diff --git a/qa/pull-tester/rpc-tests.py b/qa/pull-tester/rpc-tests.py index 31b780e9e..15efe3b68 100755 --- a/qa/pull-tester/rpc-tests.py +++ b/qa/pull-tester/rpc-tests.py @@ -1,374 +1,373 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ Run Regression Test Suite This module calls down into individual test cases via subprocess. It will forward all unrecognized arguments onto the individual test scripts, other than: - `-extended`: run the "extended" test suite in addition to the basic one. - `-win`: signal that this is running in a Windows environment, and we should run the tests. - `--coverage`: this generates a basic coverage report for the RPC interface. For a description of arguments recognized by test scripts, see `qa/pull-tester/test_framework/test_framework.py:BitcoinTestFramework.main`. """ import os import time import shutil import sys import subprocess import tempfile import re sys.path.append("qa/pull-tester/") from tests_config import * BOLD = ("","") if os.name == 'posix': # primitive formatting on supported # terminal via ANSI escape sequences: BOLD = ('\033[0m', '\033[1m') RPC_TESTS_DIR = SRCDIR + '/qa/rpc-tests/' #If imported values are not defined then set to zero (or disabled) if 'ENABLE_WALLET' not in vars(): ENABLE_WALLET=0 if 'ENABLE_BITCOIND' not in vars(): ENABLE_BITCOIND=0 if 'ENABLE_UTILS' not in vars(): ENABLE_UTILS=0 if 'ENABLE_ZMQ' not in vars(): ENABLE_ZMQ=0 ENABLE_COVERAGE=0 #Create a set to store arguments and create the passon string opts = set() passon_args = [] PASSON_REGEX = re.compile("^--") PARALLEL_REGEX = re.compile('^-parallel=') print_help = False run_parallel = 4 for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg == "--help" or arg == "-h" or arg == "-?": print_help = True break if arg == '--coverage': ENABLE_COVERAGE = 1 elif PASSON_REGEX.match(arg): passon_args.append(arg) elif PARALLEL_REGEX.match(arg): run_parallel = int(arg.split(sep='=', maxsplit=1)[1]) else: opts.add(arg) #Set env vars if "BITCOIND" not in os.environ: os.environ["BITCOIND"] = BUILDDIR + '/src/bitcoind' + EXEEXT if EXEEXT == ".exe" and "-win" not in opts: # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/d52802551752140cf41f0d9a225a43e84404d3e9 # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5677#issuecomment-136646964 print("Win tests currently disabled by default. Use -win option to enable") sys.exit(0) if not (ENABLE_WALLET == 1 and ENABLE_UTILS == 1 and ENABLE_BITCOIND == 1): print("No rpc tests to run. Wallet, utils, and bitcoind must all be enabled") sys.exit(0) # python3-zmq may not be installed. Handle this gracefully and with some helpful info if ENABLE_ZMQ: try: import zmq except ImportError: print("ERROR: \"import zmq\" failed. Set ENABLE_ZMQ=0 or " "to run zmq tests, see dependency info in /qa/README.md.") # ENABLE_ZMQ=0 raise testScripts = [ # longest test should go first, to favor running tests in parallel 'wallet-hd.py', 'walletbackup.py', # vv Tests less than 5m vv 'p2p-fullblocktest.py', 'fundrawtransaction.py', 'p2p-compactblocks.py', # vv Tests less than 2m vv 'wallet.py', 'wallet-accounts.py', 'wallet-dump.py', 'listtransactions.py', # vv Tests less than 60s vv 'sendheaders.py', 'zapwallettxes.py', 'importmulti.py', 'mempool_limit.py', 'merkle_blocks.py', 'receivedby.py', 'abandonconflict.py', 'bip68-112-113-p2p.py', 'rawtransactions.py', 'reindex.py', # vv Tests less than 30s vv 'mempool_resurrect_test.py', 'txn_doublespend.py --mineblock', 'txn_clone.py', 'getchaintips.py', 'rest.py', 'mempool_spendcoinbase.py', 'mempool_reorg.py', 'httpbasics.py', 'multi_rpc.py', 'proxy_test.py', 'signrawtransactions.py', 'nodehandling.py', 'decodescript.py', 'blockchain.py', 'disablewallet.py', 'keypool.py', 'p2p-mempool.py', 'prioritise_transaction.py', 'invalidblockrequest.py', 'invalidtxrequest.py', 'p2p-versionbits-warning.py', 'preciousblock.py', 'importprunedfunds.py', 'signmessages.py', 'nulldummy.py', 'import-rescan.py', 'rpcnamedargs.py', 'listsinceblock.py', 'p2p-leaktests.py', 'abc-cmdline.py', - 'abc-p2p-activation.py', 'abc-p2p-fullblocktest.py', 'abc-rpc.py', 'mempool-accept-txn.py', ] if ENABLE_ZMQ: testScripts.append('zmq_test.py') testScriptsExt = [ 'pruning.py', # vv Tests less than 20m vv 'smartfees.py', # vv Tests less than 5m vv 'maxuploadtarget.py', 'mempool_packages.py', # vv Tests less than 2m vv 'bip68-sequence.py', 'getblocktemplate_longpoll.py', 'p2p-timeouts.py', # vv Tests less than 60s vv 'bip9-softforks.py', 'p2p-feefilter.py', 'rpcbind_test.py', # vv Tests less than 30s vv 'bip65-cltv.py', 'bip65-cltv-p2p.py', 'bipdersig-p2p.py', 'bipdersig.py', 'getblocktemplate_proposals.py', 'txn_doublespend.py', 'txn_clone.py --mineblock', 'forknotify.py', 'invalidateblock.py', 'maxblocksinflight.py', 'p2p-acceptblock.py', ] def runtests(): test_list = [] if '-extended' in opts: test_list = testScripts + testScriptsExt elif len(opts) == 0 or (len(opts) == 1 and "-win" in opts): test_list = testScripts else: for t in testScripts + testScriptsExt: if t in opts or re.sub(".py$", "", t) in opts: test_list.append(t) if print_help: # Only print help of the first script and exit subprocess.check_call((RPC_TESTS_DIR + test_list[0]).split() + ['-h']) sys.exit(0) coverage = None if ENABLE_COVERAGE: coverage = RPCCoverage() print("Initializing coverage directory at %s\n" % coverage.dir) flags = ["--srcdir=%s/src" % BUILDDIR] + passon_args flags.append("--cachedir=%s/qa/cache" % BUILDDIR) if coverage: flags.append(coverage.flag) if len(test_list) > 1 and run_parallel > 1: # Populate cache subprocess.check_output([RPC_TESTS_DIR + 'create_cache.py'] + flags) #Run Tests max_len_name = len(max(test_list, key=len)) time_sum = 0 time0 = time.time() job_queue = RPCTestHandler(run_parallel, test_list, flags) results = BOLD[1] + "%s | %s | %s\n\n" % ("TEST".ljust(max_len_name), "PASSED", "DURATION") + BOLD[0] all_passed = True for _ in range(len(test_list)): (name, stdout, stderr, passed, duration) = job_queue.get_next() all_passed = all_passed and passed time_sum += duration print('\n' + BOLD[1] + name + BOLD[0] + ":") print('' if passed else stdout + '\n', end='') print('' if stderr == '' else 'stderr:\n' + stderr + '\n', end='') results += "%s | %s | %s s\n" % (name.ljust(max_len_name), str(passed).ljust(6), duration) print("Pass: %s%s%s, Duration: %s s\n" % (BOLD[1], passed, BOLD[0], duration)) results += BOLD[1] + "\n%s | %s | %s s (accumulated)" % ("ALL".ljust(max_len_name), str(all_passed).ljust(6), time_sum) + BOLD[0] print(results) print("\nRuntime: %s s" % (int(time.time() - time0))) if coverage: coverage.report_rpc_coverage() print("Cleaning up coverage data") coverage.cleanup() sys.exit(not all_passed) class RPCTestHandler: """ Trigger the testscrips passed in via the list. """ def __init__(self, num_tests_parallel, test_list=None, flags=None): assert(num_tests_parallel >= 1) self.num_jobs = num_tests_parallel self.test_list = test_list self.flags = flags self.num_running = 0 # In case there is a graveyard of zombie bitcoinds, we can apply a # pseudorandom offset to hopefully jump over them. # (625 is PORT_RANGE/MAX_NODES) self.portseed_offset = int(time.time() * 1000) % 625 self.jobs = [] def get_next(self): while self.num_running < self.num_jobs and self.test_list: # Add tests self.num_running += 1 t = self.test_list.pop(0) port_seed = ["--portseed={}".format(len(self.test_list) + self.portseed_offset)] log_stdout = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=2**16) log_stderr = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=2**16) self.jobs.append((t, time.time(), subprocess.Popen((RPC_TESTS_DIR + t).split() + self.flags + port_seed, universal_newlines=True, stdout=log_stdout, stderr=log_stderr), log_stdout, log_stderr)) if not self.jobs: raise IndexError('pop from empty list') while True: # Return first proc that finishes time.sleep(.5) for j in self.jobs: (name, time0, proc, log_out, log_err) = j if proc.poll() is not None: log_out.seek(0), log_err.seek(0) [stdout, stderr] = [l.read().decode('utf-8') for l in (log_out, log_err)] log_out.close(), log_err.close() passed = stderr == "" and proc.returncode == 0 self.num_running -= 1 self.jobs.remove(j) return name, stdout, stderr, passed, int(time.time() - time0) print('.', end='', flush=True) class RPCCoverage(object): """ Coverage reporting utilities for pull-tester. Coverage calculation works by having each test script subprocess write coverage files into a particular directory. These files contain the RPC commands invoked during testing, as well as a complete listing of RPC commands per `bitcoin-cli help` (`rpc_interface.txt`). After all tests complete, the commands run are combined and diff'd against the complete list to calculate uncovered RPC commands. See also: qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/coverage.py """ def __init__(self): self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="coverage") self.flag = '--coveragedir=%s' % self.dir def report_rpc_coverage(self): """ Print out RPC commands that were unexercised by tests. """ uncovered = self._get_uncovered_rpc_commands() if uncovered: print("Uncovered RPC commands:") print("".join((" - %s\n" % i) for i in sorted(uncovered))) else: print("All RPC commands covered.") def cleanup(self): return shutil.rmtree(self.dir) def _get_uncovered_rpc_commands(self): """ Return a set of currently untested RPC commands. """ # This is shared from `qa/rpc-tests/test-framework/coverage.py` REFERENCE_FILENAME = 'rpc_interface.txt' COVERAGE_FILE_PREFIX = 'coverage.' coverage_ref_filename = os.path.join(self.dir, REFERENCE_FILENAME) coverage_filenames = set() all_cmds = set() covered_cmds = set() if not os.path.isfile(coverage_ref_filename): raise RuntimeError("No coverage reference found") with open(coverage_ref_filename, 'r') as f: all_cmds.update([i.strip() for i in f.readlines()]) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.dir): for filename in files: if filename.startswith(COVERAGE_FILE_PREFIX): coverage_filenames.add(os.path.join(root, filename)) for filename in coverage_filenames: with open(filename, 'r') as f: covered_cmds.update([i.strip() for i in f.readlines()]) return all_cmds - covered_cmds if __name__ == '__main__': runtests() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/abc-p2p-activation.py b/qa/rpc-tests/abc-p2p-activation.py deleted file mode 100755 index 5f331bed0..000000000 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/abc-p2p-activation.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,364 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 -# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers -# Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers -# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying -# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. -""" -This test checks activation of UAHF and the different consensus -related to this activation. -It is derived from the much more complex p2p-fullblocktest. -""" - -from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework -from test_framework.util import * -from test_framework.comptool import TestManager, TestInstance, RejectResult -from test_framework.blocktools import * -import time -from test_framework.key import CECKey -from test_framework.script import * -from test_framework.cdefs import * - -# Error for illegal use of SIGHASH_FORKID -SIGHASH_FORKID_ERROR = b'non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Illegal use of SIGHASH_FORKID)' -RPC_SIGHASH_FORKID_ERROR = "64: " + SIGHASH_FORKID_ERROR.decode("utf-8") -SIGHASH_INVALID_ERROR = b'mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Script evaluated without error but finished with a false/empty top stack e' - -# far into the future -UAHF_START_TIME = 2000000000 - - -class PreviousSpendableOutput(object): - - def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): - self.tx = tx - self.n = n # the output we're spending - - -class FullBlockTest(ComparisonTestFramework): - - # Can either run this test as 1 node with expected answers, or two and compare them. - # Change the "outcome" variable from each TestInstance object to only do - # the comparison. - - def __init__(self): - super().__init__() - self.num_nodes = 1 - self.block_heights = {} - self.coinbase_key = CECKey() - self.coinbase_key.set_secretbytes(b"fatstacks") - self.coinbase_pubkey = self.coinbase_key.get_pubkey() - self.forkid_key = CECKey() - self.forkid_key.set_secretbytes(b"forkid") - self.forkid_pubkey = self.forkid_key.get_pubkey() - self.tip = None - self.uahfEnabled = False - self.blocks = {} - - def setup_network(self): - self.extra_args = [['-debug', - '-norelaypriority', - "-uahfstarttime=%d" % UAHF_START_TIME, - '-whitelist=', - '-par=1']] - self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, - self.extra_args, - binary=[self.options.testbinary]) - - def add_options(self, parser): - super().add_options(parser) - parser.add_option( - "--runbarelyexpensive", dest="runbarelyexpensive", default=True) - - def run_test(self): - self.test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir) - self.test.add_all_connections(self.nodes) - # Start up network handling in another thread - NetworkThread().start() - # Mock the time so that block activating the HF will be accepted - self.nodes[0].setmocktime(UAHF_START_TIME) - self.test.run() - - def add_transactions_to_block(self, block, tx_list): - [tx.rehash() for tx in tx_list] - block.vtx.extend(tx_list) - - # this is a little handier to use than the version in blocktools.py - def create_tx(self, spend_tx, n, value, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): - tx = create_transaction(spend_tx, n, b"", value, script) - return tx - - # sign a transaction, using the key we know about - # this signs input 0 in tx, which is assumed to be spending output n in - # spend_tx - def sign_tx(self, tx, spend_tx, n): - scriptPubKey = bytearray(spend_tx.vout[n].scriptPubKey) - if (scriptPubKey[0] == OP_TRUE): # an anyone-can-spend - tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() - return - (sighash, err) = SignatureHash( - spend_tx.vout[n].scriptPubKey, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL) - tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript( - [self.coinbase_key.sign(sighash) + bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL]))]) - - def create_and_sign_transaction(self, spend_tx, n, value, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): - tx = self.create_tx(spend_tx, n, value, script) - self.sign_tx(tx, spend_tx, n) - tx.rehash() - return tx - - def next_block(self, number, spend=None, additional_coinbase_value=0, script=None, extra_sigops=0, block_size=0, solve=True): - """ - Create a block on top of self.tip, and advance self.tip to point to the new block - if spend is specified, then 1 satoshi will be spent from that to an anyone-can-spend - output, and rest will go to fees. - """ - if self.tip == None: - base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash - block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 - else: - base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 - block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 - # First create the coinbase - height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 - coinbase = create_coinbase(height, self.coinbase_pubkey) - coinbase.vout[0].nValue += additional_coinbase_value - if (spend != None): - coinbase.vout[0].nValue += spend.tx.vout[ - spend.n].nValue - 1 # all but one satoshi to fees - coinbase.rehash() - block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) - spendable_output = None - if (spend != None): - tx = CTransaction() - tx.vin.append( - CTxIn(COutPoint(spend.tx.sha256, spend.n), b"", 0xffffffff)) # no signature yet - # This copies the java comparison tool testing behavior: the first - # txout has a garbage scriptPubKey, "to make sure we're not - # pre-verifying too much" (?) - tx.vout.append( - CTxOut(0, CScript([random.randint(0, 255), height & 255]))) - if script == None: - tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) - else: - tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1, script)) - spendable_output = PreviousSpendableOutput(tx, 0) - - # Now sign it if necessary - scriptSig = b"" - scriptPubKey = bytearray(spend.tx.vout[spend.n].scriptPubKey) - if (scriptPubKey[0] == OP_TRUE): # looks like an anyone-can-spend - scriptSig = CScript([OP_TRUE]) - else: - # We have to actually sign it - nHashType = SIGHASH_ALL - sighash = None - if self.uahfEnabled == False: - (sighash, err) = SignatureHash( - spend.tx.vout[spend.n].scriptPubKey, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL) - else: - nHashType |= SIGHASH_FORKID - sighash = SignatureHashForkId( - spend.tx.vout[spend.n].scriptPubKey, tx, 0, nHashType, spend.tx.vout[spend.n].nValue) - scriptSig = CScript( - [self.coinbase_key.sign(sighash) + bytes(bytearray([nHashType]))]) - tx.vin[0].scriptSig = scriptSig - # Now add the transaction to the block - self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) - block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() - if spendable_output != None and block_size > 0: - while len(block.serialize()) < block_size: - tx = CTransaction() - script_length = block_size - len(block.serialize()) - 79 - if script_length > 510000: - script_length = 500000 - tx_sigops = min( - extra_sigops, script_length, MAX_TX_SIGOPS_COUNT) - extra_sigops -= tx_sigops - script_pad_len = script_length - tx_sigops - script_output = CScript( - [b'\x00' * script_pad_len] + [OP_CHECKSIG] * tx_sigops) - tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) - tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, script_output)) - tx.vin.append( - CTxIn(COutPoint(spendable_output.tx.sha256, spendable_output.n))) - spendable_output = PreviousSpendableOutput(tx, 0) - self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) - block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() - # Make sure the math above worked out to produce the correct block size - # (the math will fail if there are too many transactions in the block) - assert_equal(len(block.serialize()), block_size) - # Make sure all the requested sigops have been included - assert_equal(extra_sigops, 0) - if solve: - block.solve() - self.tip = block - self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height - assert number not in self.blocks - self.blocks[number] = block - return block - - def get_tests(self): - self.genesis_hash = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) - self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 - spendable_outputs = [] - - # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block - def save_spendable_output(): - spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) - - # get an output that we previously marked as spendable - def get_spendable_output(): - return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) - - # returns a test case that asserts that the current tip was accepted - def accepted(): - return TestInstance([[self.tip, True]]) - - # returns a test case that asserts that the current tip was rejected - def rejected(reject=None): - if reject is None: - return TestInstance([[self.tip, False]]) - else: - return TestInstance([[self.tip, reject]]) - - # move the tip back to a previous block - def tip(number): - self.tip = self.blocks[number] - - # adds transactions to the block and updates state - def update_block(block_number, new_transactions): - block = self.blocks[block_number] - self.add_transactions_to_block(block, new_transactions) - old_sha256 = block.sha256 - block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() - block.solve() - # Update the internal state just like in next_block - self.tip = block - if block.sha256 != old_sha256: - self.block_heights[ - block.sha256] = self.block_heights[old_sha256] - del self.block_heights[old_sha256] - self.blocks[block_number] = block - return block - - # shorthand for functions - block = self.next_block - node = self.nodes[0] - - # Create a new block - block(0, block_size=LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) - save_spendable_output() - yield accepted() - - # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. - test = TestInstance(sync_every_block=False) - for i in range(99): - block(5000 + i) - test.blocks_and_transactions.append([self.tip, True]) - save_spendable_output() - yield test - - # collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on - out = [] - for i in range(100): - out.append(get_spendable_output()) - - # block up to LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE are accepted. - block(1, spend=out[0], block_size=LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) - yield accepted() - - # Create a transaction that we will use to test SIGHASH_FORID - script_forkid = CScript([self.forkid_pubkey, OP_CHECKSIG]) - tx_forkid = self.create_and_sign_transaction( - out[1].tx, out[1].n, 1, script_forkid) - - # Create a block that would activate the HF. We also add the - # transaction that will allow us to test SIGHASH_FORKID - b03 = block(3) - b03.nTime = UAHF_START_TIME - update_block(3, [tx_forkid]) - yield accepted() - - # Pile up 4 blocks on top to get to the point just before activation. - block(4, spend=out[2]) - yield accepted() - block(5, spend=out[3]) - yield accepted() - block(6, spend=out[4]) - yield accepted() - block(7, spend=out[5]) - yield accepted() - - # build a transaction using SIGHASH_FORKID - tx_spend = self.create_tx(tx_forkid, 0, 1, CScript([OP_TRUE])) - sighash_spend = SignatureHashForkId( - script_forkid, tx_spend, 0, SIGHASH_FORKID | SIGHASH_ALL, 1) - sig_forkid = self.forkid_key.sign(sighash_spend) - tx_spend.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript( - [sig_forkid + bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_FORKID | SIGHASH_ALL]))]) - tx_spend.rehash() - - # This transaction can't get into the mempool yet - try: - node.sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx_spend)) - except JSONRPCException as exp: - assert_equal(exp.error["message"], RPC_SIGHASH_FORKID_ERROR) - else: - assert(False) - - # The transaction is rejected, so the mempool should still be empty - assert_equal(set(node.getrawmempool()), set()) - - # check that SIGHASH_FORKID transaction are still rejected - block(9) - update_block(9, [tx_spend]) - yield rejected(RejectResult(16, SIGHASH_INVALID_ERROR)) - - # Rewind bad block - tip(7) - - # Pile up another block, to activate. OP_RETURN anti replay - # outputs are still considered valid. - antireplay_script = CScript([OP_RETURN, ANTI_REPLAY_COMMITMENT]) - block(10, spend=out[6], script=antireplay_script) - yield accepted() - - # Now that the HF is activated, replay protected tx are - # accepted in the mempool - tx_spend_id = node.sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx_spend)) - assert_equal(set(node.getrawmempool()), {tx_spend_id}) - - # Mark the HF - self.uahfEnabled = True - - # HF is active, now we can create bigger blocks and use - # SIGHASH_FORKID replay protection. - block(12, spend=out[7], block_size=LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + 1) - update_block(12, [tx_spend]) - yield accepted() - - # We save this block id to test reorg - fork_block_id = node.getbestblockhash() - - # The transaction has been mined, it's not in the mempool anymore - assert_equal(set(node.getrawmempool()), set()) - - # Test OP_RETURN replay protection - block(13, spend=out[8], script=antireplay_script) - yield rejected(RejectResult(16, b'bad-txn-replay')) - - # Rewind bad block - tip(12) - - # Check that only the first block has to be > 1MB - block(14, spend=out[8]) - yield accepted() - - # Now we reorg just when the HF activated. The - # SIGHASH_FORKID transaction is back in the mempool - node.invalidateblock(fork_block_id) - assert(tx_spend_id in set(node.getrawmempool())) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - FullBlockTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/maxuploadtarget.py b/qa/rpc-tests/maxuploadtarget.py index 8f16558f3..2aae2da9c 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/maxuploadtarget.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/maxuploadtarget.py @@ -1,251 +1,256 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * import time from test_framework.cdefs import LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE +# far in the past +UAHF_START_TIME = 30000000 ''' Test behavior of -maxuploadtarget. * Verify that getdata requests for old blocks (>1week) are dropped if uploadtarget has been reached. * Verify that getdata requests for recent blocks are respecteved even if uploadtarget has been reached. * Verify that the upload counters are reset after 24 hours. ''' # TestNode: bare-bones "peer". Used mostly as a conduit for a test to sending # p2p messages to a node, generating the messages in the main testing logic. class TestNode(NodeConnCB): def __init__(self): NodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.connection = None self.ping_counter = 1 self.last_pong = msg_pong() self.block_receive_map = {} def add_connection(self, conn): self.connection = conn self.peer_disconnected = False def on_inv(self, conn, message): pass # Track the last getdata message we receive (used in the test) def on_getdata(self, conn, message): self.last_getdata = message def on_block(self, conn, message): message.block.calc_sha256() try: self.block_receive_map[message.block.sha256] += 1 except KeyError as e: self.block_receive_map[message.block.sha256] = 1 # Spin until verack message is received from the node. # We use this to signal that our test can begin. This # is called from the testing thread, so it needs to acquire # the global lock. def wait_for_verack(self): def veracked(): return self.verack_received return wait_until(veracked, timeout=10) def wait_for_disconnect(self): def disconnected(): return self.peer_disconnected return wait_until(disconnected, timeout=10) # Wrapper for the NodeConn's send_message function def send_message(self, message): self.connection.send_message(message) def on_pong(self, conn, message): self.last_pong = message def on_close(self, conn): self.peer_disconnected = True # Sync up with the node after delivery of a block def sync_with_ping(self, timeout=30): def received_pong(): return (self.last_pong.nonce == self.ping_counter) self.connection.send_message(msg_ping(nonce=self.ping_counter)) success = wait_until(received_pong, timeout=timeout) self.ping_counter += 1 return success class MaxUploadTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 # Cache for utxos, as the listunspent may take a long time later in the # test self.utxo_cache = [] def setup_network(self): # Start a node with maxuploadtarget of 200 MB (/24h) self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append( - start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-maxuploadtarget=200"])) + start_node( + 0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-maxuploadtarget=200", + "-uahfstarttime=%d" % UAHF_START_TIME])) def run_test(self): # Before we connect anything, we first set the time on the node # to be in the past, otherwise things break because the CNode # time counters can't be reset backward after initialization old_time = int(time.time() - 2 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) self.nodes[0].setmocktime(old_time) # Generate some old blocks self.nodes[0].generate(130) # test_nodes[0] will only request old blocks # test_nodes[1] will only request new blocks # test_nodes[2] will test resetting the counters test_nodes = [] connections = [] for i in range(3): test_nodes.append(TestNode()) connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], test_nodes[i])) test_nodes[i].add_connection(connections[i]) # Start up network handling in another thread NetworkThread().start() [x.wait_for_verack() for x in test_nodes] # Test logic begins here # Now mine a big block mine_large_block(self.nodes[0], self.utxo_cache) # Store the hash; we'll request this later big_old_block = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() old_block_size = self.nodes[0].getblock(big_old_block, True)['size'] big_old_block = int(big_old_block, 16) # Advance to two days ago self.nodes[0].setmocktime(int(time.time()) - 2 * 60 * 60 * 24) # Mine one more block, so that the prior block looks old mine_large_block(self.nodes[0], self.utxo_cache) # We'll be requesting this new block too big_new_block = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() big_new_block = int(big_new_block, 16) # test_nodes[0] will test what happens if we just keep requesting the # the same big old block too many times (expect: disconnect) getdata_request = msg_getdata() getdata_request.inv.append(CInv(2, big_old_block)) max_bytes_per_day = 200 * 1024 * 1024 daily_buffer = 144 * LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE max_bytes_available = max_bytes_per_day - daily_buffer success_count = max_bytes_available // old_block_size # 144MB will be reserved for relaying new blocks, so expect this to # succeed for ~70 tries. for i in range(success_count): test_nodes[0].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[0].sync_with_ping() assert_equal(test_nodes[0].block_receive_map[big_old_block], i + 1) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()), 3) # At most a couple more tries should succeed (depending on how long # the test has been running so far). for i in range(3): test_nodes[0].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[0].wait_for_disconnect() assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()), 2) print("Peer 0 disconnected after downloading old block too many times") # Requesting the current block on test_nodes[1] should succeed indefinitely, # even when over the max upload target. # We'll try 200 times getdata_request.inv = [CInv(2, big_new_block)] for i in range(200): test_nodes[1].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[1].sync_with_ping() assert_equal(test_nodes[1].block_receive_map[big_new_block], i + 1) print("Peer 1 able to repeatedly download new block") # But if test_nodes[1] tries for an old block, it gets disconnected # too. getdata_request.inv = [CInv(2, big_old_block)] test_nodes[1].