diff --git a/test/functional/rpc_bind.py b/test/functional/rpc_bind.py index cbc4937f48..14a343ad2e 100755 --- a/test/functional/rpc_bind.py +++ b/test/functional/rpc_bind.py @@ -1,134 +1,134 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # Test for -rpcbind, as well as -rpcallowip and -rpcconnect from platform import uname from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework, SkipTest from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.netutil import * class RPCBindTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self): self.add_nodes(self.num_nodes, None) def run_bind_test(self, allow_ips, connect_to, addresses, expected): ''' Start a node with requested rpcallowip and rpcbind parameters, then try to connect, and check if the set of bound addresses matches the expected set. ''' - self.log.info("Bind test for %s" % str(addresses)) + self.log.info("Bind test for {}".format(str(addresses))) expected = [(addr_to_hex(addr), port) for (addr, port) in expected] base_args = ['-disablewallet', '-nolisten'] if allow_ips: base_args += ['-rpcallowip=' + x for x in allow_ips] binds = ['-rpcbind=' + addr for addr in addresses] parts = connect_to.split(':') if len(parts) == 2: self.nodes[0].host = parts[0] self.nodes[0].rpc_port = parts[1] else: self.nodes[0].host = connect_to self.nodes[0].rpc_port = rpc_port(self.nodes[0].index) self.start_node(0, base_args + binds) pid = self.nodes[0].process.pid assert_equal(set(get_bind_addrs(pid)), set(expected)) self.stop_nodes() def run_allowip_test(self, allow_ips, rpchost, rpcport): ''' Start a node with rpcallow IP, and request getnetworkinfo at a non-localhost IP. ''' - self.log.info("Allow IP test for %s:%d" % (rpchost, rpcport)) + self.log.info("Allow IP test for {}:{}".format(rpchost, rpcport)) base_args = ['-disablewallet', '-nolisten'] + \ ['-rpcallowip=' + x for x in allow_ips] self.nodes[0].host = None self.start_nodes([base_args]) # connect to node through non-loopback interface url = rpc_url(get_datadir_path(self.options.tmpdir, 0), rpchost, rpcport) node = get_rpc_proxy(url, 0, coveragedir=self.options.coveragedir) node.getnetworkinfo() self.stop_nodes() def run_test(self): # due to OS-specific network stats queries, this test works only on Linux if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'): raise SkipTest("This test can only be run on linux.") # WSL in currently not supported (refer to # https://reviews.bitcoinabc.org/T400 for details). # This condition should be removed once netstat support is provided by # Microsoft. if "microsoft" in uname().version.lower(): raise SkipTest( "Running this test on WSL is currently not supported") # find the first non-loopback interface for testing non_loopback_ip = None for name, ip in all_interfaces(): if ip != '': non_loopback_ip = ip break if non_loopback_ip is None: raise SkipTest( "This test requires at least one non-loopback IPv4 interface.") try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("::1", 1)) s.close except OSError: raise SkipTest("This test requires IPv6 support.") - self.log.info("Using interface %s for testing" % non_loopback_ip) + self.log.info("Using interface {} for testing".format(non_loopback_ip)) defaultport = rpc_port(0) # check default without rpcallowip (IPv4 and IPv6 localhost) self.run_bind_test(None, '', [], [('', defaultport), ('::1', defaultport)]) # check default with rpcallowip (IPv6 any) self.run_bind_test([''], '', [], [('::0', defaultport)]) # check only IPv4 localhost (explicit) self.run_bind_test([''], '', [''], [('', defaultport)]) # check only IPv4 localhost (explicit) with alternative port self.run_bind_test( [''], '', [''], [('', 32171)]) # check only IPv4 localhost (explicit) with multiple alternative ports # on same host self.run_bind_test( [''], '', [ '', ''], [('', 32171), ('', 32172)]) # check only IPv6 localhost (explicit) self.run_bind_test(['[::1]'], '[::1]', ['[::1]'], [('::1', defaultport)]) # check both IPv4 and IPv6 localhost (explicit) self.run_bind_test([''], '', ['', '[::1]'], [('', defaultport), ('::1', defaultport)]) # check only non-loopback interface self.run_bind_test( [non_loopback_ip], non_loopback_ip, [non_loopback_ip], [(non_loopback_ip, defaultport)]) # Check that with invalid rpcallowip, we are denied self.run_allowip_test([non_loopback_ip], non_loopback_ip, defaultport) assert_raises_rpc_error(-342, "non-JSON HTTP response with '403 Forbidden' from server", self.run_allowip_test, [''], non_loopback_ip, defaultport) if __name__ == '__main__': RPCBindTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/rpc_invalidateblock.py b/test/functional/rpc_invalidateblock.py index e209221ab5..b0cd3a1ef9 100755 --- a/test/functional/rpc_invalidateblock.py +++ b/test/functional/rpc_invalidateblock.py @@ -1,74 +1,74 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test InvalidateBlock code # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class InvalidateTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 3 self.extra_args = [["-noparkdeepreorg"], [], []] def setup_network(self): self.setup_nodes() def run_test(self): self.log.info( "Make sure we repopulate setBlockIndexCandidates after InvalidateBlock:") self.log.info("Mine 4 blocks on Node 0") self.nodes[0].generate(4) assert(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 4) besthash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() self.log.info("Mine competing 6 blocks on Node 1") self.nodes[1].generate(6) assert(self.nodes[1].getblockcount() == 6) self.log.info("Connect nodes to force a reorg") connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[1]) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:2]) assert(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 6) badhash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(2) self.log.info( "Invalidate block 2 on node 0 and verify we reorg to node 0's original chain") self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(badhash) newheight = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() newhash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() if (newheight != 4 or newhash != besthash): raise AssertionError( - "Wrong tip for node0, hash %s, height %d" % (newhash, newheight)) + "Wrong tip for node0, hash {}, height {}".format(newhash, newheight)) self.log.info("\nMake sure we won't reorg to a lower work chain:") connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes[1], self.nodes[2]) self.log.info("Sync node 2 to node 1 so both have 6 blocks") sync_blocks(self.nodes[1:3]) assert(self.nodes[2].getblockcount() == 6) self.log.info("Invalidate block 5 on node 1 so its tip is now at 4") self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(self.nodes[1].getblockhash(5)) assert(self.nodes[1].getblockcount() == 4) self.log.info("Invalidate block 3 on node 2, so its tip is now 2") self.nodes[2].invalidateblock(self.nodes[2].getblockhash(3)) assert(self.nodes[2].getblockcount() == 2) self.log.info("..and then mine a block") self.nodes[2].generate(1) self.log.info("Verify all nodes are at the right height") time.sleep(5) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getblockcount(), 3) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 4) node1height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount() if node1height < 4: raise AssertionError( - "Node 1 reorged to a lower height: %d" % node1height) + "Node 1 reorged to a lower height: {}".format(node1height)) if __name__ == '__main__': InvalidateTest().main()