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'BoostDependenciesLinter' => 'GlobalExternalLinter', 'CHeaderLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'CheckDocLinter' => 'GlobalExternalLinter', 'CheckRpcMappingsLinter' => 'GlobalExternalLinter', 'ClangFormatLinter' => 'ArcanistExternalLinter', 'CppVoidParameterLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'ExtendedConfigurationDrivenLintEngine' => 'ArcanistLintEngine', 'FileNameLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'FormatStringLinter' => 'ArcanistExternalLinter', 'GlobalExternalLinter' => array( 'ArcanistExternalLinter', 'ILintOnce', ), 'IncludeGuardLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'IncludeQuotesLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'IncludeSourceLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'LocaleDependenceLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', + 'LogLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'PythonFormatLinter' => 'ArcanistExternalLinter', 'PythonOpenFileEncodingLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'PythonShebangLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'ShellCheckLinter' => 'ArcanistExternalLinter', 'ShellLocaleLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'StdintLinter' => 'ArcanistLinter', 'TestsLinter' => 'ArcanistExternalLinter', ), )); diff --git a/arcanist/linter/LogLinter.php b/arcanist/linter/LogLinter.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f0d97d675 --- /dev/null +++ b/arcanist/linter/LogLinter.php @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ + ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_ERROR, + ); + } + + public function getLintNameMap() { + return array( + self::MISSING_NEWLINE => pht('Missing a newline at the end of the log '. + 'message.'), + ); + } + + public function lintPath($path) { + $absPath = Filesystem::resolvePath($path, $this->getProjectRoot()); + $fileContent = Filesystem::readFile($absPath); + + /* Recursive patterns to match balanced parenthesis and quotes content. */ + $logPrintPattern = '/LogPrintf?(\((?>[^()]|(?1))*\));/'; + $logPrintContentPattern = '/("(?>[^"]|(?1))*")(?:,|\))/U'; + + if (preg_match_all($logPrintPattern, $fileContent, $logPrints, + PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { + foreach ($logPrints[1] as $logPrint) { + /* This is the whole content of the print function. */ + list($logPrintContent, $offsetPrint) = $logPrint; + + if (preg_match_all($logPrintContentPattern, $logPrintContent, + $logPrintMessage, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { + /* This is the full log message, even if split in multiple lines. */ + list($message, $offsetMessage) = $logPrintMessage[1][0]; + + if (!(substr($message, -3) == '\n"')) { + $this->raiseLintAtOffset( + $offsetPrint + $offsetMessage, + self::MISSING_NEWLINE, + pht('If this is deliberate, please use the '. + '`LogPrint*ToBeContinued()` method instead.'), + $message, + null); + } + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/dbwrapper.cpp b/src/dbwrapper.cpp index 32b7f460bb..1ee9eadb24 100644 --- a/src/dbwrapper.cpp +++ b/src/dbwrapper.cpp @@ -1,269 +1,269 @@ // Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class CBitcoinLevelDBLogger : public leveldb::Logger { public: // This code is adapted from posix_logger.h, which is why it is using // vsprintf. // Please do not do this in normal code void Logv(const char *format, va_list ap) override { if (!LogAcceptCategory(BCLog::LEVELDB)) { return; } char buffer[500]; for (int iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++) { char *base; int bufsize; if (iter == 0) { bufsize = sizeof(buffer); base = buffer; } else { bufsize = 30000; base = new char[bufsize]; } char *p = base; char *limit = base + bufsize; // Print the message if (p < limit) { va_list backup_ap; va_copy(backup_ap, ap); // Do not use vsnprintf elsewhere in bitcoin source code, see // above. p += vsnprintf(p, limit - p, format, backup_ap); va_end(backup_ap); } // Truncate to available space if necessary if (p >= limit) { if (iter == 0) { continue; // Try again with larger buffer } else { p = limit - 1; } } // Add newline if necessary if (p == base || p[-1] != '\n') { *p++ = '\n'; } assert(p <= limit); base[std::min(bufsize - 1, (int)(p - base))] = '\0'; - LogPrintf("leveldb: %s", base); + LogPrintfToBeContinued("leveldb: %s", base); if (base != buffer) { delete[] base; } break; } } }; static void SetMaxOpenFiles(leveldb::Options *options) { // On most platforms the default setting of max_open_files (which is 1000) // is optimal. On Windows using a large file count is OK because the handles // do not interfere with select() loops. On 64-bit Unix hosts this value is // also OK, because up to that amount LevelDB will use an mmap // implementation that does not use extra file descriptors (the fds are // closed after being mmaped). // // Increasing the value beyond the default is dangerous because LevelDB will // fall back to a non-mmap implementation when the file count is too large. // On 32-bit Unix host we should decrease the value because the handles use // up real fds, and we want to avoid fd exhaustion issues. // // See PR #12495 for further discussion. int default_open_files = options->max_open_files; #ifndef WIN32 if (sizeof(void *) < 8) { options->max_open_files = 64; } #endif LogPrint(BCLog::LEVELDB, "LevelDB using max_open_files=%d (default=%d)\n", options->max_open_files, default_open_files); } static leveldb::Options GetOptions(size_t nCacheSize) { leveldb::Options options; options.block_cache = leveldb::NewLRUCache(nCacheSize / 2); // up to two write buffers may be held in memory simultaneously options.write_buffer_size = nCacheSize / 4; options.filter_policy = leveldb::NewBloomFilterPolicy(10); options.compression = leveldb::kNoCompression; options.info_log = new CBitcoinLevelDBLogger(); if (leveldb::kMajorVersion > 1 || (leveldb::kMajorVersion == 1 && leveldb::kMinorVersion >= 16)) { // LevelDB versions before 1.16 consider short writes to be corruption. // Only trigger error on corruption in later versions. options.paranoid_checks = true; } SetMaxOpenFiles(&options); return options; } CDBWrapper::CDBWrapper(const fs::path &path, size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory, bool fWipe, bool obfuscate) : m_name(fs::basename(path)) { penv = nullptr; readoptions.verify_checksums = true; iteroptions.verify_checksums = true; iteroptions.fill_cache = false; syncoptions.sync = true; options = GetOptions(nCacheSize); options.create_if_missing = true; if (fMemory) { penv = leveldb::NewMemEnv(leveldb::Env::Default()); options.env = penv; } else { if (fWipe) { LogPrintf("Wiping LevelDB in %s\n", path.string()); leveldb::Status result = leveldb::DestroyDB(path.string(), options); dbwrapper_private::HandleError(result); } TryCreateDirectories(path); LogPrintf("Opening LevelDB in %s\n", path.string()); } leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DB::Open(options, path.string(), &pdb); dbwrapper_private::HandleError(status); LogPrintf("Opened LevelDB successfully\n"); if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-forcecompactdb", false)) { LogPrintf("Starting database compaction of %s\n", path.string()); pdb->CompactRange(nullptr, nullptr); LogPrintf("Finished database compaction of %s\n", path.string()); } // The base-case obfuscation key, which is a noop. obfuscate_key = std::vector(OBFUSCATE_KEY_NUM_BYTES, '\000'); bool key_exists = Read(OBFUSCATE_KEY_KEY, obfuscate_key); if (!key_exists && obfuscate && IsEmpty()) { // Initialize non-degenerate obfuscation if it won't upset existing, // non-obfuscated data. std::vector new_key = CreateObfuscateKey(); // Write `new_key` so we don't obfuscate the key with itself Write(OBFUSCATE_KEY_KEY, new_key); obfuscate_key = new_key; LogPrintf("Wrote new obfuscate key for %s: %s\n", path.string(), HexStr(obfuscate_key)); } LogPrintf("Using obfuscation key for %s: %s\n", path.string(), HexStr(obfuscate_key)); } CDBWrapper::~CDBWrapper() { delete pdb; pdb = nullptr; delete options.filter_policy; options.filter_policy = nullptr; delete options.info_log; options.info_log = nullptr; delete options.block_cache; options.block_cache = nullptr; delete penv; options.env = nullptr; } bool CDBWrapper::WriteBatch(CDBBatch &batch, bool fSync) { const bool log_memory = LogAcceptCategory(BCLog::LEVELDB); double mem_before = 0; if (log_memory) { mem_before = DynamicMemoryUsage() / 1024.0 / 1024; } leveldb::Status status = pdb->Write(fSync ? syncoptions : writeoptions, &batch.batch); dbwrapper_private::HandleError(status); if (log_memory) { double mem_after = DynamicMemoryUsage() / 1024.0 / 1024; LogPrint( BCLog::LEVELDB, "WriteBatch memory usage: db=%s, before=%.1fMiB, after=%.1fMiB\n", m_name, mem_before, mem_after); } return true; } size_t CDBWrapper::DynamicMemoryUsage() const { std::string memory; if (!pdb->GetProperty("leveldb.approximate-memory-usage", &memory)) { LogPrint(BCLog::LEVELDB, "Failed to get approximate-memory-usage property\n"); return 0; } return stoul(memory); } // Prefixed with null character to avoid collisions with other keys // // We must use a string constructor which specifies length so that we copy past // the null-terminator. const std::string CDBWrapper::OBFUSCATE_KEY_KEY("\000obfuscate_key", 14); const unsigned int CDBWrapper::OBFUSCATE_KEY_NUM_BYTES = 8; /** * Returns a string (consisting of 8 random bytes) suitable for use as an * obfuscating XOR key. */ std::vector CDBWrapper::CreateObfuscateKey() const { uint8_t buff[OBFUSCATE_KEY_NUM_BYTES]; GetRandBytes(buff, OBFUSCATE_KEY_NUM_BYTES); return std::vector(&buff[0], &buff[OBFUSCATE_KEY_NUM_BYTES]); } bool CDBWrapper::IsEmpty() { std::unique_ptr it(NewIterator()); it->SeekToFirst(); return !(it->Valid()); } CDBIterator::~CDBIterator() { delete piter; } bool CDBIterator::Valid() const { return piter->Valid(); } void CDBIterator::SeekToFirst() { piter->SeekToFirst(); } void CDBIterator::Next() { piter->Next(); } namespace dbwrapper_private { void HandleError(const leveldb::Status &status) { if (status.ok()) { return; } const std::string errmsg = "Fatal LevelDB error: " + status.ToString(); LogPrintf("%s\n", errmsg); LogPrintf("You can use -debug=leveldb to get more complete diagnostic " "messages\n"); throw dbwrapper_error(errmsg); } const std::vector &GetObfuscateKey(const CDBWrapper &w) { return w.obfuscate_key; } }; // namespace dbwrapper_private diff --git a/src/logging.h b/src/logging.h index 717b07f905..58d1466271 100644 --- a/src/logging.h +++ b/src/logging.h @@ -1,153 +1,161 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_LOGGING_H #define BITCOIN_LOGGING_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const bool DEFAULT_LOGTIMEMICROS = false; static const bool DEFAULT_LOGIPS = false; static const bool DEFAULT_LOGTIMESTAMPS = true; extern bool fLogIPs; extern const char *const DEFAULT_DEBUGLOGFILE; namespace BCLog { enum LogFlags : uint32_t { NONE = 0, NET = (1 << 0), TOR = (1 << 1), MEMPOOL = (1 << 2), HTTP = (1 << 3), BENCH = (1 << 4), ZMQ = (1 << 5), DB = (1 << 6), RPC = (1 << 7), ESTIMATEFEE = (1 << 8), ADDRMAN = (1 << 9), SELECTCOINS = (1 << 10), REINDEX = (1 << 11), CMPCTBLOCK = (1 << 12), RAND = (1 << 13), PRUNE = (1 << 14), PROXY = (1 << 15), MEMPOOLREJ = (1 << 16), LIBEVENT = (1 << 17), COINDB = (1 << 18), QT = (1 << 19), LEVELDB = (1 << 20), ALL = ~uint32_t(0), }; class Logger { private: FILE *m_fileout = nullptr; std::mutex m_file_mutex; std::list m_msgs_before_open; /** * m_started_new_line is a state variable that will suppress printing of the * timestamp when multiple calls are made that don't end in a newline. */ std::atomic_bool m_started_new_line{true}; /** * Log categories bitfield. Leveldb/libevent need special handling if their * flags are changed at runtime. */ std::atomic m_categories{0}; std::string LogTimestampStr(const std::string &str); public: bool m_print_to_console = false; bool m_print_to_file = true; bool m_log_timestamps = DEFAULT_LOGTIMESTAMPS; bool m_log_time_micros = DEFAULT_LOGTIMEMICROS; std::atomic m_reopen_file{false}; ~Logger(); /** Send a string to the log output */ void LogPrintStr(const std::string &str); fs::path GetDebugLogPath(); bool OpenDebugLog(); void ShrinkDebugFile(); void EnableCategory(LogFlags category); bool EnableCategory(const std::string &str); void DisableCategory(LogFlags category); bool DisableCategory(const std::string &str); /** Return true if log accepts specified category */ bool WillLogCategory(LogFlags category) const; /** Default for whether ShrinkDebugFile should be run */ bool DefaultShrinkDebugFile() const; }; } // namespace BCLog BCLog::Logger &GetLogger(); /** Return true if log accepts specified category */ static inline bool LogAcceptCategory(BCLog::LogFlags category) { return GetLogger().WillLogCategory(category); } /** Returns a string with the supported log categories */ std::string ListLogCategories(); /** Return true if str parses as a log category and set the flag */ bool GetLogCategory(BCLog::LogFlags &flag, const std::string &str); // Be conservative when using LogPrintf/error or other things which // unconditionally log to debug.log! It should not be the case that an inbound // peer can fill up a users disk with debug.log entries. static inline void MarkUsed() {} template static inline void MarkUsed(const T &t, const Args &... args) { (void)t; MarkUsed(args...); } #ifdef USE_COVERAGE #define LogPrintf(...) \ do { \ MarkUsed(__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) #define LogPrint(category, ...) \ do { \ MarkUsed(__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) #else #define LogPrint(category, ...) \ do { \ if (LogAcceptCategory((category))) { \ GetLogger().LogPrintStr(tfm::format(__VA_ARGS__)); \ } \ } while (0) #define LogPrintf(...) \ do { \ GetLogger().LogPrintStr(tfm::format(__VA_ARGS__)); \ } while (0) #endif +/** + * These are aliases used to explicitly state that the message should not end + * with a newline character. It allows for detecting the missing newlines that + * could make the logs hard to read. + */ +#define LogPrintfToBeContinued LogPrintf +#define LogPrintToBeContinued LogPrint + #endif // BITCOIN_LOGGING_H diff --git a/src/net_processing.cpp b/src/net_processing.cpp index 198f37b096..eb267ebb15 100644 --- a/src/net_processing.cpp +++ b/src/net_processing.cpp @@ -1,4378 +1,4379 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(NDEBUG) #error "Bitcoin cannot be compiled without assertions." #endif // Used only to inform the wallet of when we last received a block. std::atomic nTimeBestReceived(0); bool g_enable_bip61 = DEFAULT_ENABLE_BIP61; struct IteratorComparator { template bool operator()(const I &a, const I &b) { return &(*a) < &(*b); } }; struct COrphanTx { // When modifying, adapt the copy of this definition in tests/DoS_tests. CTransactionRef tx; NodeId fromPeer; int64_t nTimeExpire; }; static CCriticalSection g_cs_orphans; std::map mapOrphanTransactions GUARDED_BY(g_cs_orphans); std::map::iterator, IteratorComparator>> mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev GUARDED_BY(g_cs_orphans); void EraseOrphansFor(NodeId peer); static size_t vExtraTxnForCompactIt GUARDED_BY(g_cs_orphans) = 0; static std::vector> vExtraTxnForCompact GUARDED_BY(g_cs_orphans); // SHA256("main address relay")[0:8] static const uint64_t RANDOMIZER_ID_ADDRESS_RELAY = 0x3cac0035b5866b90ULL; /// Age after which a stale block will no longer be served if requested as /// protection against fingerprinting. Set to one month, denominated in seconds. static const int STALE_RELAY_AGE_LIMIT = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; /// Age after which a block is considered historical for purposes of rate /// limiting block relay. Set to one week, denominated in seconds. static const int HISTORICAL_BLOCK_AGE = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; // How many non standard orphan do we consider from a node before ignoring it. static const uint32_t MAX_NON_STANDARD_ORPHAN_PER_NODE = 5; // Internal stuff namespace { /** Number of nodes with fSyncStarted. */ int nSyncStarted GUARDED_BY(cs_main) = 0; /** * Sources of received blocks, saved to be able to send them reject messages or * ban them when processing happens afterwards. * Set mapBlockSource[hash].second to false if the node should not be punished * if the block is invalid. */ std::map> mapBlockSource GUARDED_BY(cs_main); /** * Filter for transactions that were recently rejected by AcceptToMemoryPool. * These are not rerequested until the chain tip changes, at which point the * entire filter is reset. * * Without this filter we'd be re-requesting txs from each of our peers, * increasing bandwidth consumption considerably. For instance, with 100 peers, * half of which relay a tx we don't accept, that might be a 50x bandwidth * increase. A flooding attacker attempting to roll-over the filter using * minimum-sized, 60byte, transactions might manage to send 1000/sec if we have * fast peers, so we pick 120,000 to give our peers a two minute window to send * invs to us. * * Decreasing the false positive rate is fairly cheap, so we pick one in a * million to make it highly unlikely for users to have issues with this filter. * * Memory used: 1.3 MB */ std::unique_ptr recentRejects GUARDED_BY(cs_main); uint256 hashRecentRejectsChainTip GUARDED_BY(cs_main); /** * Blocks that are in flight, and that are in the queue to be downloaded. */ struct QueuedBlock { uint256 hash; //!< Optional. const CBlockIndex *pindex; //!< Whether this block has validated headers at the time of request. bool fValidatedHeaders; //!< Optional, used for CMPCTBLOCK downloads std::unique_ptr partialBlock; }; std::map::iterator>> mapBlocksInFlight GUARDED_BY(cs_main); /** Stack of nodes which we have set to announce using compact blocks */ std::list lNodesAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs; /** Number of preferable block download peers. */ int nPreferredDownload GUARDED_BY(cs_main) = 0; /** Number of peers from which we're downloading blocks. */ int nPeersWithValidatedDownloads GUARDED_BY(cs_main) = 0; /** Number of outbound peers with m_chain_sync.m_protect. */ int g_outbound_peers_with_protect_from_disconnect = 0; /** When our tip was last updated. */ std::atomic g_last_tip_update(0); /** Relay map. */ typedef std::map MapRelay; MapRelay mapRelay GUARDED_BY(cs_main); /** * Expiration-time ordered list of (expire time, relay map entry) pairs, * protected by cs_main). */ std::deque> vRelayExpiration GUARDED_BY(cs_main); } // namespace namespace { struct CBlockReject { uint8_t chRejectCode; std::string strRejectReason; uint256 hashBlock; }; /** * Maintain validation-specific state about nodes, protected by cs_main, instead * by CNode's own locks. This simplifies asynchronous operation, where * processing of incoming data is done after the ProcessMessage call returns, * and we're no longer holding the node's locks. */ struct CNodeState { //! The peer's address const CService address; //! Whether we have a fully established connection. bool fCurrentlyConnected; //! Accumulated misbehaviour score for this peer. int nMisbehavior; //! Whether this peer should be disconnected and banned (unless //! whitelisted). bool fShouldBan; //! String name of this peer (debugging/logging purposes). const std::string name; //! List of asynchronously-determined block rejections to notify this peer //! about. std::vector rejects; //! The best known block we know this peer has announced. const CBlockIndex *pindexBestKnownBlock; //! The hash of the last unknown block this peer has announced. uint256 hashLastUnknownBlock; //! The last full block we both have. const CBlockIndex *pindexLastCommonBlock; //! The best header we have sent our peer. const CBlockIndex *pindexBestHeaderSent; //! Length of current-streak of unconnecting headers announcements int nUnconnectingHeaders; //! Whether we've started headers synchronization with this peer. bool fSyncStarted; //! When to potentially disconnect peer for stalling headers download int64_t nHeadersSyncTimeout; //! Since when we're stalling block download progress (in microseconds), or //! 0. int64_t nStallingSince; std::list vBlocksInFlight; //! When the first entry in vBlocksInFlight started downloading. Don't care //! when vBlocksInFlight is empty. int64_t nDownloadingSince; int nBlocksInFlight; int nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders; //! Whether we consider this a preferred download peer. bool fPreferredDownload; //! Whether this peer wants invs or headers (when possible) for block //! announcements. bool fPreferHeaders; //! Whether this peer wants invs or cmpctblocks (when possible) for block //! announcements. bool fPreferHeaderAndIDs; /** * Whether this peer will send us cmpctblocks if we request them. * This is not used to gate request logic, as we really only care about * fSupportsDesiredCmpctVersion, but is used as a flag to "lock in" the * version of compact blocks we send. */ bool fProvidesHeaderAndIDs; /** * If we've announced NODE_WITNESS to this peer: whether the peer sends * witnesses in cmpctblocks/blocktxns, otherwise: whether this peer sends * non-witnesses in cmpctblocks/blocktxns. */ bool fSupportsDesiredCmpctVersion; /** * State used to enforce CHAIN_SYNC_TIMEOUT * Only in effect for outbound, non-manual connections, * with m_protect == false * Algorithm: if a peer's best known block has less work than our tip, set a * timeout CHAIN_SYNC_TIMEOUT seconds in the future: * - If at timeout their best known block now has more work than our tip * when the timeout was set, then either reset the timeout or clear it * (after comparing against our current tip's work) * - If at timeout their best known block still has less work than our tip * did when the timeout was set, then send a getheaders message, and set a * shorter timeout, HEADERS_RESPONSE_TIME seconds in future. If their best * known block is still behind when that new timeout is reached, disconnect. */ struct ChainSyncTimeoutState { //! A timeout used for checking whether our peer has sufficiently //! synced. int64_t m_timeout; //! A header with the work we require on our peer's chain. const CBlockIndex *m_work_header; //! After timeout is reached, set to true after sending getheaders. bool m_sent_getheaders; //! Whether this peer is protected from disconnection due to a bad/slow //! chain. bool m_protect; }; ChainSyncTimeoutState m_chain_sync; //! Time of last new block announcement int64_t m_last_block_announcement; CNodeState(CAddress addrIn, std::string addrNameIn) : address(addrIn), name(addrNameIn) { fCurrentlyConnected = false; nMisbehavior = 0; fShouldBan = false; pindexBestKnownBlock = nullptr; hashLastUnknownBlock.SetNull(); pindexLastCommonBlock = nullptr; pindexBestHeaderSent = nullptr; nUnconnectingHeaders = 0; fSyncStarted = false; nHeadersSyncTimeout = 0; nStallingSince = 0; nDownloadingSince = 0; nBlocksInFlight = 0; nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders = 0; fPreferredDownload = false; fPreferHeaders = false; fPreferHeaderAndIDs = false; fProvidesHeaderAndIDs = false; fSupportsDesiredCmpctVersion = false; m_chain_sync = {0, nullptr, false, false}; m_last_block_announcement = 0; } }; /** Map maintaining per-node state. */ static std::map mapNodeState GUARDED_BY(cs_main); static CNodeState *State(NodeId pnode) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { std::map::iterator it = mapNodeState.find(pnode); if (it == mapNodeState.end()) { return nullptr; } return &it->second; } static void UpdatePreferredDownload(CNode *node, CNodeState *state) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { nPreferredDownload -= state->fPreferredDownload; // Whether this node should be marked as a preferred download node. state->fPreferredDownload = (!node->fInbound || node->fWhitelisted) && !node->fOneShot && !node->fClient; nPreferredDownload += state->fPreferredDownload; } static void PushNodeVersion(const Config &config, CNode *pnode, CConnman *connman, int64_t nTime) { ServiceFlags nLocalNodeServices = pnode->GetLocalServices(); uint64_t nonce = pnode->GetLocalNonce(); int nNodeStartingHeight = pnode->GetMyStartingHeight(); NodeId nodeid = pnode->GetId(); CAddress addr = pnode->addr; CAddress addrYou = (addr.IsRoutable() && !IsProxy(addr) ? addr : CAddress(CService(), addr.nServices)); CAddress addrMe = CAddress(CService(), nLocalNodeServices); connman->PushMessage(pnode, CNetMsgMaker(INIT_PROTO_VERSION) .Make(NetMsgType::VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION, uint64_t(nLocalNodeServices), nTime, addrYou, addrMe, nonce, userAgent(config), nNodeStartingHeight, ::fRelayTxes)); if (fLogIPs) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "send version message: version %d, blocks=%d, us=%s, them=%s, " "peer=%d\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION, nNodeStartingHeight, addrMe.ToString(), addrYou.ToString(), nodeid); } else { LogPrint( BCLog::NET, "send version message: version %d, blocks=%d, us=%s, peer=%d\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION, nNodeStartingHeight, addrMe.ToString(), nodeid); } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Cleared nodestate for peer=%d\n", nodeid); } // Returns a bool indicating whether we requested this block. // Also used if a block was /not/ received and timed out or started with another // peer. static bool MarkBlockAsReceived(const uint256 &hash) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { std::map::iterator>>::iterator itInFlight = mapBlocksInFlight.find(hash); if (itInFlight != mapBlocksInFlight.end()) { CNodeState *state = State(itInFlight->second.first); assert(state != nullptr); state->nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders -= itInFlight->second.second->fValidatedHeaders; if (state->nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders == 0 && itInFlight->second.second->fValidatedHeaders) { // Last validated block on the queue was received. nPeersWithValidatedDownloads--; } if (state->vBlocksInFlight.begin() == itInFlight->second.second) { // First block on the queue was received, update the start download // time for the next one state->nDownloadingSince = std::max(state->nDownloadingSince, GetTimeMicros()); } state->vBlocksInFlight.erase(itInFlight->second.second); state->nBlocksInFlight--; state->nStallingSince = 0; mapBlocksInFlight.erase(itInFlight); return true; } return false; } // returns false, still setting pit, if the block was already in flight from the // same peer // pit will only be valid as long as the same cs_main lock is being held. static bool MarkBlockAsInFlight(const Config &config, NodeId nodeid, const uint256 &hash, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, const CBlockIndex *pindex = nullptr, std::list::iterator **pit = nullptr) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { CNodeState *state = State(nodeid); assert(state != nullptr); // Short-circuit most stuff in case its from the same node. std::map::iterator>>::iterator itInFlight = mapBlocksInFlight.find(hash); if (itInFlight != mapBlocksInFlight.end() && itInFlight->second.first == nodeid) { if (pit) { *pit = &itInFlight->second.second; } return false; } // Make sure it's not listed somewhere already. MarkBlockAsReceived(hash); std::list::iterator it = state->vBlocksInFlight.insert( state->vBlocksInFlight.end(), {hash, pindex, pindex != nullptr, std::unique_ptr( pit ? new PartiallyDownloadedBlock(config, &g_mempool) : nullptr)}); state->nBlocksInFlight++; state->nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders += it->fValidatedHeaders; if (state->nBlocksInFlight == 1) { // We're starting a block download (batch) from this peer. state->nDownloadingSince = GetTimeMicros(); } if (state->nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders == 1 && pindex != nullptr) { nPeersWithValidatedDownloads++; } itInFlight = mapBlocksInFlight .insert(std::make_pair(hash, std::make_pair(nodeid, it))) .first; if (pit) { *pit = &itInFlight->second.second; } return true; } /** Check whether the last unknown block a peer advertised is not yet known. */ static void ProcessBlockAvailability(NodeId nodeid) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { CNodeState *state = State(nodeid); assert(state != nullptr); if (!state->hashLastUnknownBlock.IsNull()) { const CBlockIndex *pindex = LookupBlockIndex(state->hashLastUnknownBlock); if (pindex && pindex->nChainWork > 0) { if (state->pindexBestKnownBlock == nullptr || pindex->nChainWork >= state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork) { state->pindexBestKnownBlock = pindex; } state->hashLastUnknownBlock.SetNull(); } } } /** Update tracking information about which blocks a peer is assumed to have. */ static void UpdateBlockAvailability(NodeId nodeid, const uint256 &hash) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { CNodeState *state = State(nodeid); assert(state != nullptr); ProcessBlockAvailability(nodeid); const CBlockIndex *pindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (pindex && pindex->nChainWork > 0) { // An actually better block was announced. if (state->pindexBestKnownBlock == nullptr || pindex->nChainWork >= state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork) { state->pindexBestKnownBlock = pindex; } } else { // An unknown block was announced; just assume that the latest one is // the best one. state->hashLastUnknownBlock = hash; } } /** * When a peer sends us a valid block, instruct it to announce blocks to us * using CMPCTBLOCK if possible by adding its nodeid to the end of * lNodesAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs, and keeping that list under a certain size by * removing the first element if necessary. */ static void MaybeSetPeerAsAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs(NodeId nodeid, CConnman *connman) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); CNodeState *nodestate = State(nodeid); if (!nodestate) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "node state unavailable: peer=%d\n", nodeid); return; } if (!nodestate->fProvidesHeaderAndIDs) { return; } for (std::list::iterator it = lNodesAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs.begin(); it != lNodesAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs.end(); it++) { if (*it == nodeid) { lNodesAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs.erase(it); lNodesAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs.push_back(nodeid); return; } } connman->ForNode(nodeid, [&connman](CNode *pfrom) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); uint64_t nCMPCTBLOCKVersion = 1; if (lNodesAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs.size() >= 