diff --git a/.arclint b/.arclint index 074256e6f4..91ebcfc13f 100644 --- a/.arclint +++ b/.arclint @@ -1,188 +1,188 @@ { "linters": { "generated": { "type": "generated" }, "clang-format": { "type": "clang-format", "version": ">=8.0", "bin": ["clang-format-8", "clang-format"], "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp|mm)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "autopep8": { "type": "autopep8", "version": ">=1.3.4", "include": "(\\.py$)", "flags": [ "--global-config=.autopep8" ] }, "flake8": { "type": "flake8", "include": "(\\.py$)", "flags": [ - "--select=E112,E113,E115,E116,E125,E131,E133,E223,E224,E242,E266,E271,E272,E273,E274,E275,E304,E306,E401,E402,E502,E701,E702,E703,E714,E721,E741,E742,E743,E901,E902,F401,F402,F403,F404,F405,F406,F407,F601,F602,F621,F622,F631,F701,F702,F703,F704,F705,F706,F707,F811,F812,F821,F822,F823,F831,F841,W292,W293,W601,W602,W603,W604,W605,W606" + "--select=E112,E113,E115,E116,E125,E131,E133,E223,E224,E242,E266,E271,E272,E273,E274,E275,E304,E306,E401,E402,E502,E701,E702,E703,E711,E714,E721,E741,E742,E743,E901,E902,F401,F402,F403,F404,F405,F406,F407,F601,F602,F621,F622,F631,F701,F702,F703,F704,F705,F706,F707,F811,F812,F821,F822,F823,F831,F841,W292,W293,W601,W602,W603,W604,W605,W606" ] }, "lint-format-strings": { "type": "lint-format-strings", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "check-doc": { "type": "check-doc", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)" }, "lint-tests": { "type": "lint-tests", "include": "(^src/(seeder/|rpc/|wallet/)?test/.*\\.(cpp)$)" }, "lint-python-format": { "type": "lint-python-format", "include": "(\\.py$)", "exclude": [ "(^test/lint/lint-python-format\\.py$)" ] }, "phpcs": { "type": "phpcs", "include": "(\\.php$)", "exclude": [ "(^arcanist/__phutil_library_.+\\.php$)" ], "phpcs.standard": "arcanist/phpcs.xml" }, "lint-locale-dependence": { "type": "lint-locale-dependence", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes/|leveldb/|secp256k1/|seeder/|tinyformat.h|univalue/))" ] }, "lint-cheader": { "type": "lint-cheader", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "spelling": { "type": "spelling", "exclude": [ "(^build-aux/m4/)", "(^depends/)", "(^doc/release-notes/)", "(^src/(qt/locale|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)", "(^test/lint/dictionary/)" ], "spelling.dictionaries": [ "test/lint/dictionary/english.json" ] }, "lint-assert-with-side-effects": { "type": "lint-assert-with-side-effects", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-include-quotes": { "type": "lint-include-quotes", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-include-guard": { "type": "lint-include-guard", "include": "(^src/.*\\.h$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)", "(^src/tinyformat.h$)" ] }, "lint-include-source": { "type": "lint-include-source", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-stdint": { "type": "lint-stdint", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)", "(^src/compat/assumptions.h$)" ] }, "lint-source-filename": { "type": "lint-source-filename", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-boost-dependencies": { "type": "lint-boost-dependencies", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)" }, "check-rpc-mappings": { "type": "check-rpc-mappings", "include": "(^src/(rpc/|wallet/rpc).*\\.cpp$)" }, "lint-python-encoding": { "type": "lint-python-encoding", "include": "(\\.py$)" }, "lint-python-shebang": { "type": "lint-python-shebang", "include": "(\\.py$)", "exclude": [ "(__init__\\.py$)" ] }, "lint-bash-shebang": { "type": "lint-bash-shebang", "include": "(\\.sh$)" }, "shellcheck": { "type": "shellcheck", "include": "(\\.sh$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue)/)" ] }, "lint-shell-locale": { "type": "lint-shell-locale", "include": "(\\.sh$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue)/)" ] }, "lint-cpp-void-parameters": { "type": "lint-cpp-void-parameters", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)", "(^src/compat/glibc_compat.cpp$)" ] }, "lint-logs": { "type": "lint-logs", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)" }, "lint-qt": { "type": "lint-qt", "include": "(^src/qt/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/qt/(locale|forms|res)/)" ] } } } diff --git a/contrib/devtools/copyright_header.py b/contrib/devtools/copyright_header.py index 58e2093fb8..c4c3ba3282 100755 --- a/contrib/devtools/copyright_header.py +++ b/contrib/devtools/copyright_header.py @@ -1,666 +1,666 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. import re import fnmatch import sys import subprocess import datetime import os ################################################################################ # file filtering ################################################################################ EXCLUDE = [ # libsecp256k1: 'src/secp256k1/include/secp256k1.h', 'src/secp256k1/include/secp256k1_ecdh.h', 'src/secp256k1/include/secp256k1_recovery.h', 'src/secp256k1/include/secp256k1_schnorr.h', 'src/secp256k1/src/java/org_bitcoin_NativeSecp256k1.c', 'src/secp256k1/src/java/org_bitcoin_NativeSecp256k1.h', 'src/secp256k1/src/java/org_bitcoin_Secp256k1Context.c', 'src/secp256k1/src/java/org_bitcoin_Secp256k1Context.h', # auto generated: 'src/univalue/lib/univalue_escapes.h', 'src/qt/bitcoinstrings.cpp', 'src/chainparamsseeds.h', # other external copyrights: 'src/tinyformat.h', 'src/leveldb/util/env_win.cc', 'src/crypto/ctaes/bench.c', 'test/functional/test_framework/bignum.py', # python init: '*__init__.py', ] EXCLUDE_COMPILED = re.compile( '|'.join([fnmatch.translate(m) for m in EXCLUDE])) INCLUDE = ['*.h', '*.cpp', '*.cc', '*.c', '*.py'] INCLUDE_COMPILED = re.compile( '|'.join([fnmatch.translate(m) for m in INCLUDE])) def applies_to_file(filename): return ((EXCLUDE_COMPILED.match(filename) is None) and (INCLUDE_COMPILED.match(filename) is not None)) ################################################################################ # obtain list of files in repo according to INCLUDE and EXCLUDE ################################################################################ GIT_LS_CMD = 'git ls-files' def call_git_ls(): out = subprocess.check_output(GIT_LS_CMD.split(' ')) return [f for f in out.decode("utf-8").split('\n') if f != ''] def get_filenames_to_examine(): filenames = call_git_ls() return sorted([filename for filename in filenames if applies_to_file(filename)]) ################################################################################ # define and compile regexes for the patterns we are looking for ################################################################################ COPYRIGHT_WITH_C = r'Copyright \(c\)' COPYRIGHT_WITHOUT_C = 'Copyright' ANY_COPYRIGHT_STYLE = '({}|{})'.format(COPYRIGHT_WITH_C, COPYRIGHT_WITHOUT_C) YEAR = "20[0-9][0-9]" YEAR_RANGE = '({})(-{})?'.format(YEAR, YEAR) YEAR_LIST = '({})(, {})+'.format(YEAR, YEAR) ANY_YEAR_STYLE = '({}|{})'.format(YEAR_RANGE, YEAR_LIST) ANY_COPYRIGHT_STYLE_OR_YEAR_STYLE = ( "{} {}".format(ANY_COPYRIGHT_STYLE, ANY_YEAR_STYLE)) ANY_COPYRIGHT_COMPILED = re.compile(ANY_COPYRIGHT_STYLE_OR_YEAR_STYLE) def compile_copyright_regex(copyright_style, year_style, name): return re.compile('{} {} {}'.format(copyright_style, year_style, name)) EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES = [ r"Satoshi Nakamoto\n", r"The Bitcoin Core developers\n", r"The Bitcoin Core developers \n", r"Bitcoin Core Developers\n", r"the Bitcoin Core developers\n", r"The Bitcoin developers\n", r"The LevelDB Authors\. All rights reserved\.\n", r"BitPay Inc\.\n", r"BitPay, Inc\.\n", r"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\.\n", r"MarcoFalke\n", r"Pieter Wuille\n", r"Pieter Wuille +\*\n", r"Pieter Wuille, Gregory Maxwell +\*\n", r"Pieter Wuille, Andrew Poelstra +\*\n", r"Andrew Poelstra +\*\n", r"Wladimir J. van der Laan\n", r"Jeff Garzik\n", r"Diederik Huys, Pieter Wuille +\*\n", r"Thomas Daede, Cory Fields +\*\n", r"Jan-Klaas Kollhof\n", r"Sam Rushing\n", r"ArtForz -- public domain half-a-node\n", r"Amaury SÉCHET\n", r"Jeremy Rubin\n", ] DOMINANT_STYLE_COMPILED = {} YEAR_LIST_STYLE_COMPILED = {} WITHOUT_C_STYLE_COMPILED = {} for holder_name in EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES: DOMINANT_STYLE_COMPILED[holder_name] = ( compile_copyright_regex(COPYRIGHT_WITH_C, YEAR_RANGE, holder_name)) YEAR_LIST_STYLE_COMPILED[holder_name] = ( compile_copyright_regex(COPYRIGHT_WITH_C, YEAR_LIST, holder_name)) WITHOUT_C_STYLE_COMPILED[holder_name] = ( compile_copyright_regex(COPYRIGHT_WITHOUT_C, ANY_YEAR_STYLE, holder_name)) ################################################################################ # search file contents for copyright message of particular category ################################################################################ def get_count_of_copyrights_of_any_style_any_holder(contents): return len(ANY_COPYRIGHT_COMPILED.findall(contents)) def file_has_dominant_style_copyright_for_holder(contents, holder_name): match = DOMINANT_STYLE_COMPILED[holder_name].search(contents) return match is not None def file_has_year_list_style_copyright_for_holder(contents, holder_name): match = YEAR_LIST_STYLE_COMPILED[holder_name].search(contents) return match is not None def file_has_without_c_style_copyright_for_holder(contents, holder_name): match = WITHOUT_C_STYLE_COMPILED[holder_name].search(contents) return match is not None ################################################################################ # get file info ################################################################################ def read_file(filename): return open(os.path.abspath(filename), 'r', encoding="utf8").read() def gather_file_info(filename): info = {} info['filename'] = filename c = read_file(filename) info['contents'] = c info['all_copyrights'] = get_count_of_copyrights_of_any_style_any_holder(c) info['classified_copyrights'] = 0 info['dominant_style'] = {} info['year_list_style'] = {} info['without_c_style'] = {} for holder_name in EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES: has_dominant_style = ( file_has_dominant_style_copyright_for_holder(c, holder_name)) has_year_list_style = ( file_has_year_list_style_copyright_for_holder(c, holder_name)) has_without_c_style = ( file_has_without_c_style_copyright_for_holder(c, holder_name)) info['dominant_style'][holder_name] = has_dominant_style info['year_list_style'][holder_name] = has_year_list_style info['without_c_style'][holder_name] = has_without_c_style if has_dominant_style or has_year_list_style or has_without_c_style: info['classified_copyrights'] = info['classified_copyrights'] + 1 return info ################################################################################ # report execution ################################################################################ SEPARATOR = '-'.join(['' for _ in range(80)]) def print_filenames(filenames, verbose): if not verbose: return for filename in filenames: print("\t{}".format(filename)) def print_report(file_infos, verbose): print(SEPARATOR) examined = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos] print("{} files examined according to INCLUDE and EXCLUDE fnmatch rules".format( len(examined))) print_filenames(examined, verbose) print(SEPARATOR) print('') zero_copyrights = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if i['all_copyrights'] == 0] print("{:4d} with zero copyrights".format(len(zero_copyrights))) print_filenames(zero_copyrights, verbose) one_copyright = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if i['all_copyrights'] == 1] print("{:4d} with one copyright".format(len(one_copyright))) print_filenames(one_copyright, verbose) two_copyrights = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if i['all_copyrights'] == 2] print("{:4d} with two copyrights".format(len(two_copyrights))) print_filenames(two_copyrights, verbose) three_copyrights = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if i['all_copyrights'] == 3] print("{:4d} with three copyrights".format(len(three_copyrights))) print_filenames(three_copyrights, verbose) four_or_more_copyrights = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if i['all_copyrights'] >= 4] print("{:4d} with four or more copyrights".format( len(four_or_more_copyrights))) print_filenames(four_or_more_copyrights, verbose) print('') print(SEPARATOR) print('Copyrights with dominant style:\ne.g. "Copyright (c)" and ' '"" or "-":\n') for holder_name in EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES: dominant_style = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if i['dominant_style'][holder_name]] if len(dominant_style) > 0: print("{:4d} with '{}'".format( len(dominant_style), holder_name.replace('\n', '\\n'))) print_filenames(dominant_style, verbose) print('') print(SEPARATOR) print('Copyrights with year list style:\ne.g. "Copyright (c)" and ' '", , ...":\n') for holder_name in EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES: year_list_style = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if i['year_list_style'][holder_name]] if len(year_list_style) > 0: print("{:4d} with '{}'".format( len(year_list_style), holder_name.replace('\n', '\\n'))) print_filenames(year_list_style, verbose) print('') print(SEPARATOR) print('Copyrights with no "(c)" style:\ne.g. "Copyright" and "" or ' '"-":\n') for holder_name in EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES: without_c_style = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if i['without_c_style'][holder_name]] if len(without_c_style) > 0: print("{:4d} with '{}'".format( len(without_c_style), holder_name.replace('\n', '\\n'))) print_filenames(without_c_style, verbose) print('') print(SEPARATOR) unclassified_copyrights = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if i['classified_copyrights'] < i['all_copyrights']] print("{} with unexpected copyright holder names".format( len(unclassified_copyrights))) print_filenames(unclassified_copyrights, verbose) print(SEPARATOR) def exec_report(base_directory, verbose): original_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(base_directory) filenames = get_filenames_to_examine() file_infos = [gather_file_info(f) for f in filenames] print_report(file_infos, verbose) os.chdir(original_cwd) ################################################################################ # report cmd ################################################################################ REPORT_USAGE = """ Produces a report of all copyright header notices found inside the source files of a repository. Usage: $ ./copyright_header.py report [verbose] Arguments: - The base directory of a bitcoin source code repository. [verbose] - Includes a list of every file of each subcategory in the report. """ def report_cmd(argv): if len(argv) == 2: sys.exit(REPORT_USAGE) base_directory = argv[2] if not os.path.exists(base_directory): sys.exit("*** bad : {}".format(base_directory)) if len(argv) == 3: verbose = False elif argv[3] == 'verbose': verbose = True else: sys.exit("*** unknown argument: {}".format(argv[2])) exec_report(base_directory, verbose) ################################################################################ # query git for year of last change ################################################################################ GIT_LOG_CMD = "git log --pretty=format:%ai {}" def call_git_log(filename): out = subprocess.check_output((GIT_LOG_CMD.format(filename)).split(' ')) return out.decode("utf-8").split('\n') def get_git_change_years(filename): git_log_lines = call_git_log(filename) if len(git_log_lines) == 0: return [datetime.date.today().year] # timestamp is in ISO 8601 format. e.g. "2016-09-05 14:25:32 -0600" return [line.split(' ')[0].split('-')[0] for line in git_log_lines] def get_most_recent_git_change_year(filename): return max(get_git_change_years(filename)) ################################################################################ # read and write to file ################################################################################ def read_file_lines(filename): f = open(os.path.abspath(filename), 'r', encoding="utf8") file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() return file_lines def write_file_lines(filename, file_lines): f = open(os.path.abspath(filename), 'w', encoding="utf8") f.write(''.join(file_lines)) f.close() ################################################################################ # update header years execution ################################################################################ COPYRIGHT = r'Copyright \(c\)' YEAR = "20[0-9][0-9]" YEAR_RANGE = '({})(-{})?'.format(YEAR, YEAR) HOLDER = 'The Bitcoin developers' UPDATEABLE_LINE_COMPILED = re.compile( ' '.join([COPYRIGHT, YEAR_RANGE, HOLDER])) def get_updatable_copyright_line(file_lines): index = 0 for line in file_lines: if UPDATEABLE_LINE_COMPILED.search(line) is not None: return index, line index = index + 1 return None, None def parse_year_range(year_range): year_split = year_range.split('-') start_year = year_split[0] if len(year_split) == 1: return start_year, start_year return start_year, year_split[1] def year_range_to_str(start_year, end_year): if start_year == end_year: return start_year return "{}-{}".format(start_year, end_year) def create_updated_copyright_line(line, last_git_change_year): copyright_splitter = 'Copyright (c) ' copyright_split = line.split(copyright_splitter) # Preserve characters on line that are ahead of the start of the copyright # notice - they are part of the comment block and vary from file-to-file. before_copyright = copyright_split[0] after_copyright = copyright_split[1] space_split = after_copyright.split(' ') year_range = space_split[0] start_year, end_year = parse_year_range(year_range) if end_year == last_git_change_year: return line return (before_copyright + copyright_splitter + year_range_to_str(start_year, last_git_change_year) + ' ' + ' '.join(space_split[1:])) def update_updatable_copyright(filename): file_lines = read_file_lines(filename) index, line = get_updatable_copyright_line(file_lines) if not line: print_file_action_message(filename, "No updatable copyright.") return last_git_change_year = get_most_recent_git_change_year(filename) new_line = create_updated_copyright_line(line, last_git_change_year) if line == new_line: print_file_action_message(filename, "Copyright up-to-date.") return file_lines[index] = new_line write_file_lines(filename, file_lines) print_file_action_message(filename, "Copyright updated! -> {}".format( last_git_change_year)) def exec_update_header_year(base_directory): original_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(base_directory) for filename in get_filenames_to_examine(): update_updatable_copyright(filename) os.chdir(original_cwd) ################################################################################ # update cmd ################################################################################ UPDATE_USAGE = """ Updates all the copyright headers of "The Bitcoin developers" which were changed in a year more recent than is listed. For example: // Copyright (c) - The Bitcoin developers will be updated to: // Copyright (c) - The Bitcoin developers where is obtained from the 'git log' history. This subcommand also handles copyright headers that have only a single year. In those cases: // Copyright (c) The Bitcoin developers will be updated to: // Copyright (c) - The Bitcoin developers where the update is appropriate. Usage: $ ./copyright_header.py update Arguments: - The base directory of a bitcoin source code repository. """ def print_file_action_message(filename, action): print("{:52s} {}".format(filename, action)) def update_cmd(argv): if len(argv) != 3: sys.exit(UPDATE_USAGE) base_directory = argv[2] if not os.path.exists(base_directory): sys.exit("*** bad base_directory: {}".format(base_directory)) exec_update_header_year(base_directory) ################################################################################ # inserted copyright header format ################################################################################ def get_header_lines(header, start_year, end_year): lines = header.split('\n')[1:-1] lines[0] = lines[0].format(year_range_to_str(start_year, end_year)) return [line + '\n' for line in lines] CPP_HEADER = ''' // Copyright (c) {} The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. ''' def get_cpp_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year): return reversed(get_header_lines(CPP_HEADER, start_year, end_year)) PYTHON_HEADER = ''' # Copyright (c) {} The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. ''' def get_python_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year): return reversed(get_header_lines(PYTHON_HEADER, start_year, end_year)) ################################################################################ # query git for year of last change ################################################################################ def get_git_change_year_range(filename): years = get_git_change_years(filename) return min(years), max(years) ################################################################################ # check for existing core copyright ################################################################################ def file_already_has_bitcoin_copyright(file_lines): index, _ = get_updatable_copyright_line(file_lines) - return index != None + return index is not None ################################################################################ # insert header execution ################################################################################ def file_has_hashbang(file_lines): if len(file_lines) < 1: return False if len(file_lines[0]) <= 2: return False return file_lines[0][:2] == '#!' def insert_python_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year): if file_has_hashbang(file_lines): insert_idx = 1 else: insert_idx = 0 header_lines = get_python_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year) for line in header_lines: file_lines.insert(insert_idx, line) write_file_lines(filename, file_lines) def insert_cpp_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year): header_lines = get_cpp_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year) for line in header_lines: file_lines.insert(0, line) write_file_lines(filename, file_lines) def exec_insert_header(filename, style): file_lines = read_file_lines(filename) if file_already_has_bitcoin_copyright(file_lines): sys.exit('*** {} already has a copyright by The Bitcoin developers'.format( filename)) start_year, end_year = get_git_change_year_range(filename) if style == 'python': insert_python_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year) else: insert_cpp_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year) ################################################################################ # insert cmd ################################################################################ INSERT_USAGE = """ Inserts a copyright header for "The Bitcoin developers" at the top of the file in either Python or C++ style as determined by the file extension. If the file is a Python file and it has a '#!' starting the first line, the header is inserted in the line below it. The copyright dates will be set to be: "-" where is according to the 'git log' history. If is equal to , the date will be set to be: "" If the file already has a copyright for "The Bitcoin developers", the script will exit. Usage: $ ./copyright_header.py insert Arguments: - A source file in the bitcoin repository. """ def insert_cmd(argv): if len(argv) != 3: sys.exit(INSERT_USAGE) filename = argv[2] if not os.path.isfile(filename): sys.exit("*** bad filename: {}".format(filename)) _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if extension not in ['.h', '.cpp', '.cc', '.c', '.py']: sys.exit("*** cannot insert for file extension {}".format(extension)) if extension == '.py': style = 'python' else: style = 'cpp' exec_insert_header(filename, style) ################################################################################ # UI ################################################################################ USAGE = """ copyright_header.py - utilities for managing copyright headers of 'The Bitcoin developers' in repository source files. Usage: $ ./copyright_header Subcommands: report update insert To see subcommand usage, run them without arguments. """ SUBCOMMANDS = ['report', 'update', 'insert'] if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.exit(USAGE) subcommand = sys.argv[1] if subcommand not in SUBCOMMANDS: sys.exit(USAGE) if subcommand == 'report': report_cmd(sys.argv) elif subcommand == 'update': update_cmd(sys.argv) elif subcommand == 'insert': insert_cmd(sys.argv) diff --git a/test/functional/abc-invalid-chains.py b/test/functional/abc-invalid-chains.py index 68cd47dfba..3a72c4a2af 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-invalid-chains.