diff --git a/src/banman.cpp b/src/banman.cpp index f5246d110..9f177e707 100644 --- a/src/banman.cpp +++ b/src/banman.cpp @@ -1,230 +1,230 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include BanMan::BanMan(fs::path ban_file, const CChainParams &chainparams, CClientUIInterface *client_interface, int64_t default_ban_time) : m_client_interface(client_interface), m_ban_db(std::move(ban_file), chainparams), m_default_ban_time(default_ban_time) { if (m_client_interface) { m_client_interface->InitMessage(_("Loading banlist...").translated); } int64_t n_start = GetTimeMillis(); m_is_dirty = false; banmap_t banmap; if (m_ban_db.Read(banmap)) { // thread save setter SetBanned(banmap); // no need to write down, just read data SetBannedSetDirty(false); // sweep out unused entries SweepBanned(); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Loaded %d banned node ips/subnets from banlist.dat %dms\n", banmap.size(), GetTimeMillis() - n_start); } else { LogPrintf("Invalid or missing banlist.dat; recreating\n"); // force write SetBannedSetDirty(true); DumpBanlist(); } } BanMan::~BanMan() { DumpBanlist(); } void BanMan::DumpBanlist() { // clean unused entries (if bantime has expired) SweepBanned(); if (!BannedSetIsDirty()) { return; } int64_t n_start = GetTimeMillis(); banmap_t banmap; GetBanned(banmap); if (m_ban_db.Write(banmap)) { SetBannedSetDirty(false); } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Flushed %d banned node ips/subnets to banlist.dat %dms\n", banmap.size(), GetTimeMillis() - n_start); } void BanMan::ClearBanned() { { LOCK(m_cs_banned); m_discouraged.reset(); m_banned.clear(); m_is_dirty = true; } // store banlist to disk DumpBanlist(); if (m_client_interface) { m_client_interface->BannedListChanged(); } } bool BanMan::IsDiscouraged(const CNetAddr &net_addr) { LOCK(m_cs_banned); return m_discouraged.contains(net_addr.GetAddrBytes()); } bool BanMan::IsBanned(const CNetAddr &net_addr) { auto current_time = GetTime(); LOCK(m_cs_banned); for (const auto &it : m_banned) { CSubNet sub_net = it.first; CBanEntry ban_entry = it.second; if (current_time < ban_entry.nBanUntil && sub_net.Match(net_addr)) { return true; } } return false; } bool BanMan::IsBanned(const CSubNet &sub_net) { auto current_time = GetTime(); LOCK(m_cs_banned); banmap_t::iterator i = m_banned.find(sub_net); if (i != m_banned.end()) { CBanEntry ban_entry = (*i).second; if (current_time < ban_entry.nBanUntil) { return true; } } return false; } void BanMan::Ban(const CNetAddr &net_addr, int64_t ban_time_offset, bool since_unix_epoch) { CSubNet sub_net(net_addr); Ban(sub_net, ban_time_offset, since_unix_epoch); } void BanMan::Discourage(const CNetAddr &net_addr) { LOCK(m_cs_banned); m_discouraged.insert(net_addr.GetAddrBytes()); } void BanMan::Ban(const CSubNet &sub_net, int64_t ban_time_offset, bool since_unix_epoch) { CBanEntry ban_entry(GetTime()); int64_t normalized_ban_time_offset = ban_time_offset; bool normalized_since_unix_epoch = since_unix_epoch; if (ban_time_offset <= 0) { normalized_ban_time_offset = m_default_ban_time; normalized_since_unix_epoch = false; } ban_entry.nBanUntil = (normalized_since_unix_epoch ? 0 : GetTime()) + normalized_ban_time_offset; { LOCK(m_cs_banned); if (m_banned[sub_net].nBanUntil < ban_entry.nBanUntil) { m_banned[sub_net] = ban_entry; m_is_dirty = true; } else { return; } } if (m_client_interface) { m_client_interface->BannedListChanged(); } // store banlist to disk immediately DumpBanlist(); } bool BanMan::Unban(const CNetAddr &net_addr) { CSubNet sub_net(net_addr); return Unban(sub_net); } bool BanMan::Unban(const CSubNet &sub_net) { { LOCK(m_cs_banned); if (m_banned.erase(sub_net) == 0) { return false; } m_is_dirty = true; } if (m_client_interface) { m_client_interface->BannedListChanged(); } // store banlist to disk immediately DumpBanlist(); return true; } void BanMan::GetBanned(banmap_t &banmap) { LOCK(m_cs_banned); // Sweep the banlist so expired bans are not returned SweepBanned(); // create a thread safe copy banmap = m_banned; } void BanMan::SetBanned(const banmap_t &banmap) { LOCK(m_cs_banned); m_banned = banmap; m_is_dirty = true; } void BanMan::SweepBanned() { int64_t now = GetTime(); bool notify_ui = false; { LOCK(m_cs_banned); banmap_t::iterator it = m_banned.begin(); while (it != m_banned.end()) { CSubNet sub_net = (*it).first; CBanEntry ban_entry = (*it).second; - if (now > ban_entry.nBanUntil) { + if (!sub_net.IsValid() || now > ban_entry.nBanUntil) { m_banned.erase(it++); m_is_dirty = true; notify_ui = true; LogPrint( BCLog::NET, "%s: Removed banned node ip/subnet from banlist.dat: %s\n", __func__, sub_net.ToString()); } else { ++it; } } } // update UI if (notify_ui && m_client_interface) { m_client_interface->BannedListChanged(); } } bool BanMan::BannedSetIsDirty() { LOCK(m_cs_banned); return m_is_dirty; } void BanMan::SetBannedSetDirty(bool dirty) { // reuse m_banned lock for the m_is_dirty flag LOCK(m_cs_banned); m_is_dirty = dirty; } diff --git a/src/netaddress.cpp