diff --git a/src/bench/coin_selection.cpp b/src/bench/coin_selection.cpp index c143fa0e0..d5aa790e7 100644 --- a/src/bench/coin_selection.cpp +++ b/src/bench/coin_selection.cpp @@ -1,137 +1,137 @@ // Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void addCoin(const Amount nValue, const CWallet &wallet, std::vector> &wtxs) { static int nextLockTime = 0; CMutableTransaction tx; // so all transactions get different hashes tx.nLockTime = nextLockTime++; tx.vout.resize(1); tx.vout[0].nValue = nValue; wtxs.push_back(std::make_unique( &wallet, MakeTransactionRef(std::move(tx)))); } // Simple benchmark for wallet coin selection. Note that it maybe be necessary // to build up more complicated scenarios in order to get meaningful // measurements of performance. From laanwj, "Wallet coin selection is probably // the hardest, as you need a wider selection of scenarios, just testing the // same one over and over isn't too useful. Generating random isn't useful // either for measurements." // (https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/7883#issuecomment-224807484) static void CoinSelection(benchmark::State &state) { SelectParams(CBaseChainParams::REGTEST); NodeContext node; - auto chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node); + auto chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node, Params()); const CWallet wallet(Params(), chain.get(), WalletLocation(), WalletDatabase::CreateDummy()); std::vector> wtxs; LOCK(wallet.cs_wallet); // Add coins. for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { addCoin(1000 * COIN, wallet, wtxs); } addCoin(3 * COIN, wallet, wtxs); // Create groups std::vector groups; for (const auto &wtx : wtxs) { COutput output(wtx.get(), 0 /* iIn */, 6 * 24 /* nDepthIn */, true /* spendable */, true /* solvable */, true /* safe */); groups.emplace_back(output.GetInputCoin(), 6, false, 0, 0); } const CoinEligibilityFilter filter_standard(1, 6, 0); const CoinSelectionParams coin_selection_params( true, 34, 148, CFeeRate(Amount::zero()), 0); while (state.KeepRunning()) { std::set setCoinsRet; Amount nValueRet; bool bnb_used; bool success = wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1003 * COIN, filter_standard, groups, setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used); assert(success); assert(nValueRet == 1003 * COIN); assert(setCoinsRet.size() == 2); } } typedef std::set CoinSet; std::vector> wtxn; // Copied from src/wallet/test/coinselector_tests.cpp static void add_coin(const CWallet &wallet, const Amount nValue, int nInput, std::vector &set) { CMutableTransaction tx; tx.vout.resize(nInput + 1); tx.vout[nInput].nValue = nValue; auto wtx = std::make_unique(&wallet, MakeTransactionRef(std::move(tx))); set.emplace_back( COutput(wtx.get(), nInput, 0, true, true, true).GetInputCoin(), 0, true, 0, 0); wtxn.emplace_back(std::move(wtx)); } // Copied from src/wallet/test/coinselector_tests.cpp static Amount make_hard_case(const CWallet &wallet, int utxos, std::vector &utxo_pool) { utxo_pool.clear(); Amount target = Amount::zero(); for (int i = 0; i < utxos; ++i) { const Amount base = (int64_t(1) << (utxos + i)) * SATOSHI; target += base; add_coin(wallet, base, 2 * i, utxo_pool); add_coin(wallet, base + (int64_t(1) << (utxos - 1 - i)) * SATOSHI, 2 * i + 1, utxo_pool); } return target; } static void BnBExhaustion(benchmark::State &state) { SelectParams(CBaseChainParams::REGTEST); NodeContext node; - auto chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node); + auto chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node, Params()); const CWallet wallet(Params(), chain.get(), WalletLocation(), WalletDatabase::CreateDummy()); LOCK(wallet.cs_wallet); // Setup std::vector utxo_pool; CoinSet selection; Amount value_ret = Amount::zero(); Amount not_input_fees = Amount::zero(); while (state.KeepRunning()) { // Benchmark Amount target = make_hard_case(wallet, 17, utxo_pool); // Should exhaust SelectCoinsBnB(utxo_pool, target, Amount::zero(), selection, value_ret, not_input_fees); // Cleanup utxo_pool.clear(); selection.clear(); } } BENCHMARK(CoinSelection, 650); BENCHMARK(BnBExhaustion, 650); diff --git a/src/bench/wallet_balance.cpp b/src/bench/wallet_balance.cpp index f426ebf17..ab324d750 100644 --- a/src/bench/wallet_balance.cpp +++ b/src/bench/wallet_balance.cpp @@ -1,83 +1,84 @@ // Copyright (c) 2012-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void WalletBalance(benchmark::State &state, const bool set_dirty, const bool add_watchonly, const bool add_mine) { const auto &ADDRESS_WATCHONLY = ADDRESS_BCHREG_UNSPENDABLE; const Config &config = GetConfig(); NodeContext node; - std::unique_ptr chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node); + std::unique_ptr chain = + interfaces::MakeChain(node, config.GetChainParams()); CWallet wallet{config.GetChainParams(), chain.get(), WalletLocation(), WalletDatabase::CreateMock()}; { bool first_run; if (wallet.LoadWallet(first_run) != DBErrors::LOAD_OK) { assert(false); } } auto handler = chain->handleNotifications({&wallet, [](CWallet *) {}}); const Optional address_mine{ add_mine ? Optional{getnewaddress(config, wallet)} : nullopt}; if (add_watchonly) { importaddress(wallet, ADDRESS_WATCHONLY); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { generatetoaddress(config, address_mine.get_value_or(ADDRESS_WATCHONLY)); generatetoaddress(config, ADDRESS_WATCHONLY); } SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue(); // Cache auto bal = wallet.GetBalance(); while (state.KeepRunning()) { if (set_dirty) { wallet.MarkDirty(); } bal = wallet.GetBalance(); if (add_mine) { assert(bal.m_mine_trusted > Amount::zero()); } if (add_watchonly) { assert(bal.m_watchonly_trusted > Amount::zero()); } } } static void WalletBalanceDirty(benchmark::State &state) { WalletBalance(state, /* set_dirty */ true, /* add_watchonly */ true, /* add_mine */ true); } static void WalletBalanceClean(benchmark::State &state) { WalletBalance(state, /* set_dirty */ false, /* add_watchonly */ true, /* add_mine */ true); } static void WalletBalanceMine(benchmark::State &state) { WalletBalance(state, /* set_dirty */ false, /* add_watchonly */ false, /* add_mine */ true); } static void WalletBalanceWatch(benchmark::State &state) { WalletBalance(state, /* set_dirty */ false, /* add_watchonly */ true, /* add_mine */ false); } BENCHMARK(WalletBalanceDirty, 2500); BENCHMARK(WalletBalanceClean, 8000); BENCHMARK(WalletBalanceMine, 16000); BENCHMARK(WalletBalanceWatch, 8000); diff --git a/src/bitcoind.cpp b/src/bitcoind.cpp index 8cd09674e..d52b04d58 100644 --- a/src/bitcoind.cpp +++ b/src/bitcoind.cpp @@ -1,223 +1,222 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const std::function G_TRANSLATION_FUN = nullptr; /* Introduction text for doxygen: */ /*! \mainpage Developer documentation * * \section intro_sec Introduction * * This is the developer documentation of Bitcoin ABC * (https://www.bitcoinabc.org/). Bitcoin ABC is a client for the digital * currency called Bitcoin Cash (https://www.bitcoincash.org/), which enables * instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin Cash uses * peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing * transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. * * The software is a community-driven open source project, released under the * MIT license. * * \section Navigation * Use the buttons Namespaces, Classes or * Files at the top of the page to start navigating the code. */ static void WaitForShutdown(NodeContext &node) { while (!ShutdownRequested()) { UninterruptibleSleep(std::chrono::milliseconds{200}); } Interrupt(node); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Start // static bool AppInit(int argc, char *argv[]) { // FIXME: Ideally, we'd like to build the config here, but that's currently // not possible as the whole application has too many global state. However, // this is a first step. auto &config = const_cast(GetConfig()); RPCServer rpcServer; HTTPRPCRequestProcessor httpRPCRequestProcessor(config, rpcServer); NodeContext node; - node.chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node); - bool fRet = false; util::ThreadSetInternalName("init"); // // Parameters // // If Qt is used, parameters/bitcoin.conf are parsed in qt/bitcoin.cpp's // main() SetupServerArgs(); std::string error; if (!gArgs.ParseParameters(argc, argv, error)) { return InitError( strprintf("Error parsing command line arguments: %s\n", error)); } // Process help and version before taking care about datadir if (HelpRequested(gArgs) || gArgs.IsArgSet("-version")) { std::string strUsage = PACKAGE_NAME " Daemon version " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n"; if (gArgs.IsArgSet("-version")) { strUsage += FormatParagraph(LicenseInfo()); } else { strUsage += "\nUsage: bitcoind [options] " "Start " PACKAGE_NAME " Daemon\n"; strUsage += "\n" + gArgs.GetHelpMessage(); } tfm::format(std::cout, "%s", strUsage); return true; } try { if (!CheckDataDirOption()) { return InitError( strprintf("Specified data directory \"%s\" does not exist.\n", gArgs.GetArg("-datadir", ""))); } if (!gArgs.ReadConfigFiles(error, true)) { return InitError( strprintf("Error reading configuration file: %s\n", error)); } // Check for -chain, -testnet or -regtest parameter (Params() calls are // only valid after this clause) try { SelectParams(gArgs.GetChainName()); + node.chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node, config.GetChainParams()); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return InitError(strprintf("%s\n", e.what())); } // Make sure we create the net-specific data directory early on: if it // is new, this has a side effect of also creating // //wallets/. // // TODO: this should be removed once GetDataDir() no longer creates the // wallets/ subdirectory. // See more info at: // https://reviews.bitcoinabc.org/D3312 GetDataDir(true); // Error out when loose non-argument tokens are encountered on command // line for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!IsSwitchChar(argv[i][0])) { return InitError( strprintf("Command line contains unexpected token '%s', " "see bitcoind -h for a list of options.\n", argv[i])); } } // -server defaults to true for bitcoind but not for the GUI so do this // here gArgs.SoftSetBoolArg("-server", true); // Set this early so that parameter interactions go to console InitLogging(); InitParameterInteraction(); if (!AppInitBasicSetup()) { // InitError will have been called with detailed error, which ends // up on console return false; } if (!AppInitParameterInteraction(config)) { // InitError will have been called with detailed error, which ends // up on console return false; } if (!AppInitSanityChecks()) { // InitError will have been called with detailed error, which ends // up on console return false; } if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-daemon", false)) { #if HAVE_DECL_DAEMON #if defined(MAC_OSX) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif tfm::format(std::cout, PACKAGE_NAME " daemon starting\n"); // Daemonize if (daemon(1, 0)) { // don't chdir (1), do close FDs (0) return InitError( strprintf("daemon() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno))); } #if defined(MAC_OSX) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #else return InitError( "-daemon is not supported on this operating system\n"); #endif // HAVE_DECL_DAEMON } // Lock data directory after daemonization if (!AppInitLockDataDirectory()) { // If locking the data directory failed, exit immediately return false; } fRet = AppInitMain(config, rpcServer, httpRPCRequestProcessor, node); } catch (const std::exception &e) { PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "AppInit()"); } catch (...) { PrintExceptionContinue(nullptr, "AppInit()"); } if (!fRet) { Interrupt(node); } else { WaitForShutdown(node); } Shutdown(node); return fRet; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef WIN32 util::WinCmdLineArgs winArgs; std::tie(argc, argv) = winArgs.get(); #endif SetupEnvironment(); // Connect bitcoind