diff --git a/src/qt/bitcoin.cpp b/src/qt/bitcoin.cpp index 5801187dcb..f0cee2a651 100644 --- a/src/qt/bitcoin.cpp +++ b/src/qt/bitcoin.cpp @@ -1,780 +1,784 @@ // Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(QT_STATICPLUGIN) #include #if defined(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_XCB) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QXcbIntegrationPlugin); #elif defined(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_WINDOWS) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWindowsIntegrationPlugin); #elif defined(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_COCOA) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QCocoaIntegrationPlugin); #endif #endif #include // Declare meta types used for QMetaObject::invokeMethod Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(bool *) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Amount) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(uint256) // Config is non-copyable so we can only register pointers to it Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Config *) static void InitMessage(const std::string &message) { LogPrintf("init message: %s\n", message); } static QString GetLangTerritory() { QSettings settings; // Get desired locale (e.g. "de_DE") // 1) System default language QString lang_territory = QLocale::system().name(); // 2) Language from QSettings QString lang_territory_qsettings = settings.value("language", "").toString(); if (!lang_territory_qsettings.isEmpty()) { lang_territory = lang_territory_qsettings; } // 3) -lang command line argument lang_territory = QString::fromStdString( gArgs.GetArg("-lang", lang_territory.toStdString())); return lang_territory; } /** Set up translations */ static void initTranslations(QTranslator &qtTranslatorBase, QTranslator &qtTranslator, QTranslator &translatorBase, QTranslator &translator) { // Remove old translators QApplication::removeTranslator(&qtTranslatorBase); QApplication::removeTranslator(&qtTranslator); QApplication::removeTranslator(&translatorBase); QApplication::removeTranslator(&translator); // Get desired locale (e.g. "de_DE") // 1) System default language QString lang_territory = GetLangTerritory(); // Convert to "de" only by truncating "_DE" QString lang = lang_territory; lang.truncate(lang_territory.lastIndexOf('_')); // Load language files for configured locale: // - First load the translator for the base language, without territory // - Then load the more specific locale translator // Load e.g. qt_de.qm if (qtTranslatorBase.load( "qt_" + lang, QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath))) { QApplication::installTranslator(&qtTranslatorBase); } // Load e.g. qt_de_DE.qm if (qtTranslator.load( "qt_" + lang_territory, QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath))) { QApplication::installTranslator(&qtTranslator); } // Load e.g. bitcoin_de.qm (shortcut "de" needs to be defined in // bitcoin.qrc) if (translatorBase.load(lang, ":/translations/")) { QApplication::installTranslator(&translatorBase); } // Load e.g. bitcoin_de_DE.qm (shortcut "de_DE" needs to be defined in // bitcoin.qrc) if (translator.load(lang_territory, ":/translations/")) { QApplication::installTranslator(&translator); } } /* qDebug() message handler --> debug.log */ void DebugMessageHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) { Q_UNUSED(context); if (type == QtDebugMsg) { LogPrint(BCLog::QT, "GUI: %s\n", msg.toStdString()); } else { LogPrintf("GUI: %s\n", msg.toStdString()); } } BitcoinABC::BitcoinABC(interfaces::Node &node) : QObject(), m_node(node) {} void BitcoinABC::handleRunawayException(const std::exception *e) { PrintExceptionContinue(e, "Runaway exception"); Q_EMIT runawayException(QString::fromStdString(m_node.getWarnings("gui"))); } void BitcoinABC::initialize(Config *config, RPCServer *rpcServer, HTTPRPCRequestProcessor *httpRPCRequestProcessor) { try { qDebug() << __func__ << ": Running initialization in thread"; bool rv = m_node.appInitMain(*config, *rpcServer, *httpRPCRequestProcessor); Q_EMIT initializeResult(rv); } catch (const std::exception &e) { handleRunawayException(&e); } catch (...) { handleRunawayException(nullptr); } } void BitcoinABC::shutdown() { try { qDebug() << __func__ << ": Running Shutdown in thread"; m_node.appShutdown(); qDebug() << __func__ << ": Shutdown finished"; Q_EMIT shutdownResult(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { handleRunawayException(&e); } catch (...) { handleRunawayException(nullptr); } } BitcoinApplication::BitcoinApplication(interfaces::Node &node, int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv), coreThread(0), m_node(node), optionsModel(0), clientModel(0), window(0), pollShutdownTimer(0), #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET paymentServer(0), m_wallet_models(), #endif returnValue(0), platformStyle(0) { setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); } void BitcoinApplication::setupPlatformStyle() { // UI per-platform customization // This must be done inside the BitcoinApplication constructor, or after