diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py b/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py index 1dff57dfb..4aa900ce9 100755 --- a/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py +++ b/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py @@ -1,726 +1,730 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Class for bitcoind node under test""" import contextlib import decimal from enum import Enum import errno import http.client import json import logging import os import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import urllib.parse import collections import shlex from .authproxy import JSONRPCException from .messages import COIN, CTransaction, FromHex from .util import ( MAX_NODES, append_config, delete_cookie_file, get_rpc_proxy, p2p_port, rpc_url, wait_until, ) BITCOIND_PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 60 class FailedToStartError(Exception): """Raised when a node fails to start correctly.""" class ErrorMatch(Enum): FULL_TEXT = 1 FULL_REGEX = 2 PARTIAL_REGEX = 3 class TestNode(): """A class for representing a bitcoind node under test. This class contains: - state about the node (whether it's running, etc) - a Python subprocess.Popen object representing the running process - an RPC connection to the node - one or more P2P connections to the node To make things easier for the test writer, any unrecognised messages will be dispatched to the RPC connection.""" def __init__(self, i, datadir, *, chain, host, rpc_port, p2p_port, timewait, bitcoind, bitcoin_cli, coverage_dir, cwd, extra_conf=None, extra_args=None, use_cli=False, emulator=None, start_perf=False, use_valgrind=False): """ Kwargs: start_perf (bool): If True, begin profiling the node with `perf` as soon as the node starts. """ self.index = i self.datadir = datadir self.bitcoinconf = os.path.join(self.datadir, "bitcoin.conf") self.stdout_dir = os.path.join(self.datadir, "stdout") self.stderr_dir = os.path.join(self.datadir, "stderr") self.chain = chain self.host = host self.rpc_port = rpc_port self.p2p_port = p2p_port self.name = "testnode-{}".format(i) self.rpc_timeout = timewait self.binary = bitcoind if not os.path.isfile(self.binary): raise FileNotFoundError( "Binary '{}' could not be found.\nTry setting it manually:\n\tBITCOIND= {}".format(self.binary, sys.argv[0])) self.coverage_dir = coverage_dir self.cwd = cwd if extra_conf is not None: append_config(datadir, extra_conf) # Most callers will just need to add extra args to the default list # below. # For those callers that need more flexibility, they can access the # default args using the provided facilities. # Note that common args are set in the config file (see # initialize_datadir) self.extra_args = extra_args # Configuration for logging is set as command-line args rather than in the bitcoin.conf file. # This means that starting a bitcoind using the temp dir to debug a failed test won't # spam debug.log. self.default_args = [ "-datadir=" + self.datadir, "-logtimemicros", "-logthreadnames", "-debug", "-debugexclude=libevent", "-debugexclude=leveldb", "-uacomment=" + self.name, "-noprinttoconsole", ] if use_valgrind: default_suppressions_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "..", "..", "contrib", "valgrind.supp") suppressions_file = os.getenv("VALGRIND_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE", default_suppressions_file) self.binary = "valgrind" self.bitcoind_args = [bitcoind] + self.default_args self.default_args = ["--suppressions={}".format(suppressions_file), "--gen-suppressions=all", "--exit-on-first-error=yes", "--error-exitcode=1", "--quiet"] + self.bitcoind_args if emulator is not None: if not os.path.isfile(emulator): raise FileNotFoundError( "Emulator '{}' could not be found.".format(emulator)) self.emulator = emulator if use_cli and not os.path.isfile(bitcoin_cli): raise FileNotFoundError( "Binary '{}' could not be found.