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-invalid-chains.py @@ -1,133 +1,133 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2019 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-ilncense.php. import time from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.mininode import P2PDataStore from test_framework.util import assert_equal from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block, create_coinbase, ) class InvalidChainsTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.tip = None self.blocks = {} self.block_heights = {} self.extra_args = [["-whitelist="]] def next_block(self, number): - if self.tip == None: + if self.tip is None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height) coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore()) self.genesis_hash = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # shorthand for functions block = self.next_block # Reference for blocks mined in this test: # # 11 21 -- 221 - 222 # / / / # 0 - 1 - 2 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 # \ # -- 12 - 13 - 14 # Generate some valid blocks node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([block(0), block(1), block(2)], node) # Explicitly invalidate blocks 1 and 2 # See below for why we do this node.invalidateblock(self.blocks[1].hash) assert_equal(self.blocks[0].hash, node.getbestblockhash()) node.invalidateblock(self.blocks[2].hash) assert_equal(self.blocks[0].hash, node.getbestblockhash()) # Mining on top of blocks 1 or 2 is rejected tip(1) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [block(11)], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-prevblk', request_block=False) tip(2) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [block(21)], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-prevblk', request_block=False) # Reconsider block 2 to remove invalid status from *both* 1 and 2 # The goal is to test that block 1 is not retaining any internal state # that prevents us from accepting blocks building on top of block 1 node.reconsiderblock(self.blocks[2].hash) assert_equal(self.blocks[2].hash, node.getbestblockhash()) # Mining on the block 1 chain should be accepted # (needs to mine two blocks because less-work chains are not processed) tip(1) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([block(12), block(13)], node) # Mining on the block 2 chain should still be accepted # (needs to mine two blocks because less-work chains are not processed) tip(2) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([block(22), block(221)], node) # Mine more blocks from block 22 to be longest chain tip(22) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([block(23), block(24)], node) # Sanity checks assert_equal(self.blocks[24].hash, node.getbestblockhash()) assert any(self.blocks[221].hash == chaintip["hash"] for chaintip in node.getchaintips()) # Invalidating the block 2 chain should reject new blocks on that chain node.invalidateblock(self.blocks[2].hash) assert_equal(self.blocks[13].hash, node.getbestblockhash()) # Mining on the block 2 chain should be rejected tip(24) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [block(25)], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-prevblk', request_block=False) # Continued mining on the block 1 chain is still ok tip(13) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([block(14)], node) # Mining on a once-valid chain forking from block 2's longest chain, # which is now invalid, should also be rejected. tip(221) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [block(222)], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-prevblk', request_block=False) if __name__ == '__main__': InvalidChainsTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc-mempool-accept-txn.py b/test/functional/abc-mempool-accept-txn.py index 7bcf6cb18e..5c2efe6df7 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-mempool-accept-txn.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-mempool-accept-txn.py @@ -1,270 +1,270 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ This test checks acceptance of transactions by the mempool It is derived from the much more complex p2p-fullblocktest. """ import time from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block, create_coinbase, create_tx_with_script, ) from test_framework.cdefs import MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIGOPS from test_framework.key import CECKey from test_framework.messages import ( COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, ToHex, ) from test_framework.mininode import ( P2PDataStore, ) from test_framework.script import ( CScript, hash160, OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_DROP, OP_EQUAL, OP_HASH160, OP_TRUE, SIGHASH_ALL, SIGHASH_FORKID, SignatureHashForkId, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error # Error for too many sigops in one TX RPC_TXNS_TOO_MANY_SIGOPS_ERROR = "bad-txns-too-many-sigops" class PreviousSpendableOutput(): def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): self.tx = tx # The output we're spending self.n = n class FullBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.block_heights = {} self.coinbase_key = CECKey() self.coinbase_key.set_secretbytes(b"horsebattery") self.coinbase_pubkey = self.coinbase_key.get_pubkey() self.tip = None self.blocks = {} def add_options(self, parser): super().add_options(parser) parser.add_argument( "--runbarelyexpensive", dest="runbarelyexpensive", default=True) def add_transactions_to_block(self, block, tx_list): [tx.rehash() for tx in tx_list] block.vtx.extend(tx_list) block.vtx = [block.vtx[0]] + \ sorted(block.vtx[1:], key=lambda tx: tx.get_id()) # this is a little handier to use than the version in blocktools.py def create_tx(self, spend_tx, n, value, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): tx = create_tx_with_script(spend_tx, n, b"", value, script) return tx # sign a transaction, using the key we know about # this signs input 0 in tx, which is assumed to be spending output n in # spend_tx def sign_tx(self, tx, spend_tx, n): scriptPubKey = bytearray(spend_tx.vout[n].scriptPubKey) if (scriptPubKey[0] == OP_TRUE): # an anyone-can-spend tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() return sighash = SignatureHashForkId( spend_tx.vout[n].scriptPubKey, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID, spend_tx.vout[n].nValue) tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript( [self.coinbase_key.sign(sighash) + bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID]))]) def create_and_sign_transaction(self, spend_tx, n, value, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): tx = self.create_tx(spend_tx, n, value, script) self.sign_tx(tx, spend_tx, n) tx.rehash() return tx def next_block(self, number, spend=None, additional_coinbase_value=0, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): - if self.tip == None: + if self.tip is None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 # First create the coinbase height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height, self.coinbase_pubkey) coinbase.vout[0].nValue += additional_coinbase_value coinbase.rehash() - if spend == None: + if spend is None: block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) else: # all but one satoshi to fees coinbase.vout[0].nValue += spend.tx.vout[ spend.n].nValue - 1 coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) # spend 1 satoshi tx = create_tx_with_script(spend.tx, spend.n, b"", 1, script) self.sign_tx(tx, spend.tx, spend.n) self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() # Do PoW, which is very inexpensive on regnet block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore()) self.genesis_hash = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 spendable_outputs = [] # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block def save_spendable_output(): spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) # get an output that we previously marked as spendable def get_spendable_output(): return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # adds transactions to the block and updates state def update_block(block_number, new_transactions): block = self.blocks[block_number] self.add_transactions_to_block(block, new_transactions) old_sha256 = block.sha256 block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() # Update the internal state just like in next_block self.tip = block if block.sha256 != old_sha256: self.block_heights[ block.sha256] = self.block_heights[old_sha256] del self.block_heights[old_sha256] self.blocks[block_number] = block return block # shorthand for functions block = self.next_block # Create a new block block(0) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. maturity_blocks = [] for i in range(99): block(5000 + i) maturity_blocks.append(self.tip) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test(maturity_blocks, node) # Collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on out = [] for i in range(33): out.append(get_spendable_output()) # P2SH # Build the redeem script, hash it, use hash to create the p2sh script # Pad with extra bytes to make sure that the scriptsig length will be # >= 198 after signature is added, even if it's a schnorr sig; this # ensures a not-too-high density of sigchecks. redeem_script = CScript([b'X' * 51, OP_DROP, self.coinbase_pubkey] + [ OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY] * 5 + [OP_CHECKSIG]) # should be this length since coinbase_pubkey is uncompressed. assert_equal(len(redeem_script), 130) redeem_script_hash = hash160(redeem_script) p2sh_script = CScript([OP_HASH160, redeem_script_hash, OP_EQUAL]) # Creates a new transaction using a p2sh transaction as input def spend_p2sh_tx(p2sh_tx_to_spend, output_script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): # Create the transaction spent_p2sh_tx = CTransaction() spent_p2sh_tx.vin.append( CTxIn(COutPoint(p2sh_tx_to_spend.sha256, 0), b'')) spent_p2sh_tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1000, output_script)) # Sign the transaction using the redeem script sighash = SignatureHashForkId( redeem_script, spent_p2sh_tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID, p2sh_tx_to_spend.vout[0].nValue) sig = self.coinbase_key.sign( sighash) + bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID])) spent_p2sh_tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([sig, redeem_script]) assert len( spent_p2sh_tx.vin[0].scriptSig) >= 198, "needs to pass input sigchecks limit" spent_p2sh_tx.rehash() return spent_p2sh_tx # P2SH tests # Create a p2sh transaction p2sh_tx = self.create_and_sign_transaction( out[0].tx, out[0].n, 10000, p2sh_script) # Add the transaction to the block block(1) update_block(1, [p2sh_tx]) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Sigops p2sh limit for the mempool test p2sh_sigops_limit_mempool = MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIGOPS - \ redeem_script.GetSigOpCount(True) # Too many sigops in one p2sh script too_many_p2sh_sigops_mempool = CScript( [OP_CHECKSIG] * (p2sh_sigops_limit_mempool + 1)) # A transaction with this output script can't get into the mempool assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_TXNS_TOO_MANY_SIGOPS_ERROR, node.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(spend_p2sh_tx(p2sh_tx, too_many_p2sh_sigops_mempool))) # The transaction is rejected, so the mempool should still be empty assert_equal(set(node.getrawmempool()), set()) # Max sigops in one p2sh txn max_p2sh_sigops_mempool = CScript( [OP_CHECKSIG] * (p2sh_sigops_limit_mempool)) # A transaction with this output script can get into the mempool max_p2sh_sigops_txn = spend_p2sh_tx(p2sh_tx, max_p2sh_sigops_mempool) max_p2sh_sigops_txn_id = node.sendrawtransaction( ToHex(max_p2sh_sigops_txn)) assert_equal(set(node.getrawmempool()), {max_p2sh_sigops_txn_id}) # Mine the transaction block(2, spend=out[1]) update_block(2, [max_p2sh_sigops_txn]) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # The transaction has been mined, it's not in the mempool anymore assert_equal(set(node.getrawmempool()), set()) if __name__ == '__main__': FullBlockTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc-mempool-coherence-on-activations.py b/test/functional/abc-mempool-coherence-on-activations.py index 8da802dabb..2d16f40681 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-mempool-coherence-on-activations.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-mempool-coherence-on-activations.py @@ -1,373 +1,373 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ This test checks the mempool coherence when changing validation rulesets, which happens on (de)activations of network upgrades (forks). We test the mempool coherence in 3 cases: 1) on activations, pre-fork-only transactions are evicted from the mempool, while always-valid transactions remain. 2) on deactivations, post-fork-only transactions (unconfirmed or once confirmed) are evicted from the mempool, while always-valid transactions are reincluded. 3) on a reorg to a chain that deactivates and reactivates the fork, post-fork-only and always-valid transactions (unconfirmed and/or once confirmed on the shorter chain) are kept or reincluded in the mempool. """ from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block, create_coinbase, create_tx_with_script, make_conform_to_ctor, ) from test_framework.key import CECKey from test_framework.messages import ( COIN, COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, ToHex, ) from test_framework.mininode import P2PDataStore from test_framework.script import ( CScript, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_TRUE, SIGHASH_ALL, SIGHASH_FORKID, SignatureHashForkId, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error # ---Code specific to the activation used for this test--- # It might change depending on the activation code currently existing in the # client software. We use the replay protection activation for this test. ACTIVATION_TIME = 2000000000 EXTRA_ARG = "-replayprotectionactivationtime={}".format(ACTIVATION_TIME) # simulation starts before activation FIRST_BLOCK_TIME = ACTIVATION_TIME - 86400 # Expected RPC error when trying to send an activation specific spend txn. RPC_EXPECTED_ERROR = "mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation) (code 16)" def create_fund_and_activation_specific_spending_tx(spend, pre_fork_only): # Creates 2 transactions: # 1) txfund: create outputs to be used by txspend. Must be valid pre-fork. # 2) txspend: spending transaction that is specific to the activation # being used and can be pre-fork-only or post-fork-only, depending on the # function parameter. # This specific implementation uses the replay protection mechanism to # create transactions that are only valid before or after the fork. # Generate a key pair to test private_key = CECKey() private_key.set_secretbytes(b"replayprotection") public_key = private_key.get_pubkey() # Fund transaction script = CScript([public_key, OP_CHECKSIG]) txfund = create_tx_with_script( spend.tx, spend.n, b'', 50 * COIN, script) txfund.rehash() # Activation specific spending tx txspend = CTransaction() txspend.vout.append(CTxOut(50 * COIN - 1000, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) txspend.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(txfund.sha256, 0), b'')) # Sign the transaction # Use forkvalues that create pre-fork-only or post-fork-only # transactions. forkvalue = 0 if pre_fork_only else 0xffdead sighashtype = (forkvalue << 8) | SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID sighash = SignatureHashForkId( script, txspend, 0, sighashtype, 50 * COIN) sig = private_key.sign(sighash) + \ bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID])) txspend.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([sig]) txspend.rehash() return txfund, txspend def create_fund_and_pre_fork_only_tx(spend): return create_fund_and_activation_specific_spending_tx(spend, pre_fork_only=True) def create_fund_and_post_fork_only_tx(spend): return create_fund_and_activation_specific_spending_tx(spend, pre_fork_only=False) # ---Mempool coherence on activations test--- class PreviousSpendableOutput(object): def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): self.tx = tx self.n = n class MempoolCoherenceOnActivationsTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.block_heights = {} self.tip = None self.blocks = {} self.extra_args = [['-whitelist=', EXTRA_ARG]] def next_block(self, number): - if self.tip == None: + if self.tip is None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = FIRST_BLOCK_TIME else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 # First create the coinbase height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height) coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) # Do PoW, which is cheap on regnet block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore()) node.setmocktime(ACTIVATION_TIME) self.genesis_hash = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 spendable_outputs = [] # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block def save_spendable_output(): spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) # get an output that we previously marked as spendable def get_spendable_output(): return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # adds transactions to the block and updates state def update_block(block_number, new_transactions): block = self.blocks[block_number] block.vtx.extend(new_transactions) old_sha256 = block.sha256 make_conform_to_ctor(block) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() # Update the internal state just like in next_block self.tip = block if block.sha256 != old_sha256: self.block_heights[ block.sha256] = self.block_heights[old_sha256] del self.block_heights[old_sha256] self.blocks[block_number] = block return block # send a txn to the mempool and check it was accepted def send_transaction_to_mempool(tx): tx_id = node.sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx)) assert tx_id in node.getrawmempool() # checks the mempool has exactly the same txns as in the provided list def check_mempool_equal(txns): assert set(node.getrawmempool()) == set(tx.hash for tx in txns) # Create an always-valid chained transaction. It spends a # scriptPub=OP_TRUE coin into another. Returns the transaction and its # spendable output for further chaining. def create_always_valid_chained_tx(spend): tx = create_tx_with_script( spend.tx, spend.n, b'', spend.tx.vout[0].nValue - 1000, CScript([OP_TRUE])) tx.rehash() return tx, PreviousSpendableOutput(tx, 0) # shorthand block = self.next_block # Create a new block block(0) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. maturity_blocks = [] for i in range(110): block(5000 + i) maturity_blocks.append(self.tip) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test(maturity_blocks, node) # collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on out = [] for i in range(100): out.append(get_spendable_output()) # Create 2 pre-fork-only txns (tx_pre0, tx_pre1). Fund txns are valid # pre-fork, so we can mine them right away. txfund0, tx_pre0 = create_fund_and_pre_fork_only_tx(out[0]) txfund1, tx_pre1 = create_fund_and_pre_fork_only_tx(out[1]) # Create 2 post-fork-only txns (tx_post0, tx_post1). Fund txns are # valid pre-fork, so we can mine them right away. txfund2, tx_post0 = create_fund_and_post_fork_only_tx(out[2]) txfund3, tx_post1 = create_fund_and_post_fork_only_tx(out[3]) # Create blocks to activate the fork. Mine all funding transactions. bfork = block(5555) bfork.nTime = ACTIVATION_TIME - 1 update_block(5555, [txfund0, txfund1, txfund2, txfund3]) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) for i in range(5): node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([block(5200 + i)], node) # Check we are just before the activation time assert_equal(node.getblockheader(node.getbestblockhash())['mediantime'], ACTIVATION_TIME - 1) # We are just before the fork. Pre-fork-only and always-valid chained # txns (tx_chain0, tx_chain1) are valid, post-fork-only txns are # rejected. send_transaction_to_mempool(tx_pre0) send_transaction_to_mempool(tx_pre1) tx_chain0, last_chained_output = create_always_valid_chained_tx(out[4]) tx_chain1, last_chained_output = create_always_valid_chained_tx( last_chained_output) send_transaction_to_mempool(tx_chain0) send_transaction_to_mempool(tx_chain1) assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_EXPECTED_ERROR, node.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(tx_post0)) assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_EXPECTED_ERROR, node.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(tx_post1)) check_mempool_equal([tx_chain0, tx_chain1, tx_pre0, tx_pre1]) # Activate the fork. Mine the 1st always-valid chained txn and a # pre-fork-only txn. block(5556) update_block(5556, [tx_chain0, tx_pre0]) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) forkblockid = node.getbestblockhash() # Check we just activated the fork assert_equal(node.getblockheader(forkblockid)['mediantime'], ACTIVATION_TIME) # Check mempool coherence when activating the fork. Pre-fork-only txns # were evicted from the mempool, while always-valid txns remain. # Evicted: tx_pre1 check_mempool_equal([tx_chain1]) # Post-fork-only and always-valid txns are accepted, pre-fork-only txn # are rejected. send_transaction_to_mempool(tx_post0) send_transaction_to_mempool(tx_post1) tx_chain2, _ = create_always_valid_chained_tx(last_chained_output) send_transaction_to_mempool(tx_chain2) assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_EXPECTED_ERROR, node.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(tx_pre1)) check_mempool_equal([tx_chain1, tx_chain2, tx_post0, tx_post1]) # Mine the 2nd always-valid chained txn and a post-fork-only txn. block(5557) update_block(5557, [tx_chain1, tx_post0]) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) postforkblockid = node.getbestblockhash() # The mempool contains the 3rd chained txn and a post-fork-only txn. check_mempool_equal([tx_chain2, tx_post1]) # In the following we will testing block disconnections and reorgs. # - tx_chain2 will always be retained in the mempool since it is always # valid. Its continued presence shows that we are never simply # clearing the entire mempool. # - tx_post1 may be evicted from mempool if we land before the fork. # - tx_post0 is in a block and if 'de-mined', it will either be evicted # or end up in mempool depending if we land before/after the fork. # - tx_pre0 is in a block and if 'de-mined', it will either be evicted # or end up in mempool depending if we land after/before the fork. # First we do a disconnection of the post-fork block, which is a # normal disconnection that merely returns the block contents into # the mempool -- nothing is lost. node.invalidateblock(postforkblockid) # In old mempool: tx_chain2, tx_post1 # Recovered from blocks: tx_chain1 and tx_post0. # Lost from blocks: NONE # Retained from old mempool: tx_chain2, tx_post1 # Evicted from old mempool: NONE check_mempool_equal([tx_chain1, tx_chain2, tx_post0, tx_post1]) # Now, disconnect the fork block. This is a special disconnection # that requires reprocessing the mempool due to change in rules. node.invalidateblock(forkblockid) # In old mempool: tx_chain1, tx_chain2, tx_post0, tx_post1 # Recovered from blocks: tx_chain0, tx_pre0 # Lost from blocks: NONE # Retained from old mempool: tx_chain1, tx_chain2 # Evicted from old mempool: tx_post0, tx_post1 check_mempool_equal([tx_chain0, tx_chain1, tx_chain2, tx_pre0]) # Restore state node.reconsiderblock(postforkblockid) node.reconsiderblock(forkblockid) send_transaction_to_mempool(tx_post1) check_mempool_equal([tx_chain2, tx_post1]) # Test a reorg that crosses the fork. # If such a reorg happens, most likely it will both start *and end* # after the fork. We will test such a case here and make sure that # post-fork-only transactions are not unnecessarily discarded from # the mempool in such a reorg. Pre-fork-only transactions however can # get lost. # Set up a longer competing chain that doesn't confirm any of our txns. # This starts after 5204, so it contains neither the forkblockid nor # the postforkblockid from above. tip(5204) reorg_blocks = [] for i in range(3): reorg_blocks.append(block(5900 + i)) # Perform the reorg node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test(reorg_blocks, node) # reorg finishes after the fork assert_equal(node.getblockheader(node.getbestblockhash())['mediantime'], ACTIVATION_TIME + 2) # In old mempool: tx_chain2, tx_post1 # Recovered from blocks: tx_chain0, tx_chain1, tx_post0 # Lost from blocks: tx_pre0 # Retained from old mempool: tx_chain2, tx_post1 # Evicted from old mempool: NONE check_mempool_equal( [tx_chain0, tx_chain1, tx_chain2, tx_post0, tx_post1]) if __name__ == '__main__': MempoolCoherenceOnActivationsTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc-p2p-compactblocks.py b/test/functional/abc-p2p-compactblocks.py index ed582295cf..3e1cc766cc 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-p2p-compactblocks.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-p2p-compactblocks.py @@ -1,357 +1,357 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ This test checks simple acceptance of bigger blocks via p2p. It is derived from the much more complex p2p-fullblocktest. The intention is that small tests can be derived from this one, or this one can be extended, to cover the checks done for bigger blocks (e.g. sigops limits). """ from collections import deque import random import time from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block, create_coinbase, create_tx_with_script, make_conform_to_ctor, ) from test_framework.cdefs import ONE_MEGABYTE from test_framework.messages import ( COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, HeaderAndShortIDs, msg_cmpctblock, msg_sendcmpct, ser_compact_size, ) from test_framework.mininode import ( mininode_lock, P2PDataStore, P2PInterface, ) from test_framework.script import CScript, OP_RETURN, OP_TRUE from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.txtools import pad_tx from test_framework.util import assert_equal, wait_until class PreviousSpendableOutput(): def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): self.tx = tx # the output we're spending self.n = n # TestP2PConn: A peer we use to send messages to bitcoind, and store responses. class TestP2PConn(P2PInterface): def __init__(self): self.last_sendcmpct = None self.last_cmpctblock = None self.last_getheaders = None self.last_headers = None super().