it, // because PlatformStyle::instantiate requires a QApplication. std::string platformName; platformName = gArgs.GetArg("-uiplatform", BitcoinGUI::DEFAULT_UIPLATFORM); platformStyle = PlatformStyle::instantiate(QString::fromStdString(platformName)); // Fall back to "other" if specified name not found. if (!platformStyle) { platformStyle = PlatformStyle::instantiate("other"); } assert(platformStyle); } BitcoinApplication::~BitcoinApplication() { if (coreThread) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": Stopping thread"; Q_EMIT stopThread(); coreThread->wait(); qDebug() << __func__ << ": Stopped thread"; } delete window; window = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET delete paymentServer; paymentServer = 0; #endif delete optionsModel; optionsModel = 0; delete platformStyle; platformStyle = 0; } #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET void BitcoinApplication::createPaymentServer() { paymentServer = new PaymentServer(this); } #endif void BitcoinApplication::createOptionsModel(bool resetSettings) { optionsModel = new OptionsModel(m_node, nullptr, resetSettings); } void BitcoinApplication::createWindow(const Config *config, const NetworkStyle *networkStyle) { window = new BitcoinGUI(m_node, config, platformStyle, networkStyle, 0); pollShutdownTimer = new QTimer(window); connect(pollShutdownTimer, &QTimer::timeout, window, &BitcoinGUI::detectShutdown); } void BitcoinApplication::createSplashScreen(const NetworkStyle *networkStyle) { SplashScreen *splash = new SplashScreen(m_node, 0, networkStyle); // We don't hold a direct pointer to the splash screen after creation, but // the splash screen will take care of deleting itself when slotFinish // happens. splash->show(); connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::splashFinished, splash, &SplashScreen::slotFinish); connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::requestedShutdown, splash, &QWidget::close); } bool BitcoinApplication::baseInitialize(Config &config) { return m_node.baseInitialize(config); } void BitcoinApplication::startThread() { if (coreThread) { return; } coreThread = new QThread(this); BitcoinABC *executor = new BitcoinABC(m_node); executor->moveToThread(coreThread); /* communication to and from thread */ connect(executor, &BitcoinABC::initializeResult, this, &BitcoinApplication::initializeResult); connect(executor, &BitcoinABC::shutdownResult, this, &BitcoinApplication::shutdownResult); connect(executor, &BitcoinABC::runawayException, this, &BitcoinApplication::handleRunawayException); // Note on how Qt works: it tries to directly invoke methods if the signal // is emitted on the same thread that the target object 'lives' on. // But if the target object 'lives' on another thread (executor here does) // the SLOT will be invoked asynchronously at a later time in the thread // of the target object. So.. we pass a pointer around. If you pass // a reference around (even if it's non-const) you'll get Qt generating // code to copy-construct the parameter in question (Q_DECLARE_METATYPE // and qRegisterMetaType generate this code). For the Config class, // which is noncopyable, we can't do this. So.. we have to pass // pointers to Config around. Make sure Config &/Config * isn't a // temporary (eg it lives somewhere aside from the stack) or this will // crash because initialize() gets executed in another thread at some // unspecified time (after) requestedInitialize() is emitted! connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::requestedInitialize, executor, &BitcoinABC::initialize); connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::requestedShutdown, executor, &BitcoinABC::shutdown); /* make sure executor object is deleted in its own thread */ connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::stopThread, executor, &QObject::deleteLater); connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::stopThread, coreThread, &QThread::quit); coreThread->start(); } void BitcoinApplication::parameterSetup() { + // Default printtoconsole to false for the GUI. GUI programs should not + // print to the console unnecessarily. + gArgs.SoftSetBoolArg("-printtoconsole", false); + m_node.initLogging(); m_node.initParameterInteraction(); } void BitcoinApplication::requestInitialize( Config &config, RPCServer &rpcServer, HTTPRPCRequestProcessor &httpRPCRequestProcessor) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": Requesting initialize"; startThread(); // IMPORTANT: config must NOT be a reference to a temporary because below // signal may be connected to a slot that will be executed as a queued // connection in another thread! Q_EMIT requestedInitialize(&config, &rpcServer, &httpRPCRequestProcessor); } void BitcoinApplication::requestShutdown(Config &config) { // Show a simple window indicating shutdown status. Do this first as some of // the steps may take some time below, for example the RPC console may still // be executing a command. shutdownWindow.reset(ShutdownWindow::showShutdownWindow(window)); qDebug() << __func__ << ": Requesting