\nTry setting it manually:\n\tBITCOINCLI= {}".format(bitcoin_cli, sys.argv[0])) self.cli = TestNodeCLI(bitcoin_cli, self.datadir, self.emulator) self.use_cli = use_cli self.start_perf = start_perf self.running = False self.process = None self.rpc_connected = False self.rpc = None self.url = None self.relay_fee_cache = None self.log = logging.getLogger('TestFramework.node{}'.format(i)) # Whether to kill the node when this object goes away self.cleanup_on_exit = True # Cache perf subprocesses here by their data output filename. self.perf_subprocesses = {} self.p2ps = [] AddressKeyPair = collections.namedtuple( 'AddressKeyPair', ['address', 'key']) PRIV_KEYS = [ # address , privkey AddressKeyPair( 'mjTkW3DjgyZck4KbiRusZsqTgaYTxdSz6z', 'cVpF924EspNh8KjYsfhgY96mmxvT6DgdWiTYMtMjuM74hJaU5psW'), AddressKeyPair( 'msX6jQXvxiNhx3Q62PKeLPrhrqZQdSimTg', 'cUxsWyKyZ9MAQTaAhUQWJmBbSvHMwSmuv59KgxQV7oZQU3PXN3KE'), AddressKeyPair( 'mnonCMyH9TmAsSj3M59DsbH8H63U3RKoFP', 'cTrh7dkEAeJd6b3MRX9bZK8eRmNqVCMH3LSUkE3dSFDyzjU38QxK'), AddressKeyPair( 'mqJupas8Dt2uestQDvV2NH3RU8uZh2dqQR', 'cVuKKa7gbehEQvVq717hYcbE9Dqmq7KEBKqWgWrYBa2CKKrhtRim'), AddressKeyPair( 'msYac7Rvd5ywm6pEmkjyxhbCDKqWsVeYws', 'cQDCBuKcjanpXDpCqacNSjYfxeQj8G6CAtH1Dsk3cXyqLNC4RPuh'), AddressKeyPair( 'n2rnuUnwLgXqf9kk2kjvVm8R5BZK1yxQBi', 'cQakmfPSLSqKHyMFGwAqKHgWUiofJCagVGhiB4KCainaeCSxeyYq'), AddressKeyPair( 'myzuPxRwsf3vvGzEuzPfK9Nf2RfwauwYe6', 'cQMpDLJwA8DBe9NcQbdoSb1BhmFxVjWD5gRyrLZCtpuF9Zi3a9RK'), AddressKeyPair( 'mumwTaMtbxEPUswmLBBN3vM9oGRtGBrys8', 'cSXmRKXVcoouhNNVpcNKFfxsTsToY5pvB9DVsFksF1ENunTzRKsy'), AddressKeyPair( 'mpV7aGShMkJCZgbW7F6iZgrvuPHjZjH9qg', 'cSoXt6tm3pqy43UMabY6eUTmR3eSUYFtB2iNQDGgb3VUnRsQys2k'), AddressKeyPair( 'mq4fBNdckGtvY2mijd9am7DRsbRB4KjUkf', 'cN55daf1HotwBAgAKWVgDcoppmUNDtQSfb7XLutTLeAgVc3u8hik'), AddressKeyPair( 'mpFAHDjX7KregM3rVotdXzQmkbwtbQEnZ6', 'cT7qK7g1wkYEMvKowd2ZrX1E5f6JQ7TM246UfqbCiyF7kZhorpX3'), AddressKeyPair( 'mzRe8QZMfGi58KyWCse2exxEFry2sfF2Y7', 'cPiRWE8KMjTRxH1MWkPerhfoHFn5iHPWVK5aPqjW8NxmdwenFinJ'), ] def get_deterministic_priv_key(self): """Return a deterministic priv key in base58, that only depends on the node's index""" assert len(self.PRIV_KEYS) == MAX_NODES return self.PRIV_KEYS[self.index] def _node_msg(self, msg: str) -> str: """Return a modified msg that identifies this node by its index as a debugging aid.""" return "[node {}] {}".format(self.index, msg) def _raise_assertion_error(self, msg: str): """Raise an AssertionError with msg modified to identify this node.""" raise AssertionError(self._node_msg(msg)) def __del__(self): # Ensure that we don't leave any bitcoind processes lying around after # the test ends if self.process and self.cleanup_on_exit: # Should only happen on test failure # Avoid using logger, as that may have already been shutdown when # this destructor is called. print(self._node_msg("Cleaning up leftover process")) self.process.kill() def __getattr__(self, name): """Dispatches any unrecognised messages to the RPC connection or a CLI instance.""" if self.use_cli: return getattr(self.cli, name) else: assert self.rpc is not None, self._node_msg( "Error: RPC not initialized") assert self.rpc_connected, self._node_msg( "Error: No RPC connection") return getattr(self.rpc, name) def clear_default_args(self): self.default_args.clear() def extend_default_args(self, args): self.default_args.extend(args) def remove_default_args(self, args): for rm_arg in args: # Remove all occurrences of rm_arg in self.default_args: # - if the arg is a flag (-flag), then the names must match # - if the arg is a value (-key=value) then the name must starts # with "-key=" (the '"' char is to avoid removing "-key_suffix" # arg is "-key" is the argument to remove). self.default_args = [def_arg for def_arg in self.default_args if rm_arg != def_arg and not def_arg.startswith(rm_arg + '=')] def start(self, extra_args=None, *, cwd=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, **kwargs): """Start the node.""" if extra_args is None: extra_args = self.extra_args # Add a new stdout and stderr file each time bitcoind is started if stderr is None: stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=self.stderr_dir, delete=False) if stdout is None: stdout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=self.stdout_dir, delete=False) self.stderr = stderr self.stdout = stdout if cwd is None: cwd = self.cwd # Delete any existing cookie file -- if such a file exists (eg due to # unclean shutdown), it will get overwritten anyway by bitcoind, and # potentially interfere with our attempt to authenticate delete_cookie_file(self.datadir, self.chain) # add environment variable LIBC_FATAL_STDERR_=1 so that libc errors are # written to stderr and not the terminal subp_env = dict(os.environ, LIBC_FATAL_STDERR_="1") p_args = [self.binary] + self.default_args + extra_args if self.emulator is not None: p_args = [self.emulator] + p_args self.process = subprocess.Popen( p_args, env=subp_env, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd, **kwargs) self.running = True self.log.debug("bitcoind started, waiting for RPC to come up") if self.start_perf: self._start_perf() def wait_for_rpc_connection(self): """Sets up an RPC connection to the bitcoind process. Returns False if unable to connect.""" # Poll at a rate of four times per second poll_per_s = 4 for _ in range(poll_per_s * self.rpc_timeout): if self.process.poll() is not None: raise FailedToStartError(self._node_msg( 'bitcoind exited with status {} during initialization'.format(self.process.returncode))) try: rpc = get_rpc_proxy( rpc_url( self.datadir, self.chain, self.host, self.rpc_port), self.index, timeout=self.rpc_timeout, coveragedir=self.coverage_dir) rpc.getblockcount() # If the call to getblockcount() succeeds then the RPC # connection is up self.log.debug("RPC successfully started") if self.use_cli: return self.rpc = rpc self.rpc_connected = True self.url = self.rpc.url return - except IOError as e: - if e.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED: # Port not yet open? - raise # unknown IO error except JSONRPCException as e: # Initialization phase # -28 RPC in warmup # -342 Service unavailable, RPC server started but is shutting down due to error if e.error['code'] != -28 and e.error['code'] != -342: raise # unknown JSON RPC exception + except ConnectionResetError: + # This might happen when the RPC server is in warmup, but shut down before the call to getblockcount + # succeeds. Try again to properly raise the FailedToStartError + pass + except OSError as e: + if e.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED: # Port not yet open? + raise # unknown OS error except ValueError as e: # cookie file not found and no rpcuser or rpcassword. bitcoind still starting if "No RPC credentials" not in str(e): raise time.sleep(1.0 / poll_per_s) self._raise_assertion_error("Unable to connect to bitcoind") def generate(self, nblocks, maxtries=1000000): self.log.debug( "TestNode.generate() dispatches `generate` call to `generatetoaddress`") return self.generatetoaddress( nblocks=nblocks, address=self.get_deterministic_priv_key().address, maxtries=maxtries) def get_wallet_rpc(self, wallet_name): if self.use_cli: return self.cli("-rpcwallet={}".format(wallet_name)) else: assert self.rpc is not None, self._node_msg( "Error: RPC not initialized") assert self.rpc_connected, self._node_msg( "Error: RPC not connected") wallet_path = "wallet/{}".format(urllib.parse.quote(wallet_name)) return self.rpc / wallet_path def stop_node(self, expected_stderr='', wait=0): """Stop the node.""" if not self.running: return self.log.debug("Stopping node") try: self.stop(wait=wait) except http.client.CannotSendRequest: self.log.exception("Unable to stop node.") # If there are any running perf processes, stop them. for profile_name in tuple(self.perf_subprocesses.keys()): self._stop_perf(profile_name) # Check that stderr is as expected self.stderr.seek(0) stderr = self.stderr.read().decode('utf-8').strip() if