = 3 BLOCK_UNKNOWN = -1 BLOCK_MISSING = -2 BLOCK_PENDING = -3 QUORUM_NODE_COUNT = 16 class AvalancheTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.extra_args = [ ['-enableavalanche=1', '-avacooldown=0'], ['-enableavalanche=1', '-avacooldown=0', '-noparkdeepreorg', '-maxreorgdepth=-1']] self.supports_cli = False self.rpc_timeout = 120 def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] # Build a fake quorum of nodes. def get_quorum(): return [get_ava_p2p_interface(node) for _ in range(0, QUORUM_NODE_COUNT)] # Pick on node from the quorum for polling. quorum = get_quorum() poll_node = quorum[0] # Generate many block and poll for them. addrkey0 = node.get_deterministic_priv_key() blockhashes = node.generatetoaddress(100, addrkey0.address) # Use the first coinbase to create a stake stakes = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blockhashes[0]], addrkey0.key) fork_node = self.nodes[1] # Make sure the fork node has synced the blocks self.sync_blocks([node, fork_node]) # Get the key so we can verify signatures. avakey = ECPubKey() avakey.set(bytes.fromhex(node.getavalanchekey())) self.log.info("Poll for the chain tip...") best_block_hash = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) poll_node.send_poll([best_block_hash]) def assert_response(expected): response = poll_node.wait_for_avaresponse() r = response.response assert_equal(r.cooldown, 0) # Verify signature. assert avakey.verify_schnorr(response.sig, r.get_hash()) votes = r.votes assert_equal(len(votes), len(expected)) for i in range(0, len(votes)): assert_equal(repr(votes[i]), repr(expected[i])) assert_response([AvalancheVote(BLOCK_ACCEPTED, best_block_hash)]) self.log.info("Poll for a selection of blocks...") various_block_hashes = [ int(node.getblockhash(0), 16), int(node.getblockhash(1), 16), int(node.getblockhash(10), 16), int(node.getblockhash(25), 16), int(node.getblockhash(42), 16), int(node.getblockhash(96), 16), int(node.getblockhash(99), 16), int(node.getblockhash(100), 16), ] poll_node.send_poll(various_block_hashes) assert_response([AvalancheVote(BLOCK_ACCEPTED, h) for h in various_block_hashes]) self.log.info( "Poll for a selection of blocks, but some are now invalid...") invalidated_block = node.getblockhash(76) node.invalidateblock(invalidated_block) # We need to send the coin to a new address in order to make sure we do # not regenerate the same block. node.generatetoaddress( 26, 'ecregtest:pqv2r67sgz3qumufap3h2uuj0zfmnzuv8v38gtrh5v') node.reconsiderblock(invalidated_block) poll_node.send_poll(various_block_hashes) assert_response([AvalancheVote(BLOCK_ACCEPTED, h) for h in various_block_hashes[:5]] + [AvalancheVote(BLOCK_FORK, h) for h in various_block_hashes[-3:]]) self.log.info("Poll for unknown blocks...") various_block_hashes = [ int(node.getblockhash(0), 16), int(node.getblockhash(25), 16), int(node.getblockhash(42), 16), various_block_hashes[5], various_block_hashes[6], various_block_hashes[7], random.randrange(1 << 255, (1 << 256) - 1), random.randrange(1 << 255, (1 << 256) - 1), random.randrange(1 << 255, (1 << 256) - 1), ] poll_node.send_poll(various_block_hashes) assert_response([AvalancheVote(BLOCK_ACCEPTED, h) for h in various_block_hashes[:3]] + [AvalancheVote(BLOCK_FORK, h) for h in various_block_hashes[3:6]] + [AvalancheVote(BLOCK_UNKNOWN, h) for h in various_block_hashes[-3:]]) self.log.info("Trigger polling from the node...") # duplicate the deterministic sig test from src/test/key_tests.cpp privkey = ECKey() privkey.set(bytes.fromhex( "12b004fff7f4b69ef8650e767f18f11ede158148b425660723b9f9a66e61f747"), True) proof_sequence = 11 proof_expiration = 12 proof = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, bytes_to_wif( privkey.get_bytes()), stakes) # Activate the quorum. for n in quorum: success = node.addavalanchenode( n.nodeid, privkey.get_pubkey().get_bytes().hex(), proof) assert success is True def can_find_block_in_poll(hash, resp=BLOCK_ACCEPTED): found_hash = False for n in quorum: poll = n.get_avapoll_if_available() # That node has not received a poll if poll is None: continue # We got a poll, check for the hash and repond votes = [] for inv in poll.invs: # Vote yes to everything r = BLOCK_ACCEPTED # Look for what we expect if inv.hash == hash: r = resp found_hash = True votes.append(AvalancheVote(r, inv.hash)) n.send_avaresponse(poll.round, votes, privkey) return found_hash # Now that we have a peer, we should start polling for the tip. hash_tip = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) - wait_until(lambda: can_find_block_in_poll(hash_tip), timeout=5) + self.wait_until(lambda: can_find_block_in_poll(hash_tip), timeout=5) # Make sure the fork node has synced the blocks self.sync_blocks([node, fork_node]) # Create a fork 2 blocks deep. This should trigger polling. fork_node.invalidateblock(fork_node.getblockhash(100)) fork_address = fork_node.get_deterministic_priv_key().address fork_node.generatetoaddress(2, fork_address) # Because the new tip is a deep reorg, the node will not accept it # right away, but poll for it. def parked_block(blockhash): for tip in node.getchaintips(): if tip["hash"] == blockhash: assert tip["status"] != "active" return tip["status"] == "parked" return False fork_tip = fork_node.getbestblockhash() - wait_until(lambda: parked_block(fork_tip)) + self.wait_until(lambda: parked_block(fork_tip)) self.log.info("Answer all polls to finalize...") hash_to_find = int(fork_tip, 16) def has_accepted_new_tip(): can_find_block_in_poll(hash_to_find) return node.getbestblockhash() == fork_tip # Because everybody answers yes, the node will accept that block. - wait_until(has_accepted_new_tip, timeout=15) + self.wait_until(has_accepted_new_tip, timeout=15) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), fork_tip) self.log.info("Answer all polls to park...") node.generate(1) tip_to_park = node.getbestblockhash() hash_to_find = int(tip_to_park, 16) assert(tip_to_park != fork_tip) def has_parked_new_tip(): can_find_block_in_poll(hash_to_find, BLOCK_PARKED) return node.getbestblockhash() == fork_tip # Because everybody answers no, the node will park that block. - wait_until(has_parked_new_tip, timeout=15) + self.wait_until(has_parked_new_tip, timeout=15) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), fork_tip) self.log.info( "Check the node is discouraging unexpected avaresponses.") with node.assert_debug_log( ['Misbehaving', 'peer=1 (0 -> 2): unexpected-ava-response']): # unknown voting round poll_node.send_avaresponse( round=2**32 - 1, votes=[], privkey=privkey) if __name__ == '__main__': AvalancheTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc_p2p_compactblocks.py b/test/functional/abc_p2p_compactblocks.py index 249178d67..ac1f968a7 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc_p2p_compactblocks.py +++ b/test/functional/abc_p2p_compactblocks.py @@ -1,363 +1,360 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ This test checks simple acceptance of bigger blocks via p2p. It is derived from the much more complex p2p-fullblocktest. The intention is that small tests can be derived from this one, or this one can be extended, to cover the checks done for bigger blocks (e.g. sigops limits). """ from collections import deque import random import time from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block, create_coinbase, create_tx_with_script, make_conform_to_ctor, ) from test_framework.cdefs import ONE_MEGABYTE from test_framework.messages import ( COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, HeaderAndShortIDs, msg_cmpctblock, msg_sendcmpct, ser_compact_size, ) from test_framework.p2p import ( p2p_lock, P2PDataStore, P2PInterface, ) from test_framework.script import CScript, OP_RETURN, OP_TRUE from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.txtools import pad_tx -from test_framework.util import ( - assert_equal, - wait_until -) +from test_framework.util import assert_equal class PreviousSpendableOutput(): def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): self.tx = tx # the output we're spending self.n = n # TestP2PConn: A peer we use to send messages to bitcoind, and store responses. class TestP2PConn(P2PInterface): def __init__(self): self.last_sendcmpct = None self.last_cmpctblock = None self.last_getheaders = None self.last_headers = None super().__init__() def on_sendcmpct(self, message): self.last_sendcmpct = message def on_cmpctblock(self, message): self.last_cmpctblock = message self.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() def on_getheaders(self, message): self.last_getheaders = message def on_headers(self, message): self.last_headers = message for x in self.last_headers.headers: x.calc_sha256() def clear_block_data(self): with p2p_lock: self.last_sendcmpct = None self.last_cmpctblock = None class FullBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.block_heights = {} self.tip = None self.blocks = {} self.excessive_block_size = 16 * ONE_MEGABYTE self.extra_args = [['-whitelist=noban@', '-limitancestorcount=999999', '-limitancestorsize=999999', '-limitdescendantcount=999999', '-limitdescendantsize=999999', '-maxmempool=99999', '-excessiveblocksize={}'.format( self.excessive_block_size), '-acceptnonstdtxn=1']] # UBSAN will cause this test to timeout without this. self.rpc_timeout = 180 def add_options(self, parser): super().add_options(parser) parser.add_argument( "--runbarelyexpensive", dest="runbarelyexpensive", default=True) def add_transactions_to_block(self, block, tx_list): [tx.rehash() for tx in tx_list] block.vtx.extend(tx_list) # this is a little handier to use than the version in blocktools.py def create_tx(self, spend_tx, n, value, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): tx = create_tx_with_script(spend_tx, n, b"", value, script) return tx def next_block(self, number, spend=None, script=CScript( [OP_TRUE]), block_size=0, extra_txns=0): if self.tip is None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 # First create the coinbase height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height) coinbase.rehash() if spend is None: # We need to have something to spend to fill the block. assert_equal(block_size, 0) block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) else: # all but one satoshi to fees coinbase.vout[0].nValue += spend.tx.vout[spend.n].nValue - 1 coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) # Make sure we have plenty enough to spend going forward. spendable_outputs = deque([spend]) def