3) { // As per BIP152, we only get 3 of our peers to announce // blocks using compact encodings. connman->ForNode( lNodesAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs.front(), [&connman, nCMPCTBLOCKVersion](CNode *pnodeStop) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); connman->PushMessage( pnodeStop, CNetMsgMaker(pnodeStop->GetSendVersion()) .Make(NetMsgType::SENDCMPCT, /*fAnnounceUsingCMPCTBLOCK=*/false, nCMPCTBLOCKVersion)); return true; }); lNodesAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs.pop_front(); } connman->PushMessage(pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(pfrom->GetSendVersion()) .Make(NetMsgType::SENDCMPCT, /*fAnnounceUsingCMPCTBLOCK=*/true, nCMPCTBLOCKVersion)); lNodesAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs.push_back(pfrom->GetId()); return true; }); } static bool TipMayBeStale(const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); if (g_last_tip_update == 0) { g_last_tip_update = GetTime(); } return g_last_tip_update < GetTime() - consensusParams.nPowTargetSpacing * 3 && mapBlocksInFlight.empty(); } static bool CanDirectFetch(const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { return chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime() > GetAdjustedTime() - consensusParams.nPowTargetSpacing * 20; } static bool PeerHasHeader(CNodeState *state, const CBlockIndex *pindex) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { if (state->pindexBestKnownBlock && pindex == state->pindexBestKnownBlock->GetAncestor(pindex->nHeight)) { return true; } if (state->pindexBestHeaderSent && pindex == state->pindexBestHeaderSent->GetAncestor(pindex->nHeight)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Update pindexLastCommonBlock and add not-in-flight missing successors to * vBlocks, until it has at most count entries. */ static void FindNextBlocksToDownload(NodeId nodeid, unsigned int count, std::vector &vBlocks, NodeId &nodeStaller, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { if (count == 0) { return; } vBlocks.reserve(vBlocks.size() + count); CNodeState *state = State(nodeid); assert(state != nullptr); // Make sure pindexBestKnownBlock is up to date, we'll need it. ProcessBlockAvailability(nodeid); if (state->pindexBestKnownBlock == nullptr || state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork < chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork || state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork < nMinimumChainWork) { // This peer has nothing interesting. return; } if (state->pindexLastCommonBlock == nullptr) { // Bootstrap quickly by guessing a parent of our best tip is the forking // point. Guessing wrong in either direction is not a problem. state->pindexLastCommonBlock = chainActive[std::min( state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nHeight, chainActive.Height())]; } // If the peer reorganized, our previous pindexLastCommonBlock may not be an // ancestor of its current tip anymore. Go back enough to fix that. state->pindexLastCommonBlock = LastCommonAncestor( state->pindexLastCommonBlock, state->pindexBestKnownBlock); if (state->pindexLastCommonBlock == state->pindexBestKnownBlock) { return; } std::vector vToFetch; const CBlockIndex *pindexWalk = state->pindexLastCommonBlock; // Never fetch further than the best block we know the peer has, or more // than BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW + 1 beyond the last linked block we have in // common with this peer. The +1 is so we can detect stalling, namely if we // would be able to download that next block if the window were 1 larger. int nWindowEnd = state->pindexLastCommonBlock->nHeight + BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW; int nMaxHeight = std::min(state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nHeight, nWindowEnd + 1); NodeId waitingfor = -1; while (pindexWalk->nHeight < nMaxHeight) { // Read up to 128 (or more, if more blocks than that are needed) // successors of pindexWalk (towards pindexBestKnownBlock) into // vToFetch. We fetch 128, because CBlockIndex::GetAncestor may be as // expensive as iterating over ~100 CBlockIndex* entries anyway. int nToFetch = std::min(nMaxHeight - pindexWalk->nHeight, std::max(count - vBlocks.size(), 128)); vToFetch.resize(nToFetch); pindexWalk = state->pindexBestKnownBlock->GetAncestor( pindexWalk->nHeight + nToFetch); vToFetch[nToFetch - 1] = pindexWalk; for (unsigned int i = nToFetch - 1; i > 0; i--) { vToFetch[i - 1] = vToFetch[i]->pprev; } // Iterate over those blocks in vToFetch (in forward direction), adding // the ones that are not yet downloaded and not in flight to vBlocks. In // the mean time, update pindexLastCommonBlock as long as all ancestors // are already downloaded, or if it's already part of our chain (and // therefore don't need it even if pruned). for (const CBlockIndex *pindex : vToFetch) { if (!pindex->IsValid(BlockValidity::TREE)) { // We consider the chain that this peer is on invalid. return; } if (pindex->nStatus.hasData() || chainActive.Contains(pindex)) { if (pindex->nChainTx) { state->pindexLastCommonBlock = pindex; } } else if (mapBlocksInFlight.count(pindex->GetBlockHash()) == 0) { // The block is not already downloaded, and not yet in flight. if (pindex->nHeight > nWindowEnd) { // We reached the end of the window. if (vBlocks.size() == 0 && waitingfor != nodeid) { // We aren't able to fetch anything, but we would be if // the download window was one larger. nodeStaller = waitingfor; } return; } vBlocks.push_back(pindex); if (vBlocks.size() == count) { return; } } else if (waitingfor == -1) { // This is the first already-in-flight block. waitingfor = mapBlocksInFlight[pindex->GetBlockHash()].first; } } } } } // namespace // This function is used for testing the stale tip eviction logic, see // denialofservice_tests.cpp void UpdateLastBlockAnnounceTime(NodeId node, int64_t time_in_seconds) { LOCK(cs_main); CNodeState *state = State(node); if (state) { state->m_last_block_announcement = time_in_seconds; } } // Returns true for outbound peers, excluding manual connections, feelers, and // one-shots. static bool IsOutboundDisconnectionCandidate(const CNode *node) { return !(node->fInbound || node->m_manual_connection || node->fFeeler || node->fOneShot); } void PeerLogicValidation::InitializeNode(const Config &config, CNode *pnode) { CAddress addr = pnode->addr; std::string addrName = pnode->GetAddrName(); NodeId nodeid = pnode->GetId(); { LOCK(cs_main); mapNodeState.emplace_hint( mapNodeState.end(), std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(nodeid), std::forward_as_tuple(addr, std::move(addrName))); } if (!pnode->fInbound) { PushNodeVersion(config, pnode, connman, GetTime()); } } void PeerLogicValidation::FinalizeNode(const Config &config, NodeId nodeid, bool &fUpdateConnectionTime) { fUpdateConnectionTime = false; LOCK(cs_main); CNodeState *state = State(nodeid); assert(state != nullptr); if (state->fSyncStarted) { nSyncStarted--; } if (state->nMisbehavior == 0 && state->fCurrentlyConnected) { fUpdateConnectionTime = true; } for (const QueuedBlock &entry : state->vBlocksInFlight) { mapBlocksInFlight.erase(entry.hash); } EraseOrphansFor(nodeid); nPreferredDownload -= state->fPreferredDownload; nPeersWithValidatedDownloads -= (state->nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders != 0); assert(nPeersWithValidatedDownloads >= 0); g_outbound_peers_with_protect_from_disconnect -= state->m_chain_sync.m_protect; assert(g_outbound_peers_with_protect_from_disconnect >= 0); mapNodeState.erase(nodeid); if (mapNodeState.empty()) { // Do a consistency check after the last peer is removed. assert(mapBlocksInFlight.empty()); assert(nPreferredDownload == 0); assert(nPeersWithValidatedDownloads == 0); assert(g_outbound_peers_with_protect_from_disconnect == 0); } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Cleared nodestate for peer=%d\n", nodeid); } bool GetNodeStateStats(NodeId nodeid, CNodeStateStats &stats) { LOCK(cs_main); CNodeState *state = State(nodeid); if (state == nullptr) { return false; } stats.nMisbehavior = state->nMisbehavior; stats.nSyncHeight = state->pindexBestKnownBlock ? state->pindexBestKnownBlock->nHeight : -1; stats.nCommonHeight = state->pindexLastCommonBlock ? state->pindexLastCommonBlock->nHeight : -1; for (const QueuedBlock &queue : state->vBlocksInFlight) { if (queue.pindex) { stats.vHeightInFlight.push_back(queue.pindex->nHeight); } } return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // mapOrphanTransactions // static void AddToCompactExtraTransactions(const CTransactionRef &tx) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(g_cs_orphans) { size_t max_extra_txn = gArgs.GetArg("-blockreconstructionextratxn", DEFAULT_BLOCK_RECONSTRUCTION_EXTRA_TXN); if (max_extra_txn <= 0) { return; } if (!vExtraTxnForCompact.size()) { vExtraTxnForCompact.resize(max_extra_txn); } vExtraTxnForCompact[vExtraTxnForCompactIt] = std::make_pair(tx->GetId(), tx); vExtraTxnForCompactIt = (vExtraTxnForCompactIt + 1) % max_extra_txn; } bool AddOrphanTx(const CTransactionRef &tx, NodeId peer) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(g_cs_orphans) { const uint256 &txid = tx->GetId(); if (mapOrphanTransactions.count(txid)) { return false; } // Ignore big transactions, to avoid a send-big-orphans memory exhaustion // attack. If a peer has a legitimate large transaction with a missing // parent then we assume it will rebroadcast it later, after the parent // transaction(s) have been mined or received. // 100 orphans, each of which is at most 99,999 bytes big is at most 10 // megabytes of orphans and somewhat more byprev index (in the worst case): unsigned int sz = tx->GetTotalSize(); if (sz >= MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIZE) { LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, "ignoring large orphan tx (size: %u, hash: %s)\n", sz, txid.ToString()); return false; } auto ret = mapOrphanTransactions.emplace( txid, COrphanTx{tx, peer, GetTime() + ORPHAN_TX_EXPIRE_TIME}); assert(ret.second); for (const CTxIn &txin : tx->vin) { mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev[txin.prevout].insert(ret.first); } AddToCompactExtraTransactions(tx); LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, "stored orphan tx %s (mapsz %u outsz %u)\n", txid.ToString(), mapOrphanTransactions.size(), mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.size()); return true; } static int EraseOrphanTx(uint256 hash) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(g_cs_orphans) { std::map::iterator it = mapOrphanTransactions.find(hash); if (it == mapOrphanTransactions.end()) { return 0; } for (const CTxIn &txin : it->second.tx->vin) { auto itPrev = mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.find(txin.prevout); if (itPrev == mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.end()) { continue; } itPrev->second.erase(it); if (itPrev->second.empty()) { mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.erase(itPrev); } } mapOrphanTransactions.erase(it); return 1; } void EraseOrphansFor(NodeId peer) { LOCK(g_cs_orphans); int nErased = 0; std::map::iterator iter = mapOrphanTransactions.begin(); while (iter != mapOrphanTransactions.end()) { // Increment to avoid iterator becoming invalid. std::map::iterator maybeErase = iter++; if (maybeErase->second.fromPeer == peer) { nErased += EraseOrphanTx(maybeErase->second.tx->GetId()); } } if (nErased > 0) { LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, "Erased %d orphan tx from peer=%d\n", nErased, peer); } } unsigned int LimitOrphanTxSize(unsigned int nMaxOrphans) { LOCK(g_cs_orphans); unsigned int nEvicted = 0; static int64_t nNextSweep; int64_t nNow = GetTime(); if (nNextSweep <= nNow) { // Sweep out expired orphan pool entries: int nErased = 0; int64_t nMinExpTime = nNow + ORPHAN_TX_EXPIRE_TIME - ORPHAN_TX_EXPIRE_INTERVAL; std::map::iterator iter = mapOrphanTransactions.begin(); while (iter != mapOrphanTransactions.end()) { std::map::iterator maybeErase = iter++; if (maybeErase->second.nTimeExpire <= nNow) { nErased += EraseOrphanTx(maybeErase->second.tx->GetId()); } else { nMinExpTime = std::min(maybeErase->second.nTimeExpire, nMinExpTime); } } // Sweep again 5 minutes after the next entry that expires in order to // batch the linear scan. nNextSweep = nMinExpTime + ORPHAN_TX_EXPIRE_INTERVAL; if (nErased > 0) { LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, "Erased %d orphan tx due to expiration\n", nErased); } } FastRandomContext rng; while (mapOrphanTransactions.size() > nMaxOrphans) { // Evict a random orphan: uint256 randomhash = rng.rand256(); std::map::iterator it = mapOrphanTransactions.lower_bound(randomhash); if (it == mapOrphanTransactions.end()) { it = mapOrphanTransactions.begin(); } EraseOrphanTx(it->first); ++nEvicted; } return nEvicted; } /** * Mark a misbehaving peer to be banned depending upon the value of `-banscore`. */ void Misbehaving(NodeId pnode, int howmuch, const std::string &reason) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { if (howmuch == 0) { return; } CNodeState *state = State(pnode); if (state == nullptr) { return; } state->nMisbehavior += howmuch; int banscore = gArgs.GetArg("-banscore", DEFAULT_BANSCORE_THRESHOLD); if (state->nMisbehavior >= banscore && state->nMisbehavior - howmuch < banscore) { LogPrintf( "%s: %s peer=%d (%d -> %d) reason: %s BAN THRESHOLD EXCEEDED\n", __func__, state->name, pnode, state->nMisbehavior - howmuch, state->nMisbehavior, reason.c_str()); state->fShouldBan = true; } else { LogPrintf("%s: %s peer=%d (%d -> %d) reason: %s\n", __func__, state->name, pnode, state->nMisbehavior - howmuch, state->nMisbehavior, reason.c_str()); } } // overloaded variant of above to operate on CNode*s static void Misbehaving(CNode *node, int howmuch, const std::string &reason) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { Misbehaving(node->GetId(), howmuch, reason); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // blockchain -> download logic notification // // To prevent fingerprinting attacks, only send blocks/headers outside of the // active chain if they are no more than a month older (both in time, and in // best equivalent proof of work) than the best header chain we know about and // we fully-validated them at some point. static bool BlockRequestAllowed(const CBlockIndex *pindex, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); if (chainActive.Contains(pindex)) { return true; } return pindex->IsValid(BlockValidity::SCRIPTS) && (pindexBestHeader != nullptr) && (pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime() - pindex->GetBlockTime() < STALE_RELAY_AGE_LIMIT) && (GetBlockProofEquivalentTime(*pindexBestHeader, *pindex, *pindexBestHeader, consensusParams) < STALE_RELAY_AGE_LIMIT); } PeerLogicValidation::PeerLogicValidation(CConnman *connmanIn, CScheduler &scheduler) : connman(connmanIn), m_stale_tip_check_time(0) { // Initialize global variables that cannot be constructed at startup. recentRejects.reset(new CRollingBloomFilter(120000, 0.000001)); const Consensus::Params &consensusParams = Params().GetConsensus(); // Stale tip checking and peer eviction are on two different timers, but we // don't want them to get out of sync due to drift in the scheduler, so we // combine them in one function and schedule at the quicker (peer-eviction) // timer. static_assert( EXTRA_PEER_CHECK_INTERVAL < STALE_CHECK_INTERVAL, "peer eviction timer should be less than stale tip check timer"); scheduler.scheduleEvery( [this, &consensusParams]() { this->CheckForStaleTipAndEvictPeers(consensusParams); return true; }, EXTRA_PEER_CHECK_INTERVAL * 1000); } void PeerLogicValidation::BlockConnected( const std::shared_ptr &pblock, const CBlockIndex *pindex, const std::vector &vtxConflicted) { LOCK(g_cs_orphans); std::vector vOrphanErase; for (const CTransactionRef &ptx : pblock->vtx) { const CTransaction &tx = *ptx; // Which orphan pool entries must we evict? for (const auto &txin : tx.vin) { auto itByPrev = mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.find(txin.prevout); if (itByPrev == mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.end()) { continue; } for (auto mi = itByPrev->second.begin(); mi != itByPrev->second.end(); ++mi) { const CTransaction &orphanTx = *(*mi)->second.tx; const uint256 &orphanHash = orphanTx.GetHash(); vOrphanErase.push_back(orphanHash); } } } // Erase orphan transactions include or precluded by this block if (vOrphanErase.size()) { int nErased = 0; for (uint256 &orphanId : vOrphanErase) { nErased += EraseOrphanTx(orphanId); } LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, "Erased %d orphan tx included or conflicted by block\n", nErased); } g_last_tip_update = GetTime(); } // All of the following cache a recent block, and are protected by // cs_most_recent_block static CCriticalSection cs_most_recent_block; static std::shared_ptr most_recent_block GUARDED_BY(cs_most_recent_block); static std::shared_ptr most_recent_compact_block GUARDED_BY(cs_most_recent_block); static uint256 most_recent_block_hash GUARDED_BY(cs_most_recent_block); void PeerLogicValidation::NewPoWValidBlock( const CBlockIndex *pindex, const std::shared_ptr &pblock) { std::shared_ptr pcmpctblock = std::make_shared(*pblock); const CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(PROTOCOL_VERSION); LOCK(cs_main); static int nHighestFastAnnounce = 0; if (pindex->nHeight <= nHighestFastAnnounce) { return; } nHighestFastAnnounce = pindex->nHeight; uint256 hashBlock(pblock->GetHash()); { LOCK(cs_most_recent_block); most_recent_block_hash = hashBlock; most_recent_block = pblock; most_recent_compact_block = pcmpctblock; } connman->ForEachNode([this, &pcmpctblock, pindex, &msgMaker, &hashBlock](CNode *pnode) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); // TODO: Avoid the repeated-serialization here if (pnode->nVersion < INVALID_CB_NO_BAN_VERSION || pnode->fDisconnect) { return; } ProcessBlockAvailability(pnode->GetId()); CNodeState &state = *State(pnode->GetId()); // If the peer has, or we announced to them the previous block already, // but we don't think they have this one, go ahead and announce it. if (state.fPreferHeaderAndIDs && !PeerHasHeader(&state, pindex) && PeerHasHeader(&state, pindex->pprev)) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s sending header-and-ids %s to peer=%d\n", "PeerLogicValidation::NewPoWValidBlock", hashBlock.ToString(), pnode->GetId()); connman->PushMessage( pnode, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::CMPCTBLOCK, *pcmpctblock)); state.pindexBestHeaderSent = pindex; } }); } void PeerLogicValidation::UpdatedBlockTip(const CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CBlockIndex *pindexFork, bool fInitialDownload) { const int nNewHeight = pindexNew->nHeight; connman->SetBestHeight(nNewHeight); SetServiceFlagsIBDCache(!fInitialDownload); if (!fInitialDownload) { // Find the hashes of all blocks that weren't previously in the best // chain. std::vector vHashes; const CBlockIndex *pindexToAnnounce = pindexNew; while (pindexToAnnounce != pindexFork) { vHashes.push_back(pindexToAnnounce->GetBlockHash()); pindexToAnnounce = pindexToAnnounce->pprev; if (vHashes.size() == MAX_BLOCKS_TO_ANNOUNCE) { // Limit announcements in case of a huge reorganization. Rely on // the peer's synchronization mechanism in that case. break; } } // Relay inventory, but don't relay old inventory during initial block // download. connman->ForEachNode([nNewHeight, &vHashes](CNode *pnode) { if (nNewHeight > (pnode->nStartingHeight != -1 ? pnode->nStartingHeight - 2000 : 0)) { for (const uint256 &hash : reverse_iterate(vHashes)) { pnode->PushBlockHash(hash); } } }); connman->WakeMessageHandler(); } nTimeBestReceived = GetTime(); } void PeerLogicValidation::BlockChecked(const CBlock &block, const CValidationState &state) { LOCK(cs_main); const uint256 hash(block.GetHash()); std::map>::iterator it = mapBlockSource.find(hash); int nDoS = 0; if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS)) { // Don't send reject message with code 0 or an internal reject code. if (it != mapBlockSource.end() && State(it->second.first) && state.GetRejectCode() > 0 && state.GetRejectCode() < REJECT_INTERNAL) { CBlockReject reject = { uint8_t(state.GetRejectCode()), state.GetRejectReason().substr(0, MAX_REJECT_MESSAGE_LENGTH), hash}; State(it->second.first)->rejects.push_back(reject); if (nDoS > 0 && it->second.second) { Misbehaving(it->second.first, nDoS, state.GetRejectReason()); } } } // Check that: // 1. The block is valid // 2. We're not in initial block download // 3. This is currently the best block we're aware of. We haven't updated // the tip yet so we have no way to check this directly here. Instead we // just check that there are currently no other blocks in flight. else if (state.IsValid() && !IsInitialBlockDownload() && mapBlocksInFlight.count(hash) == mapBlocksInFlight.size()) { if (it != mapBlockSource.end()) { MaybeSetPeerAsAnnouncingHeaderAndIDs(it->second.first, connman); } } if (it != mapBlockSource.end()) { mapBlockSource.erase(it); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Messages // static bool AlreadyHave(const CInv &inv) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { switch (inv.type) { case MSG_TX: { assert(recentRejects); if (chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash() != hashRecentRejectsChainTip) { // If the chain tip has changed previously rejected transactions // might be now valid, e.g. due to a nLockTime'd tx becoming // valid, or a double-spend. Reset the rejects filter and give // those txs a second chance. hashRecentRejectsChainTip = chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash(); recentRejects->reset(); } { LOCK(g_cs_orphans); if (mapOrphanTransactions.count(inv.hash)) { return true; } } // Use pcoinsTip->HaveCoinInCache as a quick approximation to // exclude requesting or processing some txs which have already been // included in a block. As this is best effort, we only check for // output 0 and 1. This works well enough in practice and we get // diminishing returns with 2 onward. const TxId txid(inv.hash); return recentRejects->contains(inv.hash) || g_mempool.exists(inv.hash) || pcoinsTip->HaveCoinInCache(COutPoint(txid, 0)) || pcoinsTip->HaveCoinInCache(COutPoint(txid, 1)); } case MSG_BLOCK: return LookupBlockIndex(inv.hash) != nullptr; } // Don't know what it is, just say we already got one return true; } static void RelayTransaction(const CTransaction &tx, CConnman *connman) { CInv inv(MSG_TX, tx.GetId()); connman->ForEachNode([&inv](CNode *pnode) { pnode->PushInventory(inv); }); } static void RelayAddress(const CAddress &addr, bool fReachable, CConnman *connman) { // Limited relaying of addresses outside our network(s) unsigned int nRelayNodes = fReachable ? 2 : 1; // Relay to a limited number of other nodes. // Use deterministic randomness to send to the same nodes for 24 hours at a // time so the addrKnowns of the chosen nodes prevent repeats. uint64_t hashAddr = addr.GetHash(); const CSipHasher hasher = connman->GetDeterministicRandomizer(RANDOMIZER_ID_ADDRESS_RELAY) .Write(hashAddr << 32) .Write((GetTime() + hashAddr) / (24 * 60 * 60)); FastRandomContext insecure_rand; std::array, 2> best{ {{0, nullptr}, {0, nullptr}}}; assert(nRelayNodes <= best.size()); auto sortfunc = [&best, &hasher, nRelayNodes](CNode *pnode) { if (pnode->nVersion >= CADDR_TIME_VERSION) { uint64_t hashKey = CSipHasher(hasher).Write(pnode->GetId()).Finalize(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRelayNodes; i++) { if (hashKey > best[i].first) { std::copy(best.begin() + i, best.begin() + nRelayNodes - 1, best.begin() + i + 1); best[i] = std::make_pair(hashKey, pnode); break; } } } }; auto pushfunc = [&addr, &best, nRelayNodes, &insecure_rand] { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRelayNodes && best[i].first != 0; i++) { best[i].second->PushAddress(addr, insecure_rand); } }; connman->ForEachNodeThen(std::move(sortfunc), std::move(pushfunc)); } void static ProcessGetBlockData(const Config &config, CNode *pfrom, const CInv &inv, CConnman *connman, const std::atomic &interruptMsgProc) { const Consensus::Params &consensusParams = config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus(); bool send = false; std::shared_ptr a_recent_block; std::shared_ptr a_recent_compact_block; { LOCK(cs_most_recent_block); a_recent_block = most_recent_block; a_recent_compact_block = most_recent_compact_block; } bool need_activate_chain = false; { LOCK(cs_main); const CBlockIndex *pindex = LookupBlockIndex(inv.hash); if (pindex) { if (pindex->nChainTx && !pindex->IsValid(BlockValidity::SCRIPTS) && pindex->IsValid(BlockValidity::TREE)) { // If we have the block and all of its parents, but have not yet // validated it, we might be in the middle of connecting it (ie // in the unlock of cs_main before ActivateBestChain but after // AcceptBlock). In this case, we need to run ActivateBestChain // prior to checking the relay conditions below. need_activate_chain = true; } } } // release cs_main before calling ActivateBestChain if (need_activate_chain) { CValidationState state; if (!ActivateBestChain(config, state, a_recent_block)) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "failed to activate chain (%s)\n", FormatStateMessage(state)); } } LOCK(cs_main); const CBlockIndex *pindex = LookupBlockIndex(inv.hash); if (pindex) { send = BlockRequestAllowed(pindex, consensusParams); if (!send) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s: ignoring request from peer=%i for old " "block that isn't in the main chain\n", __func__, pfrom->GetId()); } } const CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(pfrom->GetSendVersion()); // Disconnect node in case we have reached the outbound limit for serving // historical blocks. // Never disconnect whitelisted nodes. if (send && connman->OutboundTargetReached(true) && (((pindexBestHeader != nullptr) && (pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime() - pindex->GetBlockTime() > HISTORICAL_BLOCK_AGE)) || inv.type == MSG_FILTERED_BLOCK) && !pfrom->fWhitelisted) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "historical block serving limit reached, " "disconnect peer=%d\n", pfrom->GetId()); // disconnect node pfrom->fDisconnect = true; send = false; } // Avoid leaking prune-height by never sending blocks below the // NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED threshold. // Add two blocks buffer extension for possible races if (send && !pfrom->fWhitelisted && ((((pfrom->GetLocalServices() & NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED) == NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED) && ((pfrom->GetLocalServices() & NODE_NETWORK) != NODE_NETWORK) && (chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - pindex->nHeight > (int)NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED_MIN_BLOCKS + 2)))) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Ignore block request below NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED " "threshold from peer=%d\n", pfrom->GetId()); // disconnect node and prevent it from stalling (would otherwise wait // for the missing block) pfrom->fDisconnect = true; send = false; } // Pruned nodes may have deleted the block, so check whether it's available // before trying to send. if (send && pindex->nStatus.hasData()) { std::shared_ptr pblock; if (a_recent_block && a_recent_block->GetHash() == pindex->GetBlockHash()) { pblock = a_recent_block; } else { // Send block from disk std::shared_ptr pblockRead = std::make_shared(); if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(*pblockRead, pindex, config)) { assert(!"cannot load block from disk"); } pblock = pblockRead; } if (inv.type == MSG_BLOCK) { connman->PushMessage(pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::BLOCK, *pblock)); } else if (inv.type == MSG_FILTERED_BLOCK) { bool sendMerkleBlock = false; CMerkleBlock merkleBlock; { LOCK(pfrom->cs_filter); if (pfrom->pfilter) { sendMerkleBlock = true; merkleBlock = CMerkleBlock(*pblock, *pfrom->pfilter); } } if (sendMerkleBlock) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::MERKLEBLOCK, merkleBlock)); // CMerkleBlock just contains hashes, so also push any // transactions in the block the client did not see. This avoids // hurting performance by pointlessly requiring a round-trip. // Note that there is currently no way for a node to request any // single transactions we didn't send here - they must either // disconnect and retry or request the full block. Thus, the // protocol spec specified allows for us to provide duplicate // txn here, however we MUST always provide at least what the // remote peer needs. typedef std::pair PairType; for (PairType &pair : merkleBlock.vMatchedTxn) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::TX, *pblock->vtx[pair.first])); } } // else // no response } else if (inv.type == MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK) { // If a peer is asking for old blocks, we're almost guaranteed they // won't have a useful mempool to match against a compact block, and // we don't feel like constructing the object for them, so instead // we respond with the full, non-compact block. int nSendFlags = 0; if (CanDirectFetch(consensusParams) && pindex->nHeight >= chainActive.Height() - MAX_CMPCTBLOCK_DEPTH) { CBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs cmpctblock(*pblock); connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(nSendFlags, NetMsgType::CMPCTBLOCK, cmpctblock)); } else { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(nSendFlags, NetMsgType::BLOCK, *pblock)); } } // Trigger the peer node to send a getblocks request for the next batch // of inventory. if (inv.hash == pfrom->hashContinue) { // Bypass PushInventory, this must send even if redundant, and we // want it right after the last block so they don't wait for other // stuff first. std::vector vInv; vInv.