diff --git a/test/functional/abc-high_priority_transaction.py b/test/functional/abc-high_priority_transaction.py index 132884bd8..c7d3ea597 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-high_priority_transaction.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-high_priority_transaction.py @@ -1,104 +1,105 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test HighPriorityTransaction code # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.mininode import COIN from test_framework.cdefs import LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, COINBASE_MATURITY +from test_framework.blocktools import create_confirmed_utxos class HighPriorityTransactionTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.extra_args = [["-blockprioritypercentage=0", "-limitfreerelay=2"]] def create_small_transactions(self, node, utxos, num, fee): addr = node.getnewaddress() txids = [] for _ in range(num): t = utxos.pop() inputs = [{"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}] outputs = {} change = t['amount'] - fee outputs[addr] = satoshi_round(change) rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = node.signrawtransaction( rawtx, None, None, "NONE|FORKID") txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) txids.append(txid) return txids def generate_high_priotransactions(self, node, count): # generate a bunch of spendable utxos self.txouts = gen_return_txouts() # create 150 simple one input one output hi prio txns hiprio_utxo_count = 150 age = 250 # be sure to make this utxo aged enough hiprio_utxos = create_confirmed_utxos( self.relayfee, node, hiprio_utxo_count, age) txids = [] # Create hiprio_utxo_count number of txns with 0 fee range_size = [0, hiprio_utxo_count] start_range = range_size[0] end_range = range_size[1] txids = self.create_small_transactions( node, hiprio_utxos[start_range:end_range], end_range - start_range, 0) return txids def run_test(self): # this is the priority cut off as defined in AllowFreeThreshold() (see: src/txmempool.h) # anything above that value is considered an high priority transaction hiprio_threshold = COIN * 144 / 250 self.relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()['relayfee'] # first test step: 0 reserved prio space in block txids = self.generate_high_priotransactions(self.nodes[0], 150) mempool_size_pre = self.nodes[0].getmempoolinfo()['bytes'] mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) # assert that all the txns are in the mempool and that all of them are hi prio for i in txids: assert(i in mempool) assert(mempool[i]['currentpriority'] > hiprio_threshold) # mine one block self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.log.info( "Assert that all high prio transactions haven't been mined") assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getmempoolinfo()['bytes'], mempool_size_pre) # restart with default blockprioritypercentage self.stop_nodes() self.nodes = [] self.add_nodes(self.num_nodes, [["-limitfreerelay=2"]]) self.start_nodes() # second test step: default reserved prio space in block (100K). # the mempool size is about 25K this means that all txns will be # included in the soon to be mined block txids = self.generate_high_priotransactions(self.nodes[0], 150) mempool_size_pre = self.nodes[0].getmempoolinfo()['bytes'] mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) # assert that all the txns are in the mempool and that all of them are hiprio for i in txids: assert(i in mempool) assert(mempool[i]['currentpriority'] > hiprio_threshold) # mine one block self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.log.info("Assert that all high prio transactions have been mined") assert(self.nodes[0].getmempoolinfo()['bytes'] == 0) if __name__ == '__main__': HighPriorityTransactionTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/dbcrash.py b/test/functional/dbcrash.py index e60fb9988..8ea3808e9 100755 --- a/test/functional/dbcrash.py +++ b/test/functional/dbcrash.py @@ -1,305 +1,306 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test recovery from a crash during chainstate writing. - 4 nodes * node0, node1, and node2 will have different dbcrash ratios, and different dbcache sizes * node3 will be a regular node, with no crashing. * The nodes will not connect to each other. - use default test framework starting chain. initialize starting_tip_height to tip height. - Main loop: * generate lots of transactions on node3, enough to fill up a block. * uniformly randomly pick a tip height from starting_tip_height to tip_height; with probability 1/(height_difference+4), invalidate this block. * mine enough blocks to overtake tip_height at start of loop. * for each node in [node0,node1,node2]: - for each mined block: * submit block to node * if node crashed on/after submitting: - restart until recovery succeeds - check that utxo matches node3 using gettxoutsetinfo""" import errno import http.client import random import sys import time from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.script import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * +from test_framework.blocktools import create_confirmed_utxos HTTP_DISCONNECT_ERRORS = [http.client.CannotSendRequest] try: HTTP_DISCONNECT_ERRORS.append(http.client.RemoteDisconnected) except AttributeError: pass class ChainstateWriteCrashTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 4 self.setup_clean_chain = False # Set -maxmempool=0 to turn off mempool memory sharing with dbcache # Set -rpcservertimeout=900 to reduce socket disconnects in this # long-running test self.base_args = ["-limitdescendantsize=0", "-maxmempool=0", "-rpcservertimeout=900", "-dbbatchsize=200000"] # Set different crash ratios and cache sizes. Note that not all of # -dbcache goes to pcoinsTip. self.node0_args = ["-dbcrashratio=8", "-dbcache=4"] + self.base_args self.node1_args = ["-dbcrashratio=16", "-dbcache=8"] + self.base_args self.node2_args = ["-dbcrashratio=24", "-dbcache=16"] + self.base_args # Node3 is a normal node with default args, except will mine full blocks self.node3_args = ["-blockmaxweight=4000000"] self.extra_args = [self.node0_args, self.node1_args, self.node2_args, self.node3_args] def setup_network(self): # Need a bit of extra time for the nodes to start up for this test self.add_nodes(self.num_nodes, extra_args=self.extra_args, timewait=90) self.start_nodes() # Leave them unconnected, we'll use submitblock directly in this test def restart_node(self, node_index, expected_tip): """Start up a given node id, wait for the tip to reach the given block hash, and calculate the utxo hash. Exceptions on startup should indicate node crash (due to -dbcrashratio), in which case we try again. Give up after 60 seconds. Returns the utxo hash of the given node.""" time_start = time.time() while time.time() - time_start < 120: try: # Any of these RPC calls could throw due to node crash self.start_node(node_index) self.nodes[node_index].waitforblock(expected_tip) utxo_hash = self.nodes[node_index].gettxoutsetinfo()[ 'hash_serialized'] return utxo_hash except: # An exception here should mean the node is about to crash. # If bitcoind exits, then try again. wait_for_node_exit() # should raise an exception if bitcoind doesn't exit. self.wait_for_node_exit(node_index, timeout=10) self.crashed_on_restart += 1 time.sleep(1) # If we got here, bitcoind isn't coming back up on restart. Could be a # bug in bitcoind, or we've gotten unlucky with our dbcrash ratio -- # perhaps we generated a test case that blew up our cache? # TODO: If this happens a lot, we should try to restart without -dbcrashratio # and make sure that recovery happens. raise AssertionError( "Unable to successfully restart node %d in allotted time", node_index) def submit_block_catch_error(self, node_index, block): """Try submitting a block to the given node. Catch any exceptions that indicate the node has crashed. Returns true if the block was submitted successfully; false otherwise.""" try: self.nodes[node_index].submitblock(block) return True except http.client.BadStatusLine as e: # Prior to 3.5 BadStatusLine('') was raised for a remote disconnect error. if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 5 and e.line == "''": self.log.debug( "node %d submitblock raised exception: %s", node_index, e) return False else: raise except tuple(HTTP_DISCONNECT_ERRORS) as e: self.log.debug( "node %d submitblock raised exception: %s", node_index, e) return False except OSError as e: self.log.debug( "node %d submitblock raised OSError exception: errno=%s", node_index, e.errno) if e.errno in [errno.EPIPE, errno.ECONNREFUSED, errno.ECONNRESET]: # The node has likely crashed return False else: # Unexpected exception, raise raise def sync_node3blocks(self, block_hashes): """Use submitblock to sync node3's chain with the other nodes If submitblock fails, restart the node and get the new utxo hash. If any nodes crash while updating, we'll compare utxo hashes to ensure recovery was successful.""" node3_utxo_hash = self.nodes[3].gettxoutsetinfo()['hash_serialized'] # Retrieve all the blocks from node3 blocks = [] for block_hash in block_hashes: blocks.append( [block_hash, self.nodes[3].getblock(block_hash, False)]) # Deliver each block to each other node for i in range(3): nodei_utxo_hash = None self.log.debug("Syncing blocks to node %d", i) for (block_hash, block) in blocks: # Get the block from node3, and submit to node_i self.log.debug("submitting block %s", block_hash) if not self.submit_block_catch_error(i, block): # TODO: more carefully check that the crash is due to -dbcrashratio # (change the exit code perhaps, and check that here?) self.wait_for_node_exit(i, timeout=30) self.log.debug( "Restarting node %d after block hash %s", i, block_hash) nodei_utxo_hash = self.restart_node(i, block_hash) assert nodei_utxo_hash is not None self.restart_counts[i] += 1 else: # Clear it out after successful submitblock calls -- the cached # utxo hash will no longer be correct nodei_utxo_hash = None # Check that the utxo hash matches node3's utxo set # NOTE: we only check the utxo set if we had to restart the node # after the last block submitted: # - checking the utxo hash causes a cache flush, which we don't # want to do every time; so # - we only update the utxo cache after a node restart, since flushing # the cache is a no-op at that point if nodei_utxo_hash is not None: self.log.debug("Checking txoutsetinfo matches for node %d", i) assert_equal(nodei_utxo_hash, node3_utxo_hash) def verify_utxo_hash(self): """Verify that the utxo hash of each node matches node3. Restart any nodes that crash while querying.""" node3_utxo_hash = self.nodes[3].gettxoutsetinfo()['hash_serialized'] self.log.info("Verifying utxo hash matches for all nodes") for i in range(3): try: nodei_utxo_hash = self.nodes[i].gettxoutsetinfo()[ 'hash_serialized'] except OSError: # probably a crash on db flushing nodei_utxo_hash = self.restart_node( i, self.nodes[3].getbestblockhash()) assert_equal(nodei_utxo_hash, node3_utxo_hash) def generate_small_transactions(self, node, count, utxo_list): FEE = 1000 # TODO: replace this with node relay fee based calculation num_transactions = 0 random.shuffle(utxo_list) while len(utxo_list) >= 2 and num_transactions < count: tx = CTransaction() input_amount = 0 for i in range(2): utxo = utxo_list.pop() tx.vin.append( CTxIn(COutPoint(int(utxo['txid'], 16), utxo['vout']))) input_amount += int(utxo['amount'] * COIN) output_amount = (input_amount - FEE) // 3 if output_amount <= 0: # Sanity check -- if we chose inputs that are too small, skip continue for i in range(3): tx.vout.append( CTxOut(output_amount, hex_str_to_bytes(utxo['scriptPubKey']))) # Sign and send the transaction to get into the mempool tx_signed_hex = node.signrawtransaction(ToHex(tx))['hex'] node.sendrawtransaction(tx_signed_hex) num_transactions += 1 def run_test(self): # Track test coverage statistics self.restart_counts = [0, 0, 0] # Track the restarts for nodes 0-2 self.crashed_on_restart = 0 # Track count of crashes during recovery # Start by creating a lot of utxos on node3 initial_height = self.nodes[3].getblockcount() utxo_list = create_confirmed_utxos(self.nodes[3].getnetworkinfo()[ 'relayfee'], self.nodes[3], 5000) self.log.info("Prepped %d