signal handlers noui_connect(); return (AppInit(argc, argv) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); } diff --git a/src/interfaces/chain.cpp b/src/interfaces/chain.cpp index fc8ed8fe7..6adae8ea5 100644 --- a/src/interfaces/chain.cpp +++ b/src/interfaces/chain.cpp @@ -1,416 +1,419 @@ // Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace interfaces { namespace { class LockImpl : public Chain::Lock, public UniqueLock { Optional getHeight() override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); int height = ::ChainActive().Height(); if (height >= 0) { return height; } return nullopt; } Optional getBlockHeight(const BlockHash &hash) override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); CBlockIndex *block = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (block && ::ChainActive().Contains(block)) { return block->nHeight; } return nullopt; } int getBlockDepth(const BlockHash &hash) override { const Optional tip_height = getHeight(); const Optional height = getBlockHeight(hash); return tip_height && height ? *tip_height - *height + 1 : 0; } BlockHash getBlockHash(int height) override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); CBlockIndex *block = ::ChainActive()[height]; assert(block != nullptr); return block->GetBlockHash(); } int64_t getBlockTime(int height) override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); CBlockIndex *block = ::ChainActive()[height]; assert(block != nullptr); return block->GetBlockTime(); } int64_t getBlockMedianTimePast(int height) override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); CBlockIndex *block = ::ChainActive()[height]; assert(block != nullptr); return block->GetMedianTimePast(); } bool haveBlockOnDisk(int height) override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); CBlockIndex *block = ::ChainActive()[height]; return block && (block->nStatus.hasData() != 0) && block->nTx > 0; } Optional findFirstBlockWithTimeAndHeight(int64_t time, int height, BlockHash *hash) override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); CBlockIndex *block = ::ChainActive().FindEarliestAtLeast(time, height); if (block) { if (hash) { *hash = block->GetBlockHash(); } return block->nHeight; } return nullopt; } Optional findPruned(int start_height, Optional stop_height) override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); if (::fPruneMode) { CBlockIndex *block = stop_height ? ::ChainActive()[*stop_height] : ::ChainActive().Tip(); while (block && block->nHeight >= start_height) { if (block->nStatus.hasData() == 0) { return block->nHeight; } block = block->pprev; } } return nullopt; } Optional findFork(const BlockHash &hash, Optional *height) override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); const CBlockIndex *block = LookupBlockIndex(hash); const CBlockIndex *fork = block ? ::ChainActive().FindFork(block) : nullptr; if (height) { if (block) { *height = block->nHeight; } else { height->reset(); } } if (fork) { return fork->nHeight; } return nullopt; } CBlockLocator getTipLocator() override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); return ::ChainActive().GetLocator(); } Optional findLocatorFork(const CBlockLocator &locator) override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); if (CBlockIndex *fork = FindForkInGlobalIndex(::ChainActive(), locator)) { return fork->nHeight; } return nullopt; } bool contextualCheckTransactionForCurrentBlock( const Consensus::Params ¶ms, const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state) override { LockAssertion lock(::cs_main); return ContextualCheckTransactionForCurrentBlock(params, tx, state); } using UniqueLock::UniqueLock; }; // namespace interfaces class NotificationsProxy : public CValidationInterface { public: explicit NotificationsProxy( std::shared_ptr notifications) : m_notifications(std::move(notifications)) {} virtual ~NotificationsProxy() = default; void TransactionAddedToMempool(const CTransactionRef &tx) override { m_notifications->TransactionAddedToMempool(tx); } void TransactionRemovedFromMempool(const CTransactionRef &tx) override { m_notifications->TransactionRemovedFromMempool(tx); } void BlockConnected( const std::shared_ptr &block, const CBlockIndex *index, const std::vector &tx_conflicted) override { m_notifications->BlockConnected(*block, tx_conflicted); } void BlockDisconnected(const std::shared_ptr &block) override { m_notifications->BlockDisconnected(*block); } void UpdatedBlockTip(const CBlockIndex *index, const CBlockIndex *fork_index, bool is_ibd) override { m_notifications->UpdatedBlockTip(); } void ChainStateFlushed(const CBlockLocator &locator) override { m_notifications->ChainStateFlushed(locator); } std::shared_ptr m_notifications; }; class NotificationsHandlerImpl : public Handler { public: explicit NotificationsHandlerImpl( std::shared_ptr notifications) : m_proxy(std::make_shared( std::move(notifications))) { RegisterSharedValidationInterface(m_proxy); } ~NotificationsHandlerImpl() override { disconnect(); } void disconnect() override { if (m_proxy) { UnregisterSharedValidationInterface(m_proxy); m_proxy.reset(); } } std::shared_ptr m_proxy; }; class RpcHandlerImpl : public Handler { public: explicit RpcHandlerImpl(const CRPCCommand &command) : m_command(command), m_wrapped_command(&command) { m_command.actor = [this](Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request, UniValue &result, bool last_handler) { if (!m_wrapped_command) { return false; } try { return m_wrapped_command->actor(config, request, result, last_handler); } catch (const UniValue &e) { // If this is not the last handler and a wallet not found // exception was thrown, return false so the next handler // can try to handle the request. Otherwise, reraise the // exception. if (!last_handler) { const UniValue &code = e["code"]; if (code.isNum() && code.get_int() == RPC_WALLET_NOT_FOUND) { return false; } } throw; } }; ::tableRPC.appendCommand(m_command.name, &m_command); } void disconnect() override final { if (m_wrapped_command) { m_wrapped_command = nullptr; ::tableRPC.removeCommand(m_command.name, &m_command); } } ~RpcHandlerImpl() override { disconnect(); } CRPCCommand m_command; const CRPCCommand *m_wrapped_command; }; class ChainImpl : public Chain { public: - explicit ChainImpl(NodeContext &node) : m_node(node) {} + explicit ChainImpl(NodeContext &node, const CChainParams ¶ms) + : m_node(node), m_params(params) {} std::unique_ptr lock(bool try_lock) override { auto lock = std::make_unique( ::cs_main, "cs_main", __FILE__, __LINE__, try_lock); if (try_lock && lock && !*lock) { return {}; } // Temporary to avoid CWG 1579 std::unique_ptr result = std::move(lock); return result; } bool findBlock(const BlockHash &hash, CBlock *block, int64_t *time, int64_t *time_max) override { CBlockIndex *index; { LOCK(cs_main); index = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!index) { return false; } if (time) { *time = index->GetBlockTime(); } if (time_max) { *time_max = index->GetBlockTimeMax(); } } if (block && !ReadBlockFromDisk(*block, index, Params().GetConsensus())) { block->SetNull(); } return true; } void findCoins(std::map &coins) override { return FindCoins(coins); } double guessVerificationProgress(const BlockHash &block_hash) override { LOCK(cs_main); return GuessVerificationProgress(Params().TxData(), LookupBlockIndex(block_hash)); } bool hasDescendantsInMempool(const TxId &txid) override { LOCK(::g_mempool.cs); auto it = ::g_mempool.GetIter(txid); return it && (*it)->GetCountWithDescendants() > 1; } bool broadcastTransaction(const Config &config, const CTransactionRef &tx, std::string &err_string, const Amount &max_tx_fee, bool relay) override { const TransactionError err = BroadcastTransaction( m_node, config, tx, err_string, max_tx_fee, relay, /*wait_callback*/ false); // Chain clients only care about failures to accept the tx to the // mempool. Disregard non-mempool related failures. Note: this will // need to be updated if BroadcastTransactions() is updated to // return other non-mempool failures that Chain clients do not need // to know about. return err == TransactionError::OK; } void getTransactionAncestry(const TxId &txid, size_t &ancestors, size_t &descendants) override { ::g_mempool.GetTransactionAncestry(txid, ancestors, descendants); } bool checkChainLimits(const CTransactionRef &tx) override { LockPoints lp; CTxMemPoolEntry entry(tx, Amount(), 0, 0, false, 0, lp); CTxMemPool::setEntries ancestors; auto limit_ancestor_count = gArgs.GetArg("-limitancestorcount", DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT); auto limit_ancestor_size = gArgs.GetArg("-limitancestorsize", DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_SIZE_LIMIT) * 1000; auto limit_descendant_count = gArgs.GetArg("-limitdescendantcount", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT); auto limit_descendant_size = gArgs.GetArg("-limitdescendantsize", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_SIZE_LIMIT) * 1000; std::string unused_error_string; LOCK(::g_mempool.cs); return ::g_mempool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors( entry, ancestors, limit_ancestor_count, limit_ancestor_size, limit_descendant_count, limit_descendant_size, unused_error_string); } CFeeRate estimateFee() const override { return ::g_mempool.estimateFee(); } CFeeRate relayMinFee() override { return ::minRelayTxFee; } CFeeRate relayDustFee() override { return ::dustRelayFee; } bool getPruneMode() override { return ::fPruneMode; } bool p2pEnabled() override { return m_node.connman != nullptr; } bool isReadyToBroadcast() override { return !::fImporting && !::fReindex && !isInitialBlockDownload(); } bool isInitialBlockDownload() override { return ::ChainstateActive().IsInitialBlockDownload(); } bool shutdownRequested() override { return ShutdownRequested(); } int64_t getAdjustedTime() override { return GetAdjustedTime(); } void initMessage(const std::string &message) override { ::uiInterface.InitMessage(message); } void initWarning(const std::string &message) override { InitWarning(message); } void initError(const std::string &message) override { InitError(message); } void loadWallet(std::unique_ptr wallet) override { ::uiInterface.LoadWallet(wallet); } void showProgress(const std::string &title, int progress, bool resume_possible) override { ::uiInterface.ShowProgress(title, progress, resume_possible); } std::unique_ptr handleNotifications( std::shared_ptr notifications) override { return std::make_unique( std::move(notifications)); } void waitForNotificationsIfNewBlocksConnected( const BlockHash &old_tip) override { if (!old_tip.IsNull()) { LOCK(::cs_main); if (old_tip == ::ChainActive().Tip()->GetBlockHash()) { return; } CBlockIndex *block = LookupBlockIndex(old_tip); if (block && block->GetAncestor(::ChainActive().Height()) == ::ChainActive().Tip()) { return; } } SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue(); } std::unique_ptr handleRpc(const CRPCCommand &command) override { return std::make_unique(command); } bool rpcEnableDeprecated(const std::string &method) override { return IsDeprecatedRPCEnabled(gArgs, method); } void rpcRunLater(const std::string &name, std::function fn, int64_t seconds) override { RPCRunLater(name, std::move(fn), seconds); } int rpcSerializationFlags() override { return RPCSerializationFlags(); } void requestMempoolTransactions(Notifications ¬ifications) override { LOCK2(::cs_main, ::g_mempool.cs); for (const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry : ::g_mempool.mapTx) { notifications.TransactionAddedToMempool(entry.GetSharedTx()); } } NodeContext &m_node; + const CChainParams &m_params; }; } // namespace -std::unique_ptr MakeChain(NodeContext &node) { - return std::make_unique(node); +std::unique_ptr MakeChain(NodeContext &node, + const CChainParams ¶ms) { + return std::make_unique(node, params); } } // namespace interfaces diff --git a/src/interfaces/chain.h b/src/interfaces/chain.h index 138f8fc46..b11ff44d5 100644 --- a/src/interfaces/chain.h +++ b/src/interfaces/chain.h @@ -1,316 +1,316 @@ // Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_INTERFACES_CHAIN_H #define BITCOIN_INTERFACES_CHAIN_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct BlockHash; class CBlock; struct CBlockLocator; class CChainParams; class Coin; class Config; class CRPCCommand; class CScheduler; class CValidationState; struct NodeContext; namespace Consensus { struct Params; } namespace interfaces { class Handler; class Wallet; //! Interface giving clients (wallet processes, maybe other analysis tools in //! the future) ability to access to the chain state, receive notifications, //! estimate fees, and submit transactions. //! //! TODO: Current chain methods are too low level, exposing too much of the //! internal workings of the bitcoin node, and not being very convenient to use. //! Chain methods should be cleaned up and simplified over time. Examples: //! //! * The Chain::lock() method, which lets clients delay chain tip updates //! should be removed when clients are able to respond to updates //! asynchronously //! (https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10973#issuecomment-380101269). //! //! * The initMessages() and loadWallet() methods which the wallet uses to send //! notifications to the GUI should go away when GUI and wallet can directly //! communicate with each other without going through the node //! (https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/15288#discussion_r253321096). //! //! * The handleRpc, registerRpcs, rpcEnableDeprecated methods and other RPC //! methods can go away if wallets listen for HTTP requests on their own //! ports instead of registering to handle requests on the node HTTP port. class Chain { public: virtual ~Chain() {} //! Interface for querying locked chain state, used by legacy code that //! assumes state won't change between calls. New code should avoid using //! the Lock interface and instead call higher-level Chain methods //! that return more information so the chain doesn't need to stay locked //! between calls. class Lock { public: virtual ~Lock() {} //! Get current chain height, not including genesis block (returns 0 if //! chain only contains genesis block, nullopt if chain does not contain //! any blocks). virtual Optional getHeight() = 0; //! Get block height above genesis block. Returns 0 for genesis block, //! 1 for following block, and so on. Returns nullopt for a block not //! included in the current chain. virtual Optional getBlockHeight(const BlockHash &hash) = 0; //! Get block depth. Returns 1 for chain tip, 2 for preceding block, and //! so on. Returns 0 for a block not included in the current chain. virtual int getBlockDepth(const BlockHash &hash) = 0; //! Get block hash. Height must be valid or this function will abort. virtual BlockHash getBlockHash(int height) = 0; //! Get block time. Height must be valid or this function will abort. virtual int64_t getBlockTime(int height) = 0; //! Get block median time past. Height must be valid or this function //! will abort. virtual int64_t getBlockMedianTimePast(int height) = 0; //! Check that the block is available on disk (i.e. has not been //! pruned), and contains transactions. virtual bool haveBlockOnDisk(int height) = 0; //! Return height of the first block in the chain with timestamp equal //! or greater than the given time and height equal or greater than the //! given height, or nullopt if there is no block with a high enough //! timestamp and height. Also return the block hash as an optional //! output parameter (to avoid the cost of a second lookup in case this //! information is needed.) virtual Optional findFirstBlockWithTimeAndHeight(int64_t time, int height, BlockHash *hash) = 0; //! Return height of last block in the specified range which is pruned, //! or nullopt if no block in the range is pruned. Range is inclusive. virtual Optional findPruned(int start_height = 0, Optional stop_height = nullopt) = 0; //! Return height of the highest block on the chain that is an ancestor //! of the specified block, or nullopt if no common ancestor is found. //! Also return the height of the specified block as an optional output //! parameter (to avoid the cost of a second hash lookup in case this //! information is desired). virtual Optional findFork(const BlockHash &hash, Optional *height) = 0; //! Get locator for the current chain tip. virtual CBlockLocator getTipLocator() = 0; //! Return height of the latest block common to locator and chain, which //! is guaranteed to be an ancestor of the block used to create the //! locator. virtual Optional findLocatorFork(const CBlockLocator &locator) = 0; //! Check if transaction will be final given chain height current time. virtual bool contextualCheckTransactionForCurrentBlock( const Consensus::Params ¶ms, const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state) = 0; }; //! Return Lock interface. Chain is locked when this is called, and //! unlocked when the returned interface is freed. virtual std::unique_ptr lock(bool try_lock = false) = 0; //! Return whether node has the block and optionally return block metadata //! or contents. //! //! If a block pointer is provided to retrieve the block contents, and the //! block exists but doesn't have data (for example due to pruning), the //! block will be empty and all fields set to null. virtual bool findBlock(const BlockHash &hash, CBlock *block = nullptr, int64_t *time = nullptr, int64_t *max_time = nullptr) = 0; //! Look up unspent output information. Returns coins in the mempool and in //! the current chain UTXO set. Iterates through all the keys in the map and //! populates the values. virtual void findCoins(std::map &coins) = 0; //! Estimate fraction of total transactions verified if blocks up to //! the specified block hash are verified. virtual double guessVerificationProgress(const BlockHash &block_hash) = 0; //! Check if transaction has descendants in mempool. virtual bool hasDescendantsInMempool(const TxId &txid) = 0; //! Transaction is added to memory pool, if the transaction fee is below the //! amount specified by max_tx_fee, and broadcast to all peers if relay is //! set to true. Return false if the transaction could not be added due to //! the fee or for another reason. virtual bool broadcastTransaction(const Config &config, const CTransactionRef &tx, std::string &err_string, const Amount &max_tx_fee, bool relay) = 0; //! Calculate mempool ancestor and descendant counts for the given //! transaction. virtual void getTransactionAncestry(const TxId &txid, size_t &ancestors, size_t &descendants) = 0; //! Check if transaction will pass the mempool's chain limits. virtual bool checkChainLimits(const CTransactionRef &tx) = 0; //! Estimate fee virtual CFeeRate estimateFee() const = 0; //! Relay current minimum fee (from -minrelaytxfee settings). virtual CFeeRate relayMinFee() = 0; //! Relay dust fee setting (-dustrelayfee), reflecting lowest rate it's //! economical to spend. virtual CFeeRate relayDustFee() = 0; //! Check if pruning is enabled. virtual bool getPruneMode() = 0; //! Check if p2p enabled. virtual bool p2pEnabled() = 0; //! Check if the node is ready to broadcast transactions. virtual bool isReadyToBroadcast() = 0; //! Check if in IBD. virtual bool isInitialBlockDownload() = 0; //! Check if shutdown requested. virtual bool shutdownRequested() = 0; //! Get adjusted time. virtual int64_t getAdjustedTime() = 0; //! Send init message. virtual void initMessage(const std::string &message) = 0; //! Send init warning. virtual void initWarning(const std::string &message) = 0; //! Send init error. virtual void initError(const std::string &message) = 0; //! Send wallet load notification to the GUI. virtual void loadWallet(std::unique_ptr wallet) = 0; //! Send progress indicator. virtual void showProgress(const std::string &title, int progress, bool resume_possible) = 0; //! Chain notifications. class Notifications { public: virtual ~Notifications() {} virtual void TransactionAddedToMempool(const CTransactionRef &tx) {} virtual void TransactionRemovedFromMempool(const CTransactionRef &ptx) { } virtual void BlockConnected(const CBlock &block, const std::vector &tx_conflicted) {} virtual void BlockDisconnected(const CBlock &block) {} virtual void UpdatedBlockTip() {} virtual void ChainStateFlushed(const CBlockLocator &locator) {} }; //! Register handler for notifications. virtual std::unique_ptr handleNotifications(std::shared_ptr notifications) = 0; //! Wait for pending notifications to be processed unless block hash points //! to the current chain tip, or to a possible descendant of the current //! chain tip that isn't currently connected. virtual void waitForNotificationsIfNewBlocksConnected(const BlockHash &old_tip) = 0; //! Register handler for RPC. Command is not copied, so reference //! needs to remain valid until Handler is disconnected. virtual std::unique_ptr handleRpc(const CRPCCommand &command) = 0; //! Check if deprecated RPC is enabled. virtual bool rpcEnableDeprecated(const std::string &method) = 0; //! Run function after given number of seconds. Cancel any previous calls //! with same name. virtual void rpcRunLater(const std::string &name, std::function fn, int64_t seconds) = 0; //! Current RPC serialization flags. virtual int rpcSerializationFlags() = 0; //! Synchronously send TransactionAddedToMempool notifications about all //! current mempool transactions to the specified handler and return after //! the last one is sent. These notifications aren't coordinated with async //! notifications sent by handleNotifications, so out of date async //! notifications from handleNotifications can arrive during and after //! synchronous notifications from requestMempoolTransactions. Clients need //! to be prepared to handle this by ignoring notifications about unknown //! removed transactions and already added new transactions. virtual void requestMempoolTransactions(Notifications ¬ifications) = 0; }; //! Interface to let node manage chain clients (wallets, or maybe tools for //! monitoring and analysis in the future). class ChainClient { public: virtual ~ChainClient() {} //! Register rpcs. virtual void registerRpcs() = 0; //! Check for errors before loading. virtual bool verify(const CChainParams &chainParams) = 0; //! Load saved state. virtual bool load(const CChainParams &chainParams) = 0; //! Start client execution and provide a scheduler. virtual void start(CScheduler &scheduler) = 0; //! Save state to disk. virtual void flush() = 0; //! Shut down client. virtual void stop() = 0; }; //! Return implementation of Chain interface. -std::unique_ptr MakeChain(NodeContext &node); +std::unique_ptr MakeChain(NodeContext &node, const CChainParams ¶ms); //! Return implementation of ChainClient interface for a wallet client. This //! function will be undefined in builds where ENABLE_WALLET is false. //! //! Currently, wallets are the only chain clients. But in the future, other //! types of chain clients could be added, such as tools for monitoring, //! analysis, or fee estimation. These clients need to expose their own //! MakeXXXClient functions returning their implementations of the ChainClient //! interface. std::unique_ptr MakeWalletClient(Chain &chain, std::vector wallet_filenames); } // namespace interfaces #endif // BITCOIN_INTERFACES_CHAIN_H diff --git a/src/interfaces/node.cpp b/src/interfaces/node.cpp index 89ca41ca4..9bb1b15a5 100644 --- a/src/interfaces/node.cpp +++ b/src/interfaces/node.cpp @@ -1,343 +1,343 @@ // Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include class HTTPRPCRequestProcessor; class CWallet; fs::path GetWalletDir(); std::vector ListWalletDir(); std::vector> GetWallets(); std::shared_ptr LoadWallet(const CChainParams &chainParams, interfaces::Chain &chain, const std::string &name, std::string &error, std::string &warning); namespace interfaces { class Wallet; namespace { class NodeImpl : public Node { public: void initError(const std::string &message) override { InitError(message); } bool parseParameters(int argc, const char *const