diff --git a/src/chainparams.cpp b/src/chainparams.cpp index d40bd3fd9d..904f28180f 100644 --- a/src/chainparams.cpp +++ b/src/chainparams.cpp @@ -1,500 +1,500 @@ // Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "chainparams.h" #include "consensus/merkle.h" #include "tinyformat.h" #include "util.h" #include "utilstrencodings.h" #include #include "chainparamsseeds.h" static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char *pszTimestamp, const CScript &genesisOutputScript, uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const Amount genesisReward) { CMutableTransaction txNew; txNew.nVersion = 1; txNew.vin.resize(1); txNew.vout.resize(1); txNew.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 486604799 << CScriptNum(4) << std::vector((const uint8_t *)pszTimestamp, (const uint8_t *)pszTimestamp + strlen(pszTimestamp)); txNew.vout[0].nValue = genesisReward; txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = genesisOutputScript; CBlock genesis; genesis.nTime = nTime; genesis.nBits = nBits; genesis.nNonce = nNonce; genesis.nVersion = nVersion; genesis.vtx.push_back(MakeTransactionRef(std::move(txNew))); genesis.hashPrevBlock.SetNull(); genesis.hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(genesis); return genesis; } /** * Build the genesis block. Note that the output of its generation transaction * cannot be spent since it did not originally exist in the database. * * CBlock(hash=000000000019d6, ver=1, hashPrevBlock=00000000000000, * hashMerkleRoot=4a5e1e, nTime=1231006505, nBits=1d00ffff, nNonce=2083236893, * vtx=1) * CTransaction(hash=4a5e1e, ver=1, vin.size=1, vout.size=1, nLockTime=0) * CTxIn(COutPoint(000000, -1), coinbase * 04ffff001d0104455468652054696d65732030332f4a616e2f32303039204368616e63656c6c6f72206f6e206272696e6b206f66207365636f6e64206261696c6f757420666f722062616e6b73) * CTxOut(nValue=50.00000000, scriptPubKey=0x5F1DF16B2B704C8A578D0B) * vMerkleTree: 4a5e1e */ static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const Amount genesisReward) { const char *pszTimestamp = "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"; const CScript genesisOutputScript = CScript() << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909" "a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112" "de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f") << OP_CHECKSIG; return CreateGenesisBlock(pszTimestamp, genesisOutputScript, nTime, nNonce, nBits, nVersion, genesisReward); } /** * Main network */ /** * What makes a good checkpoint block? * + Is surrounded by blocks with reasonable timestamps * (no blocks before with a timestamp after, none after with * timestamp before) * + Contains no strange transactions */ class CMainParams : public CChainParams { public: CMainParams() { strNetworkID = "main"; consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210000; consensus.BIP34Height = 227931; consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S( "000000000000024b89b42a942fe0d9fea3bb44ab7bd1b19115dd6a759c0808b8"); // 000000000000000004c2b624ed5d7756c508d90fd0da2c7c679febfa6c4735f0 consensus.BIP65Height = 388381; // 00000000000000000379eaa19dce8c9b722d46ae6a57c2f1a988119488b50931 consensus.BIP66Height = 363725; // 000000000000000004a1b34462cb8aeebd5799177f7a29cf28f2d1961716b5b5 consensus.CSVHeight = 419328; consensus.powLimit = uint256S( "00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); // two weeks consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60; consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = false; consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false; // 95% of 2016 consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1916; // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 2016; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28; // January 1, 2008 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 1199145601; // December 31, 2008 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 1230767999; // The best chain should have at least this much work. consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S( "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000dace0e1d76421276e8fbf9"); // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are // valid. consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S( "000000000000000001f5338028c1457f2f3d45818c8a345f02c210b36ed249a7"); // August 1, 2017 hard fork consensus.uahfHeight = 478558; // November 13, 2017 hard fork consensus.daaHeight = 504031; - // Nov 15, 2018 hard fork - consensus.magneticAnomalyActivationTime = 1542300000; + // November 15, 2018 hard fork + consensus.magneticAnomalyHeight = 556766; // Wed, 15 May 2019 12:00:00 UTC hard fork consensus.greatWallActivationTime = 1557921600; /** * The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in * normal data. The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as * UTF-8, and produce a large 32-bit integer with any alignment. */ diskMagic[0] = 0xf9; diskMagic[1] = 0xbe; diskMagic[2] = 0xb4; diskMagic[3] = 0xd9; netMagic[0] = 0xe3; netMagic[1] = 0xe1; netMagic[2] = 0xf3; netMagic[3] = 0xe8; nDefaultPort = 8333; nPruneAfterHeight = 100000; genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1231006505, 2083236893, 0x1d00ffff, 1, 50 * COIN); consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash(); assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1" "b60a8ce26f")); assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b" "7afdeda33b")); // Note that of those which support the service bits prefix, most only // support a subset of possible options. This is fine at runtime as // we'll fall back to using them as a oneshot if they dont support the // service bits we want, but we should get them updated to support all // service bits wanted by any release ASAP to avoid it where possible. // Bitcoin ABC seeder vSeeds.emplace_back("seed.bitcoinabc.org"); // bitcoinforks seeders vSeeds.emplace_back("seed-abc.bitcoinforks.org"); // BU backed seeder vSeeds.emplace_back("btccash-seeder.bitcoinunlimited.info"); // Bitprim vSeeds.emplace_back("seed.bitprim.org"); // Amaury SÉCHET vSeeds.emplace_back("seed.deadalnix.me"); // criptolayer.net vSeeds.emplace_back("seeder.criptolayer.net"); base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1, 0); base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1, 5); base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = std::vector(1, 128); base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = {0x04, 0x88, 0xB2, 0x1E}; base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = {0x04, 0x88, 0xAD, 0xE4}; cashaddrPrefix = "bitcoincash"; vFixedSeeds = std::vector( pnSeed6_main, pnSeed6_main + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_main)); fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false; fRequireStandard = true; fMineBlocksOnDemand = false; checkpointData = { .mapCheckpoints = { {11111, uint256S("0000000069e244f73d78e8fd29ba2fd2ed618bd6fa2ee" "92559f542fdb26e7c1d")}, {33333, uint256S("000000002dd5588a74784eaa7ab0507a18ad16a236e7b" "1ce69f00d7ddfb5d0a6")}, {74000, uint256S("0000000000573993a3c9e41ce34471c079dcf5f52a0e8" "24a81e7f953b8661a20")}, {105000, uint256S("00000000000291ce28027faea320c8d2b054b2e0fe44" "a773f3eefb151d6bdc97")}, {134444, uint256S("00000000000005b12ffd4cd315cd34ffd4a594f430ac" "814c91184a0d42d2b0fe")}, {168000, uint256S("000000000000099e61ea72015e79632f216fe6cb33d7" "899acb35b75c8303b763")}, {193000, uint256S("000000000000059f452a5f7340de6682a977387c1701" "0ff6e6c3bd83ca8b1317")}, {210000, uint256S("000000000000048b95347e83192f69cf0366076336c6" "39f9b7228e9ba171342e")}, {216116, uint256S("00000000000001b4f4b433e81ee46494af945cf96014" "816a4e2370f11b23df4e")}, {225430, uint256S("00000000000001c108384350f74090433e7fcf79a606" "b8e797f065b130575932")}, {250000, uint256S("000000000000003887df1f29024b06fc2200b55f8af8" "f35453d7be294df2d214")}, {279000, uint256S("0000000000000001ae8c72a0b0c301f67e3afca10e81" "9efa9041e458e9bd7e40")}, {295000, uint256S("00000000000000004d9b4ef50f0f9d686fd69db2e03a" "f35a100370c64632a983")}, // UAHF fork block. {478558, uint256S("0000000000000000011865af4122fe3b144e2cbeea86" "142e8ff2fb4107352d43")}, // Nov, 13 DAA activation block. {504031, uint256S("0000000000000000011ebf65b60d0a3de80b8175be70" "9d653b4c1a1beeb6ab9c")}, // Monolith activation. {530359, uint256S("0000000000000000011ada8bd08f46074f44a8f15539" "6f43e38acf9501c49103")}, // Magnetic anomaly activation. {556767, uint256S("0000000000000000004626ff6e3b936941d341c5932e" "ce4357eeccac44e6d56c")}, }}; // Data as of block // 000000000000000001d2ce557406b017a928be25ee98906397d339c3f68eec5d // (height 523992). chainTxData = ChainTxData{ // UNIX timestamp of last known number of transactions. 