utxo entries", len(utxo_list)) # Sync these blocks with the other nodes block_hashes_to_sync = [] for height in range(initial_height + 1, self.nodes[3].getblockcount() + 1): block_hashes_to_sync.append(self.nodes[3].getblockhash(height)) self.log.debug("Syncing %d blocks with other nodes", len(block_hashes_to_sync)) # Syncing the blocks could cause nodes to crash, so the test begins here. self.sync_node3blocks(block_hashes_to_sync) starting_tip_height = self.nodes[3].getblockcount() # Main test loop: # each time through the loop, generate a bunch of transactions, # and then either mine a single new block on the tip, or some-sized reorg. for i in range(40): self.log.info( "Iteration %d, generating 2500 transactions %s", i, self.restart_counts) # Generate a bunch of small-ish transactions self.generate_small_transactions(self.nodes[3], 2500, utxo_list) # Pick a random block between current tip, and starting tip current_height = self.nodes[3].getblockcount() random_height = random.randint(starting_tip_height, current_height) self.log.debug("At height %d, considering height %d", current_height, random_height) if random_height > starting_tip_height: # Randomly reorg from this point with some probability (1/4 for # tip, 1/5 for tip-1, ...) if random.random() < 1.0 / (current_height + 4 - random_height): self.log.debug( "Invalidating block at height %d", random_height) self.nodes[3].invalidateblock( self.nodes[3].getblockhash(random_height)) # Now generate new blocks until we pass the old tip height self.log.debug("Mining longer tip") block_hashes = [] while current_height + 1 > self.nodes[3].getblockcount(): block_hashes.extend(self.nodes[3].generate( min(10, current_height + 1 - self.nodes[3].getblockcount()))) self.log.debug("Syncing %d new blocks...", len(block_hashes)) self.sync_node3blocks(block_hashes) utxo_list = self.nodes[3].listunspent() self.log.debug("Node3 utxo count: %d", len(utxo_list)) # Check that the utxo hashes agree with node3 # Useful side effect: each utxo cache gets flushed here, so that we # won't get crashes on shutdown at the end of the test. self.verify_utxo_hash() # Check the test coverage self.log.info("Restarted nodes: %s; crashes on restart: %d", self.restart_counts, self.crashed_on_restart) # If no nodes were restarted, we didn't test anything. assert self.restart_counts != [0, 0, 0] # Make sure we tested the case of crash-during-recovery. assert self.crashed_on_restart > 0 # Warn if any of the nodes escaped restart. for i in range(3): if self.restart_counts[i] == 0: self.log.warn("Node %d never crashed during utxo flush!", i) if __name__ == "__main__": ChainstateWriteCrashTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/mempool_limit.py b/test/functional/mempool_limit.py index ebad0ca51..f84ee3602 100755 --- a/test/functional/mempool_limit.py +++ b/test/functional/mempool_limit.py @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # Test mempool limiting together/eviction with the wallet from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * -from test_framework.blocktools import send_big_transactions +from test_framework.blocktools import send_big_transactions, create_confirmed_utxos class MempoolLimitTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 self.extra_args = [["-maxmempool=5", "-spendzeroconfchange=0"]] def run_test(self): relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()['relayfee'] txids = [] utxo_groups = 4 utxos = create_confirmed_utxos( relayfee, self.nodes[0], 1 + 30 * utxo_groups) # create a mempool tx that will be evicted us0 = utxos.pop() inputs = [{"txid": us0["txid"], "vout": us0["vout"]}] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 0.0001} tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) # specifically fund this tx with low fee self.nodes[0].settxfee(relayfee) txF = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(tx) # return to automatic fee selection self.nodes[0].settxfee(0) txFS = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(txF['hex']) txid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(txFS['hex']) for i in range(utxo_groups): txids.append([]) txids[i] = send_big_transactions( self.nodes[0], utxos[30 * i:30 * i + 30], 30, 10 * (i + 1)) # by now, the tx should be evicted, check confirmation state assert(txid not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) txdata = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid) assert(txdata['confirmations'] == 0) # confirmation should still be 0 if __name__ == '__main__': MempoolLimitTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/prioritise_transaction.py b/test/functional/prioritise_transaction.py index 61e6547e6..6baee151b 100755 --- a/test/functional/prioritise_transaction.py +++ b/test/functional/prioritise_transaction.py @@ -1,155 +1,155 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test PrioritiseTransaction code # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.mininode import COIN # FIXME: review how this test needs to be adapted w.r.t _LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE from test_framework.cdefs import LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE -from test_framework.blocktools import send_big_transactions +from test_framework.blocktools import send_big_transactions, create_confirmed_utxos class PrioritiseTransactionTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 self.extra_args = [["-printpriority=1"]] def run_test(self): self.relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()['relayfee'] utxo_count = 90 utxos = create_confirmed_utxos( self.relayfee, self.nodes[0], utxo_count) # our transactions are smaller than 100kb base_fee = self.relayfee * 100 txids = [] # Create 3 batches of transactions at 3 different fee rate levels range_size = utxo_count // 3 for i in range(3): txids.append([]) start_range = i * range_size end_range = start_range + range_size txids[i] = send_big_transactions(self.nodes[0], utxos[start_range:end_range], end_range - start_range, 10 * (i + 1)) # Make sure that the size of each group of transactions exceeds # LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE -- otherwise the test needs to be revised to create # more transactions. mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) sizes = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(3): for j in txids[i]: assert(j in mempool) sizes[i] += mempool[j]['size'] # Fail => raise utxo_count assert(sizes[i] > LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) # add a fee delta to something in the cheapest bucket and make sure it gets mined # also check that a different entry in the cheapest bucket is NOT mined (lower # the priority to ensure its not mined due to priority) self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( txids[0][0], 0, 100 * self.nodes[0].calculate_fee_from_txid(txids[0][0])) self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(txids[0][1], -1e15, 0) self.nodes[0].generate(1) mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() self.log.info("Assert that prioritised transaction was mined") assert(txids[0][0] not in mempool) assert(txids[0][1] in mempool) confirmed_transactions = self.nodes[0].getblock( self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())['tx'] # Pull the highest fee-rate transaction from a block high_fee_tx = confirmed_transactions[1] # Something high-fee should have been mined! assert(high_fee_tx != None) # Add a prioritisation before a tx is in the mempool (de-prioritising a # high-fee transaction so that it's now low fee). # # NOTE WELL: gettransaction returns the fee as a negative number and # as fractional coins. However, the prioritisetransaction expects a # number of satoshi to add or subtract from the actual fee. # Thus the conversation here is simply int(tx_fee*COIN) to remove all fees, and then # we add the minimum fee back. tx_fee = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(high_fee_tx)['fee'] self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( high_fee_tx, -1e15, int(tx_fee*COIN) + self.nodes[0].calculate_fee_from_txid(high_fee_tx)) # Add everything back to mempool self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Check to make sure our high fee rate tx is back in the mempool mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() assert(high_fee_tx in mempool) # Now verify the modified-high feerate transaction isn't mined before # the other high fee transactions. Keep mining until our mempool has # decreased by all the high fee size that we calculated above. while (self.nodes[0].getmempoolinfo()['bytes'] > sizes[0] + sizes[1]): self.nodes[0].generate(1) # High fee transaction should not have been mined, but other high fee rate # transactions should have been. mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() self.log.info( "Assert that de-prioritised transaction is still in mempool") assert(high_fee_tx in mempool) for x in txids[2]: if (x != high_fee_tx): assert(x not in mempool) # Create a free, low priority transaction. Should be rejected. utxo_list = self.nodes[0].listunspent() assert(len(utxo_list) > 0) utxo = utxo_list[0] inputs = [] outputs = {} inputs.append({"txid": utxo["txid"], "vout": utxo["vout"]}) outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = utxo["amount"] - self.relayfee raw_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) tx_hex = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(raw_tx)["hex"] txid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx_hex) # A tx that spends an in-mempool tx has 0 priority, so we can use it to # test the effect of using prioritise transaction for mempool # acceptance inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": txid, "vout": 0}) outputs = {} outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = utxo["amount"] - self.relayfee raw_tx2 = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) tx2_hex = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(raw_tx2)["hex"] tx2_id = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(tx2_hex)["txid"] # This will raise an exception due to min relay fee not being met assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "66: insufficient priority", self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction, tx2_hex) assert(tx2_id not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) # This is a less than 1000-byte transaction, so just set the fee # to be the minimum for a 1000 byte transaction and check that it is # accepted. self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( tx2_id, 0, int(self.relayfee * COIN)) self.log.info( "Assert that prioritised free transaction is accepted to mempool") assert_equal(self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx2_hex), tx2_id) assert(tx2_id in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) if __name__ == '__main__': PrioritiseTransactionTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/blocktools.py b/test/functional/test_framework/blocktools.py index e6dd52234..6ebc84cee 100644 --- a/test/functional/test_framework/blocktools.py +++ b/test/functional/test_framework/blocktools.py @@ -1,121 +1,156 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Utilities for manipulating blocks and transactions.""" from .mininode import * from .script import CScript, OP_TRUE, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_RETURN, OP_PUSHDATA2 from .mininode import CTransaction, CTxOut, CTxIn from .util import satoshi_round # Create a block (with regtest difficulty) def create_block(hashprev, coinbase, nTime=None): block = CBlock() if nTime is None: import time block.nTime = int(time.time() + 600) else: block.nTime = nTime block.hashPrevBlock = hashprev block.nBits = 0x207fffff # Will break after a difficulty adjustment... block.vtx.append(coinbase) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.calc_sha256() return block def serialize_script_num(value): r = bytearray(0) if value == 0: return r neg = value < 0 absvalue = -value if neg else value while (absvalue): r.append(int(absvalue & 0xff)) absvalue >>= 8 if r[-1] & 0x80: r.append(0x80 if neg else 0) elif neg: r[-1] |= 0x80 return r # Create a coinbase transaction, assuming no miner fees. # If pubkey is passed in, the coinbase output will be a P2PK output; # otherwise an anyone-can-spend output. def create_coinbase(height, pubkey=None): coinbase = CTransaction() coinbase.