diff --git a/.arclint b/.arclint index 6895053922..7c71b4827e 100644 --- a/.arclint +++ b/.arclint @@ -1,190 +1,190 @@ { "linters": { "generated": { "type": "generated" }, "clang-format": { "type": "clang-format", "version": ">=8.0", "bin": ["clang-format-8", "clang-format"], "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp|mm)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "autopep8": { "type": "autopep8", "version": ">=1.3.4", "include": "(\\.py$)", "flags": [ "--global-config=.autopep8" ] }, "flake8": { "type": "flake8", "version": ">=3.0", "include": "(\\.py$)", "flags": [ "--select=E,W,F401,F402,F403,F404,F405,F406,F407,F601,F602,F621,F622,F631,F701,F702,F703,F704,F705,F706,F707,F811,F812,F821,F822,F823,F831,F841", - "--ignore=E501,E704,E713,E722,E731,W503,W504" + "--ignore=E501,E704,E722,E731,W503,W504" ] }, "lint-format-strings": { "type": "lint-format-strings", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "check-doc": { "type": "check-doc", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)" }, "lint-tests": { "type": "lint-tests", "include": "(^src/(seeder/|rpc/|wallet/)?test/.*\\.(cpp)$)" }, "lint-python-format": { "type": "lint-python-format", "include": "(\\.py$)", "exclude": [ "(^test/lint/lint-python-format\\.py$)" ] }, "phpcs": { "type": "phpcs", "include": "(\\.php$)", "exclude": [ "(^arcanist/__phutil_library_.+\\.php$)" ], "phpcs.standard": "arcanist/phpcs.xml" }, "lint-locale-dependence": { "type": "lint-locale-dependence", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes/|leveldb/|secp256k1/|seeder/|tinyformat.h|univalue/))" ] }, "lint-cheader": { "type": "lint-cheader", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "spelling": { "type": "spelling", "exclude": [ "(^build-aux/m4/)", "(^depends/)", "(^doc/release-notes/)", "(^src/(qt/locale|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)", "(^test/lint/dictionary/)" ], "spelling.dictionaries": [ "test/lint/dictionary/english.json" ] }, "lint-assert-with-side-effects": { "type": "lint-assert-with-side-effects", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-include-quotes": { "type": "lint-include-quotes", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-include-guard": { "type": "lint-include-guard", "include": "(^src/.*\\.h$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)", "(^src/tinyformat.h$)" ] }, "lint-include-source": { "type": "lint-include-source", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-stdint": { "type": "lint-stdint", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)", "(^src/compat/assumptions.h$)" ] }, "lint-source-filename": { "type": "lint-source-filename", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-boost-dependencies": { "type": "lint-boost-dependencies", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)" }, "check-rpc-mappings": { "type": "check-rpc-mappings", "include": "(^src/(rpc/|wallet/rpc).*\\.cpp$)" }, "lint-python-encoding": { "type": "lint-python-encoding", "include": "(\\.py$)" }, "lint-python-shebang": { "type": "lint-python-shebang", "include": "(\\.py$)", "exclude": [ "(__init__\\.py$)" ] }, "lint-bash-shebang": { "type": "lint-bash-shebang", "include": "(\\.sh$)" }, "shellcheck": { "type": "shellcheck", "include": "(\\.sh$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue)/)" ] }, "lint-shell-locale": { "type": "lint-shell-locale", "include": "(\\.sh$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue)/)" ] }, "lint-cpp-void-parameters": { "type": "lint-cpp-void-parameters", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)", "(^src/compat/glibc_compat.cpp$)" ] }, "lint-logs": { "type": "lint-logs", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)" }, "lint-qt": { "type": "lint-qt", "include": "(^src/qt/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/qt/(locale|forms|res)/)" ] } } } diff --git a/contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py b/contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py index d5278f6f97..b7a99092b0 100755 --- a/contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py +++ b/contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py @@ -1,190 +1,190 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014 Wladimir J. van der Laan # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. ''' A script to check that the (Linux) executables produced by gitian only contain allowed gcc, glibc and libstdc++ version symbols. This makes sure they are still compatible with the minimum supported Linux distribution versions. Example usage: find ../gitian-builder/build -type f -executable | xargs python3 contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py ''' import subprocess import re import sys import os # Debian 8.11 (Jessie) has: # # - g++ version 4.9.2 (https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=g%2B%2B) # - libc version 2.19.18 (https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libc6) # - libstdc++ version 4.8.4 (https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libstdc%2B%2B6) # # Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) has: # # - g++ version 4.8.2 (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty§ion=all&arch=any&keywords=g%2B%2B&searchon=names) # - libc version 2.19.0 (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty§ion=all&arch=any&keywords=libc6&searchon=names) # - libstdc++ version 4.8.2 (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty§ion=all&arch=any&keywords=libstdc%2B%2B&searchon=names) # # Taking the minimum of these as our target. # # According to GNU ABI document (http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/abi.html) this corresponds to: # GCC 4.8.0: GCC_4.8.0 # GCC 4.8.0: GLIBCXX_3.4.18, CXXABI_1.3.7 # (glibc) GLIBC_2_19 # MAX_VERSIONS = { 'GCC': (4, 8, 0), 'CXXABI': (1, 3, 7), 'GLIBCXX': (3, 4, 18), 'GLIBC': (2, 19), 'LIBATOMIC': (1, 0) } # See here for a description of _IO_stdin_used: # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=634261#109 # Ignore symbols that are exported as part of every executable IGNORE_EXPORTS = { '_edata', '_end', '__end__', '_init', '__bss_start', '__bss_start__', '_bss_end__', '__bss_end__', '_fini', '_IO_stdin_used', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr', # Figure out why we get these symbols exported on xenial. '_ZNKSt5ctypeIcE8do_widenEc', 'in6addr_any', 'optarg', '_ZNSt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE10_M_destroyEv' } READELF_CMD = os.getenv('READELF', '/usr/bin/readelf') CPPFILT_CMD = os.getenv('CPPFILT', '/usr/bin/c++filt') # Allowed NEEDED libraries ALLOWED_LIBRARIES = { # bitcoind and bitcoin-qt 'libgcc_s.so.1', # GCC base support 'libc.so.6', # C library 'libpthread.so.0', # threading 'libanl.so.1', # DNS resolve 'libm.so.6', # math library 'librt.so.1', # real-time (clock) 'libatomic.so.1', 'ld-linux-x86-64.so.2', # 64-bit dynamic linker 'ld-linux.so.2', # 32-bit dynamic linker 'ld-linux-aarch64.so.1', # 64-bit ARM dynamic linker 'ld-linux-armhf.so.3', # 32-bit ARM dynamic linker # bitcoin-qt only 'libX11-xcb.so.1', # part of X11 'libX11.so.6', # part of X11 'libxcb.so.1', # part of X11 'libfontconfig.so.1', # font support 'libfreetype.so.6', # font parsing 'libdl.so.2' # programming interface to dynamic linker } ARCH_MIN_GLIBC_VER = { '80386': (2, 1), 'X86-64': (2, 2, 5), 'ARM': (2, 4), 'AArch64': (2, 17) } class CPPFilt(object): ''' Demangle C++ symbol names. Use a pipe to the 'c++filt' command. ''' def __init__(self): self.proc = subprocess.Popen( CPPFILT_CMD, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) def __call__(self, mangled): self.proc.stdin.write(mangled + '\n') self.proc.stdin.flush() return self.proc.stdout.readline().rstrip() def close(self): self.proc.stdin.close() self.proc.stdout.close() self.proc.wait() def read_symbols(executable, imports=True): ''' Parse an ELF executable and return a list of (symbol,version) tuples for dynamic, imported symbols. ''' p = subprocess.Popen([READELF_CMD, '--dyn-syms', '-W', '-h', executable], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate() if p.returncode: raise IOError('Could not read symbols for {}: {}'.format( executable, stderr.strip())) syms = [] for line in stdout.splitlines(): line = line.split() if 'Machine:' in line: arch = line[-1] if len(line) > 7 and re.match('[0-9]+:$', line[0]): (sym, _, version) = line[7].partition('@') is_import = line[6] == 'UND' if version.startswith('@'): version = version[1:] if is_import == imports: syms.append((sym, version, arch)) return syms def check_version(max_versions, version, arch): if '_' in version: (lib, _, ver) = version.rpartition('_') else: lib = version ver = '0' ver = tuple([int(x) for x in ver.split('.')]) - if not lib in max_versions: + if lib not in max_versions: return False return ver <= max_versions[lib] or lib == 'GLIBC' and ver <= ARCH_MIN_GLIBC_VER[arch] def read_libraries(filename): p = subprocess.Popen([READELF_CMD, '-d', '-W', filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate() if p.returncode: raise IOError('Error opening file') libraries = [] for line in stdout.splitlines(): tokens = line.split() if len(tokens) > 2 and tokens[1] == '(NEEDED)': match = re.match( r'^Shared library: \[(.*)\]$', ' '.join(tokens[2:])) if match: libraries.append(match.group(1)) else: raise ValueError('Unparseable (NEEDED) specification') return libraries if __name__ == '__main__': cppfilt = CPPFilt() retval = 0 for filename in sys.argv[1:]: # Check imported symbols for sym, version, arch in read_symbols(filename, True): if version and not check_version(MAX_VERSIONS, version, arch): print('{}: symbol {} from unsupported version {}'.format( filename, cppfilt(sym), version)) retval = 1 # Check exported symbols for sym, version, arch in read_symbols(filename, False): if sym in IGNORE_EXPORTS: continue print('{}: export of symbol {} not allowed'.format( filename, cppfilt(sym))) retval = 1 # Check dependency libraries for library_name in read_libraries(filename): if library_name not in ALLOWED_LIBRARIES: print('{}: NEEDED library {} is not allowed'.format( filename, library_name)) retval = 1 sys.exit(retval) diff --git a/contrib/gitian-build.py b/contrib/gitian-build.py index e5d4eecfc4..55c5529d0a 100755 --- a/contrib/gitian-build.py +++ b/contrib/gitian-build.py @@ -1,312 +1,312 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import multiprocessing import os import subprocess import sys def setup(): global args, workdir programs = ['ruby', 'git', 'apt-cacher-ng', 'make', 'wget'] if args.kvm: programs += ['python-vm-builder', 'qemu-kvm', 'qemu-utils'] elif args.docker: dockers = ['docker.io', 'docker-ce'] for i in dockers: return_code = subprocess.call( ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-qq', i]) if return_code == 0: break if return_code != 0: print('Cannot find any way to install docker', file=sys.stderr) exit(1) else: programs += ['lxc', 'debootstrap'] subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-qq'] + programs) if not os.path.isdir('gitian-builder'): subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/devrandom/gitian-builder.git']) if not os.path.isdir('bitcoin-abc'): subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc.git']) os.chdir('gitian-builder') make_image_prog = ['bin/make-base-vm', '--suite', 'bionic', '--arch', 'amd64'] if args.docker: make_image_prog += ['--docker'] elif not args.kvm: make_image_prog += ['--lxc'] subprocess.check_call(make_image_prog) os.chdir(workdir) if args.is_bionic and not args.kvm and not args.docker: subprocess.check_call( ['sudo', 'sed', '-i', 's/lxcbr0/br0/', '/etc/default/lxc-net']) print('Reboot is required') exit(0) def build(): global args, workdir base_output_dir = 'bitcoin-binaries/' + args.version os.makedirs(base_output_dir + '/src', exist_ok=True) print('\nBuilding Dependencies\n') os.chdir('gitian-builder') os.makedirs('inputs', exist_ok=True) subprocess.check_call(['make', '-C', '../bitcoin-abc/depends', 'download', 'SOURCES_PATH=' + os.getcwd() + '/cache/common']) output_dir_src = '../' + base_output_dir + '/src' if args.linux: print('\nCompiling ' + args.version + ' Linux') subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-j', args.jobs, '-m', args.memory, '--commit', 'bitcoin=' + args.commit, '--url', 