argv[], std::string &error) override { return gArgs.ParseParameters(argc, argv, error); } bool readConfigFiles(std::string &error) override { return gArgs.ReadConfigFiles(error, true); } bool softSetArg(const std::string &arg, const std::string &value) override { return gArgs.SoftSetArg(arg, value); } bool softSetBoolArg(const std::string &arg, bool value) override { return gArgs.SoftSetBoolArg(arg, value); } void selectParams(const std::string &network) override { SelectParams(network); } uint64_t getAssumedBlockchainSize() override { return Params().AssumedBlockchainSize(); } uint64_t getAssumedChainStateSize() override { return Params().AssumedChainStateSize(); } std::string getNetwork() override { return Params().NetworkIDString(); } void initLogging() override { InitLogging(); } void initParameterInteraction() override { InitParameterInteraction(); } std::string getWarnings(const std::string &type) override { return GetWarnings(type); } bool baseInitialize(Config &config) override { return AppInitBasicSetup() && AppInitParameterInteraction(config) && AppInitSanityChecks() && AppInitLockDataDirectory(); } bool appInitMain(Config &config, RPCServer &rpcServer, HTTPRPCRequestProcessor &httpRPCRequestProcessor) override { - m_context.chain = MakeChain(m_context); + m_context.chain = MakeChain(m_context, config.GetChainParams()); return AppInitMain(config, rpcServer, httpRPCRequestProcessor, m_context); } void appShutdown() override { Interrupt(m_context); Shutdown(m_context); } void startShutdown() override { StartShutdown(); } bool shutdownRequested() override { return ShutdownRequested(); } void mapPort(bool use_upnp) override { if (use_upnp) { StartMapPort(); } else { InterruptMapPort(); StopMapPort(); } } void setupServerArgs() override { return SetupServerArgs(); } bool getProxy(Network net, proxyType &proxy_info) override { return GetProxy(net, proxy_info); } size_t getNodeCount(CConnman::NumConnections flags) override { return m_context.connman ? m_context.connman->GetNodeCount(flags) : 0; } bool getNodesStats(NodesStats &stats) override { stats.clear(); if (m_context.connman) { std::vector stats_temp; m_context.connman->GetNodeStats(stats_temp); stats.reserve(stats_temp.size()); for (auto &node_stats_temp : stats_temp) { stats.emplace_back(std::move(node_stats_temp), false, CNodeStateStats()); } // Try to retrieve the CNodeStateStats for each node. TRY_LOCK(::cs_main, lockMain); if (lockMain) { for (auto &node_stats : stats) { std::get<1>(node_stats) = GetNodeStateStats(std::get<0>(node_stats).nodeid, std::get<2>(node_stats)); } } return true; } return false; } bool getBanned(banmap_t &banmap) override { if (m_context.banman) { m_context.banman->GetBanned(banmap); return true; } return false; } bool ban(const CNetAddr &net_addr, BanReason reason, int64_t ban_time_offset) override { if (m_context.banman) { m_context.banman->Ban(net_addr, reason, ban_time_offset); return true; } return false; } bool unban(const CSubNet &ip) override { if (m_context.banman) { m_context.banman->Unban(ip); return true; } return false; } bool disconnect(const CNetAddr &net_addr) override { if (m_context.connman) { return m_context.connman->DisconnectNode(net_addr); } return false; } bool disconnect(NodeId id) override { if (m_context.connman) { return m_context.connman->DisconnectNode(id); } return false; } int64_t getTotalBytesRecv() override { return m_context.connman ? m_context.connman->GetTotalBytesRecv() : 0; } int64_t getTotalBytesSent() override { return m_context.connman ? m_context.connman->GetTotalBytesSent() : 0; } size_t getMempoolSize() override { return g_mempool.size(); } size_t getMempoolDynamicUsage() override { return g_mempool.DynamicMemoryUsage(); } bool getHeaderTip(int &height, int64_t &block_time) override { LOCK(::cs_main); if (::pindexBestHeader) { height = ::pindexBestHeader->nHeight; block_time = ::pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime(); return true; } return false; } int getNumBlocks() override { LOCK(::cs_main); return ::ChainActive().Height(); } int64_t getLastBlockTime() override { LOCK(::cs_main); if (::ChainActive().Tip()) { return ::ChainActive().Tip()->GetBlockTime(); } // Genesis block's time of current network return Params().GenesisBlock().GetBlockTime(); } double getVerificationProgress() override { const CBlockIndex *tip; { LOCK(::cs_main); tip = ::ChainActive().Tip(); } return GuessVerificationProgress(Params().TxData(), tip); } bool isInitialBlockDownload() override { return ::ChainstateActive().IsInitialBlockDownload(); } bool getReindex() override { return ::fReindex; } bool getImporting() override { return ::fImporting; } void setNetworkActive(bool active) override { if (m_context.connman) { m_context.connman->SetNetworkActive(active); } } bool getNetworkActive() override { return m_context.connman && m_context.connman->GetNetworkActive(); } CFeeRate estimateSmartFee() override { return g_mempool.estimateFee(); } CFeeRate getDustRelayFee() override { return ::dustRelayFee; } UniValue executeRpc(Config &config, const std::string &command, const UniValue ¶ms, const std::string &uri) override { JSONRPCRequest req; req.params = params; req.strMethod = command; req.URI = uri; return ::tableRPC.execute(config, req); } std::vector listRpcCommands() override { return ::tableRPC.listCommands(); } void rpcSetTimerInterfaceIfUnset(RPCTimerInterface *iface) override { RPCSetTimerInterfaceIfUnset(iface); } void rpcUnsetTimerInterface(RPCTimerInterface *iface) override { RPCUnsetTimerInterface(iface); } bool getUnspentOutput(const COutPoint &output, Coin &coin) override { LOCK(::cs_main); return ::pcoinsTip->GetCoin(output, coin); } std::string getWalletDir() override { return GetWalletDir().string(); } std::vector listWalletDir() override { std::vector paths; for (auto &path : ListWalletDir()) { paths.push_back(path.string()); } return paths; } std::vector> getWallets() override { std::vector> wallets; for (const std::shared_ptr &wallet : GetWallets()) { wallets.emplace_back(MakeWallet(wallet)); } return wallets; } std::unique_ptr loadWallet(const CChainParams ¶ms, const std::string &name, std::string &error, std::string &warning) const override { return MakeWallet( LoadWallet(params, *m_context.chain, name, error, warning)); } std::unique_ptr handleInitMessage(InitMessageFn fn) override { return MakeHandler(::uiInterface.InitMessage_connect(fn)); } std::unique_ptr handleMessageBox(MessageBoxFn fn) override { return MakeHandler(::uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox_connect(fn)); } std::unique_ptr handleQuestion(QuestionFn fn) override { return MakeHandler(::uiInterface.ThreadSafeQuestion_connect(fn)); } std::unique_ptr handleShowProgress(ShowProgressFn fn) override { return MakeHandler(::uiInterface.ShowProgress_connect(fn)); } std::unique_ptr handleLoadWallet(LoadWalletFn fn) override { return MakeHandler(::uiInterface.LoadWallet_connect( [fn](std::unique_ptr &wallet) { fn(std::move(wallet)); })); } std::unique_ptr handleNotifyNumConnectionsChanged( NotifyNumConnectionsChangedFn fn) override { return MakeHandler( ::uiInterface.NotifyNumConnectionsChanged_connect(fn)); } std::unique_ptr handleNotifyNetworkActiveChanged( NotifyNetworkActiveChangedFn fn) override { return MakeHandler( ::uiInterface.NotifyNetworkActiveChanged_connect(fn)); } std::unique_ptr handleNotifyAlertChanged(NotifyAlertChangedFn fn) override { return MakeHandler(::uiInterface.NotifyAlertChanged_connect(fn)); } std::unique_ptr handleBannedListChanged(BannedListChangedFn fn) override { return MakeHandler(::uiInterface.BannedListChanged_connect(fn)); } std::unique_ptr handleNotifyBlockTip(NotifyBlockTipFn fn) override { return MakeHandler(::uiInterface.NotifyBlockTip_connect( [fn](bool initial_download, const CBlockIndex *block) { fn(initial_download, block->nHeight, block->GetBlockTime(), GuessVerificationProgress(Params().TxData(), block)); })); } std::unique_ptr handleNotifyHeaderTip(NotifyHeaderTipFn fn) override { return MakeHandler(::uiInterface.NotifyHeaderTip_connect( [fn](bool initial_download, const CBlockIndex *block) { fn(initial_download, block->nHeight, block->GetBlockTime(), GuessVerificationProgress(Params().TxData(), block)); })); } NodeContext *context() override { return &m_context; } NodeContext m_context; }; } // namespace std::unique_ptr MakeNode() { return std::make_unique(); } } // namespace interfaces diff --git a/src/test/rpc_tests.cpp b/src/test/rpc_tests.cpp index 178057e9a..d79291451 100644 --- a/src/test/rpc_tests.cpp +++ b/src/test/rpc_tests.cpp @@ -1,524 +1,524 @@ // Copyright (c) 2012-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include UniValue CallRPC(std::string args) { std::vector vArgs; boost::split(vArgs, args, boost::is_any_of(" \t")); std::string strMethod = vArgs[0]; vArgs.erase(vArgs.begin()); GlobalConfig config; JSONRPCRequest request; request.strMethod = strMethod; request.params = RPCConvertValues(strMethod, vArgs); request.fHelp = false; if (RPCIsInWarmup(nullptr)) { SetRPCWarmupFinished(); } try { UniValue result = tableRPC.execute(config, request); return result; } catch (const UniValue &objError) { throw std::runtime_error(find_value(objError, "message").get_str()); } } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(rpc_tests, TestingSetup) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rpc_rawparams) { // Test raw transaction API argument handling UniValue r; BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("getrawtransaction"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("getrawtransaction not_hex"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("getrawtransaction " "a3b807410df0b60fcb9736768df5823938b2f838694939ba" "45f3c0a1bff150ed not_int"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("createrawtransaction"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("createrawtransaction null null"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("createrawtransaction not_array"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("createrawtransaction {} {}"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC("createrawtransaction [] {}")); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("createrawtransaction [] {} extra"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("decoderawtransaction"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("decoderawtransaction null"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("decoderawtransaction DEADBEEF"), std::runtime_error); std::string rawtx = "0100000001a15d57094aa7a21a28cb20b59aab8fc7d1149a3bdbcddba9c622e4f5f6a9" "9ece010000006c493046022100f93bb0e7d8db7bd46e40132d1f8242026e045f03a0ef" "e71bbb8e3f475e970d790221009337cd7f1f929f00cc6ff01f03729b069a7c21b59b17" "36ddfee5db5946c5da8c0121033b9b137ee87d5a812d6f506efdd37f0affa7ffc31071" "1c06c7f3e097c9447c52ffffffff0100e1f505000000001976a9140389035a9225b383" "9e2bbf32d826a1e222031fd888ac00000000"; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( r = CallRPC(std::string("decoderawtransaction ") + rawtx)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(find_value(r.get_obj(), "size").get_int(), 193); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(find_value(r.get_obj(), "version").get_int(), 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(find_value(r.get_obj(), "locktime").get_int(), 0); BOOST_CHECK_THROW( r = CallRPC(std::string("decoderawtransaction ") + rawtx + " extra"), std::runtime_error); // Only check failure cases for sendrawtransaction, there's no network to // send to... BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("sendrawtransaction"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("sendrawtransaction null"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("sendrawtransaction DEADBEEF"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW( CallRPC(std::string("sendrawtransaction ") + rawtx + " extra"), std::runtime_error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rpc_togglenetwork) { UniValue r; r = CallRPC("getnetworkinfo"); bool