shutdown"; startThread(); window->hide(); window->setClientModel(0); pollShutdownTimer->stop(); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET window->removeAllWallets(); for (const WalletModel *walletModel : m_wallet_models) { delete walletModel; } m_wallet_models.clear(); #endif delete clientModel; clientModel = 0; m_node.startShutdown(); // Request shutdown from core thread Q_EMIT requestedShutdown(); } void BitcoinApplication::addWallet(WalletModel *walletModel) { #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET window->addWallet(walletModel); if (m_wallet_models.empty()) { window->setCurrentWallet(walletModel->getWalletName()); } connect(walletModel, &WalletModel::coinsSent, paymentServer, &PaymentServer::fetchPaymentACK); connect(walletModel, &WalletModel::unload, this, &BitcoinApplication::removeWallet); m_wallet_models.push_back(walletModel); #endif } void BitcoinApplication::removeWallet() { #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET WalletModel *walletModel = static_cast(sender()); m_wallet_models.erase( std::find(m_wallet_models.begin(), m_wallet_models.end(), walletModel)); window->removeWallet(walletModel); walletModel->deleteLater(); #endif } void BitcoinApplication::initializeResult(bool success) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": Initialization result: " << success; returnValue = success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; if (!success) { // Make sure splash screen doesn't stick around during shutdown. Q_EMIT splashFinished(window); // Exit first main loop invocation. quit(); return; } // Log this only after AppInitMain finishes, as then logging setup is // guaranteed complete. qWarning() << "Platform customization:" << platformStyle->getName(); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET PaymentServer::LoadRootCAs(); if (paymentServer) { paymentServer->setOptionsModel(optionsModel); } #endif clientModel = new ClientModel(m_node, optionsModel); window->setClientModel(clientModel); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET m_handler_load_wallet = m_node.handleLoadWallet( [this](std::unique_ptr wallet) { WalletModel *wallet_model = new WalletModel(std::move(wallet), m_node, platformStyle, optionsModel, nullptr); // Fix wallet model thread affinity. wallet_model->moveToThread(thread()); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "addWallet", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(WalletModel *, wallet_model)); }); for (auto &wallet : m_node.getWallets()) { addWallet(new WalletModel(std::move(wallet), m_node, platformStyle, optionsModel)); } #endif // If -min option passed, start window minimized. if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-min", false)) { window->showMinimized(); } else { window->show(); } Q_EMIT splashFinished(window); Q_EMIT windowShown(window); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET // Now that initialization/startup is done, process any command-line // bitcoincash: URIs or payment requests: if (paymentServer) { connect(paymentServer, &PaymentServer::receivedPaymentRequest, window, &BitcoinGUI::handlePaymentRequest); connect(window, &BitcoinGUI::receivedURI, paymentServer, &PaymentServer::handleURIOrFile); connect(paymentServer, &PaymentServer::message, [this](const QString &title, const QString &message, unsigned int style) { window->message(title, message, style); }); QTimer::singleShot(100, paymentServer, &PaymentServer::uiReady); } #endif pollShutdownTimer->start(200); } void BitcoinApplication::shutdownResult() { // Exit second main loop invocation after shutdown finished. quit(); } void BitcoinApplication::handleRunawayException(const QString &message) { QMessageBox::critical( 0, "Runaway exception", BitcoinGUI::tr("A fatal error occurred. Bitcoin can no longer continue " "safely and will quit.") + QString("\n\n") + message); ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } WId BitcoinApplication::getMainWinId() const { if (!window) { return 0; } return window->winId(); } static void SetupUIArgs() { #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET gArgs.AddArg("-allowselfsignedrootcertificates", strprintf("Allow self signed root certificates (default: %d)", DEFAULT_SELFSIGNED_ROOTCERTS), true, OptionsCategory::GUI); #endif gArgs.AddArg("-choosedatadir", strprintf("Choose data directory on startup (default: %d)", DEFAULT_CHOOSE_DATADIR), false, OptionsCategory::GUI); gArgs.AddArg("-lang=", "Set language, for example \"de_DE\" (default: system locale)", false, OptionsCategory::GUI); gArgs.AddArg("-min", "Start minimized", false, OptionsCategory::GUI); gArgs.AddArg( "-rootcertificates=", "Set SSL root certificates for payment request (default: -system-)", false, OptionsCategory::GUI); gArgs.AddArg("-splash", strprintf("Show splash screen on startup (default: %d)", DEFAULT_SPLASHSCREEN), false, OptionsCategory::GUI); gArgs.AddArg("-resetguisettings", "Reset all settings changed in the GUI", false, OptionsCategory::GUI); gArgs.AddArg("-uiplatform", strprintf("Select platform to customize UI for (one of " "windows, macosx, other; default: %s)", BitcoinGUI::DEFAULT_UIPLATFORM), true, OptionsCategory::GUI); } #ifndef BITCOIN_QT_TEST static void MigrateSettings() { assert(!QApplication::applicationName().isEmpty()); static const QString legacyAppName("Bitcoin-Qt"), #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN // Macs and/or iOS et al use a domain-style name for Settings // files. All other platforms use a simple orgname. This // difference is documented in the QSettings class documentation. legacyOrg("bitcoin.org"); #else legacyOrg("Bitcoin"); #endif QSettings // below picks up settings file location based on orgname,appname legacy(legacyOrg, legacyAppName), // default c'tor below picks up settings file location based on // QApplication::applicationName(), et al -- which was already set // in main() abc; #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN // Disable bogus OSX keys from MacOS system-wide prefs that may cloud our // judgement ;) (this behavior is also documented in QSettings docs) legacy.setFallbacksEnabled(false); abc.setFallbacksEnabled(false); #endif const QStringList legacyKeys(legacy.allKeys()); // We only migrate settings if we have Core settings but no Bitcoin-ABC // settings if (!legacyKeys.isEmpty() && abc.allKeys().isEmpty()) { for (const QString &key : legacyKeys) { // now, copy settings over abc.setValue(key, legacy.value(key)); } } } int GuiMain(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef WIN32 util::WinCmdLineArgs winArgs; std::tie(argc, argv) = winArgs.get(); #endif SetupEnvironment(); std::unique_ptr node = interfaces::MakeNode(); // Do not refer to data directory yet, this can be overridden by // Intro::pickDataDirectory /// 1. Basic Qt initialization (not dependent on parameters or /// configuration) Q_INIT_RESOURCE(bitcoin); Q_INIT_RESOURCE(bitcoin_locale); BitcoinApplication app(*node, argc, argv); #if QT_VERSION > 0x050100 // Generate high-dpi pixmaps QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps); #endif #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050600 QGuiApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus); #endif // Register meta types used for QMetaObject::invokeMethod qRegisterMetaType(); // Need to pass name here as Amount is a typedef (see // http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qmetatype.html#qRegisterMetaType) // IMPORTANT if it is no longer a typedef use the normal variant above qRegisterMetaType("Amount"); qRegisterMetaType>("std::function"); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET qRegisterMetaType("WalletModel*"); #endif // Need to register any types Qt doesn't know about if you intend // to use them with the signal/slot mechanism Qt provides. Even pointers. // Note that class Config is noncopyable and so we can't register a // non-pointer version of it with Qt, because Qt expects to be able to // copy-construct non-pointers to objects for invoking slots // behind-the-scenes in the 'Queued' connection case. qRegisterMetaType(); /// 2. Parse command-line options. We do this after qt in order to show an /// error if there are problems parsing these // Command-line options take precedence: node->setupServerArgs(); SetupUIArgs(); std::string error; if (!node->parseParameters(argc, argv, error)) { QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr(PACKAGE_NAME), QObject::tr("Error parsing command line arguments: %1.") .arg(QString::fromStdString(error))); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Now that the QApplication is setup and we have parsed our parameters, we // can set the platform style app.setupPlatformStyle(); /// 3. Application identification // must be set before OptionsModel is initialized or translations are // loaded, as it is used to locate QSettings. // Note: If you move these calls somewhere else, be sure to bring // MigrateSettings() below along for the ride. QApplication::setOrganizationName(QAPP_ORG_NAME); QApplication::setOrganizationDomain(QAPP_ORG_DOMAIN); QApplication::setApplicationName(QAPP_APP_NAME_DEFAULT); // Migrate settings from core's/our old GUI settings to Bitcoin ABC // only if core's exist but Bitcoin ABC's doesn't. // NOTE -- this function needs to be called *after* the above 3 lines // that set the app orgname and app name! If you move the above 3 lines // to elsewhere, take this call with you! MigrateSettings(); /// 4. Initialization of translations, so that intro dialog is in user's /// language. Now that QSettings are accessible, initialize translations. QTranslator qtTranslatorBase, qtTranslator, translatorBase, translator; initTranslations(qtTranslatorBase, qtTranslator, translatorBase, translator); // Show help message immediately after parsing command-line options (for // "-lang") and setting locale, but before showing splash screen. if (HelpRequested(gArgs) || gArgs.IsArgSet("-version")) { HelpMessageDialog help(*node, nullptr, gArgs.IsArgSet("-version")); help.showOrPrint(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /// 5. Now that settings and translations are available, ask user for data /// directory. User language