diff --git a/web/docs/docs/overview.mdx b/web/docs/docs/overview.mdx index ee002fa34..a26ab4846 100644 --- a/web/docs/docs/overview.mdx +++ b/web/docs/docs/overview.mdx @@ -1,171 +1,252 @@ --- id: cashtab-overview -title: Cashtab +title: Cashtab Web Wallet sidebar_label: Overview slug: / --- import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'; Cashtab is a BCHA web wallet available at https://cashtabapp.com/ # Getting Started ## Use Cashtab as a mobile app -1. Navigate to https://cashtabapp.com/ in your web browser on your mobile device +1. Navigate to https://cashtabapp.com/ in your web browser on your mobile device :::note If you are using an iPhone, Cashtab works best in the Safari browser. ::: 2. Click the "Add Cashtab to Homescreen" prompt at the bottom of your screen. -Add Cashtab to Homescreen +Add Cashtab to Homescreen 3. Cashtab will appear as a mobile app icon on your phone's desktop. ## Create your first wallet 1. Navigate to https://cashtabapp.com/ on your desktop or mobile device. -2. Click or tap the "New Wallet" button. +2. Click or tap the "New Wallet" button. -Create your first wallet +Create your first wallet 3. Click or tap the "Okay, make me a wallet!" button to create your first wallet. -Confirm wallet creation +Confirm wallet creation 4. Your wallet is ready to use! -New wallet no balance +New wallet no balance ## Back up your wallet 1. Click or tap the "Settings" icon at the bottom right of your screen to navigate to the "Settings" screen. -Settings +Settings 2. Click or tap the "Click to reveal seed phrase" button to display your 12-word seed phrase. 3. Write down your seed phrase using pen and paper and store in a safe place. If you lose your device, you can recover your wallet with this seed phrase. :::caution Treat this seed phrase like cash. If you have $100 in your Cashtab wallet, this seed phrase is effectively a $100 bill. ::: ## Receive Cash 1. Copy your BCHA address by clicking or tapping the QR code on your home screen. -Copied cash address +Copied cash address 2. Send yourself some BCHA using another wallet, or have a friend send you some BCHA. 3. When your Cashtab wallet receives BCHA, your balance will update and a notification will appear at the top of your screen. -Received cash +Received cash ## Send Cash 1. Click or tap the "Send" button at the bottom center of your screen to navigate to the "Send" screen. -Send screen with balance +Send screen with balance 2. Enter the address where you would like to send BCHA into the top input field labeled "BCHA Address." You may do this by copy pasting an address into the field, or by scanning a QR code. To scan a QR code, click or tap the "QR Code Scan" icon at the right of the "BCHA Address" field to use your phone camera or webcam to scan the QR code of a receiving address. :::info On Apple mobile devices, only the Safari browser supports scanning QR codes. ::: -3. Enter the USD or BCHA amount you would like to send in the "Amount" field. To send the full contents of your wallet, click the "max" button at the far right of the "Amount" field. +3. Enter the USD or BCHA amount you would like to send in the "Amount" field. To send the full contents of your wallet, click the "max" button at the far right of the "Amount" field. :::info Due to transaction fees, the full amount you are able to send is slightly less than your total balance. ::: 4. Click "Send" to send cash. - ## Receive Tokens 1. Copy your token address by clicking or tapping the green SLPA button on your home screen, then clicking or tapping the QR code. -Copied token address +Copied token address 2. Send yourself a token using another wallet, or have a friend send you some tokens. 3. When your Cashtab wallet receives an SLPA token, it will appear on your Wallet screen below your address QR code. -Token balance +Token balance ## Send Tokens :::info In order to send tokens, your wallet must have a BCHA balance. ::: 1. Click or tap the token you would like to send. Your tokens are listed in tiles below your address on the "Wallet" screen. -Token balance - -Send token screen +Token balance + +Send token screen 2. Enter the token address where you would like to send your token into the top input field labeled "SLPA Address." You may do this by copy pasting an address into the field, or by scanning a QR code. To scan a QR code, click or tap the "QR Code Scan" icon at the right of the "SLPA Address" field to use your phone camera or webcam to scan the QR code of a receiving address. :::info On Apple mobile devices, only the Safari browser supports scanning QR codes. ::: -3. Enter the token quantity you would like to send in the "Amount" field. To send the full contents of your wallet, click the "max" button at the far right of the "Amount" field. +3. Enter the token quantity you would like to send in the "Amount" field. To send the full contents of your wallet, click the "max" button at the far right of the "Amount" field. 