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash())); connman->PushMessage(pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::INV, vInv)); pfrom->hashContinue.SetNull(); } } } static void ProcessGetData(const Config &config, CNode *pfrom, CConnman *connman, const std::atomic &interruptMsgProc) { AssertLockNotHeld(cs_main); std::deque::iterator it = pfrom->vRecvGetData.begin(); std::vector vNotFound; const CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(pfrom->GetSendVersion()); { LOCK(cs_main); while (it != pfrom->vRecvGetData.end() && it->type == MSG_TX) { if (interruptMsgProc) { return; } // Don't bother if send buffer is too full to respond anyway. if (pfrom->fPauseSend) { break; } const CInv &inv = *it; it++; // Send stream from relay memory bool push = false; auto mi = mapRelay.find(inv.hash); int nSendFlags = 0; if (mi != mapRelay.end()) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(nSendFlags, NetMsgType::TX, *mi->second)); push = true; } else if (pfrom->timeLastMempoolReq) { auto txinfo = g_mempool.info(inv.hash); // To protect privacy, do not answer getdata using the mempool // when that TX couldn't have been INVed in reply to a MEMPOOL // request. if (txinfo.tx && txinfo.nTime <= pfrom->timeLastMempoolReq) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(nSendFlags, NetMsgType::TX, *txinfo.tx)); push = true; } } if (!push) { vNotFound.push_back(inv); } } } // release cs_main if (it != pfrom->vRecvGetData.end() && !pfrom->fPauseSend) { const CInv &inv = *it; if (inv.type == MSG_BLOCK || inv.type == MSG_FILTERED_BLOCK || inv.type == MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK) { it++; ProcessGetBlockData(config, pfrom, inv, connman, interruptMsgProc); } } pfrom->vRecvGetData.erase(pfrom->vRecvGetData.begin(), it); if (!vNotFound.empty()) { // Let the peer know that we didn't find what it asked for, so it // doesn't have to wait around forever. Currently only SPV clients // actually care about this message: it's needed when they are // recursively walking the dependencies of relevant unconfirmed // transactions. SPV clients want to do that because they want to know // about (and store and rebroadcast and risk analyze) the dependencies // of transactions relevant to them, without having to download the // entire memory pool. connman->PushMessage(pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::NOTFOUND, vNotFound)); } } inline static void SendBlockTransactions(const CBlock &block, const BlockTransactionsRequest &req, CNode *pfrom, CConnman *connman) { BlockTransactions resp(req); for (size_t i = 0; i < req.indices.size(); i++) { if (req.indices[i] >= block.vtx.size()) { LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, 100, "out-of-bound-tx-index"); LogPrintf( - "Peer %d sent us a getblocktxn with out-of-bounds tx indices", + "Peer %d sent us a getblocktxn with out-of-bounds tx indices\n", pfrom->GetId()); return; } resp.txn[i] = block.vtx[req.indices[i]]; } LOCK(cs_main); const CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(pfrom->GetSendVersion()); int nSendFlags = 0; connman->PushMessage(pfrom, msgMaker.Make(nSendFlags, NetMsgType::BLOCKTXN, resp)); } static bool ProcessHeadersMessage(const Config &config, CNode *pfrom, CConnman *connman, const std::vector &headers, bool punish_duplicate_invalid) { const CChainParams &chainparams = config.GetChainParams(); const CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(pfrom->GetSendVersion()); size_t nCount = headers.size(); if (nCount == 0) { // Nothing interesting. Stop asking this peers for more headers. return true; } bool received_new_header = false; const CBlockIndex *pindexLast = nullptr; { LOCK(cs_main); CNodeState *nodestate = State(pfrom->GetId()); // If this looks like it could be a block announcement (nCount < // MAX_BLOCKS_TO_ANNOUNCE), use special logic for handling headers that // don't connect: // - Send a getheaders message in response to try to connect the chain. // - The peer can send up to MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS in a row that // don't connect before giving DoS points // - Once a headers message is received that is valid and does connect, // nUnconnectingHeaders gets reset back to 0. if (!LookupBlockIndex(headers[0].hashPrevBlock) && nCount < MAX_BLOCKS_TO_ANNOUNCE) { nodestate->nUnconnectingHeaders++; connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETHEADERS, chainActive.GetLocator(pindexBestHeader), uint256())); LogPrint( BCLog::NET, "received header %s: missing prev block %s, sending getheaders " "(%d) to end (peer=%d, nUnconnectingHeaders=%d)\n", headers[0].GetHash().ToString(), headers[0].hashPrevBlock.ToString(), pindexBestHeader->nHeight, pfrom->GetId(), nodestate->nUnconnectingHeaders); // Set hashLastUnknownBlock for this peer, so that if we eventually // get the headers - even from a different peer - we can use this // peer to download. UpdateBlockAvailability(pfrom->GetId(), headers.back().GetHash()); if (nodestate->nUnconnectingHeaders % MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS == 0) { // The peer is sending us many headers we can't connect. Misbehaving(pfrom, 20, "too-many-unconnected-headers"); } return true; } uint256 hashLastBlock; for (const CBlockHeader &header : headers) { if (!hashLastBlock.IsNull() && header.hashPrevBlock != hashLastBlock) { Misbehaving(pfrom, 20, "disconnected-header"); return error("non-continuous headers sequence"); } hashLastBlock = header.GetHash(); } // If we don't have the last header, then they'll have given us // something new (if these headers are valid). if (!LookupBlockIndex(hashLastBlock)) { received_new_header = true; } } CValidationState state; CBlockHeader first_invalid_header; if (!ProcessNewBlockHeaders(config, headers, state, &pindexLast, &first_invalid_header)) { int nDoS; if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS)) { LOCK(cs_main); if (nDoS > 0) { Misbehaving(pfrom, nDoS, state.GetRejectReason()); } if (punish_duplicate_invalid && LookupBlockIndex(first_invalid_header.GetHash())) { // Goal: don't allow outbound peers to use up our outbound // connection slots if they are on incompatible chains. // // We ask the caller to set punish_invalid appropriately based // on the peer and the method of header delivery (compact blocks // are allowed to be invalid in some circumstances, under BIP // 152). // Here, we try to detect the narrow situation that we have a // valid block header (ie it was valid at the time the header // was received, and hence stored in mapBlockIndex) but know the // block is invalid, and that a peer has announced that same // block as being on its active chain. Disconnect the peer in // such a situation. // // Note: if the header that is invalid was not accepted to our // mapBlockIndex at all, that may also be grounds for // disconnecting the peer, as the chain they are on is likely to // be incompatible. However, there is a circumstance where that // does not hold: if the header's timestamp is more than 2 hours // ahead of our current time. In that case, the header may // become valid in the future, and we don't want to disconnect a // peer merely for serving us one too-far-ahead block header, to // prevent an attacker from splitting the network by mining a // block right at the 2 hour boundary. // // TODO: update the DoS logic (or, rather, rewrite the // DoS-interface between validation and net_processing) so that // the interface is cleaner, and so that we disconnect on all // the reasons that a peer's headers chain is incompatible with // ours (eg block->nVersion softforks, MTP violations, etc), and // not just the duplicate-invalid case. pfrom->fDisconnect = true; } return error("invalid header received"); } } { LOCK(cs_main); CNodeState *nodestate = State(pfrom->GetId()); if (nodestate->nUnconnectingHeaders > 0) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "peer=%d: resetting nUnconnectingHeaders (%d -> 0)\n", pfrom->GetId(), nodestate->nUnconnectingHeaders); } nodestate->nUnconnectingHeaders = 0; assert(pindexLast); UpdateBlockAvailability(pfrom->GetId(), pindexLast->GetBlockHash()); // From here, pindexBestKnownBlock should be guaranteed to be non-null, // because it is set in UpdateBlockAvailability. Some nullptr checks are // still present, however, as belt-and-suspenders. if (received_new_header && pindexLast->nChainWork > chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork) { nodestate->m_last_block_announcement = GetTime(); } if (nCount == MAX_HEADERS_RESULTS) { // Headers message had its maximum size; the peer may have more // headers. // TODO: optimize: if pindexLast is an ancestor of chainActive.Tip // or pindexBestHeader, continue from there instead. LogPrint( BCLog::NET, "more getheaders (%d) to end to peer=%d (startheight:%d)\n", pindexLast->nHeight, pfrom->GetId(), pfrom->nStartingHeight); connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETHEADERS, chainActive.GetLocator(pindexLast), uint256())); } bool fCanDirectFetch = CanDirectFetch(chainparams.GetConsensus()); // If this set of headers is valid and ends in a block with at least as // much work as our tip, download as much as possible. if (fCanDirectFetch && pindexLast->IsValid(BlockValidity::TREE) && chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork <= pindexLast->nChainWork) { std::vector vToFetch; const CBlockIndex *pindexWalk = pindexLast; // Calculate all the blocks we'd need to switch to pindexLast, up to // a limit. while (pindexWalk && !chainActive.Contains(pindexWalk) && vToFetch.size() <= MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER) { if (!pindexWalk->nStatus.hasData() && !mapBlocksInFlight.count(pindexWalk->GetBlockHash())) { // We don't have this block, and it's not yet in flight. vToFetch.push_back(pindexWalk); } pindexWalk = pindexWalk->pprev; } // If pindexWalk still isn't on our main chain, we're looking at a // very large reorg at a time we think we're close to caught up to // the main chain -- this shouldn't really happen. Bail out on the // direct fetch and rely on parallel download instead. if (!chainActive.Contains(pindexWalk)) { LogPrint( BCLog::NET, "Large reorg, won't direct fetch to %s (%d)\n", pindexLast->GetBlockHash().ToString(), pindexLast->nHeight); } else { std::vector vGetData; // Download as much as possible, from earliest to latest. for (const CBlockIndex *pindex : reverse_iterate(vToFetch)) { if (nodestate->nBlocksInFlight >= MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER) { // Can't download any more from this peer break; } vGetData.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, pindex->GetBlockHash())); MarkBlockAsInFlight(config, pfrom->GetId(), pindex->GetBlockHash(), chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindex); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Requesting block %s from peer=%d\n", pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString(), pfrom->GetId()); } if (vGetData.size() > 1) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Downloading blocks toward %s (%d) via headers " "direct fetch\n", pindexLast->GetBlockHash().ToString(), pindexLast->nHeight); } if (vGetData.size() > 0) { if (nodestate->fSupportsDesiredCmpctVersion && vGetData.size() == 1 && mapBlocksInFlight.size() == 1 && pindexLast->pprev->IsValid(BlockValidity::CHAIN)) { // In any case, we want to download using a compact // block, not a regular one. vGetData[0] = CInv(MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK, vGetData[0].hash); } connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETDATA, vGetData)); } } } // If we're in IBD, we want outbound peers that will serve us a useful // chain. Disconnect peers that are on chains with insufficient work. if (IsInitialBlockDownload() && nCount != MAX_HEADERS_RESULTS) { // When nCount < MAX_HEADERS_RESULTS, we know we have no more // headers to fetch from this peer. if (nodestate->pindexBestKnownBlock && nodestate->pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork < nMinimumChainWork) { // This peer has too little work on their headers chain to help // us sync -- disconnect if using an outbound slot (unless // whitelisted or addnode). // Note: We compare their tip to nMinimumChainWork (rather than // chainActive.Tip()) because we won't start block download // until we have a headers chain that has at least // nMinimumChainWork, even if a peer has a chain past our tip, // as an anti-DoS measure. if (IsOutboundDisconnectionCandidate(pfrom)) { LogPrintf("Disconnecting outbound peer %d -- headers " "chain has insufficient work\n", pfrom->GetId()); pfrom->fDisconnect = true; } } } if (!pfrom->fDisconnect && IsOutboundDisconnectionCandidate(pfrom) && nodestate->pindexBestKnownBlock != nullptr) { // If this is an outbound peer, check to see if we should protect it // from the bad/lagging chain logic. if (g_outbound_peers_with_protect_from_disconnect < MAX_OUTBOUND_PEERS_TO_PROTECT_FROM_DISCONNECT && nodestate->pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork >= chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork && !nodestate->m_chain_sync.m_protect) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Protecting outbound peer=%d from eviction\n", pfrom->GetId()); nodestate->m_chain_sync.m_protect = true; ++g_outbound_peers_with_protect_from_disconnect; } } } return true; } static bool ProcessMessage(const Config &config, CNode *pfrom, const std::string &strCommand, CDataStream &vRecv, int64_t nTimeReceived, CConnman *connman, const std::atomic &interruptMsgProc) { const CChainParams &chainparams = config.GetChainParams(); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "received: %s (%u bytes) peer=%d\n", SanitizeString(strCommand), vRecv.size(), pfrom->GetId()); if (gArgs.IsArgSet("-dropmessagestest") && GetRand(gArgs.GetArg("-dropmessagestest", 0)) == 0) { LogPrintf("dropmessagestest DROPPING RECV MESSAGE\n"); return true; } if (!(pfrom->GetLocalServices() & NODE_BLOOM) && (strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERLOAD || strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERADD)) { if (pfrom->nVersion >= NO_BLOOM_VERSION) { LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, 100, "no-bloom-version"); return false; } else { pfrom->fDisconnect = true; return false; } } if (strCommand == NetMsgType::REJECT) { if (LogAcceptCategory(BCLog::NET)) { try { std::string strMsg; uint8_t ccode; std::string strReason; vRecv >> LIMITED_STRING(strMsg, CMessageHeader::COMMAND_SIZE) >> ccode >> LIMITED_STRING(strReason, MAX_REJECT_MESSAGE_LENGTH); std::ostringstream ss; ss << strMsg << " code " << itostr(ccode) << ": " << strReason; if (strMsg == NetMsgType::BLOCK || strMsg == NetMsgType::TX) { uint256 hash; vRecv >> hash; ss << ": hash " << hash.ToString(); } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Reject %s\n", SanitizeString(ss.str())); } catch (const std::ios_base::failure &) { // Avoid feedback loops by preventing reject messages from // triggering a new reject message. LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Unparseable reject message received\n"); } } return true; } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::VERSION) { // Each connection can only send one version message if (pfrom->nVersion != 0) { if (g_enable_bip61) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(INIT_PROTO_VERSION) .Make(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand, REJECT_DUPLICATE, std::string("Duplicate version message"))); } LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, 1, "multiple-version"); return false; } int64_t nTime; CAddress addrMe; CAddress addrFrom; uint64_t nNonce = 1; uint64_t nServiceInt; ServiceFlags nServices; int nVersion; int nSendVersion; std::string strSubVer; std::string cleanSubVer; int nStartingHeight = -1; bool fRelay = true; vRecv >> nVersion >> nServiceInt >> nTime >> addrMe; nSendVersion = std::min(nVersion, PROTOCOL_VERSION); nServices = ServiceFlags(nServiceInt); if (!pfrom->fInbound) { connman->SetServices(pfrom->addr, nServices); } if (!pfrom->fInbound && !pfrom->fFeeler && !pfrom->m_manual_connection && !HasAllDesirableServiceFlags(nServices)) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "peer=%d does not offer the expected services " "(%08x offered, %08x expected); disconnecting\n", pfrom->GetId(), nServices, GetDesirableServiceFlags(nServices)); if (g_enable_bip61) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(INIT_PROTO_VERSION) .Make(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, strprintf("Expected to offer services %08x", GetDesirableServiceFlags(nServices)))); } pfrom->fDisconnect = true; return false; } if (nVersion < MIN_PEER_PROTO_VERSION) { // disconnect from peers older than this proto version LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "peer=%d using obsolete version %i; disconnecting\n", pfrom->GetId(), nVersion); if (g_enable_bip61) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(INIT_PROTO_VERSION) .Make(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand, REJECT_OBSOLETE, strprintf("Version must be %d or greater", MIN_PEER_PROTO_VERSION))); } pfrom->fDisconnect = true; return false; } if (!vRecv.empty()) { vRecv >> addrFrom >> nNonce; } if (!vRecv.empty()) { vRecv >> LIMITED_STRING(strSubVer, MAX_SUBVERSION_LENGTH); cleanSubVer = SanitizeString(strSubVer); } if (!vRecv.empty()) { vRecv >> nStartingHeight; } if (!vRecv.empty()) { vRecv >> fRelay; } // Disconnect if we connected to ourself if (pfrom->fInbound && !connman->CheckIncomingNonce(nNonce)) { LogPrintf("connected to self at %s, disconnecting\n", pfrom->addr.ToString()); pfrom->fDisconnect = true; return true; } if (pfrom->fInbound && addrMe.IsRoutable()) { SeenLocal(addrMe); } // Be shy and don't send version until we hear if (pfrom->fInbound) { PushNodeVersion(config, pfrom, connman, GetAdjustedTime()); } connman->PushMessage( pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(INIT_PROTO_VERSION).Make(NetMsgType::VERACK)); pfrom->nServices = nServices; pfrom->SetAddrLocal(addrMe); { LOCK(pfrom->cs_SubVer); pfrom->strSubVer = strSubVer; pfrom->cleanSubVer = cleanSubVer; } pfrom->nStartingHeight = nStartingHeight; // set nodes not relaying blocks and tx and not serving (parts) of the // historical blockchain as "clients" pfrom->fClient = (!(nServices & NODE_NETWORK) && !(nServices & NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED)); // set nodes not capable of serving the complete blockchain history as // "limited nodes" pfrom->m_limited_node = (!(nServices & NODE_NETWORK) && (nServices & NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED)); { LOCK(pfrom->cs_filter); // set to true after we get the first filter* message pfrom->fRelayTxes = fRelay; } // Change version pfrom->SetSendVersion(nSendVersion); pfrom->nVersion = nVersion; // Potentially mark this peer as a preferred download peer. { LOCK(cs_main); UpdatePreferredDownload(pfrom, State(pfrom->GetId())); } if (!pfrom->fInbound) { // Advertise our address if (fListen && !IsInitialBlockDownload()) { CAddress addr = GetLocalAddress(&pfrom->addr, pfrom->GetLocalServices()); FastRandomContext insecure_rand; if (addr.IsRoutable()) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "ProcessMessages: advertising address %s\n", addr.ToString()); pfrom->PushAddress(addr, insecure_rand); } else if (IsPeerAddrLocalGood(pfrom)) { addr.SetIP(addrMe); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "ProcessMessages: advertising address %s\n", addr.ToString()); pfrom->PushAddress(addr, insecure_rand); } } // Get recent addresses if (pfrom->fOneShot || pfrom->nVersion >= CADDR_TIME_VERSION || connman->GetAddressCount() < 1000) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(nSendVersion).Make(NetMsgType::GETADDR)); pfrom->fGetAddr = true; } connman->MarkAddressGood(pfrom->addr); } std::string remoteAddr; if (fLogIPs) { remoteAddr = ", peeraddr=" + pfrom->addr.ToString(); } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "receive version message: [%s] %s: version %d, blocks=%d, " "us=%s, peer=%d%s\n", pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str(), cleanSubVer, pfrom->nVersion, pfrom->nStartingHeight, addrMe.ToString(), pfrom->GetId(), remoteAddr); int64_t nTimeOffset = nTime - GetTime(); pfrom->nTimeOffset = nTimeOffset; AddTimeData(pfrom->addr, nTimeOffset); // If the peer is old enough to have the old alert system, send it the // final alert. if (pfrom->nVersion <= 70012) { CDataStream finalAlert( ParseHex("60010000000000000000000000ffffff7f00000000ffffff7ffef" "fff7f01ffffff7f00000000ffffff7f00ffffff7f002f55524745" "4e543a20416c657274206b657920636f6d70726f6d697365642c2" "075706772616465207265717569726564004630440220653febd6" "410f470f6bae11cad19c48413becb1ac2c17f908fd0fd53bdc3ab" "d5202206d0e9c96fe88d4a0f01ed9dedae2b6f9e00da94cad0fec" "aae66ecf689bf71b50"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); connman->PushMessage( pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(nSendVersion).Make("alert", finalAlert)); } // Feeler connections exist only to verify if address is online. if (pfrom->fFeeler) { assert(pfrom->fInbound == false); pfrom->fDisconnect = true; } return true; } else if (pfrom->nVersion == 0) { // Must have a version message before anything else LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, 1, "missing-version"); return false; } // At this point, the outgoing message serialization version can't change. const CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(pfrom->GetSendVersion()); if (strCommand == NetMsgType::VERACK) { pfrom->SetRecvVersion( std::min(pfrom->nVersion.load(), PROTOCOL_VERSION)); if (!pfrom->fInbound) { // Mark this node as currently connected, so we update its timestamp // later. LOCK(cs_main); State(pfrom->GetId())->fCurrentlyConnected = true; LogPrintf( "New outbound peer connected: version: %d, blocks=%d, " "peer=%d%s\n", pfrom->nVersion.load(), pfrom->nStartingHeight, pfrom->GetId(), (fLogIPs ? strprintf(", peeraddr=%s", pfrom->addr.ToString()) : "")); } if (pfrom->nVersion >= SENDHEADERS_VERSION) { // Tell our peer we prefer to receive headers rather than inv's // We send this to non-NODE NETWORK peers as well, because even // non-NODE NETWORK peers can announce blocks (such as pruning // nodes) connman->PushMessage(pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::SENDHEADERS)); } if (pfrom->nVersion >= SHORT_IDS_BLOCKS_VERSION) { // Tell our peer we are willing to provide version 1 or 2 // cmpctblocks. However, we do not request new block announcements // using cmpctblock messages. We send this to non-NODE NETWORK peers // as well, because they may wish to request compact blocks from us. bool fAnnounceUsingCMPCTBLOCK = false; uint64_t nCMPCTBLOCKVersion = 1; connman->PushMessage(pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::SENDCMPCT, fAnnounceUsingCMPCTBLOCK, nCMPCTBLOCKVersion)); } pfrom->fSuccessfullyConnected = true; } else if (!pfrom->fSuccessfullyConnected) { // Must have a verack message before anything else LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, 1, "missing-verack"); return false; } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::ADDR) { std::vector vAddr; vRecv >> vAddr; // Don't want addr from older versions unless seeding if (pfrom->nVersion < CADDR_TIME_VERSION && connman->GetAddressCount() > 1000) { return true; } if (vAddr.size() > 1000) { LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, 20, "oversized-addr"); return error("message addr size() = %u", vAddr.size()); } // Store the new addresses std::vector vAddrOk; int64_t nNow = GetAdjustedTime(); int64_t nSince = nNow - 10 * 60; for (CAddress &addr : vAddr) { if (interruptMsgProc) { return true; } // We only bother storing full nodes, though this may include things // which we would not make an outbound connection to, in part // because we may make feeler connections to them. if (!MayHaveUsefulAddressDB(addr.nServices) && !HasAllDesirableServiceFlags(addr.nServices)) { continue; } if (addr.nTime <= 100000000 || addr.nTime > nNow + 10 * 60) { addr.nTime = nNow - 5 * 24 * 60 * 60; } pfrom->AddAddressKnown(addr); bool fReachable = IsReachable(addr); if (addr.nTime > nSince && !pfrom->fGetAddr && vAddr.size() <= 10 && addr.IsRoutable()) { // Relay to a limited number of other nodes RelayAddress(addr, fReachable, connman); } // Do not store addresses outside our network if (fReachable) { vAddrOk.push_back(addr); } } connman->AddNewAddresses(vAddrOk, pfrom->addr, 2 * 60 * 60); if (vAddr.size() < 1000) { pfrom->fGetAddr = false; } if (pfrom->fOneShot) { pfrom->fDisconnect = true; } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::SENDHEADERS) { LOCK(cs_main); State(pfrom->GetId())->fPreferHeaders = true; } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::SENDCMPCT) { bool fAnnounceUsingCMPCTBLOCK = false; uint64_t nCMPCTBLOCKVersion = 0; vRecv >> fAnnounceUsingCMPCTBLOCK >> nCMPCTBLOCKVersion; if (nCMPCTBLOCKVersion == 1) { LOCK(cs_main); // fProvidesHeaderAndIDs is used to "lock in" version of compact // blocks we send. if (!State(pfrom->GetId())->fProvidesHeaderAndIDs) { State(pfrom->GetId())->fProvidesHeaderAndIDs = true; } State(pfrom->GetId())->fPreferHeaderAndIDs = fAnnounceUsingCMPCTBLOCK; if (!State(pfrom->GetId())->fSupportsDesiredCmpctVersion) { State(pfrom->GetId())->fSupportsDesiredCmpctVersion = true; } } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::INV) { std::vector vInv; vRecv >> vInv; if (vInv.size() > MAX_INV_SZ) { LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, 20, "oversized-inv"); return error("message inv size() = %u", vInv.size()); } bool fBlocksOnly = !fRelayTxes; // Allow whitelisted peers to send data other than blocks in blocks only // mode if whitelistrelay is true if (pfrom->fWhitelisted && gArgs.GetBoolArg("-whitelistrelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTRELAY)) { fBlocksOnly = false; } LOCK(cs_main); for (auto &inv : vInv) { if (interruptMsgProc) { return true; } bool fAlreadyHave = AlreadyHave(inv); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "got inv: %s %s peer=%d\n", inv.ToString(), fAlreadyHave ? "have" : "new", pfrom->GetId()); if (inv.type == MSG_BLOCK) { UpdateBlockAvailability(pfrom->GetId(), inv.hash); if (!fAlreadyHave && !fImporting && !fReindex && !mapBlocksInFlight.count(inv.hash)) { // We used to request the full block here, but since // headers-announcements are now the primary method of // announcement on the network, and since, in the case that // a node fell back to inv we probably have a reorg which we // should get the headers for first, we now only provide a // getheaders response here. When we receive the headers, we // will then ask for the blocks we need. connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETHEADERS, chainActive.GetLocator(pindexBestHeader), inv.hash)); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "getheaders (%d) %s to peer=%d\n", pindexBestHeader->nHeight, inv.hash.ToString(), pfrom->GetId()); } } else { pfrom->AddInventoryKnown(inv); if (fBlocksOnly) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "transaction (%s) inv sent in violation of " "protocol peer=%d\n", inv.hash.ToString(), pfrom->GetId()); } else if (!fAlreadyHave && !fImporting && !fReindex && !IsInitialBlockDownload()) { pfrom->AskFor(inv); } } } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETDATA) { std::vector vInv; vRecv >> vInv; if (vInv.size() > MAX_INV_SZ) { LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, 20, "too-many-inv"); return error("message getdata size() = %u", vInv.size()); } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "received getdata (%u invsz) peer=%d\n", vInv.size(), pfrom->GetId()); if (vInv.size() > 0) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "received getdata for: %s peer=%d\n", vInv[0].ToString(), pfrom->GetId()); } pfrom->vRecvGetData.insert(pfrom->vRecvGetData.end(), vInv.begin(), vInv.end()); ProcessGetData(config, pfrom, connman, interruptMsgProc); } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETBLOCKS) { CBlockLocator locator; uint256 hashStop; vRecv >> locator >> hashStop; // We might have announced the currently-being-connected tip using a // compact block, which resulted in the peer sending a getblocks // request, which we would otherwise respond to without the new block. // To avoid this situation we simply verify that we are on our best // known chain now. This is super overkill, but we handle it better // for getheaders requests, and there are no known nodes which support // compact blocks but still use getblocks to request blocks. { std::shared_ptr a_recent_block; { LOCK(cs_most_recent_block); a_recent_block = most_recent_block; } CValidationState state; if (!ActivateBestChain(config, state, a_recent_block)) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "failed to activate chain (%s)\n", FormatStateMessage(state)); } } LOCK(cs_main); // Find the last block the caller has in the main chain const CBlockIndex *pindex = FindForkInGlobalIndex(chainActive, locator); // Send the rest of the chain if (pindex) { pindex = chainActive.Next(pindex); } int nLimit = 500; LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "getblocks %d to %s limit %d from peer=%d\n", (pindex ? pindex->nHeight : -1), hashStop.IsNull() ? "end" : hashStop.ToString(), nLimit, pfrom->GetId()); for (; pindex; pindex = chainActive.Next(pindex)) { if (pindex->GetBlockHash() == hashStop) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, " getblocks stopping at %d %s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString()); break; } // If pruning, don't inv blocks unless we have on disk and are // likely to still have for some reasonable time window (1 hour) // that block relay might require. const int nPrunedBlocksLikelyToHave = MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP - 3600 / chainparams.GetConsensus().nPowTargetSpacing; if (fPruneMode && (!pindex->nStatus.hasData() || pindex->nHeight <= chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - nPrunedBlocksLikelyToHave)) { LogPrint( BCLog::NET, " getblocks stopping, pruned or too old block at %d %s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString()); break; } pfrom->PushInventory(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, pindex->GetBlockHash())); if (--nLimit <= 0) { // When this block is requested, we'll send an inv that'll // trigger the peer to getblocks the next batch of inventory. LogPrint(BCLog::NET, " getblocks stopping at limit %d %s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString()); pfrom->hashContinue = pindex->GetBlockHash(); break; } } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETBLOCKTXN) { BlockTransactionsRequest req; vRecv >> req; std::shared_ptr recent_block; { LOCK(cs_most_recent_block); if (most_recent_block_hash == req.blockhash) { recent_block = most_recent_block; } // Unlock cs_most_recent_block to avoid cs_main lock inversion } if (recent_block) { SendBlockTransactions(*recent_block, req, pfrom, connman); return true; } LOCK(cs_main); const CBlockIndex *pindex = LookupBlockIndex(req.blockhash); if (!pindex || !pindex->nStatus.hasData()) { - LogPrint(BCLog::NET, - "Peer %d sent us a getblocktxn for a block we don't have", - pfrom->GetId()); + LogPrint( + BCLog::NET, + "Peer %d sent us a getblocktxn for a block we don't have\n", + pfrom->GetId()); return true; } if (pindex->nHeight < chainActive.Height() - MAX_BLOCKTXN_DEPTH) { // If an older block is requested (should never