diff --git a/depends/packages/boost.mk b/depends/packages/boost.mk index b8f22acdb..213a53d76 100644 --- a/depends/packages/boost.mk +++ b/depends/packages/boost.mk @@ -1,43 +1,43 @@ package=boost -$(package)_version=1.71.0 +$(package)_version=1.81.0 $(package)_download_path=https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/$($(package)_version)/source/ $(package)_file_name=boost_$(subst .,_,$($(package)_version)).tar.bz2 -$(package)_sha256_hash=d73a8da01e8bf8c7eda40b4c84915071a8c8a0df4a6734537ddde4a8580524ee +$(package)_sha256_hash=71feeed900fbccca04a3b4f2f84a7c217186f28a940ed8b7ed4725986baf99fa $(package)_dependencies=native_b2 define $(package)_set_vars $(package)_config_opts_release=variant=release $(package)_config_opts_debug=variant=debug $(package)_config_opts=--layout=tagged --build-type=complete --user-config=user-config.jam $(package)_config_opts+=threading=multi link=static -sNO_COMPRESSION=1 $(package)_config_opts_linux=target-os=linux threadapi=pthread runtime-link=shared $(package)_config_opts_darwin=target-os=darwin runtime-link=shared $(package)_config_opts_mingw32=target-os=windows binary-format=pe threadapi=win32 runtime-link=static $(package)_config_opts_x86_64=architecture=x86 address-model=64 $(package)_config_opts_i686=architecture=x86 address-model=32 $(package)_config_opts_aarch64=address-model=64 ifneq (,$(findstring clang,$($(package)_cxx))) $(package)_toolset_$(host_os)=clang else $(package)_toolset_$(host_os)=gcc endif $(package)_config_libraries=atomic,date_time,test $(package)_cxxflags+=-std=c++17 -fvisibility=hidden $(package)_cxxflags_linux=-fPIC endef define $(package)_preprocess_cmds echo "using $($(package)_toolset_$(host_os)) : : $($(package)_cxx) : \"$($(package)_cflags)\" \"$($(package)_cxxflags)\" \"$($(package)_cppflags)\" \"$($(package)_ldflags)\" \"$($(package)_ar)\" \"$(host_STRIP)\" \"$(host_RANLIB)\" \"$(host_WINDRES)\" : ;" > user-config.jam endef define $(package)_config_cmds ./bootstrap.sh --without-icu --with-libraries=$($(package)_config_libraries) --with-toolset=$($(package)_toolset_$(host_os)) --with-bjam=b2 endef define $(package)_build_cmds b2 -d2 -j$(JOBS) -d1 --prefix=$($(package)_staging_prefix_dir) $($(package)_config_opts) toolset=$($(package)_toolset_$(host_os)) stage endef define $(package)_stage_cmds b2 -d0 -j4 --prefix=$($(package)_staging_prefix_dir) $($(package)_config_opts) toolset=$($(package)_toolset_$(host_os)) install endef diff --git a/doc/dependencies.md b/doc/dependencies.md index 3566d06b8..50fd81b66 100644 --- a/doc/dependencies.md +++ b/doc/dependencies.md @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ Dependencies ============ These are the dependencies currently used by Bitcoin ABC. You can find instructions for installing them in the [`build-*.md`](../INSTALL.md) file for your platform. | Dependency | Version used | Minimum required | CVEs | Shared | [Bundled Qt library](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/configure-options.html) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Berkeley DB | [5.3.28](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/berkeleydb/downloads/index.html) | 5.3 | No | | | -| Boost | [1.70.0](https://www.boost.org/users/download/) | 1.59.0 | No | | | +| Boost | [1.81.0](https://www.boost.org/users/download/) | 1.59.0 | No | | | | Clang | | [5](https://releases.llvm.org/download.html) (C++17 support) | | | | | CMake | | [3.16](https://cmake.org/download/) | | | | | fontconfig | [2.12.6](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/release/) | | No | Yes | | | FreeType | [2.11.0](http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype) | | No | | | | GCC | | [8.3](https://gcc.gnu.org/) | | | | | HarfBuzz-NG | | | | | | | jemalloc | [5.2.1](https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/releases) | 3.6.0 | | | | | libevent | [2.1.12-stable](https://github.com/libevent/libevent/releases) | 2.0.22 | No | | | | libnatpmp | commit [07004b9...](https://github.com/miniupnp/libnatpmp/commit/07004b97cf691774efebe70404cf22201e4d330d) | | No | | | | libpng | | | | | Yes | | librsvg | | | | | | | MiniUPnPc | [2.0.20180203](https://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/files) | 1.9 | No | | | | Ninja | | [1.5.1](https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases) | | | | | OpenSSL | [1.0.1k](https://www.openssl.org/source) | | Yes | | | | PCRE | | | | | Yes | | protobuf | [21.12](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/tag/v21.12) | | No | | | | Python (tests) | | [3.6](https://www.python.org/downloads) | | | | | qrencode | [3.4.4](https://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode) | | No | | | | Qt | [5.15.5](https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/) | 5.9.5 | No | | | | SQLite | [3.32.1](https://sqlite.org/download.html) | 3.7.17 | | | | | systemtap ([tracing](tracing.md))| | | | | | | XCB | | | | | Yes (Linux only) | | xkbcommon | | | | | Yes (Linux only) | | ZeroMQ | [4.3.1](https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/releases) | 4.1.5 | No | | | | zlib | [1.2.11](http://zlib.net/) | | | | No | Controlling dependencies ------------------------ Some dependencies are not needed in all configurations. The following are some factors that affect the dependency list. #### Options passed to `cmake` * MiniUPnPc is not needed with `-DENABLE_UPNP=OFF`. * MiniUPnPc is not needed with `-DENABLE_NATPMP=OFF`. * Berkeley DB and SQLite are not needed with `-DBUILD_BITCOIN_WALLET=OFF`. * protobuf is not needed with `-DENABLE_BIP70=OFF`. * Qt is not needed with `-DBUILD_BITCOIN_QT=OFF`. * qrencode is not needed with `-DENABLE_QRCODE=OFF`. * systemtap is not needed with `-DENABLE_TRACING=OFF`. * ZeroMQ is not needed with the `-DBUILD_BITCOIN_ZMQ=OFF`. #### Other * librsvg is only needed if you need to run `ninja osx-dmg` on (cross-compilation to) macOS.