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[1].wait_for_disconnect() assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()), 1) print("Peer 1 disconnected after trying to download old block") print("Advancing system time on node to clear counters...") # If we advance the time by 24 hours, then the counters should reset, # and test_nodes[2] should be able to retrieve the old block. self.nodes[0].setmocktime(int(time.time())) test_nodes[2].sync_with_ping() test_nodes[2].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[2].sync_with_ping() assert_equal(test_nodes[2].block_receive_map[big_old_block], 1) print("Peer 2 able to download old block") [c.disconnect_node() for c in connections] # stop and start node 0 with 1MB maxuploadtarget, whitelist print("Restarting nodes with -whitelist=") stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0) self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, [ - "-debug", "-whitelist=", "-maxuploadtarget=1"]) + "-debug", "-whitelist=", "-maxuploadtarget=1", + "-uahfstarttime=%d" % UAHF_START_TIME]) # recreate/reconnect 3 test nodes test_nodes = [] connections = [] for i in range(3): test_nodes.append(TestNode()) connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], test_nodes[i])) test_nodes[i].add_connection(connections[i]) # Start up network handling in another thread NetworkThread().start() [x.wait_for_verack() for x in test_nodes] # retrieve 20 blocks which should be enough to break the 1MB limit getdata_request.inv = [CInv(2, big_new_block)] for i in range(20): test_nodes[1].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[1].sync_with_ping() assert_equal(test_nodes[1].block_receive_map[big_new_block], i + 1) getdata_request.inv = [CInv(2, big_old_block)] test_nodes[1].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[1].wait_for_disconnect() # node is still connected because of the whitelist assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()), 3) print( "Peer 1 still connected after trying to download old block (whitelisted)") [c.disconnect_node() for c in connections] if __name__ == '__main__': MaxUploadTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_reorg.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_reorg.py index 960da1caa..953b59a6e 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_reorg.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_reorg.py @@ -1,121 +1,121 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test re-org scenarios with a mempool that contains transactions # that spend (directly or indirectly) coinbase transactions. # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * # far in the past UAHF_START_TIME = 30000000 # Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction: class MempoolCoinbaseTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = False alert_filename = None # Set by setup_network def setup_network(self): args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool", "-uahfstarttime=%d" % UAHF_START_TIME] self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, args)) self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, args)) connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 0) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def run_test(self): start_count = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() # Mine three blocks. After this, nodes[0] blocks # 101, 102, and 103 are spend-able. new_blocks = self.nodes[1].generate(4) self.sync_all() node0_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() node1_address = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() # Three scenarios for re-orging coinbase spends in the memory pool: # 1. Direct coinbase spend : spend_101 # 2. Indirect (coinbase spend in chain, child in mempool) : spend_102 and spend_102_1 # 3. Indirect (coinbase and child both in chain) : spend_103 and spend_103_1 # Use invalidatblock to make all of the above coinbase spends invalid (immature coinbase), # and make sure the mempool code behaves correctly. b = [self.nodes[0].getblockhash(n) for n in range(101, 105)] coinbase_txids = [self.nodes[0].getblock(h)['tx'][0] for h in b] spend_101_raw = create_tx( - self.nodes[0], coinbase_txids[1], node1_address, 49.99, "ALL|FORKID") + self.nodes[0], coinbase_txids[1], node1_address, 49.99) spend_102_raw = create_tx( - self.nodes[0], coinbase_txids[2], node0_address, 49.99, "ALL|FORKID") + self.nodes[0], coinbase_txids[2], node0_address, 49.99) spend_103_raw = create_tx( - self.nodes[0], coinbase_txids[3], node0_address, 49.99, "ALL|FORKID") + self.nodes[0], coinbase_txids[3], node0_address, 49.99) # Create a block-height-locked transaction which will be invalid after # reorg timelock_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction( [{"txid": coinbase_txids[0], "vout": 0}], {node0_address: 49.99}) # Set the time lock timelock_tx = timelock_tx.replace("ffffffff", "11111191", 1) timelock_tx = timelock_tx[:-8] + hex( self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 2)[2:] + "000000" timelock_tx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( timelock_tx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[ 0].sendrawtransaction, timelock_tx) # Broadcast and mine spend_102 and 103: spend_102_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_102_raw) spend_103_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_103_raw) self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[ 0].sendrawtransaction, timelock_tx) # Create 102_1 and 103_1: spend_102_1_raw = create_tx( - self.nodes[0], spend_102_id, node1_address, 49.98, "ALL|FORKID") + self.nodes[0], spend_102_id, node1_address, 49.98) spend_103_1_raw = create_tx( - self.nodes[0], spend_103_id, node1_address, 49.98, "ALL|FORKID") + self.nodes[0], spend_103_id, node1_address, 49.98) # Broadcast and mine 103_1: spend_103_1_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_103_1_raw) last_block = self.nodes[0].generate(1) timelock_tx_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(timelock_tx) # ... now put spend_101 and spend_102_1 in memory pools: spend_101_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_101_raw) spend_102_1_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_102_1_raw) self.sync_all() assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), { spend_101_id, spend_102_1_id, timelock_tx_id}) for node in self.nodes: node.invalidateblock(last_block[0]) assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), { spend_101_id, spend_102_1_id, spend_103_1_id}) # Use invalidateblock to re-org back and make all those coinbase spends # immature/invalid: for node in self.nodes: node.invalidateblock(new_blocks[0]) self.sync_all() # mempool should be empty. assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set()) if __name__ == '__main__': MempoolCoinbaseTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py index 61ab038e0..0483ad481 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py @@ -1,88 +1,92 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test resurrection of mined transactions when # the blockchain is re-organized. # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * +# far in the past +UAHF_START_TIME = 30000000 + # Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction: class MempoolCoinbaseTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): # Just need one node for this test - args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool"] + args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool", + "-uahfstarttime=%d" % UAHF_START_TIME] self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, args)) self.is_network_split = False def run_test(self): node0_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() # Spend block 1/2/3's coinbase transactions # Mine a block. # Create three more transactions, spending the spends # Mine another block. # ... make sure all the transactions are confirmed # Invalidate both blocks # ... make sure all the transactions are put back in the mempool # Mine a new block # ... make sure all the transactions are confirmed again. b = [self.nodes[0].getblockhash(n) for n in range(1, 4)] coinbase_txids = [self.nodes[0].getblock(h)['tx'][0] for h in b] spends1_raw = [create_tx(self.nodes[0], txid, node0_address, 49.99) for txid in coinbase_txids] spends1_id = [self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx) for tx in spends1_raw] blocks = [] blocks.extend(self.nodes[0].generate(1)) spends2_raw = [create_tx(self.nodes[0], txid, node0_address, 49.98) for txid in spends1_id] spends2_id = [self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx) for tx in spends2_raw] blocks.extend(self.nodes[0].generate(1)) # mempool should be empty, all txns confirmed assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set()) for txid in spends1_id + spends2_id: tx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid) assert(tx["confirmations"] > 0) # Use invalidateblock to re-org back; all transactions should # end up unconfirmed and back in the mempool for node in self.nodes: node.invalidateblock(blocks[0]) # mempool should be empty, all txns confirmed assert_equal( set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set(spends1_id + spends2_id)) for txid in spends1_id + spends2_id: tx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid) assert(tx["confirmations"] == 0) # Generate another block, they should all get mined self.nodes[0].generate(1) # mempool should be empty, all txns confirmed assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set()) for txid in spends1_id + spends2_id: tx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid) assert(tx["confirmations"] > 0) if __name__ == '__main__': MempoolCoinbaseTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py index 6e24f8179..7c6e9e1f3 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py @@ -1,67 +1,71 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test spending coinbase transactions. # The coinbase transaction in block N can appear in block # N+100... so is valid in the mempool when the best block # height is N+99. # This test makes sure coinbase spends that will be mature # in the next block are accepted into the memory pool, # but less mature coinbase spends are NOT. # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * +# far in the past +UAHF_START_TIME = 30000000 + # Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction: class MempoolSpendCoinbaseTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): # Just need one node for this test - args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool"] + args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool", + "-uahfstarttime=%d" % UAHF_START_TIME] self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, args)) self.is_network_split = False def run_test(self): chain_height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() assert_equal(chain_height, 200) node0_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() # Coinbase at height chain_height-100+1 ok in mempool, should # get mined. Coinbase at height chain_height-100+2 is # is too immature to spend. b = [self.nodes[0].getblockhash(n) for n in range(101, 103)] coinbase_txids = [self.nodes[0].getblock(h)['tx'][0] for h in b] spends_raw = [create_tx(self.nodes[0], txid, node0_address, 49.99) for txid in coinbase_txids] spend_101_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spends_raw[0]) # coinbase at height 102 should be too immature to spend assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[ 0].sendrawtransaction, spends_raw[1]) # mempool should have just spend_101: assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(), [spend_101_id]) # mine a block, spend_101 should get confirmed self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set()) # ... and now height 102 can be spent: spend_102_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spends_raw[1]) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(), [spend_102_id]) if __name__ == '__main__': MempoolSpendCoinbaseTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py b/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py index addb1c33b..3ae0d1779 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py @@ -1,292 +1,298 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test fee estimation code # from collections import OrderedDict from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.outputchecker import OutputChecker +# far in the past +UAHF_START_TIME = 30000000 + # Construct 2 trivial P2SH's and the ScriptSigs that spend them # So we can create many many transactions without needing to spend # time signing. P2SH_1 = "2MySexEGVzZpRgNQ1JdjdP5bRETznm3roQ2" # P2SH of "OP_1 OP_DROP" P2SH_2 = "2NBdpwq8Aoo1EEKEXPNrKvr5xQr3M9UfcZA" # P2SH of "OP_2 OP_DROP" # Associated ScriptSig's to spend satisfy P2SH_1 and P2SH_2 # 4 bytes of OP_TRUE and push 2-byte redeem script of "OP_1 OP_DROP" or # "OP_2 OP_DROP" SCRIPT_SIG = ["0451025175", "0451025275"] def small_txpuzzle_randfee(from_node, conflist, unconflist, amount, min_fee, fee_increment): ''' Create and send a transaction with a random fee. The transaction pays to a trivial P2SH script, and assumes that its inputs are of the same form. The function takes a list of confirmed outputs and unconfirmed outputs and attempts to use the confirmed list first for its inputs. It adds the newly created outputs to the unconfirmed list. Returns (raw transaction, fee) ''' # It's best to exponentially distribute our random fees # because the buckets are exponentially spaced. # Exponentially distributed from 1-128 * fee_increment rand_fee = float(fee_increment) * (1.1892**random.randint(0, 28)) # Total fee ranges from min_fee to min_fee + 127*fee_increment fee = min_fee - fee_increment + satoshi_round(rand_fee) inputs = [] total_in = Decimal("0.00000000") while total_in <= (amount + fee) and len(conflist) > 0: t = conflist.pop(0) total_in += t["amount"] inputs.append({"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}) if total_in <= amount + fee: while total_in <= (amount + fee) and len(unconflist) > 0: t = unconflist.pop(0) total_in += t["amount"] inputs.append({"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}) if total_in <= amount + fee: raise RuntimeError( "Insufficient funds: need %d, have %d" % (amount + fee, total_in)) outputs = {} outputs = OrderedDict([(P2SH_1, total_in - amount - fee), (P2SH_2, amount)]) rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) # createrawtransaction constructs a transaction that is ready to be signed. # These transactions don't need to be signed, but we still have to insert the ScriptSig # that will satisfy the ScriptPubKey. completetx = rawtx[0:10] inputnum = 0 for inp in inputs: completetx += rawtx[10 + 82 * inputnum:82 + 82 * inputnum] completetx += SCRIPT_SIG[inp["vout"]] completetx += rawtx[84 + 82 * inputnum:92 + 82 * inputnum] inputnum += 1 completetx += rawtx[10 + 82 * inputnum:] txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(completetx, True) unconflist.append( {"txid": txid, "vout": 0, "amount": total_in - amount - fee}) unconflist.append({"txid": txid, "vout": 1, "amount": amount}) return (completetx, fee) def split_inputs(from_node, txins, txouts, initial_split=False): ''' We need to generate a lot of very small inputs so we can generate a ton of transactions and they will have low priority. This function takes an input from txins, and creates and sends a transaction which splits the value into 2 outputs which are appended to txouts. ''' prevtxout = txins.pop() inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": prevtxout["txid"], "vout": prevtxout["vout"]}) half_change = satoshi_round(prevtxout["amount"] / 2) rem_change = prevtxout["amount"] - half_change - Decimal("0.00001000") outputs = OrderedDict([(P2SH_1, half_change), (P2SH_2, rem_change)]) rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) # If this is the initial split we actually need to sign the transaction # Otherwise we just need to insert the property ScriptSig if (initial_split): completetx = from_node.signrawtransaction( - rawtx, None, None, "ALL")["hex"] + rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] else: completetx = rawtx[0:82] + SCRIPT_SIG[prevtxout["vout"]] + rawtx[84:] txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(completetx, True) txouts.append({"txid": txid, "vout": 0, "amount": half_change}) txouts.append({"txid": txid, "vout": 1, "amount": rem_change}) def check_estimates(node, fees_seen, max_invalid, print_estimates=True): ''' This function calls estimatefee and verifies that the estimates meet certain invariants. ''' all_estimates = [node.estimatefee(i) for i in range(1, 26)] if print_estimates: print([str(all_estimates[e - 1]) for e in [1, 2, 3, 6, 15, 25]]) delta = 1.0e-6 # account for rounding error last_e = max(fees_seen) for e in [x for x in all_estimates if x >= 0]: # Estimates should be within the bounds of what transactions fees # actually were: if float(e) + delta < min(fees_seen) or float(e) - delta > max(fees_seen): raise AssertionError("Estimated fee (%f) out of range (%f,%f)" % (float(e), min(fees_seen), max(fees_seen))) # Estimates should be monotonically decreasing if float(e) - delta > last_e: raise AssertionError("Estimated fee (%f) larger than last fee (%f) for lower number of confirms" % (float(e), float(last_e))) last_e = e valid_estimate = False invalid_estimates = 0 for i, e in enumerate(all_estimates): # estimate is for i+1 if e >= 0: valid_estimate = True # estimatesmartfee should return the same result assert_equal(node.estimatesmartfee(i + 1)["feerate"], e) else: invalid_estimates += 1 # estimatesmartfee should still be valid approx_estimate = node.estimatesmartfee(i + 1)["feerate"] answer_found = node.estimatesmartfee(i + 1)["blocks"] assert(approx_estimate > 0) assert(answer_found > i + 1) # Once we're at a high enough confirmation count that we can give an estimate # We should have estimates for all higher confirmation counts if valid_estimate: raise AssertionError( "Invalid estimate appears at higher confirm count than valid estimate") # Check on the expected number of different confirmation counts # that we might not have valid estimates for if invalid_estimates > max_invalid: raise AssertionError( "More than (%d) invalid estimates" % (max_invalid)) return all_estimates class EstimateFeeTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 3 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): ''' We'll setup the network to have 3 nodes that all mine with different parameters. But first we need to use one node to create a lot of small low priority outputs which we will use to generate our transactions. ''' self.nodes = [] # Use node0 to mine blocks for input splitting self.nodes.append( start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxorphantx=1000", - "-whitelist="])) + "-whitelist=", + "-uahfstarttime=%d" % UAHF_START_TIME])) print("This test is time consuming, please be patient") print( "Splitting inputs to small size so we can generate low priority tx's") self.txouts = [] self.txouts2 = [] # Split a coinbase into two transaction puzzle outputs split_inputs(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[ 0].listunspent(0), self.txouts, True) # Mine while (len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) > 0): self.nodes[0].generate(1) # Repeatedly split those 2 outputs, doubling twice for each rep # Use txouts to monitor the available utxo, since these won't be # tracked in wallet reps = 0 while (reps < 5): # Double txouts to txouts2 while (len(self.txouts) > 0): split_inputs(self.nodes[0], self.txouts, self.txouts2) while (len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) > 0): self.nodes[0].generate(1) # Double txouts2 to txouts while (len(self.txouts2) > 0): split_inputs(self.nodes[0], self.txouts2, self.txouts) while (len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) > 0): self.nodes[0].generate(1) reps += 1 print("Finished splitting") # Now we can connect the other nodes, didn't want to connect them earlier # so the estimates would not be affected by the splitting transactions # Node1 mines small blocks but that are bigger than the expected transaction rate, # and allows free transactions. # NOTE: the CreateNewBlock code starts counting block size at 1,000 bytes, # (17k is room enough for 110 or so transactions) self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-blockprioritysize=1500", "-blockmaxsize=17000", - "-maxorphantx=1000", "-debug=estimatefee"], + "-maxorphantx=1000", "-debug=estimatefee", + "-uahfstarttime=%d" % UAHF_START_TIME], stderr_checker=OutputChecker())) connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 0) # Node2 is a stingy miner, that # produces too small blocks (room for only 55 or so transactions) node2args = ["-blockprioritysize=0", "-blockmaxsize=8000", - "-maxorphantx=1000"] + "-maxorphantx=1000", + "-uahfstarttime=%d" % UAHF_START_TIME] self.nodes.append( start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, node2args, stderr_checker=OutputChecker())) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 2) connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 1) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def transact_and_mine(self, numblocks, mining_node): min_fee = Decimal("0.00001") # We will now mine numblocks blocks generating on average 100 transactions between each block # We shuffle our confirmed txout set before each set of transactions # small_txpuzzle_randfee will use the transactions that have inputs already in the chain when possible # resorting to tx's that depend on the mempool when those run out for i in range(numblocks): random.shuffle(self.confutxo) for j in range(random.randrange(100 - 50, 100 + 50)): from_index = random.randint(1, 2) (txhex, fee) = small_txpuzzle_randfee(self.nodes[ from_index], self.confutxo, self.memutxo, Decimal("0.005"), min_fee, min_fee) tx_kbytes = (len(txhex) // 2) / 1000.0 self.fees_per_kb.append(float(fee) / tx_kbytes) sync_mempools(self.nodes[0:3], wait=.1) mined = mining_node.getblock( mining_node.generate(1)[0], True)["tx"] sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3], wait=.1) # update which txouts are confirmed newmem = [] for utx in self.memutxo: if utx["txid"] in mined: self.confutxo.append(utx) else: newmem.append(utx) self.memutxo = newmem def run_test(self): self.fees_per_kb = [] self.memutxo = [] self.confutxo = self.txouts # Start with the set of confirmed txouts after splitting print("Will output estimates for 1/2/3/6/15/25 blocks") for i in range(2): print( "Creating transactions and mining them with a block size that can't keep up") # Create transactions and mine 10 small blocks with node 2, but # create txs faster than we can mine self.transact_and_mine(10, self.nodes[2]) check_estimates(self.nodes[1], self.fees_per_kb, 14) print( "Creating transactions and mining them at a block size that is just big enough") # Generate transactions while mining 10 more blocks, this time with node1 # which mines blocks with capacity just above the rate that # transactions are being created self.transact_and_mine(10, self.nodes[1]) check_estimates(self.nodes[1], self.fees_per_kb, 2) # Finish by mining a normal-sized block: while len(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool()) > 0: self.nodes[1].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3], wait=.1) print("Final estimates after emptying mempools") check_estimates(self.nodes[1], self.fees_per_kb, 2) if __name__ == '__main__': EstimateFeeTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/util.py b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/util.py index ce5aba11f..07cdd2f84 100644 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/util.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/util.py @@ -1,877 +1,877 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Helpful routines for regression testing # import os import sys from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from base64 import b64encode from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_DOWN import json import http.client import random import shutil import subprocess import time import re import errno from . import coverage from .authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException from .outputchecker import OutputChecker DEFAULT_BITCOIND = 'bitcoind' COVERAGE_DIR = None # The maximum number of nodes a single test can spawn MAX_NODES = 8 # Don't assign rpc or p2p ports lower than this PORT_MIN = 11000 # The number of ports to "reserve" for p2p and rpc, each PORT_RANGE = 5000 BITCOIND_PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 60 class PortSeed: # Must be initialized with a unique integer for each process n = None # Set Mocktime default to OFF. # MOCKTIME is only needed for scripts that use the # cached version of the blockchain. If the cached # version of the blockchain is used without MOCKTIME # then the mempools will not sync due to IBD. MOCKTIME = 0 def enable_mocktime(): # For backwared compatibility of the python scripts # with previous versions of the cache, set MOCKTIME # to Jan 1, 2014 + (201 * 10 * 60) global MOCKTIME MOCKTIME = 1388534400 + (201 * 10 * 60) def disable_mocktime(): global MOCKTIME MOCKTIME = 0 def get_mocktime(): return MOCKTIME def enable_coverage(dirname): """Maintain a log of which RPC calls are made during testing.""" global COVERAGE_DIR COVERAGE_DIR = dirname def get_rpc_proxy(url, node_number, timeout=None): """ Args: url (str): URL of the RPC server to call node_number (int): the node number (or id) that this calls to Kwargs: timeout (int): HTTP timeout in seconds Returns: AuthServiceProxy. convenience object for making RPC calls. """ proxy_kwargs = {} if timeout is not None: proxy_kwargs['timeout'] = timeout proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url, **proxy_kwargs) proxy.url = url # store URL on proxy for info coverage_logfile = coverage.get_filename( COVERAGE_DIR, node_number) if COVERAGE_DIR else None return coverage.AuthServiceProxyWrapper(proxy, coverage_logfile) def p2p_port(n): assert(n <= MAX_NODES) return PORT_MIN + n + (MAX_NODES * PortSeed.n) % (PORT_RANGE - 1 - MAX_NODES) def rpc_port(n): return PORT_MIN + PORT_RANGE + n + (MAX_NODES * PortSeed.n) % (PORT_RANGE - 1 - MAX_NODES) def check_json_precision(): """Make sure json library being used does not lose precision converting BTC values""" n = Decimal("20000000.00000003") satoshis = int(json.loads(json.dumps(float(n))) * 1.0e8) if satoshis != 2000000000000003: raise RuntimeError("JSON encode/decode loses precision") def count_bytes(hex_string): return len(bytearray.fromhex(hex_string)) def bytes_to_hex_str(byte_str): return hexlify(byte_str).decode('ascii') def hex_str_to_bytes(hex_str): return unhexlify(hex_str.encode('ascii')) def str_to_b64str(string): return b64encode(string.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii') def sync_blocks(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60): """ Wait until everybody has the same tip. sync_blocks needs to be called with an rpc_connections set that has least one node already synced to the latest, stable tip, otherwise there's a chance it might return before all nodes are stably synced. """ # Use getblockcount() instead of waitforblockheight() to determine the # initial max height because the two RPCs look at different internal global # variables (chainActive vs latestBlock) and the former gets updated # earlier. maxheight = max(x.getblockcount() for x in rpc_connections) start_time = cur_time = time.time() while cur_time <= start_time + timeout: tips = [r.waitforblockheight(maxheight, int(wait * 1000)) for r in rpc_connections] if all(t["height"] == maxheight for t in tips): if all(t["hash"] == tips[0]["hash"] for t in tips): return raise AssertionError("Block sync failed, mismatched block hashes:{}".format( "".join("\n {!r}".format(tip) for tip in tips))) cur_time = time.time() raise AssertionError("Block sync to height {} timed out:{}".format( maxheight, "".join("\n {!r}".format(tip) for tip in tips))) def sync_chain(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60): """ Wait until everybody has the same best block """ while timeout > 0: best_hash = [x.getbestblockhash() for x in rpc_connections] if best_hash == [best_hash[0]] * len(best_hash): return time.sleep(wait) timeout -= wait raise AssertionError("Chain sync failed: Best block hashes don't match") def sync_mempools(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60): """ Wait until everybody has the same transactions in their memory pools """ while timeout > 0: pool = set(rpc_connections[0].getrawmempool()) num_match = 1 for i in range(1, len(rpc_connections)): if set(rpc_connections[i].getrawmempool()) == pool: num_match = num_match + 1 if num_match == len(rpc_connections): return time.sleep(wait) timeout -= wait raise AssertionError("Mempool sync failed") bitcoind_processes = {} def initialize_datadir(dirname, n): datadir = os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(n)) if not os.path.isdir(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) rpc_u, rpc_p = rpc_auth_pair(n) with open(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf"), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write("regtest=1\n") f.write("rpcuser=" + rpc_u + "\n") f.write("rpcpassword=" + rpc_p + "\n") f.write("port=" + str(p2p_port(n)) + "\n") f.write("rpcport=" + str(rpc_port(n)) + "\n") f.write("listenonion=0\n") return datadir def rpc_auth_pair(n): return 'rpcuser💻' + str(n), 'rpcpass🔑' + str(n) def rpc_url(i, rpchost=None): rpc_u, rpc_p = rpc_auth_pair(i) host = '' port = rpc_port(i) if rpchost: parts = rpchost.split(':') if len(parts) == 2: host, port = parts else: host = rpchost return "http://%s:%s@%s:%d" % (rpc_u, rpc_p, host, int(port)) def wait_for_bitcoind_start(process, url, i): ''' Wait for bitcoind to start. This means that RPC is accessible and fully initialized. Raise an exception if bitcoind exits during initialization. ''' while True: if process.poll() is not None: raise Exception( 'bitcoind exited with status %i during initialization' % process.returncode) try: rpc = get_rpc_proxy(url, i) blocks = rpc.getblockcount() break # break out of loop on success except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED: # Port not yet open? raise # unknown IO error except JSONRPCException as e: # Initialization phase if e.error['code'] != -28: # RPC in warmup? raise # unknown JSON RPC exception time.sleep(0.25) def initialize_chain(test_dir, num_nodes, cachedir): """ Create a cache of a 200-block-long chain (with wallet) for MAX_NODES Afterward, create num_nodes copies from the cache. """ assert num_nodes <= MAX_NODES create_cache = False for i in range(MAX_NODES): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cachedir, 'node' + str(i))): create_cache = True break if create_cache: # Find and delete old cache directories if any exist for i in range(MAX_NODES): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cachedir, "node" + str(i))): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(cachedir, "node" + str(i))) # Create cache directories, run bitcoinds: for i in range(MAX_NODES): datadir = initialize_datadir(cachedir, i) args = [os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"), "-server", "-keypool=1", "-datadir=" + datadir, "-discover=0"] if i > 0: args.append("-connect=" + str(p2p_port(0))) bitcoind_processes[i] = subprocess.Popen(args) if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""): print( "initialize_chain: bitcoind started, waiting for RPC to come up") wait_for_bitcoind_start(bitcoind_processes[i], rpc_url(i), i) if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""): print("initialize_chain: RPC successfully started") rpcs = [] for i in range(MAX_NODES): try: rpcs.append(get_rpc_proxy(rpc_url(i), i)) except: sys.stderr.write("Error connecting to " + url + "\n") sys.exit(1) # Create a 200-block-long chain; each of the 4 first nodes # gets 25 mature blocks and 25 immature. # Note: To preserve compatibility with older versions of # initialize_chain, only 4 nodes will generate coins. # # blocks are created with timestamps 10 minutes apart # starting from 2010 minutes in the past enable_mocktime() block_time = get_mocktime() - (201 * 10 * 60) for i in range(2): for peer in range(4): for j in range(25): set_node_times(rpcs, block_time) rpcs[peer].generate(1) block_time += 10 * 60 # Must sync before next peer starts generating blocks sync_blocks(rpcs) # Shut them down, and clean up cache directories: stop_nodes(rpcs) disable_mocktime() for i in range(MAX_NODES): os.remove(log_filename(cachedir, i, "debug.log")) os.remove(log_filename(cachedir, i, "db.log")) os.remove(log_filename(cachedir, i, "peers.dat")) os.remove(log_filename(cachedir, i, "fee_estimates.dat")) for i in range(num_nodes): from_dir = os.path.join(cachedir, "node" + str(i)) to_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, "node" + str(i)) shutil.copytree(from_dir, to_dir) initialize_datadir(test_dir, i) # Overwrite port/rpcport in bitcoin.conf def initialize_chain_clean(test_dir, num_nodes): """ Create an empty blockchain and num_nodes wallets. Useful if a test case wants complete control over initialization. """ for i in range(num_nodes): datadir = initialize_datadir(test_dir, i) def _rpchost_to_args(rpchost): '''Convert optional IP:port spec to rpcconnect/rpcport args''' if rpchost is None: return [] match = re.match('(\[[0-9a-fA-f:]+\]|[^:]+)(?::([0-9]+))?