happen in practice, // but can happen in tests) send a block response instead of a // blocktxn response. Sending a full block response instead of a // small blocktxn response is preferable in the case where a peer // might maliciously send lots of getblocktxn requests to trigger // expensive disk reads, because it will require the peer to // actually receive all the data read from disk over the network. LogPrint(BCLog::NET, - "Peer %d sent us a getblocktxn for a block > %i deep", + "Peer %d sent us a getblocktxn for a block > %i deep\n", pfrom->GetId(), MAX_BLOCKTXN_DEPTH); CInv inv; inv.type = MSG_BLOCK; inv.hash = req.blockhash; pfrom->vRecvGetData.push_back(inv); // The message processing loop will go around again (without // pausing) and we'll respond then (without cs_main) return true; } CBlock block; bool ret = ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex, config); assert(ret); SendBlockTransactions(block, req, pfrom, connman); } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETHEADERS) { CBlockLocator locator; uint256 hashStop; vRecv >> locator >> hashStop; LOCK(cs_main); if (IsInitialBlockDownload() && !pfrom->fWhitelisted) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Ignoring getheaders from peer=%d because node is in " "initial block download\n", pfrom->GetId()); return true; } CNodeState *nodestate = State(pfrom->GetId()); const CBlockIndex *pindex = nullptr; if (locator.IsNull()) { // If locator is null, return the hashStop block pindex = LookupBlockIndex(hashStop); if (!pindex) { return true; } if (!BlockRequestAllowed(pindex, chainparams.GetConsensus())) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s: ignoring request from peer=%i for old block " "header that isn't in the main chain\n", __func__, pfrom->GetId()); return true; } } else { // Find the last block the caller has in the main chain pindex = FindForkInGlobalIndex(chainActive, locator); if (pindex) { pindex = chainActive.Next(pindex); } } // we must use CBlocks, as CBlockHeaders won't include the 0x00 nTx // count at the end std::vector vHeaders; int nLimit = MAX_HEADERS_RESULTS; LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "getheaders %d to %s from peer=%d\n", (pindex ? pindex->nHeight : -1), hashStop.IsNull() ? "end" : hashStop.ToString(), pfrom->GetId()); for (; pindex; pindex = chainActive.Next(pindex)) { vHeaders.push_back(pindex->GetBlockHeader()); if (--nLimit <= 0 || pindex->GetBlockHash() == hashStop) { break; } } // pindex can be nullptr either if we sent chainActive.Tip() OR // if our peer has chainActive.Tip() (and thus we are sending an empty // headers message). In both cases it's safe to update // pindexBestHeaderSent to be our tip. // // It is important that we simply reset the BestHeaderSent value here, // and not max(BestHeaderSent, newHeaderSent). We might have announced // the currently-being-connected tip using a compact block, which // resulted in the peer sending a headers request, which we respond to // without the new block. By resetting the BestHeaderSent, we ensure we // will re-announce the new block via headers (or compact blocks again) // in the SendMessages logic. nodestate->pindexBestHeaderSent = pindex ? pindex : chainActive.Tip(); connman->PushMessage(pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::HEADERS, vHeaders)); } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::TX) { // Stop processing the transaction early if // We are in blocks only mode and peer is either not whitelisted or // whitelistrelay is off if (!fRelayTxes && (!pfrom->fWhitelisted || !gArgs.GetBoolArg("-whitelistrelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTRELAY))) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "transaction sent in violation of protocol peer=%d\n", pfrom->GetId()); return true; } std::deque vWorkQueue; std::vector vEraseQueue; CTransactionRef ptx; vRecv >> ptx; const CTransaction &tx = *ptx; CInv inv(MSG_TX, tx.GetId()); pfrom->AddInventoryKnown(inv); LOCK2(cs_main, g_cs_orphans); bool fMissingInputs = false; CValidationState state; const TxId txid(inv.hash); pfrom->setAskFor.erase(txid); mapAlreadyAskedFor.erase(txid); if (!AlreadyHave(inv) && AcceptToMemoryPool(config, g_mempool, state, ptx, true, &fMissingInputs)) { g_mempool.check(pcoinsTip.get()); RelayTransaction(tx, connman); for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); i++) { vWorkQueue.emplace_back(txid, i); } pfrom->nLastTXTime = GetTime(); LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, "AcceptToMemoryPool: peer=%d: accepted %s " "(poolsz %u txn, %u kB)\n", pfrom->GetId(), tx.GetId().ToString(), g_mempool.size(), g_mempool.DynamicMemoryUsage() / 1000); // Recursively process any orphan transactions that depended on this // one std::unordered_map rejectCountPerNode; while (!vWorkQueue.empty()) { auto itByPrev = mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.find(vWorkQueue.front()); vWorkQueue.pop_front(); if (itByPrev == mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.end()) { continue; } for (auto mi = itByPrev->second.begin(); mi != itByPrev->second.end(); ++mi) { const CTransactionRef &porphanTx = (*mi)->second.tx; const CTransaction &orphanTx = *porphanTx; const TxId &orphanId = orphanTx.GetId(); NodeId fromPeer = (*mi)->second.fromPeer; bool fMissingInputs2 = false; // Use a dummy CValidationState so someone can't setup nodes // to counter-DoS based on orphan resolution (that is, // feeding people an invalid transaction based on LegitTxX // in order to get anyone relaying LegitTxX banned) CValidationState stateDummy; auto it = rejectCountPerNode.find(fromPeer); if (it != rejectCountPerNode.end() && it->second > MAX_NON_STANDARD_ORPHAN_PER_NODE) { continue; } if (AcceptToMemoryPool(config, g_mempool, stateDummy, porphanTx, true, &fMissingInputs2)) { LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, " accepted orphan tx %s\n", orphanId.ToString()); RelayTransaction(orphanTx, connman); for (size_t i = 0; i < orphanTx.vout.size(); i++) { vWorkQueue.emplace_back(orphanId, i); } vEraseQueue.push_back(orphanId); } else if (!fMissingInputs2) { int nDos = 0; if (stateDummy.IsInvalid(nDos)) { rejectCountPerNode[fromPeer]++; if (nDos > 0) { // Punish peer that gave us an invalid orphan tx Misbehaving(fromPeer, nDos, "invalid-orphan-tx"); LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, " invalid orphan tx %s\n", orphanId.ToString()); } } // Has inputs but not accepted to mempool // Probably non-standard or insufficient fee/priority LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, " removed orphan tx %s\n", orphanId.ToString()); vEraseQueue.push_back(orphanId); if (!stateDummy.CorruptionPossible()) { // Do not use rejection cache for witness // transactions or witness-stripped transactions, as // they can have been malleated. See // https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/8279 // for details. assert(recentRejects); recentRejects->insert(orphanId); } } g_mempool.check(pcoinsTip.get()); } } for (const uint256 &hash : vEraseQueue) { EraseOrphanTx(hash); } } else if (fMissingInputs) { // It may be the case that the orphans parents have all been // rejected. bool fRejectedParents = false; for (const CTxIn &txin : tx.vin) { if (recentRejects->contains(txin.prevout.GetTxId())) { fRejectedParents = true; break; } } if (!fRejectedParents) { for (const CTxIn &txin : tx.vin) { // FIXME: MSG_TX should use a TxHash, not a TxId. CInv _inv(MSG_TX, txin.prevout.GetTxId()); pfrom->AddInventoryKnown(_inv); if (!AlreadyHave(_inv)) { pfrom->AskFor(_inv); } } AddOrphanTx(ptx, pfrom->GetId()); // DoS prevention: do not allow mapOrphanTransactions to grow // unbounded unsigned int nMaxOrphanTx = (unsigned int)std::max( int64_t(0), gArgs.GetArg("-maxorphantx", DEFAULT_MAX_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS)); unsigned int nEvicted = LimitOrphanTxSize(nMaxOrphanTx); if (nEvicted > 0) { LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, "mapOrphan overflow, removed %u tx\n", nEvicted); } } else { LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, "not keeping orphan with rejected parents %s\n", tx.GetId().ToString()); // We will continue to reject this tx since it has rejected // parents so avoid re-requesting it from other peers. recentRejects->insert(tx.GetId()); } } else { if (!state.CorruptionPossible()) { // Do not use rejection cache for witness transactions or // witness-stripped transactions, as they can have been // malleated. See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/8279 // for details. assert(recentRejects); recentRejects->insert(tx.GetId()); if (RecursiveDynamicUsage(*ptx) < 100000) { AddToCompactExtraTransactions(ptx); } } if (pfrom->fWhitelisted && gArgs.GetBoolArg("-whitelistforcerelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY)) { // Always relay transactions received from whitelisted peers, // even if they were already in the mempool or rejected from it // due to policy, allowing the node to function as a gateway for // nodes hidden behind it. // // Never relay transactions that we would assign a non-zero DoS // score for, as we expect peers to do the same with us in that // case. int nDoS = 0; if (!state.IsInvalid(nDoS) || nDoS == 0) { LogPrintf("Force relaying tx %s from whitelisted peer=%d\n", tx.GetId().ToString(), pfrom->GetId()); RelayTransaction(tx, connman); } else { LogPrintf("Not relaying invalid transaction %s from " "whitelisted peer=%d (%s)\n", tx.GetId().ToString(), pfrom->GetId(), FormatStateMessage(state)); } } } int nDoS = 0; if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS)) { LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOLREJ, "%s from peer=%d was not accepted: %s\n", tx.GetHash().ToString(), pfrom->GetId(), FormatStateMessage(state)); // Never send AcceptToMemoryPool's internal codes over P2P. if (g_enable_bip61 && state.GetRejectCode() > 0 && state.GetRejectCode() < REJECT_INTERNAL) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand, uint8_t(state.GetRejectCode()), state.GetRejectReason().substr( 0, MAX_REJECT_MESSAGE_LENGTH), inv.hash)); } if (nDoS > 0) { Misbehaving(pfrom, nDoS, state.GetRejectReason()); } } } // Ignore blocks received while importing else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::CMPCTBLOCK && !fImporting && !fReindex) { CBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs cmpctblock; vRecv >> cmpctblock; bool received_new_header = false; { LOCK(cs_main); if (!LookupBlockIndex(cmpctblock.header.hashPrevBlock)) { // Doesn't connect (or is genesis), instead of DoSing in // AcceptBlockHeader, request deeper headers if (!IsInitialBlockDownload()) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETHEADERS, chainActive.GetLocator(pindexBestHeader), uint256())); } return true; } if (!LookupBlockIndex(cmpctblock.header.GetHash())) { received_new_header = true; } } const CBlockIndex *pindex = nullptr; CValidationState state; if (!ProcessNewBlockHeaders(config, {cmpctblock.header}, state, &pindex)) { int nDoS; if (state.IsInvalid(nDoS)) { if (nDoS > 0) { LogPrintf("Peer %d sent us invalid header via cmpctblock\n", pfrom->GetId()); LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, nDoS, state.GetRejectReason()); } else { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Peer %d sent us invalid header via cmpctblock\n", pfrom->GetId()); } return true; } } // When we succeed in decoding a block's txids from a cmpctblock // message we typically jump to the BLOCKTXN handling code, with a // dummy (empty) BLOCKTXN message, to re-use the logic there in // completing processing of the putative block (without cs_main). bool fProcessBLOCKTXN = false; CDataStream blockTxnMsg(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); // If we end up treating this as a plain headers message, call that as // well // without cs_main. bool fRevertToHeaderProcessing = false; // Keep a CBlock for "optimistic" compactblock reconstructions (see // below) std::shared_ptr pblock = std::make_shared(); bool fBlockReconstructed = false; { LOCK2(cs_main, g_cs_orphans); // If AcceptBlockHeader returned true, it set pindex assert(pindex); UpdateBlockAvailability(pfrom->GetId(), pindex->GetBlockHash()); CNodeState *nodestate = State(pfrom->GetId()); // If this was a new header with more work than our tip, update the // peer's last block announcement time if (received_new_header && pindex->nChainWork > chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork) { nodestate->m_last_block_announcement = GetTime(); } std::map::iterator>>:: iterator blockInFlightIt = mapBlocksInFlight.find(pindex->GetBlockHash()); bool fAlreadyInFlight = blockInFlightIt != mapBlocksInFlight.end(); if (pindex->nStatus.hasData()) { // Nothing to do here return true; } if (pindex->nChainWork <= chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork || // We know something better pindex->nTx != 0) { // We had this block at some point, but pruned it if (fAlreadyInFlight) { // We requested this block for some reason, but our mempool // will probably be useless so we just grab the block via // normal getdata. std::vector vInv(1); vInv[0] = CInv(MSG_BLOCK, cmpctblock.header.GetHash()); connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETDATA, vInv)); } return true; } // If we're not close to tip yet, give up and let parallel block // fetch work its magic. if (!fAlreadyInFlight && !CanDirectFetch(chainparams.GetConsensus())) { return true; } // We want to be a bit conservative just to be extra careful about // DoS possibilities in compact block processing... if (pindex->nHeight <= chainActive.Height() + 2) { if ((!fAlreadyInFlight && nodestate->nBlocksInFlight < MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER) || (fAlreadyInFlight && blockInFlightIt->second.first == pfrom->GetId())) { std::list::iterator *queuedBlockIt = nullptr; if (!MarkBlockAsInFlight(config, pfrom->GetId(), pindex->GetBlockHash(), chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindex, &queuedBlockIt)) { if (!(*queuedBlockIt)->partialBlock) { (*queuedBlockIt) ->partialBlock.reset( new PartiallyDownloadedBlock(config, &g_mempool)); } else { // The block was already in flight using compact // blocks from the same peer. LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Peer sent us compact block " "we were already syncing!\n"); return true; } } PartiallyDownloadedBlock &partialBlock = *(*queuedBlockIt)->partialBlock; ReadStatus status = partialBlock.InitData(cmpctblock, vExtraTxnForCompact); if (status == READ_STATUS_INVALID) { // Reset in-flight state in case of whitelist MarkBlockAsReceived(pindex->GetBlockHash()); Misbehaving(pfrom, 100, "invalid-cmpctblk"); LogPrintf("Peer %d sent us invalid compact block\n", pfrom->GetId()); return true; } else if (status == READ_STATUS_FAILED) { // Duplicate txindices, the block is now in-flight, so // just request it. std::vector vInv(1); vInv[0] = CInv(MSG_BLOCK, cmpctblock.header.GetHash()); connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETDATA, vInv)); return true; } BlockTransactionsRequest req; for (size_t i = 0; i < cmpctblock.BlockTxCount(); i++) { if (!partialBlock.IsTxAvailable(i)) { req.indices.push_back(i); } } if (req.indices.empty()) { // Dirty hack to jump to BLOCKTXN code (TODO: move // message handling into their own functions) BlockTransactions txn; txn.blockhash = cmpctblock.header.GetHash(); blockTxnMsg << txn; fProcessBLOCKTXN = true; } else { req.blockhash = pindex->GetBlockHash(); connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETBLOCKTXN, req)); } } else { // This block is either already in flight from a different // peer, or this peer has too many blocks outstanding to // download from. Optimistically try to reconstruct anyway // since we might be able to without any round trips. PartiallyDownloadedBlock tempBlock(config, &g_mempool); ReadStatus status = tempBlock.InitData(cmpctblock, vExtraTxnForCompact); if (status != READ_STATUS_OK) { // TODO: don't ignore failures return true; } std::vector dummy; status = tempBlock.FillBlock(*pblock, dummy); if (status == READ_STATUS_OK) { fBlockReconstructed = true; } } } else { if (fAlreadyInFlight) { // We requested this block, but its far into the future, so // our mempool will probably be useless - request the block // normally. std::vector vInv(1); vInv[0] = CInv(MSG_BLOCK, cmpctblock.header.GetHash()); connman->PushMessage( pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETDATA, vInv)); return true; } else { // If this was an announce-cmpctblock, we want the same // treatment as a header message. fRevertToHeaderProcessing = true; } } } // cs_main if (fProcessBLOCKTXN) { return ProcessMessage(config, pfrom, NetMsgType::BLOCKTXN, blockTxnMsg, nTimeReceived, connman, interruptMsgProc); } if (fRevertToHeaderProcessing) { // Headers received from HB compact block peers are permitted to be // relayed before full validation (see BIP 152), so we don't want to // disconnect the peer if the header turns out to be for an invalid // block. // Note that if a peer tries to build on an invalid chain, that will // be detected and the peer will be banned. return ProcessHeadersMessage(config, pfrom, connman, {cmpctblock.header}, /*punish_duplicate_invalid=*/false); } if (fBlockReconstructed) { // If we got here, we were able to optimistically reconstruct a // block that is in flight from some other peer. { LOCK(cs_main); mapBlockSource.emplace(pblock->GetHash(), std::make_pair(pfrom->GetId(), false)); } bool fNewBlock = false; // Setting fForceProcessing to true means that we bypass some of // our anti-DoS protections in AcceptBlock, which filters // unrequested blocks that might be trying to waste our resources // (eg disk space). Because we only try to reconstruct blocks when // we're close to caught up (via the CanDirectFetch() requirement // above, combined with the behavior of not requesting blocks until // we have a chain with at least nMinimumChainWork), and we ignore // compact blocks with less work than our tip, it is safe to treat // reconstructed compact blocks as having been requested. ProcessNewBlock(config, pblock, /*fForceProcessing=*/true, &fNewBlock); if (fNewBlock) { pfrom->nLastBlockTime = GetTime(); } else { LOCK(cs_main); mapBlockSource.erase(pblock->GetHash()); } // hold cs_main for CBlockIndex::IsValid() LOCK(cs_main); if (pindex->IsValid(BlockValidity::TRANSACTIONS)) { // Clear download state for this block, which is in process from // some other peer. We do this after calling. ProcessNewBlock so // that a malleated cmpctblock announcement can't be used to // interfere with block relay. MarkBlockAsReceived(pblock->GetHash()); } } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::BLOCKTXN && !fImporting && !fReindex) // Ignore blocks received while importing { BlockTransactions resp; vRecv >> resp; std::shared_ptr pblock = std::make_shared(); bool fBlockRead = false; { LOCK(cs_main); std::map::iterator>>:: iterator it = mapBlocksInFlight.find(resp.blockhash); if (it == mapBlocksInFlight.end() || !it->second.second->partialBlock || it->second.first != pfrom->GetId()) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Peer %d sent us block transactions for block " "we weren't expecting\n", pfrom->GetId()); return true; } PartiallyDownloadedBlock &partialBlock = *it->second.second->partialBlock; ReadStatus status = partialBlock.FillBlock(*pblock, resp.txn); if (status == READ_STATUS_INVALID) { // Reset in-flight state in case of whitelist. MarkBlockAsReceived(resp.blockhash); Misbehaving(pfrom, 100, "invalid-cmpctblk-txns"); LogPrintf("Peer %d sent us invalid compact block/non-matching " "block transactions\n", pfrom->GetId()); return true; } else if (status == READ_STATUS_FAILED) { // Might have collided, fall back to getdata now :( std::vector invs; invs.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, resp.blockhash)); connman->PushMessage(pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETDATA, invs)); } else { // Block is either okay, or possibly we received // READ_STATUS_CHECKBLOCK_FAILED. // Note that CheckBlock can only fail for one of a few reasons: // 1. bad-proof-of-work (impossible here, because we've already // accepted the header) // 2. merkleroot doesn't match the transactions given (already // caught in FillBlock with READ_STATUS_FAILED, so // impossible here) // 3. the block is otherwise invalid (eg invalid coinbase, // block is too big, too many legacy sigops, etc). // So if CheckBlock failed, #3 is the only possibility. // Under BIP 152, we don't DoS-ban unless proof of work is // invalid (we don't require all the stateless checks to have // been run). This is handled below, so just treat this as // though the block was successfully read, and rely on the // handling in ProcessNewBlock to ensure the block index is // updated, reject messages go out, etc. // it is now an empty pointer MarkBlockAsReceived(resp.blockhash); fBlockRead = true; // mapBlockSource is only used for sending reject messages and // DoS scores, so the race between here and cs_main in // ProcessNewBlock is fine. BIP 152 permits peers to relay // compact blocks after validating the header only; we should // not punish peers if the block turns out to be invalid. mapBlockSource.emplace(resp.blockhash, std::make_pair(pfrom->GetId(), false)); } } // Don't hold cs_main when we call into ProcessNewBlock if (fBlockRead) { bool fNewBlock = false; // Since we requested this block (it was in mapBlocksInFlight), // force it to be processed, even if it would not be a candidate for // new tip (missing previous block, chain not long enough, etc) // This bypasses some anti-DoS logic in AcceptBlock (eg to prevent // disk-space attacks), but this should be safe due to the // protections in the compact block handler -- see related comment // in compact block optimistic reconstruction handling. ProcessNewBlock(config, pblock, /*fForceProcessing=*/true, &fNewBlock); if (fNewBlock) { pfrom->nLastBlockTime = GetTime(); } else { LOCK(cs_main); mapBlockSource.erase(pblock->GetHash()); } } } // Ignore headers received while importing else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::HEADERS && !fImporting && !fReindex) { std::vector headers; // Bypass the normal CBlock deserialization, as we don't want to risk // deserializing 2000 full blocks. unsigned int nCount = ReadCompactSize(vRecv); if (nCount > MAX_HEADERS_RESULTS) { LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, 20, "too-many-headers"); return error("headers message size = %u", nCount); } headers.resize(nCount); for (unsigned int n = 0; n < nCount; n++) { vRecv >> headers[n]; // Ignore tx count; assume it is 0. ReadCompactSize(vRecv); } // Headers received via a HEADERS message should be valid, and reflect // the chain the peer is on. If we receive a known-invalid header, // disconnect the peer if it is using one of our outbound connection // slots. bool should_punish = !pfrom->fInbound && !pfrom->m_manual_connection; return ProcessHeadersMessage(config, pfrom, connman, headers, should_punish); } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::BLOCK && !fImporting && !fReindex) { // Ignore blocks received while importing. std::shared_ptr pblock = std::make_shared(); vRecv >> *pblock; LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "received block %s peer=%d\n", pblock->GetHash().ToString(), pfrom->GetId()); // Process all blocks from whitelisted peers, even if not requested, // unless we're still syncing with the network. Such an unrequested // block may still be processed, subject to the conditions in // AcceptBlock(). bool forceProcessing = pfrom->fWhitelisted && !IsInitialBlockDownload(); const uint256 hash(pblock->GetHash()); { LOCK(cs_main); // Also always process if we requested the block explicitly, as we // may need it even though it is not a candidate for a new best tip. forceProcessing |= MarkBlockAsReceived(hash); // mapBlockSource is only used for sending reject messages and DoS // scores, so the race between here and cs_main in ProcessNewBlock // is fine. mapBlockSource.emplace(hash, std::make_pair(pfrom->GetId(), true)); } bool fNewBlock = false; ProcessNewBlock(config, pblock, forceProcessing, &fNewBlock); if (fNewBlock) { pfrom->nLastBlockTime = GetTime(); } else { LOCK(cs_main); mapBlockSource.erase(pblock->GetHash()); } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETADDR) { // This asymmetric behavior for inbound and outbound connections was // introduced to prevent a fingerprinting attack: an attacker can send // specific fake addresses to users' AddrMan and later request them by // sending getaddr messages. Making nodes which are behind NAT and can // only make outgoing connections ignore the getaddr message mitigates // the attack. if (!pfrom->fInbound) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Ignoring \"getaddr\" from outbound connection. peer=%d\n", pfrom->GetId()); return true; } // Only send one GetAddr response per connection to reduce resource // waste and discourage addr stamping of INV announcements. if (pfrom->fSentAddr) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Ignoring repeated \"getaddr\". peer=%d\n", pfrom->GetId()); return true; } pfrom->fSentAddr = true; pfrom->vAddrToSend.clear(); std::vector vAddr = connman->GetAddresses(); FastRandomContext insecure_rand; for (const CAddress &addr : vAddr) { pfrom->PushAddress(addr, insecure_rand); } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::MEMPOOL) { if (!(pfrom->GetLocalServices() & NODE_BLOOM) && !pfrom->fWhitelisted) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "mempool request with bloom filters disabled, disconnect " "peer=%d\n", pfrom->GetId()); pfrom->fDisconnect = true; return true; } if (connman->OutboundTargetReached(false) && !pfrom->fWhitelisted) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "mempool request with bandwidth limit reached, disconnect " "peer=%d\n", pfrom->GetId()); pfrom->fDisconnect = true; return true; } LOCK(pfrom->cs_inventory); pfrom->fSendMempool = true; } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::PING) { if (pfrom->nVersion > BIP0031_VERSION) { uint64_t nonce = 0; vRecv >> nonce; // Echo the message back with the nonce. This allows for two useful // features: // // 1) A remote node can quickly check if the connection is // operational. // 2) Remote nodes can measure the latency of the network thread. If // this node is overloaded it won't respond to pings quickly and the // remote node can avoid sending us more work, like chain download // requests. // // The nonce stops the remote getting confused between different // pings: without it, if the remote node sends a ping once per // second and this node takes 5 seconds to respond to each, the 5th // ping the remote sends would appear to return very quickly. connman->PushMessage(pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::PONG, nonce)); } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::PONG) { int64_t pingUsecEnd = nTimeReceived; uint64_t nonce = 0; size_t nAvail = vRecv.in_avail(); bool bPingFinished = false; std::string sProblem; if (nAvail >= sizeof(nonce)) { vRecv >> nonce; // Only process pong message if there is an outstanding ping (old // ping without nonce should never pong) if (pfrom->nPingNonceSent != 0) { if (nonce == pfrom->nPingNonceSent) { // Matching pong received, this ping is no longer // outstanding bPingFinished = true; int64_t pingUsecTime = pingUsecEnd - pfrom->nPingUsecStart; if (pingUsecTime > 0) { // Successful ping time measurement, replace previous pfrom->nPingUsecTime = pingUsecTime; pfrom->nMinPingUsecTime = std::min( pfrom->nMinPingUsecTime.load(), pingUsecTime); } else { // This should never happen sProblem = "Timing mishap"; } } else { // Nonce mismatches are normal when pings are overlapping sProblem = "Nonce mismatch"; if (nonce == 0) { // This is most likely a bug in another implementation // somewhere; cancel this ping bPingFinished = true; sProblem = "Nonce zero"; } } } else { sProblem = "Unsolicited pong without ping"; } } else { // This is most likely a bug in another implementation somewhere; // cancel this ping bPingFinished = true; sProblem = "Short payload"; } if (!(sProblem.empty())) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "pong peer=%d: %s, %x expected, %x received, %u bytes\n", pfrom->GetId(), sProblem, pfrom->nPingNonceSent, nonce, nAvail); } if (bPingFinished) { pfrom->nPingNonceSent = 0; } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERLOAD) { CBloomFilter filter; vRecv >> filter; if (!filter.IsWithinSizeConstraints()) { // There is no excuse for sending a too-large filter LOCK(cs_main); Misbehaving(pfrom, 100, "oversized-bloom-filter"); } else { LOCK(pfrom->cs_filter); pfrom->pfilter.reset(new CBloomFilter(filter)); pfrom->pfilter->UpdateEmptyFull(); pfrom->fRelayTxes = true; } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERADD) { std::vector vData; vRecv >> vData; // Nodes must NEVER send a data item > 520 bytes (the max size for a // script data object, and thus, the maximum size any matched object can // have) in a filteradd message. bool bad = false; if (vData.size() > MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE) { bad = true; } else { LOCK(pfrom->cs_filter); if (pfrom->pfilter) { pfrom->pfilter->insert(vData); } else { bad = true; } } if (bad) { LOCK(cs_main); // The structure of this code doesn't really allow for a good error // code. We'll go generic. Misbehaving(pfrom, 100, "invalid-filteradd"); } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::FILTERCLEAR) { LOCK(pfrom->cs_filter); if (pfrom->GetLocalServices() & NODE_BLOOM) { pfrom->pfilter.reset(new CBloomFilter()); } pfrom->fRelayTxes = true; } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::FEEFILTER) { Amount newFeeFilter = Amount::zero(); vRecv >> newFeeFilter; if (MoneyRange(newFeeFilter)) { { LOCK(pfrom->cs_feeFilter); pfrom->minFeeFilter = newFeeFilter; } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "received: feefilter of %s from peer=%d\n", CFeeRate(newFeeFilter).ToString(), pfrom->GetId()); } } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::NOTFOUND) { // We do not care about the NOTFOUND message, but logging an Unknown // Command message would be undesirable as we transmit it ourselves. } else { // Ignore unknown commands for extensibility LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Unknown command \"%s\" from peer=%d\n", SanitizeString(strCommand), pfrom->GetId()); } return true; } static bool SendRejectsAndCheckIfBanned(CNode *pnode, CConnman *connman) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); CNodeState &state = *State(pnode->GetId()); if (g_enable_bip61) { for (const CBlockReject &reject : state.rejects) { connman->PushMessage( pnode, CNetMsgMaker(INIT_PROTO_VERSION) .Make(NetMsgType::REJECT, std::string(NetMsgType::BLOCK), reject.chRejectCode, reject.strRejectReason, reject.hashBlock)); } } state.rejects.clear(); if (state.fShouldBan) { state.fShouldBan = false; if (pnode->fWhitelisted) { LogPrintf("Warning: not punishing whitelisted peer %s!