1522608016, // Total number of transactions between genesis and that timestamp // (the tx=... number in the SetBestChain debug.log lines) 248589038, // Estimated number of transactions per second after that timestamp. 3.2}; } }; /** * Testnet (v3) */ class CTestNetParams : public CChainParams { public: CTestNetParams() { strNetworkID = "test"; consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210000; consensus.BIP34Height = 21111; consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S( "0000000023b3a96d3484e5abb3755c413e7d41500f8e2a5c3f0dd01299cd8ef8"); // 00000000007f6655f22f98e72ed80d8b06dc761d5da09df0fa1dc4be4f861eb6 consensus.BIP65Height = 581885; // 000000002104c8c45e99a8853285a3b592602a3ccde2b832481da85e9e4ba182 consensus.BIP66Height = 330776; // 00000000025e930139bac5c6c31a403776da130831ab85be56578f3fa75369bb consensus.CSVHeight = 770112; consensus.powLimit = uint256S( "00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); // two weeks consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60; consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true; consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false; // 75% for testchains consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1512; // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 2016; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28; // January 1, 2008 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 1199145601; // December 31, 2008 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 1230767999; // The best chain should have at least this much work. consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S( "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000416ad051088ff75074"); // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are // valid. consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S( "000000000000030bee568d677b6b99ee7d2d00b25d1fe95df5e73b484f00c322"); // August 1, 2017 hard fork consensus.uahfHeight = 1155875; // November 13, 2017 hard fork consensus.daaHeight = 1188697; - // Nov 15, 2018 hard fork - consensus.magneticAnomalyActivationTime = 1542300000; + // November 15, 2018 hard fork + consensus.magneticAnomalyHeight = 1267996; // Wed, 15 May 2019 12:00:00 UTC hard fork consensus.greatWallActivationTime = 1557921600; diskMagic[0] = 0x0b; diskMagic[1] = 0x11; diskMagic[2] = 0x09; diskMagic[3] = 0x07; netMagic[0] = 0xf4; netMagic[1] = 0xe5; netMagic[2] = 0xf3; netMagic[3] = 0xf4; nDefaultPort = 18333; nPruneAfterHeight = 1000; genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1296688602, 414098458, 0x1d00ffff, 1, 50 * COIN); consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash(); assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526" "f8d77f4943")); assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b" "7afdeda33b")); vFixedSeeds.clear(); vSeeds.clear(); // nodes with support for servicebits filtering should be at the top // Bitcoin ABC seeder vSeeds.emplace_back("testnet-seed.bitcoinabc.org"); // bitcoinforks seeders vSeeds.emplace_back("testnet-seed-abc.bitcoinforks.org"); // Bitprim vSeeds.emplace_back("testnet-seed.bitprim.org"); // Amaury SÉCHET vSeeds.emplace_back("testnet-seed.deadalnix.me"); // criptolayer.net vSeeds.emplace_back("testnet-seeder.criptolayer.net"); base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1, 111); base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1, 196); base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = std::vector(1, 239); base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = {0x04, 0x35, 0x87, 0xCF}; base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = {0x04, 0x35, 0x83, 0x94}; cashaddrPrefix = "bchtest"; vFixedSeeds = std::vector( pnSeed6_test, pnSeed6_test + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_test)); fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false; fRequireStandard = false; fMineBlocksOnDemand = false; checkpointData = { .mapCheckpoints = { {546, uint256S("000000002a936ca763904c3c35fce2f3556c559c0214345" "d31b1bcebf76acb70")}, // UAHF fork block. {1155875, uint256S("00000000f17c850672894b9a75b63a1e72830bbd5f4" "c8889b5c1a80e7faef138")}, // Nov, 13. DAA activation block. {1188697, uint256S("0000000000170ed0918077bde7b4d36cc4c91be69fa" "09211f748240dabe047fb")}, }}; // Data as of block // 000000000005b07ecf85563034d13efd81c1a29e47e22b20f4fc6919d5b09cd6 // (height 1223263) chainTxData = ChainTxData{1522608381, 15052068, 0.15}; } }; /** * Regression test */ class CRegTestParams : public CChainParams { public: CRegTestParams() { strNetworkID = "regtest"; consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 150; // BIP34 has not activated on regtest (far in the future so block v1 are // not rejected in tests) consensus.BIP34Height = 100000000; consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256(); // BIP65 activated on regtest (Used in rpc activation tests) consensus.BIP65Height = 1351; // BIP66 activated on regtest (Used in rpc activation tests) consensus.BIP66Height = 1251; // CSV activated on regtest (Used in rpc activation tests) consensus.CSVHeight = 576; consensus.powLimit = uint256S( "7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); // two weeks consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60; consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true; consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = true; // 75% for testchains consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 108; // Faster than normal for regtest (144 instead of 2016) consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 144; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 0; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 999999999999ULL; // The best chain should have at least this much work. consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x00"); // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are // valid. consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x00"); // UAHF is always enabled on regtest. consensus.uahfHeight = 0; // November 13, 2017 hard fork is always on on regtest. consensus.daaHeight = 0; - // Nov 15, 2018 hard fork - consensus.magneticAnomalyActivationTime = 1542300000; + // November 15, 2018 hard fork is always on on regtest. + consensus.magneticAnomalyHeight = 0; // Wed, 15 May 2019 12:00:00 UTC hard fork consensus.greatWallActivationTime = 1557921600; diskMagic[0] = 0xfa; diskMagic[1] = 0xbf; diskMagic[2] = 0xb5; diskMagic[3] = 0xda; netMagic[0] = 0xda; netMagic[1] = 0xb5; netMagic[2] = 0xbf; netMagic[3] = 0xfa; nDefaultPort = 18444; nPruneAfterHeight = 1000; genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1296688602, 2, 0x207fffff, 1, 50 * COIN); consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash(); assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b" "1a11466e2206")); assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab212" "7b7afdeda33b")); //!