diff --git a/src/qt/coincontroldialog.cpp b/src/qt/coincontroldialog.cpp index 2c6f7d10be..f7628791c4 100644 --- a/src/qt/coincontroldialog.cpp +++ b/src/qt/coincontroldialog.cpp @@ -1,844 +1,844 @@ // Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "coincontroldialog.h" #include "ui_coincontroldialog.h" #include "addresstablemodel.h" #include "bitcoinunits.h" #include "guiutil.h" #include "optionsmodel.h" #include "platformstyle.h" #include "txmempool.h" #include "walletmodel.h" #include "init.h" #include "policy/policy.h" #include "validation.h" // For mempool #include "wallet/coincontrol.h" #include "wallet/wallet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QList CoinControlDialog::payAmounts; CCoinControl *CoinControlDialog::coinControl = new CCoinControl(); bool CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount = false; bool CCoinControlWidgetItem::operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem &other) const { int column = treeWidget()->sortColumn(); if (column == CoinControlDialog::COLUMN_AMOUNT || column == CoinControlDialog::COLUMN_DATE || column == CoinControlDialog::COLUMN_CONFIRMATIONS) return data(column, Qt::UserRole).toLongLong() < other.data(column, Qt::UserRole).toLongLong(); return QTreeWidgetItem::operator<(other); } CoinControlDialog::CoinControlDialog(const PlatformStyle *_platformStyle, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::CoinControlDialog), model(0), platformStyle(_platformStyle) { ui->setupUi(this); // context menu actions QAction *copyAddressAction = new QAction(tr("Copy address"), this); QAction *copyLabelAction = new QAction(tr("Copy label"), this); QAction *copyAmountAction = new QAction(tr("Copy amount"), this); // we need to enable/disable this copyTransactionHashAction = new QAction(tr("Copy transaction ID"), this); // we need to enable/disable this lockAction = new QAction(tr("Lock unspent"), this); // we need to enable/disable this unlockAction = new QAction(tr("Unlock unspent"), this); // context menu contextMenu = new QMenu(this); contextMenu->addAction(copyAddressAction); contextMenu->addAction(copyLabelAction); contextMenu->addAction(copyAmountAction); contextMenu->addAction(copyTransactionHashAction); contextMenu->addSeparator(); contextMenu->addAction(lockAction); contextMenu->addAction(unlockAction); // context menu signals connect(ui->treeWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showMenu(QPoint))); connect(copyAddressAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copyAddress())); connect(copyLabelAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copyLabel())); connect(copyAmountAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copyAmount())); connect(copyTransactionHashAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copyTransactionHash())); connect(lockAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(lockCoin())); connect(unlockAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(unlockCoin())); // clipboard actions QAction *clipboardQuantityAction = new QAction(tr("Copy quantity"), this); QAction *clipboardAmountAction = new QAction(tr("Copy amount"), this); QAction *clipboardFeeAction = new QAction(tr("Copy fee"), this); QAction *clipboardAfterFeeAction = new QAction(tr("Copy after fee"), this); QAction *clipboardBytesAction = new QAction(tr("Copy bytes"), this); QAction *clipboardLowOutputAction = new QAction(tr("Copy dust"), this); QAction *clipboardChangeAction = new QAction(tr("Copy change"), this); connect(clipboardQuantityAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clipboardQuantity())); connect(clipboardAmountAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clipboardAmount())); connect(clipboardFeeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clipboardFee())); connect(clipboardAfterFeeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clipboardAfterFee())); connect(clipboardBytesAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clipboardBytes())); connect(clipboardLowOutputAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clipboardLowOutput())); connect(clipboardChangeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clipboardChange())); ui->labelCoinControlQuantity->addAction(clipboardQuantityAction); ui->labelCoinControlAmount->addAction(clipboardAmountAction); ui->labelCoinControlFee->addAction(clipboardFeeAction); ui->labelCoinControlAfterFee->addAction(clipboardAfterFeeAction); ui->labelCoinControlBytes->addAction(clipboardBytesAction); ui->labelCoinControlLowOutput->addAction(clipboardLowOutputAction); ui->labelCoinControlChange->addAction(clipboardChangeAction); // toggle tree/list mode connect(ui->radioTreeMode, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(radioTreeMode(bool))); connect(ui->radioListMode, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(radioListMode(bool))); // click on checkbox connect(ui->treeWidget, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT(viewItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int))); // click on header #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 ui->treeWidget->header()->setClickable(true); #else ui->treeWidget->header()->setSectionsClickable(true); #endif connect(ui->treeWidget->header(), SIGNAL(sectionClicked(int)), this, SLOT(headerSectionClicked(int))); // ok button connect(ui->buttonBox, SIGNAL(clicked(QAbstractButton *)), this, SLOT(buttonBoxClicked(QAbstractButton *))); // (un)select all connect(ui->pushButtonSelectAll, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(buttonSelectAllClicked())); // change coin control first column label due Qt4 bug. // see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/5716 ui->treeWidget->headerItem()->setText(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, QString()); ui->treeWidget->setColumnWidth(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, 84); ui->treeWidget->setColumnWidth(COLUMN_AMOUNT, 110); ui->treeWidget->setColumnWidth(COLUMN_LABEL, 190); ui->treeWidget->setColumnWidth(COLUMN_ADDRESS, 320); ui->treeWidget->setColumnWidth(COLUMN_DATE, 130); ui->treeWidget->setColumnWidth(COLUMN_CONFIRMATIONS, 110); // store transaction hash in this column, but don't show it ui->treeWidget->setColumnHidden(COLUMN_TXHASH, true); // store vout index in this column, but don't show it ui->treeWidget->setColumnHidden(COLUMN_VOUT_INDEX, true); // default view is sorted by amount desc sortView(COLUMN_AMOUNT, Qt::DescendingOrder); // restore list mode and sortorder as a convenience feature QSettings settings; if (settings.contains("nCoinControlMode") && !settings.value("nCoinControlMode").toBool()) ui->radioTreeMode->click(); if (settings.contains("nCoinControlSortColumn") && settings.contains("nCoinControlSortOrder")) sortView( settings.value("nCoinControlSortColumn").toInt(), ((Qt::SortOrder)settings.value("nCoinControlSortOrder").toInt())); } CoinControlDialog::~CoinControlDialog() { QSettings settings; settings.setValue("nCoinControlMode", ui->radioListMode->isChecked()); settings.setValue("nCoinControlSortColumn", sortColumn); settings.setValue("nCoinControlSortOrder", (int)sortOrder); delete ui; } void CoinControlDialog::setModel(WalletModel *_model) { this->model = _model; if (_model && _model->getOptionsModel() && _model->getAddressTableModel()) { updateView(); updateLabelLocked(); CoinControlDialog::updateLabels(_model, this); } } // ok button void CoinControlDialog::buttonBoxClicked(QAbstractButton *button) { if (ui->buttonBox->buttonRole(button) == QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole) { // closes the dialog done(QDialog::Accepted); } } // (un)select all void CoinControlDialog::buttonSelectAllClicked() { Qt::CheckState state = Qt::Checked; for (int i = 0; i < ui->treeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { if (ui->treeWidget->topLevelItem(i)->checkState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX) != Qt::Unchecked) { state = Qt::Unchecked; break; } } ui->treeWidget->setEnabled(false); for (int i = 0; i < ui->treeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++) if (ui->treeWidget->topLevelItem(i)->checkState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX) != state) ui->treeWidget->topLevelItem(i)->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, state); ui->treeWidget->setEnabled(true); if (state == Qt::Unchecked) { // just to be sure coinControl->UnSelectAll(); } CoinControlDialog::updateLabels(model, this); } // context menu void CoinControlDialog::showMenu(const QPoint &point) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->treeWidget->itemAt(point); if (item) { contextMenuItem = item; // disable some items (like Copy Transaction ID, lock, unlock) for tree // roots in context menu if (item->text(COLUMN_TXHASH).length() == 64) { // transaction hash is 64 characters (this means its a child node, // so its not a parent node in tree mode) copyTransactionHashAction->setEnabled(true); if (model->isLockedCoin( uint256S(item->text(COLUMN_TXHASH).toStdString()), item->text(COLUMN_VOUT_INDEX).toUInt())) { lockAction->setEnabled(false); unlockAction->setEnabled(true); } else { lockAction->setEnabled(true); unlockAction->setEnabled(false); } } else { // this means click on parent node in tree mode -> disable all copyTransactionHashAction->setEnabled(false); lockAction->setEnabled(false); unlockAction->setEnabled(false); } // show context menu contextMenu->exec(QCursor::pos()); } } // context menu action: copy amount void CoinControlDialog::copyAmount() { GUIUtil::setClipboard( BitcoinUnits::removeSpaces(contextMenuItem->text(COLUMN_AMOUNT))); } // context menu action: copy label void CoinControlDialog::copyLabel() { if (ui->radioTreeMode->isChecked() && contextMenuItem->text(COLUMN_LABEL).length() == 0 && contextMenuItem->parent()) GUIUtil::setClipboard(contextMenuItem->parent()->text(COLUMN_LABEL)); else GUIUtil::setClipboard(contextMenuItem->text(COLUMN_LABEL)); } // context menu action: copy address void CoinControlDialog::copyAddress() { if (ui->radioTreeMode->isChecked() && contextMenuItem->text(COLUMN_ADDRESS).length() == 0 && contextMenuItem->parent()) GUIUtil::setClipboard(contextMenuItem->parent()->text(COLUMN_ADDRESS)); else GUIUtil::setClipboard(contextMenuItem->text(COLUMN_ADDRESS)); } // context menu action: copy transaction id void CoinControlDialog::copyTransactionHash() { GUIUtil::setClipboard(contextMenuItem->text(COLUMN_TXHASH)); } // context menu action: lock coin void CoinControlDialog::lockCoin() { if (contextMenuItem->checkState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX) == Qt::Checked) contextMenuItem->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, Qt::Unchecked); COutPoint outpt( uint256S(contextMenuItem->text(COLUMN_TXHASH).toStdString()), contextMenuItem->text(COLUMN_VOUT_INDEX).toUInt()); model->lockCoin(outpt); contextMenuItem->setDisabled(true); contextMenuItem->setIcon( COLUMN_CHECKBOX, platformStyle->SingleColorIcon(":/icons/lock_closed")); updateLabelLocked(); } // context menu action: unlock coin void CoinControlDialog::unlockCoin() { COutPoint outpt( uint256S(contextMenuItem->text(COLUMN_TXHASH).toStdString()), contextMenuItem->text(COLUMN_VOUT_INDEX).toUInt()); model->unlockCoin(outpt); contextMenuItem->setDisabled(false); contextMenuItem->setIcon(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, QIcon()); updateLabelLocked(); } // copy label "Quantity" to clipboard void CoinControlDialog::clipboardQuantity() { GUIUtil::setClipboard(ui->labelCoinControlQuantity->text()); } // copy label "Amount" to clipboard void CoinControlDialog::clipboardAmount() { GUIUtil::setClipboard(ui->labelCoinControlAmount->text().left( ui->labelCoinControlAmount->text().indexOf(" "))); } // copy label "Fee" to clipboard void CoinControlDialog::clipboardFee() { GUIUtil::setClipboard( ui->labelCoinControlFee->text() .left(ui->labelCoinControlFee->text().indexOf(" ")) .replace(ASYMP_UTF8, "")); } // copy label "After fee" to clipboard void CoinControlDialog::clipboardAfterFee() { GUIUtil::setClipboard( ui->labelCoinControlAfterFee->text() .left(ui->labelCoinControlAfterFee->text().indexOf(" ")) .replace(ASYMP_UTF8, "")); } // copy label "Bytes" to clipboard void CoinControlDialog::clipboardBytes() { GUIUtil::setClipboard( ui->labelCoinControlBytes->text().replace(ASYMP_UTF8, "")); } // copy label "Dust" to clipboard void CoinControlDialog::clipboardLowOutput() { GUIUtil::setClipboard(ui->labelCoinControlLowOutput->text()); } // copy label "Change" to clipboard void CoinControlDialog::clipboardChange() { GUIUtil::setClipboard( ui->labelCoinControlChange->text() .left(ui->labelCoinControlChange->text().indexOf(" ")) .replace(ASYMP_UTF8, "")); } // treeview: sort void CoinControlDialog::sortView(int column, Qt::SortOrder order) { sortColumn = column; sortOrder = order; ui->treeWidget->sortItems(column, order); ui->treeWidget->header()->setSortIndicator(sortColumn, sortOrder); } // treeview: clicked on header void CoinControlDialog::headerSectionClicked(int logicalIndex) { // click on most left column -> do nothing if (logicalIndex == COLUMN_CHECKBOX) { ui->treeWidget->header()->setSortIndicator(sortColumn, sortOrder); } else { if (sortColumn == logicalIndex) sortOrder = ((sortOrder == Qt::AscendingOrder) ? Qt::DescendingOrder : Qt::AscendingOrder); else { sortColumn = logicalIndex; // if label or address then default => asc, else default => desc sortOrder = ((sortColumn == COLUMN_LABEL || sortColumn == COLUMN_ADDRESS) ? Qt::AscendingOrder : Qt::DescendingOrder); } sortView(sortColumn, sortOrder); } } // toggle tree mode void CoinControlDialog::radioTreeMode(bool checked) { if (checked && model) updateView(); } // toggle list mode void CoinControlDialog::radioListMode(bool checked) { if (checked && model) updateView(); } // checkbox clicked by user void CoinControlDialog::viewItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { // transaction hash is 64 characters (this means its a child node, so its // not a parent node in tree mode) if (column == COLUMN_CHECKBOX && item->text(COLUMN_TXHASH).length() == 64) { COutPoint