'bitcoin=' + args.url, '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml']) subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version + '-linux', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml']) output_dir_linux = '../' + base_output_dir + '/linux' os.makedirs(output_dir_linux, exist_ok=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv build/out/bitcoin-*.tar.gz ' + output_dir_linux, shell=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv build/out/src/bitcoin-*.tar.gz ' + output_dir_src, shell=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv result/bitcoin-*-linux-res.yml ' + output_dir_linux, shell=True) if args.windows: print('\nCompiling ' + args.version + ' Windows') subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-j', args.jobs, '-m', args.memory, '--commit', 'bitcoin=' + args.commit, '--url', 'bitcoin=' + args.url, '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml']) subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version + '-win-unsigned', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml']) output_dir_win = '../' + base_output_dir + '/win' os.makedirs(output_dir_win, exist_ok=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv build/out/bitcoin-*-win-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/', shell=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv build/out/bitcoin-*.zip build/out/bitcoin-*.exe ' + output_dir_win, shell=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv build/out/src/bitcoin-*.tar.gz ' + output_dir_src, shell=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv result/bitcoin-*-win-res.yml ' + output_dir_win, shell=True) if args.macos: print('\nCompiling ' + args.version + ' MacOS') subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-j', args.jobs, '-m', args.memory, '--commit', 'bitcoin=' + args.commit, '--url', 'bitcoin=' + args.url, '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml']) subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version + '-osx-unsigned', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml']) output_dir_osx = '../' + base_output_dir + '/osx' os.makedirs(output_dir_osx, exist_ok=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv build/out/bitcoin-*-osx-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/', shell=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv build/out/bitcoin-*.tar.gz build/out/bitcoin-*.dmg ' + output_dir_osx, shell=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv build/out/src/bitcoin-*.tar.gz ' + output_dir_src, shell=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv result/bitcoin-*-osx-res.yml ' + output_dir_osx, shell=True) os.chdir(workdir) if args.commit_files: print('\nCommitting ' + args.version + ' Unsigned Sigs\n') os.chdir('gitian.sigs') subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'add', args.version + '-linux/' + args.signer]) subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'add', args.version + '-win-unsigned/' + args.signer]) subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'add', args.version + '-osx-unsigned/' + args.signer]) subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Add ' + args.version + ' unsigned sigs for ' + args.signer]) os.chdir(workdir) def sign(): global args, workdir os.chdir('gitian-builder') if args.windows: print('\nSigning ' + args.version + ' Windows') subprocess.check_call('cp inputs/bitcoin-' + args.version + '-win-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/bitcoin-win-unsigned.tar.gz', shell=True) subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-i', '--commit', 'signature=' + args.commit, '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml']) subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version + '-win-signed', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml']) subprocess.check_call( 'mv build/out/bitcoin-*win64-setup.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/' + args.version, shell=True) subprocess.check_call( 'mv build/out/bitcoin-*win32-setup.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/' + args.version, shell=True) if args.macos: print('\nSigning ' + args.version + ' MacOS') subprocess.check_call('cp inputs/bitcoin-' + args.version + '-osx-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/bitcoin-osx-unsigned.tar.gz', shell=True) subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-i', '--commit', 'signature=' + args.commit, '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml']) subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version + '-osx-signed', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml']) subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-osx-signed.dmg ../bitcoin-binaries/' + args.version + '/bitcoin-' + args.version + '-osx.dmg', shell=True) os.chdir(workdir) if args.commit_files: print('\nCommitting ' + args.version + ' Signed Sigs\n') os.chdir('gitian.sigs') subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'add', args.version + '-win-signed/' + args.signer]) subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'add', args.version + '-osx-signed/' + args.signer]) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'Add ' + args.version + ' signed binary sigs for ' + args.signer]) os.chdir(workdir) def verify(): global args, workdir os.chdir('gitian-builder') print('\nVerifying v' + args.version + ' Linux\n') subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version + '-linux', '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml']) print('\nVerifying v' + args.version + ' Windows\n') subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version + '-win-unsigned', '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml']) print('\nVerifying v' + args.version + ' MacOS\n') subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version + '-osx-unsigned', '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml']) print('\nVerifying v' + args.version + ' Signed Windows\n') subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version + '-win-signed', '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml']) print('\nVerifying