stderr != expected_stderr: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected stderr {} != {}".format(stderr, expected_stderr)) self.stdout.close() self.stderr.close() del self.p2ps[:] def is_node_stopped(self): """Checks whether the node has stopped. Returns True if the node has stopped. False otherwise. This method is responsible for freeing resources (self.process).""" if not self.running: return True return_code = self.process.poll() if return_code is None: return False # process has stopped. Assert that it didn't return an error code. assert return_code == 0, self._node_msg( "Node returned non-zero exit code ({}) when stopping".format(return_code)) self.running = False self.process = None self.rpc_connected = False self.rpc = None self.log.debug("Node stopped") return True def wait_until_stopped(self, timeout=BITCOIND_PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT): wait_until(self.is_node_stopped, timeout=timeout) @contextlib.contextmanager def assert_debug_log(self, expected_msgs, unexpected_msgs=None, timeout=2): """Assert that some debug messages are present within some timeout. Unexpected debug messages may be optionally provided to fail a test if they appear before expected messages. Note: expected_msgs must always be non-empty even if the goal is to check for unexpected_msgs. This provides a bounded scenario such that "we expect to reach some target resulting in expected_msgs without seeing unexpected_msgs. Otherwise, we are testing that something never happens, which is fundamentally not robust test logic. """ if not expected_msgs: raise AssertionError("Expected debug messages is empty") if unexpected_msgs is None: unexpected_msgs = [] time_end = time.time() + timeout debug_log = os.path.join(self.datadir, self.chain, 'debug.log') with open(debug_log, encoding='utf-8') as dl: dl.seek(0, 2) prev_size = dl.tell() yield while True: found = True with open(debug_log, encoding='utf-8') as dl: dl.seek(prev_size) log = dl.read() print_log = " - " + "\n - ".join(log.splitlines()) for unexpected_msg in unexpected_msgs: if re.search(re.escape(unexpected_msg), log, flags=re.MULTILINE): self._raise_assertion_error( 'Unexpected message "{}" partially matches log:\n\n{}\n\n'.format( unexpected_msg, print_log)) for expected_msg in expected_msgs: if re.search(re.escape(expected_msg), log, flags=re.MULTILINE) is None: found = False if found: return if time.time() >= time_end: break time.sleep(0.05) self._raise_assertion_error( 'Expected messages "{}" does not partially match log:\n\n{}\n\n'.format( str(expected_msgs), print_log)) @contextlib.contextmanager def profile_with_perf(self, profile_name): """ Context manager that allows easy profiling of node activity using `perf`. See `test/functional/README.md` for details on perf usage. Args: profile_name (str): This string will be appended to the profile data filename generated by perf. """ subp = self._start_perf(profile_name) yield if subp: self._stop_perf(profile_name) def _start_perf(self, profile_name=None): """Start a perf process to profile this node. Returns the subprocess running perf.""" subp = None def test_success(cmd): return subprocess.call( # shell=True required for pipe use below cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) == 0 if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'): self.log.warning( "Can't profile with perf; only availabe on Linux platforms") return None if not test_success('which perf'): self.log.warning( "Can't profile with perf; must install perf-tools") return None if not test_success( 'readelf -S {} | grep .debug_str'.format(shlex.quote(self.binary))): self.log.warning( "perf output won't be very useful without debug symbols compiled into bitcoind") output_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=self.datadir, prefix="{}.perf.data.".format(profile_name or 'test'), delete=False, ).name cmd = [ 'perf', 'record', '-g', # Record the callgraph. # Compatibility