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(0, 0xffffffff), ser_string(serialize_script_num(height)), 0xffffffff)) coinbaseoutput = CTxOut() coinbaseoutput.nValue = 50 * COIN halvings = int(height / 150) # regtest coinbaseoutput.nValue >>= halvings if (pubkey != None): coinbaseoutput.scriptPubKey = CScript([pubkey, OP_CHECKSIG]) else: coinbaseoutput.scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_TRUE]) coinbase.vout = [coinbaseoutput] # Make sure the coinbase is at least 100 bytes coinbase_size = len(coinbase.serialize()) if coinbase_size < 100: coinbase.vin[0].scriptSig += b'x' * (100 - coinbase_size) coinbase.calc_sha256() return coinbase # Create a transaction. # If the scriptPubKey is not specified, make it anyone-can-spend. def create_transaction(prevtx, n, sig, value, scriptPubKey=CScript()): tx = CTransaction() assert(n < len(prevtx.vout)) tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(prevtx.sha256, n), sig, 0xffffffff)) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(value, scriptPubKey)) tx.calc_sha256() return tx def get_legacy_sigopcount_block(block, fAccurate=True): count = 0 for tx in block.vtx: count += get_legacy_sigopcount_tx(tx, fAccurate) return count def get_legacy_sigopcount_tx(tx, fAccurate=True): count = 0 for i in tx.vout: count += i.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount(fAccurate) for j in tx.vin: # scriptSig might be of type bytes, so convert to CScript for the moment count += CScript(j.scriptSig).GetSigOpCount(fAccurate) return count +# Helper to create at least "count" utxos +# Pass in a fee that is sufficient for relay and mining new transactions. + + +def create_confirmed_utxos(fee, node, count, age=101): + to_generate = int(0.5 * count) + age + while to_generate > 0: + node.generate(min(25, to_generate)) + to_generate -= 25 + utxos = node.listunspent() + iterations = count - len(utxos) + addr1 = node.getnewaddress() + addr2 = node.getnewaddress() + if iterations <= 0: + return utxos + for i in range(iterations): + t = utxos.pop() + inputs = [] + inputs.append({"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}) + outputs = {} + send_value = t['amount'] - fee + outputs[addr1] = satoshi_round(send_value / 2) + outputs[addr2] = satoshi_round(send_value / 2) + raw_tx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) + signed_tx = node.signrawtransaction(raw_tx)["hex"] + node.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx) + + while (node.getmempoolinfo()['size'] > 0): + node.generate(1) + + utxos = node.listunspent() + assert(len(utxos) >= count) + return utxos + + def send_big_transactions(node, utxos, num, fee_multiplier): txids = [] padding = "1"*(512*127) for _ in range(num): ctx = CTransaction() utxo = utxos.pop() txid = int(utxo['txid'], 16) ctx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(txid, int(utxo["vout"])), b"")) ctx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript( [OP_RETURN, OP_PUSHDATA2, len(padding), bytes(padding, 'utf-8')]))) ctx.vout.append( CTxOut(int(satoshi_round(utxo['amount']*COIN)), CScript([OP_TRUE]))) # Create a proper fee for the transaction to be mined ctx.vout[1].nValue -= int(fee_multiplier * node.calculate_fee(ctx)) signresult = node.signrawtransaction( ToHex(ctx), None, None, "NONE|FORKID") txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) txids.append(txid) return txids diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/util.py b/test/functional/test_framework/util.py index 87700bb17..70124fcd4 100644 --- a/test/functional/test_framework/util.py +++ b/test/functional/test_framework/util.py @@ -1,678 +1,644 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Helpful routines for regression testing.""" from base64 import b64encode from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_DOWN import hashlib import json import logging import os import random import re from subprocess import CalledProcessError import time from . import coverage from .authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException logger = logging.getLogger("TestFramework.utils") # Assert functions ################## def assert_fee_amount(fee, tx_size, fee_per_kB): """Assert the fee was in range""" target_fee = tx_size * fee_per_kB / 1000 if fee < target_fee: raise AssertionError( "Fee of %s BTC too low! (Should be %s BTC)" % (str(fee), str(target_fee))) # allow the wallet's estimation to be at most 2 bytes off if fee > (tx_size + 2) * fee_per_kB / 1000: raise AssertionError( "Fee of %s BTC too high! (Should be %s BTC)" % (str(fee), str(target_fee))) def assert_equal(thing1, thing2, *args): if thing1 != thing2 or any(thing1 != arg for arg in args): raise AssertionError("not(%s)" % " == ".join(str(arg) for arg in (thing1, thing2) + args)) def assert_greater_than(thing1, thing2): if thing1 <= thing2: raise AssertionError("%s <= %s" % (str(thing1), str(thing2))) def assert_greater_than_or_equal(thing1, thing2): if thing1 < thing2: raise AssertionError("%s < %s" % (str(thing1), str(thing2))) def assert_raises(exc, fun, *args, **kwds): assert_raises_message(exc, None, fun, *args, **kwds) def assert_raises_message(exc, message, fun, *args, **kwds): try: fun(*args, **kwds) except JSONRPCException: raise AssertionError( "Use assert_raises_rpc_error() to test RPC failures") except exc as e: if message is not None and message not in e.error['message']: raise AssertionError( "Expected substring not found:" + e.error['message']) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected exception raised: " + type(e).