netState = find_value(r.get_obj(), "networkactive").get_bool(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(netState, true); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC("setnetworkactive false")); r = CallRPC("getnetworkinfo"); int numConnection = find_value(r.get_obj(), "connections").get_int(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(numConnection, 0); netState = find_value(r.get_obj(), "networkactive").get_bool(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(netState, false); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC("setnetworkactive true")); r = CallRPC("getnetworkinfo"); netState = find_value(r.get_obj(), "networkactive").get_bool(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(netState, true); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rpc_rawsign) { UniValue r; // input is a 1-of-2 multisig (so is output): std::string prevout = "[{\"txid\":" "\"b4cc287e58f87cdae59417329f710f3ecd75a4ee1d2872b724" "8f50977c8493f3\"," "\"vout\":1,\"scriptPubKey\":" "\"a914b10c9df5f7edf436c697f02f1efdba4cf399615187\"," "\"amount\":3.14159," "\"redeemScript\":" "\"512103debedc17b3df2badbcdd86d5feb4562b86fe182e5998" "abd8bcd4f122c6155b1b21027e940bb73ab8732bfdf7f9216ece" "fca5b94d6df834e77e108f68e66f126044c052ae\"}]"; r = CallRPC(std::string("createrawtransaction ") + prevout + " " + "{\"3HqAe9LtNBjnsfM4CyYaWTnvCaUYT7v4oZ\":11}"); std::string notsigned = r.get_str(); std::string privkey1 = "\"KzsXybp9jX64P5ekX1KUxRQ79Jht9uzW7LorgwE65i5rWACL6LQe\""; std::string privkey2 = "\"Kyhdf5LuKTRx4ge69ybABsiUAWjVRK4XGxAKk2FQLp2HjGMy87Z4\""; NodeContext node; - node.chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node); + node.chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node, GetConfig().GetChainParams()); g_rpc_node = &node; r = CallRPC(std::string("signrawtransactionwithkey ") + notsigned + " [] " + prevout); BOOST_CHECK(find_value(r.get_obj(), "complete").get_bool() == false); r = CallRPC(std::string("signrawtransactionwithkey ") + notsigned + " [" + privkey1 + "," + privkey2 + "] " + prevout); BOOST_CHECK(find_value(r.get_obj(), "complete").get_bool() == true); g_rpc_node = nullptr; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rpc_rawsign_missing_amount) { // Old format, missing amount parameter for prevout should generate // an RPC error. This is because of new replay-protected tx's require // nonzero amount present in signed tx. // See: https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues/63 // (We will re-use the tx + keys from the above rpc_rawsign test for // simplicity.) UniValue r; std::string prevout = "[{\"txid\":" "\"b4cc287e58f87cdae59417329f710f3ecd75a4ee1d2872b724" "8f50977c8493f3\"," "\"vout\":1,\"scriptPubKey\":" "\"a914b10c9df5f7edf436c697f02f1efdba4cf399615187\"," "\"redeemScript\":" "\"512103debedc17b3df2badbcdd86d5feb4562b86fe182e5998" "abd8bcd4f122c6155b1b21027e940bb73ab8732bfdf7f9216ece" "fca5b94d6df834e77e108f68e66f126044c052ae\"}]"; r = CallRPC(std::string("createrawtransaction ") + prevout + " " + "{\"3HqAe9LtNBjnsfM4CyYaWTnvCaUYT7v4oZ\":11}"); std::string notsigned = r.get_str(); std::string privkey1 = "\"KzsXybp9jX64P5ekX1KUxRQ79Jht9uzW7LorgwE65i5rWACL6LQe\""; std::string privkey2 = "\"Kyhdf5LuKTRx4ge69ybABsiUAWjVRK4XGxAKk2FQLp2HjGMy87Z4\""; bool exceptionThrownDueToMissingAmount = false, errorWasMissingAmount = false; NodeContext node; - node.chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node); + node.chain = interfaces::MakeChain(node, GetConfig().GetChainParams()); g_rpc_node = &node; try { r = CallRPC(std::string("signrawtransactionwithkey ") + notsigned + " [" + privkey1 + "," + privkey2 + "] " + prevout); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { exceptionThrownDueToMissingAmount = true; if (std::string(e.what()).find("amount") != std::string::npos) { errorWasMissingAmount = true; } } BOOST_CHECK(exceptionThrownDueToMissingAmount == true); BOOST_CHECK(errorWasMissingAmount == true); g_rpc_node = nullptr; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rpc_createraw_op_return) { BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( CallRPC("createrawtransaction " "[{\"txid\":" "\"a3b807410df0b60fcb9736768df5823938b2f838694939ba45f3c0a1bff1" "50ed\",\"vout\":0}] {\"data\":\"68656c6c6f776f726c64\"}")); // Allow more than one data transaction output BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC("createrawtransaction " "[{\"txid\":" "\"a3b807410df0b60fcb9736768df5823938b2f838694" "939ba45f3c0a1bff150ed\",\"vout\":0}] " "{\"data\":\"68656c6c6f776f726c64\",\"data\":" "\"68656c6c6f776f726c64\"}")); // Key not "data" (bad address) BOOST_CHECK_THROW( CallRPC("createrawtransaction " "[{\"txid\":" "\"a3b807410df0b60fcb9736768df5823938b2f838694939ba45f3c0a1bff1" "50ed\",\"vout\":0}] {\"somedata\":\"68656c6c6f776f726c64\"}"), std::runtime_error); // Bad hex encoding of data output BOOST_CHECK_THROW( CallRPC("createrawtransaction " "[{\"txid\":" "\"a3b807410df0b60fcb9736768df5823938b2f838694939ba45f3c0a1bff1" "50ed\",\"vout\":0}] {\"data\":\"12345\"}"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW( CallRPC("createrawtransaction " "[{\"txid\":" "\"a3b807410df0b60fcb9736768df5823938b2f838694939ba45f3c0a1bff1" "50ed\",\"vout\":0}] {\"data\":\"12345g\"}"), std::runtime_error); // Data 81 bytes long BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( CallRPC("createrawtransaction " "[{\"txid\":" "\"a3b807410df0b60fcb9736768df5823938b2f838694939ba45f3c0a1bff1" "50ed\",\"vout\":0}] " "{\"data\":" "\"010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930" "31323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061" "6263646566676869707172737475767778798081\"}")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rpc_format_monetary_values) { BOOST_CHECK(ValueFromAmount(Amount::zero()).write() == "0.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK(ValueFromAmount(SATOSHI).write() == "0.00000001"); BOOST_CHECK(ValueFromAmount(17622195 * SATOSHI).write() == "0.17622195"); BOOST_CHECK(ValueFromAmount(50000000 * SATOSHI).write() == "0.50000000"); BOOST_CHECK(ValueFromAmount(89898989 * SATOSHI).write() == "0.89898989"); BOOST_CHECK(ValueFromAmount(100000000 * SATOSHI).write() == "1.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK(ValueFromAmount(int64_t(2099999999999990) * SATOSHI).write() == "20999999.99999990"); BOOST_CHECK(ValueFromAmount(int64_t(2099999999999999) * SATOSHI).write() == "20999999.99999999"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(Amount::zero()).write(), "0.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(123456789 * (COIN / 10000)).write(), "12345.67890000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(-1 * COIN).write(), "-1.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(-1 * COIN / 10).write(), "-0.10000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(100000000 * COIN).write(), "100000000.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(10000000 * COIN).write(), "10000000.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(1000000 * COIN).write(), "1000000.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(100000 * COIN).write(), "100000.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(10000 * COIN).write(), "10000.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(1000 * COIN).write(), "1000.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(100 * COIN).write(), "100.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(10 * COIN).write(), "10.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(COIN).write(), "1.00000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(COIN / 10).write(), "0.10000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(COIN / 100).write(), "0.01000000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(COIN / 1000).write(), "0.00100000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(COIN / 10000).write(), "0.00010000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(COIN / 100000).write(), "0.00001000"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(COIN / 1000000).write(), "0.00000100"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(COIN / 10000000).write(), "0.00000010"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ValueFromAmount(COIN / 100000000).write(), "0.00000001"); } static UniValue ValueFromString(const std::string &str) { UniValue value; BOOST_CHECK(value.setNumStr(str)); return value; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rpc_parse_monetary_values) { BOOST_CHECK_THROW(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("-0.00000001")), UniValue); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0")), Amount::zero()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.00000000")), Amount::zero()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.00000001")), SATOSHI); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.17622195")), 17622195 * SATOSHI); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.5")), 50000000 * SATOSHI); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.50000000")), 50000000 * SATOSHI); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.89898989")), 89898989 * SATOSHI); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("1.00000000")), 100000000 * SATOSHI); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("20999999.9999999")), int64_t(2099999999999990) * SATOSHI); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("20999999.99999999")), int64_t(2099999999999999) * SATOSHI); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("1e-8")), COIN / 100000000); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.1e-7")), COIN / 100000000); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.01e-6")), COIN / 100000000); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString( "0." "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" "000000000000000000000001e+68")), COIN / 100000000); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("10000000000000000000000000000000000000" "000000000000000000000000000e-64")), COIN); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( AmountFromValue(ValueFromString( "0." "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100" "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e64")), COIN); // should fail BOOST_CHECK_THROW(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("1e-9")), UniValue); // should fail BOOST_CHECK_THROW(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.000000019")), UniValue); // should pass, cut trailing 0 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.00000001000000")), SATOSHI); // should fail BOOST_CHECK_THROW(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("19e-9")), UniValue); // should pass, leading 0 is present BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("0.19e-6")), 19 * SATOSHI); // overflow error BOOST_CHECK_THROW(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("92233720368.54775808")), UniValue); // overflow error BOOST_CHECK_THROW(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("1e+11")), UniValue); // overflow error signless BOOST_CHECK_THROW(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("1e11")), UniValue); // overflow error BOOST_CHECK_THROW(AmountFromValue(ValueFromString("93e+9")), UniValue); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(json_parse_errors) { // Valid BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ParseNonRFCJSONValue("1.0").get_real(), 1.0); // Valid, with leading or trailing whitespace BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ParseNonRFCJSONValue(" 1.0").get_real(), 1.0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ParseNonRFCJSONValue("1.0 ").get_real(), 1.0); // should fail, missing leading 0, therefore invalid JSON BOOST_CHECK_THROW(AmountFromValue(ParseNonRFCJSONValue(".19e-6")), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(AmountFromValue(ParseNonRFCJSONValue( "0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001e+30 ")), SATOSHI); // Invalid, initial garbage