outpt(uint256S(item->text(COLUMN_TXHASH).toStdString()), item->text(COLUMN_VOUT_INDEX).toUInt()); if (item->checkState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX) == Qt::Unchecked) { coinControl->UnSelect(outpt); } else if (item->isDisabled()) { // locked (this happens if "check all" through parent node) item->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, Qt::Unchecked); } else { coinControl->Select(outpt); } // selection changed -> update labels if (ui->treeWidget->isEnabled()) { // do not update on every click for (un)select all CoinControlDialog::updateLabels(model, this); } } // TODO: Remove this temporary qt5 fix after Qt5.3 and Qt5.4 are no longer used. // Fixed in Qt5.5 and above: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-43473 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 else if (column == COLUMN_CHECKBOX && item->childCount() > 0) { if (item->checkState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX) == Qt::PartiallyChecked && item->child(0)->checkState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX) == Qt::PartiallyChecked) item->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, Qt::Checked); } #endif } // shows count of locked unspent outputs void CoinControlDialog::updateLabelLocked() { std::vector vOutpts; model->listLockedCoins(vOutpts); if (vOutpts.size() > 0) { ui->labelLocked->setText(tr("(%1 locked)").arg(vOutpts.size())); ui->labelLocked->setVisible(true); } else ui->labelLocked->setVisible(false); } void CoinControlDialog::updateLabels(WalletModel *model, QDialog *dialog) { if (!model) return; // nPayAmount CAmount nPayAmount = 0; bool fDust = false; CMutableTransaction txDummy; for (const CAmount &amount : CoinControlDialog::payAmounts) { nPayAmount += amount; if (amount > 0) { CTxOut txout(amount, (CScript)std::vector(24, 0)); txDummy.vout.push_back(txout); if (txout.IsDust(dustRelayFee)) fDust = true; } } CAmount nAmount = 0; CAmount nPayFee = 0; CAmount nAfterFee = 0; CAmount nChange = 0; unsigned int nBytes = 0; unsigned int nBytesInputs = 0; double dPriority = 0; double dPriorityInputs = 0; unsigned int nQuantity = 0; int nQuantityUncompressed = 0; bool fAllowFree = false; std::vector vCoinControl; std::vector vOutputs; coinControl->ListSelected(vCoinControl); model->getOutputs(vCoinControl, vOutputs); for (const COutput &out : vOutputs) { // unselect already spent, very unlikely scenario, this could happen // when selected are spent elsewhere, like rpc or another computer uint256 txhash = out.tx->GetId(); COutPoint outpt(txhash, out.i); if (model->isSpent(outpt)) { coinControl->UnSelect(outpt); continue; } // Quantity nQuantity++; // Amount nAmount += out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue.GetSatoshis(); // Priority dPriorityInputs += (double)out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue.GetSatoshis() * (out.nDepth + 1); // Bytes CTxDestination address; if (ExtractDestination(out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].scriptPubKey, address)) { CPubKey pubkey; CKeyID *keyid = boost::get(&address); if (keyid && model->getPubKey(*keyid, pubkey)) { nBytesInputs += (pubkey.IsCompressed() ? 148 : 180); if (!pubkey.IsCompressed()) nQuantityUncompressed++; } else { // in all error cases, simply assume 148 here nBytesInputs += 148; } } else nBytesInputs += 148; } // calculation if (nQuantity > 0) { // Bytes // always assume +1 output for change here nBytes = nBytesInputs + ((CoinControlDialog::payAmounts.size() > 0 ? CoinControlDialog::payAmounts.size() + 1 : 2) * 34) + 10; // in the subtract fee from amount case, we can tell if zero change // already and subtract the bytes, so that fee calculation afterwards is // accurate if (CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount) if (nAmount - nPayAmount == 0) nBytes -= 34; // Fee nPayFee = CWallet::GetMinimumFee(nBytes, nTxConfirmTarget, mempool) .GetSatoshis(); if (nPayFee > 0 && coinControl->nMinimumTotalFee > nPayFee) - nPayFee = coinControl->nMinimumTotalFee; + nPayFee = coinControl->nMinimumTotalFee.GetSatoshis(); // Allow free? (require at least hard-coded threshold and default to // that if no estimate) double mempoolEstimatePriority = mempool.estimateSmartPriority(nTxConfirmTarget); // 29 = 180 - 151 (uncompressed public keys are over the limit. max 151 // bytes of the input are ignored for priority) dPriority = dPriorityInputs / (nBytes - nBytesInputs + (nQuantityUncompressed * 29)); double dPriorityNeeded = std::max(mempoolEstimatePriority, AllowFreeThreshold()); fAllowFree = (dPriority >= dPriorityNeeded); if (fSendFreeTransactions) if (fAllowFree && nBytes <= MAX_FREE_TRANSACTION_CREATE_SIZE) nPayFee = 0; if (nPayAmount > 0) { nChange = nAmount - nPayAmount; if (!CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount) nChange -= nPayFee; // Never create dust outputs; if we would, just add the dust to the // fee. if (nChange > 0 && nChange < MIN_CHANGE) { CTxOut txout(nChange, (CScript)std::vector(24, 0)); if (txout.IsDust(dustRelayFee)) { // dust-change will be raised until no dust if (CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount) { nChange = txout.GetDustThreshold(dustRelayFee).GetSatoshis(); } else { nPayFee += nChange; nChange = 0; } } } if (nChange == 0 && !CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount) { nBytes -= 34; } } // after fee nAfterFee = std::max(nAmount - nPayFee, 0); } // actually update labels int nDisplayUnit = BitcoinUnits::BCC; if (model && model->getOptionsModel()) { nDisplayUnit = model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(); } QLabel *l1 = dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlQuantity"); QLabel *l2 = dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlAmount"); QLabel *l3 = dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlFee"); QLabel *l4 = dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlAfterFee"); QLabel *l5 = dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlBytes"); QLabel *l7 = dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlLowOutput"); QLabel *l8 = dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlChange"); // enable/disable "dust" and "change" dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlLowOutputText") ->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0); dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlLowOutput") ->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0); dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlChangeText") ->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0); dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlChange") ->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0); // stats // Quantity l1->setText(QString::number(nQuantity)); // Amount l2->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nAmount)); // Fee l3->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nPayFee)); // After Fee l4->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nAfterFee)); // Bytes l5->setText(((nBytes > 0) ? ASYMP_UTF8 : "") + QString::number(nBytes)); // Dust l7->setText(fDust ? tr("yes") : tr("no")); // Change l8->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nChange)); if (nPayFee > 0 && (coinControl->nMinimumTotalFee < nPayFee)) { l3->setText(ASYMP_UTF8 + l3->text()); l4->setText(ASYMP_UTF8 + l4->text()); if (nChange > 0 && !CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount) { l8->setText(ASYMP_UTF8 + l8->text()); } } // turn label red when dust l7->setStyleSheet((fDust) ? "color:red;" : ""); // tool tips QString toolTipDust = tr("This label turns red if any recipient receives an amount smaller " "than the current dust threshold."); // how many satoshis the estimated fee can vary per byte we guess wrong double dFeeVary; if (payTxFee.GetFeePerK() > Amount(0)) { dFeeVary = (double)std::max(CWallet::GetRequiredFee(1000), payTxFee.GetFeePerK()) .GetSatoshis() / 1000; } else { dFeeVary = (double)std::max( CWallet::GetRequiredFee(1000), mempool.estimateSmartFee(nTxConfirmTarget).GetFeePerK()) .GetSatoshis() / 1000; } QString toolTip4 = tr("Can vary +/- %1 satoshi(s) per input.").arg(dFeeVary); l3->setToolTip(toolTip4); l4->setToolTip(toolTip4); l7->setToolTip(toolTipDust); l8->setToolTip(toolTip4); dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlFeeText") ->setToolTip(l3->toolTip()); dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlAfterFeeText") ->setToolTip(l4->toolTip()); dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlBytesText") ->setToolTip(l5->toolTip()); dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlLowOutputText") ->setToolTip(l7->toolTip()); dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlChangeText") ->setToolTip(l8->toolTip()); // Insufficient funds QLabel *label = dialog->findChild("labelCoinControlInsuffFunds"); if (label) { label->setVisible(nChange < 0); } } void CoinControlDialog::updateView() { if (!model || !model->getOptionsModel() || !model->getAddressTableModel()) { return; } bool treeMode = ui->radioTreeMode->isChecked(); ui->treeWidget->clear(); // performance, otherwise updateLabels would be called for every checked // checkbox ui->treeWidget->setEnabled(false); ui->treeWidget->setAlternatingRowColors(!treeMode); QFlags flgCheckbox = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable; QFlags flgTristate = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsTristate; int nDisplayUnit = model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(); std::map> mapCoins; model->listCoins(mapCoins); for (const std::pair> &coins : mapCoins) { CCoinControlWidgetItem *itemWalletAddress = new CCoinControlWidgetItem(); itemWalletAddress->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, Qt::Unchecked); QString sWalletAddress = coins.first; QString sWalletLabel = model->getAddressTableModel()->labelForAddress(sWalletAddress); if (sWalletLabel.isEmpty()) { sWalletLabel = tr("(no label)"); } if (treeMode) { // wallet address ui->treeWidget->addTopLevelItem(itemWalletAddress); itemWalletAddress->setFlags(flgTristate); itemWalletAddress->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, Qt::Unchecked); // label itemWalletAddress->setText(COLUMN_LABEL, sWalletLabel); // address itemWalletAddress->setText(COLUMN_ADDRESS, sWalletAddress); } CAmount nSum = 0; int nChildren = 0; for (const COutput &out : coins.second) { nSum += out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue.GetSatoshis(); nChildren++; CCoinControlWidgetItem *itemOutput; if (treeMode) { itemOutput = new CCoinControlWidgetItem(itemWalletAddress); } else { itemOutput = new CCoinControlWidgetItem(ui->treeWidget); } itemOutput->setFlags(flgCheckbox); itemOutput->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, Qt::Unchecked); // address CTxDestination outputAddress; QString sAddress = ""; if (ExtractDestination(out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].scriptPubKey, outputAddress)) { sAddress = QString::fromStdString(EncodeDestination(outputAddress)); // if listMode or change => show bitcoin address. In tree mode, // address is not shown again for direct wallet address outputs if (!treeMode || (!(sAddress == sWalletAddress))) itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_ADDRESS, sAddress); } // label if (!(sAddress == sWalletAddress)) { // change tooltip from where the change comes from itemOutput->setToolTip(COLUMN_LABEL, tr("change from %1 (%2)") .arg(sWalletLabel) .arg(sWalletAddress)); itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_LABEL, tr("(change)")); } else if (!treeMode) { QString sLabel = model->getAddressTableModel()->labelForAddress(sAddress); if (sLabel.isEmpty()) { sLabel = tr("(no label)"); } itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_LABEL, sLabel); } // amount itemOutput->setText( COLUMN_AMOUNT, BitcoinUnits::format( nDisplayUnit, out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue.GetSatoshis())); // padding so that sorting works correctly itemOutput->setData( COLUMN_AMOUNT, Qt::UserRole, QVariant( (qlonglong)out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue.GetSatoshis())); // date itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_DATE, GUIUtil::dateTimeStr(out.tx->GetTxTime())); itemOutput->setData(COLUMN_DATE, Qt::UserRole, QVariant((qlonglong)out.tx->GetTxTime())); // confirmations itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_CONFIRMATIONS, QString::number(out.nDepth)); itemOutput->setData(COLUMN_CONFIRMATIONS, Qt::UserRole, QVariant((qlonglong)out.nDepth)); // transaction hash uint256 txhash = out.tx->GetId(); itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_TXHASH, QString::fromStdString(txhash.GetHex())); // vout index itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_VOUT_INDEX, QString::number(out.i)); // disable locked coins if (model->isLockedCoin(txhash, out.i)) { COutPoint outpt(txhash, out.i); // just to be sure coinControl->UnSelect(outpt); itemOutput->setDisabled(true); itemOutput->setIcon( COLUMN_CHECKBOX, platformStyle->SingleColorIcon(":/icons/lock_closed")); } // set checkbox if (coinControl->IsSelected(COutPoint(txhash, out.i))) { itemOutput->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, Qt::Checked); } } // amount if (treeMode) { itemWalletAddress->setText(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, "(" + QString::number(nChildren) + ")"); itemWalletAddress->setText( COLUMN_AMOUNT, BitcoinUnits::format(nDisplayUnit, nSum)); itemWalletAddress->setData(COLUMN_AMOUNT, Qt::UserRole, QVariant((qlonglong)nSum)); } } // expand all partially selected if (treeMode) { for (int i = 0; i < ui->treeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++) if (ui->treeWidget->topLevelItem(i)->checkState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX) == Qt::PartiallyChecked) ui->treeWidget->topLevelItem(i)->setExpanded(true); } // sort view sortView(sortColumn, sortOrder); ui->treeWidget->setEnabled(true); } diff --git a/src/qt/sendcoinsdialog.cpp b/src/qt/sendcoinsdialog.cpp index 44f877674f..a9bcb51ea7 100644 --- a/src/qt/sendcoinsdialog.cpp +++ b/src/qt/sendcoinsdialog.cpp @@ -1,970 +1,971 @@ // Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "sendcoinsdialog.h" #include "ui_sendcoinsdialog.h" #include "addresstablemodel.h" #include "bitcoinunits.h" #include "clientmodel.h" #include "coincontroldialog.h" #include "guiutil.h" #include "optionsmodel.h" #include "platformstyle.h" #include "sendcoinsentry.h" #include "walletmodel.h" #include "base58.h" #include "chainparams.h" #include "txmempool.h" #include "ui_interface.h" #include "validation.h" // mempool and minRelayTxFee #include "wallet/coincontrol.h" #include "wallet/wallet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define SEND_CONFIRM_DELAY 3 SendCoinsDialog::SendCoinsDialog(const PlatformStyle *_platformStyle, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::SendCoinsDialog), clientModel(0), model(0), fNewRecipientAllowed(true), fFeeMinimized(true), platformStyle(_platformStyle) { ui->setupUi(this); if (!