get_base_transaction(): # Create the new transaction tx = CTransaction() # Spend from one of the spendable outputs spend = spendable_outputs.popleft() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(spend.tx.sha256, spend.n))) # Add spendable outputs for i in range(4): tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) spendable_outputs.append(PreviousSpendableOutput(tx, i)) pad_tx(tx) return tx tx = get_base_transaction() # Make it the same format as transaction added for padding and save the size. # It's missing the padding output, so we add a constant to account # for it. tx.rehash() # If a specific script is required, add it. if script is not None: tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1, script)) # Put some random data into the first transaction of the chain to # randomize ids. tx.vout.append( CTxOut(0, CScript([random.randint(0, 256), OP_RETURN]))) # Add the transaction to the block self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) # Add transaction until we reach the expected transaction count for _ in range(extra_txns): self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [get_base_transaction()]) # If we have a block size requirement, just fill # the block until we get there current_block_size = len(block.serialize()) overage_bytes = 0 while current_block_size < block_size: # We will add a new transaction. That means the size of # the field enumerating how many transaction go in the block # may change. current_block_size -= len(ser_compact_size(len(block.vtx))) current_block_size += len(ser_compact_size(len(block.vtx) + 1)) # Add padding to fill the block. left_to_fill = block_size - current_block_size # Don't go over the 1 mb limit for a txn if left_to_fill > 500000: # Make sure we eat up non-divisible by 100 amounts quickly # Also keep transaction less than 1 MB left_to_fill = 500000 + left_to_fill % 100 # Create the new transaction tx = get_base_transaction() pad_tx(tx, left_to_fill - overage_bytes) if len(tx.serialize()) + current_block_size > block_size: # Our padding was too big try again overage_bytes += 1 continue # Add the tx to the list of transactions to be included # in the block. self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) current_block_size += len(tx.serialize()) # Now that we added a bunch of transaction, we need to recompute # the merkle root. make_conform_to_ctor(block) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() # Check that the block size is what's expected if block_size > 0: assert_equal(len(block.serialize()), block_size) # Do PoW, which is cheap on regnet block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] default_p2p = node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore()) test_p2p = node.add_p2p_connection(TestP2PConn()) self.genesis_hash = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 spendable_outputs = [] # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block def save_spendable_output(): spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) # get an output that we previously marked as spendable def get_spendable_output(): return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # shorthand for functions block = self.next_block # Create a new block block(0) save_spendable_output() default_p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. maturity_blocks = [] for i in range(99): block(5000 + i) maturity_blocks.append(self.tip) save_spendable_output() # Get to one block of the May 15, 2018 HF activation for i in range(6): block(5100 + i) maturity_blocks.append(self.tip) # Send it all to the node at once. default_p2p.send_blocks_and_test(maturity_blocks, node) # collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on out = [] for i in range(100): out.append(get_spendable_output()) # Check that compact block also work for big blocks # Wait for SENDCMPCT def received_sendcmpct(): return (test_p2p.last_sendcmpct is not None) - wait_until(received_sendcmpct, timeout=30) + self.wait_until(received_sendcmpct, timeout=30) sendcmpct = msg_sendcmpct() sendcmpct.version = 1 sendcmpct.announce = True test_p2p.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) # Exchange headers def received_getheaders(): return (test_p2p.last_getheaders is not None) - wait_until(received_getheaders, timeout=30) + self.wait_until(received_getheaders, timeout=30) # Return the favor test_p2p.send_message(test_p2p.last_getheaders) # Wait for the header list def received_headers(): return (test_p2p.last_headers is not None) - wait_until(received_headers, timeout=30) + self.wait_until(received_headers, timeout=30) # It's like we know about the same headers ! test_p2p.send_message(test_p2p.last_headers) # Send a block b1 = block(1, spend=out[0], block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) default_p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Checks the node to forward it via compact block def received_block(): return (test_p2p.last_cmpctblock is not None) - wait_until(received_block, timeout=30) + self.wait_until(received_block, timeout=30) # Was it our block ? cmpctblk_header = test_p2p.