__init__() def on_sendcmpct(self, message): self.last_sendcmpct = message def on_cmpctblock(self, message): self.last_cmpctblock = message self.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() def on_getheaders(self, message): self.last_getheaders = message def on_headers(self, message): self.last_headers = message for x in self.last_headers.headers: x.calc_sha256() def clear_block_data(self): with mininode_lock: self.last_sendcmpct = None self.last_cmpctblock = None class FullBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.block_heights = {} self.tip = None self.blocks = {} self.excessive_block_size = 16 * ONE_MEGABYTE self.extra_args = [['-whitelist=', '-limitancestorcount=999999', '-limitancestorsize=999999', '-limitdescendantcount=999999', '-limitdescendantsize=999999', '-maxmempool=99999', "-excessiveblocksize={}".format(self.excessive_block_size)]] # UBSAN will cause this test to timeout without this. self.rpc_timeout = 180 def add_options(self, parser): super().add_options(parser) parser.add_argument( "--runbarelyexpensive", dest="runbarelyexpensive", default=True) def add_transactions_to_block(self, block, tx_list): [tx.rehash() for tx in tx_list] block.vtx.extend(tx_list) # this is a little handier to use than the version in blocktools.py def create_tx(self, spend_tx, n, value, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): tx = create_tx_with_script(spend_tx, n, b"", value, script) return tx def next_block(self, number, spend=None, script=CScript([OP_TRUE]), block_size=0, extra_txns=0): - if self.tip == None: + if self.tip is None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 # First create the coinbase height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height) coinbase.rehash() - if spend == None: + if spend is None: # We need to have something to spend to fill the block. assert_equal(block_size, 0) block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) else: # all but one satoshi to fees coinbase.vout[0].nValue += spend.tx.vout[spend.n].nValue - 1 coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) # Make sure we have plenty enough to spend going forward. spendable_outputs = deque([spend]) def get_base_transaction(): # Create the new transaction tx = CTransaction() # Spend from one of the spendable outputs spend = spendable_outputs.popleft() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(spend.tx.sha256, spend.n))) # Add spendable outputs for i in range(4): tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) spendable_outputs.append(PreviousSpendableOutput(tx, i)) pad_tx(tx) return tx tx = get_base_transaction() # Make it the same format as transaction added for padding and save the size. # It's missing the padding output, so we add a constant to account for it. tx.rehash() # If a specific script is required, add it. - if script != None: + if script is not None: tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1, script)) # Put some random data into the first transaction of the chain to randomize ids. tx.vout.append( CTxOut(0, CScript([random.randint(0, 256), OP_RETURN]))) # Add the transaction to the block self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) # Add transaction until we reach the expected transaction count for _ in range(extra_txns): self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [get_base_transaction()]) # If we have a block size requirement, just fill # the block until we get there current_block_size = len(block.serialize()) overage_bytes = 0 while current_block_size < block_size: # We will add a new transaction. That means the size of # the field enumerating how many transaction go in the block # may change. current_block_size -= len(ser_compact_size(len(block.vtx))) current_block_size += len(ser_compact_size(len(block.vtx) + 1)) # Add padding to fill the block. left_to_fill = block_size - current_block_size # Don't go over the 1 mb limit for a txn if left_to_fill > 500000: # Make sure we eat up non-divisible by 100 amounts quickly # Also keep transaction less than 1 MB left_to_fill = 500000 + left_to_fill % 100 # Create the new transaction tx = get_base_transaction() pad_tx(tx, left_to_fill - overage_bytes) if len(tx.serialize()) + current_block_size > block_size: # Our padding was too big try again overage_bytes += 1 continue # Add the tx to the list of transactions to be included # in the block. self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) current_block_size += len(tx.serialize()) # Now that we added a bunch of transaction, we need to recompute # the merkle root. make_conform_to_ctor(block) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() # Check that the block size is what's expected if block_size > 0: assert_equal(len(block.serialize()), block_size) # Do PoW, which is cheap on regnet block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] default_p2p = node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore()) test_p2p = node.add_p2p_connection(TestP2PConn()) # Set the blocksize to 2MB as initial condition node.setexcessiveblock(self.excessive_block_size) self.genesis_hash = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 spendable_outputs = [] # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block def save_spendable_output(): spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) # get an output that we previously marked as spendable def get_spendable_output(): return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # shorthand for functions block = self.next_block # Create a new block block(0) save_spendable_output() default_p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. maturity_blocks = [] for i in range(99): block(5000 + i) maturity_blocks.append(self.tip) save_spendable_output() # Get to one block of the May 15, 2018 HF activation for i in range(6): block(5100 + i) maturity_blocks.append(self.tip) # Send it all to the node at once. default_p2p.send_blocks_and_test(maturity_blocks, node) # collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on out = [] for i in range(100): out.append(get_spendable_output()) # Check that compact block also work for big blocks # Wait for SENDCMPCT def received_sendcmpct(): - return (test_p2p.last_sendcmpct != None) + return (test_p2p.last_sendcmpct is not None) wait_until(received_sendcmpct, timeout=30) sendcmpct = msg_sendcmpct() sendcmpct.version = 1 sendcmpct.announce = True test_p2p.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) # Exchange headers def received_getheaders(): - return (test_p2p.last_getheaders != None) + return (test_p2p.last_getheaders is not None) wait_until(received_getheaders, timeout=30) # Return the favor test_p2p.send_message(test_p2p.last_getheaders) # Wait for the header list def received_headers(): - return (test_p2p.last_headers != None) + return (test_p2p.last_headers is not None) wait_until(received_headers, timeout=30) # It's like we know about the same headers ! test_p2p.send_message(test_p2p.last_headers) # Send a block b1 = block(1, spend=out[0], block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) default_p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Checks the node to forward it via compact block def received_block(): - return (test_p2p.last_cmpctblock != None) + return (test_p2p.last_cmpctblock is not None) wait_until(received_block, timeout=30) # Was it our block ? cmpctblk_header = test_p2p.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header cmpctblk_header.calc_sha256() assert cmpctblk_header.sha256 == b1.sha256 # Send a large block with numerous transactions. test_p2p.clear_block_data() b2 = block(2, spend=out[1], extra_txns=70000, block_size=self.excessive_block_size - 1000) default_p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Checks the node forwards it via compact block wait_until(received_block, timeout=30) # Was it our block ? cmpctblk_header = test_p2p.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header cmpctblk_header.calc_sha256() assert cmpctblk_header.sha256 == b2.sha256 # In order to avoid having to resend a ton of transactions, we invalidate # b2, which will send all its transactions in the mempool. Note that this # assumes reorgs will insert low-fee transactions back into the mempool. node.invalidateblock(node.getbestblockhash()) # Let's send a compact block and see if the node accepts it. # Let's modify b2 and use it so that we can reuse the mempool. tx = b2.vtx[0] tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript([random.randint(0, 256), OP_RETURN]))) tx.rehash() b2.vtx[0] = tx b2.hashMerkleRoot = b2.calc_merkle_root() b2.solve() # Now we create the compact block and send it comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(b2) test_p2p.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) # Check that compact block is received properly assert int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) == b2.sha256 if __name__ == '__main__': FullBlockTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc-p2p-fullblocktest-sigops.py b/test/functional/abc-p2p-fullblocktest-sigops.py index d614e1c9d3..0a002ff171 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-p2p-fullblocktest-sigops.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-p2p-fullblocktest-sigops.py @@ -1,412 +1,412 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ This test checks simple acceptance of bigger blocks via p2p. It is derived from the much more complex p2p-fullblocktest. The intention is that small tests can be derived from this one, or this one can be extended, to cover the checks done for bigger blocks (e.g. sigops limits). """ from collections import deque import random import time from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block, create_coinbase, create_tx_with_script, make_conform_to_ctor, ) from test_framework.cdefs import ( MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB, MAX_TX_SIGOPS_COUNT, ONE_MEGABYTE, ) from test_framework.key import CECKey from test_framework.messages import ( COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, ser_compact_size, ) from test_framework.mininode import P2PDataStore from test_framework.script import ( CScript, hash160, OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKDATASIG, OP_CHECKMULTISIG, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_EQUAL, OP_HASH160, OP_RETURN, OP_TRUE, SIGHASH_ALL, SIGHASH_FORKID, SignatureHashForkId, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal class PreviousSpendableOutput(): def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): self.tx = tx # the output we're spending self.n = n class FullBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.block_heights = {} self.tip = None self.blocks = {} self.excessive_block_size = 100 * ONE_MEGABYTE self.extra_args = [['-whitelist=', "-excessiveblocksize={}".format(self.excessive_block_size)]] def add_options(self, parser): super().add_options(parser) parser.add_argument( "--runbarelyexpensive", dest="runbarelyexpensive", default=True) def add_transactions_to_block(self, block, tx_list): [tx.rehash() for tx in tx_list] block.vtx.extend(tx_list) # this is a little handier to use than the version in blocktools.py def create_tx(self, spend, value, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): tx = create_tx_with_script(spend.tx, spend.n, b"", value, script) return tx def next_block(self, number, spend=None, script=CScript([OP_TRUE]), block_size=0, extra_sigops=0): - if self.tip == None: + if self.tip is None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 # First create the coinbase height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height) coinbase.rehash() - if spend == None: + if spend is None: # We need to have something to spend to fill the block. assert_equal(block_size, 0) block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) else: # all but one satoshi to fees coinbase.vout[0].nValue += spend.tx.vout[spend.n].nValue - 1 coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) # Make sure we have plenty engough to spend going forward. spendable_outputs = deque([spend]) def get_base_transaction(): # Create the new transaction tx = CTransaction() # Spend from one of the spendable outputs spend = spendable_outputs.popleft() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(spend.tx.sha256, spend.n))) # Add spendable outputs for i in range(4): tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) spendable_outputs.append(PreviousSpendableOutput(tx, i)) return tx tx = get_base_transaction() # Make it the same format as transaction added for padding and save the size. # It's missing the padding output, so we add a constant to account for it. tx.rehash() base_tx_size = len(tx.serialize()) + 18 # If a specific script is required, add it. - if script != None: + if script is not None: tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1, script)) # Put some random data into the first transaction of the chain to randomize ids. tx.vout.append( CTxOut(0, CScript([random.randint(0, 256), OP_RETURN]))) # Add the transaction to the block self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) # If we have a block size requirement, just fill # the block until we get there current_block_size = len(block.serialize()) while current_block_size < block_size: # We will add a new transaction. That means the size of # the field enumerating how many transaction go in the block # may change. current_block_size -= len(ser_compact_size(len(block.vtx))) current_block_size += len(ser_compact_size(len(block.vtx) + 1)) # Create the new transaction tx = get_base_transaction() # Add padding to fill the block. script_length = block_size - current_block_size - base_tx_size if script_length > 510000: if script_length < 1000000: # Make sure we don't find ourselves in a position where we # need to generate a transaction smaller than what we expected. script_length = script_length // 2 else: script_length = 500000 tx_sigops = min(extra_sigops, script_length, MAX_TX_SIGOPS_COUNT) extra_sigops -= tx_sigops script_pad_len = script_length - tx_sigops script_output = CScript( [b'\x00' * script_pad_len] + [OP_CHECKSIG] * tx_sigops) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, script_output)) # Add the tx to the list of transactions to be included # in the block. self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) current_block_size += len(tx.serialize()) # Now that we added a bunch of transaction, we need to recompute # the merkle root. make_conform_to_ctor(block) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() # Check that the block size is what's expected if block_size > 0: assert_equal(len(block.serialize()), block_size) # Do PoW, which is cheap on regnet block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore()) # Set the blocksize to 2MB as initial condition node.setexcessiveblock(self.excessive_block_size) self.genesis_hash = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 spendable_outputs = [] # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block def save_spendable_output(): spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) # get an output that we previously marked as spendable def get_spendable_output(): return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # adds transactions to the block and updates state def update_block(block_number, new_transactions): block = self.blocks[block_number] self.add_transactions_to_block(block, new_transactions) old_sha256 = block.sha256 make_conform_to_ctor(block) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() # Update the internal state just like in next_block self.tip = block if block.sha256 != old_sha256: self.block_heights[ block.sha256] = self.block_heights[old_sha256] del self.block_heights[old_sha256] self.blocks[block_number] = block return block # shorthand for functions block = self.next_block # Create a new block block(0) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. maturity_blocks = [] for i in range(105): block(5000 + i) maturity_blocks.append(self.tip) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test(maturity_blocks, node) # collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on out = [] for i in range(100): out.append(get_spendable_output()) # Accept many sigops lots_of_checksigs = CScript( [OP_CHECKSIG] * MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB) block(19, spend=out[0], script=lots_of_checksigs, block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) block(20, spend=out[1], script=lots_of_checksigs, block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE, extra_sigops=1) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-blk-sigops') # Rewind bad block tip(19) # Accept 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB block(21, spend=out[1], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB, block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Accept 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB block(22, spend=out[2], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB, block_size=2 * ONE_MEGABYTE) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Reject more than 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB. block(23, spend=out[3], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB + 1, block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-blk-sigops') # Rewind bad block tip(22) # Reject more than 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB. block(24, spend=out[3], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB + 1, block_size=2 * ONE_MEGABYTE) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-blk-sigops') # Rewind bad block tip(22) # Accept 60k sigops per block > 2MB and <= 3MB block(25, spend=out[3], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=2 * MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB, block_size=2 * ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Accept 60k sigops per block > 2MB and <= 3MB block(26, spend=out[4], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=2 * MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB, block_size=3 * ONE_MEGABYTE) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Reject more than 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB. block(27, spend=out[5], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=2 * MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB + 1, block_size=2 * ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-blk-sigops') # Rewind bad block tip(26) # Reject more than 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB. block(28, spend=out[5], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=2 * MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB + 1, block_size=3 * ONE_MEGABYTE) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-blk-sigops') # Rewind bad block tip(26) # Too many sigops in one txn too_many_tx_checksigs = CScript( [OP_CHECKSIG] * (MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB + 1)) block( 29, spend=out[6], script=too_many_tx_checksigs, block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-txn-sigops') # Rewind bad block tip(26) # Generate a key pair to test P2SH sigops count private_key = CECKey() private_key.set_secretbytes(b"fatstacks") public_key = private_key.get_pubkey() # P2SH # Build the redeem script, hash it, use hash to create the p2sh script redeem_script = CScript( [public_key] + [OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY] * 5 + [OP_CHECKSIG]) redeem_script_hash = hash160(redeem_script) p2sh_script = CScript([OP_HASH160, redeem_script_hash, OP_EQUAL]) # Create a p2sh transaction p2sh_tx = self.create_tx(out[6], 1, p2sh_script) # Add the transaction to the block block(30) update_block(30, [p2sh_tx]) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Creates a new transaction using the p2sh transaction included in the # last block def spend_p2sh_tx(output_script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): # Create the transaction spent_p2sh_tx = CTransaction() spent_p2sh_tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(p2sh_tx.sha256, 0), b'')) spent_p2sh_tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1, output_script)) # Sign the transaction using the redeem script sighash = SignatureHashForkId( redeem_script, spent_p2sh_tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID, p2sh_tx.vout[0].nValue) sig = private_key.sign(sighash) + \ bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID])) spent_p2sh_tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([sig, redeem_script]) spent_p2sh_tx.rehash() return spent_p2sh_tx # Sigops p2sh limit p2sh_sigops_limit = MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB - \ redeem_script.GetSigOpCount(True) # Too many sigops in one p2sh txn too_many_p2sh_sigops = CScript([OP_CHECKSIG] * (p2sh_sigops_limit + 1)) block(31, spend=out[7], block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) update_block(31, [spend_p2sh_tx(too_many_p2sh_sigops)]) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-txn-sigops') # Rewind bad block tip(30) # Max sigops in one p2sh txn max_p2sh_sigops = CScript([OP_CHECKSIG] * (p2sh_sigops_limit)) block(32, spend=out[8], block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) update_block(32, [spend_p2sh_tx(max_p2sh_sigops)]) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Ensure that a coinbase with too many sigops is forbidden, even if it # doesn't push the total block count over the limit. b33 = block(33, spend=out[9], block_size=2 * ONE_MEGABYTE) # 20001 sigops b33.vtx[0].vout.append( CTxOut(0, CScript([OP_CHECKMULTISIG] * 1000 + [OP_CHECKDATASIG]))) update_block(33, []) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [b33], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-txn-sigops') # 20000 sigops b33.vtx[0].vout[-1].scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_CHECKMULTISIG] * 1000) update_block(33, []) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([b33], node) if __name__ == '__main__': FullBlockTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc-p2p-fullblocktest.py b/test/functional/abc-p2p-fullblocktest.py index 8e30649d14..3ea2a57084 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-p2p-fullblocktest.