_platformStyle->getImagesOnButtons()) { ui->addButton->setIcon(QIcon()); ui->clearButton->setIcon(QIcon()); ui->sendButton->setIcon(QIcon()); } else { ui->addButton->setIcon(_platformStyle->SingleColorIcon(":/icons/add")); ui->clearButton->setIcon( _platformStyle->SingleColorIcon(":/icons/remove")); ui->sendButton->setIcon( _platformStyle->SingleColorIcon(":/icons/send")); } GUIUtil::setupAddressWidget(ui->lineEditCoinControlChange, this); addEntry(); connect(ui->addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addEntry())); connect(ui->clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clear())); // Coin Control connect(ui->pushButtonCoinControl, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(coinControlButtonClicked())); connect(ui->checkBoxCoinControlChange, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(coinControlChangeChecked(int))); connect(ui->lineEditCoinControlChange, SIGNAL(textEdited(const QString &)), this, SLOT(coinControlChangeEdited(const QString &))); // Coin Control: clipboard actions QAction *clipboardQuantityAction = new QAction(tr("Copy quantity"), this); QAction *clipboardAmountAction = new QAction(tr("Copy amount"), this); QAction *clipboardFeeAction = new QAction(tr("Copy fee"), this); QAction *clipboardAfterFeeAction = new QAction(tr("Copy after fee"), this); QAction *clipboardBytesAction = new QAction(tr("Copy bytes"), this); QAction *clipboardLowOutputAction = new QAction(tr("Copy dust"), this); QAction *clipboardChangeAction = new QAction(tr("Copy change"), this); connect(clipboardQuantityAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(coinControlClipboardQuantity())); connect(clipboardAmountAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(coinControlClipboardAmount())); connect(clipboardFeeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(coinControlClipboardFee())); connect(clipboardAfterFeeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(coinControlClipboardAfterFee())); connect(clipboardBytesAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(coinControlClipboardBytes())); connect(clipboardLowOutputAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(coinControlClipboardLowOutput())); connect(clipboardChangeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(coinControlClipboardChange())); ui->labelCoinControlQuantity->addAction(clipboardQuantityAction); ui->labelCoinControlAmount->addAction(clipboardAmountAction); ui->labelCoinControlFee->addAction(clipboardFeeAction); ui->labelCoinControlAfterFee->addAction(clipboardAfterFeeAction); ui->labelCoinControlBytes->addAction(clipboardBytesAction); ui->labelCoinControlLowOutput->addAction(clipboardLowOutputAction); ui->labelCoinControlChange->addAction(clipboardChangeAction); // init transaction fee section QSettings settings; if (!settings.contains("fFeeSectionMinimized")) settings.setValue("fFeeSectionMinimized", true); // compatibility if (!settings.contains("nFeeRadio") && settings.contains("nTransactionFee") && settings.value("nTransactionFee").toLongLong() > 0) { // custom settings.setValue("nFeeRadio", 1); } if (!settings.contains("nFeeRadio")) { // recommended settings.setValue("nFeeRadio", 0); } // compatibility if (!settings.contains("nCustomFeeRadio") && settings.contains("nTransactionFee") && settings.value("nTransactionFee").toLongLong() > 0) { // total at least settings.setValue("nCustomFeeRadio", 1); } if (!settings.contains("nCustomFeeRadio")) { // per kilobyte settings.setValue("nCustomFeeRadio", 0); } if (!settings.contains("nSmartFeeSliderPosition")) settings.setValue("nSmartFeeSliderPosition", 0); if (!settings.contains("nTransactionFee")) - settings.setValue("nTransactionFee", (qint64)DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_FEE); + settings.setValue("nTransactionFee", + (qint64)DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_FEE.GetSatoshis()); if (!settings.contains("fPayOnlyMinFee")) settings.setValue("fPayOnlyMinFee", false); ui->groupFee->setId(ui->radioSmartFee, 0); ui->groupFee->setId(ui->radioCustomFee, 1); ui->groupFee ->button( (int)std::max(0, std::min(1, settings.value("nFeeRadio").toInt()))) ->setChecked(true); ui->groupCustomFee->setId(ui->radioCustomPerKilobyte, 0); ui->groupCustomFee->setId(ui->radioCustomAtLeast, 1); ui->groupCustomFee ->button((int)std::max( 0, std::min(1, settings.value("nCustomFeeRadio").toInt()))) ->setChecked(true); ui->customFee->setValue(settings.value("nTransactionFee").toLongLong()); ui->checkBoxMinimumFee->setChecked( settings.value("fPayOnlyMinFee").toBool()); minimizeFeeSection(settings.value("fFeeSectionMinimized").toBool()); } void SendCoinsDialog::setClientModel(ClientModel *_clientModel) { this->clientModel = _clientModel; if (_clientModel) { connect(_clientModel, SIGNAL(numBlocksChanged(int, QDateTime, double, bool)), this, SLOT(updateSmartFeeLabel())); } } void SendCoinsDialog::setModel(WalletModel *_model) { this->model = _model; if (_model && _model->getOptionsModel()) { for (int i = 0; i < ui->entries->count(); ++i) { SendCoinsEntry *entry = qobject_cast( ui->entries->itemAt(i)->widget()); if (entry) { entry->setModel(_model); } } setBalance(_model->getBalance(), _model->getUnconfirmedBalance(), _model->getImmatureBalance(), _model->getWatchBalance(), _model->getWatchUnconfirmedBalance(), _model->getWatchImmatureBalance()); connect(_model, SIGNAL(balanceChanged(CAmount, CAmount, CAmount, CAmount, CAmount, CAmount)), this, SLOT(setBalance(CAmount, CAmount, CAmount, CAmount, CAmount, CAmount))); connect(_model->getOptionsModel(), SIGNAL(displayUnitChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateDisplayUnit())); updateDisplayUnit(); // Coin Control connect(_model->getOptionsModel(), SIGNAL(displayUnitChanged(int)), this, SLOT(coinControlUpdateLabels())); connect(_model->getOptionsModel(), SIGNAL(coinControlFeaturesChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(coinControlFeatureChanged(bool))); ui->frameCoinControl->setVisible( _model->getOptionsModel()->getCoinControlFeatures()); coinControlUpdateLabels(); // fee section connect(ui->sliderSmartFee, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateSmartFeeLabel())); connect(ui->sliderSmartFee, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateGlobalFeeVariables())); connect(ui->sliderSmartFee, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(coinControlUpdateLabels())); connect(ui->groupFee, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(updateFeeSectionControls())); connect(ui->groupFee, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(updateGlobalFeeVariables())); connect(ui->groupFee, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(coinControlUpdateLabels())); connect(ui->groupCustomFee, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(updateGlobalFeeVariables())); connect(ui->groupCustomFee, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(coinControlUpdateLabels())); connect(ui->customFee, SIGNAL(valueChanged()), this, SLOT(updateGlobalFeeVariables())); connect(ui->customFee, SIGNAL(valueChanged()), this, SLOT(coinControlUpdateLabels())); connect(ui->checkBoxMinimumFee, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setMinimumFee())); connect(ui->checkBoxMinimumFee, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateFeeSectionControls())); connect(ui->checkBoxMinimumFee, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateGlobalFeeVariables())); connect(ui->checkBoxMinimumFee, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(coinControlUpdateLabels())); ui->customFee->setSingleStep( CWallet::GetRequiredFee(1000).GetSatoshis()); updateFeeSectionControls(); updateMinFeeLabel(); updateSmartFeeLabel(); updateGlobalFeeVariables(); // set the smartfee-sliders default value (wallets default conf.target // or last stored value) QSettings settings; if (settings.value("nSmartFeeSliderPosition").toInt() == 0) ui->sliderSmartFee->setValue(ui->sliderSmartFee->maximum() - model->getDefaultConfirmTarget() + 2); else ui->sliderSmartFee->setValue( settings.value("nSmartFeeSliderPosition").toInt()); } } SendCoinsDialog::~SendCoinsDialog() { QSettings settings; settings.setValue("fFeeSectionMinimized", fFeeMinimized); settings.setValue("nFeeRadio", ui->groupFee->checkedId()); settings.setValue("nCustomFeeRadio", ui->groupCustomFee->checkedId()); settings.setValue("nSmartFeeSliderPosition", ui->sliderSmartFee->value()); settings.setValue("nTransactionFee", (qint64)ui->customFee->value()); settings.setValue("fPayOnlyMinFee", ui->checkBoxMinimumFee->isChecked()); delete ui; } void SendCoinsDialog::on_sendButton_clicked() { if (!model || !model->getOptionsModel()) return; QList recipients; bool valid = true; for (int i = 0; i < ui->entries->count(); ++i) { SendCoinsEntry *entry = qobject_cast(ui->entries->itemAt(i)->widget()); if (entry) { if (entry->validate()) { recipients.append(entry->getValue()); } else { valid = false; } } } if (!valid || recipients.isEmpty()) { return; } fNewRecipientAllowed = false; WalletModel::UnlockContext ctx(model->requestUnlock()); if (!ctx.isValid()) { // Unlock wallet was cancelled fNewRecipientAllowed = true; return; } // prepare transaction for getting txFee earlier WalletModelTransaction currentTransaction(recipients); WalletModel::SendCoinsReturn prepareStatus; // Always use a CCoinControl instance, use the CoinControlDialog instance if // CoinControl has been enabled CCoinControl ctrl; if (model->getOptionsModel()->getCoinControlFeatures()) ctrl = *CoinControlDialog::coinControl; if (ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()) ctrl.nConfirmTarget = ui->sliderSmartFee->maximum() - ui->sliderSmartFee->value() + 2; else ctrl.nConfirmTarget = 0; prepareStatus = model->prepareTransaction(currentTransaction, &ctrl); // process prepareStatus and on error generate message shown to user processSendCoinsReturn( prepareStatus, BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), currentTransaction.getTransactionFee())); if (prepareStatus.status != WalletModel::OK) { fNewRecipientAllowed = true; return; } CAmount txFee = currentTransaction.getTransactionFee(); // Format confirmation message QStringList formatted; for (const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp : currentTransaction.getRecipients()) { // generate bold amount string QString amount = "" + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit( model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), rcp.amount); amount.append(""); // generate monospace address string QString address = "" + rcp.address; address.append(""); QString recipientElement; // normal payment if (!rcp.paymentRequest.IsInitialized()) { if (rcp.label.length() > 0) { // label with address recipientElement = tr("%1 to %2").arg(amount, GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(rcp.label)); recipientElement.append(QString(" (%1)").arg(address)); } else { // just address recipientElement = tr("%1 to %2").arg(amount, address); } } else if (!rcp.authenticatedMerchant.isEmpty()) { // authenticated payment request recipientElement = tr("%1 to %2") .arg(amount, GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(rcp.authenticatedMerchant)); } else { // unauthenticated payment request recipientElement = tr("%1 to %2").arg(amount, address); } formatted.append(recipientElement); } QString questionString = tr("Are you sure you want to send?"); questionString.append("

%1"); if (txFee > 0) { // append fee string if a fee is required questionString.append("
"); questionString.append(BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit( model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), txFee)); questionString.append(" "); questionString.append(tr("added as transaction fee")); // append transaction size questionString.append( " (" + QString::number( (double)currentTransaction.getTransactionSize() / 1000) + " kB)"); } // add total amount in all subdivision units questionString.append("
"); CAmount totalAmount = currentTransaction.getTotalTransactionAmount() + txFee; QStringList alternativeUnits; for (BitcoinUnits::Unit u : BitcoinUnits::availableUnits()) { if (u != model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit()) alternativeUnits.append( BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(u, totalAmount)); } questionString.append( tr("Total Amount %1") .arg(BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit( model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), totalAmount))); questionString.append( QString("
") .arg(alternativeUnits.join(" " + tr("or") + "
"))); SendConfirmationDialog confirmationDialog( tr("Confirm send coins"), questionString.arg(formatted.join("