< Regtest mode doesn't have any fixed seeds. vFixedSeeds.clear(); //!< Regtest mode doesn't have any DNS seeds. vSeeds.clear(); fDefaultConsistencyChecks = true; fRequireStandard = false; fMineBlocksOnDemand = true; checkpointData = {.mapCheckpoints = { {0, uint256S("0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5" "beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206")}, }}; chainTxData = ChainTxData{0, 0, 0}; base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1, 111); base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1, 196); base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = std::vector(1, 239); base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = {0x04, 0x35, 0x87, 0xCF}; base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = {0x04, 0x35, 0x83, 0x94}; cashaddrPrefix = "bchreg"; } }; static std::unique_ptr globalChainParams; const CChainParams &Params() { assert(globalChainParams); return *globalChainParams; } std::unique_ptr CreateChainParams(const std::string &chain) { if (chain == CBaseChainParams::MAIN) { return std::unique_ptr(new CMainParams()); } if (chain == CBaseChainParams::TESTNET) { return std::unique_ptr(new CTestNetParams()); } if (chain == CBaseChainParams::REGTEST) { return std::unique_ptr(new CRegTestParams()); } throw std::runtime_error( strprintf("%s: Unknown chain %s.", __func__, chain)); } void SelectParams(const std::string &network) { SelectBaseParams(network); globalChainParams = CreateChainParams(network); } diff --git a/src/consensus/activation.cpp b/src/consensus/activation.cpp index 19a8b9624d..395f94e866 100644 --- a/src/consensus/activation.cpp +++ b/src/consensus/activation.cpp @@ -1,50 +1,48 @@ // Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "activation.h" #include "chain.h" #include "chainparams.h" #include "config.h" #include "util.h" static bool IsUAHFenabled(const Config &config, int nHeight) { return nHeight >= config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus().uahfHeight; } bool IsUAHFenabled(const Config &config, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev) { if (pindexPrev == nullptr) { return false; } return IsUAHFenabled(config, pindexPrev->nHeight); } static bool IsDAAEnabled(const Config &config, int nHeight) { return nHeight >= config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus().daaHeight; } bool IsDAAEnabled(const Config &config, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev) { if (pindexPrev == nullptr) { return false; } return IsDAAEnabled(config, pindexPrev->nHeight); } -bool IsMagneticAnomalyEnabled(const Config &config, int64_t nMedianTimePast) { - return nMedianTimePast >= gArgs.GetArg("-magneticanomalyactivationtime", - config.GetChainParams() - .GetConsensus() - .magneticAnomalyActivationTime); +bool IsMagneticAnomalyEnabled(const Config &config, int32_t nHeight) { + return nHeight >= + config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus().magneticAnomalyHeight; } bool IsMagneticAnomalyEnabled(const Config &config, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev) { if (pindexPrev == nullptr) { return false; } - return IsMagneticAnomalyEnabled(config, pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()); + return IsMagneticAnomalyEnabled(config, pindexPrev->nHeight); } diff --git a/src/consensus/activation.h b/src/consensus/activation.h index e22825f0d2..e6c44b83be 100644 --- a/src/consensus/activation.h +++ b/src/consensus/activation.h @@ -1,28 +1,25 @@ // Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_CONSENSUS_ACTIVATION_H #define BITCOIN_CONSENSUS_ACTIVATION_H #include class CBlockIndex; class Config; /** Check if UAHF has activated. */ bool IsUAHFenabled(const Config &config, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev); /** Check if DAA HF has activated. */ bool IsDAAEnabled(const Config &config, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev); -/** Check if Nov 15, 2018 HF has activated. */ +/** Check if Nov 15, 2018 HF has activated using block height. */ +bool IsMagneticAnomalyEnabled(const Config &config, int32_t nHeight); +/** Check if Nov 15, 2018 HF has activated using previous block index. */ bool IsMagneticAnomalyEnabled(const Config &config, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev); -/** - * Also check if Nov 15, 2018 HF has activated, but with an API that isn't as - * safe. - */ -bool IsMagneticAnomalyEnabled(const Config &config, int64_t nMedianTimePast); #endif // BITCOIN_CONSENSUS_ACTIVATION_H diff --git a/src/consensus/params.h b/src/consensus/params.h index 9499f10df0..d4a2d9a6b2 100644 --- a/src/consensus/params.h +++ b/src/consensus/params.h @@ -1,84 +1,84 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_CONSENSUS_PARAMS_H #define BITCOIN_CONSENSUS_PARAMS_H #include "uint256.h" #include #include namespace Consensus { enum DeploymentPos { DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY, // NOTE: Also add new deployments to VersionBitsDeploymentInfo in // versionbits.cpp MAX_VERSION_BITS_DEPLOYMENTS }; /** * Struct for each individual consensus rule change using BIP9. */ struct BIP9Deployment { /** Bit position to select the particular bit in nVersion. */ int bit; /** * Start MedianTime for version bits miner confirmation. Can be a date in * the past. */ int64_t nStartTime; /** Timeout/expiry MedianTime for the deployment attempt. */ int64_t nTimeout; }; /** * Parameters that influence chain consensus. */ struct Params { uint256 hashGenesisBlock; int nSubsidyHalvingInterval; /** Block height and hash at which BIP34 becomes active */ int BIP34Height; uint256 BIP34Hash; /** Block height at which BIP65 becomes active */ int BIP65Height; /** Block height at which BIP66 becomes active */ int BIP66Height; /** Block height at which CSV (BIP68, BIP112 and BIP113) becomes active */ int CSVHeight; /** Block height at which UAHF kicks in */ int uahfHeight; /** Block height at which the new DAA becomes active */ int daaHeight; - /** Unix time used for MTP activation of Nov 15 2018, hardfork */ - int magneticAnomalyActivationTime; + /** Block height at which the magnetic anomaly activation becomes active */ + int magneticAnomalyHeight; /** Unix time used for MTP activation of 15 May 2019 12:00:00 UTC upgrade */ int greatWallActivationTime; /** * Minimum blocks including miner confirmation of the total of 2016 blocks * in a retargeting period, (nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing) which * is also used for BIP9 deployments. * Examples: 1916 for 95%, 1512 for testchains. */ uint32_t nRuleChangeActivationThreshold; uint32_t nMinerConfirmationWindow; BIP9Deployment vDeployments[MAX_VERSION_BITS_DEPLOYMENTS]; /** Proof of work parameters */ uint256 powLimit; bool fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks; bool fPowNoRetargeting; int64_t nPowTargetSpacing; int64_t nPowTargetTimespan; int64_t DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() const { return nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing; } uint256 nMinimumChainWork; uint256 defaultAssumeValid; }; } // namespace Consensus #endif // BITCOIN_CONSENSUS_PARAMS_H diff --git a/src/consensus/tx_verify.cpp b/src/consensus/tx_verify.cpp index fd2ba8f805..e0d1a1de82 100644 --- a/src/consensus/tx_verify.cpp +++ b/src/consensus/tx_verify.cpp @@ -1,332 +1,332 @@ // Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "tx_verify.h" #include "chain.h" #include "coins.h" #include "consensus/activation.h" #include "consensus/consensus.h" #include "consensus/validation.h" #include "primitives/transaction.h" #include "script/script_flags.h" #include "utilmoneystr.h" // For FormatMoney #include "version.h" // For