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-p2p-fullblocktest.py @@ -1,267 +1,267 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ This test checks simple acceptance of bigger blocks via p2p. It is derived from the much more complex p2p-fullblocktest. The intention is that small tests can be derived from this one, or this one can be extended, to cover the checks done for bigger blocks (e.g. sigops limits). """ from collections import deque import random import time from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block, create_coinbase, create_tx_with_script, make_conform_to_ctor, ) from test_framework.cdefs import ( ONE_MEGABYTE, ) from test_framework.messages import ( COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, ser_compact_size, ToHex, ) from test_framework.mininode import P2PDataStore from test_framework.script import ( CScript, OP_RETURN, OP_TRUE, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal class PreviousSpendableOutput(): def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): self.tx = tx # the output we're spending self.n = n class FullBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.block_heights = {} self.tip = None self.blocks = {} self.excessive_block_size = 100 * ONE_MEGABYTE self.extra_args = [['-whitelist=', "-excessiveblocksize={}".format(self.excessive_block_size)]] def add_options(self, parser): super().add_options(parser) parser.add_argument( "--runbarelyexpensive", dest="runbarelyexpensive", default=True) def add_transactions_to_block(self, block, tx_list): [tx.rehash() for tx in tx_list] block.vtx.extend(tx_list) # this is a little handier to use than the version in blocktools.py def create_tx(self, spend, value, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): tx = create_tx_with_script(spend.tx, spend.n, b"", value, script) return tx def next_block(self, number, spend=None, script=CScript([OP_TRUE]), block_size=0): - if self.tip == None: + if self.tip is None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 # First create the coinbase height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height) coinbase.rehash() - if spend == None: + if spend is None: # We need to have something to spend to fill the block. assert_equal(block_size, 0) block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) else: # all but one satoshi to fees coinbase.vout[0].nValue += spend.tx.vout[spend.n].nValue - 1 coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) # Make sure we have plenty engough to spend going forward. spendable_outputs = deque([spend]) def get_base_transaction(): # Create the new transaction tx = CTransaction() # Spend from one of the spendable outputs spend = spendable_outputs.popleft() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(spend.tx.sha256, spend.n))) # Add spendable outputs for i in range(4): tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) spendable_outputs.append(PreviousSpendableOutput(tx, i)) return tx tx = get_base_transaction() # Make it the same format as transaction added for padding and save the size. # It's missing the padding output, so we add a constant to account for it. tx.rehash() base_tx_size = len(tx.serialize()) + 18 # If a specific script is required, add it. - if script != None: + if script is not None: tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1, script)) # Put some random data into the first transaction of the chain to randomize ids. tx.vout.append( CTxOut(0, CScript([random.randint(0, 256), OP_RETURN]))) # Add the transaction to the block self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) # If we have a block size requirement, just fill # the block until we get there current_block_size = len(block.serialize()) while current_block_size < block_size: # We will add a new transaction. That means the size of # the field enumerating how many transaction go in the block # may change. current_block_size -= len(ser_compact_size(len(block.vtx))) current_block_size += len(ser_compact_size(len(block.vtx) + 1)) # Create the new transaction tx = get_base_transaction() # Add padding to fill the block. script_length = block_size - current_block_size - base_tx_size if script_length > 510000: if script_length < 1000000: # Make sure we don't find ourselves in a position where we # need to generate a transaction smaller than what we expected. script_length = script_length // 2 else: script_length = 500000 script_pad_len = script_length script_output = CScript([b'\x00' * script_pad_len]) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, script_output)) # Add the tx to the list of transactions to be included # in the block. self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) current_block_size += len(tx.serialize()) # Now that we added a bunch of transaction, we need to recompute # the merkle root. make_conform_to_ctor(block) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() # Check that the block size is what's expected if block_size > 0: assert_equal(len(block.serialize()), block_size) # Do PoW, which is cheap on regnet block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore()) # Set the blocksize to 2MB as initial condition node.setexcessiveblock(self.excessive_block_size) self.genesis_hash = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 spendable_outputs = [] # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block def save_spendable_output(): spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) # get an output that we previously marked as spendable def get_spendable_output(): return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # adds transactions to the block and updates state def update_block(block_number, new_transactions): block = self.blocks[block_number] self.add_transactions_to_block(block, new_transactions) old_sha256 = block.sha256 make_conform_to_ctor(block) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() # Update the internal state just like in next_block self.tip = block if block.sha256 != old_sha256: self.block_heights[ block.sha256] = self.block_heights[old_sha256] del self.block_heights[old_sha256] self.blocks[block_number] = block return block # shorthand for functions block = self.next_block # Create a new block block(0) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. maturity_blocks = [] for i in range(99): block(5000 + i) maturity_blocks.append(self.tip) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test(maturity_blocks, node) # collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on out = [] for i in range(100): out.append(get_spendable_output()) # Let's build some blocks and test them. for i in range(16): n = i + 1 block(n, spend=out[i], block_size=n * ONE_MEGABYTE) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # block of maximal size block(17, spend=out[16], block_size=self.excessive_block_size) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Reject oversized blocks with bad-blk-length error block(18, spend=out[17], block_size=self.excessive_block_size + 1) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-blk-length') # Rewind bad block. tip(17) # Submit a very large block via RPC large_block = block( 33, spend=out[17], block_size=self.excessive_block_size) assert_equal(node.submitblock(ToHex(large_block)), None) if __name__ == '__main__': FullBlockTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc-replay-protection.py b/test/functional/abc-replay-protection.py index 2982e8e8c3..db7e6480ea 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-replay-protection.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-replay-protection.py @@ -1,316 +1,316 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ This test checks activation of UAHF and the different consensus related to this activation. It is derived from the much more complex p2p-fullblocktest. """ import time from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block, create_coinbase, create_tx_with_script, make_conform_to_ctor, ) from test_framework.key import CECKey from test_framework.messages import ( COIN, COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, ToHex, ) from test_framework.mininode import P2PDataStore from test_framework.script import ( CScript, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_TRUE, SIGHASH_ALL, SIGHASH_FORKID, SignatureHashForkId, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error # far into the future REPLAY_PROTECTION_START_TIME = 2000000000 # Error due to invalid signature RPC_INVALID_SIGNATURE_ERROR = "mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation) (code 16)" class PreviousSpendableOutput(object): def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): self.tx = tx self.n = n class ReplayProtectionTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.block_heights = {} self.tip = None self.blocks = {} self.extra_args = [['-whitelist=', "-replayprotectionactivationtime={}".format(REPLAY_PROTECTION_START_TIME)]] def next_block(self, number): - if self.tip == None: + if self.tip is None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 # First create the coinbase height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height) coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) # Do PoW, which is cheap on regnet block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore()) node.setmocktime(REPLAY_PROTECTION_START_TIME) self.genesis_hash = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 spendable_outputs = [] # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block def save_spendable_output(): spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) # get an output that we previously marked as spendable def get_spendable_output(): return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # adds transactions to the block and updates state def update_block(block_number, new_transactions): block = self.blocks[block_number] block.vtx.extend(new_transactions) old_sha256 = block.sha256 make_conform_to_ctor(block) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() # Update the internal state just like in next_block self.tip = block if block.sha256 != old_sha256: self.block_heights[ block.sha256] = self.block_heights[old_sha256] del self.block_heights[old_sha256] self.blocks[block_number] = block return block # shorthand block = self.next_block # Create a new block block(0) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. maturity_blocks = [] for i in range(99): block(5000 + i) maturity_blocks.append(self.tip) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test(maturity_blocks, node) # collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on out = [] for i in range(100): out.append(get_spendable_output()) # Generate a key pair to test P2SH sigops count private_key = CECKey() private_key.set_secretbytes(b"replayprotection") public_key = private_key.get_pubkey() # This is a little handier to use than the version in blocktools.py def create_fund_and_spend_tx(spend, forkvalue=0): # Fund transaction script = CScript([public_key, OP_CHECKSIG]) txfund = create_tx_with_script( spend.tx, spend.n, b'', 50 * COIN - 1000, script) txfund.rehash() # Spend transaction txspend = CTransaction() txspend.vout.append(CTxOut(50 * COIN - 2000, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) txspend.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(txfund.sha256, 0), b'')) # Sign the transaction sighashtype = (forkvalue << 8) | SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID sighash = SignatureHashForkId( script, txspend, 0, sighashtype, 50 * COIN - 1000) sig = private_key.sign(sighash) + \ bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID])) txspend.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([sig]) txspend.rehash() return [txfund, txspend] def send_transaction_to_mempool(tx): tx_id = node.sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx)) assert tx_id in set(node.getrawmempool()) return tx_id # Before the fork, no replay protection required to get in the mempool. txns = create_fund_and_spend_tx(out[0]) send_transaction_to_mempool(txns[0]) send_transaction_to_mempool(txns[1]) # And txns get mined in a block properly. block(1) update_block(1, txns) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Replay protected transactions are rejected. replay_txns = create_fund_and_spend_tx(out[1], 0xffdead) send_transaction_to_mempool(replay_txns[0]) assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_INVALID_SIGNATURE_ERROR, node.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(replay_txns[1])) # And block containing them are rejected as well. block(2) update_block(2, replay_txns) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='blk-bad-inputs') # Rewind bad block tip(1) # Create a block that would activate the replay protection. bfork = block(5555) bfork.nTime = REPLAY_PROTECTION_START_TIME - 1 update_block(5555, []) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) activation_blocks = [] for i in range(5): block(5100 + i) activation_blocks.append(self.tip) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test(activation_blocks, node) # Check we are just before the activation time assert_equal(node.getblockheader(node.getbestblockhash())['mediantime'], REPLAY_PROTECTION_START_TIME - 1) # We are just before the fork, replay protected txns still are rejected assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_INVALID_SIGNATURE_ERROR, node.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(replay_txns[1])) block(3) update_block(3, replay_txns) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='blk-bad-inputs') # Rewind bad block tip(5104) # Send some non replay protected txns in the mempool to check # they get cleaned at activation. txns = create_fund_and_spend_tx(out[2]) send_transaction_to_mempool(txns[0]) tx_id = send_transaction_to_mempool(txns[1]) # Activate the replay protection block(5556) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Check we just activated the replay protection assert_equal(node.getblockheader(node.getbestblockhash())['mediantime'], REPLAY_PROTECTION_START_TIME) # Non replay protected transactions are not valid anymore, # so they should be removed from the mempool. assert tx_id not in set(node.getrawmempool()) # Good old transactions are now invalid. send_transaction_to_mempool(txns[0]) assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_INVALID_SIGNATURE_ERROR, node.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(txns[1])) # They also cannot be mined block(4) update_block(4, txns) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='blk-bad-inputs') # Rewind bad block tip(5556) # The replay protected transaction is now valid replay_tx0_id = send_transaction_to_mempool(replay_txns[0]) replay_tx1_id = send_transaction_to_mempool(replay_txns[1]) # Make sure the transaction are ready to be mined. tmpl = node.getblocktemplate() found_id0 = False found_id1 = False for txn in tmpl['transactions']: txid = txn['txid'] if txid == replay_tx0_id: found_id0 = True elif txid == replay_tx1_id: found_id1 = True assert found_id0 and found_id1 # And the mempool is still in good shape. assert replay_tx0_id in set(node.getrawmempool()) assert replay_tx1_id in set(node.getrawmempool()) # They also can also be mined block(5) update_block(5, replay_txns) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Ok, now we check if a reorg work properly across the activation. postforkblockid = node.getbestblockhash() node.invalidateblock(postforkblockid) assert replay_tx0_id in set(node.getrawmempool()) assert replay_tx1_id in set(node.getrawmempool()) # Deactivating replay protection. forkblockid = node.getbestblockhash() node.invalidateblock(forkblockid) # The funding tx is not evicted from the mempool, since it's valid in # both sides of the fork assert replay_tx0_id in set(node.getrawmempool()) assert replay_tx1_id not in set(node.getrawmempool()) # Check that we also do it properly on deeper reorg. node.reconsiderblock(forkblockid) node.reconsiderblock(postforkblockid) node.invalidateblock(forkblockid) assert replay_tx0_id in set(node.getrawmempool()) assert replay_tx1_id not in set(node.getrawmempool()) if __name__ == '__main__': ReplayProtectionTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc-segwit-recovery.py b/test/functional/abc-segwit-recovery.py index 22c0e88dbe..a44467dad6 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-segwit-recovery.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-segwit-recovery.py @@ -1,281 +1,281 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2019 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ This test checks that blocks containing segwit recovery transactions will be accepted, that segwit recovery transactions are rejected from mempool acceptance (even with -acceptnonstdtxn=1), and that segwit recovery transactions don't result in bans. """ import time from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block, create_coinbase, make_conform_to_ctor, ) from test_framework.messages import ( COIN, COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, ToHex, ) from test_framework.mininode import ( P2PDataStore, ) from test_framework.script import ( CScript, hash160, OP_EQUAL, OP_HASH160, OP_TRUE, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_raises_rpc_error, sync_blocks, ) TEST_TIME = int(time.time()) # Error due to non clean stack CLEANSTACK_ERROR = 'non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Script did not clean its stack)' RPC_CLEANSTACK_ERROR = CLEANSTACK_ERROR + " (code 64)" EVAL_FALSE_ERROR = 'non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Script evaluated without error but finished with a false/empty top stack elem' RPC_EVAL_FALSE_ERROR = EVAL_FALSE_ERROR + "ent) (code 64)" class PreviousSpendableOutput(object): def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): self.tx = tx self.n = n class SegwitRecoveryTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.block_heights = {} self.tip = None self.blocks = {} # We have 2 nodes: # 1) node_nonstd (nodes[0]) accepts non-standard txns. It does not # accept Segwit recovery transactions, since it is included in # standard flags, and transactions that violate these flags are # never accepted into the mempool. # 2) node_std (nodes[1]) doesn't accept non-standard txns and # doesn't have us whitelisted. It's used to test for bans, as we # connect directly to it via mininode and send a segwit spending # txn. This transaction is non-standard. We check that sending # this transaction doesn't result in a ban. # Nodes are connected to each other, so node_std receives blocks and # transactions that node_nonstd has accepted. Since we are checking # that segwit spending txn are not resulting in bans, node_nonstd # doesn't get banned when forwarding this kind of transactions to # node_std. self.extra_args = [['-whitelist=', "-acceptnonstdtxn"], ["-acceptnonstdtxn=0"]] def next_block(self, number): - if self.tip == None: + if self.tip is None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = TEST_TIME else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 # First create the coinbase height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height) coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) # Do PoW, which is cheap on regnet block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def bootstrap_p2p(self, *, num_connections=1): """Add a P2P connection to the node. Helper to connect and wait for version handshake.""" for node in self.nodes: for _ in range(num_connections): node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore()) def reconnect_p2p(self, **kwargs): """Tear down and bootstrap the P2P connection to the node. The node gets disconnected several times in this test. This helper method reconnects the p2p and restarts the network thread.""" for node in self.nodes: node.disconnect_p2ps() self.bootstrap_p2p(**kwargs) def run_test(self): self.bootstrap_p2p() self.genesis_hash = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 spendable_outputs = [] # shorthand block = self.next_block node_nonstd = self.nodes[0] node_std = self.nodes[1] # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block def save_spendable_output(): spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) # get an output that we previously marked as spendable def get_spendable_output(): return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) # submit current tip and check it was accepted def accepted(node): node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # adds transactions to the block and updates state def update_block(block_number, new_transactions): block = self.blocks[block_number] block.vtx.extend(new_transactions) old_sha256 = block.sha256 make_conform_to_ctor(block) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() # Update the internal state just like in next_block self.tip = block if block.sha256 != old_sha256: self.block_heights[ block.sha256] = self.block_heights[old_sha256] del self.block_heights[old_sha256] self.blocks[block_number] = block return block # checks the mempool has exactly the same txns as in the provided list def check_mempool_equal(node, txns): assert set(node.getrawmempool()) == set(tx.hash for tx in txns) # Returns 2 transactions: # 1) txfund: create outputs in segwit addresses # 2) txspend: spends outputs from segwit addresses def create_segwit_fund_and_spend_tx(spend, case0=False): if not case0: # Spending from a P2SH-P2WPKH coin, # txhash:a45698363249312f8d3d93676aa714be59b0bd758e62fa054fb1ea6218480691 redeem_script0 = bytearray.fromhex( '0014fcf9969ce1c98a135ed293719721fb69f0b686cb') # Spending from a P2SH-P2WSH coin, # txhash:6b536caf727ccd02c395a1d00b752098ec96e8ec46c96bee8582be6b5060fa2f redeem_script1 = bytearray.fromhex( '0020fc8b08ed636cb23afcb425ff260b3abd03380a2333b54cfa5d51ac52d803baf4') else: redeem_script0 = bytearray.fromhex('51020000') redeem_script1 = bytearray.fromhex('53020080') redeem_scripts = [redeem_script0, redeem_script1] # Fund transaction to segwit addresses txfund = CTransaction() txfund.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(spend.tx.sha256, spend.n))] amount = (50 * COIN - 1000) // len(redeem_scripts) for redeem_script in redeem_scripts: txfund.vout.append( CTxOut(amount, CScript([OP_HASH160, hash160(redeem_script), OP_EQUAL]))) txfund.rehash() # Segwit spending transaction # We'll test if a node that checks for standardness accepts this # txn. It should fail exclusively because of the restriction in # the scriptSig (non clean stack..), so all other characteristcs # must pass standardness checks. For this reason, we create # standard P2SH outputs. txspend = CTransaction() for i in range(len(redeem_scripts)): txspend.vin.append( CTxIn(COutPoint(txfund.sha256, i), CScript([redeem_scripts[i]]))) txspend.vout = [CTxOut(50 * COIN - 2000, CScript([OP_HASH160, hash160(CScript([OP_TRUE])), OP_EQUAL]))] txspend.rehash() return txfund, txspend # Check we are not banned when sending a txn that is rejected. def check_for_no_ban_on_rejected_tx(node, tx, reject_reason): node.p2p.send_txs_and_test( [tx], node, success=False, reject_reason=reject_reason) # Create a new block block(0) save_spendable_output() accepted(node_nonstd) # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. matureblocks = [] for i in range(199): block(5000 + i) matureblocks.append(self.tip) save_spendable_output() node_nonstd.p2p.send_blocks_and_test(matureblocks, node_nonstd) # collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on out = [] for i in range(100): out.append(get_spendable_output()) # Create segwit funding and spending transactions txfund, txspend = create_segwit_fund_and_spend_tx(out[0]) txfund_case0, txspend_case0 = create_segwit_fund_and_spend_tx( out[1], True) # Mine txfund, as it can't go into node_std mempool because it's # nonstandard. block(5555) update_block(5555, [txfund, txfund_case0]) accepted(node_nonstd) # Check both nodes are synchronized before continuing. sync_blocks(self.nodes) # Check that upgraded nodes checking for standardness are not banning # nodes sending segwit spending txns. check_for_no_ban_on_rejected_tx( node_nonstd, txspend, CLEANSTACK_ERROR) check_for_no_ban_on_rejected_tx( node_nonstd, txspend_case0, EVAL_FALSE_ERROR) check_for_no_ban_on_rejected_tx( node_std, txspend, CLEANSTACK_ERROR) check_for_no_ban_on_rejected_tx( node_std, txspend_case0, EVAL_FALSE_ERROR) # Segwit recovery txns are never accepted into the mempool, # as they are included in standard flags. assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_CLEANSTACK_ERROR, node_nonstd.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(txspend)) assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_EVAL_FALSE_ERROR, node_nonstd.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(txspend_case0)) assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_CLEANSTACK_ERROR, node_std.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(txspend)) assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, RPC_EVAL_FALSE_ERROR, node_std.sendrawtransaction, ToHex(txspend_case0)) # Blocks containing segwit spending txns are accepted in both nodes. block(5) update_block(5, [txspend, txspend_case0]) accepted(node_nonstd) sync_blocks(self.nodes) if __name__ == '__main__': SegwitRecoveryTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc-transaction-ordering.py b/test/functional/abc-transaction-ordering.py index b99b8abd60..af06882c37 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-transaction-ordering.