")), SEND_CONFIRM_DELAY, this); confirmationDialog.exec(); QMessageBox::StandardButton retval = (QMessageBox::StandardButton)confirmationDialog.result(); if (retval != QMessageBox::Yes) { fNewRecipientAllowed = true; return; } // now send the prepared transaction WalletModel::SendCoinsReturn sendStatus = model->sendCoins(currentTransaction); // process sendStatus and on error generate message shown to user processSendCoinsReturn(sendStatus); if (sendStatus.status == WalletModel::OK) { accept(); CoinControlDialog::coinControl->UnSelectAll(); coinControlUpdateLabels(); } fNewRecipientAllowed = true; } void SendCoinsDialog::clear() { // Remove entries until only one left while (ui->entries->count()) { ui->entries->takeAt(0)->widget()->deleteLater(); } addEntry(); updateTabsAndLabels(); } void SendCoinsDialog::reject() { clear(); } void SendCoinsDialog::accept() { clear(); } SendCoinsEntry *SendCoinsDialog::addEntry() { SendCoinsEntry *entry = new SendCoinsEntry(platformStyle, this); entry->setModel(model); ui->entries->addWidget(entry); connect(entry, SIGNAL(removeEntry(SendCoinsEntry *)), this, SLOT(removeEntry(SendCoinsEntry *))); connect(entry, SIGNAL(payAmountChanged()), this, SLOT(coinControlUpdateLabels())); connect(entry, SIGNAL(subtractFeeFromAmountChanged()), this, SLOT(coinControlUpdateLabels())); // Focus the field, so that entry can start immediately entry->clear(); entry->setFocus(); ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->resize( ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->sizeHint()); qApp->processEvents(); QScrollBar *bar = ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar(); if (bar) bar->setSliderPosition(bar->maximum()); updateTabsAndLabels(); return entry; } void SendCoinsDialog::updateTabsAndLabels() { setupTabChain(0); coinControlUpdateLabels(); } void SendCoinsDialog::removeEntry(SendCoinsEntry *entry) { entry->hide(); // If the last entry is about to be removed add an empty one if (ui->entries->count() == 1) addEntry(); entry->deleteLater(); updateTabsAndLabels(); } QWidget *SendCoinsDialog::setupTabChain(QWidget *prev) { for (int i = 0; i < ui->entries->count(); ++i) { SendCoinsEntry *entry = qobject_cast(ui->entries->itemAt(i)->widget()); if (entry) { prev = entry->setupTabChain(prev); } } QWidget::setTabOrder(prev, ui->sendButton); QWidget::setTabOrder(ui->sendButton, ui->clearButton); QWidget::setTabOrder(ui->clearButton, ui->addButton); return ui->addButton; } void SendCoinsDialog::setAddress(const QString &address) { SendCoinsEntry *entry = 0; // Replace the first entry if it is still unused if (ui->entries->count() == 1) { SendCoinsEntry *first = qobject_cast(ui->entries->itemAt(0)->widget()); if (first->isClear()) { entry = first; } } if (!entry) { entry = addEntry(); } entry->setAddress(address); } void SendCoinsDialog::pasteEntry(const SendCoinsRecipient &rv) { if (!fNewRecipientAllowed) return; SendCoinsEntry *entry = 0; // Replace the first entry if it is still unused if (ui->entries->count() == 1) { SendCoinsEntry *first = qobject_cast(ui->entries->itemAt(0)->widget()); if (first->isClear()) { entry = first; } } if (!entry) { entry = addEntry(); } entry->setValue(rv); updateTabsAndLabels(); } bool SendCoinsDialog::handlePaymentRequest(const SendCoinsRecipient &rv) { // Just paste the entry, all pre-checks are done in paymentserver.cpp. pasteEntry(rv); return true; } void SendCoinsDialog::setBalance(const CAmount &balance, const CAmount &unconfirmedBalance, const CAmount &immatureBalance, const CAmount &watchBalance, const CAmount &watchUnconfirmedBalance, const CAmount &watchImmatureBalance) { Q_UNUSED(unconfirmedBalance); Q_UNUSED(immatureBalance); Q_UNUSED(watchBalance); Q_UNUSED(watchUnconfirmedBalance); Q_UNUSED(watchImmatureBalance); if (model && model->getOptionsModel()) { ui->labelBalance->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit( model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), balance)); } } void SendCoinsDialog::updateDisplayUnit() { setBalance(model->getBalance(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ui->customFee->setDisplayUnit(model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit()); updateMinFeeLabel(); updateSmartFeeLabel(); } void SendCoinsDialog::processSendCoinsReturn( const WalletModel::SendCoinsReturn &sendCoinsReturn, const QString &msgArg) { QPair msgParams; // Default to a warning message, override if error message is needed msgParams.second = CClientUIInterface::MSG_WARNING; // This comment is specific to SendCoinsDialog usage of // WalletModel::SendCoinsReturn. // WalletModel::TransactionCommitFailed is used only in // WalletModel::sendCoins() all others are used only in // WalletModel::prepareTransaction() switch (sendCoinsReturn.status) { case WalletModel::InvalidAddress: msgParams.first = tr("The recipient address is not valid. Please recheck."); break; case WalletModel::InvalidAmount: msgParams.first = tr("The amount to pay must be larger than 0."); break; case WalletModel::AmountExceedsBalance: msgParams.first = tr("The amount exceeds your balance."); break; case WalletModel::AmountWithFeeExceedsBalance: msgParams.first = tr("The total exceeds your balance when the %1 " "transaction fee is included.") .arg(msgArg); break; case WalletModel::DuplicateAddress: msgParams.first = tr("Duplicate address found: addresses should " "only be used once each."); break; case WalletModel::TransactionCreationFailed: msgParams.first = tr("Transaction creation failed!"); msgParams.second = CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR; break; case WalletModel::TransactionCommitFailed: msgParams.first = tr("The transaction was rejected with the following reason: %1") .arg(sendCoinsReturn.reasonCommitFailed); msgParams.second = CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR; break; case WalletModel::AbsurdFee: msgParams.first = tr("A fee higher than %1 is considered an absurdly high fee.") .arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit( model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), maxTxFee.GetSatoshis())); break; case WalletModel::PaymentRequestExpired: msgParams.first = tr("Payment request expired."); msgParams.second = CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR; break; // included to prevent a compiler warning. case WalletModel::OK: default: return; } Q_EMIT message(tr("Send Coins"), msgParams.first, msgParams.second); } void SendCoinsDialog::minimizeFeeSection(bool fMinimize) { ui->labelFeeMinimized->setVisible(fMinimize); ui->buttonChooseFee->setVisible(fMinimize); ui->buttonMinimizeFee->setVisible(!fMinimize); ui->frameFeeSelection->setVisible(!fMinimize); ui->horizontalLayoutSmartFee->setContentsMargins(0, (fMinimize ? 0 : 6), 0, 0); fFeeMinimized = fMinimize; } void SendCoinsDialog::on_buttonChooseFee_clicked() { minimizeFeeSection(false); } void SendCoinsDialog::on_buttonMinimizeFee_clicked() { updateFeeMinimizedLabel(); minimizeFeeSection(true); } void SendCoinsDialog::setMinimumFee() { ui->radioCustomPerKilobyte->setChecked(true); ui->customFee->setValue(CWallet::GetRequiredFee(1000).GetSatoshis()); } void SendCoinsDialog::updateFeeSectionControls() { ui->sliderSmartFee->setEnabled(ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()); ui->labelSmartFee->setEnabled(ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()); ui->labelSmartFee2->setEnabled(ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()); ui->labelSmartFee3->setEnabled(ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()); ui->labelFeeEstimation->setEnabled(ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()); ui->labelSmartFeeNormal->setEnabled(ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()); ui->labelSmartFeeFast->setEnabled(ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()); ui->confirmationTargetLabel->setEnabled(ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()); ui->checkBoxMinimumFee->setEnabled(ui->radioCustomFee->isChecked()); ui->labelMinFeeWarning->setEnabled(ui->radioCustomFee->isChecked()); ui->radioCustomPerKilobyte->setEnabled( ui->radioCustomFee->isChecked() && !ui->checkBoxMinimumFee->isChecked()); ui->radioCustomAtLeast->setEnabled( ui->radioCustomFee->isChecked() && !ui->checkBoxMinimumFee->isChecked() && CoinControlDialog::coinControl->HasSelected()); ui->customFee->setEnabled(ui->radioCustomFee->isChecked() && !ui->checkBoxMinimumFee->isChecked()); } void SendCoinsDialog::updateGlobalFeeVariables() { if (ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()) { int nConfirmTarget = ui->sliderSmartFee->maximum() - ui->sliderSmartFee->value() + 2; payTxFee = CFeeRate(0); // set nMinimumTotalFee to 0 to not accidentally pay a custom fee CoinControlDialog::coinControl->nMinimumTotalFee = 0; // show the estimated required time for confirmation ui->confirmationTargetLabel->setText( GUIUtil::formatDurationStr( nConfirmTarget * Params().GetConsensus().nPowTargetSpacing) + " / " + tr("%n block(s)", "", nConfirmTarget)); } else { payTxFee = CFeeRate(ui->customFee->value()); // if user has selected to set a minimum absolute fee, pass the value to // coincontrol // set nMinimumTotalFee to 0 in case of user has selected that the fee // is per KB CoinControlDialog::coinControl->nMinimumTotalFee = ui->radioCustomAtLeast->isChecked() ? ui->customFee->value() : 0; } } void SendCoinsDialog::updateFeeMinimizedLabel() { if (!model || !model->getOptionsModel()) return; if (ui->radioSmartFee->isChecked()) ui->labelFeeMinimized->setText(ui->labelSmartFee->text()); else { ui->labelFeeMinimized->setText( BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit( model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), ui->customFee->value()) + ((ui->radioCustomPerKilobyte->isChecked()) ? "/kB" : "")); } } void SendCoinsDialog::updateMinFeeLabel() { if (model && model->getOptionsModel()) ui->checkBoxMinimumFee->setText( tr("Pay only the required fee of %1") .arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit( model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), CWallet::GetRequiredFee(1000).GetSatoshis()) + "/kB")); } void SendCoinsDialog::updateSmartFeeLabel() { if (!model || !model->getOptionsModel()) return; int nBlocksToConfirm = ui->sliderSmartFee->maximum() - ui->sliderSmartFee->value() + 2; int estimateFoundAtBlocks = nBlocksToConfirm; CFeeRate feeRate = mempool.estimateSmartFee(nBlocksToConfirm, &estimateFoundAtBlocks); // not enough data => minfee if (feeRate <= CFeeRate(0)) { ui->labelSmartFee->setText( BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit( model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), std::max(CWallet::fallbackFee.GetFeePerK(), CWallet::GetRequiredFee(1000)) .GetSatoshis()) + "/kB"); // (Smart fee not initialized yet. This usually takes a few blocks...) ui->labelSmartFee2->show(); ui->labelFeeEstimation->setText(""); } else { ui->labelSmartFee->setText( BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit( model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), std::max(feeRate.GetFeePerK(), CWallet::GetRequiredFee(1000)) .GetSatoshis()) + "/kB"); ui->labelSmartFee2->hide(); ui->labelFeeEstimation->setText( tr("Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).", "", estimateFoundAtBlocks)); } updateFeeMinimizedLabel(); } // Coin Control: copy label "Quantity" to clipboard void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlClipboardQuantity() { GUIUtil::setClipboard(ui->labelCoinControlQuantity->text()); } // Coin Control: copy label "Amount" to clipboard void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlClipboardAmount() { GUIUtil::setClipboard(ui->labelCoinControlAmount->text().left( ui->labelCoinControlAmount->text().indexOf(" "))); } // Coin Control: copy label "Fee" to clipboard void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlClipboardFee() { GUIUtil::setClipboard( ui->labelCoinControlFee->text() .left(ui->labelCoinControlFee->text().indexOf(" ")) .replace(ASYMP_UTF8, "")); } // Coin Control: copy label "After fee" to clipboard void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlClipboardAfterFee() { GUIUtil::setClipboard( ui->labelCoinControlAfterFee->text() .left(ui->labelCoinControlAfterFee->text().indexOf(" ")) .replace(ASYMP_UTF8, "")); } // Coin Control: copy label "Bytes" to clipboard void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlClipboardBytes() { GUIUtil::setClipboard( ui->labelCoinControlBytes->text().replace(ASYMP_UTF8, "")); } // Coin Control: copy label "Dust" to clipboard void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlClipboardLowOutput() { GUIUtil::setClipboard(ui->labelCoinControlLowOutput->text()); } // Coin Control: copy label "Change" to clipboard void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlClipboardChange() { GUIUtil::setClipboard( ui->labelCoinControlChange->text() .left(ui->labelCoinControlChange->text().indexOf(" ")) .replace(ASYMP_UTF8, "")); } // Coin Control: settings menu - coin control enabled/disabled by user void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlFeatureChanged(bool checked) { ui->frameCoinControl->setVisible(checked); // coin control features disabled if (!checked && model) CoinControlDialog::coinControl->SetNull(); // make sure we set back the confirmation target updateGlobalFeeVariables(); coinControlUpdateLabels(); } // Coin Control: button inputs -> show actual coin control dialog void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlButtonClicked() { CoinControlDialog dlg(platformStyle); dlg.setModel(model); dlg.exec(); coinControlUpdateLabels(); } // Coin Control: checkbox custom change address void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlChangeChecked(int state) { if (state == Qt::Unchecked) { CoinControlDialog::coinControl->destChange = CNoDestination(); ui->labelCoinControlChangeLabel->clear(); } else { // use this to re-validate an already entered address coinControlChangeEdited(ui->lineEditCoinControlChange->text()); } ui->lineEditCoinControlChange->setEnabled((state == Qt::Checked)); } // Coin Control: custom change address changed void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlChangeEdited(const QString &text) { if (model && model->getAddressTableModel()) { // Default to no change address until verified CoinControlDialog::coinControl->destChange = CNoDestination(); ui->labelCoinControlChangeLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel{color:red;}"); const CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(text.toStdString()); if (text.isEmpty()) { // Nothing entered ui->labelCoinControlChangeLabel->setText(""); } else if (!IsValidDestination(dest)) { // Invalid address ui->labelCoinControlChangeLabel->setText( tr("Warning: Invalid Bitcoin address")); } else { // Valid address if (!model->IsSpendable(dest)) { ui->labelCoinControlChangeLabel->setText( tr("Warning: Unknown change address")); // confirmation dialog QMessageBox::StandardButton btnRetVal = QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Confirm custom change address"), tr("The address you selected for change is not part of " "this wallet. Any or all funds in your wallet may be " "sent to this address. Are you sure?