for gcc's --fomit-frame-pointer. '--call-graph', 'dwarf', '-F', '101', # Sampling frequency in Hz. '-p', str(self.process.pid), '-o', output_path, ] subp = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.perf_subprocesses[profile_name] = subp return subp def _stop_perf(self, profile_name): """Stop (and pop) a perf subprocess.""" subp = self.perf_subprocesses.pop(profile_name) output_path = subp.args[subp.args.index('-o') + 1] subp.terminate() subp.wait(timeout=10) stderr = subp.stderr.read().decode() if 'Consider tweaking /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid' in stderr: self.log.warning( "perf couldn't collect data! Try " "'sudo sysctl -w kernel.perf_event_paranoid=-1'") else: report_cmd = "perf report -i {}".format(output_path) self.log.info("See perf output by running '{}'".format(report_cmd)) def assert_start_raises_init_error( self, extra_args=None, expected_msg=None, match=ErrorMatch.FULL_TEXT, *args, **kwargs): """Attempt to start the node and expect it to raise an error. extra_args: extra arguments to pass through to bitcoind expected_msg: regex that stderr should match when bitcoind fails Will throw if bitcoind starts without an error. Will throw if an expected_msg is provided and it does not match bitcoind's stdout.""" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.stderr_dir, delete=False) as log_stderr, \ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.stdout_dir, delete=False) as log_stdout: try: self.start(extra_args, stdout=log_stdout, stderr=log_stderr, *args, **kwargs) self.wait_for_rpc_connection() self.stop_node() self.wait_until_stopped() except FailedToStartError as e: self.log.debug('bitcoind failed to start: {}'.format(e)) self.running = False self.process = None # Check stderr for expected message if expected_msg is not None: log_stderr.seek(0) stderr = log_stderr.read().decode('utf-8').strip() if match == ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX: if re.search(expected_msg, stderr, flags=re.MULTILINE) is None: self._raise_assertion_error( 'Expected message "{}" does not partially match stderr:\n"{}"'.format(expected_msg, stderr)) elif match == ErrorMatch.FULL_REGEX: if re.fullmatch(expected_msg, stderr) is None: self._raise_assertion_error( 'Expected message "{}" does not fully match stderr:\n"{}"'.format(expected_msg, stderr)) elif match == ErrorMatch.FULL_TEXT: if expected_msg != stderr: self._raise_assertion_error( 'Expected message "{}" does not fully match stderr:\n"{}"'.format(expected_msg, stderr)) else: if expected_msg is None: assert_msg = "bitcoind should have exited with an error" else: assert_msg = "bitcoind should have exited with expected error " + expected_msg self._raise_assertion_error(assert_msg) def relay_fee(self, cached=True): if not self.relay_fee_cache or not cached: self.relay_fee_cache = self.getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"] return self.relay_fee_cache def calculate_fee(self, tx): """ Estimate the necessary fees (in sats) for an unsigned CTransaction assuming: - the current relayfee on node - all inputs are compressed-key p2pkh, and will be signed ecdsa or schnorr - all inputs currently unsigned (empty scriptSig) """ billable_size_estimate = tx.billable_size() # Add some padding for signatures / public keys # 107 = length of PUSH(longest_sig = 72 bytes), PUSH(pubkey = 33 bytes) billable_size_estimate += len(tx.vin) * 107 # relay_fee gives a value in BCH per kB. return int(self.relay_fee() / 1000 * billable_size_estimate * COIN) def calculate_fee_from_txid(self, txid): ctx = FromHex(CTransaction(), self.getrawtransaction(txid)) return self.calculate_fee(ctx) def add_p2p_connection(self, p2p_conn, *, wait_for_verack=True, **kwargs): """Add a p2p connection to the node. This method adds the p2p connection to the self.p2ps list and also returns the connection to the caller.""" if 'dstport' not in kwargs: kwargs['dstport'] = p2p_port(self.index) if 'dstaddr' not in