4. Click the orange "Send ``" button to send your token. ## Add a new wallet 1. Click or tap the "Settings" icon at the bottom right of your screen to navigate to the "Settings" screen. -Settings screen collapsed +Settings screen collapsed 2. Click the orange "New Wallet" button. 3. Your new wallet will be added to the end of your "Saved wallets." Click the "Saved wallets" button, then click "Activate" next to the wallet to begin using your new wallet. ## Import wallet If you have already created a Cashtab wallet on one device, you can use your seed phrase to import this wallet to any other device. 1. Click or tap the "Settings" icon at the bottom right of your screen to navigate to the "Settings" screen. -Settings screen collapsed +Settings screen collapsed 2. Click the grey "Import Wallet" button. A text field labeled "mnemonic (seed phrase) is revealed. 3. Type or copy paste your 12-word seed phrase into the text field and click the "Import" button. :::note -Cashtab currently only supports importing Cashtab wallets with 12-word seeds. +Cashtab currently only supports importing Cashtab wallets with 12-word seeds. ::: :::caution If you import a wallet that was not created with Cashtab, Cashtab may not properly load the balance or transaction history for this wallet. ::: 4. Your wallet will be added to the end of your Saved Wallets list. To activate the imported wallet, click the "Activate" button next to your imported wallet. ## Manage your wallets 1. Click the "Saved wallets" button to reveal your list of wallets. -Saved wallets list expanded +Saved wallets list expanded 2. You can rename, delete, or activate your wallets by clicking the appropriate button next to your wallet in the "Saved wallets" list. :::note Only one wallet at a time is active in Cashtab. To view the seed phrase of a saved wallet, activate the wallet and then click "Reveal seed phrase" on the "Settings" screen. ::: :::danger Make sure to back up your wallet before deleting it. If you delete a wallet and do not have its seed phrase, there is no way to recover the wallet. -::: \ No newline at end of file +::: diff --git a/web/docs/docusaurus.config.js b/web/docs/docusaurus.config.js index 00e2c005e..92144be40 100644 --- a/web/docs/docusaurus.config.js +++ b/web/docs/docusaurus.config.js @@ -1,90 +1,90 @@ module.exports = { - title: 'Build on BCHA', + title: 'Cashtab Docs', tagline: 'Add cash payments to your website', url: 'https://docs.cashtabapp.com', baseUrl: '/', onBrokenLinks: 'throw', onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'warn', favicon: 'img/favicon.ico', organizationName: 'bitcoin-abc', projectName: 'cashtab', themeConfig: { colorMode: { // "light" | "dark" defaultMode: 'dark', }, image: 'img/twitter-card.jpg', navbar: { title: 'Cashtab', logo: { alt: 'Cashtab Logo', src: 'img/logo.svg', }, items: [ { to: 'docs/', activeBasePath: 'docs', label: 'Docs', position: 'left', }, { href: 'https://github.com/bitcoin-abc/bitcoin-abc/', label: 'GitHub', position: 'right', }, ], }, footer: { style: 'dark', links: [ { title: 'Docs', items: [ { label: 'Overview', to: 'docs/', }, { label: 'cashtab-components', to: 'docs/components-overview/', }, ], }, { title: 'Community', items: [ { label: 'Twitter', href: 'https://twitter.com/Bitcoin_ABC', }, ], }, { title: 'More', items: [ { label: 'BCHA', href: 'https://bitcoinabc.org/bcha/', }, ], }, ], copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Bitcoin ABC.`, }, }, presets: [ [ '@docusaurus/preset-classic', { docs: { sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'), editUrl: 'https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/tree/master/web/docs/', }, theme: { customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'), }, }, ], ], }; diff --git a/web/docs/src/pages/index.js b/web/docs/src/pages/index.js index b2f492a84..931c24514 100644 --- a/web/docs/src/pages/index.js +++ b/web/docs/src/pages/index.js @@ -1,100 +1,100 @@ import React from 'react'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import Layout from '@theme/Layout'; import Link from '@docusaurus/Link'; import useDocusaurusContext from '@docusaurus/useDocusaurusContext'; import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'; import styles from './styles.module.css'; const features = [ { title: 'Simple 😎', imageUrl: '', description: ( <> Cashtab's REST API and React components library do the heavy lifting, so you can focus on your app. ), }, { title: 'Portable 🛩', imageUrl: '', description: ( <> Cashtab is a mobile friendly web wallet that works on any device with a web browser. ), }, { title: 'Powerful 🚂', imageUrl: '', description: ( <>Instantly add in-browser cash payments to your website. ), }, ]; function Feature({ imageUrl, title, description }) { const imgUrl = useBaseUrl(imageUrl); return (
{imgUrl && (



); } function Home() { const context = useDocusaurusContext(); const { siteConfig = {} } = context; return (



Get Started
{features && features.length > 0 && (
{features.map((props, idx) => ( ))}
); } export default Home;