PROTOCOL_VERSION static bool IsFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int nBlockHeight, int64_t nBlockTime) { if (tx.nLockTime == 0) { return true; } int64_t lockTime = tx.nLockTime; int64_t lockTimeLimit = (lockTime < LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD) ? nBlockHeight : nBlockTime; if (lockTime < lockTimeLimit) { return true; } for (const auto &txin : tx.vin) { if (txin.nSequence != CTxIn::SEQUENCE_FINAL) { return false; } } return true; } bool ContextualCheckTransaction(const Config &config, const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, int nHeight, int64_t nLockTimeCutoff, int64_t nMedianTimePast) { if (!IsFinalTx(tx, nHeight, nLockTimeCutoff)) { // While this is only one transaction, we use txns in the error to // ensure continuity with other clients. return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-nonfinal", false, "non-final transaction"); } - if (IsMagneticAnomalyEnabled(config, nMedianTimePast)) { + if (IsMagneticAnomalyEnabled(config, nHeight)) { // Size limit if (::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) < MIN_TX_SIZE) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-undersize"); } } return true; } /** * Calculates the block height and previous block's median time past at * which the transaction will be considered final in the context of BIP 68. * Also removes from the vector of input heights any entries which did not * correspond to sequence locked inputs as they do not affect the calculation. */ std::pair CalculateSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector *prevHeights, const CBlockIndex &block) { assert(prevHeights->size() == tx.vin.size()); // Will be set to the equivalent height- and time-based nLockTime // values that would be necessary to satisfy all relative lock- // time constraints given our view of block chain history. // The semantics of nLockTime are the last invalid height/time, so // use -1 to have the effect of any height or time being valid. int nMinHeight = -1; int64_t nMinTime = -1; // tx.nVersion is signed integer so requires cast to unsigned otherwise // we would be doing a signed comparison and half the range of nVersion // wouldn't support BIP 68. bool fEnforceBIP68 = static_cast(tx.nVersion) >= 2 && flags & LOCKTIME_VERIFY_SEQUENCE; // Do not enforce sequence numbers as a relative lock time // unless we have been instructed to if (!fEnforceBIP68) { return std::make_pair(nMinHeight, nMinTime); } for (size_t txinIndex = 0; txinIndex < tx.vin.size(); txinIndex++) { const CTxIn &txin = tx.vin[txinIndex]; // Sequence numbers with the most significant bit set are not // treated as relative lock-times, nor are they given any // consensus-enforced meaning at this point. if (txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG) { // The height of this input is not relevant for sequence locks (*prevHeights)[txinIndex] = 0; continue; } int nCoinHeight = (*prevHeights)[txinIndex]; if (txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG) { int64_t nCoinTime = block.GetAncestor(std::max(nCoinHeight - 1, 0)) ->GetMedianTimePast(); // NOTE: Subtract 1 to maintain nLockTime semantics. // BIP 68 relative lock times have the semantics of calculating the // first block or time at which the transaction would be valid. When // calculating the effective block time or height for the entire // transaction, we switch to using the semantics of nLockTime which // is the last invalid block time or height. Thus we subtract 1 from // the calculated time or height. // Time-based relative lock-times are measured from the smallest // allowed timestamp of the block containing the txout being spent, // which is the median time past of the block prior. nMinTime = std::max( nMinTime, nCoinTime + (int64_t)((txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK) << CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY) - 1); } else { nMinHeight = std::max( nMinHeight, nCoinHeight + (int)(txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK) - 1); } } return std::make_pair(nMinHeight, nMinTime); } bool EvaluateSequenceLocks(const CBlockIndex &block, std::pair lockPair) { assert(block.pprev); int64_t nBlockTime = block.pprev->GetMedianTimePast(); if (lockPair.first >= block.nHeight || lockPair.second >= nBlockTime) { return false; } return true; } bool SequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector *prevHeights, const CBlockIndex &block) { return EvaluateSequenceLocks( block, CalculateSequenceLocks(tx, flags, prevHeights, block)); } uint64_t GetSigOpCountWithoutP2SH(const CTransaction &tx, uint32_t flags) { uint64_t nSigOps = 0; for (const auto &txin : tx.vin) { nSigOps += txin.scriptSig.GetSigOpCount(flags, false); } for (const auto &txout : tx.vout) { nSigOps += txout.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount(flags, false); } return nSigOps; } uint64_t GetP2SHSigOpCount(const CTransaction &tx, const CCoinsViewCache &view, uint32_t flags) { if ((flags & SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH) == 0 || tx.IsCoinBase()) { return 0; } uint64_t nSigOps = 0; for (auto &i : tx.vin) { const CTxOut &prevout = view.GetOutputFor(i); if (prevout.scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash()) { nSigOps += prevout.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount(flags, i.scriptSig); } } return nSigOps; } uint64_t GetTransactionSigOpCount(const CTransaction &tx, const CCoinsViewCache &view, uint32_t flags) { return GetSigOpCountWithoutP2SH(tx, flags) + GetP2SHSigOpCount(tx, view, flags); } static bool CheckTransactionCommon(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state) { // Basic checks that don't depend on any context if (tx.vin.empty()) { return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vin-empty"); } if (tx.vout.empty()) { return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-empty"); } // Size limit if (::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) > MAX_TX_SIZE) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-oversize"); } // Check for negative or overflow output values Amount nValueOut = Amount::zero(); for (const auto &txout : tx.vout) { if (txout.nValue < Amount::zero()) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-negative"); } if (txout.nValue > MAX_MONEY) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-vout-toolarge"); } nValueOut += txout.nValue; if (!MoneyRange(nValueOut)) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-txouttotal-toolarge"); } } if (GetSigOpCountWithoutP2SH(tx, SCRIPT_ENABLE_CHECKDATASIG) > MAX_TX_SIGOPS_COUNT) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txn-sigops"); } return true; } bool CheckCoinbase(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state) { if (!tx.IsCoinBase()) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-missing", false, "first tx is not coinbase"); } if (!CheckTransactionCommon(tx, state)) { // CheckTransactionCommon fill in the state. return false; } if (tx.vin[0].scriptSig.size() < 2 || tx.vin[0].scriptSig.size() > MAX_COINBASE_SCRIPTSIG_SIZE) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-length"); } return true; } bool CheckRegularTransaction(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state) { if (tx.IsCoinBase()) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-tx-coinbase"); } if (!CheckTransactionCommon(tx, state)) { // CheckTransactionCommon fill in the state. return false; } std::unordered_set vInOutPoints; for (const auto &txin : tx.vin) { if (txin.prevout.IsNull()) { return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-prevout-null"); } if (!vInOutPoints.insert(txin.prevout).second) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputs-duplicate"); } } return true; } namespace Consensus { bool