BOOST_CHECK_THROW(ParseNonRFCJSONValue("[1.0"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(ParseNonRFCJSONValue("a1.0"), std::runtime_error); // Invalid, trailing garbage BOOST_CHECK_THROW(ParseNonRFCJSONValue("1.0sds"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(ParseNonRFCJSONValue("1.0]"), std::runtime_error); // BCH addresses should fail parsing BOOST_CHECK_THROW( ParseNonRFCJSONValue("175tWpb8K1S7NmH4Zx6rewF9WQrcZv245W"), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(ParseNonRFCJSONValue("3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNL"), std::runtime_error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rpc_ban) { BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC(std::string("clearbanned"))); UniValue r; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("setban add"))); // portnumber for setban not allowed BOOST_CHECK_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("setban")), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("listbanned"))); UniValue ar = r.get_array(); UniValue o1 = ar[0].get_obj(); UniValue adr = find_value(o1, "address"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(adr.get_str(), ""); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC(std::string("setban remove"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("listbanned"))); ar = r.get_array(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ar.size(), 0UL); // Set ban way in the future: 2283-12-18 19:33:20 BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( r = CallRPC(std::string("setban add 9907731200 true"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("listbanned"))); ar = r.get_array(); o1 = ar[0].get_obj(); adr = find_value(o1, "address"); UniValue banned_until = find_value(o1, "banned_until"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(adr.get_str(), ""); // absolute time check BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(banned_until.get_int64(), 9907731200); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC(std::string("clearbanned"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( r = CallRPC(std::string("setban add 200"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("listbanned"))); ar = r.get_array(); o1 = ar[0].get_obj(); adr = find_value(o1, "address"); banned_until = find_value(o1, "banned_until"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(adr.get_str(), ""); int64_t now = GetTime(); BOOST_CHECK(banned_until.get_int64() > now); BOOST_CHECK(banned_until.get_int64() - now <= 200); // must throw an exception because is in already banned subnet // range BOOST_CHECK_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("setban add")), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC(std::string("setban remove"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("listbanned"))); ar = r.get_array(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ar.size(), 0UL); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( r = CallRPC(std::string("setban add"))); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("setban add")), std::runtime_error); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC(std::string("clearbanned"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("listbanned"))); ar = r.get_array(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ar.size(), 0UL); // invalid IP BOOST_CHECK_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("setban test add")), std::runtime_error); // IPv6 tests BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( r = CallRPC( std::string("setban FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329 add"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("listbanned"))); ar = r.get_array(); o1 = ar[0].get_obj(); adr = find_value(o1, "address"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(adr.get_str(), "fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:8329/128"); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC(std::string("clearbanned"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string( "setban 2001:db8::/ffff:fffc:0:0:0:0:0:0 add"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("listbanned"))); ar = r.get_array(); o1 = ar[0].get_obj(); adr = find_value(o1, "address"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(adr.get_str(), "2001:db8::/30"); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC(std::string("clearbanned"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( r = CallRPC(std::string( "setban 2001:4d48:ac57:400:cacf:e9ff:fe1d:9c63/128 add"))); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC(std::string("listbanned"))); ar = r.get_array(); o1 = ar[0].get_obj(); adr = find_value(o1, "address"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(adr.get_str(), "2001:4d48:ac57:400:cacf:e9ff:fe1d:9c63/128"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rpc_convert_values_generatetoaddress) { UniValue result; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(result = RPCConvertValues( "generatetoaddress", {"101", "mkESjLZW66TmHhiFX8MCaBjrhZ543PPh9a"})); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[0].get_int(), 101); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[1].get_str(), "mkESjLZW66TmHhiFX8MCaBjrhZ543PPh9a"); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(result = RPCConvertValues( "generatetoaddress", {"101", "mhMbmE2tE9xzJYCV9aNC8jKWN31vtGrguU"})); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[0].get_int(), 101); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[1].get_str(), "mhMbmE2tE9xzJYCV9aNC8jKWN31vtGrguU"); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(result = RPCConvertValues( "generatetoaddress", {"1", "mkESjLZW66TmHhiFX8MCaBjrhZ543PPh9a", "9"})); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[0].get_int(), 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[1].get_str(), "mkESjLZW66TmHhiFX8MCaBjrhZ543PPh9a"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[2].get_int(), 9); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(result = RPCConvertValues( "generatetoaddress", {"1", "mhMbmE2tE9xzJYCV9aNC8jKWN31vtGrguU", "9"})); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[0].get_int(), 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[1].get_str(), "mhMbmE2tE9xzJYCV9aNC8jKWN31vtGrguU"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[2].get_int(), 9); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() diff --git a/src/wallet/test/coinselector_tests.cpp b/src/wallet/test/coinselector_tests.cpp index 630e51cd7..cd361ecd8 100644 --- a/src/wallet/test/coinselector_tests.cpp +++ b/src/wallet/test/coinselector_tests.cpp @@ -1,778 +1,779 @@ // Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include // For Params #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(coinselector_tests, WalletTestingSetup) // how many times to run all the tests to have a chance to catch errors that // only show up with particular random shuffles #define RUN_TESTS 100 // some tests fail 1% of the time due to bad luck. // we repeat those tests this many times and only complain if all iterations of // the test fail #define RANDOM_REPEATS 5 std::vector> wtxn; typedef std::set CoinSet; static std::vector vCoins; static NodeContext testNode; -static auto testChain = interfaces::MakeChain(testNode); static Amount balance = Amount::zero(); CoinEligibilityFilter filter_standard(1, 6, 0); CoinEligibilityFilter filter_confirmed(1, 1, 0); CoinEligibilityFilter filter_standard_extra(6, 6, 0); CoinSelectionParams coin_selection_params(false, 0, 0, CFeeRate(Amount::zero()), 0); static void add_coin(const Amount nValue, int nInput, std::vector &set) { CMutableTransaction tx; tx.vout.resize(nInput + 1); tx.vout[nInput].nValue = nValue; set.emplace_back(MakeTransactionRef(tx), nInput); } static void add_coin(const Amount nValue, int nInput, CoinSet &set) { CMutableTransaction tx; tx.vout.resize(nInput + 1); tx.vout[nInput].nValue = nValue; set.emplace(MakeTransactionRef(tx), nInput); } static void add_coin(CWallet &wallet, const Amount nValue, int nAge = 6 * 24, bool fIsFromMe = false, int nInput = 0) { balance += nValue; static int nextLockTime = 0; CMutableTransaction tx; // so all transactions get different hashes tx.nLockTime = nextLockTime++; tx.vout.resize(nInput + 1); tx.vout[nInput].nValue = nValue; if (fIsFromMe) { // IsFromMe() returns (GetDebit() > 0), and GetDebit() is 0 if // vin.empty(), so stop vin being empty, and cache a non-zero Debit to // fake out IsFromMe() tx.vin.resize(1); } auto wtx = std::make_unique(&wallet, MakeTransactionRef(std::move(tx))); if (fIsFromMe) { wtx->m_amounts[CWalletTx::DEBIT].Set(ISMINE_SPENDABLE, SATOSHI); } COutput output(wtx.get(), nInput, nAge, true /* spendable */, true /* solvable */, true /* safe */); vCoins.push_back(output); wallet.AddToWallet(*wtx.get()); wtxn.emplace_back(std::move(wtx)); } static void empty_wallet() { vCoins.clear(); wtxn.clear(); balance = Amount::zero(); } static bool equal_sets(CoinSet a, CoinSet b) { std::pair ret = mismatch(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin()); return ret.first == a.end() && ret.second == b.end(); } static Amount make_hard_case(int utxos, std::vector &utxo_pool) { utxo_pool.clear(); Amount target = Amount::zero(); for (int i = 0; i < utxos; ++i) { const Amount base = (int64_t(1) << (utxos + i)) * SATOSHI; target += base; add_coin(base, 2 * i, utxo_pool); add_coin(base + (int64_t(1) << (utxos - 1 - i)) * SATOSHI, 2 * i + 1, utxo_pool); } return target; } inline std::vector & GroupCoins(const std::vector &coins) { static std::vector static_groups; static_groups.clear(); for (auto &coin : coins) { static_groups.emplace_back(coin, 0, true, 0, 0); } return static_groups; } inline std::vector &GroupCoins(const std::vector &coins) { static std::vector static_groups; static_groups.clear(); for (auto &coin : coins) { // HACK: we can't figure out the is_me flag so we use the conditions // defined below; perhaps set safe to false for !fIsFromMe in add_coin() const bool is_me = coin.tx->m_amounts[CWalletTx::DEBIT].m_cached[ISMINE_SPENDABLE] && coin.tx->m_amounts[CWalletTx::DEBIT].m_value[ISMINE_SPENDABLE] == SATOSHI; static_groups.emplace_back(coin.GetInputCoin(), coin.nDepth, is_me, 0, 0); } return static_groups; } // Branch and bound coin selection tests BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(bnb_search_test) { LOCK(m_wallet.cs_wallet); // Setup std::vector utxo_pool; CoinSet selection; CoinSet actual_selection; Amount value_ret = Amount::zero(); Amount not_input_fees = Amount::zero(); ///////////////////////// // Known Outcome tests // ///////////////////////// // Empty utxo pool BOOST_CHECK(!SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), 1 * CENT, CENT / 2, selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); selection.clear(); // Add utxos add_coin(1 * CENT, 1, utxo_pool); add_coin(2 * CENT, 2, utxo_pool); add_coin(3 * CENT, 3, utxo_pool); add_coin(4 * CENT, 4, utxo_pool); // Select 1 Cent add_coin(1 * CENT, 1, actual_selection); BOOST_CHECK(SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), 1 * CENT, CENT / 2, selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); BOOST_CHECK(equal_sets(selection, actual_selection)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_ret, 1 * CENT); actual_selection.clear(); selection.clear(); // Select 2 Cent add_coin(2 * CENT, 2, actual_selection); BOOST_CHECK(SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), 2 * CENT, CENT / 2, selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); BOOST_CHECK(equal_sets(selection, actual_selection)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_ret, 2 * CENT); actual_selection.clear(); selection.clear(); // Select 5 Cent add_coin(3 * CENT, 3, actual_selection); add_coin(2 * CENT, 2, actual_selection); BOOST_CHECK(SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), 5 * CENT, CENT / 2, selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); BOOST_CHECK(equal_sets(selection, actual_selection)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_ret, 