$', rpchost) if not match: raise ValueError('Invalid RPC host spec ' + rpchost) rpcconnect = match.group(1) rpcport = match.group(2) if rpcconnect.startswith('['): # remove IPv6 [...] wrapping rpcconnect = rpcconnect[1:-1] rv = ['-rpcconnect=' + rpcconnect] if rpcport: rv += ['-rpcport=' + rpcport] return rv def locate_bitcoind_binary(): """ Find bitcoind binary if possible. """ bitcoind_binary = os.getenv("BITCOIND", DEFAULT_BITCOIND) if os.path.exists(bitcoind_binary): return bitcoind_binary if os.path.exists(os.path.join('src', DEFAULT_BITCOIND)): bitcoind_binary = os.path.abspath( os.path.join('src', DEFAULT_BITCOIND)) elif bitcoind_binary == 'bitcoind' or not os.path.exists(bitcoind_binary): # If BITCOIND was specified and exists, use it, otherwise look for source. # get_srcdir() already returns an absolute path src_dir_cand = get_srcdir(sys.argv[0]) if src_dir_cand and os.path.exists( os.path.join(src_dir_cand, 'src', DEFAULT_BITCOIND)): bitcoind_binary = os.path.join( src_dir_cand, 'src', DEFAULT_BITCOIND) else: sys.stderr.write("Unable to locate bitcoind for this test.\n") sys.exit(1) return bitcoind_binary def start_node(i, dirname, extra_args=None, rpchost=None, timewait=None, binary=None, stderr_checker=None): """ Start a bitcoind and return RPC connection to it. If stderr_checker is provided, it must be an OutputChecker. Its output_file_obj will be connected to the stderr of the bitcoind process. """ datadir = os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(i)) if binary is None: binary = locate_bitcoind_binary() args = [binary, "-datadir=" + datadir, "-server", "-keypool=1", "-discover=0", "-rest", "-mocktime=" + str(get_mocktime())] if extra_args is not None: args.extend(extra_args) if stderr_checker: assert(isinstance(stderr_checker, OutputChecker)) bitcoind_processes[i] = subprocess.Popen(args, universal_newlines=True, stderr=stderr_checker.get_connector()) else: bitcoind_processes[i] = subprocess.Popen(args) if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""): print("start_node: bitcoind started, waiting for RPC to come up") url = rpc_url(i, rpchost) wait_for_bitcoind_start(bitcoind_processes[i], url, i) if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""): print("start_node: RPC successfully started") proxy = get_rpc_proxy(url, i, timeout=timewait) if COVERAGE_DIR: coverage.write_all_rpc_commands(COVERAGE_DIR, proxy) return proxy def start_nodes(num_nodes, dirname, extra_args=None, rpchost=None, timewait=None, binary=None, stderr_checkers=None): """ Start multiple bitcoinds, return RPC connections to them stderr_checkers is a list which can contain OutputCheckers or None for each of the nodes. if a test calls start_nodes and provides an OutputChecker for a node, this will be connected to the stderr output of the node. """ if extra_args is None: extra_args = [None for _ in range(num_nodes)] if stderr_checkers is None: stderr_checkers = [None for _ in range(num_nodes)] if binary is None: binary = [None for _ in range(num_nodes)] rpcs = [] try: for i in range(num_nodes): rpcs.append(start_node(i, dirname, extra_args[i], rpchost, timewait=timewait, binary=binary[i], stderr_checker=stderr_checkers[i])) except: # If one node failed to start, stop the others stop_nodes(rpcs) raise return rpcs def log_filename(dirname, n_node, logname): return os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(n_node), "regtest", logname) def stop_node(node, i): try: node.stop() except http.client.CannotSendRequest as e: print("WARN: Unable to stop node: " + repr(e)) return_code = bitcoind_processes[i].wait( timeout=BITCOIND_PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT) assert_equal(return_code, 0) del bitcoind_processes[i] def stop_nodes(nodes): for i, node in enumerate(nodes): stop_node(node, i) assert not bitcoind_processes.values() # All connections must be gone now def set_node_times(nodes, t): for node in nodes: node.setmocktime(t) def connect_nodes(from_connection, node_num): ip_port = "" + str(p2p_port(node_num)) from_connection.addnode(ip_port, "onetry") # poll until version handshake complete to avoid race conditions # with transaction relaying while any(peer['version'] == 0 for peer in from_connection.getpeerinfo()): time.sleep(0.1) def connect_nodes_bi(nodes, a, b): connect_nodes(nodes[a], b) connect_nodes(nodes[b], a) def find_output(node, txid, amount): """ Return index to output of txid with value amount Raises exception if there is none. """ txdata = node.getrawtransaction(txid, 1) for i in range(len(txdata["vout"])): if txdata["vout"][i]["value"] == amount: return i raise RuntimeError( "find_output txid %s : %s not found" % (txid, str(amount))) def gather_inputs(from_node, amount_needed, confirmations_required=1): """ Return a random set of unspent txouts that are enough to pay amount_needed """ assert(confirmations_required >= 0) utxo = from_node.listunspent(confirmations_required) random.shuffle(utxo) inputs = [] total_in = Decimal("0.00000000") while total_in < amount_needed and len(utxo) > 0: t = utxo.pop() total_in += t["amount"] inputs.append( {"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"], "address": t["address"]}) if total_in < amount_needed: raise RuntimeError( "Insufficient funds: need %d, have %d" % (amount_needed, total_in)) return (total_in, inputs) def make_change(from_node, amount_in, amount_out, fee): """ Create change output(s), return them """ outputs = {} amount = amount_out + fee change = amount_in - amount if change > amount * 2: # Create an extra change output to break up big inputs change_address = from_node.getnewaddress() # Split change in two, being careful of rounding: outputs[change_address] = Decimal(change / 2).quantize( Decimal('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) change = amount_in - amount - outputs[change_address] if change > 0: outputs[from_node.getnewaddress()] = change return outputs def send_zeropri_transaction(from_node, to_node, amount, fee): """ Create&broadcast a zero-priority transaction. Returns (txid, hex-encoded-txdata) Ensures transaction is zero-priority by first creating a send-to-self, then using its output """ # Create a send-to-self with confirmed inputs: self_address = from_node.getnewaddress() (total_in, inputs) = gather_inputs(from_node, amount + fee * 2) outputs = make_change(from_node, total_in, amount + fee, fee) outputs[self_address] = float(amount + fee) self_rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) self_signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction( self_rawtx, None, None, "ALL") self_txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(self_signresult["hex"], True) vout = find_output(from_node, self_txid, amount + fee) # Now immediately spend the output to create a 1-input, 1-output # zero-priority transaction: inputs = [{"txid": self_txid, "vout": vout}] outputs = {to_node.getnewaddress(): float(amount)} rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL") txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) return (txid, signresult["hex"]) def random_zeropri_transaction(nodes, amount, min_fee, fee_increment, fee_variants): """ Create a random zero-priority transaction. Returns (txid, hex-encoded-transaction-data, fee) """ from_node = random.choice(nodes) to_node = random.choice(nodes) fee = min_fee + fee_increment * random.randint(0, fee_variants) (txid, txhex) = send_zeropri_transaction(from_node, to_node, amount, fee) return (txid, txhex, fee) def random_transaction(nodes, amount, min_fee, fee_increment, fee_variants): """ Create a random transaction. Returns (txid, hex-encoded-transaction-data, fee) """ from_node = random.choice(nodes) to_node = random.choice(nodes) fee = min_fee + fee_increment * random.randint(0, fee_variants) (total_in, inputs) = gather_inputs(from_node, amount + fee) outputs = make_change(from_node, total_in, amount, fee) outputs[to_node.getnewaddress()] = float(amount) rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) return (txid, signresult["hex"], fee) def assert_fee_amount(fee, tx_size, fee_per_kB): """Assert the fee was in range""" target_fee = tx_size * fee_per_kB / 1000 if fee < target_fee: raise AssertionError( "Fee of %s BTC too low! (Should be %s BTC)" % (str(fee), str(target_fee))) # allow the wallet's estimation to be at most 2 bytes off if fee > (tx_size + 2) * fee_per_kB / 1000: raise AssertionError( "Fee of %s BTC too high! (Should be %s BTC)" % (str(fee), str(target_fee))) def assert_equal(thing1, thing2, *args): if thing1 != thing2 or any(thing1 != arg for arg in args): raise AssertionError("not(%s)" % " == ".join(str(arg) for arg in (thing1, thing2) + args)) def assert_greater_than(thing1, thing2): if thing1 <= thing2: raise AssertionError("%s <= %s" % (str(thing1), str(thing2))) def assert_greater_than_or_equal(thing1, thing2): if thing1 < thing2: raise AssertionError("%s < %s" % (str(thing1), str(thing2))) def assert_raises(exc, fun, *args, **kwds): assert_raises_message(exc, None, fun, *args, **kwds) def assert_raises_message(exc, message, fun, *args, **kwds): try: fun(*args, **kwds) except exc as e: if message is not None and message not in e.error['message']: raise AssertionError( "Expected substring not found:" + e.error['message']) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected exception raised: " + type(e).__name__) else: raise AssertionError("No exception raised") def assert_raises_jsonrpc(code, message, fun, *args, **kwds): """Run an RPC and verify that a specific JSONRPC exception code and message is raised. Calls function `fun` with arguments `args` and `kwds`. Catches a JSONRPCException and verifies that the error code and message are as expected. Throws AssertionError if no JSONRPCException was returned or if the error code/message are not as expected. Args: code (int), optional: the error code returned by the RPC call (defined in src/rpc/protocol.h). Set to None if checking the error code is not required. message (string), optional: [a substring of] the error string returned by the RPC call. Set to None if checking the error string is not required fun (function): the function to call. This should be the name of an RPC. args*: positional arguments for the function. kwds**: named arguments for the function. """ try: fun(*args, **kwds) except JSONRPCException as e: # JSONRPCException was thrown as expected. Check the code and message # values are correct. if (code is not None) and (code != e.error["code"]): raise AssertionError( "Unexpected JSONRPC error code %i" % e.error["code"]) if (message is not None) and (message not in e.error['message']): raise AssertionError( "Expected substring not found:" + e.error['message']) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected exception raised: " + type(e).__name__) else: raise AssertionError("No exception raised") def assert_is_hex_string(string): try: int(string, 16) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Couldn't interpret %r as hexadecimal; raised: %s" % (string, e)) def assert_is_hash_string(string, length=64): if not isinstance(string, str): raise AssertionError("Expected a string, got type %r" % type(string)) elif length and len(string) != length: raise AssertionError( "String of length %d expected; got %d" % (length, len(string))) elif not re.match('[abcdef0-9]+$', string): raise AssertionError( "String %r contains invalid characters for a hash." % string) def assert_array_result(object_array, to_match, expected, should_not_find=False): """ Pass in array of JSON objects, a dictionary with key/value pairs to match against, and another dictionary with expected key/value pairs. If the should_not_find flag is true, to_match should not be found in object_array """ if should_not_find == True: assert_equal(expected, {}) num_matched = 0 for item in object_array: all_match = True for key, value in to_match.items(): if item[key] != value: all_match = False if not all_match: continue elif should_not_find == True: num_matched = num_matched + 1 for key, value in expected.items(): if item[key] != value: raise AssertionError( "%s : expected %s=%s" % (str(item), str(key), str(value))) num_matched = num_matched + 1 if num_matched == 0 and should_not_find != True: raise AssertionError("No objects matched %s" % (str(to_match))) if num_matched > 0 and should_not_find == True: raise AssertionError("Objects were found %s" % (str(to_match))) def satoshi_round(amount): return Decimal(amount).quantize(Decimal('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) # Helper to create at least "count" utxos # Pass in a fee that is sufficient for relay and mining new transactions. def create_confirmed_utxos(fee, node, count): node.generate(int(0.5 * count) + 101) utxos = node.listunspent() iterations = count - len(utxos) addr1 = node.getnewaddress() addr2 = node.getnewaddress() if iterations <= 0: return utxos for i in range(iterations): t = utxos.pop() inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}) outputs = {} send_value = t['amount'] - fee outputs[addr1] = satoshi_round(send_value / 2) outputs[addr2] = satoshi_round(send_value / 2) raw_tx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signed_tx = node.signrawtransaction( raw_tx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx) while (node.getmempoolinfo()['size'] > 0): node.generate(1) utxos = node.listunspent() assert(len(utxos) >= count) return utxos # Create large OP_RETURN txouts that can be appended to a transaction # to make it large (helper for constructing large transactions). def gen_return_txouts(): # Some pre-processing to create a bunch of OP_RETURN txouts to insert into transactions we create # So we have big transactions (and therefore can't fit very many into each block) # create one script_pubkey script_pubkey = "6a4d0200" # OP_RETURN OP_PUSH2 512 bytes for i in range(512): script_pubkey = script_pubkey + "01" # concatenate 128 txouts of above script_pubkey which we'll insert before # the txout for change txouts = "81" for k in range(128): # add txout value txouts = txouts + "0000000000000000" # add length of script_pubkey txouts = txouts + "fd0402" # add script_pubkey txouts = txouts + script_pubkey return txouts -def create_tx(node, coinbase, to_address, amount, nHashType="ALL"): +def create_tx(node, coinbase, to_address, amount): inputs = [{"txid": coinbase, "vout": 0}] outputs = {to_address: amount} rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) - signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, nHashType) + signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") assert_equal(signresult["complete"], True) return signresult["hex"] # Create a spend of each passed-in utxo, splicing in "txouts" to each raw # transaction to make it large. See gen_return_txouts() above. def create_lots_of_big_transactions(node, txouts, utxos, num, fee): addr = node.getnewaddress() txids = [] for _ in range(num): t = utxos.pop() inputs = [{"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}] outputs = {} change = t['amount'] - fee outputs[addr] = satoshi_round(change) rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) newtx = rawtx[0:92] newtx = newtx + txouts newtx = newtx + rawtx[94:] signresult = node.signrawtransaction(newtx, None, None, "NONE|FORKID") txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) txids.append(txid) return txids def mine_large_block(node, utxos=None): # generate a 66k transaction, # and 14 of them is close to the 1MB block limit num = 14 txouts = gen_return_txouts() utxos = utxos if utxos is not None else [] if len(utxos) < num: utxos.clear() utxos.extend(node.listunspent()) fee = 100 * node.getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"] create_lots_of_big_transactions(node, txouts, utxos, num, fee=fee) node.generate(1) def get_bip9_status(node, key): info = node.getblockchaininfo() return info['bip9_softforks'][key] def get_srcdir(calling_script=None): """ Try to find out the base folder containing the 'src' folder. If SRCDIR is set it does a sanity check and returns that. Otherwise it goes on a search and rescue mission. Returns None if it cannot find a suitable folder. """ def contains_src(path_to_check): if not path_to_check: return False else: cand_path = os.path.join(path_to_check, 'src') return os.path.exists(cand_path) and os.path.isdir(cand_path) srcdir = os.environ.get('SRCDIR', '') if contains_src(srcdir): return srcdir # If we have a caller, try to guess from its location where the # top level might be. if calling_script: caller_basedir = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(calling_script))) if caller_basedir != '' and contains_src(os.path.abspath(caller_basedir)): return os.path.abspath(caller_basedir) # Try to work it based out on main module # We might expect the caller to be rpc-tests.py or a test script # itself. mainmod = sys.modules['__main__'] mainmod_path = getattr(mainmod, '__file__', '') if mainmod_path and mainmod_path.endswith('.py'): maybe_top = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mainmod_path))) if contains_src(os.path.abspath(maybe_top)): return os.path.abspath(maybe_top) # No luck, give up. return None diff --git a/src/validation.cpp b/src/validation.cpp index 857b1df66..789330606 100644 --- a/src/validation.cpp +++ b/src/validation.cpp @@ -1,4986 +1,4976 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "validation.h" #include "arith_uint256.h" #include "chainparams.h" #include "checkpoints.h" #include "checkqueue.h" #include "config.h" #include "consensus/consensus.h" #include "consensus/merkle.h" #include "consensus/validation.h" #include "hash.h" #include "init.h" #include "policy/fees.h" #include "policy/policy.h" #include "pow.h" #include "primitives/block.h" #include "primitives/transaction.h" #include "random.h" #include "script/script.h" #include "script/sigcache.h" #include "script/standard.h" #include "timedata.h" #include "tinyformat.h" #include "txdb.h" #include "txmempool.h" #include "ui_interface.h" #include "undo.h" #include "util.h" #include "utilmoneystr.h" #include "utilstrencodings.h" #include "validationinterface.h" #include "versionbits.h" #include "warnings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(NDEBUG) #error "Bitcoin cannot be compiled without assertions." #endif /** * Global state */ CCriticalSection cs_main; BlockMap mapBlockIndex; CChain chainActive; CBlockIndex *pindexBestHeader = nullptr; CWaitableCriticalSection csBestBlock; CConditionVariable cvBlockChange; int nScriptCheckThreads = 0; std::atomic_bool fImporting(false); bool fReindex = false; bool fTxIndex = false; bool fHavePruned = false; bool fPruneMode = false; bool fIsBareMultisigStd = DEFAULT_PERMIT_BAREMULTISIG; bool fRequireStandard = true; bool fCheckBlockIndex = false; bool fCheckpointsEnabled = DEFAULT_CHECKPOINTS_ENABLED; size_t nCoinCacheUsage = 5000 * 300; uint64_t nPruneTarget = 0; int64_t nMaxTipAge = DEFAULT_MAX_TIP_AGE; uint256 hashAssumeValid; CFeeRate minRelayTxFee = CFeeRate(DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE); CAmount maxTxFee = DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_MAXFEE; CTxMemPool mempool(::minRelayTxFee); static void CheckBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params &consensusParams); /** Constant stuff for coinbase transactions we create: */ CScript COINBASE_FLAGS; const std::string strMessageMagic = "Bitcoin Signed Message:\n"; // Internal stuff namespace { struct CBlockIndexWorkComparator { bool operator()(CBlockIndex *pa, CBlockIndex *pb) const { // First sort by most total work, ... if (pa->nChainWork > pb->nChainWork) return false; if (pa->nChainWork < pb->nChainWork) return true; // ... then by earliest time received, ... if (pa->nSequenceId < pb->nSequenceId) return false; if (pa->nSequenceId > pb->nSequenceId) return true; // Use pointer address as tie breaker (should only happen with blocks // loaded from disk, as those all have id 0). if (pa < pb) return false; if (pa > pb) return true; // Identical blocks. return false; } }; CBlockIndex *pindexBestInvalid; /** * The set of all CBlockIndex entries with BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS (for itself * and all ancestors) and as good as our current tip or better. Entries may be * failed, though, and pruning nodes may be missing the data for the block. */ std::set setBlockIndexCandidates; /** * All pairs A->B, where A (or one of its ancestors) misses transactions, but B * has transactions. Pruned nodes may have entries where B is missing data. */ std::multimap mapBlocksUnlinked; CCriticalSection cs_LastBlockFile; std::vector vinfoBlockFile; int nLastBlockFile = 0; /** * Global flag to indicate we should check to see if there are block/undo files * that should be deleted. Set on startup or if we allocate more file space when * we're in prune mode. */ bool fCheckForPruning = false; /** * Every received block is assigned a unique and increasing identifier, so we * know which one to give priority in case of a fork. */ CCriticalSection cs_nBlockSequenceId; /** Blocks loaded from disk are assigned id 0, so start the counter at 1. */ int32_t nBlockSequenceId = 1; /** Decreasing counter (used by subsequent preciousblock calls). */ int32_t nBlockReverseSequenceId = -1; /** chainwork for the last block that preciousblock has been applied to. */ arith_uint256 nLastPreciousChainwork = 0; /** Dirty block index entries. */ std::set setDirtyBlockIndex; /** Dirty block file entries. */ std::set setDirtyFileInfo; } // anon namespace /* Use this class to start tracking transactions that are removed from the * mempool and pass all those transactions through SyncTransaction when the * object goes out of scope. This is currently only used to call SyncTransaction * on conflicts removed from the mempool during block connection. Applied in * ActivateBestChain around ActivateBestStep which in turn calls: * ConnectTip->removeForBlock->removeConflicts */ class MemPoolConflictRemovalTracker { private: std::vector conflictedTxs; CTxMemPool &pool; public: MemPoolConflictRemovalTracker(CTxMemPool &_pool) : pool(_pool) { pool.NotifyEntryRemoved.connect(boost::bind( &MemPoolConflictRemovalTracker::NotifyEntryRemoved, this, _1, _2)); } void NotifyEntryRemoved(CTransactionRef txRemoved, MemPoolRemovalReason reason) { if (reason == MemPoolRemovalReason::CONFLICT) { conflictedTxs.push_back(txRemoved); } } ~MemPoolConflictRemovalTracker() { pool.NotifyEntryRemoved.disconnect(boost::bind( &MemPoolConflictRemovalTracker::NotifyEntryRemoved, this, _1, _2)); for (const auto &tx : conflictedTxs) { GetMainSignals().SyncTransaction( *tx, nullptr, CMainSignals::SYNC_TRANSACTION_NOT_IN_BLOCK); } conflictedTxs.clear(); } }; CBlockIndex *FindForkInGlobalIndex(const CChain &chain, const CBlockLocator &locator) { // Find the first block the caller has in the main chain for (const uint256 &hash : locator.vHave) { BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hash); if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end()) { CBlockIndex *pindex = (*mi).second; if (chain.Contains(pindex)) return pindex; if (pindex->GetAncestor(chain.Height()) == chain.Tip()) { return chain.Tip(); } } } return chain.Genesis(); } CCoinsViewCache *pcoinsTip = nullptr; CBlockTreeDB *pblocktree = nullptr; enum FlushStateMode { FLUSH_STATE_NONE, FLUSH_STATE_IF_NEEDED, FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC, FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS }; // See definition for documentation static bool FlushStateToDisk(CValidationState &state, FlushStateMode mode, int nManualPruneHeight = 0); void FindFilesToPruneManual(std::set &setFilesToPrune, int nManualPruneHeight); static bool IsFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int nBlockHeight, int64_t nBlockTime) { if (tx.nLockTime == 0) { return true; } int64_t lockTime = tx.nLockTime; int64_t lockTimeLimit = (lockTime < LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD) ? nBlockHeight : nBlockTime; if (lockTime < lockTimeLimit) { return true; } for (const auto &txin : tx.vin) { if (txin.nSequence != CTxIn::SEQUENCE_FINAL) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Calculates the block height and previous block's median time past at * which the transaction will be considered final in the context of BIP 68. * Also removes from the vector of input heights any entries which did not * correspond to sequence locked inputs as they do not affect the calculation. */ static std::pair CalculateSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector *prevHeights, const CBlockIndex &block) { assert(prevHeights->size() == tx.vin.size()); // Will be set to the equivalent height- and time-based nLockTime // values that would be necessary to satisfy all relative lock- // time constraints given our view of block chain history. // The semantics of nLockTime are the last invalid height/time, so // use -1 to have the effect of any height or time being valid. int nMinHeight = -1; int64_t nMinTime = -1; // tx.nVersion is signed integer so requires cast to unsigned otherwise // we would be doing a signed comparison and half the range of nVersion // wouldn't support BIP 68. bool fEnforceBIP68 = static_cast(tx.nVersion) >= 2 && flags & LOCKTIME_VERIFY_SEQUENCE; // Do not enforce sequence numbers as a relative lock time // unless we have been instructed to if (!fEnforceBIP68) { return std::make_pair(nMinHeight, nMinTime); } for (size_t txinIndex = 0; txinIndex < tx.vin.size(); txinIndex++) { const CTxIn &txin = tx.vin[txinIndex]; // Sequence numbers with the most significant bit set are not // treated as relative lock-times, nor are they given any // consensus-enforced meaning at this point. if (txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG) { // The height of this input is not relevant for sequence locks (*prevHeights)[txinIndex] = 0; continue; } int nCoinHeight = (*prevHeights)[txinIndex]; if (txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG) { int64_t nCoinTime = block.GetAncestor(std::max(nCoinHeight - 1, 0)) ->GetMedianTimePast(); // NOTE: Subtract 1 to maintain nLockTime semantics. // BIP 68 relative lock times have the semantics of calculating the // first block or time at which the transaction would be valid. When // calculating the effective block time or height for the entire // transaction, we switch to using the semantics of nLockTime which // is the last invalid block time or height. Thus we subtract 1 from // the calculated time or height. // Time-based relative lock-times are measured from the smallest // allowed timestamp of the block containing the txout being spent, // which is the median time past of the block prior. nMinTime = std::max( nMinTime, nCoinTime + (int64_t)((txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK) << CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY) - 1); } else { nMinHeight = std::max( nMinHeight, nCoinHeight + (int)(txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK) - 1); } } return std::make_pair(nMinHeight, nMinTime); } static bool EvaluateSequenceLocks(const CBlockIndex &block, std::pair lockPair) { assert(block.pprev); int64_t nBlockTime = block.pprev->GetMedianTimePast(); if (lockPair.first >= block.nHeight || lockPair.second >= nBlockTime) return false; return true; } bool SequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector *prevHeights, const CBlockIndex &block) { return EvaluateSequenceLocks( block, CalculateSequenceLocks(tx, flags, prevHeights, block)); } bool TestLockPointValidity(const LockPoints *lp) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); assert(lp); // If there are relative lock times then the maxInputBlock will be set // If there are no relative lock times, the LockPoints don't depend on the // chain if (lp->maxInputBlock) { // Check whether chainActive is an extension of the block at which the // LockPoints // calculation was valid. If not LockPoints are no longer valid if (!chainActive.Contains(lp->maxInputBlock)) { return false; } } // LockPoints still valid return true; } bool CheckSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, LockPoints *lp, bool useExistingLockPoints) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); AssertLockHeld(mempool.cs); CBlockIndex *tip = chainActive.Tip(); CBlockIndex index; index.pprev = tip; // CheckSequenceLocks() uses chainActive.Height()+1 to evaluate height based // locks because when SequenceLocks() is called within ConnectBlock(), the // height of the block *being* evaluated is what is used. Thus if we want to // know if a transaction can be part of the *next* block, we need to use one // more than chainActive.Height() index.nHeight = tip->nHeight + 1; std::pair lockPair; if (useExistingLockPoints) { assert(lp); lockPair.first = lp->height; lockPair.second = lp->time; } else { // pcoinsTip contains the UTXO set for chainActive.Tip() CCoinsViewMemPool viewMemPool(pcoinsTip, mempool); std::vector prevheights; prevheights.resize(tx.vin.size()); for (size_t txinIndex = 0; txinIndex < tx.vin.size(); txinIndex++) { const CTxIn &txin = tx.vin[txinIndex]; Coin coin; if (!viewMemPool.GetCoin(txin.prevout, coin)) { return error("%s: Missing input", __func__); } if (coin.GetHeight() == MEMPOOL_HEIGHT) { // Assume all mempool transaction confirm in the next block prevheights[txinIndex] = tip->nHeight + 1; } else { prevheights[txinIndex] = coin.GetHeight(); } } lockPair = CalculateSequenceLocks(tx, flags, &prevheights, index); if (lp) { lp->height = lockPair.first; lp->time = lockPair.second; // Also store the hash of the block with the highest height of all // the blocks which have sequence locked prevouts. This hash needs // to still be on the chain for these LockPoint calculations to be // valid. // Note: It is impossible to correctly calculate a maxInputBlock if // any of the sequence locked inputs depend on unconfirmed txs, // except in the special case where the relative lock time/height is // 0, which is equivalent to no sequence lock. Since we assume input // height of tip+1 for mempool txs and test the resulting lockPair // from CalculateSequenceLocks against tip+1. We know // EvaluateSequenceLocks will fail if there was a non-zero sequence // lock on a mempool input, so we can use the return value of // CheckSequenceLocks to indicate the LockPoints validity int maxInputHeight = 0; for (int height : prevheights) { // Can ignore mempool inputs since we'll fail if they had // non-zero locks if (height != tip->nHeight + 1) { maxInputHeight = std::max(maxInputHeight, height); } } lp->maxInputBlock = tip->GetAncestor(maxInputHeight); } } return EvaluateSequenceLocks(index, lockPair); } uint64_t GetSigOpCountWithoutP2SH(const CTransaction &tx) { uint64_t nSigOps = 0; for (const auto &txin : tx.vin) { nSigOps += txin.scriptSig.GetSigOpCount(false); } for (const auto &txout : tx.vout) { nSigOps += txout.