v' + args.version + ' Signed MacOS\n') subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version + '-osx-signed', '../bitcoin-abc/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml']) os.chdir(workdir) def main(): global args, workdir num_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [options] signer version') parser.add_argument('-c', '--commit', action='store_true', dest='commit', help='Indicate that the version argument is for a commit or branch') parser.add_argument('-p', '--pull', action='store_true', dest='pull', help='Indicate that the version argument is the number of a github repository pull request') parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='url', default='https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc.git', help='Specify the URL of the repository. Default is %(default)s') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verify', action='store_true', dest='verify', help='Verify the Gitian build') parser.add_argument('-b', '--build', action='store_true', dest='build', help='Do a Gitian build') parser.add_argument('-s', '--sign', action='store_true', dest='sign', help='Make signed binaries for Windows and MacOS') parser.add_argument('-B', '--buildsign', action='store_true', dest='buildsign', help='Build both signed and unsigned binaries') parser.add_argument('-o', '--os', dest='os', default='lwm', help='Specify which Operating Systems the build is for. Default is %(default)s. l for Linux, w for Windows, m for MacOS') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', dest='jobs', default=str(num_cpus), help='Number of processes to use. Default %(default)s') parser.add_argument('-m', '--memory', dest='memory', default='3500', help='Memory to allocate in MiB. Default %(default)s') parser.add_argument('-k', '--kvm', action='store_true', dest='kvm', help='Use KVM instead of LXC') parser.add_argument('-d', '--docker', action='store_true', dest='docker', help='Use Docker instead of LXC') parser.add_argument('-S', '--setup', action='store_true', dest='setup', help='Set up the Gitian building environment. Uses LXC. If you want to use KVM, use the --kvm option. Only works on Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Debian)') parser.add_argument('-D', '--detach-sign', action='store_true', dest='detach_sign', help='Create the assert file for detached signing. Will not commit anything.') parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-commit', action='store_false', dest='commit_files', help='Do not commit anything to git') parser.add_argument( 'signer', help='GPG signer to sign each build assert file') parser.add_argument( 'version', help='Version number, commit, or branch to build. If building a commit or branch, the -c option must be specified') args = parser.parse_args() workdir = os.getcwd() args.linux = 'l' in args.os args.windows = 'w' in args.os args.macos = 'm' in args.os args.is_bionic = b'bionic' in subprocess.check_output( ['lsb_release', '-cs']) if args.buildsign: args.build = True args.sign = True if args.kvm and args.docker: raise Exception('Error: cannot have both kvm and docker') args.sign_prog = 'true' if args.detach_sign else 'gpg --detach-sign' # Set environment variable USE_LXC or USE_DOCKER, let gitian-builder know that we use lxc or docker if args.docker: os.environ['USE_DOCKER'] = '1' elif not args.kvm: os.environ['USE_LXC'] = '1' - if not 'GITIAN_HOST_IP' in os.environ.keys(): + if 'GITIAN_HOST_IP' not in os.environ.keys(): os.environ['GITIAN_HOST_IP'] = '' - if not 'LXC_GUEST_IP' in os.environ.keys(): + if 'LXC_GUEST_IP' not in os.environ.keys(): os.environ['LXC_GUEST_IP'] = '' # Disable for MacOS if no SDK found if args.macos and not os.path.isfile('gitian-builder/inputs/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz'): print('Cannot build for MacOS, SDK does not exist. Will build for other OSes') args.macos = False script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # Signer and version shouldn't be empty if args.signer == '': print(script_name + ': Missing signer.') print('Try ' + script_name + ' --help for more information') exit(1) if args.version == '': print(script_name + ': Missing version.') print('Try ' + script_name + ' --help for more information') exit(1) # Add leading 'v' for tags if args.commit and args.pull: raise Exception('Cannot have both commit and pull') args.commit = ('' if args.commit else 'v') + args.version if args.setup: setup() os.chdir('bitcoin-abc') if args.pull: subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'fetch', args.url, 'refs/pull/' + args.version + '/merge']) os.chdir('../gitian-builder/inputs/bitcoin') subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'fetch', args.url, 'refs/pull/' + args.version + '/merge']) args.commit = subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'show', '-s', '--format=%H', 'FETCH_HEAD'], universal_newlines=True, encoding='utf8').strip() args.version = 'pull-' + args.version print(args.commit) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'fetch']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', args.commit]) os.chdir(workdir) if args.build: build() if args.sign: sign() if args.verify: verify() if __name__ == '__main__': main() diff --git a/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py b/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py index 56f1fee5f3..c92d38a397 100755 --- a/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py +++ b/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py @@ -1,339 +1,339 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # # linearize-data.py: Construct a linear, no-fork version of the chain. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # from __future__ import print_function, division import struct import re import os import os.path import sys import hashlib import datetime import time from collections import namedtuple from binascii import unhexlify settings = {} def hex_switchEndian(s): """ Switches the endianness of a hex string (in pairs of hex chars) """ pairList = [s[i:i + 2].encode() for i in range(0, len(s), 2)] return b''.join(pairList[::-1]).decode() def uint32(x): return x & 0xffffffff def bytereverse(x): return uint32((((x) << 24) | (((x) << 8) & 0x00ff0000) | (((x) >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | ((x) >> 24))) def bufreverse(in_buf): out_words = [] for i in range(0, len(in_buf), 4): word = struct.unpack('@I', in_buf[i:i + 4])[0] out_words.append(struct.pack('@I', bytereverse(word))) return b''.join(out_words) def wordreverse(in_buf): out_words = [] for i in range(0, len(in_buf), 4): out_words.append(in_buf[i:i + 4]) out_words.reverse() return b''.join(out_words) def calc_hdr_hash(blk_hdr): hash1 = hashlib.sha256() hash1.update(blk_hdr) hash1_o = hash1.digest() hash2 = hashlib.sha256() hash2.update(hash1_o) hash2_o = hash2.digest() return hash2_o def calc_hash_str(blk_hdr): hash = calc_hdr_hash(blk_hdr) hash = bufreverse(hash) hash = wordreverse(hash) hash_str = hash.hex() return hash_str def get_blk_dt(blk_hdr): members = struct.unpack(" self.maxOutSz): self.outF.close() if self.setFileTime: os.utime(self.outFname, (int(time.time()), self.highTS)) self.outF = None self.outFname = None self.outFn = self.outFn + 1 self.outsz = 0 (blkDate, blkTS) = get_blk_dt(blk_hdr) if self.timestampSplit and (blkDate > self.lastDate): print("New month " + blkDate.strftime("%Y-%m") + " @ " + self.hash_str) self.lastDate = blkDate if self.outF: self.outF.close() if self.setFileTime: os.utime(self.outFname, (int(time.time()), self.highTS)) self.outF = None self.outFname = None self.outFn = self.outFn + 1 self.outsz = 0 if not self.outF: if self.fileOutput: self.outFname = self.settings['output_file'] else: self.outFname = os.path.join( self.settings['output'], "blk{:05d}.dat".format(self.outFn)) print("Output file " + self.outFname) self.outF = open(self.outFname, "wb") self.outF.write(inhdr) self.outF.write(blk_hdr) self.outF.write(rawblock) self.outsz = self.outsz + len(inhdr) + len(blk_hdr) + len(rawblock) self.blkCountOut = self.blkCountOut + 1 if blkTS > self.highTS: self.highTS = blkTS if (self.blkCountOut % 1000) == 0: print('{} blocks scanned, {} blocks written (of {}, {:.1f}% complete)'.format( self.blkCountIn, self.blkCountOut, len(self.blkindex), 100.0 * self.blkCountOut / len(self.blkindex))) def inFileName(self, fn): return os.path.join(self.settings['input'], "blk{:05d}.dat".format(fn)) def fetchBlock(self, extent): '''Fetch block contents from disk given extents''' with open(self.inFileName(extent.fn), "rb") as f: f.seek(extent.offset) return f.read(extent.size) def copyOneBlock(self): '''Find the next block to be written in the input, and copy it to the output.''' extent = self.blockExtents.pop(self.blkCountOut) if self.blkCountOut in self.outOfOrderData: # If the data is cached, use it from memory and remove from the cache rawblock = self.outOfOrderData.pop(self.blkCountOut) self.outOfOrderSize -= len(rawblock) else: # Otherwise look up data on disk rawblock = self.fetchBlock(extent) self.writeBlock(extent.inhdr, extent.blkhdr, rawblock) def run(self): while self.blkCountOut < len(self.blkindex): if not self.inF: fname = self.inFileName(self.inFn) print("Input file " + fname) try: self.inF = open(fname, "rb") except IOError: print("Premature end of block data") return inhdr = self.inF.read(8) if (not inhdr or (inhdr[0] == "\0")): self.inF.close() self.inF = None self.inFn = self.inFn + 1 continue inMagic = inhdr[:4] if (inMagic != self.settings['netmagic']): print("Invalid magic: " + inMagic.hex()) return inLenLE = inhdr[4:] su = struct.unpack(" 1 and num_jobs > 1: # Populate cache try: subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, os.path.join( tests_dir, 'create_cache.py')] + flags + [os.path.join("--tmpdir={}", "cache") .format(tmpdir)]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: sys.stdout.buffer.write(e.output) raise # Run Tests time0 = time.time() test_results = execute_test_processes( num_jobs, test_list, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags) runtime = int(time.time() - time0) max_len_name = len(max(test_list, key=len)) print_results(test_results, tests_dir, max_len_name, runtime, combined_logs_len) save_results_as_junit(test_results, junitoutput, runtime, test_suite_name) if (build_timings is not None): build_timings.save_timings(test_results) if coverage: coverage.report_rpc_coverage() logging.debug("Cleaning up coverage data") coverage.cleanup() # Clear up the temp directory if all subdirectories are gone if not os.listdir(tmpdir): os.rmdir(tmpdir) all_passed = all( map(lambda test_result: test_result.was_successful, test_results)) sys.exit(not all_passed) def execute_test_processes(num_jobs, test_list, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags): update_queue = Queue() job_queue = Queue() test_results = [] poll_timeout = 10 # seconds # In case there is a graveyard of zombie bitcoinds, we can apply a # pseudorandom offset to hopefully jump over them. # (625 is PORT_RANGE/MAX_NODES) portseed_offset = int(time.time() * 1000) % 625 ## # Define some helper functions we will need for threading. ## def handle_message(message, running_jobs): """ handle_message handles a single message from handle_test_cases """ if isinstance(message, TestCase): running_jobs.append((message.test_num, message.test_case)) print("{}{}{} started".format(BOLD[1], message.test_case, BOLD[0])) return if isinstance(message, TestResult): test_result = message running_jobs.remove((test_result.num, test_result.name)) test_results.append(test_result) if test_result.status == "Passed": print("{}{}{} passed, Duration: {} s".format( BOLD[1], test_result.name, BOLD[0], test_result.time)) elif test_result.status == "Skipped": print("{}{}{} skipped".format( BOLD[1], test_result.name, BOLD[0])) else: print("{}{}{} failed, Duration: {} s\n".format( BOLD[1], test_result.name, BOLD[0], test_result.time)) print(BOLD[1] + 'stdout:' + BOLD[0]) print(test_result.stdout) print(BOLD[1] + 'stderr:' + BOLD[0]) print(test_result.stderr) return assert False, "we should not be here" def handle_update_messages(): """ handle_update_messages waits for messages to be sent from handle_test_cases via the update_queue. It