kwargs: kwargs['dstaddr'] = '' p2p_conn.peer_connect(**kwargs, net=self.chain)() self.p2ps.append(p2p_conn) if wait_for_verack: # Wait for the node to send us the version and verack p2p_conn.wait_for_verack() # At this point we have sent our version message and received the version and verack, however the full node # has not yet received the verack from us (in reply to their version). So, the connection is not yet fully # established (fSuccessfullyConnected). # # This shouldn't lead to any issues when sending messages, since the verack will be in-flight before the # message we send. However, it might lead to races where we are expecting to receive a message. E.g. a # transaction that will be added to the mempool as soon as we return here. # # So syncing here is redundant when we only want to send a message, but the cost is low (a few milliseconds) # in comparision to the upside of making tests less fragile and # unexpected intermittent errors less likely. p2p_conn.sync_with_ping() return p2p_conn @property def p2p(self): """Return the first p2p connection Convenience property - most tests only use a single p2p connection to each node, so this saves having to write node.p2ps[0] many times.""" assert self.p2ps, self._node_msg("No p2p connection") return self.p2ps[0] def disconnect_p2ps(self): """Close all p2p connections to the node.""" for p in self.p2ps: p.peer_disconnect() del self.p2ps[:] class TestNodeCLIAttr: def __init__(self, cli, command): self.cli = cli self.command = command def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.cli.send_cli(self.command, *args, **kwargs) def get_request(self, *args, **kwargs): return lambda: self(*args, **kwargs) def arg_to_cli(arg): if isinstance(arg, bool): return str(arg).lower() elif isinstance(arg, dict) or isinstance(arg, list): return json.dumps(arg) else: return str(arg) class TestNodeCLI(): """Interface to bitcoin-cli for an individual node""" def __init__(self, binary, datadir, emulator=None): self.options = [] self.binary = binary self.datadir = datadir self.input = None self.log = logging.getLogger('TestFramework.bitcoincli') self.emulator = emulator def __call__(self, *options, input=None): # TestNodeCLI is callable with bitcoin-cli command-line options cli = TestNodeCLI(self.binary, self.datadir, self.emulator) cli.options = [str(o) for o in options] cli.input = input return cli def __getattr__(self, command): return TestNodeCLIAttr(self, command) def batch(self, requests): results = [] for request in requests: try: results.append(dict(result=request())) except JSONRPCException as e: results.append(dict(error=e)) return results def send_cli(self, command=None, *args, **kwargs): """Run bitcoin-cli command. Deserializes returned string as python object.""" pos_args = [arg_to_cli(arg) for arg in args] named_args = [str(key) + "=" + arg_to_cli(value) for (key, value) in kwargs.items()] assert not ( pos_args and named_args), "Cannot use positional arguments and named arguments in the same bitcoin-cli call" p_args = [self.binary, "-datadir=" + self.datadir] + self.options if named_args: p_args += ["-named"] if command is not None: p_args += [command] p_args += pos_args + named_args if self.emulator is not None: p_args = [self.emulator] + p_args self.log.debug("Running bitcoin-cli command: {}".format(command)) process = subprocess.Popen(p_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) cli_stdout, cli_stderr = process.communicate(input=self.input) returncode = process.poll() if returncode: match = re.match( r'error code: ([-0-9]+)\nerror message:\n(.*)', cli_stderr) if match: code, message = match.groups() raise JSONRPCException(dict(code=int(code), message=message)) # Ignore cli_stdout, raise with cli_stderr raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( returncode, self.binary, output=cli_stderr) try: return json.loads(cli_stdout, parse_float=decimal.Decimal) except json.JSONDecodeError: return cli_stdout.rstrip("\n")