b/src/netaddress.cpp index 18139ede0..0c916b514 100644 --- a/src/netaddress.cpp +++ b/src/netaddress.cpp @@ -1,943 +1,957 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include constexpr size_t CNetAddr::V1_SERIALIZATION_SIZE; /** * Construct an unspecified IPv6 network address (::/128). * * @note This address is considered invalid by CNetAddr::IsValid() */ CNetAddr::CNetAddr() {} void CNetAddr::SetIP(const CNetAddr &ipIn) { // Size check. switch (ipIn.m_net) { case NET_IPV4: assert(ipIn.m_addr.size() == ADDR_IPV4_SIZE); break; case NET_IPV6: assert(ipIn.m_addr.size() == ADDR_IPV6_SIZE); break; case NET_ONION: assert(ipIn.m_addr.size() == ADDR_TORV2_SIZE); break; case NET_INTERNAL: assert(ipIn.m_addr.size() == ADDR_INTERNAL_SIZE); break; case NET_UNROUTABLE: case NET_MAX: assert(false); } // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases m_net = ipIn.m_net; m_addr = ipIn.m_addr; } template inline bool HasPrefix(const T1 &obj, const std::array &prefix) { return obj.size() >= PREFIX_LEN && std::equal(std::begin(prefix), std::end(prefix), std::begin(obj)); } void CNetAddr::SetLegacyIPv6(Span ipv6) { assert(ipv6.size() == ADDR_IPV6_SIZE); size_t skip{0}; if (HasPrefix(ipv6, IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX)) { // IPv4-in-IPv6 m_net = NET_IPV4; skip = sizeof(IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX); } else if (HasPrefix(ipv6, TORV2_IN_IPV6_PREFIX)) { // TORv2-in-IPv6 m_net = NET_ONION; skip = sizeof(TORV2_IN_IPV6_PREFIX); } else if (HasPrefix(ipv6, INTERNAL_IN_IPV6_PREFIX)) { // Internal-in-IPv6 m_net = NET_INTERNAL; skip = sizeof(INTERNAL_IN_IPV6_PREFIX); } else { // IPv6 m_net = NET_IPV6; } m_addr.assign(ipv6.begin() + skip, ipv6.end()); } /** * Create an "internal" address that represents a name or FQDN. CAddrMan uses * these fake addresses to keep track of which DNS seeds were used. * @returns Whether or not the operation was successful. * @see NET_INTERNAL, INTERNAL_IN_IPV6_PREFIX, CNetAddr::IsInternal(), * CNetAddr::IsRFC4193() */ bool CNetAddr::SetInternal(const std::string &name) { if (name.empty()) { return false; } m_net = NET_INTERNAL; uint8_t hash[32] = {}; CSHA256().Write((const uint8_t *)name.data(), name.size()).Finalize(hash); m_addr.assign(hash, hash + ADDR_INTERNAL_SIZE); return true; } /** * Parse a TORv2 address and set this object to it. * * @returns Whether or not the operation was successful. * * @see CNetAddr::IsTor() */ bool CNetAddr::SetSpecial(const std::string &strName) { if (strName.size() > 6 && strName.substr(strName.size() - 6, 6) == ".onion") { std::vector vchAddr = DecodeBase32(strName.substr(0, strName.size() - 6).c_str()); if (vchAddr.size() != ADDR_TORV2_SIZE) { return false; } m_net = NET_ONION; m_addr.assign(vchAddr.begin(), vchAddr.end()); return true; } return false; } CNetAddr::CNetAddr(const struct in_addr &ipv4Addr) { m_net = NET_IPV4; const uint8_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast(&ipv4Addr); m_addr.assign(ptr, ptr + ADDR_IPV4_SIZE); } CNetAddr::CNetAddr(const struct in6_addr &ipv6Addr, const uint32_t scope) { SetLegacyIPv6(Span( reinterpret_cast(&ipv6Addr), sizeof(ipv6Addr))); scopeId = scope; } bool CNetAddr::IsBindAny() const { if (!IsIPv4() && !IsIPv6()) { return false; } return std::all_of(m_addr.begin(), m_addr.end(), [](uint8_t b) { return b == 0; }); } bool CNetAddr::IsIPv4() const { return m_net == NET_IPV4; } bool CNetAddr::IsIPv6() const { return m_net == NET_IPV6; } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC1918() const { return IsIPv4() && (m_addr[0] == 10 || (m_addr[0] == 192 && m_addr[1] == 168) || (m_addr[0] == 172 && m_addr[1] >= 16 && m_addr[1] <= 31)); } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC2544() const { return IsIPv4() && m_addr[0] == 198 && (m_addr[1] == 18 || m_addr[1] == 19); } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC3927() const { return IsIPv4() && HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{169, 254}}); } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC6598() const { return IsIPv4() && m_addr[0] == 100 && m_addr[1] >= 64 && m_addr[1] <= 127; } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC5737() const { return IsIPv4() && (HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{192, 0, 2}}) || HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{198, 51, 100}}) || HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{203, 0, 113}})); } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC3849() const { return IsIPv6() && HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{0x20, 0x01, 0x0D, 0xB8}}); } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC3964() const { return IsIPv6() && HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{0x20, 0x02}}); } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC6052() const { return IsIPv6() && HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{0x00, 0x64, 0xFF, 0x9B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}}); } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC4380() const { return IsIPv6() && HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{0x20, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00}}); } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC4862() const { return IsIPv6() && HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{0xFE, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}}); } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC4193() const { return IsIPv6() && (m_addr[0] & 0xFE) == 0xFC; } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC6145() const { return IsIPv6() && HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00}}); } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC4843() const { return IsIPv6() && HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{0x20, 0x01, 0x00}}) && (m_addr[3] & 0xF0) == 0x10; } bool CNetAddr::IsRFC7343() const { return IsIPv6() && HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{0x20, 0x01, 0x00}}) && (m_addr[3] & 0xF0) == 0x20; } bool CNetAddr::IsHeNet() const { return IsIPv6() && HasPrefix(m_addr, std::array{{0x20, 0x01, 0x04, 0x70}}); } /** * @returns Whether or not this is a dummy address that maps an onion address * into IPv6. * * @see CNetAddr::SetSpecial(const std::string &) */ bool CNetAddr::IsTor() const { return m_net == NET_ONION; } bool CNetAddr::IsLocal() const { // IPv4 loopback ( or if (IsIPv4() && (m_addr[0] == 127 || m_addr[0] == 0)) { return true; } // IPv6 loopback (::1/128) static const uint8_t pchLocal[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}; if (IsIPv6() && memcmp(m_addr.data(), pchLocal, sizeof(pchLocal)) == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * @returns Whether or not this network address is a valid address that @a could * be used to refer to an actual host. * * @note A valid address may or may not be publicly routable on the global * internet. As in, the set of valid addresses is a superset of the set of * publicly routable addresses. * * @see CNetAddr::IsRoutable() */ bool CNetAddr::IsValid() const { // Cleanup 3-byte shifted addresses caused by garbage in size field of addr // messages from versions before 0.2.9 checksum. // Two consecutive addr messages look like this: // header20 vectorlen3 addr26 addr26 addr26 header20 vectorlen3 addr26 // addr26 addr26... so if the first length field is garbled, it reads the // second batch of addr misaligned by 3 bytes. if (IsIPv6() && memcmp(m_addr.data(), IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX.data() + 3, sizeof(IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX) - 3) == 0) { return false; } // unspecified IPv6 address (::/128) uint8_t ipNone6[16] = {}; if (IsIPv6() && memcmp(m_addr.data(), ipNone6, sizeof(ipNone6)) == 0) { return false; } // documentation IPv6 address if (IsRFC3849()) { return false; } if (IsInternal()) { return false; } if (IsIPv4()) { const uint32_t addr = ReadBE32(m_addr.data()); if (addr == INADDR_ANY || addr == INADDR_NONE) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @returns Whether or not this network address is publicly routable on the * global internet. * * @note A routable address is always valid. As in, the set of routable * addresses is a subset of the set of valid addresses. * * @see CNetAddr::IsValid() */ bool CNetAddr::IsRoutable() const { return IsValid() && !(IsRFC1918() || IsRFC2544() || IsRFC3927() || IsRFC4862() || IsRFC6598() || IsRFC5737() || (IsRFC4193() && !IsTor()) || IsRFC4843() || IsRFC7343() || IsLocal() || IsInternal()); } /** * @returns Whether or not this is a dummy address that represents a name. * * @see CNetAddr::SetInternal(const std::string &) */ bool CNetAddr::IsInternal() const { return m_net == NET_INTERNAL; } enum Network CNetAddr::GetNetwork() const { if (IsInternal()) { return NET_INTERNAL; } if (!IsRoutable()) { return NET_UNROUTABLE; } return m_net; } std::string CNetAddr::ToStringIP() const { if (IsTor()) { return EncodeBase32(m_addr.data(), m_addr.size()) + ".onion"; } if (IsInternal()) { return EncodeBase32(m_addr.data(), m_addr.size()) + ".internal"; } CService serv(*this, 0); struct sockaddr_storage sockaddr; socklen_t socklen = sizeof(sockaddr); if (serv.GetSockAddr((struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, &socklen)) { char name[1025] = ""; if (!getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, socklen, name, sizeof(name), nullptr, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) { return std::string(name); } } if (IsIPv4()) { return strprintf("%u.%u.%u.