__name__) else: raise AssertionError("No exception raised") def assert_raises_process_error(returncode, output, fun, *args, **kwds): """Execute a process and asserts the process return code and output. Calls function `fun` with arguments `args` and `kwds`. Catches a CalledProcessError and verifies that the return code and output are as expected. Throws AssertionError if no CalledProcessError was raised or if the return code and output are not as expected. Args: returncode (int): the process return code. output (string): [a substring of] the process output. fun (function): the function to call. This should execute a process. args*: positional arguments for the function. kwds**: named arguments for the function. """ try: fun(*args, **kwds) except CalledProcessError as e: if returncode != e.returncode: raise AssertionError("Unexpected returncode %i" % e.returncode) if output not in e.output: raise AssertionError("Expected substring not found:" + e.output) else: raise AssertionError("No exception raised") def assert_raises_rpc_error(code, message, fun, *args, **kwds): """Run an RPC and verify that a specific JSONRPC exception code and message is raised. Calls function `fun` with arguments `args` and `kwds`. Catches a JSONRPCException and verifies that the error code and message are as expected. Throws AssertionError if no JSONRPCException was raised or if the error code/message are not as expected. Args: code (int), optional: the error code returned by the RPC call (defined in src/rpc/protocol.h). Set to None if checking the error code is not required. message (string), optional: [a substring of] the error string returned by the RPC call. Set to None if checking the error string is not required. fun (function): the function to call. This should be the name of an RPC. args*: positional arguments for the function. kwds**: named arguments for the function. """ assert try_rpc(code, message, fun, *args, **kwds), "No exception raised" def try_rpc(code, message, fun, *args, **kwds): """Tries to run an rpc command. Test against error code and message if the rpc fails. Returns whether a JSONRPCException was raised.""" try: fun(*args, **kwds) except JSONRPCException as e: # JSONRPCException was thrown as expected. Check the code and message values are correct. if (code is not None) and (code != e.error["code"]): raise AssertionError( "Unexpected JSONRPC error code %i" % e.error["code"]) if (message is not None) and (message not in e.error['message']): raise AssertionError( "Expected substring not found:" + e.error['message']) return True except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected exception raised: " + type(e).__name__) else: return False def assert_is_hex_string(string): try: int(string, 16) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Couldn't interpret %r as hexadecimal; raised: %s" % (string, e)) def assert_is_hash_string(string, length=64): if not isinstance(string, str): raise AssertionError("Expected a string, got type %r" % type(string)) elif length and len(string) != length: raise AssertionError( "String of length %d expected; got %d" % (length, len(string))) elif not re.match('[abcdef0-9]+$', string): raise AssertionError( "String %r contains invalid characters for a hash." % string) def assert_array_result(object_array, to_match, expected, should_not_find=False): """ Pass in array of JSON objects, a dictionary with key/value pairs to match against, and another dictionary with expected key/value pairs. If the should_not_find flag is true, to_match should not be found in object_array """ if should_not_find: assert_equal(expected, {}) num_matched = 0 for item in object_array: all_match = True for key, value in to_match.items(): if item[key] != value: all_match = False if not all_match: continue elif should_not_find: num_matched = num_matched + 1 for key, value in expected.items(): if item[key] != value: raise AssertionError("%s : expected %s=%s" % (str(item), str(key), str(value))) num_matched = num_matched + 1 if num_matched == 0 and not should_not_find: raise AssertionError("No objects matched %s" % (str(to_match))) if num_matched > 0 and should_not_find: raise AssertionError("Objects were found %s" % (str(to_match))) # Utility functions ################### def check_json_precision(): """Make sure json library being used does not lose precision converting BTC values""" n = Decimal("20000000.00000003") satoshis = int(json.loads(json.dumps(float(n))) * 1.0e8) if satoshis != 2000000000000003: raise RuntimeError("JSON encode/decode loses precision") def count_bytes(hex_string): return len(bytearray.fromhex(hex_string)) def bytes_to_hex_str(byte_str): return hexlify(byte_str).decode('ascii') def hash256(byte_str): sha256 = hashlib.sha256() sha256.update(byte_str) sha256d = hashlib.sha256() sha256d.update(sha256.digest()) return sha256d.digest()[::-1] def hex_str_to_bytes(hex_str): return unhexlify(hex_str.encode('ascii')) def str_to_b64str(string): return b64encode(string.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii') def satoshi_round(amount): return Decimal(amount).quantize(Decimal('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) def wait_until(predicate, *, attempts=float('inf'), timeout=float('inf'), lock=None): if attempts == float('inf') and timeout == float('inf'): timeout = 60 attempt = 0 timeout += time.time() while attempt < attempts and time.time() < timeout: if lock: with lock: if predicate(): return else: if predicate(): return attempt += 1 time.sleep(0.05) # Print the cause of the timeout assert_greater_than(attempts, attempt) assert_greater_than(timeout, time.time()) raise RuntimeError('Unreachable') # RPC/P2P connection constants and functions ############################################ # The maximum number of nodes a single test can spawn MAX_NODES = 8 # Don't assign rpc or p2p ports lower than this PORT_MIN = 11000 # The number of ports to "reserve" for p2p and rpc, each PORT_RANGE = 5000 class PortSeed: # Must be initialized with a unique integer for each process n = None def get_rpc_proxy(url, node_number, timeout=None, coveragedir=None): """ Args: url (str): URL of the RPC server to call node_number (int): the node number (or id) that this calls to Kwargs: timeout (int): HTTP timeout in seconds Returns: AuthServiceProxy. convenience object for making RPC calls. """ proxy_kwargs = {} if timeout is not None: proxy_kwargs['timeout'] = timeout proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url, **proxy_kwargs) proxy.url = url # store URL on proxy for info coverage_logfile = coverage.get_filename( coveragedir, node_number) if coveragedir else None return coverage.AuthServiceProxyWrapper(proxy, coverage_logfile) def p2p_port(n): assert(n <= MAX_NODES) return PORT_MIN + n + (MAX_NODES * PortSeed.n) % (PORT_RANGE - 1 - MAX_NODES) def rpc_port(n): return PORT_MIN + PORT_RANGE + n + (MAX_NODES * PortSeed.n) % (PORT_RANGE - 1 - MAX_NODES) def rpc_url(datadir, i, rpchost=None): rpc_u, rpc_p = get_auth_cookie(datadir) host = '' port = rpc_port(i) if rpchost: parts = rpchost.split(':') if len(parts) == 2: host, port = parts else: host = rpchost return "http://%s:%s@%s:%d" % (rpc_u, rpc_p, host, int(port)) # Node functions ################ def initialize_datadir(dirname, n): datadir = os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(n)) if not os.path.isdir(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) with open(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf"), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write("regtest=1\n") f.write("port=" + str(p2p_port(n)) + "\n") f.write("rpcport=" + str(rpc_port(n)) + "\n") f.write("listenonion=0\n") f.write("usecashaddr=1\n") return datadir def get_datadir_path(dirname, n): return os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(n)) def get_auth_cookie(datadir): user = None password = None if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf")): with open(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf"), 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("rpcuser="): assert user is None # Ensure that there is only one rpcuser line user = line.split("=")[1].strip("\n") if line.startswith("rpcpassword="): assert password is None # Ensure that there is only one rpcpassword line password = line.split("=")[1].strip("\n") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(datadir, "regtest", ".cookie")): with open(os.path.join(datadir, "regtest", ".cookie"), 'r') as f: userpass = f.read() split_userpass = userpass.split(':') user = split_userpass[0] password = split_userpass[1] if user is None or password is None: raise ValueError("No RPC credentials") return user, password def log_filename(dirname, n_node, logname): return os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(n_node), "regtest", logname) def get_bip9_status(node, key): info = node.getblockchaininfo() return info['bip9_softforks'][key] def set_node_times(nodes, t): for node in nodes: node.setmocktime(t) def disconnect_nodes(from_connection, node_num): for peer_id in [peer['id'] for peer in from_connection.getpeerinfo() if "testnode%d" % node_num in peer['subver']]: from_connection.disconnectnode(nodeid=peer_id) for _ in range(50): if [peer['id'] for peer in from_connection.getpeerinfo() if "testnode%d" % node_num in peer['subver']] == []: break time.sleep(0.1) else: raise AssertionError("timed out waiting for disconnect") def connect_nodes(from_connection, node_num): ip_port = "" + str(p2p_port(node_num)) from_connection.addnode(ip_port, "onetry") # poll until version handshake complete to avoid race conditions # with transaction relaying while any(peer['version'] == 0 for peer in from_connection.getpeerinfo()): time.sleep(0.1) def connect_nodes_bi(nodes, a, b): connect_nodes(nodes[a], b) connect_nodes(nodes[b], a) def sync_blocks(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60): """ Wait until everybody has the same tip. sync_blocks needs to be called with an rpc_connections set that has least one node already synced to the latest, stable tip, otherwise there's a chance it might return before all nodes are stably synced. """ # Use getblockcount() instead of waitforblockheight() to determine the # initial max height because the two RPCs look at different internal global # variables (chainActive vs latestBlock) and the former gets updated # earlier. maxheight = max(x.getblockcount() for x in rpc_connections) start_time = cur_time = time.time() while cur_time <= start_time + timeout: tips = [r.waitforblockheight(maxheight, int(wait * 1000)) for r in rpc_connections] if all(t["height"] == maxheight for t in tips): if all(t["hash"] == tips[0]["hash"] for t in tips): return raise AssertionError("Block sync failed, mismatched block hashes:{}".format( "".join("\n {!r}".format(tip) for tip in tips))) cur_time = time.time() raise AssertionError("Block sync to height {} timed out:{}".format( maxheight, "".join("\n {!r}".format(tip) for tip in tips))) def sync_chain(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60): """ Wait until everybody has the same best block """ while timeout > 0: best_hash = [x.getbestblockhash() for x in rpc_connections] if best_hash == [best_hash[0]] * len(best_hash): return time.sleep(wait) timeout -= wait raise AssertionError("Chain sync failed: Best block hashes don't match") def sync_mempools(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60): """ Wait until everybody has the same transactions in their memory pools """ while timeout > 0: pool = set(rpc_connections[0].getrawmempool()) num_match = 1 for i in range(1, len(rpc_connections)): if set(rpc_connections[i].getrawmempool()) == pool: num_match = num_match + 1 if num_match == len(rpc_connections): return time.sleep(wait) timeout -= wait raise AssertionError("Mempool sync failed") # Transaction/Block functions ############################# def find_output(node, txid, amount): """ Return index to output of txid with value amount Raises exception if there is none. """ txdata = node.getrawtransaction(txid, 1) for i in range(len(txdata["vout"])): if txdata["vout"][i]["value"] == amount: return i raise RuntimeError("find_output txid %s : %s not found" % (txid, str(amount))) def gather_inputs(from_node, amount_needed, confirmations_required=1): """ Return a random set of unspent txouts that are enough to pay amount_needed """ assert(confirmations_required >= 0) utxo = from_node.listunspent(confirmations_required) random.shuffle(utxo) inputs = [] total_in = Decimal("0.00000000") while total_in < amount_needed and len(utxo) > 0: t = utxo.pop() total_in += t["amount"] inputs.append( {"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"], "address": t["address"]}) if