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header cmpctblk_header.calc_sha256() assert cmpctblk_header.sha256 == b1.sha256 # Send a large block with numerous transactions. test_p2p.clear_block_data() b2 = block(2, spend=out[1], extra_txns=70000, block_size=self.excessive_block_size - 1000) default_p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Checks the node forwards it via compact block - wait_until(received_block, timeout=30) + self.wait_until(received_block, timeout=30) # Was it our block ? cmpctblk_header = test_p2p.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header cmpctblk_header.calc_sha256() assert cmpctblk_header.sha256 == b2.sha256 # In order to avoid having to resend a ton of transactions, we invalidate # b2, which will send all its transactions in the mempool. Note that this # assumes reorgs will insert low-fee transactions back into the # mempool. node.invalidateblock(node.getbestblockhash()) # Let's send a compact block and see if the node accepts it. # Let's modify b2 and use it so that we can reuse the mempool. tx = b2.vtx[0] tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript([random.randint(0, 256), OP_RETURN]))) tx.rehash() b2.vtx[0] = tx b2.hashMerkleRoot = b2.calc_merkle_root() b2.solve() # Now we create the compact block and send it comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(b2) test_p2p.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) # Check that compact block is received properly assert int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) == b2.sha256 if __name__ == '__main__': FullBlockTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py b/test/functional/abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py index 71a622f8c..25dd7aee2 100644 --- a/test/functional/abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py +++ b/test/functional/abc_p2p_proof_inventory.py @@ -1,303 +1,302 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2021 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ Test proof inventory relaying """ from test_framework.avatools import ( gen_proof, get_proof_ids, wait_for_proof, ) from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE from test_framework.key import ECKey from test_framework.messages import ( AvalancheProof, CInv, FromHex, MSG_AVA_PROOF, MSG_TYPE_MASK, msg_avaproof, msg_getdata, ) from test_framework.p2p import ( P2PInterface, p2p_lock, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_greater_than, connect_nodes, - wait_until, ) from test_framework.wallet_util import bytes_to_wif import time # Broadcast reattempt occurs every 10 to 15 minutes MAX_INITIAL_BROADCAST_DELAY = 15 * 60 # Delay to allow the node to respond to getdata requests UNCONDITIONAL_RELAY_DELAY = 2 * 60 class ProofInvStoreP2PInterface(P2PInterface): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.proof_invs_counter = 0 def on_inv(self, message): for i in message.inv: if i.type & MSG_TYPE_MASK == MSG_AVA_PROOF: self.proof_invs_counter += 1 class ProofInventoryTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 5 self.extra_args = [['-enableavalanche=1', '-avacooldown=0']] * self.num_nodes def test_send_proof_inv(self): self.log.info("Test sending a proof to our peers") node = self.nodes[0] for i in range(10): node.add_p2p_connection(ProofInvStoreP2PInterface()) _, proof = gen_proof(node) assert node.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) def proof_inv_found(peer): with p2p_lock: return peer.last_message.get( "inv") and peer.last_message["inv"].inv[-1].hash == proof.proofid - wait_until(lambda: all(proof_inv_found(i) for i in node.p2ps)) + self.wait_until(lambda: all(proof_inv_found(i) for i in node.p2ps)) self.log.info("Test that we don't send the same inv several times") extra_peer = ProofInvStoreP2PInterface() node.add_p2p_connection(extra_peer) # Send the same proof one more time node.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) # Our new extra peer should receive it but not the others - wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_found(extra_peer)) + self.wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_found(extra_peer)) assert all(p.proof_invs_counter == 1 for p in node.p2ps) # Send the proof again and force the send loop to be processed for peer in node.p2ps: node.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) peer.sync_with_ping() assert all(p.proof_invs_counter == 1 for p in node.p2ps) def test_receive_proof(self): self.log.info("Test a peer is created on proof reception") node = self.nodes[0] _, proof = gen_proof(node) peer = node.add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) msg = msg_avaproof() msg.proof = proof peer.send_message(msg) - wait_until(lambda: proof.proofid in get_proof_ids(node)) + self.wait_until(lambda: proof.proofid in get_proof_ids(node)) self.log.info("Test receiving a proof with missing utxo is orphaned") privkey = ECKey() privkey.generate() orphan_hex = node.buildavalancheproof( 42, 2000000000, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), [{ 'txid': '0' * 64, 'vout': 0, 'amount': 10e6, 'height': 42, 'iscoinbase': False, 'privatekey': bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), }] ) orphan = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), orphan_hex) orphan_proofid = "{:064x}".format(orphan.proofid) msg = msg_avaproof() msg.proof = orphan