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-transaction-ordering.py @@ -1,233 +1,233 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ This test checks that the node software accepts transactions in non topological order once the feature is activated. """ from collections import deque import random import time from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block, create_coinbase, make_conform_to_ctor, ) from test_framework.messages import ( COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, ) from test_framework.mininode import P2PDataStore from test_framework.script import ( CScript, OP_RETURN, OP_TRUE, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal class PreviousSpendableOutput(): def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): self.tx = tx self.n = n # the output we're spending class TransactionOrderingTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.block_heights = {} self.tip = None self.blocks = {} self.extra_args = [['-whitelist=']] def add_transactions_to_block(self, block, tx_list): [tx.rehash() for tx in tx_list] block.vtx.extend(tx_list) def next_block(self, number, spend=None, tx_count=0): - if self.tip == None: + if self.tip is None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 # First create the coinbase height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height) coinbase.rehash() - if spend == None: + if spend is None: # We need to have something to spend to fill the block. block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) else: # all but one satoshi to fees coinbase.vout[0].nValue += spend.tx.vout[spend.n].nValue - 1 coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) # Make sure we have plenty enough to spend going forward. spendable_outputs = deque([spend]) def get_base_transaction(): # Create the new transaction tx = CTransaction() # Spend from one of the spendable outputs spend = spendable_outputs.popleft() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(spend.tx.sha256, spend.n))) # Add spendable outputs for i in range(4): tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) spendable_outputs.append(PreviousSpendableOutput(tx, i)) # Put some random data into the transaction in order to randomize ids. # This also ensures that transaction are larger than 100 bytes. rand = random.getrandbits(256) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript([rand, OP_RETURN]))) return tx tx = get_base_transaction() # Make it the same format as transaction added for padding and save the size. # It's missing the padding output, so we add a constant to account for it. tx.rehash() # Add the transaction to the block self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) # If we have a transaction count requirement, just fill the block until we get there while len(block.vtx) < tx_count: # Create the new transaction and add it. tx = get_base_transaction() self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) # Now that we added a bunch of transaction, we need to recompute # the merkle root. block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() if tx_count > 0: assert_equal(len(block.vtx), tx_count) # Do PoW, which is cheap on regnet block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] node.add_p2p_connection(P2PDataStore()) self.genesis_hash = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 spendable_outputs = [] # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block def save_spendable_output(): spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) # get an output that we previously marked as spendable def get_spendable_output(): return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # adds transactions to the block and updates state def update_block(block_number, new_transactions=[]): block = self.blocks[block_number] self.add_transactions_to_block(block, new_transactions) old_sha256 = block.sha256 block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() # Update the internal state just like in next_block self.tip = block if block.sha256 != old_sha256: self.block_heights[block.sha256] = self.block_heights[old_sha256] del self.block_heights[old_sha256] self.blocks[block_number] = block return block # shorthand for functions block = self.next_block # Create a new block block(0) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. maturity_blocks = [] for i in range(99): block(5000 + i) maturity_blocks.append(self.tip) save_spendable_output() node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test(maturity_blocks, node) # collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on out = [] for i in range(100): out.append(get_spendable_output()) # Let's build some blocks and test them. for i in range(17): n = i + 1 node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([block(n)], node) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([block(5556)], node) # Block with regular ordering are now rejected. node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([block( 5557, out[17], tx_count=16)], node, success=False, reject_reason='tx-ordering') # Rewind bad block. tip(5556) # After we activate the Nov 15, 2018 HF, transaction order is enforced. def ordered_block(block_number, spend): b = block(block_number, spend=spend, tx_count=16) make_conform_to_ctor(b) update_block(block_number) return b # Now that the fork activated, we need to order transaction per txid. node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([ordered_block(4445, out[17])], node) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([ordered_block(4446, out[18])], node) # Generate a block with a duplicated transaction. double_tx_block = ordered_block(4447, out[19]) assert_equal(len(double_tx_block.vtx), 16) double_tx_block.vtx = double_tx_block.vtx[:8] + \ [double_tx_block.vtx[8]] + double_tx_block.vtx[8:] update_block(4447) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-txns-duplicate') # Rewind bad block. tip(4446) # Check over two blocks. proper_block = ordered_block(4448, out[20]) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test([self.tip], node) replay_tx_block = ordered_block(4449, out[21]) assert_equal(len(replay_tx_block.vtx), 16) replay_tx_block.vtx.append(proper_block.vtx[5]) replay_tx_block.vtx = [replay_tx_block.vtx[0]] + \ sorted(replay_tx_block.vtx[1:], key=lambda tx: tx.get_id()) update_block(4449) node.p2p.send_blocks_and_test( [self.tip], node, success=False, reject_reason='bad-txns-BIP30') if __name__ == '__main__': TransactionOrderingTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/interface_http.py b/test/functional/interface_http.py index 4d1261a502..4690b641b7 100755 --- a/test/functional/interface_http.py +++ b/test/functional/interface_http.py @@ -1,172 +1,172 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the RPC HTTP basics.""" import http.client import urllib.parse from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal, str_to_b64str class HTTPBasicsTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 3 def setup_network(self): self.extra_args = [["-rpccorsdomain=null"], [], []] self.setup_nodes() def run_test(self): # # lowlevel check for http persistent connection # # url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.nodes[0].url) authpair = url.username + ':' + url.password headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpair)} conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse().read() assert b'"error":null' in out1 - assert conn.sock != None + assert conn.sock is not None # according to http/1.1 connection must still be open! # send 2nd request without closing connection conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getchaintips"}', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse().read() assert b'"error":null' in out1 # must also response with a correct json-rpc message - assert conn.sock != None + assert conn.sock is not None # according to http/1.1 connection must still be open! conn.close() # same should be if we add keep-alive because this should be the std. # behaviour headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpair), "Connection": "keep-alive"} conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse().read() assert b'"error":null' in out1 - assert conn.sock != None + assert conn.sock is not None # according to http/1.1 connection must still be open! # send 2nd request without closing connection conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getchaintips"}', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse().read() assert b'"error":null' in out1 # must also response with a correct json-rpc message - assert conn.sock != None + assert conn.sock is not None # according to http/1.1 connection must still be open! conn.close() # now do the same with "Connection: close" headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpair), "Connection": "close"} conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse().read() assert b'"error":null' in out1 - assert conn.sock == None + assert conn.sock is None # now the connection must be closed after the response # node1 (2nd node) is running with disabled keep-alive option urlNode1 = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.nodes[1].url) authpair = urlNode1.username + ':' + urlNode1.password headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpair)} conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(urlNode1.hostname, urlNode1.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse().read() assert b'"error":null' in out1 # node2 (third node) is running with standard keep-alive parameters # which means keep-alive is on urlNode2 = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.nodes[2].url) authpair = urlNode2.username + ':' + urlNode2.password headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpair)} conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(urlNode2.hostname, urlNode2.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse().read() assert b'"error":null' in out1 - assert conn.sock != None + assert conn.sock is not None # connection must be closed because bitcoind should use # keep-alive by default # Check excessive request size conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(urlNode2.hostname, urlNode2.port) conn.connect() conn.request('GET', '/' + ('x' * 1000), '', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(out1.status, http.client.NOT_FOUND) conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(urlNode2.hostname, urlNode2.port) conn.connect() conn.request('GET', '/' + ('x' * 10000), '', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(out1.status, http.client.BAD_REQUEST) # Check Standard CORS request origin = "null" conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) conn.connect() authpair = url.username + ':' + url.password headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpair), "Origin": origin} conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(out1.status, http.client.OK) assert_equal(out1.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"], origin) assert_equal(out1.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"], "true") assert_equal(out1.headers["Access-Control-Expose-Headers"], "WWW-Authenticate") assert b'"error":null' in out1.read() # Check Pre-flight CORS request corsheaders = {"Origin": origin, "Access-Control-Request-Method": "POST"} conn.request('OPTIONS', '/', None, corsheaders) out1 = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(out1.status, http.client.OK) assert_equal(out1.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"], origin) assert_equal(out1.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"], "true") assert_equal(out1.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"], "POST") assert_equal(out1.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"], "authorization,content-type") assert_equal(b'', out1.read()) # Check Standard CORS request to node without CORS, expected failure conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(urlNode2.hostname, urlNode2.port) conn.connect() authpair = url.username + ':' + url.password headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpair), "Origin": origin} conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) out1 = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(out1.status, http.client.UNAUTHORIZED) assert_equal(b'', out1.read()) # Check Pre-flight CORS request to node without CORS, expected failure corsheaders = {"Origin": origin, "Access-Control-Request-Method": "POST"} conn.request('OPTIONS', '/', None, corsheaders) out1 = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(out1.status, http.client.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED) assert_equal(b'JSONRPC server handles only POST requests', out1.read()) if __name__ == '__main__': HTTPBasicsTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/mining_prioritisetransaction.py b/test/functional/mining_prioritisetransaction.py index c261e259e1..ae55bbbe92 100755 --- a/test/functional/mining_prioritisetransaction.py +++ b/test/functional/mining_prioritisetransaction.py @@ -1,153 +1,153 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the prioritisetransaction mining RPC.""" import time from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_confirmed_utxos, send_big_transactions, ) # FIXME: review how this test needs to be adapted w.r.t _LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE from test_framework.cdefs import LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE from test_framework.messages import COIN from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error class PrioritiseTransactionTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.extra_args = [["-printpriority=1"], ["-printpriority=1"]] def run_test(self): self.relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()['relayfee'] utxo_count = 90 utxos = create_confirmed_utxos(self.nodes[0], utxo_count) txids = [] # Create 3 batches of transactions at 3 different fee rate levels range_size = utxo_count // 3 for i in range(3): txids.append([]) start_range = i * range_size end_range = start_range + range_size txids[i] = send_big_transactions(self.nodes[0], utxos[start_range:end_range], end_range - start_range, 10 * (i + 1)) # Make sure that the size of each group of transactions exceeds # LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE -- otherwise the test needs to be revised to create # more transactions. mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) sizes = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(3): for j in txids[i]: assert j in mempool sizes[i] += mempool[j]['size'] # Fail => raise utxo_count assert sizes[i] > LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE # add a fee delta to something in the cheapest bucket and make sure it gets mined # also check that a different entry in the cheapest bucket is NOT mined self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( txid=txids[0][0], fee_delta=100 * self.nodes[0].calculate_fee_from_txid(txids[0][0])) self.nodes[0].generate(1) mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() self.log.info("Assert that prioritised transaction was mined") assert txids[0][0] not in mempool assert txids[0][1] in mempool confirmed_transactions = self.nodes[0].getblock( self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())['tx'] # Pull the highest fee-rate transaction from a block high_fee_tx = confirmed_transactions[1] # Something high-fee should have been mined! - assert high_fee_tx != None + assert high_fee_tx is not None # Add a prioritisation before a tx is in the mempool (de-prioritising a # high-fee transaction so that it's now low fee). # # NOTE WELL: gettransaction returns the fee as a negative number and # as fractional coins. However, the prioritisetransaction expects a # number of satoshi to add or subtract from the actual fee. # Thus the conversation here is simply int(tx_fee*COIN) to remove all fees, and then # we add the minimum fee back. tx_fee = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(high_fee_tx)['fee'] self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( txid=high_fee_tx, fee_delta=int(tx_fee * COIN) + self.nodes[0].calculate_fee_from_txid(high_fee_tx)) # Add everything back to mempool self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Check to make sure our high fee rate tx is back in the mempool mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() assert high_fee_tx in mempool # Now verify the modified-high feerate transaction isn't mined before # the other high fee transactions. Keep mining until our mempool has # decreased by all the high fee size that we calculated above. while (self.nodes[0].getmempoolinfo()['bytes'] > sizes[0] + sizes[1]): self.nodes[0].generate(1) # High fee transaction should not have been mined, but other high fee rate # transactions should have been. mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() self.log.info( "Assert that de-prioritised transaction is still in mempool") assert high_fee_tx in mempool for x in txids[2]: if (x != high_fee_tx): assert x not in mempool # Create a free transaction. Should be rejected. utxo_list = self.nodes[0].listunspent() assert len(utxo_list) > 0 utxo = utxo_list[0] inputs = [] outputs = {} inputs.append({"txid": utxo["txid"], "vout": utxo["vout"]}) outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = utxo["amount"] raw_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) tx_hex = self.nodes[0].signrawtransactionwithwallet(raw_tx)["hex"] tx_id = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(tx_hex)["txid"] # This will raise an exception due to min relay fee not being met assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "min relay fee not met (code 66)", self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction, tx_hex) assert tx_id not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() # This is a less than 1000-byte transaction, so just set the fee # to be the minimum for a 1000-byte transaction and check that it is # accepted. self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( txid=tx_id, fee_delta=int(self.relayfee * COIN)) self.log.info( "Assert that prioritised free transaction is accepted to mempool") assert_equal(self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx_hex), tx_id) assert tx_id in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() # Test that calling prioritisetransaction is sufficient to trigger # getblocktemplate to (eventually) return a new block. mock_time = int(time.time()) self.nodes[0].setmocktime(mock_time) template = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate() self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( txid=tx_id, fee_delta=-int(self.relayfee * COIN)) self.nodes[0].setmocktime(mock_time + 10) new_template = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate() assert template != new_template if __name__ == '__main__': PrioritiseTransactionTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/blocktools.py b/test/functional/test_framework/blocktools.py index d178e09a8b..f78adfa549 100644 --- a/test/functional/test_framework/blocktools.py +++ b/test/functional/test_framework/blocktools.py @@ -1,227 +1,227 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Utilities for manipulating blocks and transactions.""" from .script import ( CScript, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_DUP, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_HASH160, OP_RETURN, OP_TRUE, ) from .messages import ( CBlock, COIN, COutPoint, CTransaction, CTxIn, CTxOut, FromHex, ToHex, ser_string, ) from .txtools import pad_tx from .util import assert_equal, satoshi_round # Create a block (with regtest difficulty) def create_block(hashprev, coinbase, nTime=None): block = CBlock() if nTime is None: import time block.nTime = int(time.time() + 600) else: block.nTime = nTime block.hashPrevBlock = hashprev block.nBits = 0x207fffff # Will break after a difficulty adjustment... block.vtx.append(coinbase) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.calc_sha256() return block def make_conform_to_ctor(block): for tx in block.vtx: tx.rehash() block.vtx = [block.vtx[0]] + \ sorted(block.vtx[1:], key=lambda tx: tx.get_id()) def serialize_script_num(value): r = bytearray(0) if value == 0: return r neg = value < 0 absvalue = -value if neg else value while (absvalue): r.append(int(absvalue & 0xff)) absvalue >>= 8 if r[-1] & 0x80: r.append(0x80 if neg else 0) elif neg: r[-1] |= 0x80 return r # Create a coinbase transaction, assuming no miner fees. # If pubkey is passed in, the coinbase output will be a P2PK output; # otherwise an anyone-can-spend output. def create_coinbase(height, pubkey=None): coinbase = CTransaction() coinbase.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(0, 0xffffffff), ser_string(serialize_script_num(height)), 0xffffffff)) coinbaseoutput = CTxOut() coinbaseoutput.nValue = 50 * COIN halvings = int(height / 150) # regtest coinbaseoutput.nValue >>= halvings - if (pubkey != None): + if (pubkey is not None): coinbaseoutput.scriptPubKey = CScript([pubkey, OP_CHECKSIG]) else: coinbaseoutput.scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_TRUE]) coinbase.vout = [coinbaseoutput] # Make sure the coinbase is at least 100 bytes pad_tx(coinbase) coinbase.calc_sha256() return coinbase def create_tx_with_script(prevtx, n, script_sig=b"", amount=1, script_pub_key=CScript()): """Return one-input, one-output transaction object spending the prevtx's n-th output with the given amount. Can optionally pass scriptPubKey and scriptSig, default is anyone-can-spend output. """ tx = CTransaction() assert(n < len(prevtx.vout)) tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(prevtx.sha256, n), script_sig, 0xffffffff)) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(amount, script_pub_key)) pad_tx(tx) tx.calc_sha256() return tx def create_transaction(node, txid, to_address, amount): """ Return signed transaction spending the first output of the input txid. Note that the node must be able to sign for the output that is being spent, and the node must not be running multiple wallets. """ raw_tx = create_raw_transaction(node, txid, to_address, amount) tx = FromHex(CTransaction(), raw_tx) return tx def create_raw_transaction(node, txid, to_address, amount): """ Return raw signed transaction spending the first output of the input txid. Note that the node must be able to sign for the output that is being spent, and the node must not be running multiple wallets. """ inputs = [{"txid": txid, "vout": 0}] outputs = {to_address: amount} rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = node.signrawtransactionwithwallet(rawtx) assert_equal(signresult["complete"], True) return signresult['hex'] def get_legacy_sigopcount_block(block, fAccurate=True): count = 0 for tx in block.vtx: count += get_legacy_sigopcount_tx(tx, fAccurate) return count def get_legacy_sigopcount_tx(tx, fAccurate=True): count = 0 for i in tx.vout: count += i.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount(fAccurate) for j in tx.vin: # scriptSig might be of type bytes, so convert to CScript for the moment count += CScript(j.scriptSig).GetSigOpCount(fAccurate) return count def create_confirmed_utxos(node, count, age=101): """ Helper to create at least "count" utxos """ to_generate = int(0.5 * count) + age while to_generate > 0: node.generate(min(25, to_generate)) to_generate -= 25 utxos = node.listunspent() iterations = count - len(utxos) addr1 = node.getnewaddress() addr2 = node.getnewaddress() if iterations <= 0: return utxos for i in range(iterations): t = utxos.pop() inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}) outputs = {} outputs[addr1] = satoshi_round(t['amount'] / 2) outputs[addr2] = satoshi_round(t['amount'] / 2) raw_tx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) ctx = FromHex(CTransaction(), raw_tx) fee = node.calculate_fee(ctx) // 2 ctx.vout[0].nValue -= fee # Due to possible truncation, we go ahead and take another satoshi in # fees to ensure the transaction gets through ctx.vout[1].nValue -= fee + 1 signed_tx = node.signrawtransactionwithwallet(ToHex(ctx))["hex"] node.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx) while (node.getmempoolinfo()['size'] > 0): node.generate(1) utxos = node.listunspent() assert len(utxos) >= count return utxos def mine_big_block(node, utxos=None): # generate a 66k transaction, # and 14 of them is close to the 1MB block limit num = 14 utxos = utxos if utxos is not None else [] if len(utxos) < num: utxos.clear() utxos.extend(node.listunspent()) send_big_transactions(node, utxos, num, 100) node.generate(1) def send_big_transactions(node, utxos, num, fee_multiplier): from .cashaddr import decode txids = [] padding = "1" * 512 addrHash = decode(node.getnewaddress())[2] for _ in range(num): ctx = CTransaction() utxo = utxos.pop() txid = int(utxo['txid'], 16) ctx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(txid, int(utxo["vout"])), b"")) ctx.vout.append( CTxOut(int(satoshi_round(utxo['amount'] * COIN)), CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, addrHash, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG]))) for i in range(0, 127): ctx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript( [OP_RETURN, bytes(padding, 'utf-8')]))) # Create a proper fee for the transaction to be mined ctx.vout[0].nValue -= int(fee_multiplier * node.calculate_fee(ctx)) signresult = node.signrawtransactionwithwallet( ToHex(ctx), None, "NONE|FORKID") txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) txids.append(txid) return txids diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py b/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py index 1135b6dc1c..d4e14d441e 100755 --- a/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py +++ b/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py @@ -1,1321 +1,1321 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2010 ArtForz -- public domain half-a-node # Copyright (c) 2012 Jeff Garzik # Copyright (c) 2010-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Bitcoin test framework primitive and message structures CBlock, CTransaction, CBlockHeader, CTxIn, CTxOut, etc....: data structures that should map to corresponding structures in bitcoin/primitives msg_block, msg_tx, msg_headers, etc.: data structures that represent network messages ser_*, deser_*: functions that handle serialization/deserialization. Classes use __slots__ to ensure extraneous attributes aren't accidentally added by tests, compromising their intended effect. """ from codecs import encode import copy import hashlib from io import BytesIO import random import socket import struct import time from test_framework.siphash import siphash256 from test_framework.util import hex_str_to_bytes MIN_VERSION_SUPPORTED = 60001 # past bip-31 for ping/pong MY_VERSION = 70014 MY_SUBVERSION = b"/python-mininode-tester:0.0.3/" # from version 70001 onwards, fRelay should be appended to version messages (BIP37) MY_RELAY = 1 MAX_INV_SZ = 50000 MAX_LOCATOR_SZ = 101 MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE = 1000000 # 1 BCH in satoshis COIN = 100000000 NODE_NETWORK = (1 << 0) # NODE_GETUTXO = (1 << 1) NODE_BLOOM = (1 << 2) # NODE_WITNESS = (1 << 3) NODE_XTHIN = (1 << 4) NODE_BITCOIN_CASH = (1 << 5) NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED = (1 << 10) MSG_TX = 1 MSG_BLOCK = 2 MSG_CMPCTBLOCK = 4 MSG_TYPE_MASK = 0xffffffff >> 2 # Serialization/deserialization tools def sha256(s): return hashlib.new('sha256', s).digest() def ripemd160(s): return hashlib.new('ripemd160', s).digest() def hash256(s): return sha256(sha256(s)) def ser_compact_size(l): r = b"" if l < 253: r = struct.pack("B", l) elif l < 0x10000: r = struct.pack(">= 32 return rs def uint256_from_str(s): r = 0 t = struct.unpack("> 24) & 0xFF v = (c & 0xFFFFFF) << (8 * (nbytes - 3)) return v def deser_vector(f, c): nit = deser_compact_size(f) r = [] for i in range(nit): t = c() t.deserialize(f) r.append(t) return r # ser_function_name: Allow for an alternate serialization function on the # entries in the vector. def ser_vector(l, ser_function_name=None): r = ser_compact_size(len(l)) for i in l: if ser_function_name: r += getattr(i, ser_function_name)() else: r += i.serialize() return r def deser_uint256_vector(f): nit = deser_compact_size(f) r = [] for i in range(nit): t = deser_uint256(f) r.append(t) return r def ser_uint256_vector(l): r = ser_compact_size(len(l)) for i in l: r += ser_uint256(i) return r def deser_string_vector(f): nit = deser_compact_size(f) r = [] for i in range(nit): t = deser_string(f) r.append(t) return r def ser_string_vector(l): r = ser_compact_size(len(l)) for sv in l: r += ser_string(sv) return r # Deserialize from a hex string representation (eg from RPC) def