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel); if (btnRetVal == QMessageBox::Yes) CoinControlDialog::coinControl->destChange = dest; else { ui->lineEditCoinControlChange->setText(""); ui->labelCoinControlChangeLabel->setStyleSheet( "QLabel{color:black;}"); ui->labelCoinControlChangeLabel->setText(""); } } else { // Known change address ui->labelCoinControlChangeLabel->setStyleSheet( "QLabel{color:black;}"); // Query label QString associatedLabel = model->getAddressTableModel()->labelForAddress(text); if (!associatedLabel.isEmpty()) ui->labelCoinControlChangeLabel->setText(associatedLabel); else ui->labelCoinControlChangeLabel->setText(tr("(no label)")); CoinControlDialog::coinControl->destChange = dest; } } } } // Coin Control: update labels void SendCoinsDialog::coinControlUpdateLabels() { if (!model || !model->getOptionsModel()) return; if (model->getOptionsModel()->getCoinControlFeatures()) { // enable minimum absolute fee UI controls ui->radioCustomAtLeast->setVisible(true); // only enable the feature if inputs are selected ui->radioCustomAtLeast->setEnabled( ui->radioCustomFee->isChecked() && !ui->checkBoxMinimumFee->isChecked() && CoinControlDialog::coinControl->HasSelected()); } else { // in case coin control is disabled (=default), hide minimum absolute // fee UI controls ui->radioCustomAtLeast->setVisible(false); return; } // set pay amounts CoinControlDialog::payAmounts.clear(); CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount = false; for (int i = 0; i < ui->entries->count(); ++i) { SendCoinsEntry *entry = qobject_cast(ui->entries->itemAt(i)->widget()); if (entry && !entry->isHidden()) { SendCoinsRecipient rcp = entry->getValue(); CoinControlDialog::payAmounts.append(rcp.amount); if (rcp.fSubtractFeeFromAmount) CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount = true; } } if (CoinControlDialog::coinControl->HasSelected()) { // actual coin control calculation CoinControlDialog::updateLabels(model, this); // show coin control stats ui->labelCoinControlAutomaticallySelected->hide(); ui->widgetCoinControl->show(); } else { // hide coin control stats ui->labelCoinControlAutomaticallySelected->show(); ui->widgetCoinControl->hide(); ui->labelCoinControlInsuffFunds->hide(); } } SendConfirmationDialog::SendConfirmationDialog(const QString &title, const QString &text, int _secDelay, QWidget *parent) : QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Question, title, text, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, parent), secDelay(_secDelay) { setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Cancel); yesButton = button(QMessageBox::Yes); updateYesButton(); connect(&countDownTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(countDown())); } int SendConfirmationDialog::exec() { updateYesButton(); countDownTimer.start(1000); return QMessageBox::exec(); } void SendConfirmationDialog::countDown() { secDelay--; updateYesButton(); if (secDelay <= 0) { countDownTimer.stop(); } } void SendConfirmationDialog::updateYesButton() { if (secDelay > 0) { yesButton->setEnabled(false); yesButton->setText(tr("Yes") + " (" + QString::number(secDelay) + ")"); } else { yesButton->setEnabled(true); yesButton->setText(tr("Yes")); } } diff --git a/src/wallet/coincontrol.h b/src/wallet/coincontrol.h index 587e61ec4e..380ff7cb93 100644 --- a/src/wallet/coincontrol.h +++ b/src/wallet/coincontrol.h @@ -1,62 +1,62 @@ // Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_WALLET_COINCONTROL_H #define BITCOIN_WALLET_COINCONTROL_H #include "primitives/transaction.h" /** Coin Control Features. */ class CCoinControl { public: CTxDestination destChange; //! If false, allows unselected inputs, but requires all selected inputs be //! used bool fAllowOtherInputs; //! Includes watch only addresses which match the ISMINE_WATCH_SOLVABLE //! criteria bool fAllowWatchOnly; //! Minimum absolute fee (not per kilobyte) - CAmount nMinimumTotalFee; + Amount nMinimumTotalFee; //! Override estimated feerate bool fOverrideFeeRate; //! Feerate to use if overrideFeeRate is true CFeeRate nFeeRate; //! Override the default confirmation target, 0 = use default int nConfirmTarget; CCoinControl() { SetNull(); } void SetNull() { destChange = CNoDestination(); fAllowOtherInputs = false; fAllowWatchOnly = false; setSelected.clear(); nMinimumTotalFee = 0; nFeeRate = CFeeRate(0); fOverrideFeeRate = false; nConfirmTarget = 0; } bool HasSelected() const { return (setSelected.size() > 0); } bool IsSelected(const COutPoint &output) const { return (setSelected.count(output) > 0); } void Select(const COutPoint &output) { setSelected.insert(output); } void UnSelect(const COutPoint &output) { setSelected.erase(output); } void UnSelectAll() { setSelected.clear(); } void ListSelected(std::vector &vOutpoints) const { vOutpoints.assign(setSelected.begin(), setSelected.end()); } private: std::set setSelected; }; #endif // BITCOIN_WALLET_COINCONTROL_H diff --git a/src/wallet/test/wallet_tests.cpp b/src/wallet/test/wallet_tests.cpp index a2022d1d47..09cc01a614 100644 --- a/src/wallet/test/wallet_tests.cpp +++ b/src/wallet/test/wallet_tests.cpp @@ -1,515 +1,515 @@ // Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "wallet/wallet.h" #include "config.h" #include "rpc/server.h" #include "test/test_bitcoin.h" #include "validation.h" #include "wallet/rpcdump.h" #include "wallet/test/wallet_test_fixture.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // how many times to run all the tests to have a chance to catch errors that // only show up with particular random shuffles #define RUN_TESTS 100 // some tests fail 1% of the time due to bad luck. We repeat those tests this // many times and only complain if all iterations of the test fail. #define RANDOM_REPEATS 5 std::vector> wtxn; typedef std::set> CoinSet; BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(wallet_tests, WalletTestingSetup) static const CWallet wallet; static std::vector vCoins; static void add_coin(const Amount nValue, int nAge = 6 * 24, bool fIsFromMe = false, int nInput = 0) { static int nextLockTime = 0; CMutableTransaction tx; tx.nLockTime = nextLockTime++; // so all transactions get different hashes tx.vout.resize(nInput + 1); tx.vout[nInput].nValue = nValue; if (fIsFromMe) { // IsFromMe() returns (GetDebit() > 0), and GetDebit() is 0 if // vin.empty(), so stop vin being empty, and cache a non-zero Debit to // fake out IsFromMe() tx.vin.resize(1); } std::unique_ptr wtx( new CWalletTx(&wallet, MakeTransactionRef(std::move(tx)))); if (fIsFromMe) { wtx->fDebitCached = true; wtx->nDebitCached = 1; } COutput output(wtx.get(), nInput, nAge, true, true); vCoins.push_back(output); wtxn.emplace_back(std::move(wtx)); } static void empty_wallet(void) { vCoins.clear(); wtxn.clear(); } static bool equal_sets(CoinSet a, CoinSet b) { std::pair ret = mismatch(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin()); return ret.first == a.end() && ret.second == b.end(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(coin_selection_tests) { CoinSet setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2; Amount nValueRet; LOCK(wallet.cs_wallet); // test multiple times to allow for differences in the shuffle order for (int i = 0; i < RUN_TESTS; i++) { empty_wallet(); // with an empty wallet we can't even pay one cent BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1 * CENT, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // add a new 1 cent coin add_coin(1 * CENT, 4); // with a new 1 cent coin, we still can't find a mature 1 cent BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1 * CENT, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // but we can find a new 1 cent BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1 * CENT); // add a mature 2 cent coin add_coin(2 * CENT); // we can't make 3 cents of mature coins BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(3 * CENT, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we can make 3 cents of new coins BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(3 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 3 * CENT); // add a mature 5 cent coin, add_coin(5 * CENT); // a new 10 cent coin sent from one of our own addresses add_coin(10 * CENT, 3, true); // and a mature 20 cent coin add_coin(20 * CENT); // now we have new: 1+10=11 (of which 10 was self-sent), and mature: // 2+5+20=27. total = 38 // we can't make 38 cents only if we disallow new coins: BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(38 * CENT, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we can't even make 37 cents if we don't allow new coins even if // they're from us BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(38 * CENT, 6, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // but we can make 37 cents if we accept new coins from ourself BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(37 * CENT, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 37 * CENT); // and we can make 38 cents if we accept all new coins BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(38 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 38 * CENT); // try making 34 cents from 1,2,5,10,20 - we can't do it exactly BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(34 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // but 35 cents is closest BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 35 * CENT); // the best should be 20+10+5. it's incredibly unlikely the 1 or 2 got // included (but possible) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U); // when we try making 7 cents, the smaller coins (1,2,5) are enough. We // should see just 2+5 BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(7 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 7 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); // when we try making 8 cents, the smaller coins (1,2,5) are exactly // enough. BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(8 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK(nValueRet == 8 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U); // when we try making 9 cents, no subset of smaller coins is enough, and // we get the next bigger coin (10) BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(9 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 10 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // now clear out the wallet and start again to test choosing between // subsets of smaller coins and the next biggest coin empty_wallet(); add_coin(6 * CENT); add_coin(7 * CENT); add_coin(8 * CENT); add_coin(20 * CENT); // now we have 6+7+8+20+30 = 71 cents total add_coin(30 * CENT); // check that we have 71 and not 72 BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(71 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(72 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // now try making 16 cents. the best smaller coins can do is 6+7+8 = // 21; not as good at the next biggest coin, 20 BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(16 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we should get 20 in one coin BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 20 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // now we have 5+6+7+8+20+30 = 75 cents total add_coin(5 * CENT); // now if we try making 16 cents again, the smaller coins can make 5+6+7 // = 18 cents, better than the next biggest coin, 20 BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(16 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we should get 18 in 3 coins BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 18 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U); // now we have 5+6+7+8+18+20+30 add_coin(18 * CENT); // and now if we try making 16 cents again, the smaller coins can make // 5+6+7 = 18 cents, the same as the next biggest coin, 18 BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(16 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we should get 18 in 1 coin BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 18 * CENT); // because in the event of a tie, the biggest coin wins BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // now try making 11 cents. we should get 5+6 BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(11 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 11 * CENT); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); // check that the smallest bigger coin is used add_coin(1 * COIN); add_coin(2 * COIN); add_coin(3 * COIN); // now we have 5+6+7+8+18+20+30+100+200+300+400 = 1094 cents add_coin(4 * COIN); BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(95 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we should get 1 BCC in 1 coin BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1 * COIN); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(195 * CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we should get 2 BCC in 1 coin BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 2 * COIN); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // empty the wallet and start again, now with fractions of a cent, to // test small change avoidance empty_wallet(); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 1 / 10); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 2 / 10); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 3 / 10); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 4 / 10); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 5 / 10); + add_coin(1 