\n", pnode->addr.ToString()); } else if (pnode->m_manual_connection) { LogPrintf("Warning: not punishing manually-connected peer %s!\n", pnode->addr.ToString()); } else { pnode->fDisconnect = true; if (pnode->addr.IsLocal()) { LogPrintf("Warning: not banning local peer %s!\n", pnode->addr.ToString()); } else { connman->Ban(pnode->addr, BanReasonNodeMisbehaving); } } return true; } return false; } bool PeerLogicValidation::ProcessMessages(const Config &config, CNode *pfrom, std::atomic &interruptMsgProc) { const CChainParams &chainparams = config.GetChainParams(); // // Message format // (4) message start // (12) command // (4) size // (4) checksum // (x) data // bool fMoreWork = false; if (!pfrom->vRecvGetData.empty()) { ProcessGetData(config, pfrom, connman, interruptMsgProc); } if (pfrom->fDisconnect) { return false; } // this maintains the order of responses if (!pfrom->vRecvGetData.empty()) { return true; } // Don't bother if send buffer is too full to respond anyway if (pfrom->fPauseSend) { return false; } std::list msgs; { LOCK(pfrom->cs_vProcessMsg); if (pfrom->vProcessMsg.empty()) { return false; } // Just take one message msgs.splice(msgs.begin(), pfrom->vProcessMsg, pfrom->vProcessMsg.begin()); pfrom->nProcessQueueSize -= msgs.front().vRecv.size() + CMessageHeader::HEADER_SIZE; pfrom->fPauseRecv = pfrom->nProcessQueueSize > connman->GetReceiveFloodSize(); fMoreWork = !pfrom->vProcessMsg.empty(); } CNetMessage &msg(msgs.front()); msg.SetVersion(pfrom->GetRecvVersion()); // Scan for message start if (memcmp(std::begin(msg.hdr.pchMessageStart), std::begin(chainparams.NetMagic()), CMessageHeader::MESSAGE_START_SIZE) != 0) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "PROCESSMESSAGE: INVALID MESSAGESTART %s peer=%d\n", SanitizeString(msg.hdr.GetCommand()), pfrom->GetId()); // Make sure we ban where that come from for some time. connman->Ban(pfrom->addr, BanReasonNodeMisbehaving); pfrom->fDisconnect = true; return false; } // Read header CMessageHeader &hdr = msg.hdr; if (!hdr.IsValid(config)) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "PROCESSMESSAGE: ERRORS IN HEADER %s peer=%d\n", SanitizeString(hdr.GetCommand()), pfrom->GetId()); return fMoreWork; } std::string strCommand = hdr.GetCommand(); // Message size unsigned int nMessageSize = hdr.nMessageSize; // Checksum CDataStream &vRecv = msg.vRecv; const uint256 &hash = msg.GetMessageHash(); if (memcmp(hash.begin(), hdr.pchChecksum, CMessageHeader::CHECKSUM_SIZE) != 0) { LogPrint( BCLog::NET, "%s(%s, %u bytes): CHECKSUM ERROR expected %s was %s from " "peer=%d\n", __func__, SanitizeString(strCommand), nMessageSize, HexStr(hash.begin(), hash.begin() + CMessageHeader::CHECKSUM_SIZE), HexStr(hdr.pchChecksum, hdr.pchChecksum + CMessageHeader::CHECKSUM_SIZE), pfrom->GetId()); connman->Ban(pfrom->addr, BanReasonNodeMisbehaving); return fMoreWork; } // Process message bool fRet = false; try { fRet = ProcessMessage(config, pfrom, strCommand, vRecv, msg.nTime, connman, interruptMsgProc); if (interruptMsgProc) { return false; } if (!pfrom->vRecvGetData.empty()) { fMoreWork = true; } } catch (const std::ios_base::failure &e) { if (g_enable_bip61) { connman->PushMessage( pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(INIT_PROTO_VERSION) .Make(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand, REJECT_MALFORMED, std::string("error parsing message"))); } if (strstr(e.what(), "end of data")) { // Allow exceptions from under-length message on vRecv LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s(%s, %u bytes): Exception '%s' caught, normally caused " "by a message being shorter than its stated length\n", __func__, SanitizeString(strCommand), nMessageSize, e.what()); } else if (strstr(e.what(), "size too large")) { // Allow exceptions from over-long size LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s(%s, %u bytes): Exception '%s' caught\n", __func__, SanitizeString(strCommand), nMessageSize, e.what()); } else if (strstr(e.what(), "non-canonical ReadCompactSize()")) { // Allow exceptions from non-canonical encoding LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s(%s, %u bytes): Exception '%s' caught\n", __func__, SanitizeString(strCommand), nMessageSize, e.what()); } else { PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "ProcessMessages()"); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "ProcessMessages()"); } catch (...) { PrintExceptionContinue(nullptr, "ProcessMessages()"); } if (!fRet) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s(%s, %u bytes) FAILED peer=%d\n", __func__, SanitizeString(strCommand), nMessageSize, pfrom->GetId()); } LOCK(cs_main); SendRejectsAndCheckIfBanned(pfrom, connman); return fMoreWork; } void PeerLogicValidation::ConsiderEviction(CNode *pto, int64_t time_in_seconds) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); CNodeState &state = *State(pto->GetId()); const CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(pto->GetSendVersion()); if (!state.m_chain_sync.m_protect && IsOutboundDisconnectionCandidate(pto) && state.fSyncStarted) { // This is an outbound peer subject to disconnection if they don't // announce a block with as much work as the current tip within // CHAIN_SYNC_TIMEOUT + HEADERS_RESPONSE_TIME seconds (note: if their // chain has more work than ours, we should sync to it, unless it's // invalid, in which case we should find that out and disconnect from // them elsewhere). if (state.pindexBestKnownBlock != nullptr && state.pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork >= chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork) { if (state.m_chain_sync.m_timeout != 0) { state.m_chain_sync.m_timeout = 0; state.m_chain_sync.m_work_header = nullptr; state.m_chain_sync.m_sent_getheaders = false; } } else if (state.m_chain_sync.m_timeout == 0 || (state.m_chain_sync.m_work_header != nullptr && state.pindexBestKnownBlock != nullptr && state.pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork >= state.m_chain_sync.m_work_header->nChainWork)) { // Our best block known by this peer is behind our tip, and we're // either noticing that for the first time, OR this peer was able to // catch up to some earlier point where we checked against our tip. // Either way, set a new timeout based on current tip. state.m_chain_sync.m_timeout = time_in_seconds + CHAIN_SYNC_TIMEOUT; state.m_chain_sync.m_work_header = chainActive.Tip(); state.m_chain_sync.m_sent_getheaders = false; } else if (state.m_chain_sync.m_timeout > 0 && time_in_seconds > state.m_chain_sync.m_timeout) { // No evidence yet that our peer has synced to a chain with work // equal to that of our tip, when we first detected it was behind. // Send a single getheaders message to give the peer a chance to // update us. if (state.m_chain_sync.m_sent_getheaders) { // They've run out of time to catch up! LogPrintf( "Disconnecting outbound peer %d for old chain, best known " "block = %s\n", pto->GetId(), state.pindexBestKnownBlock != nullptr ? state.pindexBestKnownBlock->GetBlockHash().ToString() : ""); pto->fDisconnect = true; } else { assert(state.m_chain_sync.m_work_header); LogPrint( BCLog::NET, "sending getheaders to outbound peer=%d to verify chain " "work (current best known block:%s, benchmark blockhash: " "%s)\n", pto->GetId(), state.pindexBestKnownBlock != nullptr ? state.pindexBestKnownBlock->GetBlockHash().ToString() : "", state.m_chain_sync.m_work_header->GetBlockHash() .ToString()); connman->PushMessage( pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETHEADERS, chainActive.GetLocator( state.m_chain_sync.m_work_header->pprev), uint256())); state.m_chain_sync.m_sent_getheaders = true; // 2 minutes constexpr int64_t HEADERS_RESPONSE_TIME = 120; // Bump the timeout to allow a response, which could clear the // timeout (if the response shows the peer has synced), reset // the timeout (if the peer syncs to the required work but not // to our tip), or result in disconnect (if we advance to the // timeout and pindexBestKnownBlock has not sufficiently // progressed) state.m_chain_sync.m_timeout = time_in_seconds + HEADERS_RESPONSE_TIME; } } } } void PeerLogicValidation::EvictExtraOutboundPeers(int64_t time_in_seconds) { // Check whether we have too many outbound peers int extra_peers = connman->GetExtraOutboundCount(); if (extra_peers <= 0) { return; } // If we have more outbound peers than we target, disconnect one. // Pick the outbound peer that least recently announced us a new block, with // ties broken by choosing the more recent connection (higher node id) NodeId worst_peer = -1; int64_t oldest_block_announcement = std::numeric_limits::max(); LOCK(cs_main); connman->ForEachNode([&](CNode *pnode) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); // Ignore non-outbound peers, or nodes marked for disconnect already if (!IsOutboundDisconnectionCandidate(pnode) || pnode->fDisconnect) { return; } CNodeState *state = State(pnode->GetId()); if (state == nullptr) { // shouldn't be possible, but just in case return; } // Don't evict our protected peers if (state->m_chain_sync.m_protect) { return; } if (state->m_last_block_announcement < oldest_block_announcement || (state->m_last_block_announcement == oldest_block_announcement && pnode->GetId() > worst_peer)) { worst_peer = pnode->GetId(); oldest_block_announcement = state->m_last_block_announcement; } }); if (worst_peer == -1) { return; } bool disconnected = connman->ForNode(worst_peer, [&](CNode *pnode) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); // Only disconnect a peer that has been connected to us for some // reasonable fraction of our check-frequency, to give it time for new // information to have arrived. // Also don't disconnect any peer we're trying to download a block from. CNodeState &state = *State(pnode->GetId()); if (time_in_seconds - pnode->nTimeConnected > MINIMUM_CONNECT_TIME && state.nBlocksInFlight == 0) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "disconnecting extra outbound peer=%d (last block " "announcement received at time %d)\n", pnode->GetId(), oldest_block_announcement); pnode->fDisconnect = true; return true; } else { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "keeping outbound peer=%d chosen for eviction " "(connect time: %d, blocks_in_flight: %d)\n", pnode->GetId(), pnode->nTimeConnected, state.nBlocksInFlight); return false; } }); if (disconnected) { // If we disconnected an extra peer, that means we successfully // connected to at least one peer after the last time we detected a // stale tip. Don't try any more extra peers until we next detect a // stale tip, to limit the load we put on the network from these extra // connections. connman->SetTryNewOutboundPeer(false); } } void PeerLogicValidation::CheckForStaleTipAndEvictPeers( const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) { if (connman == nullptr) { return; } int64_t time_in_seconds = GetTime(); EvictExtraOutboundPeers(time_in_seconds); if (time_in_seconds <= m_stale_tip_check_time) { return; } LOCK(cs_main); // Check whether our tip is stale, and if so, allow using an extra outbound // peer. if (TipMayBeStale(consensusParams)) { LogPrintf("Potential stale tip detected, will try using extra outbound " "peer (last tip update: %d seconds ago)\n", time_in_seconds - g_last_tip_update); connman->SetTryNewOutboundPeer(true); } else if (connman->GetTryNewOutboundPeer()) { connman->SetTryNewOutboundPeer(false); } m_stale_tip_check_time = time_in_seconds + STALE_CHECK_INTERVAL; } namespace { class CompareInvMempoolOrder { CTxMemPool *mp; public: explicit CompareInvMempoolOrder(CTxMemPool *_mempool) { mp = _mempool; } bool operator()(std::set::iterator a, std::set::iterator b) { /* As std::make_heap produces a max-heap, we want the entries with the * fewest ancestors/highest fee to sort later. */ return mp->CompareDepthAndScore(*b, *a); } }; } // namespace bool PeerLogicValidation::SendMessages(const Config &config, CNode *pto, std::atomic &interruptMsgProc) { const Consensus::Params &consensusParams = config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus(); // Don't send anything until the version handshake is complete if (!pto->fSuccessfullyConnected || pto->fDisconnect) { return true; } // If we get here, the outgoing message serialization version is set and // can't change. const CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(pto->GetSendVersion()); // // Message: ping // bool pingSend = false; if (pto->fPingQueued) { // RPC ping request by user pingSend = true; } if (pto->nPingNonceSent == 0 && pto->nPingUsecStart + PING_INTERVAL * 1000000 < GetTimeMicros()) { // Ping automatically sent as a latency probe & keepalive. pingSend = true; } if (pingSend) { uint64_t nonce = 0; while (nonce == 0) { GetRandBytes((uint8_t *)&nonce, sizeof(nonce)); } pto->fPingQueued = false; pto->nPingUsecStart = GetTimeMicros(); if (pto->nVersion > BIP0031_VERSION) { pto->nPingNonceSent = nonce; connman->PushMessage(pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::PING, nonce)); } else { // Peer is too old to support ping command with nonce, pong will // never arrive. pto->nPingNonceSent = 0; connman->PushMessage(pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::PING)); } } // Acquire cs_main for IsInitialBlockDownload() and CNodeState() TRY_LOCK(cs_main, lockMain); if (!lockMain) { return true; } if (SendRejectsAndCheckIfBanned(pto, connman)) { return true; } CNodeState &state = *State(pto->GetId()); // Address refresh broadcast int64_t nNow = GetTimeMicros(); if (!IsInitialBlockDownload() && pto->nNextLocalAddrSend < nNow) { AdvertiseLocal(pto); pto->nNextLocalAddrSend = PoissonNextSend(nNow, AVG_LOCAL_ADDRESS_BROADCAST_INTERVAL); } // // Message: addr // if (pto->nNextAddrSend < nNow) { pto->nNextAddrSend = PoissonNextSend(nNow, AVG_ADDRESS_BROADCAST_INTERVAL); std::vector vAddr; vAddr.reserve(pto->vAddrToSend.size()); for (const CAddress &addr : pto->vAddrToSend) { if (!pto->addrKnown.contains(addr.GetKey())) { pto->addrKnown.insert(addr.GetKey()); vAddr.push_back(addr); // receiver rejects addr messages larger than 1000 if (vAddr.size() >= 1000) { connman->PushMessage( pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::ADDR, vAddr)); vAddr.clear(); } } } pto->vAddrToSend.clear(); if (!vAddr.empty()) { connman->PushMessage(pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::ADDR, vAddr)); } // we only send the big addr message once if (pto->vAddrToSend.capacity() > 40) { pto->vAddrToSend.shrink_to_fit(); } } // Start block sync if (pindexBestHeader == nullptr) { pindexBestHeader = chainActive.Tip(); } // Download if this is a nice peer, or we have no nice peers and this one // might do. bool fFetch = state.fPreferredDownload || (nPreferredDownload == 0 && !pto->fClient && !pto->fOneShot); if (!state.fSyncStarted && !pto->fClient && !fImporting && !fReindex) { // Only actively request headers from a single peer, unless we're close // to today. if ((nSyncStarted == 0 && fFetch) || pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime() > GetAdjustedTime() - 24 * 60 * 60) { state.fSyncStarted = true; state.nHeadersSyncTimeout = GetTimeMicros() + HEADERS_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_BASE + HEADERS_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_PER_HEADER * (GetAdjustedTime() - pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime()) / (consensusParams.nPowTargetSpacing); nSyncStarted++; const CBlockIndex *pindexStart = pindexBestHeader; /** * If possible, start at the block preceding the currently best * known header. This ensures that we always get a non-empty list of * headers back as long as the peer is up-to-date. With a non-empty * response, we can initialise the peer's known best block. This * wouldn't be possible if we requested starting at pindexBestHeader * and got back an empty response. */ if (pindexStart->pprev) { pindexStart = pindexStart->pprev; } LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "initial getheaders (%d) to peer=%d (startheight:%d)\n", pindexStart->nHeight, pto->GetId(), pto->nStartingHeight); connman->PushMessage( pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETHEADERS, chainActive.GetLocator(pindexStart), uint256())); } } // Resend wallet transactions that haven't gotten in a block yet // Except during reindex, importing and IBD, when old wallet transactions // become unconfirmed and spams other nodes. if (!fReindex && !fImporting && !IsInitialBlockDownload()) { GetMainSignals().Broadcast(nTimeBestReceived, connman); } // // Try sending block announcements via headers // { // If we have less than MAX_BLOCKS_TO_ANNOUNCE in our list of block // hashes we're relaying, and our peer wants headers announcements, then // find the first header not yet known to our peer but would connect, // and send. If no header would connect, or if we have too many blocks, // or if the peer doesn't want headers, just add all to the inv queue. LOCK(pto->cs_inventory); std::vector vHeaders; bool fRevertToInv = ((!state.fPreferHeaders && (!state.fPreferHeaderAndIDs || pto->vBlockHashesToAnnounce.size() > 1)) || pto->vBlockHashesToAnnounce.size() > MAX_BLOCKS_TO_ANNOUNCE); // last header queued for delivery const CBlockIndex *pBestIndex = nullptr; // ensure pindexBestKnownBlock is up-to-date ProcessBlockAvailability(pto->GetId()); if (!fRevertToInv) { bool fFoundStartingHeader = false; // Try to find first header that our peer doesn't have, and then // send all headers past that one. If we come across an headers that // aren't on chainActive, give up. for (const uint256 &hash : pto->vBlockHashesToAnnounce) { const CBlockIndex *pindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); assert(pindex); if (chainActive[pindex->nHeight] != pindex) { // Bail out if we reorged away from this block fRevertToInv = true; break; } if (pBestIndex != nullptr && pindex->pprev != pBestIndex) { // This means that the list of blocks to announce don't // connect to each other. This shouldn't really be possible // to hit during regular operation (because reorgs should // take us to a chain that has some block not on the prior // chain, which should be caught by the prior check), but // one way this could happen is by using invalidateblock / // reconsiderblock repeatedly on the tip, causing it to be // added multiple times to vBlockHashesToAnnounce. Robustly // deal with this rare situation by reverting to an inv. fRevertToInv = true; break; } pBestIndex = pindex; if (fFoundStartingHeader) { // add this to the headers message vHeaders.push_back(pindex->GetBlockHeader()); } else if (PeerHasHeader(&state, pindex)) { // Keep looking for the first new block. continue; } else if (pindex->pprev == nullptr || PeerHasHeader(&state, pindex->pprev)) { // Peer doesn't have this header but they do have the prior // one. // Start sending headers. fFoundStartingHeader = true; vHeaders.push_back(pindex->GetBlockHeader()); } else { // Peer doesn't have this header or the prior one -- // nothing will connect, so bail out. fRevertToInv = true; break; } } } if (!fRevertToInv && !vHeaders.empty()) { if (vHeaders.size() == 1 && state.fPreferHeaderAndIDs) { // We only send up to 1 block as header-and-ids, as otherwise // probably means we're doing an initial-ish-sync or they're // slow. LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s sending header-and-ids %s to peer=%d\n", __func__, vHeaders.front().GetHash().ToString(), pto->GetId()); int nSendFlags = 0; bool fGotBlockFromCache = false; { LOCK(cs_most_recent_block); if (most_recent_block_hash == pBestIndex->GetBlockHash()) { CBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs cmpctblock( *most_recent_block); connman->PushMessage( pto, msgMaker.Make(nSendFlags, NetMsgType::CMPCTBLOCK, cmpctblock)); fGotBlockFromCache = true; } } if (!fGotBlockFromCache) { CBlock block; bool ret = ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pBestIndex, config); assert(ret); CBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs cmpctblock(block); connman->PushMessage( pto, msgMaker.Make(nSendFlags, NetMsgType::CMPCTBLOCK, cmpctblock)); } state.pindexBestHeaderSent = pBestIndex; } else if (state.fPreferHeaders) { if (vHeaders.size() > 1) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s: %u headers, range (%s, %s), to peer=%d\n", __func__, vHeaders.size(), vHeaders.front().GetHash().ToString(), vHeaders.back().GetHash().ToString(), pto->GetId()); } else { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s: sending header %s to peer=%d\n", __func__, vHeaders.front().GetHash().ToString(), pto->GetId()); } connman->PushMessage( pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::HEADERS, vHeaders)); state.pindexBestHeaderSent = pBestIndex; } else { fRevertToInv = true; } } if (fRevertToInv) { // If falling back to using an inv, just try to inv the tip. The // last entry in vBlockHashesToAnnounce was our tip at some point in // the past. if (!pto->vBlockHashesToAnnounce.empty()) { const uint256 &hashToAnnounce = pto->vBlockHashesToAnnounce.back(); const CBlockIndex *pindex = LookupBlockIndex(hashToAnnounce); assert(pindex); // Warn if we're announcing a block that is not on the main // chain. This should be very rare and could be optimized out. // Just log for now. if (chainActive[pindex->nHeight] != pindex) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Announcing block %s not on main chain (tip=%s)\n", hashToAnnounce.ToString(), chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().ToString()); } // If the peer's chain has this block, don't inv it back. if (!PeerHasHeader(&state, pindex)) { pto->PushInventory(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, hashToAnnounce)); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s: sending inv peer=%d hash=%s\n", __func__, pto->GetId(), hashToAnnounce.ToString()); } } } pto->vBlockHashesToAnnounce.clear(); } // // Message: inventory // std::vector vInv; { LOCK(pto->cs_inventory); vInv.reserve(std::max(pto->vInventoryBlockToSend.size(), INVENTORY_BROADCAST_MAX_PER_MB * config.GetMaxBlockSize() / 1000000)); // Add blocks for (const uint256 &hash : pto->vInventoryBlockToSend) { vInv.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, hash)); if (vInv.size() == MAX_INV_SZ) { connman->PushMessage(pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::INV, vInv)); vInv.clear(); } } pto->vInventoryBlockToSend.clear(); // Check whether periodic sends should happen bool fSendTrickle = pto->fWhitelisted; if (pto->nNextInvSend < nNow) { fSendTrickle = true; // Use half the delay for outbound peers, as there is less privacy // concern for them. pto->nNextInvSend = PoissonNextSend( nNow, INVENTORY_BROADCAST_INTERVAL >> !pto->fInbound); } // Time to send but the peer has requested we not relay transactions. if (fSendTrickle) { LOCK(pto->cs_filter); if (!pto->fRelayTxes) { pto->setInventoryTxToSend.clear(); } } // Respond to BIP35 mempool requests if (fSendTrickle && pto->fSendMempool) { auto vtxinfo = g_mempool.infoAll(); pto->fSendMempool = false; Amount filterrate = Amount::zero(); { LOCK(pto->cs_feeFilter); filterrate = pto->minFeeFilter; } LOCK(pto->cs_filter); for (const auto &txinfo : vtxinfo) { const uint256 &txid = txinfo.tx->GetId(); CInv inv(MSG_TX, txid); pto->setInventoryTxToSend.erase(txid); if (filterrate != Amount::zero() && txinfo.feeRate.GetFeePerK() < filterrate) { continue; } if (pto->pfilter && !pto->pfilter->IsRelevantAndUpdate(*txinfo.tx)) { continue; } pto->filterInventoryKnown.insert(txid); vInv.push_back(inv); if (vInv.size() == MAX_INV_SZ) { connman->PushMessage(pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::INV, vInv)); vInv.clear(); } } pto->timeLastMempoolReq = GetTime(); } // Determine transactions to relay if (fSendTrickle) { // Produce a vector with all candidates for sending std::vector::iterator> vInvTx; vInvTx.reserve(pto->setInventoryTxToSend.size()); for (std::set::iterator it = pto->setInventoryTxToSend.begin(); it != pto->setInventoryTxToSend.end(); it++) { vInvTx.push_back(it); } Amount filterrate = Amount::zero(); { LOCK(pto->cs_feeFilter); filterrate = pto->minFeeFilter; } // Topologically and fee-rate sort the inventory we send for privacy // and priority reasons. A heap is used so that not all items need // sorting if only a few are being sent. CompareInvMempoolOrder compareInvMempoolOrder(&g_mempool); std::make_heap(vInvTx.begin(), vInvTx.end(), compareInvMempoolOrder); // No reason to drain out at many times the network's capacity, // especially since we have many peers and some will draw much // shorter delays. unsigned int nRelayedTransactions = 0; LOCK(pto->cs_filter); while (!vInvTx.empty() && nRelayedTransactions < INVENTORY_BROADCAST_MAX_PER_MB * config.GetMaxBlockSize() / 1000000) { // Fetch the top element from the heap std::pop_heap(vInvTx.begin(), vInvTx.end(), compareInvMempoolOrder); std::set::iterator it = vInvTx.back(); vInvTx.pop_back(); uint256 hash = *it; // Remove it from the to-be-sent set pto->setInventoryTxToSend.erase(it); // Check if not in the filter already if (pto->filterInventoryKnown.contains(hash)) { continue; } // Not in the mempool anymore? don't bother sending it. auto txinfo = g_mempool.info(hash); if (!txinfo.tx) { continue; } if (filterrate != Amount::zero() && txinfo.feeRate.GetFeePerK() < filterrate) { continue; } if (pto->pfilter && !pto->pfilter->IsRelevantAndUpdate(*txinfo.tx)) { continue; } // Send vInv.push_back(CInv(MSG_TX, hash)); nRelayedTransactions++; { // Expire old relay messages while (!vRelayExpiration.empty() && vRelayExpiration.front().first < nNow) { mapRelay.erase(vRelayExpiration.front().second); vRelayExpiration.pop_front(); } auto ret = mapRelay.insert( std::make_pair(hash, std::move(txinfo.tx))); if (ret.second) { vRelayExpiration.push_back(std::make_pair( nNow + 15 * 60 * 1000000, ret.first)); } } if (vInv.size() == MAX_INV_SZ) { connman->PushMessage(pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::INV, vInv)); vInv.clear(); } pto->filterInventoryKnown.insert(hash); } } } if (!vInv.empty()) { connman->PushMessage(pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::INV, vInv)); } // Detect whether we're stalling nNow = GetTimeMicros(); if (state.nStallingSince && state.nStallingSince < nNow - 1000000 * BLOCK_STALLING_TIMEOUT) { // Stalling only triggers when the block download window cannot move. // During normal steady state, the download window should be much larger // than the to-be-downloaded set of blocks, so disconnection should only // happen during initial block download. LogPrintf("Peer=%d is stalling block download, disconnecting\n", pto->GetId()); pto->fDisconnect = true; return true; } // In case there is a block that has been in flight from this peer for 2 + // 0.5 * N times the block interval (with N the number of peers from which // we're downloading validated blocks), disconnect due to timeout. We // compensate for other peers to prevent killing off peers due to our own // downstream link being saturated. We only count validated in-flight blocks // so peers can't advertise non-existing block hashes to unreasonably // increase our timeout. if (state.vBlocksInFlight.size() > 0) { QueuedBlock &queuedBlock = state.vBlocksInFlight.front(); int nOtherPeersWithValidatedDownloads = nPeersWithValidatedDownloads - (state.nBlocksInFlightValidHeaders > 0); if (nNow > state.nDownloadingSince + consensusParams.nPowTargetSpacing * (BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_BASE + BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_PER_PEER * nOtherPeersWithValidatedDownloads)) { LogPrintf("Timeout downloading block %s from peer=%d, " "disconnecting\n", queuedBlock.hash.ToString(), pto->GetId()); pto->fDisconnect = true; return true; } } // Check for headers sync timeouts if (state.fSyncStarted && state.nHeadersSyncTimeout < std::numeric_limits::max()) { // Detect whether this is a stalling initial-headers-sync peer if (pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime() <= GetAdjustedTime() - 24 * 60 * 60) { if (nNow > state.nHeadersSyncTimeout && nSyncStarted == 1 && (nPreferredDownload - state.fPreferredDownload >= 1)) { // Disconnect a (non-whitelisted) peer if it is our only sync // peer, and we have others we could be using instead. // Note: If all our peers are inbound, then we won't disconnect // our sync peer for stalling; we have bigger problems if we // can't get any outbound peers. if (!pto->fWhitelisted) { LogPrintf("Timeout downloading headers from peer=%d, " "disconnecting\n", pto->GetId()); pto->fDisconnect = true; return true; } else { LogPrintf("Timeout downloading headers from whitelisted " "peer=%d, not disconnecting\n", pto->GetId()); // Reset the headers sync state so that we have a chance to // try downloading from a different peer. // Note: this will also result in at least one more // getheaders message to be sent to this peer (eventually). state.fSyncStarted = false; nSyncStarted--; state.nHeadersSyncTimeout = 0; } } } else { // After we've caught up once, reset the timeout so we can't trigger // disconnect later. state.nHeadersSyncTimeout = std::numeric_limits::max(); } } // Check that outbound peers have reasonable chains GetTime() is used by // this anti-DoS logic so we can test this using mocktime. ConsiderEviction(pto, GetTime()); // // Message: getdata (blocks) // std::vector vGetData; if (!pto->fClient && ((fFetch && !pto->m_limited_node) || !IsInitialBlockDownload()) && state.nBlocksInFlight < MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER) { std::vector vToDownload; NodeId staller = -1; FindNextBlocksToDownload(pto->GetId(), MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER - state.nBlocksInFlight, vToDownload, staller, consensusParams); for (const CBlockIndex *pindex : vToDownload) { vGetData.