serializes the results so we can print nice status update messages. """ printed_status = False running_jobs = [] while True: message = None try: message = update_queue.get(True, poll_timeout) if message is None: break # We printed a status message, need to kick to the next line # before printing more. if printed_status: print() printed_status = False handle_message(message, running_jobs) update_queue.task_done() except Empty: if not on_ci(): print("Running jobs: {}".format( ", ".join([j[1] for j in running_jobs])), end="\r") sys.stdout.flush() printed_status = True def handle_test_cases(): """ job_runner represents a single thread that is part of a worker pool. It waits for a test, then executes that test. It also reports start and result messages to handle_update_messages """ while True: test = job_queue.get() if test is None: break # Signal that the test is starting to inform the poor waiting # programmer update_queue.put(test) result = test.run(portseed_offset) update_queue.put(result) job_queue.task_done() ## # Setup our threads, and start sending tasks ## # Start our result collection thread. t = threading.Thread(target=handle_update_messages) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # Start some worker threads for j in range(num_jobs): t = threading.Thread(target=handle_test_cases) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # Push all our test cases into the job queue. for i, t in enumerate(test_list): job_queue.put(TestCase(i, t, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags)) # Wait for all the jobs to be completed job_queue.join() # Wait for all the results to be compiled update_queue.join() # Flush our queues so the threads exit update_queue.put(None) for j in range(num_jobs): job_queue.put(None) return test_results def print_results(test_results, tests_dir, max_len_name, runtime, combined_logs_len): results = "\n" + BOLD[1] + "{} | {} | {}\n\n".format( "TEST".ljust(max_len_name), "STATUS ", "DURATION") + BOLD[0] test_results.sort(key=TestResult.sort_key) all_passed = True time_sum = 0 for test_result in test_results: all_passed = all_passed and test_result.was_successful time_sum += test_result.time test_result.padding = max_len_name results += str(test_result) testdir = test_result.testdir if combined_logs_len and os.path.isdir(testdir): # Print the final `combinedlogslen` lines of the combined logs print('{}Combine the logs and print the last {} lines ...{}'.format( BOLD[1], combined_logs_len, BOLD[0])) print('\n============') print('{}Combined log for {}:{}'.format(BOLD[1], testdir, BOLD[0])) print('============\n') combined_logs, _ = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, os.path.join( tests_dir, 'combine_logs.py'), '-c', testdir], universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() print("\n".join(deque(combined_logs.splitlines(), combined_logs_len))) status = TICK + "Passed" if all_passed else CROSS + "Failed" if not all_passed: results += RED[1] results += BOLD[1] + "\n{} | {} | {} s (accumulated) \n".format( "ALL".ljust(max_len_name), status.ljust(9), time_sum) + BOLD[0] if not all_passed: results += RED[0] results += "Runtime: {} s\n".format(runtime) print(results) class TestResult(): """ Simple data structure to store test result values and print them properly """ def __init__(self, num, name, testdir, status, time, stdout, stderr): self.num = num self.name = name self.testdir = testdir self.status = status self.time = time self.padding = 0 self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr def sort_key(self): if self.status == "Passed": return 0, self.name.lower() elif self.status == "Failed": return 2, self.name.lower() elif self.status == "Skipped": return 1, self.name.lower() def __repr__(self): if self.status == "Passed": color = BLUE glyph = TICK elif self.status == "Failed": color = RED glyph = CROSS elif self.status == "Skipped": color = GREY glyph = CIRCLE return color[1] + "{} | {}{} | {} s\n".format( self.name.ljust(self.padding), glyph, self.status.ljust(7), self.time) + color[0] @property def was_successful(self): return self.status != "Failed" def get_all_scripts_from_disk(test_dir, non_scripts): """ Return all available test script from script directory (excluding NON_SCRIPTS) """ python_files = set([t for t in os.listdir(test_dir) if t[-3:] == ".py"]) return list(python_files - set(non_scripts)) def get_tests_to_run(test_list, test_params, cutoff, src_timings): """ Returns only test that will not run longer that cutoff. Long running tests are returned first to favor running tests in parallel Timings from build directory override those from src directory """ def get_test_time(test): # Return 0 if test is unknown to always run it return next( (x['time'] for x in src_timings.existing_timings if x['name'] == test), 0) # Some tests must also be run with additional parameters. Add them to the list. tests_with_params = [] for test_name in test_list: # always execute a test without parameters tests_with_params.append(test_name) params = test_params.get(test_name) if params is not None: tests_with_params.extend( [test_name + " " + " ".join(p) for p in params]) result = [t for t in tests_with_params if get_test_time(t) <= cutoff] result.sort(key=lambda x: (-get_test_time(x), x)) return result class RPCCoverage(): """ Coverage reporting utilities for test_runner. Coverage calculation works by having each test script subprocess write coverage files into a particular directory. These files contain the RPC commands invoked during testing, as well as a complete listing of RPC commands per `bitcoin-cli help` (`rpc_interface.txt`). After all tests complete, the commands run are combined and diff'd against the complete list to calculate uncovered RPC commands. See also: test/functional/test_framework/coverage.py """ def __init__(self): self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="coverage") self.flag = '--coveragedir={}'.format(self.dir) def report_rpc_coverage(self): """ Print out RPC commands that were unexercised by tests. """ uncovered = self._get_uncovered_rpc_commands() if uncovered: print("Uncovered RPC commands:") print("".join((" - {}\n".format(i)) for