is set up: pick a data directory. if (!Intro::pickDataDirectory(*node)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /// 6. Determine availability of data and blocks directory and parse /// bitcoin.conf /// - Do not call GetDataDir(true) before this step finishes. if (!fs::is_directory(GetDataDir(false))) { QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr(PACKAGE_NAME), QObject::tr( "Error: Specified data directory \"%1\" does not exist.") .arg(QString::fromStdString(gArgs.GetArg("-datadir", "")))); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!node->readConfigFiles(error)) { QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr(PACKAGE_NAME), QObject::tr("Error: Cannot parse configuration file: %1.") .arg(QString::fromStdString(error))); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /// 7. Determine network (and switch to network specific options) // - Do not call Params() before this step. // - Do this after parsing the configuration file, as the network can be // switched there. // - QSettings() will use the new application name after this, resulting in // network-specific settings. // - Needs to be done before createOptionsModel. // Check for -testnet or -regtest parameter (Params() calls are only valid // after this clause) try { node->selectParams(gArgs.GetChainName()); } catch (std::exception &e) { QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr(PACKAGE_NAME), QObject::tr("Error: %1").arg(e.what())); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET // Parse URIs on command line -- this can affect Params() PaymentServer::ipcParseCommandLine(*node, argc, argv); #endif QScopedPointer networkStyle(NetworkStyle::instantiate( QString::fromStdString(Params().NetworkIDString()))); assert(!networkStyle.isNull()); // Allow for separate UI settings for testnets QApplication::setApplicationName(networkStyle->getAppName()); // Re-initialize translations after changing application name (language in // network-specific settings can be different) initTranslations(qtTranslatorBase, qtTranslator, translatorBase, translator); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET /// 8. URI IPC sending // - Do this early as we don't want to bother initializing if we are just // calling IPC // - Do this *after* setting up the data directory, as the data directory // hash is used in the name // of the server. // - Do this after creating app and setting up translations, so errors are // translated properly. if (PaymentServer::ipcSendCommandLine()) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } // Start up the payment server early, too, so impatient users that click on // bitcoincash: links repeatedly have their payment requests routed to this // process: app.createPaymentServer(); #endif /// 9. Main GUI initialization // Install global event filter that makes sure that long tooltips can be // word-wrapped. app.installEventFilter( new GUIUtil::ToolTipToRichTextFilter(TOOLTIP_WRAP_THRESHOLD, &app)); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) // Install global event filter for processing Windows session related // Windows messages (WM_QUERYENDSESSION and WM_ENDSESSION) qApp->installNativeEventFilter(new WinShutdownMonitor()); #endif // Install qDebug() message handler to route to debug.log qInstallMessageHandler(DebugMessageHandler); // Allow parameter interaction before we create the options model app.parameterSetup(); // Load GUI settings from QSettings app.createOptionsModel(gArgs.GetBoolArg("-resetguisettings", false)); // Subscribe to global signals from core std::unique_ptr handler = node->handleInitMessage(InitMessage); // Get global config Config &config = const_cast(GetConfig()); if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-splash", DEFAULT_SPLASHSCREEN) && !gArgs.GetBoolArg("-min", false)) { app.createSplashScreen(networkStyle.data()); } RPCServer rpcServer; HTTPRPCRequestProcessor httpRPCRequestProcessor(config, rpcServer); try { app.createWindow(&config, networkStyle.data()); // Perform base initialization before spinning up // initialization/shutdown thread. This is acceptable because this // function only contains steps that are quick to execute, so the GUI // thread won't be held up. if (!app.baseInitialize(config)) { // A dialog with detailed error will have been shown by InitError() return EXIT_FAILURE; } app.requestInitialize(config, rpcServer, httpRPCRequestProcessor); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) WinShutdownMonitor::registerShutdownBlockReason( QObject::tr("%1 didn't yet exit safely...") .arg(QObject::tr(PACKAGE_NAME)), (HWND)app.getMainWinId()); #endif app.exec(); app.requestShutdown(config); app.exec(); return app.getReturnValue(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "Runaway exception"); app.handleRunawayException( QString::fromStdString(node->getWarnings("gui"))); } catch (...) { PrintExceptionContinue(nullptr, "Runaway exception"); app.handleRunawayException( QString::fromStdString(node->getWarnings("gui"))); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif // BITCOIN_QT_TEST