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, pindex->GetBlockHash())); MarkBlockAsInFlight(config, pto->GetId(), pindex->GetBlockHash(), consensusParams, pindex); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Requesting block %s (%d) peer=%d\n", pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString(), pindex->nHeight, pto->GetId()); } if (state.nBlocksInFlight == 0 && staller != -1) { if (State(staller)->nStallingSince == 0) { State(staller)->nStallingSince = nNow; LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Stall started peer=%d\n", staller); } } } // // Message: getdata (non-blocks) // while (!pto->mapAskFor.empty() && (*pto->mapAskFor.begin()).first <= nNow) { const CInv &inv = (*pto->mapAskFor.begin()).second; if (!AlreadyHave(inv)) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Requesting %s peer=%d\n", inv.ToString(), pto->GetId()); vGetData.push_back(inv); if (vGetData.size() >= 1000) { connman->PushMessage( pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETDATA, vGetData)); vGetData.clear(); } } else { // If we're not going to ask, don't expect a response. pto->setAskFor.erase(inv.hash); } pto->mapAskFor.erase(pto->mapAskFor.begin()); } if (!vGetData.empty()) { connman->PushMessage(pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETDATA, vGetData)); } // // Message: feefilter // // We don't want white listed peers to filter txs to us if we have // -whitelistforcerelay if (pto->nVersion >= FEEFILTER_VERSION && gArgs.GetBoolArg("-feefilter", DEFAULT_FEEFILTER) && !(pto->fWhitelisted && gArgs.GetBoolArg("-whitelistforcerelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY))) { Amount currentFilter = g_mempool .GetMinFee( gArgs.GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000) .GetFeePerK(); int64_t timeNow = GetTimeMicros(); if (timeNow > pto->nextSendTimeFeeFilter) { static CFeeRate default_feerate = CFeeRate(DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE_PER_KB); static FeeFilterRounder filterRounder(default_feerate); Amount filterToSend = filterRounder.round(currentFilter); // If we don't allow free transactions, then we always have a fee // filter of at least minRelayTxFee if (gArgs.GetArg("-limitfreerelay", DEFAULT_LIMITFREERELAY) <= 0) { filterToSend = std::max(filterToSend, ::minRelayTxFee.GetFeePerK()); } if (filterToSend != pto->lastSentFeeFilter) { connman->PushMessage( pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::FEEFILTER, filterToSend)); pto->lastSentFeeFilter = filterToSend; } pto->nextSendTimeFeeFilter = PoissonNextSend(timeNow, AVG_FEEFILTER_BROADCAST_INTERVAL); } // If the fee filter has changed substantially and it's still more than // MAX_FEEFILTER_CHANGE_DELAY until scheduled broadcast, then move the // broadcast to within MAX_FEEFILTER_CHANGE_DELAY. else if (timeNow + MAX_FEEFILTER_CHANGE_DELAY * 1000000 < pto->nextSendTimeFeeFilter && (currentFilter < 3 * pto->lastSentFeeFilter / 4 || currentFilter > 4 * pto->lastSentFeeFilter / 3)) { pto->nextSendTimeFeeFilter = timeNow + GetRandInt(MAX_FEEFILTER_CHANGE_DELAY) * 1000000; } } return true; } class CNetProcessingCleanup { public: CNetProcessingCleanup() {} ~CNetProcessingCleanup() { // orphan transactions mapOrphanTransactions.clear(); mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.clear(); } } instance_of_cnetprocessingcleanup; diff --git a/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp b/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp index 2c27375e0d..46d966021a 100644 --- a/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp +++ b/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp @@ -1,2227 +1,2227 @@ // Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // boost::thread::interrupt #include #include #include struct CUpdatedBlock { uint256 hash; int height; }; static Mutex cs_blockchange; static std::condition_variable cond_blockchange; static CUpdatedBlock latestblock; /** * Calculate the difficulty for a given block index. */ double GetDifficulty(const CBlockIndex *blockindex) { assert(blockindex); int nShift = (blockindex->nBits >> 24) & 0xff; double dDiff = double(0x0000ffff) / double(blockindex->nBits & 0x00ffffff); while (nShift < 29) { dDiff *= 256.0; nShift++; } while (nShift > 29) { dDiff /= 256.0; nShift--; } return dDiff; } static int ComputeNextBlockAndDepth(const CBlockIndex *tip, const CBlockIndex *blockindex, const CBlockIndex *&next) { next = tip->GetAncestor(blockindex->nHeight + 1); if (next && next->pprev == blockindex) { return tip->nHeight - blockindex->nHeight + 1; } next = nullptr; return blockindex == tip ? 1 : -1; } UniValue blockheaderToJSON(const CBlockIndex *tip, const CBlockIndex *blockindex) { UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); result.pushKV("hash", blockindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); const CBlockIndex *pnext; int confirmations = ComputeNextBlockAndDepth(tip, blockindex, pnext); result.pushKV("confirmations", confirmations); result.pushKV("height", blockindex->nHeight); result.pushKV("version", blockindex->nVersion); result.pushKV("versionHex", strprintf("%08x", blockindex->nVersion)); result.pushKV("merkleroot", blockindex->hashMerkleRoot.GetHex()); result.pushKV("time", int64_t(blockindex->nTime)); result.pushKV("mediantime", int64_t(blockindex->GetMedianTimePast())); result.pushKV("nonce", uint64_t(blockindex->nNonce)); result.pushKV("bits", strprintf("%08x", blockindex->nBits)); result.pushKV("difficulty", GetDifficulty(blockindex)); result.pushKV("chainwork", blockindex->nChainWork.GetHex()); if (blockindex->pprev) { result.pushKV("previousblockhash", blockindex->pprev->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); } if (pnext) { result.pushKV("nextblockhash", pnext->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); } return result; } UniValue blockToJSON(const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex *tip, const CBlockIndex *blockindex, bool txDetails) { UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); result.pushKV("hash", blockindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); const CBlockIndex *pnext; int confirmations = ComputeNextBlockAndDepth(tip, blockindex, pnext); result.pushKV("confirmations", confirmations); result.pushKV( "size", (int)::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION)); result.pushKV("height", blockindex->nHeight); result.pushKV("version", block.nVersion); result.pushKV("versionHex", strprintf("%08x", block.nVersion)); result.pushKV("merkleroot", block.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex()); UniValue txs(UniValue::VARR); for (const auto &tx : block.vtx) { if (txDetails) { UniValue objTx(UniValue::VOBJ); TxToUniv(*tx, uint256(), objTx, true, RPCSerializationFlags()); txs.push_back(objTx); } else { txs.push_back(tx->GetId().GetHex()); } } result.pushKV("tx", txs); result.pushKV("time", block.GetBlockTime()); result.pushKV("mediantime", int64_t(blockindex->GetMedianTimePast())); result.pushKV("nonce", uint64_t(block.nNonce)); result.pushKV("bits", strprintf("%08x", block.nBits)); result.pushKV("difficulty", GetDifficulty(blockindex)); result.pushKV("chainwork", blockindex->nChainWork.GetHex()); if (blockindex->pprev) { result.pushKV("previousblockhash", blockindex->pprev->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); } if (pnext) { result.pushKV("nextblockhash", pnext->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); } return result; } static UniValue getblockcount(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblockcount\n" "\nReturns the number of blocks in the longest blockchain.\n" "\nResult:\n" "n (numeric) The current block count\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblockcount", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockcount", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); return chainActive.Height(); } static UniValue getbestblockhash(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getbestblockhash\n" "\nReturns the hash of the best (tip) block in the " "longest blockchain.\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"hex\" (string) the block hash hex encoded\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getbestblockhash", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getbestblockhash", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); return chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().GetHex(); } UniValue getfinalizedblockhash(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getfinalizedblockhash\n" "\nReturns the hash of the currently finalized block\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"hex\" (string) the block hash hex encoded\n"); } LOCK(cs_main); const CBlockIndex *blockIndexFinalized = GetFinalizedBlock(); if (blockIndexFinalized) { return blockIndexFinalized->GetBlockHash().GetHex(); } return UniValue(UniValue::VSTR); } void RPCNotifyBlockChange(bool ibd, const CBlockIndex *pindex) { if (pindex) { std::lock_guard lock(cs_blockchange); latestblock.hash = pindex->GetBlockHash(); latestblock.height = pindex->nHeight; } cond_blockchange.notify_all(); } static UniValue waitfornewblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "waitfornewblock (timeout)\n" "\nWaits for a specific new block and returns " "useful info about it.\n" "\nReturns the current block on timeout or exit.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. timeout (int, optional, default=0) Time in " "milliseconds to wait for a response. 0 indicates " "no timeout.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"hash\" : { (string) The blockhash\n" " \"height\" : { (int) Block height\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("waitfornewblock", "1000") + HelpExampleRpc("waitfornewblock", "1000")); } int timeout = 0; if (!request.params[0].isNull()) { timeout = request.params[0].get_int(); } CUpdatedBlock block; { WAIT_LOCK(cs_blockchange, lock); block = latestblock; if (timeout) { cond_blockchange.wait_for( lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout), [&block] { return latestblock.height != block.height || latestblock.hash != block.hash || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } else { cond_blockchange.wait(lock, [&block] { return latestblock.height != block.height || latestblock.hash != block.hash || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } block = latestblock; } UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.pushKV("hash", block.hash.GetHex()); ret.pushKV("height", block.height); return ret; } static UniValue waitforblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "waitforblock (timeout)\n" "\nWaits for a specific new block and returns useful info about " "it.\n" "\nReturns the current block on timeout or exit.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (required, string) Block hash to wait for.\n" "2. timeout (int, optional, default=0) Time in milliseconds " "to wait for a response. 0 indicates no timeout.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"hash\" : { (string) The blockhash\n" " \"height\" : { (int) Block height\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("waitforblock", "\"0000000000079f8ef3d2c688c244eb7a4" "570b24c9ed7b4a8c619eb02596f8862\", " "1000") + HelpExampleRpc("waitforblock", "\"0000000000079f8ef3d2c688c244eb7a4" "570b24c9ed7b4a8c619eb02596f8862\", " "1000")); } int timeout = 0; uint256 hash = uint256S(request.params[0].get_str()); if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { timeout = request.params[1].get_int(); } CUpdatedBlock block; { WAIT_LOCK(cs_blockchange, lock); if (timeout) { cond_blockchange.wait_for( lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout), [&hash] { return latestblock.hash == hash || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } else { cond_blockchange.wait(lock, [&hash] { return latestblock.hash == hash || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } block = latestblock; } UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.pushKV("hash", block.hash.GetHex()); ret.pushKV("height", block.height); return ret; } static UniValue waitforblockheight(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "waitforblockheight (timeout)\n" "\nWaits for (at least) block height and returns the height and " "hash\n" "of the current tip.\n" "\nReturns the current block on timeout or exit.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. height (required, int) Block height to wait for (int)\n" "2. timeout (int, optional, default=0) Time in milliseconds to " "wait for a response. 0 indicates no timeout.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"hash\" : { (string) The blockhash\n" " \"height\" : { (int) Block height\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("waitforblockheight", "\"100\", 1000") + HelpExampleRpc("waitforblockheight", "\"100\", 1000")); } int timeout = 0; int height = request.params[0].get_int(); if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { timeout = request.params[1].get_int(); } CUpdatedBlock block; { WAIT_LOCK(cs_blockchange, lock); if (timeout) { cond_blockchange.wait_for( lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout), [&height] { return latestblock.height >= height || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } else { cond_blockchange.wait(lock, [&height] { return latestblock.height >= height || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } block = latestblock; } UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.pushKV("hash", block.hash.GetHex()); ret.pushKV("height", block.height); return ret; } static UniValue syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue\n" "\nWaits for the validation interface queue to catch up on " "everything that was there when we entered this function.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue", "") + HelpExampleRpc("syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue", "")); } SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue(); return NullUniValue; } static UniValue getdifficulty(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("getdifficulty\n" "\nReturns the proof-of-work difficulty as a " "multiple of the minimum difficulty.\n" "\nResult:\n" "n.nnn (numeric) the proof-of-work " "difficulty as a multiple of the minimum " "difficulty.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getdifficulty", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getdifficulty", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); return GetDifficulty(chainActive.Tip()); } static std::string EntryDescriptionString() { return " \"size\" : n, (numeric) transaction size.\n" " \"fee\" : n, (numeric) transaction fee in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n" " \"modifiedfee\" : n, (numeric) transaction fee with fee " "deltas used for mining priority\n" " \"time\" : n, (numeric) local time transaction " "entered pool in seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT\n" " \"height\" : n, (numeric) block height when " "transaction entered pool\n" " \"startingpriority\" : n, (numeric) DEPRECATED. Priority when " "transaction entered pool\n" " \"currentpriority\" : n, (numeric) DEPRECATED. Transaction " "priority now\n" " \"descendantcount\" : n, (numeric) number of in-mempool " "descendant transactions (including this one)\n" " \"descendantsize\" : n, (numeric) virtual transaction size " "of in-mempool descendants (including this one)\n" " \"descendantfees\" : n, (numeric) modified fees (see above) " "of in-mempool descendants (including this one)\n" " \"ancestorcount\" : n, (numeric) number of in-mempool " "ancestor transactions (including this one)\n" " \"ancestorsize\" : n, (numeric) virtual transaction size " "of in-mempool ancestors (including this one)\n" " \"ancestorfees\" : n, (numeric) modified fees (see above) " "of in-mempool ancestors (including this one)\n" " \"depends\" : [ (array) unconfirmed transactions " "used as inputs for this transaction\n" " \"transactionid\", (string) parent transaction id\n" " ... ]\n" " \"spentby\" : [ (array) unconfirmed transactions " "spending outputs from this transaction\n" " \"transactionid\", (string) child transaction id\n" " ... ]\n"; } static void entryToJSON(UniValue &info, const CTxMemPoolEntry &e) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(g_mempool.cs) { AssertLockHeld(g_mempool.cs); info.pushKV("size", (int)e.GetTxSize()); info.pushKV("fee", ValueFromAmount(e.GetFee())); info.pushKV("modifiedfee", ValueFromAmount(e.GetModifiedFee())); info.pushKV("time", e.GetTime()); info.pushKV("height", (int)e.GetHeight()); info.pushKV("startingpriority", e.GetPriority(e.GetHeight())); info.pushKV("currentpriority", e.GetPriority(chainActive.Height())); info.pushKV("descendantcount", e.GetCountWithDescendants()); info.pushKV("descendantsize", e.GetSizeWithDescendants()); info.pushKV("descendantfees", e.GetModFeesWithDescendants() / SATOSHI); info.pushKV("ancestorcount", e.GetCountWithAncestors()); info.pushKV("ancestorsize", e.GetSizeWithAncestors()); info.pushKV("ancestorfees", e.GetModFeesWithAncestors() / SATOSHI); const CTransaction &tx = e.GetTx(); std::set setDepends; for (const CTxIn &txin : tx.vin) { if (g_mempool.exists(txin.prevout.GetTxId())) { setDepends.insert(txin.prevout.GetTxId().ToString()); } } UniValue depends(UniValue::VARR); for (const std::string &dep : setDepends) { depends.push_back(dep); } info.pushKV("depends", depends); UniValue spent(UniValue::VARR); const CTxMemPool::txiter &it = g_mempool.mapTx.find(tx.GetId()); const CTxMemPool::setEntries &setChildren = g_mempool.GetMemPoolChildren(it); for (const CTxMemPool::txiter &childiter : setChildren) { spent.push_back(childiter->GetTx().GetId().ToString()); } info.pushKV("spentby", spent); } UniValue mempoolToJSON(bool fVerbose) { if (fVerbose) { LOCK(g_mempool.cs); UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ); for (const CTxMemPoolEntry &e : g_mempool.mapTx) { const uint256 &txid = e.GetTx().GetId(); UniValue info(UniValue::VOBJ); entryToJSON(info, e); o.pushKV(txid.ToString(), info); } return o; } else { std::vector vtxids; g_mempool.queryHashes(vtxids); UniValue a(UniValue::VARR); for (const uint256 &txid : vtxids) { a.push_back(txid.ToString()); } return a; } } static UniValue getrawmempool(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "getrawmempool ( verbose )\n" "\nReturns all transaction ids in memory pool as a json array of " "string transaction ids.\n" "\nHint: use getmempoolentry to fetch a specific transaction from " "the mempool.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. verbose (boolean, optional, default=false) True for a json " "object, false for array of transaction ids\n" "\nResult: (for verbose = false):\n" "[ (json array of string)\n" " \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id\n" " ,...\n" "]\n" "\nResult: (for verbose = true):\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"transactionid\" : { (json object)\n" + EntryDescriptionString() + " }, ...\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getrawmempool", "true") + HelpExampleRpc("getrawmempool", "true")); } bool fVerbose = false; if (!request.params[0].isNull()) { fVerbose = request.params[0].get_bool(); } return mempoolToJSON(fVerbose); } static UniValue getmempoolancestors(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "getmempoolancestors txid (verbose)\n" "\nIf txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool ancestors.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"txid\" (string, required) The transaction id " "(must be in mempool)\n" "2. verbose (boolean, optional, default=false) " "True for a json object, false for array of transaction ids\n" "\nResult (for verbose=false):\n" "[ (json array of strings)\n" " \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id of an " "in-mempool ancestor transaction\n" " ,...\n" "]\n" "\nResult (for verbose=true):\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"transactionid\" : { (json object)\n" + EntryDescriptionString() + " }, ...\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getmempoolancestors", "\"mytxid\"") + HelpExampleRpc("getmempoolancestors", "\"mytxid\"")); } bool fVerbose = false; if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { fVerbose = request.params[1].get_bool(); } uint256 hash = ParseHashV(request.params[0], "parameter 1"); LOCK(g_mempool.cs); CTxMemPool::txiter it = g_mempool.mapTx.find(hash); if (it == g_mempool.mapTx.end()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Transaction not in mempool"); } CTxMemPool::setEntries setAncestors; uint64_t noLimit = std::numeric_limits::max(); std::string dummy; g_mempool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(*it, setAncestors, noLimit, noLimit, noLimit, noLimit, dummy, false); if (!fVerbose) { UniValue o(UniValue::VARR); for (CTxMemPool::txiter ancestorIt : setAncestors) { o.push_back(ancestorIt->GetTx().GetId().ToString()); } return o; } else { UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ); for (CTxMemPool::txiter ancestorIt : setAncestors) { const CTxMemPoolEntry &e = *ancestorIt; const uint256 &_hash = e.GetTx().GetId(); UniValue info(UniValue::VOBJ); entryToJSON(info, e); o.pushKV(_hash.ToString(), info); } return o; } } static UniValue getmempooldescendants(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "getmempooldescendants txid (verbose)\n" "\nIf txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool descendants.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"txid\" (string, required) The transaction id " "(must be in mempool)\n" "2. verbose (boolean, optional, default=false) " "True for a json object, false for array of transaction ids\n" "\nResult (for verbose=false):\n" "[ (json array of strings)\n" " \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id of an " "in-mempool descendant transaction\n" " ,...\n" "]\n" "\nResult (for verbose=true):\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"transactionid\" : { (json object)\n" + EntryDescriptionString() + " }, ...\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getmempooldescendants", "\"mytxid\"") + HelpExampleRpc("getmempooldescendants", "\"mytxid\"")); } bool fVerbose = false; if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { fVerbose = request.params[1].get_bool(); } uint256 hash = ParseHashV(request.params[0], "parameter 1"); LOCK(g_mempool.cs); CTxMemPool::txiter it = g_mempool.mapTx.find(hash); if (it == g_mempool.mapTx.end()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Transaction not in mempool"); } CTxMemPool::setEntries setDescendants; g_mempool.CalculateDescendants(it, setDescendants); // CTxMemPool::CalculateDescendants will include the given tx setDescendants.erase(it); if (!fVerbose) { UniValue o(UniValue::VARR); for (CTxMemPool::txiter descendantIt : setDescendants) { o.push_back(descendantIt->GetTx().GetId().ToString()); } return o; } else { UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ); for (CTxMemPool::txiter descendantIt : setDescendants) { const CTxMemPoolEntry &e = *descendantIt; const uint256 &_hash = e.GetTx().GetId(); UniValue info(UniValue::VOBJ); entryToJSON(info, e); o.pushKV(_hash.ToString(), info); } return o; } } static UniValue getmempoolentry(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "getmempoolentry txid\n" "\nReturns mempool data for given transaction\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"txid\" (string, required) " "The transaction id (must be in mempool)\n" "\nResult:\n" "{ (json object)\n" + EntryDescriptionString() + "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getmempoolentry", "\"mytxid\"") + HelpExampleRpc("getmempoolentry", "\"mytxid\"")); } uint256 hash = ParseHashV(request.params[0], "parameter 1"); LOCK(g_mempool.cs); CTxMemPool::txiter it = g_mempool.mapTx.find(hash); if (it == g_mempool.mapTx.end()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Transaction not in mempool"); } const CTxMemPoolEntry &e = *it; UniValue info(UniValue::VOBJ); entryToJSON(info, e); return info; } static UniValue getblockhash(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblockhash height\n" "\nReturns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. height (numeric, required) The height index\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"hash\" (string) The block hash\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblockhash", "1000") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockhash", "1000")); } LOCK(cs_main); int nHeight = request.params[0].get_int(); if (nHeight < 0 || nHeight > chainActive.Height()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Block height out of range"); } CBlockIndex *pblockindex = chainActive[nHeight]; return pblockindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex(); } static UniValue getblockheader(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblockheader \"hash\" ( verbose )\n" "\nIf verbose is false, returns a string that is serialized, " "hex-encoded data for blockheader 'hash'.\n" "If verbose is true, returns an Object with information about " "blockheader .\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"hash\" (string, required) The block hash\n" "2. verbose (boolean, optional, default=true) true for a " "json object, false for the hex encoded data\n" "\nResult (for verbose = true):\n" "{\n" " \"hash\" : \"hash\", (string) the block hash (same as " "provided)\n" " \"confirmations\" : n, (numeric) The number of confirmations, " "or -1 if the block is not on the main chain\n" " \"height\" : n, (numeric) The block height or index\n" " \"version\" : n, (numeric) The block version\n" " \"versionHex\" : \"00000000\", (string) The block version " "formatted in hexadecimal\n" " \"merkleroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The merkle root\n" " \"time\" : ttt, (numeric) The block time in seconds " "since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n" " \"mediantime\" : ttt, (numeric) The median block time in " "seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n" " \"nonce\" : n, (numeric) The nonce\n" " \"bits\" : \"1d00ffff\", (string) The bits\n" " \"difficulty\" : x.xxx, (numeric) The difficulty\n" " \"chainwork\" : \"0000...1f3\" (string) Expected number of " "hashes required to produce the current chain (in hex)\n" " \"previousblockhash\" : \"hash\", (string) The hash of the " "previous block\n" " \"nextblockhash\" : \"hash\", (string) The hash of the " "next block\n" "}\n" "\nResult (for verbose=false):\n" "\"data\" (string) A string that is serialized, " "hex-encoded data for block 'hash'.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblockheader", "\"00000000c937983704a73af28acdec3" "7b049d214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09" "\"") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockheader", "\"00000000c937983704a73af28acdec3" "7b049d214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09" "\"")); } LOCK(cs_main); std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); bool fVerbose = true; if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { fVerbose = request.params[1].get_bool(); } const CBlockIndex *pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } if (!fVerbose) { CDataStream ssBlock(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ssBlock << pblockindex->GetBlockHeader(); std::string strHex = HexStr(ssBlock.begin(), ssBlock.end()); return strHex; } return blockheaderToJSON(chainActive.Tip(), pblockindex); } static CBlock GetBlockChecked(const Config &config, const CBlockIndex *pblockindex) { CBlock block; if (fHavePruned && !pblockindex->nStatus.hasData() && pblockindex->nTx > 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Block not available (pruned data)"); } if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pblockindex, config)) { // Block not found on disk. This could be because we have the block // header in our index but don't have the block (for example if a // non-whitelisted node sends us an unrequested long chain of valid // blocks, we add the headers to our index, but don't accept the block). throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Block not found on disk"); } return block; } static UniValue getblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblock \"blockhash\" ( verbosity )\n" "\nIf verbosity is 0 or false, returns a string that is " "serialized, hex-encoded data for block 'hash'.\n" "If verbosity is 1 or true, returns an Object with information " "about block .\n" "If verbosity is 2, returns an Object with information about block " " and information about each transaction.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) The block hash\n" "2. verbosity (numeric, optional, default=1) 0 for " "hex-encoded data, 1 for a json object, and 2 for json object with " "transaction data\n" "\nResult (for verbosity = 0):\n" "\"data\" (string) A string that is serialized, " "hex-encoded data for block 'hash'.\n" "\nResult (for verbosity = 1):\n" "{\n" " \"hash\" : \"hash\", (string) The block hash (same as " "provided)\n" " \"confirmations\" : n, (numeric) The number of confirmations, " "or -1 if the block is not on the main chain\n" " \"size\" : n, (numeric) The block size\n" " \"height\" : n, (numeric) The block height or index\n" " \"version\" : n, (numeric) The block version\n" " \"versionHex\" : \"00000000\", (string) The block version " "formatted in hexadecimal\n" " \"merkleroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The merkle root\n" " \"tx\" : [ (array of string) The transaction ids\n" " \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id\n" " ,...\n" " ],\n" " \"time\" : ttt, (numeric) The block time in seconds " "since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n" " \"mediantime\" : ttt, (numeric) The median block time in " "seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n" " \"nonce\" : n, (numeric) The nonce\n" " \"bits\" : \"1d00ffff\", (string) The bits\n" " \"difficulty\" : x.xxx, (numeric) The difficulty\n" " \"chainwork\" : \"xxxx\", (string) Expected number of hashes " "required to produce the chain up to this block (in hex)\n" " \"previousblockhash\" : \"hash\", (string) The hash of the " "previous block\n" " \"nextblockhash\" : \"hash\" (string) The hash of the " "next block\n" "}\n" "\nResult (for verbosity = 2):\n" "{\n" " ..., Same output as verbosity = 1\n" " \"tx\" : [ (array of Objects) The transactions in " "the format of the getrawtransaction RPC; different from verbosity " "= 1 \"tx\" result\n" " ...\n" " ],\n" " ... Same output as verbosity = 1\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblock", "\"00000000c937983704a73af28acdec37b049d" "214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09\"") + HelpExampleRpc("getblock", "\"00000000c937983704a73af28acdec37b049d" "214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09\"")); } LOCK(cs_main); std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); int verbosity = 1; if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { if (request.params[1].isNum()) { verbosity = request.params[1].get_int(); } else { verbosity = request.params[1].get_bool() ? 