i in sorted(uncovered))) else: print("All RPC commands covered.") def cleanup(self): return shutil.rmtree(self.dir) def _get_uncovered_rpc_commands(self): """ Return a set of currently untested RPC commands. """ # This is shared from `test/functional/test-framework/coverage.py` reference_filename = 'rpc_interface.txt' coverage_file_prefix = 'coverage.' coverage_ref_filename = os.path.join(self.dir, reference_filename) coverage_filenames = set() all_cmds = set() covered_cmds = set() if not os.path.isfile(coverage_ref_filename): raise RuntimeError("No coverage reference found") with open(coverage_ref_filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f: all_cmds.update([i.strip() for i in f.readlines()]) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.dir): for filename in files: if filename.startswith(coverage_file_prefix): coverage_filenames.add(os.path.join(root, filename)) for filename in coverage_filenames: with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f: covered_cmds.update([i.strip() for i in f.readlines()]) return all_cmds - covered_cmds def save_results_as_junit(test_results, file_name, time, test_suite_name): """ Save tests results to file in JUnit format See http://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/ for specification of format """ e_test_suite = ET.Element("testsuite", {"name": "{}".format(test_suite_name), "tests": str(len(test_results)), # "errors": "failures": str(len([t for t in test_results if t.status == "Failed"])), "id": "0", "skipped": str(len([t for t in test_results if t.status == "Skipped"])), "time": str(time), "timestamp": datetime.datetime.now().isoformat('T') }) for test_result in test_results: e_test_case = ET.SubElement(e_test_suite, "testcase", {"name": test_result.name, "classname": test_result.name, "time": str(test_result.time) } ) if test_result.status == "Skipped": ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "skipped") elif test_result.status == "Failed": ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "failure") # no special element for passed tests ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "system-out").text = test_result.stdout ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "system-err").text = test_result.stderr ET.ElementTree(e_test_suite).write( file_name, "UTF-8", xml_declaration=True) class Timings(): """ Takes care of loading, merging and saving tests execution times. """ def __init__(self, timing_file): self.timing_file = timing_file self.existing_timings = self.load_timings() def load_timings(self): if os.path.isfile(self.timing_file): with open(self.timing_file, encoding="utf8") as f: return json.load(f) else: return [] def get_merged_timings(self, new_timings): """ Return new list containing existing timings updated with new timings Tests that do not exists are not removed """ key = 'name' merged = {} for item in self.existing_timings + new_timings: if item[key] in merged: merged[item[key]].update(item) else: merged[item[key]] = item # Sort the result to preserve test ordering in file merged = list(merged.values()) merged.sort(key=lambda t, key=key: t[key]) return merged def save_timings(self, test_results): # we only save test that have passed - timings for failed test might be # wrong (timeouts or early fails) passed_results = [t for t in test_results if t.status == 'Passed'] new_timings = list(map(lambda t: {'name': t.name, 'time': t.time}, passed_results)) merged_timings = self.get_merged_timings(new_timings) with open(self.timing_file, 'w', encoding="utf8") as f: json.dump(merged_timings, f, indent=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main() diff --git a/test/functional/wallet_abandonconflict.py b/test/functional/wallet_abandonconflict.py index 529324388e..c243cd3d79 100755 --- a/test/functional/wallet_abandonconflict.py +++ b/test/functional/wallet_abandonconflict.py @@ -1,216 +1,216 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the abandontransaction RPC. The abandontransaction RPC marks a transaction and all its in-wallet descendants as abandoned which allows their inputs to be respent. It can be used to replace "stuck" or evicted transactions. It only works on transactions which are not included in a block and are not currently in the mempool. It has no effect on transactions which are already abandoned. """ from decimal import Decimal from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error, connect_nodes, disconnect_nodes, satoshi_round, sync_blocks, sync_mempools, ) class AbandonConflictTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 self.extra_args = [["-minrelaytxfee=0.00001"], []] def run_test(self): def total_fees(*txids): total = 0 for txid in txids: total += self.nodes[0].calculate_fee_from_txid(txid) return satoshi_round(total) self.nodes[1].generate(100) sync_blocks(self.nodes) balance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() txA = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), Decimal("10")) txB = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), Decimal("10")) txC = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), Decimal("10")) sync_mempools(self.nodes) self.nodes[1].generate(1) # Can not abandon non-wallet transaction assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, 'Invalid or non-wallet transaction id', lambda: self.nodes[0].abandontransaction(txid='ff' * 32)) # Can not abandon confirmed transaction assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, 'Transaction not eligible for abandonment', lambda: self.nodes[0].abandontransaction(txid=txA)) sync_blocks(self.nodes) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() # no more than fees lost assert balance - newbalance <= total_fees(txA, txB, txC) balance = newbalance # Disconnect nodes so node0's transactions don't get into node1's mempool disconnect_nodes(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]) # Identify the 10btc outputs nA = next(i for i, vout in enumerate(self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction( txA, 1)["vout"]) if vout["value"] == Decimal("10")) nB = next(i for i, vout in