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount(false); } return nSigOps; } uint64_t GetP2SHSigOpCount(const CTransaction &tx, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs) { if (tx.IsCoinBase()) { return 0; } uint64_t nSigOps = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); i++) { const CTxOut &prevout = inputs.GetOutputFor(tx.vin[i]); if (prevout.scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash()) nSigOps += prevout.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount(tx.vin[i].scriptSig); } return nSigOps; } uint64_t GetTransactionSigOpCount(const CTransaction &tx, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs, int flags) { uint64_t nSigOps = GetSigOpCountWithoutP2SH(tx); if (tx.IsCoinBase()) { return nSigOps; } if (flags & SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH) { nSigOps += GetP2SHSigOpCount(tx, inputs); } return nSigOps; } static bool CheckTransactionCommon(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, bool fCheckDuplicateInputs) { // Basic checks that don't depend on any context if (tx.vin.empty()) { return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vin-empty"); } if (tx.vout.empty()) { return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-empty"); } // Size limit if (::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) > MAX_TX_SIZE) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-oversize"); } // Check for negative or overflow output values CAmount nValueOut = 0; for (const auto &txout : tx.vout) { if (txout.nValue < 0) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-negative"); } if (txout.nValue > MAX_MONEY) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-toolarge"); } nValueOut += txout.nValue; if (!MoneyRange(nValueOut)) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-txouttotal-toolarge"); } } if (GetSigOpCountWithoutP2SH(tx) > MAX_TX_SIGOPS_COUNT) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txn-sigops"); } // Check for duplicate inputs - note that this check is slow so we skip it // in CheckBlock if (fCheckDuplicateInputs) { std::set vInOutPoints; for (const auto &txin : tx.vin) { if (!vInOutPoints.insert(txin.prevout).second) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputs-duplicate"); } } } return true; } bool CheckCoinbase(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, bool fCheckDuplicateInputs) { if (!tx.IsCoinBase()) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-missing", false, "first tx is not coinbase"); } if (!CheckTransactionCommon(tx, state, fCheckDuplicateInputs)) { // CheckTransactionCommon fill in the state. return false; } if (tx.vin[0].scriptSig.size() < 2 || tx.vin[0].scriptSig.size() > 100) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-length"); } return true; } bool CheckRegularTransaction(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, bool fCheckDuplicateInputs) { if (tx.IsCoinBase()) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-tx-coinbase"); } if (!CheckTransactionCommon(tx, state, fCheckDuplicateInputs)) { // CheckTransactionCommon fill in the state. return false; } for (const auto &txin : tx.vin) { if (txin.prevout.IsNull()) { return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-prevout-null"); } } return true; } void LimitMempoolSize(CTxMemPool &pool, size_t limit, unsigned long age) { int expired = pool.Expire(GetTime() - age); if (expired != 0) { LogPrint("mempool", "Expired %i transactions from the memory pool\n", expired); } std::vector vNoSpendsRemaining; pool.TrimToSize(limit, &vNoSpendsRemaining); for (const COutPoint &removed : vNoSpendsRemaining) { pcoinsTip->Uncache(removed); } } /** Convert CValidationState to a human-readable message for logging */ std::string FormatStateMessage(const CValidationState &state) { return strprintf( "%s%s (code %i)", state.GetRejectReason(), state.GetDebugMessage().empty() ? "" : ", " + state.GetDebugMessage(), state.GetRejectCode()); } static bool IsCurrentForFeeEstimation() { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); if (IsInitialBlockDownload()) { return false; } if (chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime() < (GetTime() - MAX_FEE_ESTIMATION_TIP_AGE)) { return false; } if (chainActive.Height() < pindexBestHeader->nHeight - 1) { return false; } return true; } static bool IsUAHFenabled(const Config &config, int64_t nMedianTimePast) { return nMedianTimePast >= config.GetUAHFStartTime(); } bool IsUAHFenabled(const Config &config, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev) { if (pindexPrev == nullptr) { return false; } return IsUAHFenabled(config, pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()); } bool IsUAHFenabledForCurrentBlock(const Config &config) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); return IsUAHFenabled(config, chainActive.Tip()); } static bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker( const Config &config, CTxMemPool &pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransactionRef &ptx, bool fLimitFree, bool *pfMissingInputs, int64_t nAcceptTime, std::list *plTxnReplaced, bool fOverrideMempoolLimit, const CAmount &nAbsurdFee, std::vector &coins_to_uncache) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); const CTransaction &tx = *ptx; const uint256 txid = tx.GetId(); if (pfMissingInputs) { *pfMissingInputs = false; } // Coinbase is only valid in a block, not as a loose transaction. if (!CheckRegularTransaction(tx, state, true)) { // state filled in by CheckRegularTransaction. return false; } // Rather not work on nonstandard transactions (unless -testnet/-regtest) std::string reason; if (fRequireStandard && !IsStandardTx(tx, reason)) { return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, reason); } // Only accept nLockTime-using transactions that can be mined in the next // block; we don't want our mempool filled up with transactions that can't // be mined yet. CValidationState ctxState; if (!ContextualCheckTransactionForCurrentBlock( config, tx, ctxState, config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus(), STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS)) { // We copy the state from a dummy to ensure we don't increase the // ban score of peer for transaction that could be valid in the future. return state.DoS( 0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, ctxState.GetRejectReason(), ctxState.CorruptionPossible(), ctxState.GetDebugMessage()); } // Is it already in the memory pool? if (pool.exists(txid)) { return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_ALREADY_KNOWN, "txn-already-in-mempool"); } // Check for conflicts with in-memory transactions { // Protect pool.mapNextTx LOCK(pool.cs); for (const CTxIn &txin : tx.vin) { auto itConflicting = pool.mapNextTx.find(txin.prevout); if (itConflicting != pool.mapNextTx.end()) { // Disable replacement feature for good return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_CONFLICT, "txn-mempool-conflict"); } } } { CCoinsView dummy; CCoinsViewCache view(&dummy); CAmount nValueIn = 0; LockPoints lp; { LOCK(pool.cs); CCoinsViewMemPool viewMemPool(pcoinsTip, pool); view.SetBackend(viewMemPool); // Do we already have it? for (size_t out = 0; out < tx.vout.size(); out++) { COutPoint outpoint(txid, out); bool had_coin_in_cache = pcoinsTip->HaveCoinInCache(outpoint); if (view.HaveCoin(outpoint)) { if (!had_coin_in_cache) { coins_to_uncache.push_back(outpoint); } return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_ALREADY_KNOWN, "txn-already-known"); } } // Do all inputs exist? for (const CTxIn txin : tx.vin) { if (!pcoinsTip->HaveCoinInCache(txin.prevout)) { coins_to_uncache.push_back(txin.prevout); } if (!view.HaveCoin(txin.prevout)) { if (pfMissingInputs) { *pfMissingInputs = true; } // fMissingInputs and !state.IsInvalid() is used to detect // this condition, don't set state.Invalid() return false; } } // Are the actual inputs available? if (!view.HaveInputs(tx)) { return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-txns-inputs-spent"); } // Bring the best block into scope. view.GetBestBlock(); nValueIn = view.GetValueIn(tx); // We have all inputs cached now, so switch back to dummy, so we // don't need to keep lock on mempool. view.SetBackend(dummy); // Only accept BIP68 sequence locked transactions that can be mined // in the next block; we don't want our mempool filled up with // transactions that can't be mined yet. Must keep pool.cs for this // unless we change CheckSequenceLocks to take a CoinsViewCache // instead of create its own. if (!CheckSequenceLocks(tx, STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS, &lp)) { return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "non-BIP68-final"); } } // Check for non-standard pay-to-script-hash in inputs if (fRequireStandard && !AreInputsStandard(tx, view)) { return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "bad-txns-nonstandard-inputs"); } int64_t nSigOpsCount = GetTransactionSigOpCount(tx, view, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS); CAmount nValueOut = tx.GetValueOut(); CAmount nFees = nValueIn - nValueOut; // nModifiedFees includes any fee deltas from PrioritiseTransaction CAmount nModifiedFees = nFees; double nPriorityDummy = 0; pool.ApplyDeltas(txid, nPriorityDummy, nModifiedFees); CAmount inChainInputValue; double dPriority = view.GetPriority(tx, chainActive.Height(), inChainInputValue); // Keep track of transactions that spend a coinbase, which we re-scan // during reorgs to ensure COINBASE_MATURITY is still met. bool fSpendsCoinbase = false; for (const CTxIn &txin : tx.vin) { const Coin &coin = view.AccessCoin(txin.prevout); if (coin.IsCoinBase()) { fSpendsCoinbase = true; break; } } CTxMemPoolEntry entry(ptx, nFees, nAcceptTime, dPriority, chainActive.Height(), inChainInputValue, fSpendsCoinbase, nSigOpsCount, lp); unsigned int nSize = entry.GetTxSize(); // Check that the transaction doesn't have an excessive number of // sigops, making it impossible to mine. Since the coinbase transaction // itself can contain sigops MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIGOPS is less than // MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB; we still consider this an invalid rather // than merely non-standard transaction. if (nSigOpsCount > MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIGOPS) { return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "bad-txns-too-many-sigops", false, strprintf("%d", nSigOpsCount)); } CAmount mempoolRejectFee = pool.GetMinFee(GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000) .GetFee(nSize); if (mempoolRejectFee > 0 && nModifiedFees < mempoolRejectFee) { return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "mempool min fee not met", false, strprintf("%d < %d", nFees, mempoolRejectFee)); } else if (GetBoolArg("-relaypriority", DEFAULT_RELAYPRIORITY) && nModifiedFees < ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nSize) && !AllowFree(entry.GetPriority(chainActive.Height() + 1))) { // Require that free transactions have sufficient priority to be // mined in the next block. return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "insufficient priority"); } // Continuously rate-limit free (really, very-low-fee) transactions. // This mitigates 'penny-flooding' -- sending thousands of free // transactions just to be annoying or make others' transactions take // longer to confirm. if (fLimitFree && nModifiedFees < ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nSize)) { static CCriticalSection csFreeLimiter; static double dFreeCount; static int64_t nLastTime; int64_t nNow = GetTime(); LOCK(csFreeLimiter); // Use an exponentially decaying ~10-minute window: dFreeCount *= pow(1.0 - 1.0 / 600.0, (double)(nNow - nLastTime)); nLastTime = nNow; // -limitfreerelay unit is thousand-bytes-per-minute // At default rate it would take over a month to fill 1GB if (dFreeCount + nSize >= GetArg("-limitfreerelay", DEFAULT_LIMITFREERELAY) * 10 * 1000) { return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "rate limited free transaction"); } LogPrint("mempool", "Rate limit dFreeCount: %g => %g\n", dFreeCount, dFreeCount + nSize); dFreeCount += nSize; } if (nAbsurdFee && nFees > nAbsurdFee) { return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_HIGHFEE, "absurdly-high-fee", strprintf("%d > %d", nFees, nAbsurdFee)); } // Calculate in-mempool ancestors, up to a limit. CTxMemPool::setEntries setAncestors; size_t nLimitAncestors = GetArg("-limitancestorcount", DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT); size_t nLimitAncestorSize = GetArg("-limitancestorsize", DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_SIZE_LIMIT) * 1000; size_t nLimitDescendants = GetArg("-limitdescendantcount", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT); size_t nLimitDescendantSize = GetArg("-limitdescendantsize", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_SIZE_LIMIT) * 1000; std::string errString; if (!pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors( entry, setAncestors, nLimitAncestors, nLimitAncestorSize, nLimitDescendants, nLimitDescendantSize, errString)) { return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "too-long-mempool-chain", false, errString); } - uint32_t scriptVerifyFlags = STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS; + uint32_t scriptVerifyFlags = + STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS | SCRIPT_ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID; if (!Params().RequireStandard()) { scriptVerifyFlags = GetArg("-promiscuousmempoolflags", scriptVerifyFlags); } - const bool hasUAHF = IsUAHFenabledForCurrentBlock(config); - if (hasUAHF) { - scriptVerifyFlags |= SCRIPT_ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID; - } - // Check against previous transactions. This is done last to help // prevent CPU exhaustion denial-of-service attacks. PrecomputedTransactionData txdata(tx); if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, true, scriptVerifyFlags, true, txdata)) { // State filled in by CheckInputs. return false; } // Check again against just the consensus-critical mandatory script // verification flags, in case of bugs in the standard flags that cause // transactions to pass as valid when they're actually invalid. For // instance the STRICTENC flag was incorrectly allowing certain // CHECKSIG NOT scripts to pass, even though they were invalid. // // There is a similar check in CreateNewBlock() to prevent creating // invalid blocks, however allowing such transactions into the mempool // can be exploited as a DoS attack. // // SCRIPT_ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID is also added as to ensure we do not // filter out transactions using the antireplay feature. { - // Depending on the UAHF activation, we require SIGHASH_FORKID or - // not. - // TODO: Cleanup after the Hard Fork. - uint32_t mandatoryFlags = MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS; - if (hasUAHF) { - mandatoryFlags |= SCRIPT_ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID; - } - - if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, true, mandatoryFlags, true, - txdata)) { + if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, true, + MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS | + SCRIPT_ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID, + true, txdata)) { return error( "%s: BUG! PLEASE REPORT THIS! ConnectInputs failed " "against MANDATORY but not STANDARD flags %s, %s", __func__, txid.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state)); } } // This transaction should only count for fee estimation if // the node is not behind and it is not dependent on any other // transactions in the mempool. bool validForFeeEstimation = IsCurrentForFeeEstimation() && pool.HasNoInputsOf(tx); // Store transaction in memory. pool.addUnchecked(txid, entry, setAncestors, validForFeeEstimation); // Trim mempool and check if tx was trimmed. if (!fOverrideMempoolLimit) { LimitMempoolSize( pool, GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000, GetArg("-mempoolexpiry", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY) * 60 * 60); if (!pool.exists(txid)) return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "mempool full"); } } GetMainSignals().SyncTransaction( tx, nullptr, CMainSignals::SYNC_TRANSACTION_NOT_IN_BLOCK); return true; } static bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWithTime( const Config &config, CTxMemPool &pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransactionRef &tx, bool fLimitFree, bool *pfMissingInputs, int64_t nAcceptTime, std::list *plTxnReplaced = nullptr, bool fOverrideMempoolLimit = false, const CAmount nAbsurdFee = 0) { std::vector coins_to_uncache; bool res = AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker( config, pool, state, tx, fLimitFree, pfMissingInputs, nAcceptTime, plTxnReplaced, fOverrideMempoolLimit, nAbsurdFee, coins_to_uncache); if (!res) { for (const COutPoint &outpoint : coins_to_uncache) { pcoinsTip->Uncache(outpoint); } } // After we've (potentially) uncached entries, ensure our coins cache is // still within its size limits CValidationState stateDummy; FlushStateToDisk(stateDummy, FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC); return res; } bool AcceptToMemoryPool(const Config &config, CTxMemPool &pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransactionRef &tx, bool fLimitFree, bool *pfMissingInputs, std::list *plTxnReplaced, bool fOverrideMempoolLimit, const CAmount nAbsurdFee) { return AcceptToMemoryPoolWithTime(config, pool, state, tx, fLimitFree, pfMissingInputs, GetTime(), plTxnReplaced, fOverrideMempoolLimit, nAbsurdFee); } /** Return transaction in txOut, and if it was found inside a block, its hash is * placed in hashBlock */ bool GetTransaction(const Config &config, const uint256 &txid, CTransactionRef &txOut, uint256 &hashBlock, bool fAllowSlow) { CBlockIndex *pindexSlow = nullptr; LOCK(cs_main); CTransactionRef ptx = mempool.get(txid); if (ptx) { txOut = ptx; return true; } if (fTxIndex) { CDiskTxPos postx; if (pblocktree->ReadTxIndex(txid, postx)) { CAutoFile file(OpenBlockFile(postx, true), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); if (file.IsNull()) return error("%s: OpenBlockFile failed", __func__); CBlockHeader header; try { file >> header; fseek(file.Get(), postx.nTxOffset, SEEK_CUR); file >> txOut; } catch (const std::exception &e) { return error("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s", __func__, e.what()); } hashBlock = header.GetHash(); if (txOut->GetId() != txid) return error("%s: txid mismatch", __func__); return true; } } // use coin database to locate block that contains transaction, and scan it if (fAllowSlow) { const Coin &coin = AccessByTxid(*pcoinsTip, txid); if (!coin.IsSpent()) { pindexSlow = chainActive[coin.GetHeight()]; } } if (pindexSlow) { auto ¶ms = config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus(); CBlock block; if (ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindexSlow, params)) { for (const auto &tx : block.vtx) { if (tx->GetId() == txid) { txOut = tx; hashBlock = pindexSlow->GetBlockHash(); return true; } } } } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CBlock and CBlockIndex // bool WriteBlockToDisk(const CBlock &block, CDiskBlockPos &pos, const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars &messageStart) { // Open history file to append CAutoFile fileout(OpenBlockFile(pos), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); if (fileout.IsNull()) return error("WriteBlockToDisk: OpenBlockFile failed"); // Write index header unsigned int nSize = GetSerializeSize(fileout, block); fileout << FLATDATA(messageStart) << nSize; // Write block long fileOutPos = ftell(fileout.Get()); if (fileOutPos < 0) return error("WriteBlockToDisk: ftell failed"); pos.nPos = (unsigned int)fileOutPos; fileout << block; return true; } bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock &block, const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) { block.SetNull(); // Open history file to read CAutoFile filein(OpenBlockFile(pos, true), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); if (filein.IsNull()) return error("ReadBlockFromDisk: OpenBlockFile failed for %s", pos.ToString()); // Read block try { filein >> block; } catch (const std::exception &e) { return error("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s at %s", __func__, e.what(), pos.ToString()); } // Check the header if (!CheckProofOfWork(block.GetHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams)) return error("ReadBlockFromDisk: Errors in block header at %s", pos.ToString()); return true; } bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex *pindex, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) { if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex->GetBlockPos(), consensusParams)) return false; if (block.GetHash() != pindex->GetBlockHash()) return error("ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock&, CBlockIndex*): GetHash() " "doesn't match index for %s at %s", pindex->ToString(), pindex->GetBlockPos().ToString()); return true; } CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) { int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval; // Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined. if (halvings >= 64) return 0; CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN; // Subsidy is cut in half every 210,000 blocks which will occur // approximately every 4 years. nSubsidy >>= halvings; return nSubsidy; } bool IsInitialBlockDownload() { const CChainParams &chainParams = Params(); // Once this function has returned false, it must remain false. static std::atomic latchToFalse{false}; // Optimization: pre-test latch before taking the lock. if (latchToFalse.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) return false; LOCK(cs_main); if (latchToFalse.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) return false; if (fImporting || fReindex) return true; if (chainActive.Tip() == nullptr) return true; if (chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork < UintToArith256(chainParams.GetConsensus().nMinimumChainWork)) return true; if (chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime() < (GetTime() - nMaxTipAge)) return true; latchToFalse.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed); return false; } CBlockIndex *pindexBestForkTip = nullptr, *pindexBestForkBase = nullptr; static void AlertNotify(const std::string &strMessage) { uiInterface.NotifyAlertChanged(); std::string strCmd = GetArg("-alertnotify", ""); if (strCmd.empty()) return; // Alert text should be plain ascii coming from a trusted source, but to be // safe we first strip anything not in safeChars, then add single quotes // around the whole string before passing it to the shell: std::string singleQuote("'"); std::string safeStatus = SanitizeString(strMessage); safeStatus = singleQuote + safeStatus + singleQuote; boost::replace_all(strCmd, "%s", safeStatus); boost::thread t(runCommand, strCmd); // thread runs free } void CheckForkWarningConditions() { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); // Before we get past initial download, we cannot reliably alert about forks // (we assume we don't get stuck on a fork before finishing our initial // sync) if (IsInitialBlockDownload()) return; // If our best fork is no longer within 72 blocks (+/- 12 hours if no one // mines it) of our head, drop it if (pindexBestForkTip && chainActive.Height() - pindexBestForkTip->nHeight >= 72) pindexBestForkTip = nullptr; if (pindexBestForkTip || (pindexBestInvalid && pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork > chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork + (GetBlockProof(*chainActive.Tip()) * 6))) { if (!GetfLargeWorkForkFound() && pindexBestForkBase) { std::string warning = std::string("'Warning: Large-work fork detected, forking after " "block ") + pindexBestForkBase->phashBlock->ToString() + std::string("'"); AlertNotify(warning); } if (pindexBestForkTip && pindexBestForkBase) { LogPrintf("%s: Warning: Large valid fork found\n forking the " "chain at height %d (%s)\n lasting to height %d " "(%s).\nChain state database corruption likely.\n", __func__, pindexBestForkBase->nHeight, pindexBestForkBase->phashBlock->ToString(), pindexBestForkTip->nHeight, pindexBestForkTip->phashBlock->ToString()); SetfLargeWorkForkFound(true); } else { LogPrintf("%s: Warning: Found invalid chain at least ~6 blocks " "longer than our best chain.\nChain state database " "corruption likely.