1 : 0; } } const CBlockIndex *pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } const CBlock block = GetBlockChecked(config, pblockindex); if (verbosity <= 0) { CDataStream ssBlock(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION | RPCSerializationFlags()); ssBlock << block; std::string strHex = HexStr(ssBlock.begin(), ssBlock.end()); return strHex; } return blockToJSON(block, chainActive.Tip(), pblockindex, verbosity >= 2); } struct CCoinsStats { int nHeight; uint256 hashBlock; uint64_t nTransactions; uint64_t nTransactionOutputs; uint64_t nBogoSize; uint256 hashSerialized; uint64_t nDiskSize; Amount nTotalAmount; CCoinsStats() : nHeight(0), nTransactions(0), nTransactionOutputs(0), nBogoSize(0), nDiskSize(0), nTotalAmount() {} }; static void ApplyStats(CCoinsStats &stats, CHashWriter &ss, const uint256 &hash, const std::map &outputs) { assert(!outputs.empty()); ss << hash; ss << VARINT(outputs.begin()->second.GetHeight() * 2 + outputs.begin()->second.IsCoinBase()); stats.nTransactions++; for (const auto &output : outputs) { ss << VARINT(output.first + 1); ss << output.second.GetTxOut().scriptPubKey; ss << VARINT(output.second.GetTxOut().nValue / SATOSHI); stats.nTransactionOutputs++; stats.nTotalAmount += output.second.GetTxOut().nValue; stats.nBogoSize += 32 /* txid */ + 4 /* vout index */ + 4 /* height + coinbase */ + 8 /* amount */ + 2 /* scriptPubKey len */ + output.second.GetTxOut().scriptPubKey.size() /* scriptPubKey */; } ss << VARINT(0); } //! Calculate statistics about the unspent transaction output set static bool GetUTXOStats(CCoinsView *view, CCoinsStats &stats) { std::unique_ptr pcursor(view->Cursor()); assert(pcursor); CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); stats.hashBlock = pcursor->GetBestBlock(); { LOCK(cs_main); stats.nHeight = LookupBlockIndex(stats.hashBlock)->nHeight; } ss << stats.hashBlock; uint256 prevkey; std::map outputs; while (pcursor->Valid()) { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); COutPoint key; Coin coin; if (pcursor->GetKey(key) && pcursor->GetValue(coin)) { if (!outputs.empty() && key.GetTxId() != prevkey) { ApplyStats(stats, ss, prevkey, outputs); outputs.clear(); } prevkey = key.GetTxId(); outputs[key.GetN()] = std::move(coin); } else { return error("%s: unable to read value", __func__); } pcursor->Next(); } if (!outputs.empty()) { ApplyStats(stats, ss, prevkey, outputs); } stats.hashSerialized = ss.GetHash(); stats.nDiskSize = view->EstimateSize(); return true; } static UniValue pruneblockchain(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "pruneblockchain\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"height\" (numeric, required) The block height to prune " "up to. May be set to a discrete height, or a unix timestamp\n" " to prune blocks whose block time is at least 2 " "hours older than the provided timestamp.\n" "\nResult:\n" "n (numeric) Height of the last block pruned.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("pruneblockchain", "1000") + HelpExampleRpc("pruneblockchain", "1000")); } if (!fPruneMode) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Cannot prune blocks because node is not in prune mode."); } LOCK(cs_main); int heightParam = request.params[0].get_int(); if (heightParam < 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Negative block height."); } // Height value more than a billion is too high to be a block height, and // too low to be a block time (corresponds to timestamp from Sep 2001). if (heightParam > 1000000000) { // Add a 2 hour buffer to include blocks which might have had old // timestamps CBlockIndex *pindex = chainActive.FindEarliestAtLeast(heightParam - TIMESTAMP_WINDOW); if (!pindex) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Could not find block with at least the specified timestamp."); } heightParam = pindex->nHeight; } unsigned int height = (unsigned int)heightParam; unsigned int chainHeight = (unsigned int)chainActive.Height(); if (chainHeight < config.GetChainParams().PruneAfterHeight()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Blockchain is too short for pruning."); } else if (height > chainHeight) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Blockchain is shorter than the attempted prune height."); } else if (height > chainHeight - MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP) { LogPrint(BCLog::RPC, "Attempt to prune blocks close to the tip. " - "Retaining the minimum number of blocks."); + "Retaining the minimum number of blocks.\n"); height = chainHeight - MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP; } PruneBlockFilesManual(height); return uint64_t(height); } static UniValue gettxoutsetinfo(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "gettxoutsetinfo\n" "\nReturns statistics about the unspent transaction output set.\n" "Note this call may take some time.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{\n" " \"height\":n, (numeric) The current block height (index)\n" " \"bestblock\": \"hex\", (string) the best block hash hex\n" " \"transactions\": n, (numeric) The number of transactions\n" " \"txouts\": n, (numeric) The number of output " "transactions\n" " \"bogosize\": n, (numeric) A database-independent " "metric for UTXO set size\n" " \"hash_serialized\": \"hash\", (string) The serialized hash\n" " \"disk_size\": n, (numeric) The estimated size of the " "chainstate on disk\n" " \"total_amount\": x.xxx (numeric) The total amount\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("gettxoutsetinfo", "") + HelpExampleRpc("gettxoutsetinfo", "")); } UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); CCoinsStats stats; FlushStateToDisk(); if (GetUTXOStats(pcoinsdbview.get(), stats)) { ret.pushKV("height", int64_t(stats.nHeight)); ret.pushKV("bestblock", stats.hashBlock.GetHex()); ret.pushKV("transactions", int64_t(stats.nTransactions)); ret.pushKV("txouts", int64_t(stats.nTransactionOutputs)); ret.pushKV("bogosize", int64_t(stats.nBogoSize)); ret.pushKV("hash_serialized", stats.hashSerialized.GetHex()); ret.pushKV("disk_size", stats.nDiskSize); ret.pushKV("total_amount", ValueFromAmount(stats.nTotalAmount)); } else { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Unable to read UTXO set"); } return ret; } UniValue gettxout(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 3) { throw std::runtime_error( "gettxout \"txid\" n ( include_mempool )\n" "\nReturns details about an unspent transaction output.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"txid\" (string, required) The transaction id\n" "2. \"n\" (numeric, required) vout number\n" "3. \"include_mempool\" (boolean, optional) Whether to include " "the mempool. Default: true." " Note that an unspent output that is spent in the mempool " "won't appear.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{\n" " \"bestblock\" : \"hash\", (string) the block hash\n" " \"confirmations\" : n, (numeric) The number of " "confirmations\n" " \"value\" : x.xxx, (numeric) The transaction value " "in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n" " \"scriptPubKey\" : { (json object)\n" " \"asm\" : \"code\", (string) \n" " \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) \n" " \"reqSigs\" : n, (numeric) Number of required " "signatures\n" " \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg pubkeyhash\n" " \"addresses\" : [ (array of string) array of " "bitcoin addresses\n" " \"address\" (string) bitcoin address\n" " ,...\n" " ]\n" " },\n" " \"coinbase\" : true|false (boolean) Coinbase or not\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" "\nGet unspent transactions\n" + HelpExampleCli("listunspent", "") + "\nView the details\n" + HelpExampleCli("gettxout", "\"txid\" 1") + "\nAs a json rpc call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("gettxout", "\"txid\", 1")); } LOCK(cs_main); UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); std::string strTxId = request.params[0].get_str(); TxId txid(uint256S(strTxId)); int n = request.params[1].get_int(); COutPoint out(txid, n); bool fMempool = true; if (!request.params[2].isNull()) { fMempool = request.params[2].get_bool(); } Coin coin; if (fMempool) { LOCK(g_mempool.cs); CCoinsViewMemPool view(pcoinsTip.get(), g_mempool); if (!view.GetCoin(out, coin) || g_mempool.isSpent(out)) { return NullUniValue; } } else { if (!pcoinsTip->GetCoin(out, coin)) { return NullUniValue; } } const CBlockIndex *pindex = LookupBlockIndex(pcoinsTip->GetBestBlock()); ret.pushKV("bestblock", pindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); if (coin.GetHeight() == MEMPOOL_HEIGHT) { ret.pushKV("confirmations", 0); } else { ret.pushKV("confirmations", int64_t(pindex->nHeight - coin.GetHeight() + 1)); } ret.pushKV("value", ValueFromAmount(coin.GetTxOut().nValue)); UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ); ScriptPubKeyToUniv(coin.GetTxOut().scriptPubKey, o, true); ret.pushKV("scriptPubKey", o); ret.pushKV("coinbase", coin.IsCoinBase()); return ret; } static UniValue verifychain(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { int nCheckLevel = gArgs.GetArg("-checklevel", DEFAULT_CHECKLEVEL); int nCheckDepth = gArgs.GetArg("-checkblocks", DEFAULT_CHECKBLOCKS); if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "verifychain ( checklevel nblocks )\n" "\nVerifies blockchain database.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. checklevel (numeric, optional, 0-4, default=" + strprintf("%d", nCheckLevel) + ") How thorough the block verification is.\n" "2. nblocks (numeric, optional, default=" + strprintf("%d", nCheckDepth) + ", 0=all) The number of blocks to check.\n" "\nResult:\n" "true|false (boolean) Verified or not\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("verifychain", "") + HelpExampleRpc("verifychain", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); if (!request.params[0].isNull()) { nCheckLevel = request.params[0].get_int(); } if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { nCheckDepth = request.params[1].get_int(); } return CVerifyDB().VerifyDB(config, pcoinsTip.get(), nCheckLevel, nCheckDepth); } UniValue getblockchaininfo(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblockchaininfo\n" "Returns an object containing various state info regarding " "blockchain processing.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{\n" " \"chain\": \"xxxx\", (string) current network name " "as defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)\n" " \"blocks\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the current number of " "blocks processed in the server\n" " \"headers\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the current number of " "headers we have validated\n" " \"bestblockhash\": \"...\", (string) the hash of the " "currently best block\n" " \"difficulty\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the current " "difficulty\n" " \"mediantime\": xxxxxx, (numeric) median time for the " "current best block\n" " \"verificationprogress\": xxxx, (numeric) estimate of " "verification progress [0..1]\n" " \"initialblockdownload\": xxxx, (bool) (debug information) " "estimate of whether this node is in Initial Block Download mode.\n" " \"chainwork\": \"xxxx\" (string) total amount of work " "in active chain, in hexadecimal\n" " \"size_on_disk\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the estimated size of " "the block and undo files on disk\n" " \"pruned\": xx, (boolean) if the blocks are " "subject to pruning\n" " \"pruneheight\": xxxxxx, (numeric) lowest-height " "complete block stored (only present if pruning is enabled)\n" " \"automatic_pruning\": xx, (boolean) whether automatic " "pruning is enabled (only present if pruning is enabled)\n" " \"prune_target_size\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the target size " "used by pruning (only present if automatic pruning is enabled)\n" " \"warnings\" : \"...\", (string) any network and " "blockchain warnings.\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblockchaininfo", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockchaininfo", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); const CBlockIndex *tip = chainActive.Tip(); UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ); obj.pushKV("chain", config.GetChainParams().NetworkIDString()); obj.pushKV("blocks", int(chainActive.Height())); obj.pushKV("headers", pindexBestHeader ? pindexBestHeader->nHeight : -1); obj.pushKV("bestblockhash", tip->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); obj.pushKV("difficulty", double(GetDifficulty(tip))); obj.pushKV("mediantime", int64_t(tip->GetMedianTimePast())); obj.pushKV("verificationprogress", GuessVerificationProgress(Params().TxData(), tip)); obj.pushKV("initialblockdownload", IsInitialBlockDownload()); obj.pushKV("chainwork", tip->nChainWork.GetHex()); obj.pushKV("size_on_disk", CalculateCurrentUsage()); obj.pushKV("pruned", fPruneMode); if (fPruneMode) { const CBlockIndex *block = tip; assert(block); while (block->pprev && (block->pprev->nStatus.hasData())) { block = block->pprev; } obj.pushKV("pruneheight", block->nHeight); // if 0, execution bypasses the whole if block. bool automatic_pruning = (gArgs.GetArg("-prune", 0) != 1); obj.pushKV("automatic_pruning", automatic_pruning); if (automatic_pruning) { obj.pushKV("prune_target_size", nPruneTarget); } } obj.pushKV("warnings", GetWarnings("statusbar")); return obj; } /** Comparison function for sorting the getchaintips heads. */ struct CompareBlocksByHeight { bool operator()(const CBlockIndex *a, const CBlockIndex *b) const { // Make sure that unequal blocks with the same height do not compare // equal. Use the pointers themselves to make a distinction. if (a->nHeight != b->nHeight) { return (a->nHeight > b->nHeight); } return a < b; } }; static UniValue getchaintips(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getchaintips\n" "Return information about all known tips in the block tree," " including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.\n" "\nResult:\n" "[\n" " {\n" " \"height\": xxxx, (numeric) height of the chain tip\n" " \"hash\": \"xxxx\", (string) block hash of the tip\n" " \"branchlen\": 0 (numeric) zero for main chain\n" " \"status\": \"active\" (string) \"active\" for the main " "chain\n" " },\n" " {\n" " \"height\": xxxx,\n" " \"hash\": \"xxxx\",\n" " \"branchlen\": 1 (numeric) length of branch " "connecting the tip to the main chain\n" " \"status\": \"xxxx\" (string) status of the chain " "(active, valid-fork, valid-headers, headers-only, invalid)\n" " }\n" "]\n" "Possible values for status:\n" "1. \"invalid\" This branch contains at least one " "invalid block\n" "2. \"parked\" This branch contains at least one " "parked block\n" "3. \"headers-only\" Not all blocks for this branch are " "available, but the headers are valid\n" "4. \"valid-headers\" All blocks are available for this " "branch, but they were never fully validated\n" "5. \"valid-fork\" This branch is not part of the " "active chain, but is fully validated\n" "6. \"active\" This is the tip of the active main " "chain, which is certainly valid\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getchaintips", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getchaintips", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); /** * Idea: the set of chain tips is chainActive.tip, plus orphan blocks which * do not have another orphan building off of them. * Algorithm: * - Make one pass through mapBlockIndex, picking out the orphan blocks, * and also storing a set of the orphan block's pprev pointers. * - Iterate through the orphan blocks. If the block isn't pointed to by * another orphan, it is a chain tip. * - add chainActive.Tip() */ std::set setTips; std::set setOrphans; std::set setPrevs; for (const std::pair &item : mapBlockIndex) { if (!chainActive.Contains(item.second)) { setOrphans.insert(item.second); setPrevs.insert(item.second->pprev); } } for (std::set::iterator it = setOrphans.begin(); it != setOrphans.end(); ++it) { if (setPrevs.erase(*it) == 0) { setTips.insert(*it); } } // Always report the currently active tip. setTips.insert(chainActive.Tip()); /* Construct the output array. */ UniValue res(UniValue::VARR); for (const CBlockIndex *block : setTips) { UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ); obj.pushKV("height", block->nHeight); obj.pushKV("hash", block->phashBlock->GetHex()); const int branchLen = block->nHeight - chainActive.FindFork(block)->nHeight; obj.pushKV("branchlen", branchLen); std::string status; if (chainActive.Contains(block)) { // This block is part of the currently active chain. status = "active"; } else if (block->nStatus.isInvalid()) { // This block or one of its ancestors is invalid. status = "invalid"; } else if (block->nStatus.isOnParkedChain()) { // This block or one of its ancestors is parked. status = "parked"; } else if (block->nChainTx == 0) { // This block cannot be connected because full block data for it or // one of its parents is missing. status = "headers-only"; } else if (block->IsValid(BlockValidity::SCRIPTS)) { // This block is fully validated, but no longer part of the active // chain. It was probably the active block once, but was // reorganized. status = "valid-fork"; } else if (block->IsValid(BlockValidity::TREE)) { // The headers for this block are valid, but it has not been // validated. It was probably never part of the most-work chain. status = "valid-headers"; } else { // No clue. status = "unknown"; } obj.pushKV("status", status); res.push_back(obj); } return res; } UniValue mempoolInfoToJSON() { UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.pushKV("size", (int64_t)g_mempool.size()); ret.pushKV("bytes", (int64_t)g_mempool.GetTotalTxSize()); ret.pushKV("usage", (int64_t)g_mempool.DynamicMemoryUsage()); size_t maxmempool = gArgs.GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000; ret.pushKV("maxmempool", (int64_t)maxmempool); ret.pushKV("mempoolminfee", ValueFromAmount( std::max(g_mempool.GetMinFee(maxmempool), ::minRelayTxFee) .GetFeePerK())); ret.pushKV("minrelaytxfee", ValueFromAmount(::minRelayTxFee.GetFeePerK())); return ret; } static UniValue getmempoolinfo(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getmempoolinfo\n" "\nReturns details on the active state of the TX memory pool.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{\n" " \"size\": xxxxx, (numeric) Current tx count\n" " \"bytes\": xxxxx, (numeric) Transaction size.\n" " \"usage\": xxxxx, (numeric) Total memory usage for " "the mempool\n" " \"maxmempool\": xxxxx, (numeric) Maximum memory usage " "for the mempool\n" " \"mempoolminfee\": xxxxx (numeric) Minimum fee rate in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB for tx to be accepted. Is the maximum of minrelaytxfee and " "minimum mempool fee\n" " \"minrelaytxfee\": xxxxx (numeric) Current minimum relay " "fee for transactions\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getmempoolinfo", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getmempoolinfo", "")); } return mempoolInfoToJSON(); } static UniValue preciousblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "preciousblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nTreats a block as if it were received before others with the " "same work.\n" "\nA later preciousblock call can override the effect of an " "earlier one.\n" "\nThe effects of preciousblock are not retained across restarts.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) the hash of the block to " "mark as precious\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("preciousblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("preciousblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); CBlockIndex *pblockindex; { LOCK(cs_main); pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } } CValidationState state; PreciousBlock(config, state, pblockindex); if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason()); } return NullUniValue; } UniValue finalizeblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "finalizeblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nTreats a block as final. It cannot be reorged. Any chain\n" "that does not contain this block is invalid. Used on a less\n" "work chain, it can effectively PUTS YOU OUT OF CONSENSUS.\n" "USE WITH CAUTION!\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("finalizeblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("finalizeblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); CValidationState state; { LOCK(cs_main); CBlockIndex *pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } FinalizeBlockAndInvalidate(config, state, pblockindex); } if (state.IsValid()) { ActivateBestChain(config, state); } if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, FormatStateMessage(state)); } return NullUniValue; } static UniValue invalidateblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalidateblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nPermanently marks a block as invalid, as if it " "violated a consensus rule.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) the hash of " "the block to mark as invalid\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("invalidateblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("invalidateblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } const std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); const uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); CValidationState state; { LOCK(cs_main); CBlockIndex *pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } InvalidateBlock(config, state, pblockindex); } if (state.IsValid()) { ActivateBestChain(config, state); } if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, FormatStateMessage(state)); } return NullUniValue; } UniValue parkblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error("parkblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nMarks a block as parked.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) the " "hash of the block to park\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("parkblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("parkblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } const std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); const uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); CValidationState state; { LOCK(cs_main); if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) == 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } CBlockIndex *pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hash]; ParkBlock(config, state, pblockindex); } if (state.IsValid()) { ActivateBestChain(config, state); } if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason()); } return NullUniValue; } static UniValue reconsiderblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "reconsiderblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nRemoves invalidity status of a block and its descendants, " "reconsider them for activation.\n" "This can be used to undo the effects of invalidateblock.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) the hash of the block to " "reconsider\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("reconsiderblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("reconsiderblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } const std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); const uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); { LOCK(cs_main); CBlockIndex *pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } ResetBlockFailureFlags(pblockindex); } CValidationState state; ActivateBestChain(config, state); if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, FormatStateMessage(state)); } return NullUniValue; } UniValue unparkblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "unparkblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nRemoves parked status of a block and its descendants, " "reconsider them for activation.\n" "This can be used to undo the effects of parkblock.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) the hash of the block to " "unpark\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("unparkblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("unparkblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } const std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); const uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); { LOCK(cs_main); if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) == 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } CBlockIndex *pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hash]; UnparkBlockAndChildren(pblockindex); } CValidationState state; ActivateBestChain(config, state); if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason()); } return NullUniValue; } static UniValue getchaintxstats(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "getchaintxstats ( nblocks blockhash )\n" "\nCompute statistics about the total number and rate of " "transactions in the chain.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. nblocks (numeric, optional) Size of the window in number " "of blocks (default: one month).\n" "2. \"blockhash\" (string, optional) The hash of the block that " "ends the window.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{\n" " \"time\": xxxxx, (numeric) The " "timestamp for the final block in the window in UNIX format.\n" " \"txcount\": xxxxx, (numeric) The total " "number of transactions in the chain up to that point.\n" " \"window_final_block_hash\": \"...\", (string) The hash of " "the final block in the window.\n" " \"window_block_count\": xxxxx, (numeric) Size of " "the window in number of blocks.\n" " \"window_tx_count\": xxxxx, (numeric) The number " "of transactions in the window. Only returned if " "\"window_block_count\" is > 0.\n" " \"window_interval\": xxxxx, (numeric) The elapsed " "time in the window in seconds. Only returned if " "\"window_block_count\" is > 0.\n" " \"txrate\": x.xx, (numeric) The average " "rate of transactions per second in the window. Only returned if " "\"window_interval\" is > 0.\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getchaintxstats", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getchaintxstats", "2016")); } const CBlockIndex *pindex; // By default: 1 month int blockcount = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 / config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus().nPowTargetSpacing; if (request.params[1].isNull()) { LOCK(cs_main); pindex = chainActive.Tip(); } else { uint256 hash = uint256S(request.params[1].get_str()); LOCK(cs_main); pindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } if (!chainActive.Contains(pindex)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Block is not in main chain"); } } assert(pindex != nullptr); if (request.params[0].isNull()) { blockcount = std::max(0, std::min(blockcount, pindex->nHeight - 1)); } else { blockcount = request.params[0].get_int(); if (blockcount < 0 || (blockcount > 0 && blockcount >= pindex->nHeight)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid block count: " "should be between 0 and " "the block's height - 1"); } } const CBlockIndex *pindexPast = pindex->GetAncestor(pindex->nHeight - blockcount); int nTimeDiff = pindex->GetMedianTimePast() - pindexPast->GetMedianTimePast(); int nTxDiff = pindex->nChainTx - pindexPast->nChainTx; UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.pushKV("time", int64_t(pindex->nTime)); ret.pushKV("txcount", int64_t(pindex->nChainTx)); ret.pushKV("window_final_block_hash", pindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); ret.pushKV("window_block_count", blockcount); if (blockcount > 0) { ret.pushKV("window_tx_count", nTxDiff); ret.pushKV("window_interval", nTimeDiff); if (nTimeDiff > 0) { ret.pushKV("txrate", double(nTxDiff) / nTimeDiff); } } return ret; } template static T CalculateTruncatedMedian(std::vector &scores) { size_t size = scores.size(); if (size == 0) { return T(); } std::sort(scores.begin(), scores.end()); if (size % 2 == 0) { return (scores[size / 2 - 1] + scores[size / 2]) / 2; } else { return scores[size / 2]; } } template static inline bool SetHasKeys(const std::set &set) { return false; } template static inline bool SetHasKeys(const std::set &set, const Tk &key, const Args &... args) { return (set.count(key) != 0) || SetHasKeys(set, args...); } // outpoint (needed for the utxo index) + nHeight + fCoinBase static constexpr size_t PER_UTXO_OVERHEAD = sizeof(COutPoint) + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(bool); static UniValue getblockstats(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 4) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblockstats hash_or_height ( stats )\n" "\nCompute per block statistics for a given window. All amounts " "are in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + ".\n" "It won't work for some heights with pruning.\n" "It won't work without -txindex for utxo_size_inc, *fee or " "*feerate stats.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"hash_or_height\" (string or numeric, required) The block " "hash or height of the target block\n" "2. \"stats\" (array, optional) Values to plot, by " "default all values (see result below)\n" " [\n" " \"height\", (string, optional) Selected statistic\n" " \"time\", (string, optional) Selected statistic\n" " ,...