CheckTxInputs(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs, int nSpendHeight) { // This doesn't trigger the DoS code on purpose; if it did, it would make it // easier for an attacker to attempt to split the network. if (!inputs.HaveInputs(tx)) { return state.Invalid(false, 0, "", "Inputs unavailable"); } Amount nValueIn = Amount::zero(); Amount nFees = Amount::zero(); for (const auto &in : tx.vin) { const COutPoint &prevout = in.prevout; const Coin &coin = inputs.AccessCoin(prevout); assert(!coin.IsSpent()); // If prev is coinbase, check that it's matured if (coin.IsCoinBase()) { if (nSpendHeight - coin.GetHeight() < COINBASE_MATURITY) { return state.Invalid( false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-premature-spend-of-coinbase", strprintf("tried to spend coinbase at depth %d", nSpendHeight - coin.GetHeight())); } } // Check for negative or overflow input values nValueIn += coin.GetTxOut().nValue; if (!MoneyRange(coin.GetTxOut().nValue) || !MoneyRange(nValueIn)) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputvalues-outofrange"); } } if (nValueIn < tx.GetValueOut()) { return state.DoS( 100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-in-belowout", false, strprintf("value in (%s) < value out (%s)", FormatMoney(nValueIn), FormatMoney(tx.GetValueOut()))); } // Tally transaction fees Amount nTxFee = nValueIn - tx.GetValueOut(); if (nTxFee < Amount::zero()) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-fee-negative"); } nFees += nTxFee; if (!MoneyRange(nFees)) { return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-fee-outofrange"); } return true; } } // namespace Consensus diff --git a/src/test/transaction_tests.cpp b/src/test/transaction_tests.cpp index 9420494d2d..df112b71a9 100644 --- a/src/test/transaction_tests.cpp +++ b/src/test/transaction_tests.cpp @@ -1,813 +1,813 @@ // Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "data/tx_invalid.json.h" #include "data/tx_valid.json.h" #include "test/test_bitcoin.h" #include "chainparams.h" // For CChainParams #include "checkqueue.h" #include "clientversion.h" #include "config.h" #include "consensus/tx_verify.h" #include "consensus/validation.h" #include "core_io.h" #include "key.h" #include "keystore.h" #include "policy/policy.h" #include "script/script.h" #include "script/script_error.h" #include "script/sign.h" #include "script/standard.h" #include "test/jsonutil.h" #include "test/scriptflags.h" #include "utilstrencodings.h" #include "validation.h" #include #include #include #include typedef std::vector valtype; BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(transaction_tests, BasicTestingSetup) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(tx_valid) { // Read tests from test/data/tx_valid.json // Format is an array of arrays // Inner arrays are either [ "comment" ] // or [[[prevout hash, prevout index, prevout scriptPubKey], [input 2], // ...],"], serializedTransaction, verifyFlags // ... where all scripts are stringified scripts. // // verifyFlags is a comma separated list of script verification flags to // apply, or "NONE" UniValue tests = read_json( std::string(json_tests::tx_valid, json_tests::tx_valid + sizeof(json_tests::tx_valid))); ScriptError err; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < tests.size(); idx++) { UniValue test = tests[idx]; std::string strTest = test.write(); if (test[0].isArray()) { if (test.size() != 3 || !test[1].isStr() || !test[2].isStr()) { BOOST_ERROR("Bad test: " << strTest); continue; } std::map mapprevOutScriptPubKeys; std::map mapprevOutValues; UniValue inputs = test[0].get_array(); bool fValid = true; for (size_t inpIdx = 0; inpIdx < inputs.size(); inpIdx++) { const UniValue &input = inputs[inpIdx]; if (!input.isArray()) { fValid = false; break; } UniValue vinput = input.get_array(); if (vinput.size() < 3 || vinput.size() > 4) { fValid = false; break; } COutPoint outpoint(uint256S(vinput[0].get_str()), vinput[1].get_int()); mapprevOutScriptPubKeys[outpoint] = ParseScript(vinput[2].get_str()); if (vinput.size() >= 4) { mapprevOutValues[outpoint] = vinput[3].get_int64() * SATOSHI; } } if (!fValid) { BOOST_ERROR("Bad test: " << strTest); continue; } std::string transaction = test[1].get_str(); CDataStream stream(ParseHex(transaction), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); CTransaction tx(deserialize, stream); CValidationState state; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tx.IsCoinBase() ? CheckCoinbase(tx, state) : CheckRegularTransaction(tx, state), strTest); BOOST_CHECK(state.IsValid()); // Check that CheckCoinbase reject non-coinbase transactions and // vice versa. BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(!(tx.IsCoinBase() ? CheckRegularTransaction(tx, state) : CheckCoinbase(tx, state)), strTest); BOOST_CHECK(state.IsInvalid()); PrecomputedTransactionData txdata(tx); for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); i++) { if (!mapprevOutScriptPubKeys.count(tx.vin[i].prevout)) { BOOST_ERROR("Bad test: " << strTest); break; } Amount amount = Amount::zero(); if (mapprevOutValues.count(tx.vin[i].prevout)) { amount = mapprevOutValues[tx.vin[i].prevout]; } uint32_t verify_flags = ParseScriptFlags(test[2].get_str()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( VerifyScript( tx.vin[i].scriptSig, mapprevOutScriptPubKeys[tx.vin[i].prevout], verify_flags, TransactionSignatureChecker(&tx, i, amount, txdata), &err), strTest); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(err == SCRIPT_ERR_OK, ScriptErrorString(err)); } } } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(tx_invalid) { // Read tests from test/data/tx_invalid.json // Format is an array of arrays // Inner arrays are either [ "comment" ] // or [[[prevout hash, prevout index, prevout scriptPubKey], [input 2], // ...],"], serializedTransaction, verifyFlags // ... where all scripts are stringified scripts. // // verifyFlags is a comma separated list of script verification flags to // apply, or "NONE" UniValue tests = read_json( std::string(json_tests::tx_invalid, json_tests::tx_invalid + sizeof(json_tests::tx_invalid))); ScriptError err; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < tests.size(); idx++) { UniValue test = tests[idx]; std::string strTest = test.write(); if (test[0].isArray()) { if (test.size() != 3 || !test[1].isStr() || !test[2].isStr()) { BOOST_ERROR("Bad test: " << strTest); continue; } std::map mapprevOutScriptPubKeys; std::map mapprevOutValues; UniValue inputs = test[0].get_array(); bool fValid = true; for (size_t inpIdx = 0; inpIdx < inputs.size(); inpIdx++) { const UniValue &input = inputs[inpIdx]; if (!input.isArray()) { fValid = false; break; } UniValue vinput = input.get_array(); if (vinput.size() < 3 || vinput.size() > 4) { fValid = false; break; } COutPoint outpoint(uint256S(vinput[0].get_str()), vinput[1].get_int()); mapprevOutScriptPubKeys[outpoint] = ParseScript(vinput[2].get_str()); if (vinput.size() >= 4) { mapprevOutValues[outpoint] = vinput[3].get_int64() * SATOSHI; } } if (!fValid) { BOOST_ERROR("Bad test: " << strTest); continue; } std::string transaction = test[1].get_str(); CDataStream stream(ParseHex(transaction), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); CTransaction tx(deserialize, stream); CValidationState state; fValid = CheckRegularTransaction(tx, state) && state.IsValid(); PrecomputedTransactionData txdata(tx); for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vin.size() && fValid; i++) { if (!mapprevOutScriptPubKeys.count(tx.vin[i].prevout)) { BOOST_ERROR("Bad test: " << strTest); break; } Amount amount = Amount::zero(); if (0 != mapprevOutValues.count(tx.vin[i].prevout)) { amount = mapprevOutValues[tx.vin[i].prevout]; } uint32_t verify_flags = ParseScriptFlags(test[2].get_str()); fValid = VerifyScript( tx.vin[i].scriptSig, mapprevOutScriptPubKeys[tx.vin[i].prevout], verify_flags, TransactionSignatureChecker(&tx, i, amount, txdata), &err); } BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(!fValid, strTest); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(err != SCRIPT_ERR_OK, ScriptErrorString(err)); } } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(basic_transaction_tests) { // Random real transaction // (e2769b09e784f32f62ef849763d4f45b98e07ba658647343b915ff832b110436) uint8_t ch[] = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x6b, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xcd, 0x4f, 0x85, 0x65, 0xef, 0x40, 0x6d, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0x3d, 0x4f, 0xf9, 0x4f, 0x31, 0x8f, 0xe8, 0x20, 0x27, 0xfd, 0x4d, 0xc4, 0x51, 0xb0, 0x44, 0x74, 0x01, 0x9f, 0x74, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x49, 0x30, 0x46, 0x02, 0x21, 0x00, 0xda, 0x0d, 0xc6, 0xae, 0xce, 0xfe, 0x1e, 0x06, 0xef, 0xdf, 0x05, 0x77, 0x37, 0x57, 0xde, 0xb1, 0x68, 0x82, 0x09, 0x30, 0xe3, 0xb0, 0xd0, 0x3f, 0x46, 0xf5, 0xfc, 0xf1, 0x50, 0xbf, 0x99, 0x0c, 0x02, 0x21, 0x00, 0xd2, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x87, 0x04, 0x00, 0x76, 0xe4, 0xf2, 0x53, 0xf8, 0x26, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x3e, 0x2d, 0xd5, 0x1e, 0x7f, 0xf0, 0xbe, 0x15, 0x77, 0x27, 0xc4, 0xbc, 0x42, 0x80, 0x7f, 0x17, 0xbd, 0x39, 0x01, 0x41, 0x04, 0xe6, 0xc2, 0x6e, 0xf6, 0x7d, 0xc6, 0x10, 0xd2, 0xcd, 0x19, 0x24, 0x84, 0x78, 0x9a, 0x6c, 0xf9, 0xae, 0xa9, 0x93, 0x0b, 0x94, 0x4b, 0x7e, 0x2d, 0xb5, 0x34, 0x2b, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x5b, 0x9f, 0xf7, 0x9a, 0xff, 0x9a, 0x2e, 0xe1, 0x97, 0x8d, 0xd7, 0xfd, 0x01, 0xdf, 0xc5, 0x22, 0xee, 0x02, 0x28, 0x3d, 0x3b, 0x06, 0xa9, 0xd0, 0x3a, 0xcf, 0x80, 0x96, 0x96, 0x8d, 0x7d, 0xbb, 0x0f, 0x91, 0x78, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x02, 0x8b, 0xa7, 0x94, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x19, 0x76, 0xa9, 0x14, 0xba, 0xde, 0xec, 0xfd, 0xef, 0x05, 0x07, 0x24, 0x7f, 0xc8, 0xf7, 0x42, 0x41, 0xd7, 0x3b, 0xc0, 0x39, 0x97, 0x2d, 0x7b, 0x88, 0xac, 0x40, 0x94, 0xa8, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x19, 0x76, 0xa9, 0x14, 0xc1, 0x09, 0x32, 0x48, 0x3f, 0xec, 0x93, 0xed, 0x51, 0xf5, 0xfe, 0x95, 0xe7, 0x25, 0x59, 0xf2, 0xcc, 0x70, 0x43, 0xf9, 0x88, 0xac, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; std::vector vch(ch, ch + sizeof(ch) - 1); CDataStream stream(vch, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); CMutableTransaction tx; stream >> tx; CValidationState state; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(CheckRegularTransaction(CTransaction(tx), state) && state.IsValid(), "Simple deserialized transaction should be valid."); // Check that duplicate txins fail tx.vin.push_back(tx.vin[0]); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(!CheckRegularTransaction(CTransaction(tx), state) || !state.IsValid(), "Transaction with duplicate txins should be invalid."); } // // Helper: create two dummy transactions, each with // two outputs. The first has 11 and 50 CENT outputs // paid to a TX_PUBKEY, the second 21 and 22 CENT outputs // paid to a TX_PUBKEYHASH. // static std::vector SetupDummyInputs(CBasicKeyStore &keystoreRet, CCoinsViewCache &coinsRet) { std::vector dummyTransactions; dummyTransactions.resize(2); // Add some keys to the keystore: CKey key[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { key[i].MakeNewKey(i % 2); keystoreRet.AddKey(key[i]); } // Create some dummy input transactions dummyTransactions[0].vout.resize(2); dummyTransactions[0].vout[0].nValue = 11 * CENT; dummyTransactions[0].vout[0].scriptPubKey << ToByteVector(key[0].GetPubKey()) << OP_CHECKSIG; dummyTransactions[0].vout[1].nValue = 50 * CENT; dummyTransactions[0].vout[1].scriptPubKey << ToByteVector(key[1].GetPubKey()) << OP_CHECKSIG; AddCoins(coinsRet, CTransaction(dummyTransactions[0]), 0); dummyTransactions[1].vout.resize(2); dummyTransactions[1].vout[0].nValue = 21 * CENT; dummyTransactions[1].vout[0].scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(key[2].GetPubKey().GetID()); dummyTransactions[1].vout[1].nValue = 22 * CENT; dummyTransactions[1].vout[1].scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(key[3].GetPubKey().GetID()); AddCoins(coinsRet, CTransaction(dummyTransactions[1]), 0); return dummyTransactions; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_Get) { CBasicKeyStore keystore; CCoinsView coinsDummy; CCoinsViewCache coins(&coinsDummy); std::vector dummyTransactions = SetupDummyInputs(keystore, coins); CMutableTransaction t1; t1.vin.resize(3); t1.vin[0].prevout = COutPoint(dummyTransactions[0].GetId(), 1); t1.vin[0].scriptSig << std::vector(65, 0); t1.vin[1].prevout = COutPoint(dummyTransactions[1].GetId(), 0); t1.vin[1].scriptSig << std::vector(65, 0) << std::vector(33, 4); t1.vin[2].prevout = COutPoint(dummyTransactions[1].GetId(), 1); t1.vin[2].scriptSig << std::vector(65, 0) << std::vector(33, 4); t1.vout.resize(2); t1.vout[0].nValue = 90 * CENT; t1.vout[0].scriptPubKey << OP_1; BOOST_CHECK(AreInputsStandard(CTransaction(t1), coins)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(coins.GetValueIn(CTransaction(t1)), (50 + 21 + 22) * CENT); } void CreateCreditAndSpend(const CKeyStore &keystore, const CScript &outscript, CTransactionRef &output, CMutableTransaction &input, bool success = true) { CMutableTransaction outputm; outputm.nVersion = 1; outputm.vin.resize(1); outputm.vin[0].prevout = COutPoint(); outputm.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript(); outputm.vout.resize(1); outputm.vout[0].nValue = SATOSHI; outputm.vout[0].scriptPubKey = outscript; CDataStream ssout(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ssout << outputm; ssout >> output; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(output->vin.size(), 1UL); BOOST_CHECK(output->vin[0] == outputm.vin[0]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(output->vout.size(), 1UL); BOOST_CHECK(output->vout[0] == outputm.vout[0]); CMutableTransaction inputm; inputm.nVersion = 1; inputm.vin.resize(1); inputm.vin[0].prevout = COutPoint(output->GetId(), 0); inputm.vout.resize(1); inputm.vout[0].nValue = SATOSHI; inputm.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript(); bool ret = SignSignature(keystore, *output, inputm, 0, SigHashType().withForkId()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ret, success); CDataStream ssin(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ssin << inputm; ssin >> input; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(input.vin.size(), 1UL); BOOST_CHECK(input.vin[0] == inputm.vin[0]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(input.vout.size(), 1UL); BOOST_CHECK(input.vout[0] == inputm.vout[0]); } void CheckWithFlag(const CTransactionRef &output, const CMutableTransaction &input, int flags, bool success) { ScriptError error; CTransaction inputi(input); bool ret = VerifyScript( inputi.vin[0].scriptSig, output->vout[0].scriptPubKey, flags | SCRIPT_ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID, TransactionSignatureChecker(&inputi, 0, output->vout[0].nValue), &error); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ret, success); } static CScript PushAll(const std::vector &values) { CScript result; for (const valtype &v : values) { if (v.size() == 0) { result << OP_0; } else if (v.size() == 1 && v[0] >= 1 && v[0] <= 16) { result << CScript::EncodeOP_N(v[0]); } else { result << v; } } return result; } void ReplaceRedeemScript(CScript &script, const CScript &redeemScript) { std::vector stack; EvalScript(stack, script, SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC, BaseSignatureChecker()); BOOST_CHECK(stack.size() > 0); stack.back() = std::vector(redeemScript.begin(), redeemScript.end()); script = PushAll(stack); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_big_transaction) { CKey key; key.MakeNewKey(false); CBasicKeyStore keystore; keystore.AddKeyPubKey(key, key.GetPubKey()); CScript scriptPubKey = CScript() << ToByteVector(key.GetPubKey()) << OP_CHECKSIG; std::vector sigHashes; sigHashes.emplace_back(SIGHASH_NONE | SIGHASH_FORKID); sigHashes.emplace_back(SIGHASH_SINGLE | SIGHASH_FORKID); sigHashes.emplace_back(SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID); sigHashes.emplace_back(SIGHASH_NONE | SIGHASH_FORKID | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY); sigHashes.emplace_back(SIGHASH_SINGLE | SIGHASH_FORKID | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY); sigHashes.emplace_back(SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY); CMutableTransaction mtx; mtx.nVersion = 1; // create a big transaction of 4500 inputs signed by the same key. const static size_t OUTPUT_COUNT = 4500; mtx.vout.reserve(OUTPUT_COUNT); for (size_t ij = 0; ij < OUTPUT_COUNT; ij++) { size_t i = mtx.vin.size(); uint256 prevId = uint256S( "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100"); COutPoint outpoint(prevId, i); mtx.vin.resize(mtx.vin.size() + 1); mtx.vin[i].prevout = outpoint; mtx.vin[i].scriptSig = CScript(); mtx.vout.emplace_back(1000 * SATOSHI, CScript() << OP_1); } // sign all inputs for (size_t i = 0; i < mtx.vin.size(); i++) { bool hashSigned = SignSignature(keystore, scriptPubKey, mtx, i, 1000 * SATOSHI, sigHashes.at(i % sigHashes.size())); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(hashSigned, "Failed to sign test transaction"); } CTransaction tx(mtx); // check all inputs concurrently, with the cache PrecomputedTransactionData txdata(tx); boost::thread_group threadGroup; CCheckQueue scriptcheckqueue(128); CCheckQueueControl control(&scriptcheckqueue); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { threadGroup.create_thread(boost::bind( &CCheckQueue::Thread, boost::ref(scriptcheckqueue))); } std::vector coins; for (size_t i = 0; i < mtx.vin.size(); i++) { CTxOut out; out.nValue = 1000 * SATOSHI; out.scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey; coins.emplace_back(std::move(out), 1, false); } for (size_t i = 0; i < mtx.vin.size(); i++) { std::vector vChecks; CTxOut &out = coins[tx.vin[i].prevout.GetN()].GetTxOut(); CScriptCheck check(out.scriptPubKey, out.nValue, tx, i, MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, false, txdata); vChecks.push_back(CScriptCheck()); check.swap(vChecks.back()); control.Add(vChecks); } bool controlCheck = control.Wait(); BOOST_CHECK(controlCheck); threadGroup.interrupt_all(); threadGroup.join_all(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_witness) { CBasicKeyStore keystore, keystore2; CKey key1, key2, key3, key1L, key2L; CPubKey pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3, pubkey1L, pubkey2L; key1.MakeNewKey(true); key2.MakeNewKey(true); key3.MakeNewKey(true); key1L.MakeNewKey(false); key2L.MakeNewKey(false); pubkey1 = key1.GetPubKey(); pubkey2 = key2.GetPubKey(); pubkey3 = key3.GetPubKey(); pubkey1L = key1L.GetPubKey(); pubkey2L = key2L.GetPubKey(); keystore.AddKeyPubKey(key1, pubkey1); keystore.AddKeyPubKey(key2, pubkey2); keystore.AddKeyPubKey(key1L, pubkey1L); keystore.AddKeyPubKey(key2L, pubkey2L); CScript scriptPubkey1, scriptPubkey2, scriptPubkey1L, scriptPubkey2L, scriptMulti; scriptPubkey1 << ToByteVector(pubkey1) << OP_CHECKSIG; scriptPubkey2 << ToByteVector(pubkey2) << OP_CHECKSIG; scriptPubkey1L << ToByteVector(pubkey1L) << OP_CHECKSIG; scriptPubkey2L << ToByteVector(pubkey2L) << OP_CHECKSIG; std::vector oneandthree; oneandthree.push_back(pubkey1); oneandthree.push_back(pubkey3); scriptMulti = GetScriptForMultisig(2, oneandthree); keystore.AddCScript(scriptPubkey1); keystore.AddCScript(scriptPubkey2); keystore.AddCScript(scriptPubkey1L); keystore.AddCScript(scriptPubkey2L); keystore.AddCScript(scriptMulti); keystore2.AddCScript(scriptMulti); keystore2.AddKeyPubKey(key3, pubkey3); CTransactionRef output1, output2; CMutableTransaction input1, input2; SignatureData sigdata; // Normal pay-to-compressed-pubkey. CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore, scriptPubkey1, output1, input1); CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore, scriptPubkey2, output2, input2); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, 0, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, 0, false); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, false); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, false); // P2SH pay-to-compressed-pubkey. CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore, GetScriptForDestination(CScriptID(scriptPubkey1)), output1, input1); CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore, GetScriptForDestination(CScriptID(scriptPubkey2)), output2, input2); ReplaceRedeemScript(input2.vin[0].scriptSig, scriptPubkey1); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, 0, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, 0, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, false); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, false); // Normal pay-to-uncompressed-pubkey. CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore, scriptPubkey1L, output1, input1); CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore, scriptPubkey2L, output2, input2); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, 0, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, 0, false); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, false); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, false); // P2SH pay-to-uncompressed-pubkey. CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore, GetScriptForDestination(CScriptID(scriptPubkey1L)), output1, input1); CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore, GetScriptForDestination(CScriptID(scriptPubkey2L)), output2, input2); ReplaceRedeemScript(input2.vin[0].scriptSig, scriptPubkey1L); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, 0, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, 0, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, false); CheckWithFlag(output1, input2, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, false); // Normal 2-of-2 multisig CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore, scriptMulti, output1, input1, false); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, 0, false); CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore2, scriptMulti, output2, input2, false); CheckWithFlag(output2, input2, 0, false); BOOST_CHECK(*output1 == *output2); UpdateTransaction( input1, 0, CombineSignatures(output1->vout[0].scriptPubKey, MutableTransactionSignatureChecker( &input1, 0, output1->vout[0].nValue), DataFromTransaction(input1, 0), DataFromTransaction(input2, 0))); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true); // P2SH 2-of-2 multisig CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore, GetScriptForDestination(CScriptID(scriptMulti)), output1, input1, false); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, 0, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, false); CreateCreditAndSpend(keystore2, GetScriptForDestination(CScriptID(scriptMulti)), output2, input2, false); CheckWithFlag(output2, input2, 0, true); CheckWithFlag(output2, input2, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, false); BOOST_CHECK(*output1 == *output2); UpdateTransaction( input1, 0, CombineSignatures(output1->vout[0].scriptPubKey, MutableTransactionSignatureChecker( &input1, 0, output1->vout[0].nValue), DataFromTransaction(input1, 0), DataFromTransaction(input2, 0))); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, true); CheckWithFlag(output1, input1, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_IsStandard) { LOCK(cs_main); CBasicKeyStore