enumerate(self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction( txB, 1)["vout"]) if vout["value"] == Decimal("10")) nC = next(i for i, vout in enumerate(self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction( txC, 1)["vout"]) if vout["value"] == Decimal("10")) inputs = [] # spend 10btc outputs from txA and txB inputs.append({"txid": txA, "vout": nA}) inputs.append({"txid": txB, "vout": nB}) outputs = {} outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = Decimal("14.99998") outputs[self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()] = Decimal("5") signed = self.nodes[0].signrawtransactionwithwallet( self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)) txAB1 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed["hex"]) # Identify the 14.99998btc output nAB = next(i for i, vout in enumerate(self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction( txAB1, 1)["vout"]) if vout["value"] == Decimal("14.99998")) # Create a child tx spending AB1 and C inputs = [] # Amount 14.99998 BCH inputs.append({"txid": txAB1, "vout": nAB}) # Amount 10 BCH inputs.append({"txid": txC, "vout": nC}) outputs = {} outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = Decimal("24.9996") signed2 = self.nodes[0].signrawtransactionwithwallet( self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)) txABC2 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed2["hex"]) # Create a child tx spending ABC2 signed3_change = Decimal("24.999") inputs = [{"txid": txABC2, "vout": 0}] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): signed3_change} signed3 = self.nodes[0].signrawtransactionwithwallet( self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)) # note tx is never directly referenced, only abandoned as a child of the above self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed3["hex"]) # In mempool txs from self should increase balance from change newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("30") + signed3_change) balance = newbalance # Restart the node with a higher min relay fee so the parent tx is no longer in mempool # TODO: redo with eviction self.stop_node(0) self.start_node(0, extra_args=["-minrelaytxfee=0.0001"]) # Verify txs no longer in either node's mempool assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), 0) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool()), 0) # Transactions which are not in the mempool should only reduce wallet balance. # Transaction inputs should still be spent, but the change not yet received. newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance - signed3_change) # Unconfirmed received funds that are not in mempool also shouldn't show # up in unconfirmed balance. Note that the transactions stored in the wallet # are not necessarily in the node's mempool. unconfbalance = self.nodes[0].getunconfirmedbalance( ) + self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(unconfbalance, newbalance) # Unconfirmed transactions which are not in the mempool should also # not be in listunspent - assert not txABC2 in [utxo["txid"] + assert txABC2 not in [utxo["txid"] for utxo in self.nodes[0].listunspent(0)] balance = newbalance # Abandon original transaction and verify inputs are available again # including that the child tx was also abandoned self.nodes[0].abandontransaction(txAB1) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance + Decimal("30")) balance = newbalance # Verify that even with a low min relay fee, the tx is not re-accepted # from wallet on startup once abandoned. self.stop_node(0) self.start_node(0, extra_args=["-minrelaytxfee=0.00001"]) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), 0) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), balance) # If the transaction is re-sent the wallet also unabandons it. The # change should be available, and it's child transaction should remain # abandoned. # NOTE: Abandoned transactions are internal to the wallet, and tracked # separately from other indices. self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed["hex"]) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("20") + Decimal("14.99998")) balance = newbalance # Send child tx again so it is no longer abandoned. self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed2["hex"]) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("10") - Decimal("14.99998") + Decimal("24.9996")) balance = newbalance # Reset to a higher relay fee so that we abandon a transaction self.stop_node(0) self.start_node(0, extra_args=["-minrelaytxfee=0.0001"]) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), 0) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("24.9996")) balance = newbalance # Create a double spend of AB1. Spend it again from only A's 10 output. # Mine double spend from node 1. inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": txA, "vout": nA}) outputs = {} outputs[self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()] = Decimal("9.9999") tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signed = self.nodes[0].signrawtransactionwithwallet(tx) self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(signed["hex"]) self.nodes[1].generate(1) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]) sync_blocks(self.nodes) # Verify that B and C's 10 BCH outputs are available for spending again because AB1 is now conflicted newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance + Decimal("20")) balance = newbalance # There is currently a minor bug around this and so this test doesn't work. See Issue #7315 # Invalidate the block with the double spend and B's 10 BCH output should no longer be available # Don't think C's should either self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() # assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("10")) self.log.info( "If balance has not declined after invalidateblock then out of mempool wallet tx which is no longer") self.log.info( "conflicted has not resumed causing its inputs to be seen as spent. See Issue #7315") self.log.info(str(balance) + " -> " + str(newbalance) + " ?") if __name__ == '__main__': AbandonConflictTest().main()