5 * CENT); actual_selection.clear(); selection.clear(); // Select 11 Cent, not possible BOOST_CHECK(!SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), 11 * CENT, CENT / 2, selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); actual_selection.clear(); selection.clear(); // Select 10 Cent add_coin(5 * CENT, 5, utxo_pool); add_coin(4 * CENT, 4, actual_selection); add_coin(3 * CENT, 3, actual_selection); add_coin(2 * CENT, 2, actual_selection); add_coin(1 * CENT, 1, actual_selection); BOOST_CHECK(SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), 10 * CENT, CENT / 2, selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); BOOST_CHECK(equal_sets(selection, actual_selection)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_ret, 10 * CENT); actual_selection.clear(); selection.clear(); // Negative effective value // Select 10 Cent but have 1 Cent not be possible because too small add_coin(5 * CENT, 5, actual_selection); add_coin(3 * CENT, 3, actual_selection); add_coin(2 * CENT, 2, actual_selection); BOOST_CHECK(SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), 10 * CENT, 5000 * SATOSHI, selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_ret, 10 * CENT); // FIXME: this test is redundant with the above, because 1 Cent is selected, // not "too small" BOOST_CHECK(equal_sets(selection, actual_selection)); // Select 0.25 Cent, not possible BOOST_CHECK(!SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), CENT / 4, CENT / 2, selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); actual_selection.clear(); selection.clear(); // Iteration exhaustion test Amount target = make_hard_case(17, utxo_pool); // Should exhaust BOOST_CHECK(!SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), target, Amount::zero(), selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); target = make_hard_case(14, utxo_pool); // Should not exhaust BOOST_CHECK(SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), target, Amount::zero(), selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); // Test same value early bailout optimization utxo_pool.clear(); add_coin(7 * CENT, 7, actual_selection); add_coin(7 * CENT, 7, actual_selection); add_coin(7 * CENT, 7, actual_selection); add_coin(7 * CENT, 7, actual_selection); add_coin(2 * CENT, 7, actual_selection); add_coin(7 * CENT, 7, utxo_pool); add_coin(7 * CENT, 7, utxo_pool); add_coin(7 * CENT, 7, utxo_pool); add_coin(7 * CENT, 7, utxo_pool); add_coin(2 * CENT, 7, utxo_pool); for (int i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) { add_coin(5 * CENT, 7, utxo_pool); } BOOST_CHECK(SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), 30 * CENT, 5000 * SATOSHI, selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_ret, 30 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK(equal_sets(selection, actual_selection)); //////////////////// // Behavior tests // //////////////////// // Select 1 Cent with pool of only greater than 5 Cent utxo_pool.clear(); for (int i = 5; i <= 20; ++i) { add_coin(i * CENT, i, utxo_pool); } // Run 100 times, to make sure it is never finding a solution for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK(!SelectCoinsBnB(GroupCoins(utxo_pool), 1 * CENT, 2 * CENT, selection, value_ret, not_input_fees)); } // Make sure that effective value is working in SelectCoinsMinConf when BnB // is used CoinSelectionParams coin_selection_params_bnb(true, 0, 0, CFeeRate(3000 * SATOSHI), 0); CoinSet setCoinsRet; Amount nValueRet; bool bnb_used; empty_wallet(); add_coin(m_wallet, SATOSHI); // Make sure that it has a negative effective value. The next check should // assert if this somehow got through. Otherwise it will fail vCoins.at(0).nInputBytes = 40; BOOST_CHECK(!m_wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1 * CENT, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params_bnb, bnb_used)); // Make sure that we aren't using BnB when there are preset inputs empty_wallet(); add_coin(m_wallet, 5 * CENT); add_coin(m_wallet, 3 * CENT); add_coin(m_wallet, 2 * CENT); CCoinControl coin_control; coin_control.fAllowOtherInputs = true; coin_control.Select(COutPoint(vCoins.at(0).tx->GetId(), vCoins.at(0).i)); BOOST_CHECK(m_wallet.SelectCoins(vCoins, 10 * CENT, setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_control, coin_selection_params_bnb, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK(!bnb_used); BOOST_CHECK(!coin_selection_params_bnb.use_bnb); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(knapsack_solver_test) { + auto testChain = interfaces::MakeChain(testNode, Params()); CWallet testWallet(Params(), testChain.get(), WalletLocation(), WalletDatabase::CreateDummy()); CoinSet setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2; Amount nValueRet; bool bnb_used; LOCK(testWallet.cs_wallet); // test multiple times to allow for differences in the shuffle order for (int i = 0; i < RUN_TESTS; i++) { empty_wallet(); // with an empty wallet we can't even pay one cent BOOST_CHECK(!testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1 * CENT, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // add a new 1 cent coin add_coin(testWallet, 1 * CENT, 4); // with a new 1 cent coin, we still can't find a mature 1 cent BOOST_CHECK(!testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1 * CENT, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // but we can find a new 1 cent BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1 * CENT); // add a mature 2 cent coin add_coin(testWallet, 2 * CENT); // we can't make 3 cents of mature coins BOOST_CHECK(!testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 3 * CENT, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we can make 3 cents of new coins BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 3 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 3 * CENT); // add a mature 5 cent coin, add_coin(testWallet, 5 * CENT); // a new 10 cent coin sent from one of our own addresses add_coin(testWallet, 10 * CENT, 3, true); // and a mature 20 cent coin add_coin(testWallet, 20 * CENT); // now we have new: 1+10=11 (of which 10 was self-sent), and mature: // 2+5+20=27. total = 38 // we can't make 38 cents only if we disallow new coins: BOOST_CHECK(!testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 38 * CENT, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we can't even make 37 cents if we don't allow new coins even if // they're from us BOOST_CHECK(!testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 38 * CENT, filter_standard_extra, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // but we can make 37 cents if we accept new coins from ourself BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 37 * CENT, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 37 * CENT); // and we can make 38 cents if we accept all new coins BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 38 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 38 * CENT); // try making 34 cents from 1,2,5,10,20 - we can't do it exactly BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 34 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // but 35 cents is closest BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 35 * CENT); // the best should be 20+10+5. it's incredibly unlikely the 1 or 2 got // included (but possible) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U); // when we try making 7 cents, the smaller coins (1,2,5) are enough. We // should see just 2+5 BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 7 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 7 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); // when we try making 8 cents, the smaller coins (1,2,5) are exactly // enough. BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 8 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK(nValueRet == 8 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U); // when we try making 9 cents, no subset of smaller coins is enough, and // we get the next bigger coin (10) BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 9 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 10 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // now clear out the wallet and start again to test choosing between // subsets of smaller coins and the next biggest coin empty_wallet(); add_coin(testWallet, 6 * CENT); add_coin(testWallet, 7 * CENT); add_coin(testWallet, 8 * CENT); add_coin(testWallet, 20 * CENT); // now we have 6+7+8+20+30 = 71 cents total add_coin(testWallet, 30 * CENT); // check that we have 71 and not 72 BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 71 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK(!testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 72 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // now try making 16 cents. the best smaller coins can do is 6+7+8 = // 21; not as good at the next biggest coin, 20 BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 16 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we should get 20 in one coin BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 20 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // now we have 5+6+7+8+20+30 = 75 cents total add_coin(testWallet, 5 * CENT); // now if we try making 16 cents again, the smaller coins can make 5+6+7 // = 18 cents, better than the next biggest coin, 20 BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 16 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we should get 18 in 3 coins BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 18 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U); // now we have 5+6+7+8+18+20+30 add_coin(testWallet, 18 * CENT); // and now if we try making 16 cents again, the smaller coins can make // 5+6+7 = 18 cents, the same as the next biggest coin, 18 BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 16 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we should get 18 in 1 coin BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 18 * CENT); // because in the event of a tie, the biggest coin wins BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // now try making 11 cents. we should get 5+6 BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 11 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 11 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); // check that the smallest bigger coin is used add_coin(testWallet, 1 * COIN); add_coin(testWallet, 2 * COIN); add_coin(testWallet, 3 * COIN); // now we have 5+6+7+8+18+20+30+100+200+300+400 = 1094 cents add_coin(testWallet, 4 * COIN); BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 95 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we should get 1 BCH in 1 coin BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1 * COIN); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 195 * CENT, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we should get 2 BCH in 1 coin BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 2 * COIN); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // empty the wallet and start again, now with fractions of a cent, to // test small change avoidance empty_wallet(); add_coin(testWallet, 1 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 2 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 3 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 4 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 5 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); // try making 1 * MIN_CHANGE from the 1.5 * MIN_CHANGE // we'll get change smaller than MIN_CHANGE whatever happens, so can // expect MIN_CHANGE exactly BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( MIN_CHANGE, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, MIN_CHANGE); // but if we add a bigger coin, small change is avoided add_coin(testWallet, 1111 * MIN_CHANGE); // try making 1 from 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.4 + 0.5 + 1111 = 1112.5 BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1 * MIN_CHANGE, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we should get the exact amount BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1 * MIN_CHANGE); // if we add more small coins: add_coin(testWallet, 6 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 7 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); // and try again to make 1.0 * MIN_CHANGE BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1 * MIN_CHANGE, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we should get the exact amount BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1 * MIN_CHANGE); // run the 'mtgox' test (see // http://blockexplorer.com/tx/29a3efd3ef04f9153d47a990bd7b048a4b2d213daaa5fb8ed670fb85f13bdbcf) // they tried to consolidate 10 50k coins into one 500k coin, and ended // up with 50k in change empty_wallet(); for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { add_coin(testWallet, 50000 * COIN); } BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 500000 * COIN, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we should get the exact amount BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 500000 * COIN); // in ten coins BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 10U); // if there's not enough in the smaller coins to make at least 1 * // MIN_CHANGE change (0.5+0.6+0.7 < 1.0+1.0), we need to try finding an // exact subset anyway // sometimes it will fail, and so we use the next biggest coin: empty_wallet(); add_coin(testWallet, 5 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 6 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 7 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 1111 * MIN_CHANGE); BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1 * MIN_CHANGE, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we get the bigger coin BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1111 * MIN_CHANGE); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // but sometimes it's possible, and we use an exact subset (0.4 + 0.6 = // 1.0) empty_wallet(); add_coin(testWallet, 4 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 6 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 8 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(testWallet, 1111 * MIN_CHANGE); BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( MIN_CHANGE, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we should get the exact amount BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, MIN_CHANGE); // in two coins 0.4+0.6 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); // test avoiding small change empty_wallet(); add_coin(testWallet, 5 * MIN_CHANGE / 100); add_coin(testWallet, 1 * MIN_CHANGE); add_coin(testWallet, 100 * MIN_CHANGE); // trying to make 100.01 from these three coins BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 10001 * MIN_CHANGE / 100, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); // we should get all coins BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 10105 * MIN_CHANGE / 100); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U); // but if we try to make 99.9, we should take the bigger of the two // small coins to avoid small change BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 9990 * MIN_CHANGE / 100, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 101 * MIN_CHANGE); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); } // test with many inputs for (Amount amt = 1500 * SATOSHI; amt < COIN; amt = 10 * amt) { empty_wallet(); // Create 676 inputs (= (old MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIZE == 100000) / 148 // bytes per input) for (uint16_t j = 0; j < 676; j++) { add_coin(testWallet, amt); } // We only create the wallet once to save time, but we still run the // coin selection RUN_TESTS times. for (int i = 0; i < RUN_TESTS; i++) { BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 2000 * SATOSHI, filter_confirmed, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); if (amt - 2000 * SATOSHI < MIN_CHANGE) { // needs more than one input: uint16_t returnSize = std::ceil( (2000.0 + (MIN_CHANGE / SATOSHI)) / (amt / SATOSHI)); Amount returnValue = returnSize * amt; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, returnValue); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), returnSize); } else { // one input is sufficient: BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, amt); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); } } } // test randomness { empty_wallet(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 100; i2++) { add_coin(testWallet, COIN); } // Again, we only create the wallet once to save time, but we still run // the coin selection RUN_TESTS times. for (int i = 0; i < RUN_TESTS; i++) { // picking 50 from 100 coins doesn't depend on the shuffle, but does // depend on randomness in the stochastic approximation code BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 50 * COIN, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 50 * COIN, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet2, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK(!equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2)); int fails = 0; for (int j = 0; j < RANDOM_REPEATS; j++) { // selecting 1 from 100 identical coins depends on the shuffle; // this test will fail 1% of the time run the test // RANDOM_REPEATS times and only complain if all of them fail BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( COIN, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( COIN, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet2, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); if (equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2)) { fails++; } } BOOST_CHECK_NE(fails, RANDOM_REPEATS); } // add 75 cents in small change. not enough to make 90 cents, then // try making 90 cents. there are multiple competing "smallest // bigger" coins, one of which should be picked at random add_coin(testWallet, 5 * CENT); add_coin(testWallet, 10 * CENT); add_coin(testWallet, 15 * CENT); add_coin(testWallet, 20 * CENT); add_coin(testWallet, 25 * CENT); for (int i = 0; i < RUN_TESTS; i++) { int fails = 0; for (int j = 0; j < RANDOM_REPEATS; j++) { // selecting 1 from 100 identical coins depends on the shuffle; // this test will fail 1% of the time run the test // RANDOM_REPEATS times and only complain if all of them fail BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 90 * CENT, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 90 * CENT, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet2, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); if (equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2)) { fails++; } } BOOST_CHECK_NE(fails, RANDOM_REPEATS); } } empty_wallet(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ApproximateBestSubset) { CoinSet setCoinsRet; Amount nValueRet; bool bnb_used; LOCK(m_wallet.cs_wallet); empty_wallet(); // Test vValue sort order for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { add_coin(m_wallet, 1000 * COIN); } add_coin(m_wallet, 3 * COIN); BOOST_CHECK(m_wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1003 * COIN, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), setCoinsRet, nValueRet, coin_selection_params, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1003 * COIN); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); empty_wallet(); } // Tests that with the ideal conditions, the coin selector will always be able // to find a solution that can pay the target value BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(SelectCoins_test) { + auto testChain = interfaces::MakeChain(testNode, Params()); CWallet testWallet(Params(), testChain.get(), WalletLocation(), WalletDatabase::CreateDummy()); // Random generator stuff std::default_random_engine generator; std::exponential_distribution distribution(100); FastRandomContext rand; // Run this test 100 times for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { empty_wallet(); // Make a wallet with 1000 exponentially distributed random inputs for (int j = 0; j < 1000; ++j) { add_coin(testWallet, int64_t(10000000 * distribution(generator)) * SATOSHI); } // Generate a random fee rate in the range of 100 - 400 CFeeRate rate(int64_t(rand.randrange(300) + 100) * SATOSHI); // Generate a random target value between 1000 and wallet balance Amount target = int64_t(rand.randrange(balance / SATOSHI - 1000) + 1000) * SATOSHI; // Perform selection CoinSelectionParams coin_selection_params_knapsack( false, 34, 148, CFeeRate(Amount::zero()), 0); CoinSelectionParams coin_selection_params_bnb( true, 34, 148, CFeeRate(Amount::zero()), 0); CoinSet out_set; Amount out_value = Amount::zero(); bool bnb_used = false; BOOST_CHECK(testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( target, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), out_set, out_value, coin_selection_params_bnb, bnb_used) || testWallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( target, filter_standard, GroupCoins(vCoins), out_set, out_value, coin_selection_params_knapsack, bnb_used)); BOOST_CHECK_GE(out_value, target); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() diff --git a/src/wallet/test/init_test_fixture.cpp b/src/wallet/test/init_test_fixture.cpp index a5a7fae63..90eb49bc9 100644 --- a/src/wallet/test/init_test_fixture.cpp +++ b/src/wallet/test/init_test_fixture.cpp @@ -1,44 +1,46 @@ // Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include +#include #include #include InitWalletDirTestingSetup::InitWalletDirTestingSetup( const std::string &chainName) : BasicTestingSetup(chainName) { + m_chain = interfaces::MakeChain(m_node, Params()); m_chain_client = MakeWalletClient(*m_chain, {}); std::string sep; sep += fs::path::preferred_separator; m_datadir = GetDataDir(); m_cwd = fs::current_path(); m_walletdir_path_cases["default"] = m_datadir / "wallets"; m_walletdir_path_cases["custom"] = m_datadir / "my_wallets"; m_walletdir_path_cases["nonexistent"] = m_datadir / "path_does_not_exist"; m_walletdir_path_cases["file"] = m_datadir / "not_a_directory.dat"; m_walletdir_path_cases["trailing"] = m_datadir / "wallets" / sep; m_walletdir_path_cases["trailing2"] = m_datadir / "wallets" / sep / sep; fs::current_path(m_datadir); m_walletdir_path_cases["relative"] = "wallets"; fs::create_directories(m_walletdir_path_cases["default"]); fs::create_directories(m_walletdir_path_cases["custom"]); fs::create_directories(m_walletdir_path_cases["relative"]); std::ofstream f(m_walletdir_path_cases["file"].BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR); f.close(); } InitWalletDirTestingSetup::~InitWalletDirTestingSetup() { fs::current_path(m_cwd); } void InitWalletDirTestingSetup::SetWalletDir(const fs::path &walletdir_path) { gArgs.ForceSetArg("-walletdir", walletdir_path.string()); } diff --git a/src/wallet/test/init_test_fixture.h b/src/wallet/test/init_test_fixture.h index 78efd492e..938a50e13 100644 --- a/src/wallet/test/init_test_fixture.h +++ b/src/wallet/test/init_test_fixture.h @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ // Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_WALLET_TEST_INIT_TEST_FIXTURE_H #define BITCOIN_WALLET_TEST_INIT_TEST_FIXTURE_H #include #include #include struct InitWalletDirTestingSetup : public BasicTestingSetup { explicit InitWalletDirTestingSetup( const std::string &chainName = CBaseChainParams::MAIN); ~InitWalletDirTestingSetup(); void SetWalletDir(const fs::path &walletdir_path); fs::path m_datadir; fs::path m_cwd; std::map m_walletdir_path_cases; NodeContext m_node; - std::unique_ptr m_chain = interfaces::MakeChain(m_node); + std::unique_ptr m_chain; std::unique_ptr m_chain_client; }; #endif // BITCOIN_WALLET_TEST_INIT_TEST_FIXTURE_H diff --git a/src/wallet/test/ismine_tests.cpp b/src/wallet/test/ismine_tests.cpp index 3307150bd..bb6f88e55 100644 --- a/src/wallet/test/ismine_tests.cpp +++ b/src/wallet/test/ismine_tests.cpp @@ -1,233 +1,234 @@ // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include