%u", m_addr[0], m_addr[1], m_addr[2], m_addr[3]); } assert(IsIPv6()); return strprintf("%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", m_addr[0] << 8 | m_addr[1], m_addr[2] << 8 | m_addr[3], m_addr[4] << 8 | m_addr[5], m_addr[6] << 8 | m_addr[7], m_addr[8] << 8 | m_addr[9], m_addr[10] << 8 | m_addr[11], m_addr[12] << 8 | m_addr[13], m_addr[14] << 8 | m_addr[15]); } std::string CNetAddr::ToString() const { return ToStringIP(); } bool operator==(const CNetAddr &a, const CNetAddr &b) { return a.m_net == b.m_net && a.m_addr == b.m_addr; } bool operator<(const CNetAddr &a, const CNetAddr &b) { return std::tie(a.m_net, a.m_addr) < std::tie(b.m_net, b.m_addr); } /** * Try to get our IPv4 address. * * @param[out] pipv4Addr The in_addr struct to which to copy. * * @returns Whether or not the operation was successful, in particular, whether * or not our address was an IPv4 address. * * @see CNetAddr::IsIPv4() */ bool CNetAddr::GetInAddr(struct in_addr *pipv4Addr) const { if (!IsIPv4()) { return false; } assert(sizeof(*pipv4Addr) == m_addr.size()); memcpy(pipv4Addr, m_addr.data(), m_addr.size()); return true; } /** * Try to get our IPv6 address. * * @param[out] pipv6Addr The in6_addr struct to which to copy. * * @returns Whether or not the operation was successful, in particular, whether * or not our address was an IPv6 address. * * @see CNetAddr::IsIPv6() */ bool CNetAddr::GetIn6Addr(struct in6_addr *pipv6Addr) const { if (!IsIPv6()) { return false; } assert(sizeof(*pipv6Addr) == m_addr.size()); memcpy(pipv6Addr, m_addr.data(), m_addr.size()); return true; } bool CNetAddr::HasLinkedIPv4() const { return IsRoutable() && (IsIPv4() || IsRFC6145() || IsRFC6052() || IsRFC3964() || IsRFC4380()); } uint32_t CNetAddr::GetLinkedIPv4() const { if (IsIPv4()) { return ReadBE32(m_addr.data()); } else if (IsRFC6052() || IsRFC6145()) { // mapped IPv4, SIIT translated IPv4: the IPv4 address is the last 4 // bytes of the address return ReadBE32(MakeSpan(m_addr).last(ADDR_IPV4_SIZE).data()); } else if (IsRFC3964()) { // 6to4 tunneled IPv4: the IPv4 address is in bytes 2-6 return ReadBE32(MakeSpan(m_addr).subspan(2, ADDR_IPV4_SIZE).data()); } else if (IsRFC4380()) { // Teredo tunneled IPv4: the IPv4 address is in the last 4 bytes of the // address, but bitflipped return ~ReadBE32(MakeSpan(m_addr).last(ADDR_IPV4_SIZE).data()); } assert(false); } uint32_t CNetAddr::GetNetClass() const { uint32_t net_class = NET_IPV6; if (IsLocal()) { net_class = 255; } if (IsInternal()) { net_class = NET_INTERNAL; } else if (!IsRoutable()) { net_class = NET_UNROUTABLE; } else if (HasLinkedIPv4()) { net_class = NET_IPV4; } else if (IsTor()) { net_class = NET_ONION; } return net_class; } uint32_t CNetAddr::GetMappedAS(const std::vector &asmap) const { uint32_t net_class = GetNetClass(); if (asmap.size() == 0 || (net_class != NET_IPV4 && net_class != NET_IPV6)) { return 0; // Indicates not found, safe because AS0 is reserved per // RFC7607. } std::vector ip_bits(128); if (HasLinkedIPv4()) { // For lookup, treat as if it was just an IPv4 address // (IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX + IPv4 bits) for (int8_t byte_i = 0; byte_i < 12; ++byte_i) { for (uint8_t bit_i = 0; bit_i < 8; ++bit_i) { ip_bits[byte_i * 8 + bit_i] = (IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX[byte_i] >> (7 - bit_i)) & 1; } } uint32_t ipv4 = GetLinkedIPv4(); for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { ip_bits[96 + i] = (ipv4 >> (31 - i)) & 1; } } else { // Use all 128 bits of the IPv6 address otherwise assert(IsIPv6()); for (int8_t byte_i = 0; byte_i < 16; ++byte_i) { uint8_t cur_byte = m_addr[byte_i]; for (uint8_t bit_i = 0; bit_i < 8; ++bit_i) { ip_bits[byte_i * 8 + bit_i] = (cur_byte >> (7 - bit_i)) & 1; } } } uint32_t mapped_as = Interpret(asmap, ip_bits); return mapped_as; } /** * Get the canonical identifier of our network group * * The groups are assigned in a way where it should be costly for an attacker to * obtain addresses with many different group identifiers, even if it is cheap * to obtain addresses with the same identifier. * * @note No two connections will be attempted to addresses with the same network * group. */ std::vector CNetAddr::GetGroup(const std::vector &asmap) const { std::vector vchRet; uint32_t net_class = GetNetClass(); // If non-empty asmap is supplied and the address is IPv4/IPv6, // return ASN to be used for bucketing. uint32_t asn = GetMappedAS(asmap); if (asn != 0) { // Either asmap was empty, or address has non-asmappable net // class (e.g. TOR). vchRet.push_back(NET_IPV6); // IPv4 and IPv6 with same ASN should be in // the same bucket for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { vchRet.push_back((asn >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF); } return vchRet; } vchRet.push_back(net_class); int nBits{0}; if (IsLocal()) { // all local addresses belong to the same group } else if (IsInternal()) { // all internal-usage addresses get their own group nBits = ADDR_INTERNAL_SIZE * 8; } else if (!IsRoutable()) { // all other unroutable addresses belong to the same group } else if (HasLinkedIPv4()) { // IPv4 addresses (and mapped IPv4 addresses) use /16 groups uint32_t ipv4 = GetLinkedIPv4(); vchRet.push_back((ipv4 >> 24) & 0xFF); vchRet.push_back((ipv4 >> 16) & 0xFF); return vchRet; } else if (IsTor()) { nBits = 4; } else if (IsHeNet()) { // for he.net, use /36 groups nBits = 36; } else { // for the rest of the IPv6 network, use /32 groups nBits = 32; } // Push our address onto vchRet. const size_t num_bytes = nBits / 8; vchRet.insert(vchRet.end(), m_addr.begin(), m_addr.begin() + num_bytes); nBits %= 8; // ...for the last byte, push nBits and for the rest of the byte push 1's if (nBits > 0) { assert(num_bytes < m_addr.size()); vchRet.push_back(m_addr[num_bytes] | ((1 << (8 - nBits)) - 1)); } return vchRet; } std::vector CNetAddr::GetAddrBytes() const { uint8_t serialized[V1_SERIALIZATION_SIZE]; SerializeV1Array(serialized); return {std::begin(serialized), std::end(serialized)}; } uint64_t CNetAddr::GetHash() const { uint256 hash = Hash(m_addr); uint64_t nRet; memcpy(&nRet, &hash, sizeof(nRet)); return nRet; } // private extensions to enum Network, only returned by GetExtNetwork, and only // used in GetReachabilityFrom static const int NET_UNKNOWN = NET_MAX + 0; static const int NET_TEREDO = NET_MAX + 1; static int GetExtNetwork(const CNetAddr *addr) { if (addr == nullptr) { return NET_UNKNOWN; } if (addr->IsRFC4380()) { return NET_TEREDO; } return addr->GetNetwork(); } /** Calculates a metric for how reachable (*this) is from a given partner */ int CNetAddr::GetReachabilityFrom(const CNetAddr *paddrPartner) const { enum Reachability { REACH_UNREACHABLE, REACH_DEFAULT, REACH_TEREDO, REACH_IPV6_WEAK, REACH_IPV4, REACH_IPV6_STRONG, REACH_PRIVATE }; if (!IsRoutable() || IsInternal()) { return REACH_UNREACHABLE; } int ourNet = GetExtNetwork(this); int theirNet = GetExtNetwork(paddrPartner); bool fTunnel = IsRFC3964() || IsRFC6052() || IsRFC6145(); switch (theirNet) { case NET_IPV4: switch (ourNet) { default: return REACH_DEFAULT; case NET_IPV4: return REACH_IPV4; } case NET_IPV6: switch (ourNet) { default: return REACH_DEFAULT; case NET_TEREDO: return REACH_TEREDO; case NET_IPV4: return REACH_IPV4; // only prefer giving our IPv6 address if it's not tunnelled case NET_IPV6: return fTunnel ? REACH_IPV6_WEAK : REACH_IPV6_STRONG; } case NET_ONION: switch (ourNet) { default: return REACH_DEFAULT; // Tor users can connect to IPv4 as well case NET_IPV4: return REACH_IPV4; case NET_ONION: return REACH_PRIVATE; } case NET_TEREDO: switch (ourNet) { default: return REACH_DEFAULT; case NET_TEREDO: return REACH_TEREDO; case NET_IPV6: return REACH_IPV6_WEAK; case NET_IPV4: return REACH_IPV4; } case NET_UNKNOWN: case NET_UNROUTABLE: default: switch (ourNet) { default: return REACH_DEFAULT; case NET_TEREDO: return REACH_TEREDO; case NET_IPV6: return REACH_IPV6_WEAK; case NET_IPV4: return REACH_IPV4; // either from Tor, or don't care about our address case NET_ONION: return REACH_PRIVATE; } } } CService::CService() : port(0) {} CService::CService(const CNetAddr &cip, unsigned short portIn) : CNetAddr(cip), port(portIn) {} CService::CService(const struct in_addr &ipv4Addr, unsigned short portIn) : CNetAddr(ipv4Addr), port(portIn) {} CService::CService(const struct in6_addr &ipv6Addr, unsigned short portIn) : CNetAddr(ipv6Addr), port(portIn) {} CService::CService(const struct sockaddr_in &addr) : CNetAddr(addr.sin_addr), port(ntohs(addr.sin_port)) { assert(addr.sin_family == AF_INET); } CService::CService(const struct sockaddr_in6 &addr) : CNetAddr(addr.sin6_addr, addr.sin6_scope_id), port(ntohs(addr.sin6_port)) { assert(addr.sin6_family == AF_INET6); } bool CService::SetSockAddr(const struct sockaddr *paddr) { switch (paddr->sa_family) { case AF_INET: *this = CService(*reinterpret_cast(paddr)); return true; case AF_INET6: *this = CService(*reinterpret_cast(paddr)); return true; default: return false; } } unsigned short CService::GetPort() const { return port; } bool operator==(const CService &a, const CService &b) { return static_cast(a) == static_cast(b) && a.port == b.port; } bool operator<(const CService &a, const CService &b) { return static_cast(a) < static_cast(b) || (static_cast(a) == static_cast(b) && a.port < b.port); } /** * Obtain the IPv4/6 socket address this represents. * * @param[out] paddr The obtained socket address. * @param[in,out] addrlen The size, in bytes, of the address structure pointed * to by paddr. The value that's pointed to by this * parameter might change after calling this function if * the size of the corresponding address structure * changed. * * @returns Whether or not the operation was successful. */ bool CService::GetSockAddr(struct sockaddr *paddr, socklen_t *addrlen) const { if (IsIPv4()) { if (*addrlen < (socklen_t)sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) { return false; } *addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); struct sockaddr_in *paddrin = reinterpret_cast(paddr); memset(paddrin, 0, *addrlen); if (!GetInAddr(&paddrin->sin_addr)) { return false; } paddrin->sin_family = AF_INET; paddrin->sin_port = htons(port); return true; } if (IsIPv6()) { if (*addrlen < (socklen_t)sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) { return false; } *addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); struct sockaddr_in6 *paddrin6 = reinterpret_cast(paddr); memset(paddrin6, 