\n" " ]\n" "\nResult:\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"avgfee\": x.xxx, (numeric) Average fee in the block\n" " \"avgfeerate\": x.xxx, (numeric) Average feerate (in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " per byte)\n" " \"avgtxsize\": xxxxx, (numeric) Average transaction size\n" " \"blockhash\": xxxxx, (string) The block hash (to check " "for potential reorgs)\n" " \"height\": xxxxx, (numeric) The height of the block\n" " \"ins\": xxxxx, (numeric) The number of inputs " "(excluding coinbase)\n" " \"maxfee\": xxxxx, (numeric) Maximum fee in the block\n" " \"maxfeerate\": xxxxx, (numeric) Maximum feerate (in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " per byte)\n" " \"maxtxsize\": xxxxx, (numeric) Maximum transaction size\n" " \"medianfee\": x.xxx, (numeric) Truncated median fee in " "the block\n" " \"medianfeerate\": x.xxx, (numeric) Truncated median feerate " "(in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " per byte)\n" " \"mediantime\": xxxxx, (numeric) The block median time " "past\n" " \"mediantxsize\": xxxxx, (numeric) Truncated median " "transaction size\n" " \"minfee\": x.xxx, (numeric) Minimum fee in the block\n" " \"minfeerate\": xx.xx, (numeric) Minimum feerate (in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " per byte)\n" " \"mintxsize\": xxxxx, (numeric) Minimum transaction size\n" " \"outs\": xxxxx, (numeric) The number of outputs\n" " \"subsidy\": x.xxx, (numeric) The block subsidy\n" " \"time\": xxxxx, (numeric) The block time\n" " \"total_out\": x.xxx, (numeric) Total amount in all " "outputs (excluding coinbase and thus reward [ie subsidy + " "totalfee])\n" " \"total_size\": xxxxx, (numeric) Total size of all " "non-coinbase transactions\n" " \"totalfee\": x.xxx, (numeric) The fee total\n" " \"txs\": xxxxx, (numeric) The number of " "transactions (excluding coinbase)\n" " \"utxo_increase\": xxxxx, (numeric) The increase/decrease in " "the number of unspent outputs\n" " \"utxo_size_inc\": xxxxx, (numeric) The increase/decrease in " "size for the utxo index (not discounting op_return and similar)\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblockstats", "1000 '[\"minfeerate\",\"avgfeerate\"]'") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockstats", "1000 '[\"minfeerate\",\"avgfeerate\"]'")); } LOCK(cs_main); CBlockIndex *pindex; if (request.params[0].isNum()) { const int height = request.params[0].get_int(); const int current_tip = chainActive.Height(); if (height < 0) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Target block height %d is negative", height)); } if (height > current_tip) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Target block height %d after current tip %d", height, current_tip)); } pindex = chainActive[height]; } else { const std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); const uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); pindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } if (!chainActive.Contains(pindex)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Block is not in chain %s", Params().NetworkIDString())); } } assert(pindex != nullptr); std::set stats; if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { const UniValue stats_univalue = request.params[1].get_array(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stats_univalue.size(); i++) { const std::string stat = stats_univalue[i].get_str(); stats.insert(stat); } } const CBlock block = GetBlockChecked(config, pindex); // Calculate everything if nothing selected (default) const bool do_all = stats.size() == 0; const bool do_mediantxsize = do_all || stats.count("mediantxsize") != 0; const bool do_medianfee = do_all || stats.count("medianfee") != 0; const bool do_medianfeerate = do_all || stats.count("medianfeerate") != 0; const bool loop_inputs = do_all || do_medianfee || do_medianfeerate || SetHasKeys(stats, "utxo_size_inc", "totalfee", "avgfee", "avgfeerate", "minfee", "maxfee", "minfeerate", "maxfeerate"); const bool loop_outputs = do_all || loop_inputs || stats.count("total_out"); const bool do_calculate_size = do_mediantxsize || loop_inputs || SetHasKeys(stats, "total_size", "avgtxsize", "mintxsize", "maxtxsize"); const int64_t blockMaxSize = config.GetMaxBlockSize(); Amount maxfee = Amount::zero(); Amount maxfeerate = Amount::zero(); Amount minfee = MAX_MONEY; Amount minfeerate = MAX_MONEY; Amount total_out = Amount::zero(); Amount totalfee = Amount::zero(); int64_t inputs = 0; int64_t maxtxsize = 0; int64_t mintxsize = blockMaxSize; int64_t outputs = 0; int64_t total_size = 0; int64_t utxo_size_inc = 0; std::vector fee_array; std::vector feerate_array; std::vector txsize_array; for (const auto &tx : block.vtx) { outputs += tx->vout.size(); Amount tx_total_out = Amount::zero(); if (loop_outputs) { for (const CTxOut &out : tx->vout) { tx_total_out += out.nValue; utxo_size_inc += GetSerializeSize(out, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) + PER_UTXO_OVERHEAD; } } if (tx->IsCoinBase()) { continue; } // Don't count coinbase's fake input inputs += tx->vin.size(); // Don't count coinbase reward total_out += tx_total_out; int64_t tx_size = 0; if (do_calculate_size) { tx_size = tx->GetTotalSize(); if (do_mediantxsize) { txsize_array.push_back(tx_size); } maxtxsize = std::max(maxtxsize, tx_size); mintxsize = std::min(mintxsize, tx_size); total_size += tx_size; } if (loop_inputs) { if (!g_txindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "One or more of the selected stats requires " "-txindex enabled"); } Amount tx_total_in = Amount::zero(); for (const CTxIn &in : tx->vin) { CTransactionRef tx_in; uint256 hashBlock; if (!GetTransaction(config, in.prevout.GetTxId(), tx_in, hashBlock, false)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, std::string("Unexpected internal error " "(tx index seems corrupt)")); } CTxOut prevoutput = tx_in->vout[in.prevout.GetN()]; tx_total_in += prevoutput.nValue; utxo_size_inc -= GetSerializeSize(prevoutput, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) + PER_UTXO_OVERHEAD; } Amount txfee = tx_total_in - tx_total_out; assert(MoneyRange(txfee)); if (do_medianfee) { fee_array.push_back(txfee); } maxfee = std::max(maxfee, txfee); minfee = std::min(minfee, txfee); totalfee += txfee; Amount feerate = txfee / tx_size; if (do_medianfeerate) { feerate_array.push_back(feerate); } maxfeerate = std::max(maxfeerate, feerate); minfeerate = std::min(minfeerate, feerate); } } UniValue ret_all(UniValue::VOBJ); ret_all.pushKV("avgfee", ValueFromAmount((block.vtx.size() > 1) ? totalfee / int((block.vtx.size() - 1)) : Amount::zero())); ret_all.pushKV("avgfeerate", ValueFromAmount((total_size > 0) ? totalfee / total_size : Amount::zero())); ret_all.pushKV("avgtxsize", (block.vtx.size() > 1) ? total_size / (block.vtx.size() - 1) : 0); ret_all.pushKV("blockhash", pindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); ret_all.pushKV("height", (int64_t)pindex->nHeight); ret_all.pushKV("ins", inputs); ret_all.pushKV("maxfee", ValueFromAmount(maxfee)); ret_all.pushKV("maxfeerate", ValueFromAmount(maxfeerate)); ret_all.pushKV("maxtxsize", maxtxsize); ret_all.pushKV("medianfee", ValueFromAmount(CalculateTruncatedMedian(fee_array))); ret_all.pushKV("medianfeerate", ValueFromAmount(CalculateTruncatedMedian(feerate_array))); ret_all.pushKV("mediantime", pindex->GetMedianTimePast()); ret_all.pushKV("mediantxsize", CalculateTruncatedMedian(txsize_array)); ret_all.pushKV( "minfee", ValueFromAmount((minfee == MAX_MONEY) ? Amount::zero() : minfee)); ret_all.pushKV("minfeerate", ValueFromAmount((minfeerate == MAX_MONEY) ? Amount::zero() : minfeerate)); ret_all.pushKV("mintxsize", mintxsize == blockMaxSize ? 0 : mintxsize); ret_all.pushKV("outs", outputs); ret_all.pushKV("subsidy", ValueFromAmount(GetBlockSubsidy( pindex->nHeight, Params().GetConsensus()))); ret_all.pushKV("time", pindex->GetBlockTime()); ret_all.pushKV("total_out", ValueFromAmount(total_out)); ret_all.pushKV("total_size", total_size); ret_all.pushKV("totalfee", ValueFromAmount(totalfee)); ret_all.pushKV("txs", (int64_t)block.vtx.size()); ret_all.pushKV("utxo_increase", outputs - inputs); ret_all.pushKV("utxo_size_inc", utxo_size_inc); if (do_all) { return ret_all; } UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); for (const std::string &stat : stats) { const UniValue &value = ret_all[stat]; if (value.isNull()) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Invalid selected statistic %s", stat)); } ret.pushKV(stat, value); } return ret; } static UniValue savemempool(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("savemempool\n" "\nDumps the mempool to disk. It will fail " "until the previous dump is fully loaded.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("savemempool", "") + HelpExampleRpc("savemempool", "")); } if (!g_is_mempool_loaded) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "The mempool was not loaded yet"); } if (!DumpMempool()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Unable to dump mempool to disk"); } return NullUniValue; } // clang-format off static const ContextFreeRPCCommand commands[] = { // category name actor (function) argNames // ------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------- ---------- { "blockchain", "getbestblockhash", getbestblockhash, {} }, { "blockchain", "getblock", getblock, {"blockhash","verbosity|verbose"} }, { "blockchain", "getblockchaininfo", getblockchaininfo, {} }, { "blockchain", "getblockcount", getblockcount, {} }, { "blockchain", "getblockhash", getblockhash, {"height"} }, { "blockchain", "getblockheader", getblockheader, {"blockhash","verbose"} }, { "blockchain", "getblockstats", getblockstats, {"hash_or_height","stats"} }, { "blockchain", "getchaintips", getchaintips, {} }, { "blockchain", "getchaintxstats", getchaintxstats, {"nblocks", "blockhash"} }, { "blockchain", "getdifficulty", getdifficulty, {} }, { "blockchain", "getmempoolancestors", getmempoolancestors, {"txid","verbose"} }, { "blockchain", "getmempooldescendants", getmempooldescendants, {"txid","verbose"} }, { "blockchain", "getmempoolentry", getmempoolentry, {"txid"} }, { "blockchain", "getmempoolinfo", getmempoolinfo, {} }, { "blockchain", "getrawmempool", getrawmempool, {"verbose"} }, { "blockchain", "gettxout", gettxout, {"txid","n","include_mempool"} }, { "blockchain", "gettxoutsetinfo", gettxoutsetinfo, {} }, { "blockchain", "pruneblockchain", pruneblockchain, {"height"} }, { "blockchain", "savemempool", savemempool, {} }, { "blockchain", "verifychain", verifychain, {"checklevel","nblocks"} }, { "blockchain", "preciousblock", preciousblock, {"blockhash"} }, /* Not shown in help */ { "hidden", "getfinalizedblockhash", getfinalizedblockhash, {} }, { "hidden", "finalizeblock", finalizeblock, {"blockhash"} }, { "hidden", "invalidateblock", invalidateblock, {"blockhash"} }, { "hidden", "parkblock", parkblock, {"blockhash"} }, { "hidden", "reconsiderblock", reconsiderblock, {"blockhash"} }, { "hidden", "syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue", syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue, {} }, { "hidden", "unparkblock", unparkblock, {"blockhash"} }, { "hidden", "waitfornewblock", waitfornewblock, {"timeout"} }, { "hidden", "waitforblock", waitforblock, {"blockhash","timeout"} }, { "hidden", "waitforblockheight", waitforblockheight, {"height","timeout"} }, }; // clang-format on void RegisterBlockchainRPCCommands(CRPCTable &t) { for (unsigned int vcidx = 0; vcidx < ARRAYLEN(commands); vcidx++) { t.appendCommand(commands[vcidx].name, &commands[vcidx]); } } diff --git a/src/sync.cpp b/src/sync.cpp index eec6acfd1a..bcbc2f0d29 100644 --- a/src/sync.cpp +++ b/src/sync.cpp @@ -1,213 +1,213 @@ // Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEBUG_LOCKCONTENTION void PrintLockContention(const char *pszName, const char *pszFile, int nLine) { LogPrintf("LOCKCONTENTION: %s\n", pszName); LogPrintf("Locker: %s:%d\n", pszFile, nLine); } #endif /* DEBUG_LOCKCONTENTION */ #ifdef DEBUG_LOCKORDER // // Early deadlock detection. // Problem being solved: // Thread 1 locks A, then B, then C // Thread 2 locks D, then C, then A // --> may result in deadlock between the two threads, depending on when // they run. // Solution implemented here: // Keep track of pairs of locks: (A before B), (A before C), etc. // Complain if any thread tries to lock in a different order. // struct CLockLocation { CLockLocation(const char *pszName, const char *pszFile, int nLine, bool fTryIn) { mutexName = pszName; sourceFile = pszFile; sourceLine = nLine; fTry = fTryIn; } std::string ToString() const { return mutexName + " " + sourceFile + ":" + itostr(sourceLine) + (fTry ? " (TRY)" : ""); } private: bool fTry; std::string mutexName; std::string sourceFile; int sourceLine; }; typedef std::vector> LockStack; typedef std::map, LockStack> LockOrders; typedef std::set> InvLockOrders; struct LockData { // Very ugly hack: as the global constructs and destructors run single // threaded, we use this boolean to know whether LockData still exists, // as DeleteLock can get called by global CCriticalSection destructors // after LockData disappears. bool available; LockData() : available(true) {} ~LockData() { available = false; } LockOrders lockorders; InvLockOrders invlockorders; std::mutex dd_mutex; }; LockData &GetLockData() { static LockData lockdata; return lockdata; } static thread_local LockStack g_lockstack; static void potential_deadlock_detected(const std::pair &mismatch, const LockStack &s1, const LockStack &s2) { LogPrintf("POTENTIAL DEADLOCK DETECTED\n"); LogPrintf("Previous lock order was:\n"); for (const std::pair &i : s2) { if (i.first == mismatch.first) { - LogPrintf(" (1)"); + LogPrintfToBeContinued(" (1)"); } if (i.first == mismatch.second) { - LogPrintf(" (2)"); + LogPrintfToBeContinued(" (2)"); } LogPrintf(" %s\n", i.second.ToString()); } LogPrintf("Current lock order is:\n"); for (const std::pair &i : s1) { if (i.first == mismatch.first) { - LogPrintf(" (1)"); + LogPrintfToBeContinued(" (1)"); } if (i.first == mismatch.second) { - LogPrintf(" (2)"); + LogPrintfToBeContinued(" (2)"); } LogPrintf(" %s\n", i.second.ToString()); } if (g_debug_lockorder_abort) { fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: detected inconsistent lock order at %s:%i, " "details in debug log.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); } throw std::logic_error("potential deadlock detected"); } static void push_lock(void *c, const CLockLocation &locklocation) { LockData &lockdata = GetLockData(); std::lock_guard lock(lockdata.dd_mutex); g_lockstack.push_back(std::make_pair(c, locklocation)); for (const std::pair &i : g_lockstack) { if (i.first == c) { break; } std::pair p1 = std::make_pair(i.first, c); if (lockdata.lockorders.count(p1)) { continue; } lockdata.lockorders[p1] = g_lockstack; std::pair p2 = std::make_pair(c, i.first); lockdata.invlockorders.insert(p2); if (lockdata.lockorders.count(p2)) { potential_deadlock_detected(p1, lockdata.lockorders[p2], lockdata.lockorders[p1]); } } } static void pop_lock() { g_lockstack.pop_back(); } void EnterCritical(const char *pszName, const char *pszFile, int nLine, void *cs, bool fTry) { push_lock(cs, CLockLocation(pszName, pszFile, nLine, fTry)); } void LeaveCritical() { pop_lock(); } std::string LocksHeld() { std::string result; for (const std::pair &i : g_lockstack) { result += i.second.ToString() + std::string("\n"); } return result; } void AssertLockHeldInternal(const char *pszName, const char *pszFile, int nLine, void *cs) { for (const std::pair &i : g_lockstack) { if (i.first == cs) { return; } } fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: lock %s not held in %s:%i; locks held:\n%s", pszName, pszFile, nLine, LocksHeld().c_str()); abort(); } void AssertLockNotHeldInternal(const char *pszName, const char *pszFile, int nLine, void *cs) { for (const std::pair &i : g_lockstack) { if (i.first == cs) { fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: lock %s held in %s:%i; locks held:\n%s", pszName, pszFile, nLine, LocksHeld().c_str()); abort(); } } } void DeleteLock(void *cs) { LockData &lockdata = GetLockData(); if (!lockdata.available) { // We're already shutting down. return; } std::lock_guard lock(lockdata.dd_mutex); std::pair item = std::make_pair(cs, nullptr); LockOrders::iterator it = lockdata.lockorders.lower_bound(item); while (it != lockdata.lockorders.end() && it->first.first == cs) { std::pair invitem = std::make_pair(it->first.second, it->first.first); lockdata.invlockorders.erase(invitem); lockdata.lockorders.erase(it++); } InvLockOrders::iterator invit = lockdata.invlockorders.lower_bound(item); while (invit != lockdata.invlockorders.end() && invit->first == cs) { std::pair invinvitem = std::make_pair(invit->second, invit->first); lockdata.lockorders.erase(invinvitem); lockdata.invlockorders.erase(invit++); } } bool g_debug_lockorder_abort = true; #endif /* DEBUG_LOCKORDER */ diff --git a/src/timedata.cpp b/src/timedata.cpp index 8320a35062..a302932e75 100644 --- a/src/timedata.cpp +++ b/src/timedata.cpp @@ -1,119 +1,119 @@ // Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static CCriticalSection cs_nTimeOffset; static int64_t nTimeOffset = 0; /** * "Never go to sea with two chronometers; take one or three." * Our three time sources are: * - System clock * - Median of other nodes clocks * - The user (asking the user to fix the system clock if the first two * disagree) */ int64_t GetTimeOffset() { LOCK(cs_nTimeOffset); return nTimeOffset; } int64_t GetAdjustedTime() { return GetTime() + GetTimeOffset(); } static int64_t abs64(int64_t n) { return (n >= 0 ? n : -n); } #define BITCOIN_TIMEDATA_MAX_SAMPLES 200 void AddTimeData(const CNetAddr &ip, int64_t nOffsetSample) { LOCK(cs_nTimeOffset); // Ignore duplicates static std::set setKnown; if (setKnown.size() == BITCOIN_TIMEDATA_MAX_SAMPLES) return; if (!setKnown.insert(ip).second) return; // Add data static CMedianFilter vTimeOffsets(BITCOIN_TIMEDATA_MAX_SAMPLES, 0); vTimeOffsets.input(nOffsetSample); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "added time data, samples %d, offset %+d (%+d minutes)\n", vTimeOffsets.size(), nOffsetSample, nOffsetSample / 60); // There is a known issue here (see issue #4521): // // - The structure vTimeOffsets contains up to 200 elements, after which any // new element added to it will not increase its size, replacing the oldest // element. // // - The condition to update nTimeOffset includes checking whether the // number of elements in vTimeOffsets is odd, which will never happen after // there are 200 elements. // // But in this case the 'bug' is protective against some attacks, and may // actually explain why we've never seen attacks which manipulate the clock // offset. // // So we should hold off on fixing this and clean it up as part of a timing // cleanup that strengthens it in a number of other ways. // if (vTimeOffsets.size() >= 5 && vTimeOffsets.size() % 2 == 1) { int64_t nMedian = vTimeOffsets.median(); std::vector vSorted = vTimeOffsets.sorted(); // Only let other nodes change our time by so much if (abs64(nMedian) <= std::max(0, gArgs.GetArg("-maxtimeadjustment", DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_ADJUSTMENT))) { nTimeOffset = nMedian; } else { nTimeOffset = 0; static bool fDone; if (!fDone) { // If nobody has a time different than ours but within 5 minutes // of ours, give a warning bool fMatch = false; for (int64_t nOffset : vSorted) { if (nOffset != 0 && abs64(nOffset) < 5 * 60) fMatch = true; } if (!fMatch) { fDone = true; std::string strMessage = strprintf(_("Please check that your computer's date " "and time are correct! If your clock is " "wrong, %s will not work properly."), _(PACKAGE_NAME)); SetMiscWarning(strMessage); uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox( strMessage, "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_WARNING); } } } if (LogAcceptCategory(BCLog::NET)) { for (int64_t n : vSorted) { - LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%+d ", n); + LogPrintToBeContinued(BCLog::NET, "%+d ", n); } - LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "| "); + LogPrintToBeContinued(BCLog::NET, "| "); LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "nTimeOffset = %+d (%+d minutes)\n", nTimeOffset, nTimeOffset / 60); } } } diff --git a/src/txdb.cpp b/src/txdb.cpp index a12e8dbe33..b9a696316d 100644 --- a/src/txdb.cpp +++ b/src/txdb.cpp @@ -1,444 +1,444 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // boost::this_thread::interruption_point() (mingw) #include static const char DB_COIN = 'C'; static const char DB_COINS = 'c'; static const char DB_BLOCK_FILES = 'f'; static const char DB_BLOCK_INDEX = 'b'; static const char DB_BEST_BLOCK = 'B'; static const char DB_HEAD_BLOCKS = 'H'; static const char DB_FLAG = 'F'; static const char DB_REINDEX_FLAG = 'R'; static const char DB_LAST_BLOCK = 'l'; namespace { struct CoinEntry { COutPoint *outpoint; char key; explicit CoinEntry(const COutPoint *ptr) : outpoint(const_cast(ptr)), key(DB_COIN) {} template void Serialize(Stream &s) const { s << key; s << outpoint->GetTxId(); s << VARINT(outpoint->GetN()); } template void Unserialize(Stream &s) { s >> key; TxId id; s >> id; uint32_t n = 0; s >> VARINT(n); *outpoint = COutPoint(id, n); } }; } // namespace CCoinsViewDB::CCoinsViewDB(size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory, bool fWipe) : db(GetDataDir() / "chainstate", nCacheSize, fMemory, fWipe, true) {} bool CCoinsViewDB::GetCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint, Coin &coin) const { return db.Read(CoinEntry(&outpoint), coin); } bool CCoinsViewDB::HaveCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint) const { return db.Exists(CoinEntry(&outpoint)); } uint256 CCoinsViewDB::GetBestBlock() const { uint256 hashBestChain; if (!db.Read(DB_BEST_BLOCK, hashBestChain)) return uint256(); return hashBestChain; } std::vector CCoinsViewDB::GetHeadBlocks() const { std::vector vhashHeadBlocks; if (!db.Read(DB_HEAD_BLOCKS, vhashHeadBlocks)) { return std::vector(); } return vhashHeadBlocks; } bool CCoinsViewDB::BatchWrite(CCoinsMap &mapCoins, const uint256 &hashBlock) { CDBBatch batch(db); size_t count = 0; size_t changed = 0; size_t batch_size = (size_t)gArgs.GetArg("-dbbatchsize", nDefaultDbBatchSize); int crash_simulate = gArgs.GetArg("-dbcrashratio", 0); assert(!hashBlock.IsNull()); uint256 old_tip = GetBestBlock(); if (old_tip.IsNull()) { // We may be in the middle of replaying. std::vector old_heads = GetHeadBlocks(); if (old_heads.size() == 2) { assert(old_heads[0] == hashBlock); old_tip = old_heads[1]; } } // In the first batch, mark the database as being in the middle of a // transition from old_tip to hashBlock. // A vector is used for future extensibility, as we may want to support // interrupting after partial writes from multiple independent reorgs. batch.Erase(DB_BEST_BLOCK); batch.Write(DB_HEAD_BLOCKS, std::vector{hashBlock, old_tip}); for (CCoinsMap::iterator it = mapCoins.begin(); it != mapCoins.end();) { if (it->second.flags & CCoinsCacheEntry::DIRTY) { CoinEntry entry(&it->first); if (it->second.coin.IsSpent()) { batch.Erase(entry); } else { batch.Write(entry, it->second.coin); } changed++; } count++; CCoinsMap::iterator itOld = it++; mapCoins.erase(itOld); if (batch.SizeEstimate() > batch_size) { LogPrint(BCLog::COINDB, "Writing partial batch of %.2f MiB\n", batch.SizeEstimate() * (1.0 / 1048576.0)); db.WriteBatch(batch); batch.Clear(); if (crash_simulate) { static FastRandomContext rng; if (rng.randrange(crash_simulate) == 0) { LogPrintf("Simulating a crash. Goodbye.\n"); _Exit(0); } } } } // In the last batch, mark the database as consistent with hashBlock again. batch.Erase(DB_HEAD_BLOCKS); batch.Write(DB_BEST_BLOCK, hashBlock); LogPrint(BCLog::COINDB, "Writing final batch of %.2f MiB\n", batch.SizeEstimate() * (1.0 / 1048576.0)); bool ret = db.WriteBatch(batch); LogPrint(BCLog::COINDB, "Committed %u changed transaction outputs (out of " "%u) to coin database...\n", (unsigned int)changed, (unsigned int)count); return ret; } size_t CCoinsViewDB::EstimateSize() const { return db.EstimateSize(DB_COIN, char(DB_COIN + 1)); } CBlockTreeDB::CBlockTreeDB(size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory, bool fWipe) : CDBWrapper(gArgs.IsArgSet("-blocksdir") ? GetDataDir() / "blocks" / "index" : GetBlocksDir() / "index", nCacheSize, fMemory, fWipe) {} bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadBlockFileInfo(int nFile, CBlockFileInfo &info) { return Read(std::make_pair(DB_BLOCK_FILES, nFile), info); } bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteReindexing(bool fReindexing) { if (fReindexing) return Write(DB_REINDEX_FLAG, '1'); else return Erase(DB_REINDEX_FLAG); } bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadReindexing(bool &fReindexing) { fReindexing = Exists(DB_REINDEX_FLAG); return true; } bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadLastBlockFile(int &nFile) { return Read(DB_LAST_BLOCK, nFile); } CCoinsViewCursor *CCoinsViewDB::Cursor() const { CCoinsViewDBCursor *i = new CCoinsViewDBCursor( const_cast(db).NewIterator(), GetBestBlock()); /** * It seems that there are no "const iterators" for LevelDB. Since we only * need read operations on it, use a const-cast to get around that * restriction. */ i->pcursor->Seek(DB_COIN); // Cache key of first record if (i->pcursor->Valid()) { CoinEntry entry(&i->keyTmp.second); i->pcursor->GetKey(entry); i->keyTmp.first = entry.key; } else { // Make sure Valid() and GetKey() return false i->keyTmp.first = 0; } return i; } bool CCoinsViewDBCursor::GetKey(COutPoint &key) const { // Return cached key if (keyTmp.first == DB_COIN) { key = keyTmp.second; return true; } return false; } bool CCoinsViewDBCursor::GetValue(Coin &coin) const { return pcursor->GetValue(coin); } unsigned int CCoinsViewDBCursor::GetValueSize() const { return pcursor->GetValueSize(); } bool CCoinsViewDBCursor::Valid() const { return keyTmp.first == DB_COIN; } void CCoinsViewDBCursor::Next() { pcursor->Next(); CoinEntry entry(&keyTmp.second); if (!pcursor->Valid() || !pcursor->GetKey(entry)) { // Invalidate cached key after last record so that Valid() and GetKey() // return false keyTmp.first = 0; } else { keyTmp.first = entry.key; } } bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteBatchSync( const std::vector> &fileInfo, int nLastFile, const std::vector &blockinfo) { CDBBatch batch(*this); for (std::vector>::const_iterator it = fileInfo.begin(); it != fileInfo.end(); it++) { batch.Write(std::make_pair(DB_BLOCK_FILES, it->first), *it->second); } batch.Write(DB_LAST_BLOCK, nLastFile); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = blockinfo.begin(); it != blockinfo.end(); it++) { batch.Write(std::make_pair(DB_BLOCK_INDEX, (*it)->GetBlockHash()), CDiskBlockIndex(*it)); } return WriteBatch(batch, true); } bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteFlag(const std::string &name, bool fValue) { return Write(std::make_pair(DB_FLAG, name), fValue ? '1' : '0'); } bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadFlag(const std::string &name, bool &fValue) { char ch; if (!Read(std::make_pair(DB_FLAG, name), ch)) return false; fValue = ch == '1'; return true; } bool CBlockTreeDB::LoadBlockIndexGuts( const Config &config, std::function insertBlockIndex) { std::unique_ptr pcursor(NewIterator()); pcursor->Seek(std::make_pair(DB_BLOCK_INDEX, uint256())); // Load mapBlockIndex while (pcursor->Valid()) { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); std::pair key; if (!pcursor->GetKey(key) || key.first != DB_BLOCK_INDEX) { break; } CDiskBlockIndex diskindex; if (!pcursor->GetValue(diskindex)) { return error("%s : failed to read value", __func__); } // Construct block index object CBlockIndex *pindexNew = insertBlockIndex(diskindex.GetBlockHash()); pindexNew->pprev = insertBlockIndex(diskindex.hashPrev); pindexNew->nHeight = diskindex.nHeight; pindexNew->nFile = diskindex.nFile; pindexNew->nDataPos = diskindex.nDataPos; pindexNew->nUndoPos = diskindex.nUndoPos; pindexNew->nVersion = diskindex.nVersion; pindexNew->hashMerkleRoot = diskindex.hashMerkleRoot; pindexNew->nTime = diskindex.nTime; pindexNew->nBits = diskindex.nBits; pindexNew->nNonce = diskindex.nNonce; pindexNew->nStatus = diskindex.nStatus; pindexNew->nTx = diskindex.nTx; if (!CheckProofOfWork(pindexNew->GetBlockHash(), pindexNew->nBits, config)) { return error("%s: CheckProofOfWork failed: %s", __func__, pindexNew->ToString()); } pcursor->Next(); } return true; } namespace { //! Legacy class to deserialize pre-pertxout database entries without reindex. class CCoins { public: //! whether transaction is a coinbase bool fCoinBase; //! unspent transaction outputs; spent outputs are .IsNull(); spent outputs //! at the end of the array are dropped std::vector vout; //! at which height this transaction was included in the active block chain int nHeight; //! empty constructor CCoins() : fCoinBase(false), vout(0), nHeight(0) {} template void Unserialize(Stream &s) { uint32_t nCode = 0; // version int nVersionDummy; ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nVersionDummy)); // header code ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nCode)); fCoinBase = nCode & 1; std::vector vAvail(2, false); vAvail[0] = (nCode & 2) != 0; vAvail[1] = (nCode & 4) != 0; uint32_t nMaskCode = (nCode / 8) + ((nCode & 6) != 0 ? 0 : 1); // spentness bitmask while (nMaskCode > 0) { uint8_t chAvail = 0; ::Unserialize(s, chAvail); for (unsigned int p = 0; p < 8; p++) { bool f = (chAvail & (1 << p)) != 0; vAvail.push_back(f); } if (chAvail != 0) { nMaskCode--; } } // txouts themself vout.assign(vAvail.size(), CTxOut()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vAvail.size(); i++) { if (vAvail[i]) { ::Unserialize(s, CTxOutCompressor(vout[i])); } } // coinbase height ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nHeight)); } }; } // namespace /** * Upgrade the database from older formats. * * Currently implemented: from the per-tx utxo model (0.8..0.14.x) to per-txout. */ bool CCoinsViewDB::Upgrade() { std::unique_ptr pcursor(db.NewIterator()); pcursor->Seek(std::make_pair(DB_COINS, uint256())); if (!pcursor->Valid()) { return true; } int64_t count = 0; LogPrintf("Upgrading utxo-set database...\n"); - LogPrintf("[0%%]..."); + LogPrintfToBeContinued("[0%%]..."); uiInterface.ShowProgress(_("Upgrading UTXO database"), 0, true); size_t batch_size = 1 << 24; CDBBatch batch(db); int reportDone = 0; std::pair key; std::pair prev_key = {DB_COINS, uint256()}; while (pcursor->Valid()) { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); if (ShutdownRequested()) { break; } if (!pcursor->GetKey(key) || key.first != DB_COINS) { break; } if (count++ % 256 == 0) { uint32_t high = 0x100 * *key.second.begin() + *(key.second.begin() + 1); int percentageDone = (int)(high * 100.0 / 65536.0 + 0.5); uiInterface.ShowProgress(_("Upgrading UTXO database"), percentageDone, true); if (reportDone < percentageDone / 10) { // report max. every 10% step - LogPrintf("[%d%%]...", percentageDone); + LogPrintfToBeContinued("[%d%%]...", percentageDone); reportDone = percentageDone / 10; } } CCoins old_coins; if (!pcursor->GetValue(old_coins)) { return error("%s: cannot parse CCoins record", __func__); } TxId id(key.second); for (size_t i = 0; i < old_coins.vout.size(); ++i) { if (!old_coins.vout[i].IsNull() && !old_coins.vout[i].scriptPubKey.IsUnspendable()) { Coin newcoin(std::move(old_coins.vout[i]), old_coins.nHeight, old_coins.fCoinBase); COutPoint outpoint(id, i); CoinEntry entry(&outpoint); batch.Write(entry, newcoin); } } batch.Erase(key); if (batch.SizeEstimate() > batch_size) { db.WriteBatch(batch); batch.Clear(); db.CompactRange(prev_key, key); prev_key = key; } pcursor->Next(); } db.WriteBatch(batch); db.CompactRange({DB_COINS, uint256()}, key); uiInterface.ShowProgress("", 100, false); LogPrintf("[%s].\n", ShutdownRequested() ? "CANCELLED" : "DONE"); return !ShutdownRequested(); } diff --git a/src/validation.cpp b/src/validation.cpp index 869baa4b61..2f570ae3b0 100644 --- a/src/validation.cpp +++ b/src/validation.cpp @@ -1,5696 +1,5696 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include