\n", __func__); SetfLargeWorkInvalidChainFound(true); } } else { SetfLargeWorkForkFound(false); SetfLargeWorkInvalidChainFound(false); } } void CheckForkWarningConditionsOnNewFork(CBlockIndex *pindexNewForkTip) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); // If we are on a fork that is sufficiently large, set a warning flag CBlockIndex *pfork = pindexNewForkTip; CBlockIndex *plonger = chainActive.Tip(); while (pfork && pfork != plonger) { while (plonger && plonger->nHeight > pfork->nHeight) plonger = plonger->pprev; if (pfork == plonger) break; pfork = pfork->pprev; } // We define a condition where we should warn the user about as a fork of at // least 7 blocks with a tip within 72 blocks (+/- 12 hours if no one mines // it) of ours. We use 7 blocks rather arbitrarily as it represents just // under 10% of sustained network hash rate operating on the fork, or a // chain that is entirely longer than ours and invalid (note that this // should be detected by both). We define it this way because it allows us // to only store the highest fork tip (+ base) which meets the 7-block // condition and from this always have the most-likely-to-cause-warning fork if (pfork && (!pindexBestForkTip || (pindexBestForkTip && pindexNewForkTip->nHeight > pindexBestForkTip->nHeight)) && pindexNewForkTip->nChainWork - pfork->nChainWork > (GetBlockProof(*pfork) * 7) && chainActive.Height() - pindexNewForkTip->nHeight < 72) { pindexBestForkTip = pindexNewForkTip; pindexBestForkBase = pfork; } CheckForkWarningConditions(); } static void InvalidChainFound(CBlockIndex *pindexNew) { if (!pindexBestInvalid || pindexNew->nChainWork > pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork) pindexBestInvalid = pindexNew; LogPrintf( "%s: invalid block=%s height=%d log2_work=%.8g date=%s\n", __func__, pindexNew->GetBlockHash().ToString(), pindexNew->nHeight, log(pindexNew->nChainWork.getdouble()) / log(2.0), DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", pindexNew->GetBlockTime())); CBlockIndex *tip = chainActive.Tip(); assert(tip); LogPrintf("%s: current best=%s height=%d log2_work=%.8g date=%s\n", __func__, tip->GetBlockHash().ToString(), chainActive.Height(), log(tip->nChainWork.getdouble()) / log(2.0), DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tip->GetBlockTime())); CheckForkWarningConditions(); } static void InvalidBlockFound(CBlockIndex *pindex, const CValidationState &state) { if (!state.CorruptionPossible()) { pindex->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_VALID; setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindex); setBlockIndexCandidates.erase(pindex); InvalidChainFound(pindex); } } void UpdateCoins(const CTransaction &tx, CCoinsViewCache &inputs, CTxUndo &txundo, int nHeight) { // mark inputs spent if (!tx.IsCoinBase()) { txundo.vprevout.reserve(tx.vin.size()); for (const CTxIn &txin : tx.vin) { CCoinsModifier coins = inputs.ModifyCoins(txin.prevout.hash); unsigned nPos = txin.prevout.n; if (nPos >= coins->vout.size() || coins->vout[nPos].IsNull()) assert(false); // mark an outpoint spent, and construct undo information txundo.vprevout.push_back(CTxInUndo(coins->vout[nPos])); coins->Spend(nPos); if (coins->vout.size() == 0) { CTxInUndo &undo = txundo.vprevout.back(); undo.nHeight = coins->nHeight; undo.fCoinBase = coins->fCoinBase; undo.nVersion = coins->nVersion; } } } // add outputs inputs.ModifyNewCoins(tx.GetId(), tx.IsCoinBase())->FromTx(tx, nHeight); } void UpdateCoins(const CTransaction &tx, CCoinsViewCache &inputs, int nHeight) { CTxUndo txundo; UpdateCoins(tx, inputs, txundo, nHeight); } bool CScriptCheck::operator()() { const CScript &scriptSig = ptxTo->vin[nIn].scriptSig; if (!VerifyScript(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, nFlags, CachingTransactionSignatureChecker(ptxTo, nIn, amount, cacheStore, txdata), &error)) { return false; } return true; } int GetSpendHeight(const CCoinsViewCache &inputs) { LOCK(cs_main); CBlockIndex *pindexPrev = mapBlockIndex.find(inputs.GetBestBlock())->second; return pindexPrev->nHeight + 1; } namespace Consensus { bool CheckTxInputs(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs, int nSpendHeight) { // This doesn't trigger the DoS code on purpose; if it did, it would make it // easier for an attacker to attempt to split the network. if (!inputs.HaveInputs(tx)) { return state.Invalid(false, 0, "", "Inputs unavailable"); } CAmount nValueIn = 0; CAmount nFees = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); i++) { const COutPoint &prevout = tx.vin[i].prevout; const Coin &coin = inputs.AccessCoin(prevout); assert(!coin.IsSpent()); // If prev is coinbase, check that it's matured if (coin.IsCoinBase()) { if (nSpendHeight - coin.GetHeight() < COINBASE_MATURITY) { return state.Invalid( false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-premature-spend-of-coinbase", strprintf("tried to spend coinbase at depth %d", nSpendHeight - coin.GetHeight())); } } // Check for negative or overflow input values nValueIn += coin.GetTxOut().nValue; if (!MoneyRange(coin.GetTxOut().nValue) || !MoneyRange(nValueIn)) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputvalues-outofrange"); } } if (nValueIn < tx.GetValueOut()) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-in-belowout", false, strprintf("value in (%s) < value out (%s)", FormatMoney(nValueIn), FormatMoney(tx.GetValueOut()))); } // Tally transaction fees CAmount nTxFee = nValueIn - tx.GetValueOut(); if (nTxFee < 0) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-fee-negative"); } nFees += nTxFee; if (!MoneyRange(nFees)) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-fee-outofrange"); } return true; } } // namespace Consensus bool CheckInputs(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs, bool fScriptChecks, unsigned int flags, bool cacheStore, const PrecomputedTransactionData &txdata, std::vector *pvChecks) { assert(!tx.IsCoinBase()); if (!Consensus::CheckTxInputs(tx, state, inputs, GetSpendHeight(inputs))) { return false; } if (pvChecks) { pvChecks->reserve(tx.vin.size()); } // The first loop above does all the inexpensive checks. Only if ALL inputs // pass do we perform expensive ECDSA signature checks. Helps prevent CPU // exhaustion attacks. // Skip script verification when connecting blocks under the assumedvalid // block. Assuming the assumedvalid block is valid this is safe because // block merkle hashes are still computed and checked, of course, if an // assumed valid block is invalid due to false scriptSigs this optimization // would allow an invalid chain to be accepted. if (!fScriptChecks) { return true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); i++) { const COutPoint &prevout = tx.vin[i].prevout; const Coin &coin = inputs.AccessCoin(prevout); assert(!coin.IsSpent()); // We very carefully only pass in things to CScriptCheck which are // clearly committed to by tx' witness hash. This provides a sanity // check that our caching is not introducing consensus failures through // additional data in, eg, the coins being spent being checked as a part // of CScriptCheck. const CScript &scriptPubKey = coin.GetTxOut().scriptPubKey; const CAmount amount = coin.GetTxOut().nValue; // Verify signature CScriptCheck check(scriptPubKey, amount, tx, i, flags, cacheStore, txdata); if (pvChecks) { pvChecks->push_back(std::move(check)); } else if (!check()) { if (flags & STANDARD_NOT_MANDATORY_VERIFY_FLAGS) { // Check whether the failure was caused by a non-mandatory // script verification check, such as non-standard DER encodings // or non-null dummy arguments; if so, don't trigger DoS // protection to avoid splitting the network between upgraded // and non-upgraded nodes. uint32_t mandatoryFlags = flags & ~STANDARD_NOT_MANDATORY_VERIFY_FLAGS; CScriptCheck check2(scriptPubKey, amount, tx, i, mandatoryFlags & ~SCRIPT_ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID, cacheStore, txdata); // We also need to check with and without the forkid flag. Some // node may not have caught up yet with the tip of the chain and // may be relying transaction we do not consider valid. CScriptCheck check3(scriptPubKey, amount, tx, i, mandatoryFlags | SCRIPT_ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID, cacheStore, txdata); if (check2() || check3()) { return state.Invalid( false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, strprintf("non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (%s)", ScriptErrorString(check.GetScriptError()))); } } // Failures of other flags indicate a transaction that is invalid in // new blocks, e.g. a invalid P2SH. We DoS ban such nodes as they // are not following the protocol. That said during an upgrade // careful thought should be taken as to the correct behavior - we // may want to continue peering with non-upgraded nodes even after // soft-fork super-majority signaling has occurred. return state.DoS( 100, false, REJECT_INVALID, strprintf("mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (%s)", ScriptErrorString(check.GetScriptError()))); } } return true; } namespace { bool UndoWriteToDisk(const CBlockUndo &blockundo, CDiskBlockPos &pos, const uint256 &hashBlock, const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars &messageStart) { // Open history file to append CAutoFile fileout(OpenUndoFile(pos), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); if (fileout.IsNull()) return error("%s: OpenUndoFile failed", __func__); // Write index header unsigned int nSize = GetSerializeSize(fileout, blockundo); fileout << FLATDATA(messageStart) << nSize; // Write undo data long fileOutPos = ftell(fileout.Get()); if (fileOutPos < 0) return error("%s: ftell failed", __func__); pos.nPos = (unsigned int)fileOutPos; fileout << blockundo; // calculate & write checksum CHashWriter hasher(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); hasher << hashBlock; hasher << blockundo; fileout << hasher.GetHash(); return true; } bool UndoReadFromDisk(CBlockUndo &blockundo, const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const uint256 &hashBlock) { // Open history file to read CAutoFile filein(OpenUndoFile(pos, true), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); if (filein.IsNull()) { return error("%s: OpenUndoFile failed", __func__); } // Read block uint256 hashChecksum; try { filein >> blockundo; filein >> hashChecksum; } catch (const std::exception &e) { return error("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s", __func__, e.what()); } // Verify checksum CHashWriter hasher(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); hasher << hashBlock; hasher << blockundo; if (hashChecksum != hasher.GetHash()) { return error("%s: Checksum mismatch", __func__); } return true; } /** Abort with a message */ bool AbortNode(const std::string &strMessage, const std::string &userMessage = "") { SetMiscWarning(strMessage); LogPrintf("*** %s\n", strMessage); uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox( userMessage.empty() ? _("Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see " "debug.log for details") : userMessage, "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); StartShutdown(); return false; } bool AbortNode(CValidationState &state, const std::string &strMessage, const std::string &userMessage = "") { AbortNode(strMessage, userMessage); return state.Error(strMessage); } } // anon namespace /** Apply the undo operation of a CTxInUndo to the given chain state. */ DisconnectResult ApplyTxInUndo(const CTxInUndo &undo, CCoinsViewCache &view, const COutPoint &out) { bool fClean = true; CCoinsModifier coins = view.ModifyCoins(out.hash); if (undo.nHeight != 0) { // undo data contains height: this is the last output of the prevout tx // being spent if (!coins->IsPruned()) { // Overwriting existing transaction. fClean = false; } coins->fCoinBase = undo.fCoinBase; coins->nHeight = undo.nHeight; coins->nVersion = undo.nVersion; } else { if (coins->IsPruned()) { // Adding output to missing transaction. fClean = false; } } if (coins->IsAvailable(out.n)) { // Overwriting existing output. fClean = false; } if (coins->vout.size() < out.n + 1) { coins->vout.resize(out.n + 1); } coins->vout[out.n] = undo.txout; return fClean ? DISCONNECT_OK : DISCONNECT_UNCLEAN; } /** * Undo the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set represented * by coins. When UNCLEAN or FAILED is returned, view is left in an * indeterminate state. */ static DisconnectResult DisconnectBlock(const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex *pindex, CCoinsViewCache &view) { assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == view.GetBestBlock()); CBlockUndo blockUndo; CDiskBlockPos pos = pindex->GetUndoPos(); if (pos.IsNull()) { error("DisconnectBlock(): no undo data available"); return DISCONNECT_FAILED; } if (!UndoReadFromDisk(blockUndo, pos, pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash())) { error("DisconnectBlock(): failure reading undo data"); return DISCONNECT_FAILED; } return ApplyBlockUndo(blockUndo, block, pindex, view); } DisconnectResult ApplyBlockUndo(const CBlockUndo &blockUndo, const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex *pindex, CCoinsViewCache &view) { bool fClean = true; if (blockUndo.vtxundo.size() + 1 != block.vtx.size()) { error("DisconnectBlock(): block and undo data inconsistent"); return DISCONNECT_FAILED; } // Undo transactions in reverse order. size_t i = block.vtx.size(); while (i-- > 0) { const CTransaction &tx = *(block.vtx[i]); uint256 txid = tx.GetId(); // Check that all outputs are available and match the outputs in the // block itself exactly. { CCoinsModifier outs = view.ModifyCoins(txid); outs->ClearUnspendable(); CCoins outsBlock(tx, pindex->nHeight); // The CCoins serialization does not serialize negative numbers. No // network rules currently depend on the version here, so an // inconsistency is harmless but it must be corrected before txout // nversion ever influences a network rule. if (outsBlock.nVersion < 0) { outs->nVersion = outsBlock.nVersion; } if (*outs != outsBlock) { // Transaction mismatch. fClean = false; } // Remove outputs. outs->Clear(); } // Restore inputs. if (i < 1) { // Skip the coinbase. continue; } const CTxUndo &txundo = blockUndo.vtxundo[i - 1]; if (txundo.vprevout.size() != tx.vin.size()) { error("DisconnectBlock(): transaction and undo data inconsistent"); return DISCONNECT_FAILED; } for (size_t j = tx.vin.size(); j-- > 0;) { const COutPoint &out = tx.vin[j].prevout; const CTxInUndo &undo = txundo.vprevout[j]; DisconnectResult res = ApplyTxInUndo(undo, view, out); if (res == DISCONNECT_FAILED) { return DISCONNECT_FAILED; } fClean = fClean && res != DISCONNECT_UNCLEAN; } } // Move best block pointer to previous block. view.SetBestBlock(block.hashPrevBlock); return fClean ? DISCONNECT_OK : DISCONNECT_UNCLEAN; } static void FlushBlockFile(bool fFinalize = false) { LOCK(cs_LastBlockFile); CDiskBlockPos posOld(nLastBlockFile, 0); FILE *fileOld = OpenBlockFile(posOld); if (fileOld) { if (fFinalize) TruncateFile(fileOld, vinfoBlockFile[nLastBlockFile].nSize); FileCommit(fileOld); fclose(fileOld); } fileOld = OpenUndoFile(posOld); if (fileOld) { if (fFinalize) TruncateFile(fileOld, vinfoBlockFile[nLastBlockFile].nUndoSize); FileCommit(fileOld); fclose(fileOld); } } bool FindUndoPos(CValidationState &state, int nFile, CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize); static CCheckQueue scriptcheckqueue(128); void ThreadScriptCheck() { RenameThread("bitcoin-scriptch"); scriptcheckqueue.Thread(); } // Protected by cs_main VersionBitsCache versionbitscache; int32_t ComputeBlockVersion(const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, const Consensus::Params ¶ms) { LOCK(cs_main); int32_t nVersion = VERSIONBITS_TOP_BITS; for (int i = 0; i < (int)Consensus::MAX_VERSION_BITS_DEPLOYMENTS; i++) { ThresholdState state = VersionBitsState( pindexPrev, params, (Consensus::DeploymentPos)i, versionbitscache); if (state == THRESHOLD_LOCKED_IN || state == THRESHOLD_STARTED) { nVersion |= VersionBitsMask(params, (Consensus::DeploymentPos)i); } } return nVersion; } /** * Threshold condition checker that triggers when unknown versionbits are seen * on the network. */ class WarningBitsConditionChecker : public AbstractThresholdConditionChecker { private: int bit; public: WarningBitsConditionChecker(int bitIn) : bit(bitIn) {} int64_t BeginTime(const Consensus::Params ¶ms) const { return 0; } int64_t EndTime(const Consensus::Params ¶ms) const { return std::numeric_limits::max(); } int Period(const Consensus::Params ¶ms) const { return params.nMinerConfirmationWindow; } int Threshold(const Consensus::Params ¶ms) const { return params.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold; } bool Condition(const CBlockIndex *pindex, const Consensus::Params ¶ms) const { return ((pindex->nVersion & VERSIONBITS_TOP_MASK) == VERSIONBITS_TOP_BITS) && ((pindex->nVersion >> bit) & 1) != 0 && ((ComputeBlockVersion(pindex->pprev, params) >> bit) & 1) == 0; } }; // Protected by cs_main static ThresholdConditionCache warningcache[VERSIONBITS_NUM_BITS]; static int64_t nTimeCheck = 0; static int64_t nTimeForks = 0; static int64_t nTimeVerify = 0; static int64_t nTimeConnect = 0; static int64_t nTimeIndex = 0; static int64_t nTimeCallbacks = 0; static int64_t nTimeTotal = 0; /** * Apply the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set * represented by coins. Validity checks that depend on the UTXO set are also * done; ConnectBlock() can fail if those validity checks fail (among other * reasons). */ static bool ConnectBlock(const Config &config, const CBlock &block, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex *pindex, CCoinsViewCache &view, const CChainParams &chainparams, bool fJustCheck = false) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); int64_t nTimeStart = GetTimeMicros(); // Check it again in case a previous version let a bad block in if (!CheckBlock(config, block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus(), !fJustCheck, !fJustCheck)) { return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state)); } // Verify that the view's current state corresponds to the previous block uint256 hashPrevBlock = pindex->pprev == nullptr ? uint256() : pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash(); assert(hashPrevBlock == view.GetBestBlock()); // Special case for the genesis block, skipping connection of its // transactions (its coinbase is unspendable) if (block.GetHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) { if (!fJustCheck) { view.SetBestBlock(pindex->GetBlockHash()); } return true; } bool fScriptChecks = true; if (!hashAssumeValid.IsNull()) { // We've been configured with the hash of a block which has been // externally verified to have a valid history. A suitable default value // is included with the software and updated from time to time. Because // validity relative to a piece of software is an objective fact these // defaults can be easily reviewed. This setting doesn't force the // selection of any particular chain but makes validating some faster by // effectively caching the result of part of the verification. BlockMap::const_iterator it = mapBlockIndex.find(hashAssumeValid); if (it != mapBlockIndex.end()) { if (it->second->GetAncestor(pindex->nHeight) == pindex && pindexBestHeader->GetAncestor(pindex->nHeight) == pindex && pindexBestHeader->nChainWork >= UintToArith256( chainparams.GetConsensus().nMinimumChainWork)) { // This block is a member of the assumed verified chain and an // ancestor of the best header. The equivalent time check // discourages hashpower from extorting the network via DOS // attack into accepting an invalid block through telling users // they must manually set assumevalid. Requiring a software // change or burying the invalid block, regardless of the // setting, makes it hard to hide the implication of the demand. // This also avoids having release candidates that are hardly // doing any signature verification at all in testing without // having to artificially set the default assumed verified block // further back. The test against nMinimumChainWork prevents the // skipping when denied access to any chain at least as good as // the expected chain. fScriptChecks = (GetBlockProofEquivalentTime( *pindexBestHeader, *pindex, *pindexBestHeader, chainparams.GetConsensus()) <= 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 2); } } } int64_t nTime1 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeCheck += nTime1 - nTimeStart; LogPrint("bench", " - Sanity checks: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime1 - nTimeStart), nTimeCheck * 0.000001); // Do not allow blocks that contain transactions which 'overwrite' older // transactions, unless those are already completely spent. If such // overwrites are allowed, coinbases and transactions depending upon those // can be duplicated to remove the ability to spend the first instance -- // even after being sent to another address. See BIP30 and // http://r6.ca/blog/20120206T005236Z.html for more information. This logic // is not necessary for memory pool transactions, as AcceptToMemoryPool // already refuses previously-known transaction ids entirely. This rule was // originally applied to all blocks with a timestamp after March 15, 2012, // 0:00 UTC. Now that the whole chain is irreversibly beyond that time it is // applied to all blocks except the two in the chain that violate it. This // prevents exploiting the issue against nodes during their initial block // download. bool fEnforceBIP30 = (!pindex->phashBlock) || // Enforce on CreateNewBlock // invocations which don't // have a hash. !((pindex->nHeight == 91842 && pindex->GetBlockHash() == uint256S("0x00000000000a4d0a398161ffc163c503763" "b1f4360639393e0e4c8e300e0caec")) || (pindex->nHeight == 91880 && pindex->GetBlockHash() == uint256S("0x00000000000743f190a18c5577a3c2d2a1f" "610ae9601ac046a38084ccb7cd721"))); // Once BIP34 activated it was not possible to create new duplicate // coinbases and thus other than starting with the 2 existing duplicate // coinbase pairs, not possible to create overwriting txs. But by the time // BIP34 activated, in each of the existing pairs the duplicate coinbase had // overwritten the first before the first had been spent. Since those // coinbases are sufficiently buried its no longer possible to create // further duplicate transactions descending from the known pairs either. If // we're on the known chain at height greater than where BIP34 activated, we // can save the db accesses needed for the BIP30 check. CBlockIndex *pindexBIP34height = pindex->pprev->GetAncestor(chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Height); // Only continue to enforce if we're below BIP34 activation height or the // block hash at that height doesn't correspond. fEnforceBIP30 = fEnforceBIP30 && (!pindexBIP34height || !(pindexBIP34height->GetBlockHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Hash)); if (fEnforceBIP30) { for (const auto &tx : block.vtx) { for (size_t o = 0; o < tx->vout.size(); o++) { if (view.HaveCoin(COutPoint(tx->GetHash(), o))) { return state.DoS( 100, error("ConnectBlock(): tried to overwrite transaction"), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-BIP30"); } } } } // BIP16 didn't become active until Apr 1 2012 int64_t nBIP16SwitchTime = 1333238400; bool fStrictPayToScriptHash = (pindex->GetBlockTime() >= nBIP16SwitchTime); uint32_t flags = fStrictPayToScriptHash ? SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH : SCRIPT_VERIFY_NONE; // Start enforcing the DERSIG (BIP66) rule if (pindex->nHeight >= chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP66Height) { flags |= SCRIPT_VERIFY_DERSIG; } // Start enforcing CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY (BIP65) rule if (pindex->nHeight >= chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP65Height) { flags |= SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY; } // Start enforcing BIP68 (sequence locks) and BIP112 (CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY) // using versionbits logic. int nLockTimeFlags = 0; if (VersionBitsState(pindex->pprev, chainparams.GetConsensus(), Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV, versionbitscache) == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) { flags |= SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY; nLockTimeFlags |= LOCKTIME_VERIFY_SEQUENCE; } // If the UAHF is enabled, we start accepting replay protected txns const bool hasUAHF = IsUAHFenabled(config, pindex->pprev); if (hasUAHF) { flags |= SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC; flags |= SCRIPT_ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID; } int64_t nTime2 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeForks += nTime2 - nTime1; LogPrint("bench", " - Fork checks: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime2 - nTime1), nTimeForks * 0.000001); CBlockUndo blockundo; CCheckQueueControl control( fScriptChecks && nScriptCheckThreads ? &scriptcheckqueue : nullptr); std::vector prevheights; CAmount nFees = 0; int nInputs = 0; // Sigops counting. We need to do it again because of P2SH. uint64_t nSigOpsCount = 0; const uint64_t currentBlockSize = ::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); const uint64_t nMaxSigOpsCount = GetMaxBlockSigOpsCount(currentBlockSize); CDiskTxPos pos(pindex->GetBlockPos(), GetSizeOfCompactSize(block.vtx.size())); std::vector> vPos; vPos.reserve(block.vtx.size()); blockundo.vtxundo.reserve(block.vtx.size() - 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < block.vtx.size(); i++) { const CTransaction &tx = *(block.vtx[i]); nInputs += tx.vin.size(); if (!tx.IsCoinBase()) { if (!view.HaveInputs(tx)) { return state.DoS( 100, error("ConnectBlock(): inputs missing/spent"), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputs-missingorspent"); } // Check that transaction is BIP68 final BIP68 lock checks (as // opposed to nLockTime checks) must be in ConnectBlock because they // require the UTXO set. prevheights.resize(tx.vin.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < tx.vin.size(); j++) { prevheights[j] = view.AccessCoin(tx.vin[j].prevout).GetHeight(); } if (!SequenceLocks(tx, nLockTimeFlags, &prevheights, *pindex)) { return state.DoS( 100, error("%s: contains a non-BIP68-final transaction", __func__), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-nonfinal"); } } // GetTransactionSigOpCount counts 2 types of sigops: // * legacy (always) // * p2sh (when P2SH enabled in flags and excludes coinbase) auto txSigOpsCount = GetTransactionSigOpCount(tx, view, flags); if (txSigOpsCount > MAX_TX_SIGOPS_COUNT) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txn-sigops"); } nSigOpsCount += txSigOpsCount; if (nSigOpsCount > nMaxSigOpsCount) { return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): too many sigops"), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-sigops"); } if (!tx.IsCoinBase()) { nFees += view.GetValueIn(tx) - tx.GetValueOut(); // Don't cache results if we're actually connecting blocks (still // consult the cache, though). bool fCacheResults = fJustCheck; std::vector vChecks; if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, fScriptChecks, flags, fCacheResults, PrecomputedTransactionData(tx), nScriptCheckThreads ? &vChecks : nullptr)) { return error("ConnectBlock(): CheckInputs on %s failed with %s", tx.GetId().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state)); } control.Add(vChecks); } CTxUndo undoDummy; if (i > 0) { blockundo.vtxundo.push_back(CTxUndo()); } UpdateCoins(tx, view, i == 0 ? undoDummy : blockundo.vtxundo.back(), pindex->nHeight); vPos.push_back(std::make_pair(tx.GetId(), pos)); pos.nTxOffset += ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); } int64_t nTime3 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeConnect += nTime3 - nTime2; LogPrint("bench", " - Connect %u transactions: %.2fms (%.3fms/tx, " "%.3fms/txin) [%.2fs]\n", (unsigned)block.vtx.size(), 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2), 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2) / block.vtx.size(), nInputs <= 1 ? 0 : 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2) / (nInputs - 1), nTimeConnect * 0.000001); CAmount blockReward = nFees + GetBlockSubsidy(pindex->nHeight, chainparams.GetConsensus()); if (block.vtx[0]->GetValueOut() > blockReward) { return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): coinbase pays too much " "(actual=%d vs limit=%d)", block.vtx[0]->GetValueOut(), blockReward), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-amount"); } if (!control.Wait()) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "blk-bad-inputs", false, "parallel script check failed"); } int64_t nTime4 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeVerify += nTime4 - nTime2; LogPrint("bench", " - Verify %u txins: %.2fms (%.3fms/txin) [%.2fs]\n", nInputs - 1, 0.001 * (nTime4 - nTime2), nInputs <= 1 ? 