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); + add_coin(2 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); + add_coin(3 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); + add_coin(4 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); + add_coin(5 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); // try making 1 * MIN_CHANGE from the 1.5 * MIN_CHANGE we'll get change // smaller than MIN_CHANGE whatever happens, so can expect MIN_CHANGE // exactly BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(MIN_CHANGE, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, MIN_CHANGE); // but if we add a bigger coin, small change is avoided add_coin(1111 * MIN_CHANGE); // try making 1 from 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.4 + 0.5 + 1111 = 1112.5 BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1 * MIN_CHANGE, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we should get the exact amount BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1 * MIN_CHANGE); // if we add more small coins: - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 6 / 10); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 7 / 10); + add_coin(6 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); + add_coin(7 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); // and try again to make 1.0 * MIN_CHANGE BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1 * MIN_CHANGE, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we should get the exact amount BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1 * MIN_CHANGE); // run the 'mtgox' test (see // http://blockexplorer.com/tx/29a3efd3ef04f9153d47a990bd7b048a4b2d213daaa5fb8ed670fb85f13bdbcf) // they tried to consolidate 10 50k coins into one 500k coin, and ended // up with 50k in change empty_wallet(); for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { add_coin(50000 * COIN); } BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(500000 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we should get the exact amount BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 500000 * COIN); // in ten coins BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 10U); // if there's not enough in the smaller coins to make at least 1 * // MIN_CHANGE change (0.5+0.6+0.7 < 1.0+1.0), we need to try finding an // exact subset anyway // sometimes it will fail, and so we use the next biggest coin: empty_wallet(); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 5 / 10); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 6 / 10); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 7 / 10); + add_coin(5 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); + add_coin(6 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); + add_coin(7 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(1111 * MIN_CHANGE); BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1 * MIN_CHANGE, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we get the bigger coin BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1111 * MIN_CHANGE); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // but sometimes it's possible, and we use an exact subset (0.4 + 0.6 = // 1.0) empty_wallet(); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 4 / 10); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 6 / 10); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 8 / 10); + add_coin(4 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); + add_coin(6 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); + add_coin(8 * MIN_CHANGE / 10); add_coin(1111 * MIN_CHANGE); BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(MIN_CHANGE, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we should get the exact amount BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, MIN_CHANGE); // in two coins 0.4+0.6 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); // test avoiding small change empty_wallet(); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 5 / 100); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 1); - add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 100); + add_coin(5 * MIN_CHANGE / 100); + add_coin(1 * MIN_CHANGE); + add_coin(100 * MIN_CHANGE); // trying to make 100.01 from these three coins - BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(MIN_CHANGE * 10001 / 100, 1, 1, 0, + BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(10001 * MIN_CHANGE / 100, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); // we should get all coins - BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, MIN_CHANGE * 10105 / 100); + BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 10105 * MIN_CHANGE / 100); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U); // but if we try to make 99.9, we should take the bigger of the two // small coins to avoid small change - BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(MIN_CHANGE * 9990 / 100, 1, 1, 0, + BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(9990 * MIN_CHANGE / 100, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 101 * MIN_CHANGE); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); // test with many inputs for (Amount amt = 1500; amt < COIN; amt = 10 * amt) { empty_wallet(); // Create 676 inputs (= (old MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIZE == 100000) / 148 // bytes per input) for (uint16_t j = 0; j < 676; j++) { add_coin(amt); } BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(2000, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); if (amt - 2000 < MIN_CHANGE) { // needs more than one input: - uint16_t returnSize = - std::ceil((2000.0 + MIN_CHANGE) / amt.GetSatoshis()); + uint16_t returnSize = std::ceil( + (2000.0 + MIN_CHANGE.GetSatoshis()) / amt.GetSatoshis()); Amount returnValue = returnSize * amt; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, returnValue); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), returnSize); } else { // one input is sufficient: BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, amt); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); } } // test randomness { empty_wallet(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 100; i2++) { add_coin(COIN); } // picking 50 from 100 coins doesn't depend on the shuffle, but does // depend on randomness in the stochastic approximation code BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(50 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(50 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet2, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK(!equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2)); int fails = 0; for (int j = 0; j < RANDOM_REPEATS; j++) { // selecting 1 from 100 identical coins depends on the shuffle; // this test will fail 1% of the time run the test // RANDOM_REPEATS times and only complain if all of them fail BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet2, nValueRet)); if (equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2)) fails++; } BOOST_CHECK_NE(fails, RANDOM_REPEATS); // add 75 cents in small change. not enough to make 90 cents, then // try making 90 cents. there are multiple competing "smallest // bigger" coins, one of which should be picked at random add_coin(5 * CENT); add_coin(10 * CENT); add_coin(15 * CENT); add_coin(20 * CENT); add_coin(25 * CENT); fails = 0; for (int j = 0; j < RANDOM_REPEATS; j++) { // selecting 1 from 100 identical coins depends on the shuffle; // this test will fail 1% of the time run the test // RANDOM_REPEATS times and only complain if all of them fail BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 90 * CENT, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 90 * CENT, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet2, nValueRet)); if (equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2)) fails++; } BOOST_CHECK_NE(fails, RANDOM_REPEATS); } } empty_wallet(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ApproximateBestSubset) { CoinSet setCoinsRet; Amount nValueRet; LOCK(wallet.cs_wallet); empty_wallet(); // Test vValue sort order for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { add_coin(1000 * COIN.GetSatoshis()); } add_coin(3 * COIN.GetSatoshis()); BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1003 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1003 * COIN.GetSatoshis()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); empty_wallet(); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(rescan, TestChain100Setup) { LOCK(cs_main); // Cap last block file size, and mine new block in a new block file. CBlockIndex *oldTip = chainActive.Tip(); GetBlockFileInfo(oldTip->GetBlockPos().nFile)->nSize = MAX_BLOCKFILE_SIZE; CreateAndProcessBlock({}, GetScriptForRawPubKey(coinbaseKey.GetPubKey())); CBlockIndex *newTip = chainActive.Tip(); // Verify ScanForWalletTransactions picks up transactions in both the old // and new block files. { CWallet wallet; LOCK(wallet.cs_wallet); wallet.AddKeyPubKey(coinbaseKey, coinbaseKey.GetPubKey()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(oldTip, wallet.ScanForWalletTransactions(oldTip)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wallet.GetImmatureBalance(), 100 * COIN.GetSatoshis()); } // Prune the older block file. PruneOneBlockFile(oldTip->GetBlockPos().nFile); UnlinkPrunedFiles({oldTip->GetBlockPos().nFile}); // Verify ScanForWalletTransactions only picks transactions in the new block // file. { CWallet wallet; LOCK(wallet.cs_wallet); wallet.AddKeyPubKey(coinbaseKey, coinbaseKey.GetPubKey()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(newTip, wallet.ScanForWalletTransactions(oldTip)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wallet.GetImmatureBalance(), 50 * COIN.GetSatoshis()); } // Verify importmulti RPC returns failure for a key whose creation time is // before the missing block, and success for a key whose creation time is // after. { CWallet wallet; CWallet *backup = ::pwalletMain; ::pwalletMain = &wallet; UniValue keys; keys.setArray(); UniValue key; key.setObject(); key.pushKV("scriptPubKey", HexStr(GetScriptForRawPubKey(coinbaseKey.GetPubKey()))); key.pushKV("timestamp", 0); key.pushKV("internal", UniValue(true)); keys.push_back(key); key.clear(); key.setObject(); CKey futureKey; futureKey.MakeNewKey(true); key.pushKV("scriptPubKey", HexStr(GetScriptForRawPubKey(futureKey.GetPubKey()))); key.pushKV("timestamp", newTip->GetBlockTimeMax() + 7200); key.pushKV("internal", UniValue(true)); keys.push_back(key); JSONRPCRequest request; request.params.setArray(); request.params.push_back(keys); UniValue response = importmulti(GetConfig(), request); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( response.write(), strprintf("[{\"success\":false,\"error\":{\"code\":-1,\"message\":" "\"Failed to rescan before time %d, transactions may be " "missing.\"}},{\"success\":true}]", newTip->GetBlockTimeMax())); ::pwalletMain = backup; } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet.h b/src/wallet/wallet.h index 8df8230d3c..d14e11fa93 100644 --- a/src/wallet/wallet.h +++ b/src/wallet/wallet.h @@ -1,1135 +1,1135 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_WALLET_WALLET_H #define BITCOIN_WALLET_WALLET_H #include "amount.h" #include "script/ismine.h" #include "script/sign.h" #include "streams.h" #include "tinyformat.h" #include "ui_interface.h" #include "utilstrencodings.h" #include "validationinterface.h" #include "wallet/crypter.h" #include "wallet/rpcwallet.h" #include "wallet/walletdb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern CWallet *pwalletMain; /** * Settings */ extern CFeeRate payTxFee; extern unsigned int nTxConfirmTarget; extern bool bSpendZeroConfChange; extern bool fSendFreeTransactions; static const unsigned int DEFAULT_KEYPOOL_SIZE = 100; //! -paytxfee default -static const CAmount DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_FEE = 0; +static const Amount DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_FEE(0); //! -fallbackfee default -static const CAmount DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FEE = 20000; +static const Amount DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FEE(20000); //! -mintxfee default -static const CAmount DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_MINFEE = 1000; +static const Amount DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_MINFEE(1000); //! minimum recommended increment for BIP 125 replacement txs -static const CAmount WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE = 5000; +static const Amount WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE(5000); //! target minimum change amount -static const CAmount MIN_CHANGE = CENT.GetSatoshis(); +static const Amount MIN_CHANGE = CENT; //! final minimum change amount after paying for fees -static const CAmount MIN_FINAL_CHANGE = MIN_CHANGE / 2; +static const Amount MIN_FINAL_CHANGE = MIN_CHANGE / 2; //! Default for -spendzeroconfchange static const bool DEFAULT_SPEND_ZEROCONF_CHANGE = true; //! Default for -sendfreetransactions static const bool DEFAULT_SEND_FREE_TRANSACTIONS = false; //! Default for -walletrejectlongchains static const bool DEFAULT_WALLET_REJECT_LONG_CHAINS = false; //! -txconfirmtarget default static const unsigned int DEFAULT_TX_CONFIRM_TARGET = 6; //! Largest (in bytes) free transaction we're willing to create static const unsigned int MAX_FREE_TRANSACTION_CREATE_SIZE = 1000; static const bool DEFAULT_WALLETBROADCAST = true; static const bool DEFAULT_DISABLE_WALLET = false; //! if set, all keys will be derived by using BIP32 static const bool DEFAULT_USE_HD_WALLET = true; extern const char *DEFAULT_WALLET_DAT; class CBlockIndex; class CCoinControl; class COutput; class CReserveKey; class CScript; class CTxMemPool; class CWalletTx; /** (client) version numbers for particular wallet features */ enum WalletFeature { // the earliest version new wallets supports (only useful for getinfo's // clientversion output) FEATURE_BASE = 10500, // wallet encryption FEATURE_WALLETCRYPT = 40000, // compressed public keys FEATURE_COMPRPUBKEY = 60000, // Hierarchical key derivation after BIP32 (HD Wallet) FEATURE_HD = 130000, // HD is optional, use FEATURE_COMPRPUBKEY as latest version FEATURE_LATEST = FEATURE_COMPRPUBKEY, }; /** A key pool entry */ class CKeyPool { public: int64_t nTime; CPubKey vchPubKey; CKeyPool(); CKeyPool(const CPubKey &vchPubKeyIn); ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream &s, Operation ser_action) { int nVersion = s.GetVersion(); if (!