peer.send_message(msg) wait_for_proof(node, orphan_proofid, expect_orphan=True) def test_ban_invalid_proof(self): node = self.nodes[0] _, bad_proof = gen_proof(node) bad_proof.stakes = [] peer = node.add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) msg = msg_avaproof() msg.proof = bad_proof with node.assert_debug_log([ 'Misbehaving', 'invalid-avaproof', ]): peer.send_message(msg) peer.wait_for_disconnect() def test_proof_relay(self): # This test makes no sense with a single node ! assert_greater_than(self.num_nodes, 1) def restart_nodes_with_proof(nodes=self.nodes): proofids = set() for i, node in enumerate(nodes): privkey, proof = gen_proof(node) proofids.add(proof.proofid) self.restart_node(node.index, self.extra_args[node.index] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof.serialize().hex()), "-avamasterkey={}".format(bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes())) ]) # Connect a block to make the proof be added to our pool node.generate(1) - wait_until(lambda: proof.proofid in get_proof_ids(node)) + self.wait_until(lambda: proof.proofid in get_proof_ids(node)) [connect_nodes(node, n) for n in nodes[:i]] return proofids proofids = restart_nodes_with_proof(self.nodes) self.log.info("Nodes should eventually get the proof from their peer") self.sync_proofs() for node in self.nodes: assert_equal(set(get_proof_ids(node)), proofids) def test_manually_sent_proof(self): node0 = self.nodes[0] _, proof = gen_proof(node0) self.log.info( "Send a proof via RPC and check all the nodes download it") node0.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) self.sync_proofs() def test_unbroadcast(self): self.log.info("Test broadcasting proofs") node = self.nodes[0] # Disconnect the other nodes, or they will request the proof and # invalidate the test [node.stop_node() for node in self.nodes[1:]] def add_peers(count): peers = [] for i in range(count): peer = node.add_p2p_connection(ProofInvStoreP2PInterface()) peer.wait_for_verack() peers.append(peer) return peers _, proof = gen_proof(node) proofid_hex = "{:064x}".format(proof.proofid) # Broadcast the proof peers = add_peers(3) assert node.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) wait_for_proof(node, proofid_hex) def proof_inv_received(peers): with p2p_lock: return all(p.last_message.get( "inv") and p.last_message["inv"].inv[-1].hash == proof.proofid for p in peers) - wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_received(peers)) + self.wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_received(peers)) # If no peer request the proof for download, the node should reattempt # broadcasting to all new peers after 10 to 15 minutes. peers = add_peers(3) node.mockscheduler(MAX_INITIAL_BROADCAST_DELAY + 1) peers[-1].sync_with_ping() - wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_received(peers)) + self.wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_received(peers)) # If at least one peer requests the proof, there is no more attempt to # broadcast it node.setmocktime(int(time.time()) + UNCONDITIONAL_RELAY_DELAY) msg = msg_getdata([CInv(t=MSG_AVA_PROOF, h=proof.proofid)]) peers[-1].send_message(msg) # Give enough time for the node to broadcast the proof again peers = add_peers(3) node.mockscheduler(MAX_INITIAL_BROADCAST_DELAY + 1) peers[-1].sync_with_ping() assert not proof_inv_received(peers) self.log.info( "Proofs that become invalid should no longer be broadcasted") # Restart and add connect a new set of peers self.restart_node(0) # Broadcast the proof peers = add_peers(3) assert node.sendavalancheproof(proof.serialize().hex()) - wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_received(peers)) + self.wait_until(lambda: proof_inv_received(peers)) # Sanity check our node knows the proof, and it is valid wait_for_proof(node, proofid_hex, expect_orphan=False) # Mature the utxo then spend it node.generate(100) utxo = proof.stakes[0].stake.utxo raw_tx = node.createrawtransaction( inputs=[{ # coinbase "txid": "{:064x}".format(utxo.hash), "vout": utxo.n }], outputs={ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE: 25_000_000 - 250.00}, ) signed_tx = node.signrawtransactionwithkey( hexstring=raw_tx, privkeys=[node.get_deterministic_priv_key().key], ) node.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx['hex']) # Mine the tx in a block node.generate(1) # Wait for the proof to be orphaned - wait_until(lambda: node.getrawavalancheproof( + self.wait_until(lambda: node.getrawavalancheproof( proofid_hex)["orphan"] is True) # It should no longer be broadcasted peers = add_peers(3) node.mockscheduler(MAX_INITIAL_BROADCAST_DELAY + 1) peers[-1].sync_with_ping() assert not proof_inv_received(peers) def run_test(self): self.test_send_proof_inv() self.test_receive_proof() self.test_ban_invalid_proof() self.test_proof_relay() self.test_manually_sent_proof() # Run this test last because it needs to disconnect the nodes self.test_unbroadcast() if __name__ == '__main__': ProofInventoryTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py b/test/functional/abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py index 28aec3747..ddfd3a24b 100644 --- a/test/functional/abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py +++ b/test/functional/abc_rpc_avalancheproof.py @@ -1,481 +1,481 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2021 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test building avalanche proofs and using them to add avalanche peers.""" import base64 from decimal import Decimal from test_framework.address import ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE from test_framework.avatools import ( create_coinbase_stakes, create_stakes, get_proof_ids, wait_for_proof, ) from test_framework.key import ECKey from test_framework.messages import ( AvalancheDelegation, AvalancheDelegationLevel, AvalancheProof, FromHex, ) from test_framework.p2p import P2PInterface, p2p_lock from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.test_node import ErrorMatch from test_framework.util import ( append_config, assert_equal, connect_nodes, - wait_until, assert_raises_rpc_error, ) from test_framework.wallet_util import bytes_to_wif AVALANCHE_MAX_PROOF_STAKES = 1000 PROOF_DUST_THRESHOLD = 1000000.0 """Minimum amount per UTXO in a proof (in coins, not in satoshis)""" def add_interface_node(test_node) -> str: """Create a mininode, connect it to test_node, return the nodeid of the mininode as registered by test_node. """ n = P2PInterface() test_node.add_p2p_connection(n) n.wait_for_verack() return test_node.getpeerinfo()[-1]['id'] class AvalancheProofTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.extra_args = [['-enableavalanche=1', '-avacooldown=0'], ['-enableavalanche=1', '-avacooldown=0']] self.supports_cli = False self.rpc_timeout = 120 def run_test(self): # Turn off node 1 while node 0 mines blocks to generate stakes, # so that we can later try starting node 1 with an orphan proof. self.stop_node(1) node = self.nodes[0] addrkey0 = node.get_deterministic_priv_key() blockhashes = node.generatetoaddress(100, addrkey0.address) self.log.info( "Make build a valid proof and restart the node to use it") privkey = ECKey() privkey.set(bytes.fromhex( "12b004fff7f4b69ef8650e767f18f11ede158148b425660723b9f9a66e61f747"), True) wif_privkey = bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()) def get_hex_pubkey(privkey): return privkey.get_pubkey().get_bytes().hex() proof_master = get_hex_pubkey(privkey) proof_sequence = 11 proof_expiration = 12 stakes = create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blockhashes[0]], addrkey0.key) proof = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, wif_privkey, stakes) self.log.info("Test decodeavalancheproof RPC") proofobj = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), proof) decodedproof = node.decodeavalancheproof(proof) limited_id_hex = f"{proofobj.limited_proofid:0{64}x}" assert_equal(decodedproof["sequence"], proof_sequence) assert_equal(decodedproof["expiration"], proof_expiration) assert_equal(decodedproof["master"], proof_master) assert_equal(decodedproof["proofid"], f"{proofobj.proofid:0{64}x}") assert_equal(decodedproof["limitedid"], limited_id_hex) assert_equal(decodedproof["stakes"][0]["txid"], stakes[0]["txid"]) assert_equal(decodedproof["stakes"][0]["vout"], stakes[0]["vout"]) assert_equal(decodedproof["stakes"][0]["height"], stakes[0]["height"]) assert_equal( decodedproof["stakes"][0]["iscoinbase"], stakes[0]["iscoinbase"]) assert_equal( decodedproof["stakes"][0]["signature"], base64.b64encode(proofobj.stakes[0].sig).decode("ascii")) # Invalid hex (odd number of hex digits) assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Proof must be an hexadecimal string", node.decodeavalancheproof, proof[:-1]) # Valid hex but invalid proof assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Proof has invalid format", node.decodeavalancheproof, proof[:-2]) # Restart the node with this proof self.restart_node(0, self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ]) self.log.info("The proof is registered at first chaintip update") assert_equal(len(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()), 0) node.generate(1) - wait_until(lambda: len(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()) == 1, timeout=5) + self.wait_until(lambda: len(node.getavalanchepeerinfo()) == 1, + timeout=5) # This case will occur for users building proofs with a third party # tool and then starting a new node that is not yet aware of the # transactions used for stakes. self.log.info("Start a node with an orphan proof") self.start_node(1, self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ]) # Mine a block to trigger an attempt at registering the proof self.nodes[1].generate(1) wait_for_proof(self.nodes[1], f"{proofobj.proofid:0{64}x}", expect_orphan=True) self.log.info("Connect to an up-to-date node to unorphan the proof") connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], node) self.sync_all() wait_for_proof(self.nodes[1], f"{proofobj.proofid:0{64}x}", expect_orphan=False) self.log.info("Generate delegations for the proof") # Stack up a few delegation levels def gen_privkey(): pk = ECKey() pk.generate() return pk delegator_privkey = privkey delegation = None for _ in range(10): delegated_privkey = gen_privkey() delegation = node.delegateavalancheproof( limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(delegator_privkey.get_bytes()), get_hex_pubkey(delegated_privkey), delegation, ) delegator_privkey = delegated_privkey random_privkey = gen_privkey() random_pubkey = get_hex_pubkey(random_privkey) # Invalid proof no_stake = node.buildavalancheproof(proof_sequence, proof_expiration, wif_privkey, []) # Invalid privkey assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, "The private key is invalid", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(bytes(32)), random_pubkey, ) # Invalid delegation bad_dg = AvalancheDelegation() assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "The delegation does not match the proof", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), random_pubkey, bad_dg.serialize().hex(), ) # Still invalid, but with a matching proofid bad_dg.limited_proofid = proofobj.limited_proofid bad_dg.proof_master = proofobj.master bad_dg.levels = [AvalancheDelegationLevel()] assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "The delegation is invalid", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), random_pubkey, bad_dg.serialize().hex(), ) # Wrong privkey, match the proof but does not match the delegation assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, "The private key does not match the delegation", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), random_pubkey, delegation, ) # Delegation not hex assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Delegation must be an hexadecimal string.", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), random_pubkey, "f00", ) # Delegation is hex but ill-formed assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Delegation has invalid format", node.delegateavalancheproof, limited_id_hex, bytes_to_wif(privkey.get_bytes()), random_pubkey, "dead", ) # Test invalid proofs dust = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, wif_privkey, create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blockhashes[0]], addrkey0.key, amount="0")) dust_amount = Decimal(f"{PROOF_DUST_THRESHOLD * 0.9999:.4f}") dust2 = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, wif_privkey, create_coinbase_stakes(node, [blockhashes[0]], addrkey0.key, amount=str(dust_amount))) missing_stake = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, wif_privkey, [{ 'txid': '0' * 64, 'vout': 0, 'amount': 10000000, 'height': 42, 'iscoinbase': False, 'privatekey': addrkey0.key, }] ) duplicate_stake = ("0b000000000000000c0000000000000021030b4c866585dd868" "a9d62348a9cd008d6a312937048fff31670e7e920cfc7a74402" "05c5f72f5d6da3085583e75ee79340eb4eff208c89988e7ed0e" "fb30b87298fa30000000000f2052a0100000003000000210227" "d85ba011276cf25b51df6a188b75e604b38770a462b2d0e9fb2" "fc839ef5d3f86076def2e8bc3c40671c1a0eb505da5857a950a" "0cf4625a80018cdd75ac62e61273ff8142f747de67e73f6368c" "8648942b0ef6c065d72a81ad7438a23c11cca05c5f72f5d6da3" "085583e75ee79340eb4eff208c89988e7ed0efb30b87298fa30" "000000000f2052a0100000003000000210227d85ba011276cf2" "5b51df6a188b75e604b38770a462b2d0e9fb2fc839ef5d3f860" "76def2e8bc3c40671c1a0eb505da5857a950a0cf4625a80018c" "dd75ac62e61273ff8142f747de67e73f6368c8648942b0ef6c0" "65d72a81ad7438a23c11cca") bad_sig = ("0b000000000000000c0000000000000021030b4c866585dd868a9d62348" "a9cd008d6a312937048fff31670e7e920cfc7a7440105c5f72f5d6da3085" "583e75ee79340eb4eff208c89988e7ed0efb30b87298fa30000000000f20" "52a0100000003000000210227d85ba011276cf25b51df6a188b75e604b3" "8770a462b2d0e9fb2fc839ef5d3faf07f001dd38e9b4a43d07d5d449cc0" "f7d2888d96b82962b3ce516d1083c0e031773487fc3c4f2e38acd1db974" "1321b91a79b82d1c2cfd47793261e4ba003cf5") wrong_order = ("c964aa6fde575e4ce8404581c7be874e21023beefdde700a6bc0203" "6335b4df141c8bc67bb05a971f5ac2745fd683797dde30305d427b7" "06705a5d4b6a368a231d6db62abacf8c29bc32b61e7f65a0a6976aa" "8b86b687bc0260e821e4f0200b9d3bf6d2102449fb5237efe8f647d" "32e8b64f06c22d1d40368eaca2a71ffc6a13ecc8bce68052365271b" "6c71189f5cd7e3b694b77b579080f0b35bae567b96590ab6aa3019b" "018ff9f061f52f1426bdb195d4b6d4dff5114cee90e33dabf0c588e" "badf7774418f54247f6390791706af36fac782302479898b5273f9e" "51a92cb1fb5af43deeb6c8c269403d30ffcb380300134398c42103e" "49f9df52de2dea81cf7838b82521b69f2ea360f1c4eed9e6c89b7d0" "f9e645efa08e97ea0c60e1f0a064fbf08989c084707082727e85dcb" "9f79bb503f76ee6c8dad42a07ef15c89b3750a5631d604b21fafff0" "f4de354ade95c2f28160ae549af0d4ce48c4ca9d0714b1fa5192027" "0f8575e0af610f07b4e602a018ecdbb649b64fff614c0026e9fc8e0" "030092533d422103aac52f4cfca700e7e9824298e0184755112e32f" "359c832f5f6ad2ef62a2c024af812d6d7f2ecc6223a774e19bce1fb" "20d94d6b01ea693638f55c74fdaa5358fa9239d03e4caf3d817e8f7" "48ccad55a27b9d365db06ad5a0b779ac385f3dc8710") self.log.info( "Check the verifyavalancheproof and sendavalancheproof RPCs") if self.is_wallet_compiled(): self.log.info( "Check a proof with the maximum number of UTXO is valid") new_blocks = node.generate(AVALANCHE_MAX_PROOF_STAKES // 10 + 1) # confirm the coinbase UTXOs node.generate(101) too_many_stakes = create_stakes( node, new_blocks, AVALANCHE_MAX_PROOF_STAKES + 1) maximum_stakes = too_many_stakes[:-1] good_proof = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, wif_privkey, maximum_stakes) too_many_utxos = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence, proof_expiration, wif_privkey, too_many_stakes) assert node.verifyavalancheproof(good_proof) for