keystore; CCoinsView coinsDummy; CCoinsViewCache coins(&coinsDummy); std::vector dummyTransactions = SetupDummyInputs(keystore, coins); CMutableTransaction t; t.vin.resize(1); t.vin[0].prevout = COutPoint(dummyTransactions[0].GetId(), 1); t.vin[0].scriptSig << std::vector(65, 0); t.vout.resize(1); t.vout[0].nValue = 90 * CENT; CKey key; key.MakeNewKey(true); t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(key.GetPubKey().GetID()); std::string reason; BOOST_CHECK(IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // Check dust with default relay fee: Amount nDustThreshold = 3 * 182 * dustRelayFee.GetFeePerK() / 1000; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nDustThreshold, 546 * SATOSHI); // dust: t.vout[0].nValue = nDustThreshold - SATOSHI; BOOST_CHECK(!IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // not dust: t.vout[0].nValue = nDustThreshold; BOOST_CHECK(IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // Check dust with odd relay fee to verify rounding: // nDustThreshold = 182 * 1234 / 1000 * 3 dustRelayFee = CFeeRate(1234 * SATOSHI); // dust: t.vout[0].nValue = (672 - 1) * SATOSHI; BOOST_CHECK(!IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // not dust: t.vout[0].nValue = 672 * SATOSHI; BOOST_CHECK(IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); dustRelayFee = CFeeRate(DUST_RELAY_TX_FEE); t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_1; BOOST_CHECK(!IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // MAX_OP_RETURN_RELAY-byte TX_NULL_DATA (standard) t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << ParseHex("646578784062697477617463682e636f2092c558ed52c56d" "8dd14ca76226bc936a84820d898443873eb03d8854b21fa3" "952b99a2981873e74509281730d78a21786d34a38bd1ebab" "822fad42278f7f4420db6ab1fd2b6826148d4f73bb41ec2d" "40a6d5793d66e17074a0c56a8a7df21062308f483dd6e38d" "53609d350038df0a1b2a9ac8332016e0b904f66880dd0108" "81c4e8074cce8e4ad6c77cb3460e01bf0e7e811b5f945f83" "732ba6677520a893d75d9a966cb8f85dc301656b1635c631" "f5d00d4adf73f2dd112ca75cf19754651909becfbe65aed1" "3afb2ab8"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MAX_OP_RETURN_RELAY, t.vout[0].scriptPubKey.size()); BOOST_CHECK(IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // MAX_OP_RETURN_RELAY+1-byte TX_NULL_DATA (non-standard) t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << ParseHex("646578784062697477617463682e636f2092c558ed52c56d" "8dd14ca76226bc936a84820d898443873eb03d8854b21fa3" "952b99a2981873e74509281730d78a21786d34a38bd1ebab" "822fad42278f7f4420db6ab1fd2b6826148d4f73bb41ec2d" "40a6d5793d66e17074a0c56a8a7df21062308f483dd6e38d" "53609d350038df0a1b2a9ac8332016e0b904f66880dd0108" "81c4e8074cce8e4ad6c77cb3460e01bf0e7e811b5f945f83" "732ba6677520a893d75d9a966cb8f85dc301656b1635c631" "f5d00d4adf73f2dd112ca75cf19754651909becfbe65aed1" "3afb2ab800"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MAX_OP_RETURN_RELAY + 1, t.vout[0].scriptPubKey.size()); BOOST_CHECK(!IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); /** * Check when a custom value is used for -datacarriersize . */ unsigned newMaxSize = 90; gArgs.ForceSetArg("-datacarriersize", std::to_string(newMaxSize)); // Max user provided payload size is standard t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909" "a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef3804678afdb0fe5548" "271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61de" "b649f6bc3f4cef3877696e64657878"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(t.vout[0].scriptPubKey.size(), newMaxSize); BOOST_CHECK(IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // Max user provided payload size + 1 is non-standard t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909" "a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef3804678afdb0fe5548" "271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61de" "b649f6bc3f4cef3877696e6465787800"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(t.vout[0].scriptPubKey.size(), newMaxSize + 1); BOOST_CHECK(!IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // Clear custom confirguration. gArgs.ClearArg("-datacarriersize"); // Data payload can be encoded in any way... t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << ParseHex(""); BOOST_CHECK(IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << ParseHex("00") << ParseHex("01"); BOOST_CHECK(IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // OP_RESERVED *is* considered to be a PUSHDATA type opcode by IsPushOnly()! t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << OP_RESERVED << -1 << 0 << ParseHex("01") << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6 << 7 << 8 << 9 << 10 << 11 << 12 << 13 << 14 << 15 << 16; BOOST_CHECK(IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << 0 << ParseHex("01") << 2 << ParseHex("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); BOOST_CHECK(IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // ...so long as it only contains PUSHDATA's t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << OP_RETURN; BOOST_CHECK(!IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // TX_NULL_DATA w/o PUSHDATA t.vout.resize(1); t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN; BOOST_CHECK(IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); // Only one TX_NULL_DATA permitted in all cases t.vout.resize(2); t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909" "a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38"); t.vout[1].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909" "a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38"); BOOST_CHECK(!IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909" "a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38"); t.vout[1].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN; BOOST_CHECK(!IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); t.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN; t.vout[1].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_RETURN; BOOST_CHECK(!IsStandardTx(CTransaction(t), reason)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(txsize_activation_test) { const Config &config = GetConfig(); - const int64_t magneticAnomalyActivationTime = - config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus().magneticAnomalyActivationTime; + const int32_t magneticAnomalyActivationHeight = + config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus().magneticAnomalyHeight; // A minimaly sized transction. CTransaction minTx; CValidationState state; - BOOST_CHECK(ContextualCheckTransaction(config, minTx, state, 1234, 5678, - magneticAnomalyActivationTime - 1)); - BOOST_CHECK(!ContextualCheckTransaction(config, minTx, state, 1234, 5678, - magneticAnomalyActivationTime)); + BOOST_CHECK(ContextualCheckTransaction( + config, minTx, state, magneticAnomalyActivationHeight - 1, 5678, 1234)); + BOOST_CHECK(!ContextualCheckTransaction( + config, minTx, state, magneticAnomalyActivationHeight, 5678, 1234)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.GetRejectCode(), REJECT_INVALID); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.GetRejectReason(), "bad-txns-undersize"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(tx_transaction_fee) { std::vector sizes = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512}; for (size_t inputs : sizes) { for (size_t outputs : sizes) { CMutableTransaction mtx; mtx.vin.resize(inputs); mtx.vout.resize(outputs); CTransaction tx(mtx); auto txBillableSize = tx.GetBillableSize(); auto txSize = tx.GetTotalSize(); BOOST_CHECK(txBillableSize > 0); if (inputs > outputs) { BOOST_CHECK(txBillableSize <= txSize); } else { BOOST_CHECK(txBillableSize >= txSize); } } } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()