0, *addrlen); if (!GetIn6Addr(&paddrin6->sin6_addr)) { return false; } paddrin6->sin6_scope_id = scopeId; paddrin6->sin6_family = AF_INET6; paddrin6->sin6_port = htons(port); return true; } return false; } /** * @returns An identifier unique to this service's address and port number. */ std::vector CService::GetKey() const { auto key = GetAddrBytes(); // most significant byte of our port key.push_back(port / 0x100); // least significant byte of our port key.push_back(port & 0x0FF); return key; } std::string CService::ToStringPort() const { return strprintf("%u", port); } std::string CService::ToStringIPPort() const { if (IsIPv4() || IsTor() || IsInternal()) { return ToStringIP() + ":" + ToStringPort(); } else { return "[" + ToStringIP() + "]:" + ToStringPort(); } } std::string CService::ToString() const { return ToStringIPPort(); } CSubNet::CSubNet() : valid(false) { memset(netmask, 0, sizeof(netmask)); } CSubNet::CSubNet(const CNetAddr &addr, uint8_t mask) : CSubNet() { valid = (addr.IsIPv4() && mask <= ADDR_IPV4_SIZE * 8) || (addr.IsIPv6() && mask <= ADDR_IPV6_SIZE * 8); if (!valid) { return; } assert(mask <= sizeof(netmask) * 8); network = addr; uint8_t n = mask; for (size_t i = 0; i < network.m_addr.size(); ++i) { const uint8_t bits = n < 8 ? n : 8; // Set first bits. netmask[i] = (uint8_t)((uint8_t)0xFF << (8 - bits)); // Normalize network according to netmask. network.m_addr[i] &= netmask[i]; n -= bits; } } /** * @returns The number of 1-bits in the prefix of the specified subnet mask. If * the specified subnet mask is not a valid one, -1. */ static inline int NetmaskBits(uint8_t x) { switch (x) { case 0x00: return 0; case 0x80: return 1; case 0xc0: return 2; case 0xe0: return 3; case 0xf0: return 4; case 0xf8: return 5; case 0xfc: return 6; case 0xfe: return 7; case 0xff: return 8; default: return -1; } } CSubNet::CSubNet(const CNetAddr &addr, const CNetAddr &mask) : CSubNet() { valid = (addr.IsIPv4() || addr.IsIPv6()) && addr.m_net == mask.m_net; if (!valid) { return; } // Check if `mask` contains 1-bits after 0-bits (which is an invalid // netmask). bool zeros_found = false; for (auto b : mask.m_addr) { const int num_bits = NetmaskBits(b); if (num_bits == -1 || (zeros_found && num_bits != 0)) { valid = false; return; } if (num_bits < 8) { zeros_found = true; } } assert(mask.m_addr.size() <= sizeof(netmask)); memcpy(netmask, mask.m_addr.data(), mask.m_addr.size()); network = addr; // Normalize network according to netmask for (size_t x = 0; x < network.m_addr.size(); ++x) { network.m_addr[x] &= netmask[x]; } } CSubNet::CSubNet(const CNetAddr &addr) : CSubNet() { valid = addr.IsIPv4() || addr.IsIPv6(); if (!valid) { return; } assert(addr.m_addr.size() <= sizeof(netmask)); memset(netmask, 0xFF, addr.m_addr.size()); network = addr; } /** * @returns True if this subnet is valid, the specified address is valid, and * the specified address belongs in this subnet. */ bool CSubNet::Match(const CNetAddr &addr) const { if (!valid || !addr.IsValid() || network.m_net != addr.m_net) { return false; } assert(network.m_addr.size() == addr.m_addr.size()); for (size_t x = 0; x < addr.m_addr.size(); ++x) { if ((addr.m_addr[x] & netmask[x]) != network.m_addr[x]) { return false; } } return true; } std::string CSubNet::ToString() const { assert(network.m_addr.size() <= sizeof(netmask)); uint8_t cidr = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < network.m_addr.size(); ++i) { if (netmask[i] == 0x00) { break; } cidr += NetmaskBits(netmask[i]); } return network.ToString() + strprintf("/%u", cidr); } bool CSubNet::IsValid() const { return valid; } +bool CSubNet::SanityCheck() const { + if (!(network.IsIPv4() || network.IsIPv6())) { + return false; + } + + for (size_t x = 0; x < network.m_addr.size(); ++x) { + if (network.m_addr[x] & ~netmask[x]) { + return false; + } + } + + return true; +} + bool operator==(const CSubNet &a, const CSubNet &b) { return a.valid == b.valid && a.network == b.network && !memcmp(a.netmask, b.netmask, 16); } bool operator<(const CSubNet &a, const CSubNet &b) { return (a.network < b.network || (a.network == b.network && memcmp(a.netmask, b.netmask, 16) < 0)); } bool SanityCheckASMap(const std::vector &asmap) { // For IP address lookups, the input is 128 bits return SanityCheckASMap(asmap, 128); } diff --git a/src/netaddress.h b/src/netaddress.h index 67a202b4e..c10afab9d 100644 --- a/src/netaddress.h +++ b/src/netaddress.h @@ -1,358 +1,373 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_NETADDRESS_H #define BITCOIN_NETADDRESS_H #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * A network type. * @note An address may belong to more than one network, for example `` * belongs to both `NET_UNROUTABLE` and `NET_IPV4`. * Keep these sequential starting from 0 and `NET_MAX` as the last entry. * We have loops like `for (int i = 0; i < NET_MAX; i++)` that expect to iterate * over all enum values and also `GetExtNetwork()` "extends" this enum by * introducing standalone constants starting