0 : 0.001 * (nTime4 - nTime2) / (nInputs - 1), nTimeVerify * 0.000001); if (fJustCheck) { return true; } // Write undo information to disk if (pindex->GetUndoPos().IsNull() || !pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS)) { if (pindex->GetUndoPos().IsNull()) { CDiskBlockPos _pos; if (!FindUndoPos( state, pindex->nFile, _pos, ::GetSerializeSize(blockundo, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION) + 40)) { return error("ConnectBlock(): FindUndoPos failed"); } if (!UndoWriteToDisk(blockundo, _pos, pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash(), chainparams.MessageStart())) { return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write undo data"); } // update nUndoPos in block index pindex->nUndoPos = _pos.nPos; pindex->nStatus |= BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO; } pindex->RaiseValidity(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS); setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindex); } if (fTxIndex && !pblocktree->WriteTxIndex(vPos)) { return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write transaction index"); } // add this block to the view's block chain view.SetBestBlock(pindex->GetBlockHash()); int64_t nTime5 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeIndex += nTime5 - nTime4; LogPrint("bench", " - Index writing: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime5 - nTime4), nTimeIndex * 0.000001); // Watch for changes to the previous coinbase transaction. static uint256 hashPrevBestCoinBase; GetMainSignals().UpdatedTransaction(hashPrevBestCoinBase); hashPrevBestCoinBase = block.vtx[0]->GetId(); int64_t nTime6 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeCallbacks += nTime6 - nTime5; LogPrint("bench", " - Callbacks: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime6 - nTime5), nTimeCallbacks * 0.000001); return true; } /** * Update the on-disk chain state. * The caches and indexes are flushed depending on the mode we're called with if * they're too large, if it's been a while since the last write, or always and * in all cases if we're in prune mode and are deleting files. */ static bool FlushStateToDisk(CValidationState &state, FlushStateMode mode, int nManualPruneHeight) { int64_t nMempoolUsage = mempool.DynamicMemoryUsage(); const CChainParams &chainparams = Params(); LOCK2(cs_main, cs_LastBlockFile); static int64_t nLastWrite = 0; static int64_t nLastFlush = 0; static int64_t nLastSetChain = 0; std::set setFilesToPrune; bool fFlushForPrune = false; try { if (fPruneMode && (fCheckForPruning || nManualPruneHeight > 0) && !fReindex) { if (nManualPruneHeight > 0) { FindFilesToPruneManual(setFilesToPrune, nManualPruneHeight); } else { FindFilesToPrune(setFilesToPrune, chainparams.PruneAfterHeight()); fCheckForPruning = false; } if (!setFilesToPrune.empty()) { fFlushForPrune = true; if (!fHavePruned) { pblocktree->WriteFlag("prunedblockfiles", true); fHavePruned = true; } } } int64_t nNow = GetTimeMicros(); // Avoid writing/flushing immediately after startup. if (nLastWrite == 0) { nLastWrite = nNow; } if (nLastFlush == 0) { nLastFlush = nNow; } if (nLastSetChain == 0) { nLastSetChain = nNow; } int64_t nMempoolSizeMax = GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000; int64_t cacheSize = pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage() * DB_PEAK_USAGE_FACTOR; int64_t nTotalSpace = nCoinCacheUsage + std::max(nMempoolSizeMax - nMempoolUsage, 0); // The cache is large and we're within 10% and 200 MiB or 50% and 50MiB // of the limit, but we have time now (not in the middle of a block // processing). bool fCacheLarge = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && cacheSize > std::min(std::max(nTotalSpace / 2, nTotalSpace - MIN_BLOCK_COINSDB_USAGE * 1024 * 1024), std::max((9 * nTotalSpace) / 10, nTotalSpace - MAX_BLOCK_COINSDB_USAGE * 1024 * 1024)); // The cache is over the limit, we have to write now. bool fCacheCritical = mode == FLUSH_STATE_IF_NEEDED && cacheSize > nTotalSpace; // It's been a while since we wrote the block index to disk. Do this // frequently, so we don't need to redownload after a crash. bool fPeriodicWrite = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && nNow > nLastWrite + (int64_t)DATABASE_WRITE_INTERVAL * 1000000; // It's been very long since we flushed the cache. Do this infrequently, // to optimize cache usage. bool fPeriodicFlush = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && nNow > nLastFlush + (int64_t)DATABASE_FLUSH_INTERVAL * 1000000; // Combine all conditions that result in a full cache flush. bool fDoFullFlush = (mode == FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS) || fCacheLarge || fCacheCritical || fPeriodicFlush || fFlushForPrune; // Write blocks and block index to disk. if (fDoFullFlush || fPeriodicWrite) { // Depend on nMinDiskSpace to ensure we can write block index if (!CheckDiskSpace(0)) return state.Error("out of disk space"); // First make sure all block and undo data is flushed to disk. FlushBlockFile(); // Then update all block file information (which may refer to block // and undo files). { std::vector> vFiles; vFiles.reserve(setDirtyFileInfo.size()); for (std::set::iterator it = setDirtyFileInfo.begin(); it != setDirtyFileInfo.end();) { vFiles.push_back(std::make_pair(*it, &vinfoBlockFile[*it])); setDirtyFileInfo.erase(it++); } std::vector vBlocks; vBlocks.reserve(setDirtyBlockIndex.size()); for (std::set::iterator it = setDirtyBlockIndex.begin(); it != setDirtyBlockIndex.end();) { vBlocks.push_back(*it); setDirtyBlockIndex.erase(it++); } if (!pblocktree->WriteBatchSync(vFiles, nLastBlockFile, vBlocks)) { return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write to block index database"); } } // Finally remove any pruned files if (fFlushForPrune) UnlinkPrunedFiles(setFilesToPrune); nLastWrite = nNow; } // Flush best chain related state. This can only be done if the blocks / // block index write was also done. if (fDoFullFlush) { // Typical CCoins structures on disk are around 128 bytes in size. // Pushing a new one to the database can cause it to be written // twice (once in the log, and once in the tables). This is already // an overestimation, as most will delete an existing entry or // overwrite one. Still, use a conservative safety factor of 2. if (!CheckDiskSpace(128 * 2 * 2 * pcoinsTip->GetCacheSize())) return state.Error("out of disk space"); // Flush the chainstate (which may refer to block index entries). if (!pcoinsTip->Flush()) return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write to coin database"); nLastFlush = nNow; } if (fDoFullFlush || ((mode == FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS || mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC) && nNow > nLastSetChain + (int64_t)DATABASE_WRITE_INTERVAL * 1000000)) { // Update best block in wallet (so we can detect restored wallets). GetMainSignals().SetBestChain(chainActive.GetLocator()); nLastSetChain = nNow; } } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { return AbortNode(state, std::string("System error while flushing: ") + e.what()); } return true; } void FlushStateToDisk() { CValidationState state; FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS); } void PruneAndFlush() { CValidationState state; fCheckForPruning = true; FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_NONE); } /** Update chainActive and related internal data structures. */ static void UpdateTip(const Config &config, CBlockIndex *pindexNew) { const CChainParams &chainParams = config.GetChainParams(); chainActive.SetTip(pindexNew); // New best block mempool.AddTransactionsUpdated(1); cvBlockChange.notify_all(); static bool fWarned = false; std::vector warningMessages; if (!IsInitialBlockDownload()) { int nUpgraded = 0; const CBlockIndex *pindex = chainActive.Tip(); for (int bit = 0; bit < VERSIONBITS_NUM_BITS; bit++) { WarningBitsConditionChecker checker(bit); ThresholdState state = checker.GetStateFor( pindex, chainParams.GetConsensus(), warningcache[bit]); if (state == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE || state == THRESHOLD_LOCKED_IN) { if (state == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) { std::string strWarning = strprintf(_("Warning: unknown new rules activated " "(versionbit %i)"), bit); SetMiscWarning(strWarning); if (!fWarned) { AlertNotify(strWarning); fWarned = true; } } else { warningMessages.push_back( strprintf("unknown new rules are about to activate " "(versionbit %i)", bit)); } } } // Check the version of the last 100 blocks to see if we need to // upgrade: for (int i = 0; i < 100 && pindex != nullptr; i++) { int32_t nExpectedVersion = ComputeBlockVersion(pindex->pprev, chainParams.GetConsensus()); if (pindex->nVersion > VERSIONBITS_LAST_OLD_BLOCK_VERSION && (pindex->nVersion & ~nExpectedVersion) != 0) ++nUpgraded; pindex = pindex->pprev; } if (nUpgraded > 0) warningMessages.push_back(strprintf( "%d of last 100 blocks have unexpected version", nUpgraded)); if (nUpgraded > 100 / 2) { std::string strWarning = _("Warning: Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible " "unknown rules are in effect"); // notify GetWarnings(), called by Qt and the JSON-RPC code to warn // the user: SetMiscWarning(strWarning); if (!fWarned) { AlertNotify(strWarning); fWarned = true; } } } LogPrintf( "%s: new best=%s height=%d version=0x%08x log2_work=%.8g tx=%lu " "date='%s' progress=%f cache=%.1fMiB(%utx)", __func__, chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().ToString(), chainActive.Height(), chainActive.Tip()->nVersion, log(chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork.getdouble()) / log(2.0), (unsigned long)chainActive.Tip()->nChainTx, DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime()), GuessVerificationProgress(chainParams.TxData(), chainActive.Tip()), pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage() * (1.0 / (1 << 20)), pcoinsTip->GetCacheSize()); if (!warningMessages.empty()) LogPrintf(" warning='%s'", boost::algorithm::join(warningMessages, ", ")); LogPrintf("\n"); } /** * Disconnect chainActive's tip. You probably want to call * mempool.removeForReorg and manually re-limit mempool size after this, with * cs_main held. */ static bool DisconnectTip(const Config &config, CValidationState &state, bool fBare = false) { const Consensus::Params &consensusParams = config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus(); CBlockIndex *pindexDelete = chainActive.Tip(); assert(pindexDelete); // Read block from disk. CBlock block; if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindexDelete, consensusParams)) { return AbortNode(state, "Failed to read block"); } // Apply the block atomically to the chain state. int64_t nStart = GetTimeMicros(); { CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip); if (DisconnectBlock(block, pindexDelete, view) != DISCONNECT_OK) { return error("DisconnectTip(): DisconnectBlock %s failed", pindexDelete->GetBlockHash().ToString()); } bool flushed = view.Flush(); assert(flushed); } LogPrint("bench", "- Disconnect block: %.2fms\n", (GetTimeMicros() - nStart) * 0.001); // Write the chain state to disk, if necessary. if (!FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_IF_NEEDED)) { return false; } if (!fBare) { // Resurrect mempool transactions from the disconnected block. std::vector vHashUpdate; for (const auto &it : block.vtx) { const CTransaction &tx = *it; // ignore validation errors in resurrected transactions CValidationState stateDummy; if (tx.IsCoinBase() || !AcceptToMemoryPool(config, mempool, stateDummy, it, false, nullptr, nullptr, true)) { mempool.removeRecursive(tx, MemPoolRemovalReason::REORG); } else if (mempool.exists(tx.GetId())) { vHashUpdate.push_back(tx.GetId()); } } // AcceptToMemoryPool/addUnchecked all assume that new mempool entries // have no in-mempool children, which is generally not true when adding // previously-confirmed transactions back to the mempool. // UpdateTransactionsFromBlock finds descendants of any transactions in // this block that were added back and cleans up the mempool state. mempool.UpdateTransactionsFromBlock(vHashUpdate); } // Update chainActive and related variables. UpdateTip(config, pindexDelete->pprev); // Let wallets know transactions went from 1-confirmed to // 0-confirmed or conflicted: for (const auto &tx : block.vtx) { GetMainSignals().SyncTransaction( *tx, pindexDelete->pprev, CMainSignals::SYNC_TRANSACTION_NOT_IN_BLOCK); } return true; } static int64_t nTimeReadFromDisk = 0; static int64_t nTimeConnectTotal = 0; static int64_t nTimeFlush = 0; static int64_t nTimeChainState = 0; static int64_t nTimePostConnect = 0; /** * Used to track blocks whose transactions were applied to the UTXO state as a * part of a single ActivateBestChainStep call. */ struct ConnectTrace { std::vector>> blocksConnected; }; /** * Connect a new block to chainActive. pblock is either nullptr or a pointer to * a CBlock corresponding to pindexNew, to bypass loading it again from disk. * * The block is always added to connectTrace (either after loading from disk or * by copying pblock) - if that is not intended, care must be taken to remove * the last entry in blocksConnected in case of failure. */ static bool ConnectTip(const Config &config, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const std::shared_ptr &pblock, ConnectTrace &connectTrace) { const CChainParams &chainparams = config.GetChainParams(); assert(pindexNew->pprev == chainActive.Tip()); // Read block from disk. int64_t nTime1 = GetTimeMicros(); if (!pblock) { std::shared_ptr pblockNew = std::make_shared(); connectTrace.blocksConnected.emplace_back(pindexNew, pblockNew); if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(*pblockNew, pindexNew, chainparams.GetConsensus())) return AbortNode(state, "Failed to read block"); } else { connectTrace.blocksConnected.emplace_back(pindexNew, pblock); } const CBlock &blockConnecting = *connectTrace.blocksConnected.back().second; // Apply the block atomically to the chain state. int64_t nTime2 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeReadFromDisk += nTime2 - nTime1; int64_t nTime3; LogPrint("bench", " - Load block from disk: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime2 - nTime1) * 0.001, nTimeReadFromDisk * 0.000001); { CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip); bool rv = ConnectBlock(config, blockConnecting, state, pindexNew, view, chainparams); GetMainSignals().BlockChecked(blockConnecting, state); if (!rv) { if (state.IsInvalid()) { InvalidBlockFound(pindexNew, state); } return error("ConnectTip(): ConnectBlock %s failed", pindexNew->GetBlockHash().ToString()); } nTime3 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeConnectTotal += nTime3 - nTime2; LogPrint("bench", " - Connect total: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime3 - nTime2) * 0.001, nTimeConnectTotal * 0.000001); bool flushed = view.Flush(); assert(flushed); } int64_t nTime4 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeFlush += nTime4 - nTime3; LogPrint("bench", " - Flush: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime4 - nTime3) * 0.001, nTimeFlush * 0.000001); // Write the chain state to disk, if necessary. if (!FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_IF_NEEDED)) return false; int64_t nTime5 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeChainState += nTime5 - nTime4; LogPrint("bench", " - Writing chainstate: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime5 - nTime4) * 0.001, nTimeChainState * 0.000001); // Remove conflicting transactions from the mempool.; mempool.removeForBlock(blockConnecting.vtx, pindexNew->nHeight); // Update chainActive & related variables. UpdateTip(config, pindexNew); int64_t nTime6 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimePostConnect += nTime6 - nTime5; nTimeTotal += nTime6 - nTime1; LogPrint("bench", " - Connect postprocess: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime6 - nTime5) * 0.001, nTimePostConnect * 0.000001); LogPrint("bench", "- Connect block: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime6 - nTime1) * 0.001, nTimeTotal * 0.000001); return true; } /** * Return the tip of the chain with the most work in it, that isn't known to be * invalid (it's however far from certain to be valid). */ static CBlockIndex *FindMostWorkChain() { do { CBlockIndex *pindexNew = nullptr; // Find the best candidate header. { std::set::reverse_iterator it = setBlockIndexCandidates.rbegin(); if (it == setBlockIndexCandidates.rend()) return nullptr; pindexNew = *it; } // Check whether all blocks on the path between the currently active // chain and the candidate are valid. Just going until the active chain // is an optimization, as we know all blocks in it are valid already. CBlockIndex *pindexTest = pindexNew; bool fInvalidAncestor = false; while (pindexTest && !chainActive.Contains(pindexTest)) { assert(pindexTest->nChainTx || pindexTest->nHeight == 0); // Pruned nodes may have entries in setBlockIndexCandidates for // which block files have been deleted. Remove those as candidates // for the most work chain if we come across them; we can't switch // to a chain unless we have all the non-active-chain parent blocks. bool fFailedChain = pindexTest->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK; bool fMissingData = !(pindexTest->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA); if (fFailedChain || fMissingData) { // Candidate chain is not usable (either invalid or missing // data) if (fFailedChain && (pindexBestInvalid == nullptr || pindexNew->nChainWork > pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork)) pindexBestInvalid = pindexNew; CBlockIndex *pindexFailed = pindexNew; // Remove the entire chain from the set. while (pindexTest != pindexFailed) { if (fFailedChain) { pindexFailed->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD; } else if (fMissingData) { // If we're missing data, then add back to // mapBlocksUnlinked, so that if the block arrives in // the future we can try adding to // setBlockIndexCandidates again. mapBlocksUnlinked.insert( std::make_pair(pindexFailed->pprev, pindexFailed)); } setBlockIndexCandidates.erase(pindexFailed); pindexFailed = pindexFailed->pprev; } setBlockIndexCandidates.erase(pindexTest); fInvalidAncestor = true; break; } pindexTest = pindexTest->pprev; } if (!fInvalidAncestor) return pindexNew; } while (true); } /** Delete all entries in setBlockIndexCandidates that are worse than the * current tip. */ static void PruneBlockIndexCandidates() { // Note that we can't delete the current block itself, as we may need to // return to it later in case a reorganization to a better block fails. std::set::iterator it = setBlockIndexCandidates.begin(); while (it != setBlockIndexCandidates.end() && setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(*it, chainActive.Tip())) { setBlockIndexCandidates.erase(it++); } // Either the current tip or a successor of it we're working towards is left // in setBlockIndexCandidates. assert(!setBlockIndexCandidates.empty()); } /** * Try to make some progress towards making pindexMostWork the active block. * pblock is either nullptr or a pointer to a CBlock corresponding to * pindexMostWork. */ static bool ActivateBestChainStep(const Config &config, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex *pindexMostWork, const std::shared_ptr &pblock, bool &fInvalidFound, ConnectTrace &connectTrace) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); const CBlockIndex *pindexOldTip = chainActive.Tip(); const CBlockIndex *pindexFork = chainActive.FindFork(pindexMostWork); // Disconnect active blocks which are no longer in the best chain. bool fBlocksDisconnected = false; while (chainActive.Tip() && chainActive.Tip() != pindexFork) { if (!DisconnectTip(config, state)) return false; fBlocksDisconnected = true; } // Build list of new blocks to connect. std::vector vpindexToConnect; bool fContinue = true; int nHeight = pindexFork ? pindexFork->nHeight : -1; while (fContinue && nHeight != pindexMostWork->nHeight) { // Don't iterate the entire list of potential improvements toward the // best tip, as we likely only need a few blocks along the way. int nTargetHeight = std::min(nHeight + 32, pindexMostWork->nHeight); vpindexToConnect.clear(); vpindexToConnect.reserve(nTargetHeight - nHeight); CBlockIndex *pindexIter = pindexMostWork->GetAncestor(nTargetHeight); while (pindexIter && pindexIter->nHeight != nHeight) { vpindexToConnect.push_back(pindexIter); pindexIter = pindexIter->pprev; } nHeight = nTargetHeight; // Connect new blocks. for (CBlockIndex *pindexConnect : boost::adaptors::reverse(vpindexToConnect)) { if (!ConnectTip(config, state, pindexConnect, pindexConnect == pindexMostWork ? pblock : std::shared_ptr(), connectTrace)) { if (state.IsInvalid()) { // The block violates a consensus rule. if (!state.CorruptionPossible()) InvalidChainFound(vpindexToConnect.back()); state = CValidationState(); fInvalidFound = true; fContinue = false; // If we didn't actually connect the block, don't notify // listeners about it connectTrace.blocksConnected.pop_back(); break; } else { // A system error occurred (disk space, database error, // ...). return false; } } else { PruneBlockIndexCandidates(); if (!pindexOldTip || chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork > pindexOldTip->nChainWork) { // We're in a better position than we were. Return // temporarily to release the lock. fContinue = false; break; } } } } if (fBlocksDisconnected) { mempool.removeForReorg(pcoinsTip, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1, STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS); LimitMempoolSize( mempool, GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000, GetArg("-mempoolexpiry", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY) * 60 * 60); } mempool.check(pcoinsTip); // Callbacks/notifications for a new best chain. if (fInvalidFound) CheckForkWarningConditionsOnNewFork(vpindexToConnect.back()); else CheckForkWarningConditions(); return true; } static void NotifyHeaderTip() { bool fNotify = false; bool fInitialBlockDownload = false; static CBlockIndex *pindexHeaderOld = nullptr; CBlockIndex *pindexHeader = nullptr; { LOCK(cs_main); pindexHeader = pindexBestHeader; if (pindexHeader != pindexHeaderOld) { fNotify = true; fInitialBlockDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload(); pindexHeaderOld = pindexHeader; } } // Send block tip changed notifications without cs_main if (fNotify) { uiInterface.NotifyHeaderTip(fInitialBlockDownload, pindexHeader); } } /** * Make the best chain active, in multiple steps. The result is either failure * or an activated best chain. pblock is either nullptr or a pointer to a block * that is already loaded (to avoid loading it again from disk). */ bool ActivateBestChain(const Config &config, CValidationState &state, std::shared_ptr pblock) { // Note that while we're often called here from ProcessNewBlock, this is // far from a guarantee. Things in the P2P/RPC will often end up calling // us in the middle of ProcessNewBlock - do not assume pblock is set // sanely for performance or correctness! CBlockIndex *pindexMostWork = nullptr; CBlockIndex *pindexNewTip = nullptr; do { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); if (ShutdownRequested()) break; const CBlockIndex *pindexFork; ConnectTrace connectTrace; bool fInitialDownload; { LOCK(cs_main); { // TODO: Tempoarily ensure that mempool removals are notified // before connected transactions. This shouldn't matter, but the // abandoned state of transactions in our wallet is currently // cleared when we receive another notification and there is a // race condition where notification of a connected conflict // might cause an outside process to abandon a transaction and // then have it inadvertantly cleared by the notification that // the conflicted transaction was evicted. MemPoolConflictRemovalTracker mrt(mempool); CBlockIndex *pindexOldTip = chainActive.Tip(); if (pindexMostWork == nullptr) { pindexMostWork = FindMostWorkChain(); } // Whether we have anything to do at all. if (pindexMostWork == nullptr || pindexMostWork == chainActive.Tip()) return true; bool fInvalidFound = false; std::shared_ptr nullBlockPtr; if (!ActivateBestChainStep( config, state, pindexMostWork, pblock && pblock->GetHash() == pindexMostWork->GetBlockHash() ? pblock : nullBlockPtr, fInvalidFound, connectTrace)) return false; if (fInvalidFound) { // Wipe cache, we may need another branch now. pindexMostWork = nullptr; } pindexNewTip = chainActive.Tip(); pindexFork = chainActive.FindFork(pindexOldTip); fInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload(); // throw all transactions though the signal-interface } // MemPoolConflictRemovalTracker destroyed and conflict evictions // are notified // Transactions in the connnected block are notified for (const auto &pair : connectTrace.blocksConnected) { assert(pair.second); const CBlock &block = *(pair.second); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < block.vtx.size(); i++) GetMainSignals().SyncTransaction(*block.vtx[i], pair.first, i); } } // When we reach this point, we switched to a new tip (stored in // pindexNewTip). // Notifications/callbacks that can run without cs_main // Notify external listeners about the new tip. GetMainSignals().UpdatedBlockTip(pindexNewTip, pindexFork, fInitialDownload); // Always notify the UI if a new block tip was connected if (pindexFork != pindexNewTip) { uiInterface.NotifyBlockTip(fInitialDownload, pindexNewTip); } } while (pindexNewTip != pindexMostWork); CheckBlockIndex(config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus()); // Write changes periodically to disk, after relay. if (!FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC)) { return false; } return true; } bool PreciousBlock(const Config &config, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex *pindex) { { LOCK(cs_main); if (pindex->nChainWork < chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork) { // Nothing to do, this block is not at the tip. return true; } if (chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork > nLastPreciousChainwork) { // The chain has been extended since the last call, reset the // counter. nBlockReverseSequenceId = -1; } nLastPreciousChainwork = chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork; setBlockIndexCandidates.erase(pindex); pindex->nSequenceId = nBlockReverseSequenceId; if (nBlockReverseSequenceId > std::numeric_limits::min()) { // We can't keep reducing the counter if somebody really wants to // call preciousblock 2**31-1 times on the same set of tips... nBlockReverseSequenceId--; } if (pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && pindex->nChainTx) { setBlockIndexCandidates.insert(pindex); PruneBlockIndexCandidates(); } } return ActivateBestChain(config, state); } bool InvalidateBlock(const Config &config, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex *pindex) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); // Mark the block itself as invalid. pindex->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_VALID; setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindex); setBlockIndexCandidates.erase(pindex); while (chainActive.Contains(pindex)) { CBlockIndex *pindexWalk = chainActive.Tip(); pindexWalk->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD; setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindexWalk); setBlockIndexCandidates.erase(pindexWalk); // ActivateBestChain considers blocks already in chainActive // unconditionally valid already, so force disconnect away from it. if (!DisconnectTip(config, state)) { mempool.removeForReorg(pcoinsTip, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1, STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS); return false; } } LimitMempoolSize( mempool, GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000, GetArg("-mempoolexpiry", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY) * 60 * 60); // The resulting new best tip may not be in setBlockIndexCandidates anymore, // so add it again. BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.begin(); while (it != mapBlockIndex.end()) { if (it->second->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && it->second->nChainTx && !setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(it->second, chainActive.Tip())) { setBlockIndexCandidates.insert(it->second); } it++; } InvalidChainFound(pindex); mempool.removeForReorg(pcoinsTip, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1, STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS); uiInterface.NotifyBlockTip(IsInitialBlockDownload(), pindex->pprev); return true; } bool ResetBlockFailureFlags(CBlockIndex *pindex) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); int nHeight = pindex->nHeight; // Remove the invalidity flag from this block and all its descendants. BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.begin(); while (it != mapBlockIndex.end()) { if (!it->second->IsValid() && it->second->GetAncestor(nHeight) == pindex) { it->second->nStatus &= ~BLOCK_FAILED_MASK; setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(it->second); if (it->second->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && it->second->nChainTx && setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(chainActive.Tip(), it->second)) { setBlockIndexCandidates.insert(it->second); } if (it->second == pindexBestInvalid) { // Reset invalid block marker if it was pointing to one of // those. pindexBestInvalid = nullptr; } } it++; } // Remove the invalidity flag from all ancestors too. while (pindex != nullptr) { if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) { pindex->nStatus &= ~BLOCK_FAILED_MASK; setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindex); } pindex = pindex->pprev; } return true; } CBlockIndex *AddToBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader &block) { // Check for duplicate uint256 hash = block.GetHash(); BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.find(hash); if (it != mapBlockIndex.end()) return it->second; // Construct new block index object CBlockIndex *pindexNew = new CBlockIndex(block); assert(pindexNew); // We assign the sequence id to blocks only when the full data is available, // to avoid miners withholding blocks but broadcasting headers, to get a // competitive advantage. pindexNew->nSequenceId = 0; BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.insert(std::make_pair(hash, pindexNew)).first; pindexNew->phashBlock = &((*mi).first); BlockMap::iterator miPrev = mapBlockIndex.find(block.hashPrevBlock); if (miPrev != mapBlockIndex.end()) { pindexNew->pprev = (*miPrev).second; pindexNew->nHeight = pindexNew->pprev->nHeight + 1; pindexNew->BuildSkip(); } pindexNew->nTimeMax = (pindexNew->pprev ? std::max(pindexNew->pprev->nTimeMax, pindexNew->nTime) : pindexNew->nTime); pindexNew->nChainWork = (pindexNew->pprev ? pindexNew->pprev->nChainWork : 0) + GetBlockProof(*pindexNew); pindexNew->RaiseValidity(BLOCK_VALID_TREE); if (pindexBestHeader == nullptr || pindexBestHeader->nChainWork < pindexNew->nChainWork) { pindexBestHeader = pindexNew; } setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindexNew); return pindexNew; } /** * Mark a block as having its data received and checked (up to * BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS). */ bool ReceivedBlockTransactions(const CBlock &block, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CDiskBlockPos &pos) { pindexNew->nTx = block.vtx.size(); pindexNew->nChainTx = 0; pindexNew->nFile = pos.nFile; pindexNew->nDataPos = pos.nPos; pindexNew->nUndoPos = 0; pindexNew->nStatus |= BLOCK_HAVE_DATA; pindexNew->RaiseValidity(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS); setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindexNew); if (pindexNew->pprev == nullptr || pindexNew->pprev->nChainTx) { // If pindexNew is the genesis block or all parents are // BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS. std::deque queue; queue.push_back(pindexNew); // Recursively process any descendant blocks that now may be eligible to // be connected. while (!queue.empty()) { CBlockIndex *pindex = queue.front(); queue.pop_front(); pindex->nChainTx = (pindex->pprev ? pindex->pprev->nChainTx : 0) + pindex->nTx; { LOCK(cs_nBlockSequenceId); pindex->nSequenceId = nBlockSequenceId++; } if (chainActive.Tip() == nullptr || !setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(pindex, chainActive.Tip())) { setBlockIndexCandidates.insert(pindex); } std::pair::iterator, std::multimap::iterator> range = mapBlocksUnlinked.equal_range(pindex); while (range.first != range.second) { std::multimap::iterator it = range.first; queue.push_back(it->second); range.first++; mapBlocksUnlinked.erase(it); } } } else { if (pindexNew->pprev && pindexNew->pprev->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE)) { mapBlocksUnlinked.insert( std::make_pair(pindexNew->pprev, pindexNew)); } } return true; } bool FindBlockPos(CValidationState &state, CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize, unsigned int nHeight, uint64_t nTime, bool fKnown = false) { LOCK(cs_LastBlockFile); unsigned int nFile = fKnown ? pos.nFile : nLastBlockFile; if (vinfoBlockFile.size() <= nFile) { vinfoBlockFile.resize(nFile + 1); } if (!fKnown) { while (vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize + nAddSize >= MAX_BLOCKFILE_SIZE) { nFile++; if (vinfoBlockFile.size() <= nFile) { vinfoBlockFile.resize(nFile + 1); } } pos.nFile = nFile; pos.nPos = vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize; } if ((int)nFile != nLastBlockFile) { if (!fKnown) { LogPrintf("Leaving block file %i: %s\n", nLastBlockFile, vinfoBlockFile[nLastBlockFile].ToString()); } FlushBlockFile(!fKnown); nLastBlockFile = nFile; } vinfoBlockFile[nFile].AddBlock(nHeight, nTime); if (fKnown) vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize = std::max(pos.nPos + nAddSize, vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize); else vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize += nAddSize; if (!fKnown) { unsigned int nOldChunks = (pos.nPos + BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE; unsigned int nNewChunks = (vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize + BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE; if (nNewChunks > nOldChunks) { if (fPruneMode) fCheckForPruning = true; if (CheckDiskSpace(nNewChunks * BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - pos.nPos)) { FILE *file = OpenBlockFile(pos); if (file) { LogPrintf( "Pre-allocating up to position 0x%x in blk%05u.dat\n", nNewChunks * BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE, pos.nFile); AllocateFileRange(file, pos.nPos, nNewChunks * BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - pos.nPos); fclose(file); } } else return state.Error("out of disk space"); } } setDirtyFileInfo.insert(nFile); return true; } bool FindUndoPos(CValidationState &state, int nFile, CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize) { pos.nFile = nFile; LOCK(cs_LastBlockFile); unsigned int nNewSize; pos.nPos = vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nUndoSize; nNewSize = vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nUndoSize += nAddSize; setDirtyFileInfo.insert(nFile); unsigned int nOldChunks = (pos.nPos + UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) / UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE; unsigned int nNewChunks = (nNewSize + UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) / UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE; if (nNewChunks > nOldChunks) { if (fPruneMode) fCheckForPruning = true; if (CheckDiskSpace(nNewChunks * UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - pos.nPos)) { FILE *file = OpenUndoFile(pos); if (file) { LogPrintf("Pre-allocating up to position 0x%x in rev%05u.dat\n", nNewChunks * UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE, pos.nFile); AllocateFileRange(file, pos.nPos, nNewChunks * UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - pos.nPos); fclose(file); } } else return state.Error("out of disk space"); } return true; } bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader &block, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW) { // Check proof of work matches claimed amount if (fCheckPOW && !CheckProofOfWork(block.GetHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams)) return state.DoS(50, false, REJECT_INVALID, "high-hash", false, "proof of work failed"); return true; } bool CheckBlock(const Config &config, const CBlock &block, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerkleRoot) { // These are checks that are independent of context. if (block.fChecked) { return true; } // Check that the header is valid (particularly PoW). This is mostly // redundant with the call in AcceptBlockHeader. if (!CheckBlockHeader(block, state, consensusParams, fCheckPOW)) { return false; } // Check the merkle root. if (fCheckMerkleRoot) { bool mutated; uint256 hashMerkleRoot2 = BlockMerkleRoot(block, &mutated); if (block.hashMerkleRoot != hashMerkleRoot2) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txnmrklroot", true, "hashMerkleRoot mismatch"); } // Check for merkle tree malleability (CVE-2012-2459): repeating // sequences of transactions in a block without affecting the merkle // root of a block, while still invalidating it. if (mutated) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-duplicate", true, "duplicate transaction"); } } // All potential-corruption validation must be done before we do any // transaction validation, as otherwise we may mark the header as invalid // because we receive the wrong transactions for it. // First transaction must be coinbase. if (block.vtx.empty()) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-missing", false, "first tx is not coinbase"); } // Size limits. auto nMaxBlockSize = config.GetMaxBlockSize(); // Bail early if there is no way this block is of reasonable size. if ((block.vtx.size() * MIN_TRANSACTION_SIZE) > nMaxBlockSize) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-length", false, "size limits failed"); } auto currentBlockSize = ::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); if (currentBlockSize > nMaxBlockSize) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-length", false, "size limits failed"); } // And a valid coinbase. if (!CheckCoinbase(*block.vtx[0], state, false)) { return state.Invalid(false, state.GetRejectCode(), state.GetRejectReason(), strprintf("Coinbase check failed (txid %s) %s", block.vtx[0]->GetId().ToString(), state.GetDebugMessage())); } // Keep track of the sigops count. uint64_t nSigOps = 0; auto nMaxSigOpsCount = GetMaxBlockSigOpsCount(currentBlockSize); // Check transactions auto txCount = block.vtx.size(); auto *tx = block.vtx[0].get(); size_t i = 0; while (true) { // Count the sigops for the current transaction. If the total sigops // count is too high, the the block is invalid. nSigOps += GetSigOpCountWithoutP2SH(*tx); if (nSigOps > nMaxSigOpsCount) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-sigops", false, "out-of-bounds SigOpCount"); } // Go to the next transaction. i++; // We reached the end of the block, success. if (i >= txCount) { break; } // Check that the transaction is valid. because this check differs for // the coinbase, the loos is arranged such as this only runs after at // least one increment. tx = block.vtx[i].get(); if (!CheckRegularTransaction(*tx, state, false)) { return state.Invalid( false, state.GetRejectCode(), state.GetRejectReason(), strprintf("Transaction check failed (txid %s) %s", tx->GetId().ToString(), state.GetDebugMessage())); } } if (fCheckPOW && fCheckMerkleRoot) { block.fChecked = true; } return true; } static bool CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, const uint256 &hash) { if (*pindexPrev->phashBlock == chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) { return true; } int nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1; // Don't accept any forks from the main chain prior to last checkpoint CBlockIndex *pcheckpoint = Checkpoints::GetLastCheckpoint(chainparams.Checkpoints()); if (pcheckpoint && nHeight < pcheckpoint->nHeight) { return state.DoS( 100, error("%s: forked chain older than last checkpoint (height %d)", __func__, nHeight)); } return true; } bool ContextualCheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader &block, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, int64_t nAdjustedTime) { const int nHeight = pindexPrev == nullptr ? 0 : pindexPrev->nHeight + 1; // Check proof of work if (block.nBits != GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, &block, consensusParams)) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-diffbits", false, "incorrect proof of work"); } // Check timestamp against prev if (block.GetBlockTime() <= pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()) { return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_INVALID, "time-too-old", "block's timestamp is too early"); } // Check timestamp if (block.GetBlockTime() > nAdjustedTime + 2 * 60 * 60) { return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_INVALID, "time-too-new", "block timestamp too far in the future"); } // Reject outdated version blocks when 95% (75% on testnet) of the network // has upgraded: // check for version 2, 3 and 4 upgrades if ((block.nVersion < 2 && nHeight >= consensusParams.BIP34Height) || (block.nVersion < 3 && nHeight >= consensusParams.BIP66Height) || (block.nVersion < 4 && nHeight >= consensusParams.BIP65Height)) { return state.Invalid( false, REJECT_OBSOLETE, strprintf("bad-version(0x%08x)", block.nVersion), strprintf("rejected nVersion=0x%08x block", block.nVersion)); } return true; } bool ContextualCheckTransaction(const Config &config, const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, int nHeight, int64_t nLockTimeCutoff, int64_t nMedianTimePast) { if (!IsFinalTx(tx, nHeight, nLockTimeCutoff)) { // While this is only one transaction, we use txns in the error to // ensure continuity with other clients. return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-nonfinal", false, "non-final transaction"); } if (IsUAHFenabled(config, nMedianTimePast) && nHeight <= consensusParams.antiReplayOpReturnSunsetHeight) { for (const CTxOut &o : tx.vout) { if (o.scriptPubKey.IsCommitment( consensusParams.antiReplayOpReturnCommitment)) { return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txn-replay", false, "non playable transaction"); } } } return true; } bool ContextualCheckTransactionForCurrentBlock( const Config &config, const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, int flags) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); // By convention a negative value for flags indicates that the current // network-enforced consensus rules should be used. In a future soft-fork // scenario that would mean checking which rules would be enforced for the // next block and setting the appropriate flags. At the present time no // soft-forks are scheduled, so no flags are set. flags = std::max(flags, 0); // ContextualCheckTransactionForCurrentBlock() uses chainActive.Height()+1 // to evaluate nLockTime because when IsFinalTx() is called within // CBlock::AcceptBlock(), the height of the block *being* evaluated is what // is used. Thus if we want to know if a transaction can be part of the // *next* block, we need to call ContextualCheckTransaction() with one more // than chainActive.Height(). const int nBlockHeight = chainActive.Height() + 1; // BIP113 will require that time-locked transactions have nLockTime set to // less than the median time of the previous block they're contained in. // When the next block is created its previous block will be the current // chain tip, so we use that to calculate the median time passed to // ContextualCheckTransaction() if LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST is set. const int64_t nMedianTimePast = chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast(); const int64_t nLockTimeCutoff = (flags & LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST) ? nMedianTimePast : GetAdjustedTime(); return ContextualCheckTransaction(config, tx, state, consensusParams, nBlockHeight, nLockTimeCutoff, nMedianTimePast); } bool ContextualCheckBlock(const Config &config, const CBlock &block, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev) { const int nHeight = pindexPrev == nullptr ? 0 : pindexPrev->nHeight + 1; // Start enforcing BIP113 (Median Time Past) using versionbits logic. int nLockTimeFlags = 0; if (VersionBitsState(pindexPrev, consensusParams, Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV, versionbitscache) == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) { nLockTimeFlags |= LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST; } const int64_t nMedianTimePast = pindexPrev == nullptr ? 0 : pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast(); const int64_t nLockTimeCutoff = (nLockTimeFlags & LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST) ? nMedianTimePast : block.GetBlockTime(); // Check that all transactions are finalized for (const auto &tx : block.vtx) { if (!ContextualCheckTransaction(config, *tx, state, consensusParams, nHeight, nLockTimeCutoff, nMedianTimePast)) { // state set by ContextualCheckTransaction. return false; } } // Enforce rule that the coinbase starts with serialized block height if (nHeight >= consensusParams.BIP34Height) { CScript expect = CScript() << nHeight; if (block.vtx[0]->vin[0].scriptSig.size() < expect.size() || !std::equal(expect.begin(), expect.end(), block.vtx[0]->vin[0].scriptSig.begin())) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-height", false, "block height mismatch in coinbase"); } } return true; } static bool AcceptBlockHeader(const Config &config, const CBlockHeader &block, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex **ppindex) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); const CChainParams &chainparams = config.GetChainParams(); // Check for duplicate uint256 hash = block.GetHash(); BlockMap::iterator miSelf = mapBlockIndex.find(hash); CBlockIndex *pindex = nullptr; if (hash != chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) { if (miSelf != mapBlockIndex.end()) { // Block header is already known. pindex = miSelf->second; if (ppindex) { *ppindex = pindex; } if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) { return state.Invalid(error("%s: block %s is marked invalid", __func__, hash.ToString()), 0, "duplicate"); } return true; } if (!CheckBlockHeader(block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus())) { return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlockHeader: %s, %s", __func__, hash.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state)); } // Get prev block index CBlockIndex *pindexPrev = nullptr; BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(block.hashPrevBlock); if (mi == mapBlockIndex.end()) { return state.DoS(10, error("%s: prev block not found", __func__), 0, "bad-prevblk"); } pindexPrev = (*mi).second; if (pindexPrev->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) { return state.DoS(100, error("%s: prev block invalid", __func__), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-prevblk"); } assert(pindexPrev); if (fCheckpointsEnabled && !CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(pindexPrev, state, chainparams, hash)) { return error("%s: CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(): %s", __func__, state.GetRejectReason().c_str()); } if (!ContextualCheckBlockHeader(block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindexPrev, GetAdjustedTime())) { return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: %s, %s", __func__, hash.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state)); } } if (pindex == nullptr) { pindex = AddToBlockIndex(block); } if (ppindex) { *ppindex = pindex; } CheckBlockIndex(chainparams.GetConsensus()); return true; } // Exposed wrapper for AcceptBlockHeader bool ProcessNewBlockHeaders(const Config &config, const std::vector &headers, CValidationState &state, const CBlockIndex **ppindex) { { LOCK(cs_main); for (const CBlockHeader &header : headers) { // Use a temp pindex instead of ppindex to avoid a const_cast CBlockIndex *pindex = nullptr; if (!AcceptBlockHeader(config, header, state, &pindex)) { return false; } if (ppindex) { *ppindex = pindex; } } } NotifyHeaderTip(); return true; } /** * Store block on disk. If dbp is non-null, the file is known to already reside * on disk. */ static bool AcceptBlock(const Config &config, const std::shared_ptr &pblock, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex **ppindex, bool fRequested, const CDiskBlockPos *dbp, bool *fNewBlock) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); const CBlock &block = *pblock; if (fNewBlock) { *fNewBlock = false; } CBlockIndex *pindexDummy = nullptr; CBlockIndex *&pindex = ppindex ? *ppindex : pindexDummy; if (!AcceptBlockHeader(config, block, state, &pindex)) { return false; } // Try to process all requested blocks that we don't have, but only // process an unrequested block if it's new and has enough work to // advance our tip, and isn't too many blocks ahead. bool fAlreadyHave = pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA; bool fHasMoreWork = (chainActive.Tip() ? pindex->nChainWork > chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork : true); // Blocks that are too out-of-order needlessly limit the effectiveness of // pruning, because pruning will not delete block files that contain any // blocks which are too close in height to the tip. Apply this test // regardless of whether pruning is enabled; it should generally be safe to // not process unrequested blocks. bool fTooFarAhead = (pindex->nHeight > int(chainActive.Height() + MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP)); // TODO: Decouple this function from the block download logic by removing // fRequested // This requires some new chain datastructure to efficiently look up if a // block is in a chain leading to a candidate for best tip, despite not // being such a candidate itself. // TODO: deal better with return value and error conditions for duplicate // and unrequested blocks. if (fAlreadyHave) { return true; } // If we didn't ask for it: if (!fRequested) { // This is a previously-processed block that was pruned. if (pindex->nTx != 0) { return true; } // Don't process less-work chains. if (!fHasMoreWork) { return true; } // Block height is too high. if (fTooFarAhead) { return true; } } if (fNewBlock) { *fNewBlock = true; } const CChainParams &chainparams = config.GetChainParams(); if (!CheckBlock(config, block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus()) || !ContextualCheckBlock(config, block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindex->pprev)) { if (state.IsInvalid() && !state.CorruptionPossible()) { pindex->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_VALID; setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindex); } return error("%s: %s (block %s)", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state), block.GetHash().ToString()); } // Header is valid/has work, merkle tree and segwit merkle tree are // good...RELAY NOW (but if it does not build on our best tip, let the // SendMessages loop relay it) if (!IsInitialBlockDownload() && chainActive.Tip() == pindex->pprev) { GetMainSignals().NewPoWValidBlock(pindex, pblock); } int nHeight = pindex->nHeight; // Write block to history file try { unsigned int nBlockSize = ::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); CDiskBlockPos blockPos; if (dbp != nullptr) { blockPos = *dbp; } if (!FindBlockPos(state, blockPos, nBlockSize + 8, nHeight, block.GetBlockTime(), dbp != nullptr)) { return error("AcceptBlock(): FindBlockPos failed"); } if (dbp == nullptr) { if (!WriteBlockToDisk(block, blockPos, chainparams.MessageStart())) { AbortNode(state, "Failed to write block"); } } if (!ReceivedBlockTransactions(block, state, pindex, blockPos)) { return error("AcceptBlock(): ReceivedBlockTransactions failed"); } } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { return AbortNode(state, std::string("System error: ") + e.what()); } if (fCheckForPruning) { // we just allocated more disk space for block files. FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_NONE); } return true; } bool ProcessNewBlock(const Config &config, const std::shared_ptr pblock, bool fForceProcessing, bool *fNewBlock) { { CBlockIndex *pindex = nullptr; if (fNewBlock) *fNewBlock = false; const CChainParams &chainparams = config.GetChainParams(); CValidationState state; // Ensure that CheckBlock() passes before calling AcceptBlock, as // belt-and-suspenders. bool ret = CheckBlock(config, *pblock, state, chainparams.GetConsensus()); LOCK(cs_main); if (ret) { // Store to disk ret = AcceptBlock(config, pblock, state, &pindex, fForceProcessing, nullptr, fNewBlock); } CheckBlockIndex(chainparams.GetConsensus()); if (!ret) { GetMainSignals().BlockChecked(*pblock, state); return error("%s: AcceptBlock FAILED", __func__); } } NotifyHeaderTip(); // Only used to report errors, not invalidity - ignore it CValidationState state; if (!ActivateBestChain(config, state, pblock)) return error("%s: ActivateBestChain failed", __func__); return true; } bool TestBlockValidity(const Config &config, CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, const CBlock &block, CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerkleRoot) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); assert(pindexPrev && pindexPrev == chainActive.Tip()); if (fCheckpointsEnabled && !CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(pindexPrev, state, chainparams, block.GetHash())) { return error("%s: CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(): %s", __func__, state.GetRejectReason().c_str()); } CCoinsViewCache viewNew(pcoinsTip); CBlockIndex indexDummy(block); indexDummy.pprev = pindexPrev; indexDummy.nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1; // NOTE: CheckBlockHeader is called by CheckBlock if (!ContextualCheckBlockHeader(block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindexPrev, GetAdjustedTime())) { return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state)); } if (!CheckBlock(config, block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus(), fCheckPOW, fCheckMerkleRoot)) { return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state)); } if (!ContextualCheckBlock(config, block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindexPrev)) { return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state)); } if (!ConnectBlock(config, block, state, &indexDummy, viewNew, chainparams, true)) { return false; } assert(state.IsValid()); return true; } /** * BLOCK PRUNING CODE */ /* Calculate the amount of disk space the block & undo files currently use */ uint64_t CalculateCurrentUsage() { uint64_t retval = 0; for (const CBlockFileInfo &file : vinfoBlockFile) { retval += file.nSize + file.nUndoSize; } return retval; } /* Prune a block file (modify associated database entries)*/ void PruneOneBlockFile(const int fileNumber) { for (BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.begin(); it != mapBlockIndex.end(); ++it) { CBlockIndex *pindex = it->second; if (pindex->nFile == fileNumber) { pindex->nStatus &= ~BLOCK_HAVE_DATA; pindex->nStatus &= ~BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO; pindex->nFile = 0; pindex->nDataPos = 0; pindex->nUndoPos = 0; setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindex); // Prune from mapBlocksUnlinked -- any block we prune would have // to be downloaded again in order to consider its chain, at which // point it would be considered as a candidate for // mapBlocksUnlinked or setBlockIndexCandidates. std::pair::iterator, std::multimap::iterator> range = mapBlocksUnlinked.equal_range(pindex->pprev); while (range.first != range.second) { std::multimap::iterator _it = range.first; range.first++; if (_it->second == pindex) { mapBlocksUnlinked.erase(_it); } } } } vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].SetNull(); setDirtyFileInfo.insert(fileNumber); } void UnlinkPrunedFiles(const std::set &setFilesToPrune) { for (std::set::iterator it = setFilesToPrune.begin(); it != setFilesToPrune.end(); ++it) { CDiskBlockPos pos(*it, 0); boost::filesystem::remove(GetBlockPosFilename(pos, "blk")); boost::filesystem::remove(GetBlockPosFilename(pos, "rev")); LogPrintf("Prune: %s deleted blk/rev (%05u)\n", __func__, *it); } } /** * Calculate the block/rev files to delete based on height specified by user * with RPC command pruneblockchain. */ void FindFilesToPruneManual(std::set &setFilesToPrune, int nManualPruneHeight) { assert(fPruneMode && nManualPruneHeight > 0); LOCK2(cs_main, cs_LastBlockFile); if (chainActive.Tip() == nullptr) { return; } // last block to prune is the lesser of (user-specified height, // MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP from the tip) unsigned int nLastBlockWeCanPrune = std::min((unsigned)nManualPruneHeight, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP); int count = 0; for (int fileNumber = 0; fileNumber < nLastBlockFile; fileNumber++) { if (vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nSize == 0 || vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nHeightLast > nLastBlockWeCanPrune) { continue; } PruneOneBlockFile(fileNumber); setFilesToPrune.insert(fileNumber); count++; } LogPrintf("Prune (Manual): prune_height=%d removed %d blk/rev pairs\n", nLastBlockWeCanPrune, count); } /* This function is called from the RPC code for pruneblockchain */ void PruneBlockFilesManual(int nManualPruneHeight) { CValidationState state; FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_NONE, nManualPruneHeight); } /* Calculate the block/rev files that should be deleted to remain under target*/ void FindFilesToPrune(std::set &setFilesToPrune, uint64_t nPruneAfterHeight) { LOCK2(cs_main, cs_LastBlockFile); if (chainActive.Tip() == nullptr || nPruneTarget == 0) { return; } if (uint64_t(chainActive.Tip()->nHeight) <= nPruneAfterHeight) { return; } unsigned int nLastBlockWeCanPrune = chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP; uint64_t nCurrentUsage = CalculateCurrentUsage(); // We don't check to prune until after we've allocated new space for files, // so we should leave a buffer under our target to account for another // allocation before the next pruning. uint64_t nBuffer = BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE + UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE; uint64_t nBytesToPrune; int count = 0; if (nCurrentUsage + nBuffer >= nPruneTarget) { for (int fileNumber = 0; fileNumber < nLastBlockFile; fileNumber++) { nBytesToPrune = vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nSize + vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nUndoSize; if (vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nSize == 0) { continue; } // are we below our target? if (nCurrentUsage + nBuffer < nPruneTarget) { break; } // don't prune files that could have a block within // MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP of the main chain's tip but keep scanning if (vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nHeightLast > nLastBlockWeCanPrune) { continue; } PruneOneBlockFile(fileNumber); // Queue up the files for removal setFilesToPrune.insert(fileNumber); nCurrentUsage -= nBytesToPrune; count++; } } LogPrint("prune", "Prune: target=%dMiB actual=%dMiB diff=%dMiB " "max_prune_height=%d removed %d blk/rev pairs\n", nPruneTarget / 1024 / 1024, nCurrentUsage / 1024 / 1024, ((int64_t)nPruneTarget - (int64_t)nCurrentUsage) / 1024 / 1024, nLastBlockWeCanPrune, count); } bool CheckDiskSpace(uint64_t nAdditionalBytes) { uint64_t nFreeBytesAvailable = boost::filesystem::space(GetDataDir()).available; // Check for nMinDiskSpace bytes (currently 50MB) if (nFreeBytesAvailable < nMinDiskSpace + nAdditionalBytes) return AbortNode("Disk space is low!", _("Error: Disk space is low!")); return true; } FILE *OpenDiskFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const char *prefix, bool fReadOnly) { if (pos.IsNull()) return nullptr; boost::filesystem::path path = GetBlockPosFilename(pos, prefix); boost::filesystem::create_directories(path.parent_path()); FILE *file = fopen(path.string().c_str(), "rb+"); if (!file && !fReadOnly) file = fopen(path.string().c_str(), "wb+"); if (!file) { LogPrintf("Unable to open file %s\n", path.string()); return nullptr; } if (pos.nPos) { if (fseek(file, pos.nPos, SEEK_SET)) { LogPrintf("Unable to seek to position %u of %s\n", pos.nPos, path.string()); fclose(file); return nullptr; } } return file; } FILE *OpenBlockFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly) { return OpenDiskFile(pos, "blk", fReadOnly); } FILE *OpenUndoFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly) { return OpenDiskFile(pos, "rev", fReadOnly); } boost::filesystem::path GetBlockPosFilename(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const char *prefix) { return GetDataDir() / "blocks" / strprintf("%s%05u.dat", prefix, pos.nFile); } CBlockIndex *InsertBlockIndex(uint256 hash) { if (hash.IsNull()) return nullptr; // Return existing BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hash); if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end()) return (*mi).second; // Create new CBlockIndex *pindexNew = new CBlockIndex(); if (!pindexNew) throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__func__) + ": new CBlockIndex failed"); mi = mapBlockIndex.insert(std::make_pair(hash, pindexNew)).first; pindexNew->phashBlock = &((*mi).first); return pindexNew; } static bool LoadBlockIndexDB(const CChainParams &chainparams) { if (!pblocktree->LoadBlockIndexGuts(InsertBlockIndex)) return false; boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); // Calculate nChainWork std::vector> vSortedByHeight; vSortedByHeight.reserve(mapBlockIndex.size()); for (const std::pair &item : mapBlockIndex) { CBlockIndex *pindex = item.second; vSortedByHeight.push_back(std::make_pair(pindex->nHeight, pindex)); } sort(vSortedByHeight.begin(), vSortedByHeight.end()); for (const std::pair &item : vSortedByHeight) { CBlockIndex *pindex = item.second; pindex->nChainWork = (pindex->pprev ? pindex->pprev->nChainWork : 0) + GetBlockProof(*pindex); pindex->nTimeMax = (pindex->pprev ? std::max(pindex->pprev->nTimeMax, pindex->nTime) : pindex->nTime); // We can link the chain of blocks for which we've received transactions // at some point. Pruned nodes may have deleted the block. if (pindex->nTx > 0) { if (pindex->pprev) { if (pindex->pprev->nChainTx) { pindex->nChainTx = pindex->pprev->nChainTx + pindex->nTx; } else { pindex->nChainTx = 0; mapBlocksUnlinked.insert( std::make_pair(pindex->pprev, pindex)); } } else { pindex->nChainTx = pindex->nTx; } } if (pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && (pindex->nChainTx || pindex->pprev == nullptr)) { setBlockIndexCandidates.insert(pindex); } if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK && (!pindexBestInvalid || pindex->nChainWork > pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork)) { pindexBestInvalid = pindex; } if (pindex->pprev) { pindex->BuildSkip(); } if (pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE) && (pindexBestHeader == nullptr || CBlockIndexWorkComparator()(pindexBestHeader, pindex))) { pindexBestHeader = pindex; } } // Load block file info pblocktree->ReadLastBlockFile(nLastBlockFile); vinfoBlockFile.resize(nLastBlockFile + 1); LogPrintf("%s: last block file = %i\n", __func__, nLastBlockFile); for (int nFile = 0; nFile <= nLastBlockFile; nFile++) { pblocktree->ReadBlockFileInfo(nFile, vinfoBlockFile[nFile]); } LogPrintf("%s: last block file info: %s\n", __func__, vinfoBlockFile[nLastBlockFile].ToString()); for (int nFile = nLastBlockFile + 1; true; nFile++) { CBlockFileInfo info; if (pblocktree->ReadBlockFileInfo(nFile, info)) { vinfoBlockFile.push_back(info); } else { break; } } // Check presence of blk files LogPrintf("Checking all blk files are present...