FromHex(obj, hex_string): obj.deserialize(BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(hex_string))) return obj # Convert a binary-serializable object to hex (eg for submission via RPC) def ToHex(obj): return obj.serialize().hex() # Objects that map to bitcoind objects, which can be serialized/deserialized class CAddress: __slots__ = ("ip", "nServices", "pchReserved", "port", "time") def __init__(self): self.time = 0 self.nServices = 1 self.pchReserved = b"\x00" * 10 + b"\xff" * 2 self.ip = "" self.port = 0 def deserialize(self, f, with_time=True): if with_time: self.time = struct.unpack("H", f.read(2))[0] def serialize(self, with_time=True): r = b"" if with_time: r += struct.pack("H", self.port) return r def __repr__(self): return "CAddress(nServices={} ip={} port={})".format( self.nServices, self.ip, self.port) class CInv: __slots__ = ("hash", "type") typemap = { 0: "Error", 1: "TX", 2: "Block", 4: "CompactBlock" } def __init__(self, t=0, h=0): self.type = t self.hash = h def deserialize(self, f): self.type = struct.unpack(" 21000000 * COIN: return False return True def __repr__(self): return "CTransaction(nVersion={} vin={} vout={} nLockTime={})".format( self.nVersion, repr(self.vin), repr(self.vout), self.nLockTime) class CBlockHeader: __slots__ = ("hash", "hashMerkleRoot", "hashPrevBlock", "nBits", "nNonce", "nTime", "nVersion", "sha256") def __init__(self, header=None): if header is None: self.set_null() else: self.nVersion = header.nVersion self.hashPrevBlock = header.hashPrevBlock self.hashMerkleRoot = header.hashMerkleRoot self.nTime = header.nTime self.nBits = header.nBits self.nNonce = header.nNonce self.sha256 = header.sha256 self.hash = header.hash self.calc_sha256() def set_null(self): self.nVersion = 1 self.hashPrevBlock = 0 self.hashMerkleRoot = 0 self.nTime = 0 self.nBits = 0 self.nNonce = 0 self.sha256 = None self.hash = None def deserialize(self, f): self.nVersion = struct.unpack(" 1: newhashes = [] for i in range(0, len(hashes), 2): i2 = min(i + 1, len(hashes) - 1) newhashes.append(hash256(hashes[i] + hashes[i2])) hashes = newhashes return uint256_from_str(hashes[0]) def calc_merkle_root(self): hashes = [] for tx in self.vtx: tx.calc_sha256() hashes.append(ser_uint256(tx.sha256)) return self.get_merkle_root(hashes) def is_valid(self): self.calc_sha256() target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits) if self.sha256 > target: return False for tx in self.vtx: if not tx.is_valid(): return False if self.calc_merkle_root() != self.hashMerkleRoot: return False return True def solve(self): self.rehash() target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits) while self.sha256 > target: self.nNonce += 1 self.rehash() def __repr__(self): return "CBlock(nVersion={} hashPrevBlock={:064x} hashMerkleRoot={:064x} nTime={} nBits={:08x} nNonce={:08x} vtx={})".format( self.nVersion, self.hashPrevBlock, self.hashMerkleRoot, time.ctime(self.nTime), self.nBits, self.nNonce, repr(self.vtx)) class PrefilledTransaction: __slots__ = ("index", "tx") def __init__(self, index=0, tx=None): self.index = index self.tx = tx def deserialize(self, f): self.index = deser_compact_size(f) self.tx = CTransaction() self.tx.deserialize(f) def serialize(self): r = b"" r += ser_compact_size(self.index) r += self.tx.serialize() return r def __repr__(self): return "PrefilledTransaction(index={}, tx={})".format( self.index, repr(self.tx)) # This is what we send on the wire, in a cmpctblock message. class P2PHeaderAndShortIDs: __slots__ = ("header", "nonce", "prefilled_txn", "prefilled_txn_length", "shortids", "shortids_length") def __init__(self): self.header = CBlockHeader() self.nonce = 0 self.shortids_length = 0 self.shortids = [] self.prefilled_txn_length = 0 self.prefilled_txn = [] def deserialize(self, f): self.header.deserialize(f) self.nonce = struct.unpack("= 70001: # Relay field is optional for version 70001 onwards try: self.nRelay = struct.unpack(" class msg_headers: __slots__ = ("headers",) command = b"headers" def __init__(self, headers=None): self.headers = headers if headers is not None else [] def deserialize(self, f): # comment in bitcoind indicates these should be deserialized as blocks blocks = deser_vector(f, CBlock) for x in blocks: self.headers.append(CBlockHeader(x)) def serialize(self): blocks = [CBlock(x) for x in self.headers] return ser_vector(blocks) def __repr__(self): return "msg_headers(headers={})".format(repr(self.headers)) class msg_reject: __slots__ = ("code", "data", "message", "reason") command = b"reject" REJECT_MALFORMED = 1 def __init__(self): self.message = b"" self.code = 0 self.reason = b"" self.data = 0 def deserialize(self, f): self.message = deser_string(f) self.code = struct.unpack(" 0: self.recvbuf += t while True: msg = self._on_data() - if msg == None: + if msg is None: break self.on_message(msg) def _on_data(self): """Try to read P2P messages from the recv buffer. This method reads data from the buffer in a loop. It deserializes, parses and verifies the P2P header, then passes the P2P payload to the on_message callback for processing.""" try: with mininode_lock: if len(self.recvbuf) < 4: return None if self.recvbuf[:4] != MAGIC_BYTES[self.network]: raise ValueError( "got garbage {}".format(repr(self.recvbuf))) if len(self.recvbuf) < 4 + 12 + 4 + 4: return None command = self.recvbuf[4:4 + 12].split(b"\x00", 1)[0] msglen = struct.unpack( " 500: log_message += "... (msg truncated)" logger.debug(log_message) class P2PInterface(P2PConnection): """A high-level P2P interface class for communicating with a Bitcoin Cash node. This class provides high-level callbacks for processing P2P message payloads, as well as convenience methods for interacting with the node over P2P. Individual testcases should subclass this and override the on_* methods if they want to alter message handling behaviour.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Track number of messages of each type received and the most recent # message of each type self.message_count = defaultdict(int) self.last_message = {} # A count of the number of ping messages we've sent to the node self.ping_counter = 1 # The network services received from the peer self.nServices = 0 def peer_connect(self, *args, services=NODE_NETWORK, send_version=True, **kwargs): create_conn = super().peer_connect(*args, **kwargs) if send_version: # Send a version msg vt = msg_version() vt.nServices = services vt.addrTo.ip = self.dstaddr vt.addrTo.port = self.dstport vt.addrFrom.ip = "" vt.addrFrom.port = 0 # Will be sent soon after connection_made self.on_connection_send_msg = vt return create_conn # Message receiving methods def on_message(self, message): """Receive message and dispatch message to appropriate callback. We keep a count of how many of each message type has been received and the most recent message of each type.""" with mininode_lock: try: command = message.command.decode('ascii') self.message_count[command] += 1 self.last_message[command] = message getattr(self, 'on_' + command)(message) except: print("ERROR delivering {} ({})".format( repr(message), sys.exc_info()[0])) raise # Callback methods. Can be overridden by subclasses in individual test # cases to provide custom message handling behaviour. def on_open(self): pass def on_close(self): pass def on_addr(self, message): pass def on_block(self, message): pass def on_blocktxn(self, message): pass def on_cmpctblock(self, message): pass def on_feefilter(self, message): pass def on_getaddr(self, message): pass def on_getblocks(self, message): pass def on_getblocktxn(self, message): pass def on_getdata(self, message): pass def on_getheaders(self, message): pass def on_headers(self, message): pass def on_mempool(self, message): pass def on_notfound(self, message): pass def on_pong(self, message): pass def on_reject(self, message): pass def on_sendcmpct(self, message): pass def on_sendheaders(self, message): pass def on_tx(self, message): pass def on_inv(self, message): want = msg_getdata() for i in message.inv: if i.type != 0: want.inv.append(i) if len(want.inv): self.send_message(want) def on_ping(self, message): self.send_message(msg_pong(message.nonce)) def on_verack(self, message): self.verack_received = True def on_version(self, message): assert message.nVersion >= MIN_VERSION_SUPPORTED, "Version {} received. Test framework only supports versions greater than {}".format( message.nVersion, MIN_VERSION_SUPPORTED) self.send_message(msg_verack()) self.nServices = message.nServices # Connection helper methods def wait_for_disconnect(self, timeout=60): def test_function(): return not self.is_connected wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) # Message receiving helper methods def wait_for_block(self, blockhash, timeout=60): def test_function(): return self.last_message.get( "block") and self.last_message["block"].block.rehash() == blockhash wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) def wait_for_header(self, blockhash, timeout=60): def test_function(): last_headers = self.last_message.get('headers') if not last_headers: return False return last_headers.headers[0].rehash() == blockhash wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) def wait_for_getdata(self, timeout=60): """Waits for a getdata message. Receiving any getdata message will satisfy the predicate. the last_message["getdata"] value must be explicitly cleared before calling this method, or this will return immediately with success. TODO: change this method to take a hash value and only return true if the correct block/tx has been requested.""" def test_function(): return self.last_message.get("getdata") wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) def wait_for_getheaders(self, timeout=60): """Waits for a getheaders message. Receiving any getheaders message will satisfy the predicate. the last_message["getheaders"] value must be explicitly cleared before calling this method, or this will return immediately with success. TODO: change this method to take a hash value and only return true if the correct block header has been requested.""" def test_function(): return self.last_message.get("getheaders") wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) def wait_for_inv(self, expected_inv, timeout=60): """Waits for an INV message and checks that the first inv object in the message was as expected.""" if len(expected_inv) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "wait_for_inv() will only verify the first inv object") def test_function(): return self.last_message.get("inv") and \ self.last_message["inv"].inv[0].type == expected_inv[0].type and \ self.last_message["inv"].inv[0].hash == expected_inv[0].hash wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) def wait_for_verack(self, timeout=60): def test_function(): return self.message_count["verack"] wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) # Message sending helper functions def send_and_ping(self, message): self.send_message(message) self.sync_with_ping() # Sync up with the node def sync_with_ping(self, timeout=60): self.send_message(msg_ping(nonce=self.ping_counter)) def test_function(): if not self.last_message.get("pong"): return False return self.last_message["pong"].nonce == self.ping_counter wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) self.ping_counter += 1 # One lock for synchronizing all data access between the networking thread (see # NetworkThread below) and the thread running the test logic. For simplicity, # P2PConnection acquires this lock whenever delivering a message to a P2PInterface. # This lock should be acquired in the thread running the test logic to synchronize # access to any data shared with the P2PInterface or P2PConnection. mininode_lock = threading.RLock() class NetworkThread(threading.Thread): network_event_loop = None def __init__(self): super().__init__(name="NetworkThread") # There is only one event loop and no more than one thread must be created assert not self.network_event_loop NetworkThread.network_event_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() def run(self): """Start the network thread.""" self.network_event_loop.run_forever() def close(self, timeout=10): """Close the connections and network event loop.""" self.network_event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe( self.network_event_loop.stop) wait_until(lambda: not self.network_event_loop.is_running(), timeout=timeout) self.network_event_loop.close() self.join(timeout) class P2PDataStore(P2PInterface): """A P2P data store class. Keeps a block and transaction store and responds correctly to getdata and getheaders requests.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() # store of blocks. key is block hash, value is a CBlock object self.block_store = {} self.last_block_hash = '' # store of txs. key is txid, value is a CTransaction object self.tx_store = {} self.getdata_requests = [] def on_getdata(self, message): """Check for the tx/block in our stores and if found, reply with an inv message.""" for inv in message.inv: self.getdata_requests.append(inv.hash) if (inv.type & MSG_TYPE_MASK) == MSG_TX and inv.hash in self.tx_store.keys(): self.send_message(msg_tx(self.tx_store[inv.hash])) elif (inv.type & MSG_TYPE_MASK) == MSG_BLOCK and inv.hash in self.block_store.keys(): self.send_message(msg_block(self.block_store[inv.hash])) else: logger.debug( 'getdata message type {} received.'.format(hex(inv.type))) def on_getheaders(self, message): """Search back through our block store for the locator, and reply with a headers message if found.""" locator, hash_stop = message.locator, message.hashstop # Assume that the most recent block added is the tip if not self.block_store: return headers_list = [self.block_store[self.last_block_hash]] maxheaders = 2000 while headers_list[-1].sha256 not in locator.vHave: # Walk back through the block store, adding headers to headers_list # as we go. prev_block_hash = headers_list[-1].hashPrevBlock if prev_block_hash in self.block_store: prev_block_header = CBlockHeader( self.block_store[prev_block_hash]) headers_list.append(prev_block_header) if prev_block_header.sha256 == hash_stop: # if this is the hashstop header, stop here break else: logger.debug('block hash {} not found in block store'.format( hex(prev_block_hash))) break # Truncate the list if there are too many headers headers_list = headers_list[:-maxheaders - 1:-1] response = msg_headers(headers_list) if response is not None: self.send_message(response) def send_blocks_and_test(self, blocks, node, *, success=True, request_block=True, reject_reason=None, expect_disconnect=False, timeout=60): """Send blocks to test node and test whether the tip advances. - add all blocks to our block_store - send a headers message for the final block - the on_getheaders handler will ensure that any getheaders are responded to - if request_block is True: wait for getdata for each of the blocks. The on_getdata handler will ensure that any getdata messages are responded to - if success is True: assert that the node's tip advances to the most recent block - if success is False: assert that the node's tip doesn't advance - if reject_reason is set: assert that the correct reject message is logged""" with mininode_lock: for block in blocks: self.block_store[block.sha256] = block self.last_block_hash = block.sha256 reject_reason = [reject_reason] if reject_reason else [] with node.assert_debug_log(expected_msgs=reject_reason): self.send_message(msg_headers([CBlockHeader(blocks[-1])])) if request_block: wait_until( lambda: blocks[-1].sha256 in self.getdata_requests, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock) if expect_disconnect: self.wait_for_disconnect() else: self.sync_with_ping() if success: wait_until(lambda: node.getbestblockhash() == blocks[-1].hash, timeout=timeout) else: assert node.getbestblockhash() != blocks[-1].hash def send_txs_and_test(self, txs, node, *, success=True, expect_disconnect=False, reject_reason=None): """Send txs to test node and test whether they're accepted to the mempool. - add all txs to our tx_store - send tx messages for all txs - if success is True/False: assert that the txs are/are not accepted to the mempool - if expect_disconnect is True: Skip the sync with ping - if reject_reason is set: assert that the correct reject message is logged.""" with mininode_lock: for tx in txs: self.tx_store[tx.sha256] = tx reject_reason = [reject_reason] if reject_reason else [] with node.assert_debug_log(expected_msgs=reject_reason): for tx in txs: self.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) if expect_disconnect: self.wait_for_disconnect() else: self.sync_with_ping() raw_mempool = node.getrawmempool() if success: # Check that all txs are now in the mempool for tx in txs: assert tx.hash in raw_mempool, "{} not found in mempool".format( tx.hash) else: # Check that none of the txs are now in the mempool for tx in txs: assert tx.hash not in raw_mempool, "{} tx found in mempool".format( tx.hash) diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py b/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py index ae3aae2502..1063999aa7 100755 --- a/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py +++ b/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py @@ -1,495 +1,495 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Class for bitcoind node under test""" import contextlib import decimal from enum import Enum import errno import http.client import json import logging import os import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from .authproxy import JSONRPCException from .messages import COIN, CTransaction, FromHex from .util import ( append_config, delete_cookie_file, get_rpc_proxy, p2p_port, rpc_url, wait_until, ) BITCOIND_PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 60 class FailedToStartError(Exception): """Raised when a node fails to start correctly.""" class ErrorMatch(Enum): FULL_TEXT = 1 FULL_REGEX = 2 PARTIAL_REGEX = 3 class TestNode(): """A class for representing a bitcoind node under test. This class contains: - state about the node (whether it's running, etc) - a Python subprocess.Popen object representing the running process - an RPC connection to the node - one or more P2P connections to the node To make things easier for the test writer, any unrecognised messages will be dispatched to the RPC connection.""" def __init__(self, i, datadir, *, host, rpc_port, p2p_port, timewait, bitcoind, bitcoin_cli, mocktime, coverage_dir, extra_conf=None, extra_args=None, use_cli=False): self.index = i self.datadir = datadir self.stdout_dir = os.path.join(self.datadir, "stdout") self.stderr_dir = os.path.join(self.datadir, "stderr") self.host = host self.rpc_port = rpc_port self.p2p_port = p2p_port self.name = "testnode-{}".format(i) self.rpc_timeout = timewait self.binary = bitcoind if not os.path.isfile(self.binary): raise FileNotFoundError( "Binary '{}' could not be found.\nTry setting it manually:\n\tBITCOIND= {}".format(self.binary, sys.argv[0])) self.coverage_dir = coverage_dir - if extra_conf != None: + if extra_conf is not None: append_config(datadir, extra_conf) # Most callers will just need to add extra args to the default list # below. # For those callers that need more flexibility, they can access the # default args using the provided facilities. # Note that common args are set in the config file (see # initialize_datadir) self.extra_args = extra_args self.default_args = [ "-datadir=" + self.datadir, "-logtimemicros", "-debug", "-debugexclude=libevent", "-debugexclude=leveldb", "-mocktime=" + str(mocktime), "-uacomment=" + self.name, "-noprinttoconsole", ] if not os.path.isfile(bitcoin_cli): raise FileNotFoundError( "Binary '{}' could not be found.\nTry setting it manually:\n\tBITCOINCLI= {}".format(bitcoin_cli, sys.argv[0])) self.cli = TestNodeCLI(bitcoin_cli, self.datadir) self.use_cli = use_cli self.running = False self.process = None self.rpc_connected = False self.rpc = None self.url = None self.relay_fee_cache = None self.log = logging.getLogger('TestFramework.node{}'.format(i)) # Whether to kill the node when this object goes away self.cleanup_on_exit = True self.p2ps = [] def get_deterministic_priv_key(self): """Return a deterministic priv key in base58, that only depends on the node's index""" PRIV_KEYS = [ # address , privkey ('mjTkW3DjgyZck4KbiRusZsqTgaYTxdSz6z', 'cVpF924EspNh8KjYsfhgY96mmxvT6DgdWiTYMtMjuM74hJaU5psW'), ('msX6jQXvxiNhx3Q62PKeLPrhrqZQdSimTg', 'cUxsWyKyZ9MAQTaAhUQWJmBbSvHMwSmuv59KgxQV7oZQU3PXN3KE'), ('mnonCMyH9TmAsSj3M59DsbH8H63U3RKoFP', 'cTrh7dkEAeJd6b3MRX9bZK8eRmNqVCMH3LSUkE3dSFDyzjU38QxK'), ('mqJupas8Dt2uestQDvV2NH3RU8uZh2dqQR', 'cVuKKa7gbehEQvVq717hYcbE9Dqmq7KEBKqWgWrYBa2CKKrhtRim'), ('msYac7Rvd5ywm6pEmkjyxhbCDKqWsVeYws', 'cQDCBuKcjanpXDpCqacNSjYfxeQj8G6CAtH1Dsk3cXyqLNC4RPuh'), ('n2rnuUnwLgXqf9kk2kjvVm8R5BZK1yxQBi', 'cQakmfPSLSqKHyMFGwAqKHgWUiofJCagVGhiB4KCainaeCSxeyYq'), ('myzuPxRwsf3vvGzEuzPfK9Nf2RfwauwYe6', 'cQMpDLJwA8DBe9NcQbdoSb1BhmFxVjWD5gRyrLZCtpuF9Zi3a9RK'), ('mumwTaMtbxEPUswmLBBN3vM9oGRtGBrys8', 'cSXmRKXVcoouhNNVpcNKFfxsTsToY5pvB9DVsFksF1ENunTzRKsy'), ('mpV7aGShMkJCZgbW7F6iZgrvuPHjZjH9qg', 'cSoXt6tm3pqy43UMabY6eUTmR3eSUYFtB2iNQDGgb3VUnRsQys2k'), ] return PRIV_KEYS[self.index] def _node_msg(self, msg: str) -> str: """Return a modified msg that identifies this node by its index as a debugging aid.""" return "[node {}] {}".format(self.index, msg) def _raise_assertion_error(self, msg: str): """Raise an AssertionError with msg modified to identify this node.""" raise AssertionError(self._node_msg(msg)) def __del__(self): # Ensure that we don't leave any bitcoind processes lying around after # the test ends if self.process and self.cleanup_on_exit: # Should only happen on test failure # Avoid using logger, as that may have already been shutdown when # this destructor is called. print(self._node_msg("Cleaning up leftover process")) self.process.kill() def __getattr__(self, name): """Dispatches any unrecognised messages to the RPC connection or a CLI instance.""" if self.use_cli: return getattr(self.cli, name) else: assert self.rpc is not None, self._node_msg( "Error: RPC not initialized") assert self.rpc_connected, self._node_msg( "Error: No RPC connection") return getattr(self.rpc, name) def clear_default_args(self): self.default_args.clear() def extend_default_args(self, args): self.default_args.extend(args) def remove_default_args(self, args): for rm_arg in args: # Remove all occurrences of rm_arg in self.default_args: # - if the arg is a flag (-flag), then the names must match # - if the arg is a value (-key=value) then the name must starts # with "-key=" (the '"' char is to avoid removing "-key_suffix" # arg is "-key" is the argument to remove). self.default_args = [def_arg for def_arg in self.default_args if rm_arg != def_arg and not def_arg.startswith(rm_arg + '=')] def start(self, extra_args=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, *args, **kwargs): """Start the node.""" if extra_args is None: extra_args = self.extra_args # Add a new stdout and stderr file each time bitcoind is started if stderr is None: stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=self.stderr_dir, delete=False) if stdout is None: stdout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=self.stdout_dir, delete=False) self.stderr = stderr self.stdout = stdout # Delete any existing cookie file -- if such a file exists (eg due to # unclean shutdown), it will get overwritten anyway by bitcoind, and # potentially interfere with our attempt to authenticate delete_cookie_file(self.datadir) # add environment variable LIBC_FATAL_STDERR_=1 so that libc errors are written to stderr and not the terminal subp_env = dict(os.environ, LIBC_FATAL_STDERR_="1") self.process = subprocess.Popen( [self.binary] + self.default_args + extra_args, env=subp_env, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, *args, **kwargs) self.running = True self.log.debug("bitcoind started, waiting for RPC to come up") def wait_for_rpc_connection(self): """Sets up an RPC connection to the bitcoind process. Returns False if unable to connect.""" # Poll at a rate of four times per second poll_per_s = 4 for _ in range(poll_per_s * self.rpc_timeout): if self.process.poll() is not None: raise FailedToStartError(self._node_msg( 'bitcoind exited with status {} during initialization'.format(self.process.returncode))) try: rpc = get_rpc_proxy(rpc_url(self.datadir, self.host, self.rpc_port), self.index, timeout=self.rpc_timeout, coveragedir=self.coverage_dir) rpc.getblockcount() # If the call to getblockcount() succeeds then the RPC connection is up self.log.debug("RPC successfully started") if self.use_cli: return self.rpc = rpc self.rpc_connected = True self.url = self.rpc.url return except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED: # Port not yet open? raise # unknown IO error except JSONRPCException as e: # Initialization phase # -28 RPC in warmup # -342 Service unavailable, RPC server started but is shutting down due to error if e.error['code'] != -28 and e.error['code'] != -342: raise # unknown JSON RPC exception except ValueError as e: # cookie file not found and no rpcuser or rpcassword. bitcoind still starting if "No RPC credentials" not in str(e): raise time.sleep(1.0 / poll_per_s) self._raise_assertion_error("Unable to connect to bitcoind") def get_wallet_rpc(self, wallet_name): if self.use_cli: return self.cli("-rpcwallet={}".format(wallet_name)) else: assert self.rpc is not None, self._node_msg( "Error: RPC not initialized") assert self.rpc_connected, self._node_msg( "Error: RPC not connected") wallet_path = "wallet/{}".format(wallet_name) return self.rpc / wallet_path def stop_node(self, expected_stderr='', wait=0): """Stop the node.""" if not self.running: return self.log.debug("Stopping node") try: self.stop(wait=wait) except http.client.CannotSendRequest: self.log.exception("Unable to stop node.") # Check that stderr is as expected self.stderr.seek(0) stderr = self.stderr.read().decode('utf-8').strip() if stderr != expected_stderr: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected stderr {} != {}".format(stderr, expected_stderr)) del self.p2ps[:] def is_node_stopped(self): """Checks whether the node has stopped. Returns True if the node has stopped. False otherwise. This method is responsible for freeing resources (self.process).""" if not self.running: return True return_code = self.process.poll() if return_code is None: return False # process has stopped. Assert that it didn't return an error code. assert return_code == 0, self._node_msg( "Node returned non-zero exit code ({}) when stopping".format(return_code)) self.running = False self.process = None self.rpc_connected = False self.rpc = None self.log.debug("Node stopped") return True def wait_until_stopped(self, timeout=BITCOIND_PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT): wait_until(self.is_node_stopped, timeout=timeout) @contextlib.contextmanager def assert_debug_log(self, expected_msgs): debug_log = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'regtest', 'debug.log') with open(debug_log, encoding='utf-8') as dl: dl.seek(0, 2) prev_size = dl.tell() try: yield finally: with open(debug_log, encoding='utf-8') as dl: dl.seek(prev_size) log = dl.read() print_log = " - " + "\n - ".join(log.splitlines()) for expected_msg in expected_msgs: if re.search(re.escape(expected_msg), log, flags=re.MULTILINE) is None: self._raise_assertion_error( 'Expected message "{}" does not partially match log:\n\n{}\n\n'.format(expected_msg, print_log)) def assert_start_raises_init_error(self, extra_args=None, expected_msg=None, match=ErrorMatch.FULL_TEXT, *args, **kwargs): """Attempt to start the node and expect it to raise an error. extra_args: extra arguments to pass through to bitcoind expected_msg: regex that stderr should match when bitcoind fails Will throw if bitcoind starts without an error. Will throw if an expected_msg is provided and it does not match bitcoind's stdout.""" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.stderr_dir, delete=False) as log_stderr, \ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.stdout_dir, delete=False) as log_stdout: try: self.start(extra_args, stdout=log_stdout, stderr=log_stderr, *args, **kwargs) self.wait_for_rpc_connection() self.stop_node() self.wait_until_stopped() except FailedToStartError as e: self.log.debug('bitcoind failed to start: {}'.format(e)) self.running = False self.process = None # Check stderr for expected message if expected_msg is not None: log_stderr.seek(0) stderr = log_stderr.read().decode('utf-8').strip() if match == ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX: if re.search(expected_msg, stderr, flags=re.MULTILINE) is None: self._raise_assertion_error( 'Expected message "{}" does not partially match stderr:\n"{}"'.format(expected_msg, stderr)) elif match == ErrorMatch.FULL_REGEX: if re.fullmatch(expected_msg, stderr) is None: self._raise_assertion_error( 'Expected message "{}" does not fully match stderr:\n"{}"'.format(expected_msg, stderr)) elif match == ErrorMatch.FULL_TEXT: if expected_msg != stderr: self._raise_assertion_error( 'Expected message "{}" does not fully match stderr:\n"{}"'.format(expected_msg, stderr)) else: if expected_msg is None: assert_msg = "bitcoind should have exited with an error" else: assert_msg = "bitcoind should have exited with expected error " + expected_msg self._raise_assertion_error(assert_msg) def relay_fee(self, cached=True): if not self.relay_fee_cache or not cached: self.relay_fee_cache = self.getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"] return self.relay_fee_cache def calculate_fee(self, tx): """ Estimate the necessary fees (in sats) for an unsigned CTransaction assuming: - the current relayfee on node - all inputs are compressed-key p2pkh, and will be signed ecdsa or schnorr - all inputs currently unsigned (empty scriptSig) """ billable_size_estimate = tx.billable_size() # Add some padding for signatures / public keys # 107 = length of PUSH(longest_sig = 72 bytes), PUSH(pubkey = 33 bytes) billable_size_estimate += len(tx.vin) * 107 # relay_fee gives a value in BCH per kB. return int(self.relay_fee() / 1000 * billable_size_estimate * COIN) def calculate_fee_from_txid(self, txid): ctx = FromHex(CTransaction(), self.getrawtransaction(txid)) return self.calculate_fee(ctx) def add_p2p_connection(self, p2p_conn, *, wait_for_verack=True, **kwargs): """Add a p2p connection to the node. This method adds the p2p connection to the self.p2ps list and also returns the connection to the caller.""" if 'dstport' not in kwargs: kwargs['dstport'] = p2p_port(self.index) if 'dstaddr' not in kwargs: kwargs['dstaddr'] = '' p2p_conn.peer_connect(**kwargs)() self.p2ps.append(p2p_conn) if wait_for_verack: p2p_conn.wait_for_verack() return p2p_conn @property def p2p(self): """Return the first p2p connection Convenience property - most tests only use a single p2p connection to each node, so this saves having to write node.p2ps[0] many times.""" assert self.p2ps, self._node_msg("No p2p connection") return self.p2ps[0] def disconnect_p2ps(self): """Close all p2p connections to the node.""" for p in self.p2ps: p.peer_disconnect() del self.p2ps[:] class TestNodeCLIAttr: def __init__(self, cli, command): self.cli = cli self.command = command def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.cli.send_cli(self.command, *args, **kwargs) def get_request(self, *args, **kwargs): return lambda: self(*args, **kwargs) def arg_to_cli(arg): if isinstance(arg, bool): return str(arg).lower() elif isinstance(arg, dict) or isinstance(arg, list): return json.dumps(arg) else: return str(arg) class TestNodeCLI(): """Interface to bitcoin-cli for an individual node""" def __init__(self, binary, datadir): self.options = [] self.binary = binary self.datadir = datadir self.input = None self.log = logging.getLogger('TestFramework.bitcoincli') def __call__(self, *options, input=None): # TestNodeCLI is callable with bitcoin-cli command-line options cli = TestNodeCLI(self.binary, self.datadir) cli.options = [str(o) for o in options] cli.input = input return cli def __getattr__(self, command): return TestNodeCLIAttr(self, command) def batch(self, requests): results = [] for request in requests: try: results.append(dict(result=request())) except JSONRPCException as e: results.append(dict(error=e)) return results def send_cli(self, command=None, *args, **kwargs): """Run bitcoin-cli command. Deserializes returned string as python object.""" pos_args = [arg_to_cli(arg) for arg in args] named_args = [str(key) + "=" + arg_to_cli(value) for (key, value) in kwargs.items()] assert not ( pos_args and named_args), "Cannot use positional arguments and named arguments in the same bitcoin-cli call" p_args = [self.binary, "-datadir=" + self.datadir] + self.options if named_args: p_args += ["-named"] if command is not None: p_args += [command] p_args += pos_args + named_args self.log.debug("Running bitcoin-cli command: {}".format(command)) process = subprocess.Popen(p_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) cli_stdout, cli_stderr = process.communicate(input=self.input) returncode = process.poll() if returncode: match = re.match( r'error code: ([-0-9]+)\nerror message:\n(.*)', cli_stderr) if match: code, message = match.groups() raise JSONRPCException(dict(code=int(code), message=message)) # Ignore cli_stdout, raise with cli_stderr raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( returncode, self.binary, output=cli_stderr) try: return json.loads(cli_stdout, parse_float=decimal.Decimal) except json.JSONDecodeError: return cli_stdout.rstrip("\n") diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/util.py b/test/functional/test_framework/util.py index 62f0aa3269..c42899428f 100644 --- a/test/functional/test_framework/util.py +++ b/test/functional/test_framework/util.py @@ -1,592 +1,592 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Helpful routines for regression testing.""" from base64 import b64encode from binascii import unhexlify from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_DOWN import hashlib import inspect import json import logging import os import random import re from subprocess import CalledProcessError import time from . import coverage from .authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException logger = logging.getLogger("TestFramework.utils") # Assert functions ################## def assert_fee_amount(fee, tx_size, fee_per_kB, wiggleroom=2): """ Assert the fee was in range wiggleroom defines an amount that the test expects the wallet to be off by when estimating fees. This can be due to the dummy signature that is added during fee calculation, or due to the wallet funding transactions using the ceiling of the calculated fee. """ target_fee = round(tx_size * fee_per_kB / 1000, 8) if fee < (tx_size - wiggleroom) * fee_per_kB / 1000: raise AssertionError( "Fee of {} BCH too low! (Should be {} BCH)".format(str(fee), str(target_fee))) if fee > (tx_size + wiggleroom) * fee_per_kB / 1000: raise AssertionError( "Fee of {} BCH too high! (Should be {} BCH)".format(str(fee), str(target_fee))) def assert_equal(thing1, thing2, *args): if thing1 != thing2 or any(thing1 != arg for arg in args): raise AssertionError("not({})".format(" == ".join(str(arg) for arg in (thing1, thing2) + args))) def assert_greater_than(thing1, thing2): if thing1 <= thing2: raise AssertionError("{} <= {}".format(str(thing1), str(thing2))) def assert_greater_than_or_equal(thing1, thing2): if thing1 < thing2: raise AssertionError("{} < {}".format(str(thing1), str(thing2))) def assert_raises(exc, fun, *args, **kwds): assert_raises_message(exc, None, fun, *args, **kwds) def assert_raises_message(exc, message, fun, *args, **kwds): try: fun(*args, **kwds) except JSONRPCException: raise AssertionError( "Use assert_raises_rpc_error() to test RPC failures") except exc as e: if message is not None and message not in e.error['message']: raise AssertionError( "Expected substring not found:" + e.error['message']) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected exception raised: " + type(e).__name__) else: raise AssertionError("No exception raised") def assert_raises_process_error(returncode, output, fun, *args, **kwds): """Execute a process and asserts the process return code and output. Calls function `fun` with arguments `args` and `kwds`. Catches a CalledProcessError and verifies that the return code and output are as expected. Throws AssertionError if no CalledProcessError was raised or if the return code and output are not as expected. Args: returncode (int): the process return code. output (string): [a substring of] the process output. fun (function): the function to call. This should execute a process. args*: positional arguments for the function. kwds**: named arguments for the function. """ try: fun(*args, **kwds) except CalledProcessError as e: if returncode != e.returncode: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected returncode {}".format(e.returncode)) if output not in e.output: raise AssertionError("Expected substring not found:" + e.output) else: raise AssertionError("No exception raised") def assert_raises_rpc_error(code, message, fun, *args, **kwds): """Run an RPC and verify that a specific JSONRPC exception code and message is raised. Calls function `fun` with arguments `args` and `kwds`. Catches a JSONRPCException and verifies that the error code and message are as expected. Throws AssertionError if no JSONRPCException was raised or if the error code/message are not as expected. Args: code (int), optional: the error code returned by the RPC call (defined in src/rpc/protocol.h). Set to None if checking the error code is not required. message (string), optional: [a substring of] the error string returned by the RPC call. Set to None if checking the error string is not required. fun (function): the function to call. This should be the name of an RPC. args*: positional arguments for the function. kwds**: named arguments for the function. """ assert try_rpc(code, message, fun, *args, **kwds), "No exception raised" def try_rpc(code, message, fun, *args, **kwds): """Tries to run an rpc command. Test against error code and message if the rpc fails. Returns whether a JSONRPCException was raised.""" try: fun(*args, **kwds) except JSONRPCException as e: # JSONRPCException was thrown as expected. Check the code and message values are correct. if (code is not None) and (code != e.error["code"]): raise AssertionError( "Unexpected JSONRPC error code {}".format(e.error["code"])) if (message is not None) and (message not in e.error['message']): raise AssertionError( "Expected substring not found:" + e.error['message']) return True except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected exception raised: " + type(e).__name__) else: return False def assert_is_hex_string(string): try: int(string, 16) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Couldn't interpret {!r} as hexadecimal; raised: {}".format(string, e)) def assert_is_hash_string(string, length=64): if not isinstance(string, str): raise AssertionError( "Expected a string, got type {!r}".format(type(string))) elif length and len(string) != length: raise AssertionError( "String of length {} expected; got {}".format(length, len(string))) elif not re.match('[abcdef0-9]+$', string): raise AssertionError( "String {!r} contains invalid characters for a hash.".format(string)) def assert_array_result(object_array, to_match, expected, should_not_find=False): """ Pass in array of JSON objects, a dictionary with key/value pairs to match against, and another dictionary with expected key/value pairs. If the should_not_find flag is true, to_match should not be found in object_array """ if should_not_find: assert_equal(expected, {}) num_matched = 0 for item in object_array: all_match = True for key, value in to_match.items(): if item[key] != value: all_match = False if not all_match: continue elif should_not_find: num_matched = num_matched + 1 for key, value in expected.items(): if item[key] != value: raise AssertionError("{} : expected {}={}".format( str(item), str(key), str(value))) num_matched = num_matched + 1 if num_matched == 0 and not should_not_find: raise AssertionError("No objects matched {}".format(str(to_match))) if num_matched > 0 and should_not_find: raise AssertionError("Objects were found {}".format(str(to_match))) # Utility functions ################### def check_json_precision(): """Make sure json library being used does not lose precision converting BCH values""" n = Decimal("20000000.00000003") satoshis = int(json.loads(json.dumps(float(n))) * 1.0e8) if satoshis != 2000000000000003: raise RuntimeError("JSON encode/decode loses precision") def count_bytes(hex_string): return len(bytearray.fromhex(hex_string)) def hash256(byte_str): sha256 = hashlib.sha256() sha256.update(byte_str) sha256d = hashlib.sha256() sha256d.update(sha256.digest()) return sha256d.digest()[::-1] def hex_str_to_bytes(hex_str): return unhexlify(hex_str.encode('ascii')) def str_to_b64str(string): return b64encode(string.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii') def satoshi_round(amount): return Decimal(amount).quantize(Decimal('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) def wait_until(predicate, *, attempts=float('inf'), timeout=float('inf'), lock=None): if attempts == float('inf') and timeout == float('inf'): timeout = 60 attempt = 0 time_end = time.time() + timeout while attempt < attempts and time.time() < time_end: if lock: with lock: if predicate(): return else: if predicate(): return attempt += 1 time.sleep(0.05) # Print the cause of the timeout predicate_source = inspect.getsourcelines(predicate) logger.error("wait_until() failed. Predicate: {}".format(predicate_source)) if attempt >= attempts: raise AssertionError("Predicate {} not true after {} attempts".format( predicate_source, attempts)) elif time.time() >= time_end: raise AssertionError( "Predicate {} not true after {} seconds".format(predicate_source, timeout)) raise RuntimeError('Unreachable') # RPC/P2P connection constants and functions ############################################ # The maximum number of nodes a single test can spawn MAX_NODES = 8 # Don't assign rpc or p2p ports lower than this PORT_MIN = 11000 # The number of ports to "reserve" for p2p and rpc, each PORT_RANGE = 5000 class PortSeed: # Must be initialized with a unique integer for each process n = None def get_rpc_proxy(url, node_number, timeout=None, coveragedir=None): """ Args: url (str): URL of the RPC server to call node_number (int): the node number (or id) that this calls to Kwargs: timeout (int): HTTP timeout in seconds Returns: AuthServiceProxy. convenience object for making RPC calls. """ proxy_kwargs = {} if timeout is not None: proxy_kwargs['timeout'] = timeout proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url, **proxy_kwargs) proxy.url = url # store URL on proxy for info coverage_logfile = coverage.get_filename( coveragedir, node_number) if coveragedir else None return coverage.AuthServiceProxyWrapper(proxy, coverage_logfile) def p2p_port(n): assert n <= MAX_NODES return PORT_MIN + n + (MAX_NODES * PortSeed.n) % (PORT_RANGE - 1 - MAX_NODES) def rpc_port(n): return PORT_MIN + PORT_RANGE + n + (MAX_NODES * PortSeed.n) % (PORT_RANGE - 1 - MAX_NODES) def rpc_url(datadir, host, port): rpc_u, rpc_p = get_auth_cookie(datadir) - if host == None: + if host is None: host = '' return "http://{}:{}@{}:{}".format(rpc_u, rpc_p, host, int(port)) # Node functions ################ def initialize_datadir(dirname, n): datadir = get_datadir_path(dirname, n) if not os.path.isdir(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) with open(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf"), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write("regtest=1\n") f.write("[regtest]\n") f.write("port=" + str(p2p_port(n)) + "\n") f.write("rpcport=" + str(rpc_port(n)) + "\n") f.write("server=1\n") f.write("keypool=1\n") f.write("discover=0\n") f.write("listenonion=0\n") f.write("usecashaddr=1\n") os.makedirs(os.path.join(datadir, 'stderr'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(datadir, 'stdout'), exist_ok=True) return datadir def get_datadir_path(dirname, n): return os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(n)) def append_config(datadir, options): with open(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf"), 'a', encoding='utf8') as f: for option in options: f.write(option + "\n") def get_auth_cookie(datadir): user = None password = None if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf")): with open(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf"), 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("rpcuser="): assert user is None # Ensure that there is only one rpcuser line user = line.split("=")[1].strip("\n") if line.startswith("rpcpassword="): assert password is None # Ensure that there is only one rpcpassword line password = line.split("=")[1].strip("\n") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(datadir, "regtest", ".cookie")): with open(os.path.join(datadir, "regtest", ".cookie"), 'r', encoding="ascii") as f: userpass = f.read() split_userpass = userpass.split(':') user = split_userpass[0] password = split_userpass[1] if user is None or password is None: raise ValueError("No RPC credentials") return user, password # If a cookie file exists in the given datadir, delete it. def delete_cookie_file(datadir): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(datadir, "regtest", ".cookie")): logger.debug("Deleting leftover cookie file") os.remove(os.path.join(datadir, "regtest", ".cookie")) def set_node_times(nodes, t): for node in nodes: node.setmocktime(t) def disconnect_nodes(from_node, to_node): for peer_id in [peer['id'] for peer in from_node.getpeerinfo() if to_node.name in peer['subver']]: try: from_node.disconnectnode(nodeid=peer_id) except JSONRPCException as e: # If this node is disconnected between calculating the peer id # and issuing the disconnect, don't worry about it. # This avoids a race condition if we're mass-disconnecting peers. if e.error['code'] != -29: # RPC_CLIENT_NODE_NOT_CONNECTED raise # wait to disconnect wait_until(lambda: [peer['id'] for peer in from_node.getpeerinfo( ) if to_node.name in peer['subver']] == [], timeout=5) def connect_nodes(from_node, to_node): host = to_node.host - if host == None: + if host is None: host = '' ip_port = host + ':' + str(to_node.p2p_port) from_node.addnode(ip_port, "onetry") # poll until version handshake complete to avoid race conditions # with transaction relaying wait_until(lambda: all(peer['version'] != 0 for peer in from_node.getpeerinfo())) def connect_nodes_bi(a, b): connect_nodes(a, b) connect_nodes(b, a) def sync_blocks(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60): """ Wait until everybody has the same tip. sync_blocks needs to be called with an rpc_connections set that has least one node already synced to the latest, stable tip, otherwise there's a chance it might return before all nodes are stably synced. """ stop_time = time.time() + timeout while time.time() <= stop_time: best_hash = [x.getbestblockhash() for x in rpc_connections] if best_hash.count(best_hash[0]) == len(rpc_connections): return time.sleep(wait) raise AssertionError("Block sync timed out:{}".format( "".join("\n {!r}".format(b) for b in best_hash))) def sync_mempools(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60, flush_scheduler=True): """ Wait until everybody has the same transactions in their memory pools """ stop_time = time.time() + timeout while time.time() <= stop_time: pool = [set(r.getrawmempool()) for r in rpc_connections] if pool.count(pool[0]) == len(rpc_connections): if flush_scheduler: for r in rpc_connections: r.syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue() return time.sleep(wait) raise AssertionError("Mempool sync timed out:{}".format( "".join("\n {!r}".format(m) for m in pool))) # Transaction/Block functions ############################# def find_output(node, txid, amount): """ Return index to output of txid with value amount Raises exception if there is none. """ txdata = node.getrawtransaction(txid, 1) for i in range(len(txdata["vout"])): if txdata["vout"][i]["value"] == amount: return i raise RuntimeError("find_output txid {} : {} not found".format( txid, str(amount))) def gather_inputs(from_node, amount_needed, confirmations_required=1): """ Return a random set of unspent txouts that are enough to pay amount_needed """ assert confirmations_required >= 0 utxo = from_node.listunspent(confirmations_required) random.shuffle(utxo) inputs = [] total_in = Decimal("0.00000000") while total_in < amount_needed and len(utxo) > 0: t = utxo.pop() total_in += t["amount"] inputs.append( {"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"], "address": t["address"]}) if total_in < amount_needed: raise RuntimeError("Insufficient funds: need {}, have {}".format( amount_needed, total_in)) return (total_in, inputs) def make_change(from_node, amount_in, amount_out, fee): """ Create change output(s), return them """ outputs = {} amount = amount_out + fee change = amount_in - amount if change > amount * 2: # Create an extra change output to break up big inputs change_address = from_node.getnewaddress() # Split change in two, being careful of rounding: outputs[change_address] = Decimal( change / 2).quantize(Decimal('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) change = amount_in - amount - outputs[change_address] if change > 0: outputs[from_node.getnewaddress()] = change return outputs def random_transaction(nodes, amount, min_fee, fee_increment, fee_variants): """ Create a random transaction. Returns (txid, hex-encoded-transaction-data, fee) """ from_node = random.choice(nodes) to_node = random.choice(nodes) fee = min_fee + fee_increment * random.randint(0, fee_variants) (total_in, inputs) = gather_inputs(from_node, amount + fee) outputs = make_change(from_node, total_in, amount, fee) outputs[to_node.getnewaddress()] = float(amount) rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = from_node.signrawtransactionwithwallet(rawtx) txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) return (txid, signresult["hex"], fee) # Create large OP_RETURN txouts that can be appended to a transaction # to make it large (helper for constructing large transactions). def gen_return_txouts(): # Some pre-processing to create a bunch of OP_RETURN txouts to insert into transactions we create # So we have big transactions (and therefore can't fit very many into each block) # create one script_pubkey script_pubkey = "6a4d0200" # OP_RETURN OP_PUSH2 512 bytes for i in range(512): script_pubkey = script_pubkey + "01" # concatenate 128 txouts of above script_pubkey which we'll insert before # the txout for change txouts = "81" for k in range(128): # add txout value txouts = txouts + "0000000000000000" # add length of script_pubkey txouts = txouts + "fd0402" # add script_pubkey txouts = txouts + script_pubkey return txouts # Create a spend of each passed-in utxo, splicing in "txouts" to each raw # transaction to make it large. See gen_return_txouts() above. def create_lots_of_big_transactions(node, txouts, utxos, num, fee): addr = node.getnewaddress() txids = [] for _ in range(num): t = utxos.pop() inputs = [{"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}] outputs = {} change = t['amount'] - fee outputs[addr] = satoshi_round(change) rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) newtx = rawtx[0:92] newtx = newtx + txouts newtx = newtx + rawtx[94:] signresult = node.signrawtransactionwithwallet( newtx, None, "NONE|FORKID") txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) txids.append(txid) return txids def find_vout_for_address(node, txid, addr): """ Locate the vout index of the given transaction sending to the given address. Raises runtime error exception if not found. """ tx = node.getrawtransaction(txid, True) for i in range(len(tx["vout"])): if any([addr == a for a in tx["vout"][i]["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"]]): return i raise RuntimeError( "Vout not found for address: txid={}, addr={}".format(txid, addr)) diff --git a/test/functional/test_runner.py b/test/functional/test_runner.py index 9012c46134..b760744000 100755 --- a/test/functional/test_runner.py +++ b/test/functional/test_runner.py @@ -1,769 +1,769 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Run regression test suite. This module calls down into individual test cases via subprocess. It will forward all unrecognized arguments onto the individual test scripts. Functional tests are disabled on Windows by default. Use --force to run them anyway. For a description of arguments recognized by test scripts, see `test/functional/test_framework/test_framework.py:BitcoinTestFramework.main`. """ import argparse from collections import deque import configparser import datetime import os import time import shutil import sys import subprocess import tempfile import re import logging import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import json import threading import multiprocessing from queue import Queue, Empty # Formatting. Default colors to empty strings. BOLD, BLUE, RED, GREY = ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", "") try: # Make sure python thinks it can write unicode to its stdout "\u2713".encode("utf_8").decode(sys.stdout.encoding) TICK = "✓ " CROSS = "✖ " CIRCLE = "○ " except UnicodeDecodeError: TICK = "P " CROSS = "x " CIRCLE = "o " if os.name == 'posix': # primitive formatting on supported # terminal via ANSI escape sequences: BOLD = ('\033[0m', '\033[1m') BLUE = ('\033[0m', '\033[0;34m') RED = ('\033[0m', '\033[0;31m') GREY = ('\033[0m', '\033[1;30m') TEST_EXIT_PASSED = 0 TEST_EXIT_SKIPPED = 77 NON_SCRIPTS = [ # These are python files that live in the functional tests directory, but are not test scripts. "combine_logs.py", "create_cache.py", "test_runner.py", ] TEST_PARAMS = { # Some test can be run with additional parameters. # When a test is listed here, the it will be run without parameters # as well as with additional parameters listed here. # This: # example "testName" : [["--param1", "--param2"] , ["--param3"]] # will run the test 3 times: # testName # testName --param1 --param2 # testname --param3 "wallet_txn_doublespend.py": [["--mineblock"]], "wallet_txn_clone.py": [["--mineblock"]], "wallet_createwallet.py": [["--usecli"]], "wallet_multiwallet.py": [["--usecli"]], } # Used to limit the number of tests, when list of tests is not provided on command line # When --extended is specified, we run all tests, otherwise # we only run a test if its execution time in seconds does not exceed EXTENDED_CUTOFF DEFAULT_EXTENDED_CUTOFF = 40 DEFAULT_JOBS = (multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 3) + 1 class TestCase(): """ Data structure to hold and run information necessary to launch a test case. """ def __init__(self, test_num, test_case, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags=None): self.tests_dir = tests_dir self.tmpdir = tmpdir self.test_case = test_case self.test_num = test_num self.flags = flags def run(self, portseed_offset): t = self.test_case portseed = self.test_num + portseed_offset portseed_arg = ["--portseed={}".format(portseed)] log_stdout = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=2**16) log_stderr = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=2**16) test_argv = t.split() testdir = os.path.join("{}", "{}_{}").format( self.tmpdir, re.sub(".py$", "", test_argv[0]), portseed) tmpdir_arg = ["--tmpdir={}".format(testdir)] name = t time0 = time.time() process = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, os.path.join(self.tests_dir, test_argv[0])] + test_argv[1:] + self.flags + portseed_arg + tmpdir_arg, universal_newlines=True, stdout=log_stdout, stderr=log_stderr) process.wait() log_stdout.seek(0), log_stderr.seek(0) [stdout, stderr] = [l.read().decode('utf-8') for l in (log_stdout, log_stderr)] log_stdout.close(), log_stderr.close() if process.returncode == TEST_EXIT_PASSED and stderr == "": status = "Passed" elif process.returncode == TEST_EXIT_SKIPPED: status = "Skipped" else: status = "Failed" return TestResult(self.test_num, name, testdir, status, int(time.time() - time0), stdout, stderr) def on_ci(): - return os.getenv('TRAVIS') == 'true' or os.getenv('TEAMCITY_VERSION') != None + return os.getenv('TRAVIS') == 'true' or os.getenv('TEAMCITY_VERSION') is not None def main(): # Read config generated by configure. config = configparser.ConfigParser() configfile = os.path.join(os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "config.ini") config.read_file(open(configfile, encoding="utf8")) src_dir = config["environment"]["SRCDIR"] build_dir = config["environment"]["BUILDDIR"] tests_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'test', 'functional') # Parse arguments and pass through unrecognised args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, usage='%(prog)s [test_runner.py options] [script options] [scripts]', description=__doc__, epilog=''' Help text and arguments for individual test script:''', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--combinedlogslen', '-c', type=int, default=0, help='print a combined log (of length n lines) from all test nodes and test framework to the console on failure.') parser.add_argument('--coverage', action='store_true', help='generate a basic coverage report for the RPC interface') parser.add_argument( '--exclude', '-x', help='specify a comma-separated-list of scripts to exclude.') parser.add_argument('--extended', action='store_true', help='run the extended test suite in addition to the basic tests') parser.add_argument('--cutoff', type=int, default=DEFAULT_EXTENDED_CUTOFF, help='set the cutoff runtime for what tests get run') parser.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true', help='run tests even on platforms where they are disabled by default (e.g. windows).') parser.add_argument('--help', '-h', '-?', action='store_true', help='print help text and exit') parser.add_argument('--jobs', '-j', type=int, default=DEFAULT_JOBS, help='how many test scripts to run in parallel.') parser.add_argument('--keepcache', '-k', action='store_true', help='the default behavior is to flush the cache directory on startup. --keepcache retains the cache from the previous testrun.') parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='store_true', help='only print results summary and failure logs') parser.add_argument('--tmpdirprefix', '-t', default=os.path.join(build_dir, 'test', 'tmp'), help="Root directory for datadirs") parser.add_argument('--junitoutput', '-J', default='junit_results.xml', help="File that will store JUnit formatted test results. If no absolute path is given it is treated as relative to the temporary directory.") parser.add_argument('--testsuitename', '-n', default='Bitcoin ABC functional tests', help="Name of the test suite, as it will appear in the logs and in the JUnit report.") args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args() # args to be passed on always start with two dashes; tests are the # remaining unknown args tests = [arg for arg in unknown_args if arg[:2] != "--"] passon_args = [arg for arg in unknown_args if arg[:2] == "--"] passon_args.append("--configfile={}".format(configfile)) # Set up logging logging_level = logging.INFO if args.quiet else logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging_level) logging.info("Starting {}".format(args.testsuitename)) # Create base test directory tmpdir = os.path.join("{}", "bitcoin_test_runner_{:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}").format( args.tmpdirprefix, datetime.datetime.now()) os.makedirs(tmpdir) logging.debug("Temporary test directory at {}".format(tmpdir)) if not os.path.isabs(args.junitoutput): args.junitoutput = os.path.join(tmpdir, args.junitoutput) enable_wallet = config["components"].getboolean("ENABLE_WALLET") enable_utils = config["components"].getboolean("ENABLE_UTILS") enable_bitcoind = config["components"].getboolean("ENABLE_BITCOIND") if config["environment"]["EXEEXT"] == ".exe" and not args.force: # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/d52802551752140cf41f0d9a225a43e84404d3e9 # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5677#issuecomment-136646964 print( "Tests currently disabled on Windows by default. Use --force option to enable") sys.exit(0) if not (enable_wallet and enable_utils and enable_bitcoind): print( "No functional tests to run. Wallet, utils, and bitcoind must all be enabled") print( "Rerun `configure` with -enable-wallet, -with-utils and -with-daemon and rerun make") sys.exit(0) # Build list of tests all_scripts = get_all_scripts_from_disk(tests_dir, NON_SCRIPTS) # Check all tests with parameters actually exist for test in TEST_PARAMS: if not test in all_scripts: print("ERROR: Test with parameter {} does not exist, check it has " "not been renamed or deleted".format(test)) sys.exit(1) if tests: # Individual tests have been specified. Run specified tests that exist # in the all_scripts list. Accept the name with or without .py # extension. individual_tests = [ re.sub(r"\.py$", "", t) + ".py" for t in tests if not t.endswith('*')] test_list = [] for t in individual_tests: if t in all_scripts: test_list.append(t) else: print("{}WARNING!{} Test '{}' not found in full test list.".format( BOLD[1], BOLD[0], t)) # Allow for wildcard at the end of the name, so a single input can # match multiple tests for test in tests: if test.endswith('*'): test_list.extend( [t for t in all_scripts if t.startswith(test[:-1])]) # do not cut off explicitly specified tests cutoff = sys.maxsize else: # No individual tests have been specified. # Run all tests that do not exceed test_list = all_scripts cutoff = args.cutoff if args.extended: cutoff = sys.maxsize # Remove the test cases that the user has explicitly asked to exclude. if args.exclude: tests_excl = [re.sub(r"\.py$", "", t) + ".py" for t in args.exclude.split(',')] for exclude_test in tests_excl: if exclude_test in test_list: test_list.remove(exclude_test) else: print("{}WARNING!{} Test '{}' not found in current test list.".format( BOLD[1], BOLD[0], exclude_test)) # Update timings from build_dir only if separate build directory is used. # We do not want to pollute source directory. build_timings = None if (src_dir != build_dir): build_timings = Timings(os.path.join(build_dir, 'timing.json')) # Always use timings from scr_dir if present src_timings = Timings(os.path.join( src_dir, "test", "functional", 'timing.json')) # Add test parameters and remove long running tests if needed test_list = get_tests_to_run( test_list, TEST_PARAMS, cutoff, src_timings) if not test_list: print("No valid test scripts specified. Check that your test is in one " "of the test lists in test_runner.py, or run test_runner.py with no arguments to run all tests") sys.exit(0) if args.help: # Print help for test_runner.py, then print help of the first script # and exit. parser.print_help() subprocess.check_call( [sys.executable, os.path.join(tests_dir, test_list[0]), '-h']) sys.exit(0) if not args.keepcache: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(build_dir, "test", "cache"), ignore_errors=True) run_tests(test_list, build_dir, tests_dir, args.junitoutput, tmpdir, args.jobs, args.testsuitename, args.coverage, passon_args, args.combinedlogslen, build_timings) def run_tests(test_list, build_dir, tests_dir, junitoutput, tmpdir, num_jobs, test_suite_name, enable_coverage=False, args=[], combined_logs_len=0, build_timings=None): # Warn if bitcoind is already running (unix only) try: pidofOutput = subprocess.check_output(["pidof", "bitcoind"]) if pidofOutput is not None and pidofOutput != b'': print("{}WARNING!{} There is already a bitcoind process running on this system. Tests may fail unexpectedly due to resource contention!".format( BOLD[1], BOLD[0])) except (OSError, subprocess.SubprocessError): pass # Warn if there is a cache directory cache_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, "test", "cache") if os.path.isdir(cache_dir): print("{}WARNING!{} There is a cache directory here: {}. If tests fail unexpectedly, try deleting the cache directory.".format( BOLD[1], BOLD[0], cache_dir)) flags = ['--cachedir={}'.format(cache_dir)] + args if enable_coverage: coverage = RPCCoverage() flags.append(coverage.flag) logging.debug( "Initializing coverage directory at {}".format(coverage.dir)) else: coverage = None if len(test_list) > 1 and num_jobs > 1: # Populate cache try: subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, os.path.join( tests_dir, 'create_cache.py')] + flags + [os.path.join("--tmpdir={}", "cache") .format(tmpdir)]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: sys.stdout.buffer.write(e.output) raise # Run Tests time0 = time.time() test_results = execute_test_processes( num_jobs, test_list, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags) runtime = int(time.time() - time0) max_len_name = len(max(test_list, key=len)) print_results(test_results, tests_dir, max_len_name, runtime, combined_logs_len) save_results_as_junit(test_results, junitoutput, runtime, test_suite_name) if (build_timings is not None): build_timings.save_timings(test_results) if coverage: coverage.report_rpc_coverage() logging.debug("Cleaning up coverage data") coverage.cleanup() # Clear up the temp directory if all subdirectories are gone if not os.listdir(tmpdir): os.rmdir(tmpdir) all_passed = all( map(lambda test_result: test_result.was_successful, test_results)) sys.exit(not all_passed) def execute_test_processes(num_jobs, test_list, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags): update_queue = Queue() job_queue = Queue() test_results = [] poll_timeout = 10 # seconds # In case there is a graveyard of zombie bitcoinds, we can apply a # pseudorandom offset to hopefully jump over them. # (625 is PORT_RANGE/MAX_NODES) portseed_offset = int(time.time() * 1000) % 625 ## # Define some helper functions we will need for threading. ## def handle_message(message, running_jobs): """ handle_message handles a single message from handle_test_cases """ if isinstance(message, TestCase): running_jobs.append((message.test_num, message.test_case)) print("{}{}{} started".format(BOLD[1], message.test_case, BOLD[0])) return if isinstance(message, TestResult): test_result = message running_jobs.remove((test_result.num, test_result.name)) test_results.append(test_result) if test_result.status == "Passed": print("{}{}{} passed, Duration: {} s".format( BOLD[1], test_result.name, BOLD[0], test_result.time)) elif test_result.status == "Skipped": print("{}{}{} skipped".format( BOLD[1], test_result.name, BOLD[0])) else: print("{}{}{} failed, Duration: {} s\n".format( BOLD[1], test_result.name, BOLD[0], test_result.time)) print(BOLD[1] + 'stdout:' + BOLD[0]) print(test_result.stdout) print(BOLD[1] + 'stderr:' + BOLD[0]) print(test_result.stderr) return assert False, "we should not be here" def handle_update_messages(): """ handle_update_messages waits for messages to be sent from handle_test_cases via the update_queue. It serializes the results so we can print nice status update messages. """ printed_status = False running_jobs = [] while True: message = None try: message = update_queue.get(True, poll_timeout) if message is None: break # We printed a status message, need to kick to the next line # before printing more. if printed_status: print() printed_status = False handle_message(message, running_jobs) update_queue.task_done() except Empty: if not on_ci(): print("Running jobs: {}".format( ", ".join([j[1] for j in running_jobs])), end="\r") sys.stdout.flush() printed_status = True def handle_test_cases(): """ job_runner represents a single thread that is part of a worker pool. It waits for a test, then executes that test. It also reports start and result messages to handle_update_messages """ while True: test = job_queue.get() if test is None: break # Signal that the test is starting to inform the poor waiting # programmer update_queue.put(test) result = test.run(portseed_offset) update_queue.put(result) job_queue.task_done() ## # Setup our threads, and start sending tasks ## # Start our result collection thread. t = threading.Thread(target=handle_update_messages) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # Start some worker threads for j in range(num_jobs): t = threading.Thread(target=handle_test_cases) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # Push all our test cases into the job queue. for i, t in enumerate(test_list): job_queue.put(TestCase(i, t, tests_dir, tmpdir, flags)) # Wait for all the jobs to be completed job_queue.join() # Wait for all the results to be compiled update_queue.join() # Flush our queues so the threads exit update_queue.put(None) for j in range(num_jobs): job_queue.put(None) return test_results def print_results(test_results, tests_dir, max_len_name, runtime, combined_logs_len): results = "\n" + BOLD[1] + "{} | {} | {}\n\n".format( "TEST".ljust(max_len_name), "STATUS ", "DURATION") + BOLD[0] test_results.sort(key=TestResult.sort_key) all_passed = True time_sum = 0 for test_result in test_results: all_passed = all_passed and test_result.was_successful time_sum += test_result.time test_result.padding = max_len_name results += str(test_result) testdir = test_result.testdir if combined_logs_len and os.path.isdir(testdir): # Print the final `combinedlogslen` lines of the combined logs print('{}Combine the logs and print the last {} lines ...{}'.format( BOLD[1], combined_logs_len, BOLD[0])) print('\n============') print('{}Combined log for {}:{}'.format(BOLD[1], testdir, BOLD[0])) print('============\n') combined_logs, _ = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, os.path.join( tests_dir, 'combine_logs.py'), '-c', testdir], universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() print("\n".join(deque(combined_logs.splitlines(), combined_logs_len))) status = TICK + "Passed" if all_passed else CROSS + "Failed" if not all_passed: results += RED[1] results += BOLD[1] + "\n{} | {} | {} s (accumulated) \n".format( "ALL".ljust(max_len_name), status.ljust(9), time_sum) + BOLD[0] if not all_passed: results += RED[0] results += "Runtime: {} s\n".format(runtime) print(results) class TestResult(): """ Simple data structure to store test result values and print them properly """ def __init__(self, num, name, testdir, status, time, stdout, stderr): self.num = num self.name = name self.testdir = testdir self.status = status self.time = time self.padding = 0 self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr def sort_key(self): if self.status == "Passed": return 0, self.name.lower() elif self.status == "Failed": return 2, self.name.lower() elif self.status == "Skipped": return 1, self.name.lower() def __repr__(self): if self.status == "Passed": color = BLUE glyph = TICK elif self.status == "Failed": color = RED glyph = CROSS elif self.status == "Skipped": color = GREY glyph = CIRCLE return color[1] + "{} | {}{} | {} s\n".format( self.name.ljust(self.padding), glyph, self.status.ljust(7), self.time) + color[0] @property def was_successful(self): return self.status != "Failed" def get_all_scripts_from_disk(test_dir, non_scripts): """ Return all available test script from script directory (excluding NON_SCRIPTS) """ python_files = set([t for t in os.listdir(test_dir) if t[-3:] == ".py"]) return list(python_files - set(non_scripts)) def get_tests_to_run(test_list, test_params, cutoff, src_timings): """ Returns only test that will not run longer that cutoff. Long running tests are returned first to favor running tests in parallel Timings from build directory override those from src directory """ def get_test_time(test): # Return 0 if test is unknown to always run it return next( (x['time'] for x in src_timings.existing_timings if x['name'] == test), 0) # Some tests must also be run with additional parameters. Add them to the list. tests_with_params = [] for test_name in test_list: # always execute a test without parameters tests_with_params.append(test_name) params = test_params.get(test_name) if params is not None: tests_with_params.extend( [test_name + " " + " ".join(p) for p in params]) result = [t for t in tests_with_params if get_test_time(t) <= cutoff] result.sort(key=lambda x: (-get_test_time(x), x)) return result class RPCCoverage(): """ Coverage reporting utilities for test_runner. Coverage calculation works by having each test script subprocess write coverage files into a particular directory. These files contain the RPC commands invoked during testing, as well as a complete listing of RPC commands per `bitcoin-cli help` (`rpc_interface.txt`). After all tests complete, the commands run are combined and diff'd against the complete list to calculate uncovered RPC commands. See also: test/functional/test_framework/coverage.py """ def __init__(self): self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="coverage") self.flag = '--coveragedir={}'.format(self.dir) def report_rpc_coverage(self): """ Print out RPC commands that were unexercised by tests. """ uncovered = self._get_uncovered_rpc_commands() if uncovered: print("Uncovered RPC commands:") print("".join((" - {}\n".format(i)) for i in sorted(uncovered))) else: print("All RPC commands covered.") def cleanup(self): return shutil.rmtree(self.dir) def _get_uncovered_rpc_commands(self): """ Return a set of currently untested RPC commands. """ # This is shared from `test/functional/test-framework/coverage.py` reference_filename = 'rpc_interface.txt' coverage_file_prefix = 'coverage.' coverage_ref_filename = os.path.join(self.dir, reference_filename) coverage_filenames = set() all_cmds = set() covered_cmds = set() if not os.path.isfile(coverage_ref_filename): raise RuntimeError("No coverage reference found") with open(coverage_ref_filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f: all_cmds.update([i.strip() for i in f.readlines()]) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.dir): for filename in files: if filename.startswith(coverage_file_prefix): coverage_filenames.add(os.path.join(root, filename)) for filename in coverage_filenames: with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f: covered_cmds.update([i.strip() for i in f.readlines()]) return all_cmds - covered_cmds def save_results_as_junit(test_results, file_name, time, test_suite_name): """ Save tests results to file in JUnit format See http://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/ for specification of format """ e_test_suite = ET.Element("testsuite", {"name": "{}".format(test_suite_name), "tests": str(len(test_results)), # "errors": "failures": str(len([t for t in test_results if t.status == "Failed"])), "id": "0", "skipped": str(len([t for t in test_results if t.status == "Skipped"])), "time": str(time), "timestamp": datetime.datetime.now().isoformat('T') }) for test_result in test_results: e_test_case = ET.SubElement(e_test_suite, "testcase", {"name": test_result.name, "classname": test_result.name, "time": str(test_result.time) } ) if test_result.status == "Skipped": ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "skipped") elif test_result.status == "Failed": ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "failure") # no special element for passed tests ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "system-out").text = test_result.stdout ET.SubElement(e_test_case, "system-err").text = test_result.stderr ET.ElementTree(e_test_suite).write( file_name, "UTF-8", xml_declaration=True) class Timings(): """ Takes care of loading, merging and saving tests execution times. """ def __init__(self, timing_file): self.timing_file = timing_file self.existing_timings = self.load_timings() def load_timings(self): if os.path.isfile(self.timing_file): with open(self.timing_file, encoding="utf8") as f: return json.load(f) else: return [] def get_merged_timings(self, new_timings): """ Return new list containing existing timings updated with new timings Tests that do not exists are not removed """ key = 'name' merged = {} for item in self.existing_timings + new_timings: if item[key] in merged: merged[item[key]].update(item) else: merged[item[key]] = item # Sort the result to preserve test ordering in file merged = list(merged.values()) merged.sort(key=lambda t, key=key: t[key]) return merged def save_timings(self, test_results): # we only save test that have passed - timings for failed test might be # wrong (timeouts or early fails) passed_results = [t for t in test_results if t.status == 'Passed'] new_timings = list(map(lambda t: {'name': t.name, 'time': t.time}, passed_results)) merged_timings = self.get_merged_timings(new_timings) with open(self.timing_file, 'w', encoding="utf8") as f: json.dump(merged_timings, f, indent=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()