total_in < amount_needed: raise RuntimeError("Insufficient funds: need %d, have %d" % (amount_needed, total_in)) return (total_in, inputs) def make_change(from_node, amount_in, amount_out, fee): """ Create change output(s), return them """ outputs = {} amount = amount_out + fee change = amount_in - amount if change > amount * 2: # Create an extra change output to break up big inputs change_address = from_node.getnewaddress() # Split change in two, being careful of rounding: outputs[change_address] = Decimal( change / 2).quantize(Decimal('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) change = amount_in - amount - outputs[change_address] if change > 0: outputs[from_node.getnewaddress()] = change return outputs def send_zeropri_transaction(from_node, to_node, amount, fee): """ Create&broadcast a zero-priority transaction. Returns (txid, hex-encoded-txdata) Ensures transaction is zero-priority by first creating a send-to-self, then using its output """ # Create a send-to-self with confirmed inputs: self_address = from_node.getnewaddress() (total_in, inputs) = gather_inputs(from_node, amount + fee * 2) outputs = make_change(from_node, total_in, amount + fee, fee) outputs[self_address] = float(amount + fee) self_rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) self_signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction(self_rawtx) self_txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(self_signresult["hex"], True) vout = find_output(from_node, self_txid, amount + fee) # Now immediately spend the output to create a 1-input, 1-output # zero-priority transaction: inputs = [{"txid": self_txid, "vout": vout}] outputs = {to_node.getnewaddress(): float(amount)} rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx) txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) return (txid, signresult["hex"]) def random_zeropri_transaction(nodes, amount, min_fee, fee_increment, fee_variants): """ Create a random zero-priority transaction. Returns (txid, hex-encoded-transaction-data, fee) """ from_node = random.choice(nodes) to_node = random.choice(nodes) fee = min_fee + fee_increment * random.randint(0, fee_variants) (txid, txhex) = send_zeropri_transaction(from_node, to_node, amount, fee) return (txid, txhex, fee) def random_transaction(nodes, amount, min_fee, fee_increment, fee_variants): """ Create a random transaction. Returns (txid, hex-encoded-transaction-data, fee) """ from_node = random.choice(nodes) to_node = random.choice(nodes) fee = min_fee + fee_increment * random.randint(0, fee_variants) (total_in, inputs) = gather_inputs(from_node, amount + fee) outputs = make_change(from_node, total_in, amount, fee) outputs[to_node.getnewaddress()] = float(amount) rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx) txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) return (txid, signresult["hex"], fee) -# Helper to create at least "count" utxos -# Pass in a fee that is sufficient for relay and mining new transactions. - - -def create_confirmed_utxos(fee, node, count, age=101): - to_generate = int(0.5 * count) + age - while to_generate > 0: - node.generate(min(25, to_generate)) - to_generate -= 25 - utxos = node.listunspent() - iterations = count - len(utxos) - addr1 = node.getnewaddress() - addr2 = node.getnewaddress() - if iterations <= 0: - return utxos - for i in range(iterations): - t = utxos.pop() - inputs = [] - inputs.append({"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}) - outputs = {} - send_value = t['amount'] - fee - outputs[addr1] = satoshi_round(send_value / 2) - outputs[addr2] = satoshi_round(send_value / 2) - raw_tx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) - signed_tx = node.signrawtransaction(raw_tx)["hex"] - node.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx) - - while (node.getmempoolinfo()['size'] > 0): - node.generate(1) - - utxos = node.listunspent() - assert(len(utxos) >= count) - return utxos - # Create large OP_RETURN txouts that can be appended to a transaction # to make it large (helper for constructing large transactions). def gen_return_txouts(): # Some pre-processing to create a bunch of OP_RETURN txouts to insert into transactions we create # So we have big transactions (and therefore can't fit very many into each block) # create one script_pubkey script_pubkey = "6a4d0200" # OP_RETURN OP_PUSH2 512 bytes for i in range(512): script_pubkey = script_pubkey + "01" # concatenate 128 txouts of above script_pubkey which we'll insert before # the txout for change txouts = "81" for k in range(128): # add txout value txouts = txouts + "0000000000000000" # add length of script_pubkey txouts = txouts + "fd0402" # add script_pubkey txouts = txouts + script_pubkey return txouts def create_tx(node, coinbase, to_address, amount): inputs = [{"txid": coinbase, "vout": 0}] outputs = {to_address: amount} rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(signresult["complete"], True) return signresult["hex"] # Create a spend of each passed-in utxo, splicing in "txouts" to each raw # transaction to make it large. See gen_return_txouts() above. def create_lots_of_big_transactions(node, txouts, utxos, num, fee): addr = node.getnewaddress() txids = [] for _ in range(num): t = utxos.pop() inputs = [{"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}] outputs = {} change = t['amount'] - fee outputs[addr] = satoshi_round(change) rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) newtx = rawtx[0:92] newtx = newtx + txouts newtx = newtx + rawtx[94:] signresult = node.signrawtransaction(newtx, None, None, "NONE|FORKID") txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) txids.append(txid) return txids def mine_large_block(node, utxos=None): # generate a 66k transaction, # and 14 of them is close to the 1MB block limit num = 14 txouts = gen_return_txouts() utxos = utxos if utxos is not None else [] if len(utxos) < num: utxos.clear() utxos.extend(node.listunspent()) fee = 100 * node.getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"] create_lots_of_big_transactions(node, txouts, utxos, num, fee=fee) node.generate(1)