from `NET_MAX`. */ enum Network { /// Addresses from these networks are not publicly routable on the global /// Internet. NET_UNROUTABLE = 0, /// IPv4 NET_IPV4, /// IPv6 NET_IPV6, /// TORv2 NET_ONION, /// A set of addresses that represent the hash of a string or FQDN. We use /// them in CAddrMan to keep track of which DNS seeds were used. NET_INTERNAL, /// Dummy value to indicate the number of NET_* constants. NET_MAX, }; /// Prefix of an IPv6 address when it contains an embedded IPv4 address. /// Used when (un)serializing addresses in ADDRv1 format (pre-BIP155). static const std::array IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX{ {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF}}; /// Prefix of an IPv6 address when it contains an embedded TORv2 address. /// Used when (un)serializing addresses in ADDRv1 format (pre-BIP155). /// Such dummy IPv6 addresses are guaranteed to not be publicly routable as they /// fall under RFC4193's fc00::/7 subnet allocated to unique-local addresses. static const std::array TORV2_IN_IPV6_PREFIX{ {0xFD, 0x87, 0xD8, 0x7E, 0xEB, 0x43}}; /// Prefix of an IPv6 address when it contains an embedded "internal" address. /// Used when (un)serializing addresses in ADDRv1 format (pre-BIP155). /// The prefix comes from 0xFD + SHA256("bitcoin")[0:5]. /// Such dummy IPv6 addresses are guaranteed to not be publicly routable as they /// fall under RFC4193's fc00::/7 subnet allocated to unique-local addresses. static const std::array INTERNAL_IN_IPV6_PREFIX{ // 0xFD + sha256("bitcoin")[0:5]. {0xFD, 0x6B, 0x88, 0xC0, 0x87, 0x24}}; /// Size of IPv4 address (in bytes). static constexpr size_t ADDR_IPV4_SIZE = 4; /// Size of IPv6 address (in bytes). static constexpr size_t ADDR_IPV6_SIZE = 16; /// Size of TORv2 address (in bytes). static constexpr size_t ADDR_TORV2_SIZE = 10; /// Size of "internal" (NET_INTERNAL) address (in bytes). static constexpr size_t ADDR_INTERNAL_SIZE = 10; /** * Network address. */ class CNetAddr { protected: /** * Raw representation of the network address. * In network byte order (big endian) for IPv4 and IPv6. */ prevector m_addr{ADDR_IPV6_SIZE, 0x0}; /** * Network to which this address belongs. */ Network m_net{NET_IPV6}; // for scoped/link-local ipv6 addresses uint32_t scopeId{0}; public: CNetAddr(); explicit CNetAddr(const struct in_addr &ipv4Addr); void SetIP(const CNetAddr &ip); /** * Set from a legacy IPv6 address. * Legacy IPv6 address may be a normal IPv6 address, or another address * (e.g. IPv4) disguised as IPv6. This encoding is used in the legacy * `addr` encoding. */ void SetLegacyIPv6(Span ipv6); bool SetInternal(const std::string &name); // for Tor addresses bool SetSpecial(const std::string &strName); // INADDR_ANY equivalent bool IsBindAny() const; // IPv4 mapped address (::FFFF:0:0/96, bool IsIPv4() const; // IPv6 address (not mapped IPv4, not Tor) bool IsIPv6() const; // IPv4 private networks (,, bool IsRFC1918() const; // IPv4 inter-network communications ( bool IsRFC2544() const; // IPv4 ISP-level NAT ( bool IsRFC6598() const; // IPv4 documentation addresses (,, // bool IsRFC5737() const; // IPv6 documentation address (2001:0DB8::/32) bool IsRFC3849() const; // IPv4 autoconfig ( bool IsRFC3927() const; // IPv6 6to4 tunnelling (2002::/16) bool IsRFC3964() const; // IPv6 unique local (FC00::/7) bool IsRFC4193() const; // IPv6 Teredo tunnelling (2001::/32) bool IsRFC4380() const; // IPv6 ORCHID (deprecated) (2001:10::/28) bool IsRFC4843() const; // IPv6 ORCHIDv2 (2001:20::/28) bool IsRFC7343() const; // IPv6 autoconfig (FE80::/64) bool IsRFC4862() const; // IPv6 well-known prefix for IPv4-embedded address (64:FF9B::/96) bool IsRFC6052() const; // IPv6 IPv4-translated address (::FFFF:0:0:0/96) (actually defined in // RFC2765) bool IsRFC6145() const; // IPv6 Hurricane Electric - https://he.net (2001:0470::/36) bool IsHeNet() const; bool IsTor() const; bool IsLocal() const; bool IsRoutable() const; bool IsInternal() const; bool IsValid() const; enum Network GetNetwork() const; std::string ToString() const; std::string ToStringIP() const; uint64_t GetHash() const; bool GetInAddr(struct in_addr *pipv4Addr) const; uint32_t GetNetClass() const; //! For IPv4, mapped IPv4, SIIT translated IPv4, Teredo, 6to4 tunneled //! addresses, return the relevant IPv4 address as a uint32. uint32_t GetLinkedIPv4() const; //! Whether this address has a linked IPv4 address (see GetLinkedIPv4()). bool HasLinkedIPv4() const; // The AS on the BGP path to the node we use to diversify // peers in AddrMan bucketing based on the AS infrastructure. // The ip->AS mapping depends on how asmap is constructed. uint32_t GetMappedAS(const std::vector &asmap) const; std::vector GetGroup(const std::vector &asmap) const; std::vector GetAddrBytes() const; int GetReachabilityFrom(const CNetAddr *paddrPartner = nullptr) const; explicit CNetAddr(const struct in6_addr &pipv6Addr, const uint32_t scope = 0); bool GetIn6Addr(struct in6_addr *pipv6Addr) const; friend bool operator==(const CNetAddr &a, const CNetAddr &b); friend bool operator!