rpc in [node.verifyavalancheproof, node.sendavalancheproof]: assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Proof must be an hexadecimal string", rpc, "f00") assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "Proof has invalid format", rpc, "f00d") def check_rpc_failure(proof, message): assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "The proof is invalid: " + message, rpc, proof) check_rpc_failure(no_stake, "no-stake") check_rpc_failure(dust, "amount-below-dust-threshold") check_rpc_failure(duplicate_stake, "duplicated-stake") check_rpc_failure(missing_stake, "utxo-missing-or-spent") check_rpc_failure(bad_sig, "invalid-stake-signature") check_rpc_failure(wrong_order, "wrong-stake-ordering") if self.is_wallet_compiled(): check_rpc_failure(too_many_utxos, "too-many-utxos") conflicting_utxo = node.buildavalancheproof( proof_sequence + 1, proof_expiration, wif_privkey, stakes) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "The proof has conflicting utxo with an existing proof", node.sendavalancheproof, conflicting_utxo) # Good proof assert node.verifyavalancheproof(proof) peer = node.add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface()) proofid = FromHex(AvalancheProof(), proof).proofid node.sendavalancheproof(proof) assert proofid in get_proof_ids(node) def inv_found(): with p2p_lock: return peer.last_message.get( "inv") and peer.last_message["inv"].inv[-1].hash == proofid - wait_until(inv_found) + self.wait_until(inv_found) self.log.info("Check the getrawproof RPC") raw_proof = node.getrawavalancheproof("{:064x}".format(proofid)) assert_equal(raw_proof['proof'], proof) assert_equal(raw_proof['orphan'], False) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Proof not found", node.getrawavalancheproof, '0' * 64) # Orphan the proof by sending the stake raw_tx = node.createrawtransaction( [{"txid": stakes[-1]["txid"], "vout": 0}], {ADDRESS_ECREG_UNSPENDABLE: stakes[-1] ["amount"] - Decimal('10000')} ) signed_tx = node.signrawtransactionwithkey(raw_tx, [addrkey0.key]) node.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx["hex"]) node.generate(1) - wait_until(lambda: proofid not in get_proof_ids(node)) + self.wait_until(lambda: proofid not in get_proof_ids(node)) raw_proof = node.getrawavalancheproof("{:064x}".format(proofid)) assert_equal(raw_proof['proof'], proof) assert_equal(raw_proof['orphan'], True) self.log.info("Bad proof should be rejected at startup") self.stop_node(0) node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avasessionkey=0", ], expected_msg="Error: The avalanche session key is invalid.", ) node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), ], expected_msg="Error: The avalanche master key is missing for the avalanche proof.", ) node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=0", ], expected_msg="Error: The avalanche master key is invalid.", ) def check_proof_init_error(proof, message): node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ], expected_msg="Error: " + message, ) check_proof_init_error(no_stake, "The avalanche proof has no stake.") check_proof_init_error(dust, "The avalanche proof stake is too low.") check_proof_init_error(dust2, "The avalanche proof stake is too low.") check_proof_init_error(duplicate_stake, "The avalanche proof has duplicated stake.") check_proof_init_error(bad_sig, "The avalanche proof has invalid stake signatures.") if self.is_wallet_compiled(): # The too many utxos case creates a proof which is that large that it # cannot fit on the command line append_config(node.datadir, ["avaproof={}".format(too_many_utxos)]) node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avamasterkey=cND2ZvtabDbJ1gucx9GWH6XT9kgTAqfb6cotPt5Q5CyxVDhid2EN", ], expected_msg="Error: The avalanche proof has too many utxos.", match=ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX, ) # Master private key mismatch random_privkey = ECKey() random_privkey.generate() node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey={}".format( bytes_to_wif(random_privkey.get_bytes())), ], expected_msg="Error: The master key does not match the proof public key.", ) self.log.info("Bad delegation should be rejected at startup") def check_delegation_init_error(delegation, message): node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avadelegation={}".format(delegation), "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey={}".format( bytes_to_wif(delegated_privkey.get_bytes())), ], expected_msg="Error: " + message, ) check_delegation_init_error( AvalancheDelegation().serialize().hex(), "The delegation does not match the proof.") bad_level_sig = FromHex(AvalancheDelegation(), delegation) # Tweak some key to cause the signature to mismatch bad_level_sig.levels[-2].pubkey = bytes.fromhex(proof_master) check_delegation_init_error(bad_level_sig.serialize().hex(), "The avalanche delegation has invalid signatures.") node.assert_start_raises_init_error( self.extra_args[0] + [ "-avadelegation={}".format(delegation), "-avaproof={}".format(proof), "-avamasterkey={}".format( bytes_to_wif(random_privkey.get_bytes())), ], expected_msg="Error: The master key does not match the delegation public key.", ) if __name__ == '__main__': AvalancheProofTest().main()