\n"); std::set setBlkDataFiles; for (const std::pair &item : mapBlockIndex) { CBlockIndex *pindex = item.second; if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) { setBlkDataFiles.insert(pindex->nFile); } } for (std::set::iterator it = setBlkDataFiles.begin(); it != setBlkDataFiles.end(); it++) { CDiskBlockPos pos(*it, 0); if (CAutoFile(OpenBlockFile(pos, true), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION) .IsNull()) { return false; } } // Check whether we have ever pruned block & undo files pblocktree->ReadFlag("prunedblockfiles", fHavePruned); if (fHavePruned) { LogPrintf( "LoadBlockIndexDB(): Block files have previously been pruned\n"); } // Check whether we need to continue reindexing bool fReindexing = false; pblocktree->ReadReindexing(fReindexing); fReindex |= fReindexing; // Check whether we have a transaction index pblocktree->ReadFlag("txindex", fTxIndex); LogPrintf("%s: transaction index %s\n", __func__, fTxIndex ? "enabled" : "disabled"); // Load pointer to end of best chain BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.find(pcoinsTip->GetBestBlock()); if (it == mapBlockIndex.end()) { return true; } chainActive.SetTip(it->second); PruneBlockIndexCandidates(); LogPrintf( "%s: hashBestChain=%s height=%d date=%s progress=%f\n", __func__, chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().ToString(), chainActive.Height(), DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime()), GuessVerificationProgress(chainparams.TxData(), chainActive.Tip())); return true; } CVerifyDB::CVerifyDB() { uiInterface.ShowProgress(_("Verifying blocks..."), 0); } CVerifyDB::~CVerifyDB() { uiInterface.ShowProgress("", 100); } bool CVerifyDB::VerifyDB(const Config &config, const CChainParams &chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview, int nCheckLevel, int nCheckDepth) { LOCK(cs_main); if (chainActive.Tip() == nullptr || chainActive.Tip()->pprev == nullptr) { return true; } // Verify blocks in the best chain if (nCheckDepth <= 0) { // suffices until the year 19000 nCheckDepth = 1000000000; } if (nCheckDepth > chainActive.Height()) { nCheckDepth = chainActive.Height(); } nCheckLevel = std::max(0, std::min(4, nCheckLevel)); LogPrintf("Verifying last %i blocks at level %i\n", nCheckDepth, nCheckLevel); CCoinsViewCache coins(coinsview); CBlockIndex *pindexState = chainActive.Tip(); CBlockIndex *pindexFailure = nullptr; int nGoodTransactions = 0; CValidationState state; int reportDone = 0; LogPrintf("[0%%]..."); for (CBlockIndex *pindex = chainActive.Tip(); pindex && pindex->pprev; pindex = pindex->pprev) { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); int percentageDone = std::max( 1, std::min( 99, (int)(((double)(chainActive.Height() - pindex->nHeight)) / (double)nCheckDepth * (nCheckLevel >= 4 ? 50 : 100)))); if (reportDone < percentageDone / 10) { // report every 10% step LogPrintf("[%d%%]...", percentageDone); reportDone = percentageDone / 10; } uiInterface.ShowProgress(_("Verifying blocks..."), percentageDone); if (pindex->nHeight < chainActive.Height() - nCheckDepth) { break; } if (fPruneMode && !(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA)) { // If pruning, only go back as far as we have data. LogPrintf("VerifyDB(): block verification stopping at height %d " "(pruning, no data)\n", pindex->nHeight); break; } CBlock block; // check level 0: read from disk if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex, chainparams.GetConsensus())) { return error( "VerifyDB(): *** ReadBlockFromDisk failed at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString()); } // check level 1: verify block validity if (nCheckLevel >= 1 && !CheckBlock(config, block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus())) { return error("%s: *** found bad block at %d, hash=%s (%s)\n", __func__, pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state)); } // check level 2: verify undo validity if (nCheckLevel >= 2 && pindex) { CBlockUndo undo; CDiskBlockPos pos = pindex->GetUndoPos(); if (!pos.IsNull()) { if (!UndoReadFromDisk(undo, pos, pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash())) { return error( "VerifyDB(): *** found bad undo data at %d, hash=%s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString()); } } } // check level 3: check for inconsistencies during memory-only // disconnect of tip blocks if (nCheckLevel >= 3 && pindex == pindexState && (coins.DynamicMemoryUsage() + pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage()) <= nCoinCacheUsage) { DisconnectResult res = DisconnectBlock(block, pindex, coins); if (res == DISCONNECT_FAILED) { return error("VerifyDB(): *** irrecoverable inconsistency in " "block data at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString()); } pindexState = pindex->pprev; if (res == DISCONNECT_UNCLEAN) { nGoodTransactions = 0; pindexFailure = pindex; } else { nGoodTransactions += block.vtx.size(); } } if (ShutdownRequested()) { return true; } } if (pindexFailure) { return error("VerifyDB(): *** coin database inconsistencies found " "(last %i blocks, %i good transactions before that)\n", chainActive.Height() - pindexFailure->nHeight + 1, nGoodTransactions); } // check level 4: try reconnecting blocks if (nCheckLevel >= 4) { CBlockIndex *pindex = pindexState; while (pindex != chainActive.Tip()) { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); uiInterface.ShowProgress( _("Verifying blocks..."), std::max( 1, std::min(99, 100 - (int)(((double)(chainActive.Height() - pindex->nHeight)) / (double)nCheckDepth * 50)))); pindex = chainActive.Next(pindex); CBlock block; if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex, chainparams.GetConsensus())) { return error( "VerifyDB(): *** ReadBlockFromDisk failed at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString()); } if (!ConnectBlock(config, block, state, pindex, coins, chainparams)) { return error( "VerifyDB(): *** found unconnectable block at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString()); } } } LogPrintf("[DONE].\n"); LogPrintf("No coin database inconsistencies in last %i blocks (%i " "transactions)\n", chainActive.Height() - pindexState->nHeight, nGoodTransactions); return true; } bool RewindBlockIndex(const Config &config, const CChainParams ¶ms) { LOCK(cs_main); int nHeight = chainActive.Height() + 1; // nHeight is now the height of the first insufficiently-validated block, or // tipheight + 1 CValidationState state; CBlockIndex *pindex = chainActive.Tip(); while (chainActive.Height() >= nHeight) { if (fPruneMode && !(chainActive.Tip()->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA)) { // If pruning, don't try rewinding past the HAVE_DATA point; since // older blocks can't be served anyway, there's no need to walk // further, and trying to DisconnectTip() will fail (and require a // needless reindex/redownload of the blockchain). break; } if (!DisconnectTip(config, state, true)) { return error( "RewindBlockIndex: unable to disconnect block at height %i", pindex->nHeight); } // Occasionally flush state to disk. if (!FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC)) { return false; } } // Reduce validity flag and have-data flags. // We do this after actual disconnecting, otherwise we'll end up writing the // lack of data to disk before writing the chainstate, resulting in a // failure to continue if interrupted. for (BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.begin(); it != mapBlockIndex.end(); it++) { CBlockIndex *pindexIter = it->second; if (pindexIter->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && pindexIter->nChainTx) { setBlockIndexCandidates.insert(pindexIter); } } PruneBlockIndexCandidates(); CheckBlockIndex(params.GetConsensus()); if (!FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS)) { return false; } return true; } // May NOT be used after any connections are up as much of the peer-processing // logic assumes a consistent block index state void UnloadBlockIndex() { LOCK(cs_main); setBlockIndexCandidates.clear(); chainActive.SetTip(nullptr); pindexBestInvalid = nullptr; pindexBestHeader = nullptr; mempool.clear(); mapBlocksUnlinked.clear(); vinfoBlockFile.clear(); nLastBlockFile = 0; nBlockSequenceId = 1; setDirtyBlockIndex.clear(); setDirtyFileInfo.clear(); versionbitscache.Clear(); for (int b = 0; b < VERSIONBITS_NUM_BITS; b++) { warningcache[b].clear(); } for (BlockMap::value_type &entry : mapBlockIndex) { delete entry.second; } mapBlockIndex.clear(); fHavePruned = false; } bool LoadBlockIndex(const CChainParams &chainparams) { // Load block index from databases if (!fReindex && !LoadBlockIndexDB(chainparams)) { return false; } return true; } bool InitBlockIndex(const Config &config) { LOCK(cs_main); // Check whether we're already initialized if (chainActive.Genesis() != nullptr) { return true; } // Use the provided setting for -txindex in the new database fTxIndex = GetBoolArg("-txindex", DEFAULT_TXINDEX); pblocktree->WriteFlag("txindex", fTxIndex); LogPrintf("Initializing databases...\n"); // Only add the genesis block if not reindexing (in which case we reuse the // one already on disk) if (!fReindex) { try { const CChainParams &chainparams = config.GetChainParams(); CBlock &block = const_cast(chainparams.GenesisBlock()); // Start new block file unsigned int nBlockSize = ::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); CDiskBlockPos blockPos; CValidationState state; if (!FindBlockPos(state, blockPos, nBlockSize + 8, 0, block.GetBlockTime())) { return error("LoadBlockIndex(): FindBlockPos failed"); } if (!WriteBlockToDisk(block, blockPos, chainparams.MessageStart())) { return error( "LoadBlockIndex(): writing genesis block to disk failed"); } CBlockIndex *pindex = AddToBlockIndex(block); if (!ReceivedBlockTransactions(block, state, pindex, blockPos)) { return error("LoadBlockIndex(): genesis block not accepted"); } // Force a chainstate write so that when we VerifyDB in a moment, it // doesn't check stale data return FlushStateToDisk(state, FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { return error( "LoadBlockIndex(): failed to initialize block database: %s", e.what()); } } return true; } bool LoadExternalBlockFile(const Config &config, FILE *fileIn, CDiskBlockPos *dbp) { // Map of disk positions for blocks with unknown parent (only used for // reindex) static std::multimap mapBlocksUnknownParent; int64_t nStart = GetTimeMillis(); const CChainParams &chainparams = config.GetChainParams(); int nLoaded = 0; try { // This takes over fileIn and calls fclose() on it in the CBufferedFile // destructor. Make sure we have at least 2*MAX_TX_SIZE space in there // so any transaction can fit in the buffer. CBufferedFile blkdat(fileIn, 2 * MAX_TX_SIZE, MAX_TX_SIZE + 8, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); uint64_t nRewind = blkdat.GetPos(); while (!blkdat.eof()) { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); blkdat.SetPos(nRewind); // Start one byte further next time, in case of failure. nRewind++; // Remove former limit. blkdat.SetLimit(); unsigned int nSize = 0; try { // Locate a header. unsigned char buf[CMessageHeader::MESSAGE_START_SIZE]; blkdat.FindByte(chainparams.MessageStart()[0]); nRewind = blkdat.GetPos() + 1; blkdat >> FLATDATA(buf); if (memcmp(buf, chainparams.MessageStart(), CMessageHeader::MESSAGE_START_SIZE)) { continue; } // Read size. blkdat >> nSize; if (nSize < 80) { continue; } } catch (const std::exception &) { // No valid block header found; don't complain. break; } try { // read block uint64_t nBlockPos = blkdat.GetPos(); if (dbp) { dbp->nPos = nBlockPos; } blkdat.SetLimit(nBlockPos + nSize); blkdat.SetPos(nBlockPos); std::shared_ptr pblock = std::make_shared(); CBlock &block = *pblock; blkdat >> block; nRewind = blkdat.GetPos(); // detect out of order blocks, and store them for later uint256 hash = block.GetHash(); if (hash != chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock && mapBlockIndex.find(block.hashPrevBlock) == mapBlockIndex.end()) { LogPrint("reindex", "%s: Out of order block %s, parent %s not known\n", __func__, hash.ToString(), block.hashPrevBlock.ToString()); if (dbp) { mapBlocksUnknownParent.insert( std::make_pair(block.hashPrevBlock, *dbp)); } continue; } // process in case the block isn't known yet if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) == 0 || (mapBlockIndex[hash]->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) == 0) { LOCK(cs_main); CValidationState state; if (AcceptBlock(config, pblock, state, nullptr, true, dbp, nullptr)) { nLoaded++; } if (state.IsError()) { break; } } else if (hash != chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock && mapBlockIndex[hash]->nHeight % 1000 == 0) { LogPrint( "reindex", "Block Import: already had block %s at height %d\n", hash.ToString(), mapBlockIndex[hash]->nHeight); } // Activate the genesis block so normal node progress can // continue if (hash == chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) { CValidationState state; if (!ActivateBestChain(config, state)) { break; } } NotifyHeaderTip(); // Recursively process earlier encountered successors of this // block std::deque queue; queue.push_back(hash); while (!queue.empty()) { uint256 head = queue.front(); queue.pop_front(); std::pair::iterator, std::multimap::iterator> range = mapBlocksUnknownParent.equal_range(head); while (range.first != range.second) { std::multimap::iterator it = range.first; std::shared_ptr pblockrecursive = std::make_shared(); if (ReadBlockFromDisk(*pblockrecursive, it->second, chainparams.GetConsensus())) { LogPrint( "reindex", "%s: Processing out of order child %s of %s\n", __func__, pblockrecursive->GetHash().ToString(), head.ToString()); LOCK(cs_main); CValidationState dummy; if (AcceptBlock(config, pblockrecursive, dummy, nullptr, true, &it->second, nullptr)) { nLoaded++; queue.push_back(pblockrecursive->GetHash()); } } range.first++; mapBlocksUnknownParent.erase(it); NotifyHeaderTip(); } } } catch (const std::exception &e) { LogPrintf("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s\n", __func__, e.what()); } } } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { AbortNode(std::string("System error: ") + e.what()); } if (nLoaded > 0) { LogPrintf("Loaded %i blocks from external file in %dms\n", nLoaded, GetTimeMillis() - nStart); } return nLoaded > 0; } static void CheckBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) { if (!fCheckBlockIndex) { return; } LOCK(cs_main); // During a reindex, we read the genesis block and call CheckBlockIndex // before ActivateBestChain, so we have the genesis block in mapBlockIndex // but no active chain. (A few of the tests when iterating the block tree // require that chainActive has been initialized.) if (chainActive.Height() < 0) { assert(mapBlockIndex.size() <= 1); return; } // Build forward-pointing map of the entire block tree. std::multimap forward; for (BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.begin(); it != mapBlockIndex.end(); it++) { forward.insert(std::make_pair(it->second->pprev, it->second)); } assert(forward.size() == mapBlockIndex.size()); std::pair::iterator, std::multimap::iterator> rangeGenesis = forward.equal_range(nullptr); CBlockIndex *pindex = rangeGenesis.first->second; rangeGenesis.first++; // There is only one index entry with parent nullptr. assert(rangeGenesis.first == rangeGenesis.second); // Iterate over the entire block tree, using depth-first search. // Along the way, remember whether there are blocks on the path from genesis // block being explored which are the first to have certain properties. size_t nNodes = 0; int nHeight = 0; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which is invalid. CBlockIndex *pindexFirstInvalid = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_HAVE_DATA. CBlockIndex *pindexFirstMissing = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex for which nTx == 0. CBlockIndex *pindexFirstNeverProcessed = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_TREE // (regardless of being valid or not). CBlockIndex *pindexFirstNotTreeValid = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS // (regardless of being valid or not). CBlockIndex *pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN // (regardless of being valid or not). CBlockIndex *pindexFirstNotChainValid = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS // (regardless of being valid or not). CBlockIndex *pindexFirstNotScriptsValid = nullptr; while (pindex != nullptr) { nNodes++; if (pindexFirstInvalid == nullptr && pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_VALID) { pindexFirstInvalid = pindex; } if (pindexFirstMissing == nullptr && !(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA)) { pindexFirstMissing = pindex; } if (pindexFirstNeverProcessed == nullptr && pindex->nTx == 0) { pindexFirstNeverProcessed = pindex; } if (pindex->pprev != nullptr && pindexFirstNotTreeValid == nullptr && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_TREE) { pindexFirstNotTreeValid = pindex; } if (pindex->pprev != nullptr && pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid == nullptr && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) { pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid = pindex; } if (pindex->pprev != nullptr && pindexFirstNotChainValid == nullptr && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN) { pindexFirstNotChainValid = pindex; } if (pindex->pprev != nullptr && pindexFirstNotScriptsValid == nullptr && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS) { pindexFirstNotScriptsValid = pindex; } // Begin: actual consistency checks. if (pindex->pprev == nullptr) { // Genesis block checks. // Genesis block's hash must match. assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == consensusParams.hashGenesisBlock); // The current active chain's genesis block must be this block. assert(pindex == chainActive.Genesis()); } if (pindex->nChainTx == 0) { // nSequenceId can't be set positive for blocks that aren't linked // (negative is used for preciousblock) assert(pindex->nSequenceId <= 0); } // VALID_TRANSACTIONS is equivalent to nTx > 0 for all nodes (whether or // not pruning has occurred). HAVE_DATA is only equivalent to nTx > 0 // (or VALID_TRANSACTIONS) if no pruning has occurred. if (!fHavePruned) { // If we've never pruned, then HAVE_DATA should be equivalent to nTx // > 0 assert(!(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) == (pindex->nTx == 0)); assert(pindexFirstMissing == pindexFirstNeverProcessed); } else { // If we have pruned, then we can only say that HAVE_DATA implies // nTx > 0 if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) assert(pindex->nTx > 0); } if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO) { assert(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA); } // This is pruning-independent. assert(((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) == (pindex->nTx > 0)); // All parents having had data (at some point) is equivalent to all // parents being VALID_TRANSACTIONS, which is equivalent to nChainTx // being set. // nChainTx != 0 is used to signal that all parent blocks have been // processed (but may have been pruned). assert((pindexFirstNeverProcessed != nullptr) == (pindex->nChainTx == 0)); assert((pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid != nullptr) == (pindex->nChainTx == 0)); // nHeight must be consistent. assert(pindex->nHeight == nHeight); // For every block except the genesis block, the chainwork must be // larger than the parent's. assert(pindex->pprev == nullptr || pindex->nChainWork >= pindex->pprev->nChainWork); // The pskip pointer must point back for all but the first 2 blocks. assert(nHeight < 2 || (pindex->pskip && (pindex->pskip->nHeight < nHeight))); // All mapBlockIndex entries must at least be TREE valid assert(pindexFirstNotTreeValid == nullptr); if ((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_TREE) { // TREE valid implies all parents are TREE valid assert(pindexFirstNotTreeValid == nullptr); } if ((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN) { // CHAIN valid implies all parents are CHAIN valid assert(pindexFirstNotChainValid == nullptr); } if ((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS) { // SCRIPTS valid implies all parents are SCRIPTS valid assert(pindexFirstNotScriptsValid == nullptr); } if (pindexFirstInvalid == nullptr) { // Checks for not-invalid blocks. // The failed mask cannot be set for blocks without invalid parents. assert((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) == 0); } if (!CBlockIndexWorkComparator()(pindex, chainActive.Tip()) && pindexFirstNeverProcessed == nullptr) { if (pindexFirstInvalid == nullptr) { // If this block sorts at least as good as the current tip and // is valid and we have all data for its parents, it must be in // setBlockIndexCandidates. chainActive.Tip() must also be there // even if some data has been pruned. if (pindexFirstMissing == nullptr || pindex == chainActive.Tip()) { assert(setBlockIndexCandidates.count(pindex)); } // If some parent is missing, then it could be that this block // was in setBlockIndexCandidates but had to be removed because // of the missing data. In this case it must be in // mapBlocksUnlinked -- see test below. } } else { // If this block sorts worse than the current tip or some ancestor's // block has never been seen, it cannot be in // setBlockIndexCandidates. assert(setBlockIndexCandidates.count(pindex) == 0); } // Check whether this block is in mapBlocksUnlinked. std::pair::iterator, std::multimap::iterator> rangeUnlinked = mapBlocksUnlinked.equal_range(pindex->pprev); bool foundInUnlinked = false; while (rangeUnlinked.first != rangeUnlinked.second) { assert(rangeUnlinked.first->first == pindex->pprev); if (rangeUnlinked.first->second == pindex) { foundInUnlinked = true; break; } rangeUnlinked.first++; } if (pindex->pprev && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) && pindexFirstNeverProcessed != nullptr && pindexFirstInvalid == nullptr) { // If this block has block data available, some parent was never // received, and has no invalid parents, it must be in // mapBlocksUnlinked. assert(foundInUnlinked); } if (!(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA)) { // Can't be in mapBlocksUnlinked if we don't HAVE_DATA assert(!foundInUnlinked); } if (pindexFirstMissing == nullptr) { // We aren't missing data for any parent -- cannot be in // mapBlocksUnlinked. assert(!foundInUnlinked); } if (pindex->pprev && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) && pindexFirstNeverProcessed == nullptr && pindexFirstMissing != nullptr) { // We HAVE_DATA for this block, have received data for all parents // at some point, but we're currently missing data for some parent. // We must have pruned. assert(fHavePruned); // This block may have entered mapBlocksUnlinked if: // - it has a descendant that at some point had more work than the // tip, and // - we tried switching to that descendant but were missing // data for some intermediate block between chainActive and the // tip. // So if this block is itself better than chainActive.Tip() and it // wasn't in // setBlockIndexCandidates, then it must be in mapBlocksUnlinked. if (!CBlockIndexWorkComparator()(pindex, chainActive.Tip()) && setBlockIndexCandidates.count(pindex) == 0) { if (pindexFirstInvalid == nullptr) { assert(foundInUnlinked); } } } // assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == pindex->GetBlockHeader().GetHash()); // // Perhaps too slow // End: actual consistency checks. // Try descending into the first subnode. std::pair::iterator, std::multimap::iterator> range = forward.equal_range(pindex); if (range.first != range.second) { // A subnode was found. pindex = range.first->second; nHeight++; continue; } // This is a leaf node. Move upwards until we reach a node of which we // have not yet visited the last child. while (pindex) { // We are going to either move to a parent or a sibling of pindex. // If pindex was the first with a certain property, unset the // corresponding variable. if (pindex == pindexFirstInvalid) { pindexFirstInvalid = nullptr; } if (pindex == pindexFirstMissing) { pindexFirstMissing = nullptr; } if (pindex == pindexFirstNeverProcessed) { pindexFirstNeverProcessed = nullptr; } if (pindex == pindexFirstNotTreeValid) { pindexFirstNotTreeValid = nullptr; } if (pindex == pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid) { pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid = nullptr; } if (pindex == pindexFirstNotChainValid) { pindexFirstNotChainValid = nullptr; } if (pindex == pindexFirstNotScriptsValid) { pindexFirstNotScriptsValid = nullptr; } // Find our parent. CBlockIndex *pindexPar = pindex->pprev; // Find which child we just visited. std::pair::iterator, std::multimap::iterator> rangePar = forward.equal_range(pindexPar); while (rangePar.first->second != pindex) { // Our parent must have at least the node we're coming from as // child. assert(rangePar.first != rangePar.second); rangePar.first++; } // Proceed to the next one. rangePar.first++; if (rangePar.first != rangePar.second) { // Move to the sibling. pindex = rangePar.first->second; break; } else { // Move up further. pindex = pindexPar; nHeight--; continue; } } } // Check that we actually traversed the entire map. assert(nNodes == forward.size()); } std::string CBlockFileInfo::ToString() const { return strprintf( "CBlockFileInfo(blocks=%u, size=%u, heights=%u...%u, time=%s...%s)", nBlocks, nSize, nHeightFirst, nHeightLast, DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d", nTimeFirst), DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d", nTimeLast)); } CBlockFileInfo *GetBlockFileInfo(size_t n) { return &vinfoBlockFile.at(n); } ThresholdState VersionBitsTipState(const Consensus::Params ¶ms, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos) { LOCK(cs_main); return VersionBitsState(chainActive.Tip(), params, pos, versionbitscache); } int VersionBitsTipStateSinceHeight(const Consensus::Params ¶ms, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos) { LOCK(cs_main); return VersionBitsStateSinceHeight(chainActive.Tip(), params, pos, versionbitscache); } static const uint64_t MEMPOOL_DUMP_VERSION = 1; bool LoadMempool(const Config &config) { int64_t nExpiryTimeout = GetArg("-mempoolexpiry", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY) * 60 * 60; FILE *filestr = fopen((GetDataDir() / "mempool.dat").string().c_str(), "rb"); CAutoFile file(filestr, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); if (file.IsNull()) { LogPrintf( "Failed to open mempool file from disk. Continuing anyway.\n"); return false; } int64_t count = 0; int64_t skipped = 0; int64_t failed = 0; int64_t nNow = GetTime(); try { uint64_t version; file >> version; if (version != MEMPOOL_DUMP_VERSION) { return false; } uint64_t num; file >> num; double prioritydummy = 0; while (num--) { CTransactionRef tx; int64_t nTime; int64_t nFeeDelta; file >> tx; file >> nTime; file >> nFeeDelta; CAmount amountdelta = nFeeDelta; if (amountdelta) { mempool.PrioritiseTransaction(tx->GetId(), tx->GetId().ToString(), prioritydummy, amountdelta); } CValidationState state; if (nTime + nExpiryTimeout > nNow) { LOCK(cs_main); AcceptToMemoryPoolWithTime(config, mempool, state, tx, true, nullptr, nTime); if (state.IsValid()) { ++count; } else { ++failed; } } else { ++skipped; } if (ShutdownRequested()) return false; } std::map mapDeltas; file >> mapDeltas; for (const auto &i : mapDeltas) { mempool.PrioritiseTransaction(i.first, i.first.ToString(), prioritydummy, i.second); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { LogPrintf("Failed to deserialize mempool data on disk: %s. Continuing " "anyway.\n", e.what()); return false; } LogPrintf("Imported mempool transactions from disk: %i successes, %i " "failed, %i expired\n", count, failed, skipped); return true; } void DumpMempool(void) { int64_t start = GetTimeMicros(); std::map mapDeltas; std::vector vinfo; { LOCK(mempool.cs); for (const auto &i : mempool.mapDeltas) { mapDeltas[i.first] = i.second.second; } vinfo = mempool.infoAll(); } int64_t mid = GetTimeMicros(); try { FILE *filestr = fopen((GetDataDir() / "mempool.dat.new").string().c_str(), "wb"); if (!filestr) { return; } CAutoFile file(filestr, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); uint64_t version = MEMPOOL_DUMP_VERSION; file << version; file << (uint64_t)vinfo.size(); for (const auto &i : vinfo) { file << *(i.tx); file << (int64_t)i.nTime; file << (int64_t)i.nFeeDelta; mapDeltas.erase(i.tx->GetId()); } file << mapDeltas; FileCommit(file.Get()); file.fclose(); RenameOver(GetDataDir() / "mempool.dat.new", GetDataDir() / "mempool.dat"); int64_t last = GetTimeMicros(); LogPrintf("Dumped mempool: %gs to copy, %gs to dump\n", (mid - start) * 0.000001, (last - mid) * 0.000001); } catch (const std::exception &e) { LogPrintf("Failed to dump mempool: %s. Continuing anyway.\n", e.what()); } } //! Guess how far we are in the verification process at the given block index double GuessVerificationProgress(const ChainTxData &data, CBlockIndex *pindex) { if (pindex == nullptr) return 0.0; int64_t nNow = time(nullptr); double fTxTotal; if (pindex->nChainTx <= data.nTxCount) { fTxTotal = data.nTxCount + (nNow - data.nTime) * data.dTxRate; } else { fTxTotal = pindex->nChainTx + (nNow - pindex->GetBlockTime()) * data.dTxRate; } return pindex->nChainTx / fTxTotal; } class CMainCleanup { public: CMainCleanup() {} ~CMainCleanup() { // block headers BlockMap::iterator it1 = mapBlockIndex.begin(); for (; it1 != mapBlockIndex.end(); it1++) delete (*it1).second; mapBlockIndex.clear(); } } instance_of_cmaincleanup;