=(const CNetAddr &a, const CNetAddr &b) { return !(a == b); } friend bool operator<(const CNetAddr &a, const CNetAddr &b); /** * Serialize to a stream. */ template void Serialize(Stream &s) const { SerializeV1Stream(s); } /** * Unserialize from a stream. */ template void Unserialize(Stream &s) { UnserializeV1Stream(s); } friend class CSubNet; private: /** * Size of CNetAddr when serialized as ADDRv1 (pre-BIP155) (in bytes). */ static constexpr size_t V1_SERIALIZATION_SIZE = ADDR_IPV6_SIZE; /** * Serialize in pre-ADDRv2/BIP155 format to an array. * Some addresses (e.g. TORv3) cannot be serialized in pre-BIP155 format. */ void SerializeV1Array(uint8_t (&arr)[V1_SERIALIZATION_SIZE]) const { size_t prefix_size; switch (m_net) { case NET_IPV6: assert(m_addr.size() == sizeof(arr)); memcpy(arr, m_addr.data(), m_addr.size()); return; case NET_IPV4: prefix_size = sizeof(IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX); assert(prefix_size + m_addr.size() == sizeof(arr)); memcpy(arr, IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX.data(), prefix_size); memcpy(arr + prefix_size, m_addr.data(), m_addr.size()); return; case NET_ONION: prefix_size = sizeof(TORV2_IN_IPV6_PREFIX); assert(prefix_size + m_addr.size() == sizeof(arr)); memcpy(arr, TORV2_IN_IPV6_PREFIX.data(), prefix_size); memcpy(arr + prefix_size, m_addr.data(), m_addr.size()); return; case NET_INTERNAL: prefix_size = sizeof(INTERNAL_IN_IPV6_PREFIX); assert(prefix_size + m_addr.size() == sizeof(arr)); memcpy(arr, INTERNAL_IN_IPV6_PREFIX.data(), prefix_size); memcpy(arr + prefix_size, m_addr.data(), m_addr.size()); return; case NET_UNROUTABLE: case NET_MAX: assert(false); } // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases assert(false); } /** * Serialize in pre-ADDRv2/BIP155 format to a stream. * Some addresses (e.g. TORv3) cannot be serialized in pre-BIP155 format. */ template void SerializeV1Stream(Stream &s) const { uint8_t serialized[V1_SERIALIZATION_SIZE]; SerializeV1Array(serialized); s << serialized; } /** * Unserialize from a pre-ADDRv2/BIP155 format from an array. */ void UnserializeV1Array(uint8_t (&arr)[V1_SERIALIZATION_SIZE]) { // Use SetLegacyIPv6() so that m_net is set correctly. For example // ::FFFF:0102:0304 should be set as m_net=NET_IPV4 ( SetLegacyIPv6(arr); } /** * Unserialize from a pre-ADDRv2/BIP155 format from a stream. */ template void UnserializeV1Stream(Stream &s) { uint8_t serialized[V1_SERIALIZATION_SIZE]; s >> serialized; UnserializeV1Array(serialized); } }; class CSubNet { protected: /// Network (base) address CNetAddr network; /// Netmask, in network byte order uint8_t netmask[16]; /// Is this value valid? (only used to signal parse errors) bool valid; + bool SanityCheck() const; + public: CSubNet(); CSubNet(const CNetAddr &addr, uint8_t mask); CSubNet(const CNetAddr &addr, const CNetAddr &mask); // constructor for single ip subnet (/32 or /128) explicit CSubNet(const CNetAddr &addr); bool Match(const CNetAddr &addr) const; std::string ToString() const; bool IsValid() const; friend bool operator==(const CSubNet &a, const CSubNet &b); friend bool operator!=(const CSubNet &a, const CSubNet &b) { return !(a == b); } friend bool operator<(const CSubNet &a, const CSubNet &b); SERIALIZE_METHODS(CSubNet, obj) { - READWRITE(obj.network, obj.netmask, obj.valid); + READWRITE(obj.network); + if (obj.network.IsIPv4()) { + // Before D9176, CSubNet used the last 4 bytes of netmask to store + // the relevant bytes for an IPv4 mask. For compatiblity reasons, + // keep doing so in serialized form. + uint8_t dummy[12] = {0}; + READWRITE(dummy); + READWRITE(MakeSpan(obj.netmask).first(4)); + } else { + READWRITE(obj.netmask); + } + READWRITE(obj.valid); + // Mark invalid if the result doesn't pass sanity checking. + SER_READ(obj, if (obj.valid) obj.valid = obj.SanityCheck()); } }; /** A combination of a network address (CNetAddr) and a (TCP) port */ class CService : public CNetAddr { protected: // host order uint16_t port; public: CService(); CService(const CNetAddr &ip, unsigned short port); CService(const struct in_addr &ipv4Addr, unsigned short port); explicit CService(const struct sockaddr_in &addr); unsigned short GetPort() const; bool GetSockAddr(struct sockaddr *paddr, socklen_t *addrlen) const; bool SetSockAddr(const struct sockaddr *paddr); friend bool operator==(const CService &a, const CService &b); friend bool operator!=(const CService &a, const CService &b) { return !(a == b); } friend bool operator<(const CService &a, const CService &b); std::vector GetKey() const; std::string ToString() const; std::string ToStringPort() const; std::string ToStringIPPort() const; CService(const struct in6_addr &ipv6Addr, unsigned short port); explicit CService(const struct sockaddr_in6 &addr); SERIALIZE_METHODS(CService, obj) { READWRITEAS(CNetAddr, obj); READWRITE(Using>(obj.port)); } }; bool SanityCheckASMap(const std::vector &asmap); #endif // BITCOIN_NETADDRESS_H