(s.GetType() & SER_GETHASH)) { READWRITE(nVersion); } READWRITE(nTime); READWRITE(vchPubKey); } }; /** Address book data */ class CAddressBookData { public: std::string name; std::string purpose; CAddressBookData() { purpose = "unknown"; } typedef std::map StringMap; StringMap destdata; }; struct CRecipient { CScript scriptPubKey; Amount nAmount; bool fSubtractFeeFromAmount; }; typedef std::map mapValue_t; static inline void ReadOrderPos(int64_t &nOrderPos, mapValue_t &mapValue) { if (!mapValue.count("n")) { // TODO: calculate elsewhere nOrderPos = -1; return; } nOrderPos = atoi64(mapValue["n"].c_str()); } static inline void WriteOrderPos(const int64_t &nOrderPos, mapValue_t &mapValue) { if (nOrderPos == -1) return; mapValue["n"] = i64tostr(nOrderPos); } struct COutputEntry { CTxDestination destination; Amount amount; int vout; }; /** A transaction with a merkle branch linking it to the block chain. */ class CMerkleTx { private: /** Constant used in hashBlock to indicate tx has been abandoned */ static const uint256 ABANDON_HASH; public: CTransactionRef tx; uint256 hashBlock; /** * An nIndex == -1 means that hashBlock (in nonzero) refers to the earliest * block in the chain we know this or any in-wallet dependency conflicts * with. Older clients interpret nIndex == -1 as unconfirmed for backward * compatibility. */ int nIndex; CMerkleTx() { SetTx(MakeTransactionRef()); Init(); } CMerkleTx(CTransactionRef arg) { SetTx(std::move(arg)); Init(); } /** * Helper conversion operator to allow passing CMerkleTx where CTransaction * is expected. * TODO: adapt callers and remove this operator. */ operator const CTransaction &() const { return *tx; } void Init() { hashBlock = uint256(); nIndex = -1; } void SetTx(CTransactionRef arg) { tx = std::move(arg); } ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream &s, Operation ser_action) { // For compatibility with older versions. std::vector vMerkleBranch; READWRITE(tx); READWRITE(hashBlock); READWRITE(vMerkleBranch); READWRITE(nIndex); } void SetMerkleBranch(const CBlockIndex *pIndex, int posInBlock); /** * Return depth of transaction in blockchain: * <0 : conflicts with a transaction this deep in the blockchain * 0 : in memory pool, waiting to be included in a block * >=1 : this many blocks deep in the main chain */ int GetDepthInMainChain(const CBlockIndex *&pindexRet) const; int GetDepthInMainChain() const { const CBlockIndex *pindexRet; return GetDepthInMainChain(pindexRet); } bool IsInMainChain() const { const CBlockIndex *pindexRet; return GetDepthInMainChain(pindexRet) > 0; } int GetBlocksToMaturity() const; /** * Pass this transaction to the mempool. Fails if absolute fee exceeds * absurd fee. */ bool AcceptToMemoryPool(const Amount nAbsurdFee, CValidationState &state); bool hashUnset() const { return (hashBlock.IsNull() || hashBlock == ABANDON_HASH); } bool isAbandoned() const { return (hashBlock == ABANDON_HASH); } void setAbandoned() { hashBlock = ABANDON_HASH; } const uint256 &GetId() const { return tx->GetId(); } bool IsCoinBase() const { return tx->IsCoinBase(); } }; /** * A transaction with a bunch of additional info that only the owner cares * about. It includes any unrecorded transactions needed to link it back to the * block chain. */ class CWalletTx : public CMerkleTx { private: const CWallet *pwallet; public: mapValue_t mapValue; std::vector> vOrderForm; unsigned int fTimeReceivedIsTxTime; //!< time received by this node unsigned int nTimeReceived; unsigned int nTimeSmart; /** * From me flag is set to 1 for transactions that were created by the wallet * on this bitcoin node, and set to 0 for transactions that were created * externally and came in through the network or sendrawtransaction RPC. */ char fFromMe; std::string strFromAccount; //!< position in ordered transaction list int64_t nOrderPos; // memory only mutable bool fDebitCached; mutable bool fCreditCached; mutable bool fImmatureCreditCached; mutable bool fAvailableCreditCached; mutable bool fWatchDebitCached; mutable bool fWatchCreditCached; mutable bool fImmatureWatchCreditCached; mutable bool fAvailableWatchCreditCached; mutable bool fChangeCached; mutable Amount nDebitCached; mutable Amount nCreditCached; mutable Amount nImmatureCreditCached; mutable Amount nAvailableCreditCached; mutable Amount nWatchDebitCached; mutable Amount nWatchCreditCached; mutable Amount nImmatureWatchCreditCached; mutable Amount nAvailableWatchCreditCached; mutable Amount nChangeCached; CWalletTx() { Init(nullptr); } CWalletTx(const CWallet *pwalletIn, CTransactionRef arg) : CMerkleTx(std::move(arg)) { Init(pwalletIn); } void Init(const CWallet *pwalletIn) { pwallet = pwalletIn; mapValue.clear(); vOrderForm.clear(); fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = false; nTimeReceived = 0; nTimeSmart = 0; fFromMe = false; strFromAccount.clear(); fDebitCached = false; fCreditCached = false; fImmatureCreditCached = false; fAvailableCreditCached = false; fWatchDebitCached = false; fWatchCreditCached = false; fImmatureWatchCreditCached = false; fAvailableWatchCreditCached = false; fChangeCached = false; nDebitCached = 0; nCreditCached = 0; nImmatureCreditCached = 0; nAvailableCreditCached = 0; nWatchDebitCached = 0; nWatchCreditCached = 0; nAvailableWatchCreditCached = 0; nImmatureWatchCreditCached = 0; nChangeCached = 0; nOrderPos = -1; } ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream &s, Operation ser_action) { if (ser_action.ForRead()) Init(nullptr); char fSpent = false; if (!ser_action.ForRead()) { mapValue["fromaccount"] = strFromAccount; WriteOrderPos(nOrderPos, mapValue); if (nTimeSmart) mapValue["timesmart"] = strprintf("%u", nTimeSmart); } READWRITE(*(CMerkleTx *)this); //!< Used to be vtxPrev std::vector vUnused; READWRITE(vUnused); READWRITE(mapValue); READWRITE(vOrderForm); READWRITE(fTimeReceivedIsTxTime); READWRITE(nTimeReceived); READWRITE(fFromMe); READWRITE(fSpent); if (ser_action.ForRead()) { strFromAccount = mapValue["fromaccount"]; ReadOrderPos(nOrderPos, mapValue); nTimeSmart = mapValue.count("timesmart") ? (unsigned int)atoi64(mapValue["timesmart"]) : 0; } mapValue.erase("fromaccount"); mapValue.erase("version"); mapValue.erase("spent"); mapValue.erase("n"); mapValue.erase("timesmart"); } //! make sure balances are recalculated void MarkDirty() { fCreditCached = false; fAvailableCreditCached = false; fImmatureCreditCached = false; fWatchDebitCached = false; fWatchCreditCached = false; fAvailableWatchCreditCached = false; fImmatureWatchCreditCached = false; fDebitCached = false; fChangeCached = false; } void BindWallet(CWallet *pwalletIn) { pwallet = pwalletIn; MarkDirty(); } //! filter decides which addresses will count towards the debit Amount GetDebit(const isminefilter &filter) const; Amount GetCredit(const isminefilter &filter) const; Amount GetImmatureCredit(bool fUseCache = true) const; Amount GetAvailableCredit(bool fUseCache = true) const; Amount GetImmatureWatchOnlyCredit(const bool &fUseCache = true) const; Amount GetAvailableWatchOnlyCredit(const bool &fUseCache = true) const; Amount GetChange() const; void GetAmounts(std::list &listReceived, std::list &listSent, Amount &nFee, std::string &strSentAccount, const isminefilter &filter) const; void GetAccountAmounts(const std::string &strAccount, Amount &nReceived, Amount &nSent, Amount &nFee, const isminefilter &filter) const; bool IsFromMe(const isminefilter &filter) const { return (GetDebit(filter) > 0); } // True if only scriptSigs are different bool IsEquivalentTo(const CWalletTx &tx) const; bool InMempool() const; bool IsTrusted() const; int64_t GetTxTime() const; int GetRequestCount() const; bool RelayWalletTransaction(CConnman *connman); std::set GetConflicts() const; }; class COutput { public: const CWalletTx *tx; int i; int nDepth; bool fSpendable; bool fSolvable; COutput(const CWalletTx *txIn, int iIn, int nDepthIn, bool fSpendableIn, bool fSolvableIn) { tx = txIn; i = iIn; nDepth = nDepthIn; fSpendable = fSpendableIn; fSolvable = fSolvableIn; } std::string ToString() const; }; /** Private key that includes an expiration date in case it never gets used. */ class CWalletKey { public: CPrivKey vchPrivKey; int64_t nTimeCreated; int64_t nTimeExpires; std::string strComment; //! todo: add something to note what created it (user, getnewaddress, //! change) maybe should have a map property map CWalletKey(int64_t nExpires = 0); ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream &s, Operation ser_action) { int nVersion = s.GetVersion(); if (!(s.GetType() & SER_GETHASH)) READWRITE(nVersion); READWRITE(vchPrivKey); READWRITE(nTimeCreated); READWRITE(nTimeExpires); READWRITE(LIMITED_STRING(strComment, 65536)); } }; /** * Internal transfers. * Database key is acentry. */ class CAccountingEntry { public: std::string strAccount; Amount nCreditDebit; int64_t nTime; std::string strOtherAccount; std::string strComment; mapValue_t mapValue; //!< position in ordered transaction list int64_t nOrderPos; uint64_t nEntryNo; CAccountingEntry() { SetNull(); } void SetNull() { nCreditDebit = 0; nTime = 0; strAccount.clear(); strOtherAccount.clear(); strComment.clear(); nOrderPos = -1; nEntryNo = 0; } ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream &s, Operation ser_action) { int nVersion = s.GetVersion(); if (!(s.GetType() & SER_GETHASH)) READWRITE(nVersion); //! Note: strAccount is serialized as part of the key, not here. READWRITE(nCreditDebit); READWRITE(nTime); READWRITE(LIMITED_STRING(strOtherAccount, 65536)); if (!ser_action.ForRead()) { WriteOrderPos(nOrderPos, mapValue); if (!(mapValue.empty() && _ssExtra.empty())) { CDataStream ss(s.GetType(), s.GetVersion()); ss.insert(ss.begin(), '\0'); ss << mapValue; ss.insert(ss.end(), _ssExtra.begin(), _ssExtra.end()); strComment.append(ss.str()); } } READWRITE(LIMITED_STRING(strComment, 65536)); size_t nSepPos = strComment.find("\0", 0, 1); if (ser_action.ForRead()) { mapValue.clear(); if (std::string::npos != nSepPos) { CDataStream ss( std::vector(strComment.begin() + nSepPos + 1, strComment.end()), s.GetType(), s.GetVersion()); ss >> mapValue; _ssExtra = std::vector(ss.begin(), ss.end()); } ReadOrderPos(nOrderPos, mapValue); } if (std::string::npos != nSepPos) strComment.erase(nSepPos); mapValue.erase("n"); } private: std::vector _ssExtra; }; /** * A CWallet is an extension of a keystore, which also maintains a set of * transactions and balances, and provides the ability to create new * transactions. */ class CWallet : public CCryptoKeyStore, public CValidationInterface { private: static std::atomic fFlushThreadRunning; /** * Select a set of coins such that nValueRet >= nTargetValue and at least * all coins from coinControl are selected; Never select unconfirmed coins * if they are not ours. */ bool SelectCoins( const std::vector &vAvailableCoins, const Amount nTargetValue, std::set> &setCoinsRet, Amount &nValueRet, const CCoinControl *coinControl = nullptr) const; CWalletDB *pwalletdbEncryption; //! the current wallet version: clients below this version are not able to //! load the wallet int nWalletVersion; //! the maximum wallet format version: memory-only variable that specifies //! to what version this wallet may be upgraded int nWalletMaxVersion; int64_t nNextResend; int64_t nLastResend; bool fBroadcastTransactions; /** * Used to keep track of spent outpoints, and detect and report conflicts * (double-spends or mutated transactions where the mutant gets mined). */ typedef std::multimap TxSpends; TxSpends mapTxSpends; void AddToSpends(const COutPoint &outpoint, const uint256 &wtxid); void AddToSpends(const uint256 &wtxid); /* Mark a transaction (and its in-wallet descendants) as conflicting with a * particular block. */ void MarkConflicted(const uint256 &hashBlock, const uint256 &hashTx); void SyncMetaData(std::pair); /* the HD chain data model (external chain counters) */ CHDChain hdChain; bool fFileBacked; std::set setKeyPool; int64_t nTimeFirstKey; /** * Private version of AddWatchOnly method which does not accept a timestamp, * and which will reset the wallet's nTimeFirstKey value to 1 if the watch * key did not previously have a timestamp associated with it. Because this * is an inherited virtual method, it is accessible despite being marked * private, but it is marked private anyway to encourage use of the other * AddWatchOnly which accepts a timestamp and sets nTimeFirstKey more * intelligently for more efficient rescans. */ bool AddWatchOnly(const CScript &dest) override; public: /* * Main wallet lock. * This lock protects all the fields added by CWallet * except for: * fFileBacked (immutable after instantiation) * strWalletFile (immutable after instantiation) */ mutable CCriticalSection cs_wallet; const std::string strWalletFile; void LoadKeyPool(int nIndex, const CKeyPool &keypool) { setKeyPool.insert(nIndex); // If no metadata exists yet, create a default with the pool key's // creation time. Note that this may be overwritten by actually stored // metadata for that key later, which is fine. CKeyID keyid = keypool.vchPubKey.GetID(); if (mapKeyMetadata.count(keyid) == 0) mapKeyMetadata[keyid] = CKeyMetadata(keypool.nTime); } // Map from Key ID (for regular keys) or Script ID (for watch-only keys) to // key metadata. std::map mapKeyMetadata; typedef std::map MasterKeyMap; MasterKeyMap mapMasterKeys; unsigned int nMasterKeyMaxID; CWallet() { SetNull(); } CWallet(const std::string &strWalletFileIn) : strWalletFile(strWalletFileIn) { SetNull(); fFileBacked = true; } ~CWallet() { delete pwalletdbEncryption; pwalletdbEncryption = nullptr; } void SetNull() { nWalletVersion = FEATURE_BASE; nWalletMaxVersion = FEATURE_BASE; fFileBacked = false; nMasterKeyMaxID = 0; pwalletdbEncryption = nullptr; nOrderPosNext = 0; nNextResend = 0; nLastResend = 0; nTimeFirstKey = 0; fBroadcastTransactions = false; } std::map mapWallet; std::list laccentries; typedef std::pair TxPair; typedef std::multimap TxItems; TxItems wtxOrdered; int64_t nOrderPosNext; std::map mapRequestCount; std::map mapAddressBook; CPubKey vchDefaultKey; std::set setLockedCoins; const CWalletTx *GetWalletTx(const uint256 &hash) const; //! check whether we are allowed to upgrade (or already support) to the //! named feature bool CanSupportFeature(enum WalletFeature wf) { AssertLockHeld(cs_wallet); return nWalletMaxVersion >= wf; } /** * populate vCoins with vector of available COutputs. */ void AvailableCoins(std::vector &vCoins, bool fOnlyConfirmed = true, const CCoinControl *coinControl = nullptr, bool fIncludeZeroValue = false) const; /** * Shuffle and select coins until nTargetValue is reached while avoiding * small change; This method is stochastic for some inputs and upon * completion the coin set and corresponding actual target value is * assembled. */ bool SelectCoinsMinConf( const Amount nTargetValue, int nConfMine, int nConfTheirs, uint64_t nMaxAncestors, std::vector vCoins, std::set> &setCoinsRet, Amount &nValueRet) const; bool IsSpent(const uint256 &hash, unsigned int n) const; bool IsLockedCoin(uint256 hash, unsigned int n) const; void LockCoin(const COutPoint &output); void UnlockCoin(const COutPoint &output); void UnlockAllCoins(); void ListLockedCoins(std::vector &vOutpts); /** * keystore implementation * Generate a new key */ CPubKey GenerateNewKey(); void DeriveNewChildKey(CKeyMetadata &metadata, CKey &secret); //! Adds a key to the store, and saves it to disk. bool AddKeyPubKey(const CKey &key, const CPubKey &pubkey) override; //! Adds a key to the store, without saving it to disk (used by LoadWallet) bool LoadKey(const CKey &key, const CPubKey &pubkey) { return CCryptoKeyStore::AddKeyPubKey(key, pubkey); } //! Load metadata (used by LoadWallet) bool LoadKeyMetadata(const CTxDestination &pubKey, const CKeyMetadata &metadata); bool LoadMinVersion(int nVersion) { AssertLockHeld(cs_wallet); nWalletVersion = nVersion; nWalletMaxVersion = std::max(nWalletMaxVersion, nVersion); return true; } void UpdateTimeFirstKey(int64_t nCreateTime); //! Adds an encrypted key to the store, and saves it to disk. bool AddCryptedKey(const CPubKey &vchPubKey, const std::vector &vchCryptedSecret) override; //! Adds an encrypted key to the store, without saving it to disk (used by //! LoadWallet) bool LoadCryptedKey(const CPubKey &vchPubKey, const std::vector &vchCryptedSecret); bool AddCScript(const CScript &redeemScript) override; bool LoadCScript(const CScript &redeemScript); //! Adds a destination data tuple to the store, and saves it to disk bool AddDestData(const CTxDestination &dest, const std::string &key, const std::string &value); //! Erases a destination data tuple in the store and on disk bool EraseDestData(const CTxDestination &dest, const std::string &key); //! Adds a destination data tuple to the store, without saving it to disk bool LoadDestData(const CTxDestination &dest, const std::string &key, const std::string &value); //! Look up a destination data tuple in the store, return true if found //! false otherwise bool GetDestData(const CTxDestination &dest, const std::string &key, std::string *value) const; //! Adds a watch-only address to the store, and saves it to disk. bool AddWatchOnly(const CScript &dest, int64_t nCreateTime); bool RemoveWatchOnly(const CScript &dest) override; //! Adds a watch-only address to the store, without saving it to disk (used //! by LoadWallet) bool LoadWatchOnly(const CScript &dest); bool Unlock(const SecureString &strWalletPassphrase); bool ChangeWalletPassphrase(const SecureString &strOldWalletPassphrase, const SecureString &strNewWalletPassphrase); bool EncryptWallet(const SecureString &strWalletPassphrase); void GetKeyBirthTimes(std::map &mapKeyBirth) const; /** * Increment the next transaction order id * @return next transaction order id */ int64_t IncOrderPosNext(CWalletDB *pwalletdb = nullptr); DBErrors ReorderTransactions(); bool AccountMove(std::string strFrom, std::string strTo, const Amount nAmount, std::string strComment = ""); bool GetAccountPubkey(CPubKey &pubKey, std::string strAccount, bool bForceNew = false); void MarkDirty(); bool AddToWallet(const CWalletTx &wtxIn, bool fFlushOnClose = true); bool LoadToWallet(const CWalletTx &wtxIn); void SyncTransaction(const CTransaction &tx, const CBlockIndex *pindex, int posInBlock) override; bool AddToWalletIfInvolvingMe(const CTransaction &tx, const CBlockIndex *pIndex, int posInBlock, bool fUpdate); CBlockIndex *ScanForWalletTransactions(CBlockIndex *pindexStart, bool fUpdate = false); void ReacceptWalletTransactions(); void ResendWalletTransactions(int64_t nBestBlockTime, CConnman *connman) override; std::vector ResendWalletTransactionsBefore(int64_t nTime, CConnman *connman); Amount GetBalance() const; Amount GetUnconfirmedBalance() const; Amount GetImmatureBalance() const; Amount GetWatchOnlyBalance() const; Amount GetUnconfirmedWatchOnlyBalance() const; Amount GetImmatureWatchOnlyBalance() const; /** * Insert additional inputs into the transaction by calling * CreateTransaction(); */ bool FundTransaction(CMutableTransaction &tx, Amount &nFeeRet, bool overrideEstimatedFeeRate, const CFeeRate &specificFeeRate, int &nChangePosInOut, std::string &strFailReason, bool includeWatching, bool lockUnspents, const std::set &setSubtractFeeFromOutputs, bool keepReserveKey = true, const CTxDestination &destChange = CNoDestination()); /** * Create a new transaction paying the recipients with a set of coins * selected by SelectCoins(); Also create the change output, when needed * @note passing nChangePosInOut as -1 will result in setting a random * position */ bool CreateTransaction(const std::vector &vecSend, CWalletTx &wtxNew, CReserveKey &reservekey, Amount &nFeeRet, int &nChangePosInOut, std::string &strFailReason, const CCoinControl *coinControl = nullptr, bool sign = true); bool CommitTransaction(CWalletTx &wtxNew, CReserveKey &reservekey, CConnman *connman, CValidationState &state); void ListAccountCreditDebit(const std::string &strAccount, std::list &entries); bool AddAccountingEntry(const CAccountingEntry &); bool AddAccountingEntry(const CAccountingEntry &, CWalletDB *pwalletdb); template bool DummySignTx(CMutableTransaction &txNew, const ContainerType &coins); static CFeeRate minTxFee; static CFeeRate fallbackFee; /** * Estimate the minimum fee considering user set parameters and the required * fee */ static Amount GetMinimumFee(unsigned int nTxBytes, unsigned int nConfirmTarget, const CTxMemPool &pool); /** * Estimate the minimum fee considering required fee and targetFee or if 0 * then fee estimation for nConfirmTarget */ static Amount GetMinimumFee(unsigned int nTxBytes, unsigned int nConfirmTarget, const CTxMemPool &pool, Amount targetFee); /** * Return the minimum required fee taking into account the floating relay * fee and user set minimum transaction fee */ static Amount GetRequiredFee(unsigned int nTxBytes); bool NewKeyPool(); bool TopUpKeyPool(unsigned int kpSize = 0); void ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(int64_t &nIndex, CKeyPool &keypool); void KeepKey(int64_t nIndex); void ReturnKey(int64_t nIndex); bool GetKeyFromPool(CPubKey &key); int64_t GetOldestKeyPoolTime(); void GetAllReserveKeys(std::set &setAddress) const; std::set> GetAddressGroupings(); std::map GetAddressBalances(); Amount GetAccountBalance(const std::string &strAccount, int nMinDepth, const isminefilter &filter); Amount GetAccountBalance(CWalletDB &walletdb, const std::string &strAccount, int nMinDepth, const isminefilter &filter); std::set GetAccountAddresses(const std::string &strAccount) const; isminetype IsMine(const CTxIn &txin) const; /** * Returns amount of debit if the input matches the filter, otherwise * returns 0 */ Amount GetDebit(const CTxIn &txin, const isminefilter &filter) const; isminetype IsMine(const CTxOut &txout) const; Amount GetCredit(const CTxOut &txout, const isminefilter &filter) const; bool IsChange(const CTxOut &txout) const; Amount GetChange(const CTxOut &txout) const; bool IsMine(const CTransaction &tx) const; /** should probably be renamed to IsRelevantToMe */ bool IsFromMe(const CTransaction &tx) const; Amount GetDebit(const CTransaction &tx, const isminefilter &filter) const; /** Returns whether all of the inputs match the filter */ bool IsAllFromMe(const CTransaction &tx, const isminefilter &filter) const; Amount GetCredit(const CTransaction &tx, const isminefilter &filter) const; Amount GetChange(const CTransaction &tx) const; void SetBestChain(const CBlockLocator &loc) override; DBErrors LoadWallet(bool &fFirstRunRet); DBErrors ZapWalletTx(std::vector &vWtx); DBErrors ZapSelectTx(std::vector &vHashIn, std::vector &vHashOut); bool SetAddressBook(const CTxDestination &address, const std::string &strName, const std::string &purpose); bool DelAddressBook(const CTxDestination &address); void UpdatedTransaction(const uint256 &hashTx) override; void Inventory(const uint256 &hash) override { LOCK(cs_wallet); std::map::iterator mi = mapRequestCount.find(hash); if (mi != mapRequestCount.end()) { (*mi).second++; } } void GetScriptForMining(std::shared_ptr &script) override; void ResetRequestCount(const uint256 &hash) override { LOCK(cs_wallet); mapRequestCount[hash] = 0; }; unsigned int GetKeyPoolSize() { // setKeyPool AssertLockHeld(cs_wallet); return setKeyPool.size(); } bool SetDefaultKey(const CPubKey &vchPubKey); //! signify that a particular wallet feature is now used. this may change //! nWalletVersion and nWalletMaxVersion if those are lower bool SetMinVersion(enum WalletFeature, CWalletDB *pwalletdbIn = nullptr, bool fExplicit = false); //! change which version we're allowed to upgrade to (note that this does //! not immediately imply upgrading to that format) bool SetMaxVersion(int nVersion); //! get the current wallet format (the oldest client version guaranteed to //! understand this wallet) int GetVersion() { LOCK(cs_wallet); return nWalletVersion; } //! Get wallet transactions that conflict with given transaction (spend same //! outputs) std::set GetConflicts(const uint256 &txid) const; //! Check if a given transaction has any of its outputs spent by another //! transaction in the wallet bool HasWalletSpend(const uint256 &txid) const; //! Flush wallet (bitdb flush) void Flush(bool shutdown = false); //! Verify the wallet database and perform salvage if required static bool Verify(); /** * Address book entry changed. * @note called with lock cs_wallet held. */ boost::signals2::signal NotifyAddressBookChanged; /** * Wallet transaction added, removed or updated. * @note called with lock cs_wallet held. */ boost::signals2::signal NotifyTransactionChanged; /** Show progress e.g. for rescan */ boost::signals2::signal ShowProgress; /** Watch-only address added */ boost::signals2::signal NotifyWatchonlyChanged; /** Inquire whether this wallet broadcasts transactions. */ bool GetBroadcastTransactions() const { return fBroadcastTransactions; } /** Set whether this wallet broadcasts transactions. */ void SetBroadcastTransactions(bool broadcast) { fBroadcastTransactions = broadcast; } /** * Mark a transaction (and it in-wallet descendants) as abandoned so its * inputs may be respent. */ bool AbandonTransaction(const uint256 &hashTx); /** * Mark a transaction as replaced by another transaction (e.g., BIP 125). */ bool MarkReplaced(const uint256 &originalHash, const uint256 &newHash); /* Returns the wallets help message */ static std::string GetWalletHelpString(bool showDebug); /** * Initializes the wallet, returns a new CWallet instance or a null pointer * in case of an error. */ static CWallet *CreateWalletFromFile(const std::string walletFile); static bool InitLoadWallet(); /** * Wallet post-init setup * Gives the wallet a chance to register repetitive tasks and complete * post-init tasks */ void postInitProcess(boost::thread_group &threadGroup); /* Wallets parameter interaction */ static bool ParameterInteraction(); bool BackupWallet(const std::string &strDest); /* Set the HD chain model (chain child index counters) */ bool SetHDChain(const CHDChain &chain, bool memonly); const CHDChain &GetHDChain() { return hdChain; } /* Returns true if HD is enabled */ bool IsHDEnabled(); /* Generates a new HD master key (will not be activated) */ CPubKey GenerateNewHDMasterKey(); /* Set the current HD master key (will reset the chain child index counters) */ bool SetHDMasterKey(const CPubKey &key); }; /** A key allocated from the key pool. */ class CReserveKey : public CReserveScript { protected: CWallet *pwallet; int64_t nIndex; CPubKey vchPubKey; public: CReserveKey(CWallet *pwalletIn) { nIndex = -1; pwallet = pwalletIn; } ~CReserveKey() { ReturnKey(); } void ReturnKey(); bool GetReservedKey(CPubKey &pubkey); void KeepKey(); void KeepScript() { KeepKey(); } }; /** * Account information. * Stored in wallet with key "acc"+string account name. */ class CAccount { public: CPubKey vchPubKey; CAccount() { SetNull(); } void SetNull() { vchPubKey = CPubKey(); } ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream &s, Operation ser_action) { int nVersion = s.GetVersion(); if (!(s.GetType() & SER_GETHASH)) { READWRITE(nVersion); } READWRITE(vchPubKey); } }; // Helper for producing a bunch of max-sized low-S signatures (eg 72 bytes) // ContainerType is meant to hold pair, and be iterable so // that each entry corresponds to each vIn, in order. template bool CWallet::DummySignTx(CMutableTransaction &txNew, const ContainerType &coins) { // Fill in dummy signatures for fee calculation. int nIn = 0; for (const auto &coin : coins) { const CScript &scriptPubKey = coin.first->tx->vout[coin.second].scriptPubKey; SignatureData sigdata; if (!ProduceSignature(DummySignatureCreator(this), scriptPubKey, sigdata)) { return false